
A Sold Heart
“Are you serious? I’ve been sold to the farmer’s boy done the road? What did he give you a pig?” I demanded of my parents.
“That is enough disrespect. You should be grateful after all he will be able to supply for you plenty. Besides he has a farm and you will always be fed. He has offered us ten acres of land and two cows for meat and a chicken. The best offer so far.” My mother told me. I sighed.
“Whatever do I get to meet him first or do I just have to walk down the aisle to marry a stranger?” I asked and my father shook his head.
“You already know him you buy you’re fruit from him all the time.” My father told me and I sighed again.
“You mean Jonathan?”
“Yes the oldest one. He wants to meet you today actually.” He told me and I nodded.
“Alright I’ll help him sell fruit and while I’m at it my old clothes that are still good quality.” I said and thought of my art. If they thought I was selling something else maybe I could sneak in my poetry. I knew I wasn’t supposed to actually show it to people but I didn’t care. I wanted people to know of the art I made. I picked up some of them and wrapped them in my old dresses from when I was younger. If I was lucky someone would take one or Elle would. Elle was my best friend. She was lucky because her parents were rich so she didn’t have to marry. She didn’t obey the rules though so her parents had disowned her. She was beautiful though she could have anyone she wanted, it’s just not many people appreciated her disrespect. She had a clear tan complexion and big brown eyes framed with nice eyelashes. She also had wavy dark hair that fell past her shoulders. However I could understand that since light skin was desirable by most why some may not want her but I didn’t think that should stand in the way of anything. Women stayed in as much as possible so that they could stay pale but I didn’t see the point. I was the opposite of her though. I have blue almond shaped eyes and am pale. My hair was blonde and had little wave to it falling to my shoulders. I was tall reaching almost five seven. I supposed I had nice curves from the way out of line boys looked at me but I just ignored them. I headed out and walked down our driveway. I was walking down the road when my mother ran down panting.
“You forgot you’re bonnet!” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“Mother only old ladies wear bonnets. Besides I threw out mine, that must be yours.” I told her and she pursed her lips.
“Fine, I’ll be glad to get rid of your disrespect when you marry that boy. You she devil.” She said angrily.
“I’ll be glad to be rid of you to.” I turned away and heard her sharp intake of breath. I headed down the road looking for Elle. She had to be doing something interesting, she always was. I walked closer to town and heard singing. So that’s the activity for today. Singing for money, Elle does what she needs for a dollar. I stopped in front of her as she wrapped up her song. When she was finished I spoke.
“Make any money today?”
“A quarter so I won’t have to steal my food this time.” She smiled and giggled. She was the town’s rebel. I was too in a way but not as much as her. I just disrespected my parents a lot which made me the outcast from some girls, that and sometimes I didn’t wear shoes. If I was going to stand in grass I didn’t see the point.
“Hey do you want a new piece of poetry?” I asked and she nodded eagerly. She was the only one who really loved my poetry. I took one that was folded up in my pocket and handed it to her. “That one isn’t my best but I thought you would appreciate it anyway. So now for the bad news. I have to marry Jonathan down the road. I mean he’s nice and not much older at nineteen but I just don’t like him.” I explained and she nodded.
“So just don’t marry him.” She said bluntly and I shook my head.
“I can’t do that to him besides at least I’ll be away from my parents.” I told her and she sighed.
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re too good to be my friend.”
“Yeah well you wonder while I help him sell fruit and I sell these putrid dresses.” I told her and she smiled.
“Deal.” She left and I arrived at the market. I walked up to the smiling Jonathan.
“I’m here to sell fruit and thought I should sell my childhood dresses while I was at it.” I told him gesturing with the dresses.
“Sure you can hang them up around the little stand.” He helped me and I sat down waiting for customers.
“So we’re going to get married.” I said and he smiled hugely.
“Yeah I wasn’t sure that you would have me but then your father said yes and I was ecstatic.” He sounded really happy and I felt bad. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings but then there weren’t any other options besides him. Maybe I could be happy on a farm. We would have plenty of money. I finally smiled back.
“Think we could get a puppy?” I asked.
“Sure if you want one maybe I could find a good house dog.” He said and I grinned.
“Awesome, I always wanted one. I hope you don’t mind but I’ll be setting out poetry to but not for sale just to give away.” He let me put them out and we sold fruit to people who walked by. It was okay but it was really hot outside. I wish I had put my hair up. As I was thinking Jonathan left to bring me some water when I boy about nineteen walked up. I didn’t recognize him. I assumed he was of the upper class and smiled up at him. “Hi there, want some strawberries? If you’re not sure you could always sample.” I was being really kind to him and I didn’t know why but I really hoped he would stay for a while to chat. I couldn’t help but notice how nice he looked. He was about two inches taller than me and had bright blue eyes. His build was nice and he had fair skin; his hair was blonde and just long enough to flip out of his face.
“I guess I’ll sample it first. They look sweet and are very pretty. However that’s not what caught my eye.” He said and I pretended not to enjoy what he said. “Is this poetry?” He asked picking up a piece of paper and scanning it. I blushed deeply and then gathered my wits about me again.
“Yes but it’s just silly stuff I do in my spare time, it’s nothing really.”
“No it’s really good, how much do you want for it?” He asked and I was startled that he was interested.
“Actually it’s free; I didn’t think that anyone would want it.”
“Well I do, so I’ll buy some strawberries and this.” He said and I smiled. I bagged a pound of strawberries.
“Fifty cents.” I told him and he handed me a dollar. I went to get his change but he objected.
“No keep it, it is well worth it. Besides I have plenty of money my name is Oskan by the way.”
“Mine is Aqua.” I informed him as Jonathan walked up and I cleared my throat. “Well it was nice meeting you come back soon.”
“I definitely will.” He departed and I fanned myself but not from the sun. I need to stop this; I’m supposed to get married. Besides if he has plenty of money then he probably is an upper classmen. He was only interested in my poetry anyway.
Jonathan came up and handed me some lemonade.
“Some of my momma’s homemade lemonade.” He told me and I grinned.
“Well thank you.” I took a sip while he tended to another buyer. At the end of the day we had everything sold except my poetry of course. No one wanted a woman’s work.
“Will you be coming by tomorrow to help me sell eggs?” Jonathan asked me and I nodded. “Well goodbye then.”
“Goodbye.” I turned and left. I would have talked to Elle but she was busy stealing some food. Once I was inside I was greeted by a few suitcases. “Ummm…. Mum what is this doing here?” I asked my mum as she came out of the kitchen.
“It is your things. You will be living with Jonathan now that you two are to marry.” She sounded eager to get rid of me her “possessed” child. I grabbed my suitcases and smiled.
“Well thank you for packing my bags. I’ll be off to speak with the devil about cursing you.” I said smiling and her grin faded. She instantly started to pray. I picked up my suitcases and headed out. Half way down the road I was splattered from a carriage running over a puddle quickly. It was hot water and I dropped my suitcases from it. Of course with my luck one opened spilling my dresses on the ground. I sighed and bent over. I heard someone walking and didn’t care, I wanted to salvage the dresses that would have to last me a while or at least until I made money. I was folding my dressed when a familiar voice interrupted me.
“Need some help?” I looked up to see Oskan from the market earlier. I nodded eagerly.
“Yes please. Thank you.” Once my things were in my suitcases I picked up the suitcases and stood.
“Here at least let my carriage take your things and you to wherever your destination is.” He insisted and I smiled before frowning. “Is it a far distance? I’m sure you can stay in my guest room for a night so that my far traveling horses can be hooked to the carriage.” He looked troubled and I smiled.
“That’s not it, I just am not sure as to where I’m going.” I said it and knew it was so. I had been kicked out and it was very much looked down on to move in with someone I wasn’t married to yet. I supposed I could live with Elle but she lived in a hunter’s tent. I would have him drop me off at my aunt’s house and walk from there.
“How do you not know where you are to go?” He asked looking like very confused gentlemen.
“Well, I’ve been kicked out of my parent’s home because I’ve shown great “disrespect” toward them. They believe I am possessed for it.” I told him blushing. He would want nothing to do with me now surely.
“Well I’m sorry to hear that your parents don’t know a gem when they see it. None the less you can stay in my estate’s guest home until you find somewhere else to be.” He said and I shook my head.
“That won’t be necessary and I wouldn’t want to impose. You can take me to my aunt’s house. She’s always loved my opinions.” I told him and he looked happy with that answer. We rode to town and since I actually had been disowned by my aunt long ago so I just had him stop at a random house. I grabbed my suitcases smiling. “Thank you for the ride. I will see you around I suppose.” I told him and he nodded.
“Yes I suppose. Are you going to be selling produce tomorrow at the market with that man like today?” He asked and I nodded. “Okay then I will definitely be seeing you around.” I smiled and waved as his carriage left. I carried my suitcases to where Elle was at. At the noise of my suitcases being put down she came out of her tent.
“Wow are you planning on staying forever?”
“Not forever just until I have another place to stay.” I smiled and she grinned back.
“I guess I can make room for you. However I do wonder as to why I am being done this injustice?” She joked.
“My parents are convinced that I am possessed and that must be why I treat them with such great disrespect.” I explained and she smiled.
“Alright well I hope you are ready to steal food with me. Not today though, today we will be sleeping first.” She said and I shook my head.
“Of course.”
“Hey you try to get a job with my reputation.”
“True but I have something I must tell you.”
“Alright go right ahead.”
“I met a boy today.” I started to be cut off.
“Around our age?”
“Is he attractive?”
“Quite.” I answered thinking of his amazing blue eyes.
“Well I will be getting married soon as you know but I don’t know that I want to even more now. He was so kind and took an interest in my poetry. I told him he didn’t have to pay and he still did. While I was carrying my suitcases here after I sold Jonathan’s fruit a carriage splattered me with really hot water. I dropped my suitcases and of course one had to spill my dresses out. Well I expected for the carriage to keep going but it instead stopped and guess who came out?”
“The boy you met.”
“Yes and he was so kind. He helped me with my suitcases and gave me a ride. When I wasn’t sure where I was going and explained why he didn’t even care that my parents thought I was possessed. Instead he offered me a guest room at his estate. Isn’t he just the best person you’ve ever heard of?” I asked and she nodded.
“Yes but his estate?” She asked and I frowned.
“See that’s the problem. He is an upper class guy with tons of money. That and I’m supposed to be given away already.” I explained.
“Well just let fate decide if that’s really a problem. Right now it’s really not, I mean it’s not like you and Jonathan have done anything together. Besides that you won’t be married for a long time, at least a few months anyway.”
“Let’s hope it won’t turn into one.”
“Yes we should always hope for the best. Besides I’m happy you’ve found someone at least interesting to you.”
“Thank you, I’m glad about it to. Anything interesting happen with you today?” I asked and she shook her head no. But I wasn’t so sure about it. She hardly ever responded with body gestures in place of words. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. Anyways we should be getting ready for sleeping.” She said and I nodded. Once we had everything arranged properly we went to sleep, greeting it with content.
Chapter 2: Run ins
I woke up to Elle making food and smiled. I came out of the tent and then went back in quickly to grab my robe. It was freezing outside. I didn’t know how Elle did it. I would have surely died of cold by now.
“So what is on the agenda for the day?” I asked her and she grinned.
“Petty theft of food.” She replied and I groaned.
“You know I could just get food for free from Jonathan.”
“Yeah but it’s not as fun that way.”
“Fine but only one stand will I help with.”
“Okay but I don’t know how you will learn that way.”
“Well as soon as I’m finished I have to get dressed and help Jonathan sell eggs. Come and get me when there is a stand man that needs distracting.”
“Will do, but while you’re selling them will you steal some?”
“Maybe.” I smiled at her eye roll and quickly ate breakfast. I grabbed my lightest dress seeing as it looked to be hot and got dressed. When I had arrived to Jonathan’s stand he was already in a transaction. I stood quietly waiting for him to be finished when he pulled me to his side.
“Isn’t she a beauty? She’s my future wife like I was telling you about.” Jonathan smiled hugely and I fake smiled. I wasn’t his dog and didn’t appreciate being pulled around like one. The man smiled back.
“Well you better keep her close otherwise someone else might come steal her.” He laughed with Jonathan and I grinned.
“I don’t know who you are referring to but if it is you I assure you I won’t be stolen. Besides that I am not an object or prize. You cannot steal me.” I said getting tired of being the underdog for being a woman. The man’s smile faltered.
“On second thought she might not know her place as a woman. Since that seems to be the case no one will steal her.” He spat and I just smiled.
“Okay I prefer it that way. Actually I prefer that you would leave my presence. I don’t appreciate sexist men. I assure you that you won’t be associating with my future family to. Since you don’t like women who supposedly don’t know their place then you will hate any of my daughters.”
“Well I never.” He said huffing off. Jonathan turned and glared.
“Can’t you be civil?” He asked and I shrugged as Elle came up.
“Okay I need your help.” She said and I followed her to a stand. I took the initiative by examining the stranger’s fruit.
“Can I help you?” The woman asked and I smiled. She was totally turned away from Elle.
“Yes actually. I was just wondering how much your grapes were.”
“A nickel a pound.”
“Well that’s a nice price. I think I may buy some but not right now. I’ll be back later today if you don’t mind seeing me again.” I smiled at her smile.
“Well I don’t see how that would be true. I suppose I will be seeing you later possibly then.” She said and I waved before leaving. Elle came from the side and smiled at me.
“Good job distracting her. I got about a pound of grapes and a few apples.”
“Okay I’ll work on getting eggs.” I told her as we arrived at Jonathan’s stand again. She nodded before leaving.
“I don’t know how you could be friends with such a.. a .. savage.” He said in disbelief and I glared at him. And we are already to a rocky start. Great.
“Is that so? Do you mind explaining how she is such a ‘savage’ as you put it?”
“She steals and runs around without a care for what others think. She doesn’t obey tradition or religion. It’s without taste.”
“Well then how are you friends with such sexist pigs? For only sexist pigs think that women have a ‘place’.” I asked him.
“Well the same way you can be friends with Elle and everyone thinks that way Aqua. You should just get used to it.”
“I absolutely refuse. I may die standing up for my beliefs but at least I’ll die standing up for what is right. At least it is in most women’s minds. They just don’t have the will power or courage to stand up for it. And why don’t they have this will power? Because sexist pigs have broken their will from the beginning of their disagreement.” I fought back with reason and he looked angry. I then heard applause only to turn and see Oskan.
“Well thought and played.” He complimented me and I blushed.
“Just voicing my opinion.”
“I like people who voice their opinions regardless of their sex.” He told me making me blush a bit deeper.
“Well that’s good. Would you like some fruit?” I asked not sure of where to take the conversation next.
“Well I just came for eggs seeing as you are selling them.” He said and I mentally gave myself a swat.
“Right okay. How many?”
“Half a dozen. I was wondering if you had any more poetry?” He asked and I smiled.
“No not today but I will tomorrow. And here you are.” I said handing him eggs. “That will be a quarter.” He handed me the quarter and left. I smiled and then frowned at Jonathan who still looked angry.
“I don’t know why you are still so angry with me. I have done nothing to you. I have insulted your friend and voiced my opinion. that is all.”
“Well that’s too much.”
“Maybe I should leave until you decide for sure that it isn’t.” I threatened and he frowned. Then he surprised me by coming up and wrapping his arms around me.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad and I’m not mad at you. I just am not used to women voicing their opinions.” He apologized and hugged me and I was not sure what to do. I had never had a man apologize to me. “Besides I love you too much for this to get in the way of our marriage.” He added and I knew that there was a catch. Love? This disgusts me. I squirmed out of his hug feeling awkward.
“Well I guess you’re forgiven. May I leave now?”
“I suppose you can leave. Would you like some eggs for you and your parents?”
“Yes please.”
“Okay how about a dozen? Will that be enough?”
“That is plenty.”
“Okay then I will be just a second.” He turned around and put the eggs in a little sack and handed them to me.
“Thank you Jonathan.”
“You’re welcome.” We stood there for a second and you could feel the distance in between us.
“Well goodbye then, I will see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow and we will be selling my brother’s baby pigs with the fruit by the way.”
“Okay see you then.” I said turning to leave. On my way back to the tent, I watched my feet only to bump into someone. Still aggravated I snapped, “Geez! Can’t you watch where you’re going?” I looked up to see, surprise surprise, Oskan looking down at me. I blushed then and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to snap at you. I am just agitated is all. Besides it was my fault I wasn’t watching where I was going but instead my feet.” I stopped then feeling kind of like a babbling idiot.
“It’s okay, it seems like fate wants us to talk more doesn’t it?” He asked and I tried to stop the smile that was threatening to invade my face but it was too late.
“Yes it really wants us to be more than acquaintances, maybe business partners?” I suggested only to see him shake his head.
“Well see I’m afraid that just isn’t good enough for me.”
“Then what exactly did you have in mind?”
“I will be attending a ball this weekend; would you like to be my invite?”
Without think I answered his question the answer barely contained in my mouth long enough for him to finish the question, “Yes. I would be much obliged.”
“Well then here is an invitation that says when and where this event will be taking place.” He told me pulling out a very detailed envelope and handing it to me. “I had a feeling I might be needing it today.” I took the envelope before thanking him. As soon as he departed I wanted to open the envelope. But instead I took a moment to appreciate the design of it. It was a rosy pink with an intricate rose design and a golden seal. I decided to open it carefully and pulled out a stationary piece of paper which was also beautiful. I read the invite’s elegant script.
You are cordially invited to Mr. and Mrs. Ackart’s ball. We implore you to come wearing your nicest dress clothing.
When: Saturday, July 15th Starting at 6:00
Where: Mr. and Mrs. Ackart’s home in the ball room.
We do you hope to see you there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ackart
I carefully put the invite back into the envelope before speed walking back to the tent. When I arrived back I realized that I had no dress of ball quality to wear. I also certainly didn’t have the money to buy one. Besides that I had no idea what I would tell Jonathan I would be doing. He was bound to ask me. Elle came out of the tent then and reached her hand out.
“You got some eggs?” She asked and I nodded feeling disappointed and then thinking of my supposed good reason to not attend the ball. I handed her the eggs and sat down while she knit her eyebrows. “What’s wrong?” She asked me and I sighed.
“That upper class man invited me to a ball at the Ackart’s house this Saturday.”
“But that’s the people that own the ball room within their home isn’t it?”
“Yes it is and I didn’t think before saying yes. What am I to do? I have nothing to wear and no way to explain my stupidity without losing some dignity.”
“Well then maybe we could just…”
“We are not stealing people’s money. Maybe we could get jobs.”
“Whoa I am not getting a job besides that we couldn’t be hired and paid in less than a week.”
“Maybe I could get Jonathan to buy me one?”
“I doubt it.” She was trying to help me but I knew she didn’t really know what to do. I couldn’t judge though I had gotten myself into the mess and I didn’t know how to get out either.
“I think I could ask anyway.”
“Your call not mine. Anyway so I convinced the butcher to give me some extra meat that wasn’t sold today. So tonight we will be having some nice meat for dinner.”
“That’s good.”
“Stop thinking about your depressing situation it’s rubbing off on me.”
“All right, instead I’ll think about tomorrow and what fate has in store for me.”
“Good could you take my dress to the river and clean it? There is a little blue bar, that’s the soap.” She said and I nodded. “Thanks I’ll have dinner ready by the time you get back.”
“Okay sounds like it will be delicious.”
“It will be.” With that I departed and started on my walk to the river. I got there and sat down with the dress setting on top of the wash board and the soap beside me. I soaked the dress first and then put soap on it. Afterwards I scrubbed it against the board until I thought the dirt was gone and then rinsed it well. I then took it back and hung it on the clothes line. Once I was done Elle had dinner ready.
“What have you prepared for us tonight Chef Elle?” I asked her and she giggled.
“We have steak with seasoning and corn on the side. To drink we have some lovely wine that I stole this morning to celebrate our possibly permanent sleepover.” She said and I smiled.
“Yes that sounds delicious.”
“If it isn’t lie to me. I worked hard on it.” I sat down and ate and it was delicious like I thought.
“Elle this is amazing!”
“Why thank you.”
“Let’s toast.” I said picking up my glass.
“For what?”
“I don’t know life I guess. Our possibly permanent sleepover and to being invited to things we can’t afford.”
“Definitely.” She said picking up her glass as well. “Do you want to say it or should I?”
“I’ll do it. Here is to our possibly permanent sleepover let it be fun and joyous. Here is to being invited to things we can’t afford and life!”
“Cheers.” She said clinking her glass with mine. For the rest of the night we didn’t want our wine to go bad so we drank ourselves drunk. Once we were intoxicated we danced around the fire laughing and singing. I don’t know what time we finally fell asleep but I awoke with head pains.
Chapter 3: Sneaking permission
“Elle, how do I get rid of this headache?” I asked her and she shrugged.
“Just stay quiet and lie down for a while. Stay inside the tent so the bright morning sun doesn’t hurt your eyes.”
“Okay. But how do you not have a headache?”
“I have had more liquor than you have in my life. I’m assuming you only have about one glass at dinner time. When I get the luxury of wine I don’t waste it.” She explained and I nodded.
“Make sure to get me in a few hours. I must go help Jonathan.”
“Okay I will be sure to.” She said as I headed back into the tent. I slept for a while before being shaken awake. I was surprised to find that my head pains were gone. “Wake up sleeping beauty. You have to help Jonathan sell his food.”
“Thank you for reminding me.”
“You’re welcome.” She laughed. “Now come on you really have to.” I got up and dressed brushing my hair with her comb before leaving.
“I’ll try to bring back some of whatever he is selling.”
“Thank you and goodbye.”
“Goodbye.” I said and with that I turned to leave. When I arrived at Jonathan’s stand he looked happy. “Well hello there sir. Can you tell me where I might be able to find a farmer’s boy?” I asked him as I came closer. He looked up and smiled.
“Well right here mam. I’m glad you came I was worried that you wouldn’t after yesterday’s argument.” He greeted me.
“Life is too short to worry about what happens in the past. Each day should begin fresh and not tainted with angry memories.” I told him and he nodded.
“Wise words, today we are selling fruit again.”
“Okay. Jonathan I know I shouldn’t but I have a question for you.”
“All right go ahead and ask. It’s not good to keep anything bottled up whether a question or feeling.”
“Well I was invited to a ball this weekend by Mrs. Ackart and I was wondering if you could buy me a dress. I would get it myself but I don’t have the money for one. Besides that I would go in one of mine but I fear of looking terribly out of place in my commoners dress.” I explained slipping in a lie about who had invited me.
“Please don’t take offense to this but how in the world did you get an invitation from Mrs. Ackart?”
“I don’t know I just know that she said I was a pretty young woman who looked like I need fun the other day when you were getting me some lemonade. Before I knew it I had an invite in my hand. I didn’t tell you because I had wanted it to be a surprise for you to see me in a ball gown but I came across this obstacle.” I lied.
“Oh well in that case I suppose I could tap into my new gun savings for a new dress for you. I have well over enough for the gun I want but I implore you not to tell people where the money came from.”
“I won’t I promise.” I promised him excited about getting a new dress and being able to go to the ball.
“All right now I will give you the money when the dress is finished. You may go and get fitted and what not at the dress shop.” He said dismissing me.
“Thank you so much Jonathan.” I said leaving to go to the only dress shop in town. When I arrived there was the tailor waiting behind the desk.
“Can I help you?” The woman asked and I nodded shy.
“Yes I need a dress for the ball this weekend.” I told her and she nodded scanning me over.
“I have just the dress sweety. Come on over here.” She said directing me into a back room where the dresses were. She pulled out a beautiful blue one. It wasn’t extremely extravagant but beautifully simple. The sleeves were elbow length and had ruffles. It also had a ruffle lining the collar. The top of course was tight as was the style and the bottom large and flowing outward. The bottom was trimmed with ruffles also. The ruffles were a transparent fabric and the dress in general was a powdery blue.
“Wow, how much for this one?” I asked her and she flipped over a little paper attached with a pin to the sleeve.
“Ten dollars but you’ll need to try it on.” She said and I took it behind the changing curtain and tried it on. It fit perfectly, hugging me just right.
“It fits perfect.” I said.
“That’s grand may I see you?” I heard her voice ask.
“Yes you may.” I said and went around coming out to see her smile.
“Would you like me to wrap this up for you?” She asked and I nodded.
“Yes I’ll be back later today with the money to collect it.” I told her and she nodded. Once I had changed and handed her the dress back I went back to the stand. “The dress is ten dollars Jonathan.” I told him and he nodded. He pulled out his wallet and handed me the ten dollar bill and I stared in awe I hadn’t had a ten dollar bill in a very long time.
“Do not lose that.”
“I won’t I promise.” I told him and we went to work. When we were done and cleaned out I went to the dress shop. I came in to see the same woman as before sitting the box with my dress in it on her counter. “I have the money.” I told her and she nodded.
“Okay then ten dollars.” She said holding out her hand.
“Here you are.” I said handing her the bill and she handed me the box.
“Have a grand time at the ball.” She said and handed me a receipt.
“I will and thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I went back to the tent once again happy and with something to show Elle.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.08.2011

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