
I was in the pool sitting, absorbing the water’s energies. I am a water and a very powerful one. I am in a school for very advanced witches of the elements. I am young to be in it and already the top of my classes, together with my twin Elle. I was the only one in this particular class and the teacher trusted me to be alone. The water and I were one, I was relaxed and had my eyes closed when I sensed a foreign energy I didn’t recognize. I opened my eyes to see a boy my age staring, gaping. I couldn’t blame him; most boys my age did. I’m five foot six inches, slender with a model’s figure and a clear face with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes that got even brighter in the water. He shook his head, clearing it I assumed, as I swam over to the water’s edge.
“I’m looking for Professor Mackenna and got lost. Can I get some directions please?” He asked. I stood becoming instantly dry as I did; my power enabled me to do so. This must be a new student and a fire at that. That’s what Mackenna specialized in. I knew from my sister, she is a fire but in control and so was I. This meant we didn’t hurt each other unless we fought which rarely happened, we were best friends.
“Sure. Are you new here?” I asked, making small talk on our walk to the other side of the school.
“Yes, I’m from London. I’m a fire, you?” He asked. What a stupid question, I was just sitting in it. “Oh wait, you’re a water right?” He asked as if realizing his stupidity.
“Yes. Mackenna will help you ground yourself when you have strong emotions, I know from my sister. She had already known how when she came and got through all the year lessons in two days, like me but with fire.” I said giggling at the memory of amazement on all the teacher’s faces.
“Wow, I haven’t ever had to strong of an emotion, so I wouldn’t know if I control my fire under the circumstances.” I saw him wonder about it in those beautiful blue eyes. They were like mine but bluer. Stupid! If he can’t control his fire under strong emotions and we were to get to close, not near water, I could die and I’m thinking about how to get him already. I did that with all boys, they were easy to get but I never found real love. It was hard to not be attracted to him though, he was so attractive in his looks. He was about five feet eight inches and was muscular but not grossly so. His muscles weren’t bulging and veins didn’t pop out. He had blonde hair and the eyes of a water. His hair looked oh so soft and it was just long enough that he had to flip it out of his face every now and then. His lips were full and a natural color, his nose was right for his face and his jaw line was strong.
“I hope you find you stay here nice and homey, ask me if you need anything. I stay in the west wing, room 228.” I told him, being my usual friendly self as we walked nothing wrong with just being friends.
“Thank you my name is Oskan by the way. What’s yours?”
“Aqua, I was named for my element and how much I am like it.” And my eyes.
“Cool, I would have thought that it was also because of the beautiful ocean color of your eyes.” He said, and I was absurdly flattered at his compliment.
“It’s that to but mainly the element.”
“That’s really cool. I wish my name was something cool like that, instead it’s some bizarre name.”
“I think it’s lovely.” I sensed his uneasiness about it though. He must think people will make fun of it. “Don’t worry, I’m very popular here and will make sure that no one makes fun of it. I will also make it clear that I love the name. Here we are.” I said, stopping in front of Mackenna’s door.
“Thanks, I’ll see you around.” He said, shaking my hand and there was weird tingle in my fingers, I pondered it as I walked to class again. When I got back it was time to change form my swimsuit to my clothes. While I was changing I still pondered the feeling and how cute Oskan was. I only had four classes, which passed with ease, it was a Friday, meditation only. Then it was lunch. I took my usual seat in the center, my right hand chair empty for any boy luck enough to be invited to sit next to me. The other chairs my friends filled, and across were my sister and her true love, Leo, around them were more of our friends. We were at the top of the popularity list, co-queens.
Once my sister, Leo and our friends were seated I decided to talk about the new student.
“We have a new student.” I stated and watched the interest grow on their faces. “He’s English and his name is Oskan. A fire.” I said and they grew more curious.
“Yeah he’s my best bud. I’ve known him since I was little. He told me he was coming out here, but I wasn’t sure when.” Leo said. Leo being a fire looked like one. He also had a strong jaw line but his lips were thinner. He was tan with hair like Oskan’s but it was brown and messier. He had the same muscles. His eyes were a jade green though, like an earth but prettier.
“What does he look like?” asked Brooke, my best friend after my sister. She was your typical water just the usual, dirty blonde, blue eyes, fit and honest.
“Blonde hair, blue eyes, nicely sculpted muscles, no glasses or acne, British accent.” I quickly described his looks and accent making it clear he was mine. I had to make sure the electricity we had felt earlier wasn’t serious; if it was something strong it could be dangerous.
“May I sit here?” I heard someone ask and I turned to see Oskan, pointing to the chair next to me.
“Sure.” I responded as he sat I stared at his perfect blonde hair, it looked really soft.
“So, how has your day been so far?”
“Fine, I guess.” He shrugged.
“This is my sister Elle. She is a fire and you already know Leo.” I said pointing them out.
“Nice to meet you.” She said, shaking his hand. “Maybe I can train you.”
He smiled, “That would be nice.” Then Elle turned to Leo.
“Would you quit? You’re burning me!”
“Sorry!” He said, letting go of her hand.
“Aqua could you?” She asked, holding out her hand and I nodded, taking it. I circled my right hand over the burn and concentrated on healing and it healed.
“Couldn’t you just fix it?” Oskan asked.
“No, fire can only heal minor cuts and bruises. Water is healing.”
“Why not?”
“Well, if we were divided fire would be warriors and water would be the healers.”
“Oh, so we would be fighting beside each other if we were divided.”
“Yes, exactly.” She smiled and then frowned. “Ow!” She yanked her hand and shook it. “What is wrong with you?” She looked at Leo.
“Sorry. I’ve got to go.” He left angrily.
“Aqua.” She said and I moved to sit next to her, he got her good. She and Oskan talked while I healed her hand and muttered a spell that I made that morning. “The pain shall recede after the anger and the flesh will be whole as before.” I said it twice and let go. “That should be good. I added some protection for next time.”
“Hopefully there won’t be a next time.” We said good bye and headed back to our dorm. I glanced at her thinking of how different we looked. She was tan, five feet two inches, and brunette with hazel eyes. She was also fit and had full lashes framing her eyes.
“So what do you think of the new kid?” Elle asked and I sat on the couch.
“He’s okay I guess.” I tried to lie; I didn’t want her to think me stupid for liking a fire.
“I’m not stupid, that’s a lie. Come on, what’s the whole story?”
“Well, I like him a lot but it scares me. I don’t know if he can control strong emotions. If he can’t and we were to fall in love, it could be fatal.”
“Well, if I train him I promise I’ll try to teach him to be in control. Though I don’t think he’s ever had the opportunity to have a strong emotion. Wherever he came from must have been sheltering him.” Then she looked at her watch. “I have to go.” I saw the time, two p.m. The hour fires absorbed the sun’s energies best. I nodded and she left. I put on some peach ginger tea when I heard someone knock at the door. I opened it to see Oskan. I tried not to get excited about that.
“Hey, need something?” I asked him.
“Not really, is Elle here?”
“No, but you can come in.”
“Thanks.” He said and walked in with a grin.
“Would you like some tea?”
“Sure.” I handed him a cup, and took a sip of my own.
“Shouldn’t you be outside with Elle?” I asked, I didn’t trust myself alone with him.
“I don’t know, why?” He looked as if he was missing something crucial making me smile.
“Come with me.” I said. I led him to the west side, to Elle. She had a designated area but this one wasn’t it. Although it was very close to the sun it wasn’t for her.
“You came,” She said getting up and turning to us.
“You weren’t even facing us. How did you know?” Oskan asked in shock.
“I sensed a fire and water.” She said simply.
“Will you help him with meditation?” I asked. She nodded.
“Come with me.” She pulled him away and I went back to the dorm to drink tea. When I was half through my cup, Elle rushed in.
“Come see this, quickly!” She rushed out and I jogged after her, we got to the meditation area and my eyes grew at what I saw.
Chapter 2: A strong fire
I saw Oskan meditating, eyes closed, but there was a circle of giant flames around him.
“Wow.” I breathed.
“I know, do you see the potential? I hope I get to train him.” She said as the teachers came out and admired his flames. “Oskan you may wake.” Elle said. He slowly opened his eyes and the flames died down to embers. Then a teacher tapped on her shoulder and they went to a group of teachers. I wonder what that’s about. Then Oskan walked up and he got a little too close.
“Back up, you’re very heated.” I said, it was already getting to me.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” he said taking a step back, “what is everyone out here for?”
“Not everyone, just the teachers. They are here to witness your power.”
“Oh.” Then Elle walked up and he turned to her. “I feel really energized.”
“You should ground yourself. Go lay over there.” She pointed to a grounding area and he nodded walking over there. I noticed Elle’s face, she seemed annoyed.
“They say he is very powerful. Can you guess the suggestion sister?” She asked and I knew there were only two options. One I didn’t like so I went with the least likely.
“That he’s stronger.” I said, but I could see that she knew that I knew that wasn’t it.
“That we should bond. I refused.” She said, fully annoyed and mad about it.
“So you don’t want to. Why should you have to?”
“They think that the power is too much to turn down. Just because he is bright doesn’t mean he is the one that compliments my flame. Besides he may have potential but Leo has experience.” She said angrily.
“Well, they can’t force you so just say no. I’ll see you later, I have to go to the pond.” I told her, she nodded. I left to go to my ponds, like she was given that area for meditation, I was given an area with two ponds. I pulled off my shoes then I sat at the edge and put my feet in the water. How dare they suggest that. They know that she and Leo are meant to be together. After a moment Oskan came and pulled off his shoes and socks.
“May I come in?” He asked, hopeful, I didn’t see any harm and nodded. “Why were you and Elle annoyed earlier? I felt annoyance toward me.”
“We weren’t annoyed.” I tried to lie but the honesty of water made me smile when I said it. Stupid water, always in the way of things.
“Don’t lie. I can tell there was something bothering you.”
“Okay, fine. Some.. teachers… suggested, that you tow should bond. Elle was annoyed and mad about the suggestion… so I was too obviously.” I shrugged as if I wasn’t annoyed about it at all.
“Oh. I don’t wish to bond with her either.” He said, looking straight at my eyes and I felt a wave of something, like electricity. I looked away, what is wrong with me? I can’t crush on a fire. Then Leo came in and Oskan ducked under the surface. What an idiot.
“Hey. What are you doing here?” I asked, he hardly ever came to the ponds. He sat in the other pond and the water began bubbling.
“Do you see why?” He asked and I knew he was cooling off.
“Would you like to come in my Jacuzzi?” He joked.
“Thanks, but I would rather not waste energy cooling off.”
“Sounds like you’re scared, you chicken.”
“Whatever, I can cool off water anytime.” I saw him smile; hopefully he’s cool enough for Oskan to come up. Oskan! I pulled him up, “You can’t stay down there forever, you’ll die!” I told him. Leo glared and Oskan turned to him.
“Hey buddy, pal, best mate.” Then the pond Leo was in bubbled furiously again.
“Oh shut up.”
“Why are you so mad?”
“Nothing it’s just that you’re going to steal my girlfriend.” The bubbling increased and I grew concerned.
“Please don’t evaporate my water.”
“Why do you care? It’s just a pond.”
“Yeah, my personal one.” I said and he cooled down a bit.
“At least you’ve learnt that I can control myself, unlike your sister.”
“Don’t insult her.” I said, cross and stern. “I will give you excess water.”
“Like you could Miss Water.” He sneered, I hate that, he must really be mad.
“Is this about what the teachers said?” Oskan said not thinking. His hand flew and covered his mouth. “I have to go.” He got out, grabbed his shoes and started leaving.
“Aqua or Elle can tell you.” He said and hurried out. Leo turned to me.
“What did the teacher’s say?” He asked, suspicious.
“Nothing.” I tried and failed at lying.
“You’re lying, tell me.”
“Okay. The teachers just, sort of, kind of, suggested to Elle that they should bond.” The water he was in suddenly had flames on it. “She said no.” The water became a bubble, a furious one but still only a bubble. “You know, you don’t have to worry about her. She said that Oskan may have potential but you have experience. Right now she would be proud.” I gestured to the water that was cooling, trying to make him calm down. It worked, he smiled.
“It’s not her I’m worried about, well a little but not really.” He got up and started to leave. “Bye.”
“Bye.” I sat there a while then went back to the dorm. There was a note from Elle saying she was with Leo and would be back soon. Then I heard a knock and I opened it to see Oskan, again.
“Come in.” I said and he complied. He smells good. He must buy Ralph Lauren. Stupid! You can’t crush on him. It’s too dangerous and he probably doesn’t like you. We sat down and I held out a cup of tea from the pot I made earlier. I was always making tea, it was good for the senses. Besides that I like using the teapot my father had left me, it had such a beautiful design of fire on top of water all around it. “Tea?”
“Sure.” He was thinking about something, I could tell.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Well, nothing really, it’s just you and your sister speak as if you’re closed but the words you say are open. Why?” I shrugged.
“We just speak that way, maybe it’s because we’ve been here so long.”
“Oh, also, why doesn’t your sister have a name about her element like you?”
“My mother sensed a strong water and so she named me after the element.”
“She couldn’t sense that about Elle’s fire?”
“She could.”
“Then why not something like Ember?”
“Maybe she felt it wasn’t right for her. Elle is a strong name too though.”
“I suppose.” He shrugged and then became stiff. I knew something must have changed in the atmosphere.
“What is it?” I was alarmed.
“I sense something.” Then Professor Josephine burst in.
“What are you doing in here? With a water?” She asked Oskan, oh no.
“It’s not his fault. He was asking some questions, Elle wasn’t here to answer them so I thought I should.”
“You know better than that. By doing so, you missed a duty of yours. May I remind you of the younglings?” I sighed.
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“I certainly hope not.” Then she left and Oskan stood.
“Thanks, I guess I have to leave.”
“I suppose, see you around.”
“See you.” As soon as he left, I felt empty and stupid. How could I have invited him in? I knew the consequences and stupidly ignored them. Then Elle came in about thirty minutes later.
“You have a message from Brooke. She said that next time you cancel a meeting to tell her.”
I let out a groan, “That’s the second time today.” She laughed.
“It’s not like she won’t forgive and forget.” Then she looked a bit confused, “second time?”
“I was alone with Oskan and Josephine came in. She chewed me out for being alone with a fire, then forgetting about the young ones.” She nodded and after a second I decided to ask her what had been aching at me all day. “Am I stupid for liking a fire that I’m not sure is controlled?”
“No, we can’t help who we love. Besides, it isn’t unheard of. It is possible; if I train him I will try my best to help him come into control.”
“Thank you. I will be at the pond.” I told her and she nodded. I was comforted by her words and wanted to meditate. I opened my eyes to see Elle and Leo walking into the other pond.
“So you two are fixed then?”
“Yes, Leo understands that it was not Oskan’s fault. He also understands that neither of us likes each other.” Leo nodded; he still was trying to keep himself under control, not angry but jealous. Then Oskan came up and I suddenly became nervous.
“Hey Aqua.” He smiled and waved then turned to Elle and Leo. “Hi Elle, Leo.” He seemed nervous.
“Don’t worry I’m not mad anymore.” Leo said, Oskan smiled, and I noticed how beautiful his smile was. Dang it! He’s a fire he’ll never like a water. I can still feel tension between them, I wonder what’s going on. Then he came and got into my pond.
“Well isn’t this nice me and Leo in this pond, you two in the other.” Elle said, mischievous. Oskan and I rolled our eyes. I saw him heat the water, so did Elle.
“Careful, you can hurt her doing that you know.”
“I’m not going to burn her.” He said but cast a worried glance in my direction. But he managed to keep the heat around him. He must have more training than he though because it takes quite a lot of training for a fire to do that.
“It’s fine, the heat is around him only. I’m perfectly cool right now.” Oskan smiled triumphant, and then I felt a tug to leave. Then I remembered that I had rescheduled my class to a few minutes from now. I trained young ones, well I suppose they weren’t that young but they were only ten and eleven years old. “I have to go.” I said, standing up and pulling on my shoes. I saw Elle give me a questioning glance and I just shrugged.
“Where are you going?” Oskan asked.
“I have a class to teach, and I prefer not to get in trouble a third time.”
“Oh, bye, see you around I guess.” He looked disappointed and I smiled at it. He is so sweet. I nodded and waved.
“I’ll be in the dorm afterward.”
“Kay, see you.” When I got to the room I was to teach in I was a few minutes early. My students were already waiting for me. They immediately ran to me, all smiles, and eager to learn from me.
“What are we learning today Aqua?” Lucy, my star asked.
“How to create a cloud. Don’t get excited, just a small one, however, still hard to master.” I said, smiling when they did. They were always up for the challenge. “First, we need to get outside though. This room will trap your energies, so you need to be outside so your energies can flow.” I led them to an open area. It was very wet, I hoped this would help them. “The first thing you need to do is to concentrate your energies and make water, get a good puff like a cloud shape going.” Once they had done that I move on. “Now elevate it above your head. Then, condense, evaporate, and re-condense it. Add more water until some falls.” After about a half an hour we had managed a few dark clouds. Our time was up though. “Okay, nice work everyone. Practice over the weekend and we’ll pick up on Monday.” They groaned and I just smiled. “Goodbye young ones. I’ll see you Monday.”
“Goodbye Master Aqua.” They waved and left, the clouds evaporating with them. I headed back to the dorm. As I was getting closer, I felt more relaxed. I wondered where Oskan was, Stupid! Stop think about him. Yes he’s cute but he’s a fire and an uncontrolled one at that. Then my thoughts were interrupted. I ran into something very warm, I felt arms catch my fall, they were scalding.
“Ow!” I said. I looked up to see Oskan which would explain the warmth. I couldn’t believe how hot he was just walking around.
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t see you there. Are you okay?” He asked, concerned, for a second I got lost in his eyes. Stop it! Stop thinking about him!
“Yeah, I’m fine. Do you need something? I mean I just assumed because you’re standing in front of my dorm.”
“Yeah, is Elle here? I had some questions to ask her.” I shook my head.
“No, but you can come in and wait for her. Maybe while we’re at it, you can ask me those questions.” I smiled and opened the door. My dorm must have been more inviting then I thought. Of course the aura I had made when I decorated it was open, welcoming, and honest. Our furniture was the perfect blend of what a fire and a water would want. Though many did love it the best.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” He smiled back and sat on the couch. I sat across from him on the other.
“So, what were your questions?” I asked him, truly curious.
“Nothing really, I actually only had one. I like your dorm though; I wanted an excuse to come here.” He said and I smiled, it was true.
“Okay then, what was it?”
“I was just wondering if she would be my trainer and if she had any lavender essential oil.” He said and I smiled.
“Well neither of us know if she will or not. You still have to be given the results of your test first. I can get you that lavender if you need it for something. We have plenty.” I said and he nodded. I went to the shelves and waved my hand in front of it transforming it to my cabinet. I opened it and looked in the Ls’ getting out lavender. I smiled at the four others there and closed it waving my hand the opposite way to put back the shelves. I turned to him and handed him the lavender smiling at his awe-struck face.
“How do you do spells so casually like that? You act as if it is nothing to do a level seven spell.” He asked me and I smiled wider.
“I don’t know I guess I just got used to it. I’ve been doing advanced things since I was very young. I am also at the top level so it kind of comes easy.” I said and he shook his head.
“I couldn’t ever do it so easy.”
“Sure you could, not acting like that you won’t but if you open up your mind to the possibilities you definitely can.” I told him, knowing. I knew people that closed their minds like that. When I had gotten them to open up they could do so much more.
“Also how can you and your sister be so close to each other all the time without hurting the other?” He asked and I smiled.
“Well firstly we are both under control. Secondly we are bonded, once that happens there is no pain inflicted by the other.” I explained and he looked confused.
“She’s a fire though, how does that work? I mean it seems like it would be difficult.”
“It is difficult; I’m not sure how it happens. We had it done when we were very young only three or four. I know it takes a long time and should be done younger for family. It is harder as you get older.”
“Oh, well that makes sense I guess. I have something for you by the way.” He said and I smiled.
“What is it?” I asked and he pulled something out.
“It’s a necklace. Come here so I can put it on you.” He said and I felt a flutter as I got close and he put it on. I looked down at it, just a charm on a chain but it was beautiful. It was a flame shaped glass with red at the edges, inside looked like a flame, and almost real the way it fluttered around.
“What is it for? It’s beautiful by the way; did you get it from Eleanor’s store?” I asked and he smiled.
“No, actually I made it myself. It is for you to be able to communicate with fires without trouble or exhaustion. Don’t use it to often though; I’m not sure how long it will last. I have one to but for water.” He said pulling it out of his shirt letting me hold it. It was beautiful, in the shape of a rain drop, blue around the edges and a pool of water inside. I handed it back to him and he smiled.
“That is really amazing, you should make more. You could probably sell them if you wanted.” I said and then Elle and Leo walked in. I thought of how I had seen one for sell once. It was priced very highly, thousands of pounds.
“Hey, what is he doing here?” Elle asked.
“He just had some questions so I answered them. Do you want some tea? I just bought some blackberry the other day.”
“Sure I could go for some right now.” She said sitting on Leo’s lap and I turned to Oskan.
“Sure.” I turned to Leo and he rolled his eyes.
“Yes before you ask.” He said and I rolled my eyes jokingly, getting up to get the tea. I put it on, the flame erupting without me touching it startled me. I looked up to see Oskan smiling.
“Don’t do that! I could have hurt myself, wait until I ask at least.” I said and he frowned.
“Sorry, I forget how fragile water is under fire.” He apologized and I gave him a forgiving glance while I got the cups and tray. The cups and tray had come with the tea pot so it matched. I put two sugar cubes in each cup and poured the tea on it, stirring it in. I came out to chatter. I felt like that was the way it should be.
“Okay here it is, I added two cubes of sugar to everyone’s tea; if you want more you can add it.” I said handing out the cups. I heard a knock at the door and Elle got up to get it. I felt her get annoyed and angry.
“What is that about?” Oskan asked and I shrugged.
“I have a feeling we are about to find out.” I said and sure enough she rushed by pulling Leo with her. When she came back a moment later Leo was handing her a towel.
“I could just evaporate it myself.” She snapped and he held out the towel again.
“That’s probably not best right now though.”
“True.” She said taking the towel and wiping away the moisture.
“What was that about?”
“Just Mackenna more forcefully suggesting that me and Oskan bond for the power.” She said, less annoyed now.
“Well, just keep telling her no and she’ll eventually get it.” I saw her staring at my necklace, noticing it for the first time.
“Where is that from?”
“Oskan gave it to me, isn’t it beautiful?”
“Yes but what does it do?” I sensed her hesitation.
“It helps me communicate with fires without trying as hard or the exhaustion.”
“Try it then.” She concentrated and sent me a message. Hi. I concentrated to and sent her back a message. Hey. She smiled when she received it. “It works, this time the message was actually at full volume instead of just a whisper.”
“Good, now in times of need I can get to someone easily.”
“Where did you get the things for the necklace so quickly?” She turned to ask Oskan.
“What places, the things needed for that are hard to find so quickly.”
“I will not reveal my sources.”
“When I am your trainer you can’t deny me like that you know.”
“Well until then I guess it will remain a mystery.” He smiled with victory then his eyes fogged, receiving a message. “I have to go; I guess I’ll see you at dinner.” He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek, leaving. I felt the wildest of flutters in my heart and butterflies in my stomach. What the? I saw Elle’s eyes fog over and he blushed before he was gone.
“What did you send to him?”
“Nothing, just reminding him what that would mean is all.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“We are just friends.”
“Then what do you say the kiss on the cheek was?”
“I don’t know he grew up with the normal, probably just a departing thing they do.” I knew that it was something they did in greeting so it was probably the same for departure.
“Sure it was.” The time was five-thirty so I got dressed for dinner and then left. On my way I was stopped by Mackenna.
“There you are. Could you give this to your sister?” She asked holding out an envelope.
“Sure. It’s warm, what is it?” I asked, surprised at how warm it was. It felt like someone had set it on fire or something but it wasn’t hot enough to burn me.
“Oskan’s results from his testing. Elle will need it when she trains him.” She smiled and left. I hurried to the dining hall to give her the news. She was already there seated with Leo. I sat down and handed her the envelope.
“I think you will be pleased with what it says.” I told her and she smiled hugely at what she read.
“Yes! I get to train Oskan! I thought they would choose me but I wasn’t sure.” Then she frowned and turned to Leo. “Would you stop? You are lucky I have protections from Aqua on my hand.” She said and he apologized letting go of her hand for a second then taking it again. Oskan came in but instead he sat diagonally away from me on the other side. When he saw me he blushed and turned away. I saw Elle send him a message and he blushed deeper.
“What did you send him now?” I asked, suspicious.
“Just telling him how stupid he’s being. It wasn’t that big of a deal anyone could have slipped up like that. I also told him to sit closer to you.” She said and I could tell there was more but I let it slide. The headmaster, Solstice, made a speech about being respectful and then food was brought to us by waiters and waitresses. I was being served when I heard someone ask if they could sit next to me. I smiled thinking it was Oskan but looked up to see Dawn.
“Sure, I guess no one is taking it.” I said loud enough for Oskan to hear and I saw him blush.
“So I was wondering if I could take a walk with you later.” He stated and I grinned, making an effort to be interested. He was a strong fire and under control. They were always trying to get close to me.
“I guess I don’t have anything planned.” I said and I saw Oskan leave. Elle raised her eyebrows and I shrugged letting her know I knew what I was doing.
“I have to go work out me and Oskan’s schedule, see you later.” She said and left. I saw Leo get mad and leave to. I still felt tension between them even though they tried to mask it.
“Well, I think we should go take that walk.” I said and Dawn nodded. We left and I looked up at the moon, it was full tonight.
“The moon is beautiful tonight.”
“I suppose. I actually asked you to take a walk with me because I had a question that I thought would be more appropriate in private.” He started but was interrupted by a new student with the school paper.
“Dawn, is now a good time? Can we please have an interview for the paper?” She asked and I smiled at her eager face.
“No, for the last time I will not give you an interview for the school newspaper.” He said and I was a bit taken back by his flash of temper.
“Okay, how about you Aqua?”
“Perhaps another time, but not right now thanks though.” I said and she nodded and smiled before leaving.
“You really shouldn’t encourage things you don’t support.”
“Who said I didn’t? I was serious when I said another time. Anyway you were saying something.”
“Oh, yes. So I thought this would be better in private. Before you say anything about what I say I would like you to keep in mind that I have permission from the teachers and I believe we should. I think we should go out together sometime.” He said and I tried not to frown.
“Listen I appreciate the offer but I really don’t want to be with you. I’m interested in someone else at the moment. Thank you for going through the troubles though, it was really sweet.”
“Okay, I can take that at least you didn’t scream no at me like the last girl that turned me down.” He said and we departed. When I came home I saw Elle with her eyes closed, she opened them as I came in.
“You have a note from someone. I talked to Oskan by the way; we have worked out a schedule.” She smiled at me and I picked up the paper on the table. I smiled at what I saw.
Meet me at your pond tonight at ten. I’ll be there, we need to talk.
I had a huge jump in my heart speed, I couldn’t wait. I looked at the clock; it was almost eight-thirty. My clothing was nice so I decided to keep it on and I put on some eye shadow and did a spell to put on blush and lip gloss that would last all night. Elle came in.
“Are you going to go?”
“Of course, I kind of have to. He’s expecting me to be there.” I told her and she nodded. “I’m nervous, I wonder what he wants to talk about.” I said and she rolled her eyes making me smile. I headed out prepared for anything.
Chapter 3: A night at my pond
When I got there he was waiting for me, and he smiled when he saw me and bigger when he saw my necklace. He must have had an Earth friend because there were two large rocks perfect for sitting on next to each other.
“Hey, I got your note.” I said stating the obvious.
“Well I thought that night would be easiest for you. I tried to make it as easy as I could, you could be near the water and under the moon. You know at your strongest.” He said and I smiled, he was so considerate.
“Will you be okay though? I mean it must be hard, there isn’t much heat.”
“Yes, I will the moon is just reflecting sunlight and there are stars.”
“So what did you want to talk about?” I asked getting to the point. I had an idea but I denied it. I wasn’t one to set myself up for heart break.
“Well according to Elle, you think that I think of you as a friend after today’s events, correct?” He asked and I looked away, just nodding.
“So you think that I gave you that necklace out of friendship?” He asked and again I just nodded. Then he surprised me. “Please look at me. I’m not sure what you’re feeling and it would help to see your eyes. They are beautiful after all.” I couldn’t resist after that I looked up at him and caught a wave of electricity. “So then what did you think the kiss on the cheek was?”
“I don’t know, you’re from England to. Friends do that in greeting and departure.” I said calmly though it was hard.
“Well, I want you to tell me two things, do you still think of me as a friend and more importantly do you enjoy this?” He asked and I didn’t know what he was saying for a second and then he kissed me gently.
“No, I think that meant more and I did.” I said and he kissed me again more fiercely. Only this time I kissed him back, his hand was on my face. I don’t know how long it was but not very before I felt something. It hurt really badly, it was burning. “OW!” I let out, I realized that he had lost control and burned me.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He asked, concerned. Before I could respond Elle was there.
“What happened? I felt pain coming through the bond.”
“He burned me, on accident of course.”
“Leo, take him away a few inches, he’s really hot.” She said and pulled out some burn salve. “He really got you and right in the face to.” She said as she spread it across my cheek and forehead.
“I hate creams; they make my face look gross.” I said and stuck my hand in the water and healed myself.
“So how was it?” She smiled and I smiled dreamily.
“Amazing, I don’t care that I got burned. It was worth it.” I told her and then she frowned. “What?”
“You lost control.” She told me and I was confused. Then Oskan came up and his teeth were chattering. “You gave him a freezer burn.” I hoped up, feeling so guilty.
“Are you okay now?” He asked me. Aww, he’s so stupid. He’s hurt and concerned about me.
“I’m fine silly. Now give me your hand.” I said pulling his hand to mine; I hadn’t done much just a small one in the fingers. I pulled out the water and cold, concentrating on it until I felt his hand heat up. “I’m sorry; I didn’t know I could do that.”
“It’s fine silly girl. I’m more concerned about you, that much heat is hazardous to you.” He said and I smiled.
“It’s fine, I healed it. I didn’t feel like waiting for the salve to kick in. They make my face look weird.” I wrinkled my nose at the thought.
“I’m sure you would have looked beautiful just the same.” He pulled me into a hug and I didn’t want to ever let go. I love him, so much. Wait, love? Forget it, I love him. I don’t care if he never says it back, I know it’s too soon but I do. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your dorm.” He pulled my hand and led me back home. Elle and Leo had subtly left us alone.
“So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, looking up at his eyes; they weren’t very far from mine but I still looked up.
“Yeah I guess so.” He said, and then gave me a quick kiss before leaving. I just stood there a second, loving my life. When I came in I saw Elle just sit down.
“Did you make tea?” I asked and she nodded, snapping her fingers causing two cups filled with my favorite flavor, blackberry, to appear.
“So, what did he say after we left?”
“Not a lot I think he felt too guilty to stay for long. He asked if I was okay. I told him I had fixed it and how I didn’t like salves. I even told him how I thought they made my face look weird.”
“What did he say?”
“That he was sure I would still look beautiful. He called me silly for saying sorry when that much heat could have been hazardous.” I spilled it out, feeling happy just talking about the short conversation.
“I think you’ve found your soul mate. The way I can feel your happiness when you just speak about the smallest things. That’s the way it was for me and Leo. Now look, we’ve been dating a year and are planning our future together. Don’t get discouraged though, I know you probably want to say I love you already, just wait a little. Besides Oskan will ask you to be his girlfriend first, which should be tomorrow.” She told me and I smiled at the thought. I could already see us buying a house together. Usually that didn’t happen for me, especially not since my heart had been broken the last time I really like a boy. It was so uncommon for a water to have their heart closed off to anyone but mine had been until now. I had read about such things but experiencing them was completely different.
“How do you know he’s asking tomorrow?”
“He told me if tonight goes well he would.”
“I can’t wait, I’m so impatient. I feel like all of my feelings are going against the grain.”
“That’s the way it is at first.”
“Well, I’m going to go to sleep; I don’t want to be exhausted tomorrow.” She nodded and I took a shower before going to sleep. Having nice dreams about Oskan and I living our lives together.
Chapter 4: A Saturday to remember
When I woke up, I felt like someone had been there while I was asleep. When I walked out Elle was up and eating a Danish.
“Are we eating breakfast at home today?” I asked and she shook her head no. “No? Then what am I doing?” I asked, confused. She pointed to the table where there was another note.
Meet me before eleven outside this drab castle for breakfast. I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful.
I was excited; this would be the time I was hoping he would ask me to be his girlfriend. I took the note and ran into my room. I got dressed in a sundress and a pair of heels. I had Elle use her heat to curl my hair before I pinned it up. It was only ten so I headed out. At the little shopping area down the road he was waiting for me.
“Hey, I got your note. So you saw me sleeping?” I was kind of embarrassed.
“Hey and don’t be embarrassed but yes I did. If it bothers you I’ll stop dropping in like that but so you know I think you’re pretty and peaceful when you sleep.”
“Thank you and you don’t have to stop, I think it’s sweet. It just caught me of guard this morning; I felt the energy you left behind and it startled me.”
“Okay well as long as you know. Where do you want to go for breakfast?”
“I know the best healthy food restaurant; they sell muffins that are so good for you but taste delicious.”
“Okay then let’s go, do you drink coffee?”
“Of course, I love it.”
“Good then we’ll have muffins and coffee for breakfast.” He said and then turned and started walking into a store. Where is he? Then I got a message, don’t worry, I know what I’m doing. Then I saw why, Luna was walking in the direction of me. I could see her over-conditioned hair from anywhere. Everything about her was soft.
“Aqua! What a surprise to see you here. I hope you’re having a nice time.” She greeted me and I nodded.
“Yes I’m shopping for swimsuits today. I hope you have a nice time Luna.” I said and departed.
“I will. See you later.” She said before leaving, a few minutes later Oskan was there. Stupid teachers, can they not trust me to be alone? It’s like I don’t have freedom lately. I hadn’t realized I was brooding so bad until Oskan pointed it out.
“Umm, Aqua? Can you get rid of that?” He asked me.
“What are you talking about?” I asked him a little too snippy and he pointed above my head. When I looked up I saw a cloud that was starting to sprinkle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” I apologized and it evaporated immediately.
“It’s fine, what were you thinking about?”
“Just how the teachers can never trust anyone out of school grounds. I mean I’m fifteen and so advanced why can’t they leave me alone?”
“Maybe that’s why they can’t, maybe they don’t want you to leave.
“That’s stupid I’m leaving after another year anyway.” I told him and his eyebrows rose.
“You’re leaving in a year?”
“Yes, the teachers here can’t teach me anything further. I just stay to train others and learn more spells and things like that.” He looked disappointed so I added more. “Besides once you’ve been here a year you’re free to leave as long as you’re sixteen.” His face brightened and I smiled. “Alright, this is the place.” When we got to the register it was like he read my mind.
“Two vanilla cappuccinos and two blueberry muffins.” He said and turned to me. “Correct?”
“Yes.” I answered and the guy turned to get it ready for us. “You know my coffee order?”
“Of course, that and I could hear you thinking it, you thought it very loud.” That made more sense; I didn’t think he was a mind reader. We sat down and he reached across the table and pinned a piece of hair that was in my eyes back behind my ear making me smile.
“So, tell me more.” I said and he gave me a confused look.
“Tell you more about what?”
“You, where you’re from, anything.”
“Alright well I guess I’ll start with the basics. My favorite color is green and blue even though it should be red.”
“Why is it blue?”
“Well it was just green but then it was a tie when I saw your eyes.” He said making me blush. “Let’s see, I’m an only child because my brother and sister died. Before I came here, I just kind of traveled around. I lived with the non-magickal. I have a lot of money from my parents. They were the prime ministers of magic. Now they are just business people.” He said and I felt my sharp intake of breath. I knew who he was talking about, I had read about the children’s untimely death; they had died in a wreck in what the non-magickal called cars.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay; it’s not the worst thing in the world. Anyway, let’s see, my last girlfriend was a year ago. I love being outside and I’m sixteen. My birthday is June Fifteenth and I can’t wait to celebrate it with you. I like to read and I love to meditate. I like to go camping and study the non-magick people. I like to try to make potions but then who doesn’t? That’s pretty much it I would say, at least that I can think of right now.” He seemed to think for a second before speaking again. “So what about you?”
“Well, I’m fifteen of course. My birthday July 19th, I usually celebrate it outside. I love to listen to the non-magick music and ours, I just love music. I love to meditate to and read. My favorite flowers are the white roses. Usually I’m what the non-magick call a California Vegetarian. My favorite colors are blue and green. I love to heal people, it makes me feel special. Hmm, well I also love beauty things not superficially but the way non-magick people do it is so different but I really love to see the ways that the colors bring out each other and blend together. My last boyfriend was a year and a half ago. Anything else you want to know?”
“No, I prefer to find out as we go along. Which leads me to the question that has been aching at me for a while. Would you consider being me girl..?” He said and in the middle of his last word I nodded furiously making him laugh. Then his face turned serious and he grabbed my empty hand, “Come on, and follow me.” He pulled me through the back door and as I was just getting out I saw why. Mackenna was heading in the door.
“Gosh, the place is just crawling with teachers lately.”
“Yes, that seems to be the case doesn’t it?” He said and then his eyes fogged over and let go of my hand. Wow, there is even a difference when he just lets go of my hand. It feels empty and heavy at the same time. Then he grabbed it again and started jogging.
“What’s wrong? Why are we running?” I felt a strong sense of worry and rush coming from him, it startled me.
“Just follow me, there’s something wrong at the school.” He rushed and then I started leading taking a short cut through the woods. When I got there I saw what was wrong. There was a huge fire coming to the school, Elle ran up.
“We don’t know what it is, help me separate them. I think if each group did something to help..” She said and I nodded. I studied the fire, it was large like a wild fire. It was yellow then orange that increased to red.
“Well, I have to go then.” Oskan said and let go of my hand, leaving for the fires. Before he left he gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear, “You’ll do fine, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, we should do that. Airs could push the wind away, fires try to tame it, waters try to extinguish, and earths put holes in the ground give it less fuel.” I told her and we put people to work. We sprayed tons of water on it and I started to feel diminished. It seemed to start to go down and then rise up again. We couldn’t quite get it before it became larger. After fifteen minutes I was confused and started thinking about it. Why isn’t starting to diminish? Elle was thinking the same thing because she shouted.
“Everyone stop!” Everybody stopped and we saw why it hadn’t lost any power. It was a spell, it would die down and then grow larger but it didn’t come any closer, it just looked like it was. We turned to face each and said the same thing at the same time.
“A distraction.” We dashed to the building where we saw a boy running; Elle zapped his ankle with fire making him fall. He turned around angrily.
“Let me go! I didn’t do anything wrong.” He defended himself but I could sense honesty.
“Then what were you running from?”
“That!” He shouted pointing, we turned and he ran. I could understand that though, there was a huge black shadow on the ground coming toward us. It engulfed the whole corridor. It got hot but I saw Elle shiver which was bad. I felt angry as it came closer but Elle pulled me out of it.
“Run!” She said and we ran into the sunlight and turned around to see it. It hovered at the edge of the corridor as if it couldn’t come any further. I wished for it to go away for some light to hit it and make it disappear. Then it turned to hundreds of black birds and flew away. Then Oskan and Leo ran up.
“What happened?” Leo asked Elle, seeing her face. “Are you okay?”
“Are you okay?” Oskan asked me and I hugged him, burying my face in his chest. I refused to cry, that would be a betrayal to Elle. Tears were surrender; they were defeat and meant you could be hurt.
“I think so I’m just really shaken up is all.” I said and he hugged me tighter.
“So what happened?” Leo pressed after a few minutes of him comforting Elle.
“Well, we realized that the fire was a distraction so we went to see what the real danger was.” I started and Elle picked it up.
“We saw a boy running and stopped him thinking he was the one who had done it. He said he was running from something and pointed; we saw it and decided to start running. It was huge; it engulfed the hallway and brought a cold feeling for me, a warm one for Aqua. It also made me feel angry like I don’t know but angry.” She said and drifted a little so I continued.
“Then we were near the sun. I remember turning with Elle and I wished for it to go away. Then it exploded, into birds.” I said and they raised their brows.
“The black mass turned into birds?” Leo asked, looking doubtful but then Elle backed me up.
“Yes, black ones, ravens and crows.” She said and he nodded, needing her to say it before he could believe it.
“Well then, what should we do next?” Leo asked.
“We should tell the teachers, there the only ones who can know what it is.” Oskan said and I nodded, it seemed like a good idea.
“Okay, we should go then. I’ll get the fires; you can get the waters Aqua. Leo will come with me and we’ll get the winds as well. Oskan will go with you and you can get the Earths.”
“All right, I’m on it.” I said and Oskan grabbed my hand as we separated. Before we had walked far he pulled me behind a tree.
“Are you okay?”
“I think so; I was just really shaken up earlier.”
“Okay then, just making sure. However, just because you weren’t hurt this time doesn’t give me an excuse. I promise I will take better care of you, I will protect you better. I won’t let anything hurt you, ever.” He said and I nodded, feeling guilty. I didn’t think he should waste his time like that; I could take care of myself. Then he did something unexpected, he kissed me leaving me winded. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me around the tree. We started walking to the head of the Earths, Terran. He was a man around forty years old with dark hair graying in the middle and throughout there were flecks of gray. He wasn’t very tall only five feet and four inches but full of power. If you were to first meet him when you were young like me then you would almost be afraid. He cascaded off a sense of deep power and knowledge.
“You know, you don’t have to protect me like that. I’m perfectly able to take care of myself.” I said and he looked the same and then I realized why. He had felt responsible for what happened to me. “Listen, you are not responsible for what has happened to me. It could have happened to anyone, don’t blame yourself. I didn’t even get hurt.” I said but he didn’t respond which worried me, why isn’t he responding to me? After a short walk we reached Terran.
“Terran, we need you to gather all the Earth instructors. Something has happened.” I told him and he immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to me.
“What happened? Were you injured?” He asked, knowing I was a valued person and I shook my head no. I explained and he fired off a message to the rest of the instructors. “I will see you there, be careful.” He said before disappearing. We headed to the head of the waters silently, Yara. She was as strikingly powerful as Terran but as a water more open and wouldn’t frighten you. In fact when I had first come to the school she had held out her hand and I grabbed it. I stuck to her leg like glue until I met Luna. Yara was making a sphere of water when she acknowledged me.
“Yes Aqua? Is there something you needed?” She asked and I saw it catch Oskan off guard again for someone to do that.
“Yes, we need you to gather the waters and meet at the four corners. Something has happened and my sister and I need your help with it.” I told her and she nodded sensing that I had not been hurt but the level of importance was high. I explained anyway and she nodded again. “Well, we will see you there then Aqua.” She said and with a mist she was gone.
“How do they do that?” Oskan asked me and I shrugged.
“I’m not sure; I know that I can do it.” I said and he looked surprised.
“You can? Can you take people with you?” He asked and I nodded, I had to when I was younger.
“Yes, it’s not hard. I can take any element with me to. Would you like to have the experience?” I asked and he nodded. I gripped his hand and concentrated on where I wanted to go. I pictured the four corners, one a pond, the other hot with a small fire; another windy and the other earthy. Then I told myself I wanted us to be there. With a flash we were there, the feeling was open not at all like you would think. You would think going through space it would be suffocating but it was actually very open, like flying. When we were there taking only a few seconds, Oskan looked very surprised.
“Wow, that was amazing.” He said and then we walked to the teachers. He separated and went to the fires while I walked in front of the pond beside the waters.
Chapter 5: The teachers decisions
“We are here to discuss what has happened to a water and a fire. Not to mention our best water and fire.” Edan said, starting as if his fires were the only ones there. Edan was very forceful and liked to act as though he was always the most important even though most of the time he wasn’t. He did however, again cascade of that powerful feeling. I remembered when I first came here how I had been afraid of him until my sister told me of how she trusted him. We still weren’t close friends him being a fire and supposed to repel me being a water. Besides that he wasn’t found of water he only like their power really.
Solana started talking; she was the head of the airs. Just like the other teachers cascaded knowledge and power. I had trusted her second after Yara. She had porcelain skin which had shocked me when I saw her. Her eyes were very pale to and purple. I hadn’t seen purple eyes before and they scared me as a child but after I realized why I was fine with that idea. They were pretty though, another reason why I trusted her second. “Well, I think we should hear exactly what happened first and if you don’t mind talking as if fire is the only element here.”
“Fine,” Edan replied, looking mad. He had a flash temper sometimes.
“Okay then what happened specifically Aqua?” Yara asked me and I looked at Elle.
“Elle was there to, I was not the only one to witness the event.” I told her and she nodded.
“Okay would you like to explain it Elle?” She asked being fair but Elle shook her head no. She must still be shaken. Then Yara turned to me, “You may begin.”
“When I arrived from breakfast after receiving a message from Elle there was a fire and it was close to the school. It could have been dangerous so we separated the elements, each using their specialty to stop the fire. After around fifteen minutes we realized that something was wrong, it had been growing and then diminishing the whole time. After we stopped we realized it was a spell and a distraction. We found what the distraction was for; a huge shadow was engulfing the corridor sweeping down. It made me feel hot and Elle cold. It also made me feel angry as it got close but I ignored the feeling. We ran into the sun and it kind of stopped at the edge of the hallway. I wished for it to go away with Elle and it, well, it turned into hundreds of birds.” I finished and all of their eyebrows rose.
“Well it could have been a dark spirit.” Terran said and some of the earths agreed.
“I’m not sure it could have been something else.” Edan said and Yara looked surprised.
“You’re not suggesting what I think you are, are you?” She asked and he nodded.
“It’s possible.” I saw the leaders nod as if in agreement.
“What are you talking about?” I asked and they turned to me.
“We think that it could be a reoccurrence of what killed your parents. The dark spirit inside a shadow. We thought we had gotten rid of it but it is possible that we didn’t. After all we weren’t lights, your parents were though. Of course you know that isn’t the only thing that took their lives. It only weakened them after they destroyed it which weakened them for the next thing the thing that really killed them.” Yara explained to me and Elle and I shook our heads.
“No, my parents destroyed it. Didn’t they? I know that there was only two of them and the spirit was large but that doesn’t mean anything does it?” She asked and Edan shrugged.
“We’re not sure, however I am sure that you four are all lights.” He said and Yara nodded.
“Yes, I believe the might be.”
“How do you suppose that?” I asked, confused.
“Well what is the one thing that destroys darkness?”
“Exactly and we believe that you and Elle could have been the ones to turn it into birds, with your inner light.”
“I think we should test them.” Edan said and Yara agreed, I wasn’t sure though.
“No, that is dangerous. What if they are hurt?” Solana asked and I silently thanked her.
“Yes, what if? I cannot have either of them hurt.” Luna said, speaking out of term.
“This does not concern you.” Terran told her and she bowed her head.
“I don’t think they will be hurt.” Edan told Solana.
“Because you think they are lights but if they are not they could be.”
“And we would interfere before that happened.” Yara tore her defense apart.
“Except you are not a light, so it may be too late.” Solana built her defense up again then Elle spoke out.
“Do we not get a part in this decision? Do not throw caution to the wind fires, especially when you do not know if it is necessary. I believe that I should get a part in my future not just you.” Elle said and some teachers disagreed only a few agreed. I decided to say something to.
“Yes of late it has seemed that you want to control our future but as you know the only one really in control of our future is us. I also believe we should get a say.” I said and more agreed knowing that both of us wanted a part. Then the boys spoke up.
“Yes they should get a say, and we should to.” Leo helped us out and more agreed.
“Why are you two here?” Terran asked him.
“Because we saw it to, we were there.” Oskan said and then continued.
“If you were there then you both should test to.” Edan said and Terran and Yara nodded.
“Well I believe we should get a say in that.”
“I second.” Leo said backing Oskan up.
“Alright fine, you will get a say. If at least two think you should then you all will if only one thinks so then you will not.” Edan said and I thought it was unfair but kept my mouth shut. “Aqua?” He started with me knowing I was undecided.
“I think we should be tested but I do not believe that we should do it right away, give us a few days to think about it and prepare.”
“Very well Oskan?” He asked and what Oskan said surprised me.
“I agree with Aqua.”
“Excellent, Elle?”
“I think that we should go with what Aqua has suggested.”
“Astounding, Leo?”
“Yes I agree with them.”
“Okay then, it is decided you will test on Monday, your instructors will show up for you instead of going to regular classes.” He told us and then we separated. I immediately went to Oskan’s side.
“How do you feel about this?” I asked him because when he answered he hadn’t looked too enthused.
“Honestly, they would have made us test for light with or without permission. I swear as soon as you turn sixteen we are leaving.” He said angrily and I was momentarily caught off guard by the way he said we. He looked down at me and smiled. “Yes I said we, that is saying that you will stay with me that long.”
“Of course I will, I just…”
“You just what?”
“I just don’t know about leaving I mean I know I should because this place limits me but I’ve been here so long. I’ve never been in one place so long.” I admitted looking up at him and he looked concerned.
“If you don’t want to leave I guess we can stay but keep in mind that I really don’t want to be here.” He said giving me a hug before leaving. Then Leo came up, I could tell that him and Elle had been fighting about something. He looked very angry, he shoved Oskan a bit.
“I hate you, and I challenge you.” He said angrily and I frowned, Oskan swung his arm out and pushed me back a little but I knew better. Leo wouldn’t start anything while I was right there, which worried me.
“Why are you angry? I have done nothing to you.”
“Oh only that you’re trying to steal my girlfriend, now she doesn’t even want me to talk bad about you behind your back but I can’t help it, I don’t like you. I guess that when I came here and stopped talking to you I decided I liked it without you, but now you’re here and messing everything up.” He spat and Oskan looked angry.
“Fine! What time and battle zone if you’re so tough?” He challenged and I tugged on his hand trying to stop him but he just ignored me.
“Tonight at six, battle zone number four.” He smirked and Oskan shrugged.
“I’ll be there.”
“No!” I said loudly, knowing that either of them could get hurt.
“Say what you want, the deal is done.” He said and they shook, officially sealing it as a red glow engulfed their hands.
“Are you insane?!” I shouted at him.
“Me? What about you? Your best friend just started a challenge with your boyfriend and you say nothing until it’s sealed. You act like you’re so afraid to tell people that you like me but when it comes to anything else you’re fearless. Do you just not like me? Why don’t you just be honest? If you don’t like me just tell me because for your information I can take care of myself.” He shouted before storming off. Some turned to look at who he was shouting at and were surprised to see me.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who can mess up a relationship.” Leo said before leaving. I walked down the hall with angry tears in my eyes. I refused to cry though, not even for anger. I bumped into Luna on the way there.
“Aqua! There you are! I cannot believe you!” She said angrily and then I realized why. “How could you like a boy that is fire and not only a fire but an uncontrolled one at that?” She ridiculed me and I got angry.
“How could I? Well only that we have an amazing connection, I wouldn’t expect you to understand that and I don’t just like him. We’re dating and we’re having a fight right now but I’m sure we’ll plow through it because I lo...” I stopped myself and then kept going,” like him a lot and I‘m sure he likes me to.” She looked shocked and I didn’t care I walked away. She stopped me though looking directly into my eyes she asked me.
“How much do you like him, do you think it could be love?” She was very serious and I nodded.
“I’m pretty sure I am in love with him, I wouldn’t tell him so early but when he says it I know I will say it back. I’ve never felt so strongly about someone before.”
“Fine, that’s fine for now but you can’t stay with him forever. Your elements don’t mix well and I’m determined to make sure it stays that way.”
“My mother and father were opposites, it’s perfectly possible.”
“It doesn’t matter, your mother was irresponsible and foolish, she was lucky she didn’t get killed. Don’t forget that people have died that way.”
“Yes but afterward the other person found stronger love proving that it only works with soul mates. So if you’ll excuse me I must go find my sister.” I could tell that she was stunned at my knowledge of such things before I left. I went back to the dorm with a storm in my mind of words to call Luna. I could tell that Elle was aggravated to.
“What’s wrong Elle?” I asked her, concerned.
“Something must be wrong, I can sense it.”
“Fine, if you must now I’m mad. I hate how all the teachers think they control what happens in my life. I just want to make my own decisions for me, I would run away but that seems so weak when I can leave so soon.”
“Well, they can’t really control you there is no law that says they can it’s just that they fight dirty. If you want to run away, I have a question.”
“Oskan wants to run away with me when I turn sixteen, do want to bring Leo and come?”
Her eyes widened in shock, “You really think we could do it?”
“Of course, besides if it turns out we’re lights we can’t stay here anyway.” I told her and she nodded eagerly.
“Yes, definitely. Now why were you mad?”
“Luna found out about me and Oskan and tried to tell me that we wouldn’t be together very much longer.” Then I felt a stab at my heart as I looked at the time, 5:45. Oh no! I have to tell her, we have to stop that fight.
“What, why are you worried?” She said concerned.
“It’s Leo and Oskan, they’re having a fight in fifteen minutes. Come help me stop it, we can vanquish together.”
“Okay, why are they fighting?”
“Leo thinks that Oskan is stealing you.”
“Come on let’s go. We can’t just stay here mopping about it.” She said and grabbed my hand, and then we were there. We saw them getting started and Elle hopped down into the stadium just as Leo threw a ball of fire at Oskan.
“Elle get out of the way! This is my fight.” Leo told her throwing a ball around her to Oskan, I was frozen in place but Oskan deflected it with ease.
“No, now stop it! You can’t fight him like this.”
“Yes I can, besides I’m not the only one fighting here.” Then Oskan threw a ball of fire at Leo and it hit him in the shoulder. He threw one back but Elle hopped in front of it getting it in the stomach. This was a bad thing because the fire was very strong that time. The way I could tell was that it had blood light in it. That didn’t happen unless it was at least level seven and there were only nine levels. I hopped down as Leo threw another fire also hitting Elle.
“Oskan stop! If you don’t someone could get hurt, one more fire ball like that and Elle could die.” As I said that a ball of fire whizzed right past my face and hit Oskan on the shoulder, it must have hurt because his hand flew to it.
“NO! This is me and Leo’s battle. Leo that could have hit her!” He threw one right back hitting Leo in the leg. Elle had been trying to convince Leo to stop but that had only made him angrier and she had almost given up. I refused to though, this had to stop.
“So? You’re mad at her anyway. What’s one little fire right on her arm?” He asked, making Oskan angrier.
“That doesn’t give you permission, besides I thought she was your best friend. Do you want to lose her and your girlfriend?” He asked deflecting Leo’s ball of fire and shooting it at Leo but I extinguished it. Leo threw one back and before I could extinguish it, Elle jumped in front of it and I saw her fall. No! I ran over to her.
“What level did you throw at her?” I asked as Leo brought her over, he wasn’t angry anymore.
“Elle you stupid stupid girl! Why did you get involved?” He said pushing her hair from her face. Then he looked up at my face, “Level nine.” He said and I sighed, that was the highest level. I lifted her shirt so I could see the wound and flinched. All of the skin was charred. I had to feel the burn so that I could heal it. After a few moments she awakened and smiled.
“Did I stop the fight?” She asked and I sighed.
“Yes but that doesn’t mean what you did wasn’t stupid.”
“Doesn’t matter as long as they stopped fighting.” She said hopping up. “Did they hit you?” She asked and I shook my head and she looked confused. “You have a burn on your cheek, right there, it’s small though.” She said pointing to a spot on my face. That ball of fire must have skimmed my face.
“Oh, I guess that one skimmed me, I’ll get it.” I said and healed it.
“Elle, listen if you stop interfering I will never fight like this again with Oskan.” Leo offered her a deal and she looked angry for a minute.
“Fine but you better not and if I hear about anything like this again be warned. I will not stand by and you will feel my anger.” She said stalking off; still mad about him fighting Oskan and he followed her out. I turned to Oskan to heal his shoulder where he was hit.
“Can you sit for me to heal your arm?” I asked and he nodded, I could tell he was still mad though.
“Fine but it doesn’t change anything.”
“I told Luna about us.” I told him and his eyebrows rose.
“You did? What did she think?”
“Yes and she thought that I was stupid. She said we wouldn’t last but I told her we would because I lo… like you a lot.” I told him and he nodded then hugged me.
“Thank you, that’s what I wanted to get out of you.” He started to let go but I gripped him tighter, tears in my eyes. I thought I had lost him. “What’s wrong silly girl?”
“I thought I had lost you. I didn’t think there was anything I could do.” I whispered and he chuckled.
“There’s always something to do silly girl. Now what were you about to say before you cut yourself off and said like you a lot?” He asked me as we separated.
“Umm nothing really.” I lied horribly.
“Fine, at least now we can tell people when they test our relationship.” He finished and pulled me to an area I had seen many times, it was a general area for fires to get a lot of sunlight, it was one of many.
“Why are you taking me here?”
“I just wanted to show you so you knew that it was my area. They designated me one after seeing my meditation again the second time.” He told me and I smiled. Then I frowned, it was really hot here. This is drying me out really badly; if I stay to long I might not have much water in me left. He looked down and frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s really hot here, I’m drying.” As soon as the words came out he pulled me and took me to a moist area. “Thank you.”
“Anything to keep you healthy. I don’t want you to be hurt.” He used the hand he was holding to pull me to him and wrap his arms around me.
“What do you think that we can do about this light thing?”
“I don’t know, I just know that I feel unprepared for this.”
“It will be fine, we’ll get through it.”
“I know but besides that, it’s Elle and Leo. They say they’re fine but I can feel the tension and the need to cover it.” I relieved to him and he nodded, letting me go.
“I can understand that, if I was related to one and best friends with the other I would be worried to.” He took me to my dorm and we said goodbye. When I came in I could see and feel that Elle was mad and kind of sad about something.
“What’s wrong Elle?”
“Nothing apparently.” She told me, sounding bitter.
“I know better than that, please just tell me. Is it Leo? I can feel the tension even with you two trying to mask it.” I told her and she sat on the couch. She put her head in her hands and nodded.
“Our relationship is having problems. He doesn’t trust me alone with Oskan and I told him that was ridiculous but he refuses to accept that. I asked him if I was so untrustworthy then maybe he was to and if that meant I shouldn’t leave him alone with you. He said that was different but it’s not and he seems distant lately. He seems distracted with something that is bugging him. He won’t see the difference in the way he’s been acting but I can see and feel it. I don’t know what it is and it doesn’t help that when I ask him he won’t tell me, like he can’t tell me.” She explained and I nodded, trust was a very important thing in their relationship and in many. If that was wavering then there could be some problems.
“Well I hope that you two can get past it. My best wishes and luck to you two, I know you can do it.” I told her suddenly feeling really exhausted. I got up to go to my room and when I got there I just fell into the welcoming arms of my soft bed. I was asleep quickly; the day’s events had worn me out. I sank into sleep and when I woke up it was lunch time the next day. I didn’t understand until I looked down. There was a burn on my ankle. I knew it must have been from Leo and Oskan’s fight, it must have been another one that skimmed me but I didn’t remember that happening. Unless it was from the dark mass. I pushed the thought away immediately and bent over to heal it. I concentrated on it bending the water to my will. I took more water and used it to speed up the process of healing and the replacing of new skin. I watched once again amazed at the beauty of the water circling and then a few moments later the skin being new and whole again. I got up and got dressed heading out I noticed Elle was even more aggravated and upset than last night.
“Elle? What happened?” I asked her but she shook her head.
“Nothing just another little fight between me and Leo this morning but we’ll be fine. Go have breakfast with Oskan.” She told me and from her voice I could see she wanted to be alone so I left. I thought to myself as I walked. Why is Leo so untrusting now? I don’t understand it. He usually trusts Elle with everything. I was interrupted by my hitting something really warm and then falling. That something must be a human because it caught me. I looked up to Oskan looking down at me.
“We really must stop meeting this way.” He told me and I nodded.
“Really it is starting to seem that this is the only way we meet isn’t it? At least you don’t walk around scalding anymore.” I told him and then we started to walk to breakfast.
“So are you more prepared for the light test tomorrow?” He asked and I just nodded. I was too distracted by Elle and Leo. They were fighting a lot and I couldn’t understand why. “What’s wrong?” He asked me, sounding concerned.
“Elle and Leo had another fight and I don’t know what to do. They’ve never fought before and I’m concerned. What will happen with them? I have confidence that they can fix it but I still worry.” I told him, the honesty flowing easily from my lips.
“They’ll be fine they’re just hitting a bump in the road right now. Don’t worry about it.” He tried to reassure me but I just nodded not really feeling reassured. He must have sensed it because he pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear. “I’m serious, don’t worry about them. They will make it through this.” This time I believed him, I still had doubts but not as bad. We walked into the café and I felt some people staring at our hands but I didn’t care. They could deal with it because I wasn’t letting go. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luna and her eyes tightened but I just shrugged. She could think what she wanted. Then Brooke ran up to me.
“Is it true? Are you dating a fire? Do you not care what Luna says, you think that it will last?” She was so eager she didn’t notice me and Oskan holding hands.
“Yes that’s all true if you didn’t see.” I said holding up our hands. I saw her eyes grow wide then she got excited.
“Yay! I’m so happy for you! I hope that you two will last.” She said and Oskan looked confused.
“Why wouldn’t we last?” He asked her. She looked a bit taken aback
“Have you not told him about Dover yet?” She whispered and I shook my head. I hoped he hadn’t heard that. I didn’t want to talk about the only boy to actually break my heart. It didn’t matter anymore though Oskan was everything I could ever want and looking back now I could see that it didn’t matter what he did to me. He was a jerk and we weren’t really in love. However that didn’t mean I wanted to talk about it. I shook my head no and she nodded. “Okay well I have to go nice to see you again Aqua.” She hurried off and Oskan looked at me.
“Who is Dover?” He asked and I sighed.
“Nobody, it’s not important.” I told him and his eyebrows rose.
“No, I think it is.” He said and I shook my head. He got closer to me and lowered his voice. “Please tell me.” I looked down and knew I would have to tell him sooner or later so I met him half way.
“Please not right now but later I’ll tell you. Just let me have coffee before okay?” I looked up and he nodded disappointed but excited to know. A server came and brought us breakfast, my usual vegetarian breakfast and coffee. Brooke came to sit next to me and after a few moments I realized that the only people missing from our table was Elle and Leo. Please don’t be fighting, it’s not going to get better if you keep fighting. I thought to myself but Brooke was as chatty as ever.
“Do you think tomorrow in History we’ll get to learn about the Salem trials?” She asked and I shrugged.
“I don’t know, our teacher was related to one of those witches so it’s a touchy subject for her. We may learn it next year though.” I told her and she nodded. Then I got a sudden lurch in my stomach as realized I wouldn’t be there for it. “Anyway there are books in the library with information on it if you’re really curious.” I told her and she nodded.
“I know but I want someone to tell me who killed them, none of the books seem to know and I want to know specifically what kind of human would do that. We live in harmony now, what could have happened that would make them do that?” She asked and I could see why she was curious.
“I don’t know, we’ll just have to wait to learn about it won’t we?”
“I guess so.” I finished breakfast and bade her goodbye, leaving with Oskan.
“Will you tell me now?” He asked and I sighed.
“When we get to the dorm.” When we arrived at my dorm I could see and feel that no one was home so I entered confidently. I felt it was better to tell him what had happened alone instead of awkwardly in front of my sister.
“Okay so do you honestly want to know?” I asked and he nodded. “Okay, well the first thing you should know is that Dover was also a water so I’m not sure what happened to make him behave the way he did. At first when I met him I thought he was kind of pompous and bid-headed. If you ask me I should have trusted that judgment. However I gave him a second chance and before I knew it he had worked his way in through my doors. I was so happy with him until he started to act different. He wasn’t as sweet and caring as before. He came to see less and I had to see him more but that was fine. I understood that I had to give to take and did I give to him. Sometimes I would go to his dorm and he would send me away saying he was studying and of course I believed him. I didn’t get suspicious until he blew me off on our five month anniversary celebratory weekend for “studying”. “ I started to tell Oskan about what had happened putting quotations with my hands around studying. “I decided to drop by and saw a girl leaving his room. I stopped her and asked her if she was his tutor and she nodded. She told me she was her tutor in a lot of things. I was confused and asked her what she meant and she whispered in my ear that sometimes they didn’t just study and some would say that she tutored him in the art of kissing. When she said it I felt a stab at my heart and went to go talk to him. He let me in and I asked him about the girl and he tried to lie saying she only taught him history. I saw through it and he told me the truth. That they had been cheating on my for a month and a half. I left angrily and he begged for forgiveness.” I went further into the story my mind flashing an image of him giving me flowers and please forgive me notes. Then Oskan stopped me.
“Please don’t tell me that you forgave him.” He said and I just looked down and he groaned. “Why?” He asked so I continued.
“He looked so vulnerable and sorry when he begged. He wouldn’t leave either he begged for a few days before I gave him a second chance. He promised to treat me better this time but of course he didn’t. He would drag me to parties to show me off to his friends. When we were together I had to get him everything. If he was thirsty I was to get it. There were fights of how he never wanted to be with me unless it could benefit his popularity and he denied it telling me I was crazy. Once we fought really badly before it turned into a fight of powers and strength. He tried to suffocate me with water forgetting I was one myself. One time in particular he used a torture spell and I screamed in pain. My sister came and helped me leave. After I was too weak for a day to do anything, he had stolen from teachers and I wanted to tell. He didn’t want me to turn him in though. Of course we fought about it and that’s when he used the torture spell on me. It went on for a good ten minutes before Elle arrived. Then it was physical and I got a couple of bruises. I forgot about it quickly thinking it was my fault that we had fought that way. We were together fighting like that for about another month before I saw him with another girl again. This time I dumped him and he ran off to a different town with the girl and I never saw him again. I cried for a while before realizing I was better than him. Other boys asked me, truly nice ones and I knew that I would survive because as much I liked him it wasn’t love. In total we had dated eight months. I didn’t want to get hurt again so I closed myself off to any boy who came near me. I dated but since no one could get through to me we didn’t last long. Then I met you and it was different. You could crumble my walls with just a few words. Of course I still have a few up but I have no doubt that you can get through them to. You make me so happy and looking back I can see that if our relationship is so strong and still young then what me and Dover had was honestly nothing but a small crush.” I finished and he shook his head.
“How can he have done that to you? What kind of person would do that to a person and not say they were sorry or at least try to?” He asked and I was confused. I could feel anger at Dover even though he doesn’t know him.
“Why are you angry?”
“Because I just don’t see how someone could hurt you that way. You’re so soft and innocent. I would never even contemplate thinking of doing that to someone let alone you. If I ever see him he will regret what he did to you.” He said angrily and I put my hand on his.
“It is in the past and doesn’t matter. The only relationship that matters now is ours.” I told him and he cooled and smiled at me.
“I suppose so.” He said and then Elle stomped inside turning and shouting over her shoulder.
“You can’t take back what you said Leo! If you wanted us to stay strong you should have stayed strong yourself and held your tongue whether it was out of anger or not.” She looked angry and slammed the door shut then saw us sitting there.
“What’s wrong Elle? What happened?” I asked her standing up and making a glass of calming chamomile tea for her.
“Another fight with Leo, this one particularly bad. There’s something bothering him and he refuses to tell me what it is. So we fought about trust for a while but then after a while I was tired of fighting so I tried to leave but he told me that we had to stay strong and leaving would be weak. Then he called me the worst thing in my book when I told him that he was the one being weak. He told me that at least he wasn’t a..” she stopped for a second because her eyes misted over and she hated to cry. “He called me cheater. He told me I was the one who was weak and that I was fake and that he thought that I was going to cheat if I hadn’t already. So I broke up with him. I can’t take any more of that.” She said and I could feel her regret and hurt. I handed her a cup of tea and Oskan subtly left us alone.
“Well I must go meditate but Elle?”
“If you need two friends I’m here to.”
“Thank you but I’ll be fine if I have my sister.” She told him trying not to be rude and he nodded before leaving.
“You know you can’t stay away from him, he’s your soul mate.” I told her and she shook her head.
“Yes I can, it will just be really really hard. I don’t know how to approach it though. Do I be mean to him? Do I treat him normally or do I treat him like dirt?” She asked and I thought before telling her.
“Well honestly I would treat him however I felt at the moment, if I felt resentment I would be mean to him. I probably would just be mean.” I told her knowing that this is what she would do whether I said so or not. She nodded as if it made sense.
“Yes he deserves to know how hurt I am.” She said and I nodded.
“And how is that besides angry and hurt?” I asked her and her eyes misted over.
“Sad, like I’m not important to him. I could see the shock but I couldn’t see hurt. I don’t know if it took him a while to register it or if he didn’t feel hurt but that hurt the most. I thought we were meant to be.” She had to pause every few words so that she wouldn’t cry and I hugged her.
“It will be okay, I’ll talk to him if you want.” I said and she nodded.
“Please do but don’t tell me what he says just tell me how he’s reacting please. That’s what’s most important to me. Now if you’ll excuse me I would like to go meditate.” She said in departure before leaving for her personal area and I sighed. This wasn’t a good thing to have going on with the light test tomorrow. The rest of the day passed smoothly and I went to bed thinking about how to fix my sister’s relationship.
Chapter 6: the light test
When I awoke that morning it was by Luna.
“Wake up! We have fifteen minutes before you must be at the light testing center.” She said urgently and my eyes grew wide. I looked at my alarm clock, the batteries had died. I hurried up and grabbed clothing from my closet.
“Why didn’t you come earlier? How long was I asleep?”
“I assumed you would be up by now and ready to go. It is ten forty five.” She told me and I ran into the bathroom and pulled my hair into a ponytail and then pulled on my clothing. I ran past her grabbed a granola bar and a glass of tea and ate as fast as I could. I pulled on my shoes while brushing my teeth. It took me five minutes to get ready and I knew everyone would already be there. “Let’s go.” She led the way and I used a spell to lock my door.
“To keep me safe I say these words to close off my place.” I mumbled waving my hand over the door. I was used to doing things like that and didn’t need to concentrate but I still had to a little of course, I would always have to no matter how good I was. I just pictured the inside of the lock moving to a close and concentrated on that when I said the words.
Luna led me to a dark hallway and it got chilly, of course I didn’t mind but I know it wouldn’t feel to pleasant to be a fire and walk down this way. I entered a dimly lit room and Oskan, Leo, and Elle were already seated waiting for me.
“So who goes first?” I asked Luna and she shook her head.
“They have already gone, you are the last. I must leave for a moment to get the leaders.” As soon as she left I turned to them.
“So how did your tests turn out?”
“Fine but I can’t tell you what we got until yours is over.” Elle said and I nodded, that would make sense. Obviously whatever she was I was to. Then the leaders came into the room.
“Hello Aqua, this is your light test. You will be given one chance and one chance only. Darkness will come to you and you must vanquish it with your inner light. If not we may revive you or not. Are you aware of the dangers?” Yara asked and I nodded so she continued. “Okay then if you turn out to be a light then you will be on your own to vanquish whatever is coming onto our grounds and threatening magick existence. You may only come in dire need of help.” She finished and then stepped aside with the other leaders, and I realized everyone was behind me. “Okay, good luck.” And with that a dark mass came out of the door. I tried not to show signs of fear knowing that it would know. I closed my eyes and thought of only happy things. Then I pictured a light coming out of me and going into the darkness, vanquishing it. Then I could feel the light, it was inside me but it was small. I built it up with things of strong happiness. I remembered Oskan kissing me for the first time and I felt the light grow larger and stronger. I pushed it out of me and toward the darkness. When I opened my eyes there wasn’t any darkness but instead a very pretty orb of light. It was blue on the outside with a golden inside.
“Congratulations Aqua you are a light.” Yara said and then the leaders left through the door I was assuming we would leave through to. Luna stopped before leaving.
“Congratulations, I’m glad that you’re a light. Everyone else is as well. However your light was prettier then Elle’s. Yours was more of an orb of gold and blue hers was just a plain white beam. I must go but just so you know you won’t be having regular classes but instead will be researching what attacked our grounds and how to defeat it. You will only attend three morning classes then go to lunch. You will still teach the young ones.” She said before leaving. I turned to everyone else.
“So, we’re all lights? Where do you think we’ll start?”
“I don’t know I don’t really care either. I’m just waiting to be sixteen to leave. I don’t want to fight evil in this school.” Elle said bluntly. Then Leo spoke up.
“Well I guess we’ll have to get along now Elle. We have to work together after all.”
“Maybe but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t like you. Yes I will work with you and stay calm for the sake of the innocent but I will not talk to you in any other form or for any other reason.” She spat at him and then spun on her heel and left. Leo fell into a chair and put his head in his hands.
“Leo it’ll..” I started but then he cut me off. His head snapped up and he stood.
“This is all of your fault! If you had never of came me and Elle would be fine. It’s your fault.” He shouted at Oskan and then he threw a ball of fire at him, the strongest one. It whizzed past me and hit Oskan in the side. Oskan made a move to get near him but Leo ran out of the hall shouting after him. “You want me then come and get me.” I tried to tell Oskan not to but he cut me off.
“Oskan..” I started and he shook his head.
“NO! I will take care of this once and for all.” He started to run after him and I sighed jogging after Oskan. I got outside and sighed they were arguing over something in the middle of a study area.
“It is not my fault! If it’s anyone’s it’s yours because you are the one who didn’t trust her.” Oskan shouted as I got nearer.
“Yes it is, none of this happened until you came.” He shouted back. I stood in between them.
“Stop it! Both of you! Leo this isn’t Oskan’s fault but it isn’t anyone else’s fault either. It is yours, you brought this on yourself and fighting with Oskan about it isn’t going to get her back at all. If anything you should be talking to him about everything right now. If you need to do it’s anything it’s make a friend. I can only give what a girl can which is a lot but I’m not a boy. Oskan is and you would benefit from it. If she really meant anything to you then you would stop and befriend Oskan.”
“You are just saying that because he’s you boyfriend and you want everyone to get along. Just as long as it benefits your relationships, right?” He asked sarcastic, as it came with his anger.
“No, that is not what this is about. I just don’t like to see two best friends fight and in which it tears up other relationships in the process. Not my relationships, but yours. So it’s your choice, you can befriend him and get back years of happiness or keep on hating him and lose everyone. I might be there for you but I certainly won’t agree with you.” I stood there and waited.
“Give me a few hours at least, will you?” He asked, and I could see that there was something bigger behind this. I could see it in his eyes so I nodded.
“You have two; I will be at your dorm in two hours. I swear though if I think you chose wrong, then I will not do you anymore favors.” I told him, aggravated that he couldn’t decide quicker. He looked relieved and nodded.
“Okay, okay then. See you in two hours.” He left and I shook my head, massaging my temples.
“What if I don’t want to be friends with him? Did you even think of what I wanted?” Oskan asked me and I sighed. Seriously? I just can’t win can I?
“You know that you do. If you’re not happy with that then that’s fine. I hate to pull the card but it’s all or nothing with me. I mean I assumed you wanted to be friends with him seeing as that’s pretty much what you implied, and quite a few times to.” I threatened him, hurting at the thought but I couldn’t deal with anymore of the I wants.
“I do but I would prefer if you ask me next time. Just because I’m okay with it this time doesn’t mean I will be next time.” He warned me.
“Okay, I’ll consult you next time but this time it’s my choice.” I finished up our little compromise. Then I thought about our light task. “Well, I have to go to the library. If you want to you can come then come if not then don’t.” I told him and turned to go but he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him.
“I go anywhere you go okay?” I looked in his eyes and saw a protective mode. I didn’t understand.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just got a bad vibe. Like something bad will happen if I let you go alone.” He said honestly. I nodded even though it seemed far-fetched even to a witch.
“Okay then, let’s go to the library where something bad is going to happen.” I said, a bit more sarcastic then I meant.
“I’m serious, something bad is going to happen and I need to be there for you.” He said and I knew he believed it so I just nodded. When we got to the library, there wasn’t anyone there, not even the librarian. How odd, oh well. She’s probably on break or something. I took out my pass for the restricted section. I was given one when I became the most advanced water on the grounds. I scanned it and walked in. I turned around to see Oskan just outside the door with a book.
“I’ll be in the reading area if you need me.” He said, heading to a chair that faced away. Good job protecting me from your bad vibe. I looked around, finding the S’s. Then I found the only two books in the library about the Salem Witch trials. As I pulled one out someone covered my mouth and pulled me back. I struggled for a second before realizing that I had taken a human self-defense class. I grabbed his hand and twisted it around, flipping him over and onto his back. Once he was on the ground I thought. Bind the joints and the joining bones. Make them immobile for everyone to tread. I thought the incantation quickly and then thought of his joints locking and melding with the bones they were joining. I saw him go stiff and walked over. I loosened his mouth so he could speak. He was dressed like a human robber. He had all black on, complete with the ski mask. “Who are you and what do you want?” I asked him.
“No way! I’m not telling you anything.”
“Fine then, we can do it a much easier way and I could raid your mind.” I said simply and he shook his head. “Okay then tell me who you are.” He shook his head no again so I bent over and pulled off his mask. I knew who it was before I had pulled off the mask completely. “Dover?”
Chapter 7: Meeting Dover again
“What the hell are you doing here? What were you trying to do? Who put you up to this? What do you want from me?” The questions poured from me before I stopped myself.
“I’m doing a job. I was trying to kidnap and kill you but I guess that’s not going to happen. I want to kill you, so your life is what I want.” He answered all of my questions except one. Who put him up to it.
“Okay then, but who put you up to it?” I asked him.
“Well I can’t tell you that.” He said, stubbornly. I called Oskan to me.
“Oskan! I need your help please.”
“You have someone with you?”
“Yes, didn’t think of that did you. Where did you put everyone else?”
“Sleeping drugs, they’re actually in a pile at the back of the library.”
“Oh nicely done, with class to. I missed that so much.” I said sarcastically. Oskan came jogging in and his eyes widened.
“Who is this?”
“Hi nice to meet you Oskan, I’m Dover and just tried to kill your little girlfriend. Right now she wants to know who put me up to it.” He said like they were old friends and I rolled my eyes.
“Thanks but I could have done that.”
“Well you know how I’m ever the gentlemen.” Then Oskan surprised me coming over to him and decking him right in the nose.
“That is for hurting her before. Unlock him Aqua, I want to kill him.” He looked at me and at first I thought he was joking before I realized he was serious.
“You can’t kill him!” I shouted, as much as I hated him it wasn’t right to kill him.
“I certainly can, especially if he won’t tell us who he’s working for.” He said fiercely and Dover shook his head.
“I’m not working for a person per say.” He said and I felt my eyebrows raise. “That’s right little beautiful. It’s not a person.” Then Oskan decked him in the face again.
“Don’t call her beautiful, you don’t deserve to.”
“Whatever.” Then it hit me, he could very well be working with the force that attacked the school.
“Are you working for the force that attacked the school?”
“In a way.” He said and I started to get annoyed.
“What do you mean in a way?”
“Sorry but I can’t tell you that one baby.” He said and I rolled my eyes and kept Oskan from breaking anything else on his face. However it didn’t stop him from blacking his eye.
“You really would stop calling me things if you knew what was good for you.”
“Can’t do that either I’m afraid. However I must go, if you don’t mind.”
“Sorry but that’s not bound to happen she has you on a body bind spell.” Oskan spat at him.
“That’s not necessarily true.” He answered and before I could ask how that was true a giant black mass came and grabbed him, then vanished. I fell in a chair and put my head in my hands.
“I let him escape.”
“It’s not your fault. He’s controlled by the dark force now.” Oskan tried to comfort me and I looked up.
“What do you mean?”
“Well why else would he come to kill you? You’ve heard of dark forces controlling people before. They control for their needs and then take the soul. There would be no other reason for him to come back to kidnap and kill you.” He gave me the logic and I thought. I had read of the dark spirits and forces using the human body to do it’s bidding before taking the soul. It would make sense seeing as one had just came and taken him.
“Yes that does make the most sense. Well, I suppose we have to take these books and then wake up everyone. Then I guess we should tell Elle.” I said and he nodded. When I stood I was still a bit shaky from seeing Dover again and what happened. Oskan came over and held my hand as we walked to where, shocker, a few students and a librarian were in neat little pile, asleep. I sighed and bent over the librarian. “As fast as you fell you must arise. As tired as you became you must become awake. Mend the mind and lighten the eyes.” I said it twice and made a circle around her head clockwise once. Then once around her whole body clockwise. She sat up with a stir and looked around.
“Aqua, what has happened? Why am I on the floor with students sleeping around me?” She asked and I told her.
“You were knocked out but there is no need to worry I have gotten rid of the person who did this to you and my fellow students.” I calmed her and she nodded.
“Good, well I’m glad that no one was really hurt. If you’ll excuse me.” she got up and although I didn’t think she would she might have gone to alert the teachers. For some reason however I didn’t want them to know.
“Vanquish the memory of recent. No more will the morning be reminisced. “ I said pointing to her head and she stopped and walked to a book shelf. I woke up the other students and then explained to them that it was a new drill the school was trying and then as they departed did the same memory vanquishing spell as the librarian had gotten. It wouldn’t totally vanquish their memory. As I said it I thought of what I wanted to be erased there for erasing only what could put them in danger or what they could tell a teacher. The most recent memory they would have was walking around the library. Oskan leaned toward me and whispered in my ear.
“Why a memory vanquishing spell?” He asked and I turned to him.
“I don’t want any teachers to know about this. It is our responsibility and I don’t want to be hassled about this, do you?” I asked and he shook his head.
“No that is a good point.” He said and I stood with him. We left to tell Elle about what had happened. I was still a bit shaky and he wrapped his arm around my waist to help me calm. I was still holding the books as I entered the dorm.
“Hey, you got books on the Salem Witch trials?” Elle asked as I sat down and I nodded, still a bit shaken. Oskan took my hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Yes but I need to tell you something first.” I said staring straight ahead. I could feel the concern flood her as she sat down.
“What is it?”
“Something happened today and before I tell you I didn’t tell anyone. The only other person that knows is Oskan because he was there. I don’t want a teacher to know because I don’t want hassled about it okay?” I asked and she nodded.
“Just tell me what happened.”
“I was in the restricted section of the library and came across the books about the Salem witch trials. Then out of the blue someone grabbed me covering my mouth. I remembered self-defense and flipped him over onto his back. Then I thought the incantation to keep him stiff and loosened his mouth so he could speak. He was dressed was like a human robber. I asked him who he was and what he wanted but of course he didn’t answer.”
“You keep saying he, how did you know it wasn’t a girl?” Elle interrupted and I looked right in her eyes.
“When I pulled of the mask to see if I recognized the face, I could. It was from the past. It was Dover.” I said and she looked confused.
“But why would he be there and trying to attack you?”
“I think he was taken over by a dark spirit. One came to get him after a few minutes. He wanted to kidnap and kill me. It’s really the only explanation that makes sense.” I said and she nodded.
“Yes it really is because he would have no reason to come back.”
“Yes, he gave everyone in there sleeping pills and piled them behind a book shelve. So after the spirit came for him I woke them up and explained that someone had attacked but not to worry that teachers were already aware. This way they wouldn’t be suspicious when they had their backs turned I vanquished their memories up until the last memory they would have was walking around the library.” I told her and she smiled.
“Sneaky but that’s okay. You need to be in a situation like this. Hopefully something like this doesn’t happen again. What do you think we should do about this?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think there is anything we can do seeing as we don’t know what the dark mass really is.” I said and she nodded.
“True, true. Well, I’m going out for a walk okay?” She asked because she knew I was still shaky from what had just happened. I nodded and after she left Oskan pulled me onto his lap.
“Are you sure that you’re okay?” He asked and I nodded. “Good, what do you want to do?”
“Find Leo and ask him what he decided to do.” I said and he sighed.
“We are away from the quarrels and now you want to hunt the guy who causes most of them?”
“Yes, remember I gave him two hours? Well now he got three because of what happened so I think we should go and see what he decided.”
“Fine.” He said and I slipped off of his lap and grabbed his hand pulling him up and out of the dorm. I looked around trying to see if I could sense any trace of him in the area. I knew he wouldn’t be at his dorm like he said he would be. I couldn’t so I walked to a place that fires liked to hang out. I found a trace and picked it up following it. He takes walks on weird patterns we’ve been going zigzag the whole time. I found him under a tree just fifty feet away from the hang out area.
“So, have you decided?”
“Decided what?” He asked with an annoyed tone and I rolled my eyes.
“Do you want happiness or loneliness?”
“Fine, I’ll be friends with him but not real friends. I just won’t fight with him. I’ll be friends with you though, like always.” He said and I sighed, this was more difficult than I thought it would be.
“Fine, have your own misery then. Anything you want to talk about while I’m here?” I asked hoping there would be a vulnerability to use so I could prove his stupidity.
“Not while he’s here.” He said bluntly nodding toward Oskan at my side and I rolled my eyes again.
“Fine whatever I’ll be at the coffee shop if you need me.”
“And I’ll be here.” He said as I left.
“I can’t believe him! He acts like I’m wrong about you or something but I’m pretty sure if Elle or you were to even think about cheating you would at least tell me.” I spewed as soon as we were out of earshot.
“He can’t help it I don’t think he knows what to blame the breakup on so he points to the easiest.” He tried to calm me and I nodded. I knew I should just give it time.
“Okay I’ll try my best to give some time but it drives me crazy. He could at least keep his comments to himself.”
“I know but you know him. He doesn’t want to and doesn’t think he has to.”
“I need something to drink.” I said pulling him into an on-campus coffee shop.
“How about I order your coffee for you and you try not to think about how much Leo annoys you?” He asked, I could tell he was kind of enjoying the fact that I was mad at Leo. I sighed before I nodded my agreement. He left to get in line and I put my head in my hands, trying to understand Leo. It just doesn’t make any sense I thought he was past this stupidity. I guess not though, maybe one day. Maybe I could convince him. Then a guy sat across from me. I looked up to see Aero, an air that was about my age.
“Hey, so I am having a party this weekend. It’s Saturday at my place and it starts at about nine. You can have a plus one if you want but I was hoping you could be my date.” He said, flashing me a dazzling smile.
“I’m sorry but I’m kind of dating someone right now but I can come as an invite if you want.” I said and his smile stayed on his lips but not in his eyes. The disappointment swelled in them.
“Okay that’s fine, no biggie. You can even bring your boyfriend if you want. It can still be fun for you.” He told me and I nodded.
“Sure, I’ll do my best but this Saturday I might be busy. I’m doing my dorm over a bit.”
“Why your dorm is awesome already?”
“I don’t know I wanted to get an area rug and I also wanted to take out the carpet and maybe do wood floors in some rooms instead of carpet. Nothing big.” I told him and he smiled again.
“Good, people would be disappointed if you changed a lot of it.” He said and got up. “Well I’m going to leave then, see you around.”
“See you.” I said and he left just as Oskan sat across from me handing me my coffee.
“Who was that?” He asked and I could see jealousy. I tried not to smile so he wouldn’t get the wrong idea.
“Aero, an air. He invited me to his party Saturday. He wanted me to be his date but I told him I was dating someone. He wasn’t to hurt; he said I could come anyway and bring you.” I told him and he nodded.
“I’ll consider it but I don’t think so.” He said, like I was asking permission.
“Okay but I thought it would be fun and I don’t think I was asking permission.” I said.
“Didn’t say you were but I don’t think it would be a good idea. I don’t think he’s hoping you’ll bring me. I think he’s hoping you won’t be loyal to me.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“Well I think he’s just being friendly but fine. I don’t know if I’ll have time anyway. I have to pick out an area rug for my room, what finish for the new wood floors, and what tile for the bathroom I want.” I said and he nodded, pleased that I would be busy.
“Okay so I’m guessing you and Elle are doing that and I’ll be left alone that day?”
“Unless you want to hear me obsess over different shades of blues and greens then yes but if you want to come…” I trailed off suggesting he may want to come.
“No thanks, I’ll be practicing anyway, Elle thinks I need to work on controlling my fire under emotions. I was supposed to do it today to but I didn’t.” He said and I smiled.
“Okay then but you know that Elle is coming with me right?” I asked and he sighed.
“Okay but I really don’t want to look at those things. They don’t interest me.” He said and I smiled bigger, knowing that he was trying to use lessons as an excuse.
“Then what does?” I asked mischievously.
“You and me together tonight.” He said. I knew it would be a great Monday if I gave in to him but I decided to play hard to get, even if it was a date.
“Sorry but I have studies to do tomorrow and so do you so I can’t.” I let him down and he sighed.
“If you really have to sleep instead.”
“I do.”
“Fine, I guess it’s okay since I don’t want that pretty face of yours to get any less beauty sleep then it deserves.” He said and I pursed my lips not sure whether to take it as a compliment or not. “It’s a compliment funny girl.” He told me and smiled. I got up to leave and he got up to. “I’ll walk you to your dorm.”
“Okay.” I agreed and we walked holding hands to my dorm. When we reached the dorm I turned to him. “This has been a long Monday hasn’t it?” I asked and he nodded. I glanced down at my watch only to see we were late to dinner. “We have to go to dinner, unless you want to starve today.” I told him and he sighed.
“I guess so, I can’t have you starving. Have you even eaten anything today?” He asked and I shook my head. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dining hall. We sat down across from Elle. I saw Leo walk over but instead of sitting next to Elle he sat next to Brooke. Everyone looked at Elle for an explanation. She just shrugged and I sighed.
“They broke up but don’t worry they are both fine. It was a mutual thing.” I said and a few of my friends gasped.
“No way! Are you serious?” Brooke asked and I nodded.
“It’s not a big deal you guys. Let’s just chat about everything else going on okay?” Elle said. I don’t think she wanted to talk about it.
“Okay, so where were you guys today?” Brooke asked.
“We were taking some courses on training young ones.” I lied and was proud when she nodded not suspecting a lie.
“Cool, so are you still going to be doing you regular classes?” She asked and I nodded.
“Yes if I want to so I may not be there all the time.” I told her and she nodded like she understood. At least it was only a half lie this time. When the waiter came I ordered a salad and Vitamin Water.
“Really, didn’t you eat that the first time I sat next to you?” Oskan asked and I nodded.
“Yes sir and I will eat almost every time. Chef’s salad is my favorite meal. I’m a vegetarian.” I told him and his eyebrows rose.
“You are?”
“Yes, is that a problem?” I challenged and he shook his head.
“No actually that’s sweet.” He reassured me and I grinned.
“Well thank you. I don’t like to kill animals. I eat chicken sometimes but I don’t like to. I only do it because I have to so I can live. Everything else I get from vitamins.” I informed him.
“You would. So how do you feel about Saturday for a date?” He asked and I frowned. He thought that I had forgotten about the party.
“You know I want to go to that party.” I told him and he sighed.
“I was hoping you had forgotten,”
“I know but we can go as a date.”
“No thanks. If you really want to go we can but I’ll just prove you wrong.” He said shaking his head and I rolled my eyes.
“I don’t know where you got that idea from. Was it from the non-magick people?”
“Yes, it most certainly was. It happens all the time there.”
“Well not here, so calm down. It’s just a party and you can stay with me the whole time if you want.” I told him and he nodded.
“Okay but I’m serious I will not leave your side the entire time.” He informed me and I nodded.
“As long as I get to go.” I told him and then I turned to Elle. “So I was thinking Saturday morning we could go to the store and pick our finish, tile, and rug for the dorm.” I half asked her and half stated it and she nodded.
“Sounds good to me.” She said turning to talk to some of our friends. I turned to Oskan again and was suddenly very aware of my hand in his. It was getting kind of heated. I turned to see what he was looking at. It was just a guy staring at me and pointing me out to his friends. It happened all the time and I sighed.
“Listen that happens all the time. There is no reason to be on guard. He is not talking about harming me or anything.” I told him and he shook his head.
“That’s not it. They are talking about how pretty you are.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“So you’re not pretty you are gorgeous.” He told me and I smiled.
“Thank you but I don’t mind. Also did you focus on their conversation? That is eaves dropping mister!” I scolded him and he laughed.
“And what will you do about it?”
“Distract you.”
“Do it then.” He dared and I leaned in but was interrupted. There was an argument at the table between Elle and Leo. I turned to the commotion.
“You are so wrong! Raspberry Vinaigrette is better than Italian.” She argued.
“Nope it’s definitely Italian.” He argued back and I smiled. Aww they are so flirting. However my hopes were crushed as she raised her voice.
“You are wrong!”
“I am not. You are just stubborn.”
“No you are the stubborn one.” They glared at each other as they argued and I sighed. I would have to take her side so that she didn’t get angry at me but I had to end it before it turned into something else.
“Um sorry to butt in but Raspberry is better.” I told Leo and he glared.
“I see how it is.”
“HA!” Elle shouted at him and then went back to talking with her friends and I sighed. They were never going to get along again. They were just too stubborn. I finished my salad and then left with Oskan. We walked to the dorm and he kept silent I wandered why. When we reached my dorm I turned to him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing I was just thinking about when we leave this place.” He said and I sighed.
“Yeah but it’s not that far away only a few months.” I told him and he smiled.
“I know but I can’t get my mind off of the freedoms we would have.”
“I know but don’t worry I’ll turn 16 in less than half of a year.”
“I know and I promise it will be the best sweet sixteen you could imagine.” He leaned against the doorframe and I couldn’t help grinning. He leaned in and we kissed. I thought that the force might knock me over. It was like a thousand volts of electricity all at once. When he started to pull away I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. We kissed again and when it ended I almost frowned. “That was good.” He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes and then frowned. I felt a burning sensation in my hands and looked down to see a burn. “What’s wro..?” He drifted off as he looked down to see my hands burnt.
“It hurts really bad. Like I touched a hot pot.” I stared at my hands seeing blisters forming. I used water to heal it easily but it still disappointed me that he didn’t have control.
“I’m sorry, I thought I could do it that time. Here let me see.” He said pulling my hands toward him. “Well it was fixable by water so that’s a good sign. Good night, see you in the morning at breakfast.” He kissed me on the cheek before leaving. As soon as he was gone I sighed, exasperated. We were never going to get to kiss.
Chapter 8: Little Arguments
The next day I woke up in a great mood. I got dressed heading to breakfast. However on my way out Leo and Elle were fighting outside.
“The turtle is so cute and there is nothing wrong with him!” Elle was insisting.
“Yes there is. He is limping which makes him not cute.” He argued.
“I don’t care what you say he’s perfect!” She yelled at him.
“Fine we’ll just see who’s right now! Aqua’s here.” He yelled back pointing to me. I sighed walking over, I was hoping to stay out of it.
“Fine then, what do you think Aqua? Is he limping or is he cute and normal?” Elle asked and I looked at him. He looked fine to me, just trapped.
“Honestly he looks to be fine.” I said not siding with anyone.
“See he isn’t limping.” Elle smiled smugly.
“Well thanks for the support Aqua, jerk. I’ll just take him to the vet and we’ll see who’s right here.” He picked up the turtle and left. I shook my head.
“Well I’ll be seeing what happens there.” Elle said heading off after him a few moments later. I decided not to follow her and went to breakfast. I sat down and Brooke leaned toward me.
“So you and Oskan? I saw you two kiss yesterday, I decided not to interrupt.” She asked curious to our relationship.
“Yeah we’re together. I just wish the teachers would lay off sometimes. They don’t think that we should be together. They think that Elle should be with him.” I told her and she shook her head.
“Teachers don’t understand anything. Well I have to jet to class. See you there?” She asked and I nodded. I finished my bagel and wondered where Oskan was. I got up and turned to run into him.
“Oh hey, so where have you been?”
“I overslept, I was hoping you would still be eating but I guess not. See you at lunch then I guess.” He explained and I nodded although I was disappointed. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face up gently. “Don’t be so disappointed besides we have a party to go to this Saturday.” He surprised me and I smiled hugely.
“You decided we could go?”
“Yup, we can go wherever you want to.” He said suggestively and I rolled my eyes.
“Sure well I have to go to class.” I hugged him goodbye. In class I practiced making water tornadoes even though I already had it down. I made it rain in the next class and things like that in the next two. Usually I just helped others because I already knew everything the teachers here could teach me. However all I could think in the back of my mind was seeing Oskan. I worried a bit about that. Was I to serious about him? Could he hurt me like Dover? I pushed the questions away; there was no need to doubt him. We had to strong of a connection for doubt. I walked to lunch to see him leaning against the wall waiting for me and I smiled broadly. “Hey, waiting for my arrival?” I asked and he nodded. He was distracted though and I could see it. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his face down. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I was just thinking about how Leo hates me still, even though he keeps an act up in front of you and Elle.” He said and I frowned letting go.
“What do you mean? What happened?” I asked and realized the over-slept story of the morning was probably fake.
“Oh nothing just that we fight when you two aren’t around. This morning was bad to, he suggested something about you and I got aggravated. Then we fought about whose fault it is that Elle and he broke it off. I mean bloody hell how long can he go on thinking that I caused it?” He vented, getting angry thinking about it and I sighed. He was cute even when he was angry but that was beside the point.
“I’ll try to talk to him but you know how it is with him.”
“I know, silly girl, but it probably won’t do any good.” He ran his hand through his hair in aggravation from the situation.
“Well on the plus side you’re cute when you’re mad.” I said to break the anger I could feel touching my aura. It worked and he laughed.
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind and maybe one day I can use it against you.” He said.
“I’m just joking.”
“You better be.”
“I was now where were we before we got into the Leo mess?” He asked and I grinned.
“Well about here.” I said wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling his face down to look at mine. “Has Elle helped you with controlling you fire?” I asked and he nodded.
“Want to test it?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yes, most definitely.” I said and he leaned down and kissed me. I felt the electricity between us and it was like our souls had connected. It lasted longer than usual but not by much. I felt the burn and jerked away. “OUCH!” I let out and looked down to see my hands burnt but felt the burn on my neck. My lips felt a little chapped. Oskan sighed deeply.
“Well I only got your lips out of your face this time.” He said. I focused on healing it and felt the burn go away.
“Is it totally gone?” I asked and he nodded, settling for holding my hand. We are never going to be able to kiss. My whole live will be kiss less and I will never carry on my line. We walked into the lunch room. When I sat down Elle was there and I sighed. I could feel the waves of disappointment and then I actually felt a bit of sadness for a second, making my eyes water. It was because of the bond I knew because I had been happy, a little frustrated but happy. I wondered why Elle was so depressed, she had been handling the whole thing with Leo well. Then I looked over and saw Leo talking to a girl and I sighed again. He looked to be moving on and that must have been why. The tears faded but Oskan looked down.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s Elle, I got it through the bond.” I told him and he nodded, knowingly.
“Elle, he’s probably not really past you. He probably just wants to make you jealous.” I told her and she nodded. Then she sat up straighter, tough as nails my sister was.
“I know and I will not give in that easily. He can keep on because I’m not fazed by it. Even if it is fake.” She said and I wasn’t sure if she actually believed herself. She sounded like it but her body language didn’t seem so. It might have been because Oskan was right there and I knew she didn’t like crying or looking weak in front of people. She turned to him and seemed to push down whatever emotions for Leo she had been feeling, at least for a while. “Did you practice the spell I taught you?” She asked and he nodded. “Well did it work?” She asked curious.
“No, I still burnt her, bad. I even chapped her lips, but it did last a bit longer than usual.” He grinned, thinking of it but she sighed.
“We’ll try more later I guess. However, I wish that it would have worked. Maybe we can try some herbs next time.” She thought to herself while he nodded.
“So what happened with the turtle?” I asked and she looked up.
“The turtle?” She asked.
“The turtle you and Leo were fighting over this morning.” I elaborated.
“Oh, when I got up to him he told me that it bit him and ran away.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“It wasn’t even a snapping turtle.”
“I know he’s such an idiot, it probably didn’t run away. It probably just fine but he just didn’t want to lose.”
“Probably.” I agreed, even though I didn’t think so. I think he just wants a reason to talk to you. Either way I have to agree because I have to help you cope with this. I didn’t feel like eating so I just drank some water. When are they going to stop fighting? I hope soon, otherwise no one will be happy again. Besides that I need to focus on figuring out what this dark thing is supposed to be. It being up to four teens with love problems means it will be hard and long. It would be easier if Elle and Leo could fix their relationship somehow. Maybe I just need to give them a little push. As far as my relationship goes I just need to figure out a potion or spell to fix it. Maybe the potions master will have one. I thought like that for a while before jolting up at the feeling of someone leaving. When I looked up Elle was walking away and Leo sat down.
“Yes?” I asked.
“Just wanted to talk to my buddy but I see how it is. If you don’t want me here then I’ll just leave.” He said starting to stand and I sighed.
“No it’s fine. I want to talk to you but you made Elle leave.”
“She didn’t have to she chose that.” He said a little bitter and I got the feeling he wasn’t just talking about right now.
“Yeah well that reminds me when are you going to pine for her?” I asked and he looked confused.
“I’m not going to.”
“Why not?”
“She dumped me, so it’s not my fault. She wants to be together fine, she can fix it.”
“But it takes cooperation.”
“Not that much besides there are other fish in the sea and I’m the best bait out there. So I’m fine I can get anyone anytime.” He said his ego poking through and I pushed a little more.
“Well so can Elle.” I said and for just a second he looked mad but then changed to casual.
“Well good for her I don’t really care, besides I’m not worried she probably doesn’t want anyone but me.” He insisted and I rolled my eyes.
“What makes you think she’s not past you?”
“Who would be? I’m the best she’ll get.” He said and I got agitated.
“My sister can have whoever she wants. Don’t underestimate her, you may be able to get a lot of girls but in the same way she can get a ton of guys. So don’t get to cocky.” I snapped and he whistled.
“Somebody PMSing?” He asked and I could tell he was getting aggravated.
“No are you?”
“You wish I was but no this is all me.”
“Yeah well it’s getting old and quickly.”
“And what would you do? Throw water in my face?” He asked and this time Oskan interjected.
“I’m sure if Aqua were to get actually mad then you would know because she can do a lot more than throw water around. I wouldn’t dare her, especially not with me around because I can fight with fire.” He said, forceful and Leo leaned back.
“Fine then, I won’t dare her but I have to go.” He said leaving and I shook my head trying to calm down. I hated when people became big headed after a break-up. Elle came back then and sat.
“So, your aura seems permanently tainted with annoyance. What did Leo do now? Oh wait never mind he’s always annoying I forgot that it’s part of his personality.” She said and I grinned.
“Yeah well you know him but this time it was his huge ego blocking his view to reality.” I said and she smiled.
“He is known for that to, poor Leo he’ll never learn anything. Oh well at least now we can leave and he can stay and try to learn. You would think he could with his huge head.” She laughed and I smiled. I wanted her to be able to vent but he was still my best guy friend. I was Switzerland in this case. I refused to clearly choose one side. I was about to ask her about how she was handling it when the bell rang. I headed to what I guess you could call potion and herb classes my last class before personal training. When I got there my teacher explained that we would be making a potion that kept people’s elements under control underneath strong emotions. It worked for every element. The only downside was that it took a few weeks to make. It didn’t matter to me though, if I succeeded I could be closer with Oskan.So I was determined and that didn’t go under the radar of my teacher.
“Aqua you do not have to put so much effort into this one. It won’t be tested over.” She told me and I looked up slightly surprised. I was busy making sure I had all the ingredients in the right quantities.
“I know I just want to get this one right in case I need it for personal reference or something.” I told her blushing slightly and she gave a knowing nod.
“You know what would make it stronger?”
“What?” I asked desperate for anything that could help me and Oskan be closer.
“Well there is a way to personally tailor it for two people. You simply need a few hairs from each and a tear.”
“Why a tear?”
“Well specifically a tear of desperation to be with the one person they want to be.”
“Okay, if I get two people to agree to this can I use theirs?” I asked curiously.
“I don’t see why not. However if you don’t get this potion to work don’t be shocked. I’ve heard of people’s love being too strong. At first it would work and as they…. got closer.. it wore off.” She warned me and I nodded. I didn’t care if it lasted for eight minutes. That was about seven more than we had usually had.
“I would be willing to risk it.”
“So were they.”
“Did anyone die?”
“No. No one died just got a little hurt is all.”
“Then it was worth it.” I said making her laugh a little.
“I suppose so.” As soon as her last word was over I went back to work. The first thing to do was to add nine ounces of sweet red wine. Then I added nine basil leaves and nine rose petals. I let those boil in a pot. I was to leave it until almost burnt. Once that was done I was to add nine cloves and nine apple seeds. Then nine drops of vanilla extract and nine drops of strawberry juice. Then I added nine drops of apple juice. Then for more solids I added 1 ginseng root divided into nine equal pieces. I stirred it and then put out the fire. It took two weeks to settle so I would have to wait. If I was to tailor it I had to it in the next forty-eight hours which shouldn’t be a problem. Except for the tear, that was going to be hard to get out of Oskan. I left class and went to training which was the usual and boring.
Chapter 9: Evil
Once the day was over I jogged to the end of the fire learning hall and waited for Oksan. I hid my container for his hair in my pocket. As soon as I saw him and I jogged over.
“Hey honey.” I said hugging him and kissing his cheek. Then I yanked a few hairs out and slipped them into my container.
“Hey and did you poke my head?” He asked as I let go.
“No, why?” I pretended to be innocent and he shrugged.
“Thought I felt something but I guess not.”
“Yeah so I have a question for you.”
“Fire away, no pun intended.” He said and I amped up the charm and giggled.
“Okay funny man, just kidding I know you didn’t mean to. Anyway my question was if you could just take a little bottle and maybe if you cry out of desperation to be with me in the next forty-eight hours put a tear in the bottle.” I said and smiled making him laugh.
“That was a good one Aqua but I don’t cry. I get aggravated sometimes but crying? That’s just not going to happen.”
“But I’m serious, I need it for a potion.”
“Whoa you need this for a potion and you weren’t going to tell me that?”
“I was going to if you laughed.”
“So you were going to let me do it for you without knowing what is for if I agreed though.”
“Oskan don’t be mad it’s for us.”
“Oh really or is it for power?” He asked angrily and I was shocked.
“What?! How could you?! Of course not. It was going to be for a potion for us to be able to be together without almost killing each other.” I said, starting to raise my voice.
“It doesn’t matter, you should have told me!”
“It does matter! Didn’t you hear me? I was going to but you just assumed that this was for evil or something. How could you incline that I was doing something for evil?” I shouted.
“I don’t know! I don’t really know you that well do I?” He shouted back and I felt tears well up in my eyes.
“OSKAN! Yes you do, take it back. We’ve been together for two weeks and already love each other. I thought we knew each other really well.” I started loud but quieter as the tears took effect. People were staring and I didn’t even care.
“Great, not you’ve made people stare. God you can’t do much right can you? And apparently I was wrong about how well I knew you, or maybe even how much I loved you.” He yelled and I fought to stay standing at his words. Then I looked up at his eyes, I had dropped mine when the tears had started. His eyes were black.
“Honey, you are not yourself. You need to come with me.”
“No, I won’t be doing anything with you.”
“Sweety listen yes you will I don’t know what is going on with you but something is wrong.” I told him calming down.
“Nothing is wrong except for you; you are the flaw in the way of my success.” He said and I reached out to touch his hand with mine which he proceeded to slap. I felt tears fall from my eyes even though I was calmer and knew that it wasn’t him speaking. It was something else.
“Okay your right, how can I get out of your way?” I asked pulling out my phone and hitting record, I had a feeling he wouldn’t believe what he was about to say later.
“We need to break up for that to happen.”
“Okay so then it’s over?” I asked and even though I knew it was fake I started crying. I didn’t know how long whatever was in him was going to stay in him. For all I knew it could stay for a long time and I wouldn’t be able to see him again at least not on a love level.
“Yes. I’ll bring your stuff to you this afternoon.” He said turning on his heel and heading in the direction of his apartment. I put my back to the wall and leaned against it. I say people putting away their phones and staring at me. I slowly fell into a sitting position as the tears fell from my eyes. I didn’t know how to start trying to figure out what was in Oskan. All I knew was that it made him act totally different, his aura stay the same, and his eyes turn black. The worst part was I didn’t see what got into him, because he had been normal at first. I sighed and picked myself up. I need some chai tea to calm down. I was going to have them put two pumps of white chocolate flavoring in it today. I deserved the treat. When I got to the coffee shop dates and groups of friends were there. It gave a good aura and I was glad. It made me feel a little bit better. However I was then really conscious of how my mascara must have run. I knew that I could just use a spell but I didn’t want to and had also been lazy that morning. I was also hyper aware of the redness my face must have.
“Aqua? What’s wrong with you?” Johnny asked as I approached the counter.
“Just a rough day is all.”
“That can’t be it. You look like you’ve been crying and I don’t think you take crying as something to do whenever you feel like it.” He said and I nodded.
“I have but that’s not important.”
“All right, what do you want?”
“You know what I want, I order it any time I cry or am having a wonderful time.” I said and he nodded.
“All right, we’ll make this one the house today.”
“Thank you.” I smiled grateful as he handed me one with the little straw I like to drink out of so I didn’t stain my teeth. I started to leave and ran into Leo. I tried to push the tears away and talk about him right off the bat. “Hey Leo, what’s up?”
“Hey nothing much.” He said and then frowned. I knew I couldn’t keep the subject on him for to long, he was too much like a brother to me. “What’s up with you?”
“Oh nothing really.” I lied.
“Don’t lie; you know that something is up.”
“I’ve just had a rough day is all.”
“Tell me about it. What happened to make it rough?”
“Oskan and I… we…” I trailed off choking on my tears and his concern grew.
“You and Oskan what?”
“We had a fight and we.. we”
“Take your time.”
“We well he broke up with me. He said he’ll have my stuff by the afternoon.” I said crying more.
“That little.. when is he going to stop ruining people’s relationships? I should go do something right now.”
“No you can’t I haven’t finished. It was weird his eyes were black and I don’t know what evil thing was in him but something was.” I said still sobbing.
“Alright, here come here.” He said and I got closer and he wrapped an arm around me. With his other hand he pulled out a phone and dialed a number. “Aqua is crying. Good I’ve got your attention. I know you hate me but I need you to come to the on campus coffee shop and comfort your sister while I sort Oskan out for what he did.” He said. “Because of what he did to her not anything else.” He paused and then explained what I had explained. Before I knew it I was being handed to Elle and Leo was leaving.
“Aqua listen I am so sorry. We will find out what demon got into him. You know that he loves you and wouldn’t do this on his own right?” She asked and I nodded. She calmed me and when I was done crying I took a sip of my now cold tea.
“Okay since I’m done crying can I get this heated up?” I asked her and she nodded. She took my tea to be heated up. I realized that the tears were I was crying were of desperation to be with my love. So I took out a bottle and put a few (using a handy dandy spell to get them off of my face) in a bottle. When she came back I felt better. I took a big drink of my tea and stood up. “Okay come on, if I stay here and don’t move around I’ll cry even more. I don’t think either of us wants that.”
“No we don’t. Come on we can go into town and buy new shoes if you want.” She said and I smiled. Deep down I still felt terrible but I wanted to push it down. She was going through a break up to. So maybe we could get through them together.
“Okay. You want some to?”
“Well there are some flats I had my eyes on.” She said and I nodded.
“Yeah I need some new flats to. There are some with a cute little bow on them.” I told her. We left campus and went to a human shoe store. We both looked around for about an hour and then both ended up buying three pairs of shoes instead of the original one pair. One of mine was navy blue flats and one was a pair of nude pumps. The other was a pair of sparkly pumps in silver. Hers were all flats of course in different colors. One was brown, the other navy, and the others white. We left the store happy and entered a craft store. I bought things to make feather earrings with while she proceeded to buy lace to trim the white flats with. When we got home she went to work on her shoes while I went to work on my earrings. When she was done I had about fifteen pairs of earrings done. I gave her some of course and we were trying them on when I heard a knock at the door.
“I’ve got it.” I said hopping up.
“You sure?” She asked and I nodded. I answered the door to see Oskan standing there with normal eyes, well as normal as they could be when one was bruised black and blue.
“Hello Oskan.”
“Hello. Listen I am so sorry. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing. Some black thing was in me. It must have been taking over. I have no memory of even doing any of the things Leo told me I did. The last thing I remember was you requesting a tear or something. Then after that it was being punched in the face by Leo and then me demanding an explanation.” He poured out everything all at once and I was overwhelmed and started crying again. Besides the being overwhelmed part I wasn’t sure why I was crying. I guess from relieve. “Aqua, shh shhh, it’s going to be okay. Listen I’m back and if you can find it in your heart to take me back please do it. I can understand if you don’t but I do love you.” He said hugging me and I fell into his shoulder.
“I thought that the evil inside you might last forever but I didn’t know. I thought it would be leave but I had no way of knowing. You said you didn’t love me as much as you thought and that I was in the way of your success.” I sobbed into his shoulder and he held me.
“All of that was the evil lying. I love you more than anyone. Aqua please understand that.” He said and could see tears welling up in his eyes as well. He pulled out a bottle and placed the tears inside using a spell. “Here you can even have the tears you wanted.” He said putting the bottle in my pocket.

“I didn’t know how long it would last. Or if you would ever return. I just know that I can’t live without you. It hurt so badly. I need you to hold me.” I looked up and he kissed my forehead before smiling.
“I would never leave you under my own will. And I will hold you as long as you need me to.” He told me and I felt the tears dry as they stopped flowing. When I calmed down I stood on my toes and kissed him quickly. I pulled out of his arms and went back to my sister who was awkwardly sitting there. However not as awkwardly as I thought she would be.
“That is so sweet! Wish I had someone like that.” She said and I felt my eyebrows rise. That’s what I told her before Oskan came. “What? Oh, Leo, I don’t count him because if he was like that I would be with him right now.”
“Okay sure.” Then wanting a change in subject before she argued with me I complimented her. “The red feathers look really good on you, mixed with the gold they really compliment you skin’s undertones.” I told her and she smiled.
“Thank you.”
“Your welcome.” I told her and then felt Oskan grab an earring that was dangling from my ear.
“I noticed you had some new earrings. Did you buy some?” He asked and I turned with a bragging smile.
“No, actually I made these and Elle dressed up her new shoes. And yes I also have new shoes. I also love bragging rights if you couldn’t tell.”
“Well then, may I see these shoes?” He said and I couldn’t tell if he thought that they would be bad or good.
“You sure can.” Elle said pulling up her shoes and he looked slightly surprised.
“Nice work Elle I’m sure others would like to see them.” He said winking at me and I knew where he was going and played along.
“Yeah maybe others at a party. Actually isn’t there a party this Saturday?” I asked Oskan and he nodded.
“Yes remember we were invited and allowed a plus one each?”
“Oh that’s right you should come Elle. Be my plus one.”
“Well nothing you have the shoes, I know you have the dress and you have a party animal inside you. You’ve got everything you need.”
“Well I can’t say no to the party animal inside me.”’
“YES! That a girl, and when we go in the morning to buy a rug we’ll pick up some eyeliner.”
“Okay, Aqua don’t get ahead of yourself though. I’m not letting you go full out on my makeup and stuff. If we’re going to a party I’m going to dance. Which means I’m going to sweat, makeup and sweat don’t go together. “
“That’s okay the humans have this great stuff and I know a spell but we can use the spray. You just spray it on your makeup and it lasts for hours. It’s called a makeup sealer or something like that.” I explained to her groan.
“Fine but no black smokey eye, if I’m going to wear white we can’t do black.”
“I know, that’s why we’re doing silver. It will also go with your silver jewelry.”
“Fine but I’m going to eat dinner now if you don’t mind.”
“Alright.” We all left for dinner and then went our separate ways home. The rest of the week went lovely and by Saturday I was hoping up and down with excitement.
Chapter 10: More Evil and the party
“Come on Elle we need to get up.” I said shaking my sister before giving up on that and just ripping off her blanket.
“Aqua! Fifteen, twenty minutes and I will be ready to get ready. I just need a little more sleep.”
“No Elle, it’s already nine thirty.”
“Fine I’m up anyway.” She said pulling herself up and walking to her closet.
“Good, don’t dress too nice. Shopping is just a ponytail thing.”
“Okay now get out so that I can change will you?”
“On it!” I said and since I was already up I went and grabbed my cash and pulled on my shoes. During my anticipation for her to get up I had gotten dressed and did all those morning activities already. Twenty minutes later I was already by the door as she walked out of her bedroom.
“Alright let’s get the rug and eyeliner and then I will let you get to work.” She said and I grinned. We left and as soon as we were at the magick rug store I saw the perfect blanket for my chair even if we were only there for a rug. I pulled Elle in and pulled it down. On one side there were beautiful flames enchanted to look real. The other side had waves again enchanted to look real and moving. They met in the middle to make a yin and yang sign. The crazy part was that on the flame side it was hot and the water side was cold. But when they met in the middle for the yin and yang it was just warm, the perfect blend of the two. I knew it would be pricey but looked at the price tag anyway. Seventy-five dollars, and elegant script read on the back of the tag. I sighed and hung it back up.
“Maybe next month.” I said and noticed Elle glance at the cashier.
“Yeah, next month.”
“Doesn’t matter, let’s go get a rug.”
“Listen you know which ones I like, I have to talk to the cashier girl. I think I know her from somewhere.”
“Okay sure.” I went to the rug area and looked at the three we liked best. It took me twenty minutes but I settled on the multi-colored one. It was kind of a shag carpet but was very soft. It started dark blue on one end and then faded to a purple. From there it faded to pink all the way into a dark red. It was amazingly only twenty-five dollars so I headed to the register where Elle was waiting.
“Decide on one?”
“Yup, I love this one, it’s absolutely gorgeous.”
“It really is.” We paid for the rug and then went to the beauty store. In side of course I ended up buying more than just eyeliner. I also bought new mascara and a twenty pack of false lashes. We headed back to the school and reached the forest when Elle turned to me.
“I’m going to go for a walk. Come get me when you have all the supplies you need for me arranged okay?” I nodded and then left. She went into the forest where I could see her quickly find her favorite trail. When I went back to our dorm Oskan was waiting for me.
“Where’s Elle?”
“Taking her usual walk. I’m arranging the makeup and hair supplies for my work station. It will be a shorter process than if I’m disorganized.”
“That’s nice. Anything else you have to do while she’s out?” He asked as we sat in my room. Well he sat on my bed while I sat on my chair.
“Nope.” I said putting the eyeliner on the table and then whirling and wheeling my chair to my makeup organizer. It had sixteen drawers that were jam packed. I opened the one that I had labeled eyes and pulled out my matte and shimmery silver eye shadows. Then I pulled our my white shimmery highlight and the brown eyeliner. Then I opened the ‘cheek’ drawer and pulled out bronzer and a soft peach blush. Then I wheeled to my bookshelf where I pulled out a photos for inspiration with my left hand while my right fumbled for my curling iron.
“Looking for this?” Oskan asked handing me the exact two curling irons I needed.
“Why yes thank you.”
“Just speeding up the process for you.”
“And why would we be doing that?”
“No reason really.”
“Alright then, put those on the right side of the vanity.” I told him before pulling out all the hair styling products I thought I might need. When I was done I scanned the pictures and circled the things I was going to do with Elle in blue pen. Then I set them in the middle of the organized line of products. “Now what were you rushing me for?” I asked wheeling around to see him.
“For this reason.” He pulled me to him and then muttered a spell. Then he pulled me onto my lap and started kissing me. I knew we shouldn’t but I kept kissing him. A few minutes later I felt a burning on my neck. I pulled back to see Oskan sigh. “Did I burn you?”
“Yup, you sure did.” I said healing it. “Now what was that spell for?”
“It was supposed to keep me under control but it didn’t work.”
“That sucks.”
“Yeah it does.” He said and then I gasped. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. “What? Aqua what is it?”
“Elle, come on we have to go.” I said pulling him up and running outside. I ran toward the forest. Leo saw us running and followed.
“What is going on?” Leo asked.
“I don’t know.” Oskan answered. “Aqua what is going on?”
“Elle something is wrong with her. I felt it through the bond.” I said and Leo ran harder. We found her a minute later sobbing a bit in the middle of her trail.“Elle?” I walked over with Leo and he put his hand on her shoulder. Then she whirled around and cried harder than before into his shoulder. She almost fell but he caught her.
“What happened?” Leo asked and she shook her head.
“I don’t know. I was just walking… and then…” She tried to catch her breath and sobbed more.
“It’s okay take you time.” I told her which she nodded in response to.
“Then there was blackness all around me. I couldn’t breathe… then I passed out. Then there was this message.”
“A message?”
“Yeah a guy came out of fog. I was having a vision sort of. Then he well he told me that I had better run. And to stop doing witchcraft. That he was coming for me and that I may be the one to survive out of us in the future but I wasn’t going to again. He said something about being from the future. He showed me pictures of all of your deaths. It was terrible. You died from different things, being burnt, spells and other things.” She shuddered and took a deep breath.
“What did this man look like?”
“He was bald with a black witch hunting sign on his forehead. He was cloaked in black and had long black fingernails. It wasn’t nail polish though, it was his actual nail.” She answered and I looked around. I thought hard but couldn’t get the mental image matched with an actual picture. “Can I have a few moments alone with Leo please?” She looked happy to be in his arms so I nodded taking Oskan’s hand and pulling him into the thicker part of the forest.
“What do you think the thing that attacked Elle was?” Oskan asked but I already had figured out the answer.
“Witch hunters, ones that have witches and dark spirits on their side. Maybe the spirits of those who lost loved ones to the witches. The witches probably don’t like magick and want to renounce magick. If that is the case they probably would tag team with dark spirits. Dark spirits don’t care if they kill humans or have to kill others as long as they eventually get their desired targets.” I explained as he nodded and his eyes grew wider.
“They must be working with someone on the inside of the school.”
“True the school has way to many protection spells to be penetrated by even the darkest and strongest forces.”
“Do you think the teachers would let us do a search of different dorms?”
“Yes but it will be hard. We will have to have some teachers help us. There are too many dorms for the four of us to do alone even if we each did an element.”
“Good point, when Elle and Leo are done we should tell them.”
“Of course.” Then, speak of a twin; there Elle was with Leo, their hands intertwined. I raised my eyebrows and made a heart shape in the air with my hands.
“Yes we are ‘fixed’ if that’s what you call it.” Elle laughed and I smiled.
“Thank the Goddess! I was about to pass out from the drama between you two. Also I’m sorry but I have to. I told you so, I knew you couldn’t resist him.”
“Yeah yeah, now what were you two talking about?”
“What attacked you and what we have to do to start stopping it.” She looked confused so I briefed her on me and Oskan’s conversation.
“That is a good thing to do but the searches would have to be random and secret. Otherwise whatever or whoever is helping them would know to hide their stuff or themelves.”
“True, but when to do it. I know tonight, people won’t notice if we don’t show up for once. “
“Yeah let’s go talk to the dean.” We left for the dean but when we arrived we saw iron filings in a pile in front of his door. I was alarmed and looked at Oskan. We quickly moved the filings with our hands. We would have used magic but iron filings made magic useless unless it was dark. Which of course being lights, we weren’t going to use any dark magic. He opened the door and we saw the dean passed out with a woman standing above him. She had a knife in her hand but then I realized as she turned around that she wasn’t a lady.
Chapter 11: First encounter
“Well hello there children.”
“Who are you?” Elle asked straight off.
“Well well aren’t we testy? I wouldn’t be. However I’ll answer your question. First you have to guess though.” She smiled and I was creeped out. She had no teeth; most spirits had the image at least. But what little teeth she did have was black. I saw Leo sneakily slide out his phone but she knew. She zoned in on him. “No phones! Play fair.” She said and his phone was gone. Then I recognized her face. She was the lady who had lost her husband in my book. I tried for a name and she smiled turning to me. “I saw a light go off in your eyes, now who am I?”
“You’re Amelia. You are the one who lost your husband. I researched you once and it said you died bitterly.”
“Which is why she’s a dark spirit now.” Elle interjected. And then Amelia flew to her and got directly in her face.
“Interrupting is rude witch.” Then she pulled her knife to Elle’s throat. I made eye contact with Elle and mouthed light. She nodded and I grabbed a hand of Leo’s and one of Oskan’s. I focused on my inner light growing and the coming out. Then I thought of how happy I had felt when I saw Elle and Leo get back together. Then I opened my eyes to see four orbs. I combined them and all of us made it start to float toward Amelia.
“Amelia you don’t have to do this. We’re not all bad you know. I’m sorry about what happened to your husband but that was the past. They call it the past for a reason, so that you will put it past you.”
“I don’t care what you say, witchcraft killed him not bad witches. They are all bad.” She pushed the blade in a little further and then the orb hit her in the back of the head. Her hands flew up and the blade up in the air. Then the rest of her disappeared leaving just her knife in the doorway. I ran to the dean’s desk and pulled out salt. Then I quickly poured it around the knife and muttered a detoxifying spell. Then I pulled out a match and threw it on. After three minutes I used water to extinguish the fire. Then I picked up the knife turning to see the principal waking up. I don’t know why but I hid the knife in my shoe.
“What happened? Why are you four here?” The dean asked.
“You were attacked. By an evil spirit.” I answered.
“But how did she become an evil spirit?”
“She died bitterly, after her husband. We destroyed her but I think the school should be searched. There are witch hunters in this school. There is no other way this darkness could get in.”
“Alright well we will announce it.”
“No, that isn’t wise. A surprise inspection at random times of random sections of the school. We should also make everyone give magickal swears to not tell. That way they can’t break them and the person won’t know.”
“Yes very well. I hope you four are getting to the bottom of this. You may leave but Aqua I would like to speak to you,” he said sitting at his desk. I nodded and the others filing out giving me bewildered looks. I had no idea why he was making me stay behind either so I shrugged. “Sit.” He said once everyone was out and the door shut.
“What do you want to talk to me about?”
“It is my understanding that you and Oskan are in a serious relationship. That you believe you are soul mates.”
“Yes we are a couple and we are soul mates.”
“Now now, there is no need to believe false emotions. That could kill you, just like it killed your parents.”
“My parents were in love! They died from a dark force. You are blinded with stupidity if you think otherwise.”
“Tut tut. You and I both know they were but you are not. Tell me what do you feel when you are with him?”
“Electricity, everything good.”
“Pure nonsense.”
“What is pure nonsense is that you think that you can tell me who I am and am not in love with. The other nonsense is that you can lie about the way you feel about your wife. You can either tell me you’re not in love with her or you are and feel sparks when you come close.”
“What I feel is none of your business.”
“Why? Wait, I know, because you know I am in love.”
“Nonsense but I can’t control what you think and your relationships. You just might want to be careful though. He thinks your sister is pretty.”
“So? He believes that I am beautiful. Looks don’t control love anyway.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.08.2011

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