
Chapter. 1 Getting Ready (The Dream)
When I woke up, I looked beside me and all I saw was Elle, my sister.
“Five more minutes,” I groaned.
“No, it’s the first day and you’re getting up.”
“I was up practicing my cheer, please just five.”
“Fine.” She left, and I knew I was being annoying so I got up.
I had gone shopping last week for a new wardrobe, just for school. While going through my clothes my mind wandered to my dream, so far I’ve had it every night and couldn’t get over it.
It was sunny outside and I was out in my new Old Navy Sundress, I’m at the lake sitting on a bench with my sister. I hear guys laughing, and self-conscious as I am, I look up to make sure it wasn’t at me. I look up and a blond guy looks at me and our eyes lock. The second they do my body feels like millions of bolts of electricity have been sent through me. Then I look down trying to deceiver this feeling, but I regret it. When I look up again and see him, he’s looking away talking to some brunette guy. My heart is still beating fast from the pain until Elle looked over with her perfect, tan complexion and concern in her eyes which are framed with perfect lashes, that I am jealous of, and I want to slap her for having them, but that goes away when she starts speaking.
“Aqua what’s wrong?” I didn’t even respond because I was in a trance staring at his perfected blonde hair. Stupid me, I thought to love someone I didn’t know that was probably laughing at how I blushed when he looked at me, though I was wearing some blush so he couldn’t pin it on that. “Aqua what’s wrong?!?!” She said it so loud; I knew she must have yelled it out because he turned to look.
I recover fast, as always and lie, “Nothing.” I realize I’m still looking at him as he walks over. I look down and hear him get down on the ground. He gently and very slowly grabs my chin, and lifts my face.
“You okay?” his eyes are full of concern, and my heart flutters wildly. I was moved by how he cared for me. I looked at him and we locked eyes, my blush concealing the real one I could feel warming my cheeks, and then I felt a smile break over my face.
“Umm.” I tried to find my voice as fast as possible. “I’m fine. I just scraped my hand getting my purse, I do that sometimes.” I, still smiling, laughed a bit at its truth. He lifted my hand, and there was an actual cut there. I frowned at it, knowing that it must have done it when all my stress and fears came back, he was frowning to. I hated seeing him frown, it looked wrong on his face. I want; no I needed him to smile.
“What’s your name? I’m Oskan,” Oskan said interrupting my thoughts.
“I’m Aqua.” I mumbled his name, though he didn’t hear, I was uncharacteristically having a lot of luck. He took my hand and led me to his car while I followed. While I waited, he got into it thrusting another glance at me emerged with a coat and a Band-Aid. He put the Band-Aid on my hand and handed me the coat, he must have seen me shivering. I couldn’t break the smile on my face and didn’t realize I’d stopped breathing until I got dizzy. I loved that the last thing I saw was his smile, the one that matched his angelic features.
My review of the dream and my thoughts of it stopped as I found my first day outfit, remarkably only taking a few minutes to find. It was a beautiful Max Azria dress a teal-blue color with a black tie around the back; I paired it with my new three quarter sleeve shrug, and a cute pair of flats, my friend Jenna was bringing my earrings. I was walking to the kitchen for breakfast, when I saw my sister going to the bathroom with some putrid looking clothing on her arm.
I grabbed her arm, “What are you doing?” I questioned.
“Taking a shower and then getting dressed,” I looked at the sweats and the plain tee on her arm as I rolled my eyes and sighed, I just bought her beautiful new clothes for school. I took them away and shushed her as she began to protest. I grabbed a better outfit while she went into her bathroom for a shower and put the disgusting one where it should go, in the trash. When she got out and I knew she had a towel on I knocked lightly.
“I’ve got your clothes.” I told her as I walked into our small, yet going to be expanded bathroom. I gave her a very cute blue and black plaid skirt with black lace around the bottom, but gave her black tights to wear underneath to make her more comfortable. I also gave her identical flats and a plain blue shirt with a black undershirt for her.
“Ten minutes to get dressed then I’m doing something about your hair.” I smiled and pushed back a loose lock of my golden blonde hair out of my face. I left and took down the hot curlers while she dressed and sprayed a bit of my hairspray into my hair. Then, of course, I walked back.
“I like it. You look nice except for the curly hair.” She said jokingly, but smiling letting me know I looked good.
“Well I know that you don’t like curly hair, but I do. I’ll straighten yours though, you’re going to wear a black bow and I’m wearing a blue one. So just hold still, so I don’t burn you while I fix your hair. After I was done, I did both of our makeup. Black eye-liner, all around with simple blue shadow for her but mine was a beautiful blue smoky eye emphasizing my eyes. I also put on foundation and mascara, even though Elle says I look better without foundation, I think it gives me a beautiful photo-finish. We grabbed our binders and left. We didn’t talk though; we never did during school and waiting for the bus counted as school.
Chapter 2 My first day of the torture they call school
When I got on the bus, I immediately smiled at my friends in the back of bus. “I’m back!” I shouted happily at them.
“Hey girl!” of course was their response, I was the leader of our hive, our girl mafia.
I noticed that Sapphire was back. I couldn’t be mean, that wasn’t me, but Elle would be peeved if I wasn’t. I guess we’ll have to be friends for now, besides it was Elle’s fault in a way.
“So who here is trying out for cheerleading with me?”, I asked, knowing they would all raise their hands and shout “Duh!”, it was kind of a ritual, and they followed through.
“Where are my earrings Jenna?” I asked suspicious that she threw them away for the more pretty real pair.
“Well… I couldn’t stand it! I had to buy you the real diamonds! They look the same though!!”
“That’s fine. I knew you would. So who here has the latest fashions, makeup, and perfume in their room right now?”
“We all do Aqua, why do you ask us still?” asked Brooke.
“Because, it’s like a clique ritual, duh”, I said. I glanced at my sister who was talking to some guys. Good for her, she’s making friends. And a cute one to, wait I couldn’t think that, I didn’t know them, and Elle needed them.
“So who is dating who?” I asked, curious, but not just about them, about Elle’s friends to.
“I’m dating Zach.” Jenna said. Of course you are, all last year you were in love and then you hated him for cheating, off and on like a switch.
“I’m dating Nick.” Brenna said.
“And I’m dating Cody. Who are you dating?” asked Brooke.
“I’m dating Jake, I finally said yes to the movies last Friday.”
“Then why is he talking to your sister, and some new guy instead of being over here with you?” Sapphire asked.
“I let him talk to others freely; no one wants to be clingy, besides its girl time right now.” I lied, though I knew it hurt to see that, and how I didn’t have anyone else to date if he dumped me. No one else interested me at the moment. The rest of our conversation was stuff just like that, but a bit different. Then we were at school and I pushed the thoughts away as Jake carried my stuff for me and I made my entrance, the last off, shouting my signature line as I got off to my friends, who had already arrived.
“I’m back!” I was greeted with many squeals, hugs, and guys staring at my beauty as usual. Then because I felt bad for excluding her I walked over to my sister.
“Who’s this?” I asked teasing her as I got closer.
“This is … Rye.” She seemed hesitant, but I assume that that was just her being nervous, because all of my friends were there. He nodded to me, and stepped closer to my sister as if I was going to steal her or something which bugged me but I just put it off as nerves.
“I’m guessing this is the famous Aqua I’ve heard so much about.” He said, while my sister proceeded to nod and smile at his joke. Little does he know that really is the truth around here. Everyone talks about me like I’m a celebrity, he hung around Jake so he probably heard about me when I said yes to him.
“Not from her, I’m guessing.” I said, nodding towards Elle. My friends started to whisper and giggle behind me, I frowned knowing that they were talking about her.
“Nope. She doesn’t talk too much when other people come around. And when we do talk it’s never about herself.” He said, this bugged me who does he thinks he is trying to fill me in on my own sister, and who is he trying to impress knowing a bunch of crap about my sister?
“I’m standing right here! I’m so sick of everyone talking about me! Get a life, and stop bugging me about mine! I’m fine! You want to know about me? I’m 15, my favorite colors green, when I’m in the water you can’t get me out, I love it outside, I sing to escape reality, I haven’t had a boyfriend for three years, my last friend stopped talking to me a year and a half ago, everyone thinks I’m crazy and I don’t care, and I wish everyone would just leave me alone!” My sister exploded, and she had started to cry half way in but I don’t think she noticed. Her new friend Rye was staring at her with his mouth open, and some feeling that looked like pain in his eyes that bugged me. It’s not like they’re dating, why does he care, besides what? Does he think that he can just waltz right in and freaking knows what she’s like? I’m the one who has to help her not him.
She took a calming breath as I hugged her and whispered over and over, “It’s going to be ok.” Her breathing slowly became more even and I knew she was calm now, plus she got out of the hug, and wiped her eyes, a signal that she was definitely calm now. I think she was feeling guilty for hurting her friend because she looked down.
“I’m sorry Rye. I told you that you didn’t want to be my friend.” She mumbled. That second I knew that she cared about him, and that I had to leave him alone because this was her first friend for a long time and possibly her first boyfriend to. His eyes were still wide as she looked up, and he looked down. Then he looked at her and relaxed.
“Just because your hurt doesn’t mean I’m going to stop being you friend. You can’t get rid of me that easy. Especially since it was so much to get you to speak.” He whispered. He lifted her face, and smiled. Ewe, that is going to get annoying, you don’t see Jake being all mushy gushy, and they aren’t even dating. I think I’m jealous, wait jealous of her? No way, it’s just her annoying friend getting to me.
“Smile and try to be happy for me or at least for yourself.” He asked, and she nodded then walked away. He started to go after her, but I knew better, she needed her space so I stopped him and told him to give her a minute. I knew he would so I left to talk to Jake, Sapphire stayed behind like the little jerk she is. That is so like her, why can’t she leave my sister alone I mean what happened to her happened so long ago why can’t she drop it?
“Hey Jake! So what’s your sched?” I asked curious, the girls were talking to their boyfriends in the group, or flirting with their crushes, I didn’t really care.
“Uumm, football, why what’s yours?” He asked, but he kept looking at the guys like he wanted to talk to them more or something. What the hell?! This is going to get annoying, why can’t he be romantic like Rye? He wasn’t even dating my sister, and he already treated her like a girl in a chick flick.
“Cheerleading, so I guess I get to cheer you on. What position are you trying for?” I asked, happy that I could cheer for him, but also still kind of annoyed but I just flashed my sweetest smile and looked up at his blue-grey eyes.
“Sounds cool, and first-liner.” He now seemed happy that I was cheering him on, or he was happy to see my face light up. Finally some romance, now I see why I like him. I wish I knew what first-liner was, I still didn’t understand football, all I know is that you had to have the most points to win.
Then the bell rang, and he walked me to the field carrying my stuff for me and smiling at me.
“Good luck, I hope you make it, and maybe even captain of your section.” I told him, truly hoping he would. That would be so cool, I mean I could be captain of the cheerleading squad, and he could be captain of the first-liners.
“Um, there is no captain of the football team, or the sections, but thanks and I hope you make captain of the cheerleading team.” He corrected me with a smile. Well how was I supposed to know, and how did they function without anyone in charge besides the coach? Now I feel bad, because he didn’t even have to ask about cheerleading to know what I was going for. I must have been frowning while thinking, because he leaned down, he was three or four inches taller, and then kissed my cheek.
“It’s okay that you didn’t know a lot of people don’t.” He smiled, and then jogged to his locker room to change. I didn’t realize we were even to the field, so I walked to the locker room to change into uniform with the other girls.
“So, I see Jake still looovvvees you,” my friends teased.
“Yeah well, that doesn’t mean I’m going to be any weaker trying out for captain.” I said simply, even though I knew none of them would dare try out for captain while I was. “Brooke and Sapphire, I want you two to try out for co-captain.”
Then we all walked down to the field and tried out for our places, then just practiced some cheers, and flips. Jake scored a goal, and then smiled at me; we would know what positions we made at the end of the day. How sweet, he did that for me. So I did the most difficult flip and cheer I had for him, and smiled. Then class was over, he didn’t have the next few classes with me, because I was advanced in everything and he wasn’t, but he still walked me to every class. During class, me and my friends passed notes and whispered when teachers weren’t paying attention, although most of them didn’t really care. Then it was lunch time, my second time of the day, next to the end of it. Jake walked me to lunch of course.
“Will you sit with us at lunch today Jake?” I asked hoping he would say yes, I grinned and looked up at him.
“Actually, I promised I would hang with the guys.” He told me, already looking at his table. He must have saw that I was disappointed because he said, “How about I do tomorrow, and today I get you your usual salad instead?” I nodded and smiled, even though I was still disappointed, I was good at faking happiness, it was my specialty. He brought me my lunch and I went to sit by my sister, I wanted to talk to her, so I sat across from her.
“Hey.” I said smiling, because her friend was there which made me happy to see her happy.
“Hi.” They said at the same time. “Bye.” Elle said, and then left for a different table. What is wrong with her! I didn’t even do anything today. I didn’t even have any classes with her yet so I couldn’t peeve her off.
“Sorry, but I’ve got to go after her.” Rye said apologetically. Oh my god, are you kidding me she totally just blew me off, and he is going to comfort her? That is not going to happen. I’m not sure why this bothered me but something about my sister getting his attention bugged me.
“You’re not even dating. I could be a better friend.” I told him, and saw my sister freeze, sit her tray down and walk over to where me and my friends were sitting.
“You had better take that back right now.” She growled at me.
“No. It’s not like you’d do anything about it.” I said plainly. She wouldn’t either. Besides, she brought this on herself by being a jerk.
“Sounds like you’ve been hanging out with your pet snobs to long. Their attitude is starting to rub off on you.” She spat at me.
“I would rather have an attitude then mope around all day, and ignore every decent person. Besides I only said the truth. I could be a better friend to him. I wouldn’t make him leave his friends to talk to me, and I certainly wouldn’t go around making him feel bad for me.” I said starting to get angry with her little stupid comments.
“If you say one more thing you are going to see what anger can do to a person.” She hissed fiercely, but still quietly.
That was the end of my freaking line I started to sneer at her. “Really, okay. Here’s the honesty you say you want so dearly, you’re a cruel person that tries to make everyone feel bad for you. You are a heartbreaker, and you’re probably playing Rye for all he’s worth.” I was standing, and throwing my words at her now. Then she punched me in the stomach. At that moment I hated her, and I knew it was in my eyes because it was in hers, and her angry tears were going down her face, but a few hurt ones were going down mine. Then her friend pulled her back. I heard him mumble something to her, but I didn’t care she needed to learn her place soon, before I got really mad. He hugged her, as if she needed one in my opinion she didn’t need his comfort. No teachers said anything; they probably thought it was me getting the attention. Then she broke away from Rye.
“Your pathetic, a no good liar, and I hate you.” She said it with no emotion. Whatever, she was the one taking advantage of her new friend, not me. She didn’t have to start this battle, she knows she only gets hurt starting them, but that’s fine with me she can just go die in a hole for all I care.
“You don’t mean that. She’s you sister and you’ll always love her. She’s just jealous for some reason. Just try to understand she didn’t mean what she said either.” He told her as they sat down at the table in front of ours. On second thought, she can bring her little friend with her to. I do hate her, who does he think he is trying to say I don’t mean that I hate her. Ugh why doesn’t he get that they shouldn’t be friends. And jealous? Of her? I DON’T THINK SO!
“You are not taking her side. She’s just a liar that pretends to be someone else, and when I say I hate her I mean it! You don’t know how she is, you only know a little bit about what she pretends to be! So don’t tell me to apologize because she’s the one that should.” How dare she, she always tries to do this. Oh look at me I’m all sad and alone, well in case she hasn’t noticed it’s her fault that she’s alone, if she was normal she would at least fake happiness to make friends.
“Elle look maybe your right about some things, but you punched her. I thought you could be the bigger person and that’s how you got through this, but you’re making me doubt you. You hit you sister, it makes me wonder what you would have done if it’d been someone else.” I heard him tell her.
“Look, I don’t know how many times I’ll have to tell you this; you don’t want to be my friend. You shouldn’t be my friend; I don’t want you to be. You will only get hurt if you hang around me.” She rushed her words, trying not to cry; I must have broken her. Good.
“Fine. Be that way but you’re making a mistake.” He said, disappointed. Ew, that is disgusting, defending her actions that she had no reason for, that she caused. You didn’t see me having Jake say, oh it’s okay because I like you, what a stupid reason.
Then he picked up his tray, and walked over to my table, and slammed his tray down. “I told you I was the better friend.” I told him, with a smile, triumphant.
“Alright I’ve had enough out of you two! Grow up or don’t talk to me anymore.” He shouted, then walked straight to the trash and dumped his tray. On his way back I shouted at him, frustrated.
“You’re making a big deal out of nothing! It’s not like your dating.” The rest of the day my friends and I talked about how awesome I was during the fight, and how my sister was a loser for thinking she could beat me. In drama, I noticed that Rye was ignoring Elle. Serves her right, I mean she was being a jerk for nothing, and then blew him off. I wish he would realize that I wouldn’t do that, and he should leave her for me. Finally, it was the end of the day, and I got to get on the bus, there was no way Jake could make up an excuse not to talk to me, only two of my friends were riding in the afternoon, and I told them I needed time to think, not that they would obey that.
I sat down in the bus, and when Jake got on he waved, but still sat by Rye and Elle. What is this? Every guy Aqua wants to talk to ignore her day? Fine I’ll talk to Sapphire and Brooke.
I just talked to them about the new perfumes we had bought, and then we exchanged ones that we didn’t have. Then I heard Rye tell Jake something about not talking to Elle.
“What about me?” I asked not meaning to say it aloud; I also meant it for Jake.
“Don’t talk to her either. In fact,” he said as he got up, “Nobody talk to Elle or Aqua.” He said it menacingly. Even the bus driver only looked at him. Whatever, I can talk to whoever I want to.
“Hey Aqua, I see Elle’s bodyguard is upset with the both of you.” Sapphire said, giving Elle an ugly smile.
“I said not to talk to them.” Rye said, butting in with some stupid threatening tone to his voice.
“Rye, I’m not scared of you, and besides you’re too much of a gentleman to hurt me.” She said it like a fact, and shaking her head.
“He’s being stupid.” Elle suddenly interjected. Great. Here we go again.
“Oh, Elle I’m not talking to you.” She said just like when she told Rye off. Good for her, and as much as I hated to admit I felt bad because I knew that she was probably going to lose.
“Why? I mean you can’t be mad still.” Elle said, yes she could. Why did she open herself for insults?
“I am still mad, and just like then I hate you.” She said like Elle was stupid, I mean she knew and now Sapphire was the one opening her own self for insults. What an idiot.
“Well, since we’re being straight forward, I hate you to. You need to grow up, and get over something that happened like two years ago.” Elle said, anger rising to her surface. Rye scooted close to her.
“Well at least your pet is loyal.” She said in disgust. Why couldn’t she just shut up? Now Elle is going to explode, and I have to deal with it. This is so not fair.
“Shut up, you don’t know anything! Hate me if you want, but don’t bring Rye into it because unlike him, I will hurt you!” That did it, Sapphire backed down. Good for her, she learnt that Elle doesn’t care what she does to her. But I’m still peeved for Elle not just ignoring her like she should have. I mean why should it bug her, it doesn’t bug her when others talk about her.
“It’s your stop.” Rye said handing her stuff to her.
“Thank you.” She said as she took it. Then she shoved past me, and practically ran off the bus. What the heck? What was that, I didn’t even do anything, little jerk. She also overreacted to Sapphire, which is going to be annoying for me and I know it.
Chapter 3: Dealing
“What the heck was that?!” I shouted at her when I came inside, throwing down my stuff down beside hers. “Don’t you think you overreacted a little bit?” I said slightly calmer now that I yelled a bit.
“No, I couldn’t have been calmer because, just because I couldn’t have been. I mean she gets under my skin, and just irritates me. She needs to let it go.” She said calmly, most likely her anger had fled once she got home.
“You broke her heart Elle.” I whispered, it was a touchy subject for her. She should know this; she won’t get over it easy. “She’s not going to forgive you so easily, and you reacted too much. I mean you barely know Rye. Do you already like him?” I asked, curious but distant. If they already like each other, I need to back off; Elle needs a boyfriend, besides I already have one. Why didn’t Jake and I click like that? Plus, why didn’t my personality attract him already? It attracts every guy I meet.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be talking to me.” She said calmly, she obviously didn’t want to talk about it.
“Right.” I said, biting my lip, she went to her room. After a second I decided to put on some music and use my mom’s desk for homework (also known as texting the girls.)
What r u doing this weekend? I texted Brooke.
Nothing. You want to practice cheers? She responded.
Idk depends, if I don’t make plans. G2g see u later ttfn. I told her, my weekends are always full so I wasn’t sure if I would get better plans later. I got bored quickly, none of the girls were doing anything so I went to talk to Elle, like it or not she was talking to me. Then my mom called, completely distracting me.
“Hey Aqua, listen I’m working late tonight. Can you guys handle dinner tonight?” she asked rushing. Nice mom, calling to tell me on break, nice to see how the order of importance comes in this house, can’t wait to get out.
“Of course mom. Good luck with what you’re doing.” I reassured her. Cheery like always and I won’t have to deal with her much longer.
“Thanks. Bye.” She said quickly before hanging up. Why does she even check anymore? Then I went to tell Elle that we had to cook dinner, or she did, I couldn’t cook unless it was out of a box, a vegetable, or just really easy. I knocked lightly on her door, noticing a bruise forming on my arm from where she shoved my earlier. I heard her turn down the music, and then she opened the door.
“Yes?” she asked.
“We have to make dinner; mom’s getting home late today.” I told her quietly, I didn’t really want to talk to her, my arm was already bruising, and I didn’t want another.
“Ok, and I’m sorry about your arm, I didn’t mean to do that.” She apologized, I smiled, but distant sometimes I wondered how many times I had to be apologized to for stuff like this from her.
“It’s ok. So what do you want to make?” I asked, changing the subject, I didn’t want to talk about her outburst.
“Roast beef, mashed potatoes, and corn?” She asked, making sure I was ok with what we were having, I could be picky sometimes, but today these were some of my favorites so I didn’t mind. Besides, it was non-beef roast beef for me so I could still eat it, I was a vegetarian.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” She cooked the meat, peeled the potatoes and boiled them. She had me mash the potatoes, and microwave the corn. I was happy that I could mash them this time. She set the table, and I served the food. “This is pretty good.” I said.
“Yeah, it’s pretty good.” She agreed. I just walked to the living room when I was finished I had new moves to learn for the step team. After that I taped my newest beauty tutorial for my YouTube account. I got hundreds of thousands of views per video. I was always getting free stuff from the company’s to try out because of all the viewers. I was a popular beauty guru, and I may possibly get to be in Seventeen magazines soon from it, though that isn’t what I wanted to be in it for, I wanted to be in it for singing, it was my passion. Then I called Jake.
“Hey, Aqua.” Jake said in that cute voice of his, he had caller ID so he already knew it was me calling.
“Hey. What’s up?” I asked.
“I’m babysitting. Hey I’ll call you later, ok? Bye.” He said before hanging up. Well that was short, that’s fine I could play that game to. Then I saw Elle race past me.
“Where are you going?” I asked, as she put on her flats.
“Coffee shop, tell mom for me.” She said, opening the door. I wondered; it was karaoke night.
“Wait, are you going to sing?” I asked, still puzzled as to why she was in such a hurry.
“No, why?” She asked closing the door.
“Well because tonight is karaoke. If you sing they give you a free coffee. Could you get me one, I’ll pay you back.” I asked, it was no big deal, I had her get me coffee all the time.
“Sure, but no I don’t plan on singing. I do plan on making Rye sing though.” She said with a huge smile.
“Sounds fun, can I come?” I asked, always seeking an opportunity for some sort of social activity.
“Actually, that’s probably not such a good idea, because, you know.” She said half frowning, and looking down. Oh, I get it, it’s a date. How cute, I’ll let her go alone, besides who wants to be a third wheel?
“It’s ok, I know when I’m not welcome, but seriously, bring my regular coffee, and we’ll talk later.” She thought she was getting out of talking about it, ha-ha. But she seriously better bring my cappuccino home for me.
Chapter 4: Plans for the weekend
Just a few minutes after she left, my mom came home.
“Where is Elle?” She asked, looking around for her.
“She is at the coffee shop, she has a little date. Don’t worry though, I’ve met him and he is really good to her, besides she’ll most likely bring him home to meet you, you know how she is about that.” I reassured her.
“Oh, good, I’ll be in my office doing some editing on my charts.” She said, walking to her office. I walked up to my room, and then my cell rang.
“Hello?” I said, kind of asking I didn’t know who it was; my caller ID said unknown.
“Hey, it’s Rob.” I heard the guy say, it was the former star quarter back of the football team (that is before he ditched it for basketball), I wondered why he was calling me, I barely knew him.
“Hey, so what are you calling for?” I asked.
“I was wondering what you were doing this weekend, and if you wanted to come to the movies with me?” He asked, the first of the year. Guys were always asking me out, at least once a week, so it wasn’t a shock that he did.
“Sorry, but I don’t know if I have plans, besides I’m dating Jake right now.” I said a slight attitude in my voice. I liked to be a heart-breaker sometimes; it was fun, besides that made the guys like me that much more, to know they couldn’t have me.
“Oh, okay, that’s fine.” He said a bit hurt, then I hung up, it was best to be as untouchable as possible, sometimes my love life was Miley Cyrus’ I Can’t Be Tamed. Then I practiced music for drama, we were doing Glee, an area of my expertise. Then I heard Elle get home, so I went down stairs to greet her, so did my mom, pretending to be busy in the living room.
“Mom, she told me they were going to study after, so don’t be mad at her for being late okay? Besides she texted me and said that she might be late, and to tell you.” I said, knowing she would be happy at her responsibility and let it slide.
“Ok, but I’m still meeting this boy.” She said, being all mom-like, Elle was her favorite a lot of times. Then they walked up to the porch, so I got up and answered the door. Score! She brought my treat!
“Oh, you brought home a treat.” I said, and then reached to get my coffee. “Hey Rye.” I saw their interlaced hands and smiled. How sweet, their just like a new, young couple. Kind of like me and Jake, but not I guess, he doesn’t do stuff like that.
“You aren’t supposed to get home this late without calling, but I covered for you,” I told her, giving her a famous you owe me look.
“Thanks, and I’ll fill you in later ok?” She said as mom walked in, pretending to just be in.
“Elle is that you? I was wondering if you had any plans tomorrow.” She said before noticing Rye standing there with her hand. “Oh. Well never mind, I guess Aqua can do it.” She approves, nice mom, making up a project so that you can walk in to see her boy.
“Thanks mom. Oh, this is Rye by the way.” Elle said, nodding towards him. I decided to play along with mom.
“Yeah, thanks mom.” I murmured the perfect player.
“Nice to meet you Mrs. Alaverez.” Rye said as he shook our mom’s hand.
“Nice to meet you too.” She said before the phone rang, and she ran into her office to answer it.
“Well, I should get going.” Rye said, and Elle gave a nod to the staircase, I knew that she would fill me in later so I played nice and headed upstairs. When I heard Elle go in her room a minute later, I didn’t miss a beat; I walked in her room and settled right into the blue rocking chair. She was spread out on her bed, no doubt thinking about her date, so I smiled.
“Well, I believe congrats are in order.” I said, I was happy for her, I truly was, but I was kind of jealous. Where did that come from? He is hers, not mine, I have Jake anyway. We’re the perfect popularity couple, with Rye my popularity would drop juristically and that isn’t going to happen.
“Well, you don’t have to say it. I mean he never asked me to be his girlfriend or anything.” She said, embarrassed by the attention. Huh, he should say it to make it official.
“Then what happened? I mean, whatever happened was obviously something good, so just tell me.” I said eager for details.
“Fine, I’ll tell you but no interrupting.” I nodded, even though it would be hard. “Well, when I was walking over I got splashed with mud, as you can see from my clothes. So he gave me his jacket and put his arm around his waist. When we went in somebody was singing like a dying cat, so he threw his jacket over my head and ran me into a quiet room. When he took it off his hand was on my face, and we kind of kissed. But it was only a little one and then I had him buy us coffee. Oh, and we talked about our families, favorite colors, and hobbies and stuff. Like, his favorite color is green just like mine! Oh, and he plays guitar and the drums because he used to be in a band. He even used to sing, and he’s thinking about starting a new band. He’s the middle child of five children. His brother’s 19 and his sister’s 17. Moving on, well we lost track of time, so he basically had to drag me home. I made him stop halfway and sit in front of a lamp post because I was tired. So, then once I sat down, I didn’t want to get up, so he carried me most of the rest of the way home. Can you believe how sweet he is?” She said eagerly. Wow, he is really sweet and charming. That’s going to be hard to stay away from. Especially since Jake never did anything like that, I mean he hardly even talked to me.
“Yeah, Elle he sounds really sweet and funny and charming and smart.” I said absentmindedly, and then Elle snapped her fingers bringing me back. “Who would have thought the first guy you meet after all this time would be so perfect?! Elaina Alaverez, you are the luckiest girl I’ve ever met.” I said, and I meant it. She got up and bowed.
“I know, if only I could put my integrity in a bottle and give it to you. Sorry, that was uncalled for. Anyways, I’m really tired, so I’m going to go to bed okay?” She said, so I left knowing I wasn’t going to get any more details. I wish you could bottle it to. Then I went to sleep, texting Jake before I did.
Goodnight, sweet dreams. J , I texted him, always the sweetie.
G’night and I will have sweet dreams. He texted back. Wow, at least he said goodnight half way. I fell asleep thinking of where me and Jake were going, and whether or not I should just end it now. When I woke up I smelled warm bacon, Elle must have cooked breakfast, I knew for sure because I heard her favorite song Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift playing. I went to wash my face, and change before I came down. When I walked in I smiled in greeting, as I was handed a plate of food. I heard her phone go off, and she raced to her room. That’s my cue; he is calling for a surprise verification visit. I went upstairs, and grabbed a cute outfit and laid it out for her. Then I went into my room to do my hair. I wasn’t getting caught at home on a Saturday without being ready to do something. I did sleek and straight hair, I also put on a cute blue sweater dress with a belt to cinch it with. Then some black tights, and a nice pair of gladiator heels, and a cute leather jacket with the sleeves scrunched up. I might go to a party later at Sapphire’s place; I heard she was having one. Then I got a text and I brushed my teeth, it was from Sapphire. You coming to the party? She asked and I replied Duh, who isn’t! Then I put my phone away and walked down stairs.
“Clothes by Aqua, inner glow by yours truly.” She was saying, to whom I’m assuming was Rye, bowing, and I smiled. She waved me to come closer.
“You know we aren’t supposed to have boys over, but I’ll make an exception since you’re important to my sister. Though now you owe me big time.” I said, turning to Elle.
“And after everything I do for you, making you breakfast, and making Rye buy you coffee, this is outrageous!” She said, pretending to be outraged which in turn made us all laugh.
“You should join us for breakfast.” I said as sincere as possible, I knew he would have anyway, he wanted to see Elle in the morning as she woke up, but too bad for him I knew the drill and wasn’t going to let that happen to her, I loved her, but her hair was a mess in the mornings.
“Um, yeah, sure if you want me to?” He asked turning to her, but she just shrugged, and showed him the dining room. I took it as an opportunity to take a picture for Jake, and to text him.
Hey, Good Morning! Here’s a photo. I texted, sending him a full view picture of what I looked like.
Wow! Hot! Good morning. Are you going to Sapphire’s party or something? I’m not. He texted. How disappointing, I couldn’t go to Sapphire’s party now. Oh well, I didn’t want to go, it’s easier this way besides she blew off my last party to.
No, well I was going to, but then I changed my mind. I don’t really want to party all night tonight, maybe at Brooke’s dance in a couple of weeks. I responded.
Well, I’ve got to go; I have to help my little sister get ready for her play date. He texted back. He always has to go.
Ok, bye. I ended the conversation, and then I wrapped up the left overs for Elle. Then I decided to go talk to Elle so I walked to her room, and heard Rye say something about not having to talk about it. What is he talking about?
“She doesn’t have to talk about what? Oh and I cleaned the kitchen up for you, covered the food with tin foil, and stuff.” I told her, and she nodded her appreciation for my help to me.
“I don’t have to talk about bad memories.” She said, almost a whisper, and I knew what she was talking about. He asked about her and Sapphire. I felt awkward so I shifted from foot to foot, then left. I went back to my room and played some of my favorite songs from a while ago, and some of my newer favorites, singing along. Then I heard a knock at the door.
“Just a second!” I yelled through the door, if it was someone important I didn’t want laundry all over so I quickly tossed them into the bin. Then I answered the door to see Elle standing there. “Oh, hey Elle.”
“Hey, so you and Jake are dating?” She said smiling and straight to the point.
“Well, he asked me out, but he’s always hanging out with you guys and so.” I blushed at how stupid that sounded, and looked down.
“Well, I’ll change that on Monday he’ll talk to you ok?” She said with confidence.
“Yeah, you can try, at least he’s really shy around me and now it’s awkward.” I said sure that it would be hard for her to get it to happen.
“So what are you going to do today?” She asked, with that I’m planning something face.
“I don’t think I’m doing anything, at least I don’t have any plans to as long as mom doesn’t come home. Why?” I asked curious, playing along with my fake assignment at the same time.
“Oh, no reason, I was just curious, but I have to go.” She said as she left the room. She is planning something, most likely to do with boys, good thing I’m dressed, if it’s today. A few minutes later Elle came in and told me about our new plans, a double date at McDonalds at one next Saturday. I smiled and thanked her. Nothing really interesting happened that week, the teachers reviewed, I hung out with my friends at lunch. I cheered at one game on Thursday, and before I knew the week had begun, the weekend came.
Chapter 5: Double Date
The guys were sitting at an outside table when we go to our date, a few minutes fashionably late, as I call it. If you’re on time then they know they’ve got you in their pocket, but you can’t be too late otherwise it would be aggravating and you would be unreliable. I winked at Finn, the guy at the counter who was staring at me, I was wearing an outfit similar to the one I did yesterday but with a grey sweater dress, not blue and the belt was different. He hurried to play my song, He Said She Said by Ashley Tisdale.
“I told you they were going to show up.” Rye said to Jake and I saw Elle’s eyebrows rise quizzically. “He bet that you didn’t show, and I said you wouldn’t do that to me.” He explained, and she nodded. I sat down next to Jake with all my grace, stealing his breath away. Elle nodded towards Jake’s hand, so I slid my fingers into his, and a smile grew on his face as I did, a slight blush creeping on mine, but I recovered quickly. We all didn’t want to eat, so Rye and Elle got up to order us all Mcflurries.
“So, I saw you appreciating my dress over there.” I smiled.
“Yup, it’s really hot on you.” He said, smiling.
“You want to know something?” I asked.
“Yeah, I want to know everything.” He said, charming as always.
“Your jeans look hot on you.” I said, and we started laughing. Then they came back with our Mcflurries and then left without the keys, subtly wanting their own time alone and giving us some at the same time.
“So, what have you been up to?” I asked.
“Nothing really, just babysitting and practicing the guitar. What about you?” He asked looking curiously at me. Score! He plays guitar.
“Just practicing the vocals, and cheering of course. Drama is doing Glee, so I am practicing that, I’m trying out for Rachel or Quinn. I can’t decide, Rachel gets more solos and is one of the biggest parts, but Quinn is more like me personally, but she gets prego and I’m not sure I want to play that.” I said.
“Well, you’re always the star of my show, so I think you should go for Rachel.” He said, sweet as ever.
“Thanks, maybe I will.” I said, looking intently at him.
“You should, there’s an away game this Friday, are you coming?” He asked, looking at my eyes.
“Of course, our cheerleading squad has to go to every game, silly.” I teased him.
“Right, well I hope I can make a touchdown for you.” He said smiling.
“Well with that attitude you never will. You have to know you can.” I said, my cheering and winning tactics coming in. I’m a winner, never a loser.
“Ok, then I will make a touchdown for you, and we will win.” He said, smiling at my encouragement.
“Good job, you’re a quick learner.” I said, leaning in as he did and then being my playful self took a side dive and kissed his cheek, then laughed.
“You totally just tricked me! I’m so going to get you for that.” He said laughing. Reaching towards me, about to grab me. I was faster though, so I grabbed the keys and ran to the car, him chasing after me as I hopped into the driver’ seat.
“No fair, you totally cheated.” He said taking the keys from me.
“No I didn’t. Nobody said there were rules, and what do you think you’re doing? I’m driving, no way are you driving my new mustang, you are too reckless for that.” I said, taking the keys back. Girls were staring at me with jealousy, ironically Not like That by Ashley Tisdale was playing.
“Yes, I am. I want to drive super-fast. I promise not to be reckless with your new car.” He said, against my will, I knew that he wouldn’t wreck my car so I gave him the keys. “Thanks, ready to go?” He asked, as I scooted over and he hopped in.
“Totally.” Then he sped out, and got on the highway, going at least 80 miles an hour. “Jake! Slow down.” I said laughing at the expression of excitement on his face.
“No way! This car is better than my mustang, mine is only last year’s model.” He said laughing with me.
“Fine, but I’ll be aggravated if I have to explain burnt tires to my mom.” I said.
“Ok, I’ll slow down towards your driveway.” He said, making a compromise that I didn’t exactly agree to, but did anyway, my mom wouldn’t notice anyway. Before I knew it we were at my house, I kissed him goodbye and then he gave me my keys, then he took the keys to his car and left.
I walked in and walked up to my room. I texted all the girls and filled them in, then I of course had to say no to another football player on Facebook. Then I took a shower and got ready for a movie, to fall asleep to it. I put on Letters to Juliet, a very nice story to fall asleep to.
The next day I woke up and went to wake Elle up, and ask how her date went. I knocked on her door before entering, it was a privacy thing we had.
“Come in.” She groaned, and I walked in while she buried her face in her pillow, she must have gone to bed late.
“Good morning sleepy head. Thanks for yesterday, when did Rye leave anyway.” I said, and heard her inhale sharply. How sweet she’s worried about him, ew that’s gross, I hate committed relationships.
“He went home at like one in the morning. I’ve got to call him, and make sure he’s ok.” She said grabbing her phone. She dialed his number as I stood there. He’s hers, but I need to make sure he’s ok, for her right? Right.
“Hi. I’m Elle, why do you have Rye’s phone exactly?” She asked, sounding worried. They must have responded because she said, “I’ll be there as soon as I can, so, see you in fifteen minutes.” Then she hung up, shaking and as pale as a ghost.
Chapter 6: The accident that almost broke Elle’s heart
“What’s going on? You’re as pale as a ghost.” I asked concerned.
“Rye got…” her voice broke to tears. “... he got hit on his way home last night and he has a concussion. He’s unconscious and I have to go.” She said tears running down her face. I hugged her as tight as I could, because even though he wasn’t mine it hurt to know that. Why did this hurt so much? He isn’t mine and he won’t be. He loves Elle, not me, and I am dating Jake. I am so in trouble. I need to get my feelings straight.
I went to change, and then Jake and Jake’s mom drove us to the hospital. Elle hurried to his room and we decided to give them some time, so we just walked up the stairs while she ran. Jake hugged me, and comforted me.
“Jake, he’s unconscious; he will wake up won’t he?” I asked looking up with what I knew were tearing eyes.
“Of course, Aqua, he’ll wake up I promise.” He said, pulling me closer.
“Thanks.” I whispered in his ear before reaching up to kiss his cheek.
Then we got to the room, when Elle looked like she could take it I went inside.
“He’ll wake up Elle, because he has to.” I said, trying to sound sure. This isn’t fair, it shouldn’t hurt, he isn’t mine. He will wake up though, even if I have to slap him, that’s horrible but I know that I would do anything to get him up, for Elle. Right? Right.
“I know. He promised me I wouldn’t be left alone. Help me talk to him please.” She didn’t ask she begged. We talked to him for ten minutes, and so the others waited outside, being as patient as they could.
“Yeah Rye we are all here for you, and we are all waiting for you to wake up and smile.” I said, and he squeezed Elle’s hand. She leaned down and whispered something, most likely some I love you things.
“I love you, wake up, please.” I mumbled. OH MY GOD! Did I just say that? I hope she didn’t hear me. I’m dating Jake, not him and I can’t care about him, what am I doing? I needed to stop before I hurt myself, he wasn’t for me, he didn’t like me he liked Elle, Elle. That thought stung my eyes but I knew it was true. His eyelids fluttered, and we could see his eyes again. He smiled at Elle and she said what I wanted to. “I love you” she said it with passion and relief. I need to stop thinking about him, I am going to leave as soon as I can, I don’t want to hurt anyone, including myself.
“I love you to, Elle.” He said to her, which hurt and now the tears stopped streaming from me. This fight is over; I’m not going to have him. He belongs to Elle. Then they kissed, and he wiped the tears from her face.
“Elle, why are you crying?” He said as she broke away.
“You scared me to death. Next time, you ask for someone to give you a ride. I can’t believe I did this to you. If I hadn’t kept you so long you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t. I really didn’t.” She said, tears falling from her eyes. He started to respond, but a shrill voice interrupted him.
“So it’s your fault! Get out of here and just get out all of you. If it weren’t for you, Rye would be at home okay!” She shouted at us, which made Elle cry harder. Rye pulled her closer, and hugged her tighter comforting her. Who the hell does she think she is? Just because I don’t mind Elle having him, doesn’t mean that I’m not peeved at this lady, besides she’s yelling at me to and that isn’t going to fly with me.
“Don’t yell at her mom. She didn’t know this would happen. Can’t you tell she’s upset about it? It will already take her months to forgive herself without you shouting at her, and making it worse!” He shouted at his mom, starting to comfort Elle again. Then he slowly released her as she became calmer and his mom stared at them.
“So you woke up for her, even though I’ve been here all day.” His mom said with jealousy.
“I didn’t do it on purpose. I just heard her, but yes, I was glad to see her face when I woke up, even if it was tear stained.” He said surely looking at Elle and nodding towards his mom.
“I see, well I’ll come by later. I have a meeting to attend and a party to plan.” She said gathering herself like she was excusing herself from a meeting. She had golden blonde hair streaked with grey, and she had a small pointy noise. A few minutes later we had to step out so that the doctors could check some stuff on him. Then we all walked back in smiling and teasing him about his accident.
“Geez dude you freaked us out.” Jake said giving Rye a pat on the shoulder. Rye just smiled and shrugged. We all talked to him for an hour while Elle stood in the corner watching us.
“Well Jake, we’ve got to get going, but we have time to drop the girls off if you want.” Tania, Jake’s mom, said as she stood and stretched. Elle came out of her corner, and not looking like she wanted to leave.
“Aqua you can go with them, I want to stay for a while.” She said looking at Rye. I bit my lip, I didn’t want to leave, but I left anyway. As we walked out to Jake’s car I saw Rye’s mom opening her car door, it was a Ferrari, and she was opening it with a tissue.
“A little prissy for this neighborhood and possibly a little too flashy to. Don’t you guys think?” I asked them a little louder than necessary. Jake and his mom played along, revenge is sweet.
“Yeah, definitely.” They agreed a little too loudly. It worked, we said it too loud for her to ignore, because she looked up and glared.
“Is there a problem with your car?” I asked, smiling as if I didn’t say a thing.
“Not at all.” She said a bit angry.
“Have a nice day then.” I said “accidentally” throwing the cup of tea I got in the café down a little too close to her shoes. Then we all got into the car and drove away.
“Nice job, Aqua, I think we taught her a lesson about yelling at teenagers for something out of their control,” Tania said, smiling at me and Jake huddled up in the back seat.
“Thank you. The one thing I won’t tolerate at all is people messing with me or my family.” I said smiling.
“Well, it’s good that you have those kinds of characteristics. We’re at your house, Jake if you want to go in with her and stay for a while you can. Goodbye Aqua, have a nice day.” She said, now I know where Jake gets his driving skills from.
“No, I want to but I have to practice for football. Sorry Aqua, see you later.” He told me, smiling apologetically at me.
“That’s okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Tania.” I said kissing Jake goodbye, and then giving Tania a hug.
“See you soon, Aqua.” She said hugging me back. Then I went inside and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one of my few expertise, even though I wasn’t hungry and fed the rest of the three fourths to my Pomeranian, Cocoa. I wonder why Jake’s mom is so cool with me, maybe it’s because the only daughter she has is really young. As I walked up stairs to listen to music I pondered that thought. Then I sang which is very freeing. Music is my art, my sport, I needed it to live.
Chapter 7: School without Elle or a single problem
I woke up at about 5:30 for school. I took a quick shower, and scrunched my long hair, and pinned back my bangs. Then I got dressed in some high wasted shorts and a spaghetti sleeve white tank top. Then I slipped on some small heels, only about two inches. I added a simple golden chain; it said Aqua on it and some fun hoops. Then I put on my makeup, today I did a Royal Blue Smokey eye to add pop of color to the outfit I was wearing. Then I tossed on some white bangles, and a black flyaway to complete the look. Then I grabbed my stuff, and headed for the bus stop, and then Elle came out without any stuff.
“You aren’t going to school are you?” I asked shaking my head and smiling.
“Of course not, I have to see Rye, I promised him I would. So yeah, I definitely have to, please don’t tell. I mean I’m going anyway, but be nice to me.” She begged, and I just nodded. She is so obsessed with him its funny. Then she left with the mustang and I waited for Sapphire’s new limo to pick me up. Then it came, and the chauffeur opened the door for me.
“Hey Girls!” I said as I went inside.
“Hey Aqua!” They all said as I hoped in.
“Where’s Sapphire?” I asked.
“She’s already at school. She wanted to meet her boy there earlier for a convo, she said she wants to break up with him, but she sent us the limo with a card in it saying ‘Sorry I couldn’t make it. C u soon’.” Jenna explained.
“Oh, well I don’t care. Brooke, do you have your Beyoncé perfume with you? I forgot to spray mine this morning.” I asked. I really could care less if Sapphire is here or not. I could care less if she never comes back, I could do without her.
“Yeah, here you go.” She said, handing it to me.
“Thanks.” I said, taking it and spraying myself.
“Wow! That smells amazing on you Aqua. It doesn’t smell like that on me.” Brooke said.
“Everyone’s skin reacts differently Brooke, it just so happens that my skin chemically reacts better than everyone else’s skin.” I said, and they all agreed.
“I wish I had your beauty,” Ashley fawned over me. The rest of the limo ride was basically everybody fawning over how great I looked today. I gave out a few compliments. No need to give out too many, if I do then I’ll be too nice. I need to be as mean as possible without losing them; stupid accident threw my attitude off. Stupid idiotic drivers hurting people, making me soft.
When we got to school Jake was waiting for me. When I got out, we all took our stuff to our lockers; we dominated the lockers in the west hall.
“Ok girls, go give out your SOA stickers.” I told them. Our SOA stickers stood for Seal of Approval, or in other words we only gave them to select people, and they meant that we wouldn’t pick on them because they were to cool for that, but still not cool enough to hang with us. We only handed them out once a year, and each girl only got one, the guys to (well except me I got six but I was the leader what else would you expect?). They were rare and a lot of teens did a lot to have one.
“Ok. I’ll separate them into their groups.” Sapphire said. I just nodded, while she started. Once they were all gone I talked to Jake.
“So, do you think that Rye will be at school soon?” I asked looking up at him. Rye needed to be here, Elle couldn’t flunk school, and out of school she would flunk, but coming without him here she still wouldn’t do her best.
“Of course. Don’t worry, if I know Rye he’ll pull out of it soon. Why are you so worried?” He asked looking suspicious. He thinks that I like him! Ew, that thought disgusts me. I’m only asking because I’m concerned about Elle.
“I’m just concerned about Elle. She relies on him a lot and if he’s not here I’m concerned about what it will do to her.” I said, not a contradiction in my voice.
“Oh, well, yeah he’ll be back soon.” He said, hugging me tightly. How cute, he’s still jealous. Then the bell rang, and the rest of the day went just like the others, in cheerleading we practiced for Friday’s game, in step team we worked on our dances, and in drama I practiced to be Rachel, in class teachers reviewed and I got Elle’s homework for her. Nothing really happened until lunch.
I texted Elle (I didn’t care what the rules were I was doing it anyway) So how is it with you? (and Rye lol).
Well, I don’t know how Rye is, you’ll have to ask him, I don’t really care how he is, but I’m fine. She texted back, huh weird I wonder what’s going on there.
What happened? You’re always concerned about Rye and know how he is. I asked, I didn’t understand where this was coming from.
I’m not telling you.
Yes, you are. Just tell me, it’s not like I’m going to laugh.
Fine, we broke up.
He called me a charity case.
How dare he? You are not a charity case.
I know all I said were a few little things, like that I wasn’t fragile and he didn’t have to be stronger than me.
What a jerk, he took things way out of proportion. You guys have to get back together though.
No. He wants me to apologize and I’m not going to.
Yes. Yes, you are. Besides he will apologize to, you just have to be the bigger person and do it first.
No. No. No.
Fine, be that way. Bye
This had to be fixed, they had to be together. If they didn’t get back together, I couldn’t control myself and it would break Elle’s heart to see me and Rye together, no matter how much she said it wouldn’t. Plus, I would be breaking Jake’s heart, and that would be mean, but I know I would do it if they didn’t back together. This is going to be fixed as soon as possible. Then Jake walked up with my usual salad.
“Hey, thanks for getting my lunch for me.” I said, looking up at him as he sat down. He still looks unsure of something; does he really think that I would leave him for Rye? EW, I mean that wouldn’t happen even if I wanted to, he belongs to Elle.
“You’re Welcome.” He said, studying my face for a sign of un-interest.
“So, why aren’t you eating?” I asked, this couldn’t possibly bother him enough not to eat could it?
“No reason, it’s just that your friends eat so little. It’s weird.”
“Oh, well if you want to you can have the standard salad, I mean it’s more filling then you think.” I told him, proud of my little salad.
“Thanks but no thanks. No offense, but guys can’t survive of that little.” He said, shaking his head at me as if I didn’t know it.
“Well, you have to try it. It would be wrong, and mean if you didn’t.” I said holding out a veggie-filled fork full, pouting to win.
“Fine, I’ll try it.” He agreed, eating the whole fork full in one bite. “It’s actually good.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Eating healthy doesn’t always mean it has to be gross.”
“Good point, but don’t you try to get me to eat spinach.” He said, wrinkling his nose at the thought. Then he got up, and turned.
“Where are you going?” I asked, very confused.
“To get my own salad silly,” he said eyeing the salad bar, and leaving me and the girls laughing at how cute he was.
“So, he even eats salad for you. I wish a guy would do that for all of us,” Jenna said, sighing and shaking her head at the guys at the next table, who were eating a bunch of meat.
“Yeah, it’s called guy-hypnosis. Isn’t that right Sapphire?” I said, turning to her.
“Definitely, you just have to use your charm to get what you want; it’s really simple if you guys want some lessons on it.” She said, basking in the glory. Gross, I hate how much she enjoys being the center of attention. I guess I’ll just have to give her as little as possible so it doesn’t bug me.
“So, who is having the next party?” I said, looking around as Jake sat back down beside me.
“None of us, the cheerleaders are throwing a dance soon.” Brooke answered looking at her yearbook.
“Cool, I guess we should start planning then, and we should try and get live entertainment.” I said, and then looking at the picture and the name Brooke was staring at in her yearbook. It says Matt something; I can’t make out the last name. He was some buff guy, but not grossly muscled like body-builders. I guess that’s who she has her eyes on for the dance. Then she closed the book, and I actually focused on what Jenna was saying.
“We should try and get a prize for a dance comp. during the dance. We should also see if we can get someone with connections for actually good live entertainment.” Jenna said, spitting out the ideas like a machine.
“Definitely, theme should be just like a casual dance party, no one wants to dress up to dance all night to live entertainment.” Brooke said, as I nodded my approval of their ideas. I think that Rye has a lot of money, maybe he has the connections for this stuff, and if he won’t do it for me, he will for Elle.
“I think we should have a D.J. and Ashley Tisdale as our live entertainment. During D.J. breaks she could sign autographs.” I suggested, and they all nodded eagerly, then the bell rang and I and Jake left for class. Even though we didn’t have class together, he still walked me to Mrs. Mariachi for Algebra 2.
“See you later,” I said as gave me my stuff and a hug bye.
“Yeah see you later,” he said hurrying off to catch up with the guys. Why doesn’t he ever say I love you? I mean Rye and Elle said it on like the second date, it’s almost our month-a-versy and I still haven’t gotten one. He also never opened up about his emotions. I wondered like that while taking notes, and then I went to my other classes and went home. Elle wasn’t there when I got home so I assumed that she was still at the hospital making up with Rye. There was a message from mom that said she would be getting home really late and wouldn’t be here for like a week starting tomorrow from some stupid business trip, and she would check on us every day. Then I went upstairs to do my homework and check for any new videos from the other beauty gurus on YouTube. Then I called Brooke, I was really curious about who she liked.
“Hey Aqua,” she greeted me; I could hear she was happy about my call.
“Hey Brooke, what are you up to?”
“Nothing much, how about you?”
“Well I’m going to go to the café in a little while with my sister, but I was wondering.. who do you like?” I asked her. I wonder if it’s the Matt guy that she was staring at in the yearbook.
“Matt, I was staring at his picture earlier, and don’t lie I know that you noticed.”
“Yeah but I don’t know who he is, I guess I’ll just have to look for him, but he looked nice.”
“What do you mean by that?” She asked jokingly.
“You know,” I said laughing with her as I did.
“Cool, hey I have to go, stupid Sapphire is calling me non-stop and if I don’t answer she’ll give me hell for it.”
“KK bye.”
“Bye.” I ended the call, and then waited a few minutes before leaving to get Elle, she knows I can’t cook besides I wanted to make sure she had made up with him and not, like killed him or anything. I texted Jake and asked him if he wanted me to pick him up so that we could go see together, and he texted that he was already there so I just drove alone. I didn’t touch-up my makeup, no one would be there that I had to impress except Jake but I knew he wouldn’t dump me because I wasn’t completely photo-finish, I mean my skin was still clear and some of the foundation was still there, but not in a bad way. When I got there it had took another 20 minutes to get there so she had plenty of time to talk to him alone. They better have made up. Wait, how was I going to find out room they were in? I can’t remember, and I’m not asking a nurse for help, guess I’ll have to though; there is no way I’m going to remember that number.
“Excuse me, but can you tell me what room my friend is in?” I asked a nearby nurse.
“Sure honey, what is their name?” She asked. I’m so happy she’s a nice nurse instead of one of those cranky old ones.
“Rye, but he might be under the name of Fisher.” I answered smiling.
“Ok, it says he’s in room 101.” She said handing me a map just in case.
“Thanks.” Then I walked away taking the elevator, I didn’t see Elle on the way, I wondered where she was at. If they were still fighting maybe he knew where she was crying at. Then I found room 101 and burst in.
“Have you seen, oh, Elle there you are!” I said relieved, but then I took in my surroundings. There were totally a bunch of cute guys staring at me, and I didn’t have any makeup on, I could feel the pink spreading on my cheeks. Oh god, this is embarrassing, and awkward these guys are totally cute and I don’t have like any makeup on, it faded during school. Oh no, this can’t be happening, someone save me. After what felt like an eternity, Elle broke the few second silence.
“I’ve been here basically all day. You know, just having a day with the guys. Do you know all of them, or?” She said, bringing me out of my embarrassment but not quite out of that self-conscious state.
“Oh, well I know them sort of; I mean I’ve heard of them.” We both looked at Rye, who got out of his chair.
“I’m starving; you want to get something with me? Aqua?” Jake asked, turning to me before his friends could introduce themselves. I nodded my agreement, happy for him saving me from that mess. When we got to the café he sat me down and went to get us some food. When he came back he looked a lot happier than in there. Was he jealous? I didn’t even know them, I mean sure they were really cute but I wouldn’t dump for all of like what, two minutes?
“Here is your chef’s salad, which if you don’t eat I will, because as I recently discovered they are delicious.” He said, handing me my plate and smiling. How sweet, but I’m not interested in the food, I want to talk about some things.
“Instead, can we play a game?” I asked, hoping he would say yes.
“Sure, what kind of game?” He asked curiosity in his eyes.
“A question game, Elle came up with it, it’s where you have to ask a question and the other person has to answer truthfully and then the next person asks and it continues from there. Oh, and you can’t ask the question the person just said.” I said looking at him, and I saw him consider it and then get the yes in his eyes.
“You first.”
“No, you.”
“Fine, do you like Elle, and before you say anything, I’m asking because you are always hanging out with her and not me so.”
“Ew, no, that’s like dating my little sister, I just look at her as a little sister, you know always there sometimes annoying but you still protect her because of you know her being your little sister. My turn, do you like Rye?” He asked, suddenly getting jealousy in his eyes.
“No. Why don’t you ever open up to me? I feel unwanted when you don’t.”
“You haven’t broken into my walls. Are you going to dump me soon?” He was pained at the thought, and I wondered who had planted that into his head.
“No, I probably won’t for a long time. Why can’t I get into your walls?” I didn’t mean for that to be a question but it just sort of came out.
“You have to be more open to me, and not be I don’t know, not closed off. Are you a vegetarian?” Why is he trying to get out of this part of the convo? It was just a subject, it didn’t mean he had to open up more, it just meant I wanted him to.
“No, I just like to eat really healthy. Why don’t you say I love you?”
“I think that means commitment, and it will be hard, and that you would be rushed if I said it. Are you a virgin?”
“You can’t have that answer, and I wouldn’t be.”
“You have to answer.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do, it’s the rules.”
“To bad, game over.” I wasn’t answering that question, and he would have to deal with it, if I told him he would be mad. This game was over and I can see him glaring waiting for an answer but that wasn’t going to happen. I hope Elle would come soon, I didn’t want his confrontation, that meant dealing and I didn’t want to. I went to dump my tray in the trash and then sat across from Jake and turned in the direction Elle would be coming in, happy that she would come and interrupt, for once. I didn’t want to look at him, I was mad that he asked that. Stupid question game, this is why I don’t like games, they just lead to trouble and that for sure isn’t fun. I hope Elle wants to go home; I don’t want to have to explain to her friends why I had to keep telling Jake he wasn’t getting an answer. I wish he would stop glaring at me, he is so stupid sometimes. Why can’t he have kept things simple instead of asking difficult questions? When is Elle getting here? I can’t ignore his glares for a long time. Also, I think that I shouldn’t tell her what we were talking about, just in case she gives me an opinion I don’t want.
Then Elle finally came up and walked by saying, “I’m going home, come if you want warm food.”
“Guess I have to go, what a pity.” I told Jake and then shouted after Elle, not giving him a chance to respond. “Wait, I don’t want cold food!” I ran after her, I was curious about her and Rye; she was already at my car.
“I need the keys.” She said expectantly, and I threw them to her sliding in the passengers’ seat smiling, still curious.
“So how are things with Rye?”
“Well, I have to say it’s going perfect. Actually, every thing’s perfect except for, oh, Ian.” She said flopping her hands on the steering wheel. Wow, that sounds bad. Like he did something really mean.
“Oh well, it sounds bad what happened?” I asked curious as to what he said, and giving her an I’m sorry look, I felt bad.
“He’s being ridiculous, I didn’t say anything. He just thought of it the same way because he thought I was trying to lecture him on using other people, and then I got mad and dragged Sapphire into it. So it was really stupid. Anyways, what about you and Jake?” She asked, changing the subject. I gave her a tight smile; I was still peeved that he would ask that.
"It's wonderful, awesome, just peachy." I said bitterly.
“Oh, wow then, what did he do?” She asked.
“It doesn’t matter, oh wow look at that we’re almost home.” I said, hoping she would drop it and change the subject with me, she didn’t.
“I’m not stupid; I know you’re trying to change the subject. Tell me what happened.” She said and I was disappointed that she wouldn’t play nice. I guess that I will just have to be very unclear on what happened.
“Nothing, really. I was just talking with him about stuff and he asked a question that I’m not going to answer, and he asked for no freaking reason to; you know he really needs to learn boundaries. Anyway, what are we having for dinner?” I asked, knowing she would change the subject soon; I made it clear that I didn’t want to talk about it.
“Well, since you’re not going to tell me what happened, I guess I’ll just help you change the subject, but I’ll find out eventually.” She said, smiling like she would, then she changed the subject. “I was thinking pizza.”
“Well, that’s not very healthy, so I guess we’ll just have to have one topping so that it won’t be so bad.” I said, half talking to her half to myself. Then we got home, and Elle ordered the pizza while I went upstairs. I heard her talking to the pizza guy, is she really talking to the pizza guy?
“Are you talking to the pizza guy?” I asked.
“Yes, his name is James.” She shouted back. Ew, of course, stupid karma trying to make me answer questions, well to bad for karma I wasn’t going to answer.
“Ew, get off the phone!” I shouted back, she would probably think that he was ugly and hang up. I wonder if I can get free pizza for flirting or something, besides I need something to get my mind off of Jake. Then I heard a pinging at my window, what is that? It’s really annoying. I went over to my window to see Jake standing down there, throwing rocks at my window, so I opened my window; he was going to go away.
“Go away Jake, no one here wants to talk to you.” I told him harshly, hoping that he would drop it.
“No, not until I get an answer.” He said, pleading with his eyes.
“To bad, you’re not getting one.” I told him, shutting the windows. Then I heard the doorbell ring, and I saw that it was a guy delivering the pizza so I ran down stairs. “I’m answering this one.” I told Elle as she looked confused, standing halfway between the couch and the door.
“Hey.” I said opening the door, looking as teary as possible.
“Hey, that will be $5.99.” He told me, trying to figure out why such a pretty girl was crying most likely by the look I saw on his face.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have any money, my dad just left us and my boy broke up with me, and my mom is never home, and might die from stress..” I said crying my best tears, making up reasons not to pay for the pizza, drifting off as if unable to finish my sentence.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I’ll pay for this one for you. Good luck with your.. problems.” The guy told me, handing me the pizza and giving me a sympathetic smile.
“Thanks.” I said, giving him a watery smile, as I shut the door, as soon as I heard him get in his car, I did a victory dance. “Got the pizza for free.” I said, all smiles, setting it on the table.
“Do you just do that to see if you can?” She asked, shaking her head.
“Yup, pretty much.” I said, taking a slice and blotting it with a napkin. I ate about half of the slice and then threw it in the trash, distracted by my little problem upstairs. I went upstairs and stared at my reflection, wondering what I could do to make him go away. Then I started hearing the ping again, so I ran to the window and wrenched it open.
“Go away!”
“No, you are going to give me an answer.” He shouted back up at me. Then Elle walked up the stairs, great, now I have to do something about her to.
“What is going on up here?!” She asked, walking to the open window, and smiling when she saw Jake there. “Oh, hey Jake! What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing much, just trying to get your sister to talk to me.” He said, running his hand through his hair to cover up the rock in his hand. Then, I shoved her away from the window and threw a threatening glare at Jake, slamming the window shut. “Don’t let him in either.”
“Ok, I’m going to go see if I can get free pizza for the guys at the hospital.” She said hopping off my bed and leaving.
“No.” I told her and kind of Jake at the same time, it was one thing to get free pizza for yourself, but for others, come on, that was a little bit of taking advantage of young pizza guys and their vulnerability. Then I heard her get the pizza a few minutes later, for free of course and let Jake in, disobeying both of my orders. I heard her offer him some pizza before she left, and tell him where the key to my room was. Oh come on! She had to tell him where the key to my room was too! She could have told him to find it on his own, you know buy me some more time. I heard him get the keys and open the door, so I hid in my closet.
“Aqua, I know you’re in here, I’ll find you eventually.” I heard him say it, but I was hoping he would give up and go home. Though life isn’t that kind so, just a few minutes later he opened the closet door.
“Come on, get out of there.” He pleaded, holding out his hand.
“Fine.” I complied, not liking that he wouldn’t give up.
“What do you want?” I asked, playing stupid for more time.
“To talk, and you know it.” He said, sitting on my bed. “You have a serious problem with magazines you know. One day I’m going to get in here with a trash bag and get rid of all the ones you don’t need.” He said, picking one up and wrinkling his noise at the cover. It was that months GL and it had Miranda Cosgrove on it; he didn’t like her too much.
“I am only subscribed to five and my mom pays for them.” I defended myself. Then I heard Elle run upstairs and shout through the door, “That is not true! I’ve had to buy magazines before.”
“Why are you still here? Their pizza is going to get cold!” I shouted.
“Sorry. I’m leaving now, oh wait, Jake does Matt like Brooke?” She asked. What the heck? She is not helping the get rid of Jake thing.
“Yeah, he has for a while.” He said opening the door to let her in.
“Cool, in that case I need your phone, and on second thought yours to Aqua.” She said, holding out her hand expectantly.
“Fine, just go.” I said exasperated, handing her phone as Jake handed her his.
“Ok, I’m leaving for real now, bye. You will get these back when I’m done.” She said leaving, this time I made sure she left through the window.
As soon as she left I turned to Jake, “Do you really want to know?” I asked, biting my lip.
“Ok, then, no I’m not. Are you?”
“No. What’s your number?”
“Umm, well, hold on..” I drifted off, heading to my draw of notes and reminders; I pulled out the paper that reminded me. “Seven, what’s yours?”
“Seven, wow that’s um well, ok I lied, I am a virgin.” He said it like it was a bad thing.
“Ok, well before you ask my first was James, but I really don’t won’t to do those things again.” I said, frowning at the memories.
“Ok, but before I can date you any more, you know I have to catch up with you right?” He asked. WHAT?!! No, he cannot call a break for something so stupid.
“No, you don’t. That‘s also not going to happen with me until you can say I love you and at least two years have passed.” I said, confidently.
“Yes, I do, I don’t want anyone to think I deserve you less than they already think.” He replied, ignoring the second part of what I said.
“Well, that’s not going to happen from me, so find someone else for your little problem.” I said, shoving him towards the door.
“Fine.” He called Elle and talked to her about something in the hall with our home phone. Then he came back in and handed the phone to me, “She wants to talk to you.” I gingerly picked up the phone, afraid of what she would say.
“No, but I’ll fix this.” I told her calmly, but on the edge of hysteria.
“Ok, but don’t let him call me about that anymore.” She said, calming at the sound of tears and anger in my voice.
“Ok, bye.” I said, the tears really coming now, knowing what I would have to do.
“Bye.” I put the phone down as I hung up and then turned to the closet and pulled out my box of Jake’s stuff and threw his sweater in it, then headed down stairs to talk to him.
“Jake, come outside with me.” I told him, not waiting for him to come outside before going out myself.
“What is it?” He asked, looking concerned and just making this that much harder.
“You are not catching up with me, or my sister, or Sapphire before you say it.” I said, holding up my hand when he tried to object. “Here’s your stuff and just do me a favor and don’t talk to me.” I said handing him the box, and waiting for him to take it. He didn’t so I just set it down at his feet.
“Are you breaking up with me?” He asked, his eyes wetting.
“I don’t know, but you need to go home.” I said, leaving him out in the cold and going upstairs to get ready for bed. I lit my no-flame candle, and went to bed with some soft Beethoven playing. At about Midnight, I got a hard shake. “What?!” I groaned as I woke up to my sister.
“Go out there and fix Jake. I’m trying to get to sleep and I can’t because all I hear is sniffle sniffle.” She said, angry about not getting any sleep.
“I don’t want to.” I said rolling over.
“To bad, you going to.” She said, yanking my blanket out from under me.
“Fine,” I told her, stumbling over to my closet and pulling out my sweater. I walked outside to see Jake with red-rimmed eyes, like my sister’s tired ones, but these were from tears.
“I changed my mind; I want your stuff back.” I said picking up the box.
“Really?” He asked, pinching himself to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming.
“Yes, really, but you need to go home now.” I said, looking around for the roses that were in the box when I gave it back to him earlier.
“Ok, but, oh your roses I kind of ruined them, you know does she love me? Does she me hate me thing. But, I wanted to say... I... l... I love you.” He said, trying to force it out.
“Aww, I love you to.” I said, putting the stuff down and kissing him, then pulling away slowly and hugging him before completely letting go.
“Wow, that’s great, I was worried you wouldn’t say it back, and I actually feel more open, it wasn’t hard at all. Are you happy now? You turned me gay, like Rye.” He said, smiling.
“Good job, now go,” I said, pointing to his car.
“Ok, bye, I love you.”
“I love you to,” I waited until his car was down the road before going in.
“Did you fix it?” Elle asked, waiting at the door, an expectant look on her face.
“Yes, and he turned gay! He finally said it!” I said, happy that we were fixed.
“Good, now go to sleep before I throw something at you.” She said, changing from happy for me to crabby from loss of sleep in like two seconds.
“Like..” Then I was cut off by a pillow hitting my face, I had meant to say like what, but I went upstairs before more stuff got thrown at me.
Chapter 7: Elle at school without Rye
The next morning, I was very happy and content, actually greeting the morning. I pulled out a pleated skirt and a red top with a white camisole underneath. I had started to do my hair and makeup when Elle walked in.
“I’m taking a shower.” She said, tossing me her clothes to inspect. She actually did good, a blue shirt with the cutest saying on it, even though it wasn’t true and knee-high jean capris.
“Not bad actually.” I said, surprised she didn’t have sweat pants or something else putrid. When I walked down stairs I saw Elle eating cereal, so I followed her example and made a bowl of frosted flakes, another one of my little expertise.
“So, are you going to school today?” I asked eyeing her suspiciously, knowing her she wouldn’t unless Rye told her to.
“Yup, Rye’s making me.” She said between mouthfuls of cereal.
“Well, you’ll be fine.” I told her, and she nodded her agreement. We finished breakfast in silence, and then put on our shoes, she put on her black flats and I put on my red pumps, I felt like doing something I didn’t do often, probably because I was all lovey-dovey because of Jake.
“So Jake went gay?” She asked, smiling.
“Yeah.” I said my smile growing ten times, and then I saw her frown.
“I forgot to do any of the work.” She groaned.
“Well, lucky for you I paid someone to do it in case you forgot to. Well, I guess technically you paid for it.” I said staring to drift into space. She gave me the money, but that was a long time ago, huh I wonder if I paid for it or she did in a way. I wonder what Jake’s doing.
“Thanks, you’re a life saver.” She said as I pulled her complete work from my bag. Then we got on the bus, and when Jake got on he sat by me, probably because he knows that my friends will compliment him if he sits next to me.
“Wow, Jake your hair is so cute.” Jenna said.
“I love your outfit Aqua, and Jake I love your shirt.” Brooke told us. Jake was wearing a plaid button up, and some guy shorts. The rest of the bus ride was people complimenting us on our outfits, hair, and so on. When we got to school, I noticed James talking to Elle. Oh no, he likes her, she has to stay away from him, he’s a jerk. He is out of line to; I don’t know what I ever saw in him.
I walked over and grabbed her by the arm, “Come on Elle, you owe me right? So come with me now.” I said quietly but seriously.
“Oh, ok, later James.” She said waving as I dragged her from him.
“Why are you talking to him?!” I demanded, stamping my foot.
“I didn’t, he came up to me. Any ways, why don’t you want me talking to him? Wait I know because you lost your.” I cut her off, putting my hand on her mouth, I didn’t want the whole school to know, only a few of my friends knew and I didn’t want it getting out everywhere.
“Sh. Keep your voice down, I don’t want people to know.” I whispered, looking at my approaching friends, Jake was with them. She rolled her eyes, but then smiled to, seeing Jake hanging out with me must have made her happy.
“Hey Jake, I heard you turned gay last night.” Elle said, and we laughed, but no one else knew what we were talking about.
“Well yeah. I would have said it sooner but…” He drifted off leaving Elle to her own conclusions. Then Sapphire walked up, a huge smug grin on her face, crap.
“Hey Aqua, so you are going to help with the dance? Because I told people you were and I don’t want to lie.” She said emphasizing the word, and staring at Elle with a blank sort of glare. Elle took a deep breath and let it out loudly heaving her shoulders up, then down while she did it, I gave her a keep it cool look, I didn’t want to have to deal with another fight.
“Well yeah, I mean it sounds cool. Everyone else is to right?” I said and all the girls nodded.
“Oh, hey Brooke do you know Matt?” Elle said, and I smiled, she was planning on something with those two, and I think I know what it is.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Sapphire said bitterly, but Brooke ignored her.
“Well yeah I know him, I mean why?” She asked nervously rambling, she was afraid that if Elle knew, then a bunch of people knew.
“Well because I heard from a little bird that he might possibly like you.” She said torturing her, smiling as her eyes got big.
“Elle, details please!” She shrieked. I laughed, getting the attention shifted to me like always, but this time it was an accident.
“Well Brooke, why don’t you give her a chance to get them first. I mean, she only became friends with him yesterday.” I said, not meaning to say it, and just trying to get them to back off, I didn’t want any of those guys near me until I knew that they thought I was pretty, even though they saw me without makeup.
“Oh, then you should be careful around Elle now Brooke.” Sapphire said glaring at Elle. Oh great, thanks a lot Sapphire, hopefully she doesn’t carry this out.
“What are you talking about Sapphire?” Brooke said, still oblivious as to why Sapphire hated Elle, we should really tell her, she is so out of this loop I feel bad.
“Well if you’re mean to her she’ll steal your boyfriend, and it’s that much easier when they’re already friends. She’s a slut naturally, but if she’s not his friend at least it’s a challenge. But now you won’t stand a chance.” She said and Elle glared at her. I wonder where this is going, hopefully Elle can keep calm, she has been a lot less angry since Rye got here, maybe he’s tamed her anger.
“Shut up, Sapphire.” Brooke defended her. “That’s enough, ok, enough.” She said glaring at Sapphire. Stupid Sapphire, trying to get revenge, she’s going to lose; this is such a stupid, kind of petty fight. Sapphire isn’t going to listen to Brooke though, if she continues, I’ll step in.
“Easy for you to say, you weren’t the one.” Sapphire said, before I interjected.
“Enough Sapphire.” I said, mean and serious for a moment, settling the fight. I was their queen bee, and if Sapphire doesn’t listen, she knows she will have to pay for it. I didn’t want to fight with her later so I said, “We can’t have this constant fighting when we’ve got a dance to plan,” instantaneously turning back into my normal self.
“So, does that mean you’re helping Elle?” Brooke asked looking at Elle with a begging smile.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’m not really a dance girl.” She said, trying to worm her way out, but it was too late Brooke had her pinned, which meant if I jumped in she had to.
“Well, you have to help, because we need Rye to help because the only other guy helping is Jake.” I piped in; it was the truth besides we really needed his connections.
“How do you know Rye will be back before the dance?” She asked.
“Well I don’t, but if he is.” I started but I was soon cut off by Brooke.
“Oh yeah, where is Rye anyway?” She asked innocently.
“He’s at the hospital.” Elle said being as vague as possible.
“What did you do now?” Sapphire asked, snottily speaking for the first time since being silenced by me.
“I let him stay over to late, and he got hit by a car.” Elle said, starting in a big voice, but when she was finished speaking she was at a whisper. I feel like I should help comfort her, but she won’t admit that it wasn’t her fault.
“Nice.” Sapphire said with a smirk. I wish she would shut up.
“Is he okay?” Brooke asked a little pale from shock.
“Well he says he is, but I don’t know.” She said, it is true, every guy tries to say he‘s fine whether he is or not.
“Why does he like you? Or wait, did you stay home yesterday because he dumped you and you were crying all day.” Sapphire said bitterly, and everyone was silent as Elle took a deep breath, we kind of all knew that something like this would happen soon, but we hoped that Elle could keep her cool, I was confident that she could, she hadn‘t yet. “Or maybe you’ve convinced him it was his own fault, or maybe you’re blackmailing him. Yeah that’s it, I mean that’s the only reason someone would ever be with you.” She said sneering, but Elle just half smiled, and shook her head a little.
“Look, I’m going to be honest with you. You had a reason to be angry, but after a while it just gets old. I’ll answer your questions though. I don’t know why Rye like’s me. We did get in a fight. So I dumped him, and got dragged back by one of his friends to make up with him. I was crying basically all day though. Actually, I believed it was my fault and was prepared to face the consequences of what happened, but he convinced me it wasn’t just me. He mainly blames himself, and the driver. I am tired of fighting aren’t you? I’m not going to waste my whole life planning revenge against someone. I’m tired of being looked at like I’m something to pity, okay? If you want to keep trying to fight me go ahead, but I’m letting you know from here on out I’m not sinking to your level. And this is proof because if I would’ve sunk to your level, I would have decked you just now. By the way, if you don’t forgive me you should forgive Ian.” Elle said, I’m so proud of her; she can finally keep her cool. Sapphire turned pink and I knew that it meant she was defeated, finally, maybe now she will get it through her thick skull that she can’t beat Elle, if she fights back.
“Wow Elle, I’m proud of you.” Ian said appearing out of nowhere, and as a natural response I saw Elle hunch her shoulders close to her. He laughed gently, “Relax guys.” He said smiling towards all of us.
“Hey Ian.” Everyone said, even Sapphire whispered it, but she was too shocked that he would be so close to her that she couldn’t speak at her full volume.
“Hi Brooke, Aqua, Elle, Jake,” He said normally. “Sapphire and I don’t know the rest of you that well, so, sorry.” He said Sapphire’s name quietly, but I know that we could all hear it. He looked at Sapphire lovingly, but she was still in a lot of shock, partially from Elle and the rest that he even went further as to say her name. He just smiled at the rest of us. Some of the girls were shocked that Ian came up to Elle so casually, but I knew they were friends. He must have forgiven her for whatever it was he overreacted to in the hospital.
“So then you’re over it?” She asked him looking up at his tan face, which was looking at Sapphire.
“Hmm, well yes of course kiddo.” He said looking at Elle with a smile, he was still thinking about Sapphire though, probably judging when she would forgive him, or if he had to apologize first. I’m agitated now, I need to work on the dance and I do not want a bunch of lovey-dovey hugs and kisses, and apologies going around on my day.
“Anyways, can we focus on the dance now?” I said, a little agitated.
“Oh, yes your majesty, I’ll just be going then.” He said looking at me; he is going to pay for that one later. “See you later.” He said looking at Sapphire in a questioning way, but she made no reply, still in after-shock.
“Right then, back to the entertainment issue, Elle we were thinking you could convince Rye to help us with that.” I said, smiling in a begging way.
“Well…I can try.” She said as the smile on our faces grew.
“Yes, so that means you’re helping?!” Brooke said, cornering her as she rolled her eyes. Then the bell rang and Elle went to her class while the rest of us went to cheerleading, well except Jake, but he was going to football. When I got there, I saw Josh, Jake’s brother there talking to some of the guys I saw at the hospital the other day. Wow, he is really cute, I mean wait I can’t think that, I’m dating his brother, I’m not single. Besides, Jake finally said I love you. The guys were being switched around today, so as soon as Jake was off of his drills I ran over there, and left the rest of girls cheering for the others, it was cold outside so most of us were in hoodies, but I forgot to get mine back from him.
“Hey.” He greeted me, smiling at my shivering.
“Hey, where’s your hoodie, I’m freezing out here.” I asked, frozen, it was only like 58 today.
“Do you really need it, or are you only cold because you’re in your cheerleading skirt?” He asked, what is he not cold? All I know is I’m freezing.
“I’m really, truly freezing.” I told him honestly.
“Ok, you know which bag is mine.” He told me, sighing.
“Yes, thanks Jake. When you leave though, I’m going to have to pretend to have been giving you a pep talk.”
“Ok, but first, I love you.” He told me, melting into his un-walled self.
“I love you to.” I told him, melting him further, then the coach called his mini team back onto the field, and Josh’s team came over. “Remember! Positive outcomes only!” I shouted, as if I even believed it.
“Hey Aqua.” The guys greeted me, I didn’t even know them all, wow I’m awesome, older guys even have heard of me.
“Hey guys, I’m sorry I don’t know all of your names.” I told them.
“I’m Josh.” Josh teased me; I just rolled my eyes at him.
“I’m Matt; I was in the hospital the other day, when you came to visit Rye.” He said, so he was the one who Brooke liked, what a cutie pie, they would be such a cute couple.
“I’m Danny.” Some really tall guy said, and the rest of them introduced themselves, except for this really mysterious guy. I had seen him in the hospital, but I’d never seen him talk.
“And, your name.” I said, walking up to him and crouching so that I could see his face, his head was hung. Then he looked up, at my bubbly happy face.
“I’m Joseph.” He told me, and then looked down.
“Well then, nice to meet you all and I hope that you’re ready for the game tomorrow. All of us cheerleaders will be there to cheer you on.” I said smiling; I was playing the part of head cheerleader so that the coach wouldn’t be mad for wasting a practice day.
“Well, we would be but Matt keeps getting distracted and can’t catch lately.” Josh said, picking on him.
“Ok, then let me see your arm.” I said, pulling out a sharpie from my shoe, I always needed one, so I just carried one around during cheerleading.
“Um, ok.” Matt said, holding out his arm. I wrote, catcher, on it so he would remember, then I put no going mental.
“Out of sight, out of mind, in sight, in mind.” I told them, and then a few more problems were told to me, like Josh couldn’t focus and so I wrote, No going mental, Focus.
“So, think you guys are ready for the game?” I asked them, turning back to my peppy self.
“Yes.” They all said.
“Who are we?” I chanted.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you who are we?” I shouted at them.
“Tigers.” Then the coach pulled them out, and Jake’s team came back. “Positive outcomes only!” I shouted after them. Then, I ran over to the pile of bags and grabbed Jake’s, then ran over to the girls, it was time to go through his bag.
“Ok, Brooke, you’ve done good, time for a break.” I said, showing her the bag I had.
“Um, ok, girls you can take turns taking breaks, and then doing drills.” She said, quickly dividing them into two and picking one to start out, as she realized what we were going to do.
“Ok, so what do we have here?” She asked, curious, she still didn’t know whose bag it was.
“Jake’s bag, I’m supposed to only get his hoodie, but if he knows me, and I’m pretty sure he does, then he knows I’m going to snoop.” I told her, and she nodded, helping me unzip his stuffed bag.
“Ok, we have a lot of trash, oh wait, these are notes! Score!” I said, taking out a pile, and then a glass bottle, I wondered what it was.
“Wow, he has a lot of notes, no wonder he doesn’t get any A’s.” Brooke said, going through his bag, seeing if there were any more for us to read.
“I found his cologne, it smells really good, I’m going to spray his hoodie before I steal it.” I said, spraying it down so I could smell like it.
“Ok.” She said, distracted by Matt.
“You know, you should really take charge and just ask him out for yourself.” I told her.
“No, I think that he’ll ask soon.” She said, and then she went to switch teams, and take over for Ashley. I took it as an opportunity to read the notes I had in a pile. I opened one, and started reading, it was to Rye.
When are you going to say it dude? I told Elle on our first date, you can say it. Rye wrote him, he has really nice handwriting for a dude.
I don’t know, I don’t know if she’ll say it back.
Yes, she will, just do it.
How would you know?
Because, she tells Elle and she tells me, but she doesn’t know everything, but she does know that.
Ok, but I don’t know, what if she thinks I’m lame, none of her relationships have ever been very committed.
I know, but she’s not going to dump you. Then the note ended, they probably got caught, or started a new page. Then I opened another, it was to me, but I know that I never got it.
Aqua, I love you, I don’t know if you’ll say it back but I do, and I need to say it. I know that a lot of people think we shouldn’t be together but I really like you and there are ten reasons why:
1. Your beautiful, even without your makeup, it doesn’t make a difference.
2. Your good at everything you do, even if it’s not you best thing, like Science, you still have an A in there and you say it’s your hardest subject
3. Beneath your shell, you’re really sweet; you’re always helping people who need it
4. Your honest, you always tell me what you can.
5. You can mean when you need to, you think you need someone to help you defend yourself but you really don’t your perfect at it
6. Your elegant, even if you don’t know it, everything you do is graceful, your walk, your talk, everything
7. You take my breath away, and I love it
8. Even if we weren’t dating, I could still love you
9. Your forgiving, you are willing to forgive and forget anything
10. You like me back, and that’s worth more than anything
So I hope that you see why I like you, and just know I love you. The letter was recent, and I almost cried reading it, that was so sweet, and I felt guilty. I break people’s hearts, and even though I know that I won’t for a long time, I know that I will eventually. He really shouldn’t love me like this.
Then the Brooke pointed to her watch, telling me that we only had ten minutes left in class, so I shoved his notes back in (except the one I just read), and shoved his cologne in there to. Then, when his team was on the field, I ran over to the pile and put his on top, and then I ran into the locker room and changed, running back outside, only taking three of my ten. The rest of the girls went to change, but the guys had to stay until the bell rang, throwing the balls around, some stupid freshman mouthed off to the coaches. I ran over to Josh, I wanted to see how my strategy worked.
“So,” I said, raising my brows quizzically.
“So, oh, yes it worked, everyone was on top of their game.” He told me, guessing at what I was getting at.
“Yay, I told you it would work.” I smiled up at him.
“Well, you know how us guys are. If a girl we barely know, and a blonde head-cheerleader one to, comes up and starts writing stuff on our arm, we’re going to think she’s crazy.” He teased me, laughing.
“Ha ha, I’m just glad it worked, you know football players, their skull is too thick to remember to look at their own arm.” I got him back.
“Oh, well, aren’t you the little trooper.” He said, emphasizing the crouch to pat me on the back.
“At least I’m not a giant,” I emphasized by jumping up just to reach his shoulder, which I could have reached just standing.
“Ok, truce.”
“Good, but I won.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did.”
“Whatever, you keep thinking that. It was a truce though, so technically no one won.”
“And you keep thinking that.” I said, clearly winning. Then Jake ran up.
“What are you guys up to?” He asked, putting his arm around me and staring at his brother.
“Nothing bro, just talking.” He said, in an innocent voice, his eyes getting wide. “You didn’t think we were doing anything, did you?” He tortured him.
“Of course not.” He said, trying to keep it in, I could tell, he was extremely jealous. He really shouldn’t be so defensive, it would break him further then if I would dump him when he was only beginning to let his walls down, but I still like him too much for that. Then the bell rang and Jake went to change, before he was late, and I grabbed my stuff and left for History. By the time it was lunch, I had almost forgotten about what I read. We all grabbed our salads and headed for the table. To my surprise, Elle was actually there, me and Brooke sat on either side of her. Jake sat across from me, and Ashley across from Brooke and then Sapphire across from Elle. I saw Elle look around for her friends before eating again, but I saw someone that I didn’t want to see walking towards her. James really needs to leave her alone. Everyone knew I hated him, after the way he treated me so they all got quiet when he came and put his hand on her shoulder. She got a really big smile; she must have been expecting Matt or someone, poor thing.
“Hey.” She said, getting up, and I saw her disappointment that it was only James.
“You can sit at my table if you want.” He said noticing the unsure look on her face, the girls were gawking at the fact that he was over here, and then even further at the fact that he just invited Elle to sit with him, I glared up at him. Jake was tense when he came, most likely wondering if I would go back to him, but then he relaxed at the sight of me staring daggers at him.
“That’s nice, but.” She never got to finish because the girls were even more amazed to see Josh, a senior, finish her sentence. Well, let’s just every problem I have come up and start talking to my sister, that’s just great. The guy that I hate likes my sister, and I don’t know how to tell her to stay away from him, and now Josh the guy that makes me doubt Jake comes, that’s just peachy.
“But she has someone better to hang out with.” Josh said taking her hand, and helping her up gracefully. But before she could apologize to the girls about him, Sapphire went crazy for a minute.
“You are such a slut!” She exclaimed, and Elle stared daggers at her. Then she picked up her tray and put her hand on his arm.
“I’ll see you guys later.” She said giving us a smile, she had followed Josh’s calm example, and Sapphire was stunned that she didn’t start a fight, but she under-estimated my sister, she was a lot stronger than a lot of people took her for. Then I drifted off to my thoughts, I wonder if Jake knows the story of me and James, our breakup song was Cold as You by Taylor Swift. I wonder though if he really knows that I kind of like his brother, but it doesn’t matter, it’s just a crush anyway, at least I’m pretty sure it is, no it is, I really need to stop arguing with myself. I felt guilty for thinking to myself and not listening to the girls, but I heard Brooke tell them that I had a lot going on and had to focus on the dance while they talked and I was happy she did, and then I thought of that day in my freshman year when James and I broke up.
“You know, Jenna’s really hot to.” He told me. “And really all your friends.” He said, flipping through my photos.
“Oh, I know why do you think I hang out with them?” I teased, but he didn’t laugh.
“I was serious.”
“I know.”
“So, shut up.” He glared at me; he didn’t want my opinion on what I said.
“You can’t just make me shut up; I’m not your little sister butting into your business all the time.”
“Well, I don’t need your opinion, so you need to shut up, like I said.” He spat at me, he always treated me like this every day for every six days we had been dating, all he wanted was what he wanted and he didn’t care about the rest. I was tired of it; this had to end before he made me cry.
“We need to break up.” I told him.
“Fine, but could you give me Jenna’s number?” He asked, not caring about what I had said.
“No, in fact, I can’t get you any of the girls’ numbers. Just stop talking to me.”
“My pleasure, have a nice life without me, you’ll be sorry.” He said, patting my shoulder as if he felt bad for me, like I was an orphan or something, except it actually hurt. I got up and left then cried my heart out to Cold as You playing on repeat. I hadn’t realized the bell had rang until Jake dumped my tray and then came back with my stuff and tapped on my shoulder.
“Time to go, Aqua. Are you okay?” He asked, wiping a tear from my eye.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” We left for class, and the rest of the day went fine. At the final bell, Elle met me at the bus stop.
“Where are you going?” I asked her.
“I’m going home, then to the hospital.” She said, like it was obvious.
“No, you have to help with the dance this week, remember?” I laughed, and she groaned.
“Fine.” She said bitterly.
“Oh Elle, cheer up.” I said nudging her, it worked and she smiled.
“Hey girls.” Brooke greeted us.
“Hey.” I said in reply. Then Jake and Matt showed up, quickly followed by Sapphire, James, Ashley, Chloe, and Anna.
“Well, we are all here so let’s get planning.” I said, officially starting the meeting. We made a list of who was bringing what and then divided into teams for different jobs. Me, Sapphire, and Elle were mainly in charge of décor stuff. Matt, Jake and Brooke were food. Chloe and James were on banners and invites. Ashley and Anna gave a little bit of help with everything. The group pitching our idea of under the stars dance to the principal was made up of me because I’m bubbly, Brooke because she’s decisive and informative, and Matt to prove guys would like it too. After that James treated us all for coffee, he really wanted to try and get Elle to go for him. We went to our normal place, and without Josh’s protection James sat next to Elle. I saw him put his arm around her and say something, but she told him off a bit for it, then she went outside and he followed, she could handle him, I hoped.
Then Elle came in, she looked uneasy about something, but I didn’t ask. I would later though, but right now I was very busy, I only had a couple of days to do this, and I was worried about what I would do with Jake.
“I’m going to go see how everyone is doing and how far they’ve gotten.” I told them, and then I left.
“Matt, how is the food coming?” I asked, before he could say anything, Brooke spoke for him.
“I don’t know, he’s such a pig. I have to eliminate half of the nasty stuff he comes up with. For example, chili dogs with everything? This is a dance not a hillbilly, who can clog their arteries faster contest.” She ragged on him, trying to hold in the laughter as I saw him shake his head.
“Well, you should hear what she comes up with. Tiny sandwiches and the healthy kind? Who would eat those?” He said, and I couldn’t help it, I laughed, he didn’t even realize that normal people ate those at parties.
“What?” He asked, looking confused, making Brooke join in the laughter at his confusion.
“You know, that’s what so many people have at their parties’ right? It’s totally normal.” I said, trying to recover from the laughter.
“Yes. That’s why you always see them in movies.”
“Oh, so then, foot longs aren’t appropriate for the dance?” He asked, making me laugh, he was serious.
“No, where did you learn to think like that about food?” Brooke asked, shaking her head, a look of amazement on her face.
“Well, I’m going to just let Brooke be in charge, which means she can terminate anything she wants.” I said, holding back giggles as he looked at me with a what? expression.
“Fine, but she can’t terminate it if it’s actually good to ‘normal’ people right?”
“Right. I’m checking on other people now, so good luck Brooke.” I winked at her, knowing that she would know I meant more than just the food. Then I went to sit with Jake, who had subtly left them alone, and went to a different table with a paper and pen.
“You look alone.” I said, surprising him as he turned to see who it was.
“Oh, well, you know me and Matt are like brothers so I just left him alone to work his magic.” He was serious, and for the second time today I laughed at the guy stupidity that seemed to be going around. “What?” He asked.
“Oh, nothing, except, what magic? He doesn’t have any skills, it’s just chance that Brooke finds him funny.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yeah, it is. He is just himself and he gets her smiling, no magic involved.”
“Well, is it that way with me?” He asked, looking at me, studying my face, poor Jake. I saw him get excited.
“No, you had to use your skills to convince me, but you didn’t have many.”
“Then why did you say yes?”
“Well, at first you were just amusing, the way you scrambled to give me reasons to date you. Then, I started thinking about your hair, then your personality and decided that I did like you. Once I did, it just kind of grew enough for me to say yes. At first I thought it would be a game, then after time went on, it wasn’t.”
“Wow, so you like me more than your other boyfriends?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t have said I love you if I didn’t. I mean I told all twenty of them that but I didn’t mean it, there wasn’t even a spark when they said it, not even a butterfly. I would have done anything to get some of those relationships to last but I knew they wouldn’t so I ended them, most of the time hurting them. But I’m mean if you didn’t notice, so I didn’t really care. I guess in a way Taio Cruz’s Break Your Heart is the song of my love life, except I’ve never had anyone not care, and I guess I never told them in advance.”
“So, do you think that will happen with us?”
“I don’t know, but as far as I can see, no. You would have to say something to really peeve me off, like insult me or my family.”
“Ok, I’ll try not to then.”
“Good job, you’re learning.” I teased him.
“Good job, Mrs. Alaverez you’re a good teacher.” He teased back.
“Well, thank you.” I thanked him, I could see that it threw him off to thank him and take his insult as a compliment.
“Come on, were dancing.”
“What? No we’re not.”
“Yes we are.” He told me, getting up and winking at Matt, who got up and then turned on the music getting Brooke to dance with him.
“I guess you guys can take a break, and dance.” I called, and everyone got up to dance, except Elle, but I knew she wouldn’t want to unless Rye was there. I just sat down, stubbornly not dancing, and then Jake pulled me up and spun me around, settling the subject.
“Jake, let me sit down.” I said, and it shocked him, he thought he had completely settled it, and so his grip loosened and I just took it as an opportunity to walk away to work on the details. Then, I felt someone’s arm wind around me and stop me, then spin me, the arm acting as a restraint, and I laughed. “Jake, let me go.” I said laughing as he pulled me closer and spun us away from everyone, no one noticed, they were having fun with themselves, laughing and chatting.
“You really are stubborn,” he whispered.
“I know, but I have walls.”
“I know. I’m going to break them you know.”
“You are?” I said, surprised at how fierce he said it, oh god, now I really feel guilty for thinking about his brother. No wonder he was so jealous of his brother. I wondered if he did this with all his girlfriends, I’m probably just another one to steal. I’m not going to think about him anymore though; I like Jake way more than him, especially thinking about that.
“Yes, or at least I’m going to try anyway.” He interrupted my thoughts with his response.
“Keep trying.” I told him as he spun me around and around. His smile faded as they turned off the music, and he walked me back, lost in his thoughts.
“Ok, everybody, good work. I’m going to collect your lists and ideas and go through them. Once I make the final decisions, we can work on making this the best first dance of the year in history!” I said cheerily, and the girls shouted their agreement, and of course Matt did to, he just wanted to agree with Brooke. Everybody left, except for me, Elle and Jake. The karaoke was still plugged in and I smiled, Jake hadn’t heard me sing yet. So I ran over with Elle, and looked at the CD in the slot, it was Taylor Swift, so I plugged in the microphone.
“Tell Jake to wait at a table.” I said, she just shook her head and went to tell him, smiling, and he I saw him took a seat and so I spoke into the microphone.
“This one is for you guys.” I said, even though the shop was pretty much empty except for Elle and Jake. Then I drifted into song, singing Fearless. Once I was done, Jake got up and clapped truly astounded at my voice.
“That was amazing.” He complimented me as I got down off the stage, and hugged me tightly. “I love you.”
“I love you to.” I said back, kissing him and then pulling away, Elle was there and I didn’t want her to feel to awkward. When I got home, there was a new perfume on the doorstep, which I picked up before Elle saw me. What the? It’s addressed to me, but it says from anonymous and the note says This is my favorite scent on you, I hope you appreciate the extra perfume, wear it if you want. That’s not weird; it was the Beyoncé perfume I had only worn twice this year. Weird. I wondered who could have sent it to me as I went upstairs, but then I stopped to film an outfit of the day and a back to school haul video for my channel, even though it was almost half way into the school year. Once I had edited the stupid scenes and bloopers out, uploaded it and everything, I went to eat dinner, which was grilled chicken (because it’s more healthy). Then I sang and practiced some cheers, and then I took a shower and went to bed.
Chapter 8: An Interesting Day
When I woke up, I had a good feeling about the day. I curled my hair in soft curls, and then I got dressed in some jeans and a button up, plaid, white and black shirt. For breakfast I had some cereal again and then I slipped on some cute ankle boots, grabbed my stuff and headed for the bus stop with Elle. When I got to school, all my friends were waiting for me, and I mean everyone.
“Hey girls!” I said cheerily.
“Hey Aqua.” They smiled back, there were even guys there and they were all smiling at me.
“So, what’s up?” I asked, wondering what was up with everyone being there and smiling to.
“Well, we were just wondering…” Jenna started, then Brooke cut her off and finished.
“..If you would sing at the game, everyone wants you to. Before you ask, at the beginning you sing, and you sing the national anthem and a song of your choice, just to get everyone ready to go.” She finished, smiling, oh, I get it they’re all here to see if I will or not.
“Sure, that sounds really fun. I just need some dancers.” I said, and Brooke, Jenna, and two guys I didn’t know that well volunteered. “Ok then, we’re all set.” I agreed fully and then told them what dance we were doing.
“Ok, so the invites are perfect, I love the design, you guys will have to get them though, here’s the money for it, which should cover everything. The food was almost fine, but it was a little too fancy for a school dance, I mean I love the idea of caviar but most people won’t go for it. Everything else was fine, so here’s the money.” I said, surprised at how little planning the dance took, handing one person from each of the groups the wad of cash for it. The school hadn’t given us all that money but Sapphire had a lot of money, and she wanted the dance to truly be the best we had ever had besides prom so she got her Dad to donate like a thousand dollars. The day passed quickly and nothing really happened, until I got to the game. When I had changed into my performing dress, I went onto our tiny little stage they had set up for me and waited to be introduced.
“Ok tigers! Your intro act is truly going to be a perfect performance. We will have the national anthem, as it is traditional, and then Change by Taylor Swift. The performer is a wonderful girl, who is..” The freshman introducing me meant it as a dramatic pause, but I took it as an opportunity.
“Me.” I jumped out from behind her, and the whole crowd knew who I was and cheered. Then the band played the background music for the national anthem which I sang, getting much applause for, and then it was my time to really shine. I started to sing, just after my little introduction to the song, waiting for them to get it to the right track in the giant boom box.
“I find this song really important, and I hope that you guys like it. I’m going to sing my best and I hope that in turn you will cheer our players on as good as possible. Go tigers!” I said into the microphone, getting a huge roar from the crowd and smiles from some players, then I started singing and it was like I was at an actual Taylor Swift concert. When I finished, the crowd cheered like I had never heard anyone cheer, then they demanded an encore and so the principle nodded his agreement, and I took a risk and sang a song I had wrote.
“This is a song I wrote, and it’s called U and Me. I hope you guys enjoy it.” I smiled, and then I was handed a guitar, so I sang acoustic. I was even more surprised when the crowd cheered even more loudly then they had before and I felt like a celebrity. I was stunned when people threw flowers on the stage, when I got off the stage I thanked the crowd and then went into the locker room, put on a head microphone and changed into my cheer uniform.
“Are you ready?” I asked the crowd, skipping out of the locker room, the rest of the cheerleaders following. I cheered and did all my special flips. During half time, I took off the head set so I could go give the team a pep talk.
“Ok Tigers! We are winning, but does that mean we stop trying?”
“Well then, I don’t see you sweating! We have to play these Hornets for all they’re worth.” I told them, putting on my best smile. “Who are we?”
“Who are we going to beat?”
“And who are we again?” I shouted.
“Tigers!” They shouted, then the coach called them back into the game and I smiled and shouted after them, “Positive outcomes only!” At the end of the game I flipped off our pyramid and then jogged to the dressing room. When I got out, I was stopped by a guy, and then I recognized him as the guy who introduced himself as Danny yesterday.
“Hey Aqua, I was wondering if you could go with me to the movies this Friday?” He asked me, smiling like he had a chance, some people still hadn’t heard that I was taken.
“Sorry, but I have a boyfriend so I can’t. Maybe when I’m single.” I told him, he looked disappointed but he just shook it off and walked away. I was going to congratulate the guys on winning by so much, but then I was stopped by a freshman that I didn’t know.
“Hi. First, I want to say that you were great on stage, but I was told to give you these.” He said, holding out a bouquet of a dozen red roses. “I was also told to tell you that the person who gave you these was the same one who gave you the perfume.” He said, as I took them.
“Thank you.” I said, bewildered at who gave them to me. Then I walked up to the guys reading the note on the roses, From someone closer than you think, because you’re as delicate and beautiful as a rose. How sweet. When I got to the guys, Jake was staring at the roses, but his close friends, including his brother were just smiling.
“Where did those come from?” He asked, looking around jealously for the culprit.
“I don’t know, it says anonymous, and a freshman, who didn’t even know who I was until tonight, delivered them. I like them though.” I said, wondering who delivered them, and why the guys were smiling, and the guys patted Josh on the shoulder, but I passed that off as them congratulating him for a good game.
“Oh, well that’s weird.” He said, looking confused on who could have sent them to me.
“I know right?” I agreed, but then I turned to the rest of the team. “Congrats, everyone! I hope the next game is as great as this one was.” I congratulated them, smiling at the remembrance of my performance.
“Well, we couldn’t have done it without our head cheerleader, writing our problems on our arms.” Josh said, his voice dripping with thanks. Jake’s eyes tightened, but he didn’t say anything.
“Well, you know it’s kind of my job, but you’re welcome.” I smiled, making the guys laugh at my fake modesty. “See you all.” I ended our little congrats party, and all the guys said bye back. Jake wanted to stay with the guys, so I walked to my car on my own. When I got home, I took a fast shower, careful not to wake Elle; it was around eleven at night.
Chapter 9: The day Rye comes back
When I woke up in the morning, after I got dressed and did everything I usually did, it was just in time for Elle to wake up. As I walked to her room, it dawned on me, Josh sent me that stuff, he was especially enthusiastic when I came over, and when he saw I liked them.
Good Morning, I love you! I texted Jake and he responded with the same. Another thing is Rye will be here! That’s cool, I mean for Elle and his, friends, I guess.
I opened the door waking her up.
“Yes?”, she asked, curious.
“It’s time to get up!” I squealed running to her closet.
“What’s going on?” She asked, trying to hide her curiousness with an attempted normal face.
“Nothing, why would you ask?” I said, smiling, and I knew it was a lame lie but I didn‘t care, Josh liked me, even if I couldn‘t do anything about it.
“Well, because you seem really happy for no apparent reason.” She said pointing out how bad my lie was.
“Nothing, I promise. I’m just in a good mood. Well also, Jake said I love you this morning which makes me smile.” I said sighing happily. I got her a peach, knee-high, neck tie dress, and a white, elbow length jacket. I was dressed in red, one-sleeved dress with another pair of red pumps, and a matching white shrug. I felt very loving that day, and wanted to show it with what I wore. I wanted everyone to look good, especially her; I mean she had her boyfriend coming back today, as I found out from the nurse on Tuesday.
“No, you don’t get to curl my hair.” She said stubbornly.
“Please, Elle, it looks so pretty curled.” I begged. After about ten minutes of pleases she gave in. Once we got on the bus, everyone was complimenting me on the performance I did last night. When I got off the bus, I winked at Rye, telling him that I had made Elle look extra pretty.
“Rye!” She squealed, and then ran and jumped into his open arms. He twirled her around once before setting her down. She stretched on my tip toes to grab his face, and pull it to hers, I didn‘t hear what they said, but I know I heard something about how I kept her from seeing him, and smiled. Then I saw her bury her face in his chest.
“Elle, what’s wrong?” He asked worried.
“Nothing, I just missed you is all.” She lied; I could always tell when she was lying to him.
“Elle, don’t lie to me, what happened?” He said pulling her from him, and she sighed.
“I sort of cheated on you.” She sobbed, and his face dropped.
“Well, I get the feeling that’s not the whole story.” He said sadly. She blurted out something, trying to get it out as fast as possible, so I couldn’t hear what she said, but I knew it had to do with James.
“Elle, he won’t touch you again. I promise.” He said, and James approached them, not noticing me.
“So Elle have you made your choice?” James said, and I felt like someone had punched me, I hated that he liked anyone; he was hurting people I cared about and that hurt me.
“Leave Elle alone. She doesn’t like you. So don’t talk to her or you’ll regret it.” He shoved James. He’d kept one arm around Elle the whole time, but his one armed push still shoved James back a few feet, well, we know who’s going to win this fight.
“Rye.” Elle started to protest him fighting when James punched Rye while he was looking at her. “Cheap shot!” She screamed. I felt someone grab my waist, and Josh pulled me away. I screamed at them, I don’t want Rye hurt, for Elle. At least, I think it’s for Elle.
“Stop, let me go.” I said, crying a little.
“Shh, it’s okay Aqua. Rye can handle him, and he won’t bug whoever he was bugging again. If he bugs you though, you don’t have anything to worry about.” He told me, using one hand to wipe my tears away. He saw the mistake in what he said, and quickly changed it. “I mean, Elle to. And, I’d only be helping Jake.” I just nodded, but I wanted to be let go.
“Let me go Josh. Let me go.” I meant more than I said but I kind of meant more than that, I didn’t want to break Jake’s heart; he didn’t hear my double use though. Then Jake walked up.
“It’s ok Aqua, nobody is going to get hurt, and if you care about James for some reason I can get Rye to stop. Do you want me to?”
“No, I want him to leave, but if Rye gets hurt Elle will have problems again and I need her to be happy, otherwise I’ll never be happy.” It was half-truth and half lie, I wanted her to be happy but I wanted him to be ok for me a little to, wait, what? I can’t want him to be ok for me, that’s wrong.
“Ok, well the fight is over now, so go on. Josh let her go.” He commanded, I looked up and I could see for a second that he didn’t want to but he did. Then we all rushed over to where they were.
“Why did you fight him Rye?” Josh asked, getting straight to the point.
“It’s not my reason to tell, it’s hers.” He said, motioning to Elle, and rubbing his knuckles.
“What happened?” Jake asked.
“Well, I don’t really want to say.” She said, looking down to escape our eyes. We begged for a few minutes, but Rye wasn’t having it.
“She’ll tell you when she’s ready. So leave her alone.” He said ending our begging.
“Tell me Elle.” I said earning a dirty look from Rye, but I didn’t care I deserved to know, I was her sister.
“Ok. Sapphire told James I liked him, so when he started flirting and I said I didn’t like him, he thought I was playing hard to get. Anyways, he kissed me so I’ve been sort of hiding from him.” She said, looking at the ground.
“Damn it Elle. Why didn’t you tell me when it started? I would have made him leave you alone.” Josh said running his hands through his hair, hot, I mean, where did that come from? “Or at least I would have got to thrown a punch in.” He said, and we all agreed.
“Wait, how do you know it was Sapphire?” Ian said suspiciously.
“Because one, who else would do that, and she was giving me satisfied smirks.” She said, but before he could protest I interrupted.
“Now I understand why you were so uneasy. Elle you should have told me I’m your sister.” I said unhappily, I had to do something and I could’ve ended it, because even though Rye thought it would, getting beat up wouldn’t stop him.
“Well, I didn’t want any fighting.” She said, defending herself.
“Well, either way he won’t be messing with you anymore. Who knows maybe he’ll transfer schools out of fear.” Josh said as James slinked away.
“Hopefully.” She mumbled, as me and Jake left to confront him, why does he have to always be there, it makes me feel guilty, I like him being there but it makes me feel really guilty.
I walked up to James, and I flipped my hair, as I do when I’m confronting someone. “James, I need to talk to you.”
“Maybe later.” He said, looking at his friends.
“I don’t think so; I think it needs to be right now.” I said, glancing at Jake, making him agree uneasily. When we had walked a good distance from everyone, I started.
“Listen to me James; you need to leave my sister alone. If you do anything to her again, you’re going to pay for it. You do anything to any of my close friends or me and you will pay for that to.” I growled at him.
“And if I don’t?”
“If you see my boyfriend here, he is as strong as Rye, and if he isn’t available all those guys over there are ten times stronger, so unless you want to, I don’t know, die, then I would listen.” I told him, pointing at the guys. “Do you understand?”, he didn’t respond so I said it again. “I said do you understand?” I said, menacingly, he was glaring but I knew he was about to agree when Elle walked up.
“Aqua, that’s enough. He’s already had a rough day, just leave him alone.” She said stepping in between us.
“Just making sure he got the message.” I said harshly, glaring at her, she doesn‘t know what he‘s capable of, the last day of our relationship wasn‘t even the worst, I wish she knew so she would understand me more.
“He does, so leave him alone. Do you understand? No more tormenting him, besides it’s not his fault.” She said, meaning for it to be the end, but I’m stubborn and that wasn’t going to happen.
“No Elle. You are not my boss. I’ll teach him a lesson, and you’ll deal with it. He deserves it for what he did to you.” I said glaring at her.
“Look, I know I’m not your boss, but I’m the one he kissed. So if I can get over it you can. It’s not like he raped me or mugged me or something. He doesn’t deserve to be punished for ignorance.” She said a little sharply, but she was still very calm.
“Why are you defending him?” I said as Rye started walking away from the group towards us.
“Because, he doesn’t deserve this, he may be a low life scumbag, but if anyone is going to punish him it would be me. So just drop it.” She said bitterly glaring at me. She doesn’t get it, she thinks she’s right but I know what he does to girls, he has a thick skull so it’s going to take a while for him to get the message, at least three people need to tell him, otherwise he won’t believe her.
“What’s going on here?” Rye asked me.
“I was simply warning James here to leave Elle alone, and she came over and started defending him.” I said bitterly staring at the way she defended him.
“What the hell Elle! Do you like him?” Rye said, obviously jealous of James, idiot.
“No, but why should he be punished for being misled. This is why I wasn’t going to tell you, because I knew you would be like this. You’re always overreacting. I can handle some things. Yes, I am glad you hit him, but he doesn’t need to be tormented still. He already has a black eye to prove he lost, so he doesn’t deserve to have no friends as well because it wasn’t his fault.” She said taking short sharp breaths.
“Thanks Elle, I knew you’d make the right choice.” James said slapping her butt, and she ran forward into Rye’s arms.
“Bad idea.” Rye said cracking his knuckles, but this time Jake stepped forward too, as well as Josh, Matt, and Ian who’d ran over seeing the fight starting, you could feel the tension, why does everyone have to jump into this, it doesn‘t have anything to do with half of them, they‘re kind of like a family I guess. Sapphire had ran over with Ian, and I saw her blush when he turned, gently nudging her back. Brooke stayed a few feet away watching Matt, aw how cute, she‘s worried about him.
“Remember what Elle said no fighting.” James said, backing away slowly.
“Elle do I have permission?” Rye said not looking at her but he was obviously still mad.
“Do your worst.” She said, probably pushed past her limit. Me, Sapphire, and Elle watched as James was hit, and on the ground.
“Stop.” Elle said what the hell? Then the guys stepped back.
“Get lost.” Elle said menacingly, a group of kids had gathered, and they fled at her words, most likely scared of the big guys around her, obviously defenders at her order. She bent down and started talking to him, “You won’t torment another girl like this, get it. If someone says they don’t like you, be a gentlemen and understand no means no.” She said, standing up grimly. Rye was staring daggers at her. “What?!” She exclaimed at him.
“Nothing, I just thought you’d be a little more grateful is all.” He said shrugging it off, and Ian, Matt, and Sapphire left.
“Grateful? You’re right; I should be on the ground worshiping you for saving me. Anyone could have done that.” She said bitterly, great another fight, and I’m probably going to have deal with this one.
“Really, well let’s see, if it weren’t for me there’d be no one else.” He said just as bitter, why does he have to be so protective over her? It just bugs her.
“If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have had this problem. If it weren’t for you, I could do what I wanted without supervision. I could ditch when I wanted or drive at night by myself without a lecture.” She said agitated.
“Fine if life is so much simpler without me, I’ll leave it because apparently you need a break.” He shouted.
“Well it’s nice to know two days wasn’t enough for you.” She shouted back.
“It obviously wasn’t, because you’re such a royal pain!” He screamed angry.
“Well, while you were at the hospital having fun with your buddies I was here being tormented because the person I loved wasn’t there, because some creep tried to seduce me. So thanks, yeah thanks a lot for caring.” She said quietly, tears running down her face, and it hurt him, great it’s official now, complete with hurt feelings.
“Why don’t we all calm down, and just ditch? Okay, we need to celebrate Rye’s back.” I said, trying to improve the mood.
“How long have you known he was going to be here today?” She said clearly mad that I knew and she didn‘t, oops.
“Well, since, Tuesday.” I mumbled, the nurse had told me when I went to visit with Elle.
“Tuesday?! Ditching sounds like a good idea, but wait am I allowed to Rye?” She said, mocking him.
“What do I care?” He said like the stubborn jerk he was being.
“Well I’ll go, but Rye won’t he’s too much of a goodie goodie.” She said, challenging him, why? Why does she have to continue this?
“No. I’m going.” He said to annoy her.
“Fine I’m glad.” She said calmly.
“Well I’m glad you’re happy, that’s all I’ve been trying to do.” He said, and I hung my head disappointed I couldn’t fix it quickly like I wanted.
“Anyone else coming?” I asked, but I saw Ian and Matt were already walking away. Elle started walking away, and Rye followed her, trying to beat her off campus.
“I am, of course.” Jake smiled at me.
“Well, there’s no point in me staying.” Joseph said softly, I wonder why he’s always so quiet and softer than the other guys.
“I’ll come to.” Josh said, standing on the other side, where Jake wasn’t, of course you will, that’s great.
“Well, Josh, that’s good, because you should walk up there with Elle and just keep an eye out in case, I don’t know, she kills Rye.” I told him, trying to get him away so things wouldn’t be so awkward.
“I don’t want to, how about Joseph does?” He suggested, smiling, of course, of course Joseph can do it.
“Ok, I’ll do it.” Joseph agreed, walking up there but staying a safe distance back.
“So, what’s been up with you guys lately?” I asked, trying to distract Jake, who was glaring at his brother.
“Nothing really, but I was wondering, do you like Tulips?” Josh asked me, and Jake stared at him, stunned.
“Umm, they’re okay.”
“Ok, how about white roses?”
“Yeah, they’re my favorite.” I told him, I knew I couldn’t lie; besides it was just some flowers, right?
“Good,” He said, pulling out his phone and Jake was still just glaring.
“You like necklaces right? What about the key ones?” Jake asked, trying to top his brother.
“Umm, you know I really don’t like getting gifts for no reason.”
“Well, it’s almost our two month anniversary, so I guess I have a reason to get you, my girlfriend, a gift.” He said, looking at his brother when he emphasized the words. That’s awkward; I really hope the rest of the day isn’t like that.
“Umm, yeah I guess so, but I have like three already.” I told him, not wanting to lie and get a fourth one, even though none were from him, I’d get confused on which was his.
“Oh.” He said disappointedly while his brother’s smile grew as if he had won something. Why does every guy have to like me at the wrong times?
“I hope they have good coffee don’t you guys?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, maybe we can get the same thing.” They said at the same time, turning and glaring at each other.
“Oh look we’re here. How depressing, well I have to fix Elle and Rye so I won’t be back for a few minutes.” I told them, hurrying to get to Elle and Rye, besides, I needed to fix them. I grabbed Elle by the arm and yanked her a few steps back.
“You come with me, and you stay here.” I instructed.
“With pleasure.” Rye said smartly, god he is so stupid.
“No, I’m not finished yet.” She said pulling from me, I think you are.
“The hell you are.” I said, but she knew I wouldn’t stop so she followed me to the bathroom, as soon as we got in there I blocked the doors.
“You’re not leaving this room until you agree to apologize.” I said, stubborn as always.
“Oh yeah, watch me.” She said, heading for the window.
“Oh no you don’t.” I mumbled, tackling her.
“Let me go.” She shouted, pushing me off her legs.
“Not until you agree to apologize!” I shouted back.
“No!” She said, biting my arm. I grabbed her by the shirt, and sat on her back, but she stood up and I jumped off. She used her hand to push me off, but I grabbed onto her arm, and wouldn’t let go. So she kicked me in the gut and I wrapped my body around my leg, and she dragged me to the window. So I stood, and pulled her to the ground. She was biting me when Jake opened the door.
“Rye you’d better get in here. Now!” He shouted.
“What, is she dead? Oh I guess not.” He said running to the door.
“Don’t sound too happy.” Elle said sarcastically. He stuck his tongue out at her.
“You’re so stupid.” She said.
“Rye you need to apologize for being too protective.” I said, getting to the point before they got into it again.
“Why should he apologize? Elle was acting ungrateful and kind of slutty.” Jake chimed in as Josh walked up.
“I didn’t ask for your input.” I said bitterly, why can’t he shut up when he needed to?
“Why haven’t you hit him?” She demanded an answer from Josh, what? No. What if Rye damaged his face, then what would I do? What if he beat up Rye, I don’t know what I would do at all then. Wait, why do I care about Rye? Duh, for Elle, silly me not remembering stuff.
“Do you want me to hit him?” Josh asked her.
“Yes, he deserves it, and you’re supposed to be my big brother.” She pouted.
“Well okay, but are you sure?” He said lifting his arm, and stepping towards Rye.
“She doesn’t mean it.” Rye said answering for her.
“Yes I did.” She said, being stubborn.
“Wait, never mind.” She said as Josh was about to strike. Then she walked into the coffee shops main room where Joseph was doing, what was he doing?
“Told you she wouldn’t, she’s too weak because she loves me and my over protectiveness.” He said rudely.
“No, I did it because I’m strong enough not to let it happen, and because I like your face. There were no other reasons. No love was involved.” She lied.
“Liar!” Rye screamed at her, and she rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Copycat that’s my thing.” He shouted. While they were shouting, I had been holding Josh’s arm, not realizing it until I looked down, oops, I immediately took it off, but I felt awkward while they were fighting, and I couldn’t think of what to say, so I leaned to Josh, who had his license.
“Can you take me home? I don’t know what to do about this fight.” I whispered to him.
“Sure. Let’s go.” He said, leading me to his car, wow, his car is a hummer! Score! I mean, did I just think that? I meant, umm, how bad for the environment!
“Thanks a bunch, I hate having to take Tylenol and I was getting a headache in there.” I told him graciously.
“No problem, I hope your head doesn’t hurt.” He said, worried, geez, why does he have to care? This is not fair, I want him to and I don’t at the same time, why do I have to have both feelings for him? Then Jake ran up, just as I was slipping into the passenger’s seat, oh great, this is going to be awkward.
“What the hell Aqua? Why is Josh driving you?” He demanded, glaring at me, oh crap.
“I just wanted to go home.” I lied, I hadn’t thought about who I was asking before I did.
“I could have done it; I mean I’m your boyfriend.” He told me, still mad.
“Well, your driving scares me.” I lied, but it was partially true, that counts for something right?
“Josh drives faster than me!” He shouted, still mad, making me madder, what does he think that I had Josh drive me everywhere? How would I know if he drives faster than him?
“Well how would I know, you won’t let me do anything with him and I haven’t drove with him, even before you decided to get jealous!” I shouted back, and he knew I was right so he calmed down a bit.
“Fine, but I’m driving her Josh, give me the keys.” He said, still mad at his brother and holding out his hand, Josh was still out of the car.
“No, you can come with if you want though.” Josh told him, he wasn’t going to give him the keys for anything, and I could see it.
“Well, she’s my girlfriend, what were you doing with her anyway? Taking her for lunch, maybe thinking you could get her to cheat on me while you were at it?” He shouted at him.
“No, I was just driving her home like she said. Besides, I wouldn’t have made her do anything she didn’t want to.” He said, making it sound like I would want to, I do, I mean, I wouldn’t as long as me and Jake were dating, I love Jake.
“Whatever give me the keys!” He shouted at him, I wondered if he realized that he was the only one shouting.
“No, it’s my car.” He told him walking to the driver’s side.
“Fine, but I’m coming with you guys.” He said getting in the back, as soon as we were all in the car, he turned to me.
“Why are you in the front?” He asked, pouting because he lost.
“I just like the front better is all. You can be in the front if you want.” I told him, kind of lying about the first part; I really wanted to sit next to Josh.
“No, that’s fine; I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” He said, bitter.
“That’s ok; you can have it if you want.” I told him, trying to ease the tension.
“No, he doesn’t want it, besides; no one wants you to be uncomfortable.” Josh said, grinning at me.
“Ok” I mumbled, looking out the window for a distraction, “hey, look at those flowers! Aren’t they so pretty?” I asked them, pointing at some daisies.
“Sure, but I can think of something prettier.” They said at the same time, as Josh started driving, they both glared at each other. Man, every distraction just makes them fight harder.
“How about we listen to some music?” Jake suggested, pulling a CD out of some sort of CD holder in the backseat, and handing it to Josh. I read the title as Josh put it in; it was Taylor Swift’s new Speak Now album. Mine started playing, and I smiled. Jake and Josh started singing it, and when she said mine, they both looked at me, and then thrust a dirty look at each other.
“We really don’t have to listen to music if you guys don’t want to.” I assured them, I didn’t see any flowers to distract them with.
“You’re allowed to like music Aqua, besides you probably just want us to stop singing, we’re probably horrible at it.” He smiled at me, they weren’t though, well Jake was mediocre and Josh seemed more like a background singer.
“Well, you guys were pretty fair, so don’t beat yourself up to bad.” I smiled at him.
“Well, I only play guitar.”
“I’m only a background singer.” Josh interjected, not wanting us to talk on our own for too long obviously.
“You should sing for us.” Jake suggested.
“Yeah, you’re really good; everyone wanted you to sing more at the game.” Josh agreed, so I nodded and sang Mine. When I was done, they both had a huge smile on their faces.
“Anyone could listen to you sing all day, you know.” Jake complimented me.
“Agreed.” Josh said. Then I got distracted, we had only been going around the block a bunch of times and I saw Joseph standing outside when he was supposed to be inside, making sure Elle didn’t kill Rye!
“Park here, I would go home, but our supervisor isn’t doing his job.” I told him, Josh nodded and parked in the parking spot in front of Joseph. Me and Josh got out of the car, but I stopped him to talk to Joseph.
“What the heck? You’re supposed to be watching them.” I told him, I had meant to yell but something about him was too soft for me to.
“Well, they got to loud so I left.”
“They’re fighting; of course they’re supposed to be loud. What if Elle has killed Rye? Then what am I supposed to do?”
“Again, they got too loud so I left. I shouldn’t have to deal with it.” He said, still calm, I felt bad for accusing him though; he was like a really soft big brother that I just couldn’t yell at. When I walked inside, I saw Elle about to throw some seemingly hot coffee on Rye.
“Don’t you dare throw that.” I said walking closer.
“I was going to drink it, not throw it.” She said, starting to lift it to her lips.
“Liar she told me she was going to throw it!” Rye tattled.
“No one likes a tattle tale.” Josh said.
“Where’s Jake?” I asked.
“Outside with Joseph.” Josh said, and I sighed, did he just want me to cheat on him? Why is he so mad, he was there the whole time. Oh, now I know, I didn’t tell or ask him to come inside with me, I assumed he would, so he’s probably waiting for me to notice.
“You big baby.” She said lifting the cup again. Then noticing all the witnesses, she lifted it to her lips. “Ew it’s black!” She shrieked. “I mean yummy black.” She covered.
“You don’t have to drink it.” Josh said and she sighed relieved, putting it down.
“Wow, you can’t do anything right. I should have dated Sapphire when I had the chance.” Rye said to tick her off.
“Okay enough, I’ve got two shoes, and I will throw them at the next person to argue.” I said taking, my shoes off, I have had enough of this, and next thing that’s argued, the person who says it is going to get a shoe right up their ass. Elle knows I’ll do it.
“It’s not my fault he’s a jerk.” She mumbled.
“Shut up. Rye apologize for being too protective, and Elle apologize for being well, a jerk, and I mean it.” I said lifting my shoes as a warning.
“I can’t with you watching.” She mumbled.
“Well too bad.” I said lifting the shoes higher, but Josh laughed distracting me. I turned to him, and walked over; he was about ten feet away.
“What is so funny?” I asked.
“Nothing, just the fact that your using your heals as a threat.” He told me.
“Well, I have had someone go to the hospital and get stiches because of me throwing a heel at them, so I just thought it would be a fair threat. Besides, what would you rather me threaten them with, a pocket knife?” I asked, incredulous.
“You don’t have a pocket knife.” He told me, or in other words, accusing me of lying.
“Yes, I do.”
“Prove it.”
“Fine, I will.” I told him, I reached under my skirt, and underneath was this little strap that held one, and I pulled it out.
“Well, you have every situation covered then. Good to know that if I’m not there you can protect yourself.” He hadn’t meant to say the second part, and I knew it, so I just pretended like I didn’t hear him.
“Nothing.” He looked relieved, but I wasn’t so I looked back at Rye and Elle who were holding hands again, yay.
“There’s that happy couple I know. Good, I’m glad everything’s better.” I said, and then Jake and Joseph walked in.
“I noticed that it got quiet.” Joseph said gentle and careful like always.
“We were just making sure no one was dead.” Jake joked.
“By the way Joseph, I’m never leaving you in charge again.” I said seriously. “How could you leave them alone?!” I demanded there had to be a better reason than the one he had given me.
“They were shouting and it got on my nerves so I left.” He said shrugging it off as nothing, well, I’m glad everything’s fixed as far as Rye and Elle.
“You don’t just do that! If they’re yelling, you have more reason to stay.” I said in a duh voice. “Okay well, I’m too stressed, Josh take me home.” I said thoughtlessly, oh my god; I didn’t mean to say that, stupid stress, getting to me.
“Why do you want him to drive you home? I can do it.” Jake said stepping closer to me.
“No man, you can stay and have fun, I’ll drop her off, then probably go home.” Josh said shrugging, and walking towards me, crap, what am I supposed to say?
“No, it’s fine Josh, she’s my girlfriend.” He said giving Josh the death stare.
“Well, umm.” I said desperately searching for the correct answer, why can’t I make them both happy? This is not fair, and they’re both waiting on me to say something, umm. Then Rye spoke up, and I was never so relieved to have him talk.
“I’ll take you home.” Rye said with a smile.
“Thanks Rye you’re a lifesaver.” I said with a charming smile, our eyes locked and I realized how pretty his eyes were, wait, I can’t think that, umm, can I? No, I can’t especially not when the me and Josh and Jake triangle hasn’t been settled.
“Well come on let’s go.” Elle said, bitter.
“Elle, you don’t have to go.” Rye said sliding his arm away from her waist.
“Well of course I’m coming to.” She said, still a little bitter.
“Well okay, if you insist, I guess it’s okay.” He said shrugging.
“Do you not want me to come?” She asked coldly, why is she so mad?
“Elle of course I want you to come, I love you okay?” He said leaning down and giving her a quick kiss. “So calm down, you’re the girl that owns my heart okay?” He said charming her as always, and she nodded smiling gently, EW, I mean cute.
“Get a room.” Josh joked, and Elle stuck her tongue out, hopefully they don‘t have to get a room in front of me, that would be disgusting.
“Okay, well let’s go then.” I said, clapping my hands once coming out of my trance, and Elle nodded her agreement. When we got to the car I went for the front seat, I think Elle wanted it, but then she told me I could, so I assumed it was ok.
“Sorry, you should have the front. I mean we’re bringing you home.” She said with a smile, and I smiled back, wow, that‘s sweet. The whole car ride we talked and Elle grumbled about something, and she glared at me. Sometimes I gave her an odd glance, but she wouldn’t look away. We got home in what felt like a really short time. We got out laughing, and I heard Elle slam her door behind us, we both looked back, but didn’t say anything. They walked me to the front door, and Rye walked with me inside, and we sat on the couch, then I realized that Elle wasn’t with us.
“Are you coming in?” I asked her, she’s being stupid, they probably won’t go back to the party and it was freezing out there.
“No, we dropped you off, so now we’re going back right Rye?” She said making it obvious he was supposed to say yes, oh, I get it, she wants to be alone with Rye, my bad.
“Well…” He hesitated. “I don’t think it would be right to leave Aqua alone, but I’ll take you back to the party if you want.” Rye said slightly nervous, but not making any movement to get up, he should really get up right about now.
“Well of course, that’s what you would say.” She said bitterly, but she looked like she wanted to cry, why is she so sad? “Let me just leave you to your privacy then. Don’t mind me. It’s none of my business if my boyfriend, and sister want alone time.” She said wiping a tear from her eye.
“Elle, don’t take it the wrong way, that’s not what I meant.” Rye said, starting to get up.
“No you don’t need to get up. I’m going.” She said, storming out to the car. Rye sighed, and followed her out, what the hell? It isn‘t like were over here making out, we were just talking.
I walked out there, wondering if they were fighting, I really didn’t want to have to deal with another fight today, there had already been three I had to fix, Why does everyone have to fight? I mean it’s hard enough that I have to deal with liking Jake and Josh, which really hurts, because I never have any idea whether or not Josh likes me enough to date me. I really didn’t mean to hurt Elle and it really was adding up on me.
“Elle stop it.” Rye said severely, as I got into the car, what is that about?
“That’s what I’m talking about!” She exclaimed.
“What? Elle she’s obviously upset?!” He exclaimed back.
“Yeah you notice when she’s upset, but not when I am!” She shouted.
“Look, why don’t we all just stay here and relax.” Rye said trying to soothe her.
“No, why don’t you give me the keys, and both of you get out.” She said coldly.
“Why won’t you come in?” He demanded.
“Because she’s here.” She exclaimed, and I felt like crying at what she said, of course, no one wants me around lately, and I can’t handle this anymore, I just wanted to help them.
“I’m only trying to make it easier.” I defended quietly.
“How is this easier? I don’t want you here! All you do is cause problems.” She said, ticked off.
“I’m sorry.” I said about to get out, but Rye locked the doors.
“We are all going back to the coffee shop.” He said like that was that. Who does he think he is? I don’t want to have to deal with insults all the way there, and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do about Jake and Josh once I’m there.
“The hell I am.” She mumbled trying to scramble into the back seat, but he grabbed her arm, making it obvious she wasn’t getting back here.
“Sit down.” He said, and Elle obeyed, but she made him buckle her in, she refused to, unlike me, I didn‘t want to start another fight, so I buckled myself in, I didn’t want to cry anymore, so I tried to wipe away the tears.
“Can you stop that?!” She said, annoyed, flipping hair out of her face.
“Elle it’s not her fault she’s crying. I mean obviously she’s upset so, it’s not like she doesn’t have a reason.” Rye defended me, that’s sweet but he really shouldn’t.
“I’m upset, but you don’t see me crying so everyone will be on my side. I mean that’s what she’s trying to do anyway.” She said angrily.
“Elle just shut up until we get there.” He said sharply and she did, but not for very long.
“No. You are not my mother. I’m saying what I need to say now. I am the one that’s betrayed, she’s just being an attention hogging, lying, spoiled, bitch.” She said raising her voice as we pulled into the coffee shop, and I ran inside, I can‘t believe her, does she just not care about what I feel at all? As I ran in, I had meant to head for the bathroom, but then Jake caught me by the waist.
“What’s wrong?” He was really concerned, and it just made everything that much worse. Josh was there; he almost came up to me to but stopped just a few feet away, also making things harder.
“I just want Elle and Rye to stop fighting, but she, thinks that I’m trying to steal him, I don’t want to, and no one, will believe me.” I said between sobs, he hugged me, and as an afterthought that I didn’t mean to say I said, “And I just want your brother to stop screwing with me.” I didn’t mean to, and I wished I hadn’t said it; they both looked surprised at what I said. Then Elle walked in, still mad at me.
“Wow, you’re just proving my point you big baby.” She said coldly.
“What the hell’s wrong with you?! What did you do to her? Isn’t it obvious she’s hurt, just back off.” Josh roared at her. Why? Why me? I didn’t do anything to deserve this! I just wish everyone would stop and calm down.
“No, you back off.” She said fiercely. “You don’t know the whole story, and I’m supposed to be your little sister, yet you haven’t defended me one time. Why? Because you are too obsessed with my sister, and the insane idea that if you’re nice enough she’ll date you. Well guess what? All you’re doing is screwing her up. She likes you, Rye, and Jake. She’s a whore and doesn’t want to admit it.” She said bitterly.
“Get out.” He said trying not to go in rage.
“Happy to oblige.” She said bitterly and she ran out. This is why I don’t get involved with people, everyone just gets hurt.
“What were you saying before?” Jake said, still stunned at what I had said.
“Nothing, I just, I can’t stand this Jake. Everything that’s happening hurts me.” I told him, as honest as I could be with him, without hurting him.
“It’s going to be ok, ok?” He comforted me, but I still cried, I had been holding it all back since Josh started flirting with me, the things Elle said just added to the problem.
“No, it’s not; nothing’s going to be ok. Every time I turn around, something happens.”
“What happened to Elle?” Rye spoke for the first time since Elle had ran out. Seriously? That’s what he’s concerned about? Elle and where she went? Of course, I forgot that everyone loves Elle and her self-pity. That’s wrong though, she is my sister, and I can’t just let her run away. Then Jake sighed, “Josh, comfort her while I help Rye.” He said, and Josh walked over and wrapped his arms around me. Rye and Jake went to talk about Elle and just left me to be even more confused with Josh.
“You know she doesn’t mean what she said Aqua? She’s just really mad right now.” He told me as I cried.
“I think she does, and as far as I know, I might as well like all three of the guys she listed.” Then without thinking, I babbled and said something I didn’t want to. “I mean I already like two, Jake and his..” Then I stopped, I didn’t want to say more than I had.
“That isn’t true, you know who you are. Just because you’re a little confused doesn’t mean you have to doubt yourself.” He comforted me, and I believed him. The tears had slowed, and now they were only a trickle.
“I really hope that you mean it. I really don’t think I can handle this anymore though.” I told him, and I know he knew what I meant.
“Well, I think you can. Everything is going to be ok.” He told me, and I involuntarily hugged him tighter.
“I wish it would be ok.”
“It will be, you know you’re really pretty even when you cry?” He asked, totally off subject, and then I remembered why I was crying and started to cry harder, just as hard as before. “I’m not joking, I mean it. You’re really pretty.” He told me, he didn’t understand why I was crying, he thought that I thought that he was teasing me and that’s why I was crying. He doesn’t understand, and I can’t just tell him. It would hurt worse to say it as far as I know. “You really are.” He assured, looking into my eyes, and it made it harder to ignore and I just kept crying. He looked around, and then he kissed me on the forehead, then Rye walked in, I was still crying though.
“The guys and I have decided to go looking for Elle, Jake is going to stay here with Aqua and help her through what she’s crying about.” He told Josh, who nodded, and looked down at me. “Will that be ok? Will you be ok with Jake?” He asked, and I just nodded, so he gave me to Jake and the guys left to look for Elle. Jake looked down at me and told me the same thing that Josh had just told me.
“You know you’re pretty, even when you’re crying?” He asked, and I cried really hard, because I enjoyed that both of them had told me that. “What happened with Elle anyway?”
“I just talked, to, Rye and, she got really mad because, I guess we didn’t include her enough. I don’t know. She just got really mad, and I couldn’t help it I started crying, I mean Rye, wouldn’t let me leave and I was insulted the whole way here. I had been holding in tears all week, but the stuff she said didn’t, help.” I tried to explain through sobs, and he just handed me a tissue and studied me and hugged me while I cried. I can’t tell him, it will hurt him, and I still like him so much, I don’t think I can stand him to leave me. I wish that everything would just fix itself, and problems would stop revolving around me.
“Hey, you know what I think will cheer you up?” I really didn’t know, so I just shook my head. “Singing, you love music.” He told me, but I didn’t want to so I shook my head. After about ten minutes of crying, I got up.
“Help me set up the karaoke machine.” I told him, and he stood up smiling that he had provided the idea and he went to set it up. He put it on a mix cd, and hit pause.
“Just hit play when you’re ready.” He told me, handing me the microphone, and I just nodded, I had a message to send through the song I was singing, because I felt like it was true, no matter how guilty I felt about it. “Are you ok; because you can cry some more if you want?” He asked, concerned.
“No, that’s ok.” I told him, and I wiped the last tear from my eye, and I hit play, luckily it told me that the song I wanted to sing was in, which was Break Your Heart by Taio Cruz. I started singing, and Jake sat and listened. When I was done, he applauded me. “You do understand the lyrics right?” I asked him, and this time it was his turn to just nod.
“I hope they don’t come true, but I can see what you mean.” He struggled through telling me that, he really didn’t like being to open, but he knew he had to tell me if he understood what I was telling him.
“I hope they don’t either, but I just wanted you to know, I’ve broken a lot of hearts you know.” I told him, I didn’t want to, but I knew we would have to have a deep conversation about this sooner or later.
“It won’t happen soon will it?” He asked but his eyes were closed.
“No, not as far as I can see.” I told him, and his eyes opened and he smiled. Then he picked me up and put me down on the table. “You know, I really do love you right?” He asked, and I felt guilty, even after telling him about what a heart breaker I was and that it was possibly going to happen with us.
“Yes, and you know that as far as I know, I love you to?” I asked, and he nodded. “Good,” I told him, and I kissed him, as strong as I could with our weak connection, it took him by surprise, and his hands went in my hair, and I wrapped myself around him, I was weak from the day’s events, but then he pulled back, and put me down. I looked down, and I felt stupid, but then he lifted my face and kissed me gently again, but it was gentle and small. I was disappointed because all I had felt were a few butterflies and not many at that.
“Maybe when you don’t doubt everything going on in your life.” He told me, and I didn’t understand what he meant, and then I realized what he was talking about and tried not to laugh, that’s so sweet, but that’s not where that was going.
“Ok, you want to sing with me?” I asked, looking at the small stage that the coffee shop had.
“Sure.” He picked me up and I was startled.
“Jake! Put me down!” I shouted out of reflex.
“No, what if you hurt yourself, no more tears for today.” He told me as he sat me down on the stage. We sang a few of Taylor Swift’s old songs and then sat down and drank some coffee. Jake left to catch up with the guys and help find Elle. Eventually I got up and started pacing, where were they? They should have been back with Elle by now. A few minutes later she came in with Rye and the guys, and then walked over to me.
“I’m sorry.” She said to me. “I didn’t mean what I said I was just mad, and felt like nobody cared.” Then Josh walked over to my side, and it must have reminded her who she was mad at. “You on the other hand aren’t off the hook.” She growled.
“Why what did I do?” Josh asked bored, don’t be stupid, please. I tried to will him with my thoughts.
“You’re supposed to be my brother and want to protect me, but what were you doing while I was upset? Flirting with my sister, and yelling at me like I wasn’t hurt too! You are supposed to care about me and if you can’t handle that then I don’t want you as my sibling.” She said angrily.
“You made it quite clear when you decided to attack Aqua for no reason that you didn’t want help.” He said shrugging it off.
“I made it quite clear did I? Well tell me the real reason why you were there for that whore,” She said motioning to me, ouch, I winced. “I mean Aqua instead of me.” She said bitterly, and I noticed Jake, Ian, Sapphire, Brooke and Matt were all outside.
“Why fine I’ll tell you because I actually like her. Unlike you who goes around acting like you are the only one with problems. I can’t protect you from everything, but I can sure as hell protect you from hurting the people you love.” He said obviously angry, wait, did he say he likes me?
“Well you know what instead of yelling at me you could have said that. Told me to calm down, and asked me what was wrong. I had to have had some reason to act like I did, but instead of checking on me on the walk over here from school like you should have you sent Joseph to do it for you because you wanted to bother my sister, and her boyfriend.” She said getting louder with each word.
“Why don’t you take a little time to consider how I felt? Do you think I wasn’t just as upset as Rye? I’ve been upset for a long time so why don’t you think about that? “He shouted at her.
“This is not about you.” She shouted stepping closer to him with every word. “This was about me, Rye, and Aqua so don’t go dragging your sorry ass into it! I have limits, and let me tell you you’re pushing them. I’m not going to care about your opinion or feelings until you can learn to think of someone else’s. Don’t lie this whole time you’ve only been thinking of how you could use everyone’s uncertainty to your advantage. You think strategies not love or caring. You go around with your head high like you’re someone important, but you’re not. You’re not better than me if anything you’re worse. Maybe you’re bigger than me, but I have friends and people who will fight for me. You stand alone, but I stand in a group of people that love me and will fight for me. So just get the hell out of here because nobody will miss you.” She said breathing heavily, and seething with anger. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something mean, but closed it probably not wanting to say something he didn’t want to.
“Really is that true? This coming from the girl who once looked at me in awe?” He said calmly suppressing anger as Sapphire walked in with Ian.
“I still do that’s the sad part. It’s because I’m amazed as to how someone could be this screwed up.” She said a tiny smirk on her face. Here comes the cold comments; at least it’s ending soon.
“This coming from the girl who wouldn’t have those great friends had it not been for me.” He said slightly outraged at her will to fight back, and not expecting her quick remarks.
“I would have befriended them without you because they’re Rye’s friends which mean they’re also mine.” She said defiant as always.
“Well maybe I don’t have love, but neither do you because it’s only a matter of time before the real you comes out again, and destroys everything you love.” He said a satisfied smirk on his face, and I saw her mouth open in shock that he knew about that. She closed it quickly though, smart. “Yeah, I know about that little accident. You just got pushed a little too far, and whoosh everyone you loved was gone.” He said a tight satisfied smile was on his face, and I saw tears of anger filling her eyes just as Jake, Matt, and Brooke walked in.
“Back off Josh or believe me I’ll make you.” Rye said stepping in front of her protectively, and again his voice had that scary acidic edge, please don’t fight each other.
“She hasn’t told you what happened back when she was thirteen then has she? It makes sense if she did you’d leave her.” Josh said calmly with a shrug.
“That’s enough.” Rye said stepping forward, but I saw Elle tug his hand, and he backed down.
“That is enough if anyone would like to see Elle go down in flames it’s me, but this isn’t the time or the place to do it.” Sapphire’s calm voice said. Sapphire had no expression in her face, and I admired her bravery. Ian was horrified because he never believed Sapphire still hated her.
“Fine, but one last thing who here wants me to leave?” He asked us all gravely, and Elle’s hand shot up quickly followed by Rye’s. Then Joseph and Sapphire’s hands went up. Followed slowly by the still shocked Ian. I can’t raise my hand to this, and Jake will support me, I hope Elle understands.
“Majority rules if you don’t count yourself, and if you don’t count the people who have no idea what’s going on majority rules by a lot.” She said calmly. He nodded, and turned to leave.
“Josh.” I said in a begging voice being rewarded by a very hurt look from Jake. Josh smiled gently, and shook his head before leaving. He must not want to start a fight. Well that’s ok; I don’t want to hurt Jake too much. It was silent for a moment before Elle decided to speak up.
“Thanks my friends for backing me up, and those of you who didn’t,” She said looking at me, but I avoided her gaze I felt guilty. “I trust you had a good reason. So go back to having fun and someone turn the karaoke machine on I’m tired of this mood.” She said dismissing the subject. Brooke turned on t


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.08.2011

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