
Mysterious Rendezvous

Through the foggy haze of Fuzzy's smoky lounge, Selena Valentine stood proudly, with microphone in hand. She was a tall, shapely figure silhouetted by dark shadows cast from the dimly lit room.

Tilting her head back, she felt the caress of her silky, raven hair as it brushed against her shoulders. The beauty of song poured forth from her melodious voice, equally angelic in sound and hauntingly enchanting.

She glanced down from the stage, peering at the audience, attempting to identify the sea of faces. From somewhere in the crowd, amongst the candle-lit tables, she could feel his eyes upon her. Blinking against the glare of overhead lights, she continued searching.

At last, she found those spellbinding, secretive eyes that captivated her, offering the promise of romance. She could sense the atmosphere of danger surrounding him and it drew her to him all the more.

Whenever she'd finished her final set for the evening, she descended the steps. Before she could head to her dressing room, a server approached her. He held out a dozen red roses and a note.

"From the gentleman over there," he informed her, gesturing at a nearby table.

Selena thanked him, following the direction his hand indicated. She wasn't surprised to learn who the suitor was. After all, he'd been courting her for six months. Not a night went by without her faithful admirer putting in an appearance.

He always sat in the front, watching her intently and listening to her sing. He showered her with every imaginable gift, in an effort to get her attention; to win her affection.

They'd spoken at length many times in the lounge, although never outside the walls of the establishment. She decided to join him at his table. It was a friendly, albeit aloof, routine they'd settled into. She waltzed over confidently, taking the seat he offered.

Although she'd heard the rumors about George Barrington, he possessed an enigmatic, irresistible quality that appealed to her. It was as if she didn't know whether to run and hide or to stay and become entangled in his web.

She met his gaze challengingly, daring him to look away. She could feel the hunger sizzling between, as his pupils burned into hers. Heat blazed in the air, warming her skin provocatively. Never had she experienced anything like it before.

For a moment, the electrical undercurrents of fiery passion rendered her speechless. She knew she was playing with fire and might end up getting burned. Yet somehow, she didn’t feel scared.    

Finally, George broke the deafening silence. "I enjoyed your performance, Selena. It was classy; even mesmerizing, as always. Do you like the flowers and the note?"

She found her voice. "Yes, thank you. I appreciate all of the lovely gifts you have been giving me."

She laid the roses on the linen tablecloth. Then she opened the note; a soft laugh escaping her because of the words it contained.

"Come to my house tonight for a mysterious rendezvous," she read aloud. She regarded him with amusement. "Now, that's intriguing, George, I must admit."     

He smiled mischievously in response. "So, will you accept my invitation? I'd love to give you a grand tour of my home."

She thought over all the tales circulating around town about the man and his creepy, lonely estate. Some said his former girlfriends disappeared while on the premises. Presumably, they were never seen or heard from again.

The gossip was that he'd killed them. Then hidden their bodies where they wouldn't be found. Although the authorities had thoroughly searched the property, nothing had ever been discovered to substantiate the rumors.

Selena considered all of this before she made a decision one way or another. She knew most women kept their distance from and were frightened of Barrington. Perhaps she should be as well. Yet something about him sparked her interest, in spite of the naysayers.

She didn't know if he was the murderer he was said to be or not. Maybe he'd been falsely accused by everyone. Or possibly she was crazy for even considering his idea.

Making up her mind to give him the benefit of the doubt, she nodded. "Sure, I'd be glad to spend an evening with you. I'm free for the rest of the night."

"Excellent! I'll send my limo to your apartment around nine o'clock. Will that be enough time for you to get ready?" he asked.

"That sounds good to me. It's now seven and I have to gather up some things from my dressing room. Afterwards, I'll head home to freshen up. Then I'll wait for your driver."

"I look forward to your company. I don't allow many visitors into my home. However, I'll be eagerly anticipating your arrival." He excused himself and sauntered off.


After Selena had retrieved her belongings, she made her way to the front of the building. She noticed that several patrons and servers were gathered by the entrance. Pushing through the throng, she tapped a bronze-skinned waitress on the shoulder to get her attention.

When she turned around quizzically, Selena leaned forward to ask, “What’s going on out there?”

“Looks like there’s been another one of those murders,” the woman replied, shrugging.

“Oh, my heavens! What happened this time? Was it the Alley Slasher again?”

“Yep, another intoxicated older gentleman was found with his throat slit, just inside the alleyway. Some nasty, messy business, I hear. Cops are crawling around everywhere. They won’t allow anyone in or out of these doors, for fear of crime scene contamination.”

“I see. Those drunken guys should be more careful,” Selena responded. “Well, I hope the police get it cleared up soon. Goodness, me! I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but I’ve got a dinner date and I’m very pressed for time. I guess I’ll have to go out the back exit then.”

As she walked away, meandering through the silk-covered tables, she wondered if she should tell anyone where she was going. Would it be smart to confide that she planned to visit George Barrington’s estate? What, and have half the lounge think she was insane? No, thank you. Better to keep her little moonlight liaison a secret.

Once home, Selena glanced at her watch. Drat! She only had an hour left before the limo would be coming to fetch her. There wasn’t a moment to waste as time was of the essence. Since she didn’t know exactly what the night would bring, she couldn’t decide what to wear.

She tried on a number of outfits, before deciding upon a slinky, red satin sheath. That should definitely get the mysterious man’s attention. Not that she’d had any trouble catching his eye thus far. To the contrary, he’d made it clear that he was her number one devoted admirer.

Before their meeting, she needed something to soothe her. Going into the bathroom, she ran a nice, warm bath and added her jasmine-scented bubble bath. Once she’d quickly disrobed, Selena slowly sank down into the sudsy oasis.

“Ahhhh!” she moaned, instantly relaxing as the fragrant water enveloped her. The pleasant experience stimulated her senses, invigorating her. Her hands strayed over her wet skin, gliding along tantalizingly. The minutes ticked by as she became caught up in the moment.

Suddenly, she realized with a start that she was running out of time. She stood up and pulled the stopper, watching the foamy water swirl down the drain. With lightning speed, she dried off, slipped on some silky lingerie and her little red dress.

Hastily, she reapplied her makeup, grabbing a fluffy, matching stole to slip around her shoulders. She studied the finished product in her full-length mirror and smiled at the effect. It was very nice indeed, if she said so herself; even sultry. George would be pleased.

A horn sounded outside her apartment. She went to the window and peered out just as a sleek, black limousine pulled up to the curb. She noted that it was nine o’clock sharp. Snatching up a red purse, she rushed out the door and hurried down the stairs to greet the chauffeur.


Inside the limo, Selena gazed about at the plush atmosphere she found herself in. She had ridden in them before, but none quite so lavish. Feeling a bit out of her element, she fumbled with the buttons on a large stereo system until some soft jazz filled the interior.

Satisfied, now that music was playing, she turned her attention to the mini-bar. Selecting a plumb-colored tumbler, she tossed in a couple of ice cubes, then poured vodka from a carafe. She added some orange juice and sipped slowly, settling back against the seat.

While she enjoyed the smooth ride to the Barrington estate, she sang a few lines from an Ella Fitzgerald tune. The driver kept the privacy window closed and it suited Selena just fine. She glanced around in wonderment as he pulled up to a black ornamented gate. He paused only briefly to push a button. The massive steel barrier slid open to grant them access.

Soon, they were traveling down a long, tree-lined driveway, toward the house. When it came into view, she gasped in awe at the sheer magnificence of the antebellum manor. The white columns stood proudly, with galleries that extended across the front porch and wrapped around all four sides. Tall French windows with elegant shutters offered a teasing glimpse inside.

Selena could hardly contain her excitement. She’d always dreamed of living in just such a place. Seeing it up close and personal, she realized the pictures she’d seen hadn’t done it justice. As the limo came to a halt in the circular driveway, she threw open the door and stepped out.

Moonlight cast a shimmering glow upon the main entrance. The darkness melded with light caused the effect of making the house both beautiful and imposing. She found herself drawn forward as if in a trance. A feeling of eeriness mixed with exhilaration came over her.

She sighed softly, then startled when the driver touched her shoulder. He motioned for her to follow. She fell into step behind him, awaiting her fate. Were the rumors true about George being a killer? If so, what plans did he have for her? She’d soon discover his intentions.


Once inside, Selena turned to the chauffeur and asked, “Is there no butler or maid?”

He nodded. “Yes, but they’re both off for tonight. I’m to show you in and leave as well. Mr. Barrington insisted that the two of you should be left alone,” he explained.

“Did he indeed? How interesting!” she exclaimed, noting that the lights were dimmed on the first floor.

He led her through a grand foyer and along a sweeping hallway. On either side was a series of doors. She looked about at all the period paintings adorning the walls. Decorating the lengthy corridor were a number of antique sconces filled with lit candles. Finely crafted tables, covered with white-lace doilies, were covered with an assortment of valuable curios.

Midway down the hall, he stopped and opened one of the thick, oak-paneled doors. He stood aside and indicated with his hand that she should enter. “This is the main parlor,” he told her. “Well, I’ll be off now. Have a good evening, Miss Valentine.”

“Thank you,” she replied, taking in the spacious charm of the room. The only light came from a crackling fire across the way.

Upon further perusal, she noticed George was seated in a velvet armchair, near the fireplace. She walked over to where he reclined and announced, “I’m here.”

He glanced up at her, smiling warmly, showing off a row of white teeth. “How good of you to come! I’ve been expecting you with immense anticipation.”

He stood to greet her, then took her hand in his and placed a delicate kiss upon it. He gestured toward a small table filled with a variety of food. “I had Cook prepare us a delicious meal before she left earlier. I hope you don’t mind dining in here with me. I prefer this intimate atmosphere.”

“Sure, that sounds like a great idea. This parlor seems very cozy. You have such a gorgeous home!” she complimented. “I wish I lived in a place like this.”

“Perhaps you will. Come; let’s enjoy our dinner, shall we?”

They made their way over to the heavily laden table and indulged in the sumptuous feast Cook had created. They dined upon roasted duck, leg of lamb, sweet potato soufflé, fluffy quiche Lorraine, mixed vegetables, and cornbread scones. George insisted on sharing a vintage bottle of fine red wine, which Selena eagerly consumed.

During the meal, she attempted conversation, but quickly realized that her host was a man of few words. He preferred instead to concentrate on the flavor combination of food and alcohol.  As they ate, she noticed the way he kept staring at her, with a look of longing. The desire in his eyes was unmistakable. To her surprise, she found that she felt the same way about him.

After dinner, George offered her a grand tour of his manor. It was too large to navigate the entire estate in one evening, so she settled for a sweep of the main attractions. Once they were both winded from their excursion, he led her back to the parlor.

She assumed they’d sit by the fire and chat for a while or perhaps watch television. But he flipped on the radio and took her by the hand, pulling her close. “May I have this dance?” he inquired.

“Yes, I’d love to dance with you,” she admitted.

As they moved across the floor, she discovered that he was an excellent dancer, who had great timing and skill. She followed his lead, drifting back and forth, relishing his embrace.

He ceased dancing abruptly, peering down at her. “Selena, do you know why I invited you here tonight?”

She gazed intently into his eyes. “I’m not certain,” she whispered.

“I’ve admired you at the lounge for so long, dreaming of the moment when I’d have you all to myself. Now you’re here and I find that I just can’t keep my hands off of you. I want you so much,” he revealed.

“Oh, George, I want you, too. You excite me like no other man ever has.”         

Their lips met tenderly, as the passion they were feeling flowed through them. Their tongues encircled and tangled together erotically. The essence of newfound romance and happiness surrounded both of them.

He reached up to brush away the hair from her face. "Earlier tonight, we shared dinner. I wined you and I dined you. Now, I'd love to do the other part of it."

She looked at him curiously. "What's the other part?"

He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Why don't you let me show you? Here's a hint, it rhymes with the other activities."

He removed the stole from her shoulders and laid it on a nearby chair. He slid his hands around to unzip her dress, letting it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and began unbuttoning his shirt, then his pants, allowing them to drop.

They continued undressing one another and feasted their eyes on every part that came into view. They made their way to a bear-skin rug, bathed in the enchanting glow from the candlelight. There they made love like intimate partners, exploring and sampling each new delight.

Sometime later, she nestled beside him and settled comfortably into the shelter of his arms. They tenderly caressed one another as they snuggled, capturing one another's lips in a loving kiss. Then they drifted off to sleep, feeling completely satiated.


Selena awoke all of a sudden from a deep sleep. She reached for George, but he was nowhere in sight. The candles had all burned out; only a few embers from the fireplace remained. Stumbling to her feet and slipping on his discarded dress shirt, she went in search of him.

Out in the hallway, she called out his name, yet there was no answer. A strange feeling assailed her, bringing with it a sense of panic. A million questions gnawed at her brain. Where could he have gone? Why did he leave her lying there all alone after making love to her?

She began to run along the corridors frantically, searching for her lover. Suddenly, the sound of metal slamming on all sides of the house could be heard. Selena’s breathing became erratic, her thoughts jumbled, as she dashed along through the dimly lit hallways.

Unexpectedly, George stepped out from the shadows, causing her to collide with him. He fastened his hands securely around her upper arms. His fingers felt like two claws biting into her skin. “You’re hurting me,” she gasped, wincing at the pain.

Ignoring her discomfort, he glared at her menacingly. “Never leave me, ever,” he snarled through clenched teeth. “Do you understand me?”

“Yes, I understand. And I won’t ever leave you, I promise,” she soothed.

“I know you won’t, because the house is on lockdown. With one press of a button, I’ve secured it. You’ll never be able to escape from me now.”

“But darling, I don’t want to escape from you. I want to stay here.”

He eyed her suspiciously. “What? You’re frightened of me, just like all the others. But I won’t kill you, like I did them. I love you, Selena. We have a connection. Don’t you feel it?”

She nodded. “Yes, I do. And I’m not afraid of you. I love you, George. You see, we share a common bond. I have a confession to make. You know that Alley Slasher in town who attacks older men. Well, I’m the killer. I got rid of every lecherous drunk who ever tried to force himself on me.”

He relaxed his grip on her arms. “Baby, marry me,” he suggested.

“Sweetheart, yes, I will marry you.” They sealed their deal with a kiss.



Texte: Melissa Monroe
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.07.2012

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The idea for this story came to me 20 years ago. I have finally written this tale of a very twisted romance.

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