
issue 2

Mr Seddon

Issue 2 – Conventional trouble part 2

The armed police units began to run across the green field that led to the main reception area whilst Callum ran to the source of the gun fire.

Hamish and Leighton both hid behind white and red pillars, as bullets where quickly making them more narrow as each second past. Hamish risked it and took a quick peek and made some hand symbols to Leighton, who failed to even hold the gun in the correct position. Leighton looked confusingly at Hamish, who had been specially trained in both the military and attended multiple SCAR-14 training sessions.

The gun fire stopped with a crackling piece of lead that landed straight into the terrorist’s head. Leighton turned to Hamish and was surprised to see that no smoke was being emitted from Hamish’s gun, even though he didn’t know how to hold a gun correctly, he knew that when a gun fires, it is supposed to send off some smoke.

Just as these confusing thoughts swished around in his head, Callum came from the canteen with his gun drawn, and Wendy came from the other side with her gun also drawn. They looked into the dying man’s eyes has he grinned and they caught the sight of his finger slowly reaching the trigger for the bomb vest.

“BOMB!” Wendy screamed as they all jumped back and Hamish landed on Leighton, in order to prevent any shrapnel from hitting him. The bomb caused a huge bang/explosion like sound and cased the entirety of the reception’s interior window to be disintegrated and the secondary main entrance to cave in, forcing the Police to try and find another way in.

As the smoke cleared, they all got up and picked their dropped weapons up. “Mr Sealeaf, I’m Callum Huttleberry of SCAR-14, I will be evacuating you from the premises of the building and delivering you safely to a facility.” Callum informed calmly as he turned around to begin walking through the canteen, “If you will, please follow me.”

They all steadily began to walk when a rain of bullets busted through the dusty glass. Hitting Wendy in her waist and bouncing off Hamish’s bullet proof blazer.

Wendy fell onto the floor into visible pain as she held her injury tightly. “Tommy, Wendy’s been hit, canteen.” Callum shouted down his headset, implying for Tommy to come and help.

Callum helped Wendy up and sprayed his gun through the canteen windows to try and blind fire the terrorists. Hamish placed himself in between Leighton and the death that came courtesy of bullets. They ran to the other side of the canteen and Tommy grabbed Wendy off of Callum so that he could reload his gun and aim in to kill at least 3 of them, although he may have caused another’s kidney to burst as he saw a bullet leave one of them and re-enter around the waist and hip area.

There was no time to waist and the group hurried down the still smelly corridor and out onto the concrete, where the aircraft was lowering itself so that they could board it. Once it reached a suitable level, the back ramp lowered itself and they all entered it. Tommy laid Wendy onto the bed. The aircraft took off as they tried to stop the bleeding.

Leighton sat down on the chair that was beside the table and placed his head into his hand. Hamish sat on the chair beside him and the television suddenly turned on to show the X-news reports un-biased opinion and report on the terrorist attack that left 50 confirmed deaths, with Leighton not known to be alive or dead, or still trapped under the rouble that was some of the first area that the police re-secured.

“Why would they want to kill me?” Leighton asked in a rather sulky manor as a tear or two dribbled down his distraught face and onto the clean, white table.

“I don’t know,” Hamish replied sincerely,

“They killed innocent people in order to fail to kill me!” Leighton said with more agitation.

“Think of it this way, you didn’t do anything.” Hamish said as he stood up, “that makes you innocent. So don’t beat yourself up over it.”

The aircraft rocked a bit before it touched down and the ramp lowered, once again, and several doctors rushed in to grab Wendy on a once clean stretcher, that was being soaked in her blood. They mumbled random things as they took her off of the aircraft and into the elevator house, where they took her down into the infirmary.

Leighton took his time to get off of the aircraft and he looked around himself at a familiar sight. I remember this, he thought to himself as he looked at the metal statue of a plane in the distance and at the British aircraft symbol that was on the green hanger beside him. It was the RAF base near Southport, he remembered so many times when he would be sat, writing in his notepad on the journey to go and watch a movie with his grandad.

They both walked down a path and into a small building that was decorated like a canteen. Inside it was brightly lit, with a classic 1950’s American dinner sort of atmosphere. They sat down at a well decorated table and Leighton ordered an ice-cream milkshake, vanilla of course, whilst Hamish ordered a Cola that came in a slightly green tinted glass. “So, what do I do now?” Leighton asked whilst sipping on his frosty beverage.

“I don’t know,” Hamish replied as he tried so desperately to remove the bottle cap from the glass, “I, I guess you just need to wait. Wait in a facility until this all dies down.” After saying this inspirational speech, the waitress, in a blue checked dress, approached with a bottle opener and quickly removed the cap and laid it down onto the table, before going off to clean the table on the other side of the room.

“Could you do me a favour?” Leighton asked as he foresaw the inevitable of the base getting attacked, “locate me the sewer system’.”

Hamish stared into the glass in shock at this absurd request that then surfaced into the common sense sector of his brain, “Yeah sure,” he replied as he drank his refreshing drink. They turned to the side to watch the television as it displayed the news reporters reporting on the scene of the incident.

After finishing their beverages, Hamish left and Leighton yelled to the waitress for the bill. He looked at it and saw the main bill, totalling £8 but also a small section for tips, he gave a sigh before realising he could afford big tips. He removed 2 £50 notes from his aluminium wallet, and he left them on the table before hurrying out of the establishment.

Leighton looked around and spotted Callum walking around, approaching the training course. Leighton ran over to him and tapped his shoulder, only lightly. “Callum, what am I supposed to do?” Leighton asked as boardem ate him whole.

“Stay here until General Tut has confirmed the KIA or the arrest of the terrorist leader.” Callum replied as he watched the recruits running around the lengthy track, that was all soggy and muddy.

Leighton turned around to see Hamish standing there with a tube that contained the sewer schematics for the facility. They walked away from Callum and walked to the private room that Leighton had built on every SCAR-14 facility in case he ever had to stay there, like now.

They walked in and Hamish lay down the schematics, he placed some magnets on the metal table to lay the map out and to prevent it from retracting itself. They looked at this large facility and Leighton pointed out the man hole that lay directly beside this room. “What’s wrong Hamish asked as je covered the paper up by leaning on the table, in order to force an answer out of him.

“What, oh something.” Leighton said impulsively whilst trying to track the other side of the sewer system,

“Leighton, tell me.” Hamish ordered.

“The cameras, they tracked us going into this facility” Leighton replied as he showed his true observant powers when it comes down to watching television.

“Then why haven’t they attacked yet?” Hamish asked as he tried to test how clever he was.

“Who be organised enough to attack a no-longer dormant military base in broad day light when their target will easily escape in an air vehicle.” Leighton informed as Hamish looked astonished at Leighton.

Time passed quickly and it was already time for bed. Leighton looked at the final glimpses of sun as Hamish had unscrewed the man hole cover and made sure it was safe, although smelly and discomforting to the 6 senses. Leighton looked further than the gates at a convoy, not one he was familiar of and it looked like it packed a ton of weapons and people to make sure they do the job this time.

“Leighton, it’s time to go.” Hamish informed as soon as Leighton hopped down, Hamish screwed the cover back on and climbed down with him. Their feet where soggy with urine and other items that they had out down the toilets. Leighton, being possible the biggest scruff to ever make a billion, wasn’t affected by much, but Hamish, virtually puked with the smell.

The sewage system vibrated slightly from s huge explosion above. “You were right.” Hamish informed as he splashed the water as he walked through it.

“I know I was right.” Leighton egotistically replied. Screams came from above when Leighton suddenly stopped, he thought about it, and re-thought about it before continuing down the sewer until they reached a junction. Leighton and Hamish both looked down each path, unfortunately the where built identically. Leighton used his finger to take a chance when a familiar voice came from behind them.

They turned around, slowly, to see Callum stood with his assault rifle in one hand and a GPS firmly placed in his other. “Leighton, I’m going ignore the fact that you cowardly escaped and didn’t even tell me, and I’m going to tell you there is about 20 of them coming from behind us.” Callum informed before approaching them. Once they heard the loud splashing of many feet approaching, Callum ran to the right, non-verbally telling the others to follow him.

They also ran down the sewer system. Hamish put the smell of human droppings to the side as he thought to himself, they won’t be able to keep running. Not with Leighton’s stamina, at least. He found a small ladder that led to an area that was out of sight, but didn’t have much room. He implied to Callum and that they should place Leighton up there. Callum gave a nod as Leighton caught onto the plan.

Hamish helped Leighton up whilst Callum prepared himself behind a little niche in the wall that allowed for one of them to be shooting whilst under decent cover from the wall. Leighton grappled his hands tightly around the ladder and tensely waited, waited for the gun fire.

It was sudden, Callum wasn’t taking any chances and immediately exploded the knee cap of one of them as they came into view. The others shouted in who-knows-what language and the crackle sent goose bumps up Leighton’s spine, who could just imagine the crazy events going down below him.

It took him a while before he noticed a small, inconsistent hole in a black cover. Leighton was curious, forgetting that the terrorists likely had this area all covered, he climbed up to the top and looked through. No sign of a terrorist, good, he thought to himself as his brain processed the information, he then took another peek, this time looking more strategically for any key individuals. A police officer. Armed with an AR-15, stood only a few feet away from him as he silently cheered. Leighton pressed hardly against the man hole cover, to no success, he realized the police officer wasn’t going to be staying there for long, and he yelled to get his attention.

Meanwhile, in the sewers.

8 terrorists lay dead and another 5 critically injured with their last 5 hours of their remaining lives quickly running out. Hamish fired his last bullet, and missed. He looked over to Callum, he was nearly out as well. The terrorists where hiding behind the corner, taking shots every once in a while to withdraw a potential push from a military trained body guard and special forces trained counter-terrorist agent.

Back at the man hole cover, the police officer finally realised that someone was shouting for help. He turned around, making sure his gun was loaded, and he cautiously approached. He unbuckled the black torch from his utility belt and shinned it down the man hole. “Anyone there?” he asked with a typical British accent as he continued to scan the area.

“Yes, I’m stuck” Leighton said in an alter-ego accent that didn’t sound like his but eventually it could be figured out. The police officer put his gun down, a few metres away, and he instantly hopped down on his knees and he tried desperately to pry it open, to no effect.

“Step back,” he ordered whilst drawing his pistol from his holster and aiming it towards the lock that made sure nobody was able to remove it without the proper equipment. Leighton did less of a step back and more of a climb down to prevent any injury from a miss or loose shrapnel. He squeezed down his trigger and the clankering sound echoed down the upright tube and into the sewers that contained dedicated people fighting for juxtaposing reasons.

The police officer removed the cover and Leighton climbed up to a friendly hand that helped him up and onto the grass beside the hole. The police officer shinned the light into his eyes, who rightfully squinted back, and the next thing they knew was the dropping of the torch onto the muddy grass. “Your,” the officer scrambled for the correct words.

“Leighton Sealeaf, I know.” Leighton replied with confidence whilst reaching for the bewildered officers radio, specifically the distinct red button.

“What are you doing?” the officer jumped,

“Look down the man whole,” Leighton said firmly whilst fiddling with the grass in the dark.

The officer jumped back when he saw the flash of light from gunfire before he pressed the button himself and followed it up with, “Shots fired, Shots fired!” Like it was scheduled, 8 officers ran from the dark with their torches on and assault rifles in hand. “Whose down there?” the officer asked whilst daring for another look,

“A SCAR agent, Mr Seddon,” Leighton informed whilst taking a short break, “And about 20 of your run of the mill terrorists.”

When the officers arrived, they looked estranged at the officer before noticing Leighton was sat there, some covered the scene before one caught a lucky glimpse of the flashes from down below.

Back down there, Hamish looked clueless, beside the ladder, as he had run out of bullets. “Go away.” Callum said whilst reloading himself. Hamish didn’t disobey and began to climb. Once he reached the top, he arrived to a plethora of guns pointed his way.

“Hi,” Hamish greeted, “I don’t believe we’ve met but I’m Mr Seddon…” he noticed their police badges before unhooking the holster and throwing it slowly in front of them. Trying to not become a freak accident from trigger fingers.

More vehicles arrived to surround the area, as well as a luxury, but armoured, helicopter landed in the nearest available spot for Leighton and Hamish. They flew to the private yacht, that was slightly off shore and that was the end of this scenario.


They eventually found a way into the sewer system and surrounded the terrorists, although they where only able to arrest 3, it was still a job done good. The military base suffered minor casualties, but once they realised their target was not there, most left and the S.A.S came in in the morning and cleared the entire base out of all hostiles.

At exactly 3:45, Leighton was stood outside his London offices, and gave a speech, “The last few days have been devastating to me and our beloved staff. But I remain thankful here for the boards joint decision to put a security detail on me. I will continue to be protected by these brave women and men, until I see fit that it is unnecessary.” Leighton stopped his primary part of his speech before asking, “Any questions,” to the many reporters with flashing cameras.

“Yes, erm, Leighton, can you give us the facts on the badass SCAR-14 unit that may or may not save your life,” A familiar reporter asked, that kind of resembled a waitress, he may or may not have tipped too much.

Before he could answer, he giggled before, “Yes, of course. Once the SWAT where unable to engage the situation, SCAR-14 was immediately sent and rescued me and my primary security detail. They did so with one casualty on their own but tried to not kill any terrorists,” Leighton tapped some papers and Mr Seddon responded by approaching and grabbing one of his arms, going as far as to tug it, before he left, he informed that no more questions will be answered, for now.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.01.2020

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