
Chapter 1


I sat on my bed wondering how summer had just gone by so fast without me even noticing. Today is the last day of my summer vacation and sad to say nothing special has happened to me. No summer loving with meeting a hot guy at the beach and falling in love and definitely no stories of how I met a werewolf or I found out I was a mystical creature. I did hang out with Lucy my best friend but she was the one to get a guy not me, you know all those stories that there’s always an ugly friend in the friendship I always feel like I’m the ugly one in this situation.

“Sasha! I’m going to work, okay take care of you.” My mum called from downstairs. My dad had to live far away because of his job and my mum was always busy at work which often left me at home. My parents never actually bother to know what I do with my life; my mum basically keeps my report cards till when my father comes to visit. They expect much from me but still, they never try to be part of my live and assist me in achieving those expectations. Things have been really hard for me since I’m the only child and I don’t really like telling Lucy my family problems.

I get out of bed and into the bathroom; I look in the mirror and see a thin, well not so thin but not fat at all girl with dark curly hair and green eyes staring at me. I sighed realising how messed up I looked but I didn’t care all I wanted to do was to sleep. So I craw back into bed and return to my beauty sleep.


“Have you eaten? God Just look at you. You are a total mess.” I look up to see my mum staring at me she was definitely not smiling. “Hey mum. Sorry I was kind of tired.” I said yawning and rubbing my eyes. She smiled and pulled my blanket off me. I scratched my hair noticing how my mum looked at it with a disgusted look. “Get cleaned up and come down for dinner.” My mother said leaving my room. I sit up and look round my room it’s a mess and I haven’t put out my school uniform for tomorrow. I yawn as I walk into the bathroom and have a refreshingly warm shower. Once I’m done I put on my pyjamas and rush downstairs suddenly realising how hungry I was.

Just as I was going down I overhear my mum talking to someone on the phone, my mum sounded serious so I stopped to listen to what was being said. “I’m so grateful for this opportunity you are giving me but I will first have to discuss this with my daughter to make sure she is fine with this.” My mother said. I step into the Dining room and my mother spins round immediately she tells the person bye and smiles at me. I look at her giving her the questioning look. She laughs but I can tell that it’s been forced, so I just let it go and grab a plate of pasta. My mum always made me eat before she told me something that I might react angrily to. When I was done eating I looked dup at my mum who was watching me and said “I’m done eating so just tell me what it is, the sooner we get done with this the better.” She swallowed and spoke up “Honey, I’ve been offered a chance to leave the country for about a month and a half, but you can’t come along because it’s strictly ––—.” I didn’t even let finish because I already knew she was going to say it’s strictly business. Was she really going to leave alone at home for months? She’s always doing this to mean always putting her job before her daughter. “When are you leaving?” I ask calmly. “Next month.” She said almost in a whisper. “But this month is almost over!” I cried running up to my room. I locked my door and threw myself on my bed letting all the tears fill my pillow. I knew I left my mum hurt but she is also hurting me. I’m still going to have to forget that she is leaving me and move on with life. I sigh as I drift into a very deep sleep.


I wake up to the sound of my mum hitting my door and screaming for me to get ready for school. I stretched and rushed to get ready for school. After showering and all that other stuff I got dressed and did my hair actually I did nothing to my hair, I just left it flying. I looked at myself in the mirror my school skirt was a bit short it was way above my knees, but not that bad compared to other girls in my school their skirts are practically I don’t k now what to even call it. By the time I got down my mum was already eating breakfast. I grabbed a juice box and sat down. “Are you dropping me in school or do I have to walk?” I asked. My mum frowned basically at herself and said she wouldn’t be able to take me to school today. I nodded gave her a hug and left the house.


So here I am walking into the school gates, everyone seems to be hugging each other and you can hear screams everywhere. I was never a popular person in my school I actually had no friends apart from Lucy, but Lucy on the other hand is very popular and sometimes she just leaves me out especially at lunch when she goes and eat lunch with the popular kids and I’m left alone. I scan the area for Lucy. I spot her with the popular kids who I call the Popies. Lucy is flirting with Jeff. Jeff and Lucy got really serious this summer, so I haven’t had the chance to spend quality time with her. I walk to m locker and pick up my books for my 1st three classes. They were Maths, French then physics. Just as I’m about to leave I notice the locker beside mine has a name. I feel the urge to check who it is because no one has ever chosen that locker and I always feel it’s because they don’t want to be next to me. The name on the locker reads ‘Drake’ so far I knew there was no Drake in my grade so this person obviously had to be new. Now it all makes sense why this locker was chosen this person had no idea who was going to be next door.

“Sasha! There you are.” Lucy said wrapping her arms round me. I hugged her back but hated the fact that she wouldn’t come this close to me when the Popies were around her. I had Lucy in every single class I took and that was what made us best friends in the first place. “Missed you Lu. So how was your summer?” I said as we walked to Maths. “It was amazing. So much happened I don’t even know where to begin!” She squealed. We sat beside each other and Lucy told me all about her summer and Jeff and some other crap I really wasn’t bothered to listen to. She never even stopped for a minute to ask how my summer was, well it’s not like anything happened but it would have still felt nice if she just asked.

Finally it came to the third Class before break physics. I really hated physics because I never understand what’s going on. I enter the class with Lucy, but then Bianca waves over to her, asking her to come seat with her and Lucy just totally ditches me and goes to Bianca. I feel hurt but I just go to the next available seat which is next to a guy who has no idea who he is. I seat and keep me eyes glued to the board. I really need to focus so I can pass. “Hey I’m Drake.” The guy next to me says. I turn to face him observing his features he had a nice blonde hair and blue eyes reminding me of the ocean. “I’m Sasha.” I said almost in a whisper. “So Sash, is that girl your friend she seemed to have ditched you.” he said. I just officialy hate this guy. I knew he was right but I didn't need him pointing it out. "Please stop talking to me. I need to concentrate okay!" I said irritated by his presence. "Fine if that's what you want. You know I'm right and you just hate the fact that I'm right." he said with a smirk on his face. I bit my lip and completley blocked him out of my head I so do not want to deal with a cute annoying boy I roll my eyes and hiss.

The bell rang indicating that the class was over. I was so grateful it was break time and I was straving. One thing I love about my school is the fact that we end early. I change my books for my last three subjects. I see Lucy with the biggies meaning i'm going have to eat alone again. I find an empty table in the corner. I looked at the biggies's table, they were having so much fun laughing and teasing each other. I saw Drake hanging out with the Opies he was also wearing a leather jacket. You can only get a leather jacket if you make socer's A team. the soccer team has been practising during  summer vacation. I just hated drake more he was part of the Popies and he made th soccer team. I looked at my food suddenly lossing my appetite.

I got up and satrted to walk towards the door when I heard someone calling me. I turned around to see Lucy running towards me, she wasn't actually running it was more like fast walking. "Hey! were you just going to go to class without you bestie." she said. I stopped her immediately I couldn't take this anymore I was always being a loyal friend but always ending up  getting hurt. "Lucy I've had enough!" I started. I looked round to make sure there was noone around, so that I wouldn't cause a scene. "You call me your bestie but you always end up leaving me for the popular kids. In physics you ditched me for Bianca. You beg me to follow you to a party, but you just leave me and run off with a guy. You call me to hang out and then you bring Jeff along and completley ignore me. You always leave me to eat alone in the cafeteria while you sit with the popular kids. All I do is suck it all up, I'm always trying my best to make you happy but guess what, I figured you are so not worth it!" I said finally feeling relived that I let all my feelings not realising that I should have prepared for the atomic bomb coming towards me.

"Oh really Sasha is that what you think? you know I have other friends, you aren't the only friend I have in the world can't I be with my friends anymore. Bianca saved me a seat I wasn't just going to leave her hanging.You say I leave you and run off with a guy You can't blame me for being prettier than you,if you don't want to be alone then do something and start trying. I know your only problem with Jeff is that he is with me and not you. What else did you say? Oh yeah I don't seat with you during break, listen if you are tired of seatting alone then make an effort to make it to be popular like me and sit with me. You know what I'm tired of you! |You say you make me smile, hell no you are just a huge embarassment to my life! I hate being around you and I can't be your friend anymore." with that she walked out on me. I could feel the tears buring in my eyes, Lucy the only friend I ever had thinks I'm embarassing.

 I walk to class all alone, I spot Drake making out in a corner with Bianca. Ehew the two people I hate together, Double ehew. I enter the class amd I sit down waiting for my teacher to come in. I overhear people talking about how Drake was falling head over heels in love with Bianca. Well who cares my life is officialy over.


Chapter 2

It's finally friday! Actually there is nothing to be happy about today is the day that I have my last three classes as physics. My life in schoool has being very terrible, sometimes I wish I could just bury my self alive. My mum was leaving next week monday and I was so scared of staying alone. My mum asked our neighbour to check on me frequently while she is gone. It's not like its going to be the same without my mum being around.


Last three periods of the day. PHYSICS! I walk into class and realise the seat I've been seating on since tuesday is gone. Now I'll have to seat beside Drake I drop my bag on my seat an put my head down. I start to daydream "So, you're back Sash." I lift up my head to see Drake Grinning at me. Gosh why cant he just disappear from the surface of the earth. "It's Sasha not Sash!" I said. "Whatever don't you get nicknames, I'm gonna call you Sash." Well I certainly don't get nicknames apart from looser. "Heard stuffs about you. They sure weren't nice. You've been called tons of terrible names. Told ya your friend is just not good for you." He said looking at me. I knew what friend he was talking about. Lucy! "Well I've also heard rumours about you, they say you are in love with Bianca. I mean seriously you hadrly know her, how long has it been its not even up to a week!" I blurted out. "Lol take it easy I can see you are jealous, it's nothing. I don't like her. Why would any one think that?" I stared at him in disbelief he thinks I'm jealous of him and Bianca being together! "I saw you making out with her." I whispered. What did I just say I should have made it clear that I wasn't Jealous before I said that.Damn it! He looked suprised. "I'm... I didn't know you saw that. It doesn't mean anything, i have no feelings for her. She isn't even pretty." he said in his sexy adorable voice. The tought of Bianca not being pretty raced through my mind. Wait a minute! Rewind. Did I Put the words SEXY & ADORABLE with the name DRAKE! HELL NO! Something is definetly wrong with me. " I find you really attractive. You know right?" He  said winking at me. I could feel my face flush red.

"Stop teasing me okay." I said putting my head back on the table. he put his hand in my hoodie's pocket and pulled out my phone. "Give that back." I said as he typed in his number on my phone then he put my number on his. Then he raised my phone up, he was taller than me so I had to keep jumping to try and get my phone from him. He pushed me to the wall. " seriously I  just want my phone Drake." I said getting very nervrous. I heard the door open and Drake moved away from me. "What's going on here?" Bianca asked as she walked into the room. I bit my lip nervously. Bianca walked towards me and pushed me to the wall, sorry to say but it felt better when I was in this situation with Drake. "Stay away from my man b**ch!" she said slapping next thing I knew someone came into the class and shouted fight. I didn't hit Bianca back but she kept hitting me continously, I was helplessly crying and the class was now full of people. I closed my eyes and waited for the moment I would pass out. Then suddenly everything stopped was I gone or what? I opened me eyes to see Bianca Pinned on the floor and Drake holding her down. Oh no I don't like what I see. Our physics teacher ms.P came in and everyone ran to thier seats.

I found it really difficult to look at Drake. Why? Why did my life have to be so difficult. Ms.P started the class by saying we should pick partners for the project she was about to give us. I never had a partner who wasn't Lucy so I was quite worried on what I was going to do. "Will you be my partner? Please?" I looked up to see Drake's blue eyes staring at me. I swallowed, this was the best option I had nobody else was going to ask me. "Sure."  I said. I wanted to avoid as much talking as possible. After giving us our projects she sent Bianca, Drake and I to the principal's office.


While waiting outside the principal's office, waiting for him to call us in I got nervrous, I could feel my palms getting sweaty and I had to keep rubbing them on my skirt. when we got into the office the principal wasn't willing to hear an explanation from any of us, he told us we had detention and we should leave. I was asked to stay back which made me even more nervrous. "Sasha, I am highly disappointed in you." he said. "I'm sorry sir, but I didn't even hit her back." I innocently said. "That's not the problem, the problem is you were alone in a class with a boy." I didn't like where this was going. "Nothing happened. We were just talking and he took my phone and we joked around. We're just friends I don't even think we are as close as friends."I said in my own defence. "If that's how you feel then you better get it straight with him because I don't think he sees it the way you do." I no0dded and left the office thinking of how my mother would react to this. I have never gotten in trobule at school before so I'm guessing she would freak out.


Detention Time. I'm actually glad today's detention was to sit in an empty class alone and don't talk to anyone. It's far much better than cleaning up junk. My life has been officialy messed up recently and just keeps getting worse everyday. I hear the door open but I find no Intrest in checking who came in till I felt the person standing behind me. I turned round to yell at whoever it was but by the time I turned my mouth refused to move. "What are you doing here?!" I finally asked Drake. "Um, I just wanted to know how you were." he casually said. What was thinking coming into the class, if we get caught we are in big trobule and that I scincerly don't like. "Go away! I don't need more problems in my life!" I said moving to another table. "When can we start our project?" he asked. "You can come to my house tomorrow." I replied now seating far away from him. He comes to my new seat and I move again. "Please Sasha, just one kiss." he said following me. Just one what! What does he think I am? "Is that what this is about? You get me into my first detention since I was born, just so you can get a Kiss? tough luck with that." I say. I feel wounded, he just wants to use me, typical jerk why did I give him a chance he is so not worth it. "No Sasha please! I was just teasing and if you want to takes things really solw, I'm fine with that."Drake pleaded. Take things slow? Now where did that come from! "Drake there's nothing to take slow!" I said in disbelief. Form the look on his face I knew he was disappointed. He nodded and left the class.


"I'm so ashamed of you! God just look at you. What happened in that class? And I'm not even gone yet." My mom screamed at me. This is not going to end. "Mum relax, I didn't do anything." I explained to my mum. I wasn't expecting it but the next thing I got was a slap on my cheek. It was hard and painful. I didn't think twice before running to my room and locking the door tight. I hate this life, everyone hates me! Lucy hates me, my mum hates me, Bianca hates me and I'm pretty sure Drake hates me as well. 


I feel like I have been sleeping like like forever. I get out off bed and get my self cleaned up. On such a bright saturday I decided to wear a yellow mini dress, just because I'm depressed doesn't mean I have to act it. I go down and I meet nobody there, wow guess my mum really wants to abadon me. I prepare a breakfast of pancake for my self and settle down to my meal. Just then the the bell rings. Gosh who is this person that won't let me eat my breakfast. I went to the door ready to shout at whoever it was to go away because my mum isn't around, but as I got to the door my facial expression changed to one of disgust qnd suprise. "How did you get my adress?" I asked opening the door for Drake.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.09.2013

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