
The Beginning

"Wake up"
" 5 more minutes".
"YOU said that 5 minutes ago"!
"Then 10 more minutes"
I want shaving the I don't want to go to school argument with my mom, and right now she is winning.
"Wake up Steven"!
"I made pancakes">
"I thought pancakes is your favorite food".
"It WAS, when I was a kid,I'm 13 now"!
I think my mom wants me to be a kid again sometimes.She looks at my baby pictures and cry for no reason, also she treats me like a kid.
"O.K, I will get out of bed".
I g


Texte: Nasor Clough
Bildmaterialien: Nasor Clough
Lektorat: Load Clough
Übersetzung: Load Clough
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2012

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