
Chapter 1

Her brain hurt with the amount of concentration she put into what she was doing. If she made the wrong move, everything would blow up and she’d be in a gigantic clusterfuck. Sweat beaded at her brow as she pulled the strap and taped it onto the package. There, it was finished. Luna had to be changed and she didn’t like it when you did that, you had to do it when she was either asleep or she felt in a good mood. Which was not very often. The child’s fiery red hair matched her temper, which was expected to happen from the Red Luna. Her eyes, though, startled everyone. Even the members of the pack. Her eyes shined a resilient green, which shone even in the dark. She was an advanced child, which was to be expected from a werewolf, especially an Alpha cub, meaning she could stand on her own. She hadn’t mastered walking or talking just yet, but Sarah knew she planned to do that. Soon and within time, seemed to be the way of small little Rosa’s life. She just watched how things panned out, always cautious. Then, when the time seemed most opportune, she’d strike. Deadly, silent, and cute. Something nobody ever expects, which is why Sarah always admired after Luna. A small 3 month old child, and yet she looked up to her as she would her mother. Her mother

…. She’d never known her mother, she’d just been handed over to her father with a note stuck on her forehead. The note said that if he would’ve been able to keep it in his pants long enough he wouldn’t have had this problem. ‘This problem’ being her. It hadn’t hurt her feelings, she hadn’t been destroyed, because she hadn’t missed out on anything. Her father had been her 2-in-1 parent. He was strict, yet fun, he was carefree and stubborn. He was amazing. The key word being ‘was’. Her father was killed when some rogues who decided to have some fun. Rogues were terrible, terrible creatures, they gave the werewolves a bad name. They gave the hunters a reason to hunt their kind, murder their men, rape their women, kill their children. LunaRosa’s eyes peeled open and she shrilled out her anger for her sleep being disturbed.
“Shit.” She cursed under her breath as the little child’s face brightened with anger.
“Shh, shh. Rosa please stop crying, your mommy is actually going to snap and kill you.” She hissed as she put the child’s face in the crook of her neck and bounced around the small nursery. The pack had moved to a new town, the hunter problem had gotten too serious and they couldn’t risk risking the pack. They’d moved to the neighboring state, the pack Alpha there had agreed to take them in. of course Thomas would still be Alpha, he had the blood in him, as would be Molly. But they just wouldn’t be… The


Alpha’s. But the new Alpha and his mate seemed nice. They opened the pack with open arms, everyone fit in great. More people had found their mate, which was great, and there were more children here. Most of them were under the age of 3, but some of them were around Samantha’s age. Luna screamed and cried her head off and Sarah groaned. Molly was going to kill her. Everyone else was up, except for Molly and Thomas, they were worn out from caring for Luna and just wanted to sleep in. Guess Luna thought otherwise. The door banged open and Carol stormed in.
“You, little child, are going to give your mother and father sleep. You’re going to give Alpha Jeb and Luna Penny a break from the screeching. And you’re going to shut the hell up!” She yelled and Luna stopped. She still made a few murmurs but looked at Carol with wide eyes.
“There, see how peaceful it is without you crying your head?” Carol asked and moved to take Rosa. Sarah huffed and gave her over. Rosa looked entranced by Carol’s golden locks, that was the only reason she wanted to go over there. That was what she told herself, it wasn’t her horrible way with children. Just ‘cause you tell yourself that babydoll,


her wolf drawled in his deep southern accent, don’t mean it’s true.


When she first heard her wolf’s voice she was frightened. Her wolf was a male, and from the sound of it, a handsome one at that. He was the reason she’d stayed a virgin, he told her the true intention of men and she was disgusted at the thoughts of them. She’d just wait for her mate to come along, he wouldn’t be like the others. He would want her for her kindness, generosity, and love for everybody and everything. That’s right, and if he doesn’t I’ll rip his balls off for hurting you,


her wolf growled and she smiled internally.
“That’s fine, I didn’t like you anyway.” Sarah sneered playfully at Rosa and stuck her tongue out. She made a little happy sound and Sarah’s heart spun around. Yay, I made her happy,

she thought happily and flounced her way out the room. She bounced into a hard body as she closed the door behind her and she groaned internally.
“Oh, hey Jared. Were you looking for Carol, ‘cause she’s in there with Rosa-“ Sarah said lightly, desperately trying not to put any of her anger in her tone. The first night they’d been here, he very blatantly made a claim on her in front of all the men. She wasn’t some sort of object to be won, taken, or stashed. She was a human being, well not exactly, and she deserved to have her choice. And her choice was her mate, which Jared was not. He swooped his dirty blond hair out of his eyes and smiled down at her, showing one shiny sharpened canine.
“No, actually I was looking for you. I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the beach with me on Saturday?” He asked and Sarah ha to fight for a frown not to fit on her face. He was still trying after 2 months, it was actually quite funny. She crossed her arms and scoffed.
“It’s the middle of October, the lake will be freezing, with or without body temperature.” She said amusingly and he frowned.
“Hadn’t thought about that.” He muttered and looked down at the carpeted floor.
“Thought so, now if there isn’t anything else I have to go-“
“You do too much, you know that?” He said suddenly and Sarah widened her eyes.
“N-no I don’t. I do just enough, everybody needs something and I’m there to help. Now if you’ll excuse me-“
“I think you need a break from helping people. You’re always flying from one place to the next, never off your feet, never taking a break, you just… do. You don’t even think about what you’re doing.” He said, narrowing his eyes in confusion.
“Look, just because I want to help other people doesn’t mean I’m some sort of pushover. I do say no, if the event so happens that I need to. And I relax plenty, maybe you didn’t get it when I said this 2 months ago, so I’m gonna say it again. You and I, will never happen. Not in this lifetime. So stop advancing me, stop trying to go out with me, stop trying to soften me, and leave me the hell alone. Or I swear to the mother moon I will gut you where you stand with my pinky. Got it?” She snarled at him, backing him into the wall opposite the nursery door. He nodded jerkily and she stepped back, taking in a deep cleansing breath. Just like daddy taught you.
“Good, now. I have to help Luna Penny with the kids, sounds like their about to start lunch. Have a nice day Jared!" She chirped happily and walked down the long hallway to the stairs.

Chapter 2

Samantha stayed at her hip as she helped make tuna sandwiches. Sammy was having a hard time making friends, none of the other kids could understand her situation. Sammy’s mom and dad abandoned her at a carnival because she was a werewolf. She wasn’t born one, but made one. Only one person could make you a werewolf, your mate. She said her foster brother did it, Jake Harris, the ones the elders were looking for. They knew that Jake didn’t have to change Sammy, they could’ve led a perfectly normal relationship as they grew. Molly’s mother was proof of that, she was a human when she was impregnated with Molly and her pregnancy went fine.
“Tuna really smells.” Sammy said, pinching her nose.
“Not as much as you do.” Mark mumbled as he passed by and she stuck her foot out, indiscreetly, making mark trip.
“Oopsie. Mark you really have to watch we’re you’re going. You might really hurt yourself one day.” Sammy said, sounding every bit contrite. She smiled, and Mark smiled too, as she helped him up.
“Whatever brat, just watch your back.” He said, still grinning, as he ruffled her little blond head making her pout.
“I can’t it’s behind me.” She retorted as he walked away then turned to look back at Sarah. Her cute little face was pink and pretty, which she tried to hide from Sarah who merely looked away and finished up the sandwiches.
“Wanna help bring this to the table?” She asked and Sammy nodded, grateful for the distraction. The other kids settled down once the sandwiches were in front of them which made Penny relax. Penny was a nice Luna. She had long black hair that reached the middle of her back and a small petite frame that made her look innocent. All though she was nothing but, some nights Sarah would awaken to the sound of her and Jeb making love and, although you wouldn’t believe it, Penny was a screamer. She’d scream things at the top her lungs, explicit thins that would make Carol blush. Carol was the dirtiest person she knew! Penny sighed and walked to Sarah, a gigantic smile on her face.
“Thanks, I would’ve never gotten through that alone.” Her childlike voice said, Sarah smiled at her and nodded once.
“No problem Luna, you need help with anything, I’m there.” She said with a little head dip that Penny giggled at.
“Sarah, come get this child from hell!!!” Carol screeched and Sarah stiffened. Carol and Rosa always seemed to be at it, even though Rosa was a baby and couldn’t really do anything to make Carol angry. Carol said, in front of everyone, that “they eyes say it all, and that one has untrustworthy eyes, like she would stab you in the back then ask to be your friend later,” crazy, yes. But when you think about it, Carol wasn’t called Carrie for nothing.
“I have to go assist my pack member, excuse me Luna.” She said then bolted up the stairs and into the nursery. Luna stood there, her hand on her hips and the scariest scowl she’d ever seen on a baby. On any person actually.
“What the heck happened?” Sarah asked rushing to pick the baby up, but she merely side stepped Sarahs hands. She walked. Only to get away from you

“Luna, I need you to calm down honey, think you can do that for me? Can you act like a normal baby for once?” Sarah asked kindly, trying not to seem too bitchy.
“You’re being too kind. She hates that, that’s why she doesn’t like you as much as me. Even though she’s being a complete bitch now!” Carol explained, sidling up next to her and sneering at Luna.
“What’d she do this time?” Sarah asked, ignoring the jab on her personality. She was just a nice person! She couldn’t fix that!!
“This heifer, right here, decided it would be a great time to spit up on me. On my brand new top no less!!” Carol yelled and Luna made a happy baby noise.
“If you weren’t a baby, I’d punch you in your face.” Carol growled and stormed out.
“Sheesh, she’s such a drama queen.” Sarah muttered and, for the first time since her birth, she smiled at her.
“Wow, that’s a nice smile. You should do it more often. Takes the mean bitch look out of your eyes.” Luna laughed and flailed her little arms around. Baby language for ‘pick me up please’. She smiled and picked her up. She’d always wanted to be a mother, just to show her mother a how a real one was supposed to be. She’d been disappointed at first when Luna didn’t like her. She screamed her head off as soon as she was placed in Sarah’s arms. But now she knew the child was growing soft and soon, not any time in the immediate future though, she would have to give in and love her. Molly decided to come in at the time and smile at the sight. She knew Sarah felt unloved by Luna, but she’d told her, time and time again, to just give Luna some time and space. When she was ready she’d warm up to her. Hopefully.
“If it isn’t my two favorite girls in the whole wide world. How’s my little Looney doing?” She crooned to the small child, coming over and pinching her little baby cheeks. Luna laughed at her little nick name and spread her arms out to her mother. Of course she didn’t want to be with me

, Sarah thought sadly, hunching her shoulders slightly. Molly looked good after only 3 months after having the baby, especially for a werewolf. Her tan stomach was showing thanks to her black and grey striped crop top, and her short and shapely legs were well adorned by black skinny jeans. It seemed like she didn’t like wearing shoe anymore, she never wore any, even if they went out.
“Thomas let you out the room like that?” Sarah asked, highly disbelieving that. Molly smiled a little and kissed her daughter’s head as she walked out the green nursery.
“What he doesn’t know won’t kill him.” She said with a small wink before disappearing with the child.
“It will when he sees you in it!!” She yelled after that, only to be greeted by a small laugh. Why can’t I look like her

, she though to herself. Yeah she had red hair, which was exotic, but that was pretty much were her prettiness ended. She had a large amount of freckles smattering her nose and cheeks, she had a small nose, which she detested, and small lips. She often got made fun of for being too small when she was in middle school. Everything on her was miniature, until she hit puberty. When that happened she stopped wearing her training bras and switched to full on double c’s, her short legs grew into long ones that seemed to travel on forever and ever, her hair grew longer and shinier and her appeal seemed all the more… extra. Which she didn’t mind at all. She get extra attention from her peers of both sexes and things seemed to go better for her. She fixed up Luna’s nursery room and made her way into the back yard as kids ran past her. The pack was enjoying the last few days of good weather, the reporter said starting next week a cold front would be coming in, as a family. The kids laughed and played with each other, the adults mingled, the elders relaxed. All was well in their small little world and they could hope for absolutely nothing better. Sarah made her way over to the children and sat down next to their general play area, she laved in their laughter and delighted to hear their excited little hearts beat. She felt someone’s presence next to her and looked to see it was Jared.
“You spend a lot of time with kids.” He says, there’s nothing in his tone that underlies that there might be a trick here so Sarah relaxes.
“I want some of my own one day. When that day happens I want to be as ready as I can. I think of this as…. Training.” Just like old times, she thought to herself with a small smile.
“You want ‘some’ not ‘one’?” He asked, disbelief tainting his voice.
“Yes, is there a problem with that?” She asked, feeling a little edgy at his surprise.
“It’s just that… usually it’s the male in a relationship that wants the abundance of children. It’s odd to hear a woman say that.” He said sitting back on the palms off his hands. She frowned and shrugged. One of the girls fell and immediately Sarah let into action, sprinting over to he rand pulling out a Band-Aid from her back pocket, she always carried them around just in case. She sat the little girl on her lap and put a lock of hair behind her air. She put the Band-Aid on and gave it a small tap.
“There you go sweetie, take it easy Ok?” Sarah told her and she nodded happily then ran off. She stood and went back to her spot next to Jared.
“That’s was quick, quicker than any wolf I’ve ever seen.” He said astonished and her wolf huffed as she rolled her eyes.
“It’s because of my size, if you haven’t noticed I’m smaller than other wolves in my wolf form, and human form, it helps me remain quick and agile.” That was really the only thing that she liked about being short, it gave her more stealth.
“I don’t think you’re that short.” He grumbled and Sarah smiled, that was the first actually nice thing he’d ever said to her.
“Thanks, I really appreciate that.” She said and smiled softly at him before turning her gaze to the sunset.

Chapter 3

Her dreams were troubled as she slept, she could only dream of anger. She didn’t know why, she hadn’t gone to bed angry, she didn’t know what was happening. So that resulted in waking up at 4 and just staying up. She slowly crept down the stairs, not worrying about her footsteps making any sound, and into the back yard. Her skin drunk in the moonlight and calmed her troubled mind. She sat down in her pajama shorts and t-shirt and brought her knees to her chest. It was time like this that she missed her dad, times when she couldn’t sleep or when something troubled her deeply, she missed the comfort he gave off. You and me both pumpkin pie , her wolf thought to her sadly.

“You seem to be deep in thought.” A deep voice said from behind her, Jared sat down next to her and sat Indian style.
“I couldn’t sleep is all, I’ll be fine. You should go on upstairs and rest.” She said softly, looking up at the swollen moon.
“I couldn’t sleep either, I was hungry and thirsty.” He told her, not taking his eyes from her face.
“Want me to fix you a sandwich and some ice tea?” She asked already standing up. She wasn’t shy about being partially clothed in front of a man. Being a werewolf you pretty much had to get used to the nakedness. Especially on pack runs, that was where the pack all goes on a run on a summers full moon. He nodded quickly and excitedly and stood up with her. She walked into the kitchen and began making him his sandwich. She handed it to him and poured him a cup of ice tea.
“Can I ask you a question?” She asked when he was in the middle of wolfing down his sandwich. He stopped chewing, his mouth puffed out with sandwich, and nodded.
“Do you think you would ever change for your mate?” Jared was the hugest player this pack had, he’d use human and werewolf human like tissues then drop them like a hot potato. He swallowed his sandwich.
“Of course I would she would be my whole life I’d give up anything for her.” He said and they shared a comfortable silence. Sarah bit her lip, something bad was about to happen, she knew it, which was why she’d asked the question. Her wolf had been on edge all night, he’d barely spoken to her which worried her. Normally he’d rant about how he hated begin stuck in here until she let him out, about boys and their sick perverted ways, or he’d reminisce about old times.
“I think I can go to sleep now, you’ll be fine on your own or do you want me to wait for you to finish?” She asked, walking around the table and to the kitchen door way.
“I’ll be fine, thanks for the sandwich Sarah.”
“No problem Jared.”

Her wolf calmed down considerably after a nice hot shower with her cucumber melon body scrub and some chocolate. Her time of the month was probably near, he got a little edgy when that time came. When a woman went through her period she also went through heat. Heat was when a female wolves gave off certain pheromones that made male wolves attracted to them. It was disgusting and Sarah hated it, but she couldn’t ignore it. The heat made you feel animalistic hunger for a partner, and insatiable passion for sex. It basically made you a slut, and anything with a dick made your body react. She couldn’t stand it, but it was the natural way of things and she’d have to get over it. She was still a virgin, but it seemed that it didn’t matter. Her body was racked with the heat and she’d have to clench her legs closed and bear through it. She was saving herself for her mate, she wanted her first time to be special, she wouldn’t even touch herself. She pulled on a light blue v-neck cotton t-shirt and a black skirt. She knew her heat schedule well and knew it would start today. She would need to feel the breeze on her skin in order to cope, if she wanted to last through this heat. She put her curly red locks in a high ponytail and spritzed some water on her neck. You can do it buttercup


, her wolf cooed to her softly, I know you can.
“Easy for you to say, your private parts aren’t going to be in complete turmoil.” She muttered as she left her room and went down the stairs. All motion stopped and Sarah resisted the urge to yell at them and ask why the hell they were looking at her. She did growl a little though, they were starting to tick her off. She stormed into the kitchen and looked through the fridge, she needed something cool in her system before she blew up.
“Hey Sarah have you seen- whoa, whoa, whoa heat central going on here.” Molly said with a small laugh. Thomas entered in behind her and her body instantly reacted to his. It was wrong, she knew, but she couldn’t help it. She had hoped she could just not be too close to any of the men, but in the kitchen there was only a limited amount of space. She bit her lip and looked away from his changing eyes.
“Shoot, sorry Molly, I gotta go.” She said and rushed past Thomas, being careful to not touch him. she had something clutched in her hand and looked down to see it was a celery stalk. Something’s gotta be better than nothing,

she thought to herself as she angrily bit the celery stalk.
“Hey Sarah.” Jared said, joining her in her walk to the backyard.
“Jared, hey, what do you want?” She asked quickly munching her way to the end of the celery stalk.
“Just wanted to see how you’re doing, after last night when you couldn’t sleep.” He said and sped up his pace with her.
“Oh yeah. I’m fine, just darn peachy. My body is going through a stressful time, I was looking for chocolate but ended up with a celery stalk, everybody is looking at me like I’m some kind of frigging science experiment gone wrong and everyone around me is treating like I’m going to explode at any given moment. Speaking of which why are you near me, isn’t your wolf going crazy?” She asked, walking into the forest behind their backyard.
“I, uh, kinda sprayed a ton of Molly’s perfume around my nostril. When I breathe in I smell nothing but that.” Sarah furrowed her brow and stopped walking.
“You’re basically mutilating your nose just to be around me?” She asked, tears springing to her eyes.
“I mean… yeah. We are friends right?” He asked, his black eyes big and hopeful.
“Of course we are, I just didn’t think we were that close. I’m friends with everyone, yes, but you and I. Well you and I are you and I, we haven’t gotten along from day 1. We’re not really that close are we? I mean honestly how close can we possibly-“
“Ok, hush! Jesus Christ, do you ever stop talking?” He asked, exasperatedly, as he leaned against a tree.
“sorry, I’m not normally like this. It’s the heat, it messes with my brain. My wolf normally tells me when I’ve talked too much and he shuts me off, but he goes and hides when I’m like this. He says he can’t take it when all of the men are barking at me like I’m some kind of steak. Steak sounds good, you think Penny would have some? I hope she’d have some, because then I could treat myself-“ she was silenced when he clasped his hand over her mouth.
“Christ woman, just for once. Stop talking. I’m sure she has steak, I’ll make it for you if you just calm down and stop talking.” He whispered into her hair and she shivered. Damn him!

he touched her! She was trying not to be touched, she’d been doing so well. She whimpered and pressed herself closer to him unwillingly, his body heat wrapped around her and made her feel… tingly.
“Please stop touching me.” She whispered which translated, in her terminology, as touch me some more.
“I don’t think you want me to stop touching you.” His voice had grown gruff, showing just how close he was to his wolf. She couldn’t help herself, she ground her bottom against his bulging pants. Where the hell was her wolf when she needed him!?
“You’re being very naughty now, I know that this isn’t you. The old Sarah should come back now, don’t you think.” He asked softly and she nodded vigorously.
“In order for you to do that, I want you take my hand off your mouth and put it where it should be.” He whispered and she shut her eyes. She was going to have to do this, she knew it. She knew he was helping her but she couldn’t help but to curse him in her mind. She grasped his rough hand in her softer one and very slowly pulled it away from her mouth. She breathed in and out slowly and focused solely on that.
“Good, now put it where it belongs.” He cooed softly into her hair, making the strands fly softly in the breeze. She put it by his leg and let go of his hand, she breathed in deeply and ignored the scent of his masculinity. She inhaled the scent of the forest going into the fall season, the river that was a couple miles north of where they stood now. He remained quiet, still behind her but letting her breathe.
“Thanks… for that.” She said after a couple of moments.
“That’s what friends do, Sarah. They help each other when they need it. “ He said softly and turned. She watched, in utter confusion, as he walked deeper into the forest.

Chapter 4

“Sarah you’ve got to eat something.” Carol begged as she pushed a bowl of noodles into her tummy.
“Ok, I will. But it’s got to be cold, you know good and gosh darn well I can’t eat anything hot on heat. My whole body goes wonky.” She said and pushed the hot bowl back towards her friend, just touching the bowl made her body twitch.
“You’re so picky.” She muttered as she slopped down the noodles greedily. Sarah leaned against the marble top counter in the kitchen and ran cold water on her hands. Sammy came in, blushing a violent red, with her hands in her pockets.
“Something wrong Sammy?” Carol asked, her mouth full of noodles.
“Err… nothing. Not really. I think I’m hurt, but I don’t feel any pain, I’m kinda confused.” She said, her cheeks deepening in color.
“What’s wrong Samantha?” Sarah asked, pushing herself up and away from the counter top and over to Sammy. Sammy bit her lip and signaled her to come closer.
“I have blood in my undies, but I didn’t hurt myself.” She whispered then put her head down.
“Jesus Christ Sammy, how old are you?!” Sarah gasped, thinking the girl was 5. She had that face that fooled the eye.
“I’m 9.” She mutters under her breath and Sarah blushes.
“Sorry, you just look like you’re 5, I never really got around to asking you how old you were.” She mumbled and took Sammy’s hand.
“Carol do you think you could take Sammy to go buy the things that she needs?” Sarah asks, giving the child’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m sure someone in the pack has something-“
“I think she’d be more comfortable if she had supplies of her own, don’t you think?” Sarah said, cutting her off. She glared but put the bowl of noodles down. She took Sammy’s hand and walked away from her.
“Thank you Carrie.” Without looking back Carol flipped her the bird and Sarah smiled as she went to look for some ice cubes to chew.

Her wolf hadn’t spoken to her all day, she was sure something was wrong and she was right. She’d been eating the steak that Jared made for her when Alpha Jeb yelled that rogues were nearby. She’d dropped her steak and immediately shifted, not caring about her clothes. She was one of the packs greatest fighters, something she’d learned from her father. Jared ran alongside her, apparently he was also the best, along with the Alpha males. She smelled them then, the evil in their soul, the hatred in their hearts. The hearts that would be lying in the dirt in a couple of minutes. She ran faster, her wolf wanting to avenge their fathers. They’d already done that, over and over, but this was just in case any of them tried to hurt anyone else she loved. Like Luna or Sammy. Or any kids in general. They came to a clearing where the moon shined down gently, it also happened to be where the rogues waited for them. She growled and made herself slow into a skit on the ground, her nails raking against the dirt and making gaping wholes in the earth. Alpha Jeb stepped forward, inclining his head.
‘Why are you on our land, Rogue?’ he said in wolf language. She stared at one of the wolves, a small one with rough brown hair. Why was he smaller than the others, that was unnatural… Pup!

She growled low in her throat and Jared shot her a warning glance. She silenced but her kept her look on the pup. What kind of rogues carried around children! That was just sick!! The rogues then all, simultaneously, dropped on their back and showed their underbelly. A sign of submission. She growled and took a threatening step forward, it was a trick. Jared growled and stepped in front of her.
Back down.’ He said in wolf language and flattened the ears on her head. He was messing with her kill and she didn’t appreciate it. He did the same and growled warningly. She huffed and stepped back, she wasn’t going to fight a pack member over rogues. Alpha Jeb changed back, in all his naked glory, and ordered them all to change. She changed and kept her head high, ignoring the stares from the rogues.

“Take a fucking picture it’ll last longer.” She growled, taking a step forward.
“Sarah, calm down.” Jared growled lowly to her and she huffed. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the leader of the rogues. He had caramel skin which gave way to her having fantasies of licking hot caramel off of every inch of his body and light brown hair that curled naturally, he looked at her with more than interest and it made her body heat up with desire.
“Don’t look at me mutt, unless you want your eyes scourged out.” She growled aggressively.
“You need to control your females.” Another rogue male growls and she steps forward several steps before being held back by her tummy.
“You wanna go, mutt? Come here and I’ll beat the hell outta you, show you control.” She muttered as she struggled to get out of Alpha Jeb’s arms.
“Sarah, calm down and go back to the pack house. Now. Jared escort her there, make sure she does nothing rash.” He said as he handed her over to Jared.
“We wish to join your pack.” The leader said and all her fight drained out of her body. His voice was so… beautiful. He was obviously Britain, because that deep voice was no where near American. She drooped in Jared’s arms and watched as the man tilted his head to the side, showing his neck, as a sign of submission.
“Would you mind sharing a room with each other?” Alpha Thomas asked, not yet making a decision.
“We share damn near everything else with each other, what difference is a room?” He asked with humor in his eyes and voice.
“Why do you want to join our pack? You guys are rogues. Once a rogue, always a rogue, isn’t that how you guys think?” Sarah spat him and he looked to her. His eyes flashed silver and she gasped internally but kept her face straight.
“The hunter problem is growing to be too dangerous. This is our small little pack, I am the Alpha. I’m not going to let my pack get hurt because of some foolish rule. Pack before yourself, isn’t that how you guys think?” He retorted back and she narrowed her eyes but stood down. She looked to the small boy who stood there. His head was down and curtained by a sheet of black hair. He didn’t look up, didn’t even acknowledge the Alpha’s. That’s a bit rude don’t you think? Her wolf asked and she fought the urge to scoff. Where the heck have you been, she asked her wolf calmly and he replied with a meek ‘nowhere’ . He was so gonna get it later.

“Our pack won’t accept you, you must know this.” Alpha Jeb said and Sarah silently groaned. He was going to let them in! That was foolish, you never trust a rogue! Ever.
“I do, but I’m willing to look past childish behavior for the safety of my pack. Just know this, Alpha, if one of yours lay one finger on one of mine I will not hold back.” He said with a calm voice and a determined gaze.
“I understand, come we’ll introduce you.” Alpha Thomas said, nearly grounded out, and shifted into his wolf. He ran off and howled, calling for Molly. Oh lord, Sarah thought as she shifted into her brown red wolf, it’s gonna be an uprising.

Chapter 5

They all stared at the rogues with disgust and Sarah couldn’t help but feel a little bad about it. If it were her up there she’d hate to be looked at and judged when I’d done nothing wrong. If you really thought about it, and thought about it logically, they really haven’t done anything that the pack knew about. They could be innocent rogues. Do you hear yourself Sarah Montgomery!!?? Your father would be turning in his grave if he heard you thinking these things, she thought to herself and frowned. She stepped forward an cleared her throat.

“I think we should, at least, allow the rogues to prove their innocence. We can’t just judge them for something that they, probably, didn’t do.” She said softly and everyone’s eyes went wide. Yes, everyone knew about her father, they’d all introduced themselves when they first arrived and they had to tell everything.
“But Sarah, they’re… rogues.” Penny aid, her voice dripping in disgust and hatred. So much that it made Sarah flinch.
“Yes, but maybe they’re all run away rogues. Maybe they haven’t killed anyone yet.” She said, desperately trying to prove their innocence. But why, you may ask, she didn’t even know. She just had to defend them. Maybe it was for the pup, who still hadn’t lifted his head.
“That’s a lot of maybe’s Sarah. You willing to take the chance?” Carol asked, stepping out of the sea of wolves in the backyard. Was she? Defending someone, and taking a chance on someone are two completely different things. She shot a look towards the wall of 5 rogues and sighed.
“Yes, everyone deserves a chance.” She said, her eyes lingering on the leader. He looked at her with curious eyes which flashed silver before going to their original black.
“If Sarah’s willing to take the chance, then so am I.” Carol said and walked to the rogues.
“I’m Carol Yvintsky, I like the color green hate people who are a complete bitch to me. My nickname is Carrie, but I swear to you, if you call me that I will murder you.” She said and shook the leaders hand. He looked stunned but then he smiled and her breathing stopped. His smile was… amazing. He had straight, white teeth that made his smile shine like the sun. Suddenly she was extremely envious of Carol.
“Nice to meet you Carol, I’m Drew. I like the color red hate people that lie. I don’t have a nickname, never really cared for them.” He said and Carol did a mini swoon.
“Accents. Hot.” She said, fanning herself with her hand. Sarah rolled her eyes as Carol flounced away, swaying her hips a tad more than needed. Sammy stepped forward next, her eyes burning amber as she walked to Drew.
“I’m Samantha. I like the color yellow, hate people who ruffle my hair. My nickname is Sammy, I don’t mind if you call me that.” She said as she, very boldly, grabbed his hand and shook it quickly. She narrowed her eyes on the pup and stomped her way over to him. She slapped him hard and he looked up shocked and angry.
“How could you just leave me there!?” She howled in anger. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung wide open. A scar lied under his left eye that stretched to his eyebrow.
“Mary?” He whispered and blinked as if he saw a ghost.
“No, I will never be Mary after what you did to me. Jake how could you leave me there!? You said you would come back, you never did! I’m not Mary anymore. I’m Samantha Green, and you’d be best to remember that. You and your little ‘pack’ can stay here, but I never want to talk to you again!” She yelled and stormed away with tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Sammy!” Marcus yelled and she ran to him. He stumbled back a bit with the force of her impact but stayed steady. He glared at Jake who wore a menacing snarl.
“Marcus, take her upstairs calm her down. Jake you and I, need to have a little chit- chat.” Molly growled and stormed over to the pup.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Sarah yelled and stammered to stand in front of the pup who looked a little scared but stared Molly down nonetheless.
“You can’t hurt him.” Sarah said plainly and took a protective stance.
“Sarah. Move.” Molly said as her eyes changed amber and Luna leaked into her voice. Molly wasn’t her Luna though, Penny was, Penny was everybody’s Luna.
“Molly think this through, you’re about to hurt a pup. He’s done nothing wrong, nothing but made Samantha angry.”
“Sarah, I know you care about pups, I really do. But now is not the time to get all sentimental on me. Step down, or I will make you step down.” Molly threatened her nails rising. Sarah could see Thomas getting ready to intervene but she didn’t care.
“I don’t like being threatened Molly, I thought you knew that. You’re not my Luna anymore, sure you’ve got Alpha blood in you but you are not one. So, unless Penny herself tells me to stand down, back off.” Sarah growled, letting her wolf out a little. Molly narrowed her eyes and growled.
“I’m so serious Sarah, if you don’t move I will punch you!”
“Do it, I freaking dare you Molly. Touch me and watch what happens.” Sarah replied back causally, getting her fists ready. A hard body was suddenly in between them and it wasn’t Thomas. Drew stood there, looking down at her with silver eyes.
“Go upstairs and relax yourself. There will be no fighting tonight.” He said calmly and her wolf relaxed. She blinked and gasped as she felt his command settle down into his bones. She growled and stood her ground.
“Get away from me, Drew. Before something really bad happens to you.” She growled out and he snarled viciously. She jumped a little and put her head down, a sign of submission.
“Go. Up. Stairs.” He growled out and she nodded and stormed into the house. Everybody watched, stunned, as she did what he told her to do. She didn’t notice until she’d reached her room, that she’d obeyed his command. She opened her window, which gave her a direct view of the woods, and yelled.
“I hate all of you stupid mutts!” Before she slammed the window shut, afraid Drew would snarl at her again.

She stayed in her room all night and most of the day. Several times Carol and Molly came up to try to get her out but she refused to go down there with those… mutts. Her wolf had told her to stop moping around and she told him to go to hell, Alpha Jeb came and asked her when she planned on coming out and she replied.
“Whenever hell freezes over, Alpha, that’s when.” She grumbled into her pillow. It wasn’t until the day after the rogues coming that her door blew open.
“I’d say, Sarah, you’ve moped around as much as you’re going to. You’re making your whole pack feel terrible and I’ll have none of it. Sammy won’t come out her room either and it’s your fault. She said she won’t come out until you do and talk to her. You’re causing an innocent pup harm by hating me for what I am. That’s not very nice, Sarah.” Drew said as he walked over to her and picked her up. Where his hands landed sparks flamed on her body, threatening to melt all of her body organs. But there was something else there, something deeper that she couldn’t put her finger on. But for now she focused on the tingling. He pulled her against his sculpted chest and out of her room, she remained immobile thanks to the sparks and she couldn’t fight back. He let her down right outside of Sammy’s room and leaned her against the wall forcefully.
“You are going to go in there and act as if everything is fine, you’ll show no hatred towards me or the rest of the rogues. Would you like to know why, Sarah?” She nodded and he leaned in closer, allowing her to see the silver specks in his black eyes.
“Because you know we are not dangerous, we will not hurt any of your family. I would not let that happen. Now run along in there and cheer up the little pup, when you’re done come and seek me downstairs. There’s something that you and I need to do.” He said but made no move to leave. He kept her body pressed against the wall, with his body trapping her.
“S-shouldn’t I go now, Drew.” He closed his eyes breathed through his nose, as if hearing her say his name sent him on a trip into eternal bliss.
“Yes, you should. But before you go.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a cookies’n’cream Hershey bar and held it out to her.
“Your friends thought I would need it. In case you, and I quote, “decided to rip you a new one where your old one was” guess they didn’t know I could be quite persuasive.” He said with a slight smile and she couldn’t help but smile a little. Suddenly she felt lighter than she had in days, she took the Hershey bar from him and smiled again.
“Thanks Drew, but can you back up now?” she said lightly and tucked a curl behind her ear. He chuckled low and backed up.
“Of course. Now hop along little bunny rabbit, remember. Downstairs after you’ve finished.” He said and turned away. She watched him strut off in his t-shirt and dark jeans with appreciation.
“Pfft, like I could forget.”

She laid in her bed, face down, completely still. The only thing that told Sarah she was alive was her slow heartbeat and her steady breathing. She walked slowly to the bed and sat down.
“Hey Sammy, what’s going on? Someone told me that you haven’t left your bed in a few days.” Sarah said encouragingly, getting startled when her head popped up quickly.
“You haven’t left your room either, so what do you care?” She asked coldly, her eyes red and puffy.
“Oh sweetheart! Have you been crying?” She asked and put down her Hershey bar. Sammy’s eyes watered as she nodded and flew into Sarah’s arms.
“Why is he back here?” She sobbed and Sarah rubbed her hair soothingly.
“Honey, I thought you wanted him here.” Sarah said, keeping her tone light and carefree.
“I thought I did too, but then he acted like… he didn’t even smell me.” She said breaking down even more and it broke Sarah’s heart. She huffed and picked up the sobbing child.
“Wha- what are you doing Sarah?” She stuttered as she kicked her feet.
“If I have to face mu fears, then so do you.” She muttered under her breath and held onto the child as she sped down the stairs. They were laughing and having fun until Sarah and Sammy came down. They all silenced and looked at the pair that hadn’t come downstairs for three days. Her eyes zeroed in on Drew for a moment but then she looked for Jake. There he was, in the corner, sitting with his head down. Sulking. She huffed and walked over to him, she dropped a stunned Sammy in front of him and crossed her arms.
“Jake, we know why you did what you did. We know you were confused and didn’t have the proper guidance as you grew older, but that was no reason to leave her there with those people. Now you two are going to go upstairs and talk this out like reasonable people.” They both stood there staring hard at the ground and Sarah growled and picked them both up.
“I hate it when people act as if I’ve said absolutely nothing.” She growled as she stomped up the stairs with the screeching and kicking children. She shoved them into Sam’s room and slammed the door shut.
“If you don’t talk none of you are getting fed!” She yelled at the door and stormed back down the stairs.

Drew and his pack of rogues were actually pretty nice company. They had this carefree attitude that automatically made you want to befriend them. Of course she didn’t care enough to learn their names, she still didn’t completely trust them, but she learned everything about Drew. Like his mother and father died in a hunter attack, his pack blamed him for it and exiled him. He’s been on his own since he was 15. He was 29 now, and didn’t blame his pack for it. It seemed like he didn’t hold grudges for long. By the time lunch came the whole pack loved the rogues, the children fought for who they wanted to sit next to and Sarah rolled her eyes as she made ham and cheese sandwiches. He paid no attention to them though, he walked over to her and just stood there.
“Ok, so. If you’re not gonna say anything, I’d appreciate it if you’d go sit down. You’re kinda distracting me.” She said, not taking her focus from the sandwiches.
“You do a lot around here.” He said suddenly, reminding her of Jared. Speaking of which, where was he. She hadn’t seen him in a while.
“I like to do a lot, takes my mind off things.” Like you, for example, it takes my mind off things that could destroy me.
“Things like me?” She choked on her air and looked at him.
“Oh come on, it doesn’t take an idiot to notice that you’ve been staring at me. You’re aware of anything and everything I do. I’m in your mind constantly, and yet you still try to stay away from me.” She shot a look at the pack who still laughing it up with the rogues. She internally rolled her eyes, what was her pack really good for if they couldn’t protect her, emotionally, from this dangerous man.
“Why do you fight things, why can’t you just let things pan out the way they’re supposed to?” He asked, his body getting closer. Thank god her heat was over, or she’d be sucked into a loophole of unbelievable pleasure.
“Because that’s not how things are meant to be. Things are supposed to go the way I mean them, my mate will come one day, I will have 3 children. My pack will be rid of these damn hunters and my life will be perfect.” He surprised by laughing a little.
“Is that how your life is supposed to go? Perfect average werewolf family then, eh?” He asked with humor, her hands stilled and she put a hand on her hip.
“Yes, that is how my life is supposed to go. How is your life going to be, huh, since you wanna look down on mine?” She growled out, angry that he would mock her life.
“I dunno how my life is supposed to pan out. I’m not going to plan it out, then be angry when it doesn’t turn up that way. The moon goddess will bring me my mate when it’s time. She will give me my children when it’s time, we’ll be safe in time. You can’t rush perfection.” He said with a slight smile as he took the finished sandwiches to the table. She huffed and stormed out the kitchen.
“Dammit.” Drew cursed and followed after her.
“No, Drew! You stay here, have fun with my pack! I’m going for a run. to clear my head.” She said as she took off her shirt and threw it on the couch. She ran outside and shifted into her wolf, she continued to run. the farther she went from the pack house the more her head cleared. She could think again by the time she reached the mall river. She bent down and drank some water, enjoying the fresh clean taste of it. That was until she heard a twig snap. She whirled around to see Drew emerging from the tree line. He took of his t-shirt and tossed it on the ground in front of her.
“Change back, now.” He said simply and sat on the dirt, watching her. His chest distracted her from doing as he wished. It was huge and clear, no chest acne, no chest hair. Just hard muscle adorned the front part of his body. She shifted back and pulled his t-shirt on. It dwarfed her as it went past her knee’s to her shin.
“Holy shit, how tall are you?” She asked, walking towards him and sitting down.
“Much taller than you.” They shared a moment of comfortable silence until he cleared his throat.
“It occurs to me that you aren’t so comfortable with me around. And, if what the pack told me is any indignation, it has something to do with your father’s death. You must hate all of us, and I do not blame you for that, but I can at least try to change your mind. We have never killed anyone, the money we have is from us working. We’ve never stole, robbed, or raped anyone.”
“How do I know any of this is true? How do I know you’re not just feeding me crap in order to get in my good graces?” She asked coldly and he shrugged as he looked at her.
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.” They stared at each other and his eyes slowly melted into silver, her wolf came out much faster as she grabbed his head and slammed her lips to his.

He responded immediately, bringing her tiny body closer to him and eliciting a moan from her. She ran her fingers through his soft hair and kissed him with more fervor. Something about him just made her… wild. Without thinking she straddled him and pushed him back, making him grunt as he hit the forest floor but she didn’t care. She wanted this, she wanted this so bad. Her wolf wasn’t here anymore, he couldn’t tell her to stop. She felt his bulging erection through his jeans and she rubbed herself against him without shame. He growled and stilled her, making her cease her rubbing motions. She whimpered and kissed his neck, enjoying the taste of his skin. The saltiness and masculinity of it made her core heat up with lust.
“Sarah, stop this. Before you go too far and you can’t come back.” His words stilled her motion. She sat up, her eyes wide, and gasped.
“Oh my god! What am I doing?!” She screeched as she stood up, and backed as far away as she could possibly get from him.
“I just rubbed against you like some… bitch in heat! Oh my god! I practically cheated on him. Sweet lord he’s going to hate me forever.” She mumbled and ran a hand through her crazy curls.
“Him?” Drew asked, sitting up and glaring at her.
“My mate! I was saving myself for him!” She screeched as she paced the forest floor. He surprised her by laughing, his laugh bounced off the trees and shook her eardrums.
“What the hell are you laughing at? I’m serious! I almost slept with you, like a slut, in a forest! And you’re sitting her laughing like it’s the best joke you’ve ever heard!” She said, stomping over to him so that she towered over him. his laughing quieted to little snickers as he looked up at her.
“I really think you’re blowing this way out of proportion, Sarah. Why don’t you just relax?”
“Why don’t you shut the hell up! It’s your damn fault I did that, and you’re gonna apologize for it.” She yelled at him, she hadn’t ever yelled this much at somebody. She was usually the quiet person, the one who was shy and didn’t bother anyone. He was a bad example for her.
“It’s not my fault you did anything. If I can recall you were the one that kissed me, that sat on my lap, that grinded yourself on me. I made you do none of that.” He replied calmly and Sarah’s face burned.
“I hate you so much, you don’t even know.” She muttered as she walked away.
“That’s impossible and you know it. You know that you can never hate me. And I think you know why. But if you don’t, I’ll leave you to your thoughts so you can figure it out. Until then, I’ll be at the pack house.” He said as he got up, his muscles flexing as he pushed himself up. As he passed her his fingers brushed against her own and her hand twitched to take his in hers but she fought it. He chuckled but said nothing else as he walked back to the pack house.

Chapter 6

She walked through the woods, wondering what the hell he meant by that. Nobody had ever gotten so far under her skin liked he had and it unnerved her. She was always supposed to be alert, to spot things from a mile away. What happened to her?! Now she was weak, and scared of a rogue! Her father would kick her ass ten ways ‘til Friday if she ever told him that. But there was something about him! something that made her feel safe, something that made her want to curl up and be enveloped by his caramel arms and just lay there forever. But that was not good! She shouldn’t want to do that! He was a rogue, for Christ’s sake, his kind killed her father! The only person she had actual love and respect for. Maybe you should stop looking at it as ‘his’ kind, her wolf thought to her in a low tone, he is a werewolf. She growled and clenched her fingers together. She punched the nearest tree near her, making it groan against her strength.

“You shut the hell up! Who the hell are you to leave for days then come back and defend that… that… m- marvelous man!?” She gasped and covered her mouth. What the hell was that!?
“What the hell is wrong with me? He is not marvelous. He’s an e- excellent person.” She said then growled at her wolf.
“What the hell is going on here? Why are you not letting me insult him?” She growled, feeling her nails lengthen at her anger. He doesn’t need to be insulted, so stop trying! Her wolf snarled at her and her eyes widened. Her wolf was fighting with her…. Over a rogue. They never fought, even when they were pissed at each other they never fought.

“Fine, I see how it is.” She said with sadness in her voice. She ran out of the woods with tears streaming down her face. Drew was the first to come as she ran into the backyard.
“Sarah what’s-“
“Don’t fucking talk to me!! This is all your damn fault!!! He’s fighting against me and it’s your fault!! I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, but stop it! Stop it and leave me alone!!” She screamed at him, some of the pack members came outside with wide eyes. They were surprised that sweet, innocent little Sarah could have such a viperous tongue. They didn’t know the half of it.
“Sarah I dunno what’s going on-“
“Stop with the I don’t know what I’m doing crap! Ok?! Please, I’m asking you as a pack mate. Stop talking to me and leave me the hell alone, before I do something I will not regret later on.” She growled and stomped around him.
“Shut up Carol. Just… Leave me alone.” She growled and passed her friends. She stormed up stairs and slammed her door closed. She felt so alone. Her wolf didn’t support her, her father wasn’t here anymore, her friends would rather hag out with filthy roués. Her life was faltering around her and she couldn’t take it anymore.

She left her room early that morning. She prepared a breakfast of Canadian bacon and eggs. The pack slowly came down and didn’t talk to her, probably because she looked terrible. She had dark bags under her red puffy eyes from the lack of sleep. She’d been crying all night because she felt her wolf’s anger toward her. He thought she was being selfish and evil, she thought that he was against her. They were both at war with each other but it really hurt Sarah. He was the only thing left that she had that was blood. Sure she had friends, but she had no family left. Except for her mother, and as far as she cared, her mother was dead. Her hair hung limp on her shoulders, the curls losing their buoyancy, her shoulders were hunched and her spirit was crushed. They tried to include her into their conversation but she just… couldn’t. The rogues came in and she gave them a plate, there was no polite smile, no coldness in her actions. Just plain vacancy. She stood as everybody else sat and ate, she noticed that Jake and Sammy weren’t down. Sighing softly she made them plates and trudged up the stairs. She opened Sammy’s room and smiled when she saw them sleeping. Sammy was nestled in Jake’s arms, her head settled in the crook of his neck. He had a protective arm around her waist and he pulled her closer as he mumbled in his sleep. She tip-toed over to Sammy’s dresser and put the plate down as gentle as possible. His black head popped up and he looked at her with wary grey eyes.
“Hey, I brought you guys some food. You can eat it whenever you get up. I was joking about the not being fed part.” She said quietly, trying not to wake up Sammy. He nodded once then went back to sleep. She smiled softly and exited the room. She bumped into a hard chest and groaned internally. She tried to walk around him but one caramel hand reached out and pulled her against his body.
“Why are you avoiding me?” his voice asked but she ignored him and pulled her arm out of his grasp. She wouldn’t talk to him, she would just ignore him. he would get the picture soon enough, hopefully. He shoved her against the wall gently and growled into her ear.
“Don’t ignore me, things will not end well for either of us.” He snarled and she shivered deeply. She backed away as much as she could and tried to escape. Tried being the operative word. He grabbed her again and pressed her against his hard masculine body.
“Stop it Sarah.” He growled warningly and she snapped. She was so sick and tired of people telling her what to do, how to act, what she shouldn’t and should say. She was pissed. Letting out a small war cry she pushed herself away from him and kicked him in the face, making him back away a few steps.
“I don’t have to do anything you tell me to do Fucktard, you’d better get that through your thick skull.” She spit out and went down stairs. There was no more miss nice girl. She’d kept herself hidden away, afraid to show what her father made, afraid her life wouldn’t go the way she wanted it to. But now, life was pissing her off to the point of no return, and it was time to kick life in the ass. Starting with a certain caramel colored rogue.

She stormed down the stairs pissed, aggravated, and over all not in the mood to be helpful. So when Jared came up to ask her for something she flipped off.
“No!! Ok!! No more helping anybody!! I cook and I clean in this damn house and you guys ask for more!! I watch after the pups, help them when they’re sick, watch after the babies when the adults want time to there selves! I do everything and the one time I want something, I’m being cranky or moody!! I told you guys I didn’t want these damn rogues in the pack but everybody over looked me!! I know I said I was willing to take a chance but I was wrong!! They should leave, they have no right to be here! They’re messing with my head and I’m going crazy. If I go crazy, everyone else is going down with me!!” She screeched at him, yelling all her emotions out on her newest friend. Everyone looked stunned and she stormed out the front door. She hopped into her little green buggy and turned the key in the ignition, letting the engine relax her for a moment before speeding off.

She went to the only place she knew would settle her down. The ice cream store. The ice cream store was a wonderful place, it carried flavors she’d never even heard of before. Her favorite was pumpkin spice with a dash of cinnamon. It made her feel warm and special inside and she loved it. Sure it was bordering the middle of October but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy a nice ice cream cone, which was exactly what she did. She sat in her green little car and licked her ice cream. Trying to make herself relax, desperately trying to sooth her beating heart. It worked eventually and she realized something. Without her wolf there to back her up she would crumble down, she wouldn’t last because she would be alone. Utterly and completely alone, which would make her nothing but… human. The thought made her heart sink down to her stomach. She bit into her cone and let the crunching match her heartbeat. Slow and lazy, she wished it would just stop. She couldn’t do it anymore, she thought if she’d been strong and helped others that maybe, just maybe, she would be able to cope. Her father’s death broke her, he was the only one that really truly loved her. There was no one else, her mother didn’t even love her enough to raise her. Her wolf was always there, thought, throughout his training he was there for her. Whenever the people bullied her, he was there, he taught her self control. Now he hated her, because she hated him. It wasn’t fair, she never stopped talking to him because of what he believed. She always talked to him, always loved him, and now he hated her because of one rogue. Suddenly her mate couldn’t come soon enough.

She drove back to the house slowly and sat in the driveway looking at the sky blue house with sadness. She felt terrible about what she said and how she flipped off on Jared. He’d done nothing wrong but ask if she’d seen his jacket, and she’d taken her anger out on him. she didn’t, however, feel bad about kicking Drew in the face. That had actually felt great. She smiled softly as she turned the car off and went into the house. She closed the door softly and walked directly to her room. He sat on her bed, his arms crossed and his eyes pale silver. To say he was pissed was an understatement.
“One, where the hell have you been? Two, how the hell did you learn how to kick like that? And three, what the hell are you hiding from me?” He growled as he stood slowly.
“Hell, that’s a lot of hell’s man.” She muttered and walked to her vanity. He watched her as she put her hair into a messy ponytail.
“Answer me.” He snarled as his teeth lengthened. Sarah rolled her eyes and turned to look at him. She crossed her arms and put on her most emotionally unattached face she could muster.
“One, it’s none of your business. Two, it’s none of your business. And three, it’s none of your business. There, you happy now?” she said as she turned back to the vanity mirror. She tightened her ponytail and didn’t even have a chance to squeak before he put his hand over her mouth and pressed his body against her tiny frame.
“You have ticked me off to the extreme. I should spank you so you will learn your lesson but I don’t think we’ve reached that stage of our relationship yet. All I asked was a simple question, I figured you’d rather I asked you and not your wolf, seeing as you and him are not on very good grounds. So I’m giving you one last chance to answer me. Where have you been, how did you learn to kick like that, and what are you hiding from me??” he took his hand from her mouth and she turned to him.
“Screw you, you-“ He put his hand on her mouth and pushed her onto the vanity.
“That’s not an answer, now is it. I really didn’t want to have to do this, but you’re a stubborn one. His silver eyes sparkled and her wolf rose to the surface.
“She went to the ice cream parlor, her father taught her all sorts of things, she’s hiding lots of things.” Her wolf admitted and rage built up in her.
“How dare you! What right do you have?!” She yelled at him and he pushed her against the wall.
“I’m your mate, I’d think I have a lot of right.” He growled into her ear and she gasped.
“No.” She whispered and he snarled.
“You deny me? You deny me my right to having a mate?” He growled and she whimpered.
“I deny you nothing, I give you everything.” She whispered as her body heated up to his presence. She’d found him, she’d finally found him!!
“That’s good to know, because I plan on taking it all.” He said as he slammed his lips down on hers.

Her world exploded around her as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this for.” He mumbled as he kissed her neck, she felt his bulging pans rise to rub against her heated flesh. She wanted him inside her, she wanted him to take her over and over again. she wanted him to fuck her so hard she wouldn’t be able to get out of the bed the next morning. She wanted him now. She reached in between them and undid his jeans, making them fall to his ankles. She felt around and realized he was so hard he was sticking out of his boxers. His cock was huge and for a moment it sent a shiver of fear down her spine. He wouldn’t fit into her tiny unopened hole. But then his hand found its way to her breast and he rubbed against her nipple through her bra, making all her fears wash away. She wrapped her hand around his cock and was glad to see that she could at least do that. She rubbed it slowly with passion and drank in his moans of pleasure. Her skin absorbed all his kisses, rubs against her nipple went straight to her already throbbing clit, and her heart was beating tri fold. So either she was dying, or she was dangerously close to her orgasm. She didn’t want either one to happen so she had to think quick. She pushed herself off the wall, making him step back, but kept her legs around his waist.
“Bed.” She whispered, that was pretty much the only coherent thing she could actually say. He nodded and walked to the bed, laying her down on her back. She unattached her legs and pulled off her pants, she’d waited too long for this, and kissed him feverishly. He kissed her back as his hand snaked down to her underwear. His sneaky fingers rubbed against her damp panties, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Sarah as she arched into him. He smiled and did it again, running his finger along the line of her slick opening.
“Please. No more.” She moaned as she felt her control drain away.
“Yes. You will give me what I want, or I will take it. Your choice.” He said and ripped her panties off. She internally frowned. I actually liked those underwear, she thought. He disappeared from her line of view and she felt air hit her excited clit. She gripped onto the bed sheet and focused on staying on this planet. He licked her clit slowly, lapping at the piece of flesh slowly and with a steady tongue. He moaned as if she was the best thing he’d ever had in his life. Wetness leaked from her and she bit her lip to keep from moaning. He sucked her clit as his finger loosened up her hymen. He knew it was going to be painful, he was doing his best to make it easier, and for that she appreciated him.
“I want you to cum now.” He said blatantly and she let out a huff of relaxation as she let go. He licked her clit once more and bit down on it, not hard, just enough for her juices to pour out of her. Her body felt tired, worn out, and sluggish. But her pussy was different matter, her clit throbbed with excitement and she wished something would go in her tiny little hole. His head popped up from her vagina and his lips were coated with her juices. She zoomed to him and licked his lips, lapping her juice from him. she enjoyed her taste, it tasted sweet yet subtle. He moaned and got on his knees so that his penis jutted out in her face. She licked her lips hungrily at the sight of it. The tip was large and had vein poking out from the strain of his erection, a little pearl of silver beaded at the slit. She licked up the drop of hot liquid and moaned at it’s taste. The spicy smokiness reminded her of roasted cinnamon, something she greatly enjoyed on her hot chocolate. She decided she wanted more. She sucked in his dick and drank in his moan of pleasure. Slowly she sucked in the rest of him, licking and tasting every inch as she went. She reached the hilt of his penis and reached for his balls, slowly she sucked. Not letting one inch of him not get tasted, his balls tightened and he groaned. He was close, he just wasn’t letting go. Growling she stopped sucking him and just lapped at his head. He opened his eyes quickly and looked down at her.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice gruff with lust.
“I don’t like people who don’t play fair. I gave you what you wanted, now give me what I want. Cum in my mouth, or I stop.” She told him and he grit his teeth. She raised a no nonsense brow and he hung his head.
“Fine.” He grounded out and she sucked him back in, almost immediately he let go and hi juices hit her mouth. His spiciness filled her mouth and she swallowed him greedily.
“That wasn’t that hard was it.” She said as she laid back down on the bed. She didn’t feel awkward, laying there in front of her mate with her legs wide open. She felt… feminine. She knew what she wanted and she wasn’t afraid to get it, there was nothing wrong with that. Suddenly he was on top of her, his silver eyes peering into her amber ones.
“I promise after this, I will never hurt you.” He said and thrust into her.

She let out a small squeak and her clenched her eyes closed. It hurt worse than a needle but less than a Charlie Horse. He kissed away her tear and mumbled apologies on her skin, she paid no attention to that though. She focused on willing the pain away. Slowly it diminished and she opened her eyes.
“Are you Ok?” She nodded, not trusting herself to speak just yet. Slowly he moved, there was a spike of pain but the pleasure dominated over it. She moaned and closed her eyes, arching her back against him softly. He went slow, thrusting against her softly and kissing her forehead lightly. She had a feeling his eyes were only on her, as if she were his whole world. She opened her eyes slowly to see that his silver eyes burned through her head. She lifted her hand and rested it on his cheek and smiled softly.
“I found you.” She said, right before he brought her over the edge and slammed into her. She moaned her ecstasy and he covered her lips with his, silencing her. She felt his hot seed pour into her and she moaned silently. He collapsed beside her and nuzzled into his chest.
“Again, I’m so sorry.” He said, his voice muffled by his sharpened canines, as he plunged his teeth into her skin. Her whole world exploded in pain as she blacked out.

The world was made out of pure silver, the trees were silver, the ground was silver, even the sun was silver. A woman walks out of a silver mist and directly towards Sarah. She is the only thing that isn’t silver. her hair is pitch black that reminds her of the darkest night, her skin is the palest white that reminds her of the palest sun she’s ever seen, her dress is the colors of the night. Black, green, and midnight blue. She truly looks like a goddess as she floats on a cloud of silver mist. Something about her, though, screams mother. The Moon Goddess.
“Yes, my child. Not many notice me when they first see me. You are one of a keen mind I see.” She says, her voice like woven silk across Sarah’s skin.
“Why am I here, mother moon?” Sarah asked, looking up at her creator.
“There are trying times ahead of you child. You must learn to let go of things, you must learn that nothing I do is to spite you. You must accept what happens and move along. Your mate is a strong one, but he is not strong enough for the both of you.” Her mother told her serenely and reached out to caress her face. It was whisper soft and cause Sarah to nuzzle her face closer to the feeling.
“Watch out for my Luna’s, will you child? They’re a handful and I do not think they know their true power.” She said as she floated backwards.
“Mother Moon, what are their power?” She asked and her mother laughed softly.
“You shall see my darling child, you shall see.”

She woke up screeching pain, it felt like her organs were being shrunk and swollen. An arm went around her waist, anchoring her to the ground.
“Please, it hurts. Please, stop it.” She gasped out as her body burned. He cursed and removed the cover from her body. He gasped and put his hand over her abdomen. She let out another shriek and arched her back in pain.
“Shit. Alpha!!” He boomed and immediately both Alpha’s and their Luna’s came through the door.
“What, what’s wrong with her?” Molly asked, flying to her friends side. She stopped when she saw the marking on her friends stomach.
“Thomas, look.” She whispered as she walked closer.
“What, what is it?” Drew asked, his eyes wild and panicked. Thomas walked over to his mate and his eyes widened when he saw the markings on Sarah’s belly. Molly raised her sleep shirt to just over her belly button to show a similar marking to Sarah’s. Sarah’s, however, was black whereas Molly’s was red. Sarah’s marking wrapped around her waist in a tribal pattern. Molly’s was ragged and spiked out in certain places, Sarah’s was smooth and curvy and curved in spirals.
“M-Molly, it hurts s-so bad. P-please make it s-stop.” Sarah choked out, tears streaming down her face and snot emitting from her nose.
“Baby, I can’t. It’ll go down soon. But until then, you just have to bear through it. And for the love of god stop screaming because-“ She was interrupted by the shrill cry of a baby.
“You’ll wake Luna.” The crying stopped and they could all hear to pitter patter of the baby’s feet. Sarah let out another yell and arched her back.
“I’m so tired, I want to go to sleep.” She looked to drew and her breath came out in short pants of breath.
“Baby, you can’t go to sleep. I don’t want you to slip through my fingers, you’ve got to stay awake.” Something passed through her brain and her back arched in pain again.
“L-Luna, I-I need Luna.” She choked out and Penny nodded jerkily. She picked up the baby and brought her to Sarah. As soon as the little child’s eyes looked onto hers the pain went down. Luna’s eyes swirled red and Sarah’s eyes swirled blue.
“Jesus, it’s about time she’s talked to you. You were really starting to piss me off.” A small voice said and Sarah’s eyes widened. She could faintly hear Molly freaking out and Drew getting angry.

“Who are you?” Sarah asked, curious if she was going crazy.
“It’s me, dummy, Rosa. The one directly above you, the one helping you through your pain. Ring a bell?” the voice asked and Sarah stepped out of her fog. She took a deep breath and realized there was no more pain, she looked up at the little baby who wore a cynical little smirk.

“Holy shit. The fuck did she do to me?” She screeched, right before she passed out again for the second time that night.

Her body ached like she got hit with a two ton truck. Her private parts were sore and her abdomen ached. She sat up and stretched her arms, enjoying the popping and clicking of her joints. She looked beside her to see the bed was empty. She frowned and stood up, her legs felt a little sore too and she groaned. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out her towel. She walked into her small bathroom that was attached to her room and set the water onto it’s hottest setting. She let the water drench her sore skin and burn away all her pain. After scrubbing her skin raw with her cucumber melon body wash she felt rejuvenated. She got out the shower and stood in front of the mirror. Her body looked different, more… mature. Her hair, wet and limp, looked more red than it had in years, her eyes looked more vibrant. What shocked her though, what made her scream, was the tattoo that wrapped around her waist. The blue tribal tattoo that led to the blood red wolf scared her to no end. She knew Drew had marked her, but she was expecting words, not a frigging body tattoo! She stormed out of her bathroom and speed dried herself off, she pulled on a pair of skinny jeans with a white shirt and skipped down the stairs. She heard the Alpha’s, the Luna’s and her mate talking.
“I’ve racked my brain as much as I can, I remember nothing of a Blue Luna or a blue anything for that matter.” Alpha Jeb said and Penny sighed.
“I’ve heard of the Blue Moon, but that’s just a phase of the moon. That has nothing to do with the Luna’s though.”
“But you saw how she reacted to Luna, that’s only ever happened with Rosa and Marissa.” Molly sighed deeply.
“But that’s physically impossible, there are no more tales of any Luna’s. Rosa and Marissa are the only ones. Well… There are Rosa’s and Marissa’s mate, but I’d rather not think about that.” Thomas said. They all shared a quit moment and Sarah chose that moment to step in.
“Hey. Anybody wanna tell me how I reacted to Rosa?” she said softly and drew automatically stood up. The chair screeched against the floor and Thomas’ eyes widened.
“Drew, trust me. I don’t know what she told you, but this will not end the way you wish it to. You have to see it from her s-“
“I’ve seen it from every side possible. And if what she said is true, I won’t have long to tell her.” Drew said to Thomas then looked to her.
“I’m the rogue that killed your father.”

Chapter 7

She stayed completely still for a couple minutes. Only blinking and breathing, her wolf whimpered inside her as anger swirled around in there. Her brows crinkled in confusion and she shook her head, taking a step back. She opened and closed her mouth, not knowing how to respond to that.
“You’ve stunned her.” Molly groaned and hid her head in her arms.
“I’m- I’m sorry. What?” She said after a while and Drew sighed and closed his eyes.
“Your father knew lots of things. He knew things were going to happen before they happened, he knew people before he ever saw them before. That’s because your father was a very powerful, very rare type of werewolf. He was a seer, a person of great gifts. One of them happened to be seeing the future. He knew I was your mate, before either of us knew. When he came across my path he said that I was a filthy rogue, I would never be worthy enough to have his daughters hand. That she would hate me, I would die alone because of her hatred. My wolf, she lost it. He didn’t know us, we’d never killed anyone, we were anti- rogues, even though we were rogues. We attacked him, he fought a good fight but he wasn’t strong enough. He died with a sick little smile on his face, knowing that he’d won. You would hate me forever, not only because I was a rogue, but because I’d killed your father. I wasn’t planning on telling you, you’d already hated me enough. Last night, I had the strangest dream where the Moon Goddess told me to confess to you. She said you would be able to-“ he was cut off when she let out a shrill cry and pounced on him. She wrapped her legs around his stomach and punched him in the face repeatedly.
“You stupid, stupid mutt!! He was my father!! My own flesh and blood and you tore him away from me!! I’m going to kill you, you fucking douchebag, asshole piece of shit!!!” She yelled as she punched and scratched him. Thomas and Jebediah reached around her waist to pull her off but she only swung at them, then went back to mutilating her mate. She had tears streaming down her face at her anger but she kept on doing.
Stop it!! Save your anger!!” A small voice said and her hand stilled.

Get off of him, and take a run through the woods. Calm your mind, it helps.” Another voice said, this one was more mature. She got off him slowly and with clenched fists. She was angry at herself for following an unknown persons rules, but she still did them. She shifted into her wolf and ran all of her anger and misery out. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, her wolf thought lowly, you weren’t ready to be told yet, apparently Mother Moon had another plan. She growled and shut him away from her, all this time… he knew! Yet he still defended the little bitch. She stopped running and snarled viciously. He took her virginity!! The man who killed her father took her virginity!!! He is your mate, the person you saved it for,her wolf thought to her defensively. You shut the fuck up!! You didn’t protect me, he killed my father! She thought back to him and he growled at her, she snarled back at him and he stood down. I am so sick and fucking tired of everybody thinking they know what’s best for me! I need my father, I love my father!! How dare you act as if I’m just being some sort of brat!! Just… leave me the hell alone for the rest of the night!

She yelled at him and he whimpered in his little hole in the back of her mind. She ran until the sun came up and by then she was unbelievably tired. She slinked back to the pack house and changed into her human form. Her body was sore as hell but she continued to walk into the house. Drew immediately stood up and looked at her. She felt bad when she saw the scratches and bruises on his face, but then her father’s smile popped in her face. He killed your father, he killed your father, he killed your father. She looked away from his face and stormed past him and up the stairs. Luna and Marissa sat by her door, their faces taut and serious.
“You know if you don’t do as she asks, she gets pissed. When she get’s pissed she takes it out on us. She’s been in our head all day. Quite frankly, it’s pissing me off. Do you know what happens when I get pissed off?” Marissa’s eyes swirled red and her nose crinkled in anger.
“The people around me suffer.” She growled and in a flash she had Sarah pinned against the wall by her throat.
“Mother Moon herself told you to forgive and forget, yet you still ignore her commands. Are you asking for a death wish?” She growled and Sarah’s anger flared in her. With a grunt she wrapped her hand in Sarah’s hair and grabbed a fistful of it. She yanked it and Marissa pulled away from her, she used her other hand to grab her throat and lift her up in there. She shouldn’t be this strong, even with the werewolf strength, but she didn’t care she was pissed. Marissa’s eyes turned a violent shade of red and she smiled, showing sharpened canines.
“Oh, you wanna bring you powers out to play? Let’s play.” She growled and wrapped her legs around Sarah’s throat, her nails scratched against Sarah’s back and she let out a laugh when Sarah howled in pain. Sarah ran into the wall opposite her, enjoying Marissa’s small grunt of pain. Sarah lifted her arms and pushed Marissa off of her.
“You don’t wanna play the games I play.” Sarah growled and stomped on Marissa’s stomach. She didn’t even have time to shriek in rage before a small mouth wrapped around her neck and bit down hard.
“Two against one isn’t a fair fight, now is it Luna’s?” She asked and took the child off her back. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
“I don’t fight pups.” She said and put the small child on her butt. Her sneaky eyes glowed red and she wore a small little smirk.
Because you’re weak, but don’t worry. Once you spend enough time with us, you’ll grow a spine.” A small voice said and Sarah crinkled her brow.

“Is that you speaking to me?” She asked Rosa and the little child rolled her small eyes.
Duh, who else would it be? Oprah?” she asked and Marissa laughed under her foot.

“You sound nothing like Oprah, try Doctor Phil with that country accent of yours.” She said lightly and Luna scrunched her little nose up.
You’ve got the same accent, and if anything I’m like a skinny Paula Deen.” The small child said, lifting her nose up in the air. Sarah giggled at that.

“Nah, just regular Paula with that tummy of yours.” She remarked and they all laughed.
“Welcome to the Luna club, Sarah. Where the hugs are few, and the insults are plenty. I think you’ll fit right in.” Marissa said, moving her foot from off her and flipping up.
Ooh, bravo. You used your legs for once, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.” Rosa said snobbishly and Sarah snickered quietly. Marissa narrowed her eyes and Sarah smiled. She was gonna like it in this club, even though she wasn’t a Luna.

Her side hurt from her laughing so much. She hadn’t gone back down stairs since her run and she was feeling at peace. She’d thrown on some sweat shorts and thin tank top and holed up in her room. Marissa and Luna made good company, they had a dark sense of humor that Sarah loved about them. She knew she would have to go downstairs soon, she was just fighting it off.
“Ok girlie, can’t avoid him any longer. I’d say his wolf has put him through hell enough. Oh damn! That’s what I forgot to ask her!” Marissa yelled and slapped her hand on her forehead.
Don’t worry I asked her, she said she had to give them cross gender wolves, so she wouldn’t forget to mate the. Apparently they’re special.” Rosa sneered and Marissa snickered at Sarah’s confused expression.

“Looney over here doesn’t like the Moon Goddess. She says she’s just all smoke and mirrors when it comes to actually being a goddess.” Marissa said, lilting her voice ever so slightly.
“You shouldn’t talk bad about her like that.” Sarah defended with a frown.
Let me ask you a question. Do you know what she’s done to you, what she’s made you, how screwed she’s made your life now?” Rosa asked at a rapid fire and Sarah was at a loss of words.

Exactly, we don’t even truly know what she’s done to you. As far as we know you’re just some kick ass assassin. The best fighter, strongest wolf alongside us, and basically the sweetest girl out of the three of us. That’s all. You are an instrument to help her win the war that’s coming up, and that’s all she ever wanted you for. I’m sorry to be so harsh but it’s the truth. Our mates are in this thing and ticks me off to no end, but I cannot go against her. I was created by her to be who I am, or who I will become when I am of age. A kick ass Luna who takes no shit from anybody, as was Marissa. You’re a killing machine, you can’t even get hurt. Go ahead try it nest time you’re alone, try cutting yourself and watch what happens. Trust me.” Rosa said anger alighting her little green eyes. Sarah but her lip and looked down, everything she’d said was true, she didn’t know what Mother Moon did to her, or what she’d made her. She hoped her creator hadn’t screwed her life up on purpose. That thought spiked anger in her so she closed her eyes and cracked her neck.

“Let’s go downstairs.” Marissa said through the thick tension.
“Yes, lets.” Sara quipped quickly and stormed out the room. She wasn’t thinking as she went down the stairs and into the kitchen, she wasn’t thinking when she slammed into a massive chest, and she wasn’t thinking when she let him kiss her.

His lips tasted so good, like cinnamon and pumpkin. Her will quickly faltered as he pushed her against a wall. Danger!! Danger!!! He killed your father!! Warning bells went off in her mind and her eyes popped open. He tensed and forced himself on her, using his body as a blocker and letting her feel his erection. Groaning at her stubbornness she pushed him off of her. She wiped her mouth and struggled to keep her body’s aroused state down.
“Don’t touch me, you’ve got no right.” She said and cursed internally when her voice quivered.
“I said I was sorry, this was years ago!” He pleaded, tears shining in his black eyes.
“I was 13 Drew! I was still growing! So unless you’ve got a greater answer than he hurt your feelings, just stop trying. You’re not going to win me over, for you to think you would be able to is scary.” She said and wiped angry tears from her face. In a flash he was in front of her, his hands on either side of her face and tears spilling out of his eyes.
“I know I’ve made a mistake, my wolf’s been put through hell and back. But she has your wolf, I don’t have you to comfort me and I completely understand that you’re not ready yet. Just… please don’t shut me out. I’ve been through too much and I don’t think I would be able to take it if you left me, the one person that was designed to love me flaws and all.” It broke her heart to know she was the reason he was crying.
“Baby, I’m so sorry. I can’t. You killed him, then you told me you’d never killed anyone. But you killed the one, the only one that loved me. I can’t love someone like that. Please stop crying, don’t shed your tears over me. I’m messed up, you don’t deserve me. I wish things could be different, I really do.” She told him, tears streaming down her face as she walked around him. he sobbed and grabbed her arm, he brought her back to his body. He slammed his lips against his but she didn’t kiss him back, she wouldn’t lead him on. He sobbed again and kissed her with more fervor.
“Kiss me back! Sarah please kiss me back, don’t do this!” He sobbed and she tasted his salty lips on her lips as she shook her head.
“Baby I’m sorry.” She said as she walked into the kitchen. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked to Molly who looked at her with an understanding frown.
“It hurts at first, but then you sort of go numb. If you still wanna do this, I’m sure Thomas would be able to break the mating. I’m not asking him until you’re completely serious about this.” She told her softly as she got up and hugged her friend.
“I can’t do it Molly. Every time I look at him, I just see my father, smiling down at me. And i-it hurts so much Molly.” She sobbed and Molly [at her back, not saying anything but being comforting.
“Didn’t pan out well, huh?” Rosa asked and more tears flowed down her cheek. She didn’t answer, not trusting her voice anymore. Seems like she couldn’t trust anything anymore.

She trained with the Luna’s everyday, trying desperately to take her mind off of Drew. The Luna’s still wouldn’t tell her what was coming but she had a feeling it was something big. She and Carol were practically inseparable. When they were little they trained with each other, they had code names for what they’re attacks were gonna be and they attacked in synch. The funny part about the attacks were that they were named after old school rock songs. Like they had one that was called “Highway To Hell” when one of them announced it they only attacked with their feet. The ending strike was a kick to the side of the hood which could snap their neck. It was pretty kick ass and it was Sarah’s favorite attack. Carol’s favorite attack, however, was the one she named and designed herself. That attack was called “Seven Nation Army”. The attack basically enabled you to go ape shit on someone, but do it to the beat of Seven Nation Army. Not the original one though, which was why it took her so long to create it. Her life brightened up when some group of people called “The Glitch Mob” amped it up. They practiced it for a whole week. They ruined several punching bags in the process and their bodies were sore. They enjoyed showing their attacks to the Luna’s it gave them a sense of self pride. They smiled as they collapsed on the living room floor, gasping for air.
“They… Loved… It.” Carol gasped out and Sarah laughed airily.
“Hell… Yeah… What’s not… To love?” Sarah gasped confidently and they broke into a fit of giggles.
“Alpha Jeb want’s to see you Sarah.” Jared called out as he passed the girls and went to the kitchen.
“Ungh, and I just got to rest.” She mumbled as she got up. Carol reached up and slapped her ass, she squeaked then laughed when Carol winked up at her.
“Stop complaining and get your sweet ass up the stairs.” She said and pushed her calves.
“Fine, fine. Pushy, pushy.” She lilted as she trudged up the stairs. She smelled him before she got to the door but pushed herself to go closer.
“You asked for me Alpha?” She asked, poking her little red head through the door.
“Yes. You seem to actually conversate with Luna, and she’s been acting strange… Stranger than normal. We were wondering if there’s anything we should be worried about?” She bit her lip and stepped into the room. She crossed her arms over her bared stomach and fidgeted.
“They said something about a war. I don’t know when or where it’s gonna happen. I don’t even know who the attack is from. They said I’ll know soon enough, that I’ll be shown, but I’ve no idea what that means.” She explained then her cheeks flamed when she realized his eyes were on her. On nothing else but her.
“She’s not telling the complete truth. There’s something she’s leaving out.” He said his eyes narrowing on her. She glared at him and settled her jaw.
“I’m not telling. The Luna’s made me swear, and I’m not breaking my swear. I’m not a welcher.” She growled at him and his eyes flashed in pain before they settled on anger.
“He’s your Alpha, you can’t just defy him-“
“The Luna’s have more power than him and you know it. So shut the fuck up and mind your damn business rogue.” She spat at him and he growled. She snarled and her anger roused around her.
“How can you even speak to him like that? He’s your mate, shouldn’t that hurt you?” Heb asked and she looked to him.
“He killed my father Jeb, he’s hurt me a lot more than a few words will harm him.” She said, struggling to keep her tone respectful.
“What aren’t you telling me? Please, I need to know. To better prepare the pack.” He begged and Sarah’s will crumbled.
“We believe it’s against the hunters, but the rogues as well. They’ve paired up together. We don’t know why but… we’re training our best.” She said, sighing and feeling much older than her ripe age of 27.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner!?” He boomed and she almost winced. Almost. She snarled and clenched her fist.
“Because we knew you’d do this exact thing you’re doing now!! You’re blowing a huge fucking hissy fit because we didn’t tell you one fucking thing!” She yelled and his face grew red with rage.
“You missed out on the most important detail in the whole fucking operation!!! How am I supposed to help protect the pack if I don’t know what we’re fighting against SarahJane Montgomery!?” She gasped and stomped closer to him raising a finger in his face.
“Don’t, don’t you dare use my full name. I dropped it the moment my father died and you know it!” She yelled and he snarled.
“Sarah, please. Just tell me the rest of what we’re fighting against.” He said, pinching his nose bridge tightly.
“Hunters, probably rogues, a few vampires, fey. They’ve made a lot of allies since the last war, strong ones.” She sighed and Drew made an annoyed sound.
“I’ve got to go. I’m taking the rest of the rogues with me.” Her heart leaped forward and before she could stop herself she reached out and grabbed his forearm, stopping him.
“W-wait. You can’t go… And take all of the rogues with you. Jake has to stay here for Sammy.” She said, quickly covering up her tracks. She hadn’t seen those two in a while, she’d have to visit them later.
“I won’t take Jake then, just the adults.” He said as pain flashed in his eyes. He ripped her hand off of his arm and stormed off slamming the door behind him. She flinched and closed her eyes.
“You shouldn’t have been so hard on him.” Her emotions then hardened and anger reigned over her again. damn, her emotions were everywhere.
“He shouldn’t have killed my father.” She said coldly before leaving the room.

Chapter 8

She paced her room ripping her fingers through her hair. How could he just leave?!!? Sure, she was emotional and bitchy and she’d given him more bruises than an apple that’s been bounced along the stairs of the Buckingham palace… but still!! She was still his mate, she was still his everything!! He couldn’t just fucking leave as if she was nothing but a gum wrapper on the floor!! She ripped her door open and stormed over to his room. She knocked all but once and the door was yanked open. His light was off and he leaned against the door pane as he looked down at her.
“Can I help you with something bunny?” He asked, his accent rolling off of her and settling on her clit making her body alight with passion.
“You can’t just leave. I can’t believe you would even think that you could just leave me. I’m your mate, you are supposed to love me and be here for me. Always. No matter how bitchy or evil or how hard I hit you. You’re supposed to stay!” She shrieked at him, not caring if she woke Luna.
“I have to leave. It’s for the good of the pack. I have some… friends that I think can help with this war. They might be of great assistance during this war. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pack.” He said, stepping back and closing the door. She put her hand on the door stopping its ascent towards locking her out.
“I don’t care if you’re going to resurrect the freaking Dali Lama! You can’t just leave your own mate!” She yelled at him and he growled, he pushed her against the wall.
“A day ago you were willing to deny me. A day ago you just dropped any hope for being with me. A day ago you ripped what was left of my heart out and stomped on it. I don’t care what you think anymore! As far as I’m concerned you and I are done, you denied me my right and by doing that you have no further claim over me. So stop acting like the whole world revolves around you and get back to reality. There is a war coming, I cannot only focus on you. Maybe this little trip is to help me clear my mind, but I need it. I cannot think of anything else other than you. How you smell when you just wake up in the morning, how you talk when you’re excited about something, how you feel underneath me while I plunge repeatedly into you over and over… how you moan my name when you come all over me and into my mouth. But I cannot think things like this. So I’m doing us both a favor. I’m backing away from this, before either of us get hurt even more than we need to.” He said and backed off of her. He closed his eyes and widened the open door a little more.
“Sarah, I think it would be best if you left and retired off to bed. I hear the Alpha wants you to help train the pack a little.” It was true, Alpha Jeb had asked her to help train the other pack members, to which she grudgingly agreed to. But she wasn’t leaving, oh no, not after he said all those things that heated her body up. She wasn’t just going to leave. She took a step toward him and enjoyed as his eyes flashed silver.
“I’m not going to leave, I think you know that. I think you know what you were doing when you said those things. So I’m going to stay… just to watch you pack, just to watch you go insane as you realize that I’m there, my willing body mere inches away from yours but knowing that you don’t have the guts to touch me.” She said softly as she stepped forward, her breast almost touching his arm. He watched her every movement, his silver eyes trained on her amber ones. He closed the door, making it silently click closed.
“Fine.” He growled out and ripped himself away from her. She walked to his bed and sat on the white bedspread and crossed her legs. He stiffened at her movement ever so slightly and she smiled. He took the clothes from his drawer, folded them and placed them in a large black suitcase, if she had to guess she would say that Alpha Jeb gave it to him. she leaned back on her hands and admired his ass as he bent down. She bit her lip and examined her mate as if he was a chocolate turtle. His muscles in his shoulder rolled along his skin as he folded the clothes and put them away, his strong and able hands folding the gentle clothing easily. She sighed softly and laid back on the bed and brought her knees up. She noticed him still and she smiled internally. She hummed softly and ignored the sounds of his footsteps coming closer. He put his hands on her knees and she looked at him, his eyes burned silver as he gripped her knees and pried them apart slowly. She leaned up and braced her hands behind. She looked at him with an arched brow.
“Yes?” She lilted but was interrupted when he slammed his lips down onto hers. She moaned and ran her fingers through his curly silky mane. He pushed her back roughly, all the while keeping his lips on hers. She enjoyed the rough movement, it made her arch into him as she hit the bed. He moved in between her legs and she wrapped her legs around his denim clad waist. He ripped off her shirt and she moaned into his mouth, he grabbed her breast and rubbed her nipple making her panties grow moist. She trailed her hands down to his chest and ripped his shirt off, desperate to feel his skin against hers. His chest quivered as she trailed her hands along his muscles. He ripped off her sweat shorts, leaving her only in her panties. He grabbed her mound roughly and his skilled fingers rubbed her clit through the thin fabrics, making her knees quiver. He trailed kisses down her throat, making her breaths becoming shallow.
“I will not be gentle with you, that is not who I am. I will fuck you until you’re raw and you can no longer move. Do you understand?” He whispered in her ear and she nodded jerkily. He ripped of her underwear and pushed his fingers inside of her. She shivered at the rough feel of it and had to struggle to keep from keeping her orgasm at bay. He sucked, lick, and bit her nipple making it extremely difficult. She moaned his name an internally praised him as if he was god.
“Cum for me, bunny, cum over my fingers.” He whispered against he breast and she denied him nothing. As soon as he swiped his skillful tongue over her hardened peak her lust rushed out of her in a gush of liquid pleasure. She moaned loudly and arched into his still moving fingers. Her pussy quivered as he continued to torture her with his fingers.
“Please… I want you now… please.” She whimpered as her legs quivered. He stilled his fingers and took them out of her, making her cry out with the loss. He lengthened his nail and tore off his pants, leaving him as naked as the day he was born. He closed his fist around his cock and rubbed himself, making her wet. She moved up to lick the little drip of his seed, but he moved her back. He shook his head and braced himself above her. His eyes flashed black before going back to silver. he pushed himself into her with one quick thrust and her breath got caught in her throat. He slammed into her over and over, keeping his eyes on hers. Her body felt so hypersensitive. She felt his cool breath on her face as he breathed, she felt the threads of the sheet beneath her, she felt her hair tickle her arm as she moved her head back and forth in pleasure. His skin grew moist and she kissed his sweat soaked neck. He moaned and thrust harder making her wrap her legs around his waist. She felt her teeth lengthen and she knew she couldn’t deny her body, she couldn’t deny him his right.
“I love you.” She whispered before she sunk her teeth into his neck. He groaned as his seed emptied into her body sending her on a pleasure roller coaster.

She woke up with her stomach rolling in absolute pain. Clutching it she sped up and puffed her cheek. Something in this room smelled terrible. She covered her nose and scrunched her face up in disgust. The door opened and Drew furrowed his brow.
“You Ok? You look terrible.” He asked and she shook her head. She retched and felt like she was going to puke. She sat up from the bed and ran past him and into the bathroom in the hallway. He was right behind her, holding her hair when she emptied what she’d had for dinner into the toilet. She felt terrible. Her legs felt bruised, her back hurt and she had a headache.
“Are you Ok, Sarah?” Molly asked, standing in pajama shorts and a cream camisole. Her brown hair pulled up in a messy bun.
“I feel terrible.” She groaned and purged again. Molly’s nose flared and she sighed.
“God dammit, can this pack not get a small little rest?” Se groaned and closed her eyes.
“Shouldn’t you be leaving, Drew?” Molly asked as she walked closer to Sarah’s crumped form.
“If you think I’m leaving her while she’s puking half of her body mass you’re flipping mad.” He said while rubbing her back soothingly.
“You need to go, you know you do. Staying here with her is only delaying what needs to be done.” Molly said, her tone brokering no time for nonsense. He sighed and looked at his mate, her red hair was still frazzled with sleep and her body was hunched over, but she still looked beautiful. He kissed her forehead softly and closed his eyes.
“I’ll see you soon, love.” He said before leaving.

Chapter 9

She woke up again with a killer migraine and her cheek stuck to someone’s bare leg. Her heart sunk when she realized it wasn’t his leg, so she sat up to see who had taken his place. Molly sat up right, her arms crossed and her head leaning on the sink. Sarah groaned and held her stomach. What had she eaten to make her puke like that. She’d never really thrown up in the past. Werewolves could normally digest anything except for silver and wolfsbane, and she knew she hadn’t eaten any of those.
“Morning pukey, had a good sleep?” Molly said without opening her eyes.
“Where’s Drew.” She didn’t want to play games, her stomach felt sore and her throat burned. Molly peeked one eye open and sighed.
“He left a few hours ago.” Sarah frowned and turned away so Molly couldn’t see the tears swimming in her eyes.
“Why’d he leave?” She whispered but she knew Molly could hear her, the whispering was more for her, she was afraid her body would break if she spoke too loud.
“It’s for the good of the pack, he has some allies that will help us with the fight.” She told her and groaned as she arched her back against the wall.
“Have you ever slept on a wall? Lemme tell you, it ain’t comfortable. Oh! I have another question for you. When exactly were you going to tell us?” Molly asked, opening both eyes and rubbing her back.
“Tell you what?” Sarah asked, her tears finding someplace else to rest as she furrowed her brow.
“That you’re-“ She was cut off when the door slammed open and an angry bed tousled Thomas stood there, his eyes amber.
“How many times have I told you, you are not to leave the bed while I’m sleeping?” he growled, his canines elongating ever so slightly.
“And how many times have I told you that I will do whatever the hell I want, however the hell I want to do it, wherever I want to do it at, and whoever the hell I want to do it with?” she growled back, her wolf coming out. She could smell both of their arousal and it disturbed her that they got off on arguing.
“Not when you’re my mate you don’t. now get your sweet little ass up and go into the room.” He said and she went silent. Actually they both went silent and focused on each other. She smiled cynically and got up.
“Breakfast is downstairs Sarah!” She yelled as she ran past Thomas. He growled and ripped himself from the door frame, chasing after his mate. Her stomach growled and Sarah’s mouth popped open. She couldn’t be hungry! She should be disgusted at the thought of foo not salivating for some waffles! Would you hurry up and eat already, her wolf groaned, we’re starving!! She got up shakily and went to her room to throw clothes on. She didn’t feel like being constricted so she just put on a pair of pajama shorts and a light camisole. It was probably freezing but she didn’t care. She couldn’t bare the thought of having to wear all those clothes. Something was seriously wrong with her. 

After wolfing down about 15 waffles and 33 pieces of bacon she was sated. Molly and Thomas still hadn’t come down, but the smell of sex was all around their room. Making it obvious of what she was doing. She sat in the living room, watching SpongeBob when someone flopped down next to her.
“Hey Sammy, what’s up?” Sarah asked, and looked at the small child. She was practically glowing with happiness. Her blond hair was pulled into a tight ponytail with some stray hairs placed here and there. She folded her hands and just smiled.
“Ok, that’s not creepy at all.” Sarah remarked and turned back to watch SpongeBob. SpongeBob was one of the greatest television shows that Sarah had ever watched. She giggled as he did something funny and felt Sammy laugh too, Sarah didn’t feel a certain way. SpongeBob was created so that everyone could enjoy his crazy antics with Patrick Star, not just for little children. Her stomach growled again and she bit her lip. She wouldn’t eat again until dinner and that was that.
“Ok! I can’t hold it in anymore!” Sammy suddenly bust out, making Sarah practically jump out of her skin.
“But you have to pinky promise you wont tell anybody. Not mom, dad, not even Auntie Carol.” She whispered, her eyes shooting up the stairs.
“Ok, I promise.” Sarah said, scared that the little child had done something terrible. She bit her lip then came closer to Sarah. She giggled lightly before whispering two little words. Two little words that made horror and anger spike in her chest.
“I’m pregnant.”

Sarah’s eyes widened and she shook her head, clearing the fog from her mind.
“I’m sorry, maybe I heard you wrong. Did you say you were pregnant?” She asked and Sammy nodded happily.
“Samantha! You’re only, what, 9? Have you even had your period yet?” She whisper screamed and Sammy’s smile faltered a little bit.
“I’m 11, and yes I have had my period. I’ve gone through my heat, and now I’m pregnant. Shouldn’t you be happy for me? I’m having a baby!” She whisper yelled back.
“You’re not ready! You’re still a child. Hell, I’m 217 and I’m not even ready!’ Her voice was starting to raise a little bit but she didn’t care.
“Does Jake even know?” Sarah asked, feeling her body tense up at Sammy’s delayed reaction.
“Does Jake even want kids?” Sarah asked, crossing her arms, SpongeBob being forgotten.
“He said we’re too young to think about it, but that doesn’t matter. I can’t change anything. I love him and he loves me, our baby will be full of love and happiness.” She argued standing up, the happy mood gone.
“You can’t believe that you’re keeping this child! Please tell me you’re not that naïve?” Sarah yelled, forgetting this conversation was supposed to be private.
“I am! My child is my child! Not some deranged human!” She shrieked, her little face going red.
“What’s going on down here?” Molly asked, but the two paid no attention they were still staring each other down.
“That deranged human will take care of it the way it deserves to be taken care of!” Sarah reasoned. Sammy growled and got up in the couch, getting up in Sarah’s face.
“It’s my baby. I’m keeping it, stay out of me and my mate’s business you crazed bitch.” She spat and pushed Sarah, making her shoulder give away.
“Don’t push me little child. I am only looking out for you, you’re not ready for a child yet. You yourself are one.” Sarah said lowly and Molly gasped.
“Is everybody in this damn getting pregnant!?” Molly screeched but Sammy paid attention on only Sarah.
“Don’t look out for me! I can look out for my own damn self!” when did she start cursing? Sarah couldn’t remember.
“Sammy?” Jake and Mark asked at the same time, then growled out each other.
“Obviously you can’t if you’re going around fucking at the age of 11! Honestly, what were you thinking?!” Sarah screeched and Sammy gasped. Right before she leapt onto Sarah and attacked her. Now this is where Sarah was caught at an end. She did not fight children, that is where she drew the line. She’d fight an old person, a person with disabilities, hell she’d fight pregnant people. But kids is where she drew the line. It was kind of hard to distinguish where the line was when an 11 year old was handing your ass to you. Sammy scratched, punched, and clawed at Sarah, making her pretty pissed off.
“Somebody get her off me!!” Sarah screeched, she couldn’t see past Sammy’s pearl pink shirt. A pearl pink shirt that she’d now envisioned a nice thin trail of blood, which would emanate from Sammy’s nose, coming down the center. But then a thought came to her, thanks to her wolf. She’s pregnant, we fight pregnant people. Bingo. With a war cry Sarah kicked the small child in her stomach, not caring if she harmed the baby. Sammy flew across the room and into the TV, making a prominent dent in it.
“I don’t fight children, but I’ll beat the hell out of a pregnant child.” She growled. They all looked at her in awe and fear. She snarled and clenched her fists.
“The fuck are you looking at?” Sarah snapped and Molly stepped closer to her.
“You’re glowing.” She whispered, then cowered back into Thomas. They’d all gathered around her, trying to pull Sammy off of her, in a small little circle and now she resented it. She looked down at her hands and gasped when she saw she was glowing a pale blue. It’s time my child, a sweet soft voice said in her head, it’s time for your powers to come to the light.

“Fucking shit! I hate it when she does that. I was having a good dream. Rissa’s on her way, we’ve got to form a game plan. War’s on the way.” Rosa said in her mind and Sarah rushed through the circular crowd and up the stairs and up the stairs into the nursery.

“What do you mean a war’s coming?” Sarah asked, walking to the crib and picking the chubby baby up. The green eyes that were condescending and sarcastic were now full of concern and rage.
“Hunter’s, Vampire, Fey, Dragons, Ogre’s, and rogues. That’s what we’re fighting. Your mate, he’s smart. Tell him that, you might not get a chance to ever tell him again. the war is coming soon, we’ve got no time to sit and mourn. We’ve got to fight, always fight. Remember that, I won’t remember this when I wake up. Remember the music. We must always stick to the music, there is no other way. Teach the one’s he bring, teach them the music, teach everyone the music. We might win this thing. Remember. Fight, music, train, everyone, love, baby…” Her eyes drooped close and she sagged in her arms. I don’t know what the hell she just said, her wolf said as Sarah lowered Luna back into the bed, but I’ve got a feeling it ain’t good.


Chapter 10

Marissa came a mere 5 minutes later and went directly up to the nursery, no ‘hi’ no gentle nod of the head, there was no time for that. When she was Luna was sleeping she calmed down a little, and looked to Sarah who had stopped her pacing.
“Do you have any idea what fighting has to do with music? Because she just told me a whole load of nonsense that had something to do with training and music.” She gushed out then bit her nails. Doesn’t do it often, she’s nervous,

her power told her. Her power wasn’t some kind of orb that mother moon had placed in her. No, no. because that would be too simple for her mother moon. Her power was an actual person, like her wolf. They would conversate, discuss plans and joke around. Marissa didn’t think that was weird being that Rosa had the same thing.
“I’m sure it was nothing, she has visions. She normally tells me about it since I’m always around her but it sounds like she was in the middle of one when you came.” Marissa said and walked to the crib. Soft snoring emanated from her cute little mouth. The mouth that, Marissa was sure, would one day be anything but cute.
“She’s resting now, that’s all that counts. Did she say what was coming? I only saw rogues, vamps and fey. But I’ve got a feeling it’s much more than that.” Marissa said as she stripped off her leather jacket.
“Uhm… She said something ‘bout ogres and dragons. You pretty much said it all.” Sarah said as she continued to nibble on her finger nails.
“You’ve got nothing to worry about. Ogres are pretty easy to take down with our teeth and claws. It’s the dragons that I’m worried. They don’t go down half as easily as I would like. Fey are tricky though, with that magic and shit. Not natural. Vamps are a little difficult seeing as they’re almost as strong as us, but with a little training we should be able to take them. After that it’s all down to the rogues and hunters, we’ve done that countless times but the pack hasn’t. we’ll need to train them, by we I mean you. You’re strong enough to do it, and me and Rosa will be busy with… other stuff. I think you should start tomorrow. We don’t know when it’s coming, but we do know it’s soon. I suggest you get all the best fighters you know. This war ain’t gonna be easy, I can promise that to you. Now shoo, I’ve got stuff to do.” With that Sarah was dismissed and Marissa looked to the baby in the crib.
“What the fuck does the music have to do with anything?” She whispered under her breath and got to work.

Sarah hadn’t bitten her nails since her father trained her. To bite your nails showed your weakness, showed that you knew you weren’t going to last. Something she should never do. But her daddy wasn’t here. And what daddy didn’t know couldn’t kill him… again. Carol was in her rom with Kevin, looking up at the ceiling for reason Sarah wouldn’t know.
“Carol, we gotta go get Brandon outta his funk. Need him for training.” She said, and stayed in the doorway while Carol stood up.
“You know that’s going to be damn near impossible right? Not even Molly can bring him out of his room and they’re, like, best buds.” She mumbled as she walked out of the room. Sarah sighed, closed the door, and walked after her. Brandon had been grumpy after the hunter attack that made them move here. She didn’t know why but Molly seemed to know and they never talked about it. She just told the pack to give him space and time. And if they didn’t she would “pull your intestines through your nose, tie a noose, choke you with said intestine and just when you were on the precipice of dying she’d let you down and burn you while laughing and singing”. So everybody just left him alone. But they needed him, they needed to complete the Terrible Trio. They walked to his room, the door never seemed to be open, and knocked lightly. They heard a grunt in response and shrugged. They opened the door, which they were surprised to find unlocked and gasped when they took him in. he’d resorted to drinking, so empty bottles of Vodka and Patron sprinkled the floor. His blond hair was shaggy and overgrown, and if she were to take a guess she would have to say it smelled. He had a rough beard growing from him not caring enough to stay groomed.
“Brandon. We need you. A war is coming and we’re the best three fighters that this pack has right now. We have to train the others.” Carol said, her face scrunching up in disgust..
“Last I checked.” His voice was so scratchy it startled Sarah. What happened to his soft sweet voice? Who the hell was this old man?
“I wasn’t a hero. You guys trained with him too, two is enough to train a pack.” He said and tipped back a bottle of Cuervo.
“This isn’t one pack, asshole, it’s two. If we don’t fight this war, we’ll die and the war will move onto somewhere else. Somewhere where they won’t know the first thing about throwing a punch, or kicking. This will never end unless we put a stop to it.” Sarah said, stepping out in front of Carol. He looked up at her and smirked, one canine showing. At least he brushed his teeth.
“What do I care. I’ve got nothing else to live for. I won’t find my mate, my life will be meaningless. Why do I care if some stupid war comes?” He challenged and her wolf snapped in her mind.
“Because of Valerie!” She screeched and his face fell. No more humor, no more attitude. Just a blank canvas.
“You know as well as I do she doesn’t want to be in this war. You know she hates what she does but once your in, you can’t come out. Just because she is what she is doesn’t mean you have to live like this!”
“What do you expect me to do!?! A war is coming!! A war between us and the hunters! My mate is the fucking enemy and there is nothing I can fucking do about that! She could die, and then I’ll be truly alone. Might as well practice now.” He said, taking another swig of Cuervo. Growling Sarah walked over to him and knocked the bottle out of his hand, making it land on the floor with a thud.
“You can save her, you know you can. But by being a cowering, whimpering pussy you’re doing nothing. That’s not how your momma raised you, and I know if I were to call her she’d march all the way down here and kick your ass.” She growled in his face and his eyes flashed. He closed his eyes and nodded.
“You’re right, I have to fight. For her, I can’t let her down.” He said and opened his eyes, resolution and determination shone in their inky depths.
“The Terrible Trio is back baby!” Carol yelled and fist pumped in the air. Brandon stood and stretched, giving Sarah a whiff of his bodily odor.
“Ok, after a shower the Terrible Trio will be back.” She said pinching her nostrils together to block out the stench.
“Pssh, you know you love my natural scent.” He said with a slight smirk and Carol snorted.
“Natural scent my ass, that is the scent of rotting animals and ass.” She said and walked out the room with Sarah behind her laughing.

(Brandon’s POV)


He hadn’t always sulked around. Oh no. There was once a time when he was happy and carefree, he would joke with his friends, laugh with the children, and playfully flirt with the ladies. That was before he’d met her, before he met the one thing that could dampen his life. Now, in any normal instance, that wouldn’t make sense. This was his mate he would talk about and he’d say it with such disgust. Of course he loved her, but he was hard wired to love her. Before he was born he was programmed to love her and only her the way he could no other woman. To some it was a gift, but to him it was a curse. A trick, an evil trick that mother moon had placed on him because of his wrong doings. Maybe he shouldn’t have punched that kid in the tenth grade who called Sarah fat, maybe he shouldn’t have given that same kid a wedgie for trying to go out with Carol. But he could change none of that, just like he couldn’t change the fact that he had Valerie Simon’s as a mate.
“You’re still not taking that shower!!” Carol yelled through the door making him grin. His friends, Sarah and Carrie, had been his friends since they were in diapers. All of them added something to their friend bowl, that thing that made everyone else see why you were friends. Sarah added her fiery temper, but sweetness to the bowl, Carrie added her loyalty and humor to the bowl, and he… well he added just about everything else. He was charismatic, yet could fuck you up if it came down to that, he was handsome, and he was easygoing. Their bowl was full. He looked around the room that the Georgia pack Alpha had given to him and shook his head. Booze littered the floor along with strappings of clothing and shoes. He’d really thrown his life away. He just couldn’t do it. When the group of rogues attacked he smelled her, the slightest faintest trace of her, but he knew it was her. After that he went on lock down. Her kind was trying to kill his kind, and they were going to stop at nothing. Either way, one of them would be dead. Even though he couldn’t stand her, even though she was an evil cold hearted bitch, even though he was likely to die by her hand… he sighed and shook his head as he stripped his clothing off and walked into the bathroom his room had. He turned the water to its hottest setting and stepped in, enjoying the feel of water cleansing away all the dirt that had gathered on him.
“I’d rather I die than her.”

Chapter 11

(Sarah’s POV)


She had a bad feeling as she and Carol walked down the stairs. Her bad feeling was confirmed true when she saw Sammy and Jake staring at each other, Sammy with tears in her eyes. She opened and closed her mouth, her face scrunched up in confusion.
“What are you saying Jake?” She asked, her voice small and scared. Jake put his head down and shook his head.
“I’m saying that I can’t… do this. This is… too much.” He said, his voice breaking slightly. Sarah could tell he was crying, but something glued her to the first stair on the staircase, Carol right beside her.
“I- I don’t understand. What are you-“ He cut her off by looking up at her and gripping her upper arms.
You know I’m not one, to break promises. I don’t want to hurt you but I need to breathe. At the end of it all, you’re still my best friend. But there’s something inside that I need to release. Which way is right, which way is wrong. How do I say that I need to move on? You know that we headed separate way. And it feels like I am just too close to love you. There’s nothing that I can really say. I can’t lie no more, I can’t hide no more. Got to be true to myself. And it feels like I am just too close to love you. So I’ll be on my way.” He sung to her, his voice rasping with emotion but otherwise beautiful. He fell to his knees and put his head on her stomach, sobbing into her shirt.

You’re givin’ me more than I can return. Yet there’s oh so much that you deserve. Nothing to say, nothing to do. I’ve nothing to give, I must leave without you. You know we headed separate ways.” He sobbed into her shirt, making her clutch his head closer to her and close her eyes, making more tears flow down. He belted out the chorus and pried himself away from her.

“I can’t stay. And I know what you did. You knew I was going, the baby won’t change anything. I will try to come back, for you. For her. Remember that. Please don’t hate me.” He whispered and stood slowly. He walked past her, whispering his hand amongst her arm. She let out a sob and opened her mouth.
“I won’t forgive you this time. If you walk out the door, don’t bother coming back. I can’t take it anymore.” She whispered her eyes seeming to be an endless waterfall of pain and misery.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, right before walking out and closing the door with a soft click. Her face scrunched up in sadness and she feel to her knees, sobbing. Suddenly Sarah’s feet weren’t glued to the step, she could move again. And move she did. Molly met her from the kitchen to cradle the crying child.
“What the hell was that about?” Carol mumbled, not even breaking stride as she walked to the door and chased after the boy who broke the little girls’ heart.

She never really did calm down, she just fainted from exhaustion. It was about time too, because she was shaking like a little Chihuahua. If she hadn’t fallen asleep soon the pack doctor would have been called to check her stress levels. Both Sarah and Molly were in a terrible state, so when the Alpha’s came to them they were shunned. Viciously.
“What the fuck is your problem? Did you not just see me soothe a trouble little child?! Did you not hear or witness any of what just happened happen? Was your head too far up your cock- a- dandy ass to realize a heartbreak? A vicious one at that?! I swear, you suck as an Alpha.” Molly spat out and Sarah nodded and glared at Thomas who looked at them with shock.
“Where the hell were you at douche bag?! I’m sure your daughter could’ve used some of your support in there, not just us. Sometimes you men are just inconsiderate flea bags.” Sarah growled at him, feeling her anger grow and grow into something mountainous.
“She’s not my blood daughter, her real parents can soothe her when they next visit.” He grumbled and he was pinned against the wall by his mate.
“That is the second time, today, that I have heard you utter those words. It’s really starting to piss me off. You learned a long time ago you don’t like it when I’m pissed off. Now go in there, and make sure she’s Ok. I’m pretty sure we’ve awoken her with our yelling.” Molly growled and stepped back from him, she looked to Sarah, her eyes still amber, and nodded her head down the stairs.
“Wanna go train?” She asked and Sarah stripped off her shirt, needing to feel the air against her heated angry body.
“Hellz yeah.”

Her body was sweaty from the amount of stress she put on her body, yet she still kicked, punched, and jabbed. Molly was a hard partner, she never got hit, never allowed herself that one touch. But she could punch and kick like a bitch. Sarah took a punch to the shoulder and rolled with it, turning and lifting herself off the ground, kicking Molly in the side. Ha, ha bitch! Her wolf howled victoriously but Sarah couldn’t gloat, that was something you never did in battle. Molly slid across the floor with force and growled viciously at Sarah, right before running to her and kicking her in the chest, then once again in the chin as she pushed herself off using her feet and landing in a crouch. Sarah spit out the little blood that pooled when she bit her tongue and smiled crazily at Molly.

“Don’t like getting hit much, do you?” She asked and Molly shrugged one shoulder and got into a fighting stance. This time Sarah took no mercy, she would get hit. That was the point of training, but never, would she ever, let someone draw blood. Even in a regular fight, she wouldn’t let it happen. Sarah kicked Molly’s feet from under her and then kicked her in the side again as she was going down. Before Molly could hit the floor she angled her feet below her so that she landed in a crouch. She clutched her side a little, but Sarah felt no remorse, there was no time for remorse.
“Damn, I’m losing my edge. I’m hungry.” Molly grunted and stood, her breasts moving up and down in her sports bra as she breathed heavy. Hers were the same way and she shook her head, she would need much more training if she was out of breath.

After wolfing down 3 cups of noodles Sarah sat in the living room, still in her sports bra and sweat shorts, bobbing her foot impatiently as she looked for something to watch. Carol hadn’t come back yet, so most likely she was chewing the little shit out. Either that or she stopped for McDonalds on her way back. Either one was a major possibility.
“Haven’t talked to you in a while.” Jared said, flopping down next to her. He was right, she’d been too busy with Drew and his pack of rogues, she hadn’t really focused on much else.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Been kinda busy.” She muttered as she flicked through channels, she was pretty sure she’d gone through all of them… but that could just be her imagination. Better do it again, her wolf said tiredly, just to be sure.
“It’s almost Halloween.” Jared said and she looked at him, leaving it on a channel, her brow furrowing.
“Yes, I know that.” She told him slowly, scanning his face to make sure he was alright. He wasn’t normally one to state the obvious.
“Wanna go costume shopping?” He asked, his face bright and hopeful.
“You think I, a werewolf, would want to go costume shopping to become something horrible for a night?” She asked, with a slight smirk.
“I understand if you won’t want to-“
“That was a trick question, just let me throw something on!” She squeaked and practically hopped up the stairs.

Elbows jostled her as little children reeked havoc upon the costume store. This was the only one in the state, which Sarah found unsettling, so they didn’t have a choice. If she wanted her Halloween costume, she’d have to get it from here. It was just so packed, she had a hard time walking down the isle to the women’s section. Jared was a good companion but he, too, was slightly injured. By the time they reached the women’s section they were panting for breath.
“Let’s go in the candy isle next time.” She quipped lightly and he shook his head. There were hardly any women here, all of the women that would be trick or treating would be doing it with their kids, so they didn’t need to dress in a skimpy nurse’s costume. She scanned the isle, walking back and forth with Jared right by her side, until she found something. She picked up the plastic package and grinned to herself.
“This is it, this is what I’m gonna be for Halloween.” His eyes bulged at the picture and she smiled in her head but feigned innocence on the outside.
“Too revealing?” She asked and he made a choking sound that she took for an agreement. She turned the picture to her view and smiled an evil smile. It was a sailor dress, a tight white one, that barely came to mid thigh, that came with a sailor hat and garters. You had to buy the shoes and stockings yourself. She wasn’t going to wear it, she knew that, her wolf knew that, hell even Jared knew that. He looked to the side of her and grinned before getting a package. He showed the picture to her and she chortled.
“You’re joking right?” She asked incredulously and, with his grin still in place, he shook his head. He had picked up a package that contained a red riding hood outfit. A skimpy one. The tutu was red and puffy, and the peasant shirt was white, it was all cinched together by a black leather corset. The cape was thrown over the women’s head as she posed for the picture. It mocked Sarah. Saying “you know you would never be caught dead in this. Put it back and try being a witch… again.” Sarah smiled ruefully at her friend and took the costume.
“I’ll be little Red if you’ll be the Big Bad Wolf.” She said as she walked towards the candy isle, only to see that isle too was flooded with children and adults. What part of this store isn’t flooded? Her wolf growled out playfully and she shrugged. The women’s costume area,

she thought back and he lolled his tongue out happily.
“Ready for war soldier?” She asked Jared, as he looked down the isle and his face blanched.
“Aye, aye captain.” He said gruffly and she shook her head.
“Wrong for of military soldier. Now carry me through this murderous horde of people.” She said, making her voice deep as she hopped on his back.
“That’s an order soldier! Hut, two, hut, two!” She said, keeping the package grasped tightly in her hand.
“That’s football, queen sarcasm.” He grumbled but still carried her through the hoards of people.
“Your face is football, lord stupid.” She retorted and he snorted at her lame attempt at a comeback.
“And you are oh so mature.” He said sarcastically. She laughed and smacked his arm, ducking a sign that said ‘Chocolates’.
“I thought I was queen sarcasm?”
“You were, but then I got my troops and we demolished you. Now I hold reign over stupidity and sarcasm. Now I’m just awesome.” He told her matter of factly and they laughed all the way to the cash register. When they got to the lady she dropped the package on the counter and when the lady looked up at her to pay her $40 she smiled and hit Jared’s shoulders.
“You do know your paying for this right?”

She laughed as he drank his coffee grudgingly. She sipped her hot apple cider and mad a face. It gave her a tiny sting due to its temperature, but other than that it was freaking amazing. I could drink this all day, her wolf groaned and she ha to agree. It was almost as good as her pumpkin and spice ice cream. Almost.
“I paid for your coffee, I’d say we’re pretty even.” She told him lightly and he snorted.
“There’s a 36 dollar difference. We are not even!” He whisper yelled and she giggled lightly. She tightened her grey wool coat around her as the breeze picked up.
“It shouldn’t be this cold. We are in Georgia after all.” She grumbled and took another sip of apple cider.
“Every place gets cold, the world is tilting on its-“
“Yeah, I don’t care. It’s cold, I don’t like it. It was never cold back home, always warm and happy.”
“This place is happy. Watching the little human children makes your heart leap, seeing mothers carry swollen pumpkins to their cars in hopes of carving them out for Halloween decorations. We might not have the warm weather, but we have the warm people. They make this town happy, we might be different species but we coexist peacefully and happily. Don’t trample down on my hometown because you don’t like the weather. At least get to know it first.” He mumbled. They walked to his car and drove to the pack house in silence. He got out before she could and slammed the door. She let in a breath and huffed it out, her once hot apple cider becoming warm in her grasp. You’re always messing something up, her wolf grumbled and turned his tail to him.

She and Jared skirted around each other, they both stayed quiet until she couldn’t stand knowing she’d caused him harm by opening her stupid, fat mouth. She pulled him into one of the bathrooms lining the first floor, ignoring his protests, and locked the door.
“I’m sorry for bashing your hometown. It’s just, I’m not used to all… this. The cold, the humans, the… change. It is a really beautiful town, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the pumpkin patch with me and Carol tomorrow. We need a couple for training, and one or two for Halloween.” She said in a rush and he smiled slowly.
“I’d love to come with you and your crazy friend. Don’t worry about the bashing, almost everybody does it. They’re not used to a lot here.” He said and unlocked the bathroom door. He sent a wink over his shoulder and leaved her there, her mouth gaping open like a land bound fish. Males are confusing, her wolf grumbled and she could not agree with him more.

The next day she awoke with a start and met up with her companions in the kitchen. Carol’s hair was pulled in a tight ponytail and her training gear was on, which was the bear minimum. A sports bra and athletes shorts, Brandon just wearing athletes shorts and fighters gloves.
“Ready to wake ‘em up, Montgomery style?” Carol asked as she reached into the cupboard and the cutlery drawer.
“Been a while, hope I still have it in me.” Sarah said as Carol handed her a pot and a large spoon. She went up first and went to the third floor, where the teenagers and little children slept. Taking in a deep breath, sucking in all the energy she would need and banged the spoon on the inside of the pot.
C’mon ladies!! Time to wake up from your beauty sleep!! We ain’t getting any younger here!!! Up and at ‘em people, daylight’s wasting!!” She screamed, going up and down the hallway getting the major effect. The sound hurt her ears, but she kept doing it, it was something that she was used to. Groans came from the rooms and she had to take different measures. As she walked she banged doors open and banged the pot harder, yelling at them to get up. She heard Carol downstairs banging on the pans on the second floor and Brandon banging it in the living room, just to torture them some more. The teenagers emptied their room and shot hateful glares at her, to which she replied with a crossing of her eyes. She stopped the ringing when everybody was downstairs. She walked down the stairs and fist bumped Carol, together they went down to triple fist bump Brandon.

“Yeah, we still got it.” Brandon said and the three walked out the back. The two packs stood there, grumpy and rubbing the sleep out their eyes, staring at the 3.
Alright people! As some of you may know there is a war heading this way! I’m not a baker, so I ain’t gonna sugar coat it for you, it will be brutal. Some of you may not live. But that is why we’re here! My father’s name was Jack Montgomery!” Some of the pack gasped but her pack remained grumpy and tired.

He was the best damn hunter the werewolf world has ever seen! And he trained me and my friends! He trained us hard, making sure we were ready for whatever came our way. That is what we plan on doing with you guys. We will pass our knowledge down to you, the best way we can. We will train you! You will not let anyone hit you! Not one hit will be taken, only hits will be given. If you let someone hit you, you fail. You die. We are going against hunters, they will not hesitate to end our lives, we must not hesitate to end theirs. They do not care if you’re young, if you’re pretty or hot, they do not care if you have big tits or a big dick, your life is nothing to them. Do you understand?” Sarah said, not caring about the teenagers. They would have to grow up soon anyway.

“Yes, Sarah.” They all mumbled and she gave a curt nod. She gave Brandon a look and he nodded and went to the pile of pumpkins they got from the pumpkin patch and tossed it to her. She easily caught it, keeping her grip light, and spun it on her finger.
“This is a pumpkin, one of the toughest fruits I know, and yes a pumpkin is a fruit.” She knocked on it for emphasis.
“Hard exterior soft interior. Now, to a normal wolf, it’s fairly easy to rip off the stem. But the pumpkin would then be lifted from where it rests. That is not acceptable. To fight you need to be quick and rough, one yank should do the job.” She threw the pumpkin in the air and waited for the right moment and then… yank. Not once did the pumpkin break its straight downfall, but yet she had the stem in her palm.
“Quick, fast, simple.” She said and put her hand on her hip. She heard a soft sound and her eyes immediately scanned the crowd.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that, mind if you say it a bit louder?” Carol said threateningly and took a step closer to the two packs. Fear immediately brightened in their eyes and several took a step back but nobody said anything.
“That’s what I thought, everybody get a pumpkin. Practice to do it. You get it wrong, 15 laps around the house, without using your speed, and try again. Understood?” Carol barked and every body sped off to get their pumpkins. Good thing Jeb was friends with the human at the pumpkin patch, or else they wouldn’t be able to practice correctly.
“Oh and another thing. Don’t let them break, that is the ultimate failure. You do not want to know what we do to people who ultimately fail. It’s not pleasant.” Brandon said, and cracked his knuckles. Carol smiled lethally and Sarah smirked the tiniest bit. This was the way things used to be. The three of them helping others with how they were trained to fight, doing something. The pack spread out, but mostly the teenagers stuck to themselves and the adults did the same. The little children were in the middle, void from Sammy, and they seemed to be the only one that got it. Molly did it, and crooned in her glory as her mate struggled to do it.
“Molly, why don’t you help some of the teens? Since you seem to have caught on easily.” Molly’s eyes widened and immediately she shrunk down, trying not to be seen. It was no secret that Molly detested the teens. Being that Jeb and Penny didn’t have any kids, and the beta didn’t have any either, it was up to Jeb to choose. It pissed Molly off because they all acted tough and snooty and just plain ol’ annoying.
“Sorry, I’ll just help-“
“Actually no. You’ll be listening to me, go help the teens. They’re all a bit dim, can’t see what they have to do. I think Marcy has tried to cheat at least 3 times.” Sarah cut in, enjoying as Marcy’s face lit up like the forth of July. Molly smiled slightly, dipped her head, and walked over to the teens. Her disdain clearly showing on her face. People already started laps, and Sarah, Carol, and Brandon spread out watching the packs try to get it. One little girl caught Sarah’s attention, her hair was black as midnight and her features were soft. She threw the pumpkin in the air, flipped herself in the air, took off the stem effortlessly and then landed in a crouch. The pumpkin was about to fall on her head, but Sarah said nothing, curious to see how the little girl would react. The little girl closed her eyes and moved to the left, just as the pumpkin whizzed past her head, she shot her hand down to protect it from landing on the hard ground. She let it drop softly and stood up, dusting her palms off and going to her friends. Sarah’s brow furrowed and she looked to Carol who had also been watching. She raised a brow and touched her temple. Are you surprised? She was asking. She knew she shouldn’t be, you never know what to expect nowadays. But she was so sure that they didn’t know how to fight, how had she known how to fight. She, this little girl, knew how to fight out of 30 people. That was something unexpected. She hadn’t noticed she was staring at the girl until she nodded her head to Sarah and talked to her friends. He friends, a boy and a girl, looked at her and cocked their heads.
“Holy fuck.” She said under her breath and backed away, into Brandon.
“Why does that look so familiar?” He whispered and she looked up at his paled face.
“That’s us.”

Chapter 12

“Uh, no babydoll. We’re right here.” Brandon said with little amusement in his voice. She looked around at the training people and lowered her voice a little.
“You said it looked familiar. It looks familiar because about 20 years ago that was us. 3 little kids, always hanging out with each other. Each highly trained.”
“Yeah but they’re not trained. There’s no one here to train them. So unless they got help from Mother Moon themselves you’re just tired. Me and Carol can take over the session if you’re not up for it-“
“When have you ever heard that happening?!” She whisper yelled. She wasn’t crazy, that little girl was trained, by someone good.
“When have you ever heard of something like Luna?!” He retorted back and she crossed her arms. Damn, he had her there.
“I think we better get to the second part.” Carol yelled across the people, making Sarah and Brandon roll their eyes but comply.
“Ok! Everybody has finished with the pumpkin assignment. But now, comes the kind of tricky part. Your mind has to be fast, quick, always thinking and analyzing. There are seeds in pumpkins, surely you all know that, those seeds are well buried in the pumpkin’s guts. You’ve got to be quick, there should be absolutely nothing on your fingers. The whole pumpkin must be deseeded or else you fail. And if you fail you die. I’m gonna let Brandon take over.” Despite his size he was the quickest out of all of them, one reason why he was beta, and enjoyed any speed test. Carol held up the pumpkin and he looked at the packs with scrutinizing eyes.
“The key to speed is being light, airy, but also having a rough grip. As with the stem, but this is a little quicker. You’ll need to search for the seeds without moving the guts, but you must not get your fingers messy. If you tell me you can’t do it, I will show you how easy it really is, and you will be in charge of changing all of the baby’s diapers. Understood?” eesh, that was worse than the laps. They all nodded feverishly but Sarah kept her gaze on the trio of children. They struggled to hide in their smiles and she shot an ‘I told you so’ glance at Brandon’s back.

To say the least the majority of the people failed, which meant they would have no shortage of people on diaper duty. Tomorrow they would start with hand to hand combat, learning how to follow rules, and codes. It seemed like a lot but that’s what they had to learn. Nobody could give Sarah an estimate on when they would be here and she wanted them as ready as possible. Penny had decided to roast the pumpkin seeds and Sarah chewed on them like nobody else’s business. She thought about going up to visit and see if Sammy was Ok when the doorbell rang. She looked around and munched on her seeds, seeing if anyone else would come and open the door. Realizing they would she groaned and pulled herself up from the couch.
“Everybody in here ain’t nothing but good for nothing, sack of suds!” She yelled as she opened the door. A women stood there, her skin pale and her hair long and red. She had big black eyes with high cheekbones and full lips that pulled down into a pout. Her body was petite and chunky.
“Uhm. Is this where Sarah Montgomery lives?” She asked, her voice tainted with age and sadness.
“This is she. What can I help you with?” Sarah asked, cocking her hip and pitching her head to the side.
“You may not know me but… My name is Sasha Montgomery-“
“No. You’re not. The only Sasha Montgomery I know is dead to me, ya know? So if you would be so kind as to get your ass of my st-“
“Who do we have here Sarah?” Jeb asked, coming behind her making her nose flare with anger.
“Nobody. It’s just about to leave.”
“Sarah I know I hurt you-“ Her mother tried but she took a threatening step forward.
“You didn’t hurt me. I wouldn’t want a heartless bitch like you as a mother, you helped me. It was my father you hurt, leaving him like that, with a child-“
“It was his child!” She argued, her face going red.
“I am his child. Thanks to you. You left him, his wolf pined for you everyday, he cried himself to sleep for years. And when he was killed? Where were you? I’m sure you felt his pain as the first bite mark punctured his shin.” Sarah growled and took another step forward. She stood toe to toe with her blanched mother.
“I-I don’t know w-what your talking a-about.” Her mother stuttered, pain flashing through her charcoal eyes.
“Bullshit. He was bitten 25 times, his body was clawed through to the bone. You felt every bit of it didn’t you. I bet you sat there, delighted that your problem was finally over, I bet you’ve already marked someone.” Sarah said lightly and her mother’s face reddened with anger.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve, you know that?! I wasn’t ready for you, I wasn’t ready for your father. I was young, free and beautiful. I thought the whole world owed me for my beauty, that they should bow down to me. When I met your father he showed me new things, he showed me his life. I was smitten, I still am. I left you with him because I couldn’t raise someone. I was messed up, my morals were everywhere and I was self absorbed. If I would of kept you, your life would be terrible. And I know you’re probably thinking why didn’t I just go back to him. Your father made it very clear that he hated me, he hated the way I thought, hated the way I acted, he hated everything about me. At first I thought if he didn’t want me why should he have his child, surely I was greater than a child. It tore me apart when I left you with him. But he didn’t want me, why should I stay with someone who didn’t want me, who would treat me like scum rather than a mate?”
“My father would never do that.” Sarah whispered, angry tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
“Why would I lie? What would I benefit from lying?” Her mother asked, her dark eyes scanning her daughters face.
“I don’t know but you are. S-so just leave, y-you are lying cold hearted bitch, g-go away.” She was breaking down, her great wall that she had built around herself slowly crumbled down the longer she looked at her mother. The familiar hair, body shape, stutter. Why couldn’t she love her mother? Why couldn’t she just accept something for once in her complicated life? Because you’re a wolf, somebody said in her mind, wolves are naturally stubborn. Then when you add the stubbornness from your father and add it to that nature it makes you more of an ass than me. She was confused but she didn’t let it show, her mother stepped forward with her arms braced open.
“I-I said l-leave.” Her voice wavered and she knew she failed. The tears streamed down her face and she hugged herself. Her mother rushed forward and hugged her, a feeling of calm washed over her and she clung onto it, clung onto her mother.
“I’m so sorry my sweet baby girl. I’m never going to leave you again, Ok? You’re mine.” Her mother crooned into her hair and Sarah cried harder. It felt good to belong to someone. I think you’ve forgotten a very important person, the voice said again, making Sarah clench her fists on her mother’s back. Couldn’t they see she was bonding with her mother? No matter though, said person will be back soon enough, just hang tight love and keep your mind open. Love?

She and her mother stayed up the remainder of the night. Talking, crying, and even laughing. If her father saw her now… he’d die. She still couldn’t seem to shake the fact that the voice in her head had called her ‘love’. No one ever called her love… not that she could remember. Her dreams were taunting memories, memories of him. except for the last one though, the last one was just disturbing. She sat in an open field, a field that was littered with dead bodies and soaked with blood. In the distance she saw a spot, one little piece of life amongst the hordes of death. She walked towards the spot, noticing a shape and soon a person. The little girl at the training session. Her back was hunched over as she grieved silently at the loss of her pack. She looked up and her eyes were red, not just the pupil but the whole eye.
“It’s your fault. You didn’t listen to the music, you didn’t follow the chosen path. If you had they would be alive right now! All of them! Why didn’t you Sarah!? Why didn’t you just listen to the music?!” The little girl shrieked and shrieked making Sarah wince back in fear, her shriek scratched at her brain. Then the little girl morphed, she morphed into everyone that Sarah cared about. They all yelled at her, degraded her, made her feel like nothing but scum underneath their shoes. Lastly it morphed to Drew, he didn’t yell at her though. He just stared at her with milky dead eyes.
“No.” She whispered and stepped forward. His face spread out then, into a malicious grin, his skin ripping and tearing. His teeth weren't normal and perfect, this time they were sharp jagged shark teeth threatening to swallow her whole.
“Since you are not capable of following simple directions, dear mate, it seems that you have to join me.” His voice was no longer her mate’s, his voice was something of demonic power.
“No… no you can’t be dead. That’s not how it’s supposed to happen.” she muttered and struggled to wake up.
“When are you going to learn, love, nothing goes the way you will it to be. When things are meant to be it happens.” His voice, for one iota of a second, turned back to normal when he said ‘love’ only to return to it’s demonic regimen immediately after.
“This is my life!! It will come out the way I want it to!” She yelled at him, scared and angry at this new version of her mate.
“Not this time.” He growled and lunged at her, making her dream world go blank.

Chapter 13

She woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. She put her head to her forehead and thought about her sanity. She got up from the bed and walked down the stairs, trying to refrain from talking to herself. Someone knocked on the door just as her foot hit the last step. She frowned and walked to the door. Who the hell could this be? Her wolf thought to her and mentally shrugged. She opened the door and her heart leapt forward.
“Oh my god, it’s you!” She shrieked and jumped into his arms. He chuckled as his body wobbled backwards.
“I take it you’ve missed me?” He said, his accent winking at his amusement.
“I’ve more than missed you!! Where did you go? Why’d you just leave? You couldn’t take me with you? What the hell is wrong with you?! God I’ve missed you! Never leave me ever again, do you understand me Drew Mascot?” She rambled, looking up at him periodically and glaring but settling on a hug.
“I think I understand, love, now if you don’t mind. It is kind of cold out here.” He mumbled against her hair and she beamed up at him.
“Sorry, I forgot. Come on in.” She apologized and backed away from him. He took a look at the darkened sky and whistled once, curtly, then entered the house.
“What was that about?” She asked him, barely able to keep from touching him once more.
“Just admiring the night sky.” He explained then peeled of his leather jacket.
“Are you going to give me a hug or am I going to have to beg?” He asked, after throwing his jacket on the couch. She beamed and rushed to him, nearly making them fall with the impact, and squeezed the ever loving life out of him.
“I missed you so much.” She whispered into his long sleeve t-shirt, reveling in the warmth his chest gave off.
“I missed you more love, but it was for the best.” He whispered into her messy hair and she sighed as she felt his heart thump lazily.
“Are you hungry? You must be hungry, want me to make you something to-“ She started to chirp excitedly, unwrapping her arms from around him.
“No, I only want some sleep.” He chuckled deeply and swept her off her feet.
“A peaceful sleep with you by my side, that’s all I ask.” He mumbled as she laughed airily. He walked her up the stairs, keeping his steps light and his gaze on her. He opened her room door softly and closed it as gently with his foot. He put her down on the bed, eliciting a soft sigh from her, and began shredding off his clothing. She missed him, she missed the feel of his skin against hers. She was determined to get that feeling back tonight. Along with a few other feelings as well. His muscles flexed as he took off his shirt and she bit her lip, bringing her knees to her chest. He unbuttoned his jeans slowly and her eyes zeroed in on the spot, not liking how he tortured her. As his jeans fell down to his ankles her heart beat faster. His chuckle brought her eyes back to his face, one shiny canine was showing and his eyes shone silver.
“I take it you’ve missed me?” He asked and she nodded, not trusting her mouth with coherent words. In a matter of seconds he managed to zoom to her, lay her down on her back and her pajama shorts around her ankles.
“I’ve missed you too, more than you can even begin to fathom.” He growled and slammed his lips down onto hers.

She was floating, her body seemed to light up when his lips touched her, making her come back to life. Moaning she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him closer, wrapping her bare legs around his waist. His hand skimmed down her body, stopping for a moment to caress her breasts through the flimsy tank top she threw on. Whimpering she bit his lip, begging for more. Suddenly she wanted his hands everywhere, she wanted him surrounding her and in her. She wanted him to fill her in everyway possible, to devour him whole and never let him go. She trailed her hands through his curly mane and enjoyed his moan of pleasure, it engraved in her mind and she did it again and again until he growled. They would not let their lips break apart, they’d gone too long without each other to do so. His hand trailed down her tummy and rested on the crotch of her soaked panties. He applied a little pressure, making more of her cream flow down. She gasped against his mouth and he smiled against her lips. The bastard was enjoying this. She let one of her hands trail down his body, enjoying how each muscle quivered under her touch, and rest in the tenting in his boxers. He grunted and broke away from her, leaving her panting.
“You just can’t let me have my fun, can you?” He asked, his breath airy and lustful. She laughed once and smiled cockily at him.
“I’m practically your wife, I don’t remember ever seeing the wife handbook stating I was supposed to let you have fun.” She said, her tone sultry and teasing. He kissed her sweetly then and smiled softly.
“You are my wife, and you make my life worth living. Now can we please stop talking, I ache to be inside of you.” He groaned and she nodded happily with unshed tears in her eyes. She took his boxers off with her feet and enjoyed his lips while bliss swelled in her heart. He called her his wife, his reason for living, and for that she would make sure this night was memorable. He rubbed against her hot, wet slit and purred against her mouth.
“I’ve missed you so much.” She whispered before he thrust into her and sailed them both onto ecstasy for the rest of the night.

She woke up with her body sore and stiff, she stretched and laughed when her joints popped and cracked. Her mate groaned beside her and stuffed his body deeper into the pillows. She shook her head and cuddled closer in to his side and delighted when he reached out with his arm and brought her closer. He still didn’t wake up, no he just kept her caged between his body and his arm. She sighed and closed her eyes. But something was niggling at her, trying to get her to remember, but she couldn’t. She did notice, however, that the house was quiet. Too quiet. And that’s when it hit her. Training.
“All right, get off your asses people!!! Daylight’s a wasting and we don’t have time for you to catch your beauty sleep. Up and at ‘em!!! C’mon peek open those pretty eyes and report yourselves downstairs!!! Come on, come on, come on!!!” Carol shrieked, banging the pots and pans together. She groaned and got out of the bed. She didn’t have time to take a shower, she knew it, so she didn’t try. She threw on some athletic shorts and a sports bra. Drew groaned and she smiled as she pulled her hair in a ponytail.
“Just because your my mate doesn’t give you any leniency. Mind as well wake up, or she’ll come in here and bang them near your ear. I don’t wish that on anyone, so you better wake up and you better wake up fast.” She muttered as she left the room and walked down the stairs. She fist bumped Brandon and hip bumped Carol.
“We got some new meat today.” Carol said excitedly and practically jumped around in her skin. She raised a brow and looked to Brandon.
“It’s really neat, you’ve got to see them.” He assured and Sarah nodded appreciatively. If he approved, they must be really awesome, Brandon was a hard person to impress. She walked out into the backyard and sucked in a breath at the five new comers that had come. They stood there, their heads held high and their eyes bright and cocky. She didn’t like them. There were 3 males and two females, all of them sported red hair and blue eyes, making them seem exotic and fierce. The packs also eyed them, some with interest and some with curiosity. When she was sure all of the pack, including Drew, had come down she started.
“Welcome back! Hope you’ve all enjoyed your rest! Now we start hand to hand combat. Carol-“
“Uh, actually if you don’t mind we’d like to interrupt.” A deep Scottish voice said and she looked to the new comers. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. She saw Carol and Brandon bristle but she sent them a brief look.
“Go on ahead.” Sarah said unkindly and one of the females smiled politely.
“Hello everyone!! You don’t know us but we know you! One of your pack mates has told us a lot about you! We are Dragons. A very specific type of Dragon. Can anyone guess what type that is?” The same girl asked as she stepped forward, her long wavy red hair following her every movement. No one raised their hand and she rolled her eyes.
“Christ people, it honestly cannot be that hard. Red hair? Fiery air to us? Come on people, even babies know what we are!?” She goaded, her accent making her sound funny. One of the adults raised their hand and Sarah rolled her eyes and held back a scoff, barely.
“Are you a fire dragon?” He asked dumbly and Sarah crossed her eyes.
“Yes, brilliant job man!! We are fire Dragons, we are here to help you. We are here to train you-“ Whoa train? “so that when the war comes you are easily able to rip the scales from the enemy Dragon. We will also be training you in strength an speed.” She said, going over the list of things on her fingers. Sarah wasn’t a person who got upset easily, she was actually rather fair minded. But, when it came to a few things, you did not cross a line. This bitch just crossed the major line, the line with blinking words standing over it saying ‘DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE’. She clenched her fist and licked the bottom of her aching canine. Molly, Thomas, Brandon, Carol, and Drew all watched her, curious to see what her reaction would be. Sarah was struggling, she was hanging on by a thread and that thread was thinning out the more she talked. Her wolf was going out of control and she had no idea how to keep him calm when she wanted to punch the bitch in the face herself. Punch something, he snarled, punch something hard and fast. But who to punch was the next question? Nobody had caused her bodily harm, so for her go around throwing punches this way and that would set a bad example. The training room, that would be the ideal place. She walked away, not looking back once, and back into the house. Her friends didn’t stop her, they knew she was making the right choice. It was either take her fury out on the punching bags or have to fight her friends restraint. She’d take option one any day. Carol and Brandon may be her friends but they were mean, hard, strong bitches when it came to fighting. No matter who it was. She felt someone come up behind her and she stopped her war path to the training room and pinched her nose bridge struggling to remain calm. The person waited until she turned around, which she did not want to do, before they spoke. She held in a growl and turned around to see one of the newcomers directly behind her. She jumped slightly and had to keep her hands to herself. Big green eyes watched her closely with each movement and she narrowed her eyes.
“You left training.” He said in a deep Scottish voice and flung his red hair from his face without using his hands.
“I’m going to train individually-“
“You left training.” He said again, seeming to not have heard what she said. She furrowed her brow and stepped away from him, he followed his big green eyes noticing everything about her.
“I don’t feel like training with the-“
“You left training.”
“Say that one more time and I will knock your damn teeth out. Now go away, I’m training privately.” She said dismissively and turned back around, ready to leave this conversation.
“You left training.” He said simply and she turned back around slowly. She walked closer to him and cocked her head to the side.
“Say it one more time, I fucking dare you.” She said softly and he smiled cockily, obviously smelling her fear. Another thing the ever wise Jack Montgomery taught her. Making your enemies smell fake fear, giving them the illusion that they had the upper hand. You see, when people thought they had the upper hand, they fought recklessly. Thinking that their prey can’t stand a chance. False cockiness. He leaned in, crossing his burly arms behind his back, and smiled in her face.
“You left-“ he didn’t get to finish the sentence before he was kicked through the sliding doors that led into the backyard.

Chapter 14

She calmly walked through the broken glass and over to the Dragon who had blood running down the back of his white t-shirt.
“You wanna say that again, didn’t hear you the first time.” She said cheekily and cracked her neck. He coughed and spit out a little lick of blood and looked at her, his eyes shining a brilliant green.
“You left-“ she let out a small little trill of a sound as she picked herself up and kicked him in the side of his face, to land in a small crouch. He growled and looked at her, a long gash marring the left side of his face. He seemed to chant something under his breath and suddenly flames erupted around his body. She formed an ‘x’ with her arms and prayed that it would somehow protect her, which it did, and peeked through her eyes when it was over. A giant snarly, scaly beast stood in front of her, its green eyes burning into her brain, making sure she would never forget. But she wasn’t afraid, oh no, she was enthralled. This was a new challenge, a challenge she planned on taking.

The dragon looked down at her with red hair partially blocking his large green irises, a cocky smirk revealing one of his several shiny teeth. She could smell the fear rolling off of everybody else, but she wasn’t afraid. She was giddy, she’d never actually dealt with a dragon. Her father had taught her how to take one down easily, had taught her the soft spots, the easy take down places, the weaknesses. She wasn’t afraid, but he didn’t know that. He leaned down, his giant neck bending over, until he was in her face, his hot breath blowing away the tail of her ponytail.
“You left tr-“ with a small little laugh she put all her power in her right leg and kicked him just under the jugular, right where his neck started, with all her might and smiled when he fell to the earth whining and whimpering, holding his aching neck with one of his massive claws.
“I tried to help you. I tried to tell you to just let me train on my own, but you didn’t want to listen.” She sighed as she walked further down the length of his body. She felt the delighted pride flowing from Drew and was glad she could give him the feeling. She stopped at his mid belly, where a small circle of pink was and put all of her strength into her fist. Raising her arm back she punched the small pink circle, enjoying it when his body slid across the earth and he howled in pain. She sighed happily and practically skipped to the end of the paralyzed dragon. She walked to the end of him, toward the tip of his tail, and felt along the scales finding the soft spot. Once she found it, a little spurt of fur between scales she let her claws come down and she cut him, liking how he whimpered in pain. He could do nothing about it though, because she’d paralyzed him with that punch to the stomach. She turned and looked back to the two packs and the visitors who looked at her with fear. She understood it, she’d just taken down a three ton dragon without shifting.
“That is how you take down a dragon, which you would’ve learned tomorrow but I guess we saved that. Today you were supposed to learn power, because you need power to take down one of those things. But some people are just twats who like to interfere in things that they had no right in interfering in. this is my job, twats, I train on my own time and by the time next week is over the whole pack will be able to defeat everything we’re facing. Stay out of my training or I will cut your dicks off while you sleep and put them into your breakfast. Understood?” She heard Jeb and Drew gulp, that was all she needed. She walked back into the house but stopped in front of the awed visitors.
“Be amazing people and teach them the spots, they’ll need it for tomorrows lesson.” Was all she said and went into the house.

Chapter 15

The punching bag flew into the wall as she punched it. She let out a small sigh. That was the eighth bag, obviously this wasn’t working. Maybe it would work, her wolf growled at her, if you let me out so I could run. She hadn’t thought of that, so with a shrug she let her wolf come out. Against contrary belief it was rather painless. The first few times it did, when you were a young pup, but after that it became more of a primal instinct. Your wolf stepped in and took over things and you just sat in the passenger side, humming as your wolf got exercise. This time might be a little different though, her wolf was running out of anger not because she needed to stretch out her hind legs. Her wolf let out a small growl of irritation as he walked to the doggy door and stepped through. His irritation seeped out into her and she could only sit back and huff with him. They ran through the woods, their beautiful reddish brown fur flitting through the greens, browns, and autumn colors of the forest, making them appear to be one with the scenery. A flash of brown appeared at her side and she snapped her jaw at him, she wanted to be alone on this run. He preened in mock joy and ran faster coming just a hair ahead of her. Oh, hell no! She ran faster, huffing and out of breath, but she was still faster than him. with a playful bark he ran faster than her and seemed to be perfectly fine, not winded like she was beginning to be. She growled and pulled her muzzle into a soundless snarl she pushed herself faster. She bit his tail when she was close enough and he yipped in surprise. Yeah!! Take that ya jerk wad!! She crowed in her wolf’s mind making him bark in laughter. She was too focused on her victory that she missed the tree root and didn’t notice until he sharp teeth were tearing through the hard unforgiving dirt, giving her a mouthful of weeds. He barked in laughter as he trotted around her wolf’s body. She picked herself up and spit out the mouthful of dirt and glared at the wolf prancing around her, as much as a wolf could glare that is. he Stopped prancing but continued to wheeze in laughter. She growled playfully and took a steep forward.

You laughing at me?” She asked through the pack link and he let his laughter flow through her mind. She rolled her gigantic amber eyes and shook her head. Her wolf prepared to speed off again before he leapt forward and nipped her on the neck. She automatically sunk to the ground, showing her submission, but then growled as she realized what the bastard did.

You son of a bitch!” She shrieked at him through the pack link and his deep laughter rolled through her wolf.

Yes, I am. And you are a daughter of a bitch, what is your point love?

She panted as she ran back into the house, her chest heaving with her breaths. Sure her body hurt from her training earlier, she was out of breath, but she couldn’t help the smile that broke out onto her face. After he bit her scruff they play fought until she’d finally tackled him. he growled and pushed her off him, gave her a warning growl right before he chased her. He chased her all around the forest until she’d shifted and ran back to the pack house.
“Hey there naked lady, you doing Ok?” Carol asked, coming from downstairs, her cheeks flushed and a soft smile on her lips. She rolled her eyes and stuck her finger in her mouth, making a gagging noise she walked into the kitchen, not caring she was as naked as the day she was born.
“Hey don’t hate. He was very stressed after the training and he needed my help. Who am I to deny him help?” Carol said lightly as she followed her naked friend into the kitchen. Sarah opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of orange juice. She downed the liter bottle and threw it in the garbage.
“Used up all your stamina, huh?” Carol asked waggling her eyes brows suggestively. Sarah rolled her eyes and was about to answer when she heard a howl, a lust filled familiar howl.
“Sounds like I gotta run. Bye Carrie.” She said quickly and ran up the stairs as her mate stepped through the trees, his eyes blazing silver. she sent him a wink and sped up the stairs into her room. It didn’t take him long to reach her, by that time she was already on the bed, spread eagle, waiting for him.
“It’s about time you came, I’ve been waiting for- ever.” She said, rolling her eyes and casting her head to the side. His angry erection seemed to jerk and she smiled.
“You still keeping me waiting?” She asked, bracing her feet on the bed and blinking sweetly up at him. With a grunt he closed the door with his foot and sped to her, burying his face between her legs and licking her wet slit once.
“Not anymore.” He said, before devouring her whole.

They lay panting by each other side, bordering on the edge of sweet sleep, when the smell of food hit their noses. Their eyes widened as they both sat up and looked to each other. They shot up on the bed, struggling to put on clothing, not caring what it was as long as it covered them decently, and ran outside. They were starving. After practically a whole day having sex like maniacs they could hardly stand their hunger. Drew practically ran down the stairs while Sarah merely leapt over all of them and landed into a sprint towards the kitchen.
“Cheater!” He growled and she smirked as she slid into the kitchen, eyeing the pot of beef stew and rice on the stove. She stuck her tongue out and walked to the fridge, she yanked it open and simply grabbed the first thing she saw. A carton of milk. Like so many others of her pack mates uncapped the top and took several gulps, he walked to her and took the carton from her and gulped after her.
“Dude, I was drinking that.” She said and grabbed the carton back from him, took a few gulps and wiped her mouth, she could feel there was only a few drops left and she gave it back to him.
“There, now you can have it.” She said with a little smile. He growled at her as his eyes flashed silver. she groaned and geared herself to run. a person couldn’t continuously have sex like this, it was unhealthy.

When he finally let her rest it was time for her to wake up for training. She couldn’t do it, but she was going to. For the pack. As his eyes closed she whistled loudly in his ear, making him shoot up in fear.
“Time for training.” She said, barely hiding her amusement. She’d managed to pull a sports bra over her sore breasts and pull on athletic shorts. She left him in her room and managed to walk down the stairs, each footfall jarring her body making her wince internally. Never again, she was never having sex again. Never say never love, he said in his mind and she barely contained a scoff. She landed on the last step just as Carol was sucking in a breath, ready to yell her little heart out.
“Ok, before you let out your lungs of fury let me get some ice.” Sarah said tersely, heading to the kitchen and opening the freezer. She cracked the ice tray and took out a ice cube. She munched it and took out all of her pain. Brandon and Carol looked at her bemused and she rolled her eyes.
“Ok, I’m ready now.” She understood while they were confused. She never chewed on ice, unless she was in great physical pain or extremely angry and could do nothing about it. They just didn’t know which one it was. Carol simply shrugged and began the process of banging and hollering. Sarah stepped outside into the backyard, noting that they managed to patch up the whole she’d caused. The visitors stood there, looking refreshed and not tired at all. I hate them, her wolf growled. She walked to the female, the one that felt the need to interrupt her training lesson yesterday, and crossed her arms.
“Ok, I blame you for nothing, I am not upset at you. Not anymore, at least. I would just appreciate it if you stayed out of my training lessons. You do that, there’s no bad blood between us. Got it?” She said lightly and the female smirked and raised a brow.
“We were given orders to-“ Sarah raised a hand and closed her eyes, struggling to keep her anger in.
“It’s a simple yes or no, dragon.” She said tersely her wolf snapping at her to just punch the bitch one time. Just once.
“Yes, we understand.” The female said and Sarah smiled not unkindly.
“Thank you.” She said, opening her eyes, just as the pack walked down the stairs.
“Welcome back ladies! Hope you’ve gotten your sleep because this is when the hard stuff starts. Hopefully your up to it, because you honestly have no choice. The Alpha’s have asked me to keep this a secret but I cannot. We will be facing things, things some of you have never heard of. Ogres, fairies, dragons, rogues, and vampires. We’re going to start with the easiest one to kill. Ogres. An ogre’s skin is like snake skin. Tight, rough, and extremely scaley. But, our teeth can easily cut through that.” Sarah told the pack, avoiding Thomas and Jeb’s glare. The packs had a right to know what they were fighting against. It wasn’t good to have surprised and scaredy fighters. Brandon brought out one of the large glass fish tanks that had several snakes in it. She could hear the chorus of growls. Wolves hate snakes, can’t stand them. No one knew why, they just hated them with a surreal passion. Sarah walked to him and took one out, a long yellow and white one. The snake wrapped around her arm and tightened but she gripped it’s tail making it hiss at her.
“Everyone come up and take a snake, there’s enough for everyone.” She said in a no attitude tone. She wasn’t afraid of snakes, per se, she just got edgy around them. Anything that could kill you just by squeezing tended to make you kind of terse. Grudgingly the pack did as they were told, sensing she really wasn’t up for the dramatics. Except one girl. Becky Wilder. She really didn’t mind the teenagers, she understood they thought they were hot shit because they had control over the humans at their school, and they were pretty. She got that, she really did. But this bitch she had a particular problem with. Becky thought it was Ok to sleep around for power, to play men, and be a bitch to all the females who acknowledged what she did. Her toy for the week had been Mike Corso, a boy that Jeb and Penny had been looking at for next Alpha. Again she had no problem with it, and she understood. What she hated, though, was when Becky put on a fake act at being absolutely helpless at absolutely everything. So when Becky picked up a snake, squealed and threw it on the floor, you could say that Sarah got a little mad. Especially when she ran to mike, who had picked up his snake just fine and was hanging out with his friends awaiting the rules, and clutched onto his arm fake crying about how she couldn’t do it. It was just to ‘icky’.
“Becky, I swear to the good lord and Mother Moon, if you don’t come pick up this snake I will rip all the tissue out of your bra and shove it down your pretty plastic little mouth.” Sarah shrieked, calling all the attention to Becky. Her face reddened and she stomped over to Sarah, getting in her face.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, bitch, but you don’t fucking own me. My parents don’t own me, Mother Moon doesn’t own me, and you sure as hell don’t. So if I were you, I’d remember that.” The blonde said, trying to appear dominant, her black eyes swirling to amber. Sarah put on a tight lipped smile and put the snake back in the cage, Brandon shooting her warning glares. She didn’t care.
“First of all little girl, I would step back if I were you. I’m tired and when I’m tired I get cranky, when I get cranky innocent people get hurt. Second of all, I’m the person who’s going to save you so you can finish your whoring ways. Third of all, I do own you. While in my training, while under my watch, I own you. You can try to tell yourself that I don’t, but you know that I do. You follow my orders, you do as I say. As far as I’m concerned, you’re my bitch. So be a good little bitch, pick up the snake and wait for further instructions.” Sarah said, not once raising her voice. She heard the shocked gasps of the pack but she didn’t care, she was just so angry. She saw it coming, she knew Becky would try to fight but she’d hope that the girl was a little smarter than that. Sarah grabbed her forearm, just as Becky’s claws were inches away from her face.
“You are so lucky I don’t fight children.” Sarah growled and pushed the girl away by her arm.
“I’m not a little girl, bitch.” Becky growled and charged at Sarah, who wore a happy little smile. If you say so, her wolf said happily. Sarah turned and lifted her leg, then spun back around, hitting the unaware child in the jaw and making her fall to the ground, holding her, probably, dislocated jaw.
“You fail. A proper fighter would’ve seen that coming and tried to stop my attack and counter it with something better, something stronger.” Sarah held up two fingers, her thumb and her index finger, pointing her thumb up and her forefinger straight.
“Boom. You’re dead, your parents mourn you, people miss you but your death is unimportant. This is a war, we are not going to stop because you’re afraid a tiny snake. We’re not going stop because you’ve broken a nail punching someone. We’re not going to stop because you don’t want to die. Everybody doesn’t want to die, but this is something we have to do.” Sarah said and helped Becky up, tears ran down the child’s face as her jaw fixed itself and Sarah hugged her.
“This is the time when everything comes down, this is the time, right before the war, that everybody realizes the reality. We could all die, we could all die and have absolutely nothing to show for it. Nobody cares that we’ve died, they certainly don’t, they’ll just move to the next pack. We cannot let them move to the next pack, we cannot let our brothers and sisters down like that. We will go out fighting, we will fight until every last one of them are dead, or until we take our last breath. We will train harder, we will not let anyone hit us, we will fight better. And we will win, there is no other choice.” Sarah shouted as she stepped away from Becky.
“Who here agrees that they will fight until they can no longer fight? Who here agrees that those sons of bitches will not get past us? Who here agrees that this is the last time a hunter will dare try to kill one of our family?!” The cheers from the pack made her smile and nod.
“Then lets get on with this training!”

Chapter 16

The pack had done unbelievably well after her little pep talk and she had to admit she was impressed. There weren’t any squeamish people; there weren’t any people that gave her crap. Although it did cost the lives of a whole bunch of snakes, not that she minded or cared, it was worth it. She smiled as she munched on ice ships. Molly thumped down next to her and sighed happily, Sarah shook the cup at her and Molly took a few ice chips.
“That went a whole lot better than I expected, that and those twats finally gained a little more respect for their elders.” She mumbled around and mouthful of ice and Sarah snorted. She highly doubted that she’d managed to do that, but it had gone better than expected.
“Luna walked for the first time last night.” Molly said as Sarah took in SpongeBob. She looked at her friend and swallowed the ice she’d been munching on and frowned.
“I don’t sound much happy about that, right? I’m not. It just brings her one step closer to her fate and I just… I’m not ready yet, even though it’s her future. Tommy says I’m just overreacting, but I know I’m not. I know her future is pretty much mapped out, and it doesn’t end well. She’s growing up too fast and I just…” She watched as her friend, her Luna, broke down slowly. She hadn’t really ever seen Molly cry, she’d heard that she did cry, but she’d never been up close and personal. To be honest it hurt her. To see this person, this strong symbol of power, curl into itself and break down was like an arrow to the heart. Sarah put down her cup and hugged her sobbing friend. If this was happening to Molly she knew what was happening to Thomas. That’s a problem she’d leave to Carol. Molly had some sort of sense, which made it easy to calm her, but for people with thick culls and way too much pride it took a person who allowed no bullshit, no foolishness, and an ego that matched that pride twelve fold. This is exactly why Sarah sighed, leaned back and held onto her sobbing friend.

She was awoken when she heard a bang on the front door. Not like when the police come and there are multiple bang, this bag was different. This bang sounded like something flew into it. She shot up and zoomed to the door, Molly a few steps behind her. She opened the door warily and sucked in a surprised gasp. A girl, she looked not much older than 18, laid there her body crumpled. She fell to her knees and tried to listen for a pulse, there was one but it was faint. The girls blonde hair covered most of her face and looked as if she hadn’t washed it for quite some time. With Molly’s help she picked up the girl and carried her to the couch. They laid her down flat and looked down at her with pity. She looked so young, so innocent, whoever did this to her would burn an eternity in hell. She groaned and slowly shocking blue eyes looked up at them. Her eyes widened and she shot up and scurried to the corner of the couch, trying to look small. But not succeeding.
“You don’t have to be afraid of us. We’re not gonna hurt you.” Molly said stepping forward but Sarah yanked her back.
“She’s not our problem to deal with.” She was hoping she was wrong, but by the smell of it she knew she wasn’t.
“She’s hurt, I’m not gonna hurt an already injured innocent.” Molly growled and tried to yank her arm out of Sarah’s grasp but she wouldn’t let go.
“She’s not our problem.” It pained Sarah what she had to do, she hated to hurt her friends, but sadly it had to be done.
“What are you talking about?” Molly spat and she looked at the girl whose looks deceived her.
“What’s your name?” Sarah asked, still not letting go of Molly.
“Valerie, Valerie Simons.” She whimpered and Molly’s mouth popped open.
“Holy shit.”
“You can’t touch her because she’s hurt. If he smells your scent on her along with her injuries he will come after you.” Sarah explained and let go of her.
“But our scent is already on her.” Molly whispered, as if Valerie wasn’t sitting right in front of them.
“Not in the places she’s hurt. I’m not going to let you take a chance and accidentally touch her where she’s hurt and then we have to waste time trying to keep Brandon from killing you.” Sarah replied in a deadpan voice.
‘Brandon wake up, your assistance is needed.’ She spoke through the pack bonds and she could feel him wake up.
“The shits about to hit the proverbial fan.” Molly mumbled as they heard his light footsteps come down the stairs. They took the time to observe Valerie, seeing as they probably wouldn’t see her for uite some time if all went right… or wrong. Her cute little lips were quivering in fear as she looked up at them and she sniffled, brining attention to her little button like nose. She had a full figure that seemed to be strong and sturdy. But Sarah couldn’t shake the feeling that she looked like an 18 year old rather than a 25 year old woman.
“What’s that smell-“ Brandon started but her quickly shut up when he saw his mate sitting there, quaking in fear and looking up at his friends. She looked to him and her mouth popped open.
“You.” Was all she said and that seemed to have a major effect on him. He could smell her injuries, smell that she’d been hurt and as soon as he did his wolf stood on alert.
“What the hell happened?” He snarled and Sarah struggled to hold in a sigh.
“We found her like that and carried her inside on laid her down on the couch, she just woke up.” Valerie looked up to Sarah then back to him.
“I can understand if you want to kill me, I really just prefer that you make it quick. I know I have no right to ask, but I don’t do torture that well. And I never really did kill any of the wolves, I’ve always liked wolves. My mother didn’t though, hated you guys, but I akways helped. Always.” She mumbled on, tears swimming around in her electrifying pupils.
“What’s with all the commotion and why the hell aren’t you in my bed?” Thomas said, jumping from the first floor to the second, seeming to forget the stairs. His eyes landed on Valerie and he blinked.
“How did you get here?” He asked, stepping toward her, Molly raised a brow that he ignored.
“I disagreed with one of the leaders. He said that we had to exterminate you all, but I said no. because you guys make our job easier. You kill vamps, vamps that even we can’t seem to get our hands on. He said that I was no good to them if I couldn’t even be loyal. They’d taken me in, a filthy half breed, because my mom was one of the best. They only really liked me because of I’m part fey, they like the fey. Not really too keen on those half-“
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re half fey?” Thomas asked, zooming to sit next her. Sarah could her the outraged little huff come from Molly and she internally groaned. Thomas never could really do anything the right way.
“Yeah, on my dad’s side. I can even do some magic, not a whole bunch but some.” She replied excitedly, her fear gone.
“Why would they let you go then?” He asked in awe, his black eyes shining. Molly narrowed her eyes and stormed away from him and up the stairs.
“Because I disagreed with their belief. So they threw me to the wolves.” She said sheepishly and he boomed in laughter. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Brandon quietly fuming.
“Why were you with them in the first place?” He asked after his laughter calmed down.
“I have a healing power, you know what they used that for. And I was born into it, it was my mothers wish that I would be just like her.” She told him remorsefully looking down. He knew what they used that for? Well, she thought to herself as she crossed her arms, I would like to know what they used that for.
“What about your dad?” Thomas asked, he seemed to be the only one talking. For that Sarah just wanted to karate chop his fucking head off. His mate was upstairs fuming and probably plotting a thousand ways to kill him, but he seemed to care less. Speaking of mates…
“Has anyone seen Drew?” She asked, furrowing her brow.
“He went to sleep.” Thomas said tersely then looked to Valerie, signaling her to continue talking. Her eyes narrowed dangerously on him but she looked away and went up the stairs to her mate.
“You could say my mom was a preying mantis when it came to my father. Banged him then killed him.” She rolled her eyes and opened his room to find him sleeping. She walked to his sleeping body and nestled next to him, almost immediately his arms were around her and her body was flush against his.
“Took you long enough.”

She awoke to unceremonious gasping and a plate shattering. Growling she stood up and took out one of the ninja stars she had tucked underneath her mattress. She was about to fling it at the predator but stopped when she realized it was just Valerie. Why the fuck is she looking at our mate like that, her wolf growled and she followed Valerie’s line of sight. Drew had popped up, his chest showing and his hair looking frumpy but still delectable. She stepped in front of Valerie with her arms crossed.
“Can I ask why you’re in his room?” She asked with venom in her voice, not caring that Valerie flinched back from her. She shouldn’t be in her mates room while he was sleeping.
“Oh, uh, Molly told me to, uhm, bring breakfast up to you guys. She said that, uhm, you would need it before training.” She said as she knelt to the floor and picked up pieces of a clashing bowl.
“Sarah, give me the ninja star.” His deep, accented voice told her as his hand reached for it. She scoffed and gave it to him, keeping her eyes on Valerie. Valerie shot up and her eyes widened.
“No way, I didn’t but… holy crap. Drew Mascot, Alpha of the Liverpool pack?” Valerie asked hysterically and Sarah’s eyebrows furrowed.
“No, he’s not an Alpha. Now if you would be so kind as to get out.” She said politely but Valerie shook her head and stepped around Sarah, to get closer to him.
“No, no. It’s him, the hunters have been after him for years. This guy has the largest pack in the world, more than 3,000. That’s a big deal to them, more wolves to kill and all that. He just went missing off the face of the Earth about 14 years ago. His parents were devastated but the hunters they jumped for joy. Rumor had it he became a rogue. Hunters have control over most of the rogues. Control one, control ‘em all, ya know? They never found him, they’re still looking though. If they knew that I, the one they threw to wolves, was in the company of Drew Mascot, The Drew Mascot, they’d all drop down and die.” She rambled excitedly and Sarah stood there stunned. He had no parents, he had no pack, he was a rogue. Right? That’s what he told her, that’s what he told everyone, it couldn’t be a lie, he didn’t have it in him to lie. He did lie to you once, her wolf said lowly and her mouth popped open. He looked to her and sadness filled his eyes. She whined in her throat, she didn’t want to hurt him. I do, her wolf growled and she closed her eyes.
“Valerie can you excuse us for a minute?” Her voice broke a little and she hated that. She didn’t want to look weak, even though that’s what she felt like. Inside she felt like a weak little girl, crying and sniveling for her father. But she knew he would never come, not anymore.
“Oh, uh sure. Sorry for the mess.” She chirped and picked up the rest of the pieces and flounced out.
“Sarah I can explain-“
“Yes, please. Explain to me how your parents didn’t die. Explain to me how you’re an Alpha, and not a rogue. Explain to me how you have the largest pack in the world, and not an exiled rogue. Explain all of this to me, because I’m curious to know."

Chapter 17

She looked at him, her eyes pleading what she just couldn’t say. He closed his eyes and put his head down, hopefully, in shame.
“You don’t have anything to say? No excuses? No words?” She challenged, her voice a little stronger, as she took a step forward. He shook his head slowly and she couldn’t help herself. She slapped him, hard, across his beautiful face. A tear flew down as he looked up at her in shock.
“How could you lie to me? To the pack?! Are we not that fucking important to you? You’ve got your own pack, though, right? What do you care about this one? Why even act like you care then, huh?” She screamed at him as her hands shook.
“I do care about them Sarah, I want you to know that. I had to do what I had to do.” She scrunched up her face and slapped him harder, liking how his head turned with its force.
“Get the fuck out of my fucking room, you fucking liar, before I fucking murder you!!” She screeched and pointed to the open door.
“Don’t, don’t even fucking try anymore. Get the hell out.” She said lowly and moved back when he tried to reach for her. It was silent, but she didn’t dare look at him. She looked outside as the people poured outside. She’d probably woken them up with her yelling but she didn’t care, she was pissed and heartbroken.
“I understand. I’ll come by later to talk to you later-“
“Don’t even bother.” She mumbled as she walked into her bathroom. She heard him mumble something but she turned on the water. She let her tears come out, not like anybody could see them now, and was grateful the water washed them away.

“Fey, are one of the most hardest combatants that we will be facing. Because of their magic, their glamour, we don’t know how to kill them. They confuse our senses and make our fighting skills dull and weakened.” Carol yelled to them, they all stared back and said nothing. It, honestly, made Sarah a little uncomfortable. She shifted in her position and cleared her throat softly. Brandon shot her a short look then looked ahead.
“In order to beat them you need to have a sound body, mind, and all that extra crap. But, that’s gonna be damn near impossible. Seeing as this is a war and not a fucking daycare facility. So here’s the deal. We’re just gonna fight, fang and nail, until whatever the hell they’ve morphed themselves into dies. Got it?” The pack gave their murmurs of agreement but someone stepped forward. Valerie.
“Uhm… Sometimes they change themselves into mythical creatures… And one of the most popular choice of theirs is… uhm, a hydra. Ya know the thing with 8 heads, you cut one off 2 more replace them.” She mumbled out and Sarah looked to Brandon, he looked straight ahead, not seeing his mate. Not seeing anything at all. Sarah took a step forward, her brow furrowed.
“Do you know how to defeat one?” She asked lowly, trying to keep her anger out of her voice. She was angry about tons of things, one of the things was their predicament. A hydra?! A fucking hydra? Could they not get a break for like ten fucking seconds?!
“Uhm.. yeah. I’ll, uh, show you. Just, please… don’t freak out and start going wolf on me. Ok?” She asked shakily and Sarah nodded, not understanding. Valerie took a deep breath and chanted something under her breath. Slowly her body began to change. Her body pulled in every which way and her chanting became louder by the second. Her hands became bigger, scaly, her neck expanded and twisted. Little pollops sprouted from her long neck that quickly grew into heads. Soon she stood there, looking down at all the wolves with wide blue green eyes. Her scales were the color of a winter snow and her body was bigger than the biggest dragon Sarah had ever seen in her life. 16 eyes blinked down at them and two talons rested on the earth. She lifted one ginormous paw and wrapped it around second from the center to the right.
“Right here, this is where you attack. Their aren’t a lot of scales on this neck, so it’ll be easy for you to tear through. A couple of yanks with your jaws should, at least, dislocate it. This bone is like your spines, yank on that, the whole body is practically useless.” Her voice was still her own, it hadn’t changed in any way. It still was weird to hear such a small voice from such a big thing. Carol nodded and visibly gulped.
“You can turn back now.” Sarah whispered, part from fear and part from awe, her voice just wouldn’t come to her. The heads nodded and Valerie chanted again and her body morphed down into… Valerie again. She shook her head and smiled sweetly at Carol.
“Hope I helped.” She said cheerily and backed into the pack, who stared at her with the same amount of awe and fear as Sarah had.
“You definitely did something.” Brandon mumbled and walked back in the house.
‘I’m sorry, I just can’t.’ He whispered through the pack bonds.
‘It’s ok, we understand.’ Sarah told him then looked to Carol. She frowned but turned back to the pack. They had training to do and Valerie might just be able to help them with it.

Valerie couldn’t be much help, sadly, seeing as the pack couldn’t really practice on her. They wouldn’t want to kill someone who had inside access to what the Fey could do and did. So they had to settle for hand to hand combat. Sarah and Carol had to peer the pack mates with others they knew they couldn’t stand. Made the practice effective. During their peering Brandon had decided to grace them with his presence, though he did look like he had been crying. He sent a small look to Thomas who inclined his head shortly. In the movement Sarah’s eye caught something on his face and furrowed her brow.
‘Are you… are you wearing make up?’ she asked him through the pack bond and he sent her a sharp glare.
‘No, I am not.’ He replied curtly and she held her hands up and went back to peering.
“And Brandon and Valerie.” Carol said and walked off, making sure everybody went with who they were supposed to go off to. Brandon narrowed his eyes lethally and started to go after her, his hands clenched in tight fists. Sarah stepped in front of him.
“No, it is for the best-“ she said bracing her hands in front of her in a non threatening way.
“For the best my ass! I can’t be with her-“ He growled under his breath, his eyes turning to a dark amber. He hadn’t let his wolf out in a while. That was never good.
“What’s so bad about being with me?” Valerie asked, her voice low and airy. His head shot to hers, his gaze burning through hers with intensity.
“There’s nothing bad about being with you sweety, he’s just temperamental. Ya know, wolves.” Sarah said, ready to step in between the two need be. Valerie’s eyes shot to Sarah’s and narrowed dangerously.
“Don’t call me sweety, you know nothing about me. And he’s not just temperamental there is something seriously wrong with him. But I don’t care, because this is not about him. He cannot pick and choose his battles. This one is coming, whether he likes it or not, so he will be sparring with me and he will not be acting like a bitch in heat about it. K?” She said, looking at him for the last lines. He growled and her eyes narrowed even more, if possible.
“Ok, do you want me to treat you like a dog. Is that what you want? Want me to put a pretty little pink leash on you? Hmm? Would that help the little doggy feel better?” She said tauntingly and Sarah heard Thomas’s laughter through the pack link. Before she could stop him Brandon's hand shot out but Valerie dodged the blow. How she had done that, Sarah wouldn’t know. She barely saw the shot.
“I thought you were fast? Was that false advertisement?” Valerie taunted again and dodged the second blow that Brandon had tried to give. What the hell, her wolf said. Sarah seconded that thought. He was fast, the fastest out of the two packs. How was she, a tiny fey, dodging his attacks as if it was as easy as drinking water?!
“Because she was made for him,” She heard Rosa say in her mind “She’s his equal in every way.”
“Brandon-“ Sarah tried to say bit was shushed by someone through the pack link. She furrowed her brow and looked around, seeing that they had a full audience. She looked back to the pair who now seemed to be in a staring contest… not good when it came to wolves.
“I’d really stop talking if I were you Valerie-“ Sarah said, stepping in front of Brandon and looking down at the small half breed.
“But you’re not me, so don’t tell me what to do. I’m just trying to be a good person and help you guys win this thing but miss priss over here won’t take his thong out of his ass and let me help him!” Valerie yelled. Her normally sky blue eyes darkening to a dangerous navy blue.
“Oh! Now you want to help! You’ve been killing my kind for years, but now you’ve decided to help! Thank you for your kind consideration to the species of the wolves!” Brandon yelled back.
“I’ve never killed anyone. I’ve only tried to help, that was the only thing I could do!” She shrieked, puling at her blond hair. Suddenly Sarah felt uncomfortable standing between them and carefully eased out.
“You fixed broken toys, then gave them back to the kids who broke them. That is all you did. And for you to stand there and act like you’ve actually done shit is absolutely amazing!” He roared and she clenched her teeth closed.
“You mean nothing to me, I don’t even know why I’m even trying to prove myself to you. You wanna die, you go ahead. I’m just gonna go find a new partner.” She said, once again becoming a timid mouse. Sarah furrowed her brow slightly and sighed deeply.
“Everybody eyes on your partner! Think of everything you hate about each other and attack!!” Sarah yelled out boringly and walked away from Brandon, who stood there by himself watching after his mate who looked for someone else to help.

“Did I forget to tell you that you and Drew were partners?” Carol asked, still fighting one of the teenage guys. She grabbed him by the nape and slammed his face into her lifted knee and let him slide into unconsciousness on the hard dirt.
“Uhm yeah, you did!” Sarah whisper yelled and Carol shrugged and kicked her partner in the stomach lightly. Sarah rolled her eyes and walked to him, she didn’t even need to look for him. She felt him, always.
“Let’s just get this over with, ok?” she heard him sigh and she let out the first strike. It hit him hard in the abdomen but he rolled with it and kicked her in the back of her calves making her stumble but she stopped herself. Her wolf growled in Sarah’s mind and she back handed Drew hard across the face and took advantage of his crumpled form as he held his injured cheek. Jumping off the ground she kicked him in the back, not hard. Just enough so that he fell to the ground. He pushed himself off the ground and used his legs to lash out and trip her to the ground. She fell on her back but rolled to her side, moving out of the way of his quickly descending elbow. She growled under her breath and rolled over elbowing him in his shoulder and smirking at his slight grunt. She quickly got off the ground and pushed, yes pushed him, to the ground in a final act of defeat.
“That the best you got sweetheart? Finally weakening?” He quipped and flipped himself up. She closed her eyes and took an earth shattering sigh, gathering up all emotions and letting it flow through her. She jumped off the ground and kicked him in the jaw, feeling, rather than hearing, his jaw dislocate under the force. She landed on top of his chest and punched him in the face, repeatedly. She didn’t even care that she felt his pain, didn’t care that she was crying. She just… couldn’t find it in her to care anymore.

Chapter 18

It took more than five people to get her off of him, but that was only because all of the fight had gone out of her and she’d practically sagged into her restrainers. Drew hadn’t tried to fight her off, knowing she needed to let it out, because if she hadn’t… things could’ve worse. He was currently sporting a rather nice black eye, a few cuts and scrapes, some missing teeth and a dislocated jaw. It would all heal, in time, but the process would be extremely painful. Not as much pain as she had felt when he broke her heart into millions of pieces and lied to her… but it was close. That was all she could ask for. She stretched her hand and sent Drew a disgusted look, right before she turned and walked into the house.
“You can’t just beat him up every time he does something you don’t like. What’d he do anyway?” Molly said, sidling up next to her.
“It’s not my lie to tell, why don’t you ask him about his hometown.” Sarah bit out, trying to sound as cold as possible. She couldn’t be around Molly right now she was about to break down and she wanted no one around her.
“You can’t make me turn tail and run, I’m not really afraid of you. I birthed the freaking Red Luna. I face worse things at 3 in the morning than you on a rage run.” Molly said simply and followed Sarah into the house.
“Molly, shouldn’t you be helping Thomas?” Sarah snapped out as they hit the stairs, she turned to face her friend and found mischievous glint in her black eyes.
“We aren’t really on speaking terms right now.” She said trailing off.
“Because of the Valerie thing?”
“Because of the Valerie thing, yes. That and he’s been being really insensitive about the whole Sammy being heart broken and pregnant thing, really starting to piss me off.” Molly agreed and put her hands in the front pockets of her dark rinse pants.
“Are you… Are you wearing mom jeans?” Sarah said, looking down at her friend with a slight smirk on her friends horrified face.
“No, these are not mom jeans, they’re just a little baggier than my normal- yeah they’re mom jeans. I’m only wearing them because I burned my old maternity clothes as soon as I got back from the hospital… and I need them again.” She said shrugging lightly and smiling a little. Sarah laughed a small happy laugh, then another. Quickly those laughs turned hysterical and soon she sat on the staircase, crying into her hands. She just couldn’t take it anymore. So many things were happening in her life and her string, the one thing she had tied down, was just flying haphazardly in the winds of her new life. The string just dragged her along, making her hit obstacle after obstacle, but yet she wouldn’t let go… couldn’t. If she let go, then how would she remember? How would she remember her old life, the one that made her who she was? She couldn’t let go of that string, because then she’d be no better than her mother. At that thought she sobbed even harder, making Molly wrap her arms around her friend.
“Oh baby, this is it. Let it out, everything. Just let go.” She couldn’t! Nobody understood it, but she just couldn’t! When she was little she never forgot anything, never let go of anything, because everything was too important. A slight breeze on a sunny day in the park, she’d remember, her falling off of a bike and nobody there to kiss her knee because she wanted to be a big girl, she’d remember. She wouldn’t ever forget, couldn’t ever forget, because then it would be like she never lived. Like he was never alive, never there. She let out a heart wrenching sob and they heard a loud howl emanating from outside. She howled under her breath, not wanting to give into his love song.
“C’mon baby, lets get you upstairs.” Molly said, right before she lifted Sarah into her arms and made her way upstairs.

(Molly’s POV)


She couldn’t stand for anybody to cry, especially her friend. You’d think a werewolf would be heavy, at least a little, but to Molly it was as easy as picking up her daughter. Sarah didn’t scare her, because she had LunaRosa Green as a daughter. No crying was too much, no glaring was too fierce. She settled her friend into her bed, still quaking and sobbing, and tucked her in.
“Want me to stay until you’ve finished?” She asked softly and Sarah nodded nimbly. Molly sighed softly and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Thomas says that he could never envision you crying, that you’re too tough to cry. That fire would fall down instead of tears. I told him that you only act that way, that your whole tough nut stuff is just a wall. A brick wall covered in the toughest metal that’s been covered in cement. Behind that wall though, you’re just a girl. A girl who’s father was taken away from her too soon, a girl who’s life is complicated and heart breaking. You’re not as strong as you want to be, are you?” Molly asked, rubbing Sarah’s back as she cried into the pillow. Sarah shook her head sullenly and Molly nodded.
“You can’t always be tough, you cannot always be fearless because there is always fear. You fear that you’re not fearless enough, that your father would hate you if you cried. Baby he doesn’t hate you, he never could and never will. I never knew your father, but Thomas has told me stories about him. He said that one time, when you were five, he punched a little kid in the face because he tugged on one of your pigtails…honey that’s love. Love that will not change, not even death can break that. He’s here, right now, because he sensed that you needed him. Every time a tear is shed from one of your eyes he zooms here and sits by you, waiting for it to be over.” Molly said, remembering those same words being told to her by one of the orphan children when she had ran to Texas. Her parents hadn’t been dead, so the words had been changed a little but it had the same effect.
“You think so?” Sarah’s small voice said, a watery eye blinking up at her.
“I know so. If you’d let your mom in you wouldn’t be so alone.” Molly said, discretely putting in the suggestion. Molly had grown to be friends with Sasha and knew she felt pain that her daughter couldn’t bear to be in the same room as her. Molly knew that Sasha had barely been out of her room on the highest level in the house.
“My mom left because she thought she couldn’t handle it… she couldn’t handle the attention not being on her, she couldn’t handle taking care of not only one but two other people. I’m not afraid of being a wimp, because I’m not. I’m strong, and I’m capable. Yeah, I screw up some times but I fix it. Because that’s the Montgomery way. I’m afraid that I’ll be like her. That, when the time comes, I’m gonna run away. That I’ll run away and just forget everything that I’ve worked so hard to accomplish.” That’s when Molly got it. Sarah was stronger than she had thought. Her life had been an array of up’s and down’s but she had strived to keep hold of it. To not forget it. That was her fear. She wasn’t afraid of being fearful, she wasn’t afraid of showing her anger. She was afraid that when everything was said and done and the sun went down, she would forget everything, leave everything behind. For that she truly admired her friend.

Chapter 19

(Sarah’s POV)


It had felt good to finally let everything out, without fear of sounding shallow. Molly gave off the air of a peer mediator, someone you could talk to easily. Her door opened a little and a blond head poked in.
“Mom, can I hang in here with you guys?” Samantha’s voice had changed significantly since Sarah had last heard her. This time it was stronger, more mature.
“Sure honey.” Molly said and scooted over on the bed, patting the empty space where she once sat. Sam’s small body entered the room and Sarah barely held in a surprised gasp. The girl’s stomach had a small lump, barely the size of a basketball but very easily recognizable. How long had it been since she’d last seen her? Two… three weeks? Her belly shouldn’t be that big at three weeks. Sarah knew that wolves grew faster, therefore had lesser time in the womb. But regular wolf moms held their babies for 3 months, at three weeks their belly was the size of a large orange. The only way her stomach would be that big would be because… but that was impossible he was just a kid. Molly sent her a look and Sarah snuggled deeper into the comforter. It seemed her and Sammy had all too much in common.
“Hey Sarah, haven’t seen you since you were wiping tears off my face and telling me he didn’t deserve me. How’s life been treating you?” Sammy said lightly and Sarah peeked at her behind her wall.
“Sucky huh? Same here, this little guy never stops kicking. Can never get a break, how about-“
“Time for lunch Sammy!!” Molly yelled, cutting the girl off. Sarah furrowed her brow but said nothing. She’d come to terms with the fact that Molly was weird and nobody could do anything to change that.

She came down later just to get food, when her ears caught something, something masculine and feminine all in one. That was impossible… right? She followed the sound to a slightly opened door further down the hall from her room. She looked around and hoped nobody saw her spying, not that she cared, but she still hoped no one saw. Pushing the door open just a crack she sucked in a breath at what she saw. There, kissing another man, was Jared. They looked to be getting really hot and heavy so she backed away, closing the door carefully. Jared was gay!!! She hadn’t seen that coming, that was the worlds biggest curveball. She’d heard him having sex with girls, seen him make out with girls, hell she’d been one of the girls he’d hit on! Shaking her head she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He was in there, peas on his cheek, but she didn’t care. She merely went to the fridge and took out some of the refrigerated beef stew that had been saved, grabbed a spoon, and turned to go back upstairs. He didn’t try and stop her and she knew why. He could sense that she needed “time”, as he so called it, and he wasn’t going to bother her until he felt that she’d had enough “time”… Whatever. She didn’t need “time”, she needed something else. Something normal people like to call truth. As she walked back up the stairs her hearing picked up on something else. It wasn’t on her floor, it was on the floor above them. The elder’s floor. She quickly blocked it out. She couldn’t handle too many surprises in one day, it would drain her mentally and she was already pretty tapped out in that department. Her stomach grumbled loudly and she put her hand over the flat canvas. She hadn’t been eating regularly, which wasn’t a good thing when it came werewolves. They tended to be rude and volatile when hungry. She high tailed it to her room and sat on her bed in the dark. She took a deep breath and opened the Tupperware container and dug in.

She woke up before the sun rose feeling energetic but crummy. How that happened, she didn’t know. She moved to get up but only realized that she was held down, by a big caramel arm blocking her from rising. Anger and sadness arose in her and she moved his arm from around her waist, longing for it’s comfort and warmth. She couldn’t find it in her to fight with him today, her wall was coming down. She was just too tired to go through it with him, for today. Tomorrow, though, she’d kick his ass back and forth for this. In this moment, this selected time slot, she would let him have this small victory. She looked at his face and sighed, she’d destroyed it. He had not one but two black eyes, a broken nose, a split cheek, and a jaw that she was pretty sure was sore and stung to move. She placed a feather light kisses on his face, waking him up. He looked at her through sorrowful black eyes that turned silver and brimming with tears.
“We did it to protect you, we figured once you accepted as a rogue that when we told you the truth it would be a lot easier.” His voice was rougher than usual as his jaw shook with emotion.
“Why did you decide that for us? We’re not a pup. It would’ve been easier to accept you as an Alpha than as a rogue.” Sarah cried to him, bringing her wolf out. This way they were bared to each other, nothing would be held back because their wolves wouldn’t allow it.
“It was a test, mate, to see if you were strong enough to handle being Alpha Female, to handle being Luna.” Drew and his wolf explained and she growled low in her throat.
“And if we weren’t strong enough, what then? You’d find someone else to take our place?” She snarled to him. Drew flew up and cupped her cheek, looking into her amber eyes.
“There will never be someone else to take your place. If you weren’t strong enough, then we wouldn’t haver cared. We still would’ve marked you as ours, you would still be our Luna.”
“Then why didn’t you tell us before you marked us?” She practically whined.
“We weren’t sure you could handle it.” He said sheepishly.
“What do you mean?” She sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.
“We knew that you had moved here a month ago, we knew you were going through heat. When you go through heat, little things tend to agitate you. Big things make you go crazy, we couldn’t-“
“Wait, how do you know things like that?” She interjected, sniffling. He shrugged and took his hand from her cheek, his cheeks flamed a slight pink and she smiled slightly.
“We may have been stalking you, but only a little bit.” He said sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck.
“How do you stalk someone a little bit?” She giggled, her tears long forgotten. He smiled at the small sound of happiness coming from her.
“We’ve always watched you, just to make sure you were safe. We didn’t move here because of the hunters, they’re not our priorities. Our small pack would’ve been able to handle whatever they threw our way. We came here for you. We were tired of sitting back and twiddling our thumbs while you went about your life. The smell of your heat brought us to you and made us… want you. We wanted you ever since the incident with your father, but your heat… it sent our need over the edge and we couldn’t stay away from you. No matter how hard we tried. We’re so sorry, we never meant to hurt you-“ She slammed her lips down onto his, liking the way her fangs scraped against his. He groaned and wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her closer, bringing them both down onto her bed. She straddled his stomach as her hair curtained around them. His big hands ran up and down her sides as they kissed, making her shiver in the ecstasy of it. She’d deprived herself from his touch for too long, granted it was only a day, and now she needed it. She grounded her bottom against his pelvis, enjoying the thrilled growl he made low in his throat. She could feel him straining in his pants and that made her wet. She was sure if she put her hands on her underwear they would be soaking. What she hadn’t expected, however, was for the banging of pots and pans to distract them. She yelped and jumped, falling off the bed and groaning with the impact.
“GET YOUR ASSES UP, TRAINING TIME LADIES!!! COME ONE, GET UP!!! NO MORE BEAUTY SLEEP!!!” Carol shrieked and Sarah closed her eyes, relaxing on the floor.
“You’ve got the greatest timing Carol!” Sarah yelled, knowing her friend would hear it.
“I know right!” Carol yelled back making Sarah roll her eyes and get up. She looked to Drew and sighed.
“Tonight, after dinner, I want you naked in my bed and strapped down. No if’s, and’s, or but’s. Got it?” She growled taking his lips in a fierce kiss. She gave him no time to answer, as she stepped back and shifted into her wolf. She gave him a wolfy grin and a wink, then jumped out of the window.

“This is the wolf. It is a part of all of you, it is inside all of you. This is a birth given right. Those sons of bitches, no pun intended, are trying to take away what Mother Moon blessed you with. This is what you’re fighting for. Your wolf. You are no longer human. When you fight, you let your wolf have free reign. If you think you’re strong enough to stomach the scenes of war, the kudos to you. To those with a weak mind and stomach, we highly suggest you step back. You cannot afford to be human, you cannot afford to have sympathy. They sure as hell don’t have any. Again, this is what you’re fighting for. The right to have sympathy, to have any emotion at all. When you fight, let go. Give into your primal instinct and fight. Let the wolf be free, let the wolf fight.” Brandon announced to the pack, gesturing to Sarah every now and again. She didn’t miss Valerie’s nervous glances to her, and because of those her wolf’s patience was running out. Sarah kept her glance on Valerie, making sure she didn’t do anything stupid, but Valerie kept looking to Brandon. Brandon then looked to Carol when he sensed Valerie’s gaze on him, and Carol looked to her. It wasn’t her fault his mate was a nervous little bunny! She had to get over her fear if she was going to be training with wolves, someone would always be watching her. Just to make sure she wasn’t trying to do anything. It was all for caution. Not because they liked the smell of her fear, not because her fear served as an aphrodisiac to the wolves. It was only for caution. That was her story and she was sticking to it. She got up from her sitting position and walked over to where Sammy was sitting, petting her ever growing bulge. She laid down on her front paw near the child and let out a breath. Damn, she thought, I’m fucking starving. Her stomach attested with that thought as it growled and Sammy shot her a sympathetic look. Her wolfy brows furrowed but she just let her head rest on her front paws. She heard the snapping and cracking of the bones and knew, automatically, that the packs were shifting. Today they were going to go over the battle music and what to do. She felt so tired and sluggish today and, really, all she wanted to do was just find her mate and take a nap. We could do that ya know, her wolf told her suggestively. She could, couldn’t she? Just miss one stinking day of this. It wasn’t like she would be missing anything important. She knew all the songs and moves by heart. They wouldn’t miss her if she just slinked-
“Sarah, we need you to help train the teens.” Brandon boomed through the mind link and she sighed. So much for slinking away. She got up and trotted over to the teens. She looked them each in the eye and they all looked down. She was more dominant than all of them combined and she knew it, she was just playing with them.

“Not cool, love.” Drew whispered to her as he slinked to where she and the teens stood.

“Depends on who you ask baby.”


She said haughtily back to him and enjoyed his mock growl.
“The music is starting!” Carol yelled and pushed a button on the boom box. The music was low, but they could all hear it. Supersonic werewolf hearing comes in handy at certain times. She only played the songs that they could do in wolf form, there wasn’t many but they’d work with what they had. The first song was a German song, but it had a great fast beat that was needed. Carol came over a boatload full of mannequins.
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” Carol said and winked at the lot of them, making them sneeze in laughter. Sarah separated one from the rest and put it in front of her. She let the music hit her wolf and did exactly as Brandon had informed them to do. Let go. Her wolf got excited, feral almost, as the music settled into his bones and he attacked. The German song was when your wolf just went complete ape shit on the attacker. Using any and everything it could. Feet, teeth, hell Sarah had even seen Carol use her tail. Carol was just amazing like that. When Sarah stepped back in and took the reins her wolf was breathing heavy and standing over the little remains left over of the dummy. I really hope you didn’t eat that stuff, she groaned to her wolf and got a mere huff in response.
“The goal is to use any and everything you have against your target. Nothing is useless.” She told them in the pack link and a small grey wolf stepped forward.

“What about our tails?” She asked and Sarah gave her a wolfy grin. She trotted over to Drew who watched her warily and licked his cheek. Then she lashed her tail out and took his front legs from underneath him, then in a flash took the scruff of his neck in between her teeth and bit down; making him submit. 

“That’s how you use your tail.” She told the rest of the group as she let go of her mate. He stood and growled down at her, his hackles raised and his eyes winking silver.

“What the hell was the meaning of that, mate?!” His wolf boomed to hers and she grinned.

“It’s called progressive teaching. Maybe next time you’ll see that attack coming and counter-attack with something better, stronger. Maybe.” She sneered back at him, her wolf curling her lip back at him. His hackles were still raised but he backed down. I am so gonna get it later, she thought to herself with a little happy giggle as she went back to teaching them the songs.

Chapter 20

By the time training was over it was well past sunset. She was so tired she couldn’t even see straight. But, what does her pack do? Cause more drama, of course, what else are they there for. How did it happen this time you ask? Well, this time, Valerie asked, very kindly mind you, for a glass of water from Penny. Penny then replied yes, but Brandon snarled at Valerie.
“Why don’t you go get it your damn self?!” He growled at her, looking down into her pretty little blue eyes.
“Because, I was taught it’s rude to go through someone’s fridge for something. Don’t you know it’s rude? Were you never taught about manners?” She said coyly, not backing down even though his eyes were shining the color of aged cognac.
“Just because I’m a wolf, I haven’t been taught manners?”
“No, because you’re a wolf you think every little damn thing is about you. I, not you, asked Penny, not you, for some water. She, not you, then replied yes to me, not you. Do you understand that? Can you get that through your. Thick. Skull? Do I have to say it slower for you, so you can comprehend or perhaps louder? I can sign it for you if you-“ Brandon shot his hand out to grab her neck but she saw the attack coming and, quite nicely if Sarah might say, counterattacked. Brandon was on his ass, grabbing his thumb because she had broken it, within seconds. The worst part about it? Sarah couldn’t even see how she had done it because she moved so fast!

Molly, Carol, and Sarah surrounded Valerie, immediately wanting to know how she did that. Just when she was about to go into description their mates came to collect them.
“C’mon love. I know you’re exhausted. You’ve got to rest.” Drew said, wrapping his arms around her mid section and lifting her up.
“But I wanna hear how she did that.” Sarah whined, holding onto Molly’s shoulders. Thomas picked Molly up to, but she was picked up bridal style.
“You need rest too,, sweetheart.” Thomas cooed softly and Molly’s eyes harden. Thomas started to walk away so she latched onto Molly’s legs.
“Just tell me how you did it, quickly! Please!” She said, as Drew started to walk away.
“Well, it was simple. All I did was-“ She was cut off by Carol’s shriek as Kevin picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
“Excuse me ladies and gentleman. My poor little mate here has tuckered herself out.” He said calmly and Carol beat on his back.
“Put me down you Donkey Kong act-a-like before I kick your ass.” He smacked her ass and grinned when she squeaked.
“She get’s a little ahead of herself when she’s tired.” He said and whistled happily as he took his mate upstairs, screaming expletives and threatening his life anyway she could.
“Well, that was… something.” Valerie commented and, as if someone had summoned him, Brandon descended upon her.
“She’s my friend. Watch your mouth.” He snarled and Sarah rolled her eyes.
“Just do it.” Carol sighed through the mind link “I’m not getting out of this any time soon”. Sarah nodded as if Carol was right in front of her and wiggled out of Drew’s hold. She walked to Brandon and looked him square in the eye… then smacked the shit out of him.
“Stop it.” She said simply, keeping her voice leveled.
“Did you just-“ She stopped him with another smack in the face, this time she punched him in the nose.
“Stop it.” She said, ignoring the blood that gushed from his nose.
“Sarah, you better not-“ She slapped him, then punched him, and to end the victorious combo she kicked him in the nuts. Hard. He fell to the ground cupping his jewels and Sarah looked him in the eye.
“Stop it.”
“Got it, won’t happen again.” His voice had gone up a couple octaves. She nodded and walked past her stunned mate and to the stairs. When he made no move to follow her she looked at him and raised a brow.
“Are you coming, I’m tired?” Drew nodded and walked after her.
“Sarah.” Brandon’s voice stopped her and made her look at him. He still knelt on the ground, cupping himself, but the feral and angry look was gone. Instead it was replaced with relief and happiness.
“Thank you.” She smiled and walked up the rest of the stairs, with her mate in tow, and into her room.

She awoke to screaming, not training screaming but actual screams. She shot up and ran down the stairs only to gasp in shock. A female, Jasmine, held Jeremiah in her arms. Blood emanated from a whole in his shirt that looked mighty close to his heart, she sobbed as she put pressure on the bullet whole.
“Help!! Someone please help!!”She shrieked and Sarah forced her body to move forward. Jeremiah choked on his own blood as he tried to say something, anything, to soothe his mate. She looked down at him and put her bloodied fingers to his lips.
“Shh, shh. Don’t try to speak. Okay baby? Don’t speak. I’m gonna find someone. VALERIE!!” The she wolf shrieked, sounding damn near close to hysterical. Valerie opened the door that lead to the basement and flew to the pair. She ripped off Jeremiah’s shirt and looked at the bullet wound. Sarah gasped as she saw his veins slowly turn black and his blood sizzle as soon as it hit his skin.
“Fucking shit, assholes! Sarah get me some water, a pair of tweezers, and towels, lots and lots of towels. Alert the pack. The hunters are coming.” She used his shirt to sop up some of the blood, as she rubbed the column of his throat. She flew to get everything they needed and brought them back to Valerie, only to have to fly on every level and warn everyone.
“EVERYONE UP NOW!! SCREW THE TRAINING, THIS SHIT IS REAL!! CHILDREN, AND PREGNANT WOMEN TO THE BASEMENT IMMEDIATELY. EVERYONE ELSE GET YOUR ASSES UP AND READY FOR WAR!!” Sarah yelled and everyone swarmed out as she fought to go into her room. Drew sat up watching her as she threw on skin tight brown jeans and a long sleeved dark green shirt. She couldn’t help her hair but she could try to hide it as much as possible. She put her hair up and left him sitting there without a word. She went to the nursery to find Luna looking at her with serious eyes.
“Did you remember the music?” The child asked and she nodded as she walked to her and picked her up.
“Rissa’s on her way here, if you can hold it off for that long she wants you to wait. You can’t let them get to close to the house.” Rosa spoke to her as she walked down the stairs with her in her arms. She walked into the basement and gave the baby to the first person she saw.
“Oh and Sarah. Good luck, and god speed.” Luna said before she shut off the connection.
“Ready, chick?” Molly said coming beside her wearing similar things except her jeans were green and her shirt was brown.
“You aren’t serious are you? We can’t let you fight, you might lose the baby.”
“Honey, don’t worry about me losing the baby. I’ve got them covered.” Sarah’s eyes widened and Molly winked as they went up the stairs. Carol and Brandon met up with them in the living room. The friends said nothing to each other, their friendship was so deep they didn’t need words to discuss their feelings. Carol turned to Molly.
“Know how to work a gun?”

Chapter 21

All the wolves stood at the field not too far from the house in a cluster, making it seem as if they didn’t have the numbers. They did, they had more numbers than was thought. But they had to believe that. There were wolves in the trees, the woods, there were wolves on top of the house with armed guns, ready to fire if need be. The hunters stood there, in a thin line, but Sarah knew better than that. She knew they had armed people in the woods on their side, ready to fire o any given notice.
“You can stop this now, and walk away!” Thomas boomed, letting his Alpha power seep out.
“Not a chance dog, we trying to make this world a better place. If we’ve got to sacrifice a few lives, then so be it. This is for the greater good.”
“Greater good my fucking ass. You wanna do this because you can’t stand the fact that there’s someone more superior than you in the food chain. You do it with regular bears, and regular wolves. Don’t feed us that line of crap.” Jebediah Roared out and Sarah looked at the dirt at the force of power that leaked from the words.
“Whatever you say, Alpha.” The leader said, sneering the name , making it seem like an insult. Sarah heard a curse from Penny on top of the house and the shifting of her body.
“No, Penny. Don’t fire. Not yet.” She said through the pack link and heard the movement stop. She saw Jeb relax slightly, but then she refocused her attention.
“Turn around now, and we won’t have to take action.” Thomas said, being the voice of reason.
“We will stop when all of you are dead.” The leader said in a mocking tone, making Thomas snarl low in his throat and take a step forward, his eyes flashing amber. Sarah heard the cock of the gun, but didn’t stop it.
“Then I guess we’ll just have to end you first.” He growled and Sarah whistled loudly. One of the dragons flew from behind cover in the trees and unleashed his fire, burning and killing most of the hunters.
“Now!!!” She yelled and all of the wolves came forward. Some came as human, others as their natural form. Two shots rang out and Sarah watched as the leader fell down with one bullet in his head, and the other in his heart. Damn, her wolf mused, they weren’t kidding when they said they could use a gun.


Trolls came out of the forest, their lumpy green skin making it kind of hard to see in the dim light, but not that hard.
“Three wolves each for a troll, shooters if you see they aren’t going down start shooting.” Carol growled out as she wrapped her jaws around a hunters throat and crushed down. Sarah was the only one who had stayed back. She’d climbed up a tree and watched, then helped the others fight. Something was off, she could feel it in her. She just didn’t know what it was. The trolls were wiped out within ten minutes, as were the majority of the hunters. Only a few wolves had gone down though. Huge dragons came out, then, with eight heads and tongues that hissed and snarled down at the wolves.
“Nine hydra’s. Five wolves for Each hydra.” Sarah shouted through the pack link and whistled for the dragons.
“One for each hydra!” She yelled over the sounds of the war and they followed her orders.
“Shooters, blind some of the heads.” She said through the pack link and got few answers but money gun shots. Before Sarah could even shout out the next command a shooting pain shot through her whole body and she felt liquid seep between her thighs. Did you just piss yourself, her wolf asked and she rolled her eyes. No, she replied meekly, not smelling urine, probably just got shot or something.

You would’ve felt that,her wolf told her, wouldn’t you? Before she could answer him back rogues came snarling and growling.

“Rogues, shooters, knock ‘em down. In between the eyes if you can.” Sarah told them and watched as all the rogues that had decided to side against their brothers and sisters dropped like flies. The music had been forgotten, this was war. War wasn’t something you planned out, it happened and it was rough. Pain shot from her abdomen and she clutched the tree harder, her fingernails digging into the bark. What the hell is going on?

She asked her wolf and he shrugged.
“Use your sight, look into the forest. Find the shooters. Get them out of this.” As soon as Sarah gave the order it was followed through. Soon all the sounds died down, all that was left was a loud chorus of howls.

Sarah fell from the tree on her back and she groaned at the immense pain that rocked her body and damn near robbed her of her sight. She howled weakly into the air, hoping someone would hear. Across the field Drew stopped moving and sniffed, his eyes widened and he zoomed to find his mate. He found her, crumpled and laying on the cold earth in a fetal position.
“It hurts, it hurts so bad.” That was the second time he’d seen her like this, and heard her say those words and, if he were being honest, he fucking hated it. Because every time this happened, something was going on. The first time, she’d been marked as the Blue Luna. Only Mother Moon knew what it was this time. He walked to his mate and picked her up. He ran to the pack house and into the basement. He was shocked to see everyone surrounding a sweat soaked Sammy.
“I was wondering when that was going to happen.” Sammy panted out as she clutched her adopted mothers’ hand. Sarah screamed and writhed in pain in Drew’s arms and his wolf completely took over. He stormed to the crowd and placed his mate, laying down, on the floor in front Molly and Sammy.
“I know you know what’s wrong. Fix it, now.” He growled out, not caring if he was being rude. His mate was in pain and he couldn’t fix it, but he knew those two could.
“Kinda in the middle of having a baby here, can’t really help out two people who have totally ignored everything.” Sammy groaned as another wave of pain rocked through her. Sarah yelled out again and scratched at the cement floor with her claws, forming five jagged lines.
“That didn’t happen when I did it.” Molly said and looked at her fingers.
“When you did what?” Drew growled and took a step closer to Molly, being careful not to touch Sarah.
“When I had Luna, of course.”

Chapter 22

Nine. Hours. It took nine hours for Sarah to start crowning. Throughout it all she promised Drew serious pain when she was able to move without it hurting her. So she let him rub her back, and she let him give her ice chips in the hospital. But all that changed as soon as she started the actual childbirth. She kicked him out of the room and told Molly and her mother to come in. They were the only people who had been through this, and those were the only people she wanted to see. They stood on either side of her, not saying anything, occasionally rubbing her back and letting her hold their hands. She was both mentally and physically drained by the time the baby had come out.
“Here he is.” The doctor said softly and gave him to a nurse, who wiped him down, skillfully ignoring the cries that managed to not rake through Sarah’s mind, and handed him to her. His cries instantly stopped when he was in her arms. He opened his eyes to reveal to baby blue irises Sarah would’ve awed at… if it hadn’t been for the immense pain in her uterus.
“What the f-“
“Looks like we’re not done here.” The doctor said as she gestured for the nurse to take the baby. Sarah was glad she did, because if she hadn’t Sarah probably would’ve squeezed the little guy to death. She pushed and she pushed again, thankfully I only took two pushes and it wasn’t as painful as it was before, and was delighted to hear the shrill cry of the last baby. She was panting by the time they handed her a second pink bundle. Blue irises, once again, peeked up at her again. The crying did not stop, if anything, it got louder and more shrill. Well, she thought in her mind, I don’t like you much either. The nurse gave her the boy, and she put him in her other arm. Only then did the little girl pipe down.
“I thought us girls were supposed to stick together.” Sarah said lightly in a hoarse voice. Molly laughed and looked at the little girl.
“I think she’s absolutely adorable. What’re you going to name them?” Molly said nothing about how there were two and not one, but Sarah knew everyone else was going to say it. She hadn’t even known she was pregnant! How did that even work!?
“Ander. Ander and Anna Mascot.” Even as Sarah said their names she felt the rightness of them settle down in her bones as she gave them both a mischievous little smile.
“This is gonna be fun.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2017

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