
Chapter 1

She revved the engine, making the purr of the engine grow loud and the wind fly around. She was on the run again, this time it was personal. She’d been in New York for the past three years. Of course she’d killed people, accidentally, but she managed to keep a low profile. And she’d only killed the people who needed to be killed. Rapists, murderers, pedophiles. Sure, she knew that wouldn’t redeem her, but at least the sick bastards got what they deserved. She gave a little grunt of laughter and leaned forward on the Harley, she’d had the beauty when she first ran. She could still remember her first run. She’d been 10, and she’d been in love with the cutest boy. His name was Evan Taylor. He was the hottest thing that she’d ever lad her little fourth grade eyes on. And she was hyped when he gave her a kiss on the cheek. She remembered she’d had so much energy and excitement.
Then she remembered when he went so still, like his lips were permanently stuck to the side of her face. She leaned back and shrieked in horror when she saw that his eyes had gone completely black and his face had gone completely pale. Everyone came, everyone reacted to her scream, and they all saw her face. They all saw his face, but there was only one that stuck out to her. Her best friend, Thomas Greene. Thomas was like the peanut butter to her jelly, anything that she couldn’t write in her diary, she’d tell him, there wasn’t anyone else to tell. All the other kids at the orphanage didn’t talk to her, and the adults only talked to her out of pity.
She knew why there was pity; she was the pretty brunette with the green eyes that no other kid talked to. Yet she took it all in stride, she loved the attention, craved it. But at that moment, knowing that she’d probably killed this boy, she didn’t want it. Thomas had shaken his head, telling her not to run. Telling her that, somehow, they would fix it and find out what happened. But she couldn’t stay, this little boy had just died and it was her fault. She couldn’t stay. She ran out of the little circle that had been closing down on her and ran straight to the orphanage. She couldn’t stay. She packed her bags with tears running down her face. Miss Mary wasn’t there, the whole orphanage seemed empty. She thought it was mocking her. It was empty and alone, mocking the rest of her life. She’d run to the bus stop and managed to blend in with the people. She couldn’t stay.
Ever since then she’d been on the run. Though her life had grown completely dangerous. When she turned thirteen she had to find somewhere to work. She was perfectly fine living at the orphanage in Montana, but when day when she’d woken up and taken her shower she’d noticed something. Her eyes, once green and vibrant, were now black. They were black pools, just as Evan’s had been. At first she’d been freaked, nearly fainted, but then she’d pulled herself together. It just meant the she had to get out. She’d stolen some money from the head of the orphanage and bought her several pairs of green contacts. Now here she was. Running away again, but this time it was different. This time she was running back home. Back to South Carolina. The warm air wrapped around her like a blanket and she smiled at the warm feeling. It’d been so long since she’d been warm. Every place she’d ran to had been cold. She slowed a little as she shit the town, marveling at how it seemed untouched by time. Everything was the same. There were still penny stores; there were still candy shops, hell the old milkshake place was still there. The milkshake place was like a communication center for all things cool. It still had it’s retro words etched onto it, it’s white paint was still there only a bit dulled. She smiled warmly as she pulled up on the sidewalk to the milkshake place. Carly’s was what the place was called. She loved how it just rolled off her tongue like old times. Getting off her motorcycle she looked around. No one would recognize her, she’d changed so much. Her hair was the same color; it was just longer and curlier. Her body was curvier, and she had put on a bit of weight. But moving from place to place doesn’t leave you much time to be health conscious. She stretched in her cropped leather jacket and rolled her neck. Ok Molly, time to face your demons; she thought with a small cynical smile as she entered the place.
The small trill of the bell greeted her and almost all conversation stopped. She took of her sunglasses and put them in her pocket and walked to the counter.
“Can I have a strawberry shake?” she asked, her silky voice rolling in waves off her tongue. The girl smiled, nodded, and walked off somewhere to fix it. She sat down on the stool and folded her arms. Just like old times. Conversation slowly started around her and she relaxed.
“I don’t want to ask her, you ask her!” she heard someone hiss and she cocked her head to the side softly.
“Why not, you chicken?” another voice challenges, and she heard the little smile in her voice.
“Why don’t you do it then?” the male hissed and she smiled softly. She didn’t know why people were trying to avoid her, but she thought it was cute.
“I will do it.” The female said and the air behind her moved.
“Excuse me miss?” the female asked and she turned around to meet grey ones.
“My friend and I were just wondering,” her friend snorted in his cherry red booth but she continued on “you look oddly familiar. Do we know you?” get out, get out now! Screamed her veins, but she effectively pushed it down and put on a light, polite smile.
“You shouldn’t, I just moved here from up north.” She said, keeping that smile pasted on her face, her story making sense with her thick accent.
“Oh, we went up there not too long ago, that’s probably where we remember you from.” The girl came back with her strawberry shake and Molly reached for it.
“Probably.” She said before taking a slurp of her milkshake.
“Sorry for the interruption.” The girl said, noticing the end of the conversation, and slinked back to her booth. Boy was it glad to be back.

Thomas Greene was what you would call a hard worker. He’d worked hard every day of his life just to fit in, he worked hard to have money in his pocket, he worked hard to keep the pack safe. Because, as alpha of the Leron pack, there really wasn’t an option to not work. His life had been a pretty crappy one. But it hadn’t always been. The first day his life went to hell in a hand basket was after she left. After she left, it was like the whole world had come crashing down on him. And that was a heavy burden to bear when your only 10. Hell, it was a heavy burden to bear now. But he didn’t complain. He took everything with his chin held high, and fierceness in his heart.
But that didn’t mean nothing hurt. When his mom died he hurt like hell, he’d wanted someone to comfort him but he’d known that would never come. Alphas didn’t need to be coddled; they needed to be brave and strong. He’d cried the first time, yes he would admit that, but never did he cry again. And not a single tear was shed after that. Yes he struggled but he always rose victorious, always remained above the others. Always remained alpha. As he looked around his single room studio he felt a little deflated. It seemed so empty. Of course he had furniture; everything he owned was either black or white. Like his black leather couch, and his white fur rug. But it just seemed… lifeless. But then again everything had seemed lifeless since after that day. He could still remember it if he closed his eyes; and that’s exactly what he did. He was watching her from afar; he’d always done that just to make sure she was safe, when the kid kissed her. A rage so large made his vision go red, she was his. And nobody was to touch her. It was a law, actually, that no one was to touch the alpha female. That was basically like forfeiting your life. So he watched, with smug satisfaction, as the boy paid for what he did. But he hadn’t intended for her to freak. When she leaned back and saw his face, her shriek scratched the insides of his brain; he knew he’d lost her. He was one of the first responders and he ran to her. She’d begun crying as she looked from the kid to him. He shook his head slightly, trying to tell her it wasn’t what she thought it was she hadn’t killed him.
But the horror in her eyes brokered no sign of realizing it. When she ran everyone let her, not stopping her as she ran out of his life. He had looked up to his classmates, his packmates, with anger and sadness.
“I’ll call your parents’.” The teacher had said, but that didn’t mean anything to him. Molly was gone and she’d probably never be back. He didn’t care if his parents’ had anything to say, only thing he knew was that his mate was gone, and she’d probably never return.

Driving on the motorcycle she marveled at how some things had changed. New buildings went up, more stores had come in and there was more than one pub. She’d driven until her mind told her it would be best if she could find somewhere to sleep. She drove until she found a motel and paid the man for one single bed room. She seemed to fall asleep as soon as her head hit the stiff pillow. She was awoken later on by birds chirping and a knock on the door, stating it was room service. She’d gotten up, made the bed, gathered her minimal belongings and left. If she knew the town, which she’d hoped she did, than McFurly’s should still be there. McFurly’s was the best place to eat a nice sized burger with fries and a chocolate malt and just have a good time. And she was counting on McFurly’s to do just that, give her a good time. As she walked into the food place she froze immediately, the place was packed. Sure there were a couple of seats, but that wasn’t her only problem. The place was packed with her old school mates. Her heart immediately started beating faster and her palms went all sweaty, she wiped them on her denim jeans and tried to soothe her heart. She wasn’t going to leave, sure she wasn’t going to face them, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to leave. That would be the same as being a punk, and if there was one thing she was not, it was a punk.
Taking a deep breath she went to one of the stools and sat down. So far so good, no one had recognized her. Maybe they completely forgot about her, one could only wish though when it came to her life. When the serve came up to her though, she knew immediately that was not the case. No one had forgotten about her, everyone still remembered her as the girl who killed a 10 year old little boy.
“Molly?!” the girl shrieks and the whole went quit.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She says quietly, keeping her eyes on the girl and only the girl.
“Molly Turanga? From the Treefort orphanage?” the girl asks, clearly not believing her. she shook her head slowly and closed her eyes. It was a long run while it had lasted, and it had been fun. She’d known the pleasures of a man; she’d known the delicacies of life. And if this was how it was meant to end, she didn’t mind at all.
“Yes, I’m Molly Turanga, from the Treefort orphanage.” She said quietly, all the attention shifted to her. one of the males stoof up from a booth and walked to her, he didn’t touch her he didn’t say anything he just looked at her.
“You got contacts?” he asked and she winced, how had they known?
“Yes I did, to better fit in with the crowd, didn’t go over well with you lot though.” She said and some of the people chuckled.
“We’ve been waiting a long time for you to come back.” He said softly, his voice like a whisper across her face.
“How much time do I have?” she asked, getting straight to the point, not appreciating him pulling her along with these words.
“Time?” he asks, bemused at why the alpha was asking to have time.
“You know, for what I did? How much time do I have in the slammer?” she asked, her tone serious and her face just the same. His eyes bulged from their sockets when he realized the alpha was asking how much time she had in jail.
“I’m sorry, I don’t.” he stumbles, trying to figure out how to answer that.
“What has you lot all quiet? Did Brandon do something.” His voice trails off as he looks at the brunette who sits there, her head tilted toward his second.
“Molly?” he whispered and her spine stiffened. She shakes her head, not believing the voice behind her. it couldn’t be, he should’ve left! Slowly, ever so slowly, she turns around and looks at him. Yup, there he stood, and hot as sin. His black hair was straight and long, leading to his black eyes, straight nose and perfect kissable lips that made a girl wonder what he could do with those. His muscles were outlined by a red, short sleeved dress that fitted tight against him. His khaki’s showed off his swimmers calf and hairy legs. I don’t mind a little hair; she’d thought and her eyes shot back up to meet his.
“Tommy, long time no see.” She said to him and turned back to the other man.
“Are you gonna take me away now or do I have to give myself over?” she asked, a little impatiently and a little sadly. She didn’t want to go to jail, it wasn’t fair, but she’d have to anyway.
“We’re not imprisoning you.” He said slowly, as slowly as he could to not anger her. she seemed to be on the brink of lashing out.
“What do you mean you’re not imprisoning me?” she asked slowly, looking deep into the mans black eyes.
“You won’t be going to jail.” He said, backing up. She smelled of anger and frustration. Something wasn’t right.
“But I killed that little boy! You have to imprison me!” she yelled and started to get up. She’d gotten used to the fact that one day all of her crimes would catch up to her. She’d made peace with that. But justice had to be served, and if this man was stepping in the way… well that just wasn’t acceptable to her.
“Molly, that boy didn’t die. He came mighty close to it, but he didn’t die.” He says, putting his hands up and bracing them in front of him.
“What do you mean that boy didn’t die!?” she yelled, walking closer to him and clenching her fists. Now this man was really starting to piss her off. She saw the dead look in that boys eyes, she felt the coldness in his skin.
“Molly, maybe you should calm down.” a male voice says that she ignores.
“I saw him die!”
“Molly!” someone yells and grabs her arm. She gets twirled around and she looks into black eyes. But that’s not what brings her to tears. It’s his hair, his blonde curly hair, and the little pout of his lips. The lips that had felt so cold on her face 18 years ago.
“Surprise.” He says halfheartedly while he snatches his hand off of her arm. Her mouth falls open and tears burn her eyes.
“Evan?” he smiles and nods. It just wasn’t possible. She’d seen the dead look in his eyes, she’d felt the dead cold of his lips, she’d seen the color leave his face.
“But, you were dead. I saw you die.” She babbles over and over. Thomas steps over to them and pushes Evan aside. He puts his warm hands on her leather clad arms and peers into her eyes.
“Calm down, Mol’s, it’s ok. We know what happened, just relax. Please Mol’s, just breathe.” But that doesn’t help, if anything it makes things worse. The use of her nick name makes her heart beat faster and harder. It makes all the lights fade and the weight fall from her body.

Thomas caught her, and pressed her body flush to his. He’d missed her, and he’d no clue that she came back. He put his nose in her hair and breathed in her scent. That delicious scent of coconut and soft lavender that made his wolf howl for her. that made his blood run hot and for him to be aroused to the point of no return.
“Alpha?” Brandon, his second, asked.
“When did she get back?” Thomas asked, keeping his nose in her hair.
“We don’t know, she came in and asked for a burger.” His beta told him, his eyes looking at Molly and Thomas. Without saying anything Thomas twirled around, with Molly limp and lifeless in his arms, and stalked out. It was going to be hard holding her and riding on his motorcycle, but he’d find a way. He sat down and let her limp body straddle him and drove back to his apartment. He carried her all the way up the stairs and into his large room. He laid her down on the bed and looked at her, actually looked at her. she was curvy, but everything was in the right places. Her hips flared and taunted any man into gripping them while she rode him, her breasts were large, but not overly large. She was thick, and strong, everything an alpha female should be. Her pale face had freckles running along her cheeks, her small button nose cute as ever, and her pink lips plump and suckable. Her hair was the same color it’d always been, a warm brown that bordered on black, and it traveled down to the middle of her back.
She moaned softly and slowly opened her eyes. Green peeked from under her lashes as she looked up at him. Slowly she sat up, always keeping eye contact with him, unti she tood erect.
“Tommy?” her silky voice rolled down his body, making his wolf howl in pleasure. She rose up on her knees and looked deep into his eyes. Her face broke out into a brilliant smile tha showed her small white teeth.
“My god, I’ve missed you so much!” she said and threw her arms around him. She hug him close to her body and put her face in the crook of his neck. Whether she realized it or not she was seeking comfort from his scent. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her, his hand skimming the top of her butt but she didn’t seem to notice.
“I’ve been so scared, Tommy, and so alone.” She sobbed into his neck, tickling him wih her breath.
“Where’ve you been Molly?” he asked, squeezing her to his body. She let out a small squeak and giggled.
“I’ve been all around the world Tom.” She said with a light tone then her body tightened.
“Evan, is really alive isn’t he?” she asked softly, her tone bewildered and astounded.
“Yeah, he just went into a shock. You didn’t have to run, I tried to tell you.” He whispered into her har, inhaling her scent deeply. She’d said nothing, she’d only held on, for a little while. Then she’d let go.
“Why am I here?” she asked him, looking down at the black bedding.
“You passed out, so I carried you here. I didn’t know where you lived, or stayed. I didn’t even know you came back.” He said a little hotly, mad that she hadn’t came to him the minute she stepped foot in Tiburon.
“I just came back yesterday; actually, I stayed at a motel at the edge of town.” She said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and moving off the bed.
“You’ve been here a whole day and you didn’t tell me?” he asked, crossing his arms and glaring at her.
“Oh, I’m sorry Thomas. I forgot I was supposed to give you reports before I fell asleep each night.” She replied sarcastically and tugged on her cropped jacket. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my bike.” And with that she walked away from him. Not something that she should’ve done. Using his speed he moved to block her way and grip her forearm.
“Don’t walk away from me.” He grounded out, his teeth elongating. Her eyes narrowed on his and her fist clenched, her scent flaring with arousal and anger. Making a smell that drugged his wolf.
“You don’t own me Thomas, the sooner you realize that. The easier my stay will be.” She said and ripped her arm away from his hand. She strutted away and slammed the door on her way out. For now, he’d thought, for now she’d be able to walk away. But he’d a plan to fix that.

The nerve of some people! Sure it’d been a surprise when she’d awoken and found that Thomas was standing over her. Her body flared to life at his presence and she was overridden with pure giddiness. She’d hugged him and told him about how scared she was, how alone she’d felt. She’d softened. She’d been here for less than a week and already she was softening. She couldn’t soften. She knew that sooner or later she’d have to run, she’d rather it be later but sometimes life didn’t go the way she wanted, and when she did she didn’t want her heart to ache when she left. She’d stormed down the stairs and out the downstairs door. She could clearly make out the McFurly’s sign. Of course it was a couple of blocks away, but she’d needed the exercise. She wasn’t at all weight conscious, but she did like to actually look like a woman, and not just a lump.
She started her trek towards the food place when he came down, stumbling and stuttering.
“Where’re you going?” he asked quickly, she turned around to see he had sweat on his brow and he was breathing heavy. A look of pure terror in his inky pools.
“To get my bike.” She said and then started to walk away again.
“You’re leaving again?” he asked, grabbing her hand softly.
“I don’t know what I’m doing.” She told him snatching her hand away from his grasp.
“Please don’t leave, look, I’m sorry for being a jerk. Just please stay.” He begged, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward him.
“I can’t stay.” She said quietly.
“And why can’t you? Evan isn’t dead-“
“It wasn’t only about him. I was tired of being the odd one out. You were the only one that liked me; you were the only one that talked to me. And now it’s only gonna be you out of a city of about 300. I can’t do that, I can’t be an orphan again.” She told him, looking straight into his black eyes, snatching her hand away from his but standing her grand. They were so close to each other, she could smell the male smell of him. She could smell his minty breath and feel his heat. She didn’t want to kill him; she’d killed the others because they were bad. She’d known what they’d done, that’s why she’d touched them. She had a gift, to make bad people go away. But Thomas wasn’t bad. He was nowhere near bad, he was her friend.
“You won’t be, they found your parents’ while you were gone. They looked for you, sent out fliers but the only pictures they had of you were when you were 9.” Her parents’. She’d never known them; she’d seen pictures of them one time when she’d snuck into Miss Mary’s file cabinet. She’d seen her mothers long brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and her father’s black hair ruffled and untamed on the security camera photo. They’d both looked terried as they laid her down in a crumpled newspaper. But she’d never met them. She’d been told by the other kids that they didn’t want her, they left her in a newspaper bundle with a note saying that they weren’t ready. She’d been heartbroken at the time, but as she grew older she realized that some people weren’t made to be mothers and fathers.
“My, my parent’s?” she whispered, as a car whizzed by. She closed her eyes and shook her head; she took a step back and braced her hands.
“That doesn’t mean anything. I can’t stay here Tom, I’ll try to stay as long as I can but it hurts too much to be here.” She said softly.
“No, no, no wait. Ok, I understand ok? I know it’s been awhile but you just can’t leave. There are people here that need you-“
“No one needs me! I sent a little boy into shock that could’ve easily killed him! I am a killer! Ok! I’m saying it out in the open, for everyone to hear! Molly Turanga is a killer! No one needs killers; I’m the person that messes everything up! I’m the person that makes good things turn bad! But I won’t do that here. I won’t mess up anyone’s life. Not anymore.” She told him, tears streaming down her face. She looked at him for a little while longer then turned on her heel and ran toward McFurly’s.

He watched as she teared up. He watched as she ran away from him as fast as she could. And he felt dead inside. To have his mate and his best friend run away and cry because of him felt terrible. His wolf clawed at his brain and howled in anger.
“Molly, jeez, wait!” he yelled after her and ran toward her. Sensing him behind her she whirled around and held her hands toward him.
“I do not want to kill you Thomas, but if you stop me from leaving I’ll have to.” Her voice was grave and shaky. He watched her warily.
“What exactly do you plan on doing, huh, sweetheart?” he asked in a low voice, taunting her. He stepped closer and watched as her hands grew shakier.
“I’ll touch you.” She threatened, or tried to threaten, he couldn’t help the small smile that formed on his lips.
“I don’t think that’ll kill me. It might do something else, but kill is definitely not it.” He told her and he watched her lick her lips and swallow.
“Please don’t make me do it.” She begged him, her eyes starting to water again.
“You might as well ‘touch me’ ‘cuz I’m not letting you leave here.” He told her, taking another step close. Grunting she touched his heart. He raised an eyebrow at her and she looked at her hand in horror. She did it again, putting a little force into it.
“Sweetheart, it’s not doing anything.” He told her, amused and confused. She’d tried to kill him, by touching him. That was how other’s got killed but it had no effect on mates’.
“Now it fails me.” She mumbles and looks up at him.
“I’m still not staying-“
“Why!?” he exploded, his anger besting him “Because you’re afraid you’ll hurt someone?! Can’t happen anymore, your ‘powers’ are gone! Afraid you’ll get too attached?! Too late because you long for home! You long for this place, you want to belong! So pray tell, what excuse you will bless me with now!?” he yelled at her, stepping closer to her. His wolf was so close now, he knew it. He felt his canines elongate, he felt his claws descend, but he could care less. He would not allow his mate to deny him. She glared at him, hard, trying to hate him. Really trying, he could tell. He knew his eyes changed, but she knew that already. She knew that sometimes when he got ‘overwhelmed’ his eyes changed from their original color to amber.
“I just can’t Tommy, and if you knew me and you cared for me you’d understand that. I’ve been away too long, the roads are my home.” She said, dejected and wounded. He immediately felt like an ass. He’d snapped just because he’d wanted her to stay. Just as he was calming down he saw the little twinkle in her eye, the little spark of mischief. She’d been playing with him and he felt for it. He played along though; he softened his demeanor and hugged her. She hugged him back tentatively and that’s when he attacked. He kissed her neck softly; his teeth elongated, and scraped her fine smooth skin. She tasted like strawberries. So, so sweet. She gasped and broke away from him; she put her hand over her neck and scrunched up her cute little nose.
“Jerk.” She spat then strutted away. He gave a low whistle as he looked at her ass move in the black skinny jeans she wore. She flipped him off but kept moving, he honestly had no choice but to follow her.

She thought she had him, honestly by his face she thought she had him fooled. But the bastard did that weird thing where his teeth got abnormally sharp. He’d been able to do that since he was 5, she was the only one he was allowed to tell. Back then it’s been an honor, now it was just annoying. Especiialy since when he did that a wave of wetness gushed from her, and she’d had to bite her lip to keep back the moan. Now he followed her, he could probably smell her arousal, all the way to McFurly’s. she’d kept her head held high though, she kept her stride confident, and her anger in check. When she reached the place she immediately went for her Harley and straddled it.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked dangerously, bracing his hands on the handle bars, leaning into her face.
“Since you’ve made it so evident that I can’t leave, I have to go find a place to sleep. If it’s okay with you though daddy?” she sneered, and revved the engine once. Trying to scare him but she knew, he didn’t scare easily, it was gonna take something big to scare him. And she had just the thing. Thomas was a very jealous boy, he was jealous of the other boys from the orphanage, he was jealous of the other girls from the orphanage. He was jealous of the adults that talked to her! Just because they did. He didn’t like anybody to touch her; he didn’t like anybody to speak to her. She could remember one time, when they were 8; she had a crush on a boy from the orphanage. Johnny Wittle, whose blue eyes and brown hair had reeled her in like a fish from water. He’d been so scared, he cried actually, when she told him about it. He begged her not to like him anymore, he begged her to see that he was mean and bad. Of course she knew Johnny Wittle was not any of those things, but to see him cry was a terrible thing. So she agreed never to even look at him and he hugged her tightly. The memory floated away and she smiled inwardly.
“My boyfriend is waiting for me at the motel on the edge of town. I told him I’d be back before sundown. I don’t like to disappoint.” She told him and watched as his face blanched.
“What do you mean your boyfriend?” his voice cracked a little and she fought the bought of emotion that plagued her.
“My boyfriend, the boy who I’m dating, the one I’m sleeping with.” She said cruelly, her heart breaking with each word she uttered. His eyes narrowed dangerously and she thought she could hear a faint rumble in his chest.
“First of all, no other man can touch you without dying or going into a state of shock. Second of all, you’re lying. You know can’t lie to me Molly, I don’t even know why you try.” He said, his eyes flicking to amber again. How he had known any of that, she didn’t think she’d ever know, but she wasn’t afraid of him, in fact at this moment she was bordering on hating him.
“Get off my bike, Thomas, or I swear to the good lord I will run you over.” She threatened, this time meaning every word. He cocked an eyebrow at her and showed off one shiny canine. Growling she revved the engine once, he still didn’t move. She kicked up the kick stand and revved the engine once more. His expression cleared a little, but she was in no mood to be forgiving. She put up her feet, revved the engine, knocking him over in the process, and sped off. The engine sounded harsh to her ears, like evil laughter, but she kept revving until she was going fast enough.

Chapter 2

Growling she made a fast u- turn, her foot skimming the road, and sped back to McFurly’s. He stood there, confident, with his arms folded. And god how she hated that, she pulled her bike to the side of the road and got off. She stormed to stand in front of him.
“You done with your little temper tantrum yet sweetheart?” he asked cockily, his black eyes shining with amusement. Grunting she kicked him in his balls, he doubled over in pain landing on his knees and she smiled smugly.
“Now I am.” She muttered and strutted back to the bike and straddled. “See you around Tommy.” She told him and revved off to the motel.

God that hurt, it hurt worse than sin. But it hurt more, knowing that she’d done it to spite him. He leaned up in time to witness her driving toward the north, there was only motel in that direction. He’d go as soon as his balls stopped burning. Grunting he wobbled into the burger joint, where everyone automatically assumed their regular positions sitting down and chatting.
“Nosy wolves.” He mumbled and sat down at the counter.
“She socked ya pretty hard there.” Sarah says from behind the counter.
“Yeah, yeah. Just give me a scotch.” He grumbled, taking caution to not sit directly on his package.
“Not even sun down.” she grumbled, getting his drink ready.
“Never stopped him before Sarah.” Brandon, his second, said sidling up next to him. She put his drink in front of him and shot him an accusing look, then went to the other customers along the bar.
“Is she gonna take her place as alpha?” he asked, grasping a handful of nuts from the small glass. The smokers must have come out, because the place was starting to get heavily fogged.
“She doesn’t even know what we are.” Thomas told him, taking a sip of his drink.
“I thought you told her-“
“I made up several lies, not something I’m proud of, but something I had to do.” Thomas dismissed him, his lip curling back at the sting in his drink.
“You lied to the alpha?” Brandon asked, his eyes bulging at the thought.
“Are you forgetting that I’m also alpha?” Thomas asked, putting his drink down and glared at Brandon.
“No, but I think you’ve forgotten the golden rule.” Brandon said, huffing and getting up off he seat.
“And what is that?” Thomas asked, following every movement Brandon made with angry eyes.
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Brandon said with a little smirk and walked out of the burger joint. He sat there mulling that over in his mind, when Sarah approached him.
“H’s right ya know.” She said, wiping the counter top, a bit of curly red hair framing her heart like face. “If my mate lied to me, to try and ‘keep me safe’ I’d kick his ass ten ways too Wichita.” She said with a cycnical little smile.
“What if it was to spear your feelings?” he asked her, taking another sip. Round black eyes looked up at him and she ceased her wiping.
“She’s a grown woman now, Tommy, you can’t protect her from every little thing. I get it, you’re scared she’ll run. I get it, you’re afraid she’ll shut down on you. But even if she runs again, she’ll come back, even if she shut’s down on you she’ll always come back. If I understand mating the correct way, you’ll always come back to each other. Through thick and thin. You just gotta give her time Tom. She’ll come back to you, just wait.” And with that and a pat on the cheek she went into the back.
“She doesn’t talk much, but when she does it’s like she’s a frigging scholar or something.” Carol says, sidling up beside him.
“Tell me about it.” He mumbled finishing his drunk.
“I mean that was like deep, and I mean really, really deep.” She said, putting her blue manicured hands on the table.
“Yeah, I got that Carol.” He mumbled, playing with the misted glass.
“I don’t think you did. What I meant to say was, get off your ass alpha and go get your woman.” She said, rolling her black eyes. Sarah came back out with a tray of food in one hand and a tray of drinks in the other and smiled gratefully at Carol.
“Thanks Carrie.” She said and went to the table who had ordered the bout of food.
“I hate that name and you know it you little heifer.” She said and smiled vindictively. Carol’s nickname was Carrie after the movie. She seemed cute and soft with her little button nose, small pink lips, blue eye contacts to cover her actual black, and blonde curly hair. But if you fucked with her too much, or messed with her pack, she could and would torture and kill you in the most absurd ways.
“She won’t talk to me, and I don’t feel up to causing a scene. At least not today.” He said, sounding dejected.
“Send me, I’m not about to deny starting a little drama.” Carol said, her face brightening up. Thomas mulled it over, tasting it in his mouth and thought about.
“Doesn’t make sense to do it. It’s not like I’m gonna force her into sex at my place. So it’s all just a waste.” He said finally and stood. His idea to come after her no longer standing in his mind. He just wanted to go home, try to figure out a way to fix this, and put some cold peas to his balls.

She felt pretty good when she returned to the motel, she’d gotten her hit and she’d spoken her mind. Two for one really. She picked up a slice of pizza from the new pizza parlor in town and sat down to watch some television. She’d taken a shower after she’d eaten and was just getting settled in her sleep shorts and a yellow tank top when the door knocked. Her heart immediately leapt to her throat as she stiffened.
“Molly? Molly it’s me, Carol Yvintsky.” A female voice said from the door. She only knew one Carol Yvintsky, and if this was the one she most definitely was not answering that door. Carol was the fiercest girl in the 4th grade. She stole apple juices from the lower grade, sometimes the upper grade, she constantly stole supplies from the teachers and the main office. God knows what she did now for a cheap thrill!
“You can either open the door now, or I’ll pick it then you’ll never be safe again.” She had to be safe, so she opened the door and Carol stood there. Her hands in her leather pocket and a smile on her small lips.
“Long time no see doll, didn’t think to even write?” she strode in and took in her surroundings. There wasn’t much, a stiff twin size med, a small table, two wooden chairs, a TV stand, and a TV. Basic at its highest point.
“What is it, exactly, do you want Carol?” Molly asked, folding her arms and sizing up er new enemy. Just because her hands had been her basic defense didn’t mean that she didn’t know how to fight. She could use a gun, knife, and she could punch the shit out of you and kick your head off. Well not literally, but a girl could dream couldn’t she? Carol was just a smidge smaller than her, not much, but enough for her to relax.
“Well the old boss man told me to come over and give you a welcome.” She said cheerily and Molly narrowed her eyes. She knew Carol wsa lying, that had been one of her ‘gifts’. If someone was lying, she just knew, it was like something switched on inside her.
“The real reason Carol. Cheaters’ comes on and it’s a new episode.” Molly said impatiently taking on step closer. Carol sighed and took another step closer.
“He didn’t want me to come over, but I just wanted to say hi. We were like best friends before… all this happened.” She sounded so dejected, but she knew it was a lie. And she told her so.
“That’s a load of bull and we both know i. so I’d appreciate it if you would be so kind as to leave now.” Molly said, walking to the door and opening it. Carol narrowed her eyes for a second then nodded.
“OK, then, you want your privacy. I respect that. See you tomorrow then.” She said, walking out. Molly rolled her eyes and closed the door; locking it behind her she muttered “Highly doubt it.” And flopped on the bed. She was tempted to just stay in bed, the whole next day, but she didn’t want to give that bustard the smug satisfaction of knowing he got to her. so, smiling, she took her shower brushed her teeth and did her hair. She’d have to look for a job and an actual apartment today, it was important to be in high spirits. She pinned her hair wet up as she got dressed on a black pleated mini skirt, with thigh high black and white striped socks with little skulls at the top and black Mary Jane heels. She wore a white tube top, spritzed on some of her perfume and set out to do her hair. She, particularly, like this outfit.
Things seemed to go her way when she put it on, and things needed to go her way today. She blew her hair out with the hair dryer the motel serviced to the room, and put it in two ponytails. Completing the innocent school girl look. She walked to the closet and took out her leather jacket and put it on. Grabbing her motorcycle key and the room key she walked out the door. She strutted to her bike, aware of all the males’ eye’s on her, and straddled it. She’d ridden the bike in a skirt before, a couple of times because she couldn’t plan things through, others because the time called for it. She revved the engine once and drove slowly through the streets. Everyone looked at her some people waved, others’ smiled, most of them just stopped and stared. She parked in front of McFurly’s and stepped off the bike, careful not to flash everyone in the damn town. She walked into the burger joint and al the eyes immediately slammed to her. She couldn’t tell who was who, because everyone’s eyes were black. Not back like Evan black, but the actual color of their eyes. She walked to the bar and was surprised when the girl stepped around the bar and hugged her.
“Oh, the good lord knows I’ve missed you so much.” She says and the place laughs and goes back to eating. She drops her arms from her and steps back around the counter.
“What can I help you with?” she asks, her happy heart face beaming with a smile. Molly was about to answer when the bell ringed in the window.
“Och, hold on a minute, won’t ya doll?” she asked and picked up the tray of pancakes and pancake then walked it to the table it was for. There wasn’t much light in McFurly’s, when she was growing up it was a big people bar, now she knew why. The bar/ burger joint had every alcohol from 1 to Z underneath the counter underneath her hands. The interior was all black; it only had two small windows on the left side of the place. And that was where you ate at. If you wanted to drink, however, on the right side is where you’d go. Wooden tables, wooden chairs, and a juke box machine made for a cool bar. But sometimes, if she was lucky, or cried really hard, Thomas’s parents’ would buy her a burger from there.
“Ok, sorry about that. Now what was it you wanted?” the girl asked, her tone sweet and her eyes patient.
“I need a job, and right now you’re the only one I trust in this town.” Molly whispered to her, leaning forward on the counter. The girls’ eye’s scanned her face then she blew out a bout of air.
“You could be one of our waitresses; it would take a load off my back. The job doesn’t pay much though.” Her tone was hopeful and Molly smiled gratefully.
“Thanks so much…”
“Sarah Middleton.” She said then went around the counter to wait the tables.
“You can start today if you’d like, doesn’t really mean a difference to me.” Sarah told her before asking someone what they wanted.
“Oh, ok sure. What should I do?” she asked, standing up. Sarah threw her an apron and she took oof her leather jacket. She could see all the males try extremely hard not to look at her and she smiled while she tied the apron around her neck and middle.
“Ok, so table wants 3 orange juice and one coffee.” Sarah told her, getting the drinks ready.
“Ok, yeah, I can do that.” Molly said, grabbed a brown tray and put the orange juice and the coffee on ti. She walked to the table Sarah pointed out and very easily, and very quietly she poured the orange juice and sat down the coffee.
“Anything else?” she asked, happy she hadn’t disturbed their conversation.
“No thank you, that’ll be all.” The female said, smiling up at Molly. And with that Molly walked away, the little person in her head clapping and whistling for the star performance.
“Just keep doing that all day and you’ll be fine.” Sarah commented, and then after that there weren’t many words spoken.

Thomas woke to him being yelled at by a female. Wasn’t really anything new, seeing as half the time some of the females from his pack yelled at him. But this female was different, he recognized her voice and he sat up.
“It’s about time you wake up! Why the hell didn’t you tell us she was back!” she yelled hitting him on the head with a pillow with each word.
“Well, she kinda sprung it on me too. I’ve been trying to convince her not to run, but she’s as stubborn as a mule.” He said, rubbing his head and looking around.
“How the hell did you get it my room?” he asked, extremely confused.
“I picked your lock, not that you need it anyway. Don’t try to change the subject, where is she?” she asked, and he looked up into the green eyes of Molly’s mother. Molly’s mother was human, one of his father’s wolves had saved her life and it was impossible to separate them even if you had a sharp pair of scissors.
“I saw her go north, there’s only one motel north. I don’t know if that’s where she is or not.” He grumbled laying back down.
“God, you are no help at all!” she shrieked and stormed away from him. At least I got quiet, he thought to himself with a smug smile as he fell back to sleep.

Everything had went smoothly for Molly for the whole day, she wasn’t even feeling tired. When it hit about seven-ish she realized she was gonna like it here. That’s when all the night owls came out. The juke box was thrown on, shot glasses came out, and the place was getting heavy with smoke. She couldn’t have been happier.
“What can I get ya doll?” she asked two men, she had taken off her apron and now she stood in her white tube top with her ponytails’ rubbing her shoulders.
“Two of you and a shot of patron.” One said, laughing with the other. She smiled a little and got him his shot.
“And you?” she asked the other one, he sucked his lips and his eyes went up.
“Rum and coke please.” He said after awhile and she smiled. She fixed him his drink and set it down, she eyed his drink with envy. She couldn’t drink on the job, sure she could buy herself a drink, but that would make her lucid and fuckable to any man who could talk her into it.
“Beer please?” the man from yesterday asked, not looking at her but talking to another male. She swatted down and got him a cold beer, cracked it open, and gave it to him. He hadn’t looked at her yet, but she had a feeling he would. He sat the beer down, fetched out his wallet and pulled out a ten.
“Keep the change sweet-“ he looked up and his eyes bulged.
“Sweet lord, what one this earth are you doing here?” he hissed at her, leaning on the counter. Werewolves had damn good hearing, and he wanted this talk to be private.
“I’m working here now. So if you’d excuse me.” She said and strutted to the other end of the bar where people called for her. Brandon watched her strut off in a mini skirt and a tube top and took a swig of his beer. She had a death wish for her to come out like that and actually conversate with other males in the pack.
“Brandon, dude, just calm down. nothing’s gonna happen, she was very separate from us.” Kevin said, drinking his shot.
“You better hope nothing is gonna happen. Because if Tom decides to actually come out tonight the world is going to hell-“ he was cut off by the door opening and the whole place cheering. Good lord, the alpha had come. “In a hand basket.” He finished his sentence and pinched his nose bridge. Maybe if he got wasted everything would be all right in the morning. Liking that idea Brandon reached over and took Jeremiah’s rum and coke.
“The fuck dude?” Jeremiah asked, shooting a death glare at Brandon.
“You don’t need it.” But before he could put his lips on the rim, a small hand stopped him and excruciating pain filled him. He immediately stepped away from the hand and put the drink down.
“If you want a drink, ask for one.” She told him, keeping her voice low, she hadn’t put in her contacts today and he saw anger flash there.
“Crown on the rocks then.” Brandon said, fishing out a 20. She fixed his drink quickly, gave it to him ad snatched the 20.
“Sorry no change.” She sneered, then passed the rum and coke to Jeremiah. When she walked away to the new people that had come Jeremiah stuck his tongue out at Brandon.
“Whatever, dude, you were just defended by a girl. That’s pretty low.” Brandon said and walked away from the bar, leaving Kevin to laugh at Jeremiah alone.

Thomas had decided to come out tonight; he wasn’t going to wallow in humiliation. That just wasn’t his style, he didn’t wallow. The whole bar had cheered when he came in and he smiled. He went straight to the bar and waited for the new girl to see him. She looked pretty hot. She had a mini skirt on that came down to the top of her thigh, meaning that if she bent over just the wrong way he would get a glimpse of her tasty bits. She had on knee high socks, and black Mary Jane heels. She was just getting finished putting Brandon in his place when he sat down. not long to wait now. While he waited a female sidled up to him and practically rubbed herself over him.
“Hey Tommy.” She said huskily, flipping her black hair over her shoulder, leaving it bare. A sign for mating.
“Hey.” He didn’t really have time or patience to remember everyone’s name. but he remembered the majority of the pack, so that had to count for something. The bar maiden was just about to turn when se stopped in her tracks. He looked from the girl to her and his mout popped opne. It was Molly, his Molly, dressed like that. His mouth opened and closed several times over and Molly came.
“Hey Tommy, what can I get for you?” she asked him, not looking at him at all, but looking at the girl who was practically sitting on his lip.
“He likes crown on the rocks.” The girl answered for him and he thought he saw Molly’s eyes narrow for just a second.
“And what would you like?” she asked, putting his drink together with skilled hands.
“Sex on the beach.” At that Molly chortled, shook her head, and put his drink down in front of him. She worked to put the martini together and place it in front of the girl with a wooden umbrella.
“Anything else?” Molly asked, stepping away from the bar.
“Nope, we’re good.” Molly nods once and goes to the other end of the bar. Thomas snapped out of it and downed his drink, ignoring the burning his drink.
“Off, off me right now” he growled to the female.
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” she hissed at him, her body tensing up.
“Is there a problem here?” Molly asked, suddenly standing there with venom in her eyes and her arms crossed.
“None that concerns you half breed.” The girl hissed and Molly raised her brow.
“Well that’s a new one, but I’m pretty sure I’ve been called worse. I’m pretty sure you have too, judging by how you’re practically dry humping him. But I’m not gonna get mean, because I have a skirt on, and I’m not looking forward to flashing the whole bar. I do suggest, however, that you get off of him.” Molly said, all the while being calm and collected. Something, he guessed, took a long time to master.
“And why is that?” the female asked, not noticing the shift in power going on. The whole bar noticed, that’s why everyone suddenly got quiet and stopped moving.
“Because if you don’t, and he told you to, I will make your life a living hell. I don’t know if you know what that is, but I can guarantee you that you don’t wanna know. So just remove your skanky ass from his lap, and everyone can go back to having a good time.” Molly said, walking closer to the counter. The female slapped Molly in a fast motion and Jason nearly stood, but a hand landed on his shoulder, telling him not to move. Molly’s face turned back, a hand print on the side of her face, and sneered.
“Not what I told you to do now was it?” she growled, reached to grab the female’s hair and slammed her face to the counter. She did it twice more then made the female look at her.
“Leave.” Molly said and the girl scampered trying to get away. She took a deep breath and, without sparing even one glance at Jason, picked up a bottle of patron and cuervo.
“Shot’s anyone?” she asked and the whole bar erupted in cheering and howls.

Chapter 3

Well that had felt exhilarating, and embarrassing. But she taught that bitch a lesson. Of course she didn’t know what a half breed was, but that didn’t matter. She’d guessed it was insulting; she didn’t like people who insulted others. She poured shots for everyone who came and they all beamed at her.
“Can I talk with you?” he asked and she rolled her eyes, pouring yet another glass.
“Kinda busy right now, or have you not noticed?” she told him, and busied herself with wiping the countertop.
“Well yeah, I’ve noticed. But this is urgent.” He told her, leaning on the counter top. She sighed and looked up at him, stilling her hand.
“What is it Thomas?” she asked him, cocking her head to the side and bracing her hands on the counter top.
“About what happened earlier-“
“If this is some kind of ‘she was just there’ speech, I honestly do not want to hear it. I don’t own you and you don’t own me. I was just helping a friend out.” She told him, cutting him off and viciously wiping the counter with the dirty rag.
“Is that what you think you were doing?” there was amusement in his voice that made her head snap up to meet his.
“Do not test me Tommy, because I will kick your balls again.” She snarled at him and went to where others’ were calling her.
“I’m being serious, is that what you really think you were doing?” he asked her while she made the girls’ martini.
“Are you really trying to tell me you don’t feel anything between us?” She gave the girl her martini and glared at him.
“You don’t know me Tom; you haven’t known me since I was 10. I don’t like My Little Pony anymore, I hate sparkles, and I do not listen to ACDC anymore, ok? You know nothing about me! So for you to sit there and pretend like we have some sort of ‘connection’ is just a load of bull.” she hissed at him and stormed to the other side of the bar, hoping to get away from him. The juke box was as loud as ever, and it didn’t help that everyone was talking and laughing, it made everything physically impossible to hear. He followed her all the way to the other side, having to push past several people.
“Are you the only one working?” he asked and she huffed.
“No, Sarah is manning the food. There are other waitresses somewhere out there.” She told him, leaning on the counter and waiting for someone to order.
“So can we talk outside for a little while.” He asked, his tone sounding hopeful. Before she could answer Carol sidled up behind the bar.
“Hey! Leave my friend alone! She’s very Molly, pretty you are pretty.” She said, her breath reeking of alcohol. She giggled when she realized her mistake.
“You’re pretty, you are very pretty Molly.” She leered and hiccupped once.
“Ugh, Carol you’re wrecked.” Molly commented and wrapped her arm around Carol’s waist.
“I’m taking you to the motel.” Molly said, getting her jacket.
“The hell you are! The party is just getting started! Isn’t that right boys!” she yelled at the males who were drinking their drink. They all cheered and whooped, making Carol laugh. Then the worst thing happened, the jukebox changed and Carol stiffened. They were greeted with the base line to Seven Nation Army and Thomas’ eyes bulge and he stiffened.
“God no.” he muttered and Carol pushed away from Molly to stand on the counter top.
“I’m gonna fight ‘em off! A seven nation army couldn’t hold me back! They’re gonna rip it off, taking their time right behind my back!” she sung at the top of her lungs and everyone went crazy. Her heels clicked on the countertop as she tapped her shoe to each word she sung. She bobbed her head and strutted down the counter top, matching each drum tap with her heel click.
“Don’t wanna hear about it, every single one’s got a story to tell! Everyone knows about it! From the queen of England to the hounds of hell!” she said wiggling to her haunches in front of the male who ordered the rum and coke. He howled and joined her on top of the counter top, gaining a few howls from the men and cheers from the women. He played air drums and she sung, still walking along the counter top.
“And the feeling coming from my bones says find a home!” she yelled and Thomas got up and did electric guitar. Everyone went crazy and jumped up and down. They all got quiet with the quiet part and then all together clapped.
“I’m going to Wichita, far from this opera forever more! I’m gonna work the straw! Make the sweat drip from every pore! And I’m bleeding, and I’m bleeding, and I’m bleeding right before the lord! All the words are gonna bleed from me and I will think no more!” she bobbed her head and sung into her fake microphone. They finished the song with a hip jerk from Thomas and laughter, drunken happy laughter, and they got a brilliant round of applause and multiple howls. The male hopped down and Carol jumped into his arms. She giggled when everyone gave her pecks on the cheek on the forehead. Thomas hopped down, on the side of the bar, and smiled at her.
“That happens almost every night. We try to keep it from this particular song, because that just makes her more vibrant.” He said breathlessly. But Molly couldn’t say anything, out of shock and pure lust for him. Her eyes scanned his muscular chest, his neck that was now coated with a thin sheen of sweat. God how she wanted to just taste, just to have one sweet lick and taste him. A few strands of his black hair in his face, one directly over his eye begging for her to move it. She bit her lip and moved away from him, too much too fast.
“I have to go take Carol home, or at least back to the motel.” She told him, pulled on her jacket and went out to find Carol. A beat came on the jukebox and she smiled. Now someone was just trying to goad her. She stood still and tried to look for Carol but someone pulled her to the counter top. Everyone else clapped while she looked into his black eyes.
“Paranoia is in bloom, the PR transmission will resume, they try to push drugs to keep us all dumbed down and hope that we will never see the truth around. So come on!” he sung to her, his voice just as lyrical as ever.
“Another promise another scene another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed, and all the green belts wrapped around our minds! And unless red tape to keep the truth confined! So come on!” she sung back to him, her cheeks flaming with the howls they received. But nothing seemed to matter but him, his body and his voice.
“They will not force us, they will stop degrading us! They will not control us!! We will be victorious!!” he put his hand on her hip, grazing the skin and sending delicious tremors and hot liquid down her body. They sung like that, his hand on her hip, back and forth for the rest of the song. They were both sweaty and out of breath when the song ended, but they were still lost in each other’s eyes. His eyes dipped to her lips and her eyes dipped to his neck.
“I want to go home now.” Carol said, tugging on Molly’s sock. That broke the spell that was placed between them and Molly looked down to Carol. Her eyes kept going in and out of focus, which wasn’t a good sign.
“I, uhm, I gotta go.” She told him, but he didn’t let go of her hip, if anything he just squeezed. The pain sending a gush of liquid out of her hot, pink folds. She whimpered slightly and stepped out of his grasp.
“I gotta go, see ya tomorrow Tom.” She told him and hopped off the bar. She grabbed Carol’s hand and pulled her out the bar. Ignoring the tall drink of pure lust standing on the counter top.

God he was hard, his cock strained against his zipper and he hopped off the bar before he embarrassed himself.
“Hey man, that was hot.” Jeremiah said, putting one hand on his shoulder.
“Tell me about it.” Thomas said and shrugged out of his hands. He left the bar, but saw no sign of his woman. Her tantalizing scent called to him, she must’ve had to been really, really wet for him to still scent her. He was losing it, he either needed to follow her to her motel and fuck her until they were both writhing in pleasure, or he had to go home and take a cold shower. His wolf was leaning towards the first one, but the reasonable side was leaning toward the latter. He couldn’t do that to her though, he wouldn’t do that to her. He stormed to his bike, kicked up the kick stand and revved toward his apartment. He stormed up his stairs, yanked off his clothes and turned the shower to its coldest temperature. The cold water hit his heated flesh and he let out a ragged breath, it wasn’t enough. He wanted so bad to just sink his self into her hot willing body, he wanted to fuck her good and raw and make her his in every way possible. But he couldn’t do that to her. Not now, not yet. Soon his cock went flaccid and he washed off all the sweat he had on him from tonight. He lay in bed that night, dreaming of muse and miniskirts.

God she was hot, she clenched her legs as tight as she could on the bike while she rode to the motel. Carol shifted uncomfortably behind her but she paid no mind, that encounter had made her body high strung. One touch from him would shoot off and arrow of pleasure so deep she doubted if she would be able to recover from it. They arrived and Molly ran straight to the bathroom, she heard Carol mumble something and close the door. Molly locked the door and sunk down to the floor. She didn’t know what that whole thing was but now she needed something. She needed something to fill her insatiable need. She ripped off her shoes, socks, shirt and skirt in a few fluid movements. She ripped her hair bands off her hair and shook her fingers through her hair. She took off her white panties and threw them on the floor, not wanting to see exactly how wet he made her. Damn him and his… everything! His muscles, his hair, his scent! God, everything about that man put her body on a maddening frenzy. She turned the water to its coldest and didn’t give herself time to chicken out. She stepped into the frigid water and let out a ragged breath. The cold water instantly cooled her wet skin and she braced her hands on the slick tiles. Her hair, instantly doused, stuck to her back.
She sighed when her body finally relaxed; she had started to clean herself when images racked her brain. Images of him burying deep in her, fucking her raw, making it unable for her to walk for days. Her body instantly responded, making her wet within seconds. She would not touch herself though; she’d never sunk so low as to touch herself. Forcing herself to remain cool, she let the wash cloth soak up as much cold water as she could and she gently wiped her pussy, it felt deeply erotic. Her mind kept flashing to him on top of her, him in back of her, her on top of him. It was just a barrage of emotions. Her body felt so sore now, just waiting for the right touch to set her loose. If she thought hard enough she could think it was Thomas wiping her, whispering sweet words into her ears as he pumped those manly fingers into her. Over and over and over. She breathed and finally her torment was over, she was clean. As clean as she was to let herself be. She stepped out of the shower and dried herself, careful not to be too rough to her tender nipples. She pulled on a tank top and pajama shorts and gingerly walked out the bathroom.
“Well that was a long shower. Did you wash off all your sins?” Carol asked, seeing how carefully she was walking. She flicked the TV channel and looked at her, raising a brow.
“I’m going to sleep, in the morning I can drive you home before I go to work.” Molly told her and laid down gently on her stomach.
“Cool, night Molly.” Carol said, and then the world went black for Molly.

She woke with a start and her body felt reasonably better. She jumped into the shower before the sun lit up the entire world and sighed when the hot water hit her. She washed her hair, wiggled her toes and giggled. She felt unimaginably better. When she got out the shower Carol was still sound asleep on the bed, her light snores filling the room. Shaking her head she went to her bag and pulled out a pair of skin tight jeans, a black tank top and black matching bra and under wear. As she was getting dressed she marveled at how much a cold shower had helped. But she wasn’t looking forward to doing it again. So that meant she had to stay away from Thomas at all times, regardless of the situation. She got dressed and put her hair in one ponytail, too hot to do anything else with it, and went on to wake Carol. She got up, grudgingly and muttering about killing her, and walked outside.
“Well come on, let’s not wait for the grass to grow.” She said and they both walked to the bike. Carol told her where she lived and Molly dropped her off, not moving until she had made it inside.
Molly drove off to work and decided today was going to be a relatively good day. The night, however, was a different story.

Thomas waited until night had come to go out; he busied himself with watching TV and playing the Wii. He dressed in black skinny jeans, not really his style but fashionable, and a white t-shirt. He tousled his black hair with water and out his wallet and phone in his back pockets. He was almost too giddy when he got on the bike but he managed to calm his emotions by the time he got to McFurly’s. he stepped in and was once again cheered by the drinkers who had already had their fair share but would continue to drink. He walked directly to the bar and sat down. today she was jut plain. She had on jeans that fit her like a second skin, a black tank top, and black converse. Nothing extra at all, even her hair was in a ponytail. She turned to him and smiled softly,
“What can I get you?” she asked softly, already taking out a glass.
“Rum and coke.” He answered and she nodded once. Her skilled hands worked for his drink for about a total of 10 seconds and gave it to him with a red napkin.
“Anything else?” she asked, looking behind him once.
“Uh no.” he said, confused, until he felt the female hand land on his shoulder.
“Can I get a sex on the beach?” the female asked, rubbing her boobs on the back of his head.
“Sure.” Molly said, no emotion in her voice at all. She fixed the girl her drink, put a little umbrella in it, then gave it to her.
“OK, I’ll take the shift now.” Sarah said, coming around and passing Molly the apron.
“Thanks,” Molly said tying the apron around her neck “see ya around Tommy.” She muttered and went to the other side.
“What the hell?” he muttered under his breath and Sarah shrugged.
“She asked to work the food tonight, she just started working so I wanted to make it easier for her.” She explained but he heard none of it, only thing that he actual made sense of was the fact that his mate had walked away from him. Again!
“Tell her to come back to the bar.” He growled, nearly shattering the glass in his hand.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do that. It’s her choice whether or not she wants to work on this side. And if she tells me no, I’ll be conflicted. My wolf gets agitated when I get conflicted and then there’s no more miss nice one.” Sarah rambled and he huffed. She was right, as mate to the alpha Molly was alpha of the females.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” He grumbled and shot from the seat, bumping the girl back. He strolled over to the other side, which was equally packed, and up to the countertop.
“What can I get-“Molly started cheerily, but her voice trailed off when she saw him. No doubt his eyes were amber now, he was ticked.
“Oh, you were hungry too?” she asked, bemused, cocking her head to the side.
“I am hungry, but I don’t think any of this food will fill my type of hunger.” He purred to her, putting his hands on the counter top and resting on them. He saw her visibly swallow and smelled her arousal lift up to his nose.
“Well then, maybe your friend over there could help you with that. Sadly I only serve the regular food.” Molly sniped back and leaned back against the counter that served as a wall.
“I think you would be capable of helping me.” He quipped back, taking a seat, enjoying their banter.
“See, that isn’t my job. I just serve the food; it’s your decision on whether or not you want to eat it. So tell me, Tommy,” she leaned forward, lowering her eyes to his, her lips so close “would you eat what I gave you?” she asked huskily. He bit back his groan and his eyes flew down to her pretty pink, luscious lips.
“No answer huh?” she sighed and licked her lips. She pulled herself up.
“So I take that as a no you don’t want food?” she asked lightly and he chuckled. She smiled, a real smile, and shook her head.
“I have customers’, you don’t want anything?” she said quickly and pushed herself off the counter.
“Uhm two chili cheese dogs.” He said quickly and she raised an eyebrow.
“Those are huge, how much can you eat?” she asked, writing it down nonetheless, looking at him dubiously.
“If you would’ve let me finish I would’ve said later, so that we could eat it together.” She instantly stopped writing and looked at him.
“Honest intentions, honestly, scouts honor.” He said, raising his hand.
“You weren’t even a scout.” She said, giving one short bark of laughter. She bit her lip and looked at him.
“OK, yeah. I’ll eat with you after my shift is over. As long as it’s completely honest intentions.” She said, pointing the cap at him with every word. He smiled, and nodded once. She smiled softly, ripped the receipt off and tucked it in her apron pocket.
“For later.” She sighed and walked away, working the rest of the counter top.

Chapter 4

The rest of the night he was considerably sweet, he stayed at the counter and bantered with her. He laughed with the others and drunk only beers. She was generally looked forward to their chili cheese dogs. Right before the closed down the kitchen she placed the order and by the time she was off for the day they were ready. She sat down next to him and tucked away a few of the strands that had escaped.
“Had fun?” he asked cheerily and she swatted him on the arm. Huffing she sat down next to him and let her feet relax. The jukebox was still going, but thank fully it was set on a low volume.
“Loads, but I’m starved.” She said and picked up her chili cheese dog. The messiest food known to mankind. There was an art to eating it though. You had to tilt the end of the chili dog upwards ever so slightly so none of it fell off. They both looked at each other and smiled secretly. This was their food, what they always asked for when his parents’ asked what they wanted. So very carefully they interlinked arms so that they each face the others’ dog. They shot each other a look before taking a bite and unlacing their arms. They chewed five times, swallowed then looked to each other.
“Chili cheese chooses me!” they both yelled at the same time then laughed wildly when Sarah and the others shot them a wild look.
“I win.” She said and took a bite of her dog, ignoring the taste of him and only focusing on the chili.
“Like hell you do.” He said and took a bite of his dog. They narrowed their eyes on each other, and that’s what started the messiest eating contest they had ever had. They both ended with chili coating their cheeks puffed to capacity. Sarah huffed and strode to them with a broom in her hand.
“Any particular reason you two are acting like children?” Molly chewed down her food and swallowed.
“Because being an adult is too hard I, for one, miss nap times and snacks.” She said and Thomas finally finished his food.
“How on earth did you do that?” he asked his black eyes wide with amazement and wonder.
“I’ve learned to eat things faster.” She said simply, getting off that topic. She picked up her napkin and wiped the chili from around her mouth. Thomas, however, tried to lick it off. She sighed and wiped his face.
“You’re a bad example for me.” She said half heartedly and stood up.
“Well Sarah, I’m off. See ya tomorrow.” She called, after getting her bag from the back, from the door.
“Well, wait. Are you working the food or the bar tomorrow?” Thomas asked, standing up from his seat. She smiled sweetly at him.
“It’s a surprise doll, see ya tomorrow.” She said and winked. Thomas stood there, grasping his heart.
“What’s the matter, chili dog giving you indigestion?” Sarah asked, sweeping the not so dirty floor.
“No, she hasn’t called me doll since we were 9.” He said, looking after the door and feeling a piece of his broken heart being rebuilt.

It was supposed to be a scorcher that day, the news had said, and that if you were to take a step outside you’d better be prepared. Sighing she pulled on a black strapless maxi dress and put her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. She coated herself with a light spray of cold water, grabbed her bag, and stepped outside. Her lips instantly dried from the heat. She sped to her bike and begged for it to turn on. As soon as it revved she put her foot on the stirrups and drove off. The air felt good, as humid as it was, on her partially wet skin and she lavished in it. She pulled up to McFurly’s and ran inside; where everybody looked at her as if she was crazy.
“It’s fucking hot out there; you’d all better be surprised I just didn’t wear a bra and panties.” She mumbled, shaking her head and walking behind the counter. Sarah smiled and gave the man in front of her an ice tea.
“Thank the good lord for the air conditioner or I would’ve gone crazy a long time ago.” She told her and together they laughed. The day slugged on, they tried to make it as active as possible. But when you’re surrounded by hot, easily angered, cranky people it’s not exactly easy. When the night came, though, it was like the world was completely different. The temperature came down considerably and everyone, it seemed like; who inhabited the town was there. She wasn’t working the bar today though, she was one of the waitresses, and she didn’t want to see another slag with her arms draped around Tommy. She didn’t want to be angered. She made multiple trips to and from the bar, each time never seeing Thomas and her heart sank a little. Until the door opened and everyone cheered. Tommy’s here now you little baby, her mind told her and she smiled softly. He caught her before she could go off with her next tray of drinks.
“You’re not working the counter tonight?” he asked, confusion in his eyes.
“Ah, no. I wanted a little bit of variety in the work place.” She told him and backed away. The jukebox was really playing tonight. She knew all of the songs and she sung them in her head. Her eyes widened when a song came on before she could escape his view and she shook her head.
“No, no, no. Not doing it.” She said and tried to run away but with a tray of drinks it’s hard to do. He grabbed her arm gently and pulled her to the counter top. Everyone’s attention flew to them and she blushed fiercely. She threw him a scathing glare and tried to get down but he, once again, sucked her in by placing a hand on her hip.
“When I wake up, yeah I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you. When I go out, yeah I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who goes along with you.” He starts, his soft voice whispering across my face, making me smile and give Sarah the tray of drinks.
“If I get drunk, yes I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you. And if I haver yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you.” She sung back to him, bending her knees and swaying a little. Everyone else sung the choir with them and they pumped our fists.
“But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more. Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door.”
“When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you. And when the money comes in for the work I'll do I'll pass almost every penny on to you.” She sung to him and walked down the counter top. He looked at her and smiled.
“When I come home, yeah I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you. And if I grow old well I know, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you.” He said and walked to her; once again he put his hand on her hip and looked directly into her eyes.
“But I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more. Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles, to fall down at your door.” they sung to each other, both their hips moving right together. They laughed by the time the song was over and the bar seemed to hold a collective breath, but they still drank and danced. Molly looked into his eyes and kissed him softly, afraid to move and break this moment. His arms were about to wrap around her but the door burst open.
“Dammit to all hell, I’m falling and I ain’t even drunk yet.” A familiar voice said and Molly looked to the new person.
“Holy shit Molly, when the fuck did you get back?!” he yelled and Molly immediately backed into Thomas. Marcus Write had been the meanest S.O.B in the fourth grade. He’d always picked on her, tugged her hair, poked her, and spat spitballs at her. Now that he was all grown up, god knows what he could’ve been capable of. Thomas grasped her elbow, trying to tell her it was Ok, but it wasn’t Ok. Every vein in her body was telling her to leave. She’d had fun while she could, but now it was over. She’d had her little holiday away.
“Molly, you’re just not gonna answer me? I think that’s kind of rude, don’t you?” he asked, walking to the counter. She was about to back into Thomas again when her mind actually turned on. You can protect yourself dummy. She jumped off the counter top and stood directly in front of him.
“Yes I am back, nice to see you again Marcus.” She told him with a cynical little smile.
“You look extremely different.” He said putting his hand on her elbow. He narrowed his eyes “really different”. He looked her up and down then and reached up to tug her hair.
“I think I like it.” He said with a small smile and she punched him in the stomach, causing everyone who formed a small discrete circle around them to groan.
“Don’t fucking touch me, douche bag.” She spat at him, and then walked to take the tray from Sarah.
“Which table?” she asked and when Sarah pointed her in the direction, numbly, she went and gave the guys their beer. She was about to go ask the table next to them if they wanted anything when everything got loud. She looked back to the bar to see a whole cluster of people surrounding two people fighting. She had yet to witness a bar fight; tonight might’ve been her lucky night. If Sarah hadn’t gotten up on the counter and called for her, with a terrified expression. She put the tray on the table closest to her and ran to the circle. Only to find that Tommy and Marcus were the fighters.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop.” She said, grabbing Tommy’s arms before he could swing the next hit. He struggled against her and she let him go. He was straddled on top of an already bloodied Marcus, but yet he still kept hitting him. Sighing she pressed three fingers to his pressure points and he sagged in her arms.
“I’m taking off early, Sarah.” Molly told Sarah as she reached for her bag. She hefted a half conscious Tommy into her arms and, using the super strength she somehow had, walked him outside. She straddled the bike first, and pulled him on in back of her. Making it so that he was somewhat sitting on the bike and somewhat slouching off. She remembered where he lived and drove quickly there. She sighed at the wonderful feel of the night air on her skin, and she felt that she got there too quickly for her taste. Sighing she got of the bike carefully and helped him off too. He was extremely heavy, but at least he wasn’t fighting back at her. That would be too hard. She helped him into his apartment and fished for his keys. Diving into his pocket she looked for anything that jangled and was cold. What she didn’t expect to find, however, was a hard on that his pants were hiding. He groaned and she snatched her hand away.
She puffed her cheeks out and looked up at him; he was still pretty fogged out. She could do this, she would do this. She dove back in his pocket and, thankfully, found it. She opened his door and closed it quietly. He started mumbling something about wolves or dogs, something animal related, and jerking his hands. He was starting to clear the fog. She, as quickly as she could, ran to his bed room and laid him down on his bed. She sighed and put her hands on her knees; she drew in three quick breaths and relaxed. He would be coming out of the fog soon, and when he did he would be pissed. She didn’t care though, she’d stopped him from giving Marcus a concussion, and her mission was complete. She walked away from his bed and took her hair out of its confines. She walked into the kitchen, which was right in front of the living room, and looked into the stainless steel fridge. There was water, Gatorade, and several Chinese food containers. She grabbed two bottles of water and went back to his room. He was just sitting up and putting his hand to his head when she walked in.
“Hey champ, I got you a water.” She said softly and handed it to him. He looked extremely confused, but he took it anyway. He took one gulp then his eyes widened. He remembered.
“You knocked me out!” he yelled, nearly spewing water all over the place.
“Knocked out is an offensive term, I prefer fogged or blanked.” She said serenely and took a sip of her water.
“Don’t test me, not now.”
“Ooh, what’ll you do? You’ll yell at me, you’ll get angry? I stopped you from giving Marcus a concession and I’d do it again.” She told him, her temper, the one she’d thought she’d banished, flaring, as she walked to him.
“He shouldn’t have touched you!” he yelled and she fought extremely hard to not to slap the shit out of him.
“I don’t know if you haven’t noticed, or if you haven’t stepped out of the world where we were 9 and I listened to every god damn thing you told me to do, but you don’t fucking own me! You self conceited, pompous, fuck!” she yelled at him, clenching her fist around the water bottle.
“I do own you! You are mine! No one else is to fucking touch what’s mine!” he growled at her, his eyes turning amber. She threw the bottle down and moved closer to the bed, the edge of the bed bumping her legs.
“Let’s get one thing straight, asshole; I do not belong to you! I haven’t belonged to anyone for 5 years. And I refuse to belong to any man, any ass hole, just because he says so! And if you try to make me belong to you, I swear to god I will fucking end you!” she screeched and stormed away from him.

5 years? She’d been running for 18, shouldn’t she’d been free for 18 years? He was still so angry, still so confused. So he let her walk away, he let her slam his door, he let her drive away. he put his hands in his head. His wolf tugged on him to find out who had owned her, that wasn’t him. Growling he punched the bedding. He was being too over bearing and too overprotective. He knew it. He knew she was a big girl now, he knew she could handle herself but that didn’t stop him from wanting to do it. He got up from his bed, grabbed his bike keys, and stormed outside. He could still hear her bike growling on the streets, she must not have gotten far. He drove his bike slowly, so as not to bring any attention from her to him. She pulled over at the motel and he waited five minutes before doing the same. He followed her sickly sweet scent to room 14. He knocked and smiled when she heard her muffled answer.
“Room service.” He said, and heard her mumble something about always picking the wrong times before opening the door. She saw him but it was too late for her to close the door, he was already walking in.
“Did you follow me?” she asked, slamming the door.
“Follow is an offensive term, I prefer tag along or chase.” He said smoothly, taking his leather jacket off and placing it on one of the wooden chairs. He looked back to her and groaned inwardly. She was fucking hot in her pajama shorts and tank top.
“Why are you here?” she asked, taking one step closer to him.
“You said you hadn’t been owned in 5 years. I can do basic math Molly. You were gone for 18 years. Who owned you?” her pulse picked up and fear wafted to his nose making his wolf growl. He didn’t like it when their mate was afraid.
“I was mad, I was just saying things. It’s nothing important.” She said quickly and opened the door. He walked to her and closed it, looking directly into her black eyes.
“It is important, what are you hiding?” he asked her softly. Tears drowned her eyes and she looked down. Slowly he tipped her chin up and wiped her tears away softly as she blinked them down.
“Who owned you?” he asked softly and she looked into his eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and cried. He had no idea what to do; comforting people wasn’t really his expertise. But for her he would try, for her he would move mountains. He rubbed her head while she cried. He picked her up softly, as softly as possible, and walked to the bed. It creaked under his pressure, but she didn’t seem to notice. She just cried. He turned the light off so that the only thing that lit the room was the moon. He took off his shoes without managing to wake her and lay down. She lay on top of him, keeping her arms wrapped around his body tightly. As if he was the only thing keeping her anchored.

It was around 1 when she finally managed to pull herself together. He hadn’t said anything; he just stroked her hair softly and let me cry. Squeezing her eyes closed she looked up to find his black eyes looking down at her. Patient, waiting, loving.
“5 years ago I ran to Chicago. It was fun for a while, but I had to eat. So I became an exotic dancer. I made a lot of money; I managed to get a tiny apartment. I even got a television set. Everything was going fine until one day a pimp came into the strip joint. His name was Terrence Fawn.” Even the name left a nasty bitter taste in her mouth.
“Terrence Fawn owned the whole north side of Chicago. His girls were always on the street, every night. Winter, summer, spring, or fall. He gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. 25 grand a month just to dance for him and his chosen company.” She laughed a little humorless laugh at her stupidity. Men like Terrence Fawn didn’t just give you money to dance. They wanted a whole lot more.
“Everything went great the first month, I was eating a little better, I could get my hair done. I was happy. The second month came and Terrence quickly popped my bubble. He gave a ‘secret showing’ to a couple of his friends. They took me down stairs and told me to strip. That wasn’t my job that was the job of the hookers. I was just a dancer. They didn’t want to hear that. Terrence tied me down to an old bed he brought from somewhere and cut my upper thighs. He said ‘that’s what you get for disobeying me’. The cuts were never deep; he doesn’t like to mar his merchandise. They used me for sex for 3 years. I thought about offing myself a lot of times. But one girl, Candy, came to find me one day. She gave me a hundred thousand dollars. She and the rest of the girls saved it up. She said to me ‘you don’t look like you need to be here’ then she pushed me out. She gave me a choice to run again, she sacrificed herself. With that money I bought my bike, my clothes. With that money I lived again. Sure I still have scars, but I think of them as war scars. I got over a really bad thing, but I came out of it.” By the time she was done telling her story tears still ran down her face and landed on a puddle in his shirt. He still hadn’t said anything but she could feel the anger radiating off of him. He leaned up with her still in his arms. His eyes were warm amber, but everything else about him was cool.
“Show me.” Is all he said and she nodded. She never showed anybody her scars, but she could tell he needed to see them. And for whatever reason she needed him to see them too. She moved herself from his lap and pulled down her pajama shorts, leaving her in her pink polka dot cheekies. The scars were there, ugly little raised bumps on her skin, some criss crossed each other. Others just seemed never ending. Those were when he had a particularly bad day. Thomas softly grabbed her legs and put them on his lap. She kept her gaze on him, not the ugly reminders of her past. He skimmed them, making a little shiver go up her spine that she didn’t dare hide. His fingers ran along one of the scars that made a complete rim around her upper thigh.
“That was when I told him that I was leaving, of course I wasn’t really leaving, but he was still pretty pissed.” She told him softly, but he showed no sign of comprehending. Slowly his fingers went down, until there were no more scars, where her skin was clean and soft. To where her shortest skirt laid. He closed his eyes and moved her legs from his lap as if they disgusted him. She put her head down and pulled her pajama shorts back on. He picked his jacket up and, without another look at her, left the motel room. She heard his bike drive off and her heart broke. She was alone again, and she didn’t like how it felt at all.

Chapter 5

He hadn’t meant to leave her, but he couldn’t stomach those scars. The very touch of them made his vision go red with rage. More than two times he had to push the idea of finding Terrence and punch him in the face, hard. Instead he rode around. He rode around until the sun rose and the temperature spiked. When it did he went back to the motel, his wolf was at least a little soothed by the ride. He was about to knock on the door but it was snatched open. Her small arms wrapped around him and she sobbed.
“I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have showed you the scars. I’m sorry you’re upset. But I can’t change my past. Please don’t be mad at me for that.” She sobbed into his shirt, squeezing him when he didn’t hug her back. He squeezed his eyes closed and wrapped his arms around her. He would take it slow for her sake.
“I’m so, so sorry. Please don’t be mad Tommy.” She cried into his chest. It ached for her to hurt because of him, his wolf howled in his mind. He tried to step away from her but she just clutched onto him.
“Please don’t leave, please stay for the rest of the night.” She whined, trying to get a good grip on him.
“Its morning, I have to go to work.” No he didn’t, but he couldn’t stomach staying with her knowing the things she went through. She let go reluctantly and nodded.
“Ok, yeah, I understand that. I guess, I guess I’ll see you later then.” She said softly, her words disappearing in the wind. She backed into the room with her head down; she sniffled softly and closed the door. He groaned and tore himself away from the door. Why the hell had he come back in the first place!!?? He punched his hand and drove back to his apartment. He couldn’t go to work today, that wouldn’t be able to focus. To be an architect, you had to focus.

She spent all day fretting in her motel room. She didn’t know what to do with herself. She’d never taken rejection well, but this hurt her. Her heart felt like he just stomped on it and sung a merry tune. She stood in the bathroom looking at her reflection. Her face looked extremely pale, making what little freckles she had stand out. Her wide black eyes looked dull and nasty. Her lips seemed to be in an everlasting pout she couldn’t seem to fix. She had to go to work, this was her first week, she wasn’t going to be absent on her first week. Letting out a loud breath she bit her bottom lip.
“You can do this you little chicken.” she told herself and pinned her hair up in a ponytail. she put on a plain white v-neck shirt and jeans that fit like a second skin. She walked out and locked her door. She gave herself one more nod and walked to her bike. She went slow, for the first time in her life, on the bike. She hesitated when she reached the pulsing bar but she threw herself inside. Everyone cheered and she smiled softly. She walked to the bar and took off her leather jacket.
“’Bout time you showed up.” Sarah said then went over to the food side.
“Hey chick-a-dee.” Carol said leaning over the counter top and showing Molly a generous amount of boob.
“What’s up?” Molly asked, putting her leather jacket underneath the bar counter.
“Think you could fix me a martini, your girls’ been giving out nothin’ but beer.”Carol asked and Molly rolled her eyes. She fixed Carol her drink while the everyone cheered. Her hear picked up speed and some of the liquor splashed. She tried to hide it, she never spilled or made a mistake, but Carol caught it.
“You Ok chick-a-dee?” Carol asked, sounding generally worried.
“Yeah, kinda tired. Didn’t get a lot of sleep.” Molly said distractedly and gave Carol her drink.
“Do you mind if I sit here then?” She asked already settling down. Molly chuckled and shook her head.
“Sure why not?” she said bitterly and went around giving everyone their drinks. She bobbed her head and sung the songs under her breath while she fixed the drinks. She slipped up about 3 times, each time made her more nervous. By the time the bar closed she was starved and her nerves were everywhere. She ordered a cheeseburger with extra pickles and fries. As she waited for her food she bit her nails and bopped her foot up and down. something she hadn’t done since she was 7. She looked down at the counter and traced little patterns with the hand that she wasn’t biting.
“You seem lost in thought.” Carol said from behind her, making her jump out of her skin and give a little shriek.
“Whoa, calm down. you look like a scared little bunny.” She remarked and sat down next to Molly.
“Sorry, didn’t get much sleep last night.” Molly said laughing nervously and pulling her nails from her mouth.
“What are you still doing here? Didn’t your shift end like a half hour ago?” Carol asked, playing with the hem of her jacket.
“Yeah, but I’m hungry.” She told her and still bopped her foot.
“You know your guy’s still here, right?” Carol whispered, Molly bit her lip and nodded. She could feel his heat, somewhere, he was here somewhere hidden.
“Well that’s good. I hope everything works out with you two. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must retire for the night. And just in time so it seems.” Carol said, and jutted her chin out toward the kitchen where her food was coming from.
“Bye Carol.” Molly said feebly. The door closed and she smiled softly up at Sarah.
“Think you could close up for me?” she asked and Molly nodded, taking a bite from her burger.
“Thanks, I owe you one.” Sarah said and kissed her cheek.
“You can come out from wherever you are, not gonna bite anything besides my burger.” She said weakly and took another bite of her burger. He came from the shadows, his eyes a shadow of what they were earlier.
“You look like a creeper.” She told him simply and popped a fry in her mouth, desperately trying to hold in her nervousness.
“I’m sure I do.” He mumbled and sat on the bar side, but he kept his eyes locked with hers. She couldn’t do it, her nerves were too frayed.
“I’m gonna go, I’m tired.” She said and picked up the plate. She’d bring it back tomorrow, or not. She didn’t really care, she had to leave. Gripping the plate she picked up her jacket and made a bee line for the door. Well she tried; his lumber jack body blocked her way.
“Where are you going?” he asked her and she fought hard not to cry under his judgmental stare.
“I’m going to the motel, I’m tired.” She stuttered and looked down to her half eaten burger. What had he done to her! She’d gone from brave and sturdy to some stuttering cowering fool in one night!
“Why don’t you finish your burger first?” he asked her, not moving from in front of her.
“Why won’t you let me leave?” she whined, tears prickling from the corner of her eyes.
“I just wanna go back to the motel, why won’t you let me do that?” tears feel down her cheek and she felt like slapping herself. She didn’t know why she was crying, she just was. And it felt so good. He looked taken aback by her tears but she didn’t care. He was just a jerk wad. She’d given him a part of her heart, told him her story, and showed him her battle scars. And how did he respond to those, he just walked away. He didn’t say anything to her, didn’t hug her, and didn’t tell her it was over now. He did nothing.
“Why are you crying?” he whispered to her, fear shining bright in his inky pools. She wiped her face with one hand and sneered at him.
“Because you’re a jerk, I hate you, and I wish I’d never come back!” she yelled at him and shoved the plate into his chest. He grabbed it and watched her storm away from him.

What the fuck was he doing wrong?!? He’d given her space, he hadn’t went to the bar. He’d denied himself access to her, and now she was blowing up. Growling he threw the plate on the floor and went after her. Luckily for him she was just sitting on her bike, slouched over and shaking. Sobbing. He walked to her slowly and put his hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned away from him.
“Go back inside, or go home.” She told him and wiped her face.
“Look Molly, I’m sorry. I know I messed up, I’m gonna mess up a lot but you have to forgive me-“
“I don’t have to do anything. I want you to know that, and I want you to get that through your thick skull.” She growled at him and revved the engine once.
“Ok, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I get that you want your freedom, I understand that completely. But I would like it if you forgave me when I mess up.” Especially since we’ll be spending the rest of our lives together.
“And why should I do that? Pleas, give me one reason?” She challenged him, looking at him with puffy red eyes. Tear streaks still ran down her face and she sniffled once, still trying to look brave. Always trying to look brave. He took one of her cheeks and moved closer to her.
“Because I love you, Molly Turanga. I’ve loved since you were little, I’ve loved you every day you were gone. I don’t want you to be mad at me, but you’re mine. In ways I can’t even begin to explain.” He told her moving closer until their lips were only a scant inch apart.
“Try.” She whispered, her eyes firmly glued to his lips and not his ever shifting amber eyes.
“I can’t do that, Molly, and I think you know that. Deep, deep down you know that I can’t tell you. I want to, you have no idea how fucking bad I want to tell you.” He whispered to her and they shared a breath. Right before her lips slammed onto his. She didn’t ask for entrance, she took it. Her tongue rubbed his tongue, her lips made his lips move and he moaned. He moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her back. His cock instantly hardened when she groaned and pressed herself against him.
“Off the bike, now.” he growled against her lips and picked her up, not giving her a chance to say no. he heard a mumbled “’k” right before she wrapped her thighs around his waist. He sucked in a hiss when he felt her hot sex rub against his bulge and she giggled. He groaned and set her down.
“You’ll get your bike in the morning. For now you’re coming your sweet ass with me.” He told her and gripped her hand. He heard a little sound of excitement come from her, and then she went quiet.

Maybe if she fucked him everything would be Ok. Because her body felt too tight to be hers, and her emotions were all out of whack. Maybe he knew that, maybe, for once, he was trying to help her out. her breasts felt heavy and sensitive, her clit was even worse. The motorcycle didn’t help at all, the vibrations like a torture system to see if she could hold off her orgasm. He got there quick and helped her off, her legs shook a little but she effectively steadied them.
“You don’t have to do this I could drive-“
“I swear to god Tommy, if you say the words I think you’re gonna say I will probably kill you.” she growled at him and pushed by him, letting his scent fill her nose. She heard his low chuckle and she shivered when his large landed on the small of her back. They walked to his apartment door, on the second floor, in complete silence. She was practically buzzing with excitement when he opened his door for her. She didn’t need to look around, she didn’t need to see the view. The only thing she needed was to get laid, and hopefully Thomas could give that to her. She took of her leather jacket and put on a black couch. He stepped behind her and kissed her neck, she moaned softly but turned to face him. Nothing was going to be slow, she was just going to scratch this itch. That’s all this was, that’s all she would allow it to be. She didn’t believe what he said about loving her. Nobody loved her, she was simply unlovable. She took off his shirt and kissed him fiercely. He put his hands on her hips and squeezed, sending another rush of liquid to her dampened panties. She backed away from him and tore off her shirt, she threw it someplace, then went back to kissing him. He did absolutely nothing, he just skimmed her body with careful fingers.
“What are you doing?” she growled at him, separating herself from his hands.
“What do you mean?” he asked, out of breath.
“You’re touching me like I could break at any minute.” she snapped at him, her anger mixing nicely with her arousal.
“I don’t want to be too hard for you.” he said sheepishly, she narrowed her eyes on his. It was all about the eyes, he seemed wilder when his eyes were the color of aged cognac. she just had to get that to happen.
“I want hard, I want fast. If that’s too much to ask I’ll find someone else who can do it for me.” she said and played like she was going to find her shirt.
“What in all hells are you talking about?” he growled at her, sending a wave of pleasure through her body.
“I’m not gonna break if you push too hard. I want hard, I want fast. Please give it to me, please give me what I want.” she begged him, pressing herself against him. His eyes snapped to wild amber and she knew, her night was going to get really fun. He picked her up and walked into his room, peppering her with kisses along the way. He dropped her on the bed, making her squeal, and stood over her. She took off her pants, leaving her only in her bra and under wear. He still had his pants on, that had to be dealt with. She reached for his pants but stopped he grabbed her hand. He shook his head no, seemingly not capable of words at the moment. He pushed her back gently and put his knee between her legs. He kissed her fiercely and she moaned, this kiss was wilder. Demanding, taking, loving. His hands skimmed her body now, but not like they were before. This time they were sure, he searched for something, and she would give it to him. She arched her herself into his touch and he growled. His hand went to her mound and she shuddered in anticipation against his lips. He skimmed her panties down slowly and her legs squirmed, telling him to hurry without words. He nipped her lip and chuckled low.
“Patience, pet, I’ll get there.” His voice had taken on a deep timbre that sent deep vibrations through her body, to land directly on her clit.
“Please get there faster.” she begged him and kissed his neck. He rumbled low and covered her mound. His eyes seemed to darken as his fingers rubbed her crotch. She moaned and her hips bucked as his fingers gave her just the right amount of friction. He growled over her and ripped her panties off, she didn’t have time to gasp before his fingers began the assault. One meaty finger thrust into her wet heat and she whimpered at the feel of it. She opened her legs wider, trying to get more of him into her. His thumb circled her clit in a slow torturous pattern while he added digits into her. The friction of it, the sweet slow thrum of passion was all too much. Her body broke into pieces of passion and ecstasy. She came and her body bowed. He silenced her yell with his mouth, but didn’t stop his assault to her throbbing pussy. He went faster and harder, making her juices flow at a steady rate, until she came again. Her body was sensitive now, she felt everything. She Felt the soft comforter underneath her, she felt the smoothness of her bra. Everything felt so alive right now. She came one more time and yelled loudly. She could take no more.
“Please.” She whimpered, unable to say much more.
“What is it pet? What do you want now?” His fingers kept the assault going and she groaned and tried to escape his ravishing fingers.
“I want you, please. I want you now.” She breathed and he chuckled.
“Whatever you wish.” he said and his assaulting fingers stopped. She let out a breath but quickly sucked it back in as he stood. She leaned up on her elbows and watched as he stripped the rest of his clothes off. Hic cock sprang up as he pulled his pants down and her mouth watered at the sight of it. The head was large and red with a little drop of pre cum slipping out of the slit. The sight made her instantly wet. She got up on her knees and crawled to him. He watched her with amber eyes. She leaned forward and licked the little silver pearl of liquid. Her mouth watered as she looked at the rest of him, His thick shaft looked almost threatening with its veins. But to her it looked simply delectable. He moaned and she smiled and looked up at him, his eyes were lidded but not closed. She could still see that rim of amber, and they were on her. Keeping eye contact she took his head in her mouth. He hissed in a breath and jerked his hips toward her. She took in as much as she can, the head hitting the back of her throat, and sucked in her cheeks. She sucked him and licked him until he was at her mercy. She ran her fingers through the small amount of black hair that lead to her treat and moaned softly at its silky feel.
“Ah yes, pet, suck it all in.” He whispered and ran his hands through her hair. She tried her best, and he didn’t force her. He squeezed the nape of her neck and she felt as if it was a silent encouragement. He tensed up and she happily awaited his salty taste. He came, shooting hard down her throat and she happily swallowed it. Slowly she separated herself from his cock and she was pushed back softly.
“Tell me if I’m hurting you, Ok, pet?” he asked and settled between her. He looked directly in her eyes and slid into her slowly. Her tissues, the ones that she thought were sore and tired out, came back to life and welcomed him with a warm wave of wetness. He grunted and stopped moving.
“Damn pet, you’re killing me here.” He growled and she smiled up at him sweetly.

He wouldn’t be able to do this. She was so fucking hot, so fucking tight around his cock. Sure he knew that when he was finger fucking her, but now that her pussy was constricting around him he knew this was a lost cause. He’d been so lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice she’d wrapped her legs around his waist until he was in her to the hilt. She arched her back and her pussy contracted around him even more.
“What the fuck are you doing pet?” he growled in pleasure and braced his hands on either side of her head.
“Giving you the extra push you seem to need.” she purred huskily and squeezed his hips.
“I’m trying not to hurt you.” he growled, feeling his claws come out.
“I’m not fucking fragile.” she growled at him and squeezed his hips again.
“Fine.” he snapped and moved. The friction gave him excellent pleasure and her too apparently. She cooed and closed her eyes. That little sound, that small little mixture of pleasure and bliss made him lose control. His thrust became faster, harder. His breathing became more erratic, her moans became louder until they were yells of pleasure. HE felt the tingling in his spine, but he wouldn’t allow himself to cum. He would wait for her to cum, he wanted to at least give her that last orgasm. Carefully he took his claw tipped finger and flicked her clit. That was all she needed, her body bowed up from the bed and her cunt convulsed around his cock. Grunting he thrust into her one last time and let his hot seed pour into her willing body. She cooed and fell back to the bed, he soon followed. She was breathing hard and her eyes were closed. He let himself delight in her heartbeat. He set his head on her chest and listened to the storm of her heart rage. She sighed softly and put her hand on his head, she stroked his hair gently and he fell asleep.

She awoke to the most annoying noise. It wasn’t yet light outside, she shouldn’t be up. But that damn noise awoke her. It was right near her ear, it tickled the hairs on her neck. She turned around slowly to find Thomas, snoring, behind her. She smiled softly and nudged him, he wouldn’t wake. The snoring got louder, but it didn’t stop. Frowning she nudged him harder and he groaned and tightened the arm around her. Sighing she rolled him back, still nothing, and straddled his tummy. His features were so calm, so relaxed. He looked so much like a little child, so much that she contemplated what she was about to do. Sadly, sleep over ran common sense and she slammed the pillow on top of his face. He shot up but she put her weight into it and snickered wildly. He flipped her over, his eyes wild and amber.
“What the hell were you doing pet?” he asked her, leaning down to peer directly in her eyes.
“You were snoring so loud, I just wanted some sleep.” She said innocently and slowly opened her legs.
“One, I do not snore, and secondly you tried to kill me.” He growled low, moving his mouth to her neck and putting the head of his cock near her opening.
“Do so.” She grunted and pushed herself onto his cock. He growled and nipped her neck.
“Never the patient one are you pet?” He rumbled low and slammed into her. She let out a small yelp that he didn’t seem to care about. He slammed into her over and over, pushing her to the precipice of her orgasm. She whimpered as each slam got her closer and closer to her destination. She was there, almost there, so close to that feeling. But something wasn’t working, he sensed it and her bra was off in seconds. He kissed each hardened nipple, his tongue sneaking out and taking a lick of the flesh. That did her in, that made her world crumble around her in little pieces. She yelled out her orgasm and he growled softly on her breast. His body tensed and she felt his hot seed shoot into her body. She didn’t care, she was floating. And when she finally fell, she fell peacefully into sleep. Not caring for the loud rumblings of his snore.

Chapter 6

When he awoke he expected to have a warm body laying next to him. A warm willing body. But instead he found a deserted spot. She wouldn’t do something like that, she wouldn’t ditch in the middle of the night. There was a reasonable explanation... was what he tried to tell his wolf. But his wolf paced recklessly in his mind. He was so close to losing it he had to squeeze his eyes closed. His claws descended and his fangs elongated, he could feel the shifting tingle in his spine. Before he could lose control completely a small hand grasped his shoulder, making him jump. He snapped open his eyes to look into a concerned face, she was saying something he just couldn’t hear it. She shook him hard once and patted his cheek.
“Tommy, you Ok?” she asked him, her brow furrowing in concern.
“I thought you left me.” he growled out and winced, he hadn’t meant to sound so aggressive. Instead of cowering, like he pictured her doing, she chuckled low and kissed his nose.
“I don’t bail, I thought you knew that by now Tommy?” she said in a light tone, then she got up again. She was wearing his shirt and his boxers, she made herself perfectly at home and he loved it.
“Where were you then?” he asked, getting up from the bed. He’d forgotten he was naked and his cheeks flamed when he realized it. He picked up the sheet and wrapped it around his waist quickly and she tittered.
“You act as if I haven’t seen you already.” she said softly then turned to walk out muttering “or tasted you.” His wolf growled in pleasure, he was glad his mate was so happy about sex between them. The human side of him, however detested it. He felt disgusted for taking her the way he did, for being so aggressive. His heart was beating way too fast. Shit no, he thought. It was another panic attack, he hated those. They always snuck up on him.
“You do know I’ve made breakfast, right? And it’s just getting cold.” Her head ducked back into the room with an amused but impatient face.
“Oh, uh sorry.” He stammered and her brow furrowed.
“You Ok there Tommy? You’re acting differently.” She asked stepping forward. He took a step backwards and she raised a brow.
“You feeling sick Thomas?” She asked and walked to him. He backed as far as he could but she just advanced toward him.
“You look a little pale, are you sure you’re alright?” She asked, worry lacing her tone.
“Yeah, yeah I’m f-“ his words died out as his world faded around him.

“Shit!” She hissed and grabbed onto his falling body. She didn’t know what had happened, but now here he lay, in her arms. She cursed once more and laid him down onto the bed. His face had gone pale, and he seemed almost afraid of her. Either her or her touch. Maybe her powers had come back and she had hurt him last night. Guilt instantly threaded through her and she put her fingers to his neck. There was still a pulse, a strong one at that.
“Crap, what do I do, what do I do?” She paced the room and threaded her fingers through her hair. Call for help, call his father! Her pulse quickened at the thought of seeing Mr. Green was an intimidating man. With his huge stature and the way he walked. He dominated everything, everywhere he went. His presence screamed for him not to be ignored. So nobody ignored him. Sighing and wiping her hands on Thomas’ boxers she reached for his house phone. There were a couple of numbers in but she dialed the one labeled ‘Dad’. She gulped as it rang and on the third ring her call was answered.
“Thomas, is everything Ok?” The deep baritone on the phone sounded worried, as worried as she was. She swallowed again and fought with her mouth to speak.
“Thomas? Thomas?! Why aren’t you answering me?!” The deep tone was rushed and angry.
“Mr. Green it’s me, Molly. Something’s wrong with Thomas, he just passed out. There’s a pulse. A really, really strong pulse. But he isn’t moving and I didn’t know what to do.” She rushed out and swallowed again when she heard nothing.
“Molly? When the hell did you get back in town?” His voice sounded awed, but she didn’t have time to answer his questions.
“Awhile now, Thomas is still unconscious and I still don’t know what to do.” She snapped into the phone and looked to Thomas’ prone form.
“Ok, it’s gonna be alright. I’m coming over, just relax and stay by his side.” He said, and with that the line went dead.
“Some news.” She muttered and sat down next to Thomas and crossed her legs. She waited like that for ten minutes. The door banged and she cast one more look at Thomas before opening it. She could feel his powerful presence before she even opened the door. He sped past her, his long hair in its usual ponytail, and went directly for Thomas’ room. She trailed after him, after closing the door, hurriedly and bit her lip. His father made no remark about his nakedness, he seemed to not mind at all.
“What happened?” his father asked and she explained everything to him again, trying to keep from wringing her hands.
“Has he been getting air?” he asked, propping his son’s head on the pillow and closing his eyes.
“He’s been breathing, if that’s what you’re asking.” She said nervously and walked to the bed. His fathers’ eyes opened and they shined an aged amber.
“Wake up now Thomas, you’ve scared her enough.” He said in a strong voice that made a small part of her stir. Thomas sat up, breathing heavy and looking around. He looked at his father and his face blanched.
“How long?” Tom’s voice was thick and sad.
“As far as she told me about a half an hour, or so.” His fathers’ eyes slowly turned back to black slowly.
“I think it’s time you told her.” He remarked after a moment of awkward silence.
“I can’t do that, you know that.”
“You don’t want to do that, there is a huge difference Tommy.”
“I can’t. It would scare her off!” Thomas boomed and her eyes widened. It was as if they had forgotten her presence.
“If you had sex with her and she’s still here you obviously haven’t run her off yet.” His fathers’ voice was calm, collective. Cool.
“She has bruises! I nearly scratched her thousands of times!” was true, she did have bruises. She didn’t care, she’d loved every minute of it.
“But you didn’t! She isn’t fragile! You knew that when you were younger, and you know that now!”
“I’m not telling her, I will never tell her.”
“You have to-“
“What the hell is going on here?!” She screamed, having enough of the banter. They both looked to her and blinked once. Her eyes stuck to only to Thomas though. Close his eyes and shook his head.
“I’m sorry I can’t, I just- wait don’t.” As soon as the first words were out she picked up her pants and shirt.
“What are you doing?” He asked, sorrow lacing his tone that she shook her head at.
“You can’t tell me something?! You can’t tell me something?! I told you everything! I showed you my scars! I slept with you!! And you can’t tell me anything?!” She yelled at him, fighting the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“There is a good reason, I’m sure, maybe if you just-“ His father started but she whirled to him as she stomped into her pant legs.
“There is no good reason. Not this time. He’s done this when we were little, and he’s doing it again! I am not a child, I won’t be talked to like I am.” She hissed at him and he looked away. She took his shirt off and threw it at his face, not caring about her nudity, and pulled on her own shirt.
“Goodbye Tom, it was nice seeing you again Mr. Green, I really hoped it was under better circumstances.” She told him and wiped her face. She picked up her underwear and her bra, and stormed out of the room. On the way out the door she grabbed her jacket and her keys, she opened the door and effectively slammed it. Her heart shuddered at the final sound of it, but she thoroughly ignored it. It was a bad call to give into what her body wanted, lesson learned. She stormed down the stairs with her head down and tears blinding her vision. She bumped into a lady and almost fell on her ass, but luckily the lady had fast reflexes.
“Are you Ok, sweety?” A sweet motherly voice said. She wiped her face and looked up into warm green eyes that flitted from her to the staircase she’d just exited from.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. Just saw a really sad movie.” She said, it was a really bad lie, she knew it, she was pretty sure even the lady knew it. But the lady let her go and gave her a small smile before disappearing into the staircase. She picked her head up and went outside, the light burning her eyes. A man leaned on a black car. He looked highly familiar with his black tousled hair and his piercing black eyes. They landed on her for a minute and he gave a polite nod with a small smile and she did the same. She walked past him and toward McFurly’s when she felt a warm hand grasp her upper arm.
“Molly?” The stranger asked, his voice rough and scratchy.
“No, I’m sorry I don’t know you.” She stuttered and ripped her arm from his grip.
“Molly Turanga.” This time it wasn’t a question. The stranger knew her, how she would never know.
“Yes, that’s me. But I don’t know you.” She said, and turned on her heel. She heard a window open and the yelled words:
“Do not let her out of your sight!?” From a female. Sighing she rolled her shoulders back and ran.

His wolf growled and paced in his mind. She left them, he was afraid she would leave them. But she hadn’t, at least not the first time. Then he had to get all... protective. Now she hated him. HE couldn’t tell her though, he just couldn’t. It would break his heart if she thought he was a monster and never wanted to see him again. Just like it broke his heart when she left.
“You shouldn’t have coddled her, now she’s on the run again and it’s your fault.” Her mother said, pacing the length of his room.
“Don’t you think I realize this now?” He growled at her, rubbing his forehead.
“No, I don’t think you realize this. Because the minute she left this room you were supposed to run after her!” She seethed, her brilliant green eyes glowing with anger.
“I freaked out, Ok?! I had a panic attack, I got scared!”
“You don’t have the right to be scared! You are alpha, you are above fear!” She hissed at him.
“Calm yourself Tania, remember he is still your alpha.” His father said in his calm relaxed tone.
“He ran my daughter off Maximus, I haven’t even gotten to know her-“
“Who’s fault is that?” Her melodic voice said as her father carried her in by her arms.
“Hello Mother, so nice to see you again.” She quipped, her father let her feet down but didn’t let her go. Everyone was quiet for quite a while.
“So now no one has nothing to say, so the jolly green giant over here brought me over for nothing?” She growled, he could smell her anger from here and he growled at it. She sneered at him then looked to her mother.
“Still nothing? How about I start then, hmm? I’m Molly, oh wait you knew that already. I’m 28, oh wait you knew that already too. What exactly do you not know about me?” There was a pause as she glared at her mother.
“No answer? Well that’s just awesome. I gotta say mom, you may not have been a mother in my life, but so far you’re doing pretty well.” She snapped at her mother.
“I get it, I messed up but I wasn’t ready!” Her mother yelled.
“When were you ready? When were you ready to take back the little piss pot, your little mistake? Hmm? Please, enlighten me.” Molly’s voice cracked and he thought he saw a little wetness in her eyes. He took a step toward her and her eyes snapped to his.
“Don’t, you come nowhere near me. None of you actually cared for me! Your father only liked me out of pity, my own parents didn’t even want me, and you’ve been untruthful. You were my best friend!” Tears fell down her cheeks and she gave a yank of her arms. Without hesitation her father dropped her arms and she shot one last look at all of them before slamming out of his life again.

She didn’t have time to be humiliated. She was pissed, pissed at him, pissed at her ‘mother’, pissed at... everything. So of course she hadn’t noticed when she almost bumped into a small little boy. He smiled up at her, two teeth missing at the bottom, and waved.
“Did you see my mommy and daddy? They came in her not too long ago. My daddy told me not to leave but I got scared when they didn’t come back.” He asks, cocking his head to the side. She gulped and backed away from him. His brow furrowed and he pouted.
“Is that a yes or no?” He asked, taking a step forward. Her mouth had gone parched, and she opened and closed it like a fish out of water.
“Are you Ok miss?” he’d asked and she let out a startled snort. She wasn’t a miss, she was far from a miss.
“Ryan, I thought I told you to stay in the car.” A male voice said from behind her, but she kept her eyes on the little boys black ones. They’d had another kid while she was gone? They’d grown ready for a child, after they’d had her? After she’d left they suddenly decided to get ready for a child? She looked at the child before her and her face contorted into disgust.
“Your fathers’ over there kid, now if you’ll move.” She said rudely and passed him, but his small hand reached out for her.
“Please don’t go, if you are who I think you are Mommy and Daddy have been waiting for you.” He begged and her heart broke even more. She turned around and sat on her haunches in front of him.
“Mommy and Daddy have you now, they don’t need me. I’m old and cranky, they don’t need an old and cranky person when they have you.” She told him lightly, she inwardly cried at her words but smiled softly at him.
“Now, I think your daddy would like for you to go back to the car.” She based this on the crying she could faintly hear. She took the small hand that had latched on to her and squeezed it.
“If you’d like I could wait with you so you’re not alone.” He smiled and nodded viscously. She smiled and walked him down the stairs. The door was still open as he climbed into the monster of a car.
“I’m Ryan.” He said and pushed his hand out toward her.
“Molly.” She shook his hand and smiled. They talked about a lot of things, they talked about their favorite colors, their favorite animals, what food they liked. They talked until she heard sniffling in back of her.
“Bye Ryan, I hope I see you around.” She said and ruffled his hair. He giggled and waved at her. She walked away without one glance at the apartment or her parents.

She hadn’t even let him explain anything. She just left in anger. It was absolutely frustrating. His father stayed with him until he was sure that his son was Ok. Thomas had a lot of time to think. He knew she’d go to work. She might be pissed but she was loyal as hell. His wolf scratched at the wall of his brain, begging to be released. But he couldn’t, he couldn’t just let go of his emotions. He had to be strong. Just like Tania said, he didn’t have the luxury of freaking the hell out. He stepped outside the apartment building and breathed in the heavy night air. It was warm, but there was a soothing wind. He rode his bike to the pulsating bar and groaned, it was pop night. Everyone was going to be on the counter tonight, he hoped him and Molly would be one of them. When he walked into the bar, though, and everybody clapped he froze. He had no idea what he was going to say, he’d been cooped up in his apartment all day, pacing and raving in his mind. But yet he had no idea what he was going to say. He just had to suck it up and face her. He walked directly to the bar and was stunned to see Sarah manning the bar.
“Don’t tell me she’s working the food?” He groaned, thinking about how messy things could get on the food side if she was.
“Nope, your girl asked to take off, she’s on the other end drinking to her heart’s content.” Sarah sighed mystically and poured a drink. He looked over her to the other end of the bar to find the back of Molly’s head. She threw back another shot and slammed it down. She laughed at something and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Are you gonna stand there just watching her or are you gonna make your move?” Brandon asked, sidling next to him.
“What would I say? ‘Hey sorry for lying to you, but I’m still gonna. Will you please love me for an eternity?’ Uh no, I’ll figure something out. A beat came on and Brandon’s eyes bulged.
“Holy shit.” He said looking up and Thomas slowly looked up, only to wish he hadn’t. Molly had stood up, to sing the and dance to the song, on the counter and had grabbed Carol. That wasn’t the problem, she could dance and sing her little heart out. Just not dressed like she was. She had on a small black and pale blue pleated mini skirt with fishnet stockings on and slouchy black leather boots. Her top, which wasn’t really a top, was a black half shirt that flowed around her sides with a little pale blue heart on the front. She sung and she danced, Carol sang with her and twirled around. They finished the song with howls and cheers, the girls giggled and Molly made eye contact with him. The right side of her lip tilted up and she walked directly to him. She squatted and he refrained from looking at her sex. She grabbed his chin and looked directly in his eyes.
“You lied to me, I don’t like liars Thomas. You know that. You know that if I wasn’t drunk I’d probably be clawing and spitting at your face right now. But I’m not, and that is thanks to Mr. Cuervo and Mr. Daniels. If I were you, I’d send them a letter of thanks.” She said and kissed him, she put her all into this kiss and he tried to kiss her back. But every time his lips would move with hers she’d bite it and growl softly at him.
“That, my dear sweet boy, is what you will never have. You will never have me, you will never have my body, you will never have my spirit. The only thing I will ever allow you is a polite hello and a hug. That is all you get, and an occasional shoulder to cry on.” She told him then hiccupped at the end.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get wasted!” She yelled and the bar cheered. He noticed her tug on the end of her skirt when she stood up. She looked at him and clenched her fist. He could tell she wanted to say something, he could see it in those inky depths. But instead she bent over, grabbed a bottle of Jack and guzzled it. Drowning it with liquor, he thought, wise. After several shots later, from both Thomas and Molly, the bar was quieting. Someone must’ve updated the jukebox because Animal by Neon Trees came on. Molly smiled and Thomas watched as she sung softly to herself.
“Here we go again, I kinda wanna be more than friends. So take it easy on me, I’m afraid you’re never satisfied. Here we go again, we’re sick like animals we play pretend. You’re just a cannibal, and I’m afraid I won’t get out alive. No I won’t sleep tonight.” She sniffled and wiped her face. Why was she crying, it wasn’t a sad song. It was about a guy who wanted to love, but was afraid the girl would rip his heart out... Ohh. He got it now. “Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh, what are you waiting for? Take a bite of my heart tonight? Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight.” She sobbed and put her head down. He puffed his cheeks out. He didn’t know how to fix this. Emotions weren’t in his repertoire. But songs and music were.
“Here we are again, I feel the chemicals kickin’ in, it’s getting heavier and I wanna run and hide, I wanna run and hide. I do it every time, you’re killin’ me now. And I won’t be denied by you! The animal inside of you!” He sung back to her, feeling his wolf coming out at the last line. “Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh what are you waiting for? Take a bite of my heart tonight. Oh, oh What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Take a bite of my heart tonight!” He sang to her, standing from his chair. She looked up, her tear filled face darkened with what looked to be sadness.
“Hush hush, the world is quiet. Hush hush, we both can’t fight it. It’s us that made this mess, why can’t you understand? Whoa I won’t sleep tonight!” She sung to him, keeping his long line and standing up with tears still running down her face.
“Here we go again. Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh, what are you waiting for? Take a bite of my heart tonight. Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? What are you waitin’?” She sung to him, shaking her head and crying harder. He wished he could be inside of her head. Just to figure why she was crying, how he could stop it. The song ended, and the people who were in the bar pretended not to notice.
“Please, stop this. Stop torturing yourself. You know you’re mine, you know that you belong to me-“
“Stop saying that! I belong to no one! This whole damn thing is your damn fault! So many things go on in my head, telling me that you love me, that you’ll protect me! And I know it’s nothing but bull! So whatever it is you’re doing, whatever thing you’ve got with me needs to end now! Before I do something we will both regret!” She yelled back at him, tears running from her angry pits of darkness.
“What are you gonna do sweetheart? Run away from me again? Run into another Terrence!? Are you really going to deny yourself to me?!” He yelled, well his wolf yelled, seeing red. He winced when her eyes widened and she clenched her teeth. He could practically hear her teeth grinding against each other. He had pushed her too far. She jumped over the counter and into the bar, she circled over to the food side, all the while keeping her gaze on his. He gulped when she bent behind the counter. He heard something but didn’t want to believe it until she came back up, with a very sharp knife in her hand. His wolf growled and leapt over the counter, he walked until he was directly in front of her. He grabbed the hand clutching the knife and pressed it to his chest.
“I’m so fucking tired of your useless threats. If you’re going to kill me, do it already! If you want to hurt me do it!” He growled at her, some of the people turned their attention toward the pair, but they kept their eyes to each other. Her lip trembled and she dropped the knife.
“I tried so fucking hard.” She muttered and walked away from him, he growled and snatched her arm.
“You’re gonna stop that, you’re going to stop fucking walking away from me.” He growled pulling her back to him.
“I can do whatever I-“
“No the fuck you can’t. You are mine, no one else’s. You don’t get the luxury of walking away from me, you don’t get the luxury of fucking someone else. Because you are mine. Do you understand?” He growled into her ear and bit it softly. She whimpered and he could smell a hint of her arousal.
“Does that make you hot, pet? Does that make you want my cock?” He whispered into her ear and she nodded.
“Do you want me to take you right here, pet? Right in front of everyone?” He asked trailing his hand to cup her ass and give it one squeeze. She moaned and pushed herself closer.
“Ah, ah, ah pet. Calm down, I’ll fuck you soon pet. And when I do, I’ll make you scream my name, I’ll make you cream so many times that pretty little pussy of yours will be sore. Do you want that pet?” He asked licking the rim of her ear. She nodded and he could feel her body trembling.
“Go get your jacket, and whatever else you bought with you and meet me outside.” He told her and let go, he could see people trying not to pay attention and he smiled a little. He sat on his bike outside and waited for her. She came out a little while later and practically ran to the bike. She sat behind him and he bit his lip at the feel of her hot sex pressed against his back. He couldn’t drive there fast enough.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!!! This was not how things were supposed to turn out. She was not supposed to be on her way to fucking him. She was supposed to tell him to fuck himself and leave her the hell alone. But her stupid body rejected that and she succumbed herself into her arousal. Now she was practically rubbing herself against him, just to relieve her aching clit.
“Patience pet.” He told her, pulling over to his apartment. She got off quickly and pulled him off, making impatient noises, and dragged him to the apartment. They went up the stairs instead of the elevator, she didn’t have the patience or the will to wait. He fumbled for his keys and that made her impatient, but when he got them and opened the door she jumped on him. Literally. She hopped on his back and clutched her legs around his waist. He chuckled and closed the door. She got off and took off her shirt, leaving her in her bra and skirt. She kissed him and he kissed her back readily, making her moan and push closer to him.
“You’re over dressed.” She moaned against his lips, struggling to take his t-shirt off.
“So are you.” He growled and ripped her skirt off. She didn’t care, she was glad the obstacle was out of the way.
“God, these are so fucking hot.” He groaned and kissed her neck. She hissed in a breath and unbuttoned his pants. He stopped her hand and nipped lightly on her skin.
“Patience.” He growled at her and picked her up.
“Please don’t do this to me, not again just give me what I want.” She whimpered and pressed against him.
“Sorry pet, I don’t think you’re ready for me just yet.” He said lightly and carried her to his room. He put her down standing and looked up at her. Keeping eye contact he unclasped her bra and a quick moment, she was pretty sure it was broken. He reached out and flicked one of her nipples, making her moan and bite her lip. He smiled and lashed his tongue onto the hardened bead. She gasped and struggled to keep her hands where they were. He latched his mouth onto her left breast and sucked lightly, he rolled her other nipple in between his fingers and she let out a small yell. He scraped his teeth against her nipple and she clutched his head. Every lick and scrape went directly to her clit and added to the dampness of her panties. He stopped all too soon.
“Lay down.” His voice had taken on the deep quality that she loved and she obeyed. He took her boots of gently and looked down at her.
“Open your legs.” She did as she was told and looked at him, keeping eye contact. He bent down and took a fistful of her stockings.
“Never. You will never wear these again.” He told her and she shivered with the order. She nodded quickly and he yanked them off of her. He put one knee in between her legs and took her mouth in a ferocious kiss that made her knees shake. His hand traveled up her thigh and covered her pussy through her panties. She whimpered against his lips and arched herself into his touch. His hand receded.
“Patience, pet.” he growled and nipped her bottom lip. He covered her crotch again and her toes curled, desperately trying not to bend at his touch.
“Good, that’s good.” He crooned to her, moving his lips to her neck and his hand moving inside her underwear. She gasped and he hushed her, trailing his lips back down to her breasts.
“Please, god please, stop this.” She muttered and her hands clenched at her sides. His hand found her clit and pinched it. She let out a loud whimper and fought her body not to move. He circled it endlessly, putting a little pressure. She let out small yells and fought of her orgasm as hard as she could. He growled and took his hand from her clit only to shove it deep into her opening. She couldn’t have held it in even if she tried. She came and arched into his fingers, he kissed her silencing her moans.
“Please, I want you now, please.” She begged him running his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and shook his head.
“There’s... there’s something I gotta tell you.” He told her and she sat up, sensing the urgency in his tone.
“I’m not normal. I’m not like the guys you see on TV, or you read about in books. Well some books.” She laughed and smiled at him.
“I know that, I’ve known that since we were little.”
“No... no you didn’t. You knew what I told you, what I allowed myself to tell you. I’m... I’m a werewolf. Not the ones from the old movies, half man half beast all monster. I just turn into a wolf.” She was stunned into silence. She narrowed her eyes slowly.
“So you think you’re a... werewolf?” She asked him slowly, cautiously.
“I am a werewolf. That’s why my eyes change color, thats why my teeth get sharper. That’s why when we have sex I get controlling.” He told her, looking down. She had already drawn back from him, but that small act made her come back to him.
“Ok, look babe. I know you believe this, but I’m telling you that you’re not. Ok, you’re normal, as normal as I am.” She told him, tucking her legs underneath her.
“Please don’t make me show you, please just believe me.” He begged, looking into her eyes.
“You’re starting to scare me now.” She whispered to him, putting her hand on the nape of his neck.
“I don’t mean to, this is why I’m telling you this now. Before we have sex again, I’m telling you this now. Tomorrow, you can’t leave, I won’t be able to let you do that.”
“We’ll worry about that tomorrow, but as for now, we sate ourselves.” She said and laid him down on top of her.

Chapter 7

He awoke with a warm body next to him and happiness warming him. He had told Molly what he was, and she... well she hadn’t believed him. She hadn’t really said in words that she didn’t believe him, so that was good. Right? She stirred next to him and nestled closer. He looked down to see her cute little face tucked into the crook of his neck. His phone wrung and he was tempted to ignore it and just watch her.
“Ungh, turn it off before I slam it.” She mumbled and turned to give him a wonderful view of her backside. He reached to his night stand and picked up his phone.
“Someone better be dead.” He growled into the phone, angry at the caller for waking his mate up.
“She’s ran again, she’s not at the motel!” Her mother shrieked at him and Molly sat up. Her eyes narrowed on his and she shook her head and started to reach for the phone. He moved away from her and she reached again.
“She didn’t leave she’s right- OW!” He yelled as she pushed him off the bed. She grabbed his phone and slammed down on the end button.
“What are you trying to do?” She hissed at him and put his phone back on the night stand.
“She’s your mother, you’ll have to talk to her sooner or later. Whether you want to or not.”
“That is a damn lie.” She huffed and flopped back down on the bed. He sat himself up and pulled on his boxers.
“You hungry?” He asked and walked out of his room.
“Depends on what you have.” She muttered and he shook his head. He walked into the kitchen and got the pancake batter out of the cabinet. He pulled some bacon out of the fridge and got started on breakfast.
“Ok, I know you’re a guy and all.” She said coming from behind him and towards the coffee pot. “But would it really kill you to put the seat down, I almost died.” She teased and filled the pot with water.
“Would you rather fall into the toilet or sit on pee.” He told her blandly mixing the pancake batter.
“Neither, actually. I’d rather pee in an outhouse than do either of those.” She answered and pinched him.
“That’s not nice, you wanna know what I do with bad girls?” He asked and picked her up, placing her on the counter. She smiled haughtily and cocked an eyebrow, she leaned closer to him so that her lips were a scant inch away from his.
“What would that be?” She whispered and he trailed his hand from her waist to the waistband of his boxers. He toyed with it between his fingers and smiled when she shivered. He thought that was unbelievably sexy and he did it again.
“I’d be delighted to show you.” He whispered back huskily and leaned in to kiss her.
“On the counter? Seriously? Have you guys no restraint?” Dad said from the kitchen opening and we both jumped. He should’ve been more alert, he should’ve smelled him or at least heard him. Molly blushed and slid off the counter.
“It was your sons fault, he’s been mauling me all night.” She mumbled and he snorted. She smiled and winked up at him and mouthed ‘later’. He chuckled and leaned down to her ear.
“You bet your sweet ass later.” He mumbled and bit her earlobe, knowing she creamed for that. He growled softly in her ear as the smell of her arousal wafted up to his nose with heavenly bliss and she moaned softly.
“Your father.” She whispered huskily and a deep throat cleared. He turned around and started mixing the pancake mix again.
“I take it you’ve told her?” His father asked and she turned to face him. She opened her mouth to say something and Thomas waited. She simply smiled and picked up the eggs and turned back to the sink.
“Yeah I told her.” He didn’t tell him that she didn’t really say Ok, but he had told her.
“And the marking?” His father asked, keeping his eyes on Molly. Thomas closed his eyes and hung his head. He didn’t tell her that, one step at a time, but apparently his father just wanted to let it all out. She cracked eggs on the counter and started humming. She had shut down again, she was starting to open up but he knew, just by her humming, that he had lost her again. She would’ve turned around and asked what his father meant, or she would’ve yelled and screamed that he was keeping secrets from her. Instead she whisked the eggs and turned on the stove.
“Pan?” She asked, her voice tense, raising her brow. He looked to her but her eyes were shielded and her face pale.
“You Ok?” He asked touching her cheek.
“That’s a loaded question right now Thomas, where is the pan?” She asked him, maintaining eye contact. He sighed and pointed to the bottom cupboard. She threw a glance at his father and knelt down.
“Thanks” She mumbled and he looked to his father. His father merely shook his head and sighed.
“It won’t work if you keep secrets from each other.” His father said to him and Molly slammed the pot down on the stove.
“If you’re not gonna cook anything go sit down in the living room or go back to sleep.” She snapped a him and took the pancake mix from him. He threw a hateful glare at his father, which he merely shrugged off, and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you Ok, I only keep things away from you to protect-“
“Don’t feed me that line of shit, Ok? You keep things from me because you want to, it’s not necessary for you to do it, you just do. There is no sugarcoating it, there is no baby talking it. If keeping secrets helps you better to cope with whatever the hell you need to cope with, you do that. Just... go sit down Ok?” She snapped at him and walked to the stove. He closed his eyes and let out a breath.
“I tried to tell you but-“
“When?! When the fuck did you try to tell me Thomas?!? When you were fucking me, is that when you tried to tell me?!” She yelled slamming the bowl down on the counter near the stove.
“My father.” He warned taking a step closer to her.
“Your father is the only truthful one in this relationship and I’m not even screwing him!” She yelled and for the first time ever her eyes swirled amber.

He was making her so angry. She had thought they were past this, she had listened to when he said he was a werewolf, she hadn’t believed him but she listened. He could’ve told her before they had sex, he could’ve told her about the marking! Whatever the fuck that was!
“Watch it.” He growled and his eyes fought the amber changing.
“Oooh what will you do, huh, Thomas? You gonna fight me? You gonna hit me Thomas?” She asked stepping closer to him and clenching her fists. She felt the urge to fight now, to hit something with all her might. To bite something.
“Don’t push me because I swear I won’t have-“
“Enough!” His father yelled and she winced but kept her eyes on Thomas’ amber ones.
“Do it, I fucking dare you! Hit me!” She yelled at him and stepped closer to him. Her teeth started to hurt and she clenched them against each other, willing the ache to stop. He narrowed his eyes and growled at her. She snarled at him and started to raise her fist. His father was suddenly there, peering into her eyes.
“Stop, right now.” His voice stiffened her but she fought against it and won.
“Bite me.” She growled and ripped herself away from him. She felt destructive, extremely destructive. She punched the wall with a war cry and felt satisfied when the wall dented underneath her pressure. It wasn’t enough though, she needed more destruction, something to relieve her anger. She stormed to his room and picked up his pillow. She stuffed it to her face and let out an earth shattering yell. She felt a little better at the end of it but she still ripped the pillow in half. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was fine now, she felt a whole bunch better. She rubbed her forehead and paced the room.
“Are you done going psycho now?” Thomas asked popping his head in the doorway. She clenched her teeth and her fists, biting her tongue. She let out a breath and turned to him.
“I’ve brought you on an emotional roller coaster, and for that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for thinking this could work, I’m sorry for sleeping with you, I’m sorry for distracting you from your regular life. I don’t know why I thought I could just come back, I was wrong and I see that now. I can’t do this without being too bitchy or too emotional, and you can’t do this because you’ve got this secrecy thing about you that I jut can’t... do. So I’m just gonna leave, I think that’s best.” She told him and struggled to hold in her tear as something scratched inside her brain. She closed her eyes and her ears to his protests and pulled off his boxers. She pulled on her skirt quickly and blinked away the fire of her tears. She took off his t-shirt and moved away from him as he walked to her, she tugged on her shirt and ran a finger through her hair.
“I can’t do it! Do you not understand!? I love you but I can’t love you if you just lie!”
“I didn’t lie!” She noticed that he was crying too but she didn’t care.
“You sure as hell didn’t tell the truth!” She yelled at him, more tears flowing from her face and his black eyes turned amber.
“Fine, I won’t find you. You wanna fucking leave? Leave! I’m done trying to make you see that you’re mine. I’m done trying to help you! You’re a fucking helpless case! If you don’t want to be mine, I sure as hell won’t fight it, nor will I be yours. You are no longer my mate, I relive you from your duty!” He yelled and she would’ve flipped him off. She would’ve told him to go to hell. But she couldn’t, her heart was broken. She let out a strangled yell and feel to her knees.
“I’m going to work, by the time I’m back you should be gone.” She better be is what it sounded like to her. It fell on deaf ears though, her heart breaking masked every sound, sight, or smell she had. It deleted ever happy memory, it erased all her emotions leaving only one. Sadness. He turned and left her crying on the floor and she clutched her heart. She was foolish to give it to anyone, she was foolish to think that maybe, just maybe, he would love her back. His father came in after the front door closed and he walked to her.
“Molly, it’s me, Thomas’ father.” She whimpered at his name and a fresh tear fell out of her eye. “He’s just lost, please don’t give up on him. You’ve rejected him too many times and his wolf just... His wolf wanted to end it before you could. He’s torn up about it, please just... give him time. I promise you he won’t hurt you, he loves you more than life itself and he would give anything for you.” He told her, but she only heard snippets of it.
“He’s... lost... give up on him... You’ve... rejected too many times... end it... torn up about it... he... hurt you... more than life.” Is what she heard and she sniffled. She nodded her head slowly and stood up.
“I knew I couldn’t do it, I was kidding myself thinking I could. I’m wasting everyone’s time here. I’ll be gone by dusk tomorrow.” She sniffled and walked out of his room.
“Wait what?” His father asked, staring after her.

~ 2 weeks later~

He had, somehow, went back to work. Although everything he did was sketches for a dream house. The perfect place for anyone to live. A grand porch that wrapped around the whole house, balcony so that you and your spouse could glance up at the stars while having a romantic dinner, 5 bedrooms for your children... He had gone way too far. He couldn’t get it out of his head, how his wolf could’ve been so blunt, so stupid. So evil! His wolf had grown tired of Molly’s ‘games’, he said she either had to grow up or find a different mate. He had no control over what he said, he let his emotions go and his wolf stepped up to protect him. He didn’t need any damn protection! Grunting he clenched his pencil in his hand and felt the wood creak under her hands. His father had came and told him that he had managed to talk her into staying. She had been so heartbroken that she felt the need to leave. And not just his house, like his wolf had so, rudely, told her to, but the town. He let out a small mournful howl and his wolf growled at him, told him to stop being such a wussy. At that moment he hated his wolf more than ever before. Everything was quiet in Tiburon for the past week. He hadn’t gone to McFurly’s to resist bedding her, he hadn’t gone to her motel to resist arguing with her or angering her. He knew he wouldn’t last, he pined for her. Every night he begged the Moon Goddess for her to see, for her to understand what she really was to him, what she really was in life. And every day, right before work, he stared at the phone for about 30 minutes, waiting for her to call. It’d never rang. Ever. He let out a puff of air, he was starving. He could just go get lunch at McFurly’s and just act as if he didn’t know she was working today. Because he knew, he’d called Rachael to see. He grabbed his bike keys and stomped out of his office, before he could change his mind.

She was a nervous wreck, and by nervous wreck she meant nervous Titanic ship wreck. Her nervous were bundled and she was jumpy. Every time someone yelled her name she jumped. It wasn’t like her at all. She wanted to leave, she wanted to get out of this town and run somewhere. She could run to Cali, she’d never been there. She bet the sun was nice and relaxing. She set down the plate in front of a man, Brandon she’d found out his name was, and smiled a little.
“Here ya go doll, cheeseburger deluxe with extra deluxe.” He had come in every day since he ‘accident’ and she’d considered him a real friend. Even if he was a friend of Thomas.
“Thanks.” He said and popped a fry in his mouth. “You look completely exhausted.” He mumbled, reaching for the ketchup.
“Ugh, I’ve no idea what’s up with me.” She admitted and sat up. Her back ached like hell but she hid it, she hid everything.
“Uhm, Ok, it’ll be ready by the time you walk in.” Rachael mumbled into the phone and hung up.
“It’s a pick up order.” She told her cheerily and started to walk into the kitchen.
“Since when did we become a pick up place?” Molly asked and she stiffened. She sighed and turned to face her.
“Since it’s an order from the Alpha.” She said and turned back into the kitchen. Molly’s brow furrowed and she walked in after her.
“What do you mean Alpha?” Rachael stopped and looked Molly in her eyes.
“I know Tom told you, I know you don’t believe it but it’s true. He is a werewolf, I am a werewolf, almost everybody in that damn room is a werewolf.” Rachael growled, putting a burger on the stove.
“What do you mean almost everyone?” Molly whispered, her heart speeding up.
“You... You aren’t a werewolf. You’re a half breed. Your momma was a human, met up with your poppa. She was pregnant with you when she was changed, by then you were already human.” Rachael explained, keeping her eyes on the grill. Something wasn’t right, she wasn’t freaking out. Sure her heart was a little faster but she wasn’t nervous. She wasn’t sweating, she wasn’t parched. Everything was fine. Everything shouldn’t have been fine! She should be freaking the fuck out! She narrowed her eyes on Rachael and stormed out the kitchen. Brandon looked at her and winked. That bastard! He knew! He was one! She walked to him and leaned over the countertop.
“So, werewolves huh?” I asked and he smirked, putting his burger down.
“Yup... So waitress huh?” She laughed a short laugh and smiled. A real genuine smile. She hadn’t done that in two weeks! Rachael came out with a Styrofoam container and a small smile.
“Customer’s gonna be here soon.” She said lightly and bagged it in a white plastic bag that said n bright red letters “Thank You For Coming!” She placed it in front of me and I nodded once to show her I wasn’t mad at her. I was mad at myself for not listening to Thomas. If it came from him, she should’ve known it was the truth. The door opened and her sense went on an overload. Her body stood alert and she shot a look at the door. He stood there looking glorious and... hot. He made every cell in her body burn, to the point of extremely pleasurable pain.
“I take it he’s the customer?” She croaked to Brandon, and picked up the plastic bag. She faced him and let out a small puff of a breath.
“6.50.” She told him, and cleared her throat, trying to look everywhere but his eyes. He took out a ten and put it on the counter.
“Keep the change.” He mumbled darkly and she clenched her teeth to keep from moaning out loud. She nodded and walked to the register. She heard the door open and she spun around. His back was to her and he was slowly advancing out.
“I believe you now!” She yelled hoping it would stop him, and it did. “I understand what I am, I understand what you are. And I’m not afraid of you, if that’s what you thought.” She told him, taking an involuntary step forward as he turned back to her. His eyes were pure amber, and he clenched his fist around the plastic bag.
“You’re just figuring out what you are. You’re nothing but a stupid, immature little girl. I can’t be bothered with little girls. When you grow up and actually get a damn clue, then maybe you can think about trying to make things right.” He told her in a low menacing tone and he stormed away. She blinked once and her heart broke more. She felt hands on her arms, but she couldn’t feel the warmth. She felt wetness on her cheeks but she couldn’t feel the air hitting the wet trails down her face. She couldn’t feel anything but the deep, never ending pain and sadness.
“H- he rejected me. In front of everyone.” She whimpered and her body sagged against someone.
“I’m gonna kill him, I’m gonna rip off his dick and shove it in his fucking mouth!” A female voice growled and then her face was in Molly’s mind.
“Mom.” She whimpered and closed her eyes, not that she could see anything with her eyes open, and smiled softly. A small empty smile. “Well, at least I’m not completely alone anymore.”
She woke up again in a black room, well the ceiling was black. That was the only thing she could see, her body hurt too much to look at anything, she just didn’t have the fight. She could, however, feel something extremely soft under her clothed body, she felt her hair stick to her face, she felt the cool breeze against her neck. So why was she sweating? She felt panicky, yes, she felt scared, yeah, but not hot. She felt everything but hot. And happy, she didn’t feel happy at all.
“Hey there, little one, you doing Ok?” Her mother’s face came into her view with a small smile. She opened her mouth to say something, but words wouldn’t come out. Nothing would come out. She swallowed in hope that that would help somehow. It didn’t.
“You and your wolf are just in pain right now. If I thought I would be able to get away with it, I’d kill that bastard Alpha. But, sadly, I can’t.” Her mother gave a small sigh, then sucked in a huge breath. Her mother stilled and she sniffed again. Oh lord, Molly thought, what the hell is she doing? Her mother picked up one of Molly’s arms and sniffed her wrist. Her eyes bugged and she dropped her arm.
“Holy shit.” She whispered and gulped.
“M- Michael!” She yelled softly and Molly felt like smiling. Normally she was sure that would’ve set her eardrums on fire, now... Nothing.
“Yeah?” Her father said from, what Molly presumed, the doorframe.
“Can you check something out for me?” Her mother asked, sounding extremely scared. She heard something scuttle on a carpet and then her father’s face was in her view. He smiled softly down at her, and she let out a small sigh. Somehow his face gave her some sort of relief from the aching pain in her chest.
“Hey there little pup, you doing-“ Her father’s speech cut off as he sniffed. He gripped her wrist tight and brought it to his nose. HE took a short sniff then he threw it down, making her whimper. Immediately he swooped down and kissed her forehead.
“Sorry, too rough.” He mumbled then ran his hands thru his black hair.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Her mother growled, and started to pace. Molly could hear the constant rubbing on the carpet.
“No, you can’t. That will just start things that you won’t want to finish.” Her father said, keeping his eyes on her.
“Do you know why she’s mad? Blink once if you do, twice if you don’t.” He asked softly, taking her hand in his. She blinked twice and he sighed. His black eyes flashed amber, before turning back to black.
“Molly, you’re pregnant.”

Chapter 8

As soon as he got home he let out a ferocious growl. How dare he do that to their mate! He’d hurt her enough! He didn’t need to say that, he should’ve kept walking. He should’ve never stopped, but as soon as she said those words. His whole body had felt enlightened, like a giant burden had been lifted off his shoulders. But when she said she wasn’t afraid of him, his wolf just stepped up. He had fought his wolf, he had threatened, but his wolf was strong hearted and he didn’t listen. He saw the flattened face of his mate, he felt her raw emotions as if they were his own. Mostly because they were. He felt completely and utterly hurt, hurt that his wolf said such hurtful things, hurt that his wolf rejected her without even asking him, hurt that his mate was hurt... Now he was sure that her mother had swooped in and helped her pup, he was sure that now she wanted to kill him, he was sure that the pack would call a meeting, and he would get his ass handed to him. It was just a matter of when.

Her breathing had stopped for the shortest period of time, and one tear pricked her eye. She couldn’t be pregnant! She hadn’t had sex with anyone... besides... fuck! That bastard got her pregnant, then rejected her! In front of the whole fucking restaurant! Slowly her body came back to her, the pain receded and her head cleared up. She sat up slowly, taking her father by surprise and stopping her mother from pacing, and growled.
“I’m gonna kill him.” She growled and moved her toes, making sure she could move them before jumping off the bed.
“Whoa, what just happened. How are you-“ Her mom tried to ask but she was cut off when Molly opened the grey door that lead her to a hallway with 4 other doors.
“No time for questions. I’m gonna go kill that son of a bitch for knocking me up, then I’m gonna bring him back to life. Just to kill him again for denying me my right, in front of everyone no less!” She ranted while going down the wooden stairs. She was still dressed in her black tank top and black skinny jeans. She opened the front door to see that they were secluded in a forest. She didn’t even know South Carolina had forests! She looked left and right, she could hear water somewhere, so there had to be a river somewhere.
“Molly think of what you’re doing!” Her father yelled after her and she took a step outside.
“I’ve thought about it, I’ve lived it out, I’m doing it!” She yelled back at him and took a sniff. The clean crisp air gave her a whiff of earth, water, and something... unidentifiable. Something... Familiar. Mate. Something whispered in her brain and her eyes widened. She took a step to the right and the smell intensified a little, just a little and she gave a cynical little smile. Thank god for werewolf senses, without them she would not be a happy camper. She took off running, her hair flapped in the breeze. She didn’t know how far away she was from the city, how far away she was from him but she knew that running felt great. The stress on her joints made her smile and laugh, the cool forest air feeling great against her heated skin. Her heart beat faster, but she never felt out of breath. She just kept running until the smell of gas hit her nose and she skidded to a stop. More smells assaulted her nose, like the smell of burning rubber, the smell of coffee. Civilization. Ohh! That’s what that was. She smiled and ran to the other side of the trees. Her feet hit the gravel and she set out running faster, she was on the edge of town, if she could just push herself a little harder she would make it to Carly’s before the sun went down.

He could feel someone’s wolf being awoken. He could feel their inner wolf stretching and waking up. Only problem was, there shouldn’t have been any wolves being awoken. All the teenagers had had their first shift, and the last he checked there wasn’t any rogues. Unless... But no, that was impossible. She was a half- breed and he was pretty sure half- breeds didn’t shift. His wolf growled at the thought of rogues, and Thomas rolled his eyes. He didn’t like the thought of rogues, but didn’t care about whether or not his mate was Ok. He watched the sunset through the mirror and his brow furrowed, the wolf was getting closer but it stopped. He’d better go and investigate, for the safety of the pack.

She was going good, the sun was going down and she had made it to Carly’s just like she’d hoped. But it was so much work, she was out of breath. She leaned on her knees and took deep breaths. Her stomach felt unsettled and she froze. She wouldn’t make a good mother, she couldn’t make a good mother. She was too scarred. She put one hand on her stomach and stood slowly, still taking deep breaths, and started to walk. Something delectable hit her nose and her head snapped to the side. She faintly heard the purr of a motorcycle and she growled. The son of a bitch came to her. She hid behind the wall of the restaurant and waited until the purr came closer to sink to her haunches.
“I can smell you, come and show yourself.” He growled as the purr came to a stop and the sound of his feet walking on the gravel lifted to her ears. She smirked to herself and didn’t move.
“You’ve got a lot of balls coming on to my land, then you’re gonna just hide like a pussy? That’s a contradiction, I’d say.” He said and she stood and walked around the edge of the building.
“Generally, yeah. Completely different genitalia.” She said huskily and crossed her arms. His eyes widened and his brow furrowed.
“That’s... Impossible. You can’t... You shouldn’t...” He stuttered and she rolled her eyes.
“I shouldn’t be standing in front of you right now, truthfully. I shouldn’t be a half- breed, truthfully. And werewolves shouldn’t exist. Yet here you are. The big bad ‘Alpha’.” She said, air quoting Alpha, sneering at him. “But yet, here I am. Standing in front of you, pissed off and in pain. I don’t like either of those feelings, to be truthful to you, and I plan on doing something about it.” She told him, taking one step toward her. Her eyes flashed to amber and she heard his breath quicken, he should be afraid.
“Look, I’m sorry about what my-“
“Nope, I don’t want to hear your petty excuses. You’ve done what you’ve done, the damage is irreparable and permanent.” She snarled and took another step toward him. “Really permanent.” His eyes turned amber and he growled, throwing his hands in the air.
“You’re such a fucking drama queen! And you’re so hurt that I rejected you!” He snarled at her and she zoomed to him, stopping until she was a foot away.
“You rejected me because of your own fucking problems! Not because of me! If anything, I tried to fucking help you! You evil, life taking bastard!” She growled at him, she felt her teeth start to hurt and she curled her lip at the pain. He swallowed at the sight of her shiny teeth and she growl.
“There you go with the god damn dramatics again! I didn’t take your fucking life, you ungrateful bitch! I just gave myself a better one! Another mate will pop up, and when she does, she’ll be better in every way!” He yelled at her and she didn’t even have time to lunge at him before huge arms wrapped around her middle. She still tried to scratch at his face, she even tried to kick him but the heavy arms just lifted her.
“See right there, that’s the fucking immature shit I’m talking about! You will never be a good mate! I will never want you!” She heard Thomas hiss and that made her stop fighting whoever was holding her.
“You know what? It’s not even worth fighting you, not anymore. I’m not gonna try, because I was the one fighting the first time. It’s kinda stupid for me to keep trying, isn’t it?” She didn’t wait for the answer she just giggled lightly. “It’s not like I’m alone anymore, I’ve got a family. I don’t know them very well, but I’m sure that’ll be fixed.” She sighed wistfully and sagged in the strangers arms. His face cleared and the amber washed away, becoming black once again.
“Holy shit, Mol’s, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that my wolf... he’s... strong minded.” She laughed and shook her head.
“You can put me down now Brandon, I won’t be killing your Alpha today.” She said, making sure to put emphasis on today. He let her down and she stood up, readdressing her shirt. Brandon stiffened behind her and she glared at him.
“Not one word, not one damn peep until I decide it’s Ok. Got it?” She hissed at him and he nodded, baring his throat to her.
“Good, have a nice night Thomas, look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” She said sweetly to him, before running off again, in the opposite direction she ran the first time.

He watched her with widened eyes, he hadn’t known that her wolf was even inside her. He just thought that she had the strength and temper of a wolf. His wolf growled at her as she ran away with wolf speed and he clenched his teeth.
“Shit, she’s never going to forgive you for that one.” Brandon spat and ran his fingers through his sandy hair.
“I know, I don’t know what’s up with my wolf. He’s been a dick ever since...” His sentence trailed off, he didn’t want to tell Brandon what had happened. At least not yet.
“Since what?” Brandon pushed, his black eyes roaming his Alpha’s face.
“Since... Me and her had a huge gigantic fight. He just stopped liking her, I guess.” He said, shrugging and scratching the back of his head.
“That’s fucking impossible and you know it.” Brandon growled at him, taking a step forward and clenching his fists.
“What do you know? You’re not even mated.” Thomas snarled, taking a step toward the wolf challenging him.
“I know enough about it to know that you love each other, no matter what, unconditionally. Even if you started out hating each other, you will come to love each other.” Brandon snarled back, struggling to keep his eyes black.
“Why the fuck do you even care!? She’s not your fucking mate!” He growled at his beta, struggling to rein in his wolf.
“I care because she’s your mate dipshit! She’s my Luna, and in the past two weeks she’s become my friend. You’ve broken an already broken mirror, I won’t let you keep doing it until all the pieces fall crumbling to the floor! That girl has been through enough and she doesn’t need you being another burden on her life!” Brandon growled, his eyes going amber and his nail lengthening.
“You best remember who the Alpha is here-“
“Just because you’re a fucking Alpha doesn’t automatically make you a man! You’re not a man, you are a boy that’s trying to be brave! Men don’t hurt women, they help women. But because you and your damn wolf don’t want to be hurt you’re lashing out on your mate! Someone who was designed for you, designed to help you, designed to wipe away your tears!” Brandon growled, his teeth coming out in sharp points, he was so close to shifting.
“I’m an Alpha, I don’t cry!” Thomas yelled, feeling his own wolf come out.
“Every Alpha cries! Your father cries almost every day, mourning for the mate he lost! And that was almost 18 years ago! You are not above feelings, you are allowed to feel something, you can’t just shut yourself down whenever you feel emotional! It doesn’t fucking work that way!” Brandon yelled as he felt his back bend. He let out an angry howl and clenched his fists into balls, stabbing his palm with the sharpened points that had become his nails.
“You’ve pushed her too far, she’s never coming back to you. She doesn’t deserve someone who can’t even love.” Were the last words Brandon said before his body shrunk down to a wolf. His wolf was beautiful, a sandy coat and amber eyes with blue rims just on the edge of his eyes. He gave an angry growl and his ears flattened on his head. He stepped one paw forward and snapped his teeth. ‘Don’t fuck with me’ was what that stance meant but Thomas had a feeling it meant ‘Don’t mess with her, if you’re not serious’ which was a pretty accurate guess. He gave one last growl then ran off in the direction that Molly had ran. He tried to run after him, to kill his beta for even taking one step in that direction, but his wolf fought against him and won. He had no idea what was wrong with his wolf, he just hoped that soon his wolf would snap out of his funk. Then he would be able to be with Molly again.

She was surprised when she felt something run alongside her, sparing a look down she saw a beautiful wolf. His sand cote seemed to shimmer in the twilight glow and his eyes snapped up to hers. Shock made her skid to a stop, leaning against a tree she took a couple of breaths and looked at him.
“Brandon?” She didn’t know how she knew, she just knew it was Brandon. He yipped happily and she smiled.
“What are you doing here? I didn’t harm your Alpha.” She told him and flashed a quick smile. He shook his head and her brow furrowed.
“You’re not here for that? Well then, what exactly are you here for?” She asked, pushing herself off the tree and folding her arms. She shook her head at herself internally, here she was talking to a wolf, in the middle of the woods. Well, technically he wasn’t a wolf. In all technicality the wolf was Brandon, so that kinda justified it. Kinda. The wolf lifted its chin at her and she bit her lip.
“Me? You’re here for me?” He yipped again, his tongue lolling out in a wolfish grin.
“Ohh, I get it. Yeah, no, I’m fine. No need to worry about me, my mind has just been all over the place.” The wolf dipped it’s head in and sneezed. He understood.
“I don’t want you to tell him. If I am his mate, then I’m guessing that I’m an Alpha too?” The wolf dipped its head in again and his wolfy eyes watched her warily now.
“Well then, I guess I have some Alpha power, don’t I?” She asked again, taking a step forward. The wolfs whined and dipped its head again.
“Then, as your Alpha, I command you to never, ever tell Thomas about my pregnancy. If he ever comes to you to talk about me, avoid the conversation completely. Do you understand?” She asked and she felt the power leak from her voice. The wolf dipped his head and she got on her knees.
“I’m sorry, he doesn’t want me. You heard what he said to me, I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.” She was interrupted by his growling and she pat his nose. His eyes dilated and she smiled and kissed his nose lightly before rubbing the wet muzzle. “I’m not leaving Tiburon, I’m staying, I just won’t stay with him. I’m staying with my parents’, if they’ll let me but I’m sure they will. I won’t have my child be around someone that didn’t even want their mother.” She told him softly and he licked my face.
“Yuck, but thanks.” She laughed softly and wiped the spit off her face.
“I would appreciate if you walked me home.” She whispered to him softly, and he yipped happily. She laughed a little more and stood. She walked back to her parents’ house and they were delighted when she came back, but tensed a little when they saw Brandon next to her.
“He walked me home, he’s on my side. Right Brandon? Team Molly all the way?” She teased and he yipped happily. Her mother and father laughed. Molly ruffled Brandon’s’ shiny coat and sighed.
“See you tonight, remember our agreement.” Molly told him and he dipped his head and ran off back to civilization.
“What was that about?” Her mom asked and Molly smiled.
“Nothing, but can we talk about something?”

3 hours later she was in her father’s car being driven to McFurly’s. Her parents’ had cried when she asked them if she could stay, they had cried when she said she was going to keep the baby, they had cried when she said she forgave them. Overall there were a lot of tears shed. They had been opposed to her going to work but she told them that she needed to go.
“I’m not going to let his rejection ruin the life I’ve made for myself here.” She’d said and at that her mother smiled and gave her one of her dresses.
“I’s not like anything you usually wear, but it should fit you.” Her mother told her and gave her a quick kiss before leaving the room. She’d found out that this was supposed to be her room. They were coming back to get her 3 months after she ran away, they had prepared this room for her. It had grey walls and a black ceiling with black carpet. The room had everything a girl could want. Nail polish, laptop, teddy bears. Everything was girly except for the color of the walls and for that she was grateful. She didn’t really like bright colors, she was more of a black, white, and grey type of girl. She’d put on the cress and smiled at how it fit like a second skin. It was a dark blue cocktail dress that came up to just above her thigh, it was a cap sleeve neck line and it had a little trill of silver running along the neck line. Her mother supplied her with plain dark blue flats and a blow driver, she couldn’t be more happy. She blew her hair out and walked downstairs only to be ambushed by Ryan.
“You’re gonna be staying here forever and ever! I get to see you every day!” He yelled and squeezed her, for a small little thing he had a lot of strength.
“I know! I get to bother you just like a big sister should!” She said excitedly and he stopped squeezing her and looked up at her.
“Wait, what do you mean?” He asked, his tiny little eyebrows pulling in.
“You did know that older sisters bother their little brothers right?” She asked incredulously blinking once. His eyes widened and he took a step back.
“No, I didn’t know that.”
“Well, if I were you I’d prepare myself for the worst. Because I wake up really early, and I love giving wet willies.” She said secretly and his eyes widened even more.
“Mooooom!!! She’s craaaazyyy!!!” He yelled running away from her as she laughed.
“It’s not nice to tease him.” Her father said with a small smile on his lips.
“But... It’s my job.” She said with a little pout and he chuckled.
“C’mon before you’re late.” He said and nodded toward the door.
“I’m already about 9 hours late, not like it makes a difference.” She mumbled passing him and she heard him chuckle even more. Which lead to her dad pulling up to the curb.
“Ok, now be safe, I’m coming back at 1 to pick you up.” She rolled her eyes and got out he care safely, trying not to flash anyone.
“Ok daddy, did you pack a lunch for me too?” She asked in a little girl voice and he pulled out a brown paper bag.
“As matter of fact, I did. Your mother wants you to stay fed.” He said with a slight smile and gave her the paper bag. She took it and smiled.
“See ya later dad.” She yelled walking to the bar.
“Be safe!”
“Always am!” She yelled back and opened the door. The bar was almost full to capacity, but she didn’t mind. She walked through the drinking people and to the bar.
“Oh thank the sweet lord you came, I thought you’d left...” Sarah’s sentence trailed off and Molly smiled sweetly. She put her paper bag underneath the bar and shook her head.
“And leave everybody drinking beer? I don’t think so!” She said, faking being appalled and Sarah laughed.
“Bartenders here!” She yelled and everybody cheered and howled. Everyone came at once and Molly happily serve them drinks, glad to have her mind on something else beside Tom, or babies, or wolves. She was going good until she heard the crowd cheer and a delectable scent hit her nose. Something inside of her howled for him, something inside her wanted to sing for him. She swallowed down that feeling and tucked a bit of her curly hair behind her ear.
“You doing Ok?” Brandon asked her and she smiled up at him, he’d stayed here all night with her and for that she was grateful.
“Fine, just feeling a little... Funny.” She said, her breath airy.
“Like puke funny? Or like crazy bitch pregnant lady pregnant?” He asked, his black eyes alive with humor. She laughed at that.
“I will never be crazy bitch lady pregnant, I don’t have it in me.” She said and Brandon snorted before taking a sip of his beer.
“That’s what your mom said, but then as soon as she hit 3 months she was bitchy as hell. Even your dad didn’t want to be around her.” He said and her eyes lit with wonder. She hadn’t been there when her mom was pregnant with Ryan, she’d been running away from Terrance... Not a happy memory.
“You Ok? Your face got this glazed over look for a minute.” Brandon said, putting his beer down and she smiled weakly at him.
“Can I get a whiskey on the rocks?” A deep voice asked and every nerve in her body shot out. She walked stiffly over to the glasses, put the ice in them and poured him his drink.
“12.” Is all she said and he put down 15 dollars.
“Keep the change. She put it in the cash register beneath the bar counter and walked stiffly back to Brandon.
“Well, I was fine. Now my body feels electrocuted.” She groaned and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Don’t let him stress you out.” Brandon said gently and she smiled softly.
“I don’t plan to.”

It was torture going to the bar, his wolf fought him every step of the way but he had to see her. He needed to see her, he was drugged up on Molly and he couldn’t get off. The minute he stepped in the bar he heard her wolf howling for him, pining for him. His wolf growled at the sound and immediately the sound stopped. He walked to the bar to find her talking to Brandon and nothing pissed him off more. His mate shouldn’t be talking to any other male. She was his to talk to, his to love, his to protect from douche bags... like himself. He asked for his drink and watched painfully as she did everything mechanically. He shot a look to Brandon to see the smug bastard raise an eyebrow ‘I told you so’ he said then went back to sipping his beer. He gave her fifteen and watch as she put it away with absolutely no emotion. She went to stand in front of Brandon again and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Well, I was fine. Now my body feels electrocuted.” She groaned and he closed his eyes and imagined her doing that underneath him.
“Don’t let him stress you out.” Brandon implored gently shooting a quick glance at him and she smiled a little.
“I don’t plan to.” She said ruefully and picked up two bottle of Cuervo.
“Free shots!” She yelled and the place ran like mad men toward her. He uprooted himself from the side of the bar and sat down over on the food side, where people were a little calmer as they ate their food and listened to the wild hysterics of drunk people and old juke box music. Sarah looked at him pitifully.
“You know you’ve really messed up this time, right?” She asked softly, so softly that he had to strain to hear her.
“Yeah, I know.” He sighed softly and thumped his head on the counter.

Chapter 9

She was tired, her feet were sore and her back hurt like hell. But at least she was sitting down and eating. Her stomach rumbled with a fierce passion and she patted it lightly. Don’t worry my sweet little baby, she thought taking a bite of her sandwich, you’ll get your food now. She sighed softly and closed her eyes.
“Hey there princess.” A male said, sidling next to her. She looked into black eyes and blond hair and she smiled.
“Hi Evan, glad to see you’re still alive.” She said dryly and he chuckled darkly.
“I know right, same here.” He said in a light way and I smiled, taking another bite of my sandwich.
“So I noticed you and Tom were fighting...” He started and she raised a brow. She’d no idea what had happened, until she saw who stood behind her in his eyes.
“Leave.” His wonderful voice said and something in her howled again. Evan’s face blanched and he started to get up.
“Stay.” She said, making sure to add authority to her voice and taking a bite of sandwich.
“I am your Alpha, leave.” Thomas said, growling and adding extra authority. I narrowed my eyes on my sandwich.
“I am your Alpha female, stay.” Evan gulped and sat down.
“Yes, Luna.” She didn’t know what that was about, but she smiled at it. She could feel Thomas’ eyes on her and she looked at him. His dark eyes were filed with anger and lust. She was about to tell him off but a car honked and she knew it was her father.
“Gotta go boys, tell Sarah I said bye.” She said and stood up. She caught a whiff of something and her eyes widened. She knew it was her baby, she just knew. She cleared her throat and took several steps back.
“I’m just trying a new way of walking. Just testing it out.” She mumbled, and walked backward out the door, all the while keeping her eyes on Thomas. Once she was outside she ran to the car door.
“Drive.” She mumbled and her father wasted no time.
“What happened?” Her father asked, sparing her looks. She just breathed and focused on that one thing.
“Molly, Molly what happened?” Her father asked, his diving slowing down.
“I could smell it, the baby. I could smell it from inside me and I knew if I could they would be able to.” She said quickly, clutching the armrest with her life.
“What you could... You could smell it?” Her father asked, his voice shaking.
“Yeah... Why can I smell my baby, mothers shouldn’t smell their babies.” She said, tears burning her eyes with their heat.
“Normal mothers... Not werewolf mothers.” He grumbled and pressed on the gas. Why is my life never normal!?!?

He glared at the wolf in front of him and clenched his jaw. Damn her parents’, damn whoever the hell told her he was Alpha. She couldn’t misuse her power, she didn’t. She was smarter than that. But he had a feeling that she would use it to her advantage. Evan squirmed in his seat as he tried to avoid looking at him.
“You can go now.” Thomas growled, struggling to control his wolf. His wolf, who told him to shift and chase down their mate and punish her for telling others to go against their will. But he, his human side, knew what she was doing. She was turning his pack against him, whether she knew it or not. Evans’ eyes widened.
“But Luna said-“
“Luna is a little wacky, and I am your Alpha. You. Can. Go. Now.” He said slowly, knowing his eyes changed color as his nails lengthened and his teeth elongated. Evan sputtered and rushed from the seat and out the door.
“It’s not nice to tease the pack.” A silky voice said from behind a shadow. Thomas’ pulse sped up, like it always did around her, and his eyes dilated.
“It’s my pack, I’ll do whatever the hell I want with them.” His voice cracked and his wolf growled at him for letting his guard down. She came out of the shadows then, her long lithe body covered in leather, like it always was, and her green wide eyes shining with mischief.
“I’ve seen you’ve found you’re girlfriend.” She said and walked forward, her high heel clicking on the wooden floor.
“She’s not my mate, I wouldn’t want her even if she looked like you.” His wolf said, somehow gaining control while he was gawking at her.
“So harsh, that’s what I’ve always liked about you.” She said silkily and walked around the bar, trailing a red nail along the bar top.
“Why are you back? I thought you found work elsewhere?” He said gruffly, trying not to growl.
“You sound as if you don’t want me back, and honestly... that hurts my feelings Tommy.” She pouted and made her way over to him.
“Why would I care about your feelings Kelly? You hunt my kind for a living, and you like it. Tell me why should I feel sympathetic towards you.” He hissed taking a step towards her. Kelly was a hunter, a good one at that. He met her during one of her jobs and he’d been piss poor drunk. He’d had sex with her and they’d had an on and off relationship. The on and off being whenever she passed by the town.
“Because I could very well be holding your child.” She said sincerely and he sniffed the air. No, the only thing he could smell was leather and her smoky scent.
“Try coming up with a better lie, huh, Kelly?” He taunted, putting a dangerous smile on his lips and she smiled.
“Fine, I need some help with a mission and I thought you would be the man to come to.” She said softly, stepping in front of him and looking at him with her big green eyes.
“I won’t help you trap any of my kind, if that’s what you thought.” He spat at her and she simply smiled.
“I knew you wouldn’t, but we just need one. And this one has to be strong, his wolf has to be vicious and fearless. This one has to be an... Alpha.” She said lightly, tapping her fingers on the counter top.
“And what does that have to do with-“ His speech cut off as something clocked against his head. But right before he went down he heard her say.
“And this one, has to be you.”

Chapter 10

“We knew it was going to happen, she’s an Alpha’s mate. It was inevitable!” Her mother yelled, wringing her hands.
“That might be so, but it’s still too soon for her to smell it. That shouldn’t have come for weeks!” Her father growled and paced. Ryan was sitting on her lip and she was picking at his clothes.
“Every case is different, we won’t know what’s happening without the pack doctor. She could be 3 weeks pregnant for all we know!” Her mother growled back, still wringing her hands. Her mother shot her a sad look and Molly smiled weakly. They were getting all freaked out because she could smell the baby. Apparently she wasn’t supposed to be able to smell the baby so soon. She was to smell the baby the second month of her pregnancy, right before she had the baby. Scary right? Being that they were werewolves they only held their children for 4 months. But being that she was the mate of an Alpha, and an Alpha herself, she would only be holding her baby for about 2 months.
“Molly?” Her father asked, she blinked herself out of her little thought bubble and looked at her father.
“Yeah?” She asked and Ryan slumped over, apparently falling asleep in her arms. Her mother came and took him and her father looked down at her with worried eyes.
“I asked if you would be Ok if the pack doctor came to check you up?” Her father asked and Molly nodded. She stood up and stretched.
“Yeah, that’d be cool.” She said softly and sleepily walked to the stairs. She felt so heavy, so not herself at all. Her fathers’ strong arms picked her up bridal style and walked up the stairs and into her room. He slipped her shoes off, laying her down on the bed.
“I am so sorry, things would have been so much easier had we just kept you. We shouldn’t have been afraid.” He whispered to her and she smiled softly.
“It’s Ok daddy, I forgive you. Just don’t leave me again, Ok?” She asked softly, sleeping already.

He woke up gasping for air, in shock from cold water being thrown up on him.
“Wakey, wakey Alpha. We’ve got a lot to do today!” A deep Texas male voice said that Thomas growled at. He looked around at his surroundings and growled again. They’d put him in a cage, a giant cage that, he was sure, was made out of silver bars.
“Back at ya buddy.” The male voice said and he threw the bucket on the floor. The man looked to be in his mid forties with grey eyes. Eyes that his wolf now dreamed to rip out. The man leaned his hands on his knees and looked into Thomas’ eyes.
“I take it yer angry?” His lip twitched a little, showing off a white tooth. “Get this, nobody here cares. Nobody gives a flying fuck about you or yer damn wolf, boy. No one is afraid of you, yer in our world
now!” The man yelled, his grey eyes sparking with amusement which only ticked Thomas off even more. He shifted his jaw, grinding his teeth together, and narrowed his eyes on the man.
“Am I pissin’ ya off boy? Am I making the Alpha mad?” The man asked standing up straight and smirking.
“Nope, you’re just signing your death certificate. Right on the dotted line.” Thomas replied gruffly, showing off his pointy teeth. He tried to move his hands, only to find them cuffed behind his back by silver handcuffs. It burned his flesh where he rubbed it and he tried to hold in his yelp.
“Smart little dog aren’t you?” The man asked and Thomas stiffened, that was the most degrading name to ever call a were. That was like calling a human a monkey.
“Ooh, have I hit a sore spot, dog?” he asked, smirking. If he wasn’t cuffed to this chair, this man would be dead.
“It’s not nice to torment our guests Mack.” Kelly said, descending from a staircase placed at the front left of the room.
“Half the stuff they do isn’t nice.” Mack grumbled and walked out of the cage, locking it behind him and throwing Thomas a wink.
“I know, we’ll get them for that. But for now we just need him angry enough.” She said softly and patted Mack on the cheek as she sauntered to the cage.
“So... do you like your new home?” She beamed brightly and Thomas spit on the floor.
“Well, whatever it takes to make a house a home.” She frowned and unlocked the cage. Today she wore a leather skirt with a leather halter top. That was all they ever wore, fucking leather. He hoped it rubbed all there fucking skin off.
“So, we’re gonna keep you here. Just for a little while.” She explained, locking the door and turning to face him. Not exactly smart.
“Now I’m sure you’re wondering exactly how long a little while is, truth is we don’t exactly know. We’ve tried this before, on different wolves of course, but they were just never strong enough.” She said brightly while still walking forward.
“So when they asked me to help them, you were the only person I thought of. Your wolf is extraordinary, strong and fierce. Exactly what we need.” She said putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning down. Her big green eyes filled with evil and happiness, however the hell that was possible.
“I’m sure you’re wondering what exactly we’re doing. I’ll tell you, as long as your promise not to tell.” She told him then giggled wildly.
“As if you could. We need to make weapons, against your kind. We’ve made several of them thanks to the help of your uh... family... but we need a study subject. One that can experience the pain, but can still last... ‘til we find something new.” She said sincerely and Thomas felt his rage rise back up
“You’re using me... So you can build weapons against my kind.”
“It’s so much more than that. Think of it as... birth control. To help make sure there aren’t too many of you hopping around like bunny rabbits.”
“You’re trying to control nature?” He almost yelled, almost.
“You aren’t nature. You’re freaks! Freaks that turn into monsters and try to kill things that are natural!” She shrieked pushing herself away from him.
“Are you forgetting that we are human too!? Are you forgetting that I sit here in my human form?!?”
“You should not have forms! You should be how god made you!” She shrieked and backhanded him. He tasted blood which he quickly spat out and glared at her.
“God created all things, you crazed bitch! I would say, if god made things in his image, that god is a were too!” He growled at her and she shrieked again and punched him again. For a crazed psycho bitch, she sure did hit hard.
“Shut the hell up, you demon spawn!” She yelled and kicked his chair over. His body hit the floor with a thud and his head bounced off the pavement.
“Rest up, dog! You’re gonna need your sleep!” She hissed at him, kicked him in the gut, then walked out of the cage. He knew now, that his time had come to an end.

Her work week had come to an end and all she felt like doing was just going to sleep. But something was nagging at her, niggling her to pay attention. She just couldn’t figure out what it was. She’d stayed in the house all day Saturday, sleeping on and off. That was all she ever seemed to be doing. Sleeping, eating, rubbing her stomach, thinking about sleeping. It was a vicious circle that she didn’t mind at all. At least she didn’t have to deal with Thomas. She hadn’t heard from him in about a day, not that she really scared. Something in her did though, something in her cared about him. Something in her wanted to know where he was, why he’d gone, and when he was coming ack. She wanted to kill whatever the hell that was. That would only send her in a downward spiral that she didn’t need to go down. A knock on her door brought her out of her sleep and she grumbled.
“Yeah?” She asked and the door opened slightly.
“Are you up, Molly?” Ryan asked, poking his cute little head in. She sighed and sat up, fixing her shirt a little.
“Now I am, what’s up squirt?” She said, taking a breath and trying to refrain from patting her little baby bump.
“Mommy wanted me to check up on you, and tell you that there’s a pack meeting in an hour.” He told her, his little voice squeaking a little. She smiled and stood up, Ryan’s eyes bulged when he looked at her small bulge and he gulped.
“What happened to your tummy?” He asked, she could hear his heartbeat pick up and could smell a little fear wafting from him.
“I’m sure mom told you I’m having a baby?” She asked, taking a step toward him. He took a small step back and nodded.
“Well, it’s in my tummy.” She said simply and his face blanched.
“You ate your baby?” He squeaked and she felt like laughing.
“Yes, I ate it up and swallowed it. Now it’s gonna be in my tummy forever!” She said in a deep voice and he yelled.
“Mom!!! Molly ate her baby!!!” He yelled and she ran after him.
“You little snitch! I thought I could trust you!” She yelled, struggling to keep from laughing as she chased him around the house.
“Hey, hey! No running in the house!” Her father said picking Ryan up and twirling him around.
“She ate her baby dad! She ate him up whole and now he’s gonna stay there forever!” He yelled, distressed, to his father and Molly gulped. Her father put Ryan down slowly and turned to look at her.
“See, now here’s a perfect explanation for tha-“ She started to say but then ran away.
“Molly!!” He boomed and she giggled as she ran down the stairs.
“Whoa, whoa speedy Gonzalez. Careful, what are you running from?” Her mother said stopping her at the foot of the stairs.
“Daddy is trying to hurt me momma, Ryan lied on me and Daddy wouldn’t even listen to what I said!” She cried to her mother, struggling to keep a straight face. She heard her father come closer and she ran into the kitchen. Only to be stopped by her rumbling stomach, she frowned and thought it over. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little ice cream. She went in the freezer and pulled out the tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and went to get a spoon.
“Really? I’m chasing you and you get ice cream?” Her father asked, sounding highly amused and she shrugged stabbing her ice cream with her spoon.
“The baby got hungry, I’m not gonna not feed my baby for my own selfish reasons poppa. That’s just foolish.” She said shrugging and popping a spoonful of ice creamy goodness in her mouth.
“You called me poppa.” He said, sounding astounded and she smiled around another spoonful.
“Are you not my poppa? Or would you rather I call you Michael, ‘cuz I can do that.” She said, her mouth filled with cold confection.
“No, no. It’s just... Ryan doesn’t even call me poppa.” He said, sitting down at the kitchen island. She sighed and took a seat in front of him.
“You weren’t there for me, and you feel bad. I forgive you, I forgave you a long time ago.” She said softly and he looked at her.
“When I was in New York. The orphanage there was filled with little kids, their parents had left them there. At first I was really bitter about it, I was glad that everyone was there with me. If I didn’t have parents why should they, right? Nah, I realized I was wrong when one month a little girl’s mother and father came back. They broke down in front of the whole orphanage, they cried and they cried. They said they weren’t ready for a kid, that they wanted the little girl back. I get it, you weren’t ready for me, you didn’t know what to do with me. But honestly I thank you. If you didn’t do what you did, I would’ve ended up really screwed up. You just needed time to accept you were parents, I believe you came back for me. So even though you screwed up, you’re still my poppa, and I still love you.” She said and kissed his tear streaked face.
“Want some ice cream poppa?” She asked softly and he took the tub from her and ate it, making her laugh a little.

Chapter 11

2 days, 2 aching days he had been here. Stuck in this damn cage while they experimented on him. His wolf howled for their pack, for their mate but nothing would come of it. It was as if all the ties had been broken. Some of the things they tried had no effect, it just felt a little weird, but most of the things felt like they had set his insides on fire. He tried to hold in his yells so the sick bastards wouldn’t get their thrills, but sometimes it didn’t work. His wolf would just get pissed and he’d try to shift, which would only cause them more pain. It was frustrating, really, to go through the same thing everyday and not be able to do a damn thing about it. He clenched his teeth as the shot they gave him too effect. They had given it to him maybe five hours earlier, and he had fought, but yet it had been affecting him since then. It burned his insides, making his wolf howl over and over in pain, but he wasn’t able to do anything about it.
“It burns a bit don’t it?” The male asked, Thomas hadn’t even bothered trying to know his name. What was the use if he was just going to die as soon as Thomas got out of these restrictions. Thomas gave a wordless snarl and clenched his eyes closed. The pain was making his vision blurry and his head spin, but he refused to let these sick sons of bitches know it.
“I dunno why you’re trying to be all brave. I hope it ain’t for the ladies, none of them do the whole animal sex thing.” He said then laughed at his own joke. He had a choking laugh, one that gave Thomas the sound affects to his fantasy. The fantasy where he choked the male out then clawed and bit at him until he was in a bloody pulp. His thoughts had gone so dark lately.
“Well, you never know. The picking is slim, and people tend to adapt.” He remarked back, sneering, earning him a punch in the face. He had gotten used to their abuse though, so he spit out the blood and smirked at the man.
“Ooh, losing your touch there.” He teased, earning him another punch.
“Mack! What have I told you about hitting him?!” The crazy pyscho bitch shrieked and that made Thomas wince. Everybody else could torture him, anything else would be better than hearing this bitch yell. Mack just shrugged and stepped back..
“Yer boyfriend asked for it.” He said standing to his full height, making his beer bully poke out from his black shirt.
“And you need to ask for the salad dishes.” Thomas replied back, making the male glare at him.
“Why isn’t your pack coming?” Kelly asked, before the male could say something back.
“They probably don’t know I’m here, I’m not normally very active in the pack.” He was wondering the exact same thing, but he had told himself what he said was truth.
“Well, it’s no fun if your pack doesn’t join.” She pouted, stepping in to the cage. He had never seen the day when she just didn’t wear leather. Other than the times when they were having sex and he’d seen her completely naked. She was nothing at all like Molly. His Molly, the one his wolf so blatantly rejected. Repeatedly. She was bony, whereas Molly was curved and luscious. She was so fragile, whereas Molly, his Molly, demanded he be rough. The more he thought of her, the more his wolf got angry. If it wasn’t for these damn silver cuffs blocking him from shifting his claws would’ve extended. That and whatever they gave him earlier stopped his wolf from surfacing.
“What the hell does my pack have to do with this, you said you just wanted me.” He said, getting tense and agitated. He had to relax though, to keep his wrists from rubbing against from the silver cuffs.
“Tsk, tsk. Did you really think we were just going to leave your pack alone?” She asked in a patronizing tone that made him want to strangle her.
“You and your pack are an abomination, a freak of nature. We can’t just leave your pack alone without an Alpha, do you know how terrible that would be for society?” She asked with a little giggle.
“Then let me go you hateful hag!” He spat at her, lunging in his chained chair making his wrists rub against the silver. The flesh burned and he growled at the stinging, but sat back. She was completely unfazed, in fact she simply smiled evilly.
“But we need you, do you not pay attention to anything I say?” She asked, moving her head to the side, making her platinum hair swing to the side. He ground his teeth together and closed his eyes. Molly if you can hear me by some freak accident, I want you to know that I love you and always did love you. My wolf was just too scarred to admit it, but he loves you too. If we die, please watch after the pack,

he thought, praying to the moon goddess that he wouldn’t die.

He wasn’t there. Not that she was looking for him or anything, because she wasn’t. At least that’s what she told herself. Her subconscious looked for him while she held Ryan’s hand and tried to hide her baby bump. Of course it wouldn’t work, they could all smell her baby and probably hear the baby’s heartbeat as well. They all looked at her the minute she stepped into Thomas’ fathers’ house and she felt uncomfortable. She took a cautionary sniff and found nothing. What kind of Alpha doesn’t even come to his own packs’ meeting?! Wasn’t it mandatory to attend for all pack members? Including the fucking Alpha!? Her emotions had gone way off whack since she last saw Tom, and right now she was trying to keep her anger reigned in.
“We’ll start as soon as Tom comes.” Brandon said, walking up to her. She smiled a little and nodded once, her mother stood tense and her father had one arm draped around her shoulder in a protective stance.
“We don’t think he’s coming.” Sarah said, wringing her hands. Molly’s attention flew to Sarah as she narrowed her eyes.
“What do you mean you don’t think he’s coming?” She asked dangerously, dropping Ryan’s hand.
“H- he’s dropped all ties with us. N- normally we would be a-able to feel him, somewhere, in the pack bonds. B- but we can only feel you, you’re the only Alpha here right now.” She explained stuttering and Molly’s heart skipped a beat. That would mean…
“Is he dead?” She whispered, afraid to be too loud and break the world.
“No, we would be able to feel that. It’s just that when you search for him through the bonds you get a very weak answer. We weren’t supposed to tell you that.” He said throwing a look at a flustered Sarah.
“She’s his mate, she had a right to know.” Carol growled, taking a threatening step toward Brandon.
“She doesn’t need to be stressed out right now.” Brandon growled back, they never raised their voice.
“She’s the only Alpha we have right now, Alpha’s are stressed all the time. Not saying it’s a good thing, just stating a fact. She had to know, for the good of the pack right now.” Carol sighed, dropping her threatening demeanor.
“When did he go missing?” Her mother stepped up and asked. At that the pack stilled and the air filled with uncertainty and embarrassment.
“We don’t exactly know. Thomas isn’t the social type. He either holes up in his apartment or at his job.” A young female member said, biting her lip and blushing. Molly rubbed her forehead and clenched her eyes closed. They started talking, but she couldn’t hear them. She focused, put all her energy into that, and listened to whatever was inside her. Something howled in anger and pain inside her and she waited, hoping that her guess was right. She heard something, the faint sound of a whimper in the back of her mind. Please lord let my guess be right, she thought and her inner self howled again. She squeezed her eyes closed and cocked her head to the side, trying to listen as hard as she could. That’s when she heard it, the wonderful sound of an answering howl. The sound of a mate answering a mate. She opened her eyes and doubled over. She’d used the majority of her energy straining to listen and now she was tired.
“Holy shit Molly, you Ok?” Carol asked as she and Sarah swarmed to her.
“Get the pack doctor.” Her father said, his voice deep and powerful.
“I can hear him, but it’s very faint. He’s weakened, I don’t know how to find him but I promise him I will.” The whole pack looked at her with stunned eyes. She didn’t know what happened until she felt cold air hit her belly. She looked down to see that her shirt had ridden up again, revealing her baby bump to the whole pack.
“Well, I guess the truth comes out now.” She said and asked for Carol and Sarah to move her to the couch. Once she was seated and everybody else was too, someway somehow she got that to work, she explained everything.

He grit his teeth against the pain. The male hunter twisted the knife in his arm and he struggled not to let out a yell. He absolutely refused to let him hear his pain. Not that he would have to say anything, the sizzling on his arm was an alright indication. The knife wasn’t a normal knife, of course the bastards couldn’t just make it a normal knife. It was a silver knife, but not any normal silver knife, the knife was coating in liquid wolfsbane. It sizzled against his flesh as he twisted it and he clenched his fists together.
“All right, enough. We have enough proof.” A female voice said. It wasn’t Kelly so he relaxed. Just a little. He kept his eyes closed but he heard and smelt the male move away only to be replaced by another smell. It was the smell that made him open his eyes. She smelled like… His gaze flew to his arm as he felt nimble fingers touch him around the scarring.
“Holy jalapeno peppers, that looks bad.” She whispered softly, making him strain to hear her. He narrowed his eyes on her and she looked up at him. She had shocking blue eyes and looked to be around his age.
“I’m so sorry about this, it’s really inhumane.” She said again, still whispering. She obviously didn’t want anyone else to hear so he gave a slight nod. She opened a plastic kit he didn’t notice she had and opened an alcohol wipe.
“This might sting a bit.” She remarked softly and cleaned his wound. Compared to the knife, this was a paper cut.
“I’ve seen your mate, and your pack. They’ve recently noticed you’re gone.” She said softly and his eyes watered at the mention of his mate.
“I don’t want to hurt you, me and Paul, don’t wish to harm any of your kind.” She continued to work on his arm.
“Valerie, escort it back to its cage.” Mack said and Valerie stood. She grabbed his arm in a movement that fooled the eyes to look like it was rough when in fact it was gentle. She yanked him up softly and he whined. She must’ve forgotten that he was chained to the chair as she cursed under her breath. She quickly unlocked him and he stood slowly, she grabbed his arm and appeared to drag him out the experimentation room.
“I’m leaving you un cuffed. There aren’t any cameras in your cage and your not on watch. The minute you suspect someone is coming you are to pretend like you’re cuffed. Understand?” She asked under her breath and he gave a quick growl. He heard something in his mind and his wolf perked up. His wolf was still weak, so instead of answering whatever it was he gave a weak whine. The sound stopped for awhile, then he heard it clearly. A howl, as clear as ever, rang in his head and his wolf answered back. He felt something he hadn’t felt since he first saw Molly, hope.

She was numb inside, she could feel absolutely nothing. After she told the pack everything everyone was stuck in a stupor. Nobody knew what to do, they didn’t know how to start looking for him, they didn’t know where to start. They knew nothing. They knew that they felt bad about not noticing that he was missing originally. That was the only thing they knew. His father practically broke down. He said that he couldn’t bare to lose his only son, he cursed the moon goddess for being cruel, he cried. That shocked her, she’d only seen a man cry once, and that once was when she had tried to leave Thomas. The time he rejected her. Just thinking about him made her heart ping. She rubbed her forehead and her stomach growled. She’d forgotten to eat in her stress. They were still at Thomas’ fathers’ house, she hadn’t had the strength to leave. She bit her lip and got up from the couch, immediately everybody was there, helping her up.
“I’m not fucking fragile, I’ve been fine by myself for quite some time now.” She grumbled and moved away from them. Her wolf growled and whined in her head, Carol had been nice enough to tell her what it was that was inside her head, as she walked to the kitchen. She stopped when she saw Thomas’ father standing there, gazing out the kitchen window.
“Mr. Green-“
“Maximus, call me Maximus.” He cut her off, still not turning around.
“I’m so sorry about your wife, I didn’t know. But I will find Thomas, even if takes everything in me to do it.” She said softly walking toward him.
“You two were so good together. You’re both strong, powerful leaders. You’re both independent and smart. I tried so hard to get you to see it when you were younger, I guess I just didn’t try hard enough. My son made his mistakes, I’ve made my mistakes, you’ve made yours. But I do not want you trying to redeem yourself by putting yourself in danger, I wouldn’t be a good Alpha if I did. You can try to help if you wish, but I will not let you harm yourself.” He said, regret lacing his tone.
“You’re right, I have made my mistakes, Thomas has made his. But whoever the hell took him, or wherever the hell he is he’s hurt. I will not let him suffer because of my own selfish needs or your wants. I wouldn’t be a good mate or mother if I did. I can see where you’re coming from, I honestly can, but you cannot stop me. He is mine, just as much as he is yours. I love him, he might not love me back but that is being pushed aside for now. He’s hurting, and we don’t have time to mull our problems over. So if you have any food, and information, I would gladly appreciate it.” She said, power pushing from her voice. Maximus gave off a small chuckle and turned around to face her. His black eyes were now pools of liquid as tears streaked down his face.
“Let’s get you fed, and let’s find my son.”

She had kept her promise and left him unchained and he couldn’t be more happier. Sure it was just his hands, and it wasn’t like he could really do anything, but it felt like a really big step closer to freedom. He ran his fingers through his long black hair and puffed out his cheek. His wolf was crooning towards something, he just couldn’t see past the fog to see what it was. This was the most relaxed his wolf had been in 3 days, he liked it. He stood from the chair and stretched, his joints popping and cracking. Good lord that felt great, he was just about to sit down when he felt something. He felt a hand caress his face. That couldn’t be possible, there was nobody else in this cage. He felt the caress again and he nuzzled his face into the unseen hand. He felt a tickle go down his back as the hand left his cheek and roamed all over. He had no idea what was happening but he liked it, he liked the peace it offered. The hand cupped his neck and he put his hand on top of whatever it was. He felt nothing, just air. Maybe he was loosing his mind. He felt a kiss go on his lips and then the force was taken away from him. He only knew of one person that could possibly be doing, but that was impossible. He had rejected Molly as his mate, she wouldn’t be able to do the things that just happened to him if he rejected her. Right? He herd someone come down to his cage and he sat in the seat with his hands behind him and his head down. Could it really be Molly, or was he just going mad. He didn’t know which one he preferred more.

She dosed off, she was in a meadow. Thomas sat next to her and a little child skipped through the wildflowers and daisies. Thomas took her hand and kissed the back of it, making little happy shivers go through her. She raised her hand to his cheek and softly caressed him. He nuzzled into her hand as she did it and a breeze picked up, making his hair flow with it. She traced her hand down his back and hic chest. The look in his eyes shocked her, supreme love, love that would stand the test of time. She cupped his neck and brought her face closer to his, keeping her eyes glued to his the whole time. She kissed his lips, right before someone woke her up.
“The fuck!?” She yelled flying up and putting a hand on her stomach.
“We tried waking you up, but then your hands started doing… well, we don’t really know.” Sarah said, blushing and biting her lip. Maximus had gone off in search of food and information, she must’ve nodded off before he came back.
“Is Maximus back?” She asked groggily and stood off the couch.
“No, but he’s close… You were dreaming of him weren’t you?” Carol asked, her eyes roaming my face.
“There’s not a moment when I’m not thinking or dreaming of him. He’s permanently stuck in my brain… the jerk.” She muttered the last part and sat back down.
“Why were you trying to wake me up? I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve such cruel and unusual punishment.” She asked, rubbing her belly.
“Ah, no reason. There’s nothing for us to do, as usual, and we were bored.” Sarah said and sat down next to her.
“Well you guys can do me a heap load by going back to the motel and seeing if you can get my stuff, I doubt I’ll be able to wear any of them by the end of this week but, a girl can wish can’t she?” Her stomach had grown to the point where she could see the tip of it over her breasts. Her figure was gone, she felt like crying.
“Are you sure you just don’t want us to go buy you new clothes?” Sarah asked, her eyes alight with mischief.
“God no, please say no. I’m not asking as a pack mate, I’m asking as a friend. Please for all that’s holy, say no.” Carol begged, amusement shining in her eyes.
“Why not, I could use some new clothes?” Molly asked, bemused.
“Because she’s a flipping shop pyscho, she can’t never just go buy a few things. Because a few turn into a couple, then a couple turns into a whole heap of stuff.”
“A whole heap of stuff that I need, or in this case Molly needs!” Sarah defends, crossing her arms and pouting like a 5 year old.
“I do need a whole heap of stuff.” Molly defended And Sarah immediately gloated.
“See! Ha, ha I told you!!!” Sarah yelled, raising a fist in the air.
“But, I don’t want you guys to flip out. My bag is at the motel there should be-“
“You’re not paying for it, silly Alpha!” Sarah exclaimed, appalled at the idea of her paying for her own stuff.
“Think of it as an early baby shower gift from her.” Carol said, shrugging, as she got up from the couch.
“Not only from me, from both of us.” Sarah said, standing up beside Carol.
“Nuh uh, I’m getting her something more cooler than clothes, something that the baby will love.” Carol said and started to walk out with an arguing Sarah behind her. Her mother and father had gone back home, she wanted to stay with Maximus until they found Thomas, she felt sad for him. He’d lost his wife, he didn’t need to lose his son too. So, until they found him, she would be his daughter. He was already caring for her, by getting her food. She sensed he needed that, he needed to do this thing to feel like he wasn’t a bad father for not realizing his only son was gone. She could help him with that.

Chapter 12

“So, your pack knows you’re missing… But they haven’t come for you. Now why is that Thomas?” Kelly asked, rubbing her knuckles.
“They don’t know where I am, they wouldn’t go looking for me blind, the pack is smarter than that.” He told her, his jaw hurting like a bitch. He would rub it, or hit her back, but that would blow his cover. And he liked his cover, very much, where it was now.
“So we’d have to give them a clue?” She asked taking a step closer to him. He narrowed his eyes on her dangerously and clenched his teeth.
“They wouldn’t take the bait, they’re smarter than that.” He gritted out and she backhanded him.
“That’s not what I asked, now is it?” She hissed and he spit out the little amount of blood that pooled in his mouth.
“We’ve been watching your pack, they seem devastated. Especially that girl… what was her name again?” She said lightly and fear spiked through his heart. God please don’t be talking about Molly, he thought.
“Molly, was her name. Right?” She asked and he glared at her, but never answered. She punched him again and he grunted, damn she could hit hard.
“Right?” She half shrieked, half asked. He nodded once and even that jarred pain inside him.
“She seems so heartbroken, maybe we can snatch her up too and then you two wouldn’t be so lonely.” She said, and before she could even finish her sentence he bounded from his chair and lunged at her. His wolf was back, with a horrible vengeance. He grabbed her throat and slammed her against the silver bars.
“Leave my mate alone, you evil coldhearted bitch!” He growled at her and squeezed her neck. She didn’t come down with Mack this time, so they were all alone. Even if she screamed nobody would hear her. The thought made his wolf preen with joy.
“H- how?” She croaked but he picked her up and slammed her back against the bars, making them groan under the power.
“Did you not think I was strong enough, you spiteful bitch! I broke through them, just like I’m about to break your pretty little neck!” He snarled in her ear and she whimpered.
“We’ll stay away from your pack.” She offered and he growled. She lost all hope for the mission as soon as her life was threatened, weak.
“There will be no offers in this. You will die, by my hands.” She whimpered and he squeezed.
“I- I’ll let you go. We won’t ever bother you or your pack again.” She offered, her breaths getting shallow. He picked her up and slammed her again, he heard something crack. He didn’t care if it was her or the bars that was breaking, he was angry.
“That means nothing to me right now. You’ve endangered my mate and my pack, for that you will die.” He growled, his wolf taking control again and his nails lengthened.
“I- I’m sorry. Please stop, I promise. We’ll go somewhere else, we’ll leave you and your pack alone.” Tears pricked the edge of her eyes and his human side felt sick. But then his wolf remembered what she did, how she treated him, how she threatened their mate and suddenly his human half was on board with killing her.
“Where is the quickest point of escape, a place where no one will see me?” He growled at her and she started convulsing. He let up on the amount of pressure on her neck and she took a deep breath.
“Where?” He snarled at her and she shrieked, a small quick one.
“Will you let me live if I tell you?” She challenged and he growled.
“Yes! Tell me!” He roared and she lifted a meek finger, pointing to his right.
“Go straight down, there’ll be stairs you take them all the way up. You will not be seen.” She said meekly and smiled a little. He took a deep breath and searched for the sign of air, for some sign of clarity. It was faint but it was there. He let her go and stepped back.
“One more thing.” He said and she raised a brow.
“I hate leather.” He shifted to his wolf and tore her to pieces, ignoring her pleas. She left the door unlocked again and he thanked her for her cockiness. He ran down the darkened hallway, his wolf alert and speedy. He ran up the stairs when he got to them and busted the door open. Immediately cool air hit his fur and his wolf howled at the wonderful feeling of it. His paws hit the dirt as he ran away from what seemed to be a center, a center of hunters. He didn’t know where he was, only thing he did know was the had to get as far away from here as possible.

His father came back with Chinese food and very little information. And by very little she meant none at all. He was a very secretive Alpha, he didn’t really share his private life. She ate her lo mein and ignored her wolf as she walked back and forth in her mind. She couldn’t stand the fact that nobody knew where their mate was, she looked past the fact that he rejected them. But her human side didn’t, her human side remembered every word he uttered to her, remembered every facial expression he gave toward her. She remembered everything, she wouldn’t hold it against him though, after what his father told her suddenly everything clicked. His wolf pushed them out because he couldn’t bare to not be loved back, to lose someone else’s love. At least… that’s what she hoped had happened. He told her that nobody was able to scoop up anything, not a scent, not a trace. They couldn’t even scrape up a feeling in the pack bonds, they couldn’t feel anything but her. As far as their wolves knew, she was the only Alpha. That only frustrated her wolf, she knew their was more than one Alpha, she knew their was an Alpha male. The longer he was gone the more angrier and feral she got. Both her and her wolf was pissed off beyond all recognition. She couldn’t sleep anymore, she couldn’t think right. Her stomach kept churning, her baby was in distress because she was distressed. She had to relax, she just couldn’t. So instead of sleeping, after Carol and Sarah had dropped off a couple of things, they promised tobring more in the morning, she raided the freezer in search of ice cream. She found it and she couldn’t be more happier, well of course she could, but for right now she couldn’t be happier. She searched for a spoon as quiet as she could and when she did she demolished the ice cream. It was strawberry, not really her favorite, and she had to stop swallowing to bite the strawberries. She kept the light off as she leaned against the sink and ate her ice cream. Her baby twirled around at the cold feeling of the ice cream and she smiled. She hadn’t yet to see the pack doctor, so she didn’t know the sex of the baby. She didn’t even know if the baby was growing the way it should. At that thought her mood instantly saddened, what if her baby didn’t come out the right way? What if she had a miscarriage with all the stress? Tears flew down her cheeks and she set down the strawberry ice cream down on the counter. It was all too much! She couldn’t bare the thought of losing Thomas and her baby! She sobbed and sunk to the floor clutching her stomach, not caring if she woke up Maximus. What if she lost both of them?? What if she failed as both a mother and a mate?! Her mind couldn’t function at the thought, her wolf broke down and howled for her mate.
“Molly, Jesus, you sound like a dying whale.” Maximus stated his voice heavy with sleep and his black eyes groggy.
“He… the baby… I don’t know… failure.” She sobbed, not able to make a sensible sentence.
“Ok, Ok hush now.” He said and walked toward her, not turning the light on, and sat next to her. She sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand.
“I’m gonna fail my baby and Thomas, and I promised you. Oh god! Why the hell did I promise?!? Am I fucking retarded?! Is my baby going to come out retarded?! Is it even alive?!?” She shrieked, breaking down completely. Her soul shut down and suddenly she wasn’t sure she could handle it anymore. She sobbed into his shoulder as he tried to calm her down, he soothed her hair down but it felt so wrong. He shouldn’t be the one doing this, it should be Thomas. If only she’d seen it sooner, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. If only she hadn’t fought him off the first time, they’d be together. This was all her fault, if only she could write her own future…

He was running, running as fast as he could. He didn’t know where he was, he just knew he was nowhere near South Carolina. The air was too cool for that. If only he knew where the center was, Kelly never really told him. She wasn’t much of a talker, she just wanted him because of his looks. If even for that, his wolf growled at the fact and his human side reminded them that she was gone. She couldn’t hurt their mate. Their mate… the mate that they hurt. They planned to fix that as soon as they got back home, wherever the hell home was. He knew he was in a wooded area, the dirt gave him excellent traction and made him go faster. His wolf panted for air but they couldn’t stop, not yet. The cold air told him he was somewhere north, how far up north he didn’t know. So to sum up what he knew was that they had to get home, they were up north, home was down south, and their mate was waiting for them. To sum up what he didn’t know was where exactly they were, how far they were away from home, how long it would take to get home, if their mate was Ok, and if their pack was safe. In total… they were royally screwed.

She’d broken down, her and her wolf had lost all count of the real world. She’d only slept, her mind always drifting off to a place where her child and Thomas existed. They were always with her there, but then she’d wake up and everything would come crashing down around her. She’d wake up angry, depressed, sad or any other emotions on the emotional rollercoaster. It’d been a week since anyone had seen Thomas, her stomach had grown, and her emotions were raw and unstable. Nobody wanted to around her, well nobody with the exception of Brandon. The house had ran out of food more than once in one week. She thought that Maximus was getting sick and tired of her, judging by the way he rolled his eyes when her emotions got out of whack. More than once this whole week she had broke down, crying, because her mind told her that she would fail. She hated failing, she couldn’t bare the thought of failing. Even a regular game of checkers, she hated failing. She despised it with such a passion, you’d think it was a sport. She slept with a bag of chips by her bed, she always walked around with a humongous bottle of water, and she had her cell phone, the one Maximus insisted she used, speed dialed on Brandon’s’ number. He was like her scape goat, if something went wrong or she was feeling sad she would call him and he would make all her problems go away. He practically lived here, he ate all his meal here, the only thing he didn’t do there was take a shower and change his clothes. He was the only one that didn’t give her crap about her emotions, the only one that sympathized with her about losing her mate.
“Are you even mated, Brandon?” She asked him one time, eating a carton of ben and jerry cookie dough ice cream. He seemed to take forever before he answered.
“Yes.” He said, a little remorseful for saying so.
“Really? Who is she? How come I’ve never met her?” She could’ve asked thousands of questions but he cut her off.
“She’s not in the pack, she’s not even a wolf.” He said sadly and she frowned.
“How does that work?” She asked, licking the back of her spoon.
“Well… Mate is short for Soul Mate, which means you are meant for each other in your heart and your soul. The Moon goddess gives you one per lifetime. Sometimes she doesn’t always chose wolves, sometimes she chooses other magical beings. Sometimes it isn’t her choice at all.” He said sadly and rubbed the back of his head.
“What do you mean?” She’d stopped eating the ice cream, so it sat there freezing her legs.
“Sometimes your soul just sees another soul that it wants, that it couldn’t live without. Or sometimes, fate just binds you and your mate together. That’s how it worked with me.” He sounded like he didn’t want to keep going, but she was having none of that.
“Are you telling me, that sometimes it’s just fate giving you people.” She asked bemused and uncertain.
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
“Soo… who is she then?” She asked, resuming to eating her ice cream.
“Her name is… Valerie. She’s not… exactly like us. She knows about us, yes, she… deals with a lot of our kind. She’s… just…”
“Hey now, don’t pop a blood vessel trying to describe your mate to me. You don’t have to I just wanted to know.” He looked so relieved that she wanted to laugh.
“How come you’re being so nice to me?” She asked, before popping a spoonful of coldness in her mouth.
“Well, one, because you’re my Luna. And, two, because you’re my friend and I don’t want to see you hurt. So… if my presence gives you a tiny bit of peace, then I’m here for you. I don’t appreciate, however, you hogging up all the ice cream.” He said snatching the carton from her. She frowned and took the carton back.
“I’m pregnant, I can do whatever the hell I please.” She said, with her nose tilted up in the air.
“Whoever told you that, lied their asses off.” He said then laughed wildly as she put a smear of ice cream on his nose. That was the most fun she’d had in a week. She was scheduled to see the pack doctor the next day and for some reason she couldn’t sleep. Her wolf wouldn’t let her, her stomach twisted and turned recklessly as her wolf paced and grumbled. There must be something wrong with Thomas, her wolf would not be acting like this if there wasn’t anything wrong with Thomas. She shot out of the guest bed and ran to Maximus’ room.
“There’s something wrong with Thomas, or his wolf.” She yelled and Maximus immediately sat up.
“Does it hurt?” his voice was urgent, even with the heaviness of sleep.
“N- no, my wolf is just… wary. She can’t settle down for anything, not even ice cream.” Saying it out loud she sounded retarded.
“She can’t settle down… not even for ice cream?” His voice dead panned and she really felt like and idiot.
“It’s just that, normally, when she’s high strung, I can eat ice cream and she’ll calm down. Now she won’t settle. She keeps pacing in my mind, grumbling and growling, it’s disturbing the baby and I believe it’s something to do with Thomas.” She explained and took a step into the room. He ran his fingers through his hair and closed his black eyes.
“Maybe she’s grumbling because the baby was moving first, and it disturbs her.” He said and laid back down on his bed.
“No, the grumbling started first, then the baby started being disturbed.” She defended, crossing her arms.
“Well, jeez, Molly I don’t know what to-“ He took a deep breath then stopped and sat up slowly. He watched her with black eyes that slowly changed to the color of aged cognac.
“I think you should go back to your room now Molly.” He said, his voice gruff as he clutched the sheets with his hands.
“Molly, Luna, please don’t fight me on this. Go back to your room and try to get some sleep, I don’t want to harm you.” He said slowly as his nails lengthened and he started to slowly rip at the sheets. His behavior scared her so she, extremely slowly, backed outside his door and went to her room. She closed the door behind her and jumped to her bed, laying on her back, and hid underneath the cover, hoping for some sort of safety.

Claim, claim, claim.

Those words were repeated on his head as his wolf got more feral. His steps were faster, quicker, more agile. His thoughts, although stuck on claiming, were clear. As clear as they had been in about a week. Claim, claim, claim.

He didn’t know what he was supposed to claim, the only thing he knew was that his wolf wanted whatever it was badly. What could there be to claim? The only thing he knew of was… Holy shit! He let out a rough howl and ran faster. The only reason his wolf would be so feral, agitated, and on his toes was that Molly was in heat. He had to get to her before somebody else did.

Chapter 13

She stayed under the covers for the rest of the night. Not really sleeping, more like drifting. She’d drift on and off, afraid if she slept too long Maximus would come and do something… dirty. Wait, what? Not dirty, she meant scary. Her wolf howled at the though of sex and Molly blushed fiercely underneath the covers. Her wolf shouldn’t be thinking about sex with anyone else but Thomas. Her one and only. He might not come back

, was what her wolf argued and she felt like stabbing her. She didn’t need to be reminded that. She could feel something though, something stirred in her when her wolf said that. Something was happening, a huge change was happening.
“Luna, the pack doctor is here.” Sarah said tentatively from the front door. Maybe it’s a male, we could use a male

, her wolf grumbled and Molly shut her thoughts off as she stood from the bed. She stretched and walked along the carpeted floor to Sarah.
“Is Maximus h-“
“All the males are gone, the pack doctor is a female.” Sarah assured before Molly could finish her sentence and Molly nodded. Sarah turned on her heel and went down the stairs, leaving Molly with only the option of following her. As she walked down the stairs her body was hit with an unexpected wave of desire and… heat. She wanted something… something that only Thomas could give her. Her wolf howled at the delicious feel of it and Mollys’ cheeks blazed. Sarah cleared her throat uncomfortably and went to go outside the house. She was left alone in the living room with a middle aged blond with soft blue eyes and a smile.
“Hello Molly, so nice to finally meet you.” She said softly in a British accent. Mollys’ eyes narrowed on the female in front of her and instantly her hackles raised.
“You’re not from my pack.” She growled, her wolf coming out ever so slightly.
“That I’m not, but I am the pack doctor. And I’m here to help in… anyway possible.” She said, her eyes crinkling a little as she smiled wider.
“You can trust me, I promise. I’m not going to bite.” She joked and picked up a white briefcase.
“To the study we go.” She said cheerily and walked ahead of Molly. Molly very carefully, very slowly followed her. Making sure to keep her senses alert she closed the study door behind her and watched the doctor. She set her briefcase on the oak desk and opened it.
“Well, since I haven’t seen you before this will be like a first time check up. Although by the way you’re looking you’re about to pop.” She joked, then giggled at her own joke.
“Funny.” Molly quipped and slowly walked over to the prepping doctor.
“Have you ever been to a gynecologist before?” She asked, putting on a plastic glove, making it snap on her hand. Molly gulped and nodded, she hadn’t liked it then and she doubted she would like it now.
“Well, it’s going to be somewhat similar to that. So I’m going to need you to relax. I’ve already asked Maximus if we could use this space. I don’t really have an office, office. I just do house visits. Normally there’s a space provided, seeing as we don’t have one here this table will have to do.” She explained, taking things off the table and laying down a sheet. Molly looked at it dubiously, then looked at the doctor.
“You must be some kind of crazy, if you think I’m doing this here.” She said and shook her head with finality.
“I am serious.” Was all she said and Molly sighed. She bit her lip as she climbed up on top of the table.
“Now just lay back, take off your pants and your under garments, and relax.” The doctor said soothingly and Molly did as she was told. She lay there feeling bare and open to the world.
“I just need you to relax for me, Ok?’ the doctor asked and pulled up a chair to face her. A waft of air flew through her open legs, making her wolf howl with giddiness. She didn’t know why, but she was extremely horny. Thank god the doctor wasn’t a werewolf, if she was she’d be smelling her arousal. That thought only made her vagina get wetter than it was, why it was originally wet she’d no idea.
“Are you… by any chance, in heat?” The doctor asked, looking up at Molly with curious eyes.
“I’m sorry, what?” Molly gaped, like bitch heat? Surely she didn’t mean bitch heat.
“You know, when a female dog, or wolf in your instance, goes through heat.” She asked, confirming Mollys’ suspicions. Molly laid there, her mouth opening and closing, not knowing how to answer that question.
“I’ll take that as a yes, if you are in heat I don’t want to do anything that might trigger it.” The doctor said and put her hands on Mollys’ knees, making them go down.
“What could trigger heat?” Molly asked, her voice shaking, as she pulled on her panties and pants.
“Well, stimulating the genitalia could be one way. Or marking, that’s another way.” The first one she got right away, the second one she was a bit slow on.
“Marking? What’s that?”
“Well, that’s when your mate bites down on your neck. It leaves a temporary mark, that will stay until the wolf is claimed.” She could briefly remember Thomas and his father talking about marking. The day he rejected her. The first time.
“And claiming?” Her voice broke a little as she recalled the memory and the doctor heard it. She stopped her movement and looked at Molly with grey calculating eyes.
“Claiming, is when you first have sex after you’re marked. When the sperm hits the vaginal tube, it triggers a chain reaction in the body. Where the marking mark was gets transformed into a claiming mark. Which is normally a set of words, or a tattoo. Every claiming is different. Mine, however, is a set of words.” The doctor tugged on the ivory green peasant shirt she was wearing until it hit her breast plate. There in very plain, well not to her, Romanian was a set of words.
“It says, forever and always his, in Romanian.” She told her and her face filled with pride as she fixed her shirt.
“Will mine be a tattoo or a set of words?” Molly asked, mystified by the thought of it all.
“Well, for Alpha’s, they get both. Both a set of words and a tattoo, I’ve heard it’s very beautiful. I’ve yet to see it, but I hope to when..” Her sentence trailed off and a pang went to Mollys’ heart.
“I’m so sorry, sometimes I forget and, I make a bloody fool of myself.” The doctor said quickly and Molly smile weakly.
“It’s Ok.” She said sadly and they both just looked at each other.
“Now what? Will the baby still be checked on?” Molly asked, hopping off the table.
“Oh yes! I’ve lost all my marbles today, my dear, so it would seem.” She said and took out a little box from her briefcase.
“This, here, is an ultrasound. It helps me to see the baby, to make sure he or she is developing the right way.” She said ad took some jelly like thing out of her briefcase. How much stuff could she fit in there?!?! Molly prepared to get back on the table but the doctor stopped her.
“No, no my dear. You can stand for this, it’s just a quick check.” She said and lifted Mollys’ shirt. There it was, her belly, big and bold as ever. She really did look like she was about to pop. The doctor put a smear of jelly on her tummy and Molly shivered.
“It is kinda cold, I apologize.” She said and went to the machine. It was a little device with a small monitor on top of it, it had a round head, that looked kind of like a baby rattle and Molly smiled at the thought. The doctor rubbed the baby rattle on Mollys’ stomach and the screen flicked to life. Everything was grey at first, but then slowly, as slow as the sun rising, an outline came.
“And that there is your baby.” The doctor whispered, she turned a knob and the room filled with a sound of a heart beating. The sound brought tears to Mollys’ eyes and a brilliant smile to her lips.
“That’s my baby.” She squealed through her tears and the doctor nodded and smiled. She turned a few more knobs and the picture was more clear, it looked like a healthy fetus, not that Molly would know.
“And your baby is a…” she turned the knob a few more times and the picture was clear as daylight.
“A girl, a beautiful baby girl.” The doctor whispered and pressed a green button. Molly sobbed in happiness and she felt like hugging the doctor, but she still had the jelly on her. The doctor took away the rattle and wiped the jelly off her skin.
“Congratulations Mrs. Greene, you’ll be having a baby girl soon.” The doctor squealed in happiness and Molly couldn’t hold her hug to herself anymore. She squeezed the doctor in her arms and kissed her cheek.
“Thank you, thank you so much.” And for that one moment, she forgot about everything. She forgot about Thomas, she forgot about her heat. She just relished in the fact that she was having a baby girl!

Night had gone to day, and day had gone to night. He kept running though, he wouldn’t stop until he got there. He could hear the familiar sounds of a pack, of civilization and he hoped it was his own if it wasn’t that would mean he was trespassing on someone else’s land. And that was major no-no for werewolves. They were very territorial, and not like piss on any and everything they deemed as their own, but as in marking their ground with their scent. That’s done by rubbing against something, a tree or a boulder of some sort, until your scent is on it. That way rogues will know never to trespass on your land. He slowed down on his running, his joints ached and creaked but he ignored the aching. He sniffed the humid air, he smelt… something. Not pack something… just something. He sniffed the air again, hoping to find some semblance of home, some semblance of his mate. He didn’t smell anything, there was that something but it was nothing similar at all. He growled low in his throat and stepped lightly around a tree. He sniffed the bark once, only once, and all hell went loose. A gigantic wolf, whose fur was black as night, pinned him to the ground.His upper lip pulled back in a snarl that looked frightening, but it just pissed Thomas and his wolf off. It was just another obstacle to him getting from his mate, he growled low in his throat and shoved the wolf off of him. The wolf seemed surprised at the aggressive move and skidded on the ground, his dark fur turning brown with dirt. Thomas put a paw in front of his body, a statement of peace. The wolf narrowed its eyes and curled its upper lip up. Thomas sighed internally and laid down, showing his underbelly. He wasn’t going to fight this wolf, he might lose, he just wanted to get home. The wolf shifted into a drop dead gorgeous female wolf one whom, had he not had Molly, he would want to bring home with him.
“Shift.” She barked and control ran through her soft voice, so much control and power that, without his consent, his wolf changed him back. He lay on his side, he didn’t have enough power to heal his wounds and didn’t have enough strength to get up. The girls harsh face instantly turned soft when she saw his state.
“Holy shit, you Ok?” she asked softly and walked to him, having no quarrel about being naked.
“I… need to get home…. Hunters.” He croaked out, his voice sore from not using it for days.
“Fuck.” She hissed and helped him up, he hurt all over. He’d stressed his joints out and now he was paying the price. Her black hair fell over his body as she helped him up and he marveled at the soft feel of it. Everything about her was soft, from her voice to her touch. She grabbed his arm as soft as she could and helped him as gently as possible, but that didn’t stop the moans and shrieks from coming out. Especially when her hand grazed over the burn mark that had been caused by the silver and wolfsbane knife.
“Holy shit, that looks fucking bad.” She hissed and her black eyes flared red.
“How could they do something to a human?! I mean I get that they think we’re animals, but there are people out there that would protest this be done to animals!” She yelled and closed her eyes. He was freaked out, he didn’t know of any wolf whose eyes would turn to red, instead of amber. He hadn’t paid much attention to her eyes when she was wolf, but e was pretty sure they hadn’t been red.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve had a better leash on my…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes seemed to glaze over. She stayed like that for about 5 minutes.

Chapter 14

(Marissa POV)

She knew he was trouble since she first smelled him. He had a strong odor, that one. He smelled of silver, and hate. Not a good combo for a rogue. That just meant he was packing some serious heat. Not that it affected her. She was the Black Luna, after all. She could withstand anything. In case all of you are wondering, the Black Luna is one of the most powerful female Alphas’ in the world. Well for now she was, because soon the Red Luna was to be born. The minute that happened fate would take a turn for the worst. You see, the Moon Goddess made the Alphas’. She made the Omegas’ too, but they were really more like a nonviolent Alpha. Which was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard of in her adult life, but that was how fates hand played out. Soon, though, something would Trigger a war. A war where the Alphas’ and the Omegas’ would fight. The Moon Goddess knew it was gonna happen, it was inevitable. Ad that’s what she fucking hated about the Moon Goddess. She couldn’t actually do anything. The most she could do was give some chances, and others suffering. Like how she did with her. The only way to stop the war, or at least subdue it a little, was to create two beings so powerful that they overrode any and everything. They even had control over humans. That’s where she and the Red Luna stepped in. The black Luna, was something that parents’ told their kids about. Kind like thee human boogeyman. The black Luna was an evil hag who would steal little children at night if they didn’t eat their vegetables or clean their rooms. False. The Black Luna was one of the two most powerful Alphas’ in the world. And sometimes it did her a load of good, other times it didn’t. She got… visions. Sometimes they were good, a mother bearing cubs, someone winning the lottery. Other times they were bad, someone dying, someone experiencing great pain. But the twisted part of this? She was always the one to cause it. She would cause a chain reaction and someone would die. Somehow, someway, it was always her fault. But this time, though, this time she was sure it was different. His daughter, a young girl with brilliant red hair, stood beside her. They were always together, inseparable. And as long as they were together they could tackle any problem. They solved the hunters, somehow, they kept the power at bay. There would be no more wars on who was more powerful because they were the two most powerful people. She was broken away from the glossy vision and brought back to now, where she held this mans arm in her hand.

(Thomas POV)

She snapped out of her glossed over look and her eyes snapped to him.
“My god… I never thought… I just…” She was speechless as her eyes watered and she smiled, searching his face for something.
“Miss… where am I?” He asked, feeling uncomfortable with the situation.
“Oh… you’re in Georgia, just along the border of South Carolina and here.” She said, sniffling and wiping her pale face.
“I- I need to get home… my mate, she’s probably worried about me.” If you haven’t already ripped her heart out into a million pieces and she never wants to see you again, that is. He gulped at that thought and took a deep breath.
“Oh. Oh! Your mate! Of course! Well, I’m gonna take you to my pack and we’ll get you all cleaned up. First thing in the morning we’ll help you search for your pack.” She said and smiled a little, showing off small teeth.
“I know where my pack is, I’m just…”
“Tired? I’ve seen the journey you’ve gone through, you could use a little rest. Wouldn’t want your mate seeing you like that, would you, in her condition?” She asked, tugging on his arm and signaling to where she came from.
“Her condition? You’ve seen the journey I’ve gone through?” He was highly confused, and at that she laughed softly. The sound like little Christmas bells.
“I’ll explain when we get there, but for now you need to get yourself cleaned and healed.”

She woke up with a start, her whole body was humming with sexual tension and she hated it. But that wasn’t what woke her, no she’d been sleeping like that for about 2 days. It seemed that knowing about her heat, made everything worse for her. She woke up because she felt something in her mind. A welcome invader that stalked around the ridges of her mind. Her wolf, however, didn’t seem as alert as she did. Her wolf welcomed the invader with open arms, and that could only mean one thing. Thomas was close, his wolf now stalked her mind. At that a tear rolled down in joy, but she had a dilemma. Should she tell Maximus, and the pack, or just keep this n between her wolf and herself? Reason won over selfishness and she flipped the comforter off of her. She was on her way to the door when she realized that she was damn near naked. Nothing but a lacy bra and cheekies adorned her body. What kind of message would that send out? Giggling to herself she pulled on some maternity sweatpants and a soft pink V-neck t-shirt. She opened the door and walked as fast as she could to the other side of the hallway where Maximus’ room was. She knocked before opening the door and heard a grumbled “come in”. She took a deep breath and opened the door. He propped himself on his elbows and looked at her with calculating black eyes that burned with desire and lust.
“What is it this time?” He asked groggily.
“Thomas is close, I know it this time. I can feel his wolf probing around my mind.” She said happily and refrained from jumping up and down like a happy 4 year old. In a flash, before she could even understand what was happening he had her upper arms in a tight hold.
“Are you sure of it?” He asked and she nodded happily. He smiled, a real smile, and stormed past him. She then thought of something, they would still have to search for him. And that could take forever. She clenched her eyes close and bit her lip. Talk to him, she thought to her wolf and her wolf howled. They waited, for what seemed like forever, to hear him howl back. And when he did it was loud and vibrant, clear as a bell, and heart warmed at the sound. Thank the good lord he was back!! Her wolf was elated and she yipped happily in her mind. She was drawn from her happy moment when she felt a pair of hands wrap around her arms.
“We’re going to look for him, I want you no where near the search party. Do you understand?” Maximus told her, all the while picking her up and carrying her back to the guest bedroom.
“But I wanna-“
“I don’t give a damn about what you want. You’re in heat, his wolf is probably going crazy at the fact. If anything happens to you… I’m pretty sure he would kill me. So you stay your ass here, do not leave this room, do not try to communicate with him, just act as if you don’t know werewolves exist. You’re just a silly pregnant human, who is dreaming about her child’s first day of school. Got it?” His eyes swirled amber and he took a step toward her which made her automatically take a step forward. She was not scared, whoever the hell that scared little girl, the one that Thomas said she was, was gone. She felt her eyes turn amber as her temper flared and her wolf growled.
“Listen hear, Maximus,” she sneered his name as she felt her teeth elongate, she blocked out the pain and stared him down.
“I’m not staying here, so whatever sick, demented motion you have in your mind you better just knock it the fuck out! I’m going with you to find my mate, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. And another thing-“ She was distracted as the doorbell rang.

The female, Marissa, had helped him all the way back to her pack house where her pack mates met them. Apparently she was Alpha. Not Luna, Alpha. Luna was below Alpha, not much, only a little. They were apprehensive at first, but then her eyes swirled red and immediately they welcomed him with open arms. It seemed they were afraid of their Alpha.
“Ok, so.” She said, once they had found him some clothing and she had gotten dressed.
“What, exactly, was it that you were confused about?” She asked, leaning back on the faux leather couch that they had in their pack house.
“You said something about my mates condition? And that you’ve seen the ghosts of my past?” At that she laughed, a pretty hard one too. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.
“My god man, that was funny. I doubt I said that, I don’t see ghosts. Visions I do see, never ghosts. But that was some funny shit there, Harry Potter. Classic.” She sighed and sat back.
“Uhm… yeah. So what exactly do you know about werewolf fairy tales?” She asked, leaning forward and putting her elbows on her knees.
“Define fairytales.” He said, eyeing her warily.
“Like… I dunno, these are just examples by the way… The Black Luna, The Red Luna, The Blood Moon. Stuff like that.” She said casually, shrugging.
“Everybody knows about them. They’re legends.” He said, amusement sparkling in his eyes.
“Glad you think so.” She grumbled, then ran her fingers through her raven black hair.
“What do you know about the Black Luna?” She asked, her black eyes searching his face for something.
“Uhm… Basically what my mom always told me. If I didn’t eat my vegetables she would come into my room through my window, kidnap me and make me wash her clothes for her and rub her feet.” When she raised a raven brow he just shrugged and said “I hated washing clothes and rubbing feet.”.
“Well, I can wash my own clothes, but I wouldn’t mind a nice foot rub.” She said then tittered awkwardly. His brow furrowed and his eyes clouded with confusion.
“I… am the Black Luna.” She said and his eyes widened but he said nothing. After a pregnant silence she let out a low laugh.
“Were you expecting the actual Luna to be some bat-shit crazy, evil, maniac she devil?” She asked and all he could do is nod. That made her laugh.
“At least you’re honest about it.” She said lowly.
“And about my mate?” His voice was croaked when he said it and she did a nod.
“Well, I can’t do any of that kidnapping and stuff… but I can get visions that will either help, or destroy others. Which is kinda cool, I guess. That and the fact that I’m the most powerful female Alpha. I’m pretty sure I’m the most powerful Alpha all around.” She said and began to explain why she was who she was. It was well in to the night when she finished her tale and by then his wolf was anxious.
“But what of my mate?”
“Do you really not know?” She asked, leaning forward and biting her lip.
“No. I really don’t know.” His wolf was getting extremely angry with Marissa, Black Luna or not.
“Your mate is pregnant. Damn near ready to pop.” She said, leaning forward and whispering. His mouth went parched and his wolf stilled. They were both confused, that was impossible. She hadn’t said anything about being pregnant. Surely she would’ve said something about being pregnant! They were mates for god sake! She should’ve said something!! If you remember correctly, his wolf reminded him softly, we hurt her pretty bad, she tried to kill us. He hated his wolf now, his wolf was the one to hurt their mate so bad, his wolf was the one to reject his mate. Repeatedly. He clenched his fist and Marissa leaned back in her seat, smiling softly as she clasped her hands in front of her.
“I could help you with that ya know. Your wolf would be subdued… until we got to your house.” She said tentatively, wiping her tongue across her teeth.
“Y- you can?” His wolf growled at the idea but Thomas ignored him.
“Of course I can, I’m the freaking Black Luna. I can damn near do anything I please!” She yelled and he swore he heard the sound of her pack mates groaning.
“Oh hush up you lot, I’ll kick all your asses ten ways to Monday at the same time.” She said, waving her hand through the air.
“Back to you. Would you like me to subdue your wolf?” she asked and scooted closer to him.
“Do you not have a mate?” he asked, afraid of his wolfs’ edginess.
“Of course I have a mate.” She said dismissively and continued to scoot closer, he noticed her nails had elongated and her eyes began to swirl amber. Which was weird because before her eyes were red. Strange.
“Why does he allow you to be surrounded by males? Unless he is one of the males.” He asked, he couldn’t see a trace between them and her besides pack bonds. That was another perk of being an Alpha, you could see how others pack functioned, who was with who, and how powerful someone was. She just gave off an aura of supreme power, now that he actually looked.
“No one allows me to do a damn thing. I am Alpha and I can do as I damn well please… even if it means I go against his wishes.” She grumbled and put her hands on his forearm, making his whole body shiver with fear.
“Sorry about that.” She said, but didn’t sound like she meant it.
“Are you not going to tell me who your mate is?” He asked and her grip tightened, her nails pressing into his skin a little.
“Are you a detective of some sort?” She asked testily and he shook his head.
“Good, now shut up so I can help you.” She said, right before her nails drove into his skin and her hands glowed a luminescent black. His wolf half shut down, his senses were dulled, he couldn’t taste the air anymore. He felt… human.
“What did you do? I can’t feel him, anywhere I look.” He didn’t know whether to be terrified or elated by the news.
“I just sent him to sleep, he’ll wake up the minute he smells your mate though.” She told him and stood, wiping the blood off on her jeans. His skin still healed though, so that was a plus.
“If your done ogling at your arm, are you ready to go now?” She said as she tapped a booted foot.
“Go where?” He asked as he stood up, he towered over her but she didn’t care she just shrugged and turned on her heel.
“To get your mate of course.”

They both looked at each other cautiously before walking down silently. Whoever it was knocked on the door to the beat o f Potential Break Up Song by Aly and Aj . She smiled at the fact, but then Thomas’ father threw her a look and she stopped. They both reached the door and Molly reached for the door handle. Her father growled low at her and she snarled, she was really getting sick and tired of his shit. She opened the door slowly and let out a cry when she saw who it was. There he stood, bruised and burned, alive. She fell to her knees and sobbed.
“She’s prettier in person.” The female said and Molly looked to her. Threat, her wolf growled and growled in her mind. Molly didn’t care, she couldn’t tear her eyes off her mate. He sunk to the floor in front of her and she cried harder, it was a dream. A sick and twisted dream that she needed to wake up from. She pinched herself and blinked over and over but she wouldn’t wake up. She reached out and touched his handsome face. He nuzzled her hand at the contact and she brought herself closer to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. As much as she could, anyway, with the baby belly.
“Molly, I’m so sorry.” His voice was more gruff than it was and her wolf basked in the sound.
“Shh, just don’t talk for a minute. Ok?” She asked through tears and put her nose to his neck. She inhaled a deep sniff and shivered at his smoky scent.
“Uh, I hate to interrupt this love fest thing going on here.” The female said and Molly peeked at her. She was pretty, she had long black hair, a petite figure and freckles. The girl from our dream, her wolf said dreamily and the girl looked to her.
“I reckon you’ve seen me before?” She asked with a small smile and Molly nodded.
“You do know that fate brought me here, brought him to me?” She asked, her smile getting larger, and Molly nodded again.
“I think his daddy would like a hug, he’s having a breakdown over here.” She said softly and Molly nodded. She looked to Thomas who seemed oblivious about their conversation and she leaned down to his ear.
“Go to your father, I have to talk to her.” She whispered and he squeezed her closer to him.
“I let you go before because of my foolishness, not gonna do it again.” He growled in her ear, making a wave of pleasure go through her wolf. Her wolf was practically telling her to dry hump him in front of everybody, the little skank, as she nuzzled against his own wolf.
“Please. Please let go for me.” She said quietly and slowly he let his grip go.
“You’ve 5 minutes. Then you are to upstairs and wait in the bed for me. Understood?” He told her and his eyes twirled amber.
“Make it 10 and we’ve a deal.” She said and he narrowed his eyes on her.
“8.” He said, not wanting to go that high.
“9.” She said and he gave her a brisk nod. She smiled and kissed his lips. How she dreamed of doing this very thing, kissing his sweet lips. His taste was still the same, smoky and sweet at the same time. Beautiful and delicious.
“Ahem, talking.” The girl said, amusement dancing in her voice. Molly broke the kiss apart slowly and tasted him on her lips. She couldn’t get enough of him. She closed her eyes and backed away from him, she looked up at his father. He did look like he was falling apart, but struggling to hold the pieces together. She tapped his hand softly and smiled when he looked down at her.
“You can let it go, no one is going to judge you.” She said softly and slowly, bit by bit, he let the tears fall a he reached for his son.
“Dad.” Thomas whispered and they both hugged. What was weird, though, was the fact that Thomas shed no tears. Everybody had to cry, it was a way to let go of stress or anger. Everybody had to do it. Right?

He hadn’t wanted to let her go, his wolf hadn’t wanted to let her wolf go, but the minute she used that soft sweet voice with him he was putty. His wolf hadn’t forgotten about her heat, the way she smelled it was almost impossible to forget. He could hardly wait for the 9 minutes to be over so he could get this over with. He wasn’t saying it like she was a burden on his life, because she wasn’t. he just wanted to get over this drama so they could live together, happily. He didn’t trust Marissa, not by any chance, but Molly was a big girl, she could take care of herself. That’s what he told himself, to help him help his father better he told himself that she could handle herself were anything to happen. His father squeezed his body closer and cried harder. He had never seen his father like this. He’d only known the level headed man who tried to help everybody else. Yeah he’d seen his father cry, over his mother, but never this hard. It was as if someone had taken his lollipop and he was a baby. Molly and Marissa went to the kitchen because Molly stated that I “Got her wolf all hot and bothered and she needed to be cooled down.” He didn’t know what to make of that, so there he stood, in his fathers’ arms not knowing what to do.
“It’s Ok to show some sort of emotion, ya know.” Brandon said, opening the door.
“what the hell are you doing here?” His father said nothing, he just hung to Thomas as if he was the last bit of air left. He felt as if he was nurturing a baby.
“I felt that Molly was in distress, I came to see if she was Ok.” He said with a shrug… as if that was perfectly fine.
“You don’t have to look out for my mate. I can do that on my own.” Thomas snarled at Brandon and he felt his father tense up.
“One, slow your role, two, she can look out for herself, and three I wasn’t looking out for your mate I was looking out for my Luna and her unborn pup.” He said coolly and tossed his key onto the worn out couch. His father, having finally composed himself, separated from Thomas and threw Brandon a withering look.
“Stand down, Beta.” He said, his tone gravelly.
“I’m not the one getting all defensive, he is.” Brandon said respectfully and Thomas took a step forward, right before a delightful smell hit his nose.
“If any of you end up with a scratch, I will murder all of you.” Molly snarled, entering from the front door. Marissa stepped form behind her and cast her a wary glance.
“Shouldn’t you relax?” She asked.
“Shouldn’t you head back home?” Molly quipped back quickly, anger flaring in her emotions, her eyes turning amber. Whatever happened between these two was not good.
“You know I can’t do that, you know it has to happen.” Marissa said back calmly, seemingly bored as she folded her arms lazily over her chest. The males watched the altercation with interested eyes, what was going on with the females? Mollys’ wolf was going rabid, snarling and snapping at Marissa. Molly clenched her teeth together and Thomas knew she was struggling to keep her fiery temper in.
“Like all hell it does! My child is not the Red Luna, whatever the hell that is! My child is a baby, she doesn’t even exist yet! You wouldn’t know anything about her!” Molly snarled and took a step away from Marissa. His jaw dropped when she mentioned the Red Luna. Were all the fairytales coming to life? Would a little girl in a red cape come flying through the door any minute. That was sure as hell what it seemed like.

Who the hell did she think she was?! Telling her that her child was going to bring nothing but destruction and despair?!
“I suggest you calm down.” Marissa said as her eyes flashed a brilliant red. Molly knew she should be afraid, but she wasn’t. She was livid, as pissed as any wolf was possible of being.
“I suggest you burn in hell, but you don’t have to listen to me. Just like I don’t have to listen to you!” Molly snarled and fought to not take a step forward.
“Watch your tone.” Marissa warned lightly as she took a step forward. The bitch wants to threaten, her wolf thought angrily as Molly took a step forward in challenge, lets get threatening.
“What are you gonna do about it, huh?” Molly asked, she felt itchy to do something. To just punch the shit out of this bitch, just once. To see how it felt.
“I swear to god, Molly, if you don’t step down I will have no choice but to put you down.” Marissa growled and Molly snarled at the threat.
“Wanna try, bitch.” Molly growled and before she could blink Marissa lunged. Everything seemed to slow down though, as Marissa lunged, Molly simply grabbed her by the throat and picked her up. She’d found new strength from somewhere deep down in her and she used it to slam Marissa’s body into the tiled floor, making it cave ever so slightly.
“Don’t fuck with me or my pup, bitch, that’s for your own safety.” Molly snarled at her and stood up slowly, keeping her eyes on the black ones below her.
“How did you-“
“Never mind that, my child is not leaving with you. You will not seek her, you may see her and train her as you see fit. But that’s all, you step over the line and I will not hesitate to drop your ass again. Got it?” Molly said and Marissa whimpered and nodded.
“Good.” She growled then looked to Thomas and Thomas only.
“Upstairs, upstairs right now.” She said, her wolf taking over completely, knowing what she wanted now. She looked to Thomas’ father and then to Brandon.
“Both of you help Marissa home, Maximus stay with Brandon tonight.” She said dismissively and when nobody moved she let her wolf out enough for her teeth to elongate and her nails to lengthen.
“Move!” She barked and everybody scrambled to meet her wishes.
“See you in a week.” She said to Marissa, who merely nodded and stood from the dented floor.

Chapter 15

Ho-ly shit that was hot. His wolf howled in pride, his mate took down the Black Luna. Effortlessly. Of course the fact that Molly had said that their child was to be the Red Luna escaped his mind completely. He could smell her heat and his wolf was absolutely feral. He obeyed her command and could feel her eyes on him the whole way up the stairs, the smell of her arousal teased him with each step he took. He went into his old room, the room he hadn’t lived in since he was 18, and sat down on the king sized bed. Slowly her scent came closer to him, her footfalls became more easy to hear. She stood at the doorway, watching him with amber eyes. She’s not yours anymore, his wolf growled in animalistic pleasure, she’s mine. His wolf fought to the surface and in no way did Thomas fight back, he wanted this as much as his wolf did.
“You rejected me, why?” Her voice was scratchy, but still soft. Still Molly.
“He- We were tired of being heartbroken. The day you left you took us with you, and the day you came back we were overrun with joy. But so much happened to us, I was afraid to get close to you, for fear that you might run and break our heart again.” His wolf explained standing up and taking a step toward her.
“I told you I would stay, I told you I understood. You rejected me, again, in front of the whole pack!” She cried to him, tears brimming her amber eyes. The sight pained his wolf, and him too. He hated to make their mate cry.
“I thought you were lying, I thought as soon as I gave over our heart you would stomp on it and throw it in to an open fire. I had to protect us.” He said, begging for her to understand, taking a step closer.
“How do I know this isn’t some trick, some sort of façade? How do I know that as soon as I let my guard down and open my arms to you, you won’t reject me again?” She asked, one tear falling from her eye. He zoomed to stand in front of her, fighting for his human side.
“Because this time it’s me. It isn’t him, I’m in control now and I promise you I will never hurt you again.” He told her, stroking her brown hair from her face. The slight touch of her skin on his sent electricity through him and made his member stand up on attention.
“Besides this time.” He said and leaned down to bite down on the skin, right on her shoulder, where her mark would be.

Ecstasy flew through her body as his teeth pierced her fragile skin. Her panties became damp and her nipples ached to be touched. She didn’t care about her baby belly, she pressed herself as close as she could without hurting herself. He pulled his fangs away from her neck and licked the wound. The small action made her clit go wild, with each stroke her panties became more and more soaked. She began to writhe under his tongue and he hadn’t even gotten to the most sensual part of her yet.
“Please.” She whimpered, though she didn’t know what she wanted him to do.
“Please what, pet, what do you want from me?” He mumbled, not moving his mouth from her neck. She grinded against him and felt no shame. She was deprived of this, her wolf had been activated. Now she was a ticking time bomb. The marking had taken place, she knew what that meant. Her heat had begun. Her baby moved around ever so slightly, but she just couldn’t care to notice. She was too wrapped up in her heat, too wrapped up in the sensual feel of it to care about her baby. Call her a bad mother if you will, but her body had been deprived of this for too long.
“Something, anything other than this… torture.” She gasped, arching into his body.
“Shh, pet.” He whispered gruffly into her hair as his hand skimmed down her body, he cupped her mound through her sweatpants . She let out a startled moan and her knees began to wither under her. His fingers managed to find her clit, and her rubbed it through the clothing. Her knees failed her and she fell against him, he caught her but didn’t stop his assault with his fingers. They rubbed her furiously making the clothing warm her already heated flesh.
“Please, please, please.” She chanted over and over, his fingers somehow managed to make her creamy and wet, but they couldn’t bring her over the brim.
“Come on, pet, come for me. Make your thighs creamier than what they already are, do that for your Alpha.” He growled lowly in her ear and pleasure spiked through her, still not enough to bring her over the precipice.
“I- I’m trying… so h-hard.” She stuttered in pleasure and he growled. He put his mouth over his bite mark and sucked. That was it, that was what she needed. She came and she was glad he was holding her, for she would’ve fell to her knees without his help. But this wasn’t it. Her body wanted more, craved more. Under his touch her body seemed to come back to life. She’d felt so numb and dead when he was gone, so alone and scared. With him here, bringing her pleasure, she felt her body enlighten. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to his king sized bed where he lay her down carefully.
“You’re overdressed.” He growled and her wolf howled in happiness at the gruff sound of it. Without a word she stripped off her clothes, until she was in nothing but the clothes she brought with her into this world.
“Now you are.” Her wolf was still in control of her body, her voice was still rough, but it had some qualities of her own voice. He stripped down too and she had to clench her teeth to keep from growling. He had bruises and burns everywhere. He stood above her, his cognac eyes looking down at her softly. She crawled to him on her knees and didn’t stop until she could wrap her arms around him, which she did. Her head came up to his navel, as her breasts pushed against his thighs. She kissed his navel softly.
“Never. You are to never leave my sight again, as long as we both live.” She growled and he looked down at her.
“Ditto.” He growled and sparked liquid heat to come down her thigh. God she was already dripping for him, and she’d just climaxed! She kissed his navel again and let her tongue touch his toned skin. His muscles shivered under her touch and she smiled as she kissed and licked a trail down to his groin. His member stood proud and alert, a small bead of silver coming out of his slit and she licked the salty pearl of taste onto her tongue slowly, peeking up and watching his reaction. His eyes blazed amber, but she felt no fear, oh no, what she felt was greater than fear. She felt lust, complete and total lust for this man. Slowly she sucked the rest of him in, slowly she reveled in his taste, and slowly he came apart. With every centimeter her mouth traveled his resolve crumpled thousands. He ran his fingers through hair and pushed closer to her, putting more of his juicy dick inside her mouth, then he would pull out. Oooh, her body shivered in delight, the teased becoming the teaser. Slowly he fucked her mouth, pulling out when she would start to lick him. He felt like he was so close, she could feel the tension in his body and she hated it. She pushed his hands away from her and took over. She sucked him faster, making her licks on his cock more sure and stronger. He groaned and she felt his body tense more. The bastard. She reached up and cupped his heavy balls, she rubbed them slightly, teasing them with her fingers while her mouth stroked strong and sure. It was all too much for him, and he came in her mouth. Shuddering he pulled away from her as she swallowed his yummy juices.
“For that.” He growled at her and picked her up by her waist, he pushed her further onto the bed and climbed on behind her. He put his hands on her hips, his cock at the entrance of her dripping slit, and leaned down to her ear.
“For that you pay.” He growled and pushed inside her, while sucking on his mark.

He tried to hold back, he tried to wait until he was deep inside her to cum, but obviously the tricky little she-wolf couldn’t wait until then. He slammed into her, all the while suckling on his mark. He knew the action would spark something deep inside her, as would him if she’d marked him. The mark acted as a hot spot for the body. The small mewling sounds she made only added to his love, to his emotion. With each sound he made he reacted, his nails grew out and her marked her waist, that she exploded around him, but her body still wanted more. Thank the moon for heat. Her body shivered and she met each of his demanding thrusts, she was so creamy. One of his nail tipped fingers, carefully, sought for her clit and rubbed it. He took his time, he didn’t rush her anymore, he wanted this time to be big for her. With each rub he would thrust in and out of her slowly, driving her insane. She cried for him to go faster, for him to take her hard and fast. She even threatened she would kill him, but he kept at his slow rate. He made his claws retract from his other hand, the on not working her clit, and ran his fingers along her back. She shivered and her body tensed, she was trying not to cum. Growling he leaned down and sucked on his mark, she yelled out his name as she came. Her orgasm lasted forever, he drew it out. It didn’t matter that he didn’t cum, this was her first heat, he wanted it to be special for her. What he wasn’t expecting, though, was for her to pull away from him and turn to look at him. Her eyes burned amber and her canines were practically popping out from under her lip.
“What’s wrong with me?” She asked, she seemed angry. Was she angry that she couldn’t control her lust?
“You’re in heat baby! You’re unbelievably horny all day, everyday.” He told her and moved closer.
“I want something. He knows what I want.” Ah, this is her wolf. He’d never really seen her wolf take full control. It was hot. His eyes narrowed and he was confused. She wants to mark us, his wolf growled with pleasure, she wants to give us the pleasure we gave her. He felt like howling for joy.
“This is your heat, your first one at that, I wanted it to be special.” He watched as her eyes melted to green, a color they hadn’t been in a while, then to black.
“You’ve already made it special just by coming back to me. Please let me mark you, please.” Her wolf came out on the last word and his wolf came out too.
“Do what you want pet, I’m all yours.” Before he could even get the words out, Molly surge to him and tackled him down to the bed.
“You don’t know how damn sexy that nickname is.” She purred and kissed and licked his shoulder. He made his body relax, he wanted to arch into her warm body. He wanted to take her again, but he’d have to wait. He teased the spot where she wanted to make her mark, she nibbled on it which brought excited moans from him.
“You’re killing me here pet.” He groaned and he felt her smile.
“Not for long.” She said against his skin and her teeth pierced his skin. He couldn’t hold it book, he didn’t even want to. He howled in pure joy and love, his mate had marked him. Made him hers. She suckled and licked on his mark and he groaned.
“Pet, I think you should stop.” He growled out, trying to keep from coming.
“Hmm.” She trilled, all the while suckling and licking his mark.
“I tried to warn you.” He growled and slammed into her, she yelled out, finally removing her mouth from his mark and he growled in pleasure. She was so hot, so fucking hot and tight around him. he would hold back, for as long as he could, he would hold back. He slammed into her, being applauded by her yells of pleasure.
“Cum for me pet, cum all over me.” His wolf demanded, he wouldn’t be able to hold it in. she was just too damn good, her cream lathered his dick, her pussy was like a vice grip. She made no words, just incoherent sounds. He took that as a sign she was close. But not close enough. He reopened the mark wounds on her waist and she screamed, she was sent over the edge and right into his open and waiting arms. He came, his body shaking with the intensity of it. He felt a burning on his chest and on his arm, Molly must’ve felt it too because she yelled out in pain. He held her body close.
“Shh, shh it’s ok Mol’s it’ll be over soon.” Hopefully, his wolf added. Always the helpful one, his wolf was.

This was it, this was how it all ended. She was dying, her baby was dying, and, if his deep grimace was any indication, Thomas was dying too. Why did this happen to her? Why when the most amazing things happened in her life, they turned sour immediately. She felt a burning on her arms and around her waist. Why did it only hurt in specific places if she was dying? She looked down at her arm to see her skin being burned by a brilliant silver light. It shimmered and moved, it turned shades of luminescent blue and gold. She felt as if she was watching a comet show. She looked to Thomas’ arm to see the same thing happening to him. she howled in pain and he joined in chorus. They heard the packs howls of congratulations, but why were they congratulating them? Was dying a good thing now?! The pain dulled to a stop, but she’d slammed her eyes closed, afraid that if she opened them the pain would come back with a vengeance.
“Molly, babe, look at your arm.” She peeked under her lashes at her arm and gasped at the sight. It was tribal tattoo, that looked to be etched with the finest blue and gold silk. The tattoo wrapped around her arm, the blue and gold looking as if it was racing each other to the finish. The finish being a silver wolf howling to a gold tribal crescent moon. It was breathtaking, and for a moment nobody spoke. Their wolves didn’t speak, nobody moved. His to protect,

her wolf said dreamily, his to love

. What the hell was she talking about, and then suddenly, in one last pinch of pain, brilliant silver words seemed to wrap around the golden crescent.
“His to protect, his to love.” She whispered, the exact same words her wolf told her. She looked to Thomas and gasped at the sight. He had almost the exact same thing, except his wolf was pitch black and the moon was pale blue. His tribal tattoo raced around his arm, then up to his shoulder, stopping to where she’d bit him at.
“Hers to protect, hers to love.” He whispered, his eyes flashing between amber and black. A small incredulous smile stretched her lips as a small laugh escaped them. She looked to her waist and shrieked, she stood, taking him out of her with a shlick, to examine her marking further. The tattoo there wasn’t black, it was red. Blood red. It trailed around her whole waist length only to stop just below her navel, where a white wolf howled at it. A black crescent moon curled around her navel, the tip of it just touching her navel.
“The Red Luna.” Thomas gasped and traced her tattoo, his hands felt warm on her chilled skin. Her baby moved around in her tummy, and she couldn’t help but gasp at it.

Chapter 16

Someone was nudging him, and if they planned on keeping their fingers for very much longer they’d stop. But they wouldn’t, he groaned and flipped onto his stomach, hoping to block the nudging. If anything it got worse.
“Babe… you up?” Molly whispered to him and he fought the urge to growl at her.
“Now I am.” He sighed, moving onto his back again, her hair was a birds nest and her face was in a pout.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, suddenly worried, sitting up.
“I really want pizza.” She whispered to him, she sounded on the verge of tears and her lips were quivering.
“You want me to get you some pizza, baby?” He cooed to her and she sniffled.
“I would’ve called Brandon, but I forgot where I left my phone.” At the name of the other male wolf, his own stood up on alert.
“I’m here now, I can get you whatever you need. I’m sure there’s a pizza place still open.” He said as lightly as he could and she smiled a little, rubbing her nose.
“Can you get it with pepperoni and pickles, please.” He almost gagged at her choice of toppings, but then his wolf growled at him. Touchy, touchy. He got out of the bed and rummaged through his old drawer, of course he doubted he would still be able to fit any of these clothes, but it was worth a try. He found some sweat pants that used to be baggy on him, and ginormous sweatshirt.
“You want a pie?” She gasped at the idea and horror hit him when she sobbed.
“No, I just want 3 slices, am I that fat that I need a whole pie to myself?” She cried and each sob broke his heart. His wolf snarled at him as they heard her wolfs’ howls. The hell is wrong with you? Upsetting her like that, do you have a personal wish to cause her emotional harm?! His wolf growled at him, and he got angry. Only because his wolf was angry first.
“No Molly, that’s not what I meant at all-“
“Do you even want me anymore? Will you find someone else now that I’m fat and useless to you and your manly needs?” The fuck?!
“We just had sex, four times. I’m not going to find anybody else, because nobody else can give that to me.” Anger flared on her face in the darkness, and he couldn’t tell what he did wrong. Idiot, I swear to god, you’re an idiot. She stood up, keeping her eyes on his. They fought between amber and black, as her face fitted to a tight grimace.
“So you only want me, because of what I can give you in the bed?” She growled lowly and his eyes bulged. That was not what he meant at all!
“No, I meant that no one can make me-“
“You know what! I don’t even care anymore. Can you please just go get my pizza?” She snarled at him and stared him out of the room.

How dare he?! She growled to her wolf and her wolf sympathized with her. He practically told her he only wanted her because she fucked him good. For that, and that reason alone, she wanted him dead. Then she realized what she’d thought, what she’d wanted to happen, and gasped. She sat to the bed slowly, naked as the day she was born, and put her hand to her mouth. What the hell was going on with her? Sure the midnight craving was normal, but never ever thought violent thoughts. A little violence never hurt anyone, her wolf told her and howled in pleasure. Yeah, nobody but the person hurt. Silent tears fell from her cheek as she went over what she did. She’d snapped at him, not listened to him when he tried to explain himself, then wished he was dead. She was the worse mate in history! She looked around his old room for something to wear, the carpet tickling her feet as she was too lazy to actually pick up her feet. She couldn’t find anything that she could fit, sure he was a large teenager, or so it seemed as she picked up one of his t-shirts, but not her kind of large. She heard his car pull up in the driveway and she shrugged, wrapping the sheet around her toga style, and flicked on his large TV. He must’ve gotten that in here after she left. She used to spend all her afternoons there, laughing and talking with Tommy while they watched He-man. The door opened slowly and Tommys’ black mane popped through.
“It’s safe, I’m sorry for snapping at you.” She said and watched as he, slowly and cautiously, entered the room. The aroma of the pizza sent her wolf on a frenzy, she wanted that pizza. He saw the hungry look in her, she guessed, because he walked to her and put the box next to her. She opened the box and gasped at what she saw. There, written in pickles and pepperoni, was the words ‘I’m Sorry’ tears came to her eyes and she choked on a sob.
“When I said what I said, I didn’t mean what you thought I meant. I meant I would never want anybody else because nobody can make me feel the way you make me do, in or out of the bed. I will always want you. No matter what. Runny nose, pink eye, flu, baby belly. I’m there for you baby, and I’m not going to run away when you get scary.” He said with a slight smile. She sniffled and hugged him, just the touch of him on her skin sent her wolf on a maddening frenzy. Her heat had returned, with a deep vengeance on her body.

Chapter 17

She moaned at the feeling of him squeezing her close and let out a sharp intake of breath as his hands gripped her marks on her waist. God it felt so good! Of course she didn’t like the fact that she was bleeding, of course she didn’t like the fact that he hurt her. But she couldn’t care right now, not when he was nuzzling against her neck marking.
“Tommy.” She gasped out, struggling not to rub herself against him.
“Yes, pet.” He growled softly against her neck and she whimpered at the name.
“Please, stop. I’m hungry, we can’t…”
“Can’t do what pet, finish your sentence.” He growled at her and bit her mark, sparks went down her body, only to land and electrify her clit with shocks of pleasure.
“We can’t finish this… we have to stop.” She sighed as he pushed her back gently, moving her so that she was laying directly beside her yummy pizza. The one she was trying so hard to not forget.
“Maybe I don’t want to stop, what will you do then pet?” He snarled against her skin, but that didn’t frighten. It only made her cream for him, she was sure she was starting to leak onto her sheet dress.
“Please, stop with that name… please.” She whimpered to him and slowly his tongue moved away from her mark. She made a move to sit up but he blocked her. He picked up a piece of pizza and put it to her lips. She looked up at him an opened her mouth. He fed her slowly, all four pieces of her pizza, and rubbed her belly. She cooed up at him and whimpered when he pulled his hand away. He chuckled deeply and picked up a napkin.
“You got something on your cheek, pet.” She noticed he wasn’t himself when he called her that, his wolf was in control. She let her wolf come out, as she’d been dying to from the beginning and smiled up at him.
“Thanks babydoll, didn’t even notice.” His wolf stiffened at the name, just like they’d been hoping he would.
“Don’t call me that.” He growled softly and she giggled slightly.
“Or you’ll what babydoll? What are you gonna do to me that you haven’t done already?” She whispered, blinking up at him innocently. Something boomed on the TV, but she couldn’t care as he leaned down and nipped her ear.
“Don’t test me, pet, I’m on my last string here. You really, really don’t wanna test me any further. To keep that little innocence of yours intact.”
“What innocence babydoll? I have none left after being with you.” She told him breathily.
“Fine then, to keep that tight little cunt of yours safe and…well safe, I’d stop goading me if I were you.” He growled against her ear and she couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure even if she wanted to.
“Who said I wanted it to be safe? Who said I didn’t want you to fuck me hard, fuck me raw? I think you’re assuming things and babydoll,” She growled as she turned him over so that it was her who sat over him, straddling his thighs.
“And you know what they say about assuming?” she asked, rubbing his upper thigh, letting her hand trail to the tenting in his pants. He moaned and arched into her, making her lose her seating. We’ll get him for that later, her wolf growled to her and pleasure.
“Do you not know what they say about assuming?” She asked tauntingly, rubbing his thick cock through the material of the sweatpants, enjoying the way his moans got louder each time she did it.
“Yes.” He strangled out between moans and she grinned, she slowly started to pull his pants down, so that she could see the garden of dark curls that lead to her magnificent toy of the night.
“And what is that babydoll?” She asked, pulling his pants down more. She kept pulling and pulling until her toy sprang out like a jack in the box, only she wasn’t scared and his dick had no music. She leaned down and slowly licked the silver pearl of cum that had beaded around his slit and moaned in ecstasy. god he tastes good, her wolf moaned and howled at the wonderful taste of their mate. She was very vocal tonight. Slowly she sucked him in, inch by maddening inched, until she finally came to the hilt. By then he was whimpering and whining. This was their mate. The man they could bring to mercy with their mouth, the man that they could give pleasure to, the man that would love them and protect them.
“Please, Molly, please move.” He whimpered, arching his back and shoving his cock deeper into her mouth. She trilled in her throat and sucked in a slow torturous matter. He growled but one pinch on the thigh quickly stopped that process, only to be replaced by another one. He moaned at the feeling and her brow quirked. We’re wolves, her wolf reminded her, we like a little pain with our pleasure, adds to the goodness of it. Interesting. Slowly she tested that theory and pinched the inner side of his thigh as she sucked and licked him. he let out a choking noise and his legs tensed. Hell yes! Revenge is mine! She thought vengefully as she sucked a little faster, feeling every ridge of his penis leave and enter her mouth at a fast rate. She looked up to see his eyes glowing amber, her wolf swooned at the sight and Molly creamed. That. Was. Hot. Groaning her hand trailed down her leg as she sucked him, keeping her eyes on his wide open eyes. She rubbed her pussy twice, imagining that it as his tongue, before going directly to her clit and rubbing it between her fingers. This was going to kill her.

She was killing him here, every pinch, every rub, every sound she made had him hotter than it had ever done before. He watched as she touched herself while sucking him, he watched as she closed her eyes at the feel of having both ends filled with something. He watched as she swallowed his seed, he couldn’t hold it any longer. She moaned but kept licking him, keeping the pleasure rolling in waves.
“Molly, please. Please stop, I can’t-“ His sentence cut off as one of her elongated teeth gently scraped against his burning flesh, making him cum once again.
“Fuck, Molly. As an order from an Alpha, stop.” His voice wasn’t at all powerful, and he hated to the pull the Alpha card but he would co insane if he hadn’t. she stopped sucking him and looked up, her eyes burning a bright amber.
“Are you forgetting, that I am Luna. Sam rank, same position. You can’t order me to do jack diddly squat.” She said and cupped his balls rubbing them while staring him down.
“Are you forgetting, that I am also your mate. So, one again, your dominance, to me, means jack diddly squat.” She said and licked his head once more.
“But, since you asked so nicely, and you’ve filled me up, I guess I have no choice but to stop.” She said huskily as she kissed the very tip of his head, where his slit was, her tongue licking at the slit. She crawled up his body, the sheets leaving a tickling whisper. She kissed his lips quickly before shutting off the TV, leaving them in a darkened room. She flopped down on her side, facing the window that was opposite of them, and sighed.
“Goodnight Tommy, thanks for the pizza.”

She wasn’t particularly mad… eh, who the hell was she kidding. She was fucking livid. How dare he use the Alpha tone on her? Especially in the bedroom. If anything, all that shit was left at the doorway to be picked up when you left the room on the morning. She fell asleep, if you could even call closing your eyes and evening out your breath a sleep, though her body still craved Thomas. She didn’t, not anymore. She was pissed at him, and she wanted to make sure he knew it. She woke up before he did, like she always did, and went back to the guest room. She looked through all her clothing, old and new, until she found a cotton light pink maternity shirt and some maternity jeans. Of course that didn’t mean she hadn’t looked around, though. She looked at her old clothing and sighed. She longed for the day she would be able to wear her black and white striped crop top and skinny jeans again. Skinny jeans are for the skinny, her wolf sulked to her silently, not for the pregnant people. Apparently her wolf hated the fact they were fat as all hell too. Taking a light hearted sniffle she trudged to the bathroom. She didn’t feel like looking at her body, that was until she saw the coloring. The blue and gold beckoned for her attention, attention that she would give. The twisting and turning of the tribal tattoo had her mind go a little dizzy, but it all stopped when it hit the wolf. The silver wolf howling at the golden moon had her mesmerized. That’s me, if I could come out. Her wolf sulked silently and they both shared a sigh before Molly jumped in the shower. Her body still ached from being pregnant, and from being in heat. But she would not touch herself. If she didn’t have her shape, or her emotions, then she damn sure would keep her pride. After nearly rubbing the energy from her body, Molly slumped against the bathroom door naked and wet. She took a deep breath and grabbed her towel. She dried her hair quickly, and dried her body as painless she could make it. She pulled on her maternity panties and her bra, we look like a bloated whale, ignoring her wolfs’ comment she pulled on her pants and her shirt. She walked out of the misty bathroom and into the guest bedroom, only to find Thomas sitting on the bed with his head down.
“Why’d you leave the bed?” He asked lowly, his voice somewhere between sad and angry. She was still pissed at him, so she wouldn’t talk. She only shrugged, knowing he couldn’t see it, and put her dirty clothes in the hamper by the door.
“Dammit Molly, how are we supposed to get along if every ten minutes your emotions are changing?” He damn near yelled, she didn’t need her eyes to see that his were amber. Her wolf could feel the pull. Wanna play with the wolves? Don’t cry when you get bitten.

“My emotions don’t change every five minutes, it’s you. You can’t just do something, you have to fight back all the damn time!” Her wolf yelled, making Molly wince.
“If you haven’t noticed I’m an Alpha, I’m not supposed to be some love sick puppy at your feet, waiting on your beck and call. It doesn’t work like that, it never has. I’ll be dammed if it does!” His wolf growled and he stood.
“I can’t believe you! Your doing it again! What the hell is wrong with you? You are never supposed to use the Alpha thing against your own mate!”
“I can do whatever the hell I want, and you can’t do a thing about it, mate. You’d best learn that now.”
“Was that a threat? You wanna throw around threats, big boy?” She snarled and zoomed to him, forgetting about her baby belly.
“Don’t test me mate.” He growled, peering into her amber eyes.
“I’m not only testing you, but later on I’m gonna school you in a game I like to call ‘Don’t Fuck With Your Pregnant Mate And Expect To Live’ it’s a really fun game.” She growled, clenching her fist. Her claws dug into her palm but she could care less right now.
“Don’t. Don’t do that, stop trying to be tough-“
“I’m not trying to be anything, you asshole! I’m trying to get you to see that, that title means nothing! You are in charge of a pack, you are in charge of your life, you are in charge of your daughter. Not me! You do not have control over me, Alpha or not. And would you like to know why? Because I’m an Alpha too, as of last night.” She growled at him and watched as his eyes slowly faded to black. She made herself calm down, as her claws retracted form her skin.
“I-I am so sorry.” He said and she bit her cheek at the pained emotion on his face. She hugged him close to her.
“I’m not gonna leave either of you, never. And if I do, then death his self would have to come take me. I want you both to know that. Don’t hide from me, don’t try to keep me away by pissing me off ‘cause it’s not gonna end up well for either of you.” She said, smiling into his bare chest.
“Now take a shower, you smell like sex and wolf.” It wasn’t a bad combination, but it made her wolf think nasty things. She kissed his neck and walked out the room and to the stairs.
“Is it safe to come in, have you stopped jumping each others’ bones.” A deep voice said, and she smiled.
“It’s safe Max, we’re done.” Molly told him, walking down the stairs.
“For now.” She heard him whisper as Max opened the door.
“Well don’t you look better.” Max said brightly, letting in the bright light into the house.
“I look like a bloated whale.” She said, blushing lightly at Max’s kind of compliment.
“A sexy bloated whale.” Carol said coming from behind him, her blond hair lighting up like a halo in the morning sun.
“If I rolled that way, I’d sleep with you.” Sarah said coming from the door to stand next to Max.
“Ugh, dude really? You’d sleep with her and not me?” Brandon joked, being the last to come in. He closed the door and looked to all her friends. How’d she get so lucky to have such good friends.
“Well, if I was a lesbian, why exactly would I sleep with you?” Sarah quipped, raising a red eye brow.
“Because I’m just awesome like that.” Brandon grumbled and everybody laughed.
“I’m sure you guys are hungry.” Molly said, wiping her eyes. They all nodded and she smiled.
“Follow me then, my young pups.” She said in a British voice that they chortled at. She walked down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen. She sat down and they looked confused.
“Oh! You wanted me to cook?” she asked, faking being surprised. Their eyes widened in horror and she laughed, her baby twirling inside.
“I’m shitting with ya, sit down. I do need a little help though.” She said and they all raised their hands like anxious four year olds and Molly bit her lip.
“Hmm.” She said and, just as she was about to pick a person, Thomas strode in his black hair wet and ruffled. He wore a black cotton t-shirt that clung to his abs and dark jeans, he was bare footed though.
“I automatically win because I’m her mate.” He said and everybody deflated and pouted.
“Bullshit, I choose Sarah.” She said and Sarah fist pumped “To sit down.” She pouted at her answer and Molly had to fight off a laugh.
“Max I need you, you’re the only one whose really familiar with this kitchen.” She said and Max inclined his head and went to the fridge.
“Hey! I know this house too! I lived here for most of my life!”
“So did max, go sit down now.” She dismissed with a wave of her hand and she heard a low growl come from him. She let a brow raise and her eyes shine to amber quickly. He scoffed, like an emotional teen, and sat down grumpily. He’s basically a gigantic baby, her wolf chortled.

He watched as his mate cooked for their friends. He knew the pack would be by, but he wouldn’t tell her that. No, no. He wouldn’t dare tell her that, he wanted to see the look on her precious little face when she saw she hadn’t made enough.

‘Tsk, tsk mate. Did you think you would really be able to hide that from me?’

her voice sounded in his head and cursed out loud. He had forgotten about the mind link between mates, apparently she had found out about it. She giggled to herself and pulled out all of his fathers’ eggs. Brandon looked at him winked. The bastard! He had told her about the mind link! But… was he angry about that? He didn’t know what he was around her. His heart beat fluttered, his mouth went dry, and his palms got wet and sticky. He was practically a fawning pup!

‘Aww, don’t be so hard on yourself babydoll. I think it’s you cute your at my beck and call.’
‘What did I say about that name Pet, it’s only reserved for a special place.’
‘You never said such a thing as babydoll being used in a certain place.’

She huffed, but he could smell her arousal.
“What exactly are you making, Pet?” He asked out loud and her back stiffened. She shot him a look that promised that he was going to get tortured later on, the only thing he could do was await the pleasure.
‘I can promise you, it will only be torture.’

She cleared her throat and smiled at their friends.
“Good ol’ American meal is all. Pancakes, bacon, eggs. As plain Jane as you could get.” She said and giggled at the name, as if it was nothing.
“Why don’t you add chocolate chips in the pancakes, pet, I’m sure the pack will appreciate it.” He said, crossing his arms and thoroughly enjoying her crimson cheeks.
“Well, I don’t think your father has chocolate chips babydoll. I’m sure you could point them out to me though.” Power surged in between them and all motion stopped in the kitchen. Those around them could feel the tension, this was only a test to see who could break first. And Thomas actually thought he could win, her heat would make her 10 times more lustful than she normally would be, the only thing he would have to was break that barrier.
“I’m sure if you look in the cabinet, there would be some there pet, did you look there?” He asked her raising an eyebrow.
“Are you questioning whether or not I looked thoroughly for what I need, babydoll, or are you just trying to be an asshole?” she asked through clenched teeth and he saw he had poked a sore spot.
“I dunno pet, you tell me.” He said coolly, meeting Mollys’ hard glare. She was trying to stare down an Alpha, he thought it was cute and hilarious. But by the way fury clearly shone in her eyes she obviously thought nothing was funny.
‘Drop it, you win.’

She growled in her mind to him. he simply smirked and leaned forward, laying his folded arms on the table.
‘But I was having so much fun.’

He whined, having no intention of stopping.
‘I swear to god, if you don’t drop it I will cut you.’

She growled and clenched her teeth.
‘Do your worst, pet.’

He said back to her lightly, knowing she would not follow through at all. But he obviously forgot about something else that came with a new werewolf shift. Agitation and rage. She turned round, pushed past his father, and got a knife. Not one of those small butter knives but an actually knife. She started to walk forward, keeping steady eye contact, but she was held back by Sarah.
“Stop it Luna, you’re not thinking rationally.” She said, straining through clenched teeth at the amount of effort it took to hold a raging wolf back.
“Let me go Sarah, sit down.” Molly growled, making power drip from her words. He could see Sarah visibly try to fight it, but she couldn’t. you couldn’t just not obey an Alpha or Luna order. Bad things would happen to good people. Molly gripped the wooden handle of the knife harder in her clutch. Carol lunged forward and spread her arms like an eagle getting ready to take flight.
“Stop it Luna, he was only joking. It was only a stupid joke, that he regrets.” Carol said lightly, in a joking manner. Thomas opened his mouth to say that he wasn’t, that he, in fact, loved playing with her. Loved watching her break, only because she came to him when she was broken. He loved being able to mend something together. But Brandon had somehow walked around the table and wrapped his hand around Thomas’ mouth.
“It didn’t sound like a joke.” Molly growled out, the knife shaking in her hands. That’s strange, his wolf thought, only to be growled at by her wolf.
“It was, he just doesn’t tell very good jokes. He knows that now and will never do it again. Maybe you should go rest now Luna, let us cook. You’ve been entirely too stressed out, go on and rest.” That last part sounded like a command and Molly was quick to catch on to it.
“Are you commanding me?” Molly sneered, her hand lifting ever so slightly.
“Of course not Luna, I was only suggesting that you take a light nap. By the time you wake the pack should be here, and you can check on Rosa.” Carol said lightly, even though her body was tensed. Molly relaxed at the name Rosa and the knife fell to the floor with a clatter.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” Molly breathed as her hands lifted to her mouth, shaking and trembling.
“It’s Ok Molly, just rest now.” Brandon said, finally taking his hand off of Thomas’ mouth. Thomas watched in fury as Molly ran to Brandon and wrapped her arms around him. that should be our job, his wolf growled to him and Thomas agreed. He was about to stand but then his fathers’ hand slammed him down.
“Don’t, you’ll only anger her again.” He whispered into his ear and Thomas had to sit and watch as Brandon lifted his mates legs around his stomach and carried her away. Not once had she looked at him, she’d kept her nose in Brandon’s neck. When the door upstairs closed everyone took a breath of relief.
“What the fuck was that about?” Thomas practically yelled. Carol shot him a deathly look, the one she only showed when she was beyond pissed.
“Apparently when female wolves are pregnant they got volatile and angered quickly.” Carol snarled, her normally pale face reddening with anger.
“They get pissed about the smallest things, and demand respect from everyone, even people not from their pack.” Sarah said, finally sitting down and running her fingers through her red thick mane.
“It doesn’t help that she’s carrying the Red Luna. I’m sure that the child’s power is running through her, which is just making her more angry. I bet she doesn’t want all the power, she doesn’t want to feel weird but she does. You add that, regular hormones, heat hormones, being pregnant, and you thinking everything is a damn joke would make me want to murder you too.” His father said, sitting in the wooden chair next to Thomas with a squeak.
“Who the hell is Rosa?” Carol looked at him with an incredulous look and Sarah put her hand on her shoulder.
“He wasn’t here, remember. “ Sarah told her soothingly and Carols’ anger simmered.
“LunaRosa, that’s the name of your unborn child.”

Chapter 18

She hadn’t meant to be so childish. But he just thought everything was so damn funny, when it wasn’t. she hadn’t continued to say his pet name, she only said it once. But him and his immature, asshole, fuck tard self couldn’t let it go. She breathed in Brandons’ scent and let herself feel comforted.
“That’s right, just let yourself drift off to sleep Luna.” Brandon said softly and walked around the room, still holding her like a 3 year old. She closed her eyes and relaxed her body, she had to relax for Rosa. She sighed at the thought of her little Rosa. The name had came to her the night after the pack doctor checked her. She had a dream of a cute little girl with the cutest red hair and green eyes she’d ever seen. Of course they were blocked by small glasses, but that only made them cuter. She had the cutest little lisp, it made all of her s’s sound like she was a king cobra. She had dreamed of Rosa every day since then. They would have conversations, they would laugh, they would sing, they would dance. In her dreams she was happiest. So all she had to do was drift off to sleep and spend some time with Rosa, and by the time she woke up her wolf wouldn’t be agitated and she would be able to spend some time with the pack.

“Ok, so you’re telling me… that my mate, Molly Turanga, has named our unborn child and has practically gone loopy?” Thomas asked, running his hand over his face.
“The stress, you were gone, she was the only Alpha here. Her wolf either went temporarily crazy with the power, or the stress. We don’t know which one it is yet.” Sarah said, her head resting on her folded arms on the table.
“She would get aggravated by the smallest things. One time, one of the pack children bumped into her stomach.” Carol said and shivered visibly, which was fascinating, and fear shone in her eyes.
“She grabbed the child by his arms and lifted him up, eye level. The look she gave him was enough to make me pee myself. She practically yelled at him to watch out for her Rosa. She would’ve thrown him, had Brandon not been there, she would’ve.” Carol said and rubbed her forehead. A door upstairs opened and they all held their breath.
“She’s asleep.” Brandon said and they all let it out.
“Each day she gets worse, her anger just grows. Thank god the baby’s’ due soon, otherwise we’d all be dead.” Brandon huffed and sat across from him. they all looked to him and he couldn’t help but stress out.
“What?” He yelled and they all surged forward, shushing him.
“You take everything as a damn joke. She is really emotional right now. If she asks you to do something, you do it. No questions asked, no hesitation, you automatically do it.” His father told him, yanking his fingers through his hair.
“But I am-“ Thomas was about to say, but Sarah stopped him by stuttering.
“I swear to god, if you say ‘I am Alpha, I bow to no one’ I will murder you.” She threatened, she gave of no hint of lying.
“She’s your mate, your equal. Your orders don’t work on her, and her orders don’t work on you.” Brandon said, his face red and angry.
“For you to even try it is fucking retarded, I don’t know if it’s you or your wolf. But whichever one it is, I suggest they cut it out. She is a ticking time bomb, the more you aggravate her, the more you blow the fuse.” Carol said, yanking on her blond roots.
“And if you blow the fuse, not only do you pay, but the whole pack will pay. Her anger and aggravation will rain down on us like a hale storm. I’m not worried for you anymore, this is greater than you. She carries the Red Luna. The Red Lunas’ power and an Alpha’s power combined gives her the upper hand.” His father said, leaning up against the fridge with his eyes closed.
“If she has the upper hand, and her mind is still fragile she won’t be able to think things through. The immediate answer will be blood, lots of it. Her wolf will take over and the human side of her will be completely submissive. We’ve seen glimpses of her wolf, and she is not pretty.” Sarah said exasperatedly. They all remained silent as they heard the bed move upstairs. They held their breath for an extra minute, hoping that they hadn’t awakened the sleeping bear. They still didn’t talk, they forgot about the breakfast, they forgot about the pack. They only focused on their thoughts.
“She’s gonna wake up soon, when she does she’ll be…” Brandon started to say but seemed at a lack of words.
“She’ll act like she’s 4. Which means there will be no yelling, no snapping, don’t be possessive or mean. We think it has something to do with the fact that she’s newly changed. Although she hasn’t shifted yet, she’s still like the rest of us were. Remember when we first shifted, we were stuck in a child like phase for a few days. Her wolf is so new to this, so she’s like a pup.” Carol finished for him and put her blond locks into a rubber band.
“Shh, shh.” His father suddenly said and stood off the fridge. There was nothing, absolutely nothing. There were 2 more heartbeats, sure, but they couldn’t hear anything. She was trying to hide, trying to make herself unheard. And she was doing quite a good job, but she was making it so obvious. The way her breathing had all but stopped, the way she gave off a frightened scent.

Shit, shit, shit! They were talking about killing her! She knew she had been mean, but that was no reason to kill a person. Her baby swirled in her tummy and she gulped, what if they could hear that?! We need to get out of here, her wolf told her. Her wolf had been going crazy, each day she would sound more and more demented. Which in turn caused Molly to slowly go crazy as well. She took a step away from the kitchen entry point and the floor creaked under her weight. Damn this body weight!! Her wolf growled in her head and Molly actually paid attention. They had stopped talking and she could feel Thomas get closer to them. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Run!! Her wolf snarled in her head, and she was too afraid to do anything else. She wasn’t afraid of her wolf, she was afraid of the things her wolf told her would happen. Thomas, the one she thought had loved her, was trying to kill her because he was afraid of their baby. Her wolf would tell her things, when she was insane. Their was times when she was sane and actually likable, but then something would happen. Their would be a catalyst, that would set off the explosion of her wolf. All while Thomas was gone, her wolf had gone through lapses of sanity.
“Molly, I need you to relax-“ Thomas started, suddenly he was there holding onto her upper arms.
“You’re trying to kill us aren’t you? Me, my wolf, the baby? You despise us all for our power, don’t you?” Her wolf screeched, making hatred flow through Mollys’ veins.
“Molly, no-“
“Because if it’s the power you can have it! Take it away from me, please! It’s driving me insane! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to lose you over the power. I don’t want to lose you over the whelp, if it’s because of her I’ll get rid of it. I swear I will, just don’t leave me!” Her wolf belted out, making Mollys’ head hurt with the strain. She wasn’t at all surprised by her wolfs’ speech, for she’d had to deal with it while Thomas was gone. Her wolf would say hurtful things towards their pup, her wolf would threaten the pups’ life. She would do anything, she would take her anger out on anybody and anything that she thought was the cause of Thomas being taken away.
“Listen, I am back. The power and stress is no longer on your shoulders. Relax, my sweet angel, relax. I’m safe, you’re safe. Our baby is safe, relax your mind.” His wolf told her, keeping his voice soft and melodic, almost as if he was singing to her. She felt, as if, some of the insanity come off her waves. The thick encasement melting ever so slightly at his words.
“LunaRosa is not a whelp, she is our pup. I will not leave you, I’m here. I’m not ever going to leave you, no one is ever going to hurt you, me or her. If they do, we will rip them apart. Together.” He told her, thumbing her cheek softly. More of the thick encasement melted off, slowly her insanity, her stress, her anger, it all melted away.
“Thank you.” Those were the last words she whispered before darkness and sweet bliss wrapped around her.

He caught her in his arms, her belly poking his abdomen and he breathed into her hair.
“What’s happened to you?” He asked softly, not expecting an answer. He just wanted to get it off his chest. She breathed deep against him and her whole body sagged, it seemed as if everything she held in her body just fell off of her. The baby kicked against her stomach, giving him a little nudge. He let out a rugged breath and held her limp body against his, her limp arms hanging on each side of his body.
“I’m here now, I’m not leaving any time soon.”

Chapter 19

She woke up to whispering, this time her wolf didn’t go crazy. At that fact she was relieved. Do you know how tiring it was to constantly have someone bickering, snarling, snapping and going insane in your brain every single day? Yeah, didn’t think so.
“Shh, shh she’s waking up.” Carol said, her tone happy and light. Molly cracked open her eyes to see her two new friends smiling over her. Sarahs’ bright red hair was curled around her face, Carols’ blond hair was straight and blended perfectly with Sarahs’. It all looked like fire, friendly fire. Teehee.
“Welcome back, sleepy pup!” Carol yelled brightly, and giggled. She grabbed Mollys’ hand and sat her up, making Molly a little dizzy.
“What the-“ Molly was about to spit out multiple profanities, until she saw the clothes.
“Surprise!” Sarah giggled, and grabbed multiple of the closest bags.
“You and Tommy are going on a date tonight! Soo… We had to buy you new clothes, you can’t fit the other maternity clothes we got you. And we bought them like four days ago!” Carol said brightly and started pulling out clothes. Mollys’ lip quivered but she put the emotions down.
“Pfft, not my fault I keep getting bigger, you heifers just keep getting smaller.” Molly said and picked up a green gauged wrap shirt, that formed a tiny little bow near, what would be, her left breast.
“I’m gonna let you tell yourself that, just for the sake of it.” Carol quipped back, chortling a little. She started to notice the abundance of clothing that came out of the bags.
“Whoa, did you guys just buy the whole damn store?” she said and put her hands on the clothes, as if that would stop them from piling up more and more.
“Uh, generally.” Sarah said, as if that explained everything. After about 3 more bags they stopped and let out a huff together.
“So for the date tonight, you guys are going down to Wrightsville beach. Walk along the sand, have a nice sea side dinner. Then he’ll drive you to your parents’ house, all of your clothes will be there. He’ll pick you up tomorrow morning and you’ll have a nice day out at the carnival that just came into town.” Carol and Sarah said, alternating, until they both ended with a sigh.
“You guys have my whole weekend set out for me?” Molly asked incredulously.
“Well… Yeah. Who would we be, if we didn’t?” Sarah and Carol said simultaneously, then they all laughed.

He paced in his apartment, he was so nervous for the date. They told him to wear green, because, quote on quote, it “Matched her human eyes, which symbolized that he wanted her for her human side, not her wolf”. Whatever the hell that meant. They’d given him bracelet to give her, it had their marking words engraved on a silver band. The silver band had little emeralds that went around the words and further down on to the chain. He closed the soft black box and pocketed it in his black skinny jeans. He hoped this would work.

More than 2 hours later they had her dressed and ready to go. They put her in a green gauged wrapped maternity shirt and dark maternity jeans. She had to admit, though, that even though she was pregnant, she could still rock a pair of jeans. They gave her green and black ballerina slippers and a green beanie. Molly sighed and put her hands on her ever growing stomach, it was becoming a nice place to rest y our hands if you were tired.
“How much longer do I have to wait exactly?” She asked impatiently, tapping a foot, sitting on the living room couch.
“Well we told him to be here-“ Sarah started but was cut off by a doorbell. Her face split into a gigantic grin and she clapped her hands,
“Now!” She whispered excitedly and her and her wolf groaned. It was a pain in the ass having hyper friends, when you weren’t so hyper. They were like squirrels on coffee. And seeing as wolves don’t like squirrels much, they move around way too fast for their liking, that was a bad thing. They helped her up and told her to go in the kitchen, her brow furrowed. Before she could ask why they pushed her in and told her to stay. She frowned but listened, afraid of what would happen if she crossed their paths. She might as well get a snack as she waited, she thought as she rummaged through the fridge for something. She fist pumped when she found a jar of pickles and a snicker bar. Whoever did this, her wolf thought as Molly shoved a pickle in her mouth and bit the snicker bar, needs to be awarded.
“Molly!” Carol hissed at her, making her stop her chewing.
“Wah?” She asked with her mouth full, not exactly lady like but she could care less. Carol stormed over to her and snatched the pickles out of her hand, but Molly moved her other hand away before she could take the snicker bar away.
“You’re about to go eat, you can’t eat snacks!” Carol hissed low, she obviously didn’t want Thomas hearing this. Molly just didn’t care anymore.
“I’m pregnant, I can do whatever the hell I want. That and you’re not my mom.” Molly quipped back loudly. Carol narrowed her eyes on Molly and Molly froze. You see there was a reason that Carols’ nick name was Carrie. She was fucking crazy. And there was a certain way you knew she was about to go crazy. It was… ‘the smile’. Carols’ face was, normally, a perfect example of the girl next door. Her cute dimples showed on her face, even if she wasn’t smiling, her shiny black eyes normally covered by blue contacts were bright and full of life, her lips full and pink, and her teeth small and perfect. But the thing was, whenever she was pissed about something her face broke out into ‘the smile’. It was one of those smiles you might see an off person wear. The one that’s full, shows teeth and seems like it’s painful.
“Molly, please don’t make me pick you up, drag you to Thomas and let him go home with you. Because I promise you that will not be entertaining for you. For me, though, it’ll be freaking hilarious. So walk out there, smile at Thomas and have fun at the beach.” She said slowly and Molly gulped and nodded. Her wolf didn’t even fight back with her. He stood there, wearing a green v-neck tee that clung to his figure, and black skinny jeans. Skinny jeans weren’t really made for any male older than 25, but Thomas, somehow, managed to make it work. He looked to her and smiled, she blushed and folded a lock of hair behind her hair. Making Carol and Sarah tut their tongue. Sighing she put the lock back and walked toward Thomas.
“Ready to have fun?” Thomas asked as he hugged her.
“Fun is what got me into this mess.” Molly joked and he chuckled, she stilled at the sound. She had never heard him laugh, or chuckle. Hell he’d never even giggle. It was musical, like hearing sleigh bells when you’re a kid and thinking, ‘whoa it’s Santa Claus!’.
“Be safe, and remember. No later than midnight!” Sarah said as she pushed them out, Molly didn’t even get a chance to ask for one more pickle before the door was slammed behind them.

He looked at her bewildered eyes and threw an awkward smile. She smiled back tentatively and blushed. He felt so awkward, just standing there and not doing anything. He cleared his throat and tried to say something, but was cut off when she grabbed his hand and led them down the walkway.
“Well, since you’re being all awkward and junk, why don’t I just take you on a date. Wouldn’t want you to burn the few brain cells you have, would I?” She said lightly and he chuckled lightly. Some of his confidence regained with her hand in his, some of his happiness came back to him, overturning the fear of a date gone wrong. So what if it went wrong, they would fix it anyway and have a great time. As long as they were with each other, everything would be fine. He had to borrow his dads’ jeep, seeing as the only vehicle he had was a motorcycle. He helped her up into it and gave her a peck on the cheek before closing the door and walking to the drivers’ side.
“What was that about?” She asked, her cheeks a rosy red.
“Can I not kiss my beautiful mate?” He asked, buckling in and she snorted.
“Kissing is part of what got me into this mess here.” She said and patted her bulging belly. He smiled and started the car and drove toward the beach. A song came on that he didn’t know, and he was startled when she started belting out tunes.
“I should ink my skin, with your name. Take my passport out again, and just replace it. See I could do without a tan, on my left hand, where my forefinger meets my knuckle. And I should run you a hot bath and fill it up with bubbles. ’Cause maybe you’re loveable, and maybe you’re my snowflake, and your eyes turn from green to grey, in the winter I’ll hold you in a cold place. And you should never cut your hair, ‘cause I love the way you flick it over your shoulder. And you would never know just how beautiful you are to me. But maybe I’m just in love when you wake me up.” She sung softly and he turned it up a little. She smiled and closed her eyes, rubbing her belly.
“Would you ever feel guilty, if you did the same to me? Would you make me a cup of tea, to open my eyes the right way? And I know you love Shrek, ‘cause we’ve seen it twelve times. And maybe you’re hoping for a fairy tale too. And if you’re dvd breaks, today, you should’ve got a vcr, ‘cause I’ve never owned a Blu-ray, true say. And I’ve always been shit at computer games, and your brother always beat me, and when I lost I’d go across and chuck all the computers at the TV. And then you’d laugh at me, and be asking me if I’m gonna be home next week. And then you’d lie with me until I fall asleep and flutter an eyelash on my cheek between the sheets. And you will never know, just how beautiful you are to me, but maybe I’m just in love when you wake me up.” Her voice put his wolf in a spell, his wolf now crooned for some attention. She was giving her all to the song, her and her wolf were singing it. Her wolf to them, Molly just sung to sing.
“I think you hate the smell of smoke, you always try to get me to stop, you drink as much as me. And I get drunk a lot. So I’ll take you to the beach, and walk along the sand, and I’ll make you a heart pendant with a pebble in my hand. And I’ll carve it like a necklace, so the heart falls where your chest is, and now a piece of me is a piece of the beach and it falls just where it needs to be and rests… peacefully. So you just need to breath to feel my heart against yours now… against yours now. ‘Cause maybe I’m just in love when you wake me up, or maybe I’m just in love when you wake me up. Maybe I fell in love when you woke me up.” She said softly and sighed deeply.
“What was the about?” He asked softly and she smiled.
“That song used to come on all the time on the radio. And sometimes, I would think of you. And we’d be laughing, and I’d be safe. It was my inspirational song, that one day everything would go right. I’d wake up and somebody would be there, waiting for me. And I guess, deep down, I knew it would be you.” She said and then rested her head on the window as she watched the sun beginning its travel to the other side of the world. She didn’t say much after that.

It’d been a while since she heard that song, she couldn’t help her immediate response to sing. Her wolf crooned to his wolf as they gave themselves company. She listened to the sound of her mates’ breathing, she listened to the soft music that played on the radio and she allowed herself to be comforted. They pulled over near the docks and she couldn’t help but feel a little excited. She had never been to the beach before. She’d ran to places that featured some of the greatest beaches, but she’d never actually been to one. He opened her door for her and helped her out. The cool air hit her, as did the smell. Some beaches had bad reputations, because of their smell, but they had never been to this one. It smelled heavenly, the mix of the sea and the sand and the air. She never wanted to leave. She started to walk to the sand but stopped when she realized Thomas wasn’t following her. She frowned and turned to him, he stood there with a thoughtful look as he stared at some of the rocks.
“They don’t grow, ya know.” She joked lightly and he smiled up at her.
“I know that, I was just… looking for something.” He said and picked up a rock that was the size of half his palm.
“Got it.” He said and put it in his pocket. She raised a brow but said nothing more. He kept one hand in his pocket and grabbed her hand with the other.
“Now for a walk along the beach and dinner.” She said whimsically, trying her best to imitate Sarah and Carol. The sun was just beginning to slip over the horizon, saying its last goodbyes to the sea. Every now and again she would see something she liked. A shell, a pretty rock, and they would examine it. She took off her ballet shoes and, with help of Thomas, put her feet in the frigid water. She giggled as pieces of seaweed lapped at her feet, and he chuckled at her silliness. Then suddenly they were kids again. she splashed him water and he retaliated by splashing her back. It was a never ending cycle of water and laughing. They were partially drenched when Molly said she was hungry, and they stopped walking the rest of the distance to their small cabana. It was sky blue sheer with white lace, that made it look like water foaming up. On the inside sat a table with two chairs and a candle. Molly smiled and walked a little faster. The smell of steak hit her nose and her stomach growled. Thomas smiled slightly and helped her walk faster n the sand. He pulled her chair out like a gentleman, and pushed it back in. A juicy steak with mashed potatoes and collard greens sat on her plate and her eyes watered. She looked up at Thomas and he dipped his head once. This was her favorite meal, his mom always made it for her on her birthday. She dug into her food and so did Thomas, she was finished before him. She smirked when he looked up at her, she shrugged when he gave her a questioning look. She sat and watched him eat, not in a stalker way, more like the way an artist critiques another artists’ work. They stare at it for hours on end until finally they get it. Their mind and the piece of art are now one. When he finished he burped, loud, and she froze. He looked at her and she laughed wildly, he laughed with her and they were both in tears. This is what she’d always wanted. Someone who she could laugh with, for no reason at all. Someone who would hold her at night. She heard a piece of cloth rip and realize he tore a strip of the sheer from the cabana. He did something underneath the table for a few seconds. He looked up, blushed slightly when he realized he had her undivided attention, and grabbed his knife. He carved something and then put his knife down.
“I know everything is so backwards right now, I know this happened in the wrong sequence, and I know you’ve been stressed out lately. But I want you to know that I’m here, you don’t have to do it all on your own. I wanna be the guy you talk to when there’s something bothering you. I wanna be the one you cry to, I wanna be the one whose always on your mind. And no matter what it takes,” He lifted his hand and a rock was lifted by the sheer. It was in the shape of a heart and had the letters T+M carved onto it deeply. He got up and walked to her, she moved her hair aside and he wrapped the necklace around her neck. The rock rested lightly on her chest and she smiled. So I’ll take you to the beach, and walk along the sand, and I’ll make you a heart pendant with a pebble in my hand. And I’ll carve it like a necklace, so the heart falls where your chest is, and now a piece of me is a piece of the beach and it falls just where it needs to be and rests… peacefully.
“I will be there to win your heart, because you’ve already won mine.” He said and kissed her mark. She gasped at the pleasure that flew through her and everything Sarah and Carol told her to do flew out the window.
“You’ve already won mine too, I was just waiting for you to see it.” She whispered to him and he smiled and kissed her lips softly. She fingered the soft rock and her baby twirled in her stomach. Everything was finally going right. She was happy, she was pregnant, she was safe. She didn’t have to worry about what she was going to eat the next day, she didn’t have to feel afraid every time someone knocked on her door. She could just… relax. And that was all she needed to feel, relaxed, and all her problems came off of her. They melted away like butter does when it reaches a hot skillet. They weren’t her problems anymore, they were her past. They were something that she would look back on and pity, but she wouldn’t forget it. Oh no, you don’t forget the things she went through, but she rejoiced them. They made her who she was today. They made her Molly Turanga, the girl with the scars. They made her Molly Turanga, the girl who could detect a lie right away. They made her Molly Turanga, werewolf, mate to Thomas Green and mother to, the unborn, LunaRosa Green. They gave her a family, a pack. And for that, she couldn’t hate her past or her memories. Because without them, her fated destiny wouldn’t be possible.

She kissed him softly as he dropped her off at her parents’ house.
“I’ll wear it to bed tonight, and dream of you.” She said softly, her black eyes twinkling.
“As will I.” He remarked back and gave her hand a comforting squeeze. She didn’t seem to want to leav, she glared at the house with hatred. He gave her hand a small shake and she snapped her head to him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” They’d been going good, he’d gotten her to laugh on more than one occasion and she’d done the same to him it seemed like so long since he’d laughed, that she was surprised at the sound. There wasn’t really much to be happy about.
“I just… don’t wanna go. The, uh, baby! Yeah, the baby is uhm… moving around a lot. I should stay with you, in case uhm… the baby decides to, you know, come out.” She stuttered through the lie and he smiled.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. Not much is going to happen in one night.” He reassured her and kissed her on the cheek. She gave a sigh of defeat and unbuckled herself.
“Fine.” She huffed, drawing out the word and opened the door.
“See you tomorrow.” He yelled after her before she closed it and she waved a dismissing hand and closed it. He stayed by the house until she made it to her door, she turned around and blew him an air kiss that he caught and held to his heart. Good god man

, his wolf uttered, you’ve turned into a common sappy love boy

. This coming from the wolf who let their mate coddle him when they tripped on a rock at the beach. Hey, hey! I only did it so that she could feel needed, you were the one that went along with it!

His wolf argued.
‘Boys! Molly and I would like to get some sleep, so could you please tone it down some. And by some I mean all the way.’

Her wolf grumbled in their mind and they both apologized sheepishly. You always get us in trouble,

his wolf growled at him playfully and Thomas narrowed his eyes. Pssh, yeah right and you don’t? he argued back and before his wolf could respond a loud growl sounded in there mind.
‘Yo! Dipwits! Could you hush it up? Some of your other pack are trying to sleep!’

Brandon yelled at them, making Thomas jump.
‘Whoa, whoa! How can you guys here me?’

Thomas asked, furrowing his brow, and staring at nothing particular.
‘Did you forget that when an Alpha wolf gets his mate, he can get all his werewolf strength. Ergo, you can talk to us through pack link.’

Sarah grumbled sleepily.
‘Oi! Will all of you bloody wolves shut your traps, your making my brain hurt and I’m trying to sleep!’

Maggie, the pack doctor yelled, and everyone shut up. Molly giggled and mumbled an ‘I told you so’

before her connection went out. She’s asleep

, his wolf told him. with one last glance at the house he drove out of the woods and back towards his apartment, carefully awaiting the next day.

She’d woken up bright and early, even though he wouldn’t be by until eleven. She couldn’t hold in her excitement, this was her second real date. When she’d walked up to her bed the previous night she’d found her clothes laid out on the bed. It consisted of a light maternity sundress that was decorated with pink and lilac flowers, strappy ballet shoes and a silver necklace. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do with our mates, Sincerely Sarah and Carol (but mostly Sarah)


. All of her clothing bags were around her bed, and she had a soft teddy bear. She’d slept good that night, she had a dream where her and Luna were eating ice cream. She’d woken up with a start, only to find Ryan up and munching on cereal, his face glued to the television screen.
“Hey champ, what are doing up?’ She asked and he, slowly, peeled his eyes away from the screen.
“Saturday morning cartoons, toonami, hush.” Was all he said then turned back to the television. She raised her eyebrows and went to the kitchen. He left the milk out but forgot to put the cereal away. She sighed and picked up the cereal box. Might as well finish the hole box, her wolf happily agreed as she popped a handful of fruit loops in her mouth. She padded out to the living room and sat Indian style on the couch next to Ryan. She was immediately confused, why did all the characters have spiky hair and outrageous muscles? And why did the purple girl have a tale?
“Is she, like, an alien or something?” She asked Ryan around a fistful of cereal. He plopped his spoon down and looked at her.
“That is Freezia, he is a boy. He is an alien who is trying to destroy planet Earth.” He said slowly, trying to hold in his temper.
“So why does he sound like a girl?”
“Hey! I don’t go around asking questions like, why does SpongeBob sound like a girl, or why is that show gay and inappropriate. I would appreciate it if you didn’t bomb on Dragon Ball Z.” He said and then munched on his cereal angrily. She frowned and ate her cereal in quiet. They stayed like that until their parents came down.
“Did you have to eat the whole box of Fruit Loops?” Her dad asked and she threw him a look that she hoped said ‘Don’t Fuck With Me And Expect To Have Both Balls’. It must’ve because he blanched and towed behind her mother into the kitchen. When ten came around she flew up the stairs to get read. She took her shower, brushed her teeth and got dressed. She curled her hair every so slightly so that her brunette waves framed her face. She added a little mascara and a little lip gloss. She wanted to look absolutely natural, so that meant no foundation and on blush. By the time eleven hit she was ready and bouncing off the walls.

Chapter 20

The door bell rang and her parents’ let out a breath of relief. Ryan was still gawking at the television. She walked to the door and opened it, her breath leaving out all in one rush. He stood there with thumbs in his black pants, his hair flew around his face and a smile skirted his lips. His blue cotton shirt fitted tightly on his chest, showing his broad chest.
“Wow, you look beautiful.” He whispered and she blushed under his praise.
“Uh thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She mumbled and bit her lip.
“Uhm, the carnival is uhm… further into town. We’ve got a long drive you wanna…” His voice trailed off and her cheeks blazed, she was taking too long.
“Oh my gosh! Sorry, lets go.” She mumbled and stepped outside. The warm wind flapped her dress, and made her hair go haywire.
“Spent fifty minutes on my hair… damn wind.” She growled and fixed her hair. Thomas smirked and put his hand on the small of her back.
“Might as well get used it to it.” He whispered in her ear and laughed.
“You wouldn’t by any chance have a-“ Her sentence was cut when he took one from his pocket.
“Your fairy god mothers must’ve checked the weather for possible failures. Left this on my bed.” He shrugged as she smiled and put her hair in a tight ponytail. He smiled and kissed her cheek.
“Makes it easier for me to do that.” He whispered as he grabbed her hand and walked her to the black SUV. She sighed softly and gave his hand a squeeze. They rode there in silence and Mollys’ heart picked up when she saw the carnival. She’d never been to one, not even to an amusement park, they looked exciting.
“You ready?” He asked and she looked at him, her face stretched into the widest smile she’d ever had, and nodded vigorously. He chuckled and unbuckled himself and she did the same. By the time he was out the car she was already walking toward the carnival entrance.
“Whoa, whoa.” He said, grabbing her forearm, she looked back at him with a bemused face and he grinned slightly.
“There are humans here, you can’t use all your speed or all your strength. You need to keep your wolf under control.” He told her lightly and removed his hand, she frowned slightly.
“But there are humans back home.” Her heart beat quickened when she said ‘home’.
“No, there aren’t. That’s our town, the humans can sense something is a little bit off with it so they just pass by.” He told her lightly and grasped her hand. They continued to walk until the smell of cotton candy and hot dogs hit her nose. There were small little booths everywhere, some of them were hand tossing games, others had to do with water. She pulled Thomas over to the cotton candy machine and frowned until he bought her one. The man made hers so fluffy that she couldn’t fit in her mouth. Doesn’t mean she didn’t try though, she opened her mouth as far as it could go. She just couldn’t seem to get it, so she ripped a piece off and ate it. Thomas smirked at her with amusement and, not very lady like, she stuck her tongue out. Bad move on her part, with speed only a werewolf could have he kissed her tongue. He licked off all the sweet, sticky sugar from her tongue and left her panting. She narrowed her eyes on him.
“I don’t like it when people stick their tongue out at me, just thought I’d let you know that buttercup.” He shrugged and then walked toward a water game. She stayed back, though, ripping another piece of cotton candy off and in deep thought. She’d just learned another fact about her mate, maybe these dates were a good thing.

She sure did look surprise when he did what he did. Probably because he’d used his speed. Or probably because he’d sucked her tongue. One could never know with Molly these days. He sat down at one of the stools and looked behind him, she walked forward slowly and he smirked.

“Afraid you gonna get smoked princess?” he taunted and she flared back to life. She rushed over to him, the best way a pregnant lady could, and sat in the stool next to him.
“Pssh, you wish. You’re gonna wish you never said those words.” She said and shot a glare at the woman who was working this stool. She looked at him appreciatively and he smiled a polite small. Not the smartest move in the world. A little sound of outrage came from next to him but he didn’t want to see the damage he’d done.
“A race for two please.” He said politely and took out a ten. She took it and made sure to brush her hand against his, the blond then smiled and winked at him. Oh if only she knew the dangers behind that. A sharp bell sounded and Molly squeezed her water gun tightly, the poor contraption straining under her pressure. She won and he wasn’t surprised that she didn’t gloat to him about it. She pointed to a giant stuffed wolf as her prize and the girl got it for her. Molly all but snatched the wolf out of the poor girls’ hand. Thomas sighed and took his change.
“Thanks.” He mumbled and she giggled as if it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.
“No problem hot stuff.” He groaned internally, did she really not know the fire she played with by talking to him. No you dummy, his wolf groaned, she’s human she doesn’t feel Mollys’ anger like we do. That wasn’t an excuse, even a human would be able to sense the connection between them. Maybe her survival skills are lacking, his wolf snorted and Thomas’ head was snatched by his hair. Mollys’ lips slammed down onto his with a small growl. Before he could kiss her back, though, she let go of him and shot a look at the blond.
“I’m going to the skee ball booth.” She said lightly and she bounded off.
“She didn’t have to be rude about it.” He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off.
‘Leave, before I do something I will regret.’ Her wolf growled to him and he shut his mouth and walked away without another word to the girl. He followed her scent to find her there, her prizes stuffed under her arm, waiting for him at the skee ball booth.
“I find it disappointing that I have to remind you to leave and not say something bad.” She teased and he surged his mouth to hers. She moaned and dropped her presents, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pushed her against the booth curtain and deepened the kiss. She broke apart from the kiss gasping for air and blushing. Thomas wouldn’t stop though, he kissed her neck and licked her claiming mark, making her gasp out loud. The people passing blushed as they saw what they were doing and blushed, some laughed, others pretended not to care. He didn’t care though, the taste of her was just too intoxicating.
“Thomas, we’re… out, in…. public.” She gasped and pushed him away lightly, he growled and nipped her neck but obliged and backed away. Her face was bright with crimson red and her eyes were specked with flakes of amber. Showing just how close she was to going wolf.
“Let’s wait for that, k?” She asked lightly and picked up her prizes.
“Let’s put these in the car, shall we?” he asked lightly and took them from her. They traveled to the car, where he put her prizes in the backseat, then made their way back over to the skee ball booth. His wolf howled in pleasure when he saw that Mollys’ face stayed it’s crimson color.

That was embarrassing, of course she was glad that she showed that bitch what was hers but, it was still embarrassing. She heard his wolfs’ howl of pleasure and that made her face burn even more. People shot her amused looks, some faces were brighter than hers. They made it to the booth and Thomas paid for her, she wasn’t all the best at skee ball, but she refused to lose anything to him. He won the game, naturally, and gloated his cute little ass off. She rolled her eyes all the way to the hotdog stand.
“Ok, Ok you won! Now take your stupid frilly pink monkey and shove it up your-“ A little girl bumped into her and looked up with grey eyes.
“Er, shove it up your mouth.” She said slowly and the girl blinked up at her.
“Shouldn’t you be heading to your mom?” she asked lightly. The girls eyes teared up and fear spiked in Mollys’ heart. She had offended the poor girl! Waas she an orphan, had her mother died?!
“I can’t find them, miss, I’ve looked everywhere.” The girl cried and latched on to Mollys’ dress, instantly her heart melted.
“Aww, well let me help you.” Molly said and then summoned her wolf. She put two fingers on her lip and let out a deafening whistle that stopped everybody.
“Listen up you lot,” She yelled, bring her wolf back in a little, just enough so her eyes didn’t shine amber.
“There is a little girl here. She has grey eyes, blond hair, and is wearing a yellow dress. If this is your child, step up and claim her!” Everyone looked around but no one stepped up. She shot a worried look at Thomas and he stepped up. She could feel his wolf being called up, the Alpha being pulled to him.
“If you are this girls’ parents, step forward now!” they all felt his power, they felt the pull of power. But still nobody stepped forward.
“Thomas I don’t think her parents’ are here.” Molly whispered and hugged the sobbing little girl closer to her. He cursed under his breath and dismissed the humans.
“We have to go home.” He muttered as he picked up the girl. Molly looked around and nodded quickly. They speed walked to the car and put the girl in the back, Molly hopped in next to her and hugged the girl closer to her body.
“Sweetie can you tell me what your name is?” Molly asked and the girls’ grey eyes looked up to her.
“My name… my name is Mary.” She whispered, her small pink lips quivering.
“Do you know why your parents left you there, alone?” Thomas asked from the drivers seat as he turned around a bend.
“Thomas!” Molly hissed as the girl nearly broke out into tears.
“I don’t know. They were acting weird because of what I did. Then they brought me some cotton candy, and told me to wait for them by the hot dog booth. But they… they never came back!” She sobbed her story into the crook of Mollys’ arm.
“Sweetheart, what did you do?” Molly asked slowly, the girl looked up slowly and her eyes did something that made her wolf howl with fury. They flicked to amber with grey specks in them.
“I turned into a dog.”

Chapter 21

His wolf howled with anger and rage, which was not a good thing. Angry, snapping wolves don’t really have the title for being friendly. He pushed down on the gas and they were at his father’s house within ten minutes. Molly helped the girl inside while he cooled off.
‘Everyone at my father’s house, now.’ He growled through the pack link and he got several answering howls. He took a calming breath and entered the house.
“You want a snicker bar?” he heard Molly ask and he smiled as he walked into the kitchen.
“Not everybody wants or eats a snicker bar, Molly.” He told her and the girl giggled. Molly frowned at him and bit the snicker bar.
‘Screw you pal.’ She sneered into his head and he had to hold back a grin. He sat down across from Mary and she looked up at him. He saw her wolf come out a little and he smiled softly.
“Tell her I’m not going to hurt her. She’s safe here.” He told her and her eyes flashed amber.
“She says that, she trusts you. You are Alpha, so she trusts you.” She stuttered and Molly sat down next to him with an industrial size jar of pickles and two snicker bars. She slid one across the table to Mary and raised a brow. Uh oh, his wolf groaned and Thomas closed his eyes. This was a test, if Mary opened and ate the snicker , her wolf would accept her. But, however, if she didn’t… well, things could get really bad, really fast. Surprisingly Mary opened it and ate it as if it was the finest gourmet food. She’s eating like a starved wolf, his wolf growled threateningly.
“When was the last time you ate anything?” Molly asked and Mary swallowed nervously.
“A-at the carnival, r-remember?” She stuttered and he growled low in his throat, making Molly slap his arm.
“Not helping anything.” She hissed and looked back to Mary.
“And before that?” Molly asked and Mary blanched, she tapped her finger on the table and her breathing quickened.
“Last week?” She said and winced when Molly gasped.
“They starved you?!” Molly screeched, her wolf howling in his mind.
“T-they said I-I was a m-monster. They d-didn’t want me to h-hurt anyone. So I-if I didn’t, I w-wasn’t a danger to a-anyone.” She explained, stuttering, tears coming to her eyes. As much as it angered him he couldn’t do anything about it, what was done was done. He couldn’t change her past, but he could help make her future a little brighter.
“You’re staying with us, tomorrow we’ll go into town and get you some clothes.” Molly told her and opened the pickles. They all sat in silence as Molly crunched her pickles.
“No arguments? Good, I’m changing your name too. All being done tomorrow.” Molly said and closed up her pickles.
“But wait. I like my name.” Mary said, her cute little lip quivering.
“It’ll be your middle name. I just don’t want those monsters able to find you.” Molly said softly and the girl nodded.
“Come here.” Molly whispered and Mary stood and walked over to her. He watched, in amazement, as Mary sat on Molly’s lap and put her nose in the crook of her neck. Her rigid body relaxed and she let out a sigh of contentment.
“You can pick your new name, if you want.” Molly whispered and Mary giggled lightly.
‘Guys, we need you all to come over.’ He whispered through the mind link and sent urgency. They were all there within ten minutes.

She sat there, fumbling with her hand and peeking up with her big grey eyes.
“It’s Ok, you can take your time sweetheart.” She soothed and Mary looked up. She took a deep breath and moved her blond hair out of her face.
“My parent’s couldn’t have children before me. So they adopted my older brother, Jake. When they had me, I was called a miracle. But they still loved Jake, he was still their son, still my brother. I loved him, I still do." She took a shaking breath and looked up at Molly. She gave a small smile and squeezed her hand.
“Jake was four years older than me, so on my fifth birthday he was nine. He was never exactly what the other kids called normal. But on my birthday he was really weird, it seemed like he didn’t want to touch me. He had this scared look, he didn’t even sing happy birthday. Four months ago I came home from school and he was gone. My dad said he ran away because he wanted to find his real parent’s, that he didn’t love us anymore. I cried for three days after that. On the fourth day, while I was crying in bed at night, he tapped on my window. He told me to hush, or else mommy and daddy would be mad at me. I was so happy, he wasn’t mad at me and he had come back.” She closed her eyes and the whole pack was quit, watching her closely.
“It’s Ok, just take your time.” Thomas said lightly and she opened her eyes.
“We walked into the woods, which were behind my house, until we hit the big tree. He helped me climb it, until we were on a sturdy limb and we just sat there. Until… until the moon was directly on us. He said that he had to change me, because he’d never heard of it working with someone like him, and someone like me. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but it was just nice to hear him talk. But then… then his eyes turned gold and he asked for my arm. I didn’t want to give it to him, but something told me he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. He loved me and he would protect me. He took my arm, and he bit it, I cried and yelled for him to let me go, but he didn’t. he just held my bleeding arm in his mouth for a while, he let it go and… the bite mark was healed. There was only blood, he told me he would be back for me. Then he left.” Her voice broke and her eyes seemed to drown in tears.
“I went and told my mom and dad what happened, they said that Jake was crazy, and the next time he came I had to tell them. He didn’t come back until the month later, when I changed into a dog. My parent’s were so afraid. They yelled at me and threw things at me, so I ran into the forest, to the big tree. I cried, as much as a dog can cry, until a bigger dog came. He licked my face, and I knew it was Jake. My dog she told me, that I was safe. That our Jake wouldn’t hurt us. We had to keep our Jake safe. So when we heard mommy and daddy come, we told him to leave. He growled at them but left. Mommy and daddy told me that they understood, but I knew they were afraid.” She sniffled and rubbed her pink little nose.
“We were having so much fin, daddy helped me toss the ball at the ball booth. The bought me cotton candy, they made me a cotton candy mustache and took a picture. Daddy said he would frame it when we all got home. They told me to go wait by the hot dog cart, while mommy went to the bathroom. And I waited, like a good little girl, I waited. But they never came back. I knew they were afraid of me, but I was still their daughter, right? They had to have some sort of compassion towards me, she gave birth to me he held me when I was sick. They were my parent’s.” She sobbed over and over, putting her head in her hands. Molly couldn’t take it, she rushed over to Mary’s side and cradled her. The pack threw her pitiful looks but Carol was the only one who said anything.
“Who are these people, where do they live, and who the hell is Jake?” She asked slowly, her eyes set and determined.
“My parent’s names are Josh and Patty Harwin. Jake’s real name, he told me one time, is Martins. They live somewhere by the beach, I never really paid attention.” Mary said shakily from under Molly’s arms, her lip quivering.
“Go, find them. Carol call every neighboring pack and look for a Jake Martins, he’s got a lot of explaining to do. Sarah, take Mary for some ice cream. Molly and Brandon you guys need to talk with the pack elders and see what this means and if his actions were justifiable. Everybody, move!” Thomas said, his voice dripping with power. Everybody scrambled to do his will, everybody but Molly. She clutched onto the small child.
“I’m not letting her go, so either Sarah brings the ice cream to us, or me and Sarah switch tasks.” Molly growled to Thomas and he sighed.
“Molly, she isn’t ours. You can’t just take claim over her!’ He hissed at her and she growled and stood up, forgetting about Mary.
“Like all hell I can’t! She is mine now, her parent’s left her. She’s an abandoned pup, what if it was Luna!?” She yelled at him, her blood boiling.
“It would never be Luna and you know that! You can’t take claim over other people’s property!” He yelled back. She growled and walked over to him, sticking a finger in his face.
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Thomas! That never ends well and you know it!” She growled low at him and he bared his teeth.
“Molly, please, for the love of all that’s holy… don’t test me. I’m aggravated enough as it is, just stop-“ He was cut off when she punched him in the stomach, sending him flying into the wall, knocking down a picture of the grand canyon. It looked awkward there anyway.
“I told you not to tell me what to do.” She growled lowly and he snarled, standing straighter.
“Wait, daddy no! Stop please!” Mary yelled standing in front of Molly with her arms braced. Thomas faltered at the sight.
“What?” He whispered as he stopped in front of her.
“Please don’t hurt her. She didn’t mean to.” Molly snorted and shook her head.
“I’m not going to hit her, I would never hurt her. She’s my mate, I love her very much. Why’d you think I would?” He asked, coming to his knees in front of her.
“Daddy normally looks like that, right before he’d hit mommy or Jake. But it was never hard, just a tap on the cheek.” Mary says lightly. Molly clenched her hands and anger flared everywhere on her body.
“Shit.” Sarah hissed and moved in front of Thomas, she grabbed Mary and headed fro the door.
“We’ll be back when she’s calmed down.” She said before slamming the door.
“Who hits women and children?! Low life scum bags, who don’t have a large enough dick so they just feel the need to put their hands on something else!?!” She screeched and punched a lamp. Her anger surmounted to the top and she couldn’t hold it back. Thomas grabbed her hands and she started bucking against him.
“Let go of me!” She. screeched but he merely slammed his lips on top of hers.
Damn you and your tasty lips


.’ Her wolf growled to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He broke away before she could indulge in the kiss too much.
“You better now?” he asked and she nodded quickly before slamming her lips onto his. He groaned against her and lifted her lips up an around his waist. She could feel his erection through his jeans and she shamelessly rubbed herself against him.
“Damn pet, we can’t do this. What if the pack-“
“They won’t be coming back for another couple of hours.” She dismissed him and kissed him again, feverishly. Her kisses were full of longing and want, her heat hadn’t ended. No, no. Her heat had merely taken a small vacation, and it decided to come back now.
“Shit, pet. They’re coming back now.” He growled and started to take her legs from around his waist. She growled and tightened them.
“No, stop lying and screw me!” She growled at him and he swore under his breath. He could smell them getting closer. He ran to the kitchen with her kissing and sucking his neck. He growled and rubbed his hand over the crotch of her underwear and she shuddered, the deliciousness of the feeling was so good. He thrust his fingers into her while his thumb worked her clit, her teeth lengthened at the feel of it and she moaned loudly.
“Pet, I’m gonna need you to cum for me, all over my fingers. Can you do that for me?” He growled into her ear and she nodded her head jerkily, not able to form words. He bit down on her shoulder and she let out a loud yelp, her climax hitting her hard and fast. He licked the cut and removed his fingers from her.
“I’m so sorry baby, but the pack is here.” He said right before the door opened and yells hit her ears. He licked his fingers and she had to look away before the need for him grew larger. They walked into the living room and Molly growled at the sight. They brought her parent’s, oh yeah, and they were sniveling and weak.
“So these are the people who think it’s Ok to leave children at carnivals?” Molly sneered at them. They looked scared and Molly smiled, showing a sharpened tooth. They blanched and she growled at them.
“You should be afraid. You leave your daughter at a carnival, you abuse your wife. You two are just terrible people, I should send my big bad dogs after you, I’m sure they’d love just to get a piece of you.” She said, all the while walking forward until she was in front of the female with the blond hair. She grabbed a strand and frowned.
“Shame though, you’re pretty. Probably where Mary gets it from.”
“L-leave my daughter alone, y-you monster!” The female snapped and Molly growled, letting her eyes change.
“Wouldn’t raise your voice at me if I were you. I’m trying to help. You see him over there?” Molly asked her,, pointing to Thomas, whose eyes were shining an aged cognac.
“He’s really pissed, I’m the only thing stopping him from attacking you. ‘Cause the way he sees it, you’ve endangered our cub, and caused her pain. He doesn’t like pain being caused to things that are his.”
“S-she ours! She’s our little miracle and that little monster changed her!” The father yelled and Thomas had him punned up against the wall.
“Watch your tone and watch your mouth.” He growled low and the female shrieked.
“Please, we’ll do whatever you want, just let go of him!” Molly rolled her eyes and looked to Brandon. He nodded once and went over to Thomas and whispered into his ear. Thomas growled and let go of the man, he coughed and Thomas snarled.
“We’re not going to hurt you, we just want you to participate with us. You can still see Mary, but she will be our daughter. Her last name will change, and her first name too if she wishes. Give us her clothes, shoes and anything else she holds dear to her heart. You can still see her as you wish, if you don’t hurt her emotionally. But, if you do, my mate over there would not hesitate in teaching you a lesson. Understand?” Molly asked, raising a brow when the female looked scared. I’m confused, why is she scared, her wolf growled in her brain.
“You want us to give our daughter, our miracle to you?” she asked, her voice shaky and Molly growled, which in turn made the whole pack growl.
“You didn’t seem to want her when you left her at a carnival.”
“We loved her!”
“She could’ve gotten raped by some pedophile, murdered by some serial killer, or taken in by people even crazier than you! Don’t you dare lie to me, it won’t end well Patty.” Molly snarled as she got closer to her. She gulped and looked down.
“Go home, and get what I’ve asked you. You will come back undetected by Mary. You will not be able to see her for two weeks, same after that. Do you understand?” Molly asked, putting Luna in her voice. Patty whimpered and nodded quickly.
“Go, if you’re not back within the next two hours… well, I think you know.” Her husband flew to his wife and walked through the pack to the front door. She spared a look back at Molly and she smiled.
“Hurry now, the clocks ticking.” She said and they hurried out.
“Anybody hungry?” Molly asked and the pack nodded, the children making their way to her.
“How about sandwiches and chips?” They all agreed and followed her into the kitchen. She shot Thomas a look and he told her to go ahead.
‘That was hot what you did, how you just stood up to them. I have to go… calm myself.’ He told her through the mind link. Her cheeks flushed to a crimson red that she successfully hid from the pack. She took the cold cuts, mayo, and cheese from the fridge and set it on the table. The other kids snuck behind her and, as soon as the meat hit the table surface, they snatched it and ran.
“Hey!” She chastised half heartedly and picked the leader up, a small nine year old boy.
“What do you think you’re doing with my meat?” She asked, cocking a brow. his black eyes glinted mischievously and he shrugged.
“I just wanted to see it.” He said looking at the pack of meat and nodded approvingly.
“Yes, very nice meat indeed.” He said and threw it on the table.
“Can you let me down now Luna?” He asked, his black hair flopping into his eyes. His mother sighed and stepped forward, a pretty brunette with blue contacts, and held out her hands.
“Ah mom, I’m not a baby." He groaned as his face turned blood red and the kids chortled.
"Apparently you are if you don’t know you aren’t supposed to try and steal meat from werewolves.” She said and the pack chuckled as they made themselves sandwiches.
“Mom, please don’t pick me up or hold me. I’m very capable of walking on my own.” He said but Molly still gave him over, and his mother still took him.
“I know, my wittle baby boy is all gwown up now.” She said in a baby voice and his cheeks flamed as the other kids laughed at him. Molly smiled and swooped to the sandwich table and got a piece of meat.
“Thomas did you see where I put my pickle jar!?” She yelled up the stairs and she heard the shower curtain move.
“How do you lose an industrial sized pickle jar?” He yelled back down and she heard the pack trying not to laugh.
“How does your face lose an industrial sized pickle jar? Now answer the question!” She retaliated and he chuckled.
“I put it in the fridge, next to the snicker bars. Where it always is!” He yelled and her cheeks flamed. She’d forgotten about that, she huffed and went to check.
“How about we have a pack movie night, or just the kids?” She asked them as she checked for her pickles, there they were. Right next to the snickers, just like he said. Damn him for being right,


her wolf growled in pleasure. The pack agreed as they ate their sandwiches, she nodded and took out some pickles. The front door opened and Mary ran in, breathing hard, her little cheeks red.
“I just… ran from… Sarah. She’s…. crazy!” She exclaimed as she got her breath. The pack kids stopped moving and looked at her, she smiled warily and looked back at them.
“Hi I’m M- I’m Samantha. Samantha Green.” She said and held her hand out to the little boy Molly picked up. He looked at the hand and back at her. She bit her lip and her little grey eyes flashed amber for a second. He narrowed his eyes and took her hand.
“I’m Mark, you don’t need to know my last name.” He said slyly and the rest of the kids laughed, except for one little five year old girl.
“Mark Jenkins! Be nice to that little girl, or else!” His mother hissed and his face flamed. She giggled under her breath and took her hand out of his. He narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything else.
“Sweetheart go ahead and make yourself a sandwich.” Molly told her and she smiled and went to the sandwich meat. She eyed Mark with suspicion, she didn’t know how this was going to end up.
“I don’t think we’re connected as a pack. You guys are all too quit, and just so… submissive. I think we should get to know each other a bit more, then maybe we can all be… I dunno… unified as one.” Molly said out of the blue, making everyone look at her. She bit her lip and her cheeks flamed, quiet was there until someone cleared their throat. She looked up to see Samantha smiling with a mouthful of sandwich.
“I think that’s a great idea!” She mumbled around a mouthful, and Molly chuckled at her. Actually the whole pack chuckled, except for the kids.
“That’s disgusting, don’t speak with your mouth full.” Mark sneered and she shot a hateful glance at him.
“You shouldn’t speak at all, your breath is making all the plants within a ten mile radius wilt.” She remarked, still chewing her sandwich. Molly laughed under her breath while the pack chortled. Mark’s face brightened and he looked down.
“I think we should start with her.” Samantha said, pointing at a random lady. She smiled and went on about herself.

Chapter 22

Thomas came down to see everybody laughing and getting along, even Mary seemed to fit in like family. Of course Mark eyed her with untrustworthy eyes, but he still acted like he was interested. Which was really all he could ask for. Molly smiled up at him and he smiled back, she rubbed her stomach and her smile grew tight. She looked back to the pack as she continued to rub her bulging belly. Something’s wrong, his wolf whispered and Thomas agreed. She’d never, ever, given him a tight lip smile. Her smiles were always filled with something. Either hate, love, or happiness. It was always something.
“You Ok?” He whispered to her as soon as she was in hearing range. She nodded jerkily and crossed her legs. She laughed at something a pack member said, but he couldn’t focus on that. Something was wrong with his mate, ands he was hiding it from him. That was just low.
“What are you hiding?” He asked and she looked up at him, her wolf showed clearly in her eyes but tears were in them.
“Nothing is wrong, just go… sit by Samantha.” She told him tersely through clenched teeth and he frowned. Why was she crying, and hiding things, and not telling him about it!?
“Tell me what’s wrong, why are you cry-“
“Ewe, Luna did you pee yourself?” a little girl asked, getting the attention of the whole pack. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.
“Fuck it, it’s time.” She said and let out a giant breath.
“Well that feels better, now. Who’s driving me to the hospital?” She said cheerily and they all looked at her. Mary stood and frowned.
“Well, I would. But I can’t drive.” She said and Molly laughed, a short little airy laugh, and smiled down at her.
“Thank you very much for the offer Sammy, but I’d rather Brandon drive me and your father help me. But, apparently, they’re both in a state of shock.” As soon as she said father Thomas, and all the other men in the pack, jolted up.
“Carol and Sarah, pack everything Molly will need. Margaret and Tanya, get things the baby will need with the pack check book. Mary or… Samantha… Whoever the heck you are, stay with your grandfather. Over there, guy with the long black hair. Brandon get your ass up and help me, help her to the car. Everybody else…. I’m gonna be a dad!” The pack cheered and ran into action. He helped Molly, even though she seemed to not need help, walk to the car. She hopped in the back seat and folded her hands together. Thomas furrowed her brow but rubbed her back anyway.
“You’re gonna be fine, you’re doing fine. Just keep it up baby, you’ll be fine.” Thomas kept saying over and over again while Brandon sped to the hospital. When they got there she just hopped out and speed walked into the hospital.
“Dude, your mate is dynamic.” Brandon commented as he drove off to find a parking lot.
“You’re telling me.” Thomas mumbled as he walked into the hospital find Molly in a heated argument with the triage nurse.
“Listen lady, don’t tell me I don’t seem like I’m in labor!” She yelled, the waiting room’s attention was focused solely on them.
“Miss, I can see you’re pregnant. Probably ready to pop, but by your mannerisms it doesn’t seem like-“
“Listen! Right now my body is going through extreme pain. My crotch is on fire, my stomach feels tight, my back hurts like there is no tomorrow, I’ve just spent fifteen minutes in a car with a dipwad that constantly tells me ‘I’m doing fine’! It looks like I’ve pissed myself and right now you’re pissing me off, I don’t like people who piss me off. So either you admit me to the maternity wing or I stab you with this pen!!” She screeched at the lady, who stood there stunned at her blatant language. The truth was, Molly just didn’t care anymore. She’d had enough pain, and hurting.
“R-right away miss.” The girl stuttered and the waiting room was quiet, except for the few beeps and floor cuffs made here and there. Men came in with a wheelchair and Molly sat down in it ungraciously, her legs open and her dress sidling up to her mid thigh.
“Please give me medication, some form of sweet release. Please, anything. I don’t care if it’s Tylenol.” She said repeatedly as they wheeled her away. He smiled at the triage nurse as he passed and made his way to Molly. She looked up at him with foggy eyes and an iv in her arm.
“Hey Tommy bear, look what the nice men gave me on my way to the room.” She said, her speech slurred and her smile wide and happy.
“What’d you give her?” He asked, looking up at them as they walked to the maternity ward.
“Something to make her pain go away, hopefully it made all the pain go away. Depends on how tolerate she is.” One of the men asked as a women came up to him with a clipboard and a pen.
“I take it you’re her husband?” She asked, her head not looking up from the clipboard. We’re more than that, his wolf snarled but Thomas rolled his eyes.
“Yes.” She nodded and gave him the clipboard.
“Here you go. I doubt she’s stable enough to sign anything. Just sign her name here, here, and here.” She said pointing to parts where she marked ‘x’. she walked over to a wrack in the hallway, stacked with paper robes.
“When she goes for the birthing, in order to be there for her, you gotta put these on. The waiting are is over there, for my family of course. There’s a vending machine there and more seats if more people want to wait with her in there. There’s a maximum of five people in there, including her. That’s basically it. Any questions, no? Good.” She said and huffed toward the waiting area. Temperamental much? His wolf asked him and he chuckled.
“Hell yeah.” He said, before stepping into the room.

The drugs felt so good to her burning system. They made her speech slurred, sure, and they made her vision a little wompy, yeah, but she’d never felt so good. They sat her in the giant white bed and gave her a white robe.
“When your husband comes in, he can help you with this.” One of the men said then they rushed off. Thomas walked in with blue robes and a half smile.
“Ready to deliver a baby, baby?” he asked and she giggled.
“You’re so funny, that’s why I love you. Can you help me put these on?” she said, lifting the white robe and showing it to him. he smiled and walked over to her.
“I would love to.” He said, then he slowly helped her take off her dress, bra and underwear. He put her in the robe and settled her back into the bed and put the sheet over her belly. The boys came back in with a doctor and a bag of liquid.
“Hello there, Mrs. Green. I’m Veronica Mars, the doctor that’s going to be… assisting you through this. When did the contractions start?” She said, walking over to the couple. She pulled on her stethoscope and put it to Molly’s belly. They could hear the bump of Rosa’s heart beating through the thin metal and they smiled.
“Uh. Contractions? You mean, the painful thins right?” Molly asked, her mind completely fogged up, her wolf fighting to see through it.
“Yes, Mrs. Green. The pain.” The doctor said with a smile and Thomas sucked on his lips to keep from laughing.
“Sorry, my brain’s a little fogged up right now. You can call me Molly, or awesomeness. It really is up to you. And it started, probably 15 minutes ago. They’ve been getting a whole lot more painful, a whole lot quicker. I quite frankly don’t like it, what did I ever do to this little girl to make her dislike me so much. But, eh, who can complain. That’s how the cookie crumbles, unfortunately.” She took a deep breath but Thomas latched his h and over her mouth.
“Jesus Christ Molly, she only asked one question!” He said exasperatedly and she shrugged her shoulders then looked to the doctor who s=was smiling from ear to ear.
“Well it sounds like she’s very close to coming. I’ll have the assistants bring you some ice chips, some more chairs and a couple more pillows. Sound good?” The doctor asked and Molly smiled and pried Thomas’ hand off her mouth.
“Doc, that sounds heavenly.”

He was sitting down when they all came in. Loud, obnoxious, and extremely happy. They brought in pink balloons, ginormous teddy bears and get well soon cards. Only one person actually caught his and Mollys’ attention. Samantha, with her tiny hands, brought in a small jar of pickles.
“Sally said you liked them, and you would be stressed out. I brought this for you, so you’re not so stressed anymore.” She gave the small jar to Molly and that’s when all hell broke lose. Molly picked the small child up and cradled her to herself, crying and sobbing about how nobody but Samantha cared enough about her. Which was completely crazy, here they all were giving her comfort. Soon, the emotion resided and she ate the pickles, laughing with the pack. Until some device that they had hooked up to her started to make lines like crazy. The doctor came in and looked at the chart then at them.
“It’s time.” Those two little words sent Mollys’ heart into a turbine and made Thomas’ heart stop. E wasn’t ready to be a father, he probably wouldn’t even be a good one. His father was, and his father’s father was. But maybe it skipped a generation. They asked the pack to go wait in the waiting area, and they complied like good little humans, and as they left they gave Molly a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the belly. For good luck and love through the procedure. The doctor pulled holsters from the side of the bed and guided Mollys’ feet in them.
“I don’t think I’m ready for this.” Molly whispered nervously to Thomas. He just smiled down at her and kissed her lips softly.
“You’ll do great, and I’ll be here with you. Right by your side, through it all.” He said and grabbed her hand in his. She gave it a tight squeeze and took a deep breath. The doctor leaned over Molly and squeezed something in the pouch of liquid that was attached to her.
“It’s some morphine, helps with the pain.” The doctor said kindly and pulled a stool closer to her. Thomas put on his blue robe, all the while managing to keep hold of Mollys’ hand.
“You ready to give birth?” She asked as she pinched on her gloves.
“Doc, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready. We might as well get it over with.” She said shakily and the doctor smiled sympathetically. The boys came back with a silver tray full of equipment and Thomas gulped. He didn’t like the sight of blood, or the smell of it. It didn’t even taste all that good either. He thought he was the worlds first squirmy wolf. The doctor put on a paper mask and then got to work.

Everything was numb, she could barely feel the doctors hands down there and she was glad for it. It felt weird to have another person look at her down there, that spot was usually reserved for Thomas. It was strange to have another person down there.
“You’re fully dilated, this baby is ready to come out, so it would seem.” The doctor said and chuckled. She looked up at Molly and raised her eyebrows softly.
“Ok, Molly. I’m going to need you to push as if you’re going to the bathroom, Ok? I need you to push like that for ten seconds, then you can relax. Can you do that for me?” she asked and Molly nodded eagerly.
“Ok, one two three. Go.” The doctor said softly and Molly started, it hurt like hell. It felt like all of her tissues were being broken, then fixed, only to be broken again. she clutched Thomas’s hand as if it were her life line and pushed.
“You’re doing great baby.” Thomas whispered to her and she grunted. A sweat had popped on her forehead and she didn’t like being sweaty, in pain, and coddled. One of them had to go.
“Thomas please stop talking to me, before I kill you for putting me in this predicament in the first place.” She grounded out between clenched teeth as she finished pushing. She breathed deeply and relaxed her hold on his hand.
“Ok, that was good. Just three more like that and she’ll be out.” The doctor said and stuck her finger inside Molly again. The doctor counted and Molly pushed, squeezing Thomas’s hand hoping he felt the same pain she was feeling. He grunted, but didn’t do anything else. At least we caused him some kind of pain, her wolf thought glumly. His wolf tried to soothe them, but her wolf just snapped at him and helped Molly.
“You’re almost there. Just one more big push.” The doctor said, she’d grown a sweat too. Molly could faintly see the trace of sweat at her blond hairline. Molly squeezed Thomas’s hand and pushed with all her might, something felt like it was being ripped so she yelled out in pain and closed her eyes. She kept pushing, even though the ripping intensified, until she couldn’t feel anything anymore. A shrill cry hit her ears and she opened her eyes. There she was, bloody and crying, her Luna. Another nurse had come in when she wasn’t paying attention, and that nurse had taken her to a plastic cubby.
“You did great, baby” Thomas whispered to her and she smiled weakly.
“When do I not do great?” She asked teasingly and he laughed airily.
“You’re right.”
“Now we just have to do the afterbirth, then we’ll get you all stitched up.”

He watched his little baby girl through the mirror in the nursery. Her eyes were closed but she still moved around as if she could go somewhere. Her little fisted hands moved around and punched the air and her mouth moved as if she was making an entire speech. He smiled at his little gift, Molly hadn’t wanted to let her go but he convinced her otherwise. By convinced he meant, he told her it was necessary or else she wouldn’t function the right way later on in life. Her reaction was hilarious, she immediately told him to take her. Brandon sidled up next to him and looked through the window. Surprisingly there were a lot of babies, even though he hadn’t smelled a whole bunch of humans. Probably the smell of the hospital that’s throwing us off, his wolf grumbled.
“She’s beautiful.” Brandon whispered and Thomas smiled.
“Well, duh. I’m hot as hell and Molly’s smoking hot. Of course we’d make the most cutest girl known to mankind.” He said playfully and Brandon rolled his eyes.
“You know the pack is gonna wanna see her, and when that happens they won’t leave you alone.” He said, folding his arms,
“Don’t you think I know, the poor girl won’t get any sleep because everybody will want to pick her up.” Thomas grumbled and Brandon chuckled.
“I don’t know how you guys are going to do it.” Brandon sighed as he walked away.
“Fate’s just gonna have to be on our side.” Thomas muttered under his breath as he looked at his daughter.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2017

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