
Chapter 1

“Get the fuck off of my man before I chop your whore fingers off!” Isabel shrieked, practically running to the girl that had rubbed up against David. It was a constant struggle to have to fight whores off of her boyfriend every second of every day. Did they not grasp the thought of him having a girlfriend? Were their minds not large enough to remember? Her and David had been going out for three months! They didn’t even hide it from people! It’d be pretty hard not to remember or see that they were together.
“Uhm, excuse me sweety. He’s my man, not yours. So pipe down on the bitch-o-meter, calm your tits, and walk away. K?” The girl, Ashley, said her voice scraping the inside walls of poor Isabel’s head. Isabel’s eyes narrowed dangerously on the girl and stepped aside, enjoying as the people around them gasped. Ashley sized the small girl up; her small stature making it seem as if she was harmless. Everyone in Glenbrook High knew that wasn’t the case though.
Isabel had one hell of a reputation, and she wasn’t at all denying it. She knew she could get crazy, if given the opportunity, and knew the damage she could do. That damage wouldn’t be unleashed right now, however, because she didn’t want to fight. She was done fighting off chick after chick off of her boyfriend. She got that because he was the jock of every worthwhile sport at Glenbrook that made him prime meat, but still… So, with her retreating action, she looked to David. Only to find his eyes dead set on Ashley’s tits! Yeah, I’m definitely done with this crap. She thought to herself as she shook her head.
“You want him? You can have him, I’m done with this bullshit.” She spat, her face scrunching up in disgust with herself that she let this go on for too long. David’s head snapped to look at her, his green eyes that used to put her body in turmoil widened in shock capturing hers.
“You’re breaking up with me?” Asked the big idiot with, something that closely resembled, shock. That didn’t fool Izzy though, she knew that was anger. She knew exactly why there was anger too, which was exactly why she smiled and answered him.
“Yes I am. You are a cheating, lying, berating nymphomaniac and I am so glad I never gave you my v-card. Thank you, David, for giving me an excuse to leave. I honestly do not know a way to repay you… Oh wait! Ya I do, I’m gonna let you have this std infested slut-bag for your enjoyment. That and, here’s the good part, your dick isn’t going to get smashed by my foot. I do hope your happy with my gifts. If you excuse me though, I’ve got to head home. Have fun with him Ashley, you two deserve each other!” She smiled, wiggled her fingers at them both and moved through the crowd as they parted for her. That was how Isabel Mcreery handled things.
She hummed to herself as she walked down the short walk to her small home, glad that she’d had such a good day. She’d gotten two nineties in her worst subjects, and they served a meatball marinara for lunch! Overall it was just a fantastical day. Through the trees that surrounded her home, and most of Montana, she could faintly make out the outline and color of her soft raspberry home. It almost made her want to stop. Her home would be what most could consider and eye-sore. If you could picture all the luscious green of the evergreen trees, and booming brown of the bark… then picture a gigantic bottle of pepto bismol in the middle of that. Not very appetizing to the eye. But it was her home, and it was something she’d grown to accept. Doesn’t mean she had to like it.
The sticks cracked under her feet as she walked, giving her something else to listen to other than her own humming and the wind. Nobody really came down this road at this time of the day, they all came down the other way. She could walk in the street, if she so desired, but she wasn’t naïve. Nor was she trying to get hit by a car. So she stayed on the side of the road, looking forward and occasionally to the side to admire a tree or two. As she neared her home she could hear the ruckus emanating from it and smiled. Her family was rowdy, and everyone knew it. In fact, much to Isabel’s amusement, she was the calmest of the family of nine.
There was the loud little sister at the age of nine, Zena. Then there was the obnoxious little brother at the age of eleven, Ferris. The arrogant little brother, who was ten, Cameron. The sister who everybody seemed to like at the age of 14, Amelia. The snobby princess ( a snob at 15, who would’ve guessed?) Sasha. Then there was the vain and conceited, Bella, who just happened to be Isabel’s twin. Weird, right?! Isabel seemed to be the only level headed one out of the whole bunch. But she wouldn’t dare admit or say those words to her family. Those words, in that order, would call for a major family meeting. Family meetings in the Mcreery household were anything but a family meeting. They were more of a way to let the person you hate the most in your family know that you hated them. Just the other night Ferris and Cameron duked it out because Ferris may have let it slip that Cameron couldn’t play checkers for crap. Which was true, absolutely and completely true, but you never tell Cameron he can’t do something. Never. Ever.
The door to her eyesore of a home exploded open and a half naked Zena ran out, a towel clutched on her chest, screaming like a maniac. Amelia ran out after her, a brush in one hand and a bottle of what looked to be conditioner.
“Just let me brush your stupid hair, Zena!!” Amelia screamed after her, chasing the small child around on the lawn.
“Never!!” She shrieked and ran back into the house, leaving Amelia there to huff and shake her head. Hoping to avoid being seen Isabel jumped into the forest, hiding behind a tree.
“I saw you already Izzy, you might as well come home now, while the demon child is hiding from me.” Amelia said loud enough for Isabel to hear. It didn’t surprise her that Amelia had seen her; she had eyes all over her freaking head! Sighing Izzy ran the short distance to her house and into the front door. Amelia walked in behind her and closed the door, screaming to Zena so that she could actually be heard over the noise. Ferris and Sasha were at it on the couch over a television remote because, apparently, Sasha had held the remote for too long and it was his turn. What kind of sense did that make? None. None at all.
Sighing she picked up a water spray bottle and sprayed the two, making Sasha stop fighting and cover her hair.
“Dude! My hair is a no fight zone, everyone knows that! Do you want me to kill you?!” Sasha growled as she stood on the couch. Isabel looked up at her baby sister and marveled on how similar they looked. They both had the brown hair that curled, or waved, whenever it wanted to. They both shared the deep blue eyes, the freckles, they had the same nose with the slight upturn to it at the end. To think that two people could look so similar but act so different. Isabel shrugged and sprayed her sister again with a burst of water, then ducked as Sasha lunged for her head.
“Gotta be a little faster than that Bumble.” Izzy knew that the name would just irk her sister off, but she didn’t care. Would teach her next time to not threaten. Threatening wasn’t nice. Isabel put the bottle down on the table behind the couch and ruffled Ferris’ hair as she walked to the staircase. As she walked up the stairs she could hear more noise from the room closest to her right, Cameron’s room. Peeking open the door she gazed in to see what her dear sweet brother was doing only to have to bite her lip from laughing. He was there, fixing his blond hair up with some gel that he, no doubt, borrowed from Bella. That wasn’t what made her laugh though, she’d seen him style his hair thousands of times. She’d actually witnessed him styling his hair while doing his homework. Strange, but it worked for him.
What made her laugh was that he was looking into his vanity mirror, yes his vanity mirror, and talking to himself. For a ten year old he had the ego that could only rival Kanye West’s.
“Hi Cammy!!” Izzy yelled, scaring the ever loving crap out of her brother.
“Jesus, Izzy, how long have you been there?” He whined, his little cheeks turning a bright red, as he turned to glare at her. His green eyes showing his embarrassment and anger.
“Long enough to know that you are ‘irresistible, and amazing’, really Cammy? Irresistible?” He growled and shot up from his chair and ran to her. She squeaked and closed the door. Cameron wasn’t a person you wanted to fight with. For a ten year old he hit hard, add that to his quickness made him lethal. She’d rather fight everyone in her family, the whole school, and a freaking shark than fight Cameron. He punched the wall and she snickered under her breath.
“Isabel , leave your brother alone!!” Her father yelled, seemingly coming from down stairs.
“Yes, Daddy. Whatever you say, Daddy.” She yelled back down and smiled. She loved her parents, they were her best friends. At times they felt like her only friend. They just seemed to get her, they got everyone of their kids. That’s what made them amazing. They were so opposite that they got each and everyone one of their children. With their mothers’ light brown curly hair, petite shape, blue eyes, and out there behavior she got most of the girls. Their dad, with his blond hair, green eyes, and somewhat calm demeanor, he got just about everybody else.
Izzy sighed and walked to her room, all the way at the end of the hall and opened the door just to scoff and upheave. Bella and her boyfriend had decided to hole up here again, probably without their parents knowing about it, seeing as the door was closed.
“Get out of my room, please, nymphomaniacs.” She said gently flopping down on her bed and putting her hands over her eyes.
“Uh, it’s my room too little sister, or have you forgotten that?” Bella said, throwing a mean glare to her sister, but not making a move to get out of the room.
“No, little sister, I did not forget. But you seem to have forgotten that I came out before you did, and what happened the last time you called me little sister. Wouldn’t want to scar up your face again, would we?” Her boyfriend sputtered, Timmy was his name, not that Izzy cared. She just wanted him out of her room.
“You told me you ran into a door!”
“A door that weighs 190 pounds, four foot eleven. Isabel Mcreery!!! And the crowd goes wild!!” Izzy said in an a deep voice, then put her hands around her mouth and made whisper screams. Timmy chuckled and Bella hit his arm, throwing him her meanest glare.
“Get out Isabel!” She yelled, trying to draw attention to herself from her parent’s, forgetting she had a boy in her room.
“Actually, no. I’m not going to get out. You are Bella,” Izzy sneered her name “unless of course you want me to tell the parents about the boy in your room, how hot and heavy you were getting, how your shirt was mere inches from coming off…” Isabel’s voice trailed off as she watched her sisters face blanch. Izzy looked to Tommy.
“That’s your cue to get out.” She told him and he nodded and threw her sister off of him as he grabbed his jacket and his bookbag.
“Bye Izzy, bye Bella.” He said quickly before jumping out the window. The fall wasn’t that far, but he still managed to screw it up and fall on his hand. Izzy heard his shout of pain and went to the window to see if he was alright.
“You OK?” She asked, worry crinkling her brow.
“I think I broke my wrist.” He whimpered and Izzy sighed. She jumped from the window she had jumped from so many times before to see and she shrieked. The bone was practically sticking out of the skin.
“Fuck that’s bad. Want me to drive you to the hospital?” She asked, already pulling him around the house and into the front door.
“Yes, please.” She grabbed her jacket and her phone and left out with him. She sent her dad a text saying she wouldn’t be home to later and hopped into his fancy car.

He had to get it reset, the idiot had gone and broken his wrist, and put in a cast. She stood by him, she’d even let him hold her hand when they reset it. She didn’t care that he had cried, she thought it was sweet. They gave him some painkillers for when the pain became unbearable and gave him and her a note.
“What’s this for?” She asked, looking at it with confused eyes.
“This is a note, excusing you for the last ten minutes of class.” The nurse at the triage replied and Izzy crinkled her brow.
“But, I’m not the one that’s hurt.”
“You’re going to be his buddy. Help him get his books from the locker, help him to class, etcetera.” Izzy smiled and nodded. She walked back over to Timmy and smiled.
“Looks like your stuck with me.”

She drove him home, explained the deal to his parents, then called a cab for herself. His mother had made a cake, and she gave Izzy a piece. Timmy sat on his porch with her while she waited.
“Thanks for helping me out.” He said, she was too busy eating the yummy lemon cake to reply so she simply shrugged. She pulled out a sharpie from her pocket, you’ve always got to carry a sharpie around, just in case, and gestured for his injured hand. She held the cake between her lips as she wrote on his cast, trying not to push too hard. She wrote down her number, name, and a face with it’s tongue stuck out. She closed up the sharpie and put it back in her pant pocket.
“Now, I’m the first one to sign it. That number is for friendship purposes only. If you need help with anything, I’m there. Even if you’ve got to pull up your drawers and you can’t do it, I’m there.” She said around a mouthful of cake and smiled when he laughed.
“You do realize you’re sister is going to kill us both, right.” Isabel’s’ eyes narrowed dangerously on the boy sitting in front of her.
“She won’t touch me, but if she ever lays a hand on you… tell me, Ok?” He nodded, noting the seriousness of the subject and Izzy smiled. Her cab had pulled up and she stood from the porch step. She kissed his forehead and gave him a wink.
“Stay golden, Timmy. Stay golden.” What she meant by that, he didn’t know, but he knew it was meant to be a compliment. That had to count for something.

Chapter 2

Izzy stepped back into the house and sighed as Zena ran screaming to hug her.
“We missed you!”
“I highly doubt that Zena.” Izzy grumbled, pulling the small child off of her, and walking in to the kitchen. The dishes were cleaned and the pots and pans were put away.
“It’s in the microwave.” Zena said and sat down on one of the kitchen stools. Izzy nodded and walked over to the microwave.
“Mommy made the chicken, daddy made the rest.” Zena said and propped her hand on her chin. Isabel took out the plate and walked to sit across from where Zena sat.
“How much trouble am I in?” Izzy asked as she bit into a fried chicken leg.
“Izzy, you’re never in trouble. You’re the good one. Dr. Jenkensin, our family doctor, called Mom and Dad and told them you had chaperoned a young boy there because he’d broken his wrist. That would’ve been it, said and done right there, if Dr. Jenkensin hadn’t blabbered and said it was Timmy. Bella shit a brick when she found that out.”
“I thought we had an agreement, no cursing inside the house and I don’t blow your cover that you steal from Mom’s chocolate collection.” Izzy said, digging into the mash potatoes and spinach.
“Agreements are null and void if two parties don’t sign a contract.” Zena said, shrugging her shoulders.
“What the hell are they teaching you in second grade?” Izzy said, looking up from her food and to her sister.
“Stuff that I already know.” Zena said around a yawn. Izzy shook off that answer and continued eating.
“So… What happened?” Zena pushed, gesturing her hand in a motion to say hurry up.
“Stuff that I’m not gonna tell you miss chatty Cathy.” Izzy mumbled around a mouthful of food.
“My name is Zena, not Cathy.” Zena scoffed, shaking her head and making her frizzy brown hair move with her.
“As if I could forget.” Izzy said and threw away the plastic plate.
“I’m going to bed, you should go to bed too.”
“You should stop being so Izzy, but you are.” Zena said as she watched her sister go up the stairs.
“That didn’t make sense Zena.” Izzy said tiredly, making it to the top of the stairs.
“Your existence doesn’t make sense.” To that, Isabel had nothing more to say.

She’d had to wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual so she could drive Timmy to school and that had made her a little more than grumpy. So when she stepped out of the cab and he wasn’t downstairs ready to be driven to school she wasn’t exactly thinking rationally. She walked to the back of his house, using pure intellect to figure out which room was his and started to climb the tree that was there conveniently. She looked into the room and saw he was still sleeping and she rolled her eyes. She sent a prayer up to the heavens and pulled on the window, smiling when it opened for her. She crawled in when it was just right for her to squeeze threw and closed it behind her. His room was way too messy and she nearly tripped over one of his many articles of clothing. She noticed he had a radio and used that to her advantage. Without turning the volume up she tuned it to z100 and, only when one minute had passed did she blast it. It just happened to be her luck that ‘We Are Never Get Back Together’ by Taylor Swift, reminding her of her break up with David and how much crap was going to go down at school. Timmy shot up and looked at her, scowling and standing up.
“Ok, Ok. I get it, just turn it off!!” He said covering his left ear with his uninjured hand. She smiled and turned the radio off.
“I woke up 30 minutes before I normally do, just to get here in the hopes that you would be downstairs waiting for my arrival so that we could go to school. But my hopes were in vain when I arrived here and you’re in your bedroom catching some z’s!!” Isabel said her anger slowly draining as she let him have it.
“Now I would really appreciate it if you got up off of your basketball playing ass, took a shower, and got dressed so I could drive you to school. And by ‘appreciate’ I mean ‘you’re going to do as I say or I will murder you where you stand’, got it?” Isabel said lightly, blinking once at the stunned boy.
“Soo… Not a morning person, I take it?” He said, then ran like hell as she unplugged the radio and got ready to throw it at his head.

Thirty minutes he was cleaned, shaven and ready to go. He had slicked his blond hair back with water, thrown on a guns and roses shirt with black jeans and black converse. He had his bookbag thrown over his shoulder and held it there with his uninjured hand.
“Ready?” She asked, not really caring as she slid into the car. She opened the car door from the inside for him and started it up. The school was much farther from him than it was from her and they had ten minutes to get to school. She looked to him as he closed his door with a mischievous smile. “Let’s see how fast this baby can go, huh?” Before he could answer she sped out of his driveway and gunned it toward the school.
They made it to the school with two minutes to spare. Timmy jumped out of the car with a giant smile on his face, as did Isabel.
“That was fucking awesome speed racer!” Timmy yelled as he walked to her side and held his hand up for a five.
“Hellz yeah it was.” She said giving it to him. They heard the bell ring and they both blanched. They had Mr. Crumbles for Trigonometry. Mr. Crumbles was a force to be reckoned with if you were late, disobeyed him, or didn’t do his homework.
“C’mon!” Izzy yelled and ran to the school. He, of course, was faster than her and grabbed her hand to keep her at the same pace as him. They ran threw the hallways, not seeing anything but the time in their mind, and into Mr. Crumbles classroom. Just as the late bell rang. Izzy threw her hands up, one of them still entwined with Timmy’s and cheered.
“Yeah!! Straight up gangster!! Made it before the late bell!!! Woot, woot!!!” She crowed and the class tittered, even Mr. Crumbles cracked a smile.
“That you did, now please have a seat miss Mcreery, mister Demaro.” He said, and it seemed at that moment the whole class realized what had just happened. The freak, Isabel Mcreery, had just walked in, late mind you, hand in hand with Timmy Demaro. Izzy seemed to notice too as she shook her hand out of Timmy’s and went to her seat, wary of the eyes watching her. Izzy didn’t blush, or look down. Izzy didn’t do that. She showed no emotion if she didn’t want to, and she didn’t want to. Timmy took his seat in the corner where all the ‘cool’ people sat. It was a good fifteen minutes into class when Izzy shot up from her seat.
“Forgot to give you this.” She said as she dug into her pants pocket to retreat the note from the doctor. She walked to the front of the class and gave it to Mr. Crumbles. He looked at the note then up to her with an arched brow.
“You aren’t hurt miss Mcreery.”
“I know, but he is.” She said gesturing to Timmy who raised his bandaged hand. The class gasped in shock. How would he play basketball with an injured hand! Gasp! Oh no, he couldn’t!
“Your point, miss Mcreery?”
“I’m his ‘buddy’. Gotta escort him to his class, help him with his books, hold his bookbag for him. All that jazz.” Izzy mumbled, and let a light blush seep out. She knew how to play the part of the young girl who was shy, and had a ‘crush’ on Timmy. That was the only way he wouldn’t question her anymore.
“You didn’t help him with his bag when you came in.” He said, not giving up.
“He said he could handle it, but assure me and you… I’ll be holding his bag for the rest of the day.” She grumbled and looked down, making her seem somewhat abashed.
“Trust that you do miss Mcreery, see that you do. You have permission to leave ten minutes early for each class. Now go back to your seat and try not to interrupt my class again.”

He laughed at her as she rolled her eyes, again. They had almost all classes together and for each one, she had only managed to embarrass herself even further. Last period, in art, when she’d picked up his bookbag she’d hit herself in the back of her head. That wouldn’t have been bad… if she hadn’t gone and smacked it into the canvas, smearing her forehead with blue paint. Totally. Not. Cool.
“Shut up and tell me what you want for lunch.” She grumbled as she brought his back to the table where the jocks sat. They looked at her and she ignored each and every one of them, only focusing on Timmy.
“The steak sandwich, some fries, and a coke. Please. He reached into his pocket and gave her ten dollars.
“Will do.” She said and started walking toward the lunch ladies, but someone called for he attention.
“Shouldn’t you be taking our orders too?” David yelled in jester, making Izzy look toward him.
“Shouldn’t you be on your death bed? Oh no, I decided to let your keep your life. Don’t make me rethink my decision.” She told him, without looking back and went to get her and Timmy’s lunch.

She dropped off his lunch, ignoring David as he tried to make himself shown by mouth raping some poor girl. She didn’t care who he made out with, that was on him. She dropped off her lunch at her table, then went to the bathroom to wash her hands. When she entered the girls’ bathroom she heard silent sobbing and frowned to herself. Now, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t try to help? She thought to herself and went to the stall next to the crying girl. She stood on toilet and looked into the neighboring stall and gasped. Ashley sat there, sobbing her little heart out.
“Cheated on you, didn’t he?” Izzy asked, her tone laced with amusement and pity.
“Didn’t even wait half an hour. I turned around and he had his tongue down some other girls throat.” Ashley sobbed harder and Izzy scratched her head. I should probably help, she thought with a small cynical smile. She climbed over the stall wall until she stood in front of Ashley.
“Follow me.”

Ashley walked next to Izzy, her hands shaking as she looked around them. Izzy had to struggle not to roll her eyes. For a girl who seemed to love all eyes on her she was hating it now. The two exes of David Allibaster was talking to each other! Gasp! What devious plan could they be hatching? How would this end for David? It’s too much suspense *fake faint here*. Izzy smiled at her inner seventies dialogue and gripped the slushy in her hand a little tighter.
“Ready to get some ice cold revenge?” She asked Ashley, as their direction changed. Ashley nodded once but said nothing. Out of Izzy’s peripheral she could see Timmy watching them as they grew near. She sent him an exaggerated wink and sidled behind David. She saw Timmy shake his head, but that wouldn’t stop her. Oh no, once Isabel Mcreery had revenge on her mind you’d be better off if you just let her do whatever she wanted. Izzy cleared her throat loudly, gaining the attention of the whole cafeteria.
“You guys were getting a little hot and heavy, thought I’d might cool you off.” Isabel said kindly, then splashed her raspberry red slushy on the couple. The bimbo in his lap shrieked and stood up.
“You did not just do that!” She shrieked in her Barbie voice and pushed Izzy. The whole café sucked in a collective gasp. They knew, as well as Izzy did, it was on. The only warning the poor girl was given was a slight narrowing of Isabel’s eyes before she attacked. Izzy grabbed the girls wet and sticky brown hair and yanked it, pulling the girl down to the ground. She then straddled the girls stomach and punched her in the face. Once.
“That, was for pushing me.”
“That, was for having low standards.”
Three times.
“And that, was because punching you feels so damn good.” She wasn’t able to punch the girl a fourth time because Timmy, and several of the basketball players, had pulled her off. Ashley stood there, with her slushy still in hand, with wide eyes and a slight smile.
“Do it now or forever wish you had!!” Izzy yelled, as the basketball team carried her out of the café. The last thing she saw was Ashley slam her blueberry slushy on David’s head before the doors closed.
“That was so fun!” Izzy exclaimed when they stopped pulling her.
“Are you crazy in the mind?!” Timmy asked and Izzy pursued her lips. She looked up to the ceiling, as if in thought, and answered.
“When you say crazy…” She trailed off as the team started to laugh. She smiled at their laughter and wiped some of the slushy on her shirt, not caring if it left a stain. It was gonna get washed anyway.
“You good?” One of the team members asked and she scoffed.
“As long as there’s people who talk like this, in a seriously annoying manner. I’m, like, never gonna be good.” She said, pitching her voice up a few octaves and twirling her hair around her finger. Timmy smiled while the rest of the team laughed.
“There’s gonna be hell for you when you walk in, ya know that right?” Another team member asked.
“Of course I know that. I’m Izzy Mcreery, there’s always hell for me somewhere.”

“Now just go apologize to them. You gave her a freaking bloody nose.” Jamie, one of the basketball players, told her. She laughed at his pointed look and shrugged him off.
“Fine, fine. I’ll apologize to the brat,” she made her voice nasal and rubbed her hands together “and his little whore too!” The team snorted and she smiled and walked into the lunch room. The girl sat there with a bloody tissue in hand, holding it up to her nose, her skin temporarily red from the slushy. She scuttled back on the lunch table seat when she saw Izzy approach. That made Izzy smile.
“Hey, look, I’m gonna pretend like I’m apologizing to you, but really I’m not. You started it when you put your little fingers on me, so you got the consequences. That’s the way the world goes. I promised someone, however, that I would apologize. I don’t break promises. So you’re going to act like I apologized in the most sweet heartfelt manner, so much so that you couldn’t not forgive me. If you don’t, I’ll break more than your pretty little nose, got it?” She said in a sweet light tone, doing an occasional hand gesture and making her shoulders droop as if she were ashamed. As if!
“I-I forgive you.” The girl stuttered and Izzy smiled again.
“Great, now I’m going to hug you. Don’t flinch or I swear to the Holy Father, I will stab you in the eye with that plastic spoon on the floor.” She said softly and reached to hug the girl. The girl did nothing but hug her and pat her back. Good, Izzy thought, she learns fast.
“Toodles!” She said, right as the bell for fifth class rang. She turned and was about to walk to Timmy to help him to his next class when a hand, a hand so similar to hers, stopped in front of her.
“You can’t have him, so back off.” Bella growled at her, burning emeralds glaring at her twin.
“Sweety doll pie. I never said I wanted him, so you’ve got nothing to fear.” Izzy told her sister kindly and tried to scoot around her but Bella was having none of that. Timmy’s smile dimmed a little as confusion wrinkled his brow.
“I heard that you bought him to the hospital. What kind of back stabbing shit is that Isabel?” Bella hissed at her, crossing her arms in front of her revealing top. That was one of the main differences from Izzy and Bella. Izzy was more of a comfort girl. Sweatshirts, jeans, converse, and a baseball hat. No makeup, high heels, flat ironing her hair.
“Seeing as you were more worried for your well being than his, I don’t see it as back stabbing. The boy broke his wrist Bella. You act as if I took to him to his house and slept with him or something.” Izzy grumbled, again trying to walk past her twin. Bella put her hand on Izzy’s shoulder and nudged slightly, making Izzy stop and glare at her sister. Timmy must’ve seen it because he ran to his girlfriends side.
“Hey babe. How much longer are you gonna take, Izzy has to take me to my next class.” He said coolly, kissing her forehead. Bella opened her mouth in shock and her face reddened in anger.
“’Izzy’? You’re on nickname terms now?! Are you screwing her? Is this why you’ve been so secretive lately?!” Bella shrieked, causing what was left of the students in the cafeteria to look at them with shock.
“No. She told me she prefers Izzy over Isabel. She’s gonna be my buddy for the week, I’d rather be on her good side.” He told her, seeming agitated at her.
“Oh my God. You’re lying! How long has this been going on-“
“My fucking God Bella!! Shut the hell up! I just told you me and her are not having an affair. I don’t want her, I thought I only wanted you but I can’t be with someone so bitchy and flippy floppy. I don’t need that amount of stress on me right now! Come on Izzy, we’re going to be late.” Izzy was shocked into silence as she nodded and regained a grip on her bookbag and walked past her twin. Timmy grabbed her upper arm and walked faster.

Chapter 3

He had been in a funk all day after lunch. He hadn’t even laughed when she tripped and damn near busted her ass. He merely helped her right herself and waited for her to start walking. It was starting to piss her off, royally, but she didn’t want to prod at him. She was just about to doze off into a nap during American History when he rose his hand asking to use the bathroom. Ms. Lee, the historian as she liked to call herself, of course let him then threw an expectant look towards Izzy.

“What?” Izzy asked, looking around to see if she was doing something that was affecting those around her.

“You are his buddy, are you not?” Ms. Lee asked, as if she was stupid.

“Uhm… yes?” Izzy answered slowly, not getting the point.

“Escort him to the bathroom miss Mcreery.” Ms. Lee said, then turned to the board to write more notes. Izzy grumbled something unintelligible and got from her seat. Timmy stood at the threshold motioning for her to move faster.

“Hey, if there isn’t a fire and I don’t have to pee, I will take my slow sweet time.” She told him, making a show of dragging her feet.

“I’ll give you a dollar if you speed it up.” That made Izzy stop and cross her arms.

“Make it five and I’ll hurry.” The class tittered, including the historian, and he nodded quickly. She smiled and moved quicker. She waited outside the boys bathroom for him to come out and when he did she grabbed the front of his shirt and spun him into the wall.

“Ok, listen here dude, I don’t do the whole silent treatment thing well. I don’t like the fact that you’re not talking to me, when it isn’t my fault that your upset. I’m being nothing but kind to you, so I would appreciate it if you piped down the anger and aggressiveness towards me and put it into your basketball practice that you, conveniently, forgot to tell me about. Got it?” She told him, letting it all out and holding nothing in. He blinked and nodded, she shook her head and rose a brow.

“Yes, I understand. I’m sorry for being an ass to you.” She let go of his shirt and fixed it for him.

“Apology accepted, now let’s go learn about dead people.”



Izzy stood up for the fifth time in his practice growling and raising her fists in anger.

“C’mon Demaro, get your head from your ass and practice how to pass the ball, that is what you’re here for right? Practice, not showing off your muscle!! What little of them you have!!!” She yelled, making the team stop practicing and fall down laughing. Timmy looked to her and shook his head, his damp hair flying around.

“Sit down Izzy and let me do this!” He yelled to her and she walked down the rest of the bleachers.

“Let you do what? Run this team down into the ground?” She growled and he raised a brow.

“To the ground?”

“Yes to the ground, in a heap of fire and poison.”

“You wanna try this, and see if you’re better?” He asked, crossing his massive arms, careful of his wrist. She shouldn’t have been so hard on him because of his disability, but she had to. How would he get better?

“Hell yeah. I could dunk circles around you and your little team.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves there girlie, my team is pretty capable.” Coach Slumbers said as he neared the pair.

“Pssh. You got a pair of shorts?”


                Izzy dribbled the ball and dodged as one of the team players came toward her. She feigned left, then spun right and threw the ball, hooking her wrist and smiling as the whoosh of the ball going through the hoop hit their ears.

“Twenty to zip. What was that about your team being capable Coach?” Izzy said, panting slightly, her whole body sweating.

“They were good, I don’t know what happened.” The coach said, scratching the back of his greying head.

“Coach!” The team chastised, out of breath, with most of their hands on their hips. She smiled and took off her shirt.

“Girls for the win!!!” She screamed, enjoying the boys quick intake of breath as they  took her in. She had a camisole on under, but it was barely there.

“Isabel!” The coach chastised, moving to try and step in front of her.

“You’ve seen my sister wear far worse coach.” Izzy grumbled as she walked away from him and to the girl’s locker room. She hated getting in trouble for things that her sister would do but wouldn’t get in trouble for. She was sure it was a twin thing, people had to have one person to blame. She shook her head as she walked into the girls locker room and changed. She didn’t put her shirt back on, just put on her jeans and tucked in her camisole. She slung her bookbag around her shoulder and left the locker room. Timmy kicked himself off the wall and said goodbye to his friends, meeting Izzy at the door on the way out. She said nothing as they walked to his car nothing as she drove him to his house, or helped with his homework.

“Look, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier, I just don’t like being told I’m no good at something.” Timmy said, slamming his lead pencil down on his bed. She looked to him and blinked once.

“But to be fair, you did end up kicking my ass.” He told her, trying to lighten the mood but she only blinked.

“What happened to the whole silent treatment thing?” He mumbled, scratching the back of his head with the eraser of his pencil. She blinked again, this time owlishly, moving her book from her lap slowly. She stood and narrowed her eyes on him.

“I’ve got no problem with you thinking you can do something better than me, all boys do it. I’m not gonna hold you, one boy, responsible for the whole male population. I do have a problem getting in trouble for the shit my sister does. My sister wears half of what I’m wearing now, but I get snapped on for wearing a T-shirt. What kind of sense does that make? None. I also don’t like it when people take their anger from my sister out on me, when I’ve done nothing wrong!” She said, barely keeping in her yells so his parents wouldn’t come.

“I get that, well not really. Seeing that I’m an only child, but I would get pissed too. But… just to be sure. You’re not pissed at me, right?” asked Timmy, a playful glimmer in his eyes. She moved closer to him and leaned down, cupping his cheeks so that his lips were poked out like a fish.

“No, I’m not angry at poor little Timmy.” She said in a coddling tone, enjoying how his cheeks heated under her fingers. He looked into her blue eyes and held them, suddenly going very still at the intensity of them. They shared the same air as they studied each other. He pushed her hand away, gently, and leaned forward. She backed away quickly with a disgusted look on her face.

“I’m not my sister, the one you’re with currently. I don’t stoop down to kissing other people’s boyfriends. I don’t know what you thought was going to happen, but whatever it was certainly won’t happen with me. Be ready by the time I’m here tomorrow, or I swear I will not hesitate to end your life. Got it?” Izzy said, picking up her bag and walking out the door. Before she could even blink the door had been slammed in front of her and she was pushed up against it.

“I don’t know what it is about you, but you’re drawing me in. The harder I try to fight it, the harder I get pulled in. I’m gonna ask you this once, and only once. Izzy Mcreery, what the hell are you doing to me?” Isabel narrowed her eyes dangerously and pursed her lips.

“I’m not doing anything to you. Maybe you’re just suffering from Bella withdrawals, so you go to the next best thing. An exact replica of her, me. I’m not gonna let you use me for whatever the hell you do with Bella, so you can just fucking forget-“ To end her incessant ranting he slammed his lips down on hers, silencing anything she was about to say.


                Now, of course, Izzy had been kissed before. But most of those kisses were rough and unwanted, just for show instead of for enjoyment. This kiss was… something. His lips were warm and smooth, not rough like Derek’s or any other jerk she had kissed. This kiss made her want more, which was definitely not Ok. So she raised her hands to push him away, and just as she put her hands on his shoulders she realized something… she didn’t want to push him away. Angry at the thought she fisted her hands in his shirt and kissed him back. It was obvious that she wasn’t going anywhere until her body was done. When they finally broke apart they were breathing hard with their eyes closed, still in after shock from the intensity of that kiss. He was the first one to open his eyes, their green seeming to shine as he looked at her. Her lips were puffy and pink from their kiss and her breathing was starting to even out. That just wouldn’t do. He moved closer to her, as if he could, and put his lips to her ear.

“You’re gonna be the end of me, Izzy Mcreery, I just know it.” She opened her eyes hesitantly, knowing it would probably give her away, and pushed him away with all she had. He budged, a little, but enough for her to be able to breath again.

“Your damn right I’m going to be the end of you. You try that shit again, I will destroy you.”


                She left immediately after that, slamming his door in rage. She stormed down the stairs and ignored his call for her. She looked to the table by the door and smirked. Payback’s a bitch, she thought as she grabbed his keys and left the house. She drove his wonderful, wonderful car home and parked it lopsided in the driveway, hoping her dad or mom would ding it. It wasn’t until she had stormed up into her room and slammed the door that she realized… she’d left her shirt and her bookbag there. Great fucking going Izzy.


                 She didn’t want to get up in the morning, she didn’t want to have to face the dickweed that made her body go crazy. But she had to, for a whole week she’d have to.  So she took her shower, brushed her teeth, put on  her clothes and ate a bowl of fruit. She lingered by the front door, the knob in her hand, and gave herself a mental booth of confidence. This time her body would not go haywire, because this time she wouldn’t allow him any space near her. With her resolve she opened the door and walked calmly to his car. She blasted the radio as she drove to his house, making sure everybody heard it. She pulled up to his house and sighed when she saw that he, once again, was not there. Turning off the car she walked to the back of his house and noticed that this time the window was open. She climbed the tree, not caring that she had a skirt on- it wasn’t like anyone would see her-, and jumped into his room. She picked up her bookbag and looked at his sleeping form. With a loud sigh, one that was meant to warn him, she slammed the bookbag on his body.

“How many times do I have to abuse you for you to get it through your thick skeleton! Be awake and fucking ready for me by the time I get here!” She yelled at him with each hit, not caring if his parents heard.

“Ah! Ok, alright! I’m up!! Jesus, stop it!” He yelled and rolled off the bed to avoid her blows.

“Shower,  shaven, dressed. I’m giving you fifteen minutes. If you’re not finished by then so help you God, I’m coming up here with baby oil and a belt. Got it?” She asked fiercely, adjusting her leather jacket. She’d chosen to wear something dangerous today, to make everyone stay the fuck away from her. So she’d chosen black boots, a black denim skirt, a white v-neck t-shirt and a mini leather jacket. It was her ‘Get The Fuck Away From Me Or Die’ outfit. She loved it so.


                He’d heeded her warning well and was downstairs ready to go within ten minutes. They’d almost made it out when his mom stopped him.

“Do you guys have to rush? I made breakfast, thought you’d might like some.” Her voice was kind, motherly, as she wiped what looked to be flour on her jeans. She, honestly, wasn’t what Izzy expected Timmy’s mom to be like. She’d expected some high up her ass snooty bitch who thought everyone and everything owed her. She’d expected an older version of Bella. But what she got was a tomboy that didn’t seem to like wearing shoes. Her blonde hair, that she’d put into a ponytail, curled without end. Her green eyes looked inviting enough.

“Oh, uhm, mom we actually have to-“

“We have nothing to do. We can settle down, have a couple of flapjacks.” Izzy said, speaking over him and throwing a smile at his mother. She seemed taken aback but smiled to her nonetheless. Izzy started towards his mother, only to be interrupted by the deepest voice she’d ever heard in her life.

“Pardon me, but I think my son was about to say something before you rudely interrupted him.” Izzy looked up to see a man that had to be in his early thirties. His short hair was blond and spikey, his eyes a bright green that seemed to burn through her and straight to her core.

“Your son was about to, rudely, deny his mother some quality time. I didn’t think that fair.” She said not frightened by his deep voice or the fact that he seemed to be more dominant than her.

“My son has to go to school, to get a good education.” The way he said that made her eyes narrow dangerously as she took a step forward. She wasn’t above fighting old people.

“Are you saying that I don’t have a good education, or that I’m denying your son one? Either way, they are both wrong. And quite frankly stupid.” She said, hearing Timmy sigh and seeing his mother smile as she looked to her husband.

“Are you calling me stupid, little girl?” He seemed amused by her, as a trickle of humor shone in those big green eyes.

“I never said that, big man, I merely stated what you were implying is stupid.” Izzy took a glance at Timmy’s watch and sighed loudly.

“Great, now you’ve gone and ruined my chance at some quality flapjacks… unless…” She trailed off as she walked past his mother and licked her lips at the sight before her. On the kitchen island was a humongous stack of pancakes, bacon and eggs with fruit. She didn’t care about the fruit. She grabbed three pancakes and put bacon and eggs between each of them, poured syrup as if it were ketchup, and pressed it all together as if it was sandwich. She was aware she had there eyes, but she just didn’t care. She grabbed a piece of paper towel and sped to the front door, only to turn and look at them.

“Uhm, we do have to go ya know?” She said as she bit into her sandwich. Timmy looked to his father, they were about the same height, and grinned.

“I thought you said she was a pain in your ass.” He mumbled as he took out his wallet and gave Timmy five dollars.

“I’m a different pain, the more likable one.” She said as she bit into her sandwich, walked to Timmy, took the five dollars, put it in her bra and grabbed him.

“We’ve got to skedaddle or else we’ll be late. Bye Mrs. Demarco, Mr. Demarco!” She said as she pulled him towards the door. He barely managed to say his bye’s before she’d dragged him to the car, helped him get in, and went speed racer on him. Again.

Chapter 4

By the time she was at the school she’d finished her breakfast sandwich and managed to only run a stop sign and two red lights. That was pretty good, considering her normal. As they walked through the crowded halls of the school she noticed everyone seemed to back out of her way. They knew her outfit well. They didn’t know, however, who she was planning to attack. It could range from anyone. Two years ago she’d been on a period rage and a boy decided it to be an opportune time to think he could make fun of her. He’d been wrong. She’d demolished his face and tormented him for a month afterwards. No one bothered her on the last week of the month now. No one bothered her ever.

“Why are they so afraid of you?” Timmy asked her in a whisper that mingled in with the others.

“They know the outfit well. They know one of them is going to get fucked up. They just don’t know which one. Kind of like a less brutal Hunger Games.” She didn’t bother to whisper, everyone would here her if she whispered anyway. She wasn’t very good at that. When she got to her classroom she looked toward the crowd of people. They watched her, knowing what was coming next, It was a tradition.

“The victim is female, all males are safe. I repeat all males are safe.” With that she smiled evilly and turned to go into her class with Timmy chuckling and shaking his head after her.

“So who is she?” He asked, sidling next to her taking the seat from a boy who tried to reach for the seat next to her.

“Back off niner. Go sit in the front and learn something.” Timmy growled, making the small, pimple face boy go scurrying to the front. Izzy raised a brow at him, to which he replied with a shrug.

“I can be intimidating when it comes down to it. So… who is she?” Asked Timmy as he sat down and wrote his name on the paper.

“I don’t tell anybody until lunch time, and by that time I’ve already handled what I need to handle. You’re no exception. Even with your bum hand.” She said, sitting down slowly, throwing a look to his injured hand… only to find it wasn’t damaged. She was up immediately, ignoring the late bell. She flew to his side and grabbed the wrist that was supposed to be injured.

“What is this?” She asked lethally, her blue eyes turning icy and narrowing on him. He cleared his throat and fidgeted nervously.

“Miss Mcreery, would you be so kind as to take your seat?” Mr. Crumbles asked, his face turning pink with anger. She ignored him, yanking on Timmy’s hand and putting in between them.

“What. Is. This?” She hissed, leaning closer to him.

“Miss Mcreery!!” Yelled the teacher and Izzy growled under her breath. She threw Timmy’s hand down on the table and stood up, turning to face her teacher. She narrowed her eyes slightly and walked to the desk.

“What do you want Mr. Crumbles?! I made it to class on time, I did my fucking homework! What else do you want from me, besides forty five minutes of my valuable time!” She yelled at him, feeling a hell of a lot more than pissed off.


“I swear to Mary, Mother of God, that if you say Miss Mcreery again I will take my pencil and stick it so far up your ass that you’ll be smelling lead for the next week!!! Tell me what you want from me!!” She growled out, slamming her fists down on the table, barely keeping her anger at bay.

“I want you to sit your little ass down and stop being so god damn stubborn!!” He yelled at her, the vein in his head  throbbing with anger. She smiled slightly and sighed softly.

“Honestly, Mr. Crumbles, all you had to do was ask. But sadly, I cannot do that. You have to understand.” She said as she went back to her seat. She picked up her bag and threw an evil glare to Timmy. She looked to the rest of the class.

“I trust you to get this out to all of the students in the school. There are two targets today. Both male and female. No one is safe, it can be anyone and can be anywhere. Good luck.” With that she walked out of the class, not caring about getting in trouble.


As she strutted into the cafeteria all conversation subsided. This was her choosing time, when her suspects were called to receive whatever punishment she saw fit. It wasn’t cruel and unfair, if Izzy was going to beat you up she would tell you why. People on the lunch line stilled, their money clutched in their hands. As if that would somehow save them. Izzy walked to the middle of the cafeteria and dropped her bag. The sound seemed to echo in the cafeteria, making Isabel smile slyly.

“The time has come.” She muttered under her breath and looked for her prey. She spotted her and raised her hand to point at the girl; she sucked in a harsh breath and glared at Izzy. She was the only on who was brave to do so.

“What the hell did I do this time Isabel!?” Bella screeched, trying to seem angry but Izzy heard the undercurrent of fear.

“You know what you did Bella, just come up and accept your punishment.” Izzy said, cracking her knuckles and rolling her neck. The spectators watched with wide eyes, this would be the third time in a row Bella would be chosen. Bella looked around, searching for a way out for sure but not seeming to find one. She reluctantly got up, her skimpy outfit looking foolish as she walked toward her twin. Her eyes still searched though and they landed on something, she smiled victoriously and ran past Izzy, shouldering her hard, and to her boyfriend.

“Timmy, she’s trying to hit me. Again.” She said in a whiny voice, making her sound like an eight year old. He looked to Isabel through golden hair and smirked.

“You most likely deserve it then.”  He said, loud enough for everyone to hear it, and moved away from his gaping girlfriend. He walked to Izzy and spread his arms out.

“I’m ready for my punishment.” He said with a smirk, she looked in his green eyes and cursed his awesomeness.

“You’ve redeemed yourself, move.” She grumbled and moved past him. He gripped her wrist and pulled her back to him, encasing her other arm in a vice grip.

“I don’t take well to being told what to do, Izzy.” He said, sneering her name. Her temper spiked tremendously and her face grew red with anger. The people in front of her winced and cowered away from the sight, afraid that merely looking at her would invoke pain on their part.

“Let me go Timmy, you’ve been redeemed. Don’t make me rethink my decision.” She said through clenched teeth, she didn’t try to move, she knew it would hurt. A hurt Izzy is not a happy Izzy.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” He growled in her ear, making whispers of her hair fly. Her nostrils flared and her eyes narrowed supremely. Bella’s eyes widened even more as she scuttled to her sister.

“Izzy breath, just breath. And blink, for gods’ sake please blink!” Bella pleaded, trying to save her boyfriends life.

“Bella go away, go stand some place and be pretty. It’s what you’re good at.” Timmy said nastily, making Isabel’s fists clench to the point of pain. No one insulted her family and expected to walk away uninjured. With a small growl she moved her head forward and then slammed it back, hitting him in the nose. She felt warmth hit her hair but she didn’t care. She was pissed. He grabbed his nose to stop the amount of blood that was gushing out of it and she took advantage of his weakened state. She kicked him in the nuts hard with the tip of her boot, then punched him square in the jaw when he fell to the ground cupping his balls. He fell to the ground, he couldn’t seem to decide whether or not he wanted to cradle his broken jaw, his sore balls, or his broken nose.

                Isabel breathed heavy and kicked him in the gut one last time for good measure and shook her hand.

“For one, don’t insult my family and expect to live afterwards. Secondly, I don’t like being hurt. God help you if I have bruises. I know where you live Demarco, don’t forget that. Thirdly, when I show you mercy take it. Don’t think your hot shit because I gave you a chance. Next time I might not be so gracious. Make sure there isn’t a next time, k Demarco?” With that she turned to face her sister and cracked her neck.

“I could attack you, right now, but because you are my sister and this dickweed insulted you I’m granting you leniency. Do you accept it?” Izzy said, cocking a brow daring her sister to deny the gift. Bella shook her head violently and swallowed.

“Good, now eat something. Mom would kill me if I didn’t make sure you ate.” Izzy said giving her sister a brief smile before walking past her to the exit of the cafeteria.

“Er… Izzy?” Bella’s small voice made her stop and turn around.

“You’ve got, uh, you’ve got blood in your hair.” Of course she did.


                Everyone generally stayed away from her the rest of the day, they didn’t want to take the chance of her flipping out on them like they did her. For some reason she didn’t get called into the principals office, or a slip from one of the teachers saying she’d gotten detention. Maybe her day was just starting to perk up. She had said maybe, hadn’t she. The last class of the day was biology and her foot bobbed up and down on the floor. After this she’d have to meet up with… actually no, she didn’t. His bum hand was fixed and she wouldn’t have to escort him anywhere. After this she could go home, of course she’d have to walk… actually no, she didn’t. She had his car keys. Smiling she slammed her hands on the table to and stood with her arms wide apart.

“The world is my oyster!!” She yelled victoriously enjoying how she startled several niners in front of her. Why were they even in this class, she’d have to ask them later on.

“Miss Mcreery!” The teacher exclaimed, frowning his walrus lip. She rolled her eyes and sat down.

“Way to put me down Mr. Walrus.” She muttered.

“What was that?”

“I said, I’m just the class clown Mr. Borris, don’t pay me any mind.” She cooed, waving him on with a small encouraging smile.

“Don’t condescend me, miss Mcreery. I have a college education.” He boomed, sticking his index finger up and jerking it around.

“I’m sure you do, Mr. Borris. I wasn’t trying to condescend you, Mr. Borris.” She cooed, keeping her tone gentle and condescending.

“I’ll have you know-“ He was cut off by the brilliant dinging of last bell.

“Saved by the bell.” She sang and gathered her bags. She looked both ways before leaving the biology class. She just had to turn two corners and then it was straight out into the cornucopia. Taking a deep breath she ran and squealed, the people around her moved out of her way surprised by the action. She rounded the two corners like the Devil himself were hot on her heels and ran down the hall to the outside world. She closed her eyes and breathed her relief, she’d made it without incident. Taking the keys out of her skirt pocket she walked down the few stairs that led to her car. She dangled the keys happily and looked up, only to stop in her tracks and frown.

“So much for the oyster.” She grumbled as she neared the car. He watched her every move with those stupid big, green, cat-like eyes.

“Were you planning on escaping?” He asked lightly tracking her every movement with his eyes.

“Leaving, not escaping. To escape would mean that I would have had to be imprisoned beforehand.” She said, walking to the drivers side and pressing the button.

“Is school not a prison to you?” He asked, turning to face her. She looked up to him and cocked her head. With a smirk she answered,

“More like a necessary vacation. If you met my family you would see where I’m coming from.”

“Thanks for inviting me! We should get going if we’re going to make it for dinner.” He said excitedly and got in the car. She furrowed her brow and frowned.

“I don’t remember inviting you.” She said dumbly as she sat in the drivers seat. He had already clicked his seatbelt in place so he just smile a lopsided smile and replied.

“Yeah you did. Your exact words were ‘Timmy, I would be absolutely, positively elated if you joined me and my family for supper’. To which I, because I’m so kind and all, accepted graciously.” Her mouth popped open as she looked at him.

“You making up fake realities now? Isn’t that, like, the first step to going completely bat-shit loopy?” She mumbled and put the car into gear. She wasn’t going to fight him, but she was gonna give him the scare of his life.


“Never again, you hear me?! Never again!!” He yelled at her, struggling to keep his voice manly. She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

“Puhlease, I wasn’t even speeding.”

“Wasn’t speeding my ass! You violated so many rules, it’s not even believable!” He boomed, she shook her head and walked to her pink house. He fumed silently behind her and she sighed as she took out her house keys.

“Forewarning, it sounds a bit loud in there. If you see anything flying threw the air duck, even if it’s not coming in your direction.”


“Don’t question it.” She said and opened the door.

“Get off of the stupid remote Ferris!” Cameron growled, yanking and tugging as the TV changed radically.

“Tell your face to get off the remote, baby!!” Ferris taunted back.

“Izzy’s back!! Look everyone Izzy’s back!! Here, catch Izzy.” Zena said, jumping up and down on the couch next to them, her fluff of her moving with her excitedly. Izzy registered what had happened, thankfully, before the cookie hit her in the face. She caught the rock hard cookie and groaned.

“Mom tried baking again?”

“Yup, almost took my teeth out- ohhh, who’s this hot hunk of burning love?” Sasha purred, her brown eyes raking over Timmy’s muscular stature. She folded her arms underneath her boobs and pushed them up. Izzy rolled her eyes and bit into the hard cookie. Her mom might not be the best when it came to the softness of the cookie but it still tasted good.

“Jail bait, this is off-limits. Off-limits, this is jail bait.” She said pointing to Sasha first then Timmy. Sasha rolled her eyes and smiled haughtily at him.

“I’m Sasha Mcreery, you are?” Her voice had taken a strange purr that was alien to Izzy. Leaving him to fend for himself she set off to the kitchen and slammed her bag down on the floor.

“We have to set another plate at the table. My friend asked to stay over and I didn’t want to be rude.” Her mothers back straightened and she turned to look at her daughter.

“Is it a boy? Have you brought a boy to the house, finally? Do you know how long me and your father have waited for this? Oh sweet God, thank you! Your fathers at work now, I’ve got to call him immediately!! Watch the string beans!!” Her mother shot out of the kitchen and up the stairs to no doubt find a phone. Isabel shook her head and bit off a piece of the cookie.

“Aha!” She heard Amelia exclaim and seconds later heard a shrill scream.

“Let me brush your stupid, stupid hair Zena!!” Amelia growled, sounding extremely put out.

“Never!!” Zena yelled back. Izzy simply munched on her cookie.

“IF you’re going to stand there, help me hold her down at least!” Amelia growled to someone, most likely Timmy.

“Not a smart move on your part if you do, Timmy.” She mumbled to herself and walked to the fridge to get a glass of milk.

“She looks pretty lethal now, not sure if I want to touch her.” Timmy declined, his voice sounding closer than it did before.

“I’m free!!” Zena screamed running through the kitchen, a comb stuck in her poof.

“Some friend you have.” Amelia growled as she chased after her little sister.

“Your family is…”

“Crazy, absurd, obnoxious, annoying, loud, rambunctious, aggressive-“

“I was gonna say amazing, but anyone of those words work too.” He said crinkling up his nose, she laughed until she realized it was crooked. Taking her bottom lip in between her teeth she walked to him and shoved the rest of her hard cookie in his mouth.

“Bite down.” She said and straightened his nose with her fingers. She could hear the crunching of the cookie, and probably some teeth, as he bit down in pain. She backed away with her hands tucked under her chin. He held up a finger and looked down, squeezing his eyes closed. She waited until he rode out the wave of pain to move, and that was to get him some aspirin and water. He still had that finger up when she came back and she smirked at that, but then quickly erased it as he looked up.

“This is a damn good cookie.”

Chapter 5

Timmy sat sandwiched between Sasha and Zena, the two worst people in the family. Izzy just cut into the steak and tried to hide her smile as much as possible. Her parents’ didn’t try to put a stop to the antics, they were smiling too brightly and looked way too happy to try to do anything but stare at Timmy. Bella had never brought over any of her, multiple, boyfriends. She was more of a hump-and-dump kind of girl.

“So Timmy, how old are you?” Her mother asked, putting her hands together then tucking them under her chin. Timmy cleared his throat and wiped his mouth with his napkin.

“I’m seventeen, ma’am.” He said with a lop-sided smile. Her mother blushed and tucked a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. Her father raised a brow and let out a breathy chuckle.

“Well, if you’ve managed to charm my wife into blushing like a teenager, I can’t imagine what you can do to an actual teenager. I take it you’ve had many girlfriends?” Isabel choked on a string bean and pounded on her chest with her fist.

“Uhm, dad. Timmy is my, uh, boyfriend.” Bella mumbled, pushing her baked potato around on the plate. Motion stilled around the table as everyone looked to Izzy. She rolled her eyes and looked up at her family members.

“It’s not like I’m fucking him or anything.” She growled out, crumpling her tissue she threw it on her plate.

“If you’ll excuse me. I’m sure you can drive yourself home Timmy? I’m going to sleep.”

“Iz-“ Timmy started but she held up her hand.

“You’ve done enough, I’ll see you in Crumbles.” She said coldly and walked out of the kitchen. She walked to her room, stripped out of her clothes and turned the water on to its hottest temperature. She sat on the bath floor and cradled her knees to her chest. She let out an outraged scream. Nobody would come, she was sure of it. She didn’t do it often, but when she did do it, everyone knew to stay well away from her.


                It was well into the night when she heard the tapping on her window. She turned in her bed, dismissing it as the tree in her backyard tapping against her window. She would’ve went back to sleep if it hadn’t been for another tap followed by a muffled whisper. Frowning she got up and walked to the window, rubbing her bare arms. Timmy stood in her backyard smiling and waving. Izzy rolled her eyes, love birds were going to be the reason the world would crash and burn, she was sure of it. She opened the window and shook her head at him, the boy had balls.

“You woke up the wrong twin.” She told him, knowing good and well Bella was a heavy sleeper. A marching band could come through here and she would wake up hours later asking about pancakes.

“Nah, I think I got the right one. C’mon down here, I wanna show you something cool.” He said, his boyish charm oozing out of his skin like pus from a festering blister. She furrowed her brow but did what he asked anyway. Finding some pants she put them on and put on a zip up sweater to wear over her camisole. She came down he side of her house with the grace that could rival a jaguars. He held out his hand and jerked his head in the direction of his car.

“Come live a little with me.” A lopsided grin was stuck on his face as he took in her disheveled hair and still sleepy brown eyes. She smirked and walked past him, avoiding his outstretched hand.

“Come live a lot with me.” She challenged and he chuckled. Isabel Mcreery, ladies and gentleman!


                He drove her deeper into Montana, where the forests were plenty and the roads were few. He suddenly turned off the car and looked to her, she rolled her eyes.

“Please don’t tell me you’ve ran out of gas, and that we should huddle closer to save our body temperatures.” She said blandly, hating how her body reacted to that idea.

“No,” he chuckled “this is the part where I ask if you believe in monsters and I jump out the car and Thriller dance.” She laughed and unbuckled her seat belt and got out the car. The air seemed a lot more dense in this part, a little colder. He held out his hand and she looked at it, then to him. He raised a brow.

“Nothing frisky, I promise. It’s just to hold.” She narrowed her eyes but took his hand anyway. His hand seemed to dwarf hers but instead of her being embarrassed she felt… right. As if she should’ve been holding his hand forever. He walked with her, swinging their hands slightly, and talked with her. He asked her questions about herself she wasn’t even sure she knew the answer to,  but he didn’t judge. He merely smiled and egged her on until she could give the best answer. They came to a cliff that gave way to the valley below. The peak of the cliff rose ever so slightly, giving them a beautiful view of the pregnant moon.

“I come here to think, my parents bug me sometimes about my grades and… other stuff. This is my breathing place.” He said, bringing her to the peak and sitting her down gently. She looked around to see the baby’s breath and moon rose’s.

“This is…. Beautiful.” She whispered, knowing if she spoke too loud this world would break.

“I know you get angry when your parents bomb on you about things they wouldn’t bat an eye at if Bella did, I can only imagine how frustrating it could be. I just thought… you’d might want to get away from it all.” She looked up at his honest green eyes and smiled softly, she gave his hand a soft squeeze and put her head on his shoulder, not caring if she was showing too much affection.

“Thank you, Timmy.”


                She stretched and rolled on her side, she hadn’t slept this good in God knows how long. She yawned and stretched again, this time outwards,  until her hands hit an object. A sculpted, warm, breathing object. Opening her eyes she held in her shriek of surprise and snatched her hand away. How the fuck had Timmy gotten in her bed!?! She sat up and looked around… then she started to hyperventilate.  Why the hell was she in Timmy’s room.

“Timothy Demarco, if you do not wake up right now I will kill you while you sleep.” She said darkly, her temper rising to the surface. He stirred but didn’t fully wake.

“Timothy. I am giving you to the count of three to wake up. If you’re not up by then… God help you.” He didn’t respond, she was hoping he wouldn’t.

“One.” She picked up the pillow and clenched it tightly in her hands.

“Two.” She moved so that her body was next to his, the pillow right above him.


“Why is it,” He grumbled, rolling onto his back “that every time I’m asleep, you’re threatening me in some way?”

“Why am I in your room?” She growled, the pillow still above him in her enraged grasp.

“You fell asleep on me at the cliff, when I tried to wake you, you threatened to burn all my hair off.” Damn, she’d forgotten an amazing threat like that? Where was her edge going?

“Then when I carried you to the car and drove you home, you refused to budge from my car seat. Luckily the small one, what was her name? Amelia? She was waiting at the front door with a bag of clothes and a small smile on her face. She said that I had to fight, I don’t know what the hell that means… then I drove you here, carried you up to my room and… here we are now.” She narrowed her eyes at his story, able to believe it but not wanting to.

“I’m not that much of a heavy sleeper.” She rebutted, lowering the pillow. He snorted,

“Tell that to the five speed bumps I ran over and the construction site we passed.”

“If you carried me to your room, why couldn’t you just carry me to my room?”

“I don’t know how it would look if I walked in with a knocked out Isabel at four o’clock in the morning, and a smile? Not so good.”

“Why didn’t you just climb the tree?”

“And risk injuring my wrist again, no thanks. Coach bit my ass out for that, he forced me to play with the hand. Imagine what he would do if I did it again?” Speaking of that.

“How did your wrist heal so quickly?” He stilled and fidgeted around in his spot.

“We should start getting ready for-“

“Don’t give me that crap, you’re normally not up around now anyway. How did it heal so quickly?”

“I’ve got a really great immune system.”

“An immune system has shit to do with a protruding bone. One  last time I’m gonna ask this. How did your wrist heal so quickly?”

“High metabolism?” She slammed the pillow on his face and pushed down, he struggled but she merely pushed down harder. His hands started jerking around wildly and she leaned back. He took in a big gulp of air and narrowed his eyes at her.

“You trying to kill me?” He whisper yelled, his green eyes widening.

“Yes, now answer the question!” She whisper yelled back, showing him the white of the pillow case in threat.

“I c-“ he was shut off by the knocking on the door.

“Sweety you have to get up.” The door started to open, just as he pushed her off the side of the bed away from the door.

“Isabel is going to be here soon, she gets a little agitated when you’re not up and ready for her.” His mother said, sounding a little amused.

“Yeah, uh, sure mom.”  He said nervously, his voice trembling a little.

“Honey, are you alright.” She heard her feet move along the carpeted floor as she moved closer.

“Ahh, mom! You really don’t need to come closer!” He said airily, moving closer to her place on the floor. She plucked the back of his neck, a sign for him to stop being such a dork.

“Honey, are you naked under there? You can tell me ya know.” She bolted both hands over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

“Uh… yeah mom, I’m naked under here. Could you please leave now, so I can get dressed?” She was damn near biting her lip off as his mother told him she’d go, as soon as the door closed she grabbed the pillow and let out the laughter she’d been holding in.

“Shut up, just shut up.”


                After she’d taken her shower and gotten dressed she hopped out the window and ran to the front of the house. She knocked on the door angrily, milking her role as the angry chauffeur. His mother opened the door.

“Why, hello dear. Timmy is up this time, I believe he’s getting dressed as we speak.” She said softly, opening the door wider. Izzy smiled at her and walked in, her nose picking up the smell of sausage and eggs.

“Food.” She said dreamily, walking into the kitchen.

“Help yourself.” His mom giggled, closing the door and walking after her. Isabel made herself a plate, eating as she put the food on it. His mother watched with wide cat like eyes, tucking her fist under her  chin. As Isabel munched on a sausage Mr. Demarco strolled in his blond hair no longer spikey but mused in a boyish way.

“Food?” He asked, his eyes lighting up at the banquet before him. He reached for the basket of sausage but reared back when his wife popped his hand.

“Save some for your son.” He pouted but moved his hand, Timmy’s mom officially rocked in her book.

“Guess what I learned about our son this morning.” His wife said, crossing her arms and sending her husband  an accusing glare.

“And what would that be?” Izzy poured herself some orange juice and sipped it, watching carefully.

“He sleeps naked, like somebody I know used to.” She rose a brow at her husband and Izzy lost it. She spit out her juice and laughed out loud, her stomach constricting with it.

“He… he sleeps naked!!” She roared, pounding on the marble countertop and doubling over. She stood and wiped her eyes, still giggling and took a deep breath. His parents looked at her with mild humor as she began to eat.

“Oh, hey Izzy. Ready to leave?” Timmy said, coming into the kitchen. As soon as she looked at him she laughed again, damn near falling over when she leaned on the island. He sighed and shook his head.

“She’s not gonna leave me alone about this, I just know it.” He had no idea how true that was.


                She was still giggling even as they walked to lunch, her mind flashing back to how flustered his mother had been.

“It wasn’t even that funny.” He grumbled, adjusting her books in his arms.

“Fuck that! It was hilarious!” She laughed shaking her head and giggling even more. He looked down at her and smiled.

“What am I gonna have to do to make you forget it?”

“Uh nothing. I’m never forgetting this. This, my dear naïve friend, is my ammo. Piss me off and I swear to god I will record me and your mom having a very detailed description of every embarrassing thing you’ve ever done leading to this.” He narrowed his eyes on her, his smile growing wider.

“You wouldn’t.” She winked and walked into the lunch room.

“Try me babe.” She left him there with his mouth open as she sashayed to get herself lunch. Sometimes being a girl was just plain awesome!


                As she bit into her pickle he plumped down next to her, bringing with him the entire basketball team and some of the football flock too.

“Hey there Isabel.” Jaime said, taking the seat across from her and picking off one of her fries from her tray.

“Can I ask why you guys are sitting with me? And why you feel the need to steal my food?” She asked, not really caring if he stole her food.

“We’re sitting with you because we’ve nominated you as ‘The Girl’, I’m stealing your food because as ‘The Girl’ you’ve got to give up your food when we’re hungry.” Jaime explained air quoting ‘The Girl’.

“What’s ‘The Girl’?” She  asked, looking to Timmy to answer. He shrugged, one of his cheeks puffed out with Philly cheese steak.

“Each year we delegate a girl to hang out with us, to balance out the testosterone. Last year it was Cassandra Wilder.” The guys nodded but continued to eat, she raised a brow as no one moved to explain further.

“What happened to Cassandra Wilder?” She asked, looking around for answers.

“Nothing,” a girly voice said, suddenly coming from behind a football player. Izzy looked to the voice to see a pretty blond with hazel eyes and stocky figure. The football player looked up, smiled, and pushed the people around him to make room for her. She tucked a piece of golden hair behind her ear and sat down next to him. She gave him a brief kiss on the lips.

“Sorry I’m late, Mr. Crumbles chewed my ass out because I looked down during his class. It’s all your fault, stupid block-head.” She grumbled, unwrapping her tuna sandwich.

“Babe, I’ve got to profess my love for you each period. You know this.” He said, making the table laugh.

“Oh ha, ha. Get me in trouble again I’m closing up shop and melting the key in the fires that will be my anger.” She said, taking a bite of her sandwich as he dropped his fry.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me, Darren, try me.” She said, her hazel eyes glinting in mischief. Izzy smiled as she watched them bicker, it was hilarious and refreshing. It was nice to see someone else fight instead of her family and herself.

“So, wait. Why isn’t she still ‘The Girl’?” Izzy asked, her brow crinkling as she looked at the blond who shrugged.

“Apparently their rules state that if the appointed ‘Girl’ belongs to someone in the group she can’t be the appointed ‘Girl’ anymore.” Cassandra answered, snuggling closer to Darren who didn’t seem to mind as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer.


“It’s disgusting, and pig headed. But it works and it keeps them from stealing my food so I’m happy.” Darren gave an outraged gasp,

“You’re only with me to keep your food safe?” To which she replied with a blink and a dumb founded look.

“Why else did you think I was with you?” She said innocently, smiling like a preschooler. The guys laughed and Izzy smiled wider. Maybe she would like being ‘The Girl’, it was always nice to try new things. Bella looked her way and waved a small wave, trying not to drag too much attention to herself. Izzy waved back and flagged her over. Her twin shot a nervous look to Timmy then back to her, the fear clear in her eyes. Isabel looked to Timmy and raised a brow.

“You gonna sop looking at my sister like she’s killed your baby?” She asked with a lilt in her voice, the lilt made his eyes clear up. He knew it.

“Is this one of those things of yours that you make seem like your asking but in all actuality you want me to do it?” He asked, putting one of his fries down. She nodded and smiled at him, then looked to her sister. He followed her gaze and groaned.

“Do I really?” Before she could answer with an indefinite yes a disgruntled yell came from Cassandra. Izzy’s eyes narrowed on her then took in the full situation before she stood up. A brunette, one of the snarky ones, had bumped into Cassandra and made her spill her soda on herself.

“Oops, sorry Cassie.” She said silkily, her minions behind her giggling emptily.

“We wouldn’t have bumped into you but… your backside is so large we couldn’t not walk into it.” The people around them, and had heard, laughed. Izzy cocked her heard and pursed her lips, beside her she heard Timmy sigh. He knew this was going to get bad fast.

“Well, I’m sure her backside would be small too if all she ever ate was dick and water. Scratch the water part, wouldn’t want to gain water weight.” Izzy said to the trio snarky, crossing her arms and cocking her hip. The people around and the people at their table laughed. The brunettes gaze landed on her then widened. She obviously didn’t know that the people here were protected by her.

“O-oh Izzy. I- I didn’t know you sat at this table.” She stuttered and backed into her friends who looked equally as scared.

“Now you know. I’m granting you leniency, that’s only because this period is almost over and I’m still hungry. This is the only time you will be giving you this speck of mercy. Don’t make me do it again.”

“Or maybe it’s because you’re getting soft.” One of her sycophants muttered. Timmy stilled beside her and looked to his friends, who all nodded. They would have to work to get Izzy off of the girl.

“Show you soft…” Izzy mumbled angrily as she stood on the table and stomped across it.

“Now!” Timmy yelled and, as a group, they worked to tear Izzy the Terrible off of the poor girl who decided to be brave.

Chapter 6

Izzy fumed silently in the back seat of Timmy’s car. Not only was she forced to be ripped off the her prey, but she’d also gotten detention! Which wouldn’t have been that bad, if she hadn’t unintentionally gotten the boys detention too. They’d made sure that this detention sucked for her by pestering her every time the teacher wasn’t looking. They knew she couldn’t say anything, because then she’d have it for more than one day. Nobody wanted detention for more than one day. It was basically like signing your death certificate. On the dotted line. If you came here more than one time it meant that your life, starting now, was heading toward the downward spiral that, no doubt, ended up in a bad comb- over, and a beer gut. Or for the ladies stringy hair, oily face, and pudgy thighs. Enter shudder here.

                Now the stupid brats sat around her, eating McDonalds and laughing while Izzy sat strapped with three seat belts. She hadn’t made it easy for them, but there were so many of the big bastards and they were too damn strong for her. Not that she would ever admit that, because she wouldn’t. Not ever.

“Are you bastards going to share?” She spit out, her stomach grumbling loudly. They’d finished off her lunch, and they damn well knew it too. She was starving!

“No! You gave us detention, we’re starving.” Darren said, chomping on his fries happily. She sighed in her head and cursed them for this. She let her eyes water, which wasn’t so hard seeing that she was in a car chock full of big sweaty boys, and wrinkled her nose.

“But I’m just so hungry and you guys ate all my food and… it’s just so hard!!” She sobbed, letting plenty of tears fall down. The car went silent as they took in her red face and her tears.

“Izzy-“ Timmy tried, but she caught him off with a sob.

“Why are you guys so mean to me? Is it because I’m a girl? I just want something to eat, you guys just don’t understand!!” She wasn’t making any sense, she was just repeating some of the phrases she’d heard her sister say whenever she cried. They normally worked for her.

“Izzy of course not-“ Darren tried but she slumped against the window.

“Just take me home please, maybe my parents will have something to eat there.” She sniffled and said weakly, “that’s if I make it… I’m known to pass out without food.”

She could barely hide the grin when they all gave their food to her but, somehow, she did.

                They unbuckled her from her seat quickly, scared to make her cry again. She could tell, she saw it in their eyes. She sniffled and picked up her book bag and brushed the crumbs from her shirt.

“Izzy, you Ok?” Timmy asked, getting out of the car and walk to her, his green eyes watching her carefully. She barely hid her smirk.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, about the tears. I was really hungry.” He looked abashed that he’d made her cry as his cheeks flushed a deep red.

“I’m sorry, we’re dicks. We weren’t thinking and-“ She could no longer hold in her laughter. It bubbled out of her until she was doubled over and clutching her achy abdomen.

“D-dicks don’t normally think!!” She yelled out between laughs, tears winking out the side of her eyes. He narrowed his eyes as his team mates inside finally caught on. She finally controlled herself and took deep soothing breaths.

“OK, I’m, sorry. I was hungry and you guys were just a little too high and mighty for my taste.” She explained, gearing herself for running. She wasn’t an idiot. She knew that you couldn’t just face every problem with a so what attitude. She knew she couldn’t fight all of her enemies. She knew when it was time to run. And the time was now. She saw his tell before he could grab her and she ran to her door, whipping her keys out. She unlocked and opened the door in record time and stepped in and whirled around, to see him seconds behind her. She yelped and slammed the door, switching the lock into place quickly. She was breathing hard as she sagged against the door and smiling. She heard him on the other side and could only picture him smiling and breathing hard too, probably not breathing hard at all. He was an athlete after all.

“I know where your room is Juliet, I wouldn’t count on getting much sleep tonight.” He whispered through the door, she stood straighter and laughed at the door.

“Just don’t wake up the wrong Capulet, Romeo, wouldn’t go down well.” She said and pushed away, she heard him thump the door and shook her head. What was she doing?


                She barely held in her excitement by the time midnight came. She’d breezed through dinner and had to take an extra long shower just to hide her constant smile from her family. Wouldn’t want them to guess what was happening. When she heard the tinkling on her window she couldn’t pull her sheet off herself fast enough. He was dressed in a teal plaid shirt with a white undershirt. His hands were tucked into his plain jeans and his smile was casual.

“Hope you’re ready for fun, Juliet, we’re gonna be at it all night.” She smiled and looked at her room. Her twin snorted once viciously and her smile bloomed wider. She hopped down and stumbled lightly, only to be caught by Timmy, his strong arms overwhelming her with safety. Blush tinged on her cheeks and she was grateful for the minimum lighting. She cleared her throat and stepped back.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” What the hell is wrong with me?

“Nothing’s wrong with you.” Her eyes widened supremely at him. Did I say that out loud?

“Yeah you did, are you alright Izzy?” His brow crinkled as he stepped closer. She sighed and nodded.

“As fine as I can be. Where, exactly, are we going?” She asked, shaking her head. She was going to have to have herself omitted if her mind and body kept doing this to her.

“There’s a fair that came to a town two towns over.” He said excitedly, his green eyes lighting up in the moonlight.

“And… you thought it’d be Ok to wake me up out of my sleep to go to some dingy country fair, an hour away from here?”  His smile melted slightly and his eyes grew nervous as he scratched the back of his head.

“Well, I uh- that is-“

“I was just kidding Timmy. I love fairs, haven’t been to one in ages though. Give me a minute though.” She held up her index finger and went to the tree by her window and started to climb it.

“Izzy! What are you doing?!” He whisper yelled. She didn’t answer as she crawled back in to her window. She picked up her bookbag and shoved clothes in it, as much as her bag would allow, and hopped back out the window.

“The amount of prizes I’m gonna get is ridiculous. I’m sleeping at your house, because I like to play with my prizes after I win ‘em. Can’t be caught playing with a fair prize, when the last time I’ve been to the fair was three years ago.” She explained as she walked past him and towards his car, careful to keep her voice low.

“Of course, you wouldn’t want that.” He mumbled and followed after her.


                The lights blurred around the edges of her eyes as he spun her faster and faster around.  She couldn’t stop laughing, even though she was pretty sure that her eyes were going to pop out. She leaned on her side, putting her cheek on Timmy’s shoulder.

“P-please I c-can’t take much more!!!” She kept laughing while she closed her eyes. He laughed with her and slowed his spinning. They sat there while the ride still spun around motionless in the small hand shaped cup. Her laughter subsided as she wiped tears from her face. She looked up to find Timmy looking down at her with those emerald pools of his.

“You look so beautiful.” He whispered and her temper spiked. She pushed up and away from him.

“Just like your ex, right?” She asked lethally, her body going rigid from being cold suddenly. He generated a lot of body heat.

“No, not like her. You’re… more. I can’t explain it, you’re just… nothing like her. You’re beauty… calls out to me and I, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to resist the feelings I have for you.” For once in her life she’d been left speechless. The ride slowly crept to a halt, but she was so lost in his emerald pits that she just couldn’t seem to care.

“The ride’s over. Please exit the hands.” The teenage boy that was in control of the ride said, watching the two of them carefully. Izzy licked her lips and blinked, hoping that would break the spell he had her under. Thankfully it worked and she looked up at the pimple ridden boy.

“Oh, sorry.” She said and looked down, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. She gasped slightly as her hand went to her face. Something’s happening to me. She got up, keeping her head down, and rushed past the boy. She ran to the nearest carney booth she could and took a deep breath.

“You ok?” How had he caught up to her that fast?

“We need to stop this, this whole being friends thing.” She said quickly, her breath shooting out of  her lungs like a torpedo at the sight of him in the moonlight.

“You- you wan to stop being friends… is it because of what I said? Look I don’t want-“

“Yeah, me neither. I don’t want this to get weird, so I think you should take me back to your place, so we can just get through the rest of the night, and tomorrow we can act like each other never existed. Good plan, yeah?” She said as she tried to pass him. He grabbed her upper arm and pushed her back to where she was.

“Hey! Who-“ He slammed his lips down onto hers, silencing any and everything she had to say. Instead of pushing him away from her, like she really should’ve,  she only sighed and sank into the kiss. Her body felt more relaxed than it had in days, as if just his mere touch on her lips brought her peace and serenity.

“I can’t be without you, it hurts to have to wait the length of a night just to see you again, to hear your voice again. To see that pretty little glint in your eyes when you’re about to something so cutely evil. Please, I’m begging you here, don’t act like I don’t exist. I don’t think I could if you did.” Well shit. How was she supposed to respond to that? Her normally snarky way? Smart ass way? Cold- hearted bitch way? He made her so confused.

“Well… good?” The kiss made her voice sound airy and out of place, her eyes kept going to his lips, wanting to feel them on her again. He smirked and her tongue almost popped out of her mouth.

“Jerk, kiss me already.” She growled then squeaked as he put his lips on hers again, loving how their lips molded perfectly together. Without her consent her body moved closer to his, his arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her slightly. The people that passed whistled and hollered but she couldn’t make herself care. His lips felt too good to be distracted from. He broke apart and her tongue followed his he chuckled and wiped her lips.

“I think I should take you home.” He said softly. Kissing her nose. She may, or may not have, cooed in pleasure.

“Why, I was just having fun. I was… winning so many prizes.” She whined, not taking notice that she was still pretty pressed up against him.

“I’m sure you were kitten, but it’s getting really late, and if you’re gonna play with them and still be alive in class tomorrow we have to go.” She frowned and pushed away from him, immediately her body lost the warmth.

“Fine, I guess we can go.”

“How nice of you.”

“I know right.”


“Shh, shh. They’ll hear us.” She whisper yelled at him but he wouldn’t stop, he just kept right on laughing. What he was laughing was funny, hilarious even, but he had to shut up or everything would blow up in their damn faces.

“Damn it shut the hell up Timmy!” She whisper yelled louder hoping that he would shut up.

“But you- you squirted the guy- it looked like he pissed his pants!” He talked at a normal tone,  but it was still too damn loud for her. She growled under her breath and slammed her lips on his. The laughing quieted considerably. His arm slinked around her waist and lifted her higher, as if he couldn’t stand for her to be so far away from him.

“Your parents.” She said against his lips and he groaned, but made no move. Her fingers found their way into his soft hair. Why was his hair so soft? She moaned in surprise when she felt his excitement poke her in the belly. She sighed, she didn’t want to have to do this, but it was going to go too far.  She bit down on his lip and pulled on his hair. He growled and pinched her butt and nipped her lip softly. Oh, what a combination that was.

“Too far, have to stop.” She whispered in abandon on his lips. He growled again and moved his lips from hers and moved to her neck. She gasped and played with his hair again, he really had to stop that or she wouldn’t be in control of her actions much longer.

“So good, so fucking good.” He snarled against her skin and, instead of being scared out of her pants, she felt her excitement grow.

“Timmy, we’ve got to stop.” Her voice was not hers, at all. She was one of those ditzy girls she made fun of in her mind. He did this to her, this was what his touch did.

“Timmy please.” Her voice had taken a tone of desperation, she knew she wouldn’t be able to pull away from him herself.

“Isabel, you keep talking. The more you talk the more I think I’m not doing this right. So do me a favor and shut the fuck up.” He whispered softly in her ear then went back to kissing and licking her neck.

“You are, you are doing this so very right. Only thing I’m saying is- Christ! It should be illegal to be this good with your mouth.” She whispered as her body bowed. Something strange was happening to her, her body seemed to be tightening up in a good way.

“Oh God Timmy, please stop.” She pleaded her voice full of lust and want and… sex. She’d been in her sex-ed classes, knew that there had to be more than a little kiss on the neck for this to be happening.  He did a little twirl with his tongue and her body broke. She was about to let out a scream but he covered his lips, absorbing her yell for his own. He rubbed her back and soothed her through the life-shattering experience. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath.

“What… the hell…. Was that?” She gasped out, her eyes wide and blinking.

“That was a beautiful experience, kitten, and a wonderful first.”

“Talk in riddles why don’t you. Seriously, what was that?” She said, slapping his arm hard.

“That, little kitten, was your first orgasm.” He kissed her nose and let her go. She stood there, frozen in a state of shock. That bastard…

“You stingy, mangy, rat bastard!!” She growled, picked up one of her stuffed animals and impaled him with it.

“Hey! What the hell!?” He whisper yelled, but she gave him no air.

“How dare you take my first orgasm! Have you no shame!? That was for my future husband you dickwad!!” Her hits got considerably harder with each word. His eyes seemed to darken as he walked to her.

“Do you regret that I took your first orgasm, instead of some guy who would’ve fooled you into thinking he was your future husband?” He asked darkly, his jaw twitching.

“Yes I do, dickwad! It was mine to give!” She said, getting in his face as much as she could.

“I didn’t see you stopping me.”

“You fucker! You know damn well I tried to stop you!” She hit him with the pillow again.

“You obviously didn’t try hard enough, you sat there and let me do it.” She narrowed her eyes at him and dropped the pillow.

“Well damn if I stand here and let you do it again.” She growled out at him and walked to the window.

“Izzy, wait-“

“No, fuck you dickwad. I’m done. You no longer exist to me. So do me a favor, and go fuck yourself.” She snarled and hopped out the window. As she swore to herself she was done, that she wouldn’t allow herself to fall for douchebags, and assholes alike she felt something. She felt… pain. Hold the fuck up. Isabel Mcreery didn’t feel pain, especially over some stupid boy. That didn’t stop the pain from overflowing her heart as she walked home.

Chapter 7

She decided not to go to school the next day, or the day after that. Her family took care of her, but never asked what happened. They just made sure she ate and, at least, bathed. She spent those days curled up in the fetal position with her head on her favorite pillow. She cried, oh how much did she cry, but only at nights. Nights were when her pain was worse. She’d hear the carney music, see the lights flashing around her eyes, and see his stupid face… and feel his lips on hers. That was the worst memory. Feeling his soft, sweet lip on hers in a beautiful embrace. She couldn’t stand it.

                By the third day she’d had enough. She woke up at the butt crack of dawn and took an hour long shower, then brushed her teeth for a full thirty minutes. She rubbed her scalp raw until she could no longer stand it. By the time she pulled on her jeans and pulled on a tank top it was almost time to go. She bounded downstairs, her hair drying and curling as it did naturally. Her dad closed the fridge and turned to look at her, orange juice in hand.

“Hey Izzy, you feelin’ better?” He asked, opening the carton and drinking it from the spout.

“Remarkably.” Her voice sounded scratchy and shrill. She cleared it and motioned to the carton, he handed it over and wiped his mouth. She guzzled down a gulp or two and gave it back to him.

“Thanks. I feel better, after a good shower I’m better than ever.” She gave a slight smile and sat down, leaning her elbows on the island.

“Wanna tell me what happened?” He asked, leaning on his crossed arms. His blue-green eyes were curious and wide as he searched his daughter’s face for something. He knew he would find nothing, but it never hurt to check.

“Not really dad, not in the mood for talking.” He sighed and closed his eyes.

“You know, you’re so much like your mother. When we first met she was so hot and cold that I was almost afraid to approach her.” This caught her attention, just like he wanted, and her blue eyes sparkled.

“How did you then?”

“I didn’t. She approached me, I was so scared that she was gonna hit me or something that I didn’t talk to her. ‘Are-“

“-You mute or something? That’s what I asked him.” Her mother came from the threshold and deeper into the kitchen.

“I said ‘no’ but it didn’t seem like she heard me. She just rambled on and on about herself, telling me everything there was to know about her.”

“Of course I did! Why wouldn’t I! I am, after all, amazing!” Her mother exclaimed, sidling up next to her father and stroking his back.

“That you are love.” He smiled and kissed her on the lips. Izzy looked away not trying to be subjected to parental love.

“Good morning sweets.” Her mother said, followed by kissing sounds. It made her gut clench but she pushed the feeling down.

“Good morning love.” He responded, they were about to kiss again but she stood.

“C’mon guys, I don’t need the PDA so early in the morning.” She whined, picked up a fruit and walked out the kitchen. There was giggling behind her but she ignored it, to the best of her ability, and went back upstairs to get her bookbag and jacket.


                She walked the walk to her school, crossing her arms over her midsection as it churned. She didn’t understand what was happening, or why it was happening for that matter. She sighed as she entered the courtyard, the sounds of school growing all around her. She spotted something that made her steps falter slightly, but then speed up considerably. As she walked up the small amount of steps she heard her name being called out. She froze, her spine ramrod straight, her hair curtaining over her face.

“Isabel! I didn’t think you were coming to school today, I thought you were still sick.” Her twin said, calling attention to her. She turned her head to see her twin smiling victoriously.

“I was feeling better when I woke up. Cleaned up and ate, I’m good.” She said, trying to be more confident.

“I can see that, want me to carry your books for you? I can work my voodoo that I do, do so well and get Timmy to carry them for you. He kinda owes you.” She winked as if there was an inside joke, the people around her laughed. Jamie looked at her and must’ve seen something that she was sure she had hidden well. Her emotions.

“You Ok Izzy?” He asked, breaking from Bella’s circle to take a step forward. She nodded and took a step on the last step, and was pushed down by a hard body. Her head throbbed in pin as she landed on the hard concrete and she groaned.

“Holy shit! Izzy, are you Ok? My God I’m so sorry. Timmy’s gonna kill me, oh God, please tell me you’re all right kid!?” Darren said, jumping off the three steps and running to her. She closed her eyes, the stars that danced  behind her closed eyelids were not very promising.

“I think I’m dead.” She said slowly, moving her head slowly.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine guys, no need to fret over her.” Bella’s voice made her open her eyes. Everybody stood over her, a smattering of basketball players, football players, and soccer players alike.

“You Ok there Izzy girl?” Cassandra asked, her hazel eyes wide and worried.

“I’d be better if you guys moved your faces from my eyesight, you guys are enough to make milk churn.” She groaned, smiling slightly and taking Jaime’s hand as he helped her up.

“He felt that, ya know, he’s probably gonna come running.” Jaime whispered and she pretended to not hear.

“I know, I’m dead.”

“Guys, he probably hardly even-“ car tires screeched near them “noticed.”

“Babe if you loved me, you’d protect me from him.” Darren said as somebody got out the car. The door slammed and Izzy looked around, not able to find where it came from. She looked in front of her and found Timmy there. His green eyes blazed in anger, although there were dark circles under his eyes he still looked lethal.

“Who… hurt… you?” He asked, his tone lethal and strong.

“You look like shit.” She said instead, trying to look anywhere but the angry pits that had became his eyes.

“No time for fucking games Isabel! Who hurt you!?” He roared.

She flinched.

Everyone gasped.

“Darren did, but it was an accident.” His green eyes looked to Darren and narrowed.

“It was an accident, I swear!!” Darren cried, Izzy had a feeling he hid behind Cassandra.

“You hurt mine, I should hurt yours.” Izzy’s brow furrowed at his odd choice of words.

“Whoa buddy, I’m not yours. Yours is over there, fuming her pretty little head off.” She said angrily, trying to ignore how her body reacted to his. His angry eyes went to hers and narrowed considerably.

“I told you I don’t want her, I want you.” He growled, his teeth clenched.

“We are a spitting fucking image, dickweed!”

“You are nothing like her! I want you! Not some fucking copy and paste of you!”

“Yeah, well, you weren’t saying that when you were fucking me last night! The copy and paste image of your beloved Isabel!!” Bella shrieked, calling attention to her and her tear streaked face. Izzy gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.

“Oh dude.” Jaime groaned, putting his hand over his eyes.

“SO, you so desperately want me, need me! But then you go and fuck her!?”

“I wanted you, she was as close as I could get.” He said, his voice cracking.

“How about me? You couldn’t come to me?!” Tears blurred her vision as she held her stomach. She was gonna be sick.

“You made it pretty damn clear you didn’t want to see me again!”

“You took my first experience! Of course I didn’t want to see you again!” The people around her gasped but she didn’t care. The tears were falling now and there was no way to stop them.

“Izzy, please don’t-“

“No, you don’t! Don’t stand there and act like you fucking my sister is my fault! Don’t stand there and act like everything that happened is my fucking fault, because it isn’t. Oh God.” She put her hand over her mouth and heaved.

“I-Izzy?” Bella asked. She looked to her twin as more tears fell and heaved again.

“Move!” She yelled, pushing her way to Isabel.

“Can somebody give us a ride to the nearest hospital?! Please!!” She shrieked as her sister upchucked the apple she’d eaten earlier.

“Fuck. Izzy?” Timmy asked, but Isabel couldn’t answer. She was too busy heaving up a lung.

“C’mon, get her to my car.” Darren said, grabbing Isabel’s other arm and helping her. She put up a finger and swallowed down the bile that rose up and looked to Timmy. She didn’t care that she had throw up on her clothes and on her chin, she still smiled evilly at Timmy and gave him the bird.

“Die in hell dickweed.” After that, everything was a large blur to her, seeing as she passed out.


                She woke up to soft keening cries and annoying beeping noises. Her head killed her and she was sure that her stomach was bruised from the amount of pain it was in. She groaned loudly and moved her leg, then instantly regretted it seeing as it caused pain to rocket through her stomach. She opened her eyes with the force of pain and let out a slight yelp.

“Oh baby, are you Ok?!” Her mother gasped, jumping to Izzy’s side. Her blue eyes were filled with unshed tears as she put her hands on Izzy’s face.

“I’m just… fine, mom, are you Ok?” Isabel asked, trying so hard to keep the whimper from her voice.

“Oh my sweet little honey child, I am fine. Now that you’re awake. The doctor’s said they didn’t know when you’d wake. Everybody was worried and they flew down and-“

“Honey, I think you’re overpowering her with information.” Her father said from her left. She looked to him and smiled slightly. He looked so tired and sad, his eyes almost seemed to droop on his face.

“You Ok daddy?”

“Just fine now that you’re up. This lady over here wouldn’t shut up about you.” She sucked her teeth and hit her father on the arm.

“You don’t have to say that dad, you can be honest. You and I both know she isn’t a lady, more like a ma’am.” She said, to which her mother laughed and pat her daughters head.

“You guys suck monkey butt. Baboon to be more specific.” She said, putting her brown hair behind her ear and smiling down at Izzy.

“Anybody wanna clue me in as to what happened to me and why my belly feels like I just ate a whole bunch of sharp rocks?” She asked, sitting up slightly, careful not to jar her stomach.

“Well, he said that someone, somehow, had managed to poison your food supply. They had to pump your stomach, he said… He said they’d given you enough to kill a small elephant! How does a mom miss that!? They said you were lucky to have pulled through that.” Her mother said, the unshed tears falling from her eyes quickly.

“Do they- do they know what I was poisoned with, or how long it had gone on for?” Her voice cracked a little at the end and she cursed the Gods’.

“They said something about night. I-I don’t know. They said that you would’ve had to have been poisoned over some time. If the poisoner would’ve given the night thing to you all in one dose you would’ve died instantly!” Her mother said dramatically.

“No you wouldn’t have. The Nightshade isn’t dangerous, in small amounts. Whoever did this to you must’ve given it to you in so many small amounts that it became too much for your body. You showed the signs I just… didn’t see them. How does that even happen! I’m a freaking doctor, looking out for these things is what I get paid for!” His face turned cherry red and she put her hand on his arm. He looked down at it and so did she. It was pale, as if somebody hat poured white out on it. Now that she thought it about it, it was cold too.

“It’s Ok dad. All that matters is that they fixed me.” She tried to smile, she really did, but she couldn’t. A pain sliced through her and she clenched her fist around her fathers arm.

“Izzy? Isabel? Are you Ok?!” Her mother screeched, holding on to her other hand. She bucked her body, not able to respond over the pain, only to feel another pain.

“Fuck, Isabel! I need you to stop moving! Katelyn stop yelling and get help!!” Her father boomed, but Izzy didn’t have time to be shocked that her father cursed. Her body was splitting in two, and she was pretty sure she puked a little. Could this day not get any more fantastical? As she passed out from the pain Timmy’s smiling face flashed in her brain. Oh great, she thought, just one more fantastical thing.

Chapter 8

There was no crying the second time she woke up, there was only that stupid beeping thing. She looked around her room only to find it completely dark, with the outline of a twisted tree overcasting the floor. She had to pee, but she knew that as soon as she moved her leg pain would rocket through her body. She couldn’t see anything so knew that no one would be coming anytime soon.

“If by some freak chance there’s somebody in here can you please help me use the bathroom?” She whispered, then closed her eyes in defeat when she heard no response. She sighed and pulled the heavy blanket/ quilt they had put on her, trying to put little to no pressure on her stomach. When she’d had a firm enough grip on the edge of the bed she worked on to pulling herself up. She let out a keen cry and fell back down on the bed.

“Oh god, for the first time in my life, I’m gonna piss myself.” She said pathetically, feeling tears come to her eyes. She didn’t want this, she didn’t want to be practically useless and helpless. She heard a swift movement in the air then felt a large hand cover her arm. Her eyes widened but she said nothing. The hand yanked on her arm and she barely held in her cry.

“Look, do you wanna piss or not? I could use some sleep.” A gruff female voice said.

“Oh God yes, I wanna pee. But my tummy-“

“A little pain never hurt anybody,  now get your little ass up and go take a piss. Or else I’ll let you sit there and pee in your catheter.” At that her eyes widened.

“They have me plugged up to a catheter?!” She whisper yelled.

“Duh, wouldn’t want to have to change you every night, now would they? I’m surprised you don’t feel it. Now come on! I’m fucking tired!”

“I can’t even see!”

“Neither can I dummy, but I’m still helping you!” She said and gave a yank, Izzy didn’t fight or yell out, she just followed the yank. She felt her stitches ripping but she could care less, she had to piss.

“Wait, but won’t the piss still go in the catheter, and not the toilet?”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m doing this.” And with that and a quick tug, Isabel Mcreery pissed herself.


“That bitch owes me her pudding when I can eat it.” Izzy fumed to the basketball players. They chuckled and shook their heads, but the sadness and intensity didn’t  escape their eyes.

“You guys are killing me here with the puppy dog eyes.” Somebody snorted and they all glared at him.

“What, it was funny so I laughed.” He grumbled, she didn’t even know his name.

“I’m sorry dude, but who are you? And why you bringing anger into my hospital room.” The door opened and Bridget, the yanker as Isabel referred to her, walked in with her IV pole.

“Our room you mean?”

“No, I meant mine. You left, which makes it my room.”

“You left first, so it’s mine.”

“You wanna fucking bet yanker?”

“Yeah I wanna fucking bet, pissy, I wager the pudding you’re trying to take.” Izzy narrowed her eyes on the brunette and growled, then folded her arms.

“Fine, it’s your fucking room! But I keep the damn pudding!” She yelled in a no nonsense tone, raising her finger and wagging it.

“You really won that won, hon.” Cassandra said, patting her leg. She looked to Cassandra and nodded thoughtfully.

“I really did, though, didn’t I?”


                Visiting hours were over but nobody left her room. They would stay until they were forced out, and even then they would put up a fight. Soon, though, Izzy grew tired and she couldn’t stop her eyes closing and her head lolling back.

“Izzy? Izzy?!” Everyone yelled, making her eyes jolt open quickly.

“Wah? What did I miss?” She asked groggily, wanting to stay awake for her friends.

“Nothing, don’t fucking scare people like that though!” Jaime yelled, running his fingers through his light brown hair.

“What did I do?” Her voice came out slow and disoriented, her eyes blinked rapidly to keep from falling asleep. Cassandra sighed and stood, grabbing Darren’s hand and dragging him up with her.

“We’ll see you tomorrow, ok babe?” Cassandra asked as she kissed Izzy’s forehead. Izzy nodded slowly and closed her eyes, her fingers twitching as everybody said bye to her. She was dead to the world within two minutes.


                Her family was the first one in there the next day, fussing over her and making sure her every ‘need’ was looked after. Zena thought it necessary to read Isabel her diary, and she left not one detail out.

“The boogar tasted like peanut butter, strange but welcomed-“

“Ok, didn’t need to know that Z.” Izzy said, putting her fist over her mouth and puffing out her cheeks, she was sure she turned green. Her mom walked over and picked Zena up smoothing down her hair.

“Her stomach is still not strong enough to hear every meal and snack you’ve had in the past days.” Her mother cooed softly, bouncing her hip. Zena looked to her sister and nodded curtly.

“Sorry Isabel. Won’t happen again.”

“Same here.”

“And here.”

 “Here too.” All of her siblings agreed slowly and she smiled.

“Now that’s the Mcreery spirit. Now, anybody wanna empty my puke bag?” They all groaned and shied away from her. She giggled brightly and waved her hand.

“Nah just kidding, it’s my pee bag that needs to be emptied.” She plain laughed when they all made gagging sounds.


She tried to shut her roommate out, she put her hand on her ever painful stomach and closed her eyes. Willing for Bridget to just shut up.

“You’re being selfish!” She yelled as she threw the pillow at Izzy.

“It’s better that they don’t know.” Izzy said for the hundredth time, feeling more tired than ever.

“Says who?”

“Says me. They’ll be destroyed if they hear it.”

“They’ll be even more destroyed when they walk in and see that you’re bed has been packed up.”

“That isn’t-“

“That is exactly what it is! If you don’t tell them, and soon, I will.” She gasped and sat up, ignoring the pain in her abdomen.

“You have no right.”

“Yeah, well neither do you. They deserve to know… and what about him?” She slouched and closed her eyes, she wouldn’t answer that.

“You have feelings for him, so does he. He’s going to be devastated.” She squeezed her eyes closed and pursed her lips, trying not to acknowledge the tears welling up in her eyes.

“You’ve got to tell him, at least.” Bridget’s voice was softer this time, gentle and caring. Izzy nodded, jarring tears lose.

“Ok, I’ll tell him.”


                She didn’t have to wait long, when her friends came the next day he came with them. Their eyes automatically sought out hers and he practically pushed Jaime out of the way to sit next to her. His hand grappled hers and wouldn’t let go.

“How are you today crazy lady?” Cassandra asked, her silver eyes flicking to their hands then back to hers.

“Not any better than I was the day before. I, uh, actually need to speak to Timmy alone.” She stuttered, gripping his hand tightly. They furrowed their brow but complied and left the room. She looked to him and her eyes watered.

“I’m sorry, I was stupid and being a bitch about it.” She cried, bowing her head in shame. He made no sound, only wrapped his arms around her body.

“I didn’t mean anything I said. I don’t hate you, I never did hate you.” She sobbed, letting the comfort of his arms weigh her down.

“I know babe, I know.” His voice was gruff and filled with something she couldn’t place, didn’t have time to place.

“I’m dying. The doctors said I have four months. The nightshade went too-“

“Whoa, nightshade. Who the hell gave you nightshade? Dying?” His voice squeaked, but he didn’t care. She had all of his attention.

“Yeah, someone managed to poison my food supply for too long. It went on and I didn’t show any signs. As we speak my body is dying. I’ve four months, if that. The pain will unbearable, soon I won’t be able to speak anymore. You’re the only person I’m telling, please don’t tell anybody else.” He stayed silent and kept his hold on her. Together they breathed, their heartbeats synchronized.

“Maybe we can fix you, maybe it’s not-“

“There’s nothing out there that can help, other than pain medication. I’m not leaving this bed anytime soon.” He was quiet after that, not saying any thing.

You’ve been on my mind.

I grow fonder every day,

Lose myself in time.

Just thinking of your face.

God only knows,

Why it’s taking me so long

To let my doubts go.

You’re the only one that I want.

I don’t know why I’m scared

I’ve been here before.

Every feeling, every word

I’ve imagined it all.

You never know

If you never try.

To forgive your past

And simply be mine.” She sang softly, rubbing his arm and letting herself relish in the moment.

I dare you to let me be,

Your one and only.

I promise I’m worth it,

To hold in your arms.

So come on and give me a chance,

To prove I am the one who can,

Walk that mile.

Until the end starts.” She couldn’t do it, the pain shut her up, tears streamed down her face.

If I’ve been on your mind,

You hang on every word I say.

Lose yourself in time,

At the mention of my name.

Will I ever know ,

How it feels to hold you close?

And have you tell me

Whichever road I choose you’ll go.” He sang to her, rocking her back and forth.

“I wish I would’ve had more time, I wish I wasn’t so stupid.” She whispered, squeezing out more tears. He let her go then, sat down and made her look at him. Tear streaked down his face, emanating from his sorrow filled eyes.

“We have four months to get this shit together. I’m not gonna stop, I’m not gonna fuck it up. You’re it for me, and I think God is fucked up for doing this to you. We’re gonna make it work, though, Ok? So dry your pretty eyes, friends are coming in.”

Chapter 9

She was sick through New Years, although her family and friends came to her. The doctors respected her wish to not tell her parents, they looked on in pity as her condition got worse and worse. She was sick through valentines day. Not that she missed the holiday, with Timmy there she didn’t feel alone. He brought her chocolate, a huge snow white teddy bear, and a single blue rose. She hugged her teddy bear near her, ignoring the pain it caused her body. She sniffed the rose and closed her eyes, letting the scent of it bring her peace. With the smallest smile she gave him the box of chocolates, when he asked her why she sighed.

“I’m on a strict diet, can’t have any sweets. That, and, I didn’t get you anything. So here, thanks but no thanks.” He frowned and opened the box, looked around and placed one in her lap.

“I don’t see anyone around to stop you.” She smirked and picked up the piece of chocolate and popped it in her mouth. She threw up viciously for three hours. Everyone was around to stop her then.

                She was sick through her birthday, Bella came with a piece of cake and two birthday hats.

“Happy birthday me!”

“Happy birthday me!”  Bella put the hat on her head and smiled brightly. She kept that smile for most of her visit as they joked and laughed with each other. Then she grew sober.

“I know what you’re doing, I know why you don’t want to tell mom and dad but at least tell them. They deserve to know.” Izzy rolled her eyes, the eyes that seemed to be almost too large for her face, and scoffed.

“You sound like Bridget. You guys can’t-“

“Don’t you dare say we can’t handle it. We handled it when mom and dad fought, we can handle it if you just tell us.” Izzy looked at her twin and saw it. The glimpse of Bella that no one but her and her siblings were able to see.

“You’ll take care of mom and dad, after? You’ll see that they don’t fall apart?” Bella nodded, knowing her sister needed her to be strong. The visit was over soon, she kissed her sister on the forehead goodbye and walked out the room. Then let the tears out.

                It was the third month of her four month time span, she’d blacked out during one of her family visits, and woke up in a whole new atmosphere. She opened her eyes and saw, instead of white, a dark grey ceiling. She knew that ceiling, but she couldn’t be sure.

“Finally you’re up.” A relieved voice said, making Izzy’s sore head pop up.

“Mrs. Demarco?” Timmy’s mother walked to her with a nervous smile on her face.

“Hi dear.”

“W-what are you doing Mrs. Demarco?” Izzy asked, feeling hurt neck shake with the amount of work she was exerting just to hold her head up.

“I’m helping you, I honestly hadn’t meant for it to go this far. I’m gonna have to speed it up.” She said, reaching under the bed Izzy laid on and pulled out a syringe.

“Speed what up? Did you… did you do this to me?” Her voice had grown shrill and loud.

“Dear no need to yell, I can hear you just fine.” Timothy’s mother said, putting a hand over her ear.

“Fuck that, I’ll yell as much as I want! You’re trying to kill me! Timmy!! Timmy!! You’re mother is trying to fucking kill me!! Help me!!”

“Shh! He’ll hear you!!” As his mother spoke they heard a crash upstairs.

“Crap!” Her mother hissed and plunged the needle into Isabel’s arm.

“Mother!” Timmy growled, pain skyrocketed in Izzy’s body as she shrieked and arched off the bed. He was next to her too quickly.

“No! Leave it, she’ll be fine!”

“What the hell did you do!?” He growled, struggling to hold down her pulsing body.

“It had to be done! She’ll be fine in a few days!”

“How long will she be in pain!?” He asked, when there was no answer his pupils dilated and darkened to a bright amber.

“How fucking long!?” He roared to his mother, not at all sounding like Izzy’s calm sweet boyfriend.

“For at least five days! But after she’ll be fine, she’ll be one of us!”

“She was perfect just the way she was!!” Sweet, Izzy thought, not long after that a shooting pain sliced through her limbs making her shriek out in agony.

“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry baby. I can’t stop what she’s done.” Timmy said, sounding torn and in pain. The pain stopped for the shortest amount of time, giving her enough time to smile weakly at him.

“’S Ok, it’ll be f-fine.” She was choking on something, something bitter. Mucus? He wiped her lip and pulled his hand back, revealing crimson red.

“Ok… maybe not.” Something snapped in her body and the lights went out.


                It was dark, so dark. Too dark, even. Her body seemed like it was falling, and burning. Her skin was burning to a char, melding her to the darkness that surrounded her. She was in too much pain to remember her name, couldn’t think to move anything. She just was. There was no other way to describe it. This truly was purgatory. God wouldn’t give her, her sweet kiss of death. Neither would he give her the delicious nectar of life. He’d doomed her to be where she was, and she could do nothing but weep silently in agony. But even that caused her pain, the tears that ran down weren’t water. They were the fire and scorn that had built up in her life, they created long burns down her face that she couldn’t even feel anymore. She’d run out of tears soon, hopefully.

                It was so bright now, the darkness had faded. Slowly it turned to gray, then to the palest sun she’d ever seen. The sun brought no warmth, though. It brought cold, extreme cold that wouldn’t go away. It still hurt her, her joints groaned and creaked as the chill grew larger. She shivered, though she was pretty sure that was her imagination. Her eyes seemed to strain, but she could tell they were wide open. They looked up at the pale bright light ahead of her, not afraid of being blinded. Something was on her, but she couldn’t find it in her to look away. The cold grew more bitter, creating gashes in her skin as the windless breeze flew across her skin. Now that she thought about it, she remembered these symptoms. They all seemed extremely familiar. Aw shit, her first thought in days popped in her mind, she turned me into a dammed vampire!


                Her body slowly warmed, and stayed at an almost hot temperature. It was a comfortably warm temperature though. Her breathing settled and no longer hitched and that damn bright light went away.

“C’mon I know you’re turning around, I know you’re there. Open those pretty blue eyes for me, the eyes that shine like the ocean on a hot summer day. Just open ‘em for me, and we can start this. We can actually try this. Come back, come back to me. Please Isabel.” His voice cracked as her name floated back to her on a memory cloud. With it her eyes shot open, she knew what to expect. She’d sat there fuming in anger and confusion. Why would she turn her into a vampire? There was nothing to gain from it. Her vision shifted and colors became brighter, more profound and sharp. Her eyes zeroed in as a gnat flew around, her ears picked up the sound of its tiny little wings fluttering around in the air. Her lips parted as she took her first big breath of air in eternity and she tasted the air, smelled the stagnant odor of her body and scrunched up her face.

“So,” her voice was surprisingly fresh “you guys couldn’t find anybody to wash me?” His head popped up and his green eyes, with little flecks of amber she just found, were wide and surprised.

“Y-you’re up.”

“Is that really the best you’ve got? I’ve been out four, what five, days and a stammered two words is all you’ve got?” She asked, nodding her head slowly. He shot up and grabbed her tightly, squeezing her body in such a way that made her sigh happily.

“I’ve missed you so, so much!” He growled and kissed her forehead over and over. She lavished in his kisses, she was pretty sure she purred in delight. She’d deny that, in an instant.

“Soo… that’s a no to showering?” She asked, coming close to repeating his exact words. He leaned back with tears alight in his bright eyes.

“I’ll get you anything you want.”


“Anything.” She looked up and pursed her lips, then stuck up her finger.

“I’ll take a triple bacon cheeseburger with onions, extra pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard with curly fries.” She said in a mouthful then smiled up at his puzzled expression.

“You’re not a normal girl, are you?” He asked, sparking a memory.

“You’re mother turned me into a vampire!” She yelled, hissing the last word and pointing her finger at him. He crinkled then raised a brow.

“I don’t think that’s what she did.” He said slowly and walked from the bed.

“Yeah she did! See.” Then she pointed to her eyes, not knowing that they were still deep blue.

“Yes, you’ve got pretty eyes. What’s your point?”

“They’re red!”

“They’re blue. Deep blue, and you’ve got freckles too. Just in case your forgot that as well.”

“Lying. You’re lying.” She dismissed it, yanking back the sheets and standing up. Her legs felt stronger and more secure on her.

“Why would I lie about that?” He asked, taking a step back and holding his hands up. Yep, she thought, a flipping newborn.

“I can’t believe this! Nothing sane, or normal, happens to me.” She growled and stormed toward him. His eyes widened and he scrambled away from her and towards the basement stairs.

“Don’t fucking run. Girls don’t like it when they have to work to kick your ass.” She said serenely, walking after him. He left the door and ran impossibly fast, looking like nothing but a blur. She snarled and ran too, feeling her legs carry her faster than they ever did before. She stopped when she came to the door of the basement and looked around. She was in a hallway of sorts with an exit both ways. She growled and flared her nostrils, trying to use her new vampire skills to track him. This was a house of multiple smells, but she easily scoped him out. She went to the right and found another staircase. She went up and opened the door, leading her to the outside world. The breeze flew up the hospital garment she had on but she didn’t feel cold, her body temperature restricted her from feeling much. She sniffed again and rolled her eyes, then walked around the house, following his scent. It lead her to the open front door, she huffed and rubbed her temples.

“Timothy Demarco if you don’t come to me right now, so help me God.” She growled, not feeling up to fighting. Wherever he was he was being extremely silent. She stepped into the house, closed the door, and leaned against the door. She’d been bombarded with colors , sounds, and smells the minute she stepped foot outside and it gave her a contact headache. She groaned and slid down, he zoomed to stand in front of her.

“You Ok?” He asked softly, squatting down in front of her.

“I’ve got a headache because you’re a douchebag.”

“I’ve been called that a lot lately, doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“If I cried, would it hurt?” She asked, keeping her eyes closed and her head rested on the door. She felt his arms wrap around her as he lifted her up bridal style.

“Yes, baby, it’d hurt a lot.” He said softly and kissed her forehead lightly. Some of the pain washed away but not a lot.

“Do you know what would make my head feel better?” She asked as he walked up the stairs with her.


“That burger I asked for with a strawberry banana smoothie.” She said softly. She knew he smiled as he opened his room door and walked to his bed.

“Will do, you just rest up. By the time you open those pretty little eyes of yours again your wish will be here.” She smiled and opened her eyes.

“You move fast.” She said sweetly then closed her eyes again, more like squeezed. It was too damn bright in his room.

“You have no idea babe.” He said, kissing each eye then leaving her to sleep.

Chapter 10

When she opened her eyes again she opened them because her nose picked up on something yummy. She shot up and looked around to find a Styrofoam carton  and cup on his nightstand. Next to it laid a note, she swung her legs off the bed and picked up the note, ignoring her growling stomach. Had business to take care of, love Timmy.

“So sincere you are, Timothy Demarco.” She mumbled and picked up the carton, she opened it and licked her lips. The meal before her making her forget about her humanity as she gobbled up everything only saving time to breath. When the food was nothing but scraps she picked up the cup and sipped, then closed her eyes as the tastes danced on her tongue.

“I think I could grow to like this vampire thing.” She sighed and sopped the rest of the milkshake up. She stood and licked her lips, stretched and ran her fingers through her hair. It smelled terrible.

“Looks like you’re going to be my donor Timmy.” She said, taking off her hospital clothes and walking to his bathroom. She thanked the Gods he didn’t like the weird smelling guy soaps, he had a plain bar of Dial, and that was all she needed. She rubbed until she couldn’t smell the rankness that was her body anymore, all she could smell was Dial. She used his Head and Shoulders and made a mental note to tell him to pick up some better smelling stuff.

                When her shower was up she walked into his room as naked as the day she was born and looked around. She was too lazy to try and look for a towel, so she shrugged and used his comforter to dry herself. She looked through his dressers and pulled on a pair of his boxers, jeans and a shirt that came to her thighs. She sat on his bed and looked around. She could clean.

“It would be a cold day in hell when I clean.” She laughed and shook her head at her silliness. Sometimes she was so funny.


                She looked around and bit her lip, she’d done everything! She’d trashed his room, watched television, watched his movies. She’d even looked under his bed and went through his playboys! Which she ripped apart and left in a nice little pile on his bed. The doorknob turned and he walked in with three McDonalds bags. She felt her eyes dilate as she walked to him, snatched the bags and scarfed down the first thing she saw.

“Jeez Louise, calm down. It’s only food.” He grumbled, closing his door and handing her the rest of the bags. She gave him the bird and stuffed more food down her mouth.

“What’s that?” He asked, pointing the pile on his bed.”

“Oh, I found your playboys, figured I’d help you get rid of ‘em. Do a little spring cleaning.” He looked around at the trashy room and raised a brow.

“Morally. Do some spring cleaning morally.” She cleared up, sitting on the edge and eating all of the burgers.

“What else did you do today?”

“I’m trying to avoid seeing the woman who tried to kill me, so I stayed in the room.”

“She’s not here, kicked her and dad out the day I found out was she was doing to you.”

“You… you kicked your mother out?”

“And my father. Don’t forget my father.” She stayed gaping with a handful of fries in her hand.

“You can’t just kick your family members out.”

“I’m in charge now, I can do whatever the hell I want. Finish eating then come down, they’re waiting for you.” She frowned but continued to eat.

“Who’s here?”

“Friends… and family.” She looked to him and swallowed the piece of burger she’d bit off.

“Family?” She squeaked, he looked to her and smiled softly, almost sadly, and nodded.

“I knew you wouldn’t be happy if you didn’t get a chance to see them. I couldn’t live with myself if you were unhappy.”

“Aww.” She said, forgetting she had food in her mouth.

“No other girl. You are like no other girl.” She snorted and swallowed her food and shook her head.

“What would be the fun in that?”


                She took tentative steps on her new, strong legs down the steps. All conversation stopped as they looked up at her, her mothers’ eyes sparkled and her father smiled in what looked to be pride. She crinkled her brow but kept down the stairs. When she landed on the last step she looked at everybody and growled.

“Why are you guys not freaking out that my eyes are red, or that I’m paler than I should be, or that-“

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You think he changed you into a vampire?” Cassie asked, her smile bright and blinding, mocking Izzy.

“What do you mean ‘think’? Do you not see this?” She asked, putting her arm up in front of her friends, then frowning at the color.

“It’s the same color, babe.” Timmy whispered, sending invisible hands down her spine and making her shiver.

“Yeah, I can see that.” She snapped at him, then looked at her arm again.

“Well… that doesn’t mean anything. My eyes are still red.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest and sticking her nose up. Her mother stepped forward with her compact mirror and showed Isabel her reflection. She gasped, widened her eyes, and snatched the mirror out of her mothers grasp.

“What the hell?” She said, watching as her dark blue eyes reflected her emotion towards her.

“What the hell did your mother do to me?” She whispered, looking to Timmy who gulped.

“You still haven’t told her yet?” Jaime asked, but she didn’t take her eyes off of Timmy.

“You still haven’t jumped off a bridge?” Timmy snapped, then looked to the girl in front of him.

“It’s really complicated. And an extremely long story-“

“I’ve got time, explain.” She said slowly, closing the compact mirror and standing up taller.

“Sweety, maybe you should just calm down?” Her mother said, taking a step towards her daughter.

“His mother turned me into some… freak.” Izzy said, damn near pleading with her mother into understanding. She didn’t miss the hurt that flashed in her mothers eyes before she masked it.

“You really need to calm down, sweet heart. He’ll explain it all in due time, I’m sure you’re hungry?”

“As a matter of fact… yes I am, starving in fact.” She said, putting her hand on her stomach that should’ve been full to capacity.

“Thought so, why don’t we all go to Applebee’s?” Izzy nodded slowly, frowning deeply and rubbing her belly. Her mother wrapped her arms around her shoulders and guided her through the crowd that had grown in Timmy’s living room.

“David, can you go get her stuff from the car and set her up in his room?” Her mom asked in her mom way. She could hear her dad grumble under his breath, but still he complied.

“What’s going on with me, mommy?” She whimpered, shrinking into her mothers side. Her mother stiffened slightly, then rubbed her arm.

“It’s gonna be alright, you’re just gonna be alright.” She said, walking as if nothing had happened.


                All of her family and friends sat around her chattering and mingling while she munched on hers and Timmy’s food.

“Why are you eating my food?”

“One because I’m a girl, that automatically gets me anything I want. Two I’m a growing girl, and I need all the food and nutrients I can get.”

“Nutrients my Great Aunt Patty.” He said, but still let her demolish his baked potato. She was still hungry though, and Zena’s chicken fingers were starting to look pretty damn good about now. She scooted her chair back and stood up, coming up with some random excuse and walking behind Zena’s chair. Timmy watched her the whole time, saw the calculating gleam in her eyes and knew what she was about to do.

“Waitress!” He called, one of them coming to their large table. Izzy stopped and looked to him, her brow furrowing.

“Can I have two more order of chicken fingers and quesadillas?”  Izzy smirked, gave Zena’s plate one last look of longing then walked back to her seat. Nobody seemed to notice her at all as she sat back down and looked at him.

“You’re very smart, ya know that?”

“Eh, I’ve my days. You want the rest of my steak?” She looked at his barely touched steak and her stomach grumbled.

“No, it wouldn’t be fair.” She said even as she picked up her fork, stabbed the piece of meat  and lifted it to her lips.

“Eh, we’re sharing the chicken fingers, I’d say it’s fair enough.” The steak stopped just as her lips opened. She put the meat back on his plate and ripped her fork out of it.

“Yeah, I don’t think so buddy.” She said as she put the fork in her mouth and licked the juices off.

“You wouldn’t share your chicken fingers with the one you love?”

“Of course I would share with my dad and Ferris!”

“Boo yah!” Ferris said, pushing his hand in the air and munching on his burger. Which looked delicious to Izzy. Before Izzy could stand and do her best impression of James Bond chicken fingers were placed in front of her. She salivated and touched the piping hot piece of chicken then immediately put it down. She sent a scathing glare to the food and gave her finger to Timmy.

“The chicken hurt me.”

“Babe, it’s been dead for a while now, I doubt it’s capable of doing any harm to you.” He said, but still gripped her finger and kissed it softly, making her smile then douse her chicken with mustard.

“How can you stand the taste of that?”

“Don’t flipping worry about it.” She said as she popped the, still pretty hot, chicken finger in her mouth and moaned in ecstasy.

“I’ve got to, because I feel if I don’t you’ll destroy yourself.”

“A lot of intensity for Applebee’s.”

“That rhymed, slightly.”

“You rhyme slightly.”

“that didn’t make sense.”

“Your existence doesn’t make sense.” To that Zena fist pumped in the air.

Chapter 11

After she’d engorged herself with as much food as she dared they drove to carvel where she totally and completely bullied Timmy into buying her a whole ice cream cake and then eating it all by herself. Sure her family members tried to take some… they ended up with either a slap to the head or a punch to the arm. There were just some boundaries that weren’t crossed, trying to take ice cream cake was one of them. She sucked on the spoon, trying to harness all the flavor she could and sighed deeply. She’d have to address what happened, there would probably be fighting or crying involved. This was her family she was talking about… she wasn’t going to downplay it. They were fucking crazy.

“What’re you thinking about so hard?” Cassie asked, sitting down next to her making sure not to touch her.

“About what’s going to happen when we get back…  and about this delicious cake.” Izzy sighed as she ate another piece of the cake. Cassie watched her with those wide brown eyes and nibbled on her bottom lip.

“Things… don’t go the way we think they’ll go. Honestly, there’s nothing we can do about it. So the best thing to do is to just grin, bear it, and don’t lose what little patience you’ve got Izzy.” With that Cassie got up and walked back to the other table where the others sat. Well, Izzy humphed as she stuck the plastic spoon into her cake, what the hell does that mean?


                She sat on Timmy’s lap and tapped her foot in the car, if she was hurting him he didn’t show it. She was tempted to tap her foot just a pinch harder… just a pinch. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her mid-section, pulling her closer to his chest.

“Are you trying to hurt me?” To that she kicked his shin, and smiled when he hissed through his teeth.

“Gee, what gave it away?” She asked lethally, crossing her arms around her chest and rolling her eyes.

“The kicking on my foot, that kinda gave it away. What’d I do this time?”

“What did you do this time!? Oh that’s just r-“

“Save it for the house!” Zena yelled, her wild hair flying around as she exclaimed. Izzy shut her mouth and humphed once, getting a sandal thrown at her.

“I said shut it.” Zena growled and pointed her cute little finger at Izzy in warning. Izzy sneered at her sister and looked away as soon as her head turned. She knew Timmy was smirking and it ticked her off to no end, so who was going to judge her when she had to wipe that stupid little smirk off his face? No one, that's who.


     When they returned to Timmys house they were quiet as they piled into the sitting room and sat down. Izzy stood, looking down at them all.

"Anybody wanna explain what's going on?" She asked, her patience being tested. When everyone merely looked around awkwardly she growled low in her throat and moved further in to the room. Whoa animal kingdom much?

"We aren't here to explain it to you, honeybun." Cassandra said, her hand twitching nervously on Darren's knee.

"We' re just here to help Timmy." Jaime said calmly. Izzy narrowed her eyes dangerously on the boy and moved closer to him.

"To help Timmy? Because he's the one that totally needs help in this situation!" She snarled at him, her fists clenching as anger surged through her.

"Izzy-" Timmy started but she turned, looking around and facing him.

"To you it's Isabel. Now tell me what the fuck your psycho mother did  to me and what the he'll is going on around here." She didn't raise her voice, she wouldn't allow herself to lose her temper and say it  do something she'd regret later.

"Well, you see it's not that easy to explain." He said sheepishly, reaching around and scratching the back of his neck. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she took a step back and let out a breath. She'd think rationally... even though she did have the unexplainable urge to just roar at him and scratch his face off.

"Explain it to me then." She said calmly, taking a seat on the couch next to Cassandra, knowing that if anybody were to keep her calm and level headed it would be her. She could feel the nervous looks that her family and friends sent forward her, her skin soaked them in and converted it into a balm that would serve to calm her.

"Well, it has to do with my family lineage. Back in the 1500's my grand father stumbled across a little gypsy girl. He took her in to his house, because she was injured. At the time the DeMarcos still lived in Italy, and my grandfather was a true Italian man. Strong, noble, and a proper gentleman. He wasn't too bad with the ladies either. He nursed the girl back to health, tending  to her wounds and taking care of her. The story gets a bit muddled after that. If you ask the gypsies what happened they would say that Antonio DeMarco raped and intended to keep the gypsy girl, but our family knows the truth.

     The girl had Stockholm syndrome, and she had it bad. Like I said earlier, he wasn't too bad in the ladies department. Almost every other night he'd return home with a different lover. And Analetta, the little gypsy girl, heard every single thing. The story goes that she loved Antonio, loved him with all her heart and couldn't stand the woman he brought home. She would hex the woman so that in the morning they'd have boils and blisters all over their faces and their beauty would never call to another male.

     That wasn't all she did though. Although she was no older than 15 Analetta was cunning, she knew that the noble Antonio would never touch her. She used a glamour  to turn her appearance into a beautiful young maiden, one that Antonio would never refuse and waited for him to come  to her. In the throes of their love making her glamour slid off, revealing her to be what she truly was. Antonio couldn't... stop, and he finished inside of her. He banished her from his bed chamber and sat in wallow and pity.

     Analetta had fully healed and, as  a man of his word, took her back to her home. Her parents and her people could sense the difference in her automatically, she carried Antonio's child inside of her. She was fated to be tied to another, the sale had already been made. It wouldn't do if her virginity wasn't intact, never mind if she was pregnant with another. Analetta knew this, in their eyes she could do no wrong. They knocked Antonio out, and cursed him and all of the males that would descend from him. Every third week of the month they would turn into an animal, a monster incapable of making humane decisions. Wolves were rare in Italy, the only thing that the chief could think of was a tiger. Tigers aren't native to Italy, they require a certain habitat and Italy's maritime climate is not that. The gypsies were trying to kill him.

     Antonio quickly recovered, although they had left and he had no way to track them down, he vowed to get his vengeance on Analetta and her family. That vow only thickened when he turned for the first time into a tiger. He was hunted out of his home town and was forced to live as  a rogue until he settled down, which he only did when he was sure he could handle the phases. He attained a wife who accepted him as he was, well that's a whole other story, and had three sons and a daughter. The curse caught all of the boys, like the gypsies had intended and life went on." He signed deeply and looked to Izzy who had gone stone still and only moved  to blink and breath.

"I think it's time for our story now, sweetheart." Her mom said, dragging Izzy out of her stupor.

"What?" Her voice cracked as she looked  to her mother.

"You... we were destined to mate animals. Well, it's more like we were cursed to do it. Our ancestors weren't exactly pure. Abigaille Diovante was promiscuous, and that's putting it lightly. One night she slipped up and had sex with a gypsy male. He wanted more, she didn't. He got pissed and cursed her to love  a beast, an animal who wasn't capable of loving anything, and that her childrens children would face the same hardship. It skips a generation. We weren't the ones that Antonio mated with but there are only but so many monsters out there, no offense." She said looking to Timmy.

"None taken."

"You are cursed, or blessed however you choose to see it, to be with Timmy, and your grand children will be cursed to be with another monster." Izzy Sat there, her mouth gaping wide open before she snapped it with an audible chomp.

"No, nuh uh. This isn't real. You aren't some weird man tiger thing, and I'm not your weird lady monster wife person thing. Ok? Because that's not sane and its not real and I'd appreciate it if you told me the truth." She denied shaking her head and clenching her fists together.

"We are, for the first time since you were born we are telling you the truth." Her father said softly and she shook her head, tears coming  to her eyes.

"Izzy-" He didn't get much out before she blasted from the couch and ran outside, then kept on running.


     He'd found her where he took her the first time they snuck out together. Her knees were were tucked into her chest and she sobbed into them, her arms surrounding her head. The sun was setting and  it looked as if the flowers were catching fire. He sat down next to her, not saying anything just offering his body heat. Her  body shook with the force of the sobs until her body couldn't cry anymore. Her eyes peeked up, they were red but still beautiful.

"It's a lot to take in." He said softly, watching as the swollen moon rose up. She sniffles and her eyes teared up with tears she wouldn't let fall. He said nothing more, he wouldn't overwhelm her with the sound  if his voice.

"You're a tiger?" Her voice was foreign to him, gone was it's boldness and strength. In it's place was fear and uncertainty.

"Certain nights, yes. I shift into  300 pound tiger and run through the woods." She looked up to the moon then to him, asking him  a silent question.

"The moon doesn't trigger my phase, but it does make me stronger when it wanes." She nodded softly and then looked at the flowers surrounding her. Her fingers reached out and touched the petals gently, he watched her making sure to take in everything about her. Her face was still as she looked at the flowers, almost serene. As if the flowers gave her some sort of peace. She looked  at him, then. Her eyes were stronger, though they still showed the signs that she was crying.

"Can I see?" She asked, her voice cracked a little but her eyes wouldn't acknowledge it. He nodded and stood, standing a significant distance from her. He spoke the ancient Italian words that would trigger his change  and let the magick that was needed flow through his veins. His animal form popped from his skin until his bestial side stood there. He was mindless in this form, a true beast, but she calmed him. She truly was his.

     She knelt before him, her mouth agape as she took him in. His beast took pride in the fact that she couldn't take her eyes away from him. She crawled to him, until she was face to face with the tiger. Her hand lifted, awe clear on her face, and she placed it on his head. He purred in delight and shoved his head further into her tentative hand, wanting more of her touch. She laughed a little and rubbed his head with both her hands. He licked the side of her face, his tail flicking with humor as she squealed and wiped the face off.

"At first I thought you were beautiful, but I'm taking that back. That was just gross." She grumbled and wiped the spit off. She threw her arms around the tiger, making him jump a little in surprise before he settled down and rubbed the top of her head with the side of his face.

"What am I gonna do, Hobbes? Everything is all muddled up in my head." He huffed at the nickname and flicked his tail before standing up. She let go of his neck and looked at him, surprise shining in her eyes. He thought of the words that would give him back his human skin and closed his eyes, knowing when he opened them he'd be able to hold his Izzy.


     She was truly at  a loss for words, his tiger was beautiful. it didn't have the traditional coloring if a tiger, they were deep exotic colors that would blend into the forest easily. His black stripes reminded her of  the chocolate on her favorite cookies, and the pitch black under it reminded her of the dark that was descending upon them. He sat there grinning at her, his chin in hand and his elbow on his thigh.

"I'm beautiful, huh?" He asked  in a smug tone and she scoffed at him, rolling her eyes.

"I said I was going to call you beautiful, which meant you were beautiful. But then you had to go and try and eat my face." His face seemed to sober up then as he moved closer to her, he put his hand on her cheek and made her look him in his eyes.

"That wasn't me, that was my beast. He and I are not the same, we merely share  a body. I am not in control of myself, or my actions, when in that form."

"You seemed pretty in control to me." She said huskily, her body wasn't her own either when she was touched by him.

"I'm only like that with you because you are our mate, we cannot and will not hurt you Izzy. Not intentionally." He said softly, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. The words didn't really reach her mind, not right away at least, because she put her lips on his wanting to taste him more than ever. She still  had a whole bunch of questions but that could wait until after she'd had her fill. He didn't deny her,wrapping an  arm around her waist and tugging her closer. She went willingly, needing to feel and taste all of him. Their tongues danced with each other, their lips moved in frenzy. It had been awhile since they had touched intimately, they had missed it something fierce.

     She could feel her shirt riding up, could feel him move as he layed down flat on his back with her straddling him. She trusted herself nit to take it too far, this was kissing. That's all it was, until she wanted something more... at least  that was what told herself. He slipped his hand under her t-shirt, taking advantage of the little sliver of skin that was shown. His rough hands on her skin made her shiver with delight. Her body sucked,  it was going to betray her again. With  Harlan she slapped his  hand away, with a cute little growl he put his hand back up her shirt. She broke the kiss and looked down at him.

"You do know that means don't touch, right?" He shrugged  a shoulder  and smirked up at her.



     They'd walked back to his house hand and hand, ready to hear whatever the he'll else God decoded to throw her way. She was drained emotionally, wasn't sure how much she could take  but she owed it to her family to hear them out. And that was what she would do. When they entered her parents both stood, both wearing looks of concern and sadness. It broke her heart. She wallked, with Timmy in tow, to the couch opposite them and sat.

"Why now?" She asked softly, needing to know.

"We didn't think it'd be you, in tins family we've never had a set of twins. I didn't know which one it was. We figures since Bella got more attention and was more assertive about getting what she wanted that it would be her." Her mother explained softly, her eyes were red. She'd been crying.

"They told  me when we'd turned fifteen, when they pulled me in the room for the special birthday surprise that was for me only." Izzy remembered that, she'd felt disgusting after that. She didn't think it fair that only Bella got the cool gift, while she was stuck with normal gifts. She can have it now, Izzy thought ruefully.

"So I'm the chosen one, what happens now?" Anger sparked and poured from her parents as they turned a glare to Timmy.

"Normally nothing, you two would've had a wonderful life living together and making adorable little grandchildren for us. But Timmys mom kinda put a staunch on that idea." Her father growled, his fists clenching. Wow, angry dad sure is scary.

"What? What is he talking about Timmy?" She asked, the words her father said just floating into her mind. His eyes went to hers and she sucked  in a breath at the anger and grief that lurked in them.

"Remember the night we went to the cliff? And you fell asleep and when you woke up we were in my bed?" She heard her father choke on the air he was breathing, but this was more important.


"While were sleeping my mother injected you with nightshade, a third  of the amount to actually weaken you. I thought I'd hearh something but when I woke up she wasn't in there. Then remember that huge breakfast she made? She laced the whole thing with another third of the nightshade, when you ate it it entered your blood stream. That night when you left ny house she followed you to yours, while you slept she injected you with the final amount that would weaken you." Throughout his explanation his fists and teeth were clenched, revenge  and murder clear in his eyes.

"When she took you from the hospital... what she injected you with was my blood, traditionally we would trade blood and make a whole  big thing of , but she... thought otherwise." All was silent then, as if one word would break her.

"Soo... what? We've got the same blood, big whoop."

"Izzy, when she injected you with my blood... She made you like me." She blinked at him owlishly not, exactly, getting what he was saying.

"I'm-I'm sorry, I must not be picking up what you're putting down. She made me like you or made me like you."

"She made you like me."

"Ok, ok. I must not be tasting the right flavor  of kool-aid. Did she make me Like you or did she make me like you?" His brow furrowed an  He pondered her question for  a bit.

"She made you like me."

"Hold the phone-"

"Izzy!" Amelia yelled, slamming her hand down on the floor. Izzy chortled and shook her head, then sobered and looked to Timmy again.

"So I'm like you. I'm a tiger?" She asked quietly, taking slow deep breaths.

"Yes, you're like me." She closed her eyes and took one deep breath, the calm before the storm she'd liked to call it. She took one more deep breath, right before the storm hit.


    Jaime got up, somehow seeing  her actions before she did, and grabbed her around her middle. She bucked and kicked, trying  to break hold from his grip, all the while screaming words that would make sailors look like children trying to be grown ups. They all watched as she had her breakdown, they watched as the fight slowly left her body and as her words got slurred up with tears. She curled up, wrapping her arms around her knees and pulling them as close as she could, the feeling of her muscles tightening was  a good feeling. Anything beat depression. Jaime put her down into the circle that her siblings and friends had formed on the floor and let her cry into them.

     They were the only ones in this that hadn't lied, the only ones in this situation that made sense. They rubbed her hair and wiped her face as she sobbed on the floor. Her parents left, too cowardly to watch as their lies and untruths unmanned their daughter. Timmy left, too disgusted with himself to watch  as his mate, the one he was to protect, broke in front of him. He knew he could do nothing, he knew he shouldn't even try. She cried until the only sounds she made were small guttering whimpers.

"Whenever you're ready we're here, just know that." Bella whispered  as she stroked her twins hair.

"And we got your favorite comfort food, just in case you want pig out." Ferris said softly from somewhere behind her.

"Dude, you just slipped it in that she was a pig." Cameron scoffed with, what sounded like,  a thunk to the back of the head.

"Did not, I bet no one was thinking that until you said it." There was silence before somebody spoke up.

"Actually, I was thinking it. But out of respect to your sister I didn't say anything." Cassie said softly. Her family quieted down before giggling.

"You think we have respect for this dork?" Zena said with a small little chortle.

"We're only doing this because we're being paid to." Sasha said while giggling. It did Izzy good to know that her family and friends were there for her.

"You guys are awesome, you know that right?" Jaime said in awe and respect. Wrong words, Izzy thought with an inward smile.

"Pssh, of course we know that." Cameron snorted and was agreed with automatically. Bella hadn't stopped stroking her hair. She leaned down while her family was talking and kissed  her head before whispering in her ear.

"This is what we do, Izzy, for our own. Whenever your ready, wherever your ready you can call on us for comfort. Never forget that Isabel, never forget that the amount of love we have for you surpasses any and all of the hate and anger that may come your way." It was soft, it was love filled and it was caring. She opened her eyes and looked up at her twin, the face that was so much like hers smiled brilliantly and cocked her head to the side.

     Izzy Sat up and looked around for her junk food, she grabbed it and dug her spoon in her sticky, sickly sweet comfort.

"You shouldn't do that," she mumbled around a spoonful “makes your double chin stand out."

"This coming from the hippo eating cookies and cream ice cream with chunks of keebler cookies, Oreos, and chocolate syrup." Bella snorted and crossed her arms.

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

"Guys, the love in this room is choking me. Like seriously, if you don't cut it out I'm going to die." Amelia said dryly, Izzy merely snorted into her ice cream and kept eating. Things tasted so good when you were a human... tiger... thing. The chocolate popped on her tongue and the cookie dough smoothed it out. It was heaven in fucking carton.

"So are we just gonna act like what happened didn't happen?" Darren asked and Cassie glared at him. Izzy put another spoonfuls in her mouth and shrugged.

"What's there to talk about? I was lied to and betrayed by my own parents. A guy I really liked turned out to not be  a guy at all. Oh yeah, before  I forget, the piece de resistance, my family has been cursed by gypsies... Not really much  to talk about Darren." Her siblings shared a look, they all knew that tone of voice. She'd shut down and was using her humor as a way to shut out her emotions. None of them really liked what followed after. Confrontation.

Chapter 12

She sat simmering as she finished her last spoonful of sweet, icy bliss. She saw the look that they threw at each other, they were right to  be wary. Shit was about to hit the proverbial fan. She gently put the carton down and licked her lips, catching any stray traces of chocolate  she could find. She looked up then  at her twin and took  a deep sigh. She was standing before any of them realized it.

"Grab her!!" Amelia yelled and Izzy shrieked as she was instantly gripped by two pairs of arms.

"Let me go!!!" She snarled and struggled to get out of the prison. "I'm just gonna talk, I swear." She crossed her fingers and tucked them  in a place where she was sure they wouldn't see them.

"Fingers on her left hand are crossed." Zena said, pursing her lips at her sister. She scoffed and crossed them and focused on her toes.

"Fine, now I promise." Her shoes  were snatched off and she snarled in rage. It was impossible that they had figured out everything... Well, almost e everything..

"Fine fine, I'll pinky promise." She said, doing her best sound defeated. Bella raised her hand with  victorious little smile, but was stopped by Cassie's hand.

"If you pinky promise, your pinkies will cross, so it would be like she technically crossed her fingers." She explained and Izzy jerked in Jaime's arms.

"Death, a slow and painful one." She snarled at her friend, who merely shrugged and smirked. After taking several deep breaths she relaxed her body.

"Ok, I promise that my hands will not be used during the conversation, or any other part of  my body." Things were silent as her request was pondered.

"You can let her go." Ferris said finally, watching warily as his sisters feet were placed back on the ground. She moved her head from side to side and cracked her neck. She gave them a curt nod before going off to find her parents.


     They were waiting  in the kitchen, both wearing pain stricken faces. Her mother clutched something that was hot, with  absurd Izzy could tell it was hot chocolate. Her father was merely pacing  the floor.

"I'm not mad with any of you, I want you to know that." She said softly whole pulling out  a chair and sitting down. Both her parents watched her with calculating eyes. God, it looks like they haven't slept in days.

"I honestly just wanna talk this out." She sniffed  and clenched her teeth a little before stopping herself. "Which means you don't have to keep  a constant watch on me Jaime." She stayed silent until she heard the footsteps fade away.

"Ok, you guys can explain why, in all hells, didn't you tell the pair of us."

"Your mother wanted to, but I didn't know if it was safe or not. You two fought like crazy and couldn't resist telling each  others secrets. I didn't want to take the risk that you would get really posses off and just blabber about it." Her father said, walking to the chair and sitting down. Well, Izzy thought sadly, the truth does tend  to sting.

"Are they a risk of being apart of this?" She asked, needing to move along from the hurt.

"We don't know. That's what we were worried about, that's what all those arguments were about when you were kids. We had so many kids, being zealous, and now we have no clue how the curse is going to affect them." Her mother said softly, her eyes never moving from the steam rising from the cup.

"You said the curse skips a generation, right?" Izzy asked, scooting forward in her seat. She was ready to throttle one of them, or both, for putting her siblings at risk.

"Right, it attacks every other child."

"And there's no case where it attacks every child?"

"No, all the females in our family were instructed to one child. They didn't want to take the risk of not knowing how the curse would pan out." She shot her mother a look before leaning back.

"I was rebellious and tired of always having stupid rules on me. I should've just stuck  to the stupid rules." Izzy wouldn't say anything about that. She just wouldn't.  Her mother ran her fingers through her hair and blew out a lengthy breath.

"We're sorry Izzy-" she cut her mother off  tuned her ears to the sounds around her. A small and faint "Izzy"  could be heard. She cocked her head, trying to pick up where it was coming from.

"Izzy?" Her head snapped back  to her parents and her brow furrowed.

"Did you hear that?" Her parents looked to each briefly before shaking their heads. She gulped and nodded once, she didn't recognize the voice that called to her. She ignored it and went back to talking to her parents.



     She finally gave  upon talking to them and went in search of food. There was nothing in his house to eat, especially since she had a craving for Chinese food. She poured and walked to the front door, a table Sat next to it with keys on it. She picked up  a set and smirked.

"Family night!!!" She yelled, opening the door and running to Timmys Father's truck. This should be fun, she thought cheerfully as she jumped in the car. Tendrils of doubt began to slither up her spine as she turned the car on, her hand stilled on the wheel as a thought wiggled its way into her brain.

"Maybe you shouldn't do this.." The voice said softly. She looked around the car to see if anyone was stowed away in it. There wasn't another person  in the car besides her. It was the same voice from earlier. Her head was so muddled she didn't even recognize that her family was walking  to the car.

"Great, now I'm hearing voices." She mumbled to herself before blaring the horn and rolling down the Windows.

"C'mon, I ain't got all day here!!!" She yelled  in a rusty New York voice.

"Do you mind, I'm walkin' here!!!" Her twin yelled back, she was always better at the voice than Izzy was and took pride that everyone knew it.

"I'm starving and you're just taking your sweet time."

"You wanna see  me take  my sweet time? 'Cuz I'll show you my sweet time!!"

"St your bony ass in the damn car Bella!!"


"If the next words that come out of your mouth aren't 'I'm sorry for taking so long', so help me God I will pimp slap the shit out of you." Izzy said calmly while starting the car. Bella humphed but got in the car anyway.

"All you can eat buffet, here we come!!!"



     She wasted no time whipping out the wallet she'd picked from Timmys' pocket. She took out the necessary amount before speeding off and getting food. There was  a smattering of people here in there but not enough to really put a dent in the food. She picked  up a tray and went to work on the deliciousness that lay before her.


"Touch my fucking French fries and I will stab you in the fucking eye." She growled shoving a piece of steak in her mouth. She didn't understand why she was  so hungry. She shouldn't be this hungry!!

"You can't have mash potatoes and French fries! That's too much starch." Ferris whined, his eyes dead set  on the last bit of French fries in the restaurant.

"You're too much starch, now shut up and let me eat my God damn food!" She snarled whole picking up a spoonful of potatoes that had been drowned with gravy.

"Mom, she's not being fair and she's using curse words!" Her brother said  to their parents  who were at  the other side of the long table.

"Stop snitching on your sister dear." He  mother reprimanded, not looking at the two but laughing with their father. Ferris' mouth popped open  and she made sure to keep the spoon in her mouth extra long before popping in one of the French fries off her plate. They were pretty damn good fries.

"Look, more!!" Zena gasped as she ran to where the man was restocking the food. It always astonished  her to see how people reacted to her siblings. Zena, because of her cute puffy hair and adorable freckles, got almost everything she looked at while in the vicinity of others. It seemed like people were drawn to Sasha and Amelia, wanting to talk  to them about anything. For Ferris it seemed to be the opposite, her brother was strong and deadly when he needed to be. Cameron was the only ones that stuck out, he was somewhere in the middle  of being deadly and sociable.

     Izzy and Bella were alike that they both radiated power and confidence. Bella was a jaguar, slick and smooth. She gained attention just by walking in a room and kept it for as long  as she wanted. Izzy was  a little different. She didn't capture  the attention by just walking in a room, no no. She moved with a grace that could almost be described as poise. Every step she took, she took with caution and purpose.

    No, Isabel McCreery wasn't a jaguar. She didn't have attention on the daily, but when she did she wanted it. She grabbed it and forbade anyone to ever look away, they were hers when she took it. Isabel McCreery was a tigress,a smooth delicate criminal  who would lick you just as soon as kill you. She ripped all the meat off the bones in one swift tug and put it her mouth, chewing it quickly before popping fries in her mouth.


     Timmy stood in the driveway, his hands tucked in his pants pockets. She gripped the wheel tightly in her hands as she slowly turned into , making sure not to look at him again.

"Isabel, baby-" her mother said softly, reaching over to grab her hand.

"Don't." She snarled and snatched her hand away before opening the door and hopping out.

"Isabel, you can't just ignore  him!" Her mother yelled, struggling  to get out and catch up with her daughter.

"I can do whatever the fuck  I want  to mother!" She growled not bothering  to look back.

"Isabel McCreery!!" Timmy boomed, cementing her feet to the ground. She took  a breath and clenched her fists.

"Apologize to your mother, right now, for disrespecting her." He said lethally, not moving from where he stood.

"Maybe you didn't hear what  I just fucking said, but I do what I want. I don't want to do that." She said through clenched teeth. A small part of her, a tiny little portion wanted to listen and apologize. Hell, that small part wanted to grovel at her mother's feet until it pleased Timmy enough. Oh yeah, fuck that.

"I heard what you said and acknowledged it to be rude and disrespectful. Something you should not be to your mother. Don't take your anger for me out on her." Her knuckles were white with the force she squeezed her fingers. She was forcing herself not to bend to his will, forcing those words not to slip and trickle out of her mouth.

"Fuck. You. Timmy." She snarled through her teeth and forces herself to move.

"Stop." That one word, a word spoken so nonchalantly with so much power stopped her.


"Sorry for being rude." She said harshly, not turning around to look at her mother. She willed  her feet to move, one step in front of the other.

"Wait." His words cemented her feet to the floor again.

"What?" She growled between her teeth.

"I want to speak with you." Yeah ,no. Fight this, Izzy. She continued  to walk and with each step her power was restored to her.

"Stop." This time the word slid through her body like jelly, only to stop at her feet and slide onto the floor. She flipped him off and walked into the house, up the stairs, and into his room washere she slammed his door hard. Splinters flew out as the door creamed into the threshold. She didn't care, her skin felt  too tight; the rage that she normally wore like a second suit felt constricting. She tore at her clothes and ran her fingers through her hair as she stood pacing back and forth naked as the day she was born. She got on her knees and cradled her head as all the information, finally, settled in her mind. She was cursed to love  a monster, a tiger man monster at that. She would turn into the monster, incapable of making humane decisions.

     Just fucking peachy. She felt the tears begin to sting her eyes but she wouldn't allow them to come. She'd cried enough, she wouldn't - no, couldn't allow herself to cry anymore. Suddenly everything came in on her at once, as if her body had held the magnanimity of the situation for this occasion. She could hear her parents down there, could hear her father console her mother as she sobbed tears.She could smell the bar of Timmys soap from where she sat ten feet away. She could taste the chicken fingers she'd indulged herself with earlier. Her eyesight grew sharper, allowing her to latch on to a tiny little ant that appeared to be.minding its own business.

     The sounds and the smells were too much, too sudden and strong. They all came spiraling at her and the tears that she had forbidden from coming down flurried down her face. She heard the door open carefully, felt the air as it swished against her naked  body; she just didn't care to do anything about it.

"It will  go away. It won't be so intense. I promise." He whispered softly before kissing her hair softly.

"The noises are everywhere and there are too many things to see; too many things that went unseen before are just there." She whispered softly, one step away from rocking back and forth in hysteria.

"I know, sweet little Izzy, it will get better. I am here and  I always will be." He kept his voice low and soft, for that she was grateful for. She heard her family leave and her heart crumpled more.

"Will they be back?" She asked, knowing he'd heard and understand what she  was talking about. He shrugged as he kicked off his sneakers and got more comfortable next to her. She leaned on his shoulder and sniffled, then wiped her face.

"Your feet are stinky, and you've got  to wash your hair." She said weakly, staring at the wall as the room grew darker. He chuckled softly and kissed her hair again.

"Yeah, I know."


Chapter 13

They fell asleep like that, her head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her. When she woke up she was in between his legs, her head rested on his upper thigh.  Soft little rumbling noises came from him, she looked up and smiled softly at what she saw. His face was smooth, a little smudged because his head had moved forward, and the most calm expression she'd ever seen on his face was there. She listened more and snuggled into his leg, loving how his hand went to her shoulder as if to comfort her in his sleep.

     He was purring softly, the rumbling in his chest soft and slightly subdued. She sighed and stretched before wrapping her body around his leg. She closed her eyes and with another soft sigh went back to sleep.


     When she awoke she was in a much more comfortable situation. Her head was propped up on a pillow and her body was surrounded in the softest, warmest cotton ever. A body was pressed against her, her head resting against his chest. She could hear his heartbeat, fast and young. She put a hand on her own heart and found that they beat in time. They did belong with each other, their drums would always beat with each other's. The thought made her smile, made her chest soar with happiness. It was abundant and damn near tangible. He took a deep breath and suddenly his eyes were open. Blue met green as happiness was linked together.

"Good morning." He murmured softly, kissing her head softly. She spurred softly and moved closer to his body. She felt braver, stronger, now that she had gotten through all the information and had lived. When his excitement poked her in the belly, she stayed there; her gaze not wavering from his.

"Good morning to you too." Her voice was haughty and hoarse, lust spiked through him, it showed through his deep blue eyes. His hands were on her waist, he didn't seem sure what to do with them; his fingers played with the edge of her short and the skin that was exposed under it.

"What's the matter, a player like you not sure what to do with the game?" She asked softly, arching into him and his hardness. In a flash he was out of the bed and was walking to the bathroom angrily.

"We're going out to eat this morning with Cassie and Darren." Was all he said before slamming the door closed. I know  I have morning breath but damn.  

     He came out with a towel around his waist and one ruffling up his hair, her confusion had turned  into anger quickly. She picked  up her own towel and stormed past him, making sure she didn't touch him. He said nothing. She took her sweet time taking a shower, the hot water working wonders for her aching back. She washed her hair and brushed her teeth, by the time she'd come out of the bathroom he was already dressed and waiting for her. Sneering at him she walked to where her clothes had been packed in one of her suitcases. She bent down to pick up some underwear when a smell hit her hard.

"Why are you irritated at me?" She asked, putting her hands  on her hips and turning  to face him.

"Are you planning on getting dressed in here?" He asked, his blue eyes sparking with anger.

"Uh... Yeah? Why wouldn't  I get dressed in here?"

"Because there's a boy in here." He said testily and she raised a brow.

"If I'm not mistaken aren't we going to be together for the rest of our lives? Shouldn't I get used  to changing and doing other private stuff in from of you? Tomorrow I wanted to try peeing in front of you." She asked before sliding  on her underwear.

"I'm so glad that you're making yourself comfortable and all, but don't you think you should slow down just  a bit?" He asked, anger still bright  and alive in his eyes. She smirked and tugged on  asport bra before putting her hands on her hips and looking  at him.

"Are you telling me that YOU'RE upset because you think I am going too fast?" She asked,amusement coating her voice thickly. His eyes flashed heavy bright anger.

"Is that wrong?"

"I mean, no. But it is kinda strange. Normally it's the girl begrudgingly denying the boy and not the other way around." She said and pulled on  a pair of jeans.

"Well, excuse  me for worrying about your innocence. If I hadn't stopped I have no doubt that you would've done something you'd have regretted." He grumbled, she cufurrowed her brow and pulled on an orange tank top.

"And... what? You think I wasn't worrying about my innocence?" She looked to him as she put on her deodorant and sprayed herself with perfume. She scrunched up her nose and moved away from the offensive smelling agent quickly.

"Ugh! What'd you do  to my perfume?!" She screeched, putting a hand over her nose and mouth.

"That's not yours, that's your sister's. I didn't do anything to it, that's how it really smells. Your senses are more acute now, they can pick up scents that were blind to the nose when you're human." She coughed and moved away from the offensive smell, then looked to Timothy.

"You think I wasn't worried about my innocence?" She asked, her nose still tingling from the perfume.

"That isn't how you acted this morning." He grumbled and  she'd felt looked at him before walking out of the room. No other words would be said, no word at all.

Chapter 14

She'd stayed quite the whole ride to the movies, letting her thoughts gather completely before she simply said something that would make her look stupid. She had no idea why she cared, she hadn't been afraid to make a fool of herself before; what was so different now. Maybe it was because she actually liked Tommy, and he'd be her forever guy. Whether she liked it or not. It would only make sense to want to look sensible in front of the person you were gonna spend the rest of your life with, right? When they got to the movie theater and he opened her door, the look they shared was anything but friendly. He reached his hand out, palms out, to help her out of the car; but in true Izzy fashion she merely pushed his hand away and hopped out the truck on her own. She walked ahead with Cassie and Darren. Cassandra threw a look to Darren and looped arms with Izzy as he sulked back hanging with the boys.

"Trouble in paradise?" She cooed to Izzy who threw a peeved look before rolling her eyes skyward. She tucked one and in her jacket pot and kept the other clasped onto Cassie's arm as she sighed deeply.

"I actually care about what he thinks." Izzy said softly, still looking up at the sky.

"Oh, honey. You're supposed to care about what people think, that;s a part of what makes you a good hu- individual." Cassie said appeasingly, patting the hand that laid on her arm.

"But I don't! I don't care what anyone else thinks, I could give two shits about what that bitch with the mustache on her face and that horrible musk on her body that's three cars over thinks about me and what I say! BUt one guy-"

"A guy you'll be with forever."

"Should not have that affect on me!" Izzy yelled, ignoring the interruption and not caring that he heard. Ha, maybe it was just a fluke!

"He's your mate honey, chances are your gonna care about a hell of a lot more than what he thinks about what you say." Cassie said soothingly but Izzy jus scoffed and shook her head.

"It gets annoying sometimes, hearing her bicker and whine about everything." She heard him say from beind her. Cassie groaned as Izzy whirled around, stopping in her tracks and narrowing her eyes dangerously on Tommy.

"The fuck did you just say, fucker?" She asked lethally, her fists balling up and rage lighting her eyes.

"I said it gets fucking annoying hearing you cry and complain about every little thing. I get it's fucking hard for you because you're new to this, but god damn you've had time." Tommy replied back, something strange in his eyes; something Izzy couldn't place and that's what scared her.

"How much time do you think I ned, ass hole? BEcause it's only been three fucking days since I woke up! After your mother put me in the damn hospital for four months of my life and made me feel things you can't even fucking imagine! So tell me, how fucking long do you think it will take me to get over that!?" She scremaed, her eyes watering and for the first time she cursed her faulty tear ducts.

"What my mother did was a blessing! And it took me a long time to figure it out, in some sick twisted way it's a gift! You won't be able to die, I get to have you for however long I want to and you can't do shit about it because you belong to me! You hear that Izzy, you're mine!! You can yell, and scream, and kick al the hell you want but that's not gonna change a damn thing. The minute I laid eyes on you I fucking wanted you, and before you come up wit that bul shit excuse of Bella being your twin just know it was always you!! But you always settled for the assholes, the dickweeds, and the turdnuggets. You were fucking untouchable, but your sister? She wa fair game and she made it known. I made myself suffer her incessant whining and her shrill voice just so I could get those rare moments with you; or those rare moments where she looked like you enough to take away the pain of not having you. My mother showed me just how easy it was for you to get hurt, just how easy it was for you to be taken away from me, and dammit Izzy if I wasn't happy as hell when you were changed. It hurts me when your angry, it hurts me when your hurt; I can't fucking stand it Izzy. So, any time you fucking wanna know how I feel or you care to fucking ask how I'm dealing with anything, just fucking ask and stop being so fucking self absorbed about every little damn thing!! Now, can we please go watch the movie so we can go eat because I'm fucking starving." With that he stormed off, not caring if any of his stunned friends followed.

Jaime was the first to fal out of his stupor, with sad eyes he approached Izzy and sadly nodded.

"He's right, ya know, he went through hell and back again while you were in the hospital and the days after you were changed. It was unfair to demand anything more from him or to get angry at him when he was only trying to help throughout it all." He slowly walked after his friend, afer patting Izzy on the shoulder.

"Well," Cassie said brightly "I think that is an excellent exmaple of why you should listen to Cassandra when she tells you not to say things!"


Texte: Anaya Phoenix
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.03.2013

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