
I hate mopping the house, but if I don’t do it he sure as hell won’t. I can only do it at night, he at least let’s me spend my days in the pond in the back of our house. I haven’t heard from zahfar but I do hope he’s doing well. Michael has changed drastically; he controls me and does that stupid charm thing if I refuse something. I hate him even more now that I carry his child. He is proud to bear a child with me, an earth sprite. I am the ultimate prize to have for a wolf. Sprites and fairies have great magical qualities and I don’t know why anyone would choose me as a mate. I can’t leave though, I’ve tried but I just end up getting caught and under that stupid charm. Every time I see his face a swoon comes over me but one word is constantly there in my mind: forbidden. My back hurts so I sit down on the plush white couch. The couch I have to clean my DAMN SELF! I look around the den; I think I’ve done all the rooms I should get dinner ready. Or else that damn dog will put me under that spell again. I just reach the kitchen when the keys jingle in the door and I plaster on the face of someone madly in love, when secretly I’m a wilting flower.
John held an emergency meeting regarding territory issues, truthfully I wasn’t listening. I only thought about what she was doing and what we were gonna having for dinner. I know I shouldn’t put too much pressure on her because she’s pregnant but stuff has to get done. I would do that myself, if I wanted to of course, but it’s so much better when she does it. I rushed to the little cottage with the pond in the backyard that she practically begged me for. It was comfortable enough so I complied. It’s after sundown so she should be human again, and dinner should be done hopefully. I climb the stairs to the wraparound porch and sniff, I smell her heavenly scent and hear pots so dinner? I find her in the kitchen wearing a brown knit shirt and dark jeans; I got her to wear actual clothes. But she refused to wear shoes ‘I need to feel something besides clothe under my feet’ she told me.
“Hey baby” she says in coo-ing it while going into the fridge for peppers. “How was the meeting” she still doesn’t turn around but does season a steak.
“It was ok, I wasn’t really paying attention” she turned around and her eyes were grey
“Now why was that,” shimmied her top half “too busy thinking about all this”. I smirk her day must’ve went well, “actually yes I was”. Her eyes turn to brown and turns back to the steak. “Dinner will be ready in an hour” well I guess I’ve been dismissed so I leave.
He tried I’ll give him that. It’s not his fault we try to go about being a normal couple, doing normal couple thing. We go on a movie date weekly but when it comes to the physical aspect of our relationship it’s so strained. Sometimes he’s sweet and I give him little pecks, the one time we were intimate I get knocked up! Now it’s even more awkward, I decide to make pepper steak since he likes steak. I want to ask him for a favor, I want to ask if I could see zahfar just one time, I need to tell him everything is fine. The last time we saw each other I yelled in his face for trying to come between me and Michael but that were his charm fault. Subconsciously I didn’t want to say those mean hurtful things. This is my only chance to ask when his wolf is calm and only Michael is present.
“Michael dinner is done” I don’t have to scream it he can hear me and smell everything done. I manage to get the plates on the mahogany table in the dining room by the time he comes down. He kisses my cheek “thanks” he pats my butt and I know instantly that his wolf is here. Without having to smell him because only the wolf would do something that garish. This will never work if he’s here I have to persuade him to let Michael come back. I sit at the other end of the table and he stares at me “what are you doing?” his head cocked to the side
“I’m sitting down to eat”
“Why are you all the way over there?”
“Because I wish to sit next to Michael not you” stupid, stupid, stupid. Why would you say that, to this overprotective over reacting over EVERYTHING dog?! I see his jaw working as he clenches his teeth and his green eyes seem to glow.
“You will sit next to me” he grits out; well at least he didn’t call me a fairy like he does every time. I sit next to me and he furrows his eyebrows closer
“What is it now?” I ask making sure my voice drips with annoyance. “Why did you leave your food over there?”
“I lost my appetite” I scoff and he pushes his plate to me aggressively
“Eat” again with the clenched teeth!
“No” I enunciate the two letters and stare at him. His eyes glow and his nostrils flare I don’t care if he’s upset he’s being too pushy. He grabs my arm and holds it up “eat” he enunciates too, “no! Get off of me”. His grip only tightens, “eat now fairy” still clenched teeth “no dog” I clench my teeth too. I don’t expect what happens next, his hand burn my cheek and I am knocked out of my chair. My hand flies to my cheek and I look through my hair at him. Michael stares back at me his hand over his mouth and his eyes wide with horror, “your gonna wish you never did that” I growl at him.
Her eyes pitch black as she stood, why the hell did I let him out. Why the HELL DID HE COMES OUT ANYWYA?! I knew it was gonna be bad when he slapped her butt, but to slap her? Was he trying to kill me? She walked towards me slowly “wait I am so sorry I didn’t mean for him-“
“I am so done right now,” her nostrils flared” do you understand me?” I nod not sure if she really wanted me to speak. “Call him out here right now”
“You do know if you hit him you hit me-“
“Now Michael” she cut me off, so I called out the wolf. He was cautious but came out eventually. “You wanted me”
“What in the hell possessed you to hit me?” she snarled at him, her eyes red.
“You wouldn’t obey me” this is gonna be bad.
DID HE REALLY JUST SAY I WOULDN’T OBEY HIM!? SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE TO ABEY ANYONE BUT MY SELF? I saw Michael trying to bring himself back but I’m not done talking
“Michael stay away” I see the wolf swallow, now is as good a time as any. I focus on only the wolf part of Michael and breathe on him. This is no normal breath this breath is green and sparkles. It’s an old charm that will cause harm to whomever I want it too. As soon as he breathed it in he flinched in pain. I grab his hair and push him to the wall holding my other hand to his throat. “Take this as a warning wolf, if you ever speak out of turn to me or lay one finger on me I will be sure to do this every time you come out and decide to play”. He nods and I let him go, when he looks at me again Michael is there. He grabs my waist and kisses me; instead of this one being forced and strained this is a passionate kiss. I groaned wrap my arms around his neck, he leaned closer and swoops me in his arms. I don’t mind as long as his lips remain on mine I’m fine, we go upstairs and to our bedroom. He lays me on the grey bedding and lies next to me. We both stare at each other. We don’t need anything else and the favor I wanted to ask melts away from my mind as I go to sleep in his arms. But before I’m officially sleep one word is whispered in my mind: forbidden.
She saved me again, he’s gone for now and I have her to thank. She only hurt him and I didn’t feel it though I saw it. She slept in my arms and we didn’t wake until noon, well I didn’t wake until noon. My arms were wrapped around her waist and her head tucked under my chin. I feel her heart beat ryhtmatically and I breathe in the scent of her green and black striped hair. I touch her stomach and it flutters beneath my hand, I wonder what it would come out as. Was it going to be a sprite and werewolf mix or just one or the other? I couldn’t wait to find out, I absentmindedly rubbed her stomach and she stirred in my arms. “That feels wonderful” she says sleepily, she puts her hand over mine and stops it on a certain spot. A little thing bumps my hand and I inhale sharply, “yup that’s what it’s been feeling like for a week now. Active little bugger right?” she turned to look at me with grey eyes
“Morning gorgeous”
“Morning handsome,” she leaned up to kiss me but stopped “ooh morning breath” then she put a hand over her mouth and it turned grey outside. “Ooh morning sickness” she managed to squeal out and jump out of bed. She slammed the bathroom door and I heard her retching, I always hated the taste of throw up. It burned my throat and left a terrible taste that I definitely couldn’t get out of my mouth no matter how many times I tried. After the retching quieted I heard the water running and the toilet flush. She padded out only in her brown knit top and boxer shorts “I hate you” she said and walked downstairs. This is the beginning of the end.
Is this what I have to look forward to? Throw up and mood swings and getting fat, I do NOT like getting fat. This morning was a surprise but it felt right, natural. Without his wolf Michael could be the perfect mate, and maybe I could accept him. Ok now breakfast, tricky tricky, what can I eat that won’t make me throw up? Eggs, no, bacon, ewe, pancakes, yes. Chocolate chip pancakes should be good, I get started. I’m mixing the batter when strong arms wrap around my middle, “need help with that?” I turn to face him and he smiles.
“If I begged you for something would you let me have it?” I bite my lip, I hadn’t forgotten about my favor I just needed the right time. “Absolutely”
“Can I see zahfar?” I ask cautiously. He grimaces and his eyes narrow
“No” he grits out
“Come on please I feel horrible about what I said to him, please babe I just,” I feel my eyes start to water and I sniffle. I DON’T WANT TO CRY!! “I feel so terrible and I need to see him one more time,” I put my hand on his arm that still lies across my middle. “Please let e see him one more time” I sob out WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME? His face is lined with worry but his tone is still fierce
“No” my face falls. I walk away from him, how he could not see that I need to see the one person that knew me better then I knew myself. I go to the pond; I don’t want to be around him for the day. If I could I would stay in my nice calm clean pond all day but I must come back at night. I focus on my flowers but I can’t feel the separation. I try focusing even harder but I just give myself a headache. What the hell is going on? I pace back and forth and a thought hits me. Oh that BASTARD, I CANT EVEN ENJOY MY POND BECAUSE OF THIS THING IN ME! Wait a minute my mother could change when she had me. Could it be, no that is impossible, I can’t be having a werewolf pup my blood is more dominant. HIM, HE’LL KNOW! I stomp into the house only to find him in the living room watching something, I honestly don’t care, and I walk to him and grab his hair
“I highly doubt it is” I yank harder
“I don’t care what you doubt, is it more dominant than mine?” I have calmed down. “I don’t know, but john would” the alpha that’s right. Michael didn’t even know about my eyes, I guess we’re taking a road trip.
I can’t believe this, one minute she’s crying the other it’s like hell on earth. Now here I am driving her to john’s house just to see if werewolf blood is more dominant then sprite blood. She won’t tell me why but she I pissed beyond all reason. Her eyes are red and I can tell by her posture she’s trying not to spread her wings. We’re almost there when she bursts into sobs “oh my god, I can’t believe this, this is terrible” she wipes her nose and continues to sob. What happened baby just tells me please” I try my most relaxing tone without looking at her I can feel her glare at me. “You you’re the one that did this to me you sick twisted bastard!” she pounds on my arm. It doesn’t really hurt so I let her slam her little fists on my arm and watch as the sky turns dark grey. This is gonna be a bad spring if her mood swings don’t stop.
LET THE DAMN SKY TURN GREY FOR ALL I CARE, HELL LET THERE BE A TORNADO! HE FREAKING TOOK MY FREEDOM THE MOMENT HIS SEED HIT MY UTERUS! Maybe not, maybe it’s just too soon; it’s only been a month since you found out. This little voice in my head got more excessive every day! We’re here finally; I don’t even wait for Michael to unbuckle his seatbelt. I want answers and answers I’ll get! It feels great to have nature under my feet again, that’s the only thing that hangs me to my sanity and even then I’m still hanging on by a thread. I don’t knock on the door I simply rip the doorknob off and kick the door open. It’s mid afternoon so someone is bound to be up. “John clear alpha of the danhmor pack show you!” I yell from the door, screw manners right now. He jogs from the den and stares at me “you called sprite”
“Yes, tell me is your blood more dominant than mine?” no more games it’s time for my questions to be answered once in a while. “I assure you I have no idea what you’re talking-“
“You know I can smell that you lie, my nose is just as sharp as yours,” I walked a little bit closer “so tell me alpha did you know that this babe is to be a wolf?” he looked at me with an eyebrow raised.
“You do no you irritate me with your lie’s, tell me the truth now” I make my voice drip with authority and hear his faint whine “yes I did” he hangs his head in shame and I am pissed. Michael walks through and touches my arm trying to calm me down, and his touch brings a zap and then I see a vision.
It was later in time and she stood next to me, a healthy little girl with blonde hair and green eyes held her hand. We stood in front of a council, they were scared but I had to hold it together. She knelt by the little girl with tears streaming down her face “I’m so sorry baby girl” she kisses her forehead and one of the 6 men speak. “Alpha of danhmor, we the council of flikenhammer will take Elizabeth shore, daughter of the alpha” she screams no and stands.
We are back in the present time. Alexis clutches on to me with tears streaming down our faces. We were on the floor and she was shaking her head “no,no,no” she continuously says shaking her head. “what happened” john taps my shoulder and I shrug him off. I’m confused, they called me alpha, they’re going to take my daughter, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?
I inwardly curse myself for being so weak, but that was our future. My mother was granted one vision about my future, as was her mother and so on and so forth. They were going to take her, the council of flikenhammer, which is the council of all things sprite, were going to take my baby. Why? I had absolutely no idea but I knew I had to stop it. It was only a matter of how. WHOA WAIT A MINUTE, I stop rocking myself and look up into his green eyes, that are almost too painful for me to look at, he was going to be alpha. My mouth opened but no words came out, I finally notice that john Is trying to get our attention. I look at him and he looks back at me, the power now emenating from Michael stopping his words from flowing. He is alpha, how could we have been so blind!? His wolf wasn’t just pushy, arrogant and over bearing on purpose! He was because he was ALPHA! ITS PRACTICALLY IN THEIR BLOOD! But why now? Why out of all times did his power decide to come out now. Michael grabs my hand and pulls us both up, john snaps his eyes down
“alpha” he says through clenched teeth. He’s hating every minute of this, but I don’t care I’m still in shock from Michael being alpha!
I stare at him, he’s admitting I’m alpha?! Wasn’t there normally a fight or something? Me and john grew up together, I just always accepted he was alpha and I was beta but now, I’m alpha. “beta,” my voice deep fro some reason unbeknownst to me “ inform the rest of the pack” I tug a now basically catatonic Alexis outside. I don’t even know why we had came here but I just wanted to get her and the baby safe. There are still tears streaking her face but I couldn’t comfort her, I had to be strong now for both of us. She got in the car without a problem and buckled herself in robotically. I got on the driver side and pulled out of the driveway. The ride was silent an occasional sniffle hear or she’d move in her seat but that was all. We were both in shock, but I have to let her get it all out. As we neared the cottage her head snapped up and clear blue was shown. She was scared, but of what? As I drive into the drive I see a woman with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.
I thought maybe my senses were just playing cruel jokes on me but no. there she is, standing with the scowl that could freeze over hell. I hop out the car as soon as Michael stops , I run to her and wraps my arms around her waist “mother, it’s so nice to see you again” I try to sound enthusiastic and happy but I could only sound bitter and hateful. This was the only woman I trusted to help me when I told her what dad did, all she did was deny me and slap my face. Ever since then it’s only been her and dad. She sighs “I don’t know why you always try to lie to me” her arms wrap around me though and she kisses my forehead. She lifts my face to look at her and I take her in, she doesn’t look a day over 40 even though she’s around 200 years old. Her long green and black striped hair flows past her shoulder in natural waves. Her eyes now a soft grey as a smile lights her features, she embraces me in another hug this one bone crushing “oh my lily pad your pregnant!” there she goes again. She doesn’t really believe in god, only nature, which is just plain crazy to me. she stiffens and if I’m guessing she’s just had a whiff of the alpha that stands by the car door. She pulls back again and her eyes are red “please tell me you didn’t”
“I didn’t what mother?” coy. Smart.
“you didn’t do what I think you did”
“what exactly are you thinking mother?” innocent. Eh. Her eyes widen in horror and she puts a hand over her mouth “it’s forbidden”. There goes that stupid word again, what’s forbidden exactly? Has the council made new rules that I don’t know about? Michael steps behind me and outreaches his hand. Not a good Idea alpha.
“I’m Michael, your daughter’s mate” her eyes snap to purple and I pull my hand away. She looks back to her daughter “it’s forbidden you foolish, foolish girl” there’s a bite in her tone that she doesn’t bother masking.
“would you mind telling me what exactly is forbidden, because that zahfar kid said that too-“
“zahfar came here and didn’t tell me what you did?” she hisses at her daughter who stands there shoulders slumped. “mother Michael is my mate-“
“you wouldn’t know if he was your mate foolish girl. You cant stop lying to me for one minute can you”
“I never lied to you before mother” her words are strained. Oh no this is about to be a moment.
“ma’am what exactly is forbidden?” he’s probing, mother doesn’t like probing.
“it is forbidden for a sprite or any fairie, fae or otherwise to mate with a shifter” her eyes don’t leave me and I get the itchies on my left upper arm like I always got when she gave me that look. “she knows this, I don’t know why she’s with you- wait a minute your?” I nod, shes starting to piece everything together “and he’s?” I nod again and that gets me a slinging slap in the cheek. Her slaps feel like a hot skillet has been pressed to my skin, but I’ve learned not to cry ,crying is only for the weak. And I am not weak. “foolish foolish girl” she says and picks her arm up to slap me again but Michael grabs her wrist and growls at her. “don’t touch my mate like that sprite of clairen” not Michael his wolf, mother’s eyes turn black but she can’t control what happens here, but I’m sure back home the sky is grey and the wind is kicking. She’s about to hurt him with ‘the breath’ but I stop her with a slap before she can. Michael’s hand drops and they both look at me my mother with hate and shock and Michael with pure shock.” I’m done mother,” she starts to talk but I raise a finger, the birds stop talking and the sky turns a dark grey “I’m done with you thinking you own every one and every god dammed thing. You don’t ok and I’ve been wanting to tell you off for years now but I never had the guts too. You are an evil spiteful bitch who loves men more than her own daughter, you try so hard to control everything and fool everyone else into thinking you are the perfect mother and the perfect wife but the truth is mother you aren’t. your child came to you at 12 to tell you that her father, her OWN father showed her how beautiful she was but he hurt her, then when she showed it to you, you slapped her and told her to stop making up lies.” My eyes water and I sniffle “the only thing you cared about for those 8 years was how dad was doing if he was ok if he was having problems but you couldn’t give a dam about your daughter. And mother I’m done, you will not come over here and mess up my life because you want things to go your way. My life will go the way I want it too,” it started to rain and I walk away from her toward the cottage door.” Oh and mother,” I open the door and talk to her over my shoulder “you touch my mate again and I will chop your hands off” lets see If she can catch the lie there!
Whoa that was new, I actually wanted my wolf to come up and he didn’t say anything retarded. And she slapped her mom, who still stood there like a statue, her mouth open and her eyes distant. She took a deep breath and looked at me with hazel eyes “well that’s new” she was surprised, really? From what I heard Alexis was raped by her father and told her mom about it and from then on her mom had been a cold heartless bitch. And I thought I had family problems. She looked as awkward as I felt, here we are standing in the rain and Alexis is in there probably crying her head off- crap! Alexis! I rushed to the house and found her fumbling around in the kitchen slamming things on the stove and counter with unnecessary force. ”lexy, you ok?” she stopped moving but kept her back to me. I saw her take shuddery breaths and realize that she is crying ( plus the sniffling gave it away). “I’m fine” then she began to bang away, I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her “it’s ok she and nobody else can hurt you”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that”
Did she always have to do this?! Did she always have to and mess up my happiness. Whenever I found a pretty flower she would toss it aside and call me a ‘foolish girl’. Now I have a mate, and alpha mate at that, and a child, a child that was going to be taken away but still. I step away from Michael and look at my mother “what do you mean?”
“well the council know’s you have mated they don’t know with who exactly” she casts a quick glance at Michael “they’ll be visiting soon. I’m not sure when probably in the next month or so” she looks at my stomach.
Are you able to change back? She asks mentally
No, I look somewhere else. I don’t want to tell her about the vision it’s still to painful for me to comprehend, so I put a wall up and hear her gasp. She walks to me and puts her hand on my cheek “show me child” mother, my mother is back! I show her the vision and feel the tears come. Michael starts to put back the pots and pans I took out in frustration so he doesn’t see. My mother stands back after seeing the vision and purses her lips, I remember that look she’s debating something. The wall is up in her mind so I cant see exactly what she’s thinking. Instantly her face clears and she smiles a bright smile “ok, dear well I’m going to go now” she kisses my forehead and I’m confused. “wait, what do you mean your going?” no use in confusing myself when I can just ask her,
“I mean I’m going” she says and turns around, I should be glad right? But I don’t something about tht smile sent chills up my spine, something is going on. She kisses my forehead and heads out the door, I watch as she walks outside and makes grassy footsteps to the driveway. She spreads her wings and fly’s away without a look back.
“you ok?” shouldn’t she be happy, she was so upset when she saw her mother and now she’s sad? I will never understand her, I wrap my arms around her waist and she puts her hands on them. I hear her gasp and she turns to look at me “your alpha” she says brightly her eyes orange “do you feel different? Oh my god I knew it, well I didn’t exactly know it but I felt it. Your wolf is always so pushy that must be why-“ I stopped her with a kiss, a quick peck but it shut her up. “what was that at john’s house I saw” she squirmed in my arms “it was a vision, all sprites are allowed one vision during their pregnancy about their childrens’ future” she muttered quickly. Then she looked up at me her eyes clear blue and watery “maybe it wasn’t true you know, I heard sometimes there are fake visions” I smelled her lie but I knew she needed to believe this. “yeah maybe it was faulty” I say dubiously but try to sound as realistic as possible, I look over her head outside it was probably 6-ish, I knew she wouldn’t want to cook. “come on lets go out to eat” I say taking my arms from around her and she nods and walks upstairs solemnly, she needs to grieve alone so I’ll stay a healthy distance away from her.
Yay we were going out to eat, if only my mind wasn’t stuck on my mother or the vision or the child. I peel out of my tear stained clothes and slip on a simple halter dress that comes up to my thighs and some strappy sandals. I don’t really feel fancy so I just put my hair in a ponytail and walk downstairs. There he is sitting in the chair waiting for me “ready?” I ask sounding eager, I am suddenly in the mood for steak. He looks up at me and his face glows with happiness “you look pretty” he says sounding like a kid in a candy store.
“thank you”
“ready?” he grabs the car keys
“yup I’m all set” I walk down the rest of the stairs and meet him at the door. He pecks my forehead and I walk to the car blushing, he presses the car alarm and I nearly jump out of my skin. “sorry” he says walking toward the driver side “it’s fine” I get in the passenger door and buckle myself in, ready for some steak! He gets in and flicks on the radio, we drive out and head to the town hall, while in the insufferable traffic one of my favorite songs comes on. Instantly I turn it up and start singing it, to Michaels surprise, I know all the lyrics:
“tommy used to work on the docks, unions been on strike he’s down on his luck it’s tough so tough” Michael looks at me in amazement but I don’t care, this song is a classic
“gina works the diner all day working for her man she brings home her pay for love mmm love” to my surprise Michael joins me for the chorus
“she says we gotta hold on to what we got, it doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not, we got each other and that’s a lot for love, we’ll give it a shot, ooooh we’re halfway there ooooh living on a prayer take my hand and we’ll make it I swear oh oh living on a prayer!” we get honks from cars and yells from people to keep it down but we don’t pay attention. I sing , terribly. And Michael air guitars with his knee’s driving the car. When the song ends I click off the radio and giggle all the way to the restaurant, whoever runs the radio station must know I needed this song.
She had a beautiful voice and I was surprised that she actually knew a song. She spent the rest of the ride giggling which I found enormously cute, I decided to go to a steakhouse hopefully she ate meat. We parked in the parking lot and she practically jumped out of the seat and when I unbuckled my seatbelt she tapped on the window made a hurry up gesture and patted her stomach. I’m guessing she was hungry and I was taking too long. I got out the car and she looped her arm through mine “how did you know I wanted steak” she asks suspiciously. I look down at her grey eyes and smile
“I didn’t even know if you ate meat” I told her truthfully, and she nodded
“as a matter of fact I am probably the only carnivore in my family” her voice dropped to a whisper at family. She opened her mouth to say something but then she snapped her eyes to the restaurant, she probably smelled the steak because she walked a little bit faster. So she’s a carnivorous sprite who has family issues, maybe I’ll figure her out tonight, all of her.
no no no you will not think about your problems tonight, tonight you are out and you are normal, well as normal as you can be for a pregnant sprite mated with a werewolf and the council coming to see. But no talk like that or thoughts for that matter, yes I’m talking to myself. We walked to the maitre d and I was instantly shocked, he was a wolf, Michael sensed it and tapped my hand
“relax it’s just max, and he knows about you so it’s ok” max’s eyes bulged as he stared ate Michael with bright green eyes. “alpha” he whispered, he shook his head and smiled “table for two?” he asked. Michael nodded and we were escorted to a table in the middle of the restaurant, Crap! I forgot about the humans, they all stared at me with eyes off envy and lust and quite frankly it made me a little uncomfortable. I sat down on the left side of the circle and Michael pushed my chair in before going to his seat. He looked at me with a wary eyes
“you ok?” I squirmed a little bit
“I forgot about the humans”
“ I forgot about your eyes” he sighed and rubbed his face. I forgot too, it was natural and I never really had to hide it from anyone. “me too” I decided to calm myself and took a few breaths. He watched and smiled “thanks”, he decided to say that when the waiter came and lucky me it was a male. I heard male humans are vile and awkward creatures so I just smiled at him and that owed me a glower from Michael. “what can I get you two?” he asks not taking his eyes off of me
“umm,” I swear he swooned. He couldn’t be older then 25 and he swooned! “I’ll take whatever your having” I said looking at Michaels now furious face
“ so I guess that’s 2 steak fillets and mashed potatoes with broccoli” his voice was misleading and I could tell he was barely able to control his wolf. The man wrote it all down and I ordered a pepsi and so did Michael. The man winked at me and went off to get our drinks, did he have a death wish!?
Well no not really you know being that you’re a wolf in a man’s disguise I doubt he would actually see you
My wolf is extremely pissed, I am too but not as much as he is. She cleared her throat and stared at me with brown eyes
“what is wrong with you?” she hissed at me
“you were flirting with him that’s whats wrong with me” I hiss back, in no way was this going to be my fault. “I was not flirting I just smiled”
“do you not understand what that could have meant to him?”
“it’s a smile, it’s not like a took off my top” she sat back and her eyes turned grey “of course not unless you want me too, the other males in the room would appreciate that”. I got a twitch under my left eye that I normally got when my sister annoyed the crap out of me. she looked over my head and took several deep breaths, and her eyes swirled back to brown. The waiter came back and gave her a drink and me the same, he stood there and looked at her she looked at me and her eyes swirled grey. NO NO NO, she stood up and whispered something in his ear, he smiled and nodded. She sat back down with a smirk and I gave her my most stern glare,
“what did you tell him?” I ask a low growl forming in my throat
“I told him to wait by the car after his shift is over,” she took a sip of her drink “I’m sure to get upset later on so it’ll rain”. I almost choke on my drink, whoa she was spiteful, I looked into brown eyes and an innocent look
“you ok, baby?” she smiled and the birds outside chirped. She looked beautiful under the dim lighting in the restaurant her hair just stood out more in it’s ponytail. She wore a green cotton halter dress that looked soft to the touch and seemed to fit her nicely, it wasn’t too revealing that it stuck to her curves like glue but just enough to reveal she had a figure. The waiter came back and actually looked at me, he looked at her and she waved me off, he looked back to me and I guess I looked hurt enough to please him so he left. When he was out of hearing distance we burst into laughter.
After eating like kings and making jokes about random people I was beat, I surprised myself when I didn’t fall asleep in the car. So here I am in the bathroom with n old white t-shirt of michael’s and grey sweetpants that came up to my calf looking in the mirror at myself. My face is still there the lightly freckled face framed by shoulder length black and green striped hair. My body looks a little different now that I’m not wearing leaf clothing anymore but it’s relatively the same. The only thing that mare’s my body is the little bump that seems to grow more and more each day. Of course this is expected sprites only carry their children for a month and I’m pretty sure wolves only carry for 3 months, so only time will tell I guess. I rub my stomach and for an instant of a minute I think about the vision, I wouldn’t let the council see her let alone take her from me. I gave my stomach one final pat and went into the bedroom to see Michael laying down with his arms behind his head, laying in boxers and a white t-shirt. I wlak over to him slowly trying not to wake him up I slowly crawl into bed, I had just had my head on the bed when suddenly big arms tugged me closer to him. He hadn’t grieved yet, he cried one time and even that was only a few tears. I had been selfish to only grieve when he needed me, his mate, to comfort him. So as I lay there in his arms and felt him shake with tears the only thing I could do was do what he did for me, be quiet.
I fell asleep crying with my mate in my arms, and woke up with a tight face and empty arms. I put my hand on the spot where she should’ve been and it was cold, she’s been gone for a while. I shoot up “alexis?” no answer, where the hell has she gone!?
I should have suspected something when I smelled freshwater and lilies but no, I was so tired I stayed asleep. I awoke to the smell of home, flowers and pondwater and mother and- who hold the pone MOTHER!? I shot up only to bump foreheads with a blue eyed water sprite “ouch” I looked at him and he looked at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck
“OH MY GOD ZAHFAR HOW DID YOU GET HERE? Wait where’s-“ I look around for michael but only see leaves. MY LEAF BED! I look back to zahfar and he looks at me guiltily, I look into his mind and see that they my mother, my father (who he didn’t want to come but my mother insisted on it) and himself. They snook into the house and carefully detached me from Michael, then flew here and here we are now. I slap his arm “you took ME!?” I screech, and the door busts open. The next thing I know I’m in the arms of the monster that smells like sweat and dirt ( not a good combination)
“oh baby girl I’ve missed you so much” he pulls back and I stare into the brown eyes that haunted my dreams for years.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2011

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