

Smoke filled the sky, making flight difficult and hazy. Just as the smoke gave aid to the knights, it hid the enemy of the sky. The beast’s molten eyes were made to see through the thick fogs of its mountain home. There was a blood-curdling roar. Fire erupted from the sky, setting the ground aflame. Even from above the horses could be heard as they spooked and flung their riders to the ground.
The sound of heavy, wooden wheels being towed was clear, carrying through the smoke that battered lungs of man and beast alike. The sound of grinding metal and wood echoed in a sudden stillness. The smoke cleared for a second to expose a huge dragon in the sky. Its scales were silver, blue and gray. The dragon's head was narrow, with two twisting horns and a ridge of sharp, curved spikes going down its spine. The wings were of thin hide instead of scale. The body was sleek and long, ending in a tail with six curved spikes as thick as a man's waist.
The catapult was fired directly into its left wing.
The scream of agony was heard for at least a hundred miles, and sent birds everywhere flocking to the skies. Knights surrounded the beast as it slammed into the trembling ground. The rough landing dug a trench into the ground. A man in long, flowing black robes stepped up as it thrashed and wailed. The shape began to shift and glow until slowly it formed into a petite, thought young, woman no taller than five feet. Her back and right shoulder were a bloody mess. As she rose, she flinched and gripped her arm, pulling it to her; it was useless. Her right eye was colorless and unfocused, covered in blood from the landing. She pulled out a katana, though the action clearly gave her great pain. Instantly, it rattled to the ground; she couldn’t hold it with one hand. She staggered, barely upright now.
The man stepped forward, his sword in hand.
“You shall die, Wolfshard! You and all of your kind will perish at the tip of my blade!”
Just before he could thrust his sword through her heart, the girl muttered a word and turned into a huge white tiger. The beast bore the marks of her recent battle; a bloody eye and shoulder. But she leapt at the man, knocking him to the ground. Giving an explosive roar, she drove her claws through his throat.
“This world is ours!” The tiger, holding in it the growl of the beast, spoke human words. His blood gushed all over her glistening pelt. “And the human who robs me of my revenge shall suffer for all eternity!”
“Kill the Elven Druid!” A voice cried. “Revive our king!”
The knights closed in upon them.
“Then this day shall end in a river of human blood!” The tiger roared in fury, leaping at another human. She became a huge white bear, breaking the bronze helm and splitting open the man’s skull.
But it was clear who would win when she took a step back, dizzy.
“You shall not win this battle, you monster.” A woman laughed. “You shall die slowly, in a pool of your own blood.”
The Elven Druid battled hard; from the bear she became a wolf, then a lioness. Always was she white. Always her injuries, ever increasing, remained with her. She began to change slower; her paws or hooves became less accurate. Then she was human again. She stared at the knights around her, waiting for their master’s final order to attack.
“The Ancient Blood of The Empires will rule by the hands of a Great Mage.” She whispered; her eyes were unfocused. “By the lead of Them, A Druid shall be guarded by a Paladin of no Mark. She shall be healed by A Dragon Lord unnamed and befriended by a Hunter of no mercy. In the end, all Humans shall fall from power and leave the Land of Synakoy…”
She breathed in once, shuddered and died.
A woman emerged to stand by the body of the robbed man. She put her hand on his throat, over the wound, and muttered some words. Her words became a chant. Her chant rose in volume. Blue light washed over the wound. It slowly grew new skin. The man coughed. The woman stopped, breathing heavily. Sweat dripped from her brow.
He sat up and saw the enemy dead.
“Tonight we feast.” He said in a whisper. “And the fuel is the body of Wolfshard’s last Empress.”
“Yes, my king.”
“Tomorrow, we conquer the rest of the Synakoy world.”
“Of course. If I may, I would like to inform you of a small prophecy in private.”
He laughed. “If you wish, Riviera; if you wish.”
She helped him up. Three knights picked up the limp Empress’s body. The twenty dead men were left for the vultures as the girl’s killers departed the scene.

In the center of the battle, four horses raced across a barren landscape. Each horse carried two figures; one towering over the other. All eight of them were cloaked, and pushed the horses faster and faster. They ran the animals until they reached a small cave. Rain poured.
Jumping down from their horses, the taller four cradled the smaller four and took them into the cave. The hoods were removed to reveal four adults and four very small children. The adults quietly built a fire as the children shivered. All the adults were female, but the eldest child was a boy. The other three were girls. One of them coughed. She was lean and small, with long legs.
“Where is she?” One of the adults whispered, removing her cloak and wrapping it around the girl. She huddled closer the other three children and wouldn’t look the woman in the eye.
“She may never come.” Another answered gravely. “That’s why we’re here; to make sure they escape.”
“I’m hungry.” One of the girls stated; her tone devoid of anything but exhaustion.
“We’ll eat later. For now, we need to get you somewhere safe.”
The child didn’t say anything else. The women drew a circle in the soil. They drew runic symbols within it, and placed each child in the center. Then they pulled out a large satchel and gave each child a different single item.
The girl who’d spoken received a gem stone necklace. It was amber, oval and strung on twine by a silver cage. The boy received a fist-sized stone in a necklace. He gasped, smiling.
“You found her!”
She nodded. “You two will never be separated long.”
He put it on as the youngest of them was given a bone dagger engraved with runes and inserted gems. One of the women pulled out a small silver lion’s head ring and handed it to the girl who had coughed.
“Keep these items close to you at all times. With these, you will be able to return to us. They will prove you are the rightful heirs to your thrones.” One of the women told them. “And always stay together. You are weak when you are alone. You are strong when you are one.”
Then they held hands and each, in turn, muttered a sentence in Latin. They began to say them faster and louder until they spoke as one and the cave walls echoed with their voices. The circle began to glow an eerie green. The colors became a wall of magic. When the women stopped chanting and the circle became a drawn line of sand and stone, the children were gone.

Chapter One

Viper’s Path

A calm breeze swept through the North Carolina leaves. Birdsong and the steady sound of hooves relaxed Kiyoshi as she slowed Tempest into a walk. The black stallion pulled at his reigns disobediently for a moment, then nickered at his mares and gave up. They, too, were slowing down. One was dark chestnut, almost red. The other was a white Appaloosa with roan spots; from her ears to her hooves and just past her shoulder blades was brown. Both had two girls on their backs very happily.
“Isn’t this great? I love riding the horses.” The girl on the Appaloosa patted its neck. She was tall and compactly built, with raven black, shoulder-length hair and eyes that flashed purple in the dusk’s fading light. From her neck hung an amber necklace bound by silver and hung around her neck in twine.
Kiyoshi nodded, envious of her gorgeous complexion. Even in the green dragon shirt and blue jeans the girl looked great.
“No problem, Ivory; they enjoy the ride. And you two seem to love riding them hard.”
The girl on the chestnut stopped her mare, Wildfire, jerked the reigns back and gently kicked her sides The mare rose to balance on her hind legs and kick the air, giving a gleeful neigh. A gem from her bone knife gleamed in the sunlight, catching Kiyoshi’s eye just as Tempest shied away from it hitting his. He nickered in frustration.
“Be careful, Kai! She’s still with foal, and you’re agitating Tempest!”
The girl let her down, looking embarrassed. “I didn’t realize. Sorry.”
Shaking her head at the red-haired girl, she replied “Try hard to behave on her. I don’t want to lose another one.”
She nodded. “Sorry, Ky; I’ll be more careful.”
Kiyoshi hit the back of her head playfully. “You better.”
All in all, she was about the average height for fourteen years old. She was muscular and slim, with high cheek bones and a dark skin. Her hair was braided and wrapped around her shoulders. Unbound, it reached her waist.
Currently, it reached just below her chest. Ky wondered again how they could be full sisters like her father told them when it was obvious she had some kind Hispanic in her blood, and Ivory and she didn’t.
They rode quietly for a few minutes, enjoying the breeze and the birdsong. Kiyoshi admired the gold and scarlet leaves blanket covering both the forest floor and the worn trail. Then Ivory broke the silence.
“What were mom and dad like, Ky?”
Kiyoshi’s throat locked up. Her body tensed, making Tempest nicker nervously. His ears perked to listen. As soon as her voice was under control, Ky spoke.
“Mother was a noble woman. She wasn’t very big – much like me in figure and height. But that wasn’t what made her so strong. Her mind was sharp. She had a quick temper when it came to harming any of us. With her blue eyes and long red hair, she stood in the middle of the worst to help us. She was wise, too. She always knew what to do and say. She taught me to hunt – that’s how I taught you, Kai…”
For a moment, she lost her voice again. Then she continued, knowing what Ivory was looking for. “She was like a Lioness, fighting for her cubs, the day she died. I used to think she was one. And I’d dream she was a great white bear – like the polar bears in Alaska. Sometimes, I would look at the sky and see a hawk, and call it mother. The day you were born, Kai, was the day mother defended us from the men. She fought well. Father told me later that mother wasn’t sane, but what did he know?”
Fury crept into her voice.
“A man like him didn’t understand mother. He was always telling me that mother wasn’t right in the head. He abandoned us after she died!”
“He did leave us everything he had, though; horses and a huge property with land. We have all the money we need, and now we never have to tell the police he’s ever here because you’re nineteen. I mean, we aren’t completely forsaken …” Ivory began. Her voice was excited, not debating. This was a story to the fifteen year old.
“Yes, you’re right. He isn’t heartless. Actually, I know it’s the other way around. He left because he broke down and couldn’t raise us; we all look similar to mother in our own way. After all, I’m slight and intelligent like her. Kai has her long, gorgeous red hair and Ivory has her blue eyes.”
“Was he noble too?”
“In his love, yes, father was noble. He was very poor when I was born. Our house was very small. For the four years without you, mother and father lived in need all the time. Then I remember mother having you, and suddenly everything changed. Father quit drinking. We moved here…”
“What did he look like?”
Kiyoshi opened her mouth to answer, but before a word came out, there was a vibration in her pocket. Tempest snorted and his ears twitched. Reaching into her pocket, Ky grabbed her phone. She unlocked it to read the text:
“Thunder is injured; he ran off last night and must have tripped up. Come help me fix him up?”
“What’s up?” Kai asked.
“Levin’s pinto stallion Thunder has gotten out. He’s hurt himself again.”
“Do we need gauze?”
“I’m sure he’s gotten some. I think he just needs me to keep the horse calm. That stallion has the temper of a mountain lion.”
“I’ll bet. That’s the third time this week.” Kai answered.
“Let’s run the horses there. They’re getting bored.”
“No, Ivory, you’re getting bored.” Kiyoshi laughed. “but let’s run them anyway; he’ll need us before he does something stupid and one of them gets hurt.”
She kicked Tempest hard, letting the reigns slack and loosening her grip with her knees. He gave a feral neigh and broke out into a full gallop. Soon the wind was blowing through her hair and the horses’ thundering hooves was only thing she could hear.

When they burst from the forest trail, the world suddenly gave way to a ravine, ending in a twisting, foaming river on their right. To their left was a wall of stone, clay and tree roots. Blazing on, they followed the trail as it became a solid road. They raced the stallions on. Before them, rolling hills appeared. On one of the hills was a large building of wood and stone. A stable was to the left, with an extensive corral and fenced pasture. The fence was too high for the average horse to jump, but there was a massive gap of broken boards barely the size of horse.
They slowed their horses into a canter, then into a trot. By the time they reached the fence, they saw a man in his mid-twenties wearing black jeans and a white-and-black plaid T-shirt. He donned cowboy boots and a fedora. He held the reigns of a frantic pinto stallion, doing everything in his power to evade the stallion’s colossal hooves. No matter what he did – patting the horse, speaking softly – Thunder wasn’t quieting. He was attempting to put blinders over his eyes, but the horse wouldn’t let him touch his head. It didn’t help that it was nearly dark.
Leaping off their horses, the three of them approached the man. Even with the urgency of the situation, Kiyoshi made sure they went slowly. She didn’t want to send the horse into an unbridled panic; it could seriously injure both of them. As they approached, Ivory gasped. Kiyoshi saw it too; there was a gash in the stallion’s knee that could easily reach the bone. The only thing keeping him from rearing or bucking was that injury; there was no way he would be able to put weight on it.
Kiyoshi approached the stallion from his left, away from the injury. She soothed and patted his shoulder, whispering softly to him. Ivory took the other side of the reigns and helped still the brute’s head long enough for Kai to put the blinders on. Slowly, the stallion calmed down. The man fed him oats as Kiyoshi looked over the wounds and Ivory went to fetch bandages.
“Should we call a vet?” The man asked nervously.
“No; they aren’t open after six here, and it’s nearly seven. It’s not infected, and I know a good way to make sure it doesn’t get that way. You can do everything else. I’ll apply the herbs.”
“Herbs?” He sounded doubtful. "Don't you have real medicine?"
"Yes. Herbs are

real medicine. A mixture of comfrey and horsetail will do great for this. I’ll put some marigold in there just in case becomes infected. You can stop the bleeding with the bandages, and you know how to sew better than I do.”
“You want me to stitch him up?” Levin asked.
“Why shouldn't you? You know how.”
He sighed. “Alright; I don’t like it, but it’ll have to do until tomorrow.”
“Aren’t you confident in yourself by now?” She asked, frowning. “Uncle did it all the time.”
“But dad and I never got along very well. He may have treated them, but he never liked animals one bit. It was all money-money-money.”
“I know, but Levin, you’ve done it to Risk.”
“Risk is a retriever, not a stubborn stallion with a ripped knee.”
She shook her head and stood up. This bickering was only going to make Thunder nervous. “Never mind, Levin; take him to the vet tomorrow for all I care.”
Ivory got back with the bandages, a needle and thread.
“How am I supposed to sew him up with him wide awake?”
“I have tranquilizers.” Kai said, removing some from her saddle bag. Kiyoshi spotted a small pistol.
“Hunting again, Kai?” She asked, shocked. “What have I told you about that?”
She growled. “Don’t worry, Ky. I haven’t hunted anything that eats meat. No bears, foxes, possums or raccoons. The only coyotes I kill are the ones that attack me first. That’s why I carry the tranquilizers now, though.”
Kiyoshi relaxed. “Thank you.”
“No problem. I didn’t like hunting the canines anyway.”
“It’s so wrong.” Ivory agreed. “I hated it when you brought that fox back.”
Kai handed Levin the shot. “It goes in the shoulder or hip muscle.” She corrected as he prepared to inject it into the stallion’s stomach. “That way it works quickly and doesn’t hurt the horse.”
“You would know, wouldn’t you?” Kiyoshi hissed through gritted teeth.
She looked at her feet. “When a bear spooks a horse…and takes after you…well…things get hairy.”
“You injected that into a bear?”
“That one’s for a horse. I swear.”
Ignoring the girls, Levin injected the horse. As they waited for him to calm down, Kiyoshi prepared the herbs. She always brought them with her. She examined the tattered satchel again. It was real fur, with small hollowed stones on leather straps. It was as beautiful as it was useful. Somebody she couldn’t recall very well had given this to her…
She put it down and began to work; mincing leaves and roots into a thick paste with the help of some water; she kept it on her at all times for herself, Tempest and emergencies like this. She lathered the bandages in the pulp.
“He’s ready.” Ivory remarked. Just as she knew he would, Levin sewed the wound perfectly – with the light from one of Kai’s night hunting flashlights. Kiyoshi then plastered the bandages on it. The horse blindly followed Kai into his stall, where he was tied firmly. It was completely dark.
“Stable your horses here and stay tonight.” Levin suggested quietly.
“Sure.” Kiyoshi went out to of the stable and gave a sharp whistle. All three horses, led by Tempest, came trotting up to them, nickering to Thunder and their riders.
“I’ll blanket them and give them grain.” She offered. “You three go in; I’ll meet you there when I’m finished.”
The three of them left, Levin in the lead. He was big enough to pick the girls up and carry them into the house, and attempted to. His chivalry got him a sock in the chin from Ivory and a kick in the gut from Kai.
“Damnit Lykaios!” He grunted. “That hurt!”
“Don’t call me that!” She growled. “I hate my full name!”
He sighed. “I'm sor-ry, Kia.” He shook his head, standing up right again. “You really think I adore being kicked in the gut and socked in the chin?!”
“Enough!” Kiyoshi called to them. “Or we’ll go home right now! Squabbling will ruin the night!”
They shut up.
For being the eldest, he sure is a bother sometimes.

Kiyoshi turned and stable the three in the largest stall. A blue heeler looked up at her from a pile of hay and wagged her tail.
“Hey pooch.” She noticed there was no collar. "What’s your name?”
That's odd. Is she new? I’ve never seen a heeler here before.

The dog sighed. Smiling, the girl bent down and stroked the sleepy dog’s head.
The pooch licked her hand in surprise. When Kiyoshi got up and blanketed the horses, the dog followed her. The dog kept at her heel all around the stable as she fetched water and oats, as well as a brush. Then the pooch sat and watched Ky care for the horses. Once Kiyoshi was finished, she headed for the house. With perfect manners, the dog followed at her heel to the house. The heeler came right in behind her, as if it weren’t a big deal.
She came into the kitchen, where everybody was gathered around pizza.
“You got pizza again?”
“Yeah; I didn’t want to cook. It’s been a week since I had Domino’s.”
Levin turned around to correct her and paused, his mouth open. He looked down at the dog and frowned.
“I’m sorry, Ky, but your dog can’t come in the house. Is she a new bitch? I don’t recall her being at your place last night when I stopped by…”
Ky frowned. “She’s not mine, Levin. She was in your stable on your hay. I figured she was a new herding dog. Your father did say something about Riley getting old.”
“She’s a stray from the other farms or the woods, then. You need to get her out of the house; mother will be furious if she comes home and sees those paws on her tile.”
Ky looked down and saw a trail of thick clay mud all over the tile and the dog’s paws.
If she didn’t get that from working their sheep then she must be from the woods.

“She doesn’t work your sheep?”
“Nope; we got a Scottish Heeler for that. He’s still young, too. She’s looking a little skinny and definitely older than I’d like – she’s probably never herded in her life, and can't be a day younger than five.”
“She followed me like she’s known me her entire life.”
“Then keep her. Most dogs like that come from the valley farms. They never keep their dogs on leashes, and don’t care if they run off and get hit. They’re mean to their dogs.”
“She’s cute, though, isn’t she?” Kai cooed. The child came up to pet her and the dog barked and jumped up to lick her face, excited.
“Then she needs a name, doesn’t she?” Ivory came up and patted her head. The dog licked her hand.
“Sure. I’ll know what to name her when the time comes.”
“Try finding her real name first; she’s a little old to attempt to rename her.”
“I don’t think so. She may be a stray or something.”
He shrugged. “Eat and let’s go to bed. I’ll take you back home tomorrow in the truck.”
“No thanks. We’ll ride.”
He sighed. “Fine; I’ll take Champion out.”
“Why don’t we detour into the woods? Fall is a great time to spot foxes, and I know Kai loves hunting season.”
He nodded. They ate and retired to bed.

Kiyoshi shook her head at the heeler. Knee-deep in mud, holding a collar and rope in hand, she had to wonder why a dog so well-behaved would give such a fuss over a leash. Straining out of the mud, Kiyoshi hoped she was trained enough not to go after the horses.
As soon as she put the collar and leash in her hunting bag and checked to make sure her violin was secure, the dog came to her knee and looked up at Ky, wagging her tail. It was almost as if she were telling the girl she was good. Shaking she head clear of the silly thought, Ky headed for the stables.
The dog, of course, came along. She danced around her feet as they approached the stable, suddenly thrilled. It was as if she were rushing Ky. She tossed her a piece of meat. The dog sniffed it cautiously and licked it. Then her tail wagged and she gulped it up.
Just before Ky and the pooch reached the stable, four horses burst out, racing around her in a wide circle. Levin rode a chestnut quarter horse in the front, with the mares closely behind. Tempest rode so close to the quarter horse’s heel, Kiyoshi knew he wasn’t happy; he was pissed at being debunked by another stallion.
“Release Tempest, Levin. He’s fine.” She looked the horse over. “Where the hell is his saddle?”
“I couldn’t saddle the beast. He kept biting me. I barely got the bridle on.”
She sighed. Oh well. She’d ride bareback; she’d done it before on the trail. “Oh well.”
She came up to his right. Tempest nickered at her and nuzzled her shoulder. Grabbing his neck, she gracefully mounted him.
“Alright – let’s go.”
Levin stared at her, while the girls snickered. “What?”
“Aren’t we going on a ride through the woods? Shouldn’t you get a saddle on that wild beast?” Levin asked.
“Why? He hates them as much as I do, and I can feel his movements better without it. Besides, he's better trained than your cattle drivers.”
She took the lead. Looking down, she saw the heeler at the heel of Tempest. She was suddenly very serious and watchful. She kept her ears perked and her eyes flicked to Kiyoshi often. She left the horse’s heel only long enough to circle the other horses. It took Kiyoshi a minute to realize she was making sure everybody was in line and close together.
When she nipped Ivory’s mare – Bell – in the fore hoof and the Appaloosa spooked, Ky stopped Tempest and gave a sharp whistle. The dog came at her immediately. Just as she was going to discipline the dog, Ivory cried “snake!”
Kai drew her pistol from her hip and shot it. Looking down, Kiyoshi saw it was a dead copperhead with a bullet through its head.
“She just saved Bell’s life – and mine.”
Looking back at the dog, she stared at her a minute. Then she tossed the dog another treat. “I think we’ll call you Viper.”
“Isn’t that a little guyish?”
“It isn’t for a tomboy like this dog; it suites her.”
“Your choice…”
“Heel, Viper.” She pressed her knees deeper into Tempest’s ribs, getting him into a walk and then a trot. “Let’s hit the woods.”
The others, including Viper, followed.
As they entered the forest and left the trail, a feeling of restless energy settled down upon Ky.
Something isn’t right. The forest doesn’t welcome us…

Trees surrounded Kiyoshi, making her feel at peace. The sound of the birds in the trees and wind in her ears gave her a sense of freedom. The feel of Tempest’s steady, powerful trot gave her joy. And the laughter of her sisters and Levin had pushed away the majority of her restlessness.
The sun was at its zenith, and Ky was in no hurry to turn around. Still, Kiyoshi noticed behind them the birds were quiet. Viper was on edge. She would pace and whine if a horse paused, if they fell back a little, or if they changed direction.
“What’s wrong with Viper?” Ivory asked, taking a late notice.
“I don’t know.” Ky answered quietly. “She probably knows the forest pretty well, though, and something is making her nervous. Maybe we’re in coyote territory or something.”
Just before anybody could protest, there was a growl, deep and brutal, from behind them. Champion and Bell spooked, side-stepping into Wildfire. The mare kicked, nearly throwing Kai. Then she took off. Tempest fought at his reigns, backing up and sidestepping. Viper barked and snapped at Tempest’s heels. Losing control, all Kiyoshi could do was hang on as the stallion took off at full gallop. She could hear the sound of the other two following him out of pure instinct. The air began to grow denser. The light was fading rapidly. There was a bizarre silence and an absence of even the wind.
By the time they caught up with Bell, they had left the forest. All four horses were exhausted. Viper broke away to inspect behind them, as if she knew there may be something following them. When Kiyoshi’s breathing was under control, she slipped off Tempest’s back to check on the others, who were already off their mounts. Other than scratches from thorns and tree limbs, every human and animal was alright – even if all the animals were tense.
A more pressing matter, however, was where they were. It was nothing like Ky had ever seen. There wasn’t a flat place in sight; all of it was sheer cliff, pine and gleaming, white snow. Where there was no snow, ice-glazed rocks reflected harsh white light. The sky was a gray-white blue, hazed with scattered streaks of cloud and a pale winter sun.
“Ky…” It was Ivory; her voice shook. Kiyoshi turned to her grimly. “Where are we?”
The girl shook her head, already shivering. “I’m sorry, Ivory. I don’t know.”
“You’re home, Kiyoshi. You’re finally home.”
Ky whirled around, looking for the owner of the voice. It was female, and almost soft enough for her to mistake it for the wind. Just as she was about to deride herself, however, a woman stepped out from behind a huge boulder. Several men surrounded them. There were at least ten people surrounding them, both male and female. Most were armed with crossbows and daggers or swords. The strangest thing was…they were riding huge white canines the size of horses. The animals had amber eyes and black paws. They were saddled like horses, but looked a hell of a lot more aggressive.
“And I am the one who brought you back.”

Chapter Two

The Winter Wolf Riders

Rage glazed Kai’s mind for a second. She was furious. This was this weirdo’s fault?! She began toward the woman with clenched fists, but Kiyoshi’s arm blocked her way. She shook her head. Still steaming, Kai nearly didn’t listen. Then she saw the look on Ky’s face, and nodded. She took a step back. Shivering from the cold, the girl watched as the teen closets to her mother approached the woman until she was only a few feet away.
Long fur brushed her leg. Absently, she reached down and stroked Viper’s head and listened to her sister talk. She was amazed by her emotionless face and even, calm voice.
“I’m sorry, miss, but I don’t believe we’re from around here.” Her words became visible with puffs of white clouds in the frigid air. “And we came on our own. Exactly who are you? Since you know my name, I think I’d be a start to tell us yours.”
The woman’s smile infuriated Kai. She sincerely wanted to draw her bone dagger and carve it off her face. The thought of how infuriated and revolted Ky would be held her back – just barely, but it did. Besides…the huge dogs with saddles kind of gave the group their edge.
She would never speak to me again for drawing on a person, let alone hurting one with it. And she wouldn’t have the chance to kill me herself, with those huge beasts being used as mounts.

The woman even laughed. “I apologize, Kiyoshi. My name is Riviera Nightstorm. And when I say I brought you here, I mean my friend did. She’s quite the intelligent one.” She nodded at Viper. “She missed you dearly while you were away.”
“Away?” Ky asked smoothly. “I’ve never been here in my life.”
Kai noticed the sudden shift in the woman’s features. She slumped slightly. The grin left her face. But her ice blue eyes held something back in them Kai couldn’t identify. She wasn’t sure what this woman was playing at, but Kai knew an actor when she saw one.
“You…you don’t remember?” Her voice shook, but something in Kai told her it wasn’t with sorrow. It seemed like she was…trying to suppress something. “You were born here, Kiyoshi. You, Levin, Lykaios and Ivory were all born here.” Tears came to her eyes.
Are those real? Or is she hiding something? What’s going on?

“Is that so? How old are we, then?”
She looked hurt. “Levin is twenty-five. You are nineteen. Ivory is fifteen, and Lykaios is fourteen. How would I not know my own family’s ages?”
“You think we're your our family? If you’re family, what are our last names?”
She sighed. “Levin Fray Dovewyng, Kiyoshi Sylva Wolfshard –“
“Amazing; family who doesn’t even know our last names – or our middle names, at that. I would love to get my hands on your informant; I’d tell them what deranged idiots they are just before I strangled them lifeless for doing such a terrible job.”
Now she was shocked. “Those are your last names! I knew all of your parents myself!”
“All of them?” Kai laughed. “We’re sisters.”
The woman shook her head. “This has gone wrong…so very wrong…”
She turned around and called out “Tenzik! Could you come here?”
A tall, lean and muscular man in black leather and brown fur dismounted his beast and came to stand before her. Kai noticed Ky look at him strangely, and paid more heed. The man kept his eyes slightly lowered and stood at a respectful distance. But his eyes shone with warm pride.
“These girls may not believe me, but I will not leave them to the ice storms and wryms. Their clothes are far too thin for this weather. Get them my extra Icilan furs. Their…” She paused and looked closely at their horses “Winglesses will need grain and warm blankets; any extra of both needs be given to them as well. They need a tent and fire wood; I suggest you collect the wood and make the fire…”
Kiyoshi shook her head. “If you’re going to aid us, don’t keep us out here in the cold. We’re not tramping around in the snow with a tent and firewood. Show us to the closest town or…” She looked around. “Show us to the nearest village.”
The woman turned around. “Well…the closest thing to either of those is our Caravan. We’re only the scouts.”
“You have a Caravan?” She asked doubtfully. She looked the fox-like mounts up and down.
“Yes. We are on a mission to end the terrorism in this land.”
“Where are we, exactly, that gives you the right to travel all over killing people?”
“I’ll show you, alright?”
“What do you mean?”
“We’ll be returning to the palace soon.”
Kai snorted. “Did you just say palace? Where are we, Britain?”
“I've never heard of this Britain. Where is it?” She sounded confused.
Where are we?

Kai shook her head. “Something is strange, Ky…let’s get outa here.”
“We can’t stay in this cold, though, Kai, and we’re clearly far from home.”
Kai saw Kiyoshi, too, was shivering. Only she was dressed far lighter than the other three; she was in a tee shirt, blue jeans and riding boots. Her riding cap was in her arms as she shivered.
“Right...” Levin continued “We’ll get sick, and we don’t know where we are, for one. And how would we get food? I don’t think they have a McDonalds in these mountains – not in a place where they ride foxes the size of a horse.”
“Besides…” Ivory remounted Bell swiftly. “The horses are tired, hungry and will fall ill if we stay out in the snow. They had no time to grow a winter coat; one second, mid-fall, the other – winter. Bell’s sweat is making her shiver, and Wildfire…she’ll loose her foal...”
Levin mounted, and Kiyoshi lifted herself gracefully up. Sighing, Kai got onto Wildfire’s back. She nickered tiredly. When the mare shuddered, Kai understood Ivory’s anxiety. The horses had been run hard enough to sweat, and were now in a heavy snow with summer pelts. And there obviously were no roads up here in the barren mountains, leading to civilization that may not exist for hundreds of miles.
Besides…people riding foxes the size of horses…I don’t think we’re in North Carolina anymore.

“Lead the way, Riviera.” Kiyoshi waved her hand. “But…remember that we’re only following you because we have no other choice, not because we believe you.”
“No problem.” She gave a hand signal. A young woman dressed in fur brought her a sleek canine the size of a horse. Its fur was white, with gray paws and black ear tips. The tail was a shade of dark gray. There was a mane along its spine. The creature had amber eyes. It sniffed at the horses curiously, as if it had never seen such a beast.
“We apologize for his curiosity. Wingless horses are rare in the mountains, and they know only the winged.”
Riviera gently mounted the huge Maned Wolf – the closest race she could name the beast too – and began to ride. Kiyoshi took to her right and Levin to her left. Kai rode directly behind them with Ivory. The other ten or so people rode in an orderly line. As Kai listened to Kiyoshi try to amuse their psychotic savior, she knew they were never getting home.


The sun was down long before the company came to a halt. Kiyoshi made sure Kai, Ivory and Levin were all dressed in warm furs, and had a warm fire going before she changed from her thin, soaked clothing into the warm caribou hide shirt, jacket and pants. She changed into the boots that were perfect for winter – most likely some kind of beaver or otter fur – and then the gloves that were animal hide and fur stuffed on the inside – though she had no idea what either was. Nobody had suggested caring for her horses, so she turned next to them. She made sure they were warmed, fed and tied to tree limbs.
When she returned to the campfire, Levin was dishing out a thick stew. Ky sat down and was given a bowl herself. Even Viper was given a bowl. Apparently, the dog was theirs, even though Riviera had claimed to know her. They ate it quietly. Ky was sore and mentally exhausted from trying to make sense of what was going on. Riviera was obviously not much older than her, but was so clearly in charge there was no doubt her party had confidence and respect of her. They treated her like a mature, sane adult.
Hell, they treat us like we’re crazy, outlandish idiots. And it’s only been three hours. How do they do this?

The stew tasted odd. The flavor wasn’t bad, however, and she focused on trying to identify it. The meat was tough and had been smoked and salted, but it was easy enough to chew. The broth was thick and heavily spiced. Because the spices blended, she couldn’t be sure what was used. There were roots and veggies in it, but she was completely lost on them altogether.
“Where’d you get this?” Ky finally broke the silence.
“Riviera brought the supplies and made the fire. I cooked it.”
“What meat did you use?”
“It looked like some kind of deer meat, but when you see people saddling giant foxes, you can’t be sure what the hell is around you.”
She nodded, understanding how upset he was. “Get ready for bed, girls. I think they’ll want to leave sometime around daybreak.”
“Are you kidding me? We just rode hours. We were on them all day yesterday, too.” Ivory complained indignantly.
“Would you rather starve and freeze?” Ky demanded. Ivory’s face expressed itself. “I said get to bed.”
“Now, damnit!” Ky growled and her voice growing cold. “No ands, ifs or buts!”
The girls finished eating and disappeared into the tent. It, too, was animal hide.
They live so basic. It’s like they’re in the dark ages again. Well...I guess the huge dog mounts aren't the dark ages...but...still!

“So we’ll travel with them?”
“Unless you want to attempt to find North Carolina in these sheer peeks of snow and ice, yeah.”
He nodded, not arguing, though it was obvious he wasn’t happy about it.
“I’m sorry. I don’t like it, either. Riviera doesn’t seem…stable. But she’s our only chance. I mean…this place is the strangest place I’ve ever seen. Everybody and everything has two faces, and nothing is quite…” She frowned. “I don’t know…real. Well… what we consider real, anyway.”
“I know. Just be careful, alright? Try not to be alone with any of them – especially the men.”
She nodded. “Yes…from the looks of things…they won’t have women rights.”
“Good night.“
After a moment of silence, he rose and went to his tent. For some reason, there were three. He took the smallest. Ivory and Kai had left the largest one for her. As soon as she was finished eating, she stored the remainder of the food in little containers left beside the fire and pot. She cleaned the dishes using snow, recalling suddenly how her mother would do both of these things, although she wasn’t sure where the memory had come from. Then she re-checked the horses and put out the fire before going into her tent.
Surprisingly, there was a cot covered in many assorted hides and furs sown together. There were books in a stack as well. Just a glance at them proved they were useless to her; they weren’t written in letters, but characters that reminded her a little of the Celts and a little of Japanese, but not quite either language. After putting the stored food in a corner of the too-large tent, Ky tied the tent closed and lay down. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Viper lay at the foot of the cot.
This is going to be a long night.

She yawned.
But tomorrow will be an even longer day.

Chapter Three

Journey through Ice and Stone

Viper’s snarl woke Kiyoshi with a start. She leapt from her cot and shivered. Slipping on her coat and boots quickly, Ky saw the shadow just outside her tent. Something told her it was Riviera coming to say hello. She reached down and tapped Viper on her muzzle. “Quiet.” When the dog looked at her, insulted, she said “good girl, Viper.” The dog sneezed, but didn’t bark more. Grabbing her violin, she came out of the tent. As she’d suspected, Riviera stood in the growing dawn light.
“You sleep late, Kiyoshi. Are you even packed?”
Furious, Ky got up in her face. “Listen here, Ms. Leader, I’m not one of your damn scouts. Get that through your thick skull or we’ll find our own damn way. I won’t have you ordering around my group. I’ll wake up when I damn well please. Is that understood?”
The shock on her face was clear. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was slightly open. But there was such fury there that she shook, and her pupils turned black. Ky forced herself to stand her ground – not to step back, however afraid of Riviera she really was. She’s not accustomed to being told off, is she? And I have a feeling there’s more reasons to her holding back than me standing up to her. What does she have to gain?

Then Riviera regained composure, slowly cooling down – by force – and nodded. “Fair enough, Lady Kiyoshi. But I would ask that you get up in time for us to move out. Most of the camp is ready to move. Dawn is the time most of the more proficient predators are hunting, so it’s quite hazardous to just start moving then. Awaken your family and pack up. Tell me when you’re ready to go.”
“Oh…where do you want those books?” Ky kept the emotion from her voice. She couldn’t show her relief that this psycho had held back.
She blinked. “Those aren’t mine. They were yours and your mother’s; we just made sure they remained safe.”
Then she turned and went off to speak with Tenzik. Looking around, Ky sighed. Most of the mounts were saddled, and everything was already packed up. They hadn’t brought another animal to carry most of this stuff…
What the hell am I going to do with a cot?

But she did have a place to begin. She went over to Kai and Ivory’s tent and looked at Viper.
“Go get Levin, Viper.”
The dog wagged her tail and zipped off for his tent. As she slipped in, she heard a flurry of barking and then Levin shouting at the dog to shut up.
She was surprised to see the girls lying on stacks of fur and hide, without a cot. It made packing less complicated, but it wasn’t healthy. They were well-bundled, sure, but it still concerned her. Not only the cot was missing, but so were the books. Instead, there was extra, fancier clothing. The clothes were more designed to help a person blend into a forest than the ice-covered mountains. Other than that, however, it was bare. Ky came to Ivory first. She bent down and gently shook her. The child woke and sleepily said “bug off. I’m too tired to go to school.”
“Good for you.” Ky laughed. “You’re not going to school for the rest of your life if you don’t get your ass up.”
She gave her a look of bewildered confusion, but then saw the tent and snow.
She groaned “It wasn’t a dream…” and sat up.
Kiyoshi turned and shook Kai gently awake. The girl stared at her and sighed. Taking her head in her hands, she sat up and muttered something that made Ky smack the back of her head.
“Watch your mouth around me, Kai. I don’t want to hear you say that again.”
She smiled an ornery grin, but nodded anyway.
“You better. You’ll get more than a tap on the head next time.”
She glimpsed outside.
“Why is Levin chasing Viper in circles?” Kai asked, making a face.
Ivory looked. “And why is he in his boxers?”
Ky slowly turned around, her face turning red as she saw Viper taunting Levin to chase her in circles with his pants in her mouth. She would pause to push her rump in the air in a taunting, playful bow. Then, just before Levin would reach her, she’d dart away, tail wagging gleefully.
Everybody was staring at them, open mouths or laughing. Riviera was staring at him in disapproval, but made no move to stop the situation.
Sighing, Kiyoshi gave a sharp whistle. Viper froze, her ears perked. She dropped the pants at Levin’s feet and came into the tent, tongue lolling.
“Behave yourself, Viper.” She told the dog. “I don’t want to see that again.”
What am I saying? I should tell her she’s bad, not treat her like a person.

Viper, however, hung her head and whined as if she had understood. Levin came in, his face scarlet red, glaring at the dog.
“I’ve already disciplined her. Don’t you dare do it yourself.”
He sighed, putting on his pants. “What the hell was that for?”
“I had no idea she had a sense of humor.” Ky laughed. “I sent her in to wake you up, and apparently she thought she’d play in the snow with you as well.”
He laughed a little, but it was a little mean of a laugh.
“Lay off, Levin. Go pack your things.”
“Our horses can’t possibly carry all that stuff.”
Riviera appeared. “Good. You’re all awake. I came in to offer you a beast of burden. I understand wingless horses aren’t the strongest or most intelligent animals. They bond to a single person, no? So I have here a more prepared animal.”
She waved them out of the tent. Ky gasped when she saw the beast. It was an animal the size of an ox, with long, powerful legs. The fur was dense and curly, all white but for splotches of tan and light brown. It sported horns that twisted like a mountain goat. The shape of the head and muzzle reminded Ky of a caribou, though the tail was long like the ox.
“What is it?” Kai asked, astonished.
Riviera looked surprised. “It’s a Garix. What else would it be?”
“I have no idea what it is. It has features of three different animals – the ox, the caribou and the ram.” Kiyoshi told her. “I’ve never seen anything like this – not even in mythology.”
Riviera shook her head. “What a strange world you must have lived in, to have animals with such names. I cannot picture these animals at all.” She shrugged and handed the Garix’s reigns to Ky. “But it doesn’t matter where you lived; you are home now, and have much to learn. Garix’s are beasts of burden. I will have somebody help you pack. The Garix should be able to carry most of your load.”
Then she turned and went over to a young woman, who carried a sword on her back. The woman made a strange gesture to Riviera and approached them.
“Hello, Lady Kiyoshi. I shall assist you in packing. Where do we start?”
Thinking on her feet, she said “My tent; it has more stuff.”
She made the same gesture to her and headed for Ky’s tent. The four of them followed her. Ky picked up her violin and strapped it onto her back before the woman could touch anything. The girls began to fold extra cloths they found while Levin organized the books into a satchel the woman handed them. Ky packed away the food and helped the woman fold the cot, once she realized it was able to do so. Then they heaved the stuff outside and watched the woman pack the items onto the beast. They followed their assistant’s lead and took down the tent, rolling it up and allowing her to pack it. Ky thanked her, which seemed to dismiss her. Then everybody groomed, saddled and bridled their horses. Without breakfast, they mounted and joined Riviera’s waiting group.
“Finally; Let’s move.”
She turned and walked her mount into the front. The four followed her in the same style as last night. Kiyoshi yawned, and her stomach rumbled. Her hips and knees were sore still from yesterday.
But this bitch won’t catch me complaining!

She had no sooner thought that when she heard Kai grumble about being hungry. She noticed Levin rode very stiffly, and yawned often. Ivory’s stomach grumbled louder than Ky’s. Riviera glanced back and lifted her eyebrow. But she didn’t suggest a break or eating. She actually looked irritated. Kiyoshi looked her in the eye with a dead stare until she looked away.
This isn’t going to be easy. Apparently, we’re going to have to fight for freedom. This bitch is going to attempt to make us another one of her damn scouts.

Kiyoshi slowed Tempest to walk beside the Garix. She spotted the stored food and took it out carefully. Then she took out four cups and poured equal portions as she rode. Some of it didn’t make it into the cup, but most of it did. She gave Kai, Levin and Ivory each a cup, and kept one for herself.
They ate as they followed Riviera. The group of scouts mostly kept a small distance back from them. As they’d discovered last night, horses weren’t easy prey – but they were food for the scout’s mounts. They had to keep a distance, or somebody was getting hurt. The horses may spook and hurt somebody.
Kiyoshi was too raw and fatigued to really talk more with Riviera. Besides, the scout leader had proved she had no patience for her right now. She’d already slipped up. Why provoke her only hope into dumping her and leaving her in a place of ice, snow and stone?

They rode silently until noon. Ky was half-asleep on his back when Tempest stopped. His ears were pricked. Riviera paused, glancing back at Ky curiously. Wide awake from Tempest’s strange behavior, she listened. She felt Tempest’s tensed muscles. Then she noticed he wasn’t properly putting pressure on his left front leg. She carefully dismounted. When she felt down his leg, he spooked and jerked it away. Ky frowned.
If he walks on that leg anymore, he’ll go lame!
“He’s injured. I can’t ride him until I figure out what’s wrong. Either way, he needs at least an hour of rest.”
Riviera looked at the sky – into the sun – and sighed. “Alright; If you can walk him until we reach a safer place we can stop at least that long to rest and eat.”
Ky looked at him closely. He wouldn’t put weight on it, which would slow them down. Thinking quickly, she went over to the Garix and found a loose fur and a rope. Carefully taking that out, she returned to Tempest and wrapped his leg tight with the fur, using the rope to make sure it was tight. He snorted and whimpered, but didn’t pull away this time.
That looked broken. How did he break his leg? How are we going to save him with a broken ankle?

“He can walk, but it’ll be slow.”
“I’ll send a scout ahead to look for a place to rest. Then I will travel with you myself. That ankle doesn’t look right.”
Riviera waved Tenzik over. She gave him orders to take three others with him, in case something happened, and look for a suitable place to rest and build a fire for something to eat. He called out names and two women and a man broke ranks. They went off in the direction they’d been heading.
“Let’s head that way. We can go as slow as you need.” Riviera actually sounded concerned.
What’s up with this? Why would a leader of warriors be concerned over a horse? And one without the wings she mentioned the wild mountain horses have?

But Riviera did take their pace as Ky walked Tempest. In fact, the leader kept an eye on Kiyoshi as well as Tempest. About thirty minutes of walking, and the scouts returned. If Ky hadn’t been holding Tempest, the horse would’ve spooked from their sudden appearance. Champion did, though Levin calmed him quickly.
“We’ve found a place to rest. It’s in a small cave.”
“Good. They’ll be out of the wind.”
Is she talking about us?

“If we mean to make it before dusk, you guys should move as fast as you can.”
“We are.” Riviera told Tenzik. “Tempest can hardly walk.”
He nodded and moved to his place, followed by the other three scouts.
Knowing how cold it got at night, she walked the stallion as fast as she could, but it was still impossibly slow. About an hour into the walk, Riviera sent all the scouts but Tenzik, two men and the four of them to the place they’d found. They were to make sure camp was ready for the group for when they arrived.
Riviera paused in the travels as the sun began to set. The cave was in sight.
“Come here.” She called to one of the men. “You know a little healing, don’t you?”
“Yes, my Lady.”
“Heal that horse’s ankle. I thought we might be able to wait until we got to the Healer, but since you two are kin…”
He nodded. Dismounting, he approached Tempest slowly. The stallion’s ears went forward. His eyes grew wide. He snorted through his nostrils.
“Wait.” Ky held up her hand. “I don’t want you hurt. He’s not a tame animal. If you’re afraid of him, just one kick in the right place can kill you. He’s frightened and injured.”
“I can see that, Lady Kiyoshi, but I need to get close. Can you hold him still and keep him calm?” He asked. He was pale.
Ky sighed. “I can try. But you must keep calm.”
She heard Kai whisper something about him reeking of fear and held back a sigh. The man approached slowly, watching the horse. He was close enough to reach out and touch Ky when Tempest jerked back and attempted to rear.
“Whoa! Easy, Tempest!” Kiyoshi gently patted his nose, keeping the reigns firmly in her grasp. If she let go, he could kill himself and the scout. The horse slowly calmed down. But he wouldn’t take his eyes off the man.
“I’m sorry, sir, but he’s not going to allow you to get any closer.”
And there’s no other way to heal that damn ankle.

Ivory came over to her. “Ky…what are you thinking? That ankle isn’t just sprained. If this man can’t do anything, what are going to do? That won’t heal right with a splint like that.”
She looked her sister into the eye. The girl gasped. “But you helped that foal into this world!”
“That gives me a reason to make him suffer?” Ky asked in a whisper. She turned to Riviera. “Could you wait here? Make sure these three stay with you, too. I need…to put him out of his misery.”
Riviera looked horrified. “But –“
“This is my decision, Riviera. I know it’s not the way your people do things, but he is in pain.”
She sighed. “Fine; We will wait here.”
She looked away.
I don’t get them. I just don’t understand it.

Looking around, Ky saw a smaller cave. It was difficult to see, but away from everybody and not too far.
“Here.” Kai handed me her gun. “It’s got three bullets left. I hope you don’t need all three of them.”
“What is that?” Tenzik asked in near awe.
“It's a weapon of our world.” Ky told her quietly. “If I do this right, Tempest won’t feel a thing.”
As Ky turned and headed for the cave, she heard Riviera say something about praying for her to return.
It was the strangest thing she'd ever heard, and made her hope the world wasn't as dangerous as the warrior leader made it seem.

It was a short walk that took around a half hour. Tempest became more and more difficult to keep moving; his ankle was swelling, and there were huge paw prints in the snow that resembled a great cat. As they came closer to the cave, they became more frequent. All Ky could think was that at least he wouldn’t rot, and his body would fuel whatever lived in the cave. Finally, they were shadowed by the cave.
Kiyoshi pulled down Tempest’s head and reached into her pocket. They were the last bit of oats she’d been saving for him as a treat. She scattered it into the snow. Hungry, the horse bent down to eat.
Ky cocked the gun; put the barrel against his skull, right behind his ear. She looked away and, tears rolling down her cheeks, and the girl pulled the trigger.
There was a neigh of shock and pain as the horse fell, and a quiet thud. He was dead before he hit the snow. The shot echoed through the mountains. From here, she could hear the other horses spook.
Ky fell to her knees and lay against the carcass. Blood pooled everywhere. It covered her knees. Exhausted, crying, Ky fell asleep against the body already nearly cold, in a pool of the blood she brought.

It was dark when she woke, shivering. The blood on her – from when she had rolled off Tempest – was frozen onto her. Standing, she realized the cold didn’t bother her. But as she looked around, the world somehow seemed…different. The shadows were different, and the colors were strange. Her sense of smell seemed…stronger. Wasn’t the snow deeper before she’d fallen asleep?
Yawning, she stretched. Fear gripped her as instead of hands stretching upward, massive white paws stretched across the ground, releasing claws raking away ice like butter. They were at least six inches long. They reminded her of a huge white lion paw.
But that’s me! Why are they lion paws?!
She opened her mouth to speak and growled.
What the hell was going on?!
Another growl answered her from the direction of Tempest’s body. Only she actually understood it.
“Fall asleep near a kill, lioness, and expect a starving male to leave it alone? You didn’t take even a bite!”
Whirling in shock, Ky gaped at the magnificent lion that stood over a half-eaten carcass. It was the color of snow, and its eyes were as gray as the brilliant winter moon. Something about him drew Ky toward him, but she kept her distance. When she didn’t reply or move, he cocked his head to the side.
“Why aren’t you fighting me? Aren’t you hungry?”
“I will not eat that.”
He snorted. “Cubs…”
“I am no cub.”
He bit into the flesh. It took all of Kiyoshi’s will not to lunge at him for doing so; Ky could see his ribs, and knew he needed it. Tempest was a memory alone. He was gone.
He swallowed. “Why did you growl at me?”
“I was testing my voice.”
He blinked at her as she was insane.
“Really, I was.” The growl this time was real. She didn’t like the way he was treating her. Knowing she had to return to the caravan – even like this – Ky shrugged and turned toward the camp. She put a mocking purr in the way she continued “Besides, it’s clear you need that entire horse a whole lot more than I do.”
He was suddenly in front of her, snarling. Ky’s body reacted to the threat instantly by raking its claws down his shocked muzzle.
“Stay out of my face!” She snarled, covering her reaction.
He pushed his muzzle into the snow, growling. Ky seemed to feel the sting of the wound in snow. She snorted. “Yes, because that disinfects the wound.”
He glared at her. “It’s not like you know a better way to clean it!”
Purring, Ky answered. “Actually, I do. I’ve studied herbs.”
“What the hell are herbs?”
Rolling her eyes, she turned away from him and headed for the camp. “Figure it out yourself! Enjoy the feast – I killed it for lions who can’t find their own prey!”
The sound of him following Ky unnerved her. What if he attacked the caravan?
“Stop following me!”
“Show me how to hunt…”
Shock stopped her paws. How the hell would she do that?!
I’ve got to find a way around this!

“Do I look like your mother?” She demanded, glaring at him over her shoulder.
“No. But you’re female. Your mother showed you how – I’m male.”
“What's your point?”
“I can fight.”
“I can too.” She snarled angrily. “Haven’t I already shown you that?”
“I wasn’t expecting it. A lion attacking you in your condition will slaughter you.”
What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Ky turned and kept walking. “Go back to your pride! Leave me alone!”
“I…don’t have one.”
He’s following me! I need him to go away!

“Then go make one!”
“How? The humans have killed all the females of our sacred grounds.” He was walking beside her now. “Well, except from you, beautiful. And if you won’t travel with me, at least teach me to hunt so I can find another female in the foothills.”
“Humans kill us because they’re afraid of us.” Ky told him, careful to not say ‘we humans’ and ‘you lions’ because it was clear she had somehow become one.
How did this happen? Why am I a giant white lioness?

“I don’t want to get killed! That’s why I attack them!”
I can see that.

“Then don’t follow me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Because I protect a group of humans, that’s why!”
He stopped in his tracks. “Why?” He snarled furiously.
Quickly, Kiyoshi thought up a reason. Then she realized all she could do was hope he believed the truth. “That horse was mine. I rode him, fed him, and trained him. His name was Tempest.”
The lion just stared at her, obviously believing she was completely insane. “He broke his ankle, so I was forced to kill him or let him die slowly. I did it there so my friends – who I thought were my family until recently – didn’t see it. I fell asleep by his side human. When I woke, I was a huge white lioness.”
For a moment Kiyoshi thought she’d honestly have to fight him. His muscles were tense, and the look in his eyes was of pure fury. Then, slowly, they filled with understanding.
“What is your name?”
“What's your last name?
What is my last name? Oh…it can’t be what I thought it was, since I’m not from…where I grew up…

Ky thought a moment.
What did Riviera call me? Wasn’t it something like wolf…wolfstone…no. It was Wolfshard!

“I apologize. I grew up away from my family…but found somebody who told me this…it’s Wolfshard.”
The lion rose on all four paws and bowed to her.
Anger pulsed through her. “You don’t have to mock me.” She bore her huge fangs.
“It is an honor to meet the last Druid. You have helped our kind in many ways, and for that I give you my thanks.”
“What's a Druid?”
He looked up as if in amazement. “You don’t know?”
She felt her tail twitch. “No. I told you…my parents didn’t raise me. It’s been a long time since I saw this much snow…and I just found out that the people I’ve known my entire life aren’t my real family.”
“It would be hard for you, then. I could…travel with you. Are you still with your human pride?”
“Yes. They await my return.”
“Then…I wish to accompany you. There is nothing left for me here. I cannot hunt. I have no pride…and it would be an honor to help you understand the world around you.”
“I think we’re leaving the mountains.”
He shrugged. “It does not matter. I will adapt. And I will learn as I teach you.”
Ky cocked her head to the side curiously. “What is your name, lion?”
His purr was full of humor. “Of course, my queen; it is Zenic.”
Ky walked forward to put her paw on his shoulder. By the time she reached him, she was human again, wearing the same clothes as before, completely in tact. Shivering, she gasped at how much bigger he was than an African Lion.
“You’re so big!”
His growl was full of amusement.
Our minds are bonded.

It was his voice, in her head. Somehow, it only made her feel more drawn to him.
Get on my back and guide me to your people. Then it is up to you to explain what is going on! I can’t speak to them like you can!

Laughing, Ky mounted him. He stood, and took off like a bullet in the wind.


Levin watched as the sun rose in sorrow. Riviera stood, placing her hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Levin. If she made it through killing Tempest, she couldn’t have made it through the night. The lions would have found her by now. They live in prides of ten to twenty.”
“There are lion in the mountains?”
“Yes. Where do they live in your world?”
“The hottest, dries plains in the world.”
She thought about that. “They’d be smaller than ours, then, and with thinner fur.”
“Anyway…I think she would still be alive…” Levin said hopefully.
He couldn’t take his eyes from the cave he’d seen the flash. Champion had calmed down, but kept looking that way nervously. Ivory and Kai were sleep by the fire Riviera had built. They had tears in their eyes – the gunshot had both upset them to tears, knowing what Kiyoshi had done, and done alone.
“Levin…you want her to live. But…it’s not possible. We need to move on.”
He looked at her and saw genuine regret. A roar cracked through the air.
That’s the second one in an hour. It’s so close…

“Can we wait a little longer? Maybe…maybe she made it, and she is just sitting a vigil. Tempest meant a lot to her.”
“You think she'd really sit a vigil?” Riviera looked toward the cave. “Alright; we’ll wait until the sun has fully risen. Then we will continue on. It doesn’t take long to get from here to the cave. At the rise of the sun, we will go there to find her – dead or alive – and that will be all. If I were you, Levin, I wouldn’t put too much hope into it. It just hurts more when you never see them alive again.”
Her words were of real grief.
Maybe I shouldn’t hope. But…perhaps I should.

He looked over to see Kai glaring furiously at Riviera. She looked both pissed and troubled.
“I will hope until the sun fully raises, Riviera. Give me that long, at least. And don’t say anything to the girls. I will search for her on my own when the time comes.”
She nodded and returned to the fire. Kai wouldn’t look at her.
Levin looked back out toward the cave and sighed.
Will I ever see her again?


Kai began to grow restless as light filled their temporary camp. So she saddled the horses, and untangled their manes and tails. They had a little grain on the Garix, but not much. The horses were given what they did have, however. Ivory checked their hooves and reassured Levin and Kai that there were no stones, and all the ankles, knees and legs of the remaining horses were in good health. She did, however, linger on Wildfire’s stomach.
“She’s losing weight, Kai.” She whispered so Riviera couldn’t hear. “Give her extra grain, and don’t ride her hard anymore. She should be gaining. That foal seems weak.”
After that, all Kai could do was pace.
“When I go to find Kiyoshi, you two need to stay here. Stall Riviera and make sure she doesn’t leave until I get back.” Levin told her too quietly for anybody else to hear. His eyes were troubled. They were puffy, pink and his face was very cold.
“Right. Don’t get frostbite. We can’t lose you; not after Ky has given us this scare.”
The sorrow in his eyes deepened. Kai realized they could fully see the cave. But it was too far away to see it in detail.
That’s just as Ky had wanted. We can’t see Tempest’s body – but we can’t see her either. Damn!

Levin rose and mounted Champion.
Is…is the snow…moving?

“Riviera! Look at that!” It was Tenzik’s voice. “Lion!”
“Where are the others?!” She exclaimed, drawing a sword and mounting her own beast. “Find them!”
Kai mounted Wildfire quickly. She could see its amber eyes now, and drew her bone dagger. It was slowly becoming a huge, white lion twice the size of an African Lion. The fur and mane looked thicker. Then she sat up in the saddle straight and glimpsed something strange. Was that…a leg – a human leg?
“Wait!” Ivory shouted. “Ky is on his back!”
Levin answered “She’s conscious! Ky is riding the lion!”
“What?” Riviera held her ground as the lion slowed to a stop right before her. Kai gasped at the sight. Both were covered in blood. Kiyoshi was as pale as a ghost, as if she had died and come back to life. The girl watched in amazement as the lion bowed to Riviera and lay down to allow Ky to look Riviera’s pale face in the eye.
“I have returned, Riviera. And it is all thanks to Zenic. He showed me who I am, and if you kill him I will not accompany you. I will learn to survive with him – through him – and take my family with me.”
Kai stared at her in shock. Her sister looked over at her and Kai gasped. Ky’s eye…her left eye was…it was amber! The blood…was Ky…was Ky even…human? Her breath came in short.
Everything went black as she feinted.


Kiyoshi rushed over to Kai. She was fevered.
Three days in this world and everything is falling apart.

“We need to get her to your healer.”
“The man I asked to heal Tempest can heal her fever with ease.” Riviera spoke quietly. “And that mare is starting to look very thin. Is she pregnant?”
“Then she needs less exercise and extra grain.”
“I’ll see to it.” Ky picked Kai up and looked at Zenic. “Do you mind carrying two, Zenic?”
He nodded his permission. Levin came over and gave her a big hug. Heat flooded through her.
“I’ll hand her to you once you’re ready. It’s good to see you.”
“Thanks.” She handed Kai to Levin. Then she turned and climbed up to sit on Zenic’s back. Levin handed Kai up to her. Ky nestled her in Zenic’s mane, where she’d be warm and safe. “If you’re ready, Riviera, so am I.”
She turned and retrieved something from her saddle bags. Then she tossed it into Ky’s arms. “Change into that as soon as you can. The blood will draw in more lions that are a whole lot less tame.”
Looking down, she saw more clothes, but they were all white except for the seams, which were light purple. As soon as Ivory and Levin had mounted and Ivory had Wildfire’s reigns, Riviera began to move in the direction they had been moving in before the accident.

They reached the cave with the other scouts by noon. Kai was still unconscious. Ivory and Levin rode as close to her as they could without the horses spooking – at least six feet behind. They rode in silence. Kiyoshi’s head was throbbing. She tried to focus on what had just happened, but there were new senses she couldn’t get used too.
Her sense of smell was incredible. She knew the horses were afraid of her. The horse-sized Maned Wolves were edgy and nervous, though not exactly afraid – more or less suspicious. Most the scouts felt the same. Riviera was focused on the trail. Tenzik smelled of horror and anxiety, though whenever Ky looked back his face was emotionless, so it wasn’t her and Zenic – it was personal. Both Levin and Kai were anxious – most likely for Kai. They were exhausted, too. She knew that was her fault.
And there was something else that was much less human – or animal. It was…strange. She could close her eyes and know where every rock, every sapling and every animal was within ten feet of them. She knew where the rabbit was under that half-frozen bush. She knew the dots in the skies were eagles. But everything was jumbled and confusing unless she focused on it. Her head throbbed with the information.
“Be calm, Kiyoshi. It will become easier. You will grow used to your senses.”
She nodded, trusting him.
Riviera glanced nervously back at what she would hear as mere growls.
“It’s nothing to worry over.” Ky reassured her. “He’s just trying to make me feel better.”
“You feel ill?” Tenzik asked.
“I’m very tired. And Kai is ill, so that worries me. Should I feel well?”
He shrugged. “I have no idea how you feel. There is no ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ when emotions come into play. I just hope you do not become sick as well.”
“Yes. After that scare, we need you healthy. Don't get sick on us!" It was Levin’s voice.
Would he hate me if he knew what I can now do?

“We need to talk, Levin, when we get a chance.”
His surprise trickled into her, making her shiver.
“Are you cold?” Zenic glanced back.
At least he’s practical. I am a bit chill…

“I can walk and run without you guiding me. Sleep; I will awaken you when we stop.”
For a moment, she hesitated, recalling how Tempest had become injured during her nap. Then she looked down and saw his giant paws – they were far more suited for the ice, stone and snow than hooves. So she curled up next to Kai, making sure they were both secure, and fell fast asleep.

Ky woke to bright light and white, warm fur. The scent of fire and a feel of people and their animals enveloped her. She sat up to realize they had stopped at a large cave. Surrounding them were the scouts. A large fire blazed just inside the cave entrance. Glancing around, she saw Levin held Kai, while Ivory spoke with the man who had attempted to heal Tempest.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t allow them to awaken you when we arrived. You were exhausted and still shivering slightly. The girl needs medical attention, however. So they took her carefully. Ivory gave me meat.” Zenic told her quietly.
“That was kind of her.” Ky answered quietly, so none could hear her.
“They all know.”
“Not Ivory and Levin.”
“They would understand.”
“Ivory would. She used to talk to animals. They answered her, too.”
“She is a body changer.”
Ky scrambled down and began to untangle his mane absently.
He mulled his words over a little as she worked.
“I do not know your word. Let me explain it instead. She can make her body become another animal, though her mind and soul remain the same. She can therefore understand even me, though she cannot do more than that yet.”
“Your abilities do not awaken until you suffer beyond suffering. This means, something tragic must happen first.”
Something tragic must happen…

“What about Kai?”
“Oh. She’s got wolf blood in her. I smell it from here. That’s why she’s fevered, really. She saw you all bloody and feinted. Now she’s fevered. She needs help to bring that down, sure, but her wolf blood was awakened either way. Apparently, you're very important to her.”
“Wolf blood? Will she get ears and fur?”
He looked at her, his amber eyes amused. “Darling Ky, your ‘sister’ is a wolf-man. She is a werewolf, if your language is Latin-based. If not, there are many other names…”
For a second, Kiyoshi was shocked. But the more she thought about it – Kai’s temper, her restlessness with leashed or fixed dogs, her love for meat and the full moon…even her brutish fighting style – and laughed.
“How did I miss that one?” She asked both herself and Zenic.
“Disbelief in the blood makes it easy to pass everything obvious up.” He answered logically.
“You know, for a lion, you certainly are logical.”
“And for an Elf, you certainly are emotional.”
Elf? I thought I was Druid…?

“Druid is a class. Elven is a race.”
She blinked.
He’s doing it again…and could you stop now?

A rumble came from his throat that Ky understood as a laugh. But most of the men didn’t, and turned to eye him distrustfully. When he didn’t move, they turned back to their work.
Levin laid Kai down on a bed of fur and hide. The man bent down and placed his hands on her chest. He closed his eyes and began to move his hands in a familiar movement.
“Hey…your style…it is Reiki.”
“You know energy healing?” Somebody asked. She looked around and saw a boy slightly younger than her.
“Why didn’t you heal her?”
“I know about it. I’ve never had the power awakened.”
“I see.”
He turned and walked away.
Zenic snorted. “Children are so nosy.”
“Never mind them. Let’s make sure Kai wakes up.”
“I will remain here.”
She nodded, knowing he would spook most of the scouts and all of the animals if he came with her – if he moved, in fact.
People here fear his kind. And those wounds looked very human-made. I wonder how much damage the lions actually do, and how much humans react purely in fear of their lives just because they don’t understand them.

She went over and sat beside her younger sister’s bed. For a time, she watched the man work. But she knew Kai wouldn’t break her fever tonight. No…the child wouldn’t break it until her body and mind were ready to handle the truth. Yet Kiyoshi sat with her, careful to not fidget.
“You can touch her.” The man told her quietly. “It will not affect the Reiki.”
She nodded, and grabbed her little sister’s hand. Kai squirmed a moment, making a face of pain, then slowly relaxed.
“You bring her peace.”
This will pass. It will bring a change I’m not sure we can deal with. But the road there will be long and hard.

And Kai was going through the worst of it.
Levin raced up to her about twenty minutes later. Ky could feel his frantic anxiety and even fear. She picked up the image of Wildfire and the smell of blood.
She stood and faced him before he said a thing.
“What’s wrong with Wildfire?”
He blinked. Shaking his head as if to clear it, he pointed, panting, toward the entrance of the cave.
“A Maned Wolf mount appeared from hunting, and spooked her. She’s gone into labor!”
For a moment, she felt panic. “What?! It’s too early!”
“I know, Ky. But there’s nothing we can do! You’ve got to help us!”
Help what?
“The foal will be alive. It’s not too early for that! It’s only around a week or two early.”
So…I can only save the foal.

“Show me where she is.”
Nodding, Levin whirled and led her outside to the mare. She was in a little small temporary stall – it looked more like a lean-too – lying down. There was a lot of blood – too much.
Ivory was standing outside the stall, white as a ghost. The walk had given Ky just enough time to collect herself. She was much calmer.
“We have to get her up. The legs are out, and the head is coming. If she stays lying down, she’ll break that foal’s neck.” Ky ordered Ivory and Levin, who were both pale. Ivory nodded and slowly approached the horse. Wildfire nickered. Her eyes were wide, her ears were back and her nostrils flared. “Talk to her gently. Tell her it’s ok.”
Ky came over and grabbed the reigns as Ivory whispered comfortingly. Levin stood back and watched. Wildfire slowly calmed down.
There’s still too much blood!
“Levin…come over here and pull that foal out. Pull only when she has a contraction.”
“How do I know when that happens? I’ve never seen a horse give birth!”
“I’ll tell you when.”
He nodded and came behind her. No sooner had he placed his hand on the foal’s leg did Wildfire cry out in pain. She was contracting.
Levin did. The foal’s head appeared.
“Grab its shoulders. Then stop pulling!”
He moved quickly.
Blood gushed with the foal.
Ky felt sick. Wildfire’s energy was too weak. She focused on the horse. She thought of her getting stronger. Slowly, Ky felt her own energy ebb into the mare until she could give no more. Wildfire was just strong enough to do this…she had just enough.
Even if Ky felt sick to her stomach and foggy in her head, Wildfire was strong.
Another contraction…

“Pull!” Ky held the reigns tightly as Levin helped Kai’s foal. There was a gush of blood as the rest of the foal came into the world. “Break the sack!”
“Rub it! Rub the horse down with some clothing! Do it now. Before it freezes or suffocates!”
Levin grabbed a cloth somebody handed him – a blanket – and began to rub at the foal as fast and hard as he could without killing the animal himself. Ky allowed Wildfire to lay down.
“She is awake!” Somebody shouted by Kai. “No! It’s too soon to stand, child!”
It was Riviera’s voice.
“I must not let her die…without at least saying goodbye.” Kai answered.
“Help her.” Ky told Ivory. “No matter what she looks like, we still need to help”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Just do it.”
Ivory turned and went back into the cave. Ky felt shock from Ivory, then understanding.
“Wildfire is this way, Kai. I’ll help you.”
Ky watched as Ivory led in a powerful black wolf with amber eyes. She stood like a human. On her shoulders and hips were markings of white in the shape of strange symbols that resembled nothing Ky had ever seen. Kai leaned against Ivory as much as her older sister’s body would allow.
Kiyoshi’s eyes widened as reality hit her.
If we’re all different species…how can we be sisters?

“Thank you Ivory.” She let go and went over to Wildfire. “I will miss you, Wildfire. I will miss you in a way only we could understand. Thank you for being such an intelligent mare. And thank you for your wonderful son.”
It’s a colt…

Ky watched who she had thought was her sister as the werewolf stood. Their eyes met, and she spoke in the language of wolves instead of man.
“I understand we are not family, Kiyoshi. But I smell the magic in you. You can understand me. I will always follow you. To me, you are my sister. I will not abandon you. Thank you for caring for me, my sister. And thank you for bringing this colt into this world. He will grow with my aid.”
“Is…she growling at you?” Ivory looked a little confused and nervous.
“No. She is speaking like a wolf. And I understand her. Because my abilities awoke when I killed Tempest and Zenic helped me realize what I was. I am a Druid. He also mentioned Elven as a race…”
Ivory stared at her. “That can’t be right. If Kai is a Werewolf, then we have to be Werewolves too.”
Ky shook her head. “No, Ivory. You will become a shape shifter. Levin has dragon blood.”
“Dragon blood…?” Levin was smiling. He stared at Ky as if she were insane. “Elven? Shapeshifter? And…Werewolf. Right. You guys are all insane.”
Ky stared at him. “You see Kai. You know, deep within, that I am not deceiving you. I can feel it. But your mind is closed off. Have you not looked around you, Levin? Have you not seen the Maned Wolves the size of horses? Have you not seen the white lion twice the size of an African Lion? Do you not see Kai standing here through the very act of magic you deny?”
He looked at his feet. The confusion and fear pulsed from him in waves.
“We’re not related, though…we’re not really a family…if we’re not the same races…”
“I know. That doesn’t mean we can’t stay together. It doesn’t mean we can’t be one group.”
“I…need to think…”
“Then let’s do it over supper and a good night’s rest.” She grabbed his hand gently and led him into the cave. Kai came over to the colt and gently caressed it. The foal nickered and followed her inside without a doubt. Ivory followed behind, stunned, confused.
Now all that’s left to do is to wait. What will come of today’s events?


Levin stopped Champion to gasp. Ky heard the other two stop suddenly as well, and knew they were in awe as well. She was sure she heard one of them say something like ‘holy shit’ but she didn’t know who; she was too busy looking at what filled the valley below her.
There were winged horses tied to trees, steaks and posts. They were hitched to covered wagons, or in a coral with foals. On the outskirts armed men and women were on similar mounts as Riviera’s scouts. Goats with long fur and curled horns, alpacas and huge, wiry-haired pigs roamed around freely while dogs and collared wolves followed people around, guarded wagons and led herds of caribou into pins. In the center was a roaring bonfire. All of the people were dressed in hide, fur and dyed wool. Not one woman wore a dress. Ky even spotted girls around Kai’s age standing a ways from the wagons practicing archery, marshal arts and swordsmanship in small groups alongside boys.
“I know it’s not much.” Riviera’s voice made Kiyoshi jump, which made Zenic snarl angrily at her. Riviera’s alarmed look slowly melted into an amused smile that made Ky feel three inches tall. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d have felt me – especially now that you’ve bonded.”
Ky thought quickly and replied “The snow throws me off.”
I’m so new to this damn sixth sense I can’t sort things out. This is going to take some time.

“You’re not accustomed to snow?”
“I’ve never seen this much snow, ice and rock in my life.”
She nodded, as if she understood. “A change so drastic would be difficult for one such as you.” She turned her mount. “They know we’re here. We’ll reach them by nightfall if we ride hard.”
“We can’t ride too hard, Riviera; The horses aren’t good on the ice and cliffs, and we’ve got a colt to look after. Our clumsy riding is what injured Tempest and led to his death.”
She indicated the still unnamed colt next to Kai – who was now very human-looking.
If she could just learn to control it…this trip would have been easier. Going to sleep as a wolf-man and waking as a human must have been very confusing. She hasn’t been anything but human since.
“Take a break whenever you need too; we’ll make sure there will be an easy path to follow, and that there is a scout accompanying you at all times.”
She returned to the front of her scouting party, followed by the others. Even the horses were calm enough to allow Zenic to walk with them. The teen leader turned and led the way toward the valley.
“Kai!” Kiyoshi called. The girl looked up. “Climb onto Zenic! The colt will follow Bella!”
“Are you sure?”
“He did it earlier, didn’t he? Come on – you’re shivering.”
She nodded and led the colt over to Bella. The mare nickered and nudged him.
I’m glad the healer guy knew a way to make her lactate without giving birth herself. The poor thing wouldn’t have lived otherwise.

As they followed the scouts and Riviera, the colt followed their last mare, and the colt’s last hope.

It was indeed around dusk when they reached the valley. Levin and Ivory were led to the corals to care for their horses. To her surprise, there was even a small wooden shelter erected for them – there were few of even the winged horses on such snow and ice. Viper wouldn’t leave Zenic’s side, and Bella stayed close to Champion. The stallion was relatively calm compared to Bella, but the quarter horse nipped a boy walking past. Bella shied, causing the colt to spook. Before anything could happen to him, Kai leapt from Zenic and grabbed the colt. She calmed him as Ivory calmed Bella.
“Mind that horse, Levin.” Tenzik growled. “Biters aren’t welcome in our camp.”
“He’s just nervous.” Levin explained rather evenly for such a comment. “He’s never been around so many people and animals at once.”
“Neither has Bella.” Ky informed them. “The colt has never seen this many people, and his ‘mother’ is frightened, so that’s the only way he knows to react. I request to tend to all my animal’s needs.”
He looked over at her and nodded. “I’ll make sure the stable master understands, Lady Kiyoshi.”
Did he just call me ‘lady’? Seriously? What is their issue? Just because I realize we’re not in our world and we’re not family, doesn’t mean that we’re royalty.

Then he turned his wolf mount toward the coral. He met some boys on the way toward them. They turned around and followed him back to the coral.
Riviera was looking closely at Ky; especially when she turned around. Kiyoshi knew what she was looking at; her violin case. She finally approached her after giving orders to her scouts.
“You play an instrument?”
“Yes. I play the violin in my free time.”
“Violins are rare. Where did you get it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve had it as long as I can remember.”
Zenic shifted his paws, making it difficult to remain on his back.
“We have some others that play as well, but they have reed flutes and such. Any string instrument is rare in the mountains. We would love to hear you play.”
Surprised, Kiyoshi looked around and slowly nodded. “I wouldn’t mind. I’m not the best, but if you wish, I could play tonight, after my family and animals are cared for.”
“Then after supper, before the children are to bed?”
“That’s fine.”
It should give me some time to come up with what I’ll play, and to rest. I also need to speak with the girls and Levin…

“Oh. If you wish, Kiyoshi, you may speak with the beast masters anytime you, Levin and Lykaios feel the need.”
Kiyoshi just nodded and muttered her thanks, tired and worried about her words. Riviera was quiet a moment, and then pointed to a small wagon sitting alone in the snow. The wood was pine, and it appeared freshly cut and made. There were two of their Garix hitched.
“That is yours. I sent word ahead to construct one for you four. There’s no need to be concerned about the Garixes; we’ll give them grain. They are trained well, and are intact. We won’t move out immediately; my scouts need rest. I recommend Lykaios and Ivory build up a food stock; we can’t supply you all the time with such a large group.”
Since when did we ask for a wagon? Then again…it’s better than a tent and a cot…and now we don’t have to worry about overburdening the horses; they can travel without worrying about the extra weight.

“I’ll do that.” Kiyoshi turned toward the wagon. The others shadowed her. “Since Kai knows more about hunting than Ivory, I’m sure she can take care of that with Viper. Levin can help me care for the Garixes, too. Ivory…you can make sure there’s wood every morning. We’ll find an ax When your abilities are born, I’m sure we’ll find some other ways for you to assist us.”
Ivory took off his bridal. Ky handed her a brush and dismounted Zenic. It wasn’t long before the horses were clean and fed, a fire was started and their belongings were settled into the wagon, which contained a small supply of bread, spice and meat as well as firewood next to the wheel, extra grain, an ax and equipment for horses and the Garix. Edgy, the horses remained close to the wagon and even followed their riders around whenever they could. Viper lingered by the front right wheel, observing the activity around the wagon attentively.
Zenic had disappeared into the mountains to hunt; Ky worried about him, since he wasn’t too good at it. When a strange boy around seven years old appeared, she gave a small growl-bark to alert Kiyoshi, but didn’t approach the boy.
“Greetings.” He said nervously. Kiyoshi approached him.
“Yes, child?”
“Riviera invites you to join us for supper, Lady Kiyoshi. All four of you are welcome to the meal and fire.”
“Thank you.” When the child didn’t leave, Ky thought for a moment she needed to pay him.
“You have a White Lion as a mount…”
“Yes.” She looked at the boy carefully.
“When he comes back, can I touch him?”
She blinked. “That’s completely up to him, child. He’s not a beast like your horses; he’s an intelligent animal who thinks and feels as we do.”
The boy’s eyes glowed with interest and excitement. “That’s really cool! Can I meet him at least?”
“Of course you can. You can tomorrow morning, in fact – if you come at dawn…and only after you talk to your mommy and daddy.”
He nodded with excitement.
“Alright; we need to get to supper. The horses will stay around the wagon. Zenic will meet me back here, too.”
“What about puppy?”
“She goes everywhere I do; that’s the way she is.”
“That’s cool. My dog stays and guards the caribou. We’re not allowed to pet him.”
“I don’t think she would care for it. Go tell them we’ll be right along, boy.”
“Yes, lady Kiyoshi.” He turned away and ran off toward the fire. Ky turned to see the girls and Levin waiting for her. She came up to them.
“We’re invited to supper?” Kai looked nervous.
Ivory was shivering. “I do. It’s cold out here, and they’re fire is huge.”
Levin, as he had all day, remained quiet. He just stared at Kiyoshi’s amber eye. His staring made her fidget.
“Alright; we need to get going.” She nodded and headed for the fire. Levin slowly followed her, coming to walk to her left. The girls followed them. Viper came to walk at Ky’s right heel. When they arrived, a group of teens the girls’ age called them over.
“Do you mind?” They asked Ky, Ivory’s eyes glowing.
“Go on. But…” She looked at Kai. “Give me that knife of yours. I don’t want anything to happen…”
Kai frowned. “You don’t trust me?”
“I don’t trust them.” She pointed at the crowd. “Who knows what they’ll say? If they get you angry enough…”
She sighed and handed Ky the dagger. “Fine. But I get it back when we get to the wagon.”
“Of course. I just don’t want an accident to happen.”
They went off to join the kids.
“Welcome.” Riviera came up and greeted Levin and her. “Come and sit. The food will soon be ready.”
“Thank you.” Ky answered formally. She didn’t bow or anything, but that would seem too much; perhaps even mocking. Ky joined her, sitting on the left. Levin sat on her right.
“What do you know about hunting?” A girl asked Kai. “And why did the Lady take your dagger?”
“Well…” Kai fell into a story about her last deer hunt. Ky heard her carefully replace the word ‘gun’ with ‘bow’. Thankfully, she was good at both.
“They seem to be adapting.” Riviera said as men handed her, Ky, Levin and Tenzik food bowls. This time it looked like goat meat and some kind of nut. There was what looked like tubers in it as well. It was a thick, well-spiced and hot soup. The goat meat was tender as she took a bite.
Ky nodded to her observation. “They have to in this kind of place. It’s far different than what we’re used to.”
I miss that lifestyle. If we could just get home…it would be nice to sleep in a bed again…to eat McDonalds…hell – I wouldn’t mind seeing the police about my missing mother!

“It must have been a beautiful place. And from what it sounds like, very solitary.”
“We were in mountains much different than these; it rarely snowed, the trees were broad-leaved and the soil was clay. In the fall, the leaves would all fall from the trees, blanketing the world in scarlet, bronze and gold. Wolves were few. Bears were black and small. The mountains were full of trees and all sorts of other plants. They weren’t as sheer and pointed, either….”
“These mountains are young and far from the sun’s belt. It sounds like the mountains you lived in were older and much closer to it. That would explain the difference. It sounds wonderful. I’m sorry I’ve brought you here.”
Alright…it’s back to that. If she really did bring us here…there must not only be a reason, but a way for her to get us home.

“Yes…about that, Riviera.” She kept her tone even and friendly, as if she were making trivial chitchat. “We were in the middle of hunting and gathering herbs for me; he has a horse back home that’s injured, and I needed something to treat the wound for him…why would you send Viper to find us? Is there such a need to bring us from the only home we remember?”
She ate for a few minutes, her eyes churning as she thought. Ky and Levin ate as well, enjoying the food for once. It was well cooked.
“We will discuss this alone, you and me.”
“No. I will tell Levin later anyway. This concerns him, and the girls.”
She nodded. “Alright. But not now; it is a time for community and joy, not for topics such as that one. Mingle with the people. The beast master said his boy offered to meet Zenic.”
“He won’t be touching him unless Zenic agrees, and the boy understands that.”
“He is terrified of white lions; one killed his mother and nearly him about a month ago.”
“What?” Ky was shocked. "I had no idea. He was persistent about at least meeting him. He wanted to touch him.”
The woman frowned. “Since then, he has feared most animals; his father treats him very poorly now. That is why the beast master wants to speak with you about him. I believe he wants you to employ the boy – he mentioned paying you to do it. He said he has a rare Wolf mount you may have interest in. It’s from the plains, in fact.”
So the boy needs a new hope, does he? Fine. I will give him one.

She nodded, looking around for the boy and his father. When she spotted the two – it was clear he was the boy’s father from the resemblance – she finished her food as quickly as she could without being rude and excused herself.
He stood at the sight of her approach. “Go play, Yuki.”
The boy looked up and smiled at her, then scampered off to join another group of boys playing with a puppy. She saw him pat the dog’s head nervously, and then turn away to speak with one of the boys not handling the animal.
“Greetings, my lady.” His father said formally. There was reserved hope in his gaze.
“Greetings. You are the beast master, yes?”
“Indeed.” His figures tapped nervously at his leg.
I best play this carefully. It seems as if he expects me to jump his case about something. Or is he just impatient?

“I hear you want me to employ that boy of yours?”
“Yes, lady.”
“He is a young child. He’s not the best with animals. In fact, he seemed to assume they don’t have a mind of their own. Look at the way he approaches that dog. What good is he to me?”
“I understand your people do not share our ways, my lady, but Yuki is young enough to be taught whatever you want him to learn. In fact, he’s trying hard to get over his fears. If he does not react well to that lion mount –”
“Mount?” She growled. “Zenic not only has a name his mother gave him, he has culture, intellect, emotion and preference. He is the only reason I am here to speak with you and Yuki will be taught that. He will not be employed to treat my friends and partners like they are unthinking filth. Even wingless horses deserve respect, for they have feelings. If you can agree with these terms, he is welcome to attempt to learn. He will need to be there by dawn and until dusk. I will teach him the way to mend wounds, handle wingless horses, respect animals and basic jobs such as chopping wood, cooking, hunting…do you understand?”
He nodded. His eyes were wide. Then he turned and waved the boy over.
“Yuki…she is your new mentor. You will work every day from dawn to dusk.” He gave him a stern look. “If you mess this up, you know what will happen – so don’t. Hopefully, you’ll actually learn something."
What a father he is…

Then she thought of something. “In fact, if you do well, child, I may just adopt you into my family. Then you can learn more about animals than your father would even dream of.”
His eyes grew wide in amazement and hope. “Really? You may take me in?”
“If you’re a fast learner and do as you’re told. Don’t expect me to hold your hand, child. You’re going to return home sore, starving and exhausted.”
He nodded sincerely. “I will do my best, Lady Kiyoshi.”
She turned away, not even saying goodbye.
That man is horrible!

When she returned to her original place, Levin was alone on the bench. He was staring thoughtfully into the fire.
He’s been like this since I told him we weren’t family. What’s on his mind?

She sat down. He turned and faced her, his eyes full of emotions Ky didn’t want to recognize. She turned her eyes away and blocked out the feel of hurt rolling off him.
We’re not really related…but…it’s still…how could he…?

“So?” Levin asked. His voice forced her to face him again, to stop that thought for another one.
“I may have an adopted child soon. For now, I have an apprentice that is with us dawn until dusk. The boy’s father is terrible to him.”
Levin stared at her in disbelief. “What can he do?”
“We’ll have to see. I’m teaching him everything he’ll need to know that he doesn’t already. He is, after all, only seven.”
He just nodded. Ky noticed he’d eaten only half his meal and put it down, forgotten.
That’s an insult to them, and he should know that. What happened?
“What’s wrong?”
He blushed. “I haven’t anything to brag about around here. I’m much for fighting, I’ve only cooked food from our world and I know nothing about herbs or animals. It’s…rather depressing.”
She put her hand on his shoulder “You’ll find your place. You just have to look harder. Your abilities may help you, in fact. You just need to be patient, Levin.”
He frowned. “Why would it matter, anyway? Won’t we leave before either Ivory or I have to suffer beyond suffering? I mean…come on. I almost lost you…”
She sighed, looking over at Riviera across the gathered people. “I don’t believe we will, Levin. Riviera has a reason for us to be here.”
“They need our help. I have a feeling that it has to do with fighting.”
“Oh.” His face alone was enough to make Ky sick. He didn’t like this.
“Eat the rest of that before you insult somebody.”
He picked the food up and ate it slowly, without interest. His eyes were unfocused and worried, staring into the fire once again. Though she felt guilty for it, Ky was glad they weren’t on her anymore – at least for now.
Riviera appeared in front of the bonfire.
“And now, my people, that the meal is finished, I have a surprise for you. Lady Kiyoshi has a rare instrument, and she has agreed to share its music with you. It is a string instrument – a violin.”
There was an honestly happy and surprised applause. A few men whistled, and Yuki’s cheer could be heard over the other children’s.
Kiyoshi stood, removed the violin from her back and opened her case. Placing it on her shoulder, she waited for everything to quiet – inside her mind and around the fire. When she began to play, the music came to her slowly and without much focus. It slowly took heart as she a memory came to her.
She played notes of the joy of riding on a huge, black, half-wild colt. It was the thunder of the hooves and the wind in her hair; the world racing past and leaves of gold, scarlet and bronze zipping up from the wind his hooves stirred and the feel of your very heart suddenly beating in rhythm with his. It was a fast, colorful song with sudden twists with themes. Fast to slow, slow to fast. It seemed wild and nearly uncontrolled. But when she finally ended the song – the end of the ride – everybody clapped and cheered, including Riviera.
She held back the tears of the memory of the last ride in her world that she’d shared with Tempest as she put away her violin. People began to depart. The fire was still roaring, but Ky had a feeling it wasn’t put out as they as they remained in one place. Riviera approached her without Tenzik, which caught Kiyoshi’s attention.
I just may be getting the hang of this sensing thing.

“Need something, Riviera?” She asked without looking directly at her as she buckled her case and adjusted the strap.
“As soon as you’re ready, meet me in my wagon. It’s the one with the Emperor’s symbol on it.”
You say that like I know what the symbol is.
“Excellent. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”
She turned and left. Kiyoshi watched her walk to a wagon with the image of a cross with a huge purple snake slithering up its center, around the horizontal line and curling around the top half to face the viewer, hissing with enormous fangs showing.
That’s an odd symbol for an empire. I would expect a dragon or a huge white tiger or something. It must be the culture around here. I don’t know where they’d get a python like that, though.

She looked over at Ivory and Kai, who were still talking to the remainder of the teens they had been talking to.
“I think your problem isn’t the stance, Heian. It’s the weapon.” Ivory was telling a boy slightly younger than her. “That sword can’t be the right size for you. I tried ten swords before my father finally had one made for me. That’s the problem; you need a new sword.”
She caught my eye. “Talk to your trainer, alright? Lykaios and I gotta go; Kiyoshi needs us.”
“Thanks for the advice, Ivory. I didn’t even think about the sword being the wrong weight.”
“And thanks for showing me the fox pelt, Lykaios. I didn’t think they could be red – or so small!”
“No problem.” The girls said at the same time. Then they turned away from the girls and returned to Ky.
“We have a meeting with Riviera.”
They followed her and Levin to the wagon. On the way, Ky paused mid-step. She looked over to their wagon. Zenic nodded at her. Then she noticed Tenzik had opened the wagon door and moved aside. He was looking at her curiously.
“Is something the matter?”
“No.” She went inside.
It was larger than their wagon, with more furniture. Ky spotted a staff beside the bed. The cupboards were filled with spices. It was all very colorful and personal.
It’s very different from ours.

“Ah. There you are. Please, sit.”
They did.
“Now…the reason I brought you here…is because I need your help. And I need your help in fighting a war.”
Kai lunged toward her. Just in time, Kiyoshi grabbed her arm, twisted it and shoved her back into place.
“Don’t you dare, Kai.” She growled in her ear, too quietly for Riviera to hear. “Or you will be in trouble beyond your wildest dreams.”
The child swallowed and nodded abruptly.

Chapter Four

Riviera’s Plea

Levin had been nervous to begin with. Now he was absolutely horrified. In fact, he felt nauseous. He craved simply to disappear – to never see this eccentric, insane woman again. But he couldn’t leave the girls – not after a life of living with them as family. He couldn’t make himself get up and abandon them, as their parents had. And it wasn’t like there was a way home, either.
We’re trapped. We’re trapped like chained dogs and Ky knows it. I’m not leaving them. How will she get us out of this now?

Ky was glaring at the woman. Her fists were balled.
She may have stopped Kai, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to do it herself; she just wants to keep us alive.

“Riviera…” Her voice was so calm and quiet Levin had to listen closely to hear her – and he was sitting right next to her. “You have taken us from the only home we have ever known into a barren tundra mountain for your personal war? We have ridden in this frigid wasteland for four days so you can ask us to fight your own battles?! We lost two horses, learned we’re not family and two of us have gained abilities we’d rather be without – all to fight for you?”
Her voice gradually escalated until she was practically shouting. The rage bled in her words as if they were venom.
Levin had to grab her to prevent her from standing – and probably socking the crazy old hag right in the face.
“Calm down, Ky.” He whispered. “What is wrong with you? Yelling isn’t going to solve this.”
She glared at him a moment, then sighed, shaking her head. Looking back at one pale Riviera, Levin continued for her.
She’s really shaken up about this.
“I’m sorry, Riviera. We left everything for you.”
“We would like to know more about this war.” Ivory added. Her anger was narrowly in check. Her eyes were slits and her words were devoid of emotion.
“We also need to understand our part in your war." Ky injected. Her eyes were full of the fury they’d heard only seconds ago, but her voice was so calm it was cold.
Riviera nodded slowly. “Alright. I get it, you four. You simply don’t remember us. I’m not surprised; you were taken from us at a very young age.”
“Shut up and tell us about the damn war. I don’t want to hear a history lesson.” Kai snapped, getting impatient. “We’ve heard enough of those.”
Her feathers a little ruffled, Riviera nodded.
“This war is more than just mine. In fact, it’s split the entire world – this world. As you four seem to refuse to accept, this is the world you were born in. Your ties here are strong.”
“Get –” Kai began.
She put her hand up to prevent Kai from interrupting. “This is relevant, Lykaios!”
The girl scoffed, but said no more.
“The war started over you four’s disappearance.”
Levin suddenly realized how much this woman believed her tale. He recalled how the people had welcomed them as if they were family. Most of them presumed they knew everything already, even though they were making so many mistakes.
It’s obvious this isn’t our world. That much we got. But what about…how would we get from this world to ours and back? Were we kidnapped? Did our parents flee to that world, only to abandon us?
“The four of you are critical to end this war, but it must be proved. You must help us reach the palace alive, and present four items that shall prove your birth. Then you will be given training for war.”
“We need more than that.”
Riviera sighed. “I can’t give you any more. This is my king’s war, not mine.”
“Your king?” Levin asked. “You aren’t the big boss?”
She looked insulted. “Oh, dear gods no.”
They believe in more than one god?

“Then we need to speak to him?” Ivory asked.
Ky stood. “Will he allow us to return home once we help him in his war?”
“That would re-start the war…”
“We can find replacements or something.”
Riviera looked at her feet, her eyes thoughtful. Drumming her fingers on her legs, she was quiet for a few minutes before answering.
“I believe he will allow you to return home. But I cannot give you my word – it isn’t my decision, and therefore it isn’t my word to give.”
“Then it isn’t our word to give that we will do more than speak with your king.” Kiyoshi stood up; Levin, Kai and Ivory got up with her. Ky left the Caravan, with Levin and her sisters close on her heels. The night was cold and dark. Viper met them outside, and kept pace with Ky. Stars shimmered in the blackness of the moonless sky as they made their way to their silent Caravan. The horses nickered a greeting, and Zenic growled a hello.
“So what’s going to happen?” Levin asked Ky.
She seems to have taken charge, and I’m confused.
She didn’t answer right away; she was looking at the stars. Then she stopped dead in her tracks, nearly making Levin bump into her. “We go to this palace and meet their king. And in the meantime, we learn about these people. We may never go home again, and as of right now, they’re our only hope to live.”
Then she opened the wagon door and climbed inside. By the time Levin had followed, she was in her bed, her violin in hand. As Levin prepared for bed, a sad melody infiltrated the wagon. It played through his nightmares about a dying white tiger, surrounded by a hundred men.


Riviera watched them leave and smiled. Turning to her journal, she flipped to the first page. There she had written the prophecy. She read it for the thousandth time. It gave her no more answers than it had before, and she still was unsure. This was the third group. It was the third time she’d summoned children around the age of this prophecy.
“The Ancient Blood of The Empires will rule by the hands of a Great Mage. By the lead of Them, A Druid shall be guarded by a Paladin of no Mark. She shall be healed by A Dragon Lord unnamed and befriended by a Hunter of no mercy. In the end, all Humans shall fall from power and leave the Land of Synakoy…”
The only way for her to be sure, to be absolutely sure, was for the four them to fight. It would be ingrained in them to fight as one. And to make sure the other two had Synakoy blood – blood of the dragon and shifting.
I need to trap them into this. I cannot let them know too much…but…they must know enough to be loyal to us and not the Synakoy Blood. Then Corbet will be free to do as he will, and that will give me more time with Tenzik. I’m getting too old, and it won’t be long before this child is born…and he will replace me…or kill us.

Revenge was now or never. Victory could be close at hand, or far from even possible.
There is such a fine line between the two. If we can make them loyal to us, we will rule the prophecy…but if I fail…

She paced until her feet were aching and her head throbbed. Those four could salvage or abolish the rest of her life.
And she would kill anybody to make sure they didn’t ruin it – whether they realized it or not.
So how the hell do I get them to follow me? And how do I prove it’s them before we get to the palace? One more skew up like last time and I’m done for!

Then she remembered how much they missed their ‘home’.
If I can make them sure they will return home if they fight, they will do it. So I need to do just that… and I think I know just the way to do it.

She turned to retrieve a feather and ink, then parchment. Then she began to write to her king.

The sunshine woke Kiyoshi. The wagon let in less light than the tent had, and kept in more warmth, but it still didn’t do much for either compared to a house. Stretching the kinks from her sore, achy muscles and cursing the poor quality of the bed, Ky realized she was the first one out of bed. Wishing for the third day she could bathe and change clothes, she quietly stepped out of the wagon. Viper jumped up for her daily petting.
“Morning, Viper.” She scratched her ears and muzzle.
The dog got down and followed her to the front of the wagon, where Zenic stood to greet her.
“Your heart is as sad as the song you play on the violin, Ky. Do not despair; I will always be here.”
His words did make her feel quite a bit better. She came over and scratched an itch she somehow knew he had. His tail wrapped around her. He even began to purr.
Champion stood slightly apart from him with Bella and the colt, but she was relieved they weren’t frightened of Zenic anymore. The Garixes were a little ways away from them, and much farther from the wagon. Ky paused when she saw the boy coming toward them with Riviera closely behind.
“Good morning, Riviera.” She called. Her guard was up immediately. “I hope you slept well.”
They reached the wagon together. Yuki stood aside, at a safe distance from all the animals.
“Actually, I was up writing a letter to King Corbett all night. I sent it out only an hour before dawn. I knew how important it is for you four to return home, so I couldn’t sleep. I needed to inform you right away, and heard you would be awake to instruct Yuki.”
I’m lucky I woke up; I would’ve made the child wait and the father angry. Yuki needs this to go well.

Realizing what Riviera had done for her, Ky nodded, quite surprised. “Thank you very much. If there is any news…”
“I will give it to you myself.”
“This is much unexpected. I will inform the other three as soon as they wake up. Now, if you have nothing else, I have chores and a child to instruct.”
“Of course.” Riviera turned and left, walking toward the stable.
Ky looked at Yuki, who was cautiously petting Viper now. Viper’s ears were forward, and she was sniffing him for treats.
“Aren’t you afraid of her?” Kiyoshi asked him
“Yes. But I’m not as frightened of canines as much as I am cats. I’ve seen what Lions can do…” He shivered and looked at Zenic in awe and fear.
“I will not harm the boy.” Zenic rumbled. Yuki jumped ten feet back.
Viper stood and wagged her tail at the boy, saying softly “You’re safe, pup. Zenic will do you no harm.”
He leaned down and petted her again, calming down.
“There, there, human pup…”
“Viper may enjoy your pets, but you need to always respect an animal and ask before you handle them in any way – petting them, feeding them and grooming them.”
“What do you mean?” He looked confused. “Why would I ask an animal if I can care for them?”
“Would you ask my sister if you could touch my violin?”
“No. Why would I do that?”
“Why would ask me if you could touch Zenic or Viper when they aren’t property?”
For a moment, his brows crinkled inward, as if he didn’t understand. Then they lit up and he nodded. Backing up, the child bowed to Viper. “I apologize for petting you without your permission, Viper. Will you forgive me?”
“Of course I do, child.” The dog licked his hand and put it on her head.
“Now that she’s accepted your apology, why don’t you come with me to give the horses their oat and grain? Viper and Zenic will hunt.”
“You give them both?”
“They need to gain some weight now that there’s been a shift in climates. They normally wouldn’t get oats, but see how lean Champion and Bella are? What happens when the colt doesn’t get milk because Bella hasn’t eaten enough?”
“The colt will die.”
“Yes. So give them a good measure of both.”
They went over to the grain and oats. She showed Yuki how much to fill in a bag of each, then let him fill the other up.
Then she filled the bags for the Garixes. “In the wagon are horse brushes. I saw them there last night putting my violin up. They’re on the inside wall right above my bed. Be very quiet; Kai is very easy to wake up and won’t be happy to see a kid messing around my stuff. I’ll wait here while you get them.”
“Shouldn’t they be awake helping with chores?”
“They have their own to handle; I take care of the animals, so they don’t have to worry about getting up this early. If you wake them, you'll go home without meeting Zenic. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Lady Ky.” He put his fists together, placed them up to his stomach and bowed. Then he turned and went around to the front of the cabin. Ky made sure Yuki’s measure of grain and oat was right. She regarded Viper, who was becoming thin.
“If you need meat, Viper, you can go hunt. I’m sure Kai will go with you as soon as she wakes up.”
The dog smiled. She bounded off toward the wagon entrance.
“Hunting! Hunting!” She started barking excitedly.
And after she heard me tell Yuki not to wake them…

She shook her head.
Then again, hunting is best down before noon, and Kai would sleep all day if we allowed her.
“Get off me Viper!” Kai’s voice shot through the air. She heard Yuki squeal.
“What’s going on?” Ivory growled. Ky could hear them from here. She flinched when Levin’s snoring ceased.
They’re awake now. I suppose Levin can help me hitch the Garix back up, and Ivory can help me cut fire wood.

Yuki came back with two brushes and two hoof picks. Viper led Kai, Levin and Ivory from the wagon to Ky.
“Look!” Viper shouted. “I brought them! I brought them!”
Ky stroked her and praised her for her task – and too quiet what the others would hear as barking.
“What’s going on?” Kai demanded. “What’s with sending in Viper to wake us up like that?”
Ky snorted. “I didn’t send

Viper. She wants to hunt, and I told her you would join her. It was your yelling that woke Levin and Ivory.”
They blinked, not quite getting it. But Ky ignored them and turned to Yuki.
“Go introduce yourself to Champion and Bella; give them their grain. Clean them up, and then tend to the Garixes. I’ll introduce you to Zenic when I’ve discussed the chores with these three.”
She handed Yuki the bags of grain. The boy staggered off to feed the horses and the Garixes. He looked confident in this, at least.
His dad is a beast master.
“Alright, you three. I needed all of you up anyway, so don’t look at me like that. Viper made her own decision, but it’s a useful one.”
The dog barked happily to hear the praise. The three looked down at her a little strangely.
“Enough of that.” Ky said quietly. “I need Kai to hunt with Viper; try exercising your new abilities a little, if you can” Kai looked away, mumbling something Kiyoshi was sure she didn’t care to hear. So she ignored the girl and continued. “Levin needs to help me hitch the team of Garixes up. And Ivory needs to take Bell and get firewood. The mare is strong enough to pull a sled. Ask the stable hand to tend you the proper gear – even if it’s just a rope and a damn plank of wood. I’m sure you saw the ax on the far wall.”
She nodded.
“We need to store up food, wood and fur for the trip. Any herbs you see, or plants you think may be edible, need to be put in a bag and brought back here, too. Understood?”
None of them answered, so she assumed that meant yes. When they didn’t go anywhere, the druid sighed.
“Levin can make breakfast. Get ready to go; you two will head out as soon as we’ve eaten and the horses are fed, groomed and saddled. I’m teaching Yuki how to care for animals the proper way.”
Kai and Ivory rolled their eyes and returned to the wagon cubby, Viper at their heels. Levin turned to the pile of firewood and started to build a fire as Ky returned to the horses, which were happily munching on their food.
“Excellent job, Yuki. Did you introduce yourself to the other horses?”
He nodded, watching them eat.
“Can I meet Zenic now?”
She looked over to see him watching her with amusement. “Alright. But be respectful.”
She led the boy over to the huge white lion. She bowed to him, winking. Yuki looked at her strange, and then mimicked her with a shrug.
“I am Yuki, Zenic.” He introduced himself shakily. “You’re a handsome lion.”
Zenic stood and snarled.
The boy screamed and hid behind him.
“What was that for?”
“Why does he fear me?” Zenic sounded confused. “Get him away…he’ll hurt you or I.”
“What do you mean? He’s afraid of lions because one killed his mother – and nearly him.”
He blinked, looking ashamed. “Humans fear animals they intend to harm. I apologize. If they fear them, they will injure and even kill them. If you are sure he will not…”
“I am sure.”
“Then when he does not fear me, we will speak again.” He sat on his haunches. Ky could feel his anxiety with her being so close to him.
She turned to the quivering child. “You’re scared of him, Yuki.”
“He’s so big! Look at those teeth!” He was holding back tears. “And he just snarled at me.”
“He’s a lion. People attack him when they’re scared. That’s the only way he knows how to react when he’s frightened.”
“I scare him?” He didn’t sound or look convinced. In fact, he was looking at her like she was insane.
Why do I get that reaction around here so often?

“Because when people are afraid of a predator, they kill them. Wouldn’t your daddy attack a wild lion in fear of being killed?”
He nodded.
“That’s why lions kill people; they’re afraid of being killed themselves.”
Then she stood. “And besides…what man cries? Are you going to be afraid forever? Are you going to stand there shaking and crying, instead of doing something meaningful?”
He looked at the ground, still shaking but holding the tears back a little better.
Levin called. “It’s time to eat. I’ve made something different than soup.”
Kai sighed and shook her head. The two of them joined Levin around a small fire. He handed everybody a bowl of chopped, greasy meat with sliced veggies. He gave them cups of hot tea.
“Tea?” Kai asked, making a face at the stuff.
“They must be traders as well; they have tea leaves from somewhere. It’s not green tea, but it should give you energy and balance as much as any other tea leaf.”
Ivory joined them. “That smells good.”
The four of them ate while Yuki groomed the Garixes, still looking shaken. Ky watched him carefully, not really paying attention to the food going in her mouth. As soon as everybody was finished, Ivory took Bell and left toward the stable. Kai stood at the edge of camp, looking angrier and angrier before she began to change shapes. Ky looked away, feeling sick at looking at it.
When she heard a howl of rage, Ky looked over to see a werewolf in Kai’s place. The animal stood in a rage for a moment, and then slowly calmed down. When she was calm, Viper joined her, and the two ran up the mountains and into the pine.
Then Ky turned back to Levin. He was standing with Yuki by the Garixes.
“Thanks. Keep them there while I put them into harness.”
“Why are we doing this?” Levin sounded irritated. “I thought we weren’t leaving today.”
He’s never been a morning person.

“We need to get used to it ourselves and to get them used to us.”
They figured out how to harness the horses with Yuki’s amused help. Ky asked Yuki to show her how to command them by taking them – with the colt and Champion on their tail – around the camp. The first time was all Yuki. Then Yuki helped Levin and Kiyoshi with it. It took two rounds for them both to understand and master the reigns. But once both Levin and she were sure of their handling, they pulled them back to the original place to remove the harnesses.
Kai was standing there, looking around, human again. Viper stood very proudly near the girl. On Kai’s shoulders, strapped to her as if it were a feather, was a large animal with long, thick white fur, four hooved, long legs and the basic look of a deer. But it had a longer tail than she was accustomed to seeing, and the shape of both its head and antlers were off. The muzzle was too short. The ears were pointed instead of curved and there was a horn on its nose that was at least ten bone-like antlers.
“What the….?” Levin’s mouth hung open.
Kai sighed with relief as they stopped the team.
“There you are! Look what Viper tracked down!” She bragged. “I got it with one hit to the eye. Ivory was amazed, but all of the scouts looked amused when I was so excited.” She frowned. “One of them said ‘Kids! They think every kill is the greatest in the world!’ like this was an every friggin’ day cache.”
“Maybe it is for them…” Ivory commented, bringing Bell up with a log-weighted sleigh. They all looked exhausted. Kiyoshi felt lazy.
“What have you three been doing all morning?” Kai inquired.
“We more or less learned how to drive the wagon.” Levin answered with a challenge to his tone, as if he were waiting to be harassed.
“Really? That must have been dull as hell.” Ivory sighed. “I’d rather chop wood than go through that frustration.”
So…they don’t care that we didn’t work our bodies to exhaustion?

“Anyway, we’re fine on wood for a while. This is my second load.” She pointed to the edge of where their camp place was. Two good-sized stacks were piled up in pyramids. “Could Levin unload these before he cooks?”
“S-sure.” He got down and offered Ky a hand. Just before she took it, however, she glimpsed Yuki watching them curiously. Not wanting to seem weak or rude, she got down herself and nodded toward Yuki slightly. He got down himself, looking at Levin with a side glance.
“Unhitch the horses and get them fed and scrubbed. I’ll handle the others.”
“I can help.” Kai suggested.
“You’ll be helping more if you skin that…uh…thing.”
Yuki looked confused. “It’s just a stag. Haven’t you guys ever seen them? We eat them all the time. Levin cooked some this morning.”
“So that’s what that was…”
He shook his head and went into the wagon to fetch the horse gear. Levin went over to haul wood with Ivory as Kai pulled out her bone knife to begin dressing the stag. Ky took the grain bags and began to fill them with feed. Yuki returned to hand out picks and brushes before turning to the team and releasing them.
It was nearly dark before supper and the chores were done. Ky was exhausted, mentally and physically. She sent Yuki home after they ate; the boy was dead on his feet. Ivory retired without being told right after eating. Levin sat there half asleep, having a difficult time shoving the bread and meat supper he’d hastily whipped up into his mouth. Kai had retired without eating at all, grumbling about how her stag had been put on a smoking fire instead of into a pot for tonight’s meal; she’d wanted stag stew.
Kiyoshi finished eating and retired to her own cot. She fell asleep the moment she hit the feather pillow. When she dreamed, she dreamed of the day her father left.

Chapter Five
A Test of Skill

Ivory woke to the sound of activity; voices calling to one another, horses neighing, wagon wheels crunching ice and snow and the unmistakable sound of the scouts readying their own foxy mounts. Sitting up and stretching, Ivory smelled Levin’s cooking; stag meat, bread and lots of spices. She heard Kiyoshi and Yuki talking, and Kai’s protests about her colt being tied to Bella.
I’m the last one out of bed? This is embarrassing…

Putting her filthy clothes back on and wishing she could bathe, wash her cloths and find some deodorant, the girl climbed out of the wagon. Blinking from the glare of dawn’s light on the snow, she understood why everybody was up and around. Half of the camp was already in position to leave the valley, lined up near the pass’s entrance.
“Finally!” Kiyoshi’s voice called to her. “You’ve slept longer than Yuki, Ivory! Load the wood while we finish up with the horses and Garix! Zenic will meet us at the pass when he’s finished hunting and eating!”
Finish up?

Then she noticed the team was already in the harness, the colt was tied, the other horses were saddled and Kai was in the wagon seat, though she didn’t hold the reigns.
“Why can’t I just trot by Viper? I can make myself a wolf!”
Ky glared at her. “You’re kidding me, right? You did it once. And Viper couldn’t come near you for at least ten minutes because you would have shredded anything within reach.”
Kai grumbled, but didn’t resist.
“I’m sorry, Ky.” Ivory stepped in.
“Just you guys never mind it. We’re all sleep-deprived. Just load the wood. We’re leaving soon.”
A little irked that Kiyoshi was ordering her again, she went over and grabbed an armful of wood.
Where do I put this?

“Put it in the cubby!” Kiyoshi directed as if she'd read her mind. “And load the grain and oats once you’re done. Nobody could put it anywhere with you asleep, and there was no way for us to wake you up.”

She climbed into the wagon and found a place to put the wood she’d cut down and Bell had towed.
Why is she calling all the shots? Why can’t we just go home and tell that bitch Riviera to piss off?

The entire time she loaded the wood, grain, oats and then bags of food she steamed over the situation. She watched Riviera approach Kiyoshi alone and swore.
What the hell is Ky doing? I’m going over there and telling her off! She can’t make all the decisions alone! I’m tired of being treated like a child!

She began to stomp over and slowed down when she saw the look on Ky’s face. It was a cross between joy and confusion. Then she came over, perplexed, at a different pace.
“What’s going on?”
Riviera looked over at Ivory with surprise. She stopped mid-sentence and just looked at her.
“Oh. Go get Levin and Kai. I’ll tell you guys in a minute. I need to figure something out…” Kiyoshi began.
The only thing missing is the ‘shoo-shoo child…let the adults talk’. This leader thing is going to her head!

“What’s wrong with saying it right now?”
Kiyoshi looked at her a moment, a look of disbelief mixing with her confusion - and a tinge of irritation. “Would you give us a minute, Ivory? Everybody has a right to know.”
Riviera interrupted. “Just remember your sister is only looking out for you four, Ivory. She hasn’t made any decisions that will harm you or slight you in the least.” She turned to Ky, ignoring Ivory again. “The king’s orders are his orders, Ky. He will not help you unless he is sure. Just make sure all four of you are ready for this.”
She nodded. “Thank you.”
Riviera turned and left.
“What is going on?”
“As soon as Levin and Kai are around, I will tell you. Since you wouldn’t get them, we’ll both need to go to them without Riviera.”
It was a gentle rebuke, but it infuriated Ivory.
She’s treating me like a baby!

But she followed her older “sister” to the small fire, where Kai and Levin ate. Viper greeted them from her own food bowl, which was already empty. Ivory petted the dog on the head. The pooch gave her hand a lick and went to lean against Ky’s leg.
The dog is definitely hers. Viper is most affectionate toward her no matter how many treats me and Kai give her, and no matter how often Levin hands her food.

“Here you are.” Levin handed them their food. Ivory ate it without tasting it, completely engulfed in her indignation.
“Riviera has brought news.” Ky began. “It’s news I was hoping we wouldn’t hear. She sent a letter a few days ago, when we arrived. It’s been so busy, I forgot all about it.”
Sure you did. You probably didn’t tell us on purpose.

“But it’s taken this long for them to answer. Apparently, news travels slowly – probably completely by letters, arriving in the form of messengers. Anyway, the answer had good and bad news.” She took a deep breathe. “The good news is that he will help us get home.”
Ivory’s anger evaporated. She felt like jumping up and down, screaming her joy. Then she remembered there was bad news.
“What’s the bad news?” Levin asked before she manage to say anything.
She frowned. “There’s a cache. This king of Riviera’s will only help us get home if we help him fight his war. He has given the order that if we don’t help in his war, there’s no way he’ll help. He won’t even hear us out. In fact, we won’t be welcome in his palace. Riviera says she will make sure we’re able to support ourselves if we don’t join them, but there would be no way for us to return home. We’d have to live here the remainder of our lives.”
Ivory stared at her sister, her mind paralyzed. There was a chance…they would never go home…?
We…have to fight…somebody else’s war…or never go home?
“I know I’ve made a lot of choices for all of us lately, but as Riviera told Ivory, all of them have been for what’s best for us. I highly doubt anybody wants to stay here – we have to fight to go home. So we need to discuss something.”
Please don’t say its weapons…

“We will select a weapon. Then we will be pitted against a scout or two. If we beat them, there will be a couple more – until we can’t beat them. We won’t be killed. We won’t be seriously injured. Any scout that harms you two at all will be severely punished.” She looked at Ivory and Kai fondly as she spoke “This is a test of where our skills stand. We will be tested together and alone, against people who understand the weapons we choose. Then, after we are defeated, we will be assigned the master of the chosen weapon. We will train to fight with that weapon.”
If she tells us what we’re to use, I’m going to make her regret ever breathing!

“There are different weapons there. I don’t care what you choose, girls, Levin, just remember to choose a weapon you know something about. Choose the one you are most likely to go places with. I think there are spears, axes, bows, swords and staves. She didn’t mention them, but those would be the most likely choices for these people. They’ve heard Ivory talk about swords, and they know now that Kai can use knives and bows. So they should be there for you two. Levin and I haven’t given them a clue, but Riviera seems to have a grasp on what she believes we will be comfortable with.”
Ivory was actually surprised she had so much information. Where had she gotten this stuff? Didn’t she just take care of the animals and talk to Riviera all day while everybody else worked hard?
Then again…I’m never here to see what she does…and she always look exhausted.

“When is this going to happen?” Levin’s voice shook. His eyes were wide and had very little color left in them.
“During noon break; we’ll stop on a plateau. There, the ground will be as even as a valley but a lot closer than one. It will make things easier on us, and give them time to plan and gather or make the weapons.”
“So…” Ivory was getting excited. “We’re just being tested? Then, if we promise to fight for their king, they’ll send us home?”
“Yes. I’m sorry, Ivory.” Ky turned to face her. “I know it’s unfair that I’m approached without you three. It’s very unfair that I’m the one who took charge, and now make so many of your decisions. There are several reasons; one, nobody else reacts fast enough when a situation arises. Two, I’m the eldest female, and a child your age wouldn’t be taken seriously. And three…” She looked at her lovingly. “Why should you carry this burden at your age? Don’t worry about getting home; I can take care of it. Just try your hardest to do two things.”
She listened, unsure now.
“Stay alive and have fun.”
“Have…fun?” Ivory was livid for a second.
“Of course. Think of the bragging rights you’ll get at school when we get back! You will know all sorts of new things! For example, you’ll be a master of a deadly weapon and have so much experience riding a horse you could outride a cowboy at a rodeo!”
They all laughed. Nothing was really funny, but they all laughed.
“Now…let’s mount up. Pack that food. We need to head out now. We take place right behind Riviera.”
Yuki appeared out of nowhere, making everybody but Ky jump ten feet. “Father wants to know if I can ride with you.” She hung her head sadly “He won’t let me handle the horses.”
“Of course you can, Yuki.” Ky smiled. “You can ride on the wagon and help us with the horses whenever we need it.”
How does Kiyoshi do that? She couldn’t have seen Yuki coming from behind her!

“Thanks, Lady Kiyoshi.” He climbed onto the wagon. Kai and Viper followed him as Ivory helped Levin pack the food Then he climbed in after them, and Ivory mounted Bell. Ky was already on Zenic, Viper on his heel.
“We’re to walk our horses beside the wagon.” Ky told them. “Don’t stray from it, alright? Walk on the left, and I’ll walk on the right. Zenic and I will walk right in front of you guys – for protection, mostly.”
“Alright.” Ivory took her place; Kai was on her side, making Ivory far more comfortable. Levin took the reins and pulled up behind Riviera’s wagon, Zenic and Bell right beside them.
Ivory gasped when she saw the pass they were going through. The path to get to the pass from the valley they nestled in was steep. The actual pass was rugged, with blind spots from sharp curves and sudden drops or rises. In the far distance, she spotted a large area of level high ground. In the wagons, unlike with horses and feet, they would be lucky to reach that summit by dusk So how were they going to fight on a plateau on noon break, when they would need to speed to be halfway there?
This is going to be a long day. And I have a feeling the night will be longer…

They began the climb slowly. It wasn’t long before scouts had hold of their team horses’ bridals and were helping them up. Ky got off Zenic to grab hold of the Garix and help them, and Ivory followed her example with Bell. The Garix gave an angry sound, but soon calmed down when Ky made a strange sound similar to theirs.
She’s talking to it…man she’s weird sometimes!

The sun shone over everything by the time they made it to the pass, making snow and ice glisten and blinding Ivory. She avoided looking at anything directly and was still forced to squint. But she remained close to the wagon. Yuki and Levin traded reins according to what was going on. Kai played with her bone dagger, sharpened arrows and examined her bow string. She looked bored as hell. Her frustration was starting to scare Ivory. What if she lost control or something? Would she become that wolf again?
“Hey…Kai…” Ivory thought of something quickly. “See that boy over there?”
She pointed to a scout she’d seen Kai talking to earlier.
“Yeah. He’s some boy training to be a scout or whatever.”
“So you know him?”
She shrugged. “We talked. He likes my bow.”
“Why don’t you make him one then?”
She gave her a cross look. “Taunt me, why don’t you? I don’t have anything to make that with!”
“There are plenty of sticks in the wagon. I know; I chopped the stuff, hulled it and stacked it twice. Grab the best piece of wood you see in there to make a bow and make him one. You can make the arrows later, when you find the right stuff for them that aren’t from the firewood. Kiyoshi won’t be upset if a piece of wood is missing, but she might if four do.”
Kai smiled. “Thanks, Ivory. That’s a good idea.”
“No problem.”
Seeing her sister in better spirits, she smiled and felt a little better herself. Ivory watched as she climbed into the wagon through the cubby and came back out around ten minutes later with a fine, pliable piece of wood. It was thick and strong pine. Ivory was going to watch what she did next, but something spooked Garix on her side, and she was forced to grab his reins before he capsized the wagon. She calmed him down and looked around, searching for what could have caused it. Finding nothing, she shook her head and focused on the trail again.
He must have tripped or something. I need to watch this trail more carefully, or one of the Garixes or horses could break an ankle.


Kiyoshi watched the path absently. Something felt off. Her head throbbed with the many thoughts that were circulating within it. Zenic kept close by her, keeping a close eye on the path, the sky and the cliffs. She looked over to see Ivory pointing at a boy. Kai said something about him liking her bow. Then she disappeared into the wagon and came out with a sturdy, curved piece of pine wood. Ky smiled. Ivory had given the girl something to do.
It didn’t ease her, however. Something still wasn’t right. What was it? What was going on?
Zenic stopped dead and snarled at a wagon that nearly smacked into his face. The action was enough to spook the Garixes. Before Ivory could even take the reins of hers, Ky had the Garix beside her. Her very touch seemed to calm him. Guiltily, she watched Ivory try to find what had startled them. Then she sobered and paid heed to the road instead of bored Kai.
Ky sighed, shaking her head. This was going to be a very long ride.
Zenic is worried about something. This is a dangerous stretch of mountain indeed if a lion his size worries about the sky and the cliffs high above our heads.


It was around noon when Kai saw the land, out of nowhere, suddenly even out. She gasped. There was not a single bit of snow or ice on the plateau of stone. Patches of soil and even grass dotted the landscape, and there was a small grove of pine trees to their left. It wasn’t completely flat, but the walls of sheer rock that slowly encased them as the wagons circled the valley plateau made it clear why there was growth and so little snow.
“It’s gorgeous.” Levin whispered. Kai nodded.
“Isn’t it?” Yuki asked; his voice was full of awe.
Kai noticed Ky tense. It was such an odd reaction to the place, she felt a little unnerved. Ky loved the environment, which made it even less comforting.
What’s going on with her? She’s been lost in thought the entire day. She’s even got Zenic in an acid mood.

Ky mounted Zenic and he took off in a dead run, circling around the wagons. Kai watched her closely as she got down. Levin helped Yuki down before he climbed into the cubby to fetch wood and food for lunch. When her sister and the huge white lion returned, Kai shivered.
There was an anxiety about them that the hunter couldn’t put off as wariness or lack of sleep.
“What’s wrong, Ky?” She asked, avoiding the teeth of the black stallion.
“I can’t place it…” She muttered. “But…something doesn’t feel…right. Zenic isn’t making sense, either. He keeps saying this place is both dangerous and sacred and that we shouldn’t be here.”
Kai looked her up and down. “Why don’t you talk to Riviera about this place? he may have some myth or whatever that will explain why you don’t feel well.”
She shook her head. “No. Riviera is busy. She’s organizing something with the scouts.” She pointed over at the scouts. They surrounded the Caravan leader in the middle of the plateau. “She won’t appreciate me doing that. I made sure, however, that all the wagons were alright. There are no people hurt…”
“You feel like somebody may get hurt?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, Kai. But the only time I’ve been this anxious…that I’ve felt like this…was…” Sorrow gleamed in her blue eyes with the stress. Her fingers tapped her leg. Zenic looked up at her as if in concern. “The day mother died.”
“Then go for a run on that insane lion of yours.” Tenzik’s voice made Kai jump, but even though he’d come up behind Ky, she only turned her head in slight surprise.
It’s as if she’s surprised to see it was him, but she knew something was there.

“Greeting, Tenzik.” She said warily. “What business do you have with us?”
He came to stand at a distance from both of them – out of Kai and Zenic’s reach.
“Riviera noticed how unnerved you are, and she understands your restlessness. She just wanted to tell you we’ll be here for the evening. Settle your beast and your spirits, Lady Kiyoshi. You’ll spar here tonight. The best way to do that is to ride that cat to the ground, in my opinion. He won’t be so frantic if you do that.”
“Thank you for your advice Tenzik, and for the warning we’ll spare.” She was glaring at the man as if he’d insulted her. He turned and left. Zenic snarled at him as he walked away, making him cast an apprehensive glance backward.
“What was that all about?”
“The man has no respect for animals at all. He beats his dog and rides his fox mount hard enough to put it into the grave ten years too soon. His Garixes are gelded to make them less difficult to handle.”
Kai shook her head, understanding what she was saying.
She’s never liked fixing an animal without a real reason – like they’re ill or psychotic. And she must really hate the man for beating his dog and treating his mount like that.

“But he does have a point, Ky. You could try riding a little while. We could all go.”
She looked thoughtful for a second, then sighed and nodded. “Alright. Ask Ivory if she minds you riding double with her. Get Levin to ride, too. Champion is saddled already for a reason.”
Kai smiled. “Good idea.”
Just before she could make a move, however, she spotted Riviera break away from her scouts and make a b-line for Ky.
She’s in no condition to talk with her alone. I’ll stay here.

“Riviera.” Kai warned her sister, tensing.
Could we fight before she’s calmed down?
“Greetings.” Riviera called as she reached them.
Ky only nodded, so Kai kept her tongue.
“Tenzik told me you’re unsettled, and that he advised you ride from here.” Her frown reached her eyes and her tone. “I advise you not to look away from camp for your unease, but within it.”
“What do you mean?”
“There is something that will give you peace here.” She turned to point toward a mountain to their left. Kai spotted a pile of rubble and a blackness that could only mean one thing. “That cave is a place of great power, and will put your mind to rest. It’s a cave that the original people of these mountains would do all ceremonies in. I’ll hold the sparing until after your return.” Her fox bit at the reins as she spoke; she yanked sharply and released. Kai noted Ky frown, and the way the teen commandant overlooked it. “I recommend going there. Leaving with Kai won’t do you much good and Ivory is…busy.” Kai looked over at where Ivory was talking with a scout. She smiled, shaking her head at the girl’s flirtatious stance; no matter where they were, Ivory was a true vixen. She watched the girl flick her hair.
“Why don’t I taker Levin, then?” Ky was obviously thinking aloud. She was studying the cave warily, as if its shadows were her bane. “An old cave is bound to have bats, and perhaps wolves. In this region, it may harbor a leopard. I really don’t think going in alone is safe. I need at least Levin; Champion is fast enough to get help, and he seems anxious himself.”
“That’s an excellent idea. Levin has reason more than you to go there, doesn’t he?” Her voice said she knew more than she was telling them.
What is she hiding from us? I think I could trust a rabid hyena more than her.

Ky frowned. Her focus seemed more inward. Zenic gave a nervous half-growl and shook his mane.
With Ky not answering, Kai covered her.
“I’ll go get Levin, then. He will enjoy a ride with Ky.”
Ky gave her thankful glance and nodded to dismiss her.


Levin tried to relax as he prepared the fire and food. It was difficult to do; something was making him very unnerved and restless. He fingered the precious stone on his chain necklace, trying to comfort himself. For some reason, not even the stone, which had comforted him as long as he could recall no matter what the situation was, would ease his nerves.
Kai came over and watched him for a second, apparently distracted and reserved for once.
“Need something kido?”
“One; don’t call me kiddo. Two; Ky wanted to go for a ride with you. I think she’s leaving Zenic here to go on Champion.”
“Is he saddled?”
Maybe that would help…and some time alone with Ky may be exactly what I need. She always seems to know what’s going on around here anyway.

“Watch the fire and put the food on? We shouldn’t be long enough for you to do anything but bring it to a boil.”
“No problem; go have fun.” She sat down and took over his job. Doing a quick scan of the camp, it took him on a second to find Rivera, Zenic and Kiyoshi. Ky had Champion by his reigns already, and was staring in the direction of a cave. Sighing, Levin steeled himself and headed toward her.
She’s kinda taking charge, so I doubt it would be a good idea to say no anyway. Besides…if I didn’t come, she’d probably leave alone. There could be anything living in that cave – some kind of giant winged leopard or something.

The image of a spotted gryphon covered in blood, wings broken, came to his mind. Startled, he faulted for a heartbeat. Then he shook the memory away.
Where did that come from?

He reached Ky, who turned and looked him dead in the eye as if she knew he were there.
“Hey. Do you mind going for a ride? Zenic needs to hunt, so we’ll ride Champion double if you’ll go.”
Anybody else would say she was calm and secure. Her voice was quiet and smooth. Her head was held high and her shoulders squared. But Levin could see that her stance was off, and the anxiety in her eyes was unmistakable. Her fingers danced on her thigh as she leaned toward Champion as if in need of support. The smile was about as honest as a scam artist.
“Of course I will.” He smiled back kindly.
Then he waved for her to mount first, and actually assisted her up – even though she really didn’t need it. She was too anxious to even shoot him a dark or cross look.
She’s worse than I am.

She growled at Zenic. He nodded and walked off toward the cave, then turned abruptly and sprinted toward the cliffs they’d just come from. It was strange to realize they communicated with growls and roars like that.
“He wants to be nowhere near that cave for some reason. He says it’s a dangerous yet sacred place. Perhaps it is simply a place for humans to warship, but something feels…off.”
“I know the feeling. I really don’t like the cave, but it draws me…”
“Then we will see how Champion reacts to it.”
She helped him up behind her. At first he was embarrassed when a few boys saw this. When nobody snickered or smiled and pointed, however, he realized it wasn’t unusual at all here – men weren’t made fun of for a woman’s assistance.
That will take some getting used to.

It didn’t even get a second glance when she kept Champion’s reigns.
I remember most men would laugh hysterically if I didn’t take the reins and was helped into the saddle; men were expected to do it for the women even with all those ‘anti-sexist’ laws going on.

Rivera just nodded when she saw them gallop off toward the cave…

It took around an hour to actually get there. The snow drifts and many rocks, uneven snow and patches of hidden ice soon put Champion at a slow walk. In fact, they got off and walked twice. The ride was mostly quiet, with Ky completely wrapped in her thoughts. Levin attempted to keep away from actually thinking about much of anything but the journey. When they rode or walked and how fast they went kept Champion from ending up in the same fate as Tempest.
When Ky did say something, it was about the trail; they must leave this and go around…there was snow too deep to trust there, or the rock pile was too dangerous to jump or climb. She walked most of the way, insisting that somebody had to make sure there was safe ground for Champion. But otherwise she kept her eyes ahead of her, on the cliffs or on the cave.
When they did make it, however, they froze and just stared. Levin felt almost sick. Something was very wrong about this cave. For a second, he thought he smelled blood and fire. But it was gone as fast as it was there, so he really could have smelled anything.
The camp cuts and cooks meat every stop we make. I could have smelled that in the wind – or maybe Zenic’s kill with smoke in the breeze.

“Do you smell smoke and blood?” Ky asked nervously. “I thought I smelled it…just for a second…”
“Yeah…I smelled it.”
I can trust her senses. They’re never wrong anymore.
“Let’s leave Champion here; we’ll tie him.”
She looked around and found a tree to tie him to. Then she led the way into the cave. Though Ky stopped to look around, he wondered how she saw anything in detail; there was so little light, he stopped simply to allow his eyes to adjust. Even then, he saw only rock and darkness. The smell of wet stone assaulted his nose, as well as the feint trace of blood. The sound of dripping water was rhythmic, quickly becoming background noise.
“There are no bats here.”
“There are no bats.” She pointed up. “If we were back at home, I’d say they don’t go very deep in the cave, so they can get out easier. There aren’t bats any here – at least not where we can see them.”
“Maybe there aren’t bats here.”
How can she see anything?!

She shrugged. “Or maybe they’re just bigger, more dangerous and nest deeper in the cave; this world is strange.”
He didn’t like her outlook on this cave. His nerves were just getting worse the deeper they progressed. The smell of blood came and went in waves of strength, but was always there. Slowly, he realized why the scent varied. It was one of those smells you smelled only in your mind – one of those you got going into an empty house your grandmother baked cookies in, and even though she’s dead, you smell the cookies baking in the oven that’s not working anymore. It wasn’t an actual scent; it was the memory of it.
Why would I recall the scent of blood in a cave I’ve never been in before?

Ky paused and scented the air. “I don’t know, but you’re thinking and remembering so loud I smell it from your memories.”
He blinked.
She can read minds?

“No. I can hear the thoughts of animals – and you’re an animal. I guess it’s because you’re so distressed that I hear yours. And maybe because we’re so close.” She looked away. “I would have said it was because we’re cousins…but…”
Pain struck his chest, bringing him to his knees. Ky hissed and grabbed her chest as well, then came to him.
“What’s wrong?” She was distressed. Her eyes were full of panic, pain and confusion.
Am I influencing her?

“That pain…it’s the feel of an old injury…” She muttered to herself. “Were you stabbed in the lungs?” She sounded absolutely bewildered. Levin noticed her breath was as uneven as his.
He was going to shake his head, but then something flashed in his mind – a memory of eight huge dragons, surrounded by people with wings. There were eggs in nests and very young dragons taking naps with human children half their size. He felt peace. Somehow, the scent of fire and smoke comforted him. He gasped when he saw himself, only seven years or so, lying beside one of the eggs. He had wings on his back, though somehow he knew he couldn’t use them yet; they hurt badly.
“Don’t touch her too much, Levin.” A kind and very familiar voice told him from behind. He didn’t turn around, because he knew who she was. “She’s asleep, and won’t like to wake up from her nap.”
“When will she be born, mother?”
“Soon, child Remember;she takes longer to grow.”
“Yeah. She’s been in there forever!”
“She was in there eight years before you were even born.”
“I know!”
He stopped stroking the egg to let his sister sleep.
An egg is my sister?

Then the world went dark, and he saw the growing light of dawn. He felt restless, and knew today would be the day his sister came from the egg – the day she was born. He got up, thrilled, and approached her. Then he froze. Turning around slowly, he looked outside. He’d heard the flap of wings – but they weren’t big enough to be dragon wings, and too big to be a hawk’s. When he saw the flash of silver fur and white feather, he raced over and shook his mother awake.
He pointed outside. She looked outside sleepily and gasped. Swopping him up, she leapt from the nest. Instantly, her brother was awake. The dragon, black as night, could only be seen with his glowing yellow eyes. He swept his tail, and shifted his wings. Levin, even just revisiting the memory, knew he was speaking to the others in their minds. It was how dragons spoke to themselves and their human.
“Stay by your sister. Defend her with everything you have. I will return to you.”
“She’s coming, mother! She’s coming to us now.”
Her eyes grew wide with horror and anguish. “Her mother cannot be with her; as I must go so must she.”
Then his mother sat him down and left. It wasn’t long before he heard screeching Gryphons and roaring Dragons. He smelled fire and blood, and burning feathers. Looking outside, he gasped. There were only eight dragons…but the sky was covered in Gryphons. They were everywhere. The human partners formed a barricade at the front of the cave; their wings spread wide and their magic holding the Gryphons from entering. Fear gripped him.
Will we win this battle? Or will the cave be drenched with the blood of my people?

He heard a cracking behind him, and turned. The egg of his sister was cracking open, slowly but surely Amazed, it drew his attention above anything else. The sounds behind him and the smells in the air suddenly meant nothing; only this meant something, only this instant mattered.
He watched the dragon slowly emerge; first its nose, then her tiny horns and her head, followed by her long neck. He could see her weak, membrane wings behind her. She was all white, as where most newly hatched females. Intelligent, sapphire blue eyes gleamed from within her marble white skull. Their eyes met, and something hit his mind. He peeled the remainder of the egg off her and embraced her, not caring that there was blood everywhere.
You are mine.

She stated affectionately in his mind.
He heard a scream. Looking over, he gasped. One of the people had fallen. It was…his father!
“Father!” He rushed toward it, but then stopped. He felt her fear.
“I will not leave you.” He whispered, and turned back to her. “Never will I leave you.”
What’s happening?
“The Gryphons have come. They are many and we are few. There are fourteen of us – seven fighting, seven protecting the cave. The Gryphons block out the rays of the morning sun.”
We must leave here.

“Yes. But I will not leave until she dies.”
He pointed at his mother, who was standing firm against the Gryphons. She had tears in her eyes, but remained in the barrier ranks, keeping the magic wall alive to defend the cave.
Levin watched as the young dragons and children surrounded him.
“You’re the Elder’s son.” The eldest of them said. “What do we do?”
“I’m younger than you are!”
“But you are the Elder’s son. That makes you much more capable of this than I am.” It was a boy three years older than him. But he was right. There was a wild panic in the boy’s green eyes that he did not feel.
“If you have to ask…then I can see what you mean.” He simply knew. “We have to get out of the cave.”
“Our family stands!”
“Not for long.”
He no sooner said that and another scream and a thud on the stone echoed along the walls. It was the youngest female; Levin had watched her take wing last night. She’d only trained for three hours. Her young female was still white, and barely knew how to breathe fire. It was painful to watch the youngster fall from the sky like a plummeting icicle.
But she had been required to fight.

“Do you want that to happen to you, D’zar?”
He shook his head.
“Your brother is still silver; he cannot fly nor breathe fire. You would die as soon as they came in here, and so would Blazi’kor. We must leave.”
We cannot wait for your mother to fall.

“We must leave now, before the Elder falls. Before…before my mother falls…we must go.”
“Because Elder is the only dragon keeping them back. If we wait for him to fall, to lose this final battle, then we give this fight of theirs no meaning at all.”
He nodded, and signaled agreement. The others were too young to even understand what was going on, but each held a necklace connecting them to their dragon egg. If the dragon was killed, its spirit would be put into the necklace. Even Levin wore one. They just fallowed Levin into the back of the cave. He realized he could see everything in detail now.
You’re seeing with my eyes.
He stroked her, knowing it would be a hard, long walk for her.
It will be difficult for all of us. Most of these children will lose their dragon tonight.
In truth…

He thought back to her they will lose nothing. They will be separated from them for a while, sure. But they will find them again.

Suddenly he froze.
Her ears cocked. She pointed her muzzle into the air to keen.
“No!” He grabbed her muzzle. “Now isn’t the time, dearest. Now isn’t the time.”
My heart aches with his death.

“I know…I know.”
Levin looked back to the other boy to see him soothing his brother. “We must hurry.”
“Your sister just hatched. We can’t go much faster.”
“Speed is everything. Have your brother carry the youngest three.”
The boy focused, and his dragon turned and allowed the youngest three to climb onto his back.
“Now go on ahead. This path is easy; it goes straight most of the way. When you see the tunnel fork, go left. Then you find the exit.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I must go slower; for my sister and these children.”
He nodded and the group left.
Levin’s vision darkened again. He stared in horror at the Gryphon who stood over the children he’d tried to save. The beast was huge, covered in their blood as well as his own.
“You are theirrrrr king.” It hissed the r. Levin could only feel terror. Suddenly, the beast lunged for him. In his attempt to run, he tripped over a huge rock and hit his head on the stone ground. Screaming in pain, he put up his arm in a futile attempt to defend himself. Then he felt a sudden, agonizing pain in his head and heart. It felt like they were being ripped from his body.
He shot up, ignoring the extreme pain within him, grabbed a sharp rock and shoved into the Gryphon’s eye. It screeched in agony and pulled its talons from the heart of his sister. She fell to the ground as the beast of fur, talon and feather fled the cave, blinded and wounded beyond repair. Levin collapsed on his knees and wrapped his body around hers.
A light circled him three times, and then disappeared into his necklace. Tears in his eyes and emptiness in his heart, he remained cradling his sister’s body until he was swallowed by the world of dark emptiness.
“Levin!” It was Ky’s voice. “Levin! Snap out of it!”
He opened his eyes, sweating and quivering. The emptiness in his heart was there again, as powerful and real as Zenic. The memory that he wasn’t sure he understood was circling his mind.
“Your sister…” Ky’s eyes were wet with tears. “She isn’t dead.”
He blinked, confused.
“I was there with you, Levin. I was there with you, in your mind. I couldn’t get out in time. I was there…and I’m glad I was.”
“Because it helped me realize your sister isn’t dead, Levin. Your dragon, Makita, isn’t dead. You just forgot her soul…was in that stone.”
He looked down at the stone necklace that always hung from his neck. It was so hot, vividly gleaming emerald green.
“I have contacted her. She is fine. She is ready…to be reborn.”
Amazement and joy spread through him like a pine forest wildfire.
“I must leave this cave. I cannot see her rebirth. I cannot be here.”
“She told me it is the way of your people. I must stay with my people.”
With that, she was gone, moving more silently than a stalking cat. He watched her leave, and saw Zenic come to greet her with a huge animal carcass. Then he looked down and felt once again the focus and joy of Makita joining him.


Ky felt weak and shaky as she left the cave. She was desperate to get to Zenic, who she knew was outside with prey. She could smell the meat and blood, and feel his frantic concern for her. She worried no more about Levin; he would be fine. No longer anxious about the place, the elf druid stumbled to Zenic. He dropped the prey at her feet. She didn’t even bother starting a fire, she was so hungry. As if she were a lioness, Ky simply ate the creature raw. The taste of it exploded on her tongue, making her crave it.
Go easy, child. Your kind has animal blood, and it can be dangerous. They did not eat meat because of it, but in your case it cannot be helped.

She smiled as she thought of something. “You killed something!”
He looked rather embarrassed.
I took it from wolves. It is how I’ve been living so far…steeling food or making lucky hunts…

She forced herself to take just enough to think about something else. Then she cleaned herself off in the snow and curled up in Zenic’s warm fur.
Then Zenic changed the subject, understanding asking for hunting lessons right now wasn’t a good idea.
His suffering has come and gone. His blood is awakened.

“I know. I helped.”
That is the sorrow and frailty I feel. You used much of your Elvin and Druid magic today – not even meaning to. He may have relived those memories until his death if you hadn’t of done that.

“I…couldn’t have allowed that…”
He looked down at her and purred with amusement.
I know. Makita will understand.

Ky looked up at him. “Understand what, Zenic?”
“She will understand your feeling for him. Have no fears of her stopping you.”
Stopping me?

He wrapped his paw around her.
No. I will not stop you either.

At first, she didn’t understand. She was absolutely bewildered. Then she blushed when she realized what he was talking about.
Don’t try to pretend you have no attraction to him, now. It’s very obvious. I don’t like it when you try to confuse me.

“I’m not. I don’t like him that way.”
He looked at her.
Oh really? What would you do if Levin decided he wanted to stay with Makita instead of staying with you? What if she asked Levin to rebuild the dragon people?

A mixture of sorrow and anger rose in her. “She couldn’t do that!”
It’s his duty. He could do it with you, but eventually he’d leave with her.

The very idea made her miss him. Suddenly, she was anxious for him to come out and tell her he would stay with her.
See? You do love him that way.

Ky rose and paced the entrance, wondering what was happening with the place most sacred to the man she had once called kin.


Makita stood before him in full glory. Instead of the pale white of the newborn, with useless wings and tiny horns, she was the color of the setting sun. Her eyes were still the same sapphire blue of her birth, but her horns stretched upward and then curled inward in a half-spiral that reminded him of a malamute’s tail. Instead of membranes, her wings were leather. They stretched the cave’s ceiling, with patterns that reminded him of a kindling flame in a mountain forest. Her tail swept him onto his sore feet. The deadly spikes at the end spread for a moment to form a steel flower.
The agony of her absence was replaced by the unbridled love and joy of her return. The beauty of a full grown dragon sang to his very soul. Their eye met. His mind forged with hers, and their souls merged once again.
They were together. Yet…they were so…alone.
We would have never found one another without Kiyoshi. The Elven Druid is a miracle to our kind.
“She is amazing, isn’t she?” He asked, relieved. He knew Makita understood how he felt about her.
If my memory from the spirit world serves me right, she is the last of her race as well. Not one other awaits her return.
“None? Not even a male of mixed blood?”
Elves never mixed blood. Druids rarely found another to love, being so close to nature. She was doomed to this fate the moment her mother fell in battle.
Sorrow was an odd feeling after such joy.
We have the love of siblings. That is our bond. Our souls are one. You love her the way you love a mate. I support this. The child will be born with the power of the dragon and the elf. Kiyoshi is a good choice. I approve.
She leaned down and muzzled him. While scratching her nose, Levin thought about something.
She does love you, Levin. Do not mistake her hesitation with a cold heart. Have you not considered how confused she is? Ky’s only home and family were ripped away from her. Everything she knew was shattered in the blink of an eye. And the tides of fate have made her the leader of a group of people who are suffering and changing on a daily basis, in a world she cannot comprehend. The last piece of home died when Tempest drew his last breath. And now she understands that you will not be returning home with her, if she ever does.
“What do you mean?”
Amusement gleamed in her gaze.
You must remain here and rebuild our nation. You are the last Drake and of royal blood. As the king, it is your duty. As the last soul, it is your meaning – your purpose. It burns in your blood. Have you not often dreamed of a baby bundled in your arms? One that you will be proud of and raise with the woman you love?
“Y-yes. But every animal has a point in their lives where a baby is desired.”
Kiyoshi doesn’t want children, though, does she?
He shrugged. “I have no idea. I’ve never asked.”
She doesn’t have time or patience for a child. You must time things with her. And you may stay with her only if she will bear you a child and raise it. It will be Elven and Drake. The Druid in its blood will only make it more powerful and one with this world. She cannot leave and be your mate. We are rebuilding more than one race…and in doing that, creating a new one altogether. It will be more powerful than ever before. It will be prepared for the darkness ahead of our kind.
“There is darkness ahead of the Synakoy?”
Levin wondered how he knew that word, and what it meant. Then he realized Makita knew it, and therefore he did.
Yes. Humans rage war against the people of the land with the blood of magic. Drakes, Dragons, Gryphons, Vampires, Shapeshifters, Elves, and many, many more will be removed from the face of this earth. We are dying. And only you four can stop it.
He turned to the entrance of the cave and felt Ky peering in with a sick heart.
She longs for you.
“We must tell her everything. Then we must decide. We must decide together.”
No, my brother; she must decide. She is the leader of your group. She must decide to fight for or against the humans. She must make this decision on her own. Her actions will be the actions of Ivory and Kai. Your path was forged when Ky awake my soul to merge with your again.
“I must at least tell her.”
In time, my brother; everything comes in its own time. For now, she can only handle one thing; tell her you will support her. Because I know that you would give your life for her – just as I would. Ky is why we’re together again, and that I cannot forget.
Together, the Drake and his sister sank from the shadows of the ancient cave and into the light of the world outside.
Ky wanted to rush into his arms and embrace him until he couldn’t breathe. But she restrained herself, unsure if he even felt such a way toward her. They’d never been alone long enough, and it was honestly not something she’d considered before.
There was something in his eyes that made her hold her tongue. He was about to say something important. His eyes were open and happy and yet reserved and anxious. His posture and emotions were a jumbled, confusing mess. They were so difficult that Ky suddenly didn’t feel them, and knew her body had turned that sense from him.
Your body is weary, and may consider him too much of a strain. He is very confused about today. I have a feeling we will only read the first page of this chapter today.
He looked me in the eye. I saw Zenic’s words in his hazel gaze.
“I will remain by your side, Kiyoshi. Makita and I will give our lives for your cause. No matter what, as long as blood pumps through my veins, I will not leave you.”
Shock and joy hit Ky like a block of ice. His words electrocuted the Elven’s heart. Before she could stop herself, Ky’s arms held him tightly to her, and their lips touched in a passionate kiss. He resisted only for a moment before he kiss her, too.
The roar of a lion and dragon shook the heavens far above.
When Ky broke away, suddenly feeling much warmer than she had been, she realized something. She couldn’t feel Champion. Looking at where she tied him up, horror struck her. The branch there was gone – and so was Champion. Racing over, she looked around for clues. Canine prints, spots of blood and frantic hoof prints made it clear. Glancing at the place the branch had been, it was clear that it had been broken. For Champion’s sake, she hoped it was his hooves that had done it, and not his hysterical lurches.
“Are those wolf tracks?” Levin asked. Ky looked closer.
“Really, really big wolf tracks. One of them could eat him alone, let alone the three or four others that would hunt together. From the looks of it, mother and father were teaching their children how to hunt.”
Ky briefly felt his sorrow. As soon as it was there, it was gone.
I’m exhausted.
“There’s nothing we can do, is there?”
Ky shook her head with regret.
He will be missed.
“We must return to camp.”
Levin nodded and returned to Makita. “Can you fly?”
The dragon lay on her haunches and swept him onto her back with her tail.
“Of course I can hold on!” He retorted to a question Ky was unable to hear. Following his example, she launched herself onto Zenic’s back. Then Makita took to the skies as Zenic bounded through the snow. It was cold, and nearly dark.

They returned to the camp only as the mountains completely swallowed the sun. Makita’s appearance awoke the entire camp, and it took several hours to explain to Riviera why she’d been awakened to a beast that had died twenty five years ago.
“If you don’t get it by now, damnit, you’re not going to get it at all!” Kiyoshi finally lost all of her patience with the woman. She kept asking questions that made them explain things they’d told her six or seven times. Ky was exhausted. Everything ached, and she was so hungry her stomach was hallow. “Now, if don’t mind, we’ll do the damn sparing tomorrow morning, after everybody has eaten and slept. I am dead on my feet and haven’t eaten since noon. I’ve used so much of my abilities and strength today that raw meat was the finest cosine in the fucking world.”
Everybody was staring at her. Half the words were spat rather than spoken.
Riviera nodded. “Alright. I’m sorry about this. We were about to send a search party out when we heard the roars, but couldn’t spare the men. Kai changed randomly and chased a Lobo pack from the camp. It took us three hours to find her over a carcass. We had no idea what the thing was – it was not much more than bones. But it took us until dusk to get her to become calm enough to become human and come back with us. We just returned.”
“What?” Levin’s eyes were wide. Ky sighed and shook her head, muttering something Riviera seemed inclined to ignore.
“Is she in the wagon?”
Riviera laughed. “She and Ivory are fast asleep. Oh…Ivory did get caught with a male today. I suggest giving her these.”
She handed Ky some herbs that nearly made the Elven feint. She stared at them in her palm like the bane of mankind itself.
“Are you okay?” Levin whispered.
What is going on? Can a lion sleep without you wanting to slit a throat?
Ky looked at Zenic and gave him what was going on.
Sorry for falling asleep. I’ve ran through the mountains all day, and you’re so tired it only makes it worse. And…why would you want to give her something that prevents the miracle of life? It is why we mate in the first place.
Ky led him into the human culture. He blinked.
Why would you do that?
She shrugged.
“I’m going to bed. Join me or not, Levin.”
He followed her to their wagon, inside and under the covers.
“Get in your own bed.” She whispered. “I’m in no mood to play around.”
Sighing, he switched beds. Ky was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

Dawn found the caravan around a small of ring made in the center of the camp by stones and a circle of torches. A line of men and women were to the left, and the Caravan’s people sitting or standing a little further from it. Each had a weapon in hand and extras lying at their feet. Directly across from them were sticks in carefully placed positions; each was flagged with differently colored silk ends – green on the closest, blue in the center and red furthest.
It’s an archery range, right?
Kiyoshi, Levin, Kai and Ivory stood facing the line of armed scouts. To the four’s right stood Riviera and Tenzik.
“Each of the scouts has mastered a weapon.” Tenzik began, bringing Ky’s attention to him. “You will be called to stand beside me and look at these weapons. Choose carefully; do not feel pressed to rush. You do not have a time limit, as the weapon or weapons you choose will be the ones you are trained to fight with. Because this is a test of your current skill, I do recommend choosing at least one you that you are skilled with.” He paced, looking each of them in the eye in turn. “This is a test of personal skill. Each of you will be pitted with scouts. The scouts will gradually become more skilled in the weapon you choose, until you cannot defeat them. If you are injured, that scout will be severely punished. Attempt to not only defend yourself, but not too seriously harm your opponents – especially those below your skill level.”
Kiyoshi listened as she looked over the weapons.
There were daggers of many shapes and sizes, swords built for both speed and power, bows with arrows, spears, maces and – to her surprise and relief – scythes. She examined them and spotted one perfect for her size. It had rune-like symbols carved into the long hilt, and was solid wood. The curved blade was a black, strong-looking metal. Of course, it was clearly too dull to do much damage in the ring, but that could easily be dealt with afterwards.
Tenzik fell silent. He watched them. Ky looked over the other weapons, but knew less than nothing about most of them. The scythe was her best bet. She knew the most about it, anyway.
We don’t exactly come from a time of war, though. I don’t think I’ll get far. Hell…I hope I just get a couple blows on my first opponent and don’t land on my ass too much!
“Kai.” Tenzik called her first. “You seem ready. Choice your weapon and step into the ring.”
Everything was quiet as Lykaios nodded and stepped up to the knives. She examined each one slowly and carefully; picking one up to weigh it, feeling the sharpness of the edges, sighting it to make sure it was straight. She chose a machete.
“Is that your weapon?” Tenzik asked.
“Can I specialize in more than one?” Her voice was low and her stance awkward.
“The more skill, the less likely you are to die.” Riviera answered instead.
Kai went over and chose a long bow in the same manor.
“These are my weapons.” She stated almost too softly for Kiyoshi to hear.
I’m surprised she sounds so nervous. She handles bows and knives all the time.
She stepped into the ring. The archer master – a female herself – she’d taken a bow from looked around the crowd and pointed at a child sitting down. She stood with a long bow in hand and joined Kai in the ring.
“Archery is about accuracy.” The master archer took over explaining. “It is the skill of the hunter, the assassin and often it is what decides a battle in war. It is the skill that gives an army the ability to strike without being seen, to strike an enemy without concern for being stricken.”
She’s explaining their viewpoint of weapons to us. I’m sure everybody already knows this.
“That is why it is a weapon for the intelligent and sharp-eyed. One arrow can determine whether your friends live through the night. Stance.”
The two girls got in stance.
They loaded their arrows.
Both girls tilted their bows and lined their arrows.
Kai’s arrow hit right next to the stick, under the red silk cloth. The girl’s arrow fell halfway between the blue and red silks. She smiled.
“Nice one Kai!” She remarked just loud enough for Ky to hear. The archer master nodded.
“That was really good yourself. Was it your first time?”’ Kai asked quietly.
The girl nodded.
So they’ll pit us against unskilled amateurs first?
“Excellent job, Sable. However, you have lost. Please step out of the ring.”
She bowed to her mentor and returned to her post. The master signaled out a boy this time, which was slightly older.
Age is skill in this land. The longer they have to train, the better they are, and they all start around the same age. That must be tough; to be marked on progress by your age and your peers’ age.
He came into the ring and winked at Kai, who rolled her eyes and looked back at the field.
They complied.
Kai was slightly faster than the boy at this, which surprised Ky.
That will only help her, however, if they were based on speed as well. It’s not right now.
Again, they complied. Ky noticed the boy tilted his bow at the same angle as Kai this time.
Kai released her arrow a second faster. When her second arrow landed beside the first she'd fired, Kai fist pumped in victory. The boy’s arrow fell right beside hers.
“Cool shot.” She said.
“Tie.” The archer master said. “Now, archery isn’t just about accuracy. If you can only hit one target in five minutes, that does the warriors no good at all, and gives the archers on the other side a chance to remove a few of our slower archers and less practiced warriors. Speed alone, however, won’t do much good. Five arrows in a minute aren’t useful if only one arrow strikes an arm or leg. Therefore, in this round, the child who shoots the most arrows the farthest shall win.”
They’re taking this in stages…
Kai winked at the boy, who shook his head and took stance.
“Load and fire when ready.”
Kai loaded, aimed and fired off four arrows in the time that the boy fired three before time was called. Two of her arrows were halfway between red and blue. One was at the base of the red. The other was at the foot of the blue. Two of the boy’s arrows were between green and blue. The other was right next to the blue stick.
He turned away from Kai, looking rather downcast.
Kai put a hand on his should, making him look at her. “Thanks for taking it easy on me, Blake! But next time, do your best!”’
“That was my best.”
She frowned. “Really? Because I don’t think it was. Let’s practice again together sometime. I could learn from a humble boy like you. Just because we met yesterday doesn’t mean you need to go easy on me, though!”
He smiled and nodded, then bowed to his teacher and left the ring, knowing he lost.
The archery master signaled another girl, closer to Kiyoshi’s age than Kai’s. The young lady stepped into the ring with a proper stance already.
“Apply speed and accuracy as before and from this point on. This time, the goal is to hit the colored cloth on the sticks.”
Kai got in stance.
“Load and fire at will.”
Kai loaded just as fast, but took longer to aim than the older woman, and got out only three shots to six when the archery master said;
All of the woman’s shots had hit flags; three on red, two on blue and one on green. Kai had hit all red, but only one arrow had done more than skim a corner, and it laid on the ground with her other two.
The woman looked down at the younger archer, who sighed and shook her head.
“That was great for your age. How long have you been using long bows?”
“Since around ten, actually…”
Everybody began to mutter. The master archer gasped. Tenzik shook his head.
“What?” Kai looked confused. “What’d I say?”
The woman shook her head. “Nothing, child. We’re just a little unsettled by the news. Children should be allowed time to play before they become adults. You must have lived hard.”
Ky shook her head at the misunderstanding, and knew she must sort it out with Riviera later.
“This challenge is complete.” Tenzik retook the stage. “Kai is a fourth level archer. Next, she will be tested with knives. Please remain in the ring.”
The woman archer stepped out of the ring and sat back down. Ky shivered when she noticed a toddler grab at her tunic, and was pulled into her lap as she set down her bow.
Women have a dual role as mother and soldier? No wonder most of the women choose archery; it’s half the likeliness they will be killed and leave their children to the fathers!
The dagger master she’d chosen the blade from was a lean, thin man. He pointed out a boy around her age. The boy stepped up and leered at Kai. Ky was sure she heard him say something about Kai minding her place.
“My place?” Kai sneered back. “You mean above arrogant boys who make-believe they’re a soldier?”
The master didn’t correct either of them; he just began to explain.
“Daggers and knives are the assassin’s weapon, the hunter’s tool and, often times, the weapon of choice for a rogue. They are weapons of skill, speed and utility. They are the squire’s first blade, and the knight’s last resort. The dagger depends completely on the person using it whether it is a tool of chaos and misery or honor and courage. The way you fight hand-to-hand with a dagger is different than a sword, mace, scythe or staff. It is unique, fast and about making small, well-timed pressure slices, stabs and feints. Throwing a knife applies the skills of an archer and a rogue.”
He paused, looking thoughtful for a moment. “There are rules to a duel that do not apply to war and assassination. If you even begin to disobey these rules, you will be disqualified and severely punished. Do not aim for vital areas such as the neck, wrist or veins. Check your dagger now – if it is sharp, you must switch out the blade or sheath it. You will be permitted to sharpen it later.”
Kai and the boy checked the blades. The boy sheathed his, making sure it was strapped where it wouldn’t come out. Kai frowned and sighed; her blade was obviously dull.
The point isn’t to injure your opponent here; it’s too out strike him.
“This is a fight with daggers; not with your fists or legs. Any martial arts either opponent knows must be kept strictly to their weapons.” The boy rolled his eyes. “It is end match when an opponent is unarmed, calls out defeat or is unable to stand and strike back.”
The man looked the two over closely.
“Face your opponent.”
The two faced one another.
Kiyoshi couldn’t keep track once the two fell on one another. They grappled for the other’s blade. In a few seconds, however, Kai had the boy to the ground with his blade hand behind his back. Her machete was to his neck.
“End match. Kai’s the victor.”
Kai released the boy, who snatched his blade and stomped off the stage in fury. A second boy came to stage.
“Same rules apply. Face your opponent.”
They faced one another.
They fell at each other again. This time, Kai had to break free from him twice and resorted to knocking his blade from him with hers.
“End match. Kai’s the victor.”
The girl stood, panting. The boy smiled and bowed, then left the ring. The master called in another boy, only he was around seventeen. Ky didn’t like this. She had to force herself to remain where she was as the boy checked his blade and let Kai cool down.
At least they’re letting her breathing ease.
“Face your opponent.”
They faced one another.
This time, the boy avoided her, grabbed her arm and twisted her blade from it before she could move. His blade was to her throat.
“End match. Rynvik is the victor.” The boy released Kai.
Tenzik spoke again “Kai is level three in dagger fighting. Both may step out of the ring.”
He waited for Kai to rejoin them.
“Great job.”
“I really hope I never have to fight anybody hand-to-hand faster than him…or bigger than that second boy.”
Ky smiled. “They’ll teach you to handle both types better.”
She nodded, looking distracted. The sweat on the child concerned Ky, however.
“You’re going to catch ill. Go talk to Riviera about changing clothes or getting into a blanket. You need to dry that sweat.”
“Ivory. Choose your weapon and step into the ring.”
“But…Ivory is going to fight…”
“Go on, Kai. Ivory will be fine. You shouldn’t miss much if you hurry.”
She nodded and left toward Riviera. Ky watched as they spoke, and Riviera led her toward the closest wagon, where a woman sat sipping on tea. There were medical supplies there, already out and prepared for an accident.
Then a man began to speak, directing her attention to the ring, where Ivory stood holding a katana. Honestly, Ky wasn’t surprised. She had plenty of practice with the weapons.
But didn’t she say something about having to become used to each blade and how it handles? That’s a brand new blade.
“Swords are an ancient weapon, dating back to a time of chaos and destruction. Once used to annihilate our people, they are now prized as the weapon of the knight, king, ninja and warrior. They were once used by the Synakoy; now they are used by our people. In sword combat, the opponents must make powerful, accurate strikes. They must have proper form and know the feel of the blade. That is why, in duels of the sword, each must choose a blade they understand. To even things out for Ivory, I will not permit any of her opponents to use the blade at their sides. Remove them now.”
To Ky’s interest, his students did so. They bowed formally.
“The match will end when an opponent is unarmed, declares defeat or is unable to counter their opponent. An attempt to injure or kill your opponent will disqualify you, and will earn a swift and severe punishment. Allow me to remind you this means no stabbing, aiming for veins or vitals such as the neck, stomach, lungs and heart. Aim for the sword – not the person. This is a duel, not a battle.”
He called up a girl and handed her a katana similar to Ivory’s.
“Fight with honor.” He told her. “And do not harm her.”
She bowed and joined Ivory in the ring.
“Face your opponent.”
They faced one another, both choosing a different stance.
At first, the two circled one another. Then the girl, her blade to her lower left parallel to her hip, charged Ivory. The teen dodged her, turned the katana to hit her back with the blunt side and knock her down. By the time the girl turned around to get up, she had a sword to her nose.
“End match. Ivory takes victory.”
She helped the girl up, smiling.
“You’re new at this?” She asked. The girl nodded. “I thought so. I’d listen to your teacher when he tells you not to charge your opponent.”
She blushed. “Thanks. Want to spare sometime?”
“That’ll be fun.”
The girl left the ring to be replaced by a boy with another katana.
They’re trying to keep even the swords the same at first, I guess. I wonder how much it matters on which sword you use.
“Same rules apply. Face the opponent.”
The two faced one another. Ivory chose a more aggressive stance, and the boy more passive. He looked older, but not by much. He wouldn’t be much more skilled than the last girl.
This time Ivory charged right at him. He blocked her blow well. She broke contact and spun around, facing him in just enough time to parry his swing. She used her blade to twist his from his grasp. He stumbled and found the tip of her blade in his face.
“End match. The victor is Ivory.”
She released the boy.
He bowed to her. “I’d love to spar sometime.” He winked.
Ivory smiled provokingly. “Anytime, doll.”
Ky laughed a little when she realized Ivory had just won a date with her sword.
The next was a man around two years older than Ivory. The mentor handed him a two-handed sword. He was large and muscular, but as he entered the ring Ky could tell by his stance he was for defense and powerful yet slower strikes. Recalling Ivory’s style, she knew that if her younger sister won, it would be avoiding his blows and using her speed.
They faced each other without being told.
Ivory circled her unmoving enemy, watching him. He stood still, watching her. His stance was rigid. Hers was loose. Quick as a viper, she used the back of her blade to strike the inside of his knee. He gave a howl of surprise. Before he could recover, Ivory used the back of her blade to hit the small of his back, grab him and put the edge to his throat. He froze, his eye watering with pain.
“End match. Victory is Ivory’s.”
She can be vicious…
It was Zenic’s voice. Ky resisted laughing at the surprise in his tone. He was back from hunting a little late.
Ivory released him carefully, making sure not to cut him in the slightest. He looked a little surprised.
“Who taught you to fight like that?” He asked.
She shrugged. “I don’t remember. I’ve had many different trainers.”
She thought a moment. “Your word, I believe, would be teacher or mentor.”
“You’ve had more than one mentor?”
“At least four. They all said to fight differently. Eventually, I learned my own style through what they taught me.”
“You’re a natural.” He told her and left the ring.
The next opponent was a woman that looked older than Ky. Ivory blinked as the woman was given a katana as well. She was lean and tall, with a scar running down her face.
She entered the ring and took the stance of a professional fighter. Ivory looked her up and down and took her own stance. Ky noticed it was a little more rigid than her usual form; she was aiming for defense and endurance, not attack and speed.
Ivory didn’t move. The two swords women watched one another for a second, looking for weakness. Ivory moved first. Their swords locked. Kiyoshi held her breath, waiting for one of them – mainly Ivory – to get hurt. Ivory twisted, dislodging her blade. Ivory staggered, however, and the woman tripped her. By the time Ivory hit the ground, the woman’s blade was in her face.
“End match.” The swords master began. Then he noticed the woman wasn’t backing off.
“You monster…” The woman began. “Blood of the beast and face of man.”
“Enough, Sylva! You have defeated her!”
“She is not dead!” Just before the woman could plunge her blade through Ivory’s bare throat, a huge black wolf leapt at her, ripping into her arm. She dropped the blade, screaming in shocked agony and trying vainly to beat Kai off.
Ky rushed in and touched her. Using the Druid magic, she reached within her mind and showed the girl within the horror she was doing. Suddenly, the animal stopped. Kai’s eyes looked at her, and the beast was the human girl again. Tears were in her eyes; tears of both horror and fury.
“Healer!” Riviera called. The healer raced over as Ky took the girl she still thought of as her little sister from the bleeding, terrified woman. She began to apply bandages to the wounds to stop the bleeding. Worrying about infection would come later.
Ivory grabbed her katana and rushed back over to Ky – right into her arms. The girl was shaking. Kai wrapped around them both, anger as well as fear and horror whirling around them like a twister.
Riviera was over by the healer. “Will she be able to fight?”
“We’re not sure yet.” The healer answered. “And we won’t be for a few days now.”
Riviera nodded, and approached the group.
“I apologize for this. I had no idea the death of her son has shaken her so. He died fighting a girl who suddenly became a tiger and ripped out his throat. Dark magic users and demons plague us, and sometimes the grief of loved ones they kill drives those they leave insane.”
“Just make sure that woman and her family come nowhere near my family! She nearly killed my sister!” Kiyoshi snapped, unforgiving. “And saying rotten things like that!”
She nodded. “I understand. I’m sorry, Ivory. I think after today, nobody will doubt your motives.”
She turned around, eyes shocked and confused. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I’d like those remarks to stop!”
Riviera nodded. “I will have her pay her debt. I assure you, this will be mended.”
None of them knew what to say to that.
I’m not the only one lost…
Tenzik approached. “Are you willing to continue on?” He asked Riviera and Kiyoshi at the same time.
“Keep psychos out of the damn ring and I’ll fight. My weapon is the scythe.”
He nodded and went up to scythe master.
The healer gave the woman some leaf to chew. “It will kill the pain and help you sleep. Chew it or feel everything.” The woman took the leaf and shoved it in her mouth. Ky waited for the woman’s wound to be bandaged and moved, then moved to the scythe master. Already knowing which one she wanted, she picked it up and moved into the ring. Tenzik returned to his place.
“Sorry for the delay. Sylva will be forced to pay for her actions. Such behavior is not acceptable.” Riviera was telling the crowd. “These are respected people who don’t fully understand our world, even if they were born here. Remember that they will fight with us. They will help stop this war against the Synakoy, and purge their evil from our lands!”
The crowd became a mixture between approving claps and concerned muttering.
“Any who make a threat or an attempt to harm them will be punished. It will not be a pleasant punishment. I would advise avoiding them if you do not think you can manage being near them. And I suggest you report any hate you hear of our new allies.”
Then she fell quiet. As soon as it was calm enough for him to speak, the staff master signaled a boy. Kiyoshi was surprised at how young he was; he could be no more than sixteen.
Then again, they started Kai and Ivory with younger kids, too.
He came into the ring and took a staff tied to his back – most likely to free his hands during riding and everyday activity without being separated from his weapon. His hair was long and tied in a ponytail. He looked at her closely, nervously.
What’s wrong with him? Is it because I’m older?
Recalling what she’d been taught by her mother and trainers, she took a more balanced stance that would allow quick movements – swift attack and ready defense. She hadn’t practiced in a long time, but her body knew it mechanically from several years of daily training.
It’s been at least four years since I even picked up a stick to fight. And that was to defend myself from a robber trying to steal Tempest.
“Staves are the weapon of the leaders of tribes. They are the weapons of the ancient Synakoy Druid, and for us the weapon chosen by beast tamers, masters and even lovers. They are a weapon to hinder the harm of those we love, and used for defense. Only the Synakoy have used them to kill, and even then it was rare and usually by mistake or pure necessity.” The master was explaining, his voice deep and wise. Ky noticed he was the eldest master in the area. “Because staves are weapons of protection, they are often ignored by outlaws and more dangerous people. A calm, more peaceful person is the wielder of the staff. You must be careful to aim properly so that you do not hit a pressure point in the skull, chest or spine – and if you do, not to hit hard enough to paralyze one physically or mentally, or possibly kill them. For a duel, any hits in the said places will disqualify you and you will be put through vigorous retraining and other punishments. The last person standing with a weapon will win a match. Drop your weapon and you lose the duel. Bruises are routine in staff fighting; they will not be reprimanded.”
Kiyoshi listened carefully. She wasn’t surprised the staff implied leadership and the love and guidance of animals in their culture; it did in most.
The boy charged her. She waited for the perfect moment, then twisted aside and struck his knee. He yelped in surprise and fell. But the boy used his fall to roll back onto his feet. His staff was in his hand. Ky saw his already-swelling injury and knew he wouldn’t be able to continue.
I hit too hard for such a small boy. I should have guessed he was a bit easier to hurt by his small bones.
“Hold.” The master came into the ring and looked at the knee. The boy hissed as he tested it. “The knee isn’t broken. It will heal overnight with ice. Therefore, victory goes to Kiyoshi without penalty.”
The master helped his pupil out of the ring and onto a log to sit. He signaled a woman around eighteen to come up. She pulled out a folded staff from her waist.
That’s handy. Did she make that herself?
Ky turned and test hit, and received a strong block. Just before the woman hit her shoulder she twisted away, turned to face the woman and strike in an arch. Again, she was blocked. This time Ky slid her staff up, pulled it away and smacked it against the opponent’s hard. The woman flinched and backed off, but didn’t drop her weapon as Ky had hoped. The woman spun and struck toward Ky’s knee. She blocked, twisted her staff and whacked her opponent’s other hand. The woman dropped the staff.
“End match.” The master called. “Victory is Kiyoshi’s.”
Another woman took her place. She looked around Ky’s age, but carried herself different than the others. There was a scare on her cheek from some kind of blade.
She’s most likely older than I am. And…she’s seen real battle.
They stood face to face, their staves nearly touching. This was a strange way for Ky to fight; she’d never done it like this before. But the master didn’t call it out, so it must be the advanced way to duel.
Is how you would fight in a real battle? Or would they really start three or four feet from you?
Kiyoshi was unprepared, and barely managed to block the blow for her shoulder. She twisted her staff out of the block, spun her body and turned into the warrior’s parry. The older woman suddenly dished out a serious of strikes, parries and false hits Kiyoshi was soon completely focused on not losing her weapon and staying on her feet. She miss read where her opponent was hitting next, and before she could jump to avoid it, the staff was under her feet. Ky tripped, landing on her back to find the warrior’s staff in her face. She’d lost her own in her blunder.
“End match. Fray is the victor. Kiyoshi Wolfshard is level four staff warrior.”
There was a small applause.
Ky let her head stop spinning and her breathing steady before she took Fray’s hand to help her up.
“That was pretty good for never seeing battle.”
“You can tell?”
She smiled. “The look in your eyes when you saw me said it all. I understand. Ivory is strong enough to protect you, isn’t she?”
Kiyoshi looked over at shaking Ivory.
“Our world was peaceful. What we know was to keep us safe in case something happened that we needed these skills. Ivory hasn’t seen real battle. The only one to see human death in our family was me.” She didn’t say it loud enough for anybody but Fray, Tenzik and Riviera to hear.
Riviera nodded with understanding. Fray looked surprised.
“You’ve seen more bloodshed than a warrior? No wonder you lead them.” Fray commented just as quietly. Then her eyes softened. “But children in peaceful times shouldn’t fight. That’s very true.”
Then the two of them left the ring, going opposite ways.
Which weapon will Levin choose? I’ve never seen him use one before.
Tenzik looked to Levin.
“You’re the final fight. Choose your weapon and step into the ring.”
Levin hesitated, looking to the skies where Makita would be. Then he nodded and stepped forward to examine all the weapons. He looked them all over. Then he shook his head and spoke quietly to Tenzik. The man nodded.
“Tenzik informs me that he knows very little about weapons. He fights with his fists in martial arts. When that is not enough, his dragon will be the trump. I feel confident that he able to handle his own, and ask that all who understand martial arts spar and duel him. Learn from one another. Punishment will still be severe if either is harmed during any spars. This concludes our sparing session. Please prepare to leave the summit.”
Before much movement could happen, Riviera held up her hand.
“Usually, I do not inform you of this, scouts, but we are not heading back toward the Inner Mountains. We must return home to inform our king of the four new champions, and therefore…we will return to the foothills, move into the plains and forge a path back home!”
Cheering defended Ky, and both the girls huddled closer to her. Both were on edge and jumpy yet. Levin returned to them.
“That was an interesting choice.” Ky told him quietly as they walked to the wagon. The group was cleaning the ring up or returning to their wagons to prepare. “I’m glad you made it, though. I was worried about you getting hurt like Ivory nearly did.”
“That woman needs to die.” Kai growled like a dog.
“No she doesn’t. And thanks to you, Ivory isn’t dead herself. Thank you, Kai.”
She bowed her head, hearing the rebuke as well as the gratitude.
“Let’s hurry. The foothills will be much easier to travel in.” Ivory seemed to be calming down.
Working quickly, the four of them were ready to move around the time everybody else was. Ky mounted Zenic. Kai and Yuki took the reins as Ky mounted Zenic and Levin took to the skies to scout ahead. He would report to Riviera on the hour.
We’re getting used to this. It’s kind of nice. I never felt…right…back home.

Zenic looked back her and replied then you were never home. Now you are. And now the past will not be truly forgotten.
Unsure what he meant, she just let it slide and scratched his ear. Zenic let her ignorance be and walked along the caravan. They would be in the foothills in only two days.


Texte: cover art by:
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.03.2011

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