


Life doesn't always seem to have an answer when they are most needed. For some inexplicable reason, the questions always lead back to Galbado, the god of the Olbado people Malzo Karazo thought. This was quite disturbing, and for that reason, he opted to follow his aunt Sinzia to the shrine that she decided to visit to overcome a strange problem. Before that, there were a lot of spiritual things that they had done together, and Galbado had been faithful even in their hardships.

Malzo's aunt Sinzia was a strange woman; she was consistent worshiper in her shrine on market days as it was the custom. But she also visited other shrines that were famed for working miracles. She did this on the other days of the week and occasionally on market days. In her shrine, she was dearly loved but in her occasional absence she was not missed.

Malzo Karazo was also a dogmatic believer in Galbado the great God. He too had traveled across shrines in search for the best way to warship Galbado. He had failed, and as a result, he stopped going to any shrine. After all, Galbado could hear people from any point they were. But when his mother, a widow, sent him to be an apprentice of the blacksmith he decided to give going to a shrine a chance once again. After all, there was nothing to lose if he did that. He tried to visit the shrine where his father worshiped, but he discovered that he had lost all conviction. So he thought it wise to follow his aunt to the little-known shrine in the middle of the market. He felt that there was nothing wrong with that, his argument was that in the end all of them worshiped Galbado the great God.

The first time Malzo Karazo visited the new shrine, he found it strange. He felt it was quite noisy and loud. He looked across the entire congregation, for some reason everyone seemed to be in a trance. Though quite disturbed, he started acting like he too was in a trance of special communion with Galbado the great God. They sang songs of warship and praised for Galbado, how he had saved their ancestors in the face of fierce enemies. How he had protected them from the from the hands of malicious Gods and witches who were planning evil upon them. Malzo Karazo agreed with the content of the songs though he could not sing them because he had never heard them, though the message was similar to the teachings he had known of Galbado. After some time he was consumed by the spirit that was hovering in the congregation, and he too felt some supernatural sensation. He no longer needed to act the spiritual stupor, he was in it trying to mumble the words of the songs that he had learned were


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.05.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-1609-1

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To my mother and her children.

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