
Jay's Open Letter

I don’t know how to describe everything that has happened… 

I… I’ve lost myself. I’ve lost who I am, and who I wanted to be. I’ve sacrificed everyone I love just to chase some illusion. I don’t know what to do now…

It’s been a few months since I… infiltrated my own cult. Somehow, that reporter… Something Holland… he knows who I am. I saw a report on TV about me. He interviewed my Sister, Jenny. He was interrupted by our Superior. 


Yes, I killed ten people in my own congregation, but no, it wasn’t me… You don’t know what’s really going on here! This mask… it talks to me. It forces me to do things; things I would NEVER do… this was the only time I was able to fight it. It told me to kill Jenny, but I was able to restrain myself. She’s the only family I have… not that I really have her. I basically raised her, and now I’ve abandoned her just like Uncle Marty did to us after Father was murdered. 


I gave my Wife, Emily, divorce papers… I couldn’t let her bear the weight of my actions. She deserves the world, and all that is good in it… and that is not me. It was so hard, telling her what little I did tell her. It was even harder to leave her… I didn’t want to, and I wish I could go back and undo it, but I can’t… this is my life now… running from myself. 


I have been fighting this, but it seems like the harder I fight, the worse things get. Just yesterday, I blacked out and woke up, once again standing over someone I had just murdered. My body count now is in the 50’s… Once I turn myself in, I have no doubt I’m getting the death penalty. That is… if The Harvester will let me turn myself in. I’ve tried multiple times… but it just doesn’t work. It stops me, time after time. 


To Emily… I love you so much, and I am so sorry that this all has happened… You didn’t deserve any of this… I’ve put you through hell… You’ve seen a side of the world that no one should, all because I made one stupid choice… I should have listened to you. I should have let you help me. I will regret this until the day I die. I just hope I can make things right with you before that happens… and in the end, it has to be you.


To Jenny… I have failed you. There’s no way around that. I promised you that I would never leave, that I’d always be there. Now, I’m on the run while you are left behind to pick up the pieces… You should hate me, truly. I’ve earned that. Just promise me, you will not become like me…


Now, Jerry Biggs… I have broken away from Harvester long enough to send you information you’ll need to find me… Find my Wife, find me, and end this… please… I beg you, I can’t live like this anymore… I’m fighting, but It’s winning…


The Harvester's Message

Hell has come home, and I’ve opened the door. 

You can try to find me if you will, but you shall fail. I’ve already found you, Jerry. 

I’m closer than you realize, it’s just a matter of time until you figure it out. 

I’ve been pulling the strings the entire time. You are involved in this because I chose you, as I’ve chosen the others. You are at my mercy, and under my surveillance. 

Can you feel it, Detective? This tension that is rising? 

We’re so close to the grand finale. Oh, what it will feel like to see the look on your face when you see how I’ve orchestrated everything! I have one more surprise for you. 

But first, let me tell you why. 


You have heard it told, the story of creation. The fall of the Horde, the fallen angels. 

I was there at the beginning, tempting anyone who crossed my path. I knew of The Light before it was known, and I knew of The Nothing, as I became an agent of it. I watched the birth of planets, and the death of worlds. I watched stars form, and I watched lifeforms return to dust. 

I never got my just revenge. I never fulfilled my desires. 

Here I am, now. You have nothing on me, Detective. There is not one thing in your playbook that I can’t anticipate. 


Why did you agree to take on this case? Surely, the brilliant and famous Detective Biggs could see that this was all a scheme. Or perhaps you’re dumber than I realized. 


Your time is up, Biggs. 


Run along to your little buddies, and try to find me. 


You can’t find what is behind your eyes, Detective. Sooner or later, you’ll have to realize that I’m in your mind. 


I am your thoughts. 

I am your senses. 

I am your savior. 

I am your killer. 


But if you let me, I’ll be you. 


I’ll see you soon, Jerry. 




Emily's Letter to Cynthia

Dear Mom,

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve written to you, and I’m terribly sorry for that. Life has been crazy ever since the news broke about Jay. I still can’t believe it. How did I not see this coming? He even told me he was dangerous, and I didn’t listen. 


I miss you. I hope that this all clears soon so I can get with you and Jenny. 


So many people are blaming me, and saying that I am to blame for not reporting Jay. It’s just gotten so stressful… No one should have to go into hiding for a mistake someone else made. Now, I see why Jay wanted to divorce me. He truly was protecting me… if only I had listened. 

I know you know this, but I still regret not turning in the divorce papers. I should have, and then my name wouldn’t be as linked to his. 


Right now, I just feel so lost… It’s times like this that I’d normally seek comfort in Jay. He was always a good listener. That’s part of what stumps me. He never treated me bad. He was amazing to me. He never so much as raised his voice at me, even when I got mad at him. How could a man like that be a monster? 


Enough about my mess. How are you and Jeb? How is Jenny? I hope her classmates aren’t being rough with her because of her brother. 


Take care of yourself, Mom. We’ll see each other soon. 


I love you,


Sara's Letter to Jay in the Psych Ward



I’m not sure how well you remember me. I’ve tried to write this several times, but I haven’t found the right way to say this. So the best way is to just wing it. 


It’s been several years since we first met. We had this seemingly wonderful connection, even when you told me about your disorders. I understand that more than you know. 

I thought you’d come back for me, but when I saw the news I realized you likely never would. 


That night, I fell in love. You treated me better than my now ex-husband ever did. But something else happened, and that’s why I’m writing to you. 

A couple of weeks after you left, I noticed that I felt weird, different. I didn’t know what it could be, until I remembered that moment with you. 


I don’t know how else to say it, so here goes nothing. 

We have a daughter, Jay. She’s just turned 6. Her name is Camille. I gave her my last name. She is funny, smart, and very intelligent. In many ways, she reminds me of you. 

It’s a shame you went down the path you did. She’s such a blessing, and I believe she could have helped you. I needed you, she needs you. 


There’s one more thing I want to know. 

Why didn’t you tell me you were married? I at least told you I was separated. But even after you came back to yourself, you never told me you had a Wife. That was wrong, Jay. You owe that woman and me both an apology. 


Anyways… I hope you’re getting the help you’ve needed. 

I also hope your victim’s families have closure now. 


-Sara Reid


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.06.2022

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