
About the Author

Blair Gray is an American cult leader. Little is known about her or her upbringing. 

The Book of Nothing, pt 1 is her first publication. 


Her hobbies include writing, autopsies, and trap making. 


She would like to thank Shadow and Jay Sullivan. 



The Death Ensemble is a group that is often misunderstood. We have members worldwide, and operate like standard crews. The vast majority of us are calm and peaceful. There are some of us, however, that are chosen for a Higher Purpose. 

This small percentage of people represent Fear, Death, and Hate. One person represents each, and is replaced only upon death or excommunication. Fear controls the emotions of our members, Hate controls how our members see the outsiders, and Death controls the fate of each person. 

Death, as Life, shows no mercy. Once he decided someone’s fate, not even the Light could save that person. 

Fear selects members and non-members alike, and inflicts various degrees of torture upon them. If they survive, our doors open to them. If they die, their bodies are burned in our compound. 

Hate has the biggest heart of all, though his heart has been crushed and damaged beyond repair. He teaches us that in the end, hate will win. 

Our mission is simple; inflict injustice upon this unjust world. We hurt those who hurt others, and show no mercy to those who offer none. Yet, the Government and reporters look at us as the villains… no. 

We are the answer to the questions you’ve had, and the solution to your situation. Joining us, though nearly impossible, will grant you the resources and help to have the best life possible on this fallen planet. 

The price is high, indeed. But surviving is the first step to the evolution of who you are. So, are you ready to accept our invitation? Are you ready to say no to the Light, and join us in the Death Ensemble? 

If you are, you may proceed through this book. 

If you are not, then gift it to someone who won’t waste it. 

This is your last chance to turn away. 

Once you proceed, you are ours. 

Are you sure you want this? 

Good. We welcome you to Phase One. 


B. Gray

Phase One


Phase One: Outline

Let us get our introductions out of the way. My name is Blair. By day, I work in a morgue. By night, I lead the Death Ensemble. Why am I telling you this? To establish trust. Only those who get this far know my name. 

Now that you know who I am, let me tell you why I started the Death Ensemble. 

Firstly, this is not the name of our cult as a collective, rather it is the name of The Three; Fear, Death, and Hate. 

The Nothing does not necessarily endorse TDE. We are rogue. The Nothing has become corrupted, focusing more on civil duties rather than what it was designed to do. It has stopped fighting the war against good. We, The Death Ensemble, stand against this decision. We stand against the leader of The Nothing, who I refuse to name. 

Hate is a Shadow, he moves silently in the outside, deciding who to influence in War. 

I am Fear. I move secretly, that those around me are unaware of my identity.

Death is who we currently seek. 

Death was once known as a Trapper. He was wise, cunning, and unmatched in warfare. However, he has disappeared. He has been declared Fallen, or in other words, it is believed that he is dead. Once a Member has been missing or otherwise inactive for more than thirty days, we remove them from our ranks. 

Death is responsible for claiming victims. As Death, you elect some to live, and some to die. You must not show favoritism in this. You must remain neutral. Failure to do so will result in your removal from the Death Ensemble. 

You must also agree to not disclose our movements outside of our group. If a member of The Nothing attempts to gain information, eliminate them. Yes, even if it’s the Leader. Clause Five of the Nothing Scriptures state that He who kills the Head of the Cult, takes it over. If this happens, your first priority must still be the Death Ensemble. 

You will be equipped with weapons of your choice. Some will be discrete, some will be more obvious. Each weapon will be useful for different tasks. Select them wisely. 

Are you still with me? 


Let us proceed to Phase Two to discuss the history of the Death Ensemble.

Phase Two

Phase Two: History


I founded the Death Ensemble a year ago. Once I realized that the Nothing had fallen away from it’s purpose, I sought to re-establish what it used to be. We used to stand for something, we used to have a cause. 

Our cause was the only viable rivalry to The Light. Yet we forgot that. We forgot our roots, and we forgot that we have always been opposed to The Light. 

The Death Ensemble is the solution to this problem. We stand against the Light, and anyone who supports it. We seek to spread this message - the truth about what humanity is. 

Humanity was thrust into war upon creation. From the times of Cain, to the times of Ishmael. This war has never left creation, and we seek to end this war. 

The Light, and now The Nothing, are opposed to this. 

We must take control, if we hope to establish a decisive winner. 

This is my mission. 

I have proven my ability to lead, as the Death Ensemble has continuously won battles. My structure has proven superior to that of The Nothing. 

Tell me, why is it that humanity has become opposed to controlled chaos? When controlled, Chaos can prove to be the most neutral factor. How is this a bad thing? 

The Nothing has been a cult for decades, though it has only recently been brought to light by reporter Danny Holland. If not for him, their operations would still be secret. Now, we’re under a microscope because of him. 

The Nothing was founded to provide a safe haven for those opposed to The Light’s traditions. We are self sustaining, and self providing. We need nothing from the government, nor do we support any aspect of a government structure. 

This is why The Death Ensemble must remain secret, with even members of The Nothing being kept in the dark. 


I took on the persona of Fear, because I value the arts of torture and murder. Truly, it is an art form. 

Shadow took on the persona of Hate, because he has been subjected to it his entire life. 

So, I ask you, why do you seek to take on the persona of Death? 


Proceed to Phase Three.


Phase Three

Phase Three: Who Is Eligible


Members of the Death Ensemble must have the following; 1.) psychosis, and 2.) a genetic disorder. We will screen you for these. 

You must be passionate about our message of self reliance, self sustenance, and as Death, you must also be passionate about giving and taking of lives. 

I ask you, who was the last person that cared? 

You may think your Wife, your sister, your Mother… 

In reality, we will be the ones to care. We are the real family you’ve been seeking. Unlike other cults, we won’t require you to leave your family behind. You can still have those people in your life, but just know that their love is conditional for no reason. Ours is conditional for your benefit. 

You’ve been hurt, broken, and scarred. You’ve almost succumbed to your mental wounds, yet here you are. You are strong, and we will make you stronger. We will bring out the Warrior that has always been within you, and the Beast in you that has been dormant and hungry. 

I, Blair Gray, offer you my hand, and the resources of the Death Ensemble. The world is yours to conquer. Will you do it? 


Proceed to Phase Four.


Phase Four

Dear Mr. Jay Sullivan,

Thank you for your inquiry. 

After a careful review of your correspondence, We believe you will be a fit for our ranks. 

Your first task will be sent to you via post. 


I request that you submit documentation of your immediate family. We will keep tabs on them to ensure that they do not find out about your movements, or us. 


You share many qualities with the former Death. He experienced a different form of psychosis, but he also had the warrior gene. In the package containing your first task, I will include his notes. 


I trust that you will respond to the first task promptly. 


Do not disclose my name to anyone, ever. 


We will be in touch to schedule your ordination once your first task has been completed. 


Yours sincerely, 

B. Gray

End Phase

You now know too much. 

This will serve as your one warning. 

Do NOT dislose any details of this literature to anyone, for any reason. 

We know who you are, and where you live. 

We are monitoring you, and we are closer than you think. 


We are not afraid to add to the Death Ensemble's body count. 


Now is your chance to burn this publication and forget what you read. 




B. Gray, Arachnid


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.06.2022

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To everyone who has ever supported my crazy dreams.

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