
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 




Mist's prov


        When I was young my Parents were killed by hunters. All of the blood I saw. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. The man was walking toward me teasing and tanting me said "Come here my little kitty!!" I was so scared that I jumped at him with my neals fully extended and clawed his face he fell backward. Finaly finding my way. I was lucky to get away with my life.


        After the hunters left to look for me I went back to finded my mom and dad dead. I was alone with no where to go. I lived on the streets of a small town called Frontner for months all the kids would through rocks and other stuff at me thay would call me things like freek and weirdo and monster and other very mean things.


        One night I was looking through some trash for something to eat when some one came up behind me and tapped me on the sholder. I jumped and hid behind the trash can. Then I heard a vioce that said "it's ok i wont heart you." It was a young boy about my age. He asked "what are you doing in my trash? Are you looking for something? Or are you hungry?"


        I slowly came out from behind the can and asked "who are you?" He answered very nicely "My name is Sean What is yours?" "Mist.." I said in a low voice. He then asked "are you hungry?" I slowly noded. He smiled and said " follow me but be quiet." I quietly noded and followed him. He lead me in to his house then handed me some food.


        We walked back out side then I told him thank you. "Come to my house every night I will give you something to eat." He said in a really come but low voice. I then asked "Why are you nice to me?" He shruged and said "Why wouldn't I?" "Because I have a tail and cat ears. Im alot diffrent than you are."


        He looked at me confusingly then said " I don't care what you look like or what you are we are now friends and that is that. I have to go before my mom finds out im out here. I'll bring you something to eat every night ok." " Thank you soo much."I hugged him then ran off with the bread and a apple. 


        Months passed and he tought me to read and wright. One night we were sitting there just talking when I heard a voice say "Sean get away from that thing." It was his mom. He keep his promise and told his mom no he wouldn't leave me so he just sat there and told her No over and over. 


        She grabed him and he fought to get released his dad came out and started to through stuff at me and yelled get out of hear you freek. I took of running a promised myself I would never agine make any friends or fall inlove or any thing I would just be alone forever.


        Years passed and my life changed. I stated moving from place to place when i was 14. When I turned 17 I moved back to my old town. I was in 12 grade still. I got a job working at a shop and an apartment.


        The first day of school I wore black jeans and a gray shirt my black zipp up jaket and my gray and black shoes. I had black hair and a white strip in the bangges. My eyes at the moment I guessed were gray cause I felt so nervous and depressed like always they also change color depending on my mood. 


        My nose and and ears were piriced with my favorit rings they were black dimonds very rair diomonds might I add. I wore my favorit black hat to cover my cat ears and my tail was stuffed in my pants leg and it was very uncomfterble to sit on, but I learned to get over it.


        I rode my motercycle to school. It was in the middle of the school year so I was happy I had Awesome grades at my old school. I pulled up and got off my bike I pulled of my helmet and placed it on my bike. then grabed my gray and white bage and started toward the front of the school.


        Everyone staring cause I spead through the parking lot  to park, but before I made it some girls walked up to me and nocked my books out of my hands and thay hit the ground. I was mad now my eyes turned red not glowing red but red I looked up at the girl with my 'im pissed of face' and she just steped back and said "what is with your eyes freek." the word freek replayed in my head after that I picked up my books then headed through the doors.


        I want to the front desk to get my timetable for my classes I had Science first period. Before I went to class I stopped by my locker I was told all the books I need were in there.


        Classes flew by after that thin came lunch I sat at a table that was empty. Everyone just seemed to stare at me. Then walked it the chick from this morrning. Right up to the table I was sitting at she and said "What do you think you are doing??" I replyed very comly "Im sitting here eating my lunch and minding my on bizz. What are you doing?!" I asked with sarcasime in my voice.


        Everyone was staring now. Even the teachers. The girl didn't now what to say. She then got out the words "Do you no who I am. If you do thin you should no you are siting in mine and my friends settes."


        I got up and looked under and on the table then under the seats and then sat back down and said with even more sarcasum in my voice "I dont see a name or any thing on the table!" She got even madder and was about to punch me while I wasn't looking but I caught her hand in mide swing. Then lifted my head to look at her. 


        That was when a teacher walked up and said "Ok now you two stop this. Clair you and your friends go some were else and sit down. tomorrow she won't be sitting here so go on now or ill call your dad."  The rest of the day went by and no one seemed to notice me.


        My last class came which was History I walked in and handed the teacher my pappers. She looked up and said "Well, welcome Mist!" Then she turned to the class and said "Class we have a new student her name is Mist she just transfered here from california." She turned to me and asked "So Mist were where you born we are learning about diffrent peoples home towns?" I looked up and said " I was born here in Verginia."


"So you just moved back. How many times have you moved," she asked? I thought for a sec then said "To many times to count I went all over the U.S. I'v learned a lot of diffrent traditions in my travels."


"You and your family must have done a lot of moving?"  I sighed and then said "No just me." "O what about your family?" she asked with a confused look on her face. " They Died years ago when I was young."


"O sweety, I'm sorry I brung that up." I gave a half smile. "its all right Im over it."


Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Someone New Or Old


Sean's Prov


         There is a new girl I'm my class. Her name was Mist. My thoughts drift as I try to remember were I heard that name before. But couldn't put a finger on it.


        Then it hit me like a shock from lighting when she said she was alone. The girl from when I was younger, but this couldn't be her she didn't have a tail or anything like that other girl.


          But I feel like I know her from some were. Through out the day I see her and she's alown like she doesn't even want to try make friends like she don't even talk to anyone.


        Then she meets Clair and lets just say no one has ever talked to her like that. It happened a lot to day her and Clair yelling at each other. 


          I was about to head home when I saw Clair and her Football jokes messing with Mist's bike. I could tell that was a mistake. I watched as Mist walked out and when she saw her bike She looked pissed!


        Clair with her happy self walked up and said with a I don't give a shit child voice, "O, no your bike in broken and you helmet is crushed!!" Her and her friends started laughing. I just shook my head then stopped as they did something unexpected. They all took a step back like they saw a ghost or something.


          Mist said "You now what I think about girls or humans like you? Huh" Clair said in a real smart ass way "I don't care what, is a weakling like you suppose to do about it?" She spoke and said the laughter in her voice, "Come find out." and gave a devilish grin.


        By that time a entire crowed had surrounded them. Clair took of her shoes then ran at her. But Mist did something no one expected she did a front flip over Clair and landed it. Clair turned around and said "how did you do that?" She then tried to hit her again, but like at lunch she grabbed her fist in mid swing like before, but this time she squeezed and twisted it.


        Clair yelled out in pain then was punched her in the gut and she went flying across the ground people had to move out of the way to avoid being taken down by her.


  Before long a teacher came out and started telling everyone to go home and for Mist and Clair to stop fighting. I new just by looking at them that no one would stop them in the future. Once eveyone had left it was just me and her in the lot. She was trying to fix her bike thought it seemed like it was no use.


 I was amazed this girl could put up a fight like she did. But now I new not get on her bad side.


  I jumped in my car and drove up beside her and asked if she needed some help. She had a weary look then agreed. Once I was finished fixing the bike I gave her a ride to the gas station. The hole way I couldn't get my mind of all thouse years ago and why this girl brought back the memorys.


After I droped her off to fual her bike it started to rain so I gave her a lift to her place then headed home! Thinking about both the MIsts my Childhood friend then the new girl, but it couldn't be could it.


Chapter 3

Chapter 3


A Friend Form The Past


Mist's prov


         The class went on but for some reason I felt as if I was being watched. Like someone was staring a hole through me. But I ignored it. I figured everyone was staring at me after what happened in the lunch room. After school I went out side and found my bike knocked over and my helmet crushed.


        The girls from this morning came up and said "o no your bike in broken and you helmet is destroyed!!!" Her and her friends started laughing. My eyes turned bright red a lot redder than before. They all took a step back.


        I looked up and said "You now what I think about girls or humans like you? Huh" She said in a real smart ass way "Yea and what is a weakling like you suppose to do about it?"


      "Come find out."  I told her with amusement and angery voice, and gave a devilish grin. By that time a entire crowed had surrounded us.


        The smart ass chick took of her shoes then ran at me. I did a front flip over her she turned a round and said "how did you do that?" She then tried to hit me I grabbed her fist in mid swing like I did before. But this time i squeezed and twisted it.


        She yelled out in pain I then punched her in the stomach and she went flying across the ground people had to move out of the way to avoid being taken down by her.


        Then a teacher came out and started yelling "Young lady It might be your first day and all but you now have ISI tomorrow and Wednesday." I rolled my eyes and said "Whatever!"


         The teacher just looked at me and said "look Missy loose the smart mouth before I call you parents." When she said that i just stared then blurted out. "Go ahead you wont get an answer. Cause last I checked there in the ground some were ok!" She just continued to stand there then said "o dear I didn't..."


I cut her off before she finish. "I don't need your pity ok." After a sec she turned and left telling everyone ot leave.


        After everyone left I was stuck trying to fix my bike. I picked it up and tried to start it but it wouldn't start. Someone walked up and asked "Do you need some help with that?" I turned around and saw someone I thought I would never see.


        He hadn't changed much he was the same boy I meet years ago other than he looked older and was a lot taller. With his broad shoulder and green eyes so green like grass almost. His sharp feature in his face and o so soft looking lips. They looked so kissable right then. 


        I didn't know what to say or even if he remembered me. He asks once again "Hay do you need some help?" I hesitated for a sec then said "O omm yea if you wouldn't mind."


        He helped me fix it the wires, but all the gas was drained out of it so it still wouldn't start. He looked up at me then said "I can drive you to the closest gas station if you would like."


        I started to say no but it started to rain. He looked at me like now do you want a ride. I thought for a sec about the rain it is coming down really hard and it's vary cold. Before I could say any thing he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car.


         I climbed in and said "Thanks for the ride." He smiled and said "no problem."  He really has not changed sense then. He is still that nice cares about everyone person. To bad he doesn't remember me. The ride was quiet for most of the way there.


        Finally I broke it. "Sean..." I started to ask him if he remembered me but I couldn't. He said "yea?" "Nothing never mind." I was to afraid to ask him. 


        He looked over at me and said "You no you look just like a girl I new a few years ago." I looked at him and asked even though I knew who he was talking about.


         I wanted to know if he could remember my name, "What was her name?" A smile came to his lips as he said, "Mist." He must of been thinking of the memories of us when we were little.


        We were quite the rest of the ride. Sean got bored and turned on the radio the song Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift came on. That song reminded me so much about his promise


I remember tears streamin' down your face                                                                        

When I said I'd never let you go,                                                                                        

When all those shadows almost killed your light                                                                      

 I remember you said 'don't leave me here alone'                                                                      

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight


Just close your eyes                                                                                                            

The sun is going down                                                                                                        

You'll be alright                                                                                                                  

 No one can hurt you now                                                                                                  

 Come morning light                                                                                                          


You and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window                                                                                    

 Darlin' everything's on fire                                                                                                  

The war outside our door keeps raging on                                                                          


 Hold onto this lullaby Even when the music's gone                                                                  



Just close your eyes                                                                                                              

The sun is going down                                                                                                        

You'll be alright                                                                                                                

 No one can hurt you now                                                                                                


Come morning light                                                                                                        

     You and I'll be safe and sound,

Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,                                                                                              

  Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh 


Just close your eyes                                                                                                            

You'll be alright Come morning light,                                                                                      

You and I'll be safe and sound 


Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,                                                                                                            

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,                                                                                                            

Ooh, ooh, ooh                                                                                                                    



        We finally pulled up to the station and got what we needed. After we got the gas and returned to the school. It was still raining I quickly jumped out and grabbed the can of gas. He got out and held a umbrella over me so I didn't get wet. I finally finished refuelling my bike. I turned it on it worked perfectly.


 I looked at him and he was grinning ear from ear. I asked him why he was grinning. he said in a weird voice "Nothing just a very beautiful girl that has to ride home in the rain." I just stand there then said " I'll be fine." that was when I sneezed lucky me.


        He said "yea i'll take you home." With me being annoied I said "What about my bike." He gave me a look then went to the back of his car and came out with a Tarp or car cover and through it over my bike. "There, it will be fine I promise."


          The words promise bounced around in my head. I remembered the first promise he told me. He said 'we will always be friends I'll always be here for you, I promise.' We got in his car and he did something I was not expecting He took his coat of and rapped it around me, and  asked "where do you live." I looked at him and said "Omm Country Sant the only apartment complex there." We rode in complete silence all the way there.


        When we arrived we just sat there for a sec then he asked "so you live alone?" He asked in a soft voice "Omm yea... Look thanks for the ride I really appreciate every thing you did for me." I told him in a rush.


        He looked at me confused and said "I didn't do much." I smiled and said "you did a lot more than you thank. I really think that girl enjoyed having you as a friend."


          I handed him his coat and was about to get out when he said "Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" I stopped dead middle of getting out and said "I can't I'm sorry. Trust me it's not you. I'm just better of alone. besides I have to work tomorrow" I smiled then got out of the car. I got to my door of my apartment and went in side.


         I went to the bathroom and undressed and turned the water on full heat then just sat there while the the worm water covered my body. My tail just swayed back and forth as goose bumps covered me it was great to just relax and just drift away. I couldn't get Sean's picture out of my head.


        Finally I got out and put on a black tank top and some shorts then climbed in to my bed. And drifted in to a great sleep. I dreamed of my Sean. Of our past how he was so kind. And now returning to me.


Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Learning Love


MIst's prov


          My two days in ISI passed and it was Friday at last. At lunch I decided to sit out side so I didn't have to listen to miss Smart Ass in there talking about me kicking her ass the other day. Lets just say she didn't look pretty any more, Laughed to my self on that joke.


        I was just sitting there when Sean walked up, and sat down beside me. I looked over at him and like always he was staring at me. I decided to ignore him but that didn't work. He then asked me "do you want to hang out after school?"


        I looked at him and said "your not going to leave me alone about this till i do are you." He grinned and said "Nope! You said the other day that you are better off alone. And that you had to work well you can call in sick and let me take you out tonight. And no one should be alone. So i'll keep asking you till you say yes. So will y...."


        I cut him off be for he could finish his sentence and replied "FINE.." I then said "you can pick me up at 5 Ok." He smiled and said "Sounds good."


  After school I went home and put on one of my shirts that said Watch it I bite and my hoody I pulled on some black jeans and my shoes and of course my hat.


        After about an hour I heard a horn go off. I then a second later there was a knock at my door I opened it and found him standing there with his Brown hair all messed up I figured that was his style now. Green shoes, blue jeans and a dark blue shirt with a gray jacket over it. His Green eyes stuck out the most.


        He grinned and asked "so what do you want to..." Before he could say anything else I said with a hint of happiness in my voice. "I no a place it's the perfect night for my favorite spot."


          It was about a 20 minute drive there. When we drove up he looked at me and said "Your favourite place is the edge of the woods?" I laughed and said "Nope!" I got out and started to walk into the woods. After a second he followed.


        We walked for a few minutes and he finally asked "where are you taking me?" I grinned and said "somewhere no one can here you scream!!" He stopped and had a confused look on his face.


        I grinned and said "I'm just picking with you. When I was younger i came here all the time. Till I started travailing." We walked on for a little while longer then we stopped at a huge waterfall. It hadn't changed at all.


        The water was crystal blue the moon shined off it perfectly. I looked over at him and said "What do you think? Beautiful right." Instated of saying any thing he just looked at the water fall in amazement.


  After a while of listening to the leaves in the trees blow in the breeze and the evening birds sing there goodnight song and watching the water flow from the stream above. It was peaceful and calm.


        I looked over at Sean he was looking up at the stars. I leaned back as well and looked up at the stars. Sean turned and faced me and said "Mist have you ever had a friend before?" I looked over at him and asked "What type of question is that?"  With a half grin on my face.


        He then said "just answer the question." I blinked a few times and then said "yea a boy. Why do you ask?" He rolled over and just stared at the stars he never said anything else.


          I lied there and by accident I fell asleep. I woke up and hour later and I felt warm and safe and something soft I thin noticed I had my head on Sean's chest I quickly jumped up and said "What time is it?"


        He looked up at me and said with a blank expression on his face "Mist you have cat ears!" I grabbed my head and then noticed he was staring at them. I quickly grabbed my hat and took off in to the woods. Sean took off after me. Tears rolled down my face as the cold air blew.


          I finally reached the car and tripped and hit the ground. Sean ran up behind me and said as he helped me up "I new it was you I just new it. Why didn't you tell me?"


        I looked at him as he wiped the tears from my eyes. "Because I didn't want to remember the past. But the more I tired to stay away from you the closer I got and the more I remembered."


        He raped his arms around me and said "Why didn't you come back? After that night I looked every where for you. I was scared something happened to you. I searched and searched every day and night looking for you but I never found you." He was crying now.


        He leaned back and looked me in the eyes and said "Mist I loved you and I still do." I pushed him away and said "just let me go ok."


          Before I got to far away he pulled me to him and kissed me. I felt the warmth of his hands on my face as he held me close.


         I leaned back and said "I love you too. I've loved you ever since I meet you, but my life is nothing, but pain and hate. No one can love me without getting hurt and I can't think of you being one of the ones that get hurt or killed because of me. I just can't. Please just let me go." I pleaded with pain in my voice. I wouldn't be able to cope if something happened to him or to anyone else. Not again. No I wont go through that again.


  The face he had made it even worse. I couldn't do this so I turned and was about to walk away with tears running down my face, but he grabbed me and turned me around so I was looking at him.


        He had tears in his own eyes and said "No, i'm not letting you go again. I made a promise to you 12 years ago that I would always be there for you, and  i'm not taking it back you hear. I love you and there is nothing you can do about it. I was so afraid and scared I would never see you again when you left. I never slept, never ate I was only six and was love struck."


        "I would always yell at my mom when she brought it up that I needed to forget about you that you were nothing, but a freak. I yelled at her and told her to never call you that. I would always sit on my roof waiting for the day you would show up. I waited years do you hear me years. To find you. I love you more than any thing I could ever think of. You are everything to me. I cant lose you. Not know, not ever! I love you Mist!" I had a smile on my face and tears in my eyes, once he finished his speech.


          He pulled me back to him crushing my lips to his. His lips were soft and worm as mine fit perfectly to his. His hand held the back of my neck, while the other wrapped around my waist pulling me closer, if that was even possible. My arms moved up his chest and wrapped around his neck then running my fingers through his soft hair.


        He slowly leaned back and we just stared at each other as  I asked with a breathy voice, "What color aremy eyes?"


        He just looked at me then said "They're purple.. wait I thought your eyes were blue?" I laughed and said "they change colors when my mood changes. Red means I'm mad or pissed if there bright red, green when I'm sad and blue when I'm happy and... Purple when I'm in Love. I love you, Sean, and I always will." He smiled and then leaned in and kissed me again.


         When we got home he walked me to the door and said "Can we hang at lunch tomorrow? You know I wont stop asking till you say yes!" He smiled so big and goofy I couldn't say no. I grinned back and replayed "What do you think?!"


        Then I slipped in the door before he could reply. His face went from happy to confusion and back again. I couldn't do anything, but giggle till he finally left.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5


Great time


Sean's prov


        I finally found the girl from my passed and I was happy to find out she loved me after all those years even though it was heard for a while I think she was glade to find me even after she new who I was and never told me, but I understood why she never told me. She was mostly relieved that she had some one to love and who loved her back.


 As we were walking thought the school people stair and Mist seemed not to like it then and idea hit me. We were walking to her bike when I asked "Hay are you doing any thing over spring break?"


        She looked a little confused at first, but replied with something I was not expecting. "No not really but you should spend time with your friends and family over the break, but you can come and see me when every you want." I was shocked but didn't show it in stead I smirked at the thought of her still trying to be distant from people. 


        No one would be around for the spring break my forks are going out of town and friends really I only have 1 or 2 other than Mist.


        So I say "The only one I want to spend time with is you I haven't seen you in years and besides my family's going out of town to my Aunts and my friends are going to see there family's or going on vacation. So I was wondering if you would like to stay with me till they get back?"


         We continued on walking till we got to her bike. I just stair at her the whole time we were walking. She sat on her bike and thought about it for a sec.


        Before she could say anything I spoke up "Look I know you have been through a lot and sometimes I fell it's my fought. I should of tried harder to find you I should have told my dad to stop and listen to me. I was wrong not to try and help you......" Before I could finish she put a finger over my lips telling me to shush.


        I smile then kiss her finger and she seemed shocked I felt the small spark that hit and loved when that happened it did that every time we touched. Her shocked face faded and she looked happy with the grin she had on. Man do I love this girl.


         I took her hand and we sat on the ground not far from her bike. She seemed a little uneasy till she saw we were alone. 


        We just sat there and stared at each other finally she looked away and said "Look it's not your fault, what happened, happened, and there was nothing you or anyone could do about it. And look im back now. I wont be staying long, but while I'm here I want to be with you so yes I will stay with you for the spring break OK so stop blaming your self. And smile!"  What did she mean not staying long but I pushed that to the side and gave her one of those I'm still upset but happy side ways smiled which made me look silly.


Mist's Prov


        Days passed and every thing got better I was happy even though everything seemed like it would never get better I was to afraid that someone would find out what I truly was. Everyday at school people seemed to stare at me and Sean I didn't like the way they did but it only seemed like we were friends. At the end of the week Sean and me were walking out of the the school when Sean turned to me and said "Hay are you doing any thing over spring break?"


        I stared at him confused at first then said "No not really but you should spend time with your friends and family over the break but you can come and see me when every you want."


         He smiled and said in a com and smooth voice. "The only one I want to spend time with is you I haven't seen you in years and besides my family's going out of town to my Aunts and my friends are going to see there family's or going on vacation. So I was wondering if you would like to stay with me till they get back?"


        We continued on walking till we got to my bike. He just seemed to stair at me the whole time we were walking. I sat on my bike and thought about it 'I don't know what to do all I want is to be a normal person and have a happy life but every time I get to now someone something changes or happens and I have to leave. I didn't want that to happen.


         Before I could say anything he spoke up "Look I know you have been through a lot and sometimes I fell it's my fought. I should of tried harder to find you I should have told my dad to stop and lessen to me i was wrong not to try and help you......" Before he could finish I put a finger over his lips telling him to shush.


        To my surprise he kissed my fingers and they felt as if little sparks were going of in my fingers. I smiled at the felling of knowing I was not alone. He took my hand an we sat on the ground I was happy no one was there or it would of been very awkward.


         We just sat there and stared at each other finally I looked away and said "Look it's not you felt, what happened, happened and there was nothing you or anyone could do about it. And look I'm back now. I wont be staying long but while I'm here I want to be with you so yes I will stay with you for the spring break ok so stop blaming your self. And smile!" He gave me one of those im still upset but happy side ways smiled which made him look silly.


        We got up of the ground and got on my bike I gave him a ride home I was lucky to get there before his parents got home. I walked him up to the front door before his mom and dad pulled up I quickly told him to call me then kissed him on the cheek before I took off to my bike.


        I jumped on it and looked back at him and his parents. His mom looked shocked and his dad looked confused. But I did't care all I new was I had to get home. I quickly started my bike then took off.


        Latter that day Sean called me and said "Hay so my dad and mom are leaving in the morning, but I wanted to know if you wanted to go somewhere to night?"


        I was shocked at his question cause I thought he would of wanted to hang with his folks. I guess I got lost in thought for a sec cause he said "Hello!! You there!"


        I jumped I'm my seat cause it startled me. "Oh yea om I'm here I just thought you would of spent some time with your parents? But look I'm going to just stay here to night so I can get my apartment cleaned up and some stuff packed OK, but we have all spring break to hang out kk. So do something with your folks and I'll see you tomorrow."


         The phone went quiet for a sec then in a very disappointed voice he said "OK I understand I'll see you tomorrow get some sleep, and I'll call you tomorrow when they leave. Night!"  I new he was sad, but I had to get this stuff done my landlord will be here in the morning so I have to have this place cleaned. "Night! Love you!" With a sigh he said "I love you too!"


        The next morning my landlord came and gone I got a passing check for the clean house another words I passed the inspection. A little later Sean called and told me to be ready that he was on his way. I ran to my bathroom and got dressed I put on a black t-shirt and some gray skinny jeans and a belt. I grabbed my jacket and put it on the jacket was plan black with a hood.

        Instead of wearing a hat I just put up my hood. I put my hat in my bag along with all the other stuff I was bringing. There was a knock at the door and i jumped clear out of my shoes. I had been so nervous I was not paying any attention to what time it was  so I ended up landing on my face. I got to my feet and walked to the door. 

        When I opened the door it was Sean. He just stared at me in confusion then he looked from my eyes to my something on my four head. His eyes grow wide that was when I felt a sharp pain on my head.

        "What happened your head is bleeding. Who did this to you are they still here. Are you ok....." He looked shocked. I turned around and ran to the bathroom he followed in after me. When I got to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and saw my head was bleeding.

        I grabbed a wet rag and before I could do anything Sean turned me around and sat me on the tub and kneel down beside me with the rag in one hand and my hand in the other. After he cleaned the cut he too asked "where are some bandages?" "Over there." I pointed to the box on the sink. He grabbed it and put a bandage on my head.

        He looked me in the face then said "Ok now tell me what happened." I rolled my eyes then said "It's nothing I was getting my stuff when you knocked I jumped cause you startled me and I fell off my bed and hit my head I didn't no it was bleeding. But I'm OK, I promise!"

        He smiled and said "I didn't mean to scare you. But my mom and dad are gone so lets get going k!" He grabbed my stuff and I followed him out the door.

        When we got to his house. He got my bag from his car and took it in to the house. I was still a little nervous cause it's been so long since I've been in here. The last time I was here was when Sean gave me something to eat when I was younger.

        Nothing had changed since then. The walls were a deep purple color and the floors were tile and everything made that house look wonderful. We walked into the living room there was a love seat on one wall and a couch on the other. There was a coffee table in the middle of the room.

        The walls were the same purple color as the rest of the house. I turned to Sean who was standing behind me and said "so were am I going to sleep?"

        When he grinned my face went blank as he lead me to a small room with a bed that had black and grey sheets and a very beautiful bed frame and carpet that was pure white.

        He sat my stuff on the bed then turned to me and said "This is the guest room but as long as you need a place to stay or any thing this is your room k." I smiled and walked up to him and put my arms around his waist and got on my tip toes and kissed his nose.

        I moved my arms from his waist to his shoulders and he put his arms around me and spun me around and kissed me. We both fell on the bed and laid my head on his chest and we just sat there saying nothing. To tell the truth I was tired so very very tired and ended up falling asleep.

        When I woke up Sean wasn't there and I was under the blankets. I got up and look around the room he was not there I herd something coming from the kitchen so I quickly headed down and found Sean facing the other way and decided to scare him.

        Slowly getting closer I jumped on his back and he jumped. It was so funny I fell to the ground laughing. I then noticed that he had spilled his drank all over him I just keep laughing I thought it was so funny.

        He had a face that said 'I'm pissed but it was funny' Look on so I jumped up and took off out the kitchen he ran up behind me and grabbed me and swung me around then we both landed on the couch. We just sat there laughing he sat up and took off the soaked shirt and through it.

        All I could think was 'OMG'. He saw I was staring and gave me one of those devil grins that could melt anything. And with a chuckle he said "Like what you see?!" I grinned from ear to ear and flipped him over the back of the couch he landed with a thud.

        I laughed so hard. After a few secs he didn't pop him head back up. I quickly jumped up and look over he was just laying there. Jumped up thinking I hurt him. I ran to him and tried waking him up I started to think I knocked him out or something.

        I jumped up about to grab the phone when he grabbed me and pulled me back down on top of him. At the same time I started hitting him and yelling "You scared the fucking hell out of me. You you ass hole." At the same time I was laughing.

        We flipped and he started to tickle me. I was laughing so hard I was crying for him to stop tickling me. Finally he stopped and we just sat there staring at each other. I went to bed that night knowing this was were I was suppose to be. Just for now I push all the pain to the back on my mind and was happy, drifting in to a sleep well needed.

        A few days had passed and we just laughed and cut up the hole time. One night I was laying in the guest room and couldn't sleep. I crept out of the room and into Sean's room. He was all over the bed. I giggled at the way he slept.

         I crept over and slid him over some so I had some room then claimed in be side him. I laid my head on his chest at the same time he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I fell asleep there felling  happy and safe.

        The next day we were laying there in bed when there was a knock at the front door. Sean answered it and it turned out to be some of his friends. I quickly hid my tail and ears so they didn't see them. It only turned out to be his friend Josh. Who I new was a werewolf, but Sean didn't now so I told him I would keep his secret.

        Josh gave me a hug and asked what I was doing here. I told him "I'm just staying with Sean for the spring break. He said that I should not stay at home alone all spring break." Sean turned around and said "You need to be around people more and not alone."

I smiled and gave him and Josh a huge hug. Heck I think me and Josh squished Sean cause he turned really red. We both looked at him and busted out laughing. I new this was were I belonged.

Chapter 6


Almost Lost


Chapter 6


Sean's prov


        I have had a great time over spring break with Mist she is my world and my everything.

        While we were laying in my bed. We heard a knock. Mist quickly hides her tail and ears before I opened it. It turned out to be Josh. He said hay and when he saw Mist he grinned and ran over to her and gave her a big hug.


        What I could never figure out is why she's always calm around him like she wasn't scared of him finding out. 


Josh asked "What are you doing here?" She grinned and said "I'm just staying with Sean for the spring break. He said that I should not stay at home alone all spring break." I turned around and said "You need to be around people more and not alone." she smiled and gave me and Josh a huge hug.


         Heck I think her and Josh squished me cause I turned really red and couldn't breath. They both looked at me for a sec and started laughing. She was happy and I didn't want that to change.


        We all hung out for the rest of the spring break. So it was a lot off fun. But all fun has to end sooner or later. It was Sunday morning and she finished getting her stuff. When we got to her house I got out her bag and stuff while she went to open the door.


        Josh stopped me and we stand there talking for about 30 min. Then I felt sharp pains coming from my arms and legs on top of my head hurt. I thought it was just me till I heard someone scream and new who it was.


        The one thing that popped in my head was Mist. Me and Josh dropped the bags and ran to her apartment the door was closed and locked and she just keep screaming.


        Out of no where Josh is now a wolf and jumping through the window. I was so confused, but I cleared my head and jumped through the already broke window. Josh jumped on some guy I think in his 40.


        I looked over to were Mist was and she was covered in her blood and tied to a chair. I ran over to her and untied her. "Come on lets get out of here." I picked her up and carried her to my car Josh ran over and climbed in as well. 


        Mist had passed out and I couldn't think of any were to take her. I new my parents would be home by now but I have no other choice. When we get there I rush past my mom with Mist in my arms she just starts screaming "what is going on here. What is she....."


         She broke off when she saw Mist's ears and tail. I laid her on my bed while I fought with my mom over how I need to get her out off here and that it was stupid of me to bring her here. My mom stormed out of my room when she saw Mist waking up.


 I turned to Mist and said "How do you feel? I was so scared I didn't no what to do I was so scared I thought you weren't going to make it. I could feel every thing from being scratched on the legs to the arms it hurt so much I thought it was just me then I herd you scream and took off running." 


        She gave a weak smile then said "Wait you could fell all my pain?" Josh then walked in and saw Mist awake and said "hay how you feeling?"


 She looked at him then said "I feel light headed that's all. Hay can I ask you something?" "Sure!" He said with a grin on his face. "How is it Sean can feel everything I can?"


         He ran a hand thought his hair and down his face then said "So you want to no about the soulmate thing huh!" Me and Mist just looked at him with a confused look on our face I then said "the Soul what!!"


        He let out a small chuckle then said "The Soulmate it's were someone finds there other half their true love there world and things like that there other half.  Well that is what You and Sean are. But for a werewolf like me its different we have mates sort of like soulmates but a little different we imprint on our mate so its a little different."


         He told us about every thing and me I was completely confused with every thing that has happened to day. We talked about Josh being a werewolf and how Mist already new I was just so mad no one told me and keep it to there self no wonder they acted like the best of friends and Mist took to him quicker than others. 


        Mist ended up passing out again, and my mom came in yelling again. Finally I got her to let Mist stay. But she still was not happy about it.


        Then when my mom returned with a bowl and water and stuff Mist did something that surprised me and everyone else. She changed the way my mom and dad felt about her with in an hour. Mist has always been that way. She can change just about anyone if she is around someone long enough.


Chapter 7


Chapter 7


Enemies from the Past


Mist's prov


        Days past and we came closer, my life had changed in so many ways. I felt like I could be my self once again, but I knew I couldn't stay long I'v been so happy being with them, but I always feel like I'm being watched.


        Like someone is waiting for the right time to strike. I could not understand what was going on, but I know I will find out soon.


        One day after school I went home and found the door wide open. I walked in and looked around then I was hit by something or someone.


        Flashes of my past went through my head. I saw my mom and dad's face. Then I saw Sean and his family. Sean trying to get out of his mom's arms and his dad throwing stuff at me. 


        When I came too there was a man standing in front of me. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes and a scare that ran down the side of his face. I looked up at him and said with a weak voice "Who are you and what do you want with me?"


        He kneel down and said "Well well well the cat that got away. So you really don't remember me. Let me refresh your memory a little. You sitting in the corner while your mommy and daddy being killed then little o you decided to be a hero and you cut my face. Remember now. Now it's time I have a little pay back. But before I kill you I want to have a little fun!"


        He grinned and took a knife and cut my arms and legs then he took the end of the knife and hit me in the face with it.


        Before he had a chance something came crashing through the window and through the man across the room. Sean jumped thought the window and ran up to me. Josh attacked the men and I don't no if they were killed or what.


        Sean had a confused look when he saw Josh but snapped back and ran to me and and said "Come on lets get out of here." He untied me and helped me to my feet. 


        Josh had turned back and ran after us to the other side of the car and started it while Sean put me in the back. After seeing that I was being put in a car darkness was already taking over. Then nothing.


         It was dark and a little girl was screaming I saw the blood and anger that took over the the room the mans face keep popping up in my head. I was trapped with no were to run.


        Scared and alone as the girl I found to be me screamed to the top of her lungs as here mom and dad were being killed. Finally the pictures stopped and all was black and come then nothing.


         When I came too and heard a female yelling to the top of her lungs. I looked up and saw Sean's mom and she kept yelling "I can't believe you brought it here and after what you just told me. You are putting your own family at risk."


        I new that she was talking about me, but I didn't care all I cared was that my head was hurting and I wanted them to shut up. I then noticed I was in Sean's room I looked around the room and saw Sean sitting on the bed beside me telling his mom that I was family to and that he loved me and would do any thing to keep me safe even if it caused his life.


        His mom just stared at me then looked at Sean and said, "just get her out of here. Now." Sean got up and said, "get out she's not leaving till I know she will be ok got it." His mom look shocked then turned and left slamming the door behind her. 


        Sean looked over to me and saw I was a wake and asked "How do you feel? I was so scared I didn't no what to do I was so scared I thought you weren't going to make it. I could feel every thing from being scratched on the legs to the arms it hurt so much I thought it was just me then I herd you scream and took off running."


         I gave a weak smile that changed to a confused one and said, " Wait you could fell all my pain?" Josh then waked in and saw me awake and said, "hay how you feeling?"


        I looked at him then said " I feel light headed that's all. Hay can I ask you something?"


        "Sure!" He said with a grin on his face. "How is it Sean can feel everything I can?"


        " So you want to no about the soulmate thing huh!" Me and Sean just looked at him with a confused look on our face Sean then said "the Soul what!!"


        "The Soulmate it's were someone finds there other half the true love there world and things like that there other half.  Well that is what you and Sean are. But for a werewolf like me its different we have mates sort of like soulmates, but a little different we imprint on our mate so its a little different."


        After being told about the Soulmates and other stuff  I understood. Sean was a little mad cause no one told him Josh was sort of like me, but now he understood why I felt calmer when I met Josh instead of being so scared and not talking to him.


        After a while I started feeling light headed then every thing went black. When I woke up I was still in Sean's room, but this time it was quiet. I looked around finally my eyes meet Sean's.


         He was sitting on the bed beside me. When he saw I was awake he wrapped his arms around me and said, "I thought you would never wake. I talked my mom into letting you stay here." Right then someone came through the door. 


        It was his mom she came in with a bowl and a rag and handed it to Sean then walked away, but before she could get to the door I grabbed her hand and said "Why don't you like me? Why do you think of me as a monster?"


        She looked at me and said "I don't know, your just different and I don't hate you." I smiled and said "I might look different and I might be half Shape shifter, but I still have human blood flowing through my veins.


My mother was human and my dad was a full blooded Shifter, but they fell in love any way. They didn't care if they were different." She walked over to me and sat down and said "I'm sorry I guess I judged you by what you looked like, and not by your true self. I see now why my son helped you so many years ago." I smiled and pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her. After a sec or two she did the same.


        I pulled back and finally got a good look at her. She had long brown hair. a vary pretty complexion. She was short and she had brown eye's.


        Sean's dad walked in and saw me. His eye's got so wide. Sean's mom explained everything to him and he understood, and decided that what Sean did was the right thing and accepted it. From that point on every thing changed at least I thought.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


A Secret Revealed


Mist's Prov


        Me and Sean went back to school and every thing got better. A lot  more people started to talk to me and everything was awesome. I felt excepted. At lunch I was sitting with Sean, Josh, and the rest of our friends when Clair came up and said to Sean "I see you and miss weirdo are together. I thought we were together."


        Sean looked at her with shock written all over his face as he said, "we were never together or did we have anything. I said hay to you once that was it. You just thought you were just so cool you could have anything huh!"


        Her face turned red then said "I beet yall haven't even kissed. You would parable gag if you did." He just starred at her then turned to me pulled me to him and kissed me deeply in front of everyone.


        He pulled back and to look at me then turned back to Clair and said "I didn't gag or anything." She just stared at him and then turned and walked away. Everyone started to laugh at the fact that miss smart ass just got back talked no one did that to her except me and now Sean.


        Latter that afternoon me and Sean were standing in my front door saying good bye. Be for he left he took my hat and held it over his head saying "if you want it back thin you have to kiss me!!" I smiled stood on my tippy toes to kiss him and while he wasn't paying attention I stole my hat back.


        He said "hay cheater." I pulled him into a hug and said "by.." Before I finished talking I saw Clair with a her phone taking pics of me without a hat on and my tail wiping back and forth. I quickly took off down the stairs and tried to catch up with her.


        I yelled "Clair wait you don't understand. Please wait." But it was too late. Sean ran up and said "She can't get far we can go after her.." "No it's alright I'll just have to move again just when I thought I could be happy." I ran up to my room.


         Sean chased after me and said "Wait you don't have to go. It doesn't matter what you look like or anything you can just be your self. ok." I just cried and he held me close.


        Finally when I finally calmed down I said, "fine if anything starters or anything I'm leaving I'm so tired of having to run." I leaned I'm to him and started crying again. After a while we said our byes and he left.


        When I got to school the next day I was walking through the hallway when someone knocked me down and said "I thought Cats always land on there feet."


        Everyone was laughing now even some of my friends were laughing. I quickly jumped up and made it to class. When I got there everyone just stared at me. I sat down by Sean and Josh, but everyone else moved away even two others that I thought were my friends. The teacher walked in and told everyone to quiet down.


         As class started someone passed me a note. I opened it and and read 'Hay freak were can I get a tail and some kitty ears. HAHA MEOW MEOW!! What did your mom marry a cat.' I took the paper and crushed it. Sean looked over at me and saw that my eyes were going from green to red. He whispered "It will be ok I promise come down and ignore them OK."


        The class started to Meow and joke and call me names. The teacher turned around and started yelling at everyone to shut up. Someone got up and said "Mr.Jaae I thought cats weren't allowed in school." As she said this someone ripped my hat of my head and everyone started laughing.


        Before the teacher could do anything I jumped up and took off out the door with Sean and Josh on my heels. I ran half way down the hall when Josh caught me and Sean finally caught up I guess I was going to fast cause it took Josh a minute to catch me.


        Sean came up to me and wrapped his arms around me and said "Josh you can head back to class now, thanks." Josh shook his head and said "No she's like family, you both are and if someone is bullying y'all there bullying me. So i'm not going any where." I pulled Josh to me and gave him and Sean a big hug at the same time and said "Y'all are the best."


        We decided to skip that class. Sean said he would talk to the teacher about it so he didn't turn us in for skipping. At lunch we decided to sit out side to avoided running in to Clair. Well at least we tryed to avoided her.


        Here she was comes with a grin on her face right up to Sean and said "So how is it dating a cat huh. You still love her now that she's a laughing joke through out the school." Sean just looked at her then said in a mad but calm tone "Look Clair I'm sick and tired of you bullying people mainly, Mist."

        He just stared at her then looked in my direction then looked back at her and said "I'v new her since she was very young. I didn't care if she was different, and I still don't." Then Clair and some other people started to Laugh. They chanted Kitty cat Kitty cat MEOW MEOW mow mow over and over.

         The sadness in my eyes changed to madness. I couldn't hold it in any longer Josh noticed and yelled "Clair you better stop you have no idea what she will do to you. You don't want to make her any madder." I could here a low grow escape my chested then I did something I hadn't done in a long time. Shifted right in front of every one.

        I couldn't control it. I lunged at Clair as she screamed trying to duck, but Josh stepped in front and changed so he could block me from Clair. He yelled in my head 'STOP MIST CONTROL YOUR SELF NOW! IF YOU HURT CLAIR THEN YOU WILL BE KILLED AND HATED BY ALL. I NOW IT'S HARD, BUT YOU HAVE TO.'  

        After hearing that I turned and looked at Sean I could see the fear in his eyes. I let out a whimpered then took off into the woods. Finally making it to a tree to hid in. I shifted back and stayed there. Sean's Prov

        Josh jumped in front of her and they just stude the for a sec till Mist backed down then turned to me with scared and sad eye's then took off in to the woods. I turned and took off after her but she was too fast.

        I surched the woods for hours but could not find her Josh found me siting on a log and said "Find her yet?" All I could do was shake my head.


        We surched the wood a while longer then Josh said "Just give her sometime to come down then go to her apartment and you will find her. As much as I wanted to fnd her now he was right. 


        Each day at school clair would make fun of Mist and say mean things about her and how she was not scared of Mist and stuff. But realy she was scared shitless. You could see it in her eye's. 


        At lunch she had the nerve to come up to me and start telling me that she was better then Mist and how she wanted to be with me and I got pissed and yelled "YOU WILL NEVER BE BETTER THEN MIST SHE IS SMARTER NICER SWEETER KINDER AND STRONG HEARED THEN ANY OTHER PERSON I KNOW YOU WILL NOT TALK ABOUT HER IN THAT WAY CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT HER. I LOVE HER AND ONLY HER! GOT IT....... GOOD!" I said that with a pissed face and i ment it I grabed my bag and let the school I couldn't take it any more.


Mist's prov    

    I didn't see anyone for a few days I new they would all be scared of me even Sean was. As I lay there in my bed crying I herd a knock on my room door. I just sat there and acted as if it was nothing. Someone opened the door and walked in.


         I looked up and said "Who.." I couldn't believe he was here. He sat on the bed. I felt his soft hands wrap around me and place me in his lap. And I cried on his shoulder. Why was he here he didn't care he was scared of me, but he was. I looked up and saw he was crying as well.


        He pulled me close like he was never going to let go. I pulled back and said "Why did you come here." Helooked at me with a confused look on and said "why wouldn't I? I love you and never want to be away from you." 


         He kissed me and I said "I thought you were scared of me. You looked at me with so much fear in your eyes." He was now shocked and he shook his head and said "No I was scared I was going to lose you." I was happy and sad at the same time. But I didn't bother with it. I was just happy being back in his arms.


        We laid there and said nothing I was just glade he was here and I was in his arms. I lay there finally letting sleep take me. I had dreams of him that night sweet happy dreams. 

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

 Back to school

Mist's Prov        

Time had passed and Sean finally got me to go back. As I was about to walk out the door, Sean walked over took my hat and made me change into some jeans and that had a hole put into it so that my tail showed. I keep telling him no that I couldn't go looking like this, but he wouldn't let me change.         When we got to school I looked over at him and said "I can't do this, please don't make me go in looking like this."


        He smiled and said "it will be ok, I promise. I want people to see how beautiful your true self is." I shook my head and said, "there going to be scared of me after what happened last week. Can't I just leave and go home."


        Without answering he got out and walked over to my side pulling the door open. "Look," he said, "don't listen to them. If you keep running all that will do is let them see that you are weak, and I know god damn well you are the strongest person I know. Even after Josh showed him self he still came. Yes people looked at him different, but he showed them he wasn't scared. Now it's your turn."          He took my hand and lead me out of the car. I new he was right so I held my head up high and we walked up to the front of the school. People stared, and whispered.


        We walked up to the school entrance when the principle walked out and said "Mist may we have a talk to you in the office. Sean you can head to class.." Sean cut her off and said," If you have something to say to Mist you can say it in front of me."          She look pissed but just rolled her eyes and said, "Alright I guess there will be no harm in it." With that she turned and started to walk to the office.


        I looked over at Sean to see him with a mad face as well. Grabbing his hand we headed to the office. Once we got there she told us to take a seat.         


         "Ok so now that every one knows you are different you know that's not a good thing right Mist," she said looking any were, but my eye's which I new were wanting to go red.


        I smiled and said in the calmest voice I could, "I'm sorry im not like all your other students. I tried to hide it, but hay when someone makes me mad and starts calling me stuff. I can't handle it, but no one else can ever find out and it cant get to the press nor can anyone out side of town find out. Please i've been running all my life and I cant keep going. I hate having to run." It wasn't till after I stopped talking did I notice I had started crying. 


         She gave me a smile then said " Tell me about your self and why you run tell me everything so I can help you." So I did. All the way from when my parents were killed to meeting Sean to what happened this past couple of months.  


        She told us she would keep it a secret and make sure everyone at the school did as well. I thanked her and she told us we could go to class. Everyone just stared, but no one said any thing.          When me, Sean, and Josh walked into the lunch room everyone turned to look at us. We just turned at headed to the lunch line to get our food.


        Before I made it to my seat someone tried to trip me. Only this time I caught my self and my tray before it could hit the ground. I turned around to come face to face with one of the football jocks and his sluts.


         I took my tray and dumped it on his head, and said " If you ever try to trip my ever again then you will get more than just food on your head. GOT IT!" He just nodded and took off to the bathroom to wash all the hot spicy food off his face. Clair walked up and said, "What now that you've got the whole school scared shit less of you, you just think you can do what ever you want. huh!!" Now I was pissed.


   I walked strait up to her so I was looking her dead in the eye's and said, "look here bitch, If you think I wanted to be feared you are dead wrong. I wanted to be just like everyone else. Do you think I wanted to be born this way? Or to see my Parents murdered will I had to watch at the age of 5? Does it look like I could just I don't know pick my life? NO I have to live with this thought everyday." I stopped to take a breath as Sean wrapped his arms around my waist.         


Then started yelling again, "I've lived by my self since I was 5 years old. 5 Clair. I was the freak of the town. No one cared if I no longer was there. Even Sean's parents called me a freak. So I ran. I lived Alone. I got a job some were no one new me I hide my true self so no one new I was different. I never stayed in one place never. I always ran."


 "Did you know? No one did anything about my parents being killed. That the man who killed them is still out there right now looking for me. Well was looking for me he found me and now I'm stuck here scared he'll show up again to try and kill me and will most likely do it this time" I said as my rampage went on!


  "If it wasn't for finding Sean after so many years I would be dead right now. I would of been still on the run. So no Clair, I would never of chose this life. There are only two things that make my life even worth it. Sean and Josh, and getting revenge on my parents," and it was all true and no one could tell me different!


     Clair just looked at me with a dropped jaw. Right as she was about to say something back the bell rang. I turned on my heals and ran out of the Lunch Room.


      And that's how the rest of the day went. I was either telling my story or yelling at someone for saying something out of line to me. 


        Latter that nigh Sean and me were lieing in bed with the sound of the night out side my window. Me in his arms I felt like notihng else mattered. Like no one could take this from me. I could say no one could, but then I would be lieing.


        Someone could and that was the last thing I wanted. Sean was my everything I don't know were I would of been right know if I never would of met him. I new it would hurt him when I leave, but I can't stay I just couldn't. 


        Sean's voice broke my from my thoughts by saying, "I'm scared as well." I looked at him in confusion.


        "What do you mean?" He look at me and replyed, " Im scared im going to lose you. That if that guy does come back that I wont be there in time. Im only a human. I dont have anyway to keep you saft. Im useless. I love you so much and there's no way I can keep you safe. No way to keep you from any type of harm."


        I stoped him by saying " You are not useless. You might be human, and might not be able to keep me from any type of harm, but you have to remember my mom was human and my dad didn't care. He was stronger than that guy and still got killed. You are not useless. YOU have been there when im down. When all I want to do is die, you are there. If it weren't for you, I would of lost it. I would be running from everything." 


        Taking a breath I gave him a peck on the lips then continued "YOU showed me what it was like to love someone. To be happy. I feel like my life has changed so much. And it has all because I met you. Sean you are every thing to me. That's why I fell in love with you. God Sean I love you so fucking much. So don't go saying you are useless cause you are far from useless."


        Sean pulled me into a kiss and said " I love you, too," aginst my lips. That night he showed me just how much he truly did love me, and I new there was no way I could leave him. He is my everything. My life. My Soulmate and my love.

Chapter 10

 Chapter 10


'Positive' O No


Mist prov


Two weeks have passed since that night. At school things are great. Many other students stopped being around Clair, Do to as they say 'She's not worth being around' or something like that! I really didn't care, and here i am waking up Monday morning running to the bathroom to throw my guts up!! Once I was finished I just sat there! I have been feeling sick, but I don't know. It's most likely something I've eaten recently. 



I got up from the floor to get a nice hot shower. Striping the PJ I was wearing, and got into the nice hot shower. The heat feels good on my bare skin. Each drop was like a spark that woke my body from it's slumber. In other words it felt amazing.     


        Once I got out and dressed. I headed to the kitchen to find Josh sitting on my counter eating an Ice cream sandwich which so happens to be the last one in my freezer. 


"JOSH,' I yelled, "THAT WAS MY LAST ONE!!" I ended up chasing him around the kitchen with a wooden spoon. 


        Josh yelled and laughs and teases saying stuff like ' what you going to do about it halfling' and calling me a rabid animal. After a while I finally caught him in a corner, and started to whack him with the spoon. He was yelling and telling me to stop as he laughed and tried to grab the spoon. 


        Our little seine was soon ended when someone cleared there throat and the smell of food hit my nose. I jumped up and took off to the bathroom throwing up my guts once more. Sean walked up behind me and held my hair out of my face. Once I finished I sat once again on the floor, with Sean sitting beside me.


        "You don't look so good why don't you stay home and get some rest." Sean said with a cute little smile on, but I could tell he was worried. The look in his eye's gives it away as well as the filling I get. 


        I smiled and said, "No, I'll be ok. I have a test today anyway," getting up from the ground. I walked over to the sink to wash my mouth out, and brush my teeth. 


        "Do you want me to take you to the doc latter if you don't feel any better." he asked? I couldn't go to a human Hospital, that and I didn't want to know why I was sick, but I have a feeling I know why. "No, I'll be fine I think I just ate something bad and im having a bad reaction to it," I stated looking down at my feet. All he did was node. " I can't go to a human hospital anyway."


"Yea I know, I'm just worried about you," he said. I smiled and told him i would be fine. We both walked out to find Josh covered in chocolate. Well on his face anyway. Wait chocolate.... O'No he didn't. "Josh what did I tell you about getting into my food. THAT WAS THE LAST OF MY CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!!!!!!" I yelled and whacked him again.


        "Ow women stop hitting me, and what do you expect I'm a guy, who is in a house full of sugar. What do you think would happen to the ice cream," he asked with a smile on his face. "You owe me big time mister," I say as I turn and walk out the door! I can hear them both laughing behind me. 


Sean's Prov


        I'm worried. Very worried. Mist has been feeling sick for a couple days now and just to day she started throwing  up. I think she might be pregnant, but I'm not for sure.


        All through out the day she has run to the restroom throwing up. I don't by it that she ate something bad. So not knowing what else to do, I turn to the only person I know that can help me. Josh.


        During lunch I dragged him off to the side to ask him some think and to see if he could help me out!


        "Hay I was trying to get something to eat," He said trying to walk off again. "Josh I need to talk to you, about Mist." I said. This seems to catch his attention. "What has that loser started back messing with her?" He asks. I hope he doesn't show up again if he does Im going to kill him.


        "No, I need to know is there a doc I can take Mist too? She's been throwing up and I think she might be....... pregnant!" I said a bit hesitantly. When I said that his jaw dropped. 


        "Dude you and her had sex, and you think she's pregnant. Holy Shit I didn't see that coming! Wow I'm..." I cut of his on going rampaging saying, "Josh just answer the damn question." 


        "Yea, there is at my pack house. We have a pack doctor there." He finally said. "But how are you going to get her to go?"


        "I'll think of something." I told him, walking away to go think. I might be a dad. I don't know if i'll be a good dad. I'm only 18. Ugh what have I done. Well I do know one think I'm not going to run, to be honest I hope she is. As long as I have her I don't care, and being a dad can't be that bad.


        Mist's Prov

        It's been two days now and I've decided to take a test to see if i was right. I walked into the store and got three different types of pregnancy test. I kept my head down the whole time. I got weird stares from everyone in the store. Even the cashier gave me a look and said " I hope you have a nice life!" with the most sarcastic voice ever.


        Once I got home I used all three two times. Don't judge me I have to be positive. I checked the box and it said to wait 5 min after taking test, so I made me a glass of water and waited. 


        My 5 min's was up, so here goes nothing. One look, and I could feel my heart stop. Tears came to my eye's and I slipped to the floor. What am I to do. Sean's going to leave me. As soon as I tell him, he'll push me away and run. I can't do this!! How could I be so stupid. 


        All six of the test were........ Positive! O' No


Chapter 11

Families the pack


Chapter 11


Mist's prov


How was I going to tell him. What was I going to tell him. What it he leaves me!! I don't want him to leave me! What am I going to do. What if that guy comes back. What if he kills my baby! What if I am stuck all alone I cant be alone during this. I'm so scared,but I have to stay strong. For mine, and the babies sake.


Taking a deep breath i calmed my self. I was sitting outside the school when Josh pulled up, and called me over. "Yea," I asked. "Get in your coming to the pack house with me," he replied. I just raised my brow at him confused, but got in anyways.


Half way there my curiosity got the best of me! So I asked, "Why are we going to your pack house?" I got no answer just silence. So i just dropped it. I was sure I could trust him!


About ten min. later we pulled up at a house that was about in the middle of no were! The house it's self was beautiful. It was a aqua blue, it had to of been at least three stories high. It was huge. The front yard was big no gate just open woods. You could see a garden to the side of the house, with so many colors of flowers all over. Vines running up the side of the house with roses of all colors on it. Then wild looking lilies all around a path that was made of stone leading to what I guessed was the backyard.I need to go walk through it later if I can.


I was broke from my thoughts of the house when something ran into my led. Looking down I came face to face with a little golden brown eyed boy with shaggy brown hair! The boy glanced back the way he came and yelped as he ran to hide behind me. Looking up i see a women about maybe a few years older than my self walking our way.


"I'm so sorry," she said with a beautiful sing song like voice, "he just wont take a bath and keeps running off!!" Scolding the boy with a single look then looking at me with a smile and said, "You must be Mist, I'm laycie, but you can call me Laya. And that little rascal there is Collen or CC as we call him. I'm his mother."


Smiling back I stick out a hand and say, " It's nice to meet you Laya, and your correct I'm Mist." She laughs and instead of taking my hand she pulls me into a hug. That was until she gasped and said, "Your pregnant. Why didn't Josh tell us. He never shuts up about you and Sean. Wow."


With a quick look around praying no one heard that I shushed her. She looked at me confused and asked, "You haven't told anyone yet, have you?" Shaking my head no, she smiles lightly and tells me "It's ok I wont, but you have to tell everyone soon! Don't worry, you'll be ok." I smile lightly at her about to reply when I hear someone calling my name. I freeze, ' O no I'm not ready to tell him, How is he here anyway, ' Laya sees my face and gives me an encouraging smile with a small nudge in his direction. Taking a deep breath I turn and walk up to him with my eyes on the ground,


As I gaze upon the ground, I can feel his eyes on me. Then his hand comes into view and he places it under my chin to make me look at him. He has a worried yet soft smile on his face. He pecks me on the lips then asked, " Mist will you please tell me what's wrong. I think I know, but I want to hear from you. I promise I want run, I will always stay by your side, Just tell me please,"


I know i cant keep it from him any longer so, gathering the strength i tell him. "Sean,,,,, I'm Pregnant..." My voice is small and weak, I'm scared of what he's going to say.


My eye's stay on the floor, and not a word is said. After a minute i was brought into a bone crushing hug and Sean yelling that he was going to be a father, My body shook with tear as he said this with nothing but happiness in his voice. Sean pulled away and looked at me an asked, "what's wrong love why are you crying. I didn't hurt you did I?" Worry deep in his voice. I smiled and said, "No I just thought you would leave me!"


"Why would you think that," he asked, then going on not letting me say a word, "I'm never leaving your side ever. I'll always be here for you. Through everything. We will be strong together. Cause I love you. I love everything about you, and nothing will change that. I made a promise all those years ago that if i ever found you I would never let you go. No mater what is thrown our way. Your my everything. Now this baby will be here, and I'll love him or her just the same!"


Through his whole talk I oucldn't help, but smile, and cry at the same time! He was just to perfect. I knew that this was just a start to a new happy life, but i also knew our heard times are not over with. So with my head held high. A smile on my face. I'll stay strong, and get stronger. So that nothing can stand in my way.





Two months later


It's been two months now that Sean and Mist have found out she is now expecting a baby. Everyone celebrates, and is happy, Even Sean's parents who recently found out about everything as well as the new addition to the family. 


Mist is now showing a baby bump with a healthy baby within. The only thing is a Were's pregnancy only lasts five months not all nine. Luckly mist Doesn't have to drop out cause school only has a week left till graduation. 


In the past month Mist becomes uneasy. Feeling as though she's being watched. She knows that he was still out there, and she was ready for him. 



Hello to all you crazy foke out there. Just wanted to let you know that ill have book two up and going when i can. Also I need help on the title for book 2. I was thinking """ UNTAMED """"" What do you think. Let me know when you can.... 



Lektorat: Thomas Anderson
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.07.2013

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