
pizza palsy

"h-h-e-e-yyy kids are y-o-ou-uu ready to-o-o-o Die for freddy we have a-aa new song we like to EAT sing for you"

the song played through their recorded audio players inside them as there mouth and eeyes move along with their hands making them look harmless but i know he, freddy killed my son, and he may not know it but im going to wreak havoc on them as long as i have the day shift. i will kill 16 kids and stuff them into  the suits because those kids made my son die. yes perfect and the night gaurd will be the blame. and after a few years i will destroy the animatronics hahahahaha.


 i step into the shadows as i heard the purple mans plan to murder me and my freinds. i must warn sao billy tomoki and halo and also john. they must know of bratealy fathers plans we all call him the purple man because he always wear purple. he was alway kinda phsycotic when i came to his son and know he think us 14 and sixteen year olds killed his son! when it was the bitches of high school people who did it! 

as i ran down the path i fell over waste and blood and piss all over the place by the time i got to the hide out it was dark and i was caked in dirt waste and other things i got and took a shower when i got out i saw a box on the edge of my room it was huge i mean almost to my hips. i pushed it out of the way. ill open it up tomarrow. it was heavy though as i laid on my bed in the nude yes i go to sleep naked dont judge meh. i heard the whispers of the wind the howls of the dogs and wolfs and the running of thieves. a normal night, a normal sleep. oh i love nights. and fell fast asleep. 


bump bump crash! i woke up with a start i smelled oil and something burning. i got my blanket and walked out side still in the nude but i dont care. the box was still in its place untouched. good i guess. as i walked into the hall way i heard voices. "you think shes up?" one says hushed "yea shes up because of all the god damn ruckus your making!" the other say. i thrown on my clothes and quitley manuever my way around the hallway. over and over i would freeze at corners or in the dark places so that think there delusional. as i turn the last bend to get to the secret exit, i tripped and fell fast first into the floor. i got up and ran for the secret exit and got on my hands and knees and crawled through the air ducts and vents. 

 i finaly forund the way out and fastly crawled out into daylight and somebody triped over me. "aaaaahhhhh" he said. i got up to help him up but he refused my help. and got up by himself. "its fine just watch were your crawling next time ok you could've gotten hurt." he said queitly and turn to leave and i followed him secretly because i had nothing better to do.then when he passes a street where sao and the others live with their family i turn to go to them and i started runing towards the big light navy blue blackish house.


"hmmh so he finaly broke the chain. ah i guess theres no other option than just trying to get his attention. we have to act or we might all die." "what are we sopposed to do. simple dont go near the hideout or the pizzaria. got it no one goes withing sight of the pizzaria." john said sao just sat meditating. 


we came up with a plan to get the the purple guy in jail and for good. we were to stay away and indivisauly go in and not to gether i was first up i didnt like it but i had to. i dashed through the lobby into the back you and saw that the golden freddy suit was gone. and that spring bonnie standing shaking his head back in forth swaying his arms around as if he wanted to get out and be free. i blinked and spring bonnie disappeared wierd. i exited and shut the door and as i took one step i heard a crying from a room nearby i looked two my left and there was a kid crying i went to him and he said. "plz older girl can you bring foxy and mangle and maybe the marrientte they were always my faverite." he cried out i smiled gave him a hug and went to the prize counter and knocked on the giant prize box and the lid open and out came marrientte i say plz help cheer up that boy i point towards the little crying boy the marrientte disappeared and came back with a plush toy of foxy mangle and marrientte. i smile and left to find mangle.

i ran into foxy and he was hearing crying and went to check it out. "wheres mangle" i ask he said she up there i look up and there is mangle dangleing from the ceiling i point them towards the crying child and ran out of the building but the doors were looked. where are you going little girl want some cake i look behind me and golden freddy is behind me with cake i saw no one in the animatronic so i took a slice and started to eat and then i passed out from nock out drops.

i woke up and it was dark fall i was near the back room. i got up and walked to the security office. and there was some one in there i ran towards it yelling hey is anyone in there. a guard loked out of the door way he was tall and lean and had scar across his face that looked like he had been in to many sword fights. "what are you doing here its 12 o clock at night no matter get in here you will probably die if you dont" he said. "why" i ask "because the animatronic at times of 12 to 6 bug out for some reasons." i just nodded and walked into the office there was a cupcake plush a computer moniter. a clunky looking tablet, and a empty freddy mask. why would he need to use that i wondered. as i looked around i saw on the moniter one of the charectors gone it was bonnie! as he flipped through the camers on the tablet i saw the exact same on the moniters and there was bonnie at camera back stage. he always at somepoints when freddy disappeared checked the kitchen which was black. he would listen real closly i observed. then he would check his hall lights i screamed to see bonnie staring at me he slammed his fist on the door button. he stared at me and put his fingers to his lips. be quit. then came a knock on the other door and i pressed the light button and the marrientte was there i waved him hi he wavd back and asked. "why are you here with the night gaurd?" "because i woke here" i answered. he ooked at the nightgaurd "you better not hurt her or i will kill you myself." the marrienette threatened. "why do you say that marrinentte?" i ask because he killed my former self and all the animotronics are here with me to kill him. "wait marrientte are you possed at this hour?" i ask and stare at his black eye sockets. "i am originaly named when i was a kid bratealy. and i never ask your name either of you" he said. "bratealy your my friend remeber alexia and thats i think is mike. oh and your father is going to kill me because he thinks on your birthday that we killed him when it was your brother and the jerks at highschool. "oh so he is the killer my own father i will be back soon night gaurd but alexia stick to him but try not to die. ok." i nodded and the night continued with out a worry foxy was out and about walking throwing cupcakes at the wall. i needed to go pee so i told the night gaurd good bye it was 5 30 at the time so it should be safe. boy was i wrong when freddy saw me walking to the girls bathroom as i went in he blocked the doorway.and mangle could only get in and of course the marrientte. i went to the bathroom flushed and washed my hands and as i exit fredd was still there blocking the way i tapped his lower body because that high i was. he looked behind me and appaerntly excorted me back to the security office and left. chica then came with a pizza and gave it to me i didnt eat all of it so i gave the rest to the nightgaurd which at only the same. how nice of chica foxy came and punch the nightgaurd and ran away he was bleeding but as he ran away he winked at me. curiosly i wondered how this would be like if i wasnt there. on the cams toy chica was yelling at a broken and decomishined chica. sad i ran out of the office and ran to the decomished chica and hugged her this where i was for the rest of the night at six am the night gourd left and ran outside and probably didnt stop tell he got home but when decomished chica went back into the parts and service room and hold onto me tight foxy also help gaurded me and so did bonnie and freddy. 

scott pov

"hmm i cant wait for the restraunt to open." i say to myself as i wait by the door and like always i hear the animatronic freddys playing his music and walking towards the front dooor thump do do da do da thump do you get it. well as he opened the front door i ran in duck my head so i wont have to go to the hospital for any head injuries it was time for me to get my plan started.


1:00 pm

in 7 hours the place will close and then i would act out my plan by scaring the nightgaurd to keep him on his toes muahahah. i ran down the hallway and into the parts and services room to find that suit. as i opened the door i found that kind i used nock out drop on yesterday. she was so peacefull yet i was so eritated by her. why was i eritated by her i looked around the other animatronic cuddle her and looked as if the would hurt anyone who treid to hurt her. she was my first victim she didnt even make a sound as i used my pocket knife to slitt her thraought. and to make sure no one found here body i toke out the animatronic endoskeleton and stuffed her inside. i also replaced the animatronic endo skelaton. hahaha it was my first kill and it happened so quickly well it wasnt my first kill it was my second.

broken chica/alexia

 i woke up to the sounds of whirring and muffled sounds i open my eyes and see broken freddy with his hands to his mouth and bonies banging whats left of his head on the wall and i couldnt see chica and foxy was no where to be seen. i got up and i was staring directly at freddeys eyes weird. i looked at my hands and there was none only wires sticking out i screamed and toy chica came in and so did the other toys and even the mariennette with foxy. "oh god chica theres blood on you did you murder some one" i shook my head and said "no i was murdered i am alexia who murdered me i dont want to be dead no this cant be real." i fell down crying well inside the suit that is and wierdly i was in control. "marientte take off this maske plz." and he did. he took it off and i was flooded with light and foxy screamed and yeling

"he had done it he almost killed her that fucking bastard when i get done with him i make him pay that damn night guard" i yelled "no that was my father you wont kill him marrientte tell him plz" "now now foxy i will check the cams and see who done it its not even 12 yet so the night gaurd aint even here." "it was the purple man" an endo skelaton that had a beak said. he tore me out of my suit and stuffed her inside it. she was frowning at the camera that watched this all and a deep minaicle laugh rang out "well if it isnt the gang i will make you pay for what you have done to my son im not in the building as you can tell im at my home snug as a bug why dont you kill that girl so she doesnt die when i see her huh" and that was it because i broke the audio speaker. i climbed out of the suit and asked the marientte to call an abulance and he did i passed out on the spot watch lights blare and people yelling and animatronics screaming i yelled no dont hurt them there inocents it the man no the security guard but  the day guard its the day gaurd i was muffled out and i fell asleep soundly.



i woke to daylight or at least i thaught it was daylight. i sat up looking around blinking my eyes there was some one staring at me through the glass window.the doctor was talking to some other people in the room. i looked to my left an saw another window and it was nighttime. "well your awake." he said. i look at him he has round blue eyes with a few of inteleigence and hapiness. he was a slim body and has a white lab caot that was tatered with blood. maybe he was trying to patch up my wounds i was glad to be out of the suit but i felt a retched feeling in the back of my throaught my nuckles and every joint expet for my head and back was bandege. 

"yes im awake where am i?" i ask even though i knew the awnser. "your in the hospital for broken parts of children and yes i know the name doesnt seem so cheery or anything but were the best of the best when it comes stright down to it and if i were you i would rather not hardly move unless you need to eat or pee or shit. ok darling" he says faster than i could even inmagine. i just nodded my head and ly back down with my hopes low and when a dong is heard he looks at the clock closes both doors and grabs the tablet that was lying on his desk he pressed something there and the vents in here shut and small little slits open up. and then closes the windows and put a giant pipe on a hanging piece that is soposebly blocks the doorway. as he does this i am reminded of my dad the security person in the office surviving i wonder how he is faring now. "hey dont get scared ok i need you to do me a huge frucking favor every night your here tell me if you here ruckus here at night time ok nothing to worry about but we have seen pretty scary stuff here" he yelled at the moniter and the something ran across the screen i couldnt tell but my eyes all of a sudden started to get heavery till i fell asleep.




3 days later.

"i see that your back home?." sao said. her lean but yet strong body jumping down from the roof of our hideout. you could tell that she was building something. i nodded my head and stared in her blue eyes for any sympathy. and to my surprize there were more than sympathy in her eyes when it changed from blue to red to green then finaly settlying down for silverish white-ish grayish kind of color amazing. "well do you mind to tell me this after supper allexia and also tell halo to come out here he needs to help me and also no going in the back room in the hideout theres a surprize for you to night ok." i nodded leaving her to her work. i wondered what was in the back room then i seen halo and john running around using fake odst assault riffles and john of course is dressed like john 117 and halo is dressed as the arbiter idiots i say to myselfas i continue to walk around the hideout i notice little out of place items like dresses and paint and plastic looks gaurds the go on your wrist. and all kinds of things. its like if some one braught home an animatronic that was decomished and then i saw her a faint whisp and those silver eyes staring in my soul out of know where my breat was gone my blood turned cold my body frozen and looking as if i had cerebal palsy. i saw her for a few moments then she disappeared then i fell out to the floor was that me or some one else i had no idea but i didnt put much thaught on it because it was like a ghost exept it wasnt. am i right or have i gone insane!?


 11:30 o clock yes now its time to kill hahaha yes this will be easy i will make them suffer yes i got into the window silent as a mouse and i found the girl yes what was her name oh yeah alexia first i will kill her then stuff her into the animatronic suit at freddy faz bears hahaha i quiclkly sliced her thraot and stabbed her head and put her in a bag and silently put the bag through the window and into the back of my truck as i neared the fazbear entertainment i got into the back room and this time qucikly stuffed her into the animatronic chica. this time with out pulling the endoskelaton out. perfect murder hahahaha.

broken chica.

 whirring again is there a robot in the house then i felt something farm and sickling. blood i tasted it i began to choke and looked left and write i saw him the purple guy then i faded out into darkness all around me was darkness the a small light shone and an orb appeared i half shuffled my way through the pain and got to the orb i touched it the beyond me a scene played it was not me but brately talking to her fredbear physco fred bear is what i called brately didnt say anything. but fredbear said "were still your freainds arent we im sorry can you forgive me?" and then he finaly said "dont worry i will rebuild you." he then looked at me and said " iw will rebuid you to alexia." then i fell sound asleep. 







Part one finished!

(ps i will be editing this till i think it is read worthy or you think its read worthy)

(till next time sao out)

part 2

 i up to murmuring but when i opened up my eyes i see no one im in the back closet where spare parts are kept it fairly dim i knew that i was dead becuase of the vision i saw and i wasnt scared but then all of a sudden thaughts crept into my head. are you ok alexia are you fully dead because your soul might be entertwined with my robotic mechanism. yup i was dead dead as a salted slug could ever be i got up and odly i had full control over the broken whithered chica that i was controling. i started for the nightgaurd when i saw my murderur standing behind him the new nightgaurd i ran towards but when a light flashed my eyes i stopped trying to scare them then my voice box came on "plz identify yourself or i will be forced to put you down." chica controled the voices while i control the body hmm i will work with that.


"um new nightguard in training whithered chica plz go back" he said shyly. "negitive plz i dentify yourself by saying your name 'new nightgaurd'". (note that once i find the actual name of this carector i am going to use mike gan  till then) "mike schmit." then some music blared out of the new nightgaurds micro phones. that i havent noticed beats that looked a bit damaged. ' so dream dream dream your dream cuz when you awake the night awaits so dream dream dream your dream cuz when your awake the nightmare becomes the truth. so dream your dream dream your dreeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam dream your dreams' i looked awed as i aproced the damged beats and i pick it up and look at intently just awed by it how it is so damaged by things yet it could produce so much buetiful music i pushed a button and it stooped i look at i furrisouly then i had a bright idea and ran off with it hear the old nightgaurds voice saying " you see they have there own little personality durring the night but normaly when there glitched they will try to kill you. ah well goodluck to marrow" 

as the marrientte looks at the beats he then presses a button and the song came on and the marriennette said dont touch it and he put it in a freddy plush when he altered it to be pressed when he touched the nose. when the song ended it shut off and the marrientte came out and said "who turned off the music" i replyeid its the thing it shuts off after the song is done" he looked at the teddy then pressed the nose again and the song played i looked at the clock 5:30 time to get ready to go to the parts and service room. as i was walking down the hallway. i saw pictures of the kids and the first new day at fazbear pizza.  some were creepy others werent. 

i went into the parts and service room and powered down.




i powered on again but this time i wasnt ready for what i saw blood lots and lots of blood. and i saw smoke and i heard a miniacal evil laugh. "get those animatronics in the truck there going to the new place along with those whithered ones two the still might be of use. now now now." i got up and walked out and followed what they said the marientte and his box was there in the truck before all of us. the truck was white with the words fredbear entertaintment pizza co.with the cartoons of freddy chica bonnie and foxy. as i entered the truck the strapped our legs and arms to the wall and floor also the powered us down again but i could still see because i am a ghost and as we travveled the long lonely night i watched as i left the one side of the capital city. into the next as my animatronic powered on we were in a huge stage and we were facing two men one big and not muscular but strong ly built the other mucscular and had singe hairs on his arms and protective engineers goggles. and his toolbox was overflowing with gears and tool and parts. we were right next to the toy versions and marienette was put on strings but he was calm.  i walked over to him. "hello" no answer i left him aone and powered down again.


laughing all i heard was laughing and screaming more laughing more screaming it drowned out my ears it drowned out my thought it peirced my skin like a dark blade of the nights deathly glare something that hasnt been felt for years i heard his dark mumbed voice saying was you is it you and laughin again i treid to open  my eyes and walk but i couldnt thats when i felt something warm and sticky like goo in the pool or syrup that got spilled on you it was warm it had a metalic taste it was my own blood or some one elses then the screams faded and all i heard was a sobing and footsteps and i opened my eyes to a blood scene 5 kids next to animatronic that were already stuffed with kids with bones and rotten flesh sticking out here and there one kid was wimpering untouched he didnt even noticed me i went to touch him to reansure him hes alright but i went straight through him. i whispered in his ear hoping he will i said he will be okay you allright i then opened the door for him he looks up and i see freedy standing the door way angry i knew with me behind him? no one sees me but the kid.freddy takes the kids hands lightley and i folow making sure it aint the kiler. freddy takes him to the dinner hall and grab him a slice of pizza water and a few fruits and vebitables and tells mangle to call the police. i black out as the kid smiles at me and disappears saying a final word IT'S ME and tilts his head and you could tell i freed his soul.

authors notes

 YOLO now i know it was going good but i have to stop here or you guys will get bored for waiting long ways but i wil be updating this so yeah the next installment will be Golden Freddy also know as the infamous Fredbear this will take earlier in the timeline but eversince the release of dream theory i will make a second version of the series where the kid who got bit relives his lucid dreams. i hope you guys like it so far until then good bye 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.11.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

all credit goes to scott cawthon inspired by the simple game with so much back history

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