
Chapter 1- Hatred

The dark, heavy strokes off the brush glided softly down the pale white canvas. It went past the dark but vibrant greens of the forest and the creamy beige of the moon. It stopped at the middle, the subject of the painting the reason why I gave this my all.
The dark gray wolf looked up at the sky, it's strange brown eyes flooded with sadness and anger, no gleam of hope sparkled in it's eyes. I wanted him to look like this because it was the truth, the wolf I saw in my backyard just yesterday had no hope as it stared up at the moon and howled.
I let my tiny paint brush swirl in the pool of brown for the bark of the trees as I glanced at the tiny, light blue clock on my nightstand in my new room.5:45 only two more hours before I go to my new school: La Push High.
I set the pallet of paints down and take off the white ivory table cloth that I used to not get paint on me even though I still had my PJ's on. Even though, I enjoyed painting deeply, I despise getting it anywhere near my skin. It was a pet peeve that irked me to no end.
I looked around my new room. I just loved my room. It was a fairly sized room structure that was like a sqaure. I mostly loved the history behind it. Long ago, there used to live a Quileute man who was forced to marry a beautiful young maiden whose heart was pure stone. She made the man work all day so that she could pay for the servants that worked at the house. The man tried to love the cruel woman but he just could not. At night, he used to pray to the heavens that he would find a kind maiden.
Now there was a young Navajo woman who was looking for a job that could pay for her and her dying mother. She was standing in the field, watching the man with much interest. She was not pretty, she almost looked cruel for her black, animal-like eyes but as she smiled at him, he saw his entire future with the girl.
He convinced the mean wife to hire her as a slave and as they worked in the fields, they fell more and more in love with each other, but the woman had a dark secret. She was a skin walker,a mythological creature who can take on any shape of any living thing. She hid as much as possible and at night she went hunting. Se was terrified to tell the man because her kind was not welcomed on the reserve. Soon the man and the dark woman was having an affair in the exact same room that I slept.
Some say that the legend of this romance was lost others say that the cruel wife caught them and killed them. I believe that they ran away and got married but maybe I am too optimistic.
I looked around my room, satisfied. Even though we moved in a week ago, my room was already done. I painted the walls a light lilac color with some blue flowers with great detail. I had put my dresser in the corner of the room with half of the clothes already stacked neatly so I would not go through the trouble of deciding what to wear. It was a light mahogany so that it correspond with the colors. In the left corner next to my nightstand, I put a shelf of all my favorite classic books: Alice in Wonderland, Pride in Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc. My bed was the center of the room, it was an odd shape bed structure. It hung from the ceiling with two heavy-duty bars, the bed mattress was a circle. So basically, it was a comfy swing. And at last, but not least was my paintings, I hung them all over the walls, I let my canvas stand next to my bed and put a stool that had a floor pillow cover it.
I walked to my nightstand and turned on my radio clock. I smiled as We are Young. Even though my voice is not as melodious as my mother, I began to sing.
"Tonight.... We are Young, So lets set the world on fire, We'll burn brighter than the sun...." I sang as I took the well-thought clothes off of my painting stool. They were crisply ironed but not that much.
I walked out into the hall and sighed. The boxes were piled high to the top all not marked, to my annoyance. I grabbed a towel from the pantry and walked to the bathroom for my shower.
I turned on the shower, letting my hands test the water to see if it was hot enough. Surly, it was. I put up the towel and undress. I looked outside and sighed once more. It was raining. I hated the rain, it brought a sadness to my aura and I hated getting wet too. My mom always teases me about being an over sized cat.
I got into the shower, letting the multiple shower heads shower me in the hot, steamy water. I pressed the button on the wall that was marked: SOAP. I never really been in this bathroom a lot, so I screamed as this lemony foam ejected out of the shower heads that were on the wall.
"Ehyrin!" I heard my mother's voice scream in alarm as she ran down the hall to get into the bathroom. I looked up in shock and fear as she emerged through the door carrying a metal bat.
"Holy Mario!! Mom, what the hell are you doing carrying that?" I asked as I stopped the shocking shower and stepped out of the soft plush rug. My mother was never the one who would kill a robber or get a metal bat. The worse thing she probably did when she was a little girl was taking a My Little Pony horse from her cousin or something.
My mom was beautiful. She had soft light chestnut hair that was silky straight and gorgeous smoky violet colored eyes with a small oval face with soft edges. When I was a little girl, I used to love drawing my mom, wishing that I could someday enhance her beauty.
I had wavy, out-of-control black hair with watery pale blue eyes that made me look like I always cried. I had freckles and blushed easily. Compared to me, my mother looked like a super model.
My mother laughed as she set the metal bat down next to the door. I began drying myself as she went into the bathroom, grabbing the purple toothbrush that sat in a small orange plastic cup before putting a perfect amount of toothpaste on it.
I sighed as I put my robe back on. I wished my mother could be as imperfect as me, so that I couldn't feel the jealously that came rising at me as my crushes tried to flirt with her. I could never understand why boys always go for older women when they have a desperate girl right here.
"You could never be to safe," my mother garbled before spitting out the thick cream of saliva and toothpaste into the sink. I couldn't help but gag as she put the toothbrush up without even washing the sink out. As she sashayed out the bathroom, I let out a sigh before putting the hot tab on of the sink and washing out the toothpaste that was still in the sink.
Ah, my scattered-brain mother, I couldn't help but muse as I grabbed the teal blue toothbrush that was in the small plastic cup. As I brushed my teeth, I began heating up the straightener that was in the small wicket basket seated on the cupboard that was over the toilet. I wanted my hair to be a silky straight like my mother's for the first day of school, I wanted to be different for once.
After I gurgled and spit out the foamy spit and washed it out, I began drying myself off inside the bathroom, humming a low melody of "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jespen. It was my favorite song because it was so full of zest and had an optimistic ring to it and also because Carly was so much like me just with a little fame and fortune.
I went out the bathroom, shaking my head as my mother shuffled around, still in her robe. My mother was so unorganized that it struck me clueless that she raised me so well.
"What are you looking for?" I asked as I began walking down the hallway of boxes towards my room. It was about 5:59, almost six so I had one more hour until I got to school. Perfect timing.
"My dark blue skinny jeans with the light brown embroidery with my brown long sleeve sweater and grey cowboy boots!" My mother exclaimed, her voice muffled as her head was entirely in the box near my room. I rolled my eyes and pointed to her room before saying,"It's in the closet along with your underwear, bra and socks."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

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