

I'm just a person, like any other, so i hope you like me poems, i like to write them, and read them, i have never really given any one a chance to hear them, so this is it. i hope you enjoy. the first poem i wrote in this book is, MY WORLD. it kinda explains me, so, hear it goes....

P.s. note from me. E.S. I would just like to say every one should try to write, even if they aren't good at writing poems (i'm not either) i find that when I right I just let everything come out, everything that I don't want people to know about me, what im feeling and what's trapped inside. writing clears my head that has too many thoughts going through it. it helps me feel better about myself and the people around and gives me something to do on boring nights. I hope whoever reads this likes what I have to say because most of it is just me talking to whoever will listen. Thanks for giving my poems a chance.


My world is different,
not like any one elses,
not like the one that I'm stuck in today.

My world, is different,
the is no pain,
no hurt,
no crying,
no dying.

My world, is different,
it’s where wishes are granted,
and dreams come true,
in my world,
I would be happy to have,
some one like you,
because in this world,
compared to mine,
is to boring,
for me and my mind.

My world, is different,
there is peace,
there is friends,
and lost family,
my world is special,
but only to me,
because no one can join,
no one can see.
My world, is different,
it is bright,
and colour,
no mothers to tell me what not to do,
nobody to be a bummer.

My world, is different,
made for me,
just like that kid,
who sailed across the sea,
he found his world,
I have found mine,
this is where I want to stay,
this is where,
I shine.


why is the sky blue
why is the grass green
why is my life so different?
I ask myself these questions,
but really i don’t mind,
what makes me different,
that’s what makes me shine,
every one glows,
some more than the rest of the show,
every ones different,
but I shine.

It’s like I’m a new person to this known world
this world where every thing must be the same,
every one fits into a category,
it’s a little too boring.
My shine is not bright
not a beautiful as most glows,
but it is something different,
that no one can know.

My shine can not be seen on t.v. or movies,
my shine is hiding,

waiting to be exposed.
my shine might be a little speck compared to all your glows,
but my shine is mine,
it’s not a show.


With out smiles,
it’s like root beer with no float,
with out smiles,
it’s like a flute with no note.
With out smiles,
it’s like a bulb with no bright.
With out smiles,
it’s like a moon with no night.
Smiles are what make you different,
and what say it’s ok,
smiles make you happy,
or they give you a great day.
Smiles are more than a up lift of the lips,
smiles are one of the worlds most precious gifts.


Go behind my back,
then lie,
do you even care about me?
You said you wanted to be friends,
now you leave.
Of course I know what your doing,
I have friends,
faithful and true
unlike you.
It would be easy for you if I wasn’t here,
but that doesn’t matter,
why can’t you just look in the mirror,
tell me what you see,
then think about what it would feel like to be me.
I shouldn’t care what you do,
it’s for attention,
well your not getting any from me,
to bad for you.


Killing stares,
the send my way,
they think this will make me pay,
for something I don’t even know I did,
I call them silly,
to be nice,
I think to myself,
one day,
they will pay the price.
They look my way,
and I look back,
I laugh,
like something funny happened,
no one knows,
they think I’m weird,
of course there are things,
every one owes,
a apology,
that will bug you forever,
a smile,
you wish you sent,
but never,
a time you wish you remembered,
but didn’t care to,
thinking it would always last.
What they think are killing stares,
get my share of laughter,
because I just don’t care.


The word is used to describe something impossible,
nothing can be perfect,
those minds change all the time,
this or that
this or that.

Even if you were perfect it’d be a crime,
no one wants to be near something that’s perfect,
no one wants to be near some thing better,
so if you ever met her,
or him
some one perfect that is,
you would say hi,
slobber down your shirt,
or even all the way down to your skirt,
but you wouldn’t want to be near that person,
you know it,
may be some people are perfect,
but don’t show it.

Perfect is something no one will see,
nor describe,
and perfect is no wish of mine,
who and i am,
is who i want to be,
not something that it perfect.

Because i am who i am,
and that to me is more than perfect,
that to me,
is like,

I know I’m not star,
in this big galaxy,
you can save that star for another she,
or he.

I was not meant to be on T.V.
Maybe not big things,
but I’ll just be me.

So those things that the other people say,
the ones that have perfect raiding in their mind,
will not bother me,
the ones who only pay attention to things that have to much shine,
well just wait and see,
but no one is perfect,
and defiantly not me.

YOU. And you

It’s some word,
but if you really look,
it’s some thing more,

you! I hate you! Just leave me alone!

You, I love you, never leave me behind, never leave my sight.

These are two different things, with great might.

But, this is for you,
you probably wouldn’t know,
but it is,
you’ll figure it out as you go.

I love your smile,
as unusual as it is,
it makes me laugh,
it makes me live.

I love the freckles on your face,
in spots no one notice,
with hardly any trace.

I love your voice,
how it changes when you read aloud,
when you talk to me,
I don’t know how,
How it describe the joy is gives me when I hear your voice.

I love how you can be so sweet,
but make it as though it wasn’t supposed to be,
it’s nothing any one else could be able to beat.

I love your weirdness,
and every thing else,
nothing I would change,
nothing I could live with out.

But when someone were to ask,
“Why do you like him so?”,
I just say,
“I don’t know”.

forgive and forget don't mix.

(this isn't as good as usual, but i had to put it in anyways)

You don’t know what you did to me,
i hate you more than anything,
it’s like a paradox,
an opposite.

You don’t know how i feel,
i love you more than anything,
it’s horrible,
i hate it.

You don’t know how mad i am,
you couldn’t have just got some courage?
Said no,
no hugs,
no holding hands,
no nothing,
well now
in your life I’m the new something?

I wish I could break up,
never want to make up,
but that would be to hard,
it would put my heart into shards.

I know you wish you hadn’t done it,
I mean it’s not like you knew I liked you too,
but you didn’t like her,
not anymore,
you lead her on,
look what you got from it.

You broke a perfectly good heart.
You ruined a perfectly good mind.
You drowned a perfectly good shine.

you made my heart feel like something it has never felt before,
my mind if full of things that could make me melt,
unlike before,
my shine, has become brighter,
in a different way.

those things that can be forgiven,
are never forgotten,
and there’s nothing that can make that change.

I'm just me.

You can’t tell me what to wear,
you can’t tell me who to like,
who to be,
who to see,
I’m just me.

I’m not like every body,
and I don’t care what any body thinks,
I get a little muddy,
my nails look a little cruddy,
I’m just me.

Can’t you see I like being weird,
not caring what people think,
their tastes change in a blink,
I’m just me.

Nobody seems to mind,
I’ll stay in the back round
my soft little shine,
that hardly burst out of the lights,
from every thing else,
people can’t tell,
I’m weird,
my mind isn’t the same,
my looks won’t change,
I don’t live in a game,
of who can wear the best dress,
be best at sports,
who can fit in,
I will retort,
I’m just me.


One thing you own,

One thing you want,
could flaunt,
but not.

where you stand your ground.

everything you wanted it to be.

Only one can be on top,
so take a shot,
and leave one to rot.


Fires burnt out.
Embers long gone.

Where red, yellow, orange had once shone.
There is nothing,
But a box full of doubt.


Raindrops falling down my street.
it's music;the sound of the beat.

can't stop thinking,
the noise is too loud.
the music has changed,
now it's coming from a sad and sick rain cloud.
everything has turned dark,meek.
who knew the raindrops were falling down my cheek.

Face it.

when you feeling down
don't run away,
the truth hurts,
but it's better then a sick play,
you can hide from the truth all you want,
but it will come back and taunt and haunt,
soon you'll find no place to hide,
face your fears,
and leave the monsters to die.


(for all those people who didn't get to say their final words to their family) 


miss me, but not alot, 

think of me, forget me not, 

love me, though I have been shot. 


Unfamiliar Place.

(for the little dancer who lost her leg and brother in the boston bombing) 


Run away, 

within the deep blue sea,

so no one can see me, 

run away, 

through space and time, 

so I can go back and let his future shine, 

ran away, 

into the light, 

no one will sleep on this dark night. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2012

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