

I looked up and saw my face on the billboard for Tomorrow Today. My green eyes staring at the viewer and my long curly red hair messy and in my face. That’s when I had the easy life. That was one of my first gigs, one of my first shootings. That’s when I turned into some thing else, I call myself a fish, which is true, well half true, I turned into a mermaid. Now I’m on the run. From every one. Let me tell you what happened first of all. Short form.

One day I walked home, when I got there, there was police every where, they didn’t look like normal police either, yet I still can’t place them. I saw them and ran, they chased after me but I got into my room first and locked the door. It would old them a couple seconds at least. I took out the false ceiling in my room, my mother always wanted every exit every way I thought she was crazy, yet now I really loved her. I climbed up and hid, now of course what’s the use of being in the ceiling when you have no way out. My mother had thought of that too, there was a door on the roof, I crawled over and lifted myself up, the sun came and I ran, I jumped off the roof in a moments fear, it was a horrible thing to do, unbearable pain came shooting threw my leg. I kept on running. I knew exactly where to go too. my house was near the water, and a bit farther out in the water was a cave, a secret cave. It sounds silly, or some thing that a super hero should have, but to m it was just some where to rest and get away from all the worlds terror. I jumped into the water and began to swim. As I grew up I had always been a amazing swimmer, I had never used it for races or meets, the only person who knew my record was me. I swam as fast as I could. Until I bumped into a rock underneath the water, I found the entrance and sawn in. My father had found the cave, and some how made sure that no water could get into it, he was a very smart man. I fell several feet into a pond of water, that my father told us never to drink, and went to shore. I layed on the ground, more rock, and rested my legs in the water. I looked down at my hurting leg, the left one, it was shattered, my mother was a doctor and taught me every thing she knew. I ripped up my shirt and made a bandage around my leg. I had been to afraid to come out of the cave so I lied there. Soon I was thirsty and I knew my father said I could not, but I thought it was just lake water, couldn’t hurt. my father wasn’t there, he would not have known, I took a drink. Went to sleep. And the next morning BAM! I was a mermaid. Later on I found out that I could turn my tail to legs, and my legs to tail, when I touched water or land. It was a gift and a curse.

Now I have long straight blond hair, and go by the name Una Blue. You would think that people would still know it’s me, but my former person Lexi Kenny died from drowning in the sea. No one expects to see me around any more. I have my modeling career, I thought of giving up, but I need money to pay for food, clothes, and every thing. My mother thinks I dead, and my father died before I turned 9. The only people still looking for me were the police.


I was heading to a new shooting. My second one for Tomorrow Today, but UNA BLUE’s first one. I walked into the building like I was every thing and I knew it. I didn’t wait for the designer, she waited for me. She was sitting at a desk, but got up and rushed towards me, “UNA BLUE! thank you for coming”, she said with a giant smile, “you welcome, where shall we start?”, I asked wanting to get down to business. She led me to the changing room, I already told her I did not like having make up on, so I didn’t get it put on. Easy as that. The first dress was a little dress with see through purple, then see through pink, the last layer was a pattern of black and white tiger stripes. I did a couple poses then put on a new dress. It was a floral design and made more poses. This pattern went on for a hour, then I was free to go with my wade of cash. The secret is, if you look and act more famous, you’ll be more famous.

I got dinner and went home, which was in fact my cave. I find it amusing that the cops never even found out where I have been hiding all this time, it was so close to my house, of course the first thought of where some one would be hiding is not a under water cave. I didn’t really have any thing to do, usually I was go try to catch some fish or some thing, but I already had human food, which I liked more than fish, so I swim up and out of the water and went to see what my mom and little sister were doing. It sounds stalker-ish, but some times I really missed them, and when I wasn’t busy, why not? I wanted to see how they were doing. My little sister was now 15 and I could hear her complaining that she couldn’t get a belly ring, I watched from a window, “why not? Lexi had one”, Lilly said, my mother had her arms crossed “yes, but Lexi was 16 your 15", she said, Lilly made a snorting noise than stomped upstairs. She usually wasn’t like this, Lilly I mean, she usually was a talkative, but calm person, she hardly ever asked mother for much, and never “ughed” and walked away. Like me she had captivating green eyes, but she didn’t have the curly red hair, she had long blond hair, Like I had now. She was looking to be a model like UNA BLUE, because they looked so much alike. The thing about me is that when I am in the water with a tail, my red hair come back, out I have blond. I have to watch it when I’m swimming. I climbed a tree to see what Lilly was doing, I saw her she was on her phone like she usually is, talking to her friend “yeah I know, I’m getting ready now”,
“I know it’s going to be the best, all the stars are gonna be there”
“yeah I know where it is, it’s at the La Magnifique”,
“ten o’clock”, Lilly said. of course I knew what and where she was talking about, La Magnifigue was for the stars, it was the thing, the place, if you didn’t go there you were a nobody, it threw the best parties. I get invited there a lot, I always decline, but today I might just go.

I took a taxi to a fancy dress place I can’t spell. When I got there the owner gave me a huge bear hug and said I could use any dress I’d like, for free. I walked around then asked the owner for her best most expensive dress, and that I would pay. She brought me to a dress she had been working on for a month. It was white, strapless and had diamonds covering all of it, it was just a tiny bit on the short side, I tried it on, and it would be perfect. I didn’t pay, but instead I would model for her store for free. “Thank you!”, I shouted as I closed the door. I was wearing the dress and had my clothes I was wearing before in my hand. That was a no name store, but that’s what I did, make the nameless stores into big logo designs, soon every one will be shopping there.

I got to the club at 10:35 and walked to the front of the line, people gawked, camera lights were flashing, I was a hit. The body guard let me in with out asking my names or ID, we both knew I was younger than I should be. I walked in and pink, purple, yellow, and orange lights hit off the diamonds of my dress. I had no idea of dancing, that’s not what I came here for. I looked around the room and found who I was looking for, Lilly. I walked past her booth, she was there with one blond bombshell friend. Lilly and the girl whispered to each other “oh my god! UNA BLUE! she’s here! wait till every body hears about this!”, I looked back at Lilly, she was wearing to much make up for my liking, but I was her sister, she looked beautiful, still. I sent a smile their way and they gasped. This will be fun. I walked over and sat right next to Lilly, she was smiling like a buffoon. “Hi girls, I just had to say how much I love your dresses”, I said, the two giggled like little girls that had way to much cotton candy, “thank you”, they both said, “I love your dress it’s so pretty!”, Lilly gushed, I flashed a award winning smile “you do? You can have it if you want, I’ll only wear it once, besides it would look better on you”, that’s who I bought it for. Lilly looked like she was going to die of happiness. “Oh, I couldn’t take it from you, that’s not right”, she said, “oh it’s ok, I want you to have it, I already got the pictures in it”, I said, “T-thank you”, she stuttered. I took her hand “come on, let’s switch”, I said, then lead her to the bathroom, I got a good look at the dress she was wearing and I swear I almost cried, it was my grade 10 prom dress, “that’s a beautiful dress”, I said, “I know, I wore it to prom, it was my sisters”, she said looking at it. I took the diamond dress off and switched into my clothes, “isn’t your sister Lexi Kenny?”, I asked, Lilly looked surprised, but I could see she was hiding her sadness “yeah, but she passed”, Lilly looked at the floor, “she was my role model, amazing model, she was”, I said, Lilly looked up “I know. I wish some day I could be as good as her”, she said, I handed her the diamond dress and she changed into it, I gave her my bag to put my prom dress in, “thank you so much”, she gushed again, it looked amazing on her. “Thank you for wearing it”, I said, we walked out of the bathroom, then I disappeared into the crowd. What Lilly didn’t know was that I left a note in her bag saying to call me if she ever needed help and my number.

I called a taxi and went home. I was sitting by the shore, I didn’t want to go in my cave and do nothing, but I knew that I needed to be out tomorrow so I swam to the cave. I heard water drip-drop in while I tried to sleep, the pond where I would fall into was rippling and making water patterns on the ceiling of the cave, this is where I got to sleep at night, under my comfy blanket and crappy blow up mattress, truth be told I felt at home, and I loved it.


In the morning I got up early, six o’clock, and went to catch fish. I had caught a salmon, I might have caught another one, but my red long hair kept getting in the way. I took a chunk out of the salmon, it was a good one, I ate the rest. Before I would hate eating a salmon live, but now, it just seems natural. Really, for my eating system, I describe myself as a nice shark. I went into my cave/house and got some clothes, threw them in a plastic bag and swam to the shore. I put my clothes on behind a rock then was about to call a taxi, but then I wanted to check up on my sister. I walked over to my old house and climbed the tree the went to my sisters window. Now i was a champ at climbing that tree because I used to use it to sneak out when I was younger, but I would always loose a couple bucks for the fee. I took a look, my sister was sprawled out on the bed, make up on, and so was the dress, she was smiling and sleeping peacefully. I smiled at the picture and went to get a taxi. I was going to a shoot, for some big name bathing suit brand I never wear. Obviously. I walked over the city, waiting, it would be an hour before I was supposed to be there, but it’s not like I was counting, if I arrived early, they would have to have the set ready, if I was late, more time for them. I decided to go the that nice store, that I got the fancy dress at. I walked in and said hello to the young lady. She rushed to me with a hug, “how was your dress last night, did you like it?”, she asked, “it was amazing, a big hit!”, I said, “what can I do for you today?”, she asked, “oh nothing just came by for a visit”, I said, “I was wondering, though, when would you like to do the shoot?”, I asked, “oh you don’t have to do that!”, she said, “oh it’s ok, I don’t mind”, I said, “ok! how about in two weeks?”, she asked, “ok, that’s perfect”, I said, I handed her a couple hundred bucks “could you make me a dress, a little shorts, and tight though”, I said, the woman looked a the money, “uh, yeah, yes! of course, my pleasure”, she gushed, “thanks”, I said, “well, bye, see you late I guess”, I said then walked out. I decided to walk to the shoot.
When I got there I was only 15 minutes late. The man came up to me and took me to the shoot, this time no water was allowed, I always did this, to make it harder for them most of the time, but this was a special reason, I really couldn’t go near water. I got into a tiny bikini, it was pink and had little doodles on it. Second one was blue, which looked great on me. Over and over again, more poses, and every thing, by the end of the day I got bored. There was nothing going on today. I accepted my money and walked out, people took pictures of me while I walked by, some thing i have always hated.

I looked up and on the side of a building was my face and another girl, we were hugging, and wearing some stupid clothes that didn’t have anything to do with the designer. Next week was the runway, my modeling career depending on runways, best way to get famous, it was Tomorrow Today’s runway show, the day after runways I would sleep, until I had to eat, then sleep again.

I got lunch and went to the beach, today every one was at the beach, I could never slip in with out being noticed. I crawled behind a large rock, and began to climb up it, thee moss around it was slippery, but there was chips in the rock so it got easier, once I got up it I dived into the water right away, no one could see UNA BLUE. I saw to the bottom of the lake, my belly was touching the sand and slime, once I got to the cave I slithered around to the door and fall the bottom water, while in the water I realized how pale I was looking. I had to get some sun I took a bikini from one of the many folded piles of clothes at the wall of the cave. I put it in a little plastic bag and swam to the shore.

I changed far way from human eyes, then walked over to the busy part of the beach. There was all different kinds of people, old woman trying to look young, old woman giving up and knowing they look old, old men wearing sped-os, young men wearing sped-os, old men wearing shorts down to their knees, and young men wearing those same shorts, beach bomb shells, cute little children, families. My favorite where the old ladies trying to look young, they gave me a good laugh. I was wearing a tube bikini top, and surfer shorts. I wasn’t in to the whole showing of my body thing, even though I was a big named model. Around in the crowds people whispered, “look UNA BLUE”, “omg UNA BLUE is here”, or simple “UNA BLUE”, not needing to say more, my sister was one of those people. She was with a different friend then the one at the club, she was with a girl I knew, and she was friends with a long time, Cali, I liked Cali, she was down-to-earth, she never got in trouble, but could show you a good time. They were both staring at me when I walked to them “hey girls, do you know where I could get a beach chair?”, I asked, Lilly was the first one to talk “no, sorry, but we have an extra, we’re heading to our chairs now, you could use ours”, she said, she was wearing some thing similar to mine, and Cali was just wearing a regular bikini. “Ok”, I said and we headed to their chairs. Once we were there I closed my eyes and tanned. “So, do you get to keep your clothes from the shoots?”, Cali gaining the ability to ask, “not all the time, but this bathing suit I got from the shoot for Today Tomorrow”, I said, “really! those coast a fortune!”, Cali said, “be a model, you’ll get one. You know ma be I could pick one up for you next bikini shoot”, I said, I liked being nice to Lilly and Cali, Cali was piratically family, “really! oh my gosh that’d be great!”, she said, then added “but only if you want to, I don’t want to be a pain”, I waved my hand which they probably couldn’t see because their eyes were closed to “it’s ok, I don’t mind, I got the designers wrapped around my fingers”, I said, Lilly and Cali laughed, probably an inside joke. “you should try to be a model, I know I could help some of you out, recommend you”, I said, Calli was pretty to, skinny, dark brown hair, tanned skin, big brown eyes. “oh no, I”m not that good looking, I’m not the type”, Cali said, I had trouble holding back a laugh, Cali was exactly the type, may be a bit too nice. “Thanks for the offer, I would love it!”, Lilly said. I sat up and looked at them, they both opened their eyes at the exact same time “you know, I’m going to be in Today Tomorrows fashion show, you guys want to come?”, I asked, Cali and Lilly looked at each other “those tickets coast a lot of money”, Lilly whined, “don’t worry, I can get you in for free”, I said, “and may be you guys could pick up some nice clothes”, I added, the girls smiles were off the charts big, “that would be wonderful!”, Lilly said, “thank you”, they both added after. Later on they went and I was tanned, so I headed home.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.03.2012

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