
five years since last commination through the twins.


I walked through the doors and into a cabin, holding Jeds’ hand. We have been dating for two years and I found out he was a werewolf a couple weeks back, he said he didn’t want to tell me because he thought I would break up with him and call him a freak, I was shocked by this, he should of known better, I was more shocked that he kept that from me all these years, he is still the same Jed. Always will be. I have met the boys before, just never been to the cabin, it was a big deal. Before he opened the door to the cabin he told me not to stare at the girl, she doesn’t like to be stared at. I walked in, it looked like a regular cabin, stone walls, kitchen, stairs, door way to the other room. In the kitchen there was the girl cooking, I didn’t see anything weird about her but her long beautiful smoky purple hair and tallness. Of course I could only see her from the back, she turned around to put food on the plate, I gasped and she gave me a cool stare, she had purple eyes, and her beauty was enchanting, her slim figure told me she couldn’t hurt a fly, but her stare said some thing else. She looked to Jed “see you brought a human”, she said the word human like it was some thing below her knowledge, Jed looked at her in such a way that I thought he would soon bow down to her, that’s what I felt like doing, I remember Jeds words and I stopped staring, I looked at the food on the table, there were boys surrounding it, “she is my girl friend and I want her to be accepted here”, he warned, the girl looked at me and smile a amazing smile “hello, I was just being carful, what are you called?”, she said it in a different tone, like she didn’t mind me being here, just like that, the switch went off, “Sarah, yours?”, I asked, “my name is Atalanta”, she said proudly, I loved her name, I really liked the greek gods and goddesses, “oh really, I love your name, I love to study the greek gods and goddesses”, I said, Atalanta now looked interested, “oh really, what’s your favorite?”, she asked,
“Oh, Athena, she’s amazing”, I said, the boys barked out laughter and Atalantas sides of her lips quirked up, Joel came up behind me and patted me on the shoulder “let’s see how much you like her soon”. I still didn’t get the joke but I shook it off. Leom took one bite of the food Atalanta made and made a face “those taste horrible!”, he said, Atalanta rolled her eyes “well if you want good food get Athena back her!”, she said sarcastically, Rowan made a grunt of agreement, yet he had a hurt look on his face. Leom ate the rest of the food that he said was horrible, and the boys did too. Atalanta kept looking at me from the side of her eye, finally she asked Jed “does she know?”, Jed rolled his eyes “of course she knows, I wouldn’t have took her here if she didn’t”, I didn’t like that they were talking like I wasn’t right here beside them, but I kept quite, Atalanta looked at me, “you listen to me, if you go and do some stupid human girl things then decide ‘hey I’m mad at Jed’ then go tell every body, I will find you and you will not like was would be in store”, she said, very up-front, “oh, I would never”, I said, she looked at me as if she thought I was making fun of her, she got up and sat on the table, “good news boys!”, she yelled, “Ceto is coming back soon!”, she was almost smiling, there were hoots and hollers, obviously Ceto was popular with the boys, even though I haven’t seen her around, I leaned over to Jed and whispered “who’s Ceto”, I knew the goddess Ceto (Ceto was a marine goddess who personified the dangers of the sea. She was more specifically a goddess of whales, large sharks, and sea-monsters) but not the girl, “Atalanta and Athenas sister”, he explained, wow their mother had a thing for Greek Goddesses. “When?”, a boy shouted, “tomorrow or the day after, she said if she didn’t see her old pack mates then she’ll be here tomorrow”, Atalanta explained. “The boys were still eating when I asked Jed about Atalanta and her pack, he didn’t answer but the voice behind me did “why don’t you ask her yourself, you’d get more information since wolves aren’t supposed to share knowledge about others packs”, I turned around and saw Atalanta looking down at me, “sorry, I didn’t know. What is being in your pack like?”, Atalanta took the question like it was the easy-est Q and A in the world “hard and saddening”, she said, I frowned “that doesn’t sound fun”, I said, Atalanta seemed to take that in “it has it’s moments”.
“Aren’t packs supposed to be together, always”, I asked, Atalanta laughed,
“They are supposed but you could say my packs a group of rebels”, she said, the corners of her lips went up, I smiled at her. “I’m guessing their names are Athena and Ceto”, Isaid, Atalanta smiled just hearing their names, “yes, Ceto is the one coming tomorrow, Athena is far away, she may never be coming back”, Atalantas’ face turned away from emotion, like saying that was to hard, “well, you can talk to her, right?”, I asked, I knew I was going into personal space, but I also knew Atalanta wanted to talk about it, some what. “No, we had planned to be able too, but some thing went wrong and we no longer have contact”, she said,
“You mean your cell phone broke and you forgot her number?”, I said, Atalanta threw her head back and laughed, “I never had a cell phone and never will, Athena didn’t believe in that, well most likely Legend didn’t”, she said, another member I was out-of-the-know with.
“How long has it been since you haven’t talked”, they said that she and Athena were sisters, so it couldn’t have been that long, “five years, we haven’t seen each others face in five years, haven’t talked in five years”, she said, wow. Time for my next question, I knew she was 17 couldn’t have been a day older “how old are you?”,
“22", she answered, Atalanta saw the surprise on my face a laughed another beautiful laugh,she she explained “my body age is 17 but my years are 22", I didn’t know how that was possible, but didn’t ask about it.

It was getting late and I got to sleep over, I slept in Jeds room, on his bed while he was firmly plated on the floor. “Some things weird about Atalanta”, I said to him, he did a little laugh that said I was clearly in the unknown “you should meet Athena”, ok, now I was interested, why do people keep on saying her name but nothing about her, “who’s Athena?”, I asked, Jed gave me the reply I was dreading “no aloud to tell”, he said simply then fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be the day, the day that I uncovered the secret to the hidden pack.
Tomorrow was the day Ceto arrived.


I woke up, it was 10 o’clock, I heard shouts from down stairs and went to check it out. It was the boys, “they’re here! they’re in the drive way!”, Joel yelled, he was acting like a kid who was moments away from the worlds largest candy store. Who was Ceto? Atalanta opened the door, followed in by a girl, about my age 17, her hair was short and had smoky purple streaks, the resembled feathers, her tan native skin was beautiful, she was slim, and tuff. Her shorts were ripped and her shirt was so high it resembled a sports bra. The boys ran up and hugged her “hi guys, I missed you!”, she said happily, she walked to the kitchen table with out even looking at me. I saw that she had a serpent rolling up her body. This was defiantly Ceto. Atalanta was sitting on the table beside Ceto, and I saw they both had purple eyes, unusual. I thought Atalanta was just wearing contacts. But I guess not. I had figured. I just I stared a moment to long, because Ceto started “who’s the human?”, she said it just as Atalanta had. Atalanta frowned “she’s Jeds girlfriend”, she said, “Jed?”, Ceto was surprised, “yeah Jed, a human, he could do much better”, Atalanta stated, I was getting angry, but didn’t say anything, again. “Jed!” Ceto called, Jed came flying down the stairs, but once he saw me and Ceto he stopped in his tracks, I was worried. “Jed, could I talk to you for a minute”, she lead him to the other room. Atalanta looked at my worried face, “oh don’t worry, there’s nothing going on between them. Now. Ceto is just checking you out. Your not in trouble”, she reassured me, all the questions I wanted to hear were answered, well all the questions about Jed and Ceto. Ceto came out, she looked happy, she called a name “b
Boo!”, she yelled, another male, Enkoodabaoo, who every one calls Kooda, but I guess not Ceto. She wrapped on his arm, he was one of the good-looking boys of the group, and I guess he like Ceto. “Boo, I want to do something”, she said to him, Kooda looked at her with a smile “like what?”, he was clearly wrapped around her fingers, “let’s go to the beach”, she said. They were off, Atalanta was laughing, some thing amused her “what?”, I asked. “ Enkoodabaoo means: one who lives alone, his mother clearly got his name wrong”, she said. Kooda was a bit of a player, he had girls all the time. Yet, I think he had a soft spot for Ceto, some one who just might put a brake on his flirting, Atalanta looked at me “I know what your thinking, Ceto is not the girl who had serious relationships with, to pretty for that”, she said. “and your not?”, I asked,
“Well let’s just say some body put a stop to my flirting, or at least flirting with more than one guy”, she explained. Atalanta and her pack were full of mystery, and I’m not sure I liked it.

When Ceto came back, I decided it was time to ask her some questions, I know she hadn’t warmed up to me fully, but still it was worth the shot. “Hi Ceto, I’m Sarah, I was just wondering where you were gone to”, I said, Ceto looked at me, Serious face “is that a statement or a question?”, she asked, I probably had a very confused sad, mad, weird, messed up look on my face, Ceto started laughing “just kidding, I was in England”, she said smiling, “oh, that sounds nice, have you been in Atalantas pack long?”, I asked, I wondered if she was 22 two or may be just 17, they way she looked,
“Five years, long enough to know every body well”, she said,
“So you joined when you were...?”, I asked,
“Oh, your full of questions aren’t you, I joined when I was twelve”,
“Just to let you know, I know about the whole Wolf thing”, I said, just making sure she wasn’t lying because I was human.
“I know, Jed told me”, she said, I needed to get to the point I was always looking for,
“do you know Athena well?”, when I said her name Ceto had a look on her face like it stung,
“Well enough”, she said,
“Could you tell me about her?”, I asked,
“No, sorry, this is not my place, you’d have to ask her your self, but I don’t even know where she is”, she said,
“But I thought she was in Africa”,
“She was, but I can’t find her now, she’s always out”,
“Why don’t you have a phone?”,
“Not Athena thing I guess, I’m lucky I got to keep my lap top”,
“Why can’t you keep a phone”,
“Ask Athena”, no answers out of her, well about Athena any ways, accept she moves a lot. She was about to walk away, but she turned back, “Sarah, that isn’t your name, it’s what your called, your called Sarah”, she said, unusual. I didn’t know what she meant by that. Atalanta had asked me what I’m called, but she said she was named Atalanta. Interesting.


Today I was at my house. My mother kept on asking why I slept at Jeds place, I kept saying that I wanted to get to know his roommates better, which was the truth, but she didn’t believe me. I walked to see my sister. My sister didn’t go out and see my family much, she hadn’t since her seventh birthday. She always stayed in her room, and layed outside. She’s always be outside, in her bathing suit, on a towel, she’s soak up the sun, she was always smiling when she did that, while she layed there she would sing, I never heard what though. Some times she’d be gone for a whole day, but she’d always be back at night. She was quiet mysterious, like Atalanta, and that worried me. I thought this would have effected her grades, (not that it really mattered I really just wanted my happy little sister back) but it didn’t, she had been getting A’s which really surprised me. I walked into her room. My little sister, Diana, was nine now. She looked up at me, she was drawing on her walls, a giant moon. Mom would have to deal with that. “Hey Diana, what you up to?”. She looked at me “so, I heard you like Goddesses”, she said, she did this a lot, she changed the subject like she didn’t hear what you said first. “I do”, I said,
“you like Roman Goddesses?”, she asked, her head tilted,
“I find the Greek goddesses interesting”, I said, no use lying, Diana always knows when you lie.
“Really, who’s your favorite?”, this was one of the longest conversations I had with my little sister since she turned seven, so I went with it, “Athena”, I said,
Diana smiled a sly smiled, “tell me about her”,
“Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. She also has a Roman Goddesses, who is a lot like her, Minerva”, I said, Diana frowned,
“Oh, that’s interesting, I didn’t know she was a Goddess of so many things”, she stated, Diana soon kicked me out and began with her drawing again.

My mom had always wanted to take Diana to a doctor, but Diana always said no, and that no doctor would find a cure, or understand. Weird thing was that my mother never told Diana why she wanted to take her to the doctor. Diana didn’t look different than any body else, as far as I know. She had long and a lot of orange curly hair, her eyes were blue, yet she was taller than most people her age.

I walked down stairs, my mother was making breakfast. “Hi honey, how was your sleep?”, she said it like she said every morning, “fine”, I said, “I visited Diana, she wanted to learn about the goddesses”, I told her, my mother always wanted to know more about Diana, now that I told her this, she’ll probably go out and by books about Goddesses, for her and Diana. Today was in fact a school day, luckily I got ready early, because I had a bad sleep. I had my breakfast then left for school.

I walked into the doors of my high school, Kenzwic Heights. I passed the blue and red lockers, one of the boys I had known since kindergarten came up to me “how’s your boyfriend”, then made a kissy face, he ran away laughing at the lame attempt to make me feel bad about me and my choices. He was Keegan, the boy who was my weird-not-so-much-friend-but-not-enemy. Unusual relations ship we have. I met up with my best friend Nora. “Hey”, I said, “hey”, she said, the normal meeting word we say. We were passed in the halls by the words “freak”, “loser”, “dork”, and so on. The way Nora and I met up was because I got pushed down by some bully and Nora standing up for me by punching the kid in the face then getting to not go to school the next day. We were usual out casts. I got A’s and Nora got C’s, I got crushes, Nora got people to crush. We were ying and yang. Another reason why I like Nora was because she got along with my sister, not only that but my sister would actually talk to her, and Nora would get my sister to do things, like talk to us, or eat. Today my sister is going to the doctor, but only because Nora was coming with us.


Nora came home with me that day. We were taking Diana to the doctors today, Nora actually named Diana too, well she told my parents that name and they could only say yes. Diana said only Nora and I could take her to the doctors, so my mom had to beg us, we finally said yes. Nora didn’t mind, but I had better things to do then watch my sister throw a tantrum and run out of the room, (by the way, my sister is really hard to catch).

We were at the Doctors, Diana went in the check up room. I keep telling mom that she will not find any thing wrong with Diana, she is some thing new. We only waited ten minutes until Diana came out running. Nora went to run and catch her, then the doctor came out holding his hand, crap. “She bit me!”, he muttered, I went to run and catch Diana and Nora, “sorry!”, I yelled back at him and ran for my life. Soon I had caught up to my unusual family, Diana was frowning and Nora was holding her shoulders. “I already took care of it”, Nora said panting. “Thanks”, I told her, while we walked to the car. Nora might be a C average, fighter, who has a bad tempter, but say all you want, She can drive. She turned on the radio to Katy Perry singing “Part of me”.

When I got home I went to my room, skipped dinner and went to bed. I was to tired to do any thing. My sister did that. My sleep didn’t last long. I was awoken by my sister, “what do you know about Atalanta?”, she asked me, I answered once again, I felt like a had too “I really don’t know much”, I blurted, Diana frowned, “tell me what you do know”, I thought for a minute, “she was a hunter, one of the best, may be even the best, she could do a man’s job easily, I don’t know about you, but I would never want to be in a fight with her”, even the Atalanta that wasn’t a god, she scared me to death, “oh! and she was raised by she-bears”, I said, Diana scattered away. I
went to bed with my pillow covering my head.

I woke up that morning and checked on Diana, she wasn’t there. I walked down stairs, “Diana isn’t home!”, I yelled to mom then finished getting ready. When I got to school Nora wasn’t there. Some times she skipped school, part of the reason she gets Cs.

The week went by for me just waiting to get to see Jed again, I don’t see him much because he has Wolf things to do, but on the week end he’s all mine. I always wonder what he does with all his free time, being a wolf must be busy stuff.


Jed picked me up and took me to the cabin. The Cabin will probably our new hang out place now. I hope it is. I walked into the Cabin, no one was there. The door slammed behind me and Rowan stomped down stairs, “they’re gone, Beach”, he was chewing a apple, “why aren’t you with them?”, Jed asked, “their picking up girls. Some one had to tell you where they were any ways”, Rowan exclaimed. I don’t know why, but Rowan never had a girlfriend, well I’ve never seen him with a girl, really. When we are out at the beach and every one has a girl under their spell Rowan walks alone, he’s a good looking wolf too. Jed didn’t ask any more. We went to the beach.

It didn’t take long for us to find the boys, and when we did we found out what they’ve been doing at the beach. There was a large hole in the sand, two metres deep and five meters wide. It was by the water, so the tide would bring water in, there was a couple of garbage bags spreading around it so that the water wouldn’t go sinking through the sand. The boys sat in it, but the only girl there was Ceto. “What happened to picking up girls?”, Jed asked, Ceto smiled a sly smile “I chased them away”, she said happily, Some of the boys did a little laugh. Today I was told that we were going to the beach, so I had my bathing suit under my clothes, I striped off my shorts and shirt, and made sure my bathing suit was not all over the place, “what’s this?”, i asked, Leom said with a grin “hot tub”, I laughed, “why didn’t you just go in a normal hot tub, not one that was made by a pack of freaks”, I asked, “we don’t have to share, come on in it’s just as hot as a hot tub”, Leom said. first I was thinking how did they get it hot, but then i remembered they were wolves, so they’d get it hot just from their heat. I jumped in next to Ceto. “Hey girl”, she greeted, she didn’t look mad at me at all, she was treating me like a normal person. Weird wolfs, with their mood swings. She was sitting next to Kooda, who was joking around with the other boys. The tub was so full that when the tide came in some water splashed in my face, the wolfs were to tall but soon it would bug them too. I just didn’t want to be rude and ask every one to get out because of me.

About ten minutes later I found out my hypothesis was correct, the wolfs had gotten tired of the water and got out of the tub. We walked over the board walk, a group of girls passed by and Kooda was the first one to jump in, the expression on Cetos face made me have to hold back a laugh, I knew how she felt. Kooda was flirting when a boy came along, a very, very cute one, too. Ceto took the moment. She pulled him close and started flirting with him, when Kooda saw he was frowning, but he couldn’t do anything about it, he had started it. That’s when I looked away, didn’t need to get into this. I really wanted to give Ceto a high five though. We walked on, Ceto had dropped her boy, but Kooda had his holding on to his big arm. Ceto stood right next to the girl. Ceto was beautiful, she knew it, but didn’t advertise, but she used it right now, she knew that if she stood next to that girl, the pretty little blond would finally run.

Jed bought me a cotton candy, Kooda had stepped it up and went to go buy a cotton candy for the young sleazy blond, and that’s when I saw Ceto come up behind him with a very scary smile on her face. She hooked Kooda’s arm and whispered some thing in his ear, Kooda couldn’t help but laugh. The blond saw and ran. She came back to me with a new smile, a proud smile, and said “and that’s how you do it”, I was amazed really, “why?”, I asked, I knew that Kooda and Ceto where just doing whatever, going to the beach, and having a friend plus relations ship for fun now, “it’s a fun game, it really gets him mad”, Ceto explained. When Kooda turned around and saw the his beach babe was gone he didn’t even need a minute to figure it out “Ceto!”, he growled, Ceto laughed, as did I, I tried to hold it back, but it was nearly impossible, Kooda’s face was red. He walked over to Ceto, looking like he wanted to kill her, but all Ceto said was “your to good for her, Boo”, Ceto smiled, and that’s all she had to do, smile, and he was wrapped around her fingers once again. Like always.

When we got back to the cabin Atalanta and Rowan were playing twister. Atalanta looked at us with an upside down face “we got it in the mail!”, she explained, Rowan added “yeah, Bruce won it in a contest, so we had to try it out”, then Atalanta added on with a huge smile “yeah, just to make sure it wasn’t poisoned on something, we’d take the bullet”. Rowan and Atalanta were laughing as they tried to untangle each other. I was sitting on the counter as Bruce ordered a party sized pizza.

We sat around the living room, Atalanta sat on the couch snuggled next to Kole, and Ceto was laughing at a joke Kooda said, I was sitting on the floor with Jed, Rowan was getting talking to Bruce about some thing miserable, Leom and Joel were fighting over the last seat on the couch and the rest were squished into one big mess of boys on the couch. Finally Bruce had to ruin the pleasurable moment with him shouting “who’s going to get the pizza?”, none of the boys answered, “you can Bruce, you ordered it”, Rowan said, “your eating it!”, Bruce made the point, Jed got up, “Atalanta you go, you know the workers work faster for you”, Atalanta groaned “but then they all bug me after”, “so what you probably will get a sale if you flirt with them”, Rowan said, Atalanta groaned, again. “Fine whatever, you’re a bunch of lazy bums!”, she walked out of the house with a snort. “Remind me not to ask her a favour again”, Jed said, Ceto shot up from her seat, “that reminds me, I have to do something!”, she walked out the door. “Greek pack, always up to some thing”, Bruce shook his head, “yeah, how long was Athena and them here for straight? A week?”, Leom asked, Joel elbowed him at the pain in Rowans eyes. I was fed up with this “ok! who is Athena!”, I almost yelled, and threw my arms up. “A girl you don’t ever want to meet”, Bruce said, “A troublesome wolf”, Kole added, “A heart breaker”, said Rowan, “A risk taker”, “A no-nonsense personal”, “Athena”. A no-nonsense personal? What does that even mean.


It had been two months, every thing was normal, well as normal as it would get for a teen age girl who was a girl friend to a wolf, little sister was abnormal, and Etc. Like always it was a summer day, and I was hanging out at Jeds cabin. Atalanta was gone, she had been gone for a long time, not days, but more than a couple hours. We were sitting on the couches, “where’s Atalanta?”, I asked. Bruce shurRged “I don’t know, she does that a lot”, he said, “what a lot?”, I asked, “goes out for a long time and doesn’t tell, it’s a purple eye thing, Ceto does it, it’s probably just hunting”, he answered, Rowan added “she told me she was going out for a hunt”, he told us. I nodded.

That’s when I heard a car door slam, the boys ran up to the window, I heard whispering, “holly-”, “what the hell?”, “nooo way”, I heard. I ran up to the window, Ceto in front, she almost screamed, I looked out. It was Atalanta. And a girl. The girl walked with pride, striaght back and forward eyes, Atalanta was standing close, closer than she stood next to any one I’d seen her stand with. Once they got to the door we ran away. Atalanta came in first, “I found some one”, she said smiling a bright blasting smile. The girl/lady walked in. She was wearing a woven top that went higher than her belly button, it was yellow, orange, brown, red, green, and almost every other color, her skirt was long, down to the floor, with the same woven look. She had nig beautiful lips, that were in a shape of a scowl, her skin was mixed with white and brown, her haird was long and red with black tips, she looked like her just came from Africa. The only thing that told me who she really was, was her purple eyes. Big gorgeous purple eyes, long eye lashes, and one look at her could put you in a spell, we was more beautiful than any body in the world. She put Aphrodite in her place. Well, almost. If she were to smile, which I was dying to see now. She was Athena.

I expected her to ask who I was then warm up to me, I was getting ready to introduce myself, too. Atalanta stood beside her. I looked around the room, the boys looked like they wanted to run up and hug her, but some thing was holding them back, Fear? Athena’s hard face? Her beauty? Her refusing to move?. Athena looked right at me, in the eye, and growled. Not a full teeth I’m going to eat you cause I’m crazy growl, but a from my throat so I don’t look crazy, but enough for you to be scared, your so low I don’t even want to know you name so I’m not even going to ask, growl. I was frozen, because she was that girl who I thought would be above all this human wolf stuff, I thought she was be pretty and slim perfect like Atalanta and Ceto, not a terrifying beauty. she was slim, but she was muscular, she had her arms crossed and her muscles were coming out, I don’t even think she was flexing, she didn’t look like a body builder, but you defiantly didn’t want to piss her off.

She cleared her throat, ad began “I have some bad news every body”, she said, “I have found out, by the Legend that the Leaders were not destroyed, I have heard that those were just the youths, the learners. The real Leaders and alive and even more strong than we could dream, of course, they are lower than the Legend, but they are alive, and my hypotheses is that they want to come for ANOTHER visit”, she said, the pack burst into growls and yells, even Atalanta was surprised.
I was speechless, who was the Leaders? What did she mean by another visit, why are they Surprised that the Leaders are alive?. “Why didn’t she tell us?”, one yelled, “why’d you come back now?”, “why’d we only hear about this now?”. Athena was getting more angry every minute and I was getting even more scared every second, “SHUT UP!”, she yelled, they all did, “why do you think I know why Legend didn’t tell us, I was as mad as you are when I heard, I have been trying to track you guys down since I found out, but I do have some things to do in my life too! god”, she said, it was the first emotion I saw out of her, and it was anger. No one spoke, expect Atalanta, “Athena chill”, she said, now I knew how brave Atalanta really was, “I’ll speak now”, she told Athena, then began to tell us, “I was hunting today, and I thought I would go to my Cabin, then a went to the amusement park and felt a pull to the marry-go-round, I sat down because I was tired, and waited, I didn’t know why, but I did, soon Athena found me, and told me what happened, she didn’t know it until a while ago, then had trouble finding us, ok, she’s here because she cares and wanted to make sure we were ok”, Atalanta explained. Right then Ceto ran up, she looked like a 12 year old when she did this, she hugged Athena, and Athena hugged her back, “missed you”, Ceto whispered, and Athena must of said it back, but said it so quietly I didn’t even hear. Athena walked up stairs, when she came back down she was wearing a rolling stones over-the-shoulder shirt, black shorts and cherry red heels, the only thing she still had on was a warrior bracelet, it wasn’t a fake either, it was the real deal, I don’t think she could even take it of unless her never wanted to put it back on. “Hey”, Rowan said as she walked down stairs with her heels click-clacking, her eyes widened for one moment, but then she gained her cool and said back “hey”, it was an emotionless “hey”, but I really hadn’t expected more.

We were in the kitchen, Athena was making food like she never left. That’s when I asked, “who’s Legend?”, I had asked Atalanta, but Athena answered back with a humourless laugh “Legend is no one, she can not be described”, I felt pride because she had just acknowledged my being, although it didn’t not help me with knowing what was going on, well, at least I knew who Athena was. My Cell Phone ringed and I jumped, I answered, it was Nora.
Nora: Hey Sarah, what’s up?
Me: nothing, just with the boys
Nora: where do you go any way
Me: can’t tell
Nora: *snorted* well whatever, you know if Diana is out?
By the sound of Diana’s name Athena’s head snapped in my direction, “who’s Diana?”, she said,
ME: no, she’s home.
“My little sister”, I whispered to Athena, wondering why she cared any ways.
Nora: who are you talking to?
Me: oh no human in particular.
Nora: ugh, whatever just meet me at the beach in ten, I don’t want to wait.
Me: I’m busy!
Nora: No your not,
Me: fine, by there in a few. The phone went dead. “Oh great”, I whispered. “What’s your sister like?”, Athena asked, I didn’t know why she cared, but she was talking to me, I felt like I couldn’t lie to her, I knew I couldn’t lie to her, but I also didn’t want to say to much about Diana, “she’s unusual”, I stated, Athena nodded, “what color eyes does she have?”, Athena asked,
“Blue”, I said, Athena nodded then walked off. I ran to the beach.


3 days later it was Monday and the week went by slowly. On the weekend Athena hadn’t talked to me any more, just stuck her head higher and didn’t notice my being, yet some times she DID laugh at me, just doing what I do, but she seemed to think me being human and doing human things was funny. Once we were all in the living room, Athena told a story when she fought 4 wolves off in human form, she didn’t feel like turning, around the room the stories went dangerous and gory, then came my turn, “one time I had to wrestle a stray dog for my shoe”, I said, Athena threw back her head and laughed, it was that she was laughing with me but laughing at me was more the case. She laughed at me, or a humourless one, but never smiled, she hardly showed emotion.

Almost every school period went by, and I was thinking of her. And soon it was Friday.

Nora walked up to me, “hey Sarah, want to hang out?”, Nora had been gone for the whole week, just as Diana had, I had no one. “Where were you?”, I asked, Nora shrugged “out”, she said, she never told me where she had been, “sorry, I can’t hang out today, I’m busy with
Jed and the boys”, I said, “is there any body else with you?”, Nora asked, I knew I would be looked down upon or given more silent treatment if I told “nope not any other regular joe’s”, I said, Nora knew some thing was off, but she had let it slide. Truth is I’m pretty bad a lying.
“What ever, I’ll find some thing to do”, Nora sighed. The students made room for us to walk, more like room for Nora and I was lucky, they are all scared of her.

We walked out of the schools front doors, waiting on the road was a cherry red convertible mustang, Rowan and Jed were sitting in the front, and Ceto was sitting so her feet were on the seat and heer butt was where the head rest would be. She waved, Nora didn’t see them because she was looking at some thing I couldn’t put a spot on, I told her goodbye and ran for the car, once I was in thee back with Ceto I scream/whispered “Drive, drive, drive!”, and Jed did. “Hey Sarah, what’s up?”, Ceto asked, she was wearing a little dress with flowers all over it, “nothing much, how are you?”, I asked, “just fine”, she sighed. I remembered I had to go home first “guys can you drop me off at home first?”, I asked, “they already know”, Ceto said, “you told them before”, she added on.

We were at my house, Ceto walked in with me, I told her to wait in the living room while I got some things, I was going over to the cabin and every one was having a sleep over, I was supposed to bring some treats. We heard some thing slam upstairs, “what’s that?”, Ceto asked, “oh just my little sister”, I said, Ceto seemed interested, yet she tried not to show it as much. I walked into my room and got the chips and chocolate and every thing else. I picked up some clothes and went to meet Ceto. She was sitting on the couch, but when she saw me she jumped up, “hey, you ready?”, she asked, “yep let’s go”, I said, we walked to the car and headed for the cabin.

When I walked in there was no Athena, but the boys were surrounding the T.V. with Atalanta. Atalanta was shouting “sponge bob square pants! sponge bob square pants! sponge-y bob squae pants!”, I guess I knew what they were watching. Ceto called her over and whispered things in her ear. That’s when I heard the foot steps. Athena came walking down the stairs, she was wearing a just-above-the-knee dress that had the monarch butterfly wings patterned, it was strapless at the top, her shoe’s were heels that were orange, and her hair was done up prom-style with a butterfly pin in it. She was jaw dropping gorgeous, she probably cause a accident getting where ever she’s going. I looked over and the boys where staring, Rowan’s eyes were almost-to-wide and you could tell he was like “wow”, yet he had a different look then the others, the others looked surprised, he looked any thing-but. Athena’s arms were crossed and she was defiantly not happy, her expression was the same as usual, a scowl. Athena rolled her eyes and said “just get me out of this dress!”, Atalanta walked up to her, looking at her if she was still wearing a rolling stones shirt and shorts, “well, you could’ve let me do the fieldwork”, Athena made a “ugh”, sound and said “ok, we both know that I’m better at fighting then you are”. Ceto was looking at them amused, “whatever twins, let’s just get the job done”, Ceto took a large case and walked out of the cabin, the two girls followed.

“What was that all about?”, I asked, Bruce shrugged “purple-eye pack, they are always up to no good”, he exclaimed. The others all agreed. I was kinda sad that Atalanta and Ceto wouldn’t be here for the sleep over.

It was in the middle of the sleep over when Rowan brought up the subject of him doing some thing stupid, again the wolves passes around the dangerous, yet fun things they had done in the past, and again I had nothing to say, they had all laughed. I crossed my arms and pouted “shut up”, I said, Jed put his arm over me, “it’s ok, just means your safe”, well what if I don’t want to be safe.

We had all went to bed and it was around three in the morning I had to get up to eat some thing, I was super hungry. I walked down into the kitchen when I hear fierce whispering, I stopped in my tracks and hide behind the wall to the kitchen. I heard a girls voice, Athenas I think “it’s not my fault”, she said, “you choose not to”, Rowan whispered back, “it would never work, I can’t do it”, Athena said, “no you chose not too!”, Rowan almost raised his voice, almost “I wasn’t brought up that way!”, Athena now did raise her voice,
“then forget about it!”,
“I can’t it’s my life!”, Athena said, I made a creak in the floor, I swore under my breath,
“I know your there you little twerp get out!”, Athena said, I walked out of my hiding spot “I promise I didn’t hear much”, I stuttered, Athenas eyes narrowed and she was coming toward me like she want to kill me. I seriously thought that she was going to hurt me or worse until Atalanta came in front, “Athena chill, I’ll take her”, Atalanta said, and pulled me away, I heard Athena and Rowan talking again but now I was in a room with Atalanta and Ceto. Ceto was laying on the wrong side of the bed and her whole body under the covers so that you could just see her eyes. “what the hell just happened?”, Ceto whispered, but Atalanta ignored her, “s-she was going to-”, I started, but couldn’t end, Atalanta rolled her eyes “the worst you would’ve gotten was a scar”, she said, “Athena looked angry”, I said, “she wasn’t angry, you’ll hardly ever see her angry, she was just annoyed”, Atalanta said, I could believe what I was hearing, annoyed? She looked like she was going to rip of my head! If that was annoyed I never ever want to see her angry. Atalanta went on “don’t you ever go close to Athena, her things, or any one she cares about, it’ll piss her off. You were lucky I was there because she could’ve hurt you, never go close to Athena unless you see her smile, never ever go close to Athena when she’s around Rowan. Never talk to her with out being spoke to first, never look her straight in the eye, never tell her she’s beautiful, it just makes her mad”, Atalanta went on with the rules, but soon they went to bed. I had to sleep on the floor, because I wasn’t going to take my chance and sleep in Athena’s bed. But I got cold, I looked in a suitcase for a blanket. I opened it up, then looked inside. There was black clothing, I lift it up and found guns under neath, I swore under my breath, there were so many, I put the clothes back and zipped to case up. That night I went to bed cold.

I woke up and walked to the kitchen, Atalanta and Ceto were already up and in the living room. I got some cheerios, and walked to the living room. Atalanta was tickling Rowan who was sleeping on the couch and Ceto was writing on his forehead, they were both giggling. “Where’s Athena?”, I asked, she hadn’t been in the room all night, and she wasn’t here, Atalanta stood up straight and looked at me, “oh, she’s sleeping”, she said, I didn’t even ask about where she was, because I don’t think Atalanta was going to tell anyways. Rowan woke up by us talking, but it was ok because Ceto had already finished writing on his forehead. It said “I just slept with a god”, I thought about this for a second, by the girls giggling I figured out that they meant Athena, which I was scrunching my brows, “what?”, Rowan asked, I laughed alittle “I think you have a little something on you face”, I said, the two girls broke out laughing now. He looked in the closest mirror and his face went red. Atalanta who I noticed was wearing a bathing suit, or bikini, really, was holding a towel, sh slapped Rowans butt with it then said “we’re going to the beach, come on”, she looked a me now “you coming?”, she asked, “no. I think I’ll just go for a walk”, I said, Atalanta thought for a moment then said “ok”.

After every one was gone I walked outside. I went through the forest, and that’s when I heard a loud snap, the ground shook. I walking in a light part of the forest, there was a sparkling river coming up. I let it go, but then another snap and shake came. It was on the other side of the river. I didn’t see a bridge or any thing, I did see a piece of wood, I put two pieces together and laid it over the river. I ran to see where the snaps where coming from, but they stopped.

Soon I saw movement coming through the trees, I went up hiding behind a tree. I found three trees laying on the ground, some cut in the middle or bottom. Then I found what was the cause. Athena. She was in a short shirt and a pair of short shorts, she was punching the air, and kicking it, and sweeping it with her legs, this might’ve sounded crazy, yet she did it so that it looked like a pattern, a pattern that no one would be able to find out, but a pattern. She didn’t pay attention to me until she was finished. She looked me in the eye “what do you want?”, she asked, “no-nothing, I just came out for a walk and heard snaps and cracks”, I said, “‘fine”, she said, then walked over, “go home”. She said, and I turned around and walked away.

The day every one was gone, so at night, when Nora called to ask if I wanted to hang out I jumped at it. We actually went to a club, now this I didn’t expect. We were standing in line “do we really have to do this?”, I asked, “oh, stop whining, of course we have to, just trust me. And don’t talk”, she said. I sighed and went along with it. When we got up to the bouncer all Nora said was “can you please let us in”, in a flirt-y voice and we got let in. When we walked in the crowd was jumping all around us, bright lights flashed in my eyes, and young wild people crashed into me. I had to down three drinks before I started dancing, to early Nora, my dance partner, said she had to go. We came out of the club together, but she left before me. I wanted to walk home. I started down a dark street, that’s when a teenager came out from an ally. He started talking to me, I always answered in a no, he seemed drunk, too drunk, “no”, I said, that’s the pattern of my voice, but getting squeakier and squeakier each “no”. The man slapped me, I stumbled, fighting to stay off the ground, “no”, I said, he was coming again, but at lightening speed a figure blocked his way, she punched him so hard he feel to the ground, and that’s when the nameless figure looked at me.


Her red hair flowed in the wind, her emotionless lips almost frowned, her beautiful mixed smooth skin almost glowed, she towered over me, her purple eyes stared into my soul. “Athena”, I whispered, she took my arm and pulled me into a black car so cool it looked like it came out of the movies, instead of the doors going side ways they went up. I landed in the passenger seat, on smooth leather, the radio buttons glowed purple and the bottom of the seats. It looked like a Athena-mobile, I’m pretty sure if you clicked the right button it would shoot lasers, or bullets, some thing cool like that. Athena was not in the car yet, but in a second she appeared in the drivers seat. “You stupid little human”, she said, “always wants to get in trouble”, she sighed then started driving, “what did you think you were doing out there?”, she asked, but didn’t give me time to answer “your gonna get killed if you mess with things like those”, she finished, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I was just walking home”, I said, Athena threw both of her hands up “well who is stupid enough to do that! what the hell!”, she said. the rest of the car ride was silent, until we got home. “Thank you”, I stuttered, all Athena did was sigh and walk into the house. I wondered what she was doing out there so late. Why did she save me? I thought she hated me. She was the same person who was kicking down trees. The one with the suitcase full of guns, and she just saved me. I got out of the car, shut the amazingly cool door and went to the stair case. I didn’t even know Athena had that car, I only ever saw the guys jeep, and the car Atalanta picked me up in. I looked back at the most amazing car I ever saw and found a old red diesel truck. I shook my head, looked back and it was still the truck, the truck that had been a movie star car a couple minutes ago. I came to the conclusion that I was to tired for this, and went inside.

The wolves were on the couch and Athena was no where in sight, either was Atalanta. Ceto was sitting on the couch next to Kooda, they rest were either staring at the T.V. or fighting with each other.


The next morning we were gathering around the living room table sitting on the floor eating breakfast. Athena was on the couch eating steak, not wanting to eat actual breakfast without Atalanta who was upstairs. I heard a scream, coming from upstairs, “Athena!”, was the scream that belonged to Atalanta, followed by a suitcase come crashing down the stairs, not just a suit case, but the suit case, with the black clothing and collection of guns. Atalanta just threw a probably a hundred pound suit case down the stairs with out a problem. In this house, nothing is a surprise. Atalanta came running down the stairs after the suit case, “what’s this?”, she yelled to Athena who stopped chewing her steak mid-way in, “a suit case”, Athena said, Atalanta laughed a humorless laugh “I know it’s yours Athena”, she said after. “So what”. Athena’s eye narrowed and Atalanta flinched like she was in pain, Athena went on “I”m not a little girl Atalanta, I do what I do”, well, it’s scary what she does. Atalanta wasn’t giving up “what do you do exactly with all of this?”, she asked waving at the suit case like a lunatic, “I”m a hunter”, Athena said easily and walked up to the suit case and took a gun out, the boys stopped eating and looked up, not knowing what to say. “Let me explain”, Athena said, “I was training one day and the Legend came down to me, she told me what I had to do, not only Legend but some of the others too”, Athena didn’t name the others “they said I needed to become a hunter, the leaches were getting the children in our village and the village next. I didn’t want to become one, but I thought of Jaya and her children, and thought I had no choice, not even that Legend would give me one, I had the right amount of training and knew what to do. Since then I had been traveling”, she said. Ceto walked up closer to her, “I thought you just left us, I thought you didn’t love us any more”, she said this with little sobs, Athena took her in and hugged her, “I would never do that, I love you guys more than any thing”, she said, the boys were looking away, but I couldn’t pull my self from that unusual sight. Atalanta joined them, later on. Athena’s face was hidden, but when she backed away from the embrace she face was still the hard, cold featured face as always, “Greek pack meeting”, she said and they girls followed her outside.

When they came in, Athena wasn’t there, and then I noticed she had taken the suit case with her. The truck was gone. Ceto left shortly after, then Atalanta. They had all gone separate ways.

It was evening and none of the girls were back. There was a howl coming in from the forest, I didn’t think much of it, it was just a wolf, but the boys went out to check, I followed after them. I heard trees break, foot steps coming closer, and closer. We were at the edge of the forest, the wolf came up. The wolf was to big for a normal wolf, it had to be a were wolf, was it Atalanta? Ceto? Athena? It was none of those. It had a bag in it’s mouth, it dropped it off and ran with amazing speed. The boys weren’t sure what to do, we waited for the Purple eyed pack to come back.

Atalanta was back a hour later from when the wolf came. The boys told her about it and she went out to investigate. She took the bag and opened it with out thinking twice, inside was a box, and another, but this one had a note.
“Dear, Athena and Atlanta,
Inside this box holds the answers to your fears,
From, your worst enemy.”, Atalanta dropped the note. We waited in the kitchen, we waited until twelve.

Athena walked in with a curious, yet worried look on her face, “what’s wrong Atalanta?”, she asked before she even saw Atalanta’s face. Atalanta took Athena’s arm and stormed away, we all followed sheepishly behind no knowing if we should go or stay.


Athena had the note in her hand, after she had finished reading it she took the bag and opened it, not waiting for second thoughts, the stony look on her face was hiding her real expression, fear. I guessed that she have had no need for this feeling in a long time, Athena never cared what happened to herself, only about her family, for the past few years her family hadn’t been there. I poked my head to see what was in the bag, it was dark and Athena’s head was blocking my view.

I didn’t even know if I wanted to see what was in the bag, so instead, to see if I should be worried or not, I looked at Athena’s expression. I got my answer soon enough, it was only a flicker of emotion, but it was enough to let me know. That slightest flicker was, sadness, regret, anger, every thing wrapped into one. Horrible, that was the word I got from her emotions. The thing in the bag, what ever it was, will be horrible.

Athena lifted the things out of the bag. A chain came up first, followed by a mess of purple and yellow, orange, green and red. It was my purple heart locket, I lifted my hand to my neck, no doubt my locket was there, Athena had hers on too. The locket had a warrior bracelet wrapped around it. “Oh no”, I gasped, Athenas grip on the locket tightened, like she wanted to break it.

We, Athena and I, took the note and began searching it for clues of who did this, who could possibly kill one of ours. A Greek! impossible. We had searched and searched for clues, but all we could find was anger. How? How could they do this? Who was it? I sent to Athena.
Their playing with our minds, they want us to be scared, they want us to be hurt. Athena had sent back
but, why would they do this?
No, twin, the question is, who would do this.
I looked at Athena, the locket was slipping trough her fingers, she snapped out of her gaze and took the locket in a fist. I took Athena’s arm and led her to our room.

“How! How could this happen? They think they can fool us! they think they can hurt me!”, Athena growled, “it’s a mind trick, who ever did it was foolin with us, it’s over”, Ceto said in a calming voice, Athena stared at her, fire in her eyes “I don’t care why they did it, I’m gonna find them and their gonna pay!”, she yelled again, it felt weird, having Athena so angry, what did those years alone do to her. She is not the same, she is not my twin. “Athena cool down, it’s ok”, I cooed, Athena now turned to me, I was sitting on the bed leaning against the wall, “why? This is not the time to ‘cool down”, she mocked me, she seriously mocked me, “we need to find them and fight!”, she said. I was tired of this stupid angry Athena, I wanted the old, down to earth, calm one back. I wanted the glue that helped us stick together back, not the fire to burn and spread us apart. “I sick of this! I’m sick of you! will you stop with the cruel, mean Athena! for god sakes! I want my Twin, not this!”, I yelled and stuck my finger at her. It hurt, I felt pain in my heart, like really bad heart burn. “Why? Why am I not good enough?”, Athena whispered, I walked up and hugged her, “my twin was good enough”, I said then sent her, but your not my twin, we are not WE.
Athena hugged me back.

The next day came. Athena and I walked down stairs together to see the boys pack (and Sarah) sitting watching T.V. once they heard us coming down stairs they all looked over with curious eyes. We were greeted by hey’s, hi’s, and what’s up’s. We both said “Hey”, at the exact same time, like we practiced it or some thing. I smiled, We smiled, knowing that everything was going to turn out right. Rowan got up, “hey, can I talk to you”, he asked, Athena said “sure”, than slipped away from my side.

I walked down stairs and sat on the floor next to Kole. I looked for Ceto, she wasn’t in the room this morning so I thought she snuck down here, but I guess not “where’s Ceto?’, I asked, the boys looked around like that would help, if she wasn’t there two seconds ago why would she be there now. “I dunno”, Josh said. She’s probably out hunting, I hate it when she leaves for days with out telling me, but I can’t do anything about it. We are just Purple eyes. Kole wrapped his arms around me and I rested my on his arm. We when first met I hardly noticed him, after he was all I noticed, now I’m only thinking about Athena.

Athena Walked in as if she heard her name in my head and knew she was called. I got up,
what happened? I asked,
we talked, and you know, what ever.
Your horrible, are you seriously keeping it a secret?
You know I don’t like gossip
well I do! and it’s not gossip if it’s true
yeah it is. Athena looked away letting me know to drop the topic, but we were smiling. I walked over to her side, “I think, we should go out today”, I said getting more girly with every word. I would say what I was really thinking, but Athena already knew, what I was really saying was “I think we should talk”. “yeah sure that’d be a great Idea”.


I watched as Athena and Atalanta had a what I like to call “silent conversation”, they just look at each other, but it seems like their actually talking, which if kinda weird, but it does go with the whole “twins, wolves, amazingly powerful” thing they got going on. I can’t believe Athena actually smiled, I didn’t see it, but I saw her cheeks go up. Hanging around here was getting weirder and weirder every day. And I was getting curious.

The Purple eyes were all gone, so I used this as a opportunity. “Hey Rowan, do you guys have a computer?”, I asked, A wry smile flashed across his face “we used to, but then Atalanta broke it”, he said, “but Ceto has a lap top, but is only allowed to use it for research”, he added, thank god. “Do you think I could use it? I need to do some research”, I begged, Rowan, he took a moment, deciding, then said “it’s in her room under her bed”, I hugged him “thank you Rowan! You’re the best”, I squealed then ran upstairs. I remembered Ceto’s bed from the night where Atalanta saved me from “annoyed” Athena. I searched under her bed and found the Lap top. I went into on of the boys rooms to watch out for the Purple eyes to come back. Then began to search.
Werewolf facts.

One thing caught my eye, they don’t age when vampires are around. Atalanta told me that she didn’t age, did that mean? No it couldn’t, vampires weren’t real, says the girl who’s dating a were wolf. I pushed the thought out of my mind, for now, and kept on with my research.

It was eight when Athena and Atalanta came home. They were joined to the hip, and both were carrying a box. The boys rushed around them, “should we ask what it is?”, Josh asked, Atalanta smiled, but Athena just made a funny face, they opened their boxes at the exact same time. The room went wild, the sad part was, the thing inside the box was only cupcakes.

Later on the night, we were gathered around the kitchen table, I had to ask “you guys, I know how you don’t age and was just wondering if it’s true is there vampires?”, the the twins heads perked up and Athena joked “yeah, I’m hiding one upstairs in the closet, you know can’t get this skin wrinkled”, Atalanta snorted, I couldn’t believe that Athena had just joked, just said something that wasn’t serious. “No, I mean....”, I didn’t know how to finish the sentence, but Atalanta knew the answer “yes, Vampires are real, their every where, what do you think Athena does with her spare times?”, Atalanta giggled and Athena laughed a tiny bit. It was good Athena only laughed a bit, because if she full on laughed I’d probably faint. I kept on asking questions, but Atalanta got distracted and Athena would only give me one word answers.

That night, before every one went to bed, I headed toward the bathroom, the door was open and Athena and Atalanta were inside, Atalanta was making funny faces and Athena was blowing stray hairs out of her face, they were both wearing little tank tops and girl boxers, I could see their lockets perfectly as they shined in the light. I now understood why they were called twins. I tried hard to not laugh at this picture, Athena the warrior, and it looks like she’s even more powerful than a warrior, fights to get her hair in proper place, as her twin, makes weird faces for amusement. Atalanta smiled, like she just heard the funniest thing, and the corner of Athena’s lip went up, like she was super proud for whatever reason. I walked into the bathroom, the girls stopped what they were doing and walked out, both nodded before leaving the room to be polite.


I ripped her head off with my bare hands, red splattered on me, and I walked away. Going home I saw the red was painted on my hands, and it felt like it would be there forever.

The next day, Jaka showed up with a note. “Hello Legend, A man came this morning and gave me this”, she explained, I raised a eyebrow, then Jaka went on “I told him, I didn’t know who you were when he asked me to give it to you, but he didn’t believe it, he left with out taking the note back”. “hand it over dear friend”, I said, she did, I was about to open it, “you may leave now”, I demised Jaka and took the top of the envelop.

old friend.

You killed my pride, my joy, my love, I will do the same, revenge.

I laughed at this note, no one can hurt me, I have not love, there’s no meaning for it in my mind.

ATHENA. unexpected.

Atalanta was asleep beside me, some how she had gotten from her bed to mine. I picked up the pillow I still had under my head and slapped her in the face with it, she woke up startled and made a weird noise, “that’s what you get for stealing my pillow fool!”, I said, then Atalanta pointed to the pillow in my hand, and I made a point by ripping my other pillow from under her head. She made a “blah” sound and rolled of the bed and crawled to her dresser. I got up and got changed. Inside the note and locket bothered me, a lot, but I was not about to show it on the outside. To risky, I didn’t want Ceto upset, I still felt like she was the little twelve year old girl inside, and I tried not to break her.

Sooner or later, I was dressed in my African clothing that I came to this house in. I walked into the kitchen, the boys were already up, and had gone out. Ceto was no where in sight still. Atalanta came down the join me. Every one went out hunting, because Sarah was now gone. I was with Atalanta and we traveled away from the pack, we saw a deer and ran after it, we were pretty much circling the boys, yet no one noticed, it was race between Atalanta and I, I ran up a fallen tree and got to the deer before Atalanta, who was ahead of me, could get it. Although I did share with the pillow stealer. We turned back and were playing with the deer carcass daring each other to touch it, but no one would (even though we had just ate it) when we heard a voice behind us. “Hello girls”, it said, we spun around and I gasped, it was one of the Leaders, not the teen version of them, but the actual Leaders.
Who’s that? Atalanta sent.
The actual leader, I told her
the head honcho?
Crap. Atalanta had took the words right from my mouth. “Hey, what’s up”, Atalanta asked smoothly, the Leader smiled a bit, amused, “I wanted to ask you ladies if you could come with me”, the Leader said, Atalanta snorted than said “go ahead then”, the Leader had a confused look on his face, he hadn’t dealt with any one like Atalanta before, then the Leaders eyes narrowed “ok, let me try this again, come with me, or I’ll kill all your little friends”, he pointed to Rowan, who was talking to Jed, laughing. no one could ever hurt Rowan, not as long as I lived, but I knew the Leader would hurt Rowan, and if we got through him, the others would be sent, and in the end more then just Atalanta and I would get hurt. I knew Atalanta knew what I was thinking, like always. “Fine, we’ll come with you. But first”, Atalanta began, “could you wash your hands, like I don’t need to be dragged away from some freak with mud on his hands, oh while your at it, get me some lunch, I like subway, you know yum”. The leader growled and took us both. I watched as Rowan washed away in the distance, “I love....”, I began to scream, but the last word was cut off, to late because Rowan could see us, his eyes grew wide and his began to run, but we were to far ahead, he would never catch up.


“I should have been with her! I could have saved her!”, Rowan yelled slamming his fist on the table, I stood in the back corner, the other boys were around the table. Bruce rolled his eyes “cut the crap Rowan, you know if you were there you would have died, and Athena can handle herself”, Bruce stated, Rowan calmed down “I know, but why would she just let that guy take her?”, Rowan whispered, “why the hell are you so worried about Athena! It’s not like she’s the only one who’s gone! Atalanta is with her”, Kole said. Ceto barged through the door “why is there so much yelling? Did Joel get drunk again?”, she said not knowing what was going on. Bruce started talking, cutting to the chase “some guy took Athena and Atalanta”, he said, Ceto rolled her eyes now “are you sure? it’s not like those too are two little girls”. Rowan explained every thing that he saw, Ceto nodded and only said this when he finished “I knew I felt something weird happen”. “What should we do?”, Kole asked, Ceto didn’t get red eyed or start to scream like the others, all she did was take a deep breath and say “we find them”.

Ceto had left to make a call to who knows what, and the boys drew a picture of what Rowan described the man’s face to be like as Ceto asked, Kooda, who was a very talented drawer took over (thank god). When Ceto got back she took the picture and frowned “I have no idea who that is”, she simply stated. I had gone here after school, but now I feel like a intruder.

One minute later the door slammed open, the boys looked with hopeful eyes, I had expected it to be Athena, since when the door opened it did so with such force that the hinges almost came off. The air filled with fear, I felt it, but I didn’t know if it was from the person coming in the door, or us. The lady that came in was not the two people I was expecting. No, this lady had long straight blond hair, light skin, and piercing purple eyes. every one bowed . “where are they?”, the blond lady said with no emotion, just like Athena. “As I told you, they were taken”, Ceto said, standing straight now. “By who?”, the lady asked, “one of the boys drew a picture”, Ceto answered then handed the Lady the picture. The emotionless lady was wearing black leather tight pants, a leather jacket and high heeled boots (also black), she looked like she stole the outfit from Athena’s suitcase. “A Leader”, the Lady said, “but I thought we killed them?”, Kole said, the lad Growled, a growl just like the one Athena gave me when she first came, “didn’t Athena tell you anything! She was only here because she was supposed to protect you young silly wolves”, the Lady spat. I was now sure that the fear in the air was the boys, defiantly not this ladies. “No, no, Athena told them, us”, Ceto said giving Kole a look, “so it’s true, the leaders came, their real, but why would they take the twins now? I mean, they got their extra pack member, so if the leaders wanted to kill them, why didn’t they do that years ago?”, Ceto asked, the ladies face turned cold “I believe he wanted revenge”, the lady said then explained
“we were out hunting, and I came across one the Leaders daughters, so I did what any one would do, I killed her”, I don’t think I’d do that,
“then one day, the Leaders must’ve found out, because I got a note from them explaining they wanted revenge, they’d take a loved one for a loved one, I don’t know how they found the girls, they were trained to stay out of sight, they could go out, any where they wanted as long as they weren’t seen”, the Lady finished, “Legend, I don’t think Atalanta followed that rule”, Ceto muttered, was this the Legend that Athena had talked about, that every one feared, it must be. “I knew she wouldn’t, she was never trying, never loyal, a trouble maker, a rule breaker”, Legend said, she didn’t say it like it was a bad thing though. Legend hadn’t looked at me, not even growled, I knew she knew I was there, but I was so much below her, she didn’t even care. Every one stood there for a minute, until Legend said “chop, chop! Let’s get going, we have Twins to save!”, every one started moving even though we had no Idea what we were doing.


I walked into my house, thinking home sweet home, every thing that was going on, I couldn’t Imagine any thing better then a nice cup of hot chocolate and quiet. I looked up from closing the door and found my sister on the ceiling hanging upside down, I screamed and Diana smiled. “Hello sister, nice of you to join the family today”, Diana said, she had her feet hooked in some bars screwed onto the ceiling. “Get down from there! You scared me to death!”, I said, Diana got down in one swift movement. “Why did you do that?”, I asked walking into the kitchen, “I wanted to see how long I could hang there until I fainted, but your interference made me end the trail”, my sister explained, “don’t do that again,”, I said, and tapped the kettle on. “Is something bothering you?”, she asked, “not really, why?” I lied, “you are lying. But if your not gonna tell me I won’t ask”, Diana said, the kettle picked and I started to make the hot chocolate, Diana took her cup, said “thank you”, and walked up stairs, she’s not gonna drink the hot chocolate, she never does, she takes it up to her room or where ever, and leaves it there. We haven’t found out why yet.


“Are you kidding me? Really that’s your best plan?”, I threw my arms up in the air, Atalanta gave me a look “well you don’t got a better one, do you?”, she shot back. I looked around, I was in a arena, bars worked as the fence, only one door, and that was made from something, some kind of material I couldn’t figure out, it was to strong to break, we were standing on a mixture of sand and dirt, there was a wall it could slide open (I guess there was two doors) like in ancient Rome where the predator would come out, behind the bars there was a balcony, on there sat a throne, the Leader used to come daily, but now seemed to have no time to see the prisoners. “No, but, I’m sure I could think up a better one then that, just give me time!”, I said, Atalanta laid down on the sand, she made a bump of sand to use for a bed a couple days after we got here, out of boredom, “you’ve had lot’s of time! we’ve had lot’s of time, I’m tired of this, we are queens not servants!”, she yelled. jumping up “did you here that? We are not your toys! You do not own us!”, she screamed and yanked on the bars, “enough!”, I yelled at her, “no we are not servants, nor queens, we are Wolfs, we are the greek pack, we are more powerful than any of the Leaders, we are more powerful than any thing”, I whispered. I drew in the sand, making patterns and pictures.

Night was coming, I could feel it, Atalanta laid sat down, her hands were still wrapped around the bars. The servant came, a girl, who looked may be as old as me, but I could not see her face, it was covered by a mask, her eyes were also covered, brown contacts, I know there contacts because they cover her whole eye, not one white spot left, she gave us dinner. I noticed it tasted better when she gave it to us then the other servants, I couldn’t place what it was though. After she gave us the dinner she stayed and stared, at me then Atalanta, then me again. She never said a word. I went over to get my dinner, and sat against the bars, the servant stayed and played with my hair.

I heard a voice from the balcony, “you girls having fun down there?”, the Leader asked, the servants touch disappeared. Atalanta turned, then growled, a low hateful growl. The white hair on her neck stood up, but not from fear. “What do you want?”, I spat. “What, no hello, how are you?”, he asked with a smirk, Atalantas growl turned into a roll of thunder, getting louder with every word, “shut up!”, she yelled, I hadn’t noticed her turned back to her human form, “I would like to make a offer”, the Leader said, “the answers no!”, Atalanta called, the Leader pretended to look hurt, “you haven’t even heard what I was offering yet”, he said. “it doesn’t matter, whatever has to do with you, the answer is no”, I said, Atalanta walked over to the balcony, although she couldn’t be as high as him, it didn’t mean she couldn’t be closer, as she walked over her hands made a taping sounds against the cold bars, she growled every step, and shot the Leader the evil eye when she could fit it in. “That’s to bad, you could have saved the world with us, you could have been a queen, you could have been as powerful as us”, the Leader went on, “I know if you came down here, I would rip your head off in a matter of seconds”, Atalanta growled. “Very well then, just stay in your litter box and wait for death”, the Leader said.

The next days food didn’t arrive.


Legend had left, she found where the girls were, now only had to get there, she said it’d take longer then one may think, she said since she was not clearly invited, she’d have to deal with many deaths before she got to the twins. She was okay with that. Rowan stayed in the forest, he would go, get food, bring it back, then go again, he tried to go with Legend, but she declined. Kole was a little better, he had also asked to go, but again Legend said no, he had helped track down the twins, Rowan had helped to, but he helped with some things a bit more deadly. We were all sitting around the living, Rowan had now joined us for a teeny bit. “What Legend didn’t find them....or worse”, Kole said, Rowan slapped the table “I should have gone with her”, he said, I didn’t know who he meant, Legend or Athena, he said he should have done many things. “Shoulda, woulda, coulda”, Kooda said, Ceto had rolled her eyes at Rowan, obviously she was now the head of the pack, “Rowan, shut up, we all know you wish you could have saved her, but that was all it is a wish, even if you tried you’d probably end up dead”, Ceto said, it was her first day here in a week, she didn’t tell any one where she was going or where she went, Ceto got up and left, the door slammed behind her. My knees were to my lips and my arms wrapped around my legs, no one talked to me any more, they only thought about the twins, sure Jed would hug me or whisper a couple words, but that was it. I thought the twins were some amazing warriors, they could handle them selves, but now, what, they need their mother to come to their rescue.

It was midnight, Kooda went out looking for Ceto who was probably hooking up with some guy, one day, that girls gonna break his heart, I bet a million dollars. Rowan was in his room doing whatever, Bruce was left making dinner, and every one else was out, doing whatever. I don’t even know why I’m still here. They were all just waiting, keeping their selves busy, not wanting to face what could be the ugly truth.

The twins might not be coming back.


The slave girl was standing it the corner watching us, there was a new slave too, she was being tortured, I could tell she was a little girl by the way she screamed, Scottish too, by the way she whispered. I always loved Scottish accents, but now I dreaded hearing it. She whispered things, help me, she once called out, I couldn’t do anything. Help me was all I heard, at night when the Leader was in his comfy plush bed, she was attached to chains on a wall.

We were skinny, I could see Atalanta’s ribs, but she was getting better, the slave, the teenager, would sneak us some food whenever she could afford it. Atalanta yelled with the girl, at night, she screamed with the little girl at night. Atalanta stayed in her wolf form, like she was expecting something the jump out at us, I would tell her it’s ok, but I was expecting it too.

Atalanta was pretending to sleep, I knew she snored, but she didn’t know that. I was sitting against the bars, it felt like I never moved, I ran around the arena every day though, if a monster came I wouldn’t be to out of shape. The little girls whimpering was all I heard, she talked to herself, I never listened in before, but now I did.
“Don't you fret, my dear
It'll all be over soon
I'll be waiting here for you
Run fast as you can
No one has to understand
Fly high across the sky from here to kingdom come
Fall back down to where you're from
Don't you fret, my dear
It'll all be over soon
I'll be waiting here for you
For you, for you”, she was singing, all this time the girl was singing, it was in her accent, how could they do this to this poor little girl. I screamed, “You murderer! I will get you for this! I’ll make your life a living hell!”, I yelled to the Leader, the girl stopped singing, the salve came over to me, she slapped her hand over my mouth then put a finger up to her lips. Atalanta came over to me, her white fur turned gray and brown, she layed down beside me, the slave walked away, the Leader was coming, “girls, will you ever be quiet? What do I have to do? I already took away for food, now do I have to take your water too?”, he threatened, Atalanta growled, I could almost hear her mimicking the Leaders voice, I walked up to the balcony bars, trying to see his face, I climbed the bars, so I could face him, every step was like a marathon, I was surprised I made it up. “You should die for this”, I said, the Leader looked away “what, you think your going through pain, you think your being tortured?”, he said, “I’m not talking about me”, I stated, the Leader lifted his brows, confused, “leave me, I have better things to do then to waste me time with you”, he walked up to me, he punched all of my fingers with his hands in one quick motion, my fingers throbbed with pain now, I fell, the wind of the fall was rushing past me, my hair going in my face, I hit the ground with a bang.


Diana had not come home for two days, Nora had been gone have a week (there was tests almost every day this week) “Sarah, will you come down stairs for dinner?”, my mother called, “coming!”, I yelled back, I walked down stairs and went to sit at the kitchen table, my mother was at the other side of our four person table, “do you know where Diana is?”, she asked, “no, she doesn’t tell me any thing”, I explained, “why”, I asked, “oh, no reason, just wondering, she seems to be talking to you more now, isn’t she?”, mom asked, well I hadn’t noticed it before, but now that seems to be true, “yeah I guess”, I said. my mother got up “what should we do with her?”, my mother whispered to herself, “what do you mean, she’s gonna stay with us forever, she is our family”, I said worried, “well....”, my mother began “well what!”, I said, “the docter said it would be a good idea to let her live in the hospital for a while, do some tests, take care of her”, my mother explained.


The masked slave had been seen less and less, the little girl still sang at night, but her voice growing quieter and quieter. Atalanta had stopped talking all in all, she stopped turning into her wolf self too, she sat in the middle of the arena, she screamed some times, repeating the little’s girls cries.

I was giving Atalanta the food I had when I heard a loud bang on the doors, “Stop her! Some one stop that woman!”, a person shouted, in ran a girl, teenager, her brown hair was straight and had twigs in it, she had blood smears on her arms and face, her red eyes widened by the sight of me and Atalanta. She looked around quickly until she found a door way, a couple minutes later she burst out the door leading to the arena, “come with me”, she yelled, Atalanta looked at her confused then finally managed to get up, she ran past the girl and out the door.

The girl looked at me, but couldn’t, I could only think about the little slave girl, and masked slave too. They didn’t deserve to be stuck in this place, no one did. “Wait”, I said, I ran, and not like the jogs around the arena, I mean my run, it felt to good to be true. I ran through the hallways, finding one door, I opened it, it was the little girl, as I guessed she was hanging on the wall, chained there, she looked at me with terror in her eyes, she started to cry, I didn’t know what to do “it’s ok, I’m here to help you”, I said, but she lashed around in her chains,
“Don't you fret, my dear
It'll all be over soon
I'll be waiting here for you
Run fast as you can
No one has to understand
Fly high across the sky from here to kingdom come
Fall back down to where you're from
Don't you fret, my dear
It'll all be over soon
I'll be waiting here for you
For you, for you”, I sang, she stopped lashing around and whispered “help meh”, I ran over and ripped the chains off the wall, and held her in my arms.

There was one more person, I looked all over for the masked slave but couldn’t find her any where, the last room I checked was the salve rooms. I searched the room, no one was there, I turned around and there was the masked salve, I was struck with surprise “how did you get out?”, I asked, silently the salve pulled the mask from her face with such strength, you would think she was tearing her skin off. Under the mask was a girl, older then me in years but hardly any in how old her body looked. Her unusual light pink hair was down (it had been hidden), her skin color was just like mine, and her body was not as slim figured as mine, but she was not cubby, she was what I liked to call perfect, her eyes were fierce purple, just as mine. Gaia. One of my sisters from the purple eyed pack, the one I thought would be dead. I began to cry, I didn’t know if it was because she was alive, or she had been living in this place for so long and I had done nothing. The little girl, still in my arms, gasped. “Gaia?”, I asked, she girl in my arms eyes widened and started to flick around the room in fear, taking loud quick breaths, I soothed her and she went back to normal. “Yes, it is I. You must come with me”, her eyes shot to the girl in my arms, “put her on your back, turn”, she ordered, and I did so. She turned too, and we ran.

She lead me through the halls, to Atalanta. Atlanta went slightly mad, her eyes were as round and big as the moon, she let out a tiny squeak. As Atalanta was seeing Gaia’s unreplaceable, almost tiger print fur, it did look very much like a tiger, but a bit softer and it was brown and Carmel color. A tear dripped down her giant face. Gaia let out a bark and as we did so long ago, we listened to her order.

The Scottish girl on my back face hid in my coat and her fingers tightly gripped my fur. Her knees were squeezing into my rib cage, her dirty blond knotted hair was dangling on my fore head. The girl who saved us was leading, her wolf form had a white face until it darkened to a black.
Gaia is alive? Atalanta’s voice was barely a whisper
She was the masked salve, I answered back
Salve? Gaia? That man with die a slow painful death. I laughed a little awkward laugh
I think many people have planned that, I answered back.

We soon were in a room, it was filled with five thrones, no windows, one door, stone walls and only fire to light the room. The five leaders sat in the chairs, their heads high, I wanted to destroy them. “I see you have some new little friends”, the Leader, the only one I knew spoke, the french doors behind me slammed shut, “I’m afraid I’m not that little or new”, a familiar voice rang out. A blond, film, little woman walked forward. I knew she would came, it was no one, but the dangerous Legend. “I see you got my letter”, the Leader said, “I’m surprised you were true to your words, I thought they would have put a fight”, Legend never took her eyes off the five of them. “Well, I did need to do some convincing”, the Leader said, Atalanta growled, “hello, we are in the room, stupid!”, she told the Leaders, Legend smirked, I was just glad to have the old Atalanta back. The room went silent, until we heard from the hall “I’m loud, I’m tuff, come on I’ll get rough, oh, yeah! You wanna fight me, uh huh you wanna fight me!”, some one screamed.

Legend turned, her silver hair almost shined, she let out a snarl, and attacked one of the Leaders, the girl who was helping us went in after Legend. I didn’t know what to do, the little girl was on my back, she squeezed me tighter and if she knew what I was thinking whispered “go”, her body turned hard and cold, like metal. I didn’t worry, she was alive, I could hear her heart pounding.

I looked at Atlanta who was the only one left that was not fighting, she looked at me and nodded and that’s all I needed. We let out a howl, and took off, the Leader was looking straight at us, “some how, I knew this day would come”, I knew he didn’t expect this to happen, he was lying. Atlanta took the first shot, she smacked her paw across his face, his face was bleeding, he was to late, he didn’t turn quick enough. I jumped in, but only got to bite his back before he did turn. He first went to me, he jumped at me, going for my throat, I replaced my teeth to the spot where my throat had been and bit his snout. He really thought he could beat me? I was 22 and had beat the worlds strongest wolf who had been on this earth for hundreds of years, I was a purple eye, not only new, but improved. I laughed at myself, new and improved. Atlanta bit the Leaders tail and ripped it right off, I clawed his faced one more time, reaching his eye ball. The Leader was blind in one eye now, but still saw what could hurt me, he jumped toward me, but not at me, at my little Scottish slave. His teeth hit her, but he flew back with a whine. I was dumbstruck, but took the moment and got him right in the throat, but how Atlanta and I dreamed of his death, we wanted to slow. Atlanta clawed him, and clawed him, when almost every part of his body was red, we left to go help some one else, but not before I sent my thoughts to him, not knowing that it would work.
Now, you should think about it before you try to hurt my family ever again. I’ll always be here.

Soon the once shining floor was stained red. Gaia, who was back to her regular human form, took the child from my back, and I turned, took the child again. Her hair was in her face, her body in a curled ball, her skin was burning, I didn’t know how this happened, but I knew this girl was a mystery.


Another little girl walked into the room, her red curly hair everywhere and her red eyes looking around the room. The girl who lead us through the hallways put one arm around the little girl, “hi, I’m Nora, and this is Diana”, she said, her blond her falling into Diana’s face.

We were out in the hall, ten guards were lying on the floor, the only one who could have done this was Diana. “Wow, you are I young Wolf”, I told her, Diana smiled and said “oh, I haven’t hit the age to turn yet”. These two girls were apart of the Roman pack, red eyes, and they lived in the forest, in trees really, tree forts. I have heard of them before, a strong pack, coming up behind us, the Greeks. I heard a guard yelling and I began to get ready, but then I heard a voice “No mercy!”, she said.

We walked toward the voice, standing there covered in blood, was Ceto, she smiled and waved, “hi guys”, she said and ran over to hug us. She looked to Legend “they are all gone, we should have a clear get away”, she reported. “Good job C, I didn’t know you were that good”, Said Nora, “I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment”, Ceto laughed. I wondered how they knew each other, then the idea struck me “Ceto, where have you been going all the time?”, I asked, Ceto looked at the ground “to see the Romans”, she whispered “please don’t be mad”, she begged. “I’m not mad, I wish you told me though”, I said. So Ceto had been mingling with the other packs, I wonder who she all met.

Once we got out of the tower, which Ceto had been right about, it was a clear get away. We headed home, the little Scottish girl was in my arms “so”, I whispered “what’s your name?”, she looked up at me, with those big eyes “Sky”, she said. Sky. We stayed in our human forms, I just wanted to walk outside again. Atalanta stood next to me, almost so close we touched. I sang Sky songs until she fell asleep. “What are we gonna do with here?”, Atalanta whispered, I hadn’t even thought about it, I looked down at Sky’s sleeping face, “I’ll take care of her”, I said, more confidant than I actually felt, “Athena, your only 22, are you sure your up to that?”, Atalanta asked, I sighed “Atalanta, all I know is I would risk any thing to save her life, and if I let her go I’d worry every single second of the day”, I said. “if that’s what you think I’m fine with it”, Atalanta said, I knew she was still worried, but I didn’t think the little girl was all of it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

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