

I hid behind a cotton candy cart because I caught a boy staring. Legend would be very disappointed in me if I was seen, she says “you can go out, any where you want, as long as your not seen”, it might be easy for her to say since she has had hundreds of years of practice.
I’m not the kind of girl who blends in either, my hair is naturally dark red (turning black if it gets really long), I’m taller than most my age, 5.6", my long smooth chocolate legs are easy to pick out, and I’m one of the most beautiful young women of my time, and before. I had to bend my knees down so that he couldn’t see me from behind the machine. I was meeting my friend here. The only friend I’m allowed to have. I snuck around some booths and other vending machines until I got the marry-go-round. I found her, she was sitting on the edge, her smoky purple hair stood out from the crowd, she like me was unnaturally tall, her light colored skin almost shined, but still she looked bored sitting there,
which made her complete beauty hide behind every one, it made her look normal, unnoticed, just like any other twelve year old girl. She looked up to see me “Athena!”, she yelled not caring who turned their heads, one thing about her, once all that work, she wasn’t afraid to destroy it all after, I might as well just go with the flow, the damage is done “Atalanta!”, I held out my arms and she ran right in them, “we must be going, Legend would be very mad if she saw us creating attention”, I whispered in her ear,
“oh who cares about Legend, she’s old, we could take her, besides this is the first time we’ve seen each other in a long time”,
she was right it was, it had been a year and a half, we have been very busy, I was in Florida and she was in a little island in Norway, “come on, we must get to the cabin”, I whispered.
"GO!", we raced to the woods on the outside of the park, we ran between the trees and turned, the cabin was 5 miles away, we got there in about 10 minutes. We walked inside the cabin, I flicked the switch and found ourselves in the living room, there was two couches, and a fireplace, we were not allowed a T.V. and we did not want one either. We walked into the kitchen exchanged stories and ate a couple steaks left in the fridge. “I found a stone, and it was shaped like a heart, but then it broke!”, Atalanta laughed at her own private joke, she has a lot of those. “Nice, well it’s ten so want to go bed, we got a big day tomorrow”, I said after I finished my steak, we headed up stairs going past many rooms, and finally to the bathroom, we washed the make up that was hiding our markings off our bodies and took our contacts out, and finished all our re-transformations, I looked at my self in the mirror, I had my little black wolf prints going up my neck and down my arms, my eyes went back to the color purple and my hair was in a pony tail, but one strand wouldn’t stay out of my face, Atalantas eyes were back to purple and her paw prints showing. She was making funny faces in the mirror and I was trying to blow the loose strand of hair up out of my face for around a half on hour before we went to bed. Our room had a dresser, one window at the side of the room and a bunk bed, that was it. Atalanta jumped onto the top bed and I went on the bottom, Atalanta talked until we fell asleep, now I don’t even listen to what she says, because now it’s just pretty much song lyrics or her talking about something only she understands.

We woke up to the sound of wolf howls, we both jumped out of bed and ran outside. When we got outside we found 4 people waiting, , Artemis, Ouranos, and Erebus. They greeted us with smiles and paw prints and purple eyes. Atalantas was white with blond around the edge, and I was night black. We ran.


There was six of them, of course they couldn’t take care of what they were protecting, they were fighting vampires, they were at war, expect it was their own private war, no one would hear about it. I ran along the sides and found one wolf who was having a hard time fighting off two vampires, he was bleeding and I knew he would be gone in a matter of time, the others weren’t around. One girl vampire was beginning to jump towards him, but I moved in front, the vampires back down a bit, they never seen something like me before, I’m the youngest girl to ever be a wolf, well other than Atalanta, but Atalanta wasn’t here, I was as black as night to, but may be it was the purple eyes that threw them off, but I took their surprise and used it, I jumped on one, ripping it’s bloodless head off, the other wolf seemed to be back on and was fighting the stronger vamp. I stayed around him, but looked for more, a chain of howling went off, the boy behind me did a different one though, I began to run off, but the pack had already circled me and I couldn’t go any where.

I snarled at them, I could take some of them, but I really needed Atalanta. Then some turned human, but I stayed, the boy I saved was now human and I noticed he was only around 14, unusual, I know I just saved him, but I could attack to, I let out another low growl, “who are you?”, a boy, well he must be a man now, yelled, this made me want to laugh because no way are they going to find out who I am. The leader asked again the question, I didn’t answer just looked for openings, the leader went on a rant about how I’m being stupid and should show myself, and because I got bored of him going on and on I did. Ok, so I learned a trick to come back with my clothes on, so that came really in handy now. They had shocked faces once the saw me and decided to pull a Atalanta, I let out a bored sigh “ok, well I just saved you little friends life, so you should be thanking me, anyways, I’m going to go”,
I began to tip toe through the wolves and boys, but that annoying leader stopped me, “why did you come here? we do not need your help”,
I laughed, “do not need my help! oh god! if I wasn’t here that little wolf over there would be dead!”, I pointed to the wolf I saved. Then patted the leaders shoulder, which he did not like, “have a fun time doing whatever, got to go, bye”,
but the leader still had my arm, “where do you come from?”,
I scratched my chin, pretending to think hard, “well, I come from the Greek pack, but I do not live in Greece, see my purple eyes, and the paw print birth mark?”, I pointed to my neck, “yeah, so I don’t got to go, but bye”,
he still did not let me go, “ok, I see you do not what got to go means, well first your going to take you hand off my arm and I’m going to get out of here, you know I think i deserve a thanks at least, i did save that guys life when you were no where in sight”,
he just looked at me, then to the boys “take her in”, with that I twisted his arm and ran, I turned and kept going, I knew the boys were making a plan but I wasn’t going to wait and see what it was.

They never caught me.


I caught a boy staring, some thing familiar about him, I couldn’t place, I hid behind a cotton candy machine, of course Legend would be mad if he spotted me, but who wouldn’t be attracted, my long straight red hair was black at the tips, I was tall for my age ,6", of course that’s more because of my long chocolate legs that get tangled up easily, I had to bend down so the cotton candy machine would hide me fully. I ran behind venders and booths to get to where I needed to go. The marry-go-round. I saw her, sitting there, her now long wavy purple hair set apart from the crowd, but her at the side of the marry-go-round made her fit in, her prints and eyes were hidden but i knew it was her, she looked up at me. “Athena!”,
it was gone, us being unnoticed was gone, every one was looking and the boys holding their stares longer than the others, I went with the flow, “Atalantas!”,
I spread my arms out and she ran in them, “I missed you”,
I whispered.
“Oh my god it’s been such a long day. We have to talk”,
we ran to the cabin, this is the place when we want to be normal, to go, we grow here, hang out, watch movies, it was exactly the same way as we left it too.

We were drinking coffee at the cabins table, she drink the whole thing in under a minute then said “I heard you had a run in with another pack years ago?”,
her face turned into a weird frown that hardly never is there, “yeah, stupid boys, saved one of them too, and what do I get, nothing”,
I said not knowing where she was going with this, “well, they have been having some vampire trouble, and I don’t think the pixes are gonna help with that”,
that’s where she’s going, “ok, we will start tomorrow. And the pixies don’t help with any thing”, she looked at me “you don’t mind, like if they do any thing we can beat them up”,
I sighed and started up stairs, she followed “I know, I know, I really don’t care, I just wanted a summer with you not doing anything, you leave to soon”,
I looked back, she had a big purple (the color of her lip stick) smile, “well, I got something to say!”,
We were now in our room, I was sitting on the bed “what?”,
ok, I was excited, but who wouldn’t be, “I’m not going back, since you know the pack.... well now I don’t have to go away any more, and we can be together forever!”,
we had a screaming fit and then laughed our heads off, something only we do, “that’s great!”,
I screamed, “yeah and I even used some of legends money and we bought a house where all the vampires are, we have like millions!”,
I was so freaking happy, ok may be fighting vampires and not-ageing wasn’t the summer I was really looking for, but still, what ever. We went to the bathroom and got all our make up off, after that Atalanta was making weird faces in the mirror and I was playing with a piece of hair that wouldn’t get out of my face, for about a half of an hour, then went to sleep listening to Atalanta babble about every thing then sang song lyrics incorrectly.

We woke up and got ready, over the 3 and a half years, some things change, not Atalantas personality, she still acts like a 12 year old girl who doesn’t keep her mouth shut, but her face has filled out, high check bones, arched eye brows, bow shaped lips, her hair was now longer, past her shoulders, and wavy, kinda messy, but pretty messy, she wore smoky purple lip stick, the not-a-goth kind, and eye shadow, like Cleopatra, I guess I look diffrent to, high pointed cheekbones, fat lips, and large eyes, I do wear eye liner and all that, but I wear lip gloss not lip stick, and my eye liner lines are thin. To day we didn’t cover up our prints or purple eyes, we were leaving. We packed mostly short shorts and skinny jeans, with T-shirts with the Rolling Stones lips on them, or bob marley, and all that stuff, most of my shoes were flats, but I was only allowed to wear high heels when Atalanta was around, she didn’t like flats, even though she was really tall already, she liked to be even more tall by wearing high heels.

We had in total 4 bags, once we were outside and turned we carried them with our teeth, it was a 2 week trip by foot, so we decided just to go by plane, we were running to the air port.
We almost missed the plane, but once we were on our way-too-long flight, I wrote down songs, and Atalanta doodled, “so, I forgot to tell you one thing, well I wanted to save money, unheard of right? So I got a nice house, but we had two roommates, I talked to one of them on the phone and he said we could come down when ever though, so don’t worry, he also said they were never home”,
“HE! what do you mean he?”,
I almost screamed, I looked down at Atalantas doodles, she was drawing a dragon, it was pretty good, but it had it’s tongue saying “yum”, and had a persons body half-gone in it’s hand, “well, you know that T.V. show, New Girl that we watch? It’s gonna be like that, I thought it would be fun!”,
she said looking at her paper, what was I supposed to do? She is me best friend. You get what you get. “Ok, whatever”.
The plane ride was long, way to long. Atalanta was getting squirmy and restless, “ugh! well you people drive any faster! I got some where to be!”,
she yelled, the workers told her to shut up, well, they told her “miss, will you please stop yelling, it’s annoying the employs”,
the Atalanta took a spaz and tried to slap the worker, lucky we were in the air, because if not we would have been kicked off the plane.

We were off the plane and out of the airport, instead of turning we just called a cab. Once the cab stopped, we were a long drive way, we took our bags and walked to the new cabin, there was a note left on the kitchen table, “the rooms you will be staying is the one upstairs”, we rushed up stairs and put our bags down, then after in a rush of excitement we an outside and turned, I was taking the north forest she was taking the south. The place was familiar, the trees were dense and it was foggy, I heard howls, and footsteps, it was the wolves, I’ve been walking for about an hour when it happened. I new they were circling us now, but all I could think about was how i need to get to Atalanta, I let out a loud howl knowing that the wolves already knew I was out here. Atalanta howled back and we found each other, but the others found us to.

They circled. There was around 8 of them, I let out a low growl, Atalanta echoed it, they got closer, but we stood our ground. One of them was staring at me, well my eyes, I think the other got the message, it looked at me too, the corner of it’s lips went up, it changed in to a human, I guess it knew the “keep clothes on while turning” trick too, “so your back again”, he said with a cruel smile, I growled. I looked at Atalanta, we ran back to the cabin,
soon we got there, I was first, because I am the fastest. We turned, then hopped up to our room window. We were finished changing when the boy walked in, the same guy that I saved 3 years back, he looked at us with wide eyes “oh, sorry didn’t know you where here already”,
he looked like every one else in his pack, brown eyes, dark skin, straight black hair, native, but unlike his leader he was slim, but had muscle, had looked kind, and had that boyish charm. He didn’t even notice Atalanta, he was just looking at me, Atalanta made me put on my red high heels, and red short shorts and my black Rolling Stone lips shirt, I wasn’t dressed weird, not that I thought, then I noticed I hadn’t covered my tattoos or my purple eyes, I swore, “you got to hide”,
he shut the door behind him, “I can’t I live here!”,
I said to him, even though I’m pretty sure he knew that, I walked down stairs, “you shouldn’t do that”,
he said running behind, the group of boys were down there, just as I hoped, they stared at my for a minute “listen up, I live here, like come on! I saved your boys life. I’m not moving”,
Atalanta was behind me “you should thank her”,
she yelled, they were quiet for a second, “ok. Awkward”,
Atalanta whispered behind me, I walked up to the leader “hi, I’m Athena, this is Atalanta”,
I pointed to her, “we are renting the room upstairs, so you might want to get used to having us around”, I said,
“Why’d you save him? Did you think you would get some thing out of it, some money? I don’t have any money so if that’s what you want get lost”, he said.
“I saved him, because I got bored, I was around, my pack was gone, I felt like doing something”, I shrugged. There was this whole big conversation, at the end, I passed, we would live here, ad long as we didn’t get in their way.

We were in our room, doing our nails, when the boy I saved came in “hey”, I said, he should knock, but really I didn’t care much, “hey, so sorry about Bruce, he just cares”, I waved my hand so he would sit down, “it’s all good, you know I really wouldn’t mind knowing your name”, he sat down right beside me, “it’s Rowan”, I nodded, “nice, my pack used to all have purple eyes, and the same tattoos or birthmarks, and we had all greek names too, what bout yours?”, instead of answering first he stood up and took up his shirt, and turned around, in between his shoulders he had a giants paw, around it as a border there was logs and feathers, “nice”, I heard Atalanta whisper, “we don’t have coloured eyes or any thing, but we got the tattoo”, “it’s really cool. Mines all over so I’ll show you one day”, I said.

Dinner was later on, we found out that only Rowan and Bruce lived here, but the boys slept over a lot. “So, will your pack come over?”, Bruce asked, I almost choked, “oh no, well, my pack, kinda died”, Bruce and Rowans faces went into shock, “what! how’d that happen?”, I know Bruce wasn’t trying to be rude, but I hated it when people asked me that, not that much did “well, our pack went to meet the leader, well more like the leader of the leader of the leader, he name was legend, she lived far away, they told us to stay and keep guard this time because we were very strong and stuff, so we did, all I know is that they didn’t come back, and I felt part of m soul shatter. Wait, when was that? We just turned 13 right?”, I asked Atalanta, “right”, she said. the boys looked even worse “that sucks”, was all Rowan could get out. “Hey! remember when you shaved half of your head, and Erebus said that thing!”, Atalanta said, “oh yeah, that was funny! or when he did that thing, at that place, with that person!”, I laughed, “yeah! OMG I think I almost peed my pants when he did that!”, Rowan looked at us weirdly “ok, I did not understand that at all”, we laughed.

The next morning was a very light and sunny day, Atalanta and I changed into our bikinis and went for a tan, I had on a Black strapless one and I was listening to Niki Minaj on my Ipod, and we pulled out some towels in the front yard and began to tan, “get on the floor, floor, if you want to dance, if you want more, more, than here I am, starships where meant to fly, hands up and touch the sky”, Atalanta and I were so caught up in singing we didn’t notice the whole pack staring, at first. “Guys let’s go! stop staring your making them uncomfortable!”, Rowan was helping, but he was staring to, “oh you guys are going in the forest! can we go! we could help!”, I said getting to my feet, “do you really care what we say?”, Bruce asked, “nope!”, Atalanta and I said together, “oh, Rowan, see these are my tattoos!!”, I they went up my arms and around my neck, “like’em?”, one of the boys, i think his name was Heath nodded like a bobble head and said “Yes”, Rowan and I just rolled our eyes “yeah they are pretty cool”,
“Thanks”, we didn’t turn or any thing, we just walked to the beach, it was full of teens, “what are we doing?”, I asked Rowan, “we are just hanging out”, he shrugged, “hanging out?”, I didn’t get it, what about the vampires, “but what about my eyes?”, he looked at me, up and down, “no one is going to notice your purple eyes, and if they do they will just think that your wearing contacts”, I looked at all the people, the pack was easy to pick out, because every one had on shorts, they were taller than most and their tattoos.

The boys that we past were staring at us, well mostly me, Rowan threw his arm over me, and gave the boys the evil eye, they didn’t stare at much any more, sure Rowan was skinny, but he was as strong as any thing. I leaned more against him. “OMG!”, I heard Atalanta scream, I looked around and found what she was screaming for, crap, it was a stage, nothing more than Atalanta liked more then being watched. She ran up, her and her bikini top and short shorts, like mine but she had a purple top and it had straps, I had on shorts too, thank god, but the were really small, crap. I wasn’t going to let her get picked to sing by her self, “oh god, I have to go!”, I told Rowan and the pack, we got picked by the and went up I swore and walked up the music started it was a game, if you could sing the whole song with out messing up you got 200 bucks, I knew the song right away and judging by Atalantas smile she did too. we sang this song like every day,
“This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend
This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend”, Atalanta started.

Since I was the better rapper I sang this part
“Ayo! Where my bff Where my playboy bunny
Where dat nigga Hugh Hef
When we pull off at da light
Why everything else get left
Why dey screwin' up dey face
Why dey lookin' a hot mess
Why dey be like no they didn't
Them bitches is always shittin'
My clock be tik tik tikin
Them chickens is finga lickin'
And that's why, we do'em greasy
Stunttin in louis vezzy
We straight without a perm
And u bitches are stupid peezy
Would you like some rice with that
We get a lot of cheese no mice with that
I mean I want some ice wit dat
No soda where ya owner give ya license back... hoe”

“This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend,
This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend” the song went on, and we sang to all, at the end we got our 200 bucks and jumped off stage. The pack came to us, “nice, I didn’t know you could sing!”, Atalanta took over “yeah, well there’s a lot you don’t know about us”. Once we were alone, Atalanta and I, we were in the water, “so, do you like it here?”, she asked shyly, I laughed “it’s not like I expected, it’s weird, we are around so many people now, we aren’t even hiding either, it doesn’t feel safe, I kinda miss hiding, and stuff, you know, just me and you”, I knew she thought the exact same thing, Atalanta and I were like twins, they looked way to diffrent, but they knew what the other was feeling and together were immortal. “Yeah, I know, but it’s for the best”, she said.


We were at home, eating. I was finishing off my second steak, the room was loud and full, when they came, they just walked into the house, when they did every one bowed, Atalanta and I didn’t. There was 5 of them, one girl the rest guys, big and strong. The girl gave as a stare, I knew these people, they were the head, Legend told us we had to be careful, we never wanted to be caught up with them. “We heard that you caused some attention today”, I was confused but Atalanta was on track, “beat it, we were just have’en fun”, yes Atalanta did know who they are, and what they could do, and yes she did just say “beat it”. The girl was the leader, it was obvious,
“Unneeded attion is not what you need, Greece”, Atalanta still had the steak in her hand “oh, isn’t that nice, she thought she knew what pack we were from, well, you little stuck up princess, our pack is dead, gone, we don’t have a pack, so take a hike”, the girls eyes narrowed and she didn’t even look unhappy, she looked totally pissed off, “I could snap your neck like a twig”, she whispered, one of the men took over “we came here because we heard about the two illegal wolfs”, he looked to us, were we illegal?
“You two, no female wolf has been born to create peace, they were born to destroy, and no one is allowed to be out of a pack, ever, you should be destroyed”, no way,
“Oh, ok”, Atalanta laughed, “sure, what ever, have we ‘destroyed’ any thing that wasn’t meant to be destroyed, I don’t think so, back off, you-”, I interrupted because I knew where this was going “ok, how about we make a deal, since my sister is right, we haven’t killed any thing that wasn’t meant to be killed, we should be allowed to live, since we did just prove that we aren’t crazy killing machines, but if we once ever killed some one who wasn’t supposed to be killed, we will let you take up in, and do what you have to do”, the man looked at us, “let us talk in private about the matter”, they walked into a little circle and talked, we waited and finally they came out, the same leader came out, “we made the decision, you may live, but if you do anything that is illegal you will be gone, but you still don’t have a pack, that is illegal”, wow, nice plan, Rowan yelled out “they can be apart of ours”, I was about to accept but Atalanta spoke up “no, I know I don’t look the part, but i know the rules, you only need one couple to make a pack, so we do techanily have one”, one of the wolfs came up, “I’m sorry, but there are new rules, there must be three to a pack, not two”, I spoke up a hit of neediness tinted my voice, “ok, give us three weeks to find one more person, just three weeks”, the leaders said fine and were off.

Later on that night, my little group of two told the others that we needed to go the next morning, it would take us at least three weeks to get the partner, we needed to get moving.


We were moving through out the forest. There is nothing out but the shining sun and the birds singing, Atalanta and I were just wearing short shorts and a bathing suit top because it was so hot, we hiked through the forest, but we heard a noise, it was a crack, “just a squirrel”, she said, we walked on. Soon we were at the edge of town, we walked through it, we passed a local restaurant and could smell the food cooking, Atalanta sighed “I’m so hungry!”, I didn’t realize till then, that I was too, Atalanta held her tummy and looked and my like a lost puppy, the look didn’t work, but the hunger did, “fine, whatever, let’s go”, we walked into the restaurant. While Atalanta was eating I was looking around for wolves that would be of use, there was no one.

On the third day of looking, I found one person. It was a male, he was seven teen and handsome, hee didn’t know that we were wolves just like him, all he knew was two pretty girls wanted to hang out, I guess that was enough. We were at the beach with him, “Hey Drew!”, we heard a deep voice say, Drew, the wolf we wanted in our group, looked back, our eyes followed, the was a large group of boys, about ten of them, that’s when I knew that I would not get this catch, Atalanta and I walked away, because we thought at least one of them would know we were wolves, and we didn’t want to take the chance.

The days were long, the sun usually shining too bright, and burns were appearing on our faces, we didn’t take enough money so we spent most time sleeping on the beaches or if we could find one we’d rent a boat to go search a island, then sleep there. At night Atalanta got so tired some times she didn’t even sing or babble on and on, it was horrible, yet lovely at the same time, but most I just missed her voice. At least Atalanta and I got to spend time together. We walked in the forest, leaping over fallen trees and listening for sounds, Atalanta lost of her spirit at the ending of the second week, she now was just tired and miserable, it had been two days since she last talked expect to tell me that she needed to stop for a bathroom break or food. It was terribly quiet and I loaned to hear her perky voice once again, but she was silent.

It took for the sun to shine, the trees to change, and the bird to sing, to realize that we were home, we must have taken the long way, it had been almost three weeks, this would be the perfect place for the leaders to come and finish us off once and for all, we would be together, with our pack soon. Nudged Atalanta “we are home”, she, looked over at me, and for the first time in a long, she smiled. It was with cracked lips and messed up hair, but she smiled.

I knew where we were, and we ran home, with all our energy. The cabin came into view. For the whole day we ate, took showers, and slept. We haven’t slept on a bed in a while, or have any good food. Our money and power were back, but I was just glad to hear Atalanta sing me mean-less lyrics to sleep.


It was the last day, and we had to get moving, Atalanta was showering in the bathroom, and I was making breakfast. When I first saw Atalanta she was smiling and as happy as ever, I don’t think she knows it’s the last day.

we walked out onto the beach, we had the whole day to look. It was morning and I couldn’t see any way to get around this, the beach was filled and every one was swimming or playing volley ball. Today, we didn’t even bother covering up our tattoos or purple eyes, we walked around the beach like we owned it and the humans stared our way, I didn’t know if it was about our beauty, tattoos or eyes, we were only sixteen. As it got to the after noon, my wolf senses weren’t tingling (I’m kinda a nerd, I know). I thought for sure, this wasn’t going to happen.

“Oh my gosh! Athena we need to go to the amusement park, remember that’s where we always met up!”, I didn’t answer, and she gave to the puppy dog eyes “for old times sake”, she said, again the eyes didn’t work, but it would be fun, for old times sake. We went back to the cabin and got ready. I was running late to I told Atalanta I’d meet her there.

I saw a boy looking at me, I ran to hide behind the cotton candy machine, and right then I noticed how many times I had to do that, I looked out and peeked at the boy, there was a little girl, about twelve, pulling on his sleeve, “come on! I need want to go on the marry-go-round”, it sounded like some thing a annoying little sister would say, but she said it way too nicely. He looked down, “yeah ok, let’s go”, that’s when I walked in front of them, I had a strong feeling that there was a wolf right in front of me, I might just be saved, “hi”, I said, the little girl stared at me for a minute, “hey”, said the boy, “I heard that you were going to the marry-go-round, I am meeting a friend there, want to walk?”, I said, he looked surprised, “sure”, said, we walked and talked, we were half way to the marry-go-round when the boy said he had to do something, I was left with the little girl, she looked up at me, she was unusually tall, not as tall as I was though, “I like you eyes”, she smiled, I looked at hers ready to give the comment back, they were golden, with little hits of.... purple? “I like yours too”, she had long, black hair with dark purple streaks that resembled feathers,she was tan and had a slim figure to but had chubby lips. She looked up at me again, “so who are you going to meet?”, there was a rush of wind, that made a familiar scent come this way, I couldn’t place it, it wasn’t human, not vampire, or wolf like the girls brother. The girls phone beeped and she checked the message, she looked up at me “my brother just said that I had to go to the marry-go-round with you and he’d meet up with us”, we walked and I found Atalanta sitting on the side of the marry-go-round, looking a bored as ever, she looked up and me and I spread out my arms after she called “Athena!”, I went with the flow and called “Atalanta!”, and she went in my embrace, the little girl shouted after us “Ceto!”, I’m pretty sure she followed me and just went with the flow, right after I heard her name I remembered Ceto: goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters, Greek goddess, and that’s when it clicked, the familiar smell came from Atalanta and I, but Atalanta was no where near Ceto and I when I smelt it first, the fragrance couldn’t have been that noticeable, she had purple in her eyes, and unusual hair, she was taller than many of her kind, and that’s why I must’ve been drawn in the direction of the boy, because she was right beside him! I gasped, and looked down a the little girl “I know what you are”, Ceto smiled proudly, “I know what you are too”.

When the brother came back I told him about how the little girl was in serious danger, about being one of the unusual kinds, I told him about how we were in danger too, that we needed a new member and that the girl would be safer with us. I told him every thing, and in the end all he said was “it’s up to her”, the girl weighed her options for a way-to-long time, I’m pretty sure she just did it for the fun of it too, but finally she said yes. She said good-bye to her brother and got her things. We left for the cabin after.

The girl walked up to the bathroom, we came because we needed to get ready for bed too. Ceto looked at her self in the mirror then began to poke herself in the eye? Wait no, she took a contact off, her eye was fully purple and then she took of the other, purple eye again. Ok, now I do get where this is going, “who was your leader”, Ceto looked at me then answered my question as if it didn’t matter, “um, a lady named legend”, just as I thought, “where is she now?”, Legend was like a mother to me, it hurts knowing that she kept her life a secret, “I don’t know, she left me with my brother a couple years back, all she said was ‘you can go out, any where you want, as long as your not seen”, Atalanta gasped, Ceto looked at me again with her brows furrowed, “I have a feeling you know Legend”, I held her gaze, “yes, may be that’s why we are so much alike, but she’s long gone now”, I said, I thought I might cry, but Atalanta saved me “on to other news, you get to have a tattoo! ya!”, she pulled Ceto out the door without asking, she does that a lot.

I knew Ceto was going to have to get a tattoo to join her into our group, I just didn’t like the thought of it. We were in the tattoo shops, Ceto was on the bed. We were talking to the man, telling him to do the tattoos just like ours, when Ceto butted in “um, guys, is it ok, if, i don’t know, I could get a different tattoo, I just don’t want to be the same as every one else, not to hurt your feelings or any thing”, Atalanta and I shared a look, we both didn’t like having to be the same every one in our pack, it got old, we wanted to be different, we never even got to use I in a sentence for a long time. We said “yes”, and Ceto told the artist what she wanted. Ceto got a tattoo it was a big serpent on her back, but she did also have to get the wolf paws on her palms like Atalanta and I.

I was laying on my bed thinking, and for once again listening to Atalanta singing, but mostly thinking:
Ceto will never be a we.


We took the day off, Ceto’s new tattoos were setting and Atalanta and I were just plain tired.
We got up at ten in the morning. Ceto took over the bed room on the other side of the hall. When We were younger, Atalanta and I believe that we had almost every thing the same, we should share a room, so instead of getting our own private space, we got a room, but I guess when you seven there’s no such thing as private space.

Ceto was the last one up, we already had twenty bacon strips ready when she came down, she gave up a weary wave “hey guys”, I was cooking and Atalanta was fiddling with Cetos cell, she was amazed. “I need to get one of these!”, she shouted, I just rolled my eyes, she was like a twelve year old, just not as smart, “yeah, and who would you talk to?”, I asked, she looked up at me like it was the simplest question of our life time, “you, Ceto, the boys, I would have tons of friends if I got one of these!”, sure. I was flipping eggs when I asked Ceto who her favorite singer was, “Taylor Swift. My favorite song is Lucky you”, she noticed I didn’t know what that song was, “you know”, then she began to sing, “mama named her lucky on a starlight night, a rabbit foot in her pocket, she dances in spite, the fact that every ones different yet were all just the same and sing do ,do, do, do, do, do, do”, she went on with her “do”s, “I’ll have to search her up”, I said, Ceto shrugged “yeah I show you right now, where’s you computer?” I laughed to me self, “we don’t have one”, Ceto looked at me wide-eyed with her jaw to the floor “what! you don’t have a computer!”, just then Cetos phone beeped, Atlanta jumped, Ceto took the phone from her hand “it was my brother, he said he’s coming over. I’ll tell him to bring my laptop”, We were confused for a second “how does he know where we live”, Atalanta asked brows furrowed, “oh, I told him last night, sorry”, she second looking at the floor.

Cetos brother came in the afternoon. He strolled in with out knocking, with the laptop and a bag in hand. Ceto ran over and collecting her things, “thank you”, she said and went to the couch and started up her laptop. We were in the kitchen and the boy walked in, “so, your gonna take her away?”, he asked, one eye brow raised, “it’s really for the best”, I said, “yeah, she’s gonna get killed one way or another”, Atalanta included not paying any attention what-so-ever, I kicked her.
The boy leaned on the counter “I want you tell me every thing, not just she is in danger, but first, I think I should know more about you”, great a get to know meet and greet. I started before Atalanta could say any thing worse, “well, I’m Athena, and this is my sister Atalanta, we are, or were, the only girl were wolves that turned so young that are alive, the Leaders found this out, and started watching us, they came over two weeks ago and told us that we were a threat”, I couldn’t get to the next thing before Atalanta added with a snort “yeah, they were probably just mad because we are hotter than them”, I rolled me eyes, “anyways, we got that treated, but then they came to another point a pack has to have 3 or more wolves in it, so we went on a hunt, the last day I saw you, thought you smelt like a wolf and came over, then when you left I noticed that your sister smelt weird, smelt like me and Atalanta, so we brought her in. If we didn’t do this, because we could find another wolf soon any ways, Ceto would be getting a visit from the Leaders pretty soon”, I finished, Atalanta, who now had an apple in her hand, took a bite then said “what’s you name?”, she didn’t sound interested, “Luke. What if Ceto didn’t show up to them, never even came to mind, and now your dragging her in this whole mess, what’s going to happen?”, Atalanta took another bite then said “if you didn’t get a visit yet, you will get one soon. They always do”, I know who Atalanta was thinking about, our old pack, Legend was the threat, so they took us out, they could never get Legend, so they took the next best thing, or at least most of them. When Luke was gone, he didn’t take Ceto so, I guess we are safe.

At dinner I made Ceto text her brother, telling him we will be leaving, we didn’t let Ceto know where though, and that she will not be texting again, one day they will meet, but not soon. We took the phone and crushed it. Ceto didn’t like what we did, but it had to happen, we let her keep the laptop, for now. We ate steak, I had four, Atalanta had 3 and Ceto had two, Ceto will have to eat more. Before bed we took Cetos bandages off, Wolves heal quickly. It looked amazing, it was like her as one, but us too.


We got up early, packed and left. When we were on the plane, Atalanta seemed to get mad at the pilot. Again. I let her babble on and on, yelling, until she was finished, which would take a while. Ceto leaned over “does she always do this?”, she whispered,
“yeah. She is not good with planes, she’s not good with any thing”, I whispered back, Ceto shrugged and started yelling two, all I heard was “can’t you drive any faster, you should go back to flying school, stupid pilot we aren’t all grandmas here! if you don’t hurry this up I will take over!”, and my favorite “come on, my mom can walk faster than this!”, I liked it because Legend probably could, I joined in too, going with the flowin. The flight attendant recognized us, and apparently Atalanta recognized her too, “hey, what’s going on Mrs. Lenni, seen any trouble makers out today, bet no one was as loud as those trouble makers on the plane a couple weeks back, hope they don’t come on again, I hope they didn’t put a BOMB in here last time, ew”, Atalanta shouted the word BOMB, Ceto laughed, I’m surprised that we didn’t have to stay in the airport for questioning or some thing.

We walked in the forest, we were almost home when I heard footsteps and smelled a familiar smell, I smiled “come out, come out where ever you are”, I said, Rowan stepped out from the trees and smiled back, I dropped my bags, ran up and hugged him. “Hey”, he said, he picked me up and twirled me around, “hi”,
“I was worried about you, I just wanted to know you where ok, but since you don’t have a phone...”, behind me Ceto and Atalanta snickered, which brought me back to reality,
“Rowan this is Ceto, our new pack member”, I said, I didn’t want to let go of him, but I had to, Ceto waved at Rowan. “Rowan is it ok is Ceto stays with us? she is our new pack member”, I asked, Rowan said yes and we walked inside.

We were met with a bunch of boys squished against us, “hey guys, I missed you too, now I can’t breathe so”, I squeaked, the boys tore apart and I finally saw their faces, Bruce had a scar going down his neck, Liam had a bandage wrapped around his neck, every one had some thing, I looked to Rowan, “what happen to you?”, I yelled, not that I meant to, “it’s nothing, doesn’t even hurt”, he was lying, “what happened!”, Rowan slowly and un-wanting-ly turned around, 6 lines went straight down his back, it was messed up, his back looked like a hunk of meat. It was horrible. “Who did it”, Atalanta asked, I was speechless, Bruce was the first one to talk, “it was some packs, I don’t know they had red eyes, nasty things, they sent you a message”, Bruce gulped, “well spit it out”, Atalanta and I said together, “they told me to tell you that the Legend lives on, but they will get it soon, then the masks, and finally the twins will be next”, Bruce almost whispered. We knew who they were “demons”, we whispered, they weren’t demons really, but close enough. We knew who they were talking about to, the Legend, was Legend of course, the Twins were us, and the masks, well that couldn’t be right, they were dead, I could feel it in my bones, the Masks used to be our group, we would were mask to fights, we were known for it.

Later that night we sat in our room, Ceto was in the room too, Atalanta started “first we need to find Legend, if we want to get any where, we need to find her, she is the only one powerful enough to kill the Demons”, And I kinda missed her, “ok, well, if she is in hiding and the Demons can’t find her, that means it has to be some where no body knows, no one would even think Legend would go there...”. Atalanta and I said at the same time “Africa”, no one would even think of that, it was Legends favorite place, no one would even think Legend had a favorite place. Ceto stepped into the conversation “you guys weren’t kidding you actually know Legend”, Atalanta snorted “like we could lie about some thing like Legend”, she had a point there.

The night went on and we finally started to get to sleep, Ceto was sleeping beside, “Athena, can you tell me what it was like?”,
“Like what?”, I couldn’t see any thing but Cetos purple eyes, they had a little sparkle,
“You, Atalanta, your pack, Legend”,
“Ever since I could remember we were in the pack, we practiced fighting every day for 6 hours straight, then a little more, once those were up we got to do whatever we wanted as long as we weren’t seen. When Atalanta and I turned seven or eight we got our tattoos, we never went to school. But we learned every thing from legend. I now can speak 10 different language and am at a university level. Some days Legend wouldn’t be there. So in the morning we’d hunt, eat, then train, hunt, sleep, it was like this almost every day. When we were in the Cabin, and we couldn’t go to sleep Legend would sing us songs, or tell us stories, if we dared to here them. It was a easy life. When I got older, I would go out, fight, hunt, learn, travel around the world, every year or so I’d come back, meet Atlanta at the usual place then we’d get a time off, no more training, we’d fight others instead, we knew every thing already. We would meet the pack out side the cabin, run, laugh, love, we were a family, by this time Legend wouldn’t show up as much, may be once a month, or week if we were lucky, but we didn’t need her we had each other. I thought we’d always have each other, not just two, but six, later on seven, may be eight. I remember every time Legend would talk about getting a new member we would laugh, no way that would happen, they would be so much behind they would die in the first couple weeks

“But one day, Atalanta and I went outside the cabin, the rest weren’t there, they had gone off, it was hunting day and we didn’t want to hunt with out them, We waited two weeks for them to show up, but never did, no one ever missed a hunting day, so at the end of the two weeks we were starving, so we went out and hunted, and that’s when I knew that our pack would never come back” , I was finished, I left out main parts to this, but I never liked to tell, how Legend would in the morning comb my hair and sing a sweet tune, would make breakfast, would get us birthday cakes every birthday, I don’t remember my birthday any more, I never really had got it in my brain, it was one day, I never remembered because I thought I would have every one else to, and Atalanta, well she is just stupid and can’t remember any thing (lie). Soon we had gone to sleep.


I woke up with Rowans face in staring down at me, I made a weird nose that was filled with surprise and anger. “What are you doing here?”, I asked, he smiled, “the girls went hunting or some thing, your staying with us today”, oh goody. “What are we doing today?”, Rowans smile grew, “according to Joel we are girl hunting”, I snorted, ugh. Just what I needed, I came closer to him almost so close to touch, I was playing with him, “are you girl hunting?”, I asked in a tone I hardly used. Rowan stammered “n-no”, I smiled “good”, I got up, and walked to my dresser, Rowan got over his surprise, but still looked at me like he was under a spell, this was fun. “I’m going out, going to walk around, go boy hunting”, Rowan frowned, I laughed,
“That’s not fair”, he pouted, I was looking at my clothes, I picked out a yellow sun dress and all there was is heels so I went bare foot, “oh, it’s not?”, I had the clothes in my hands, “close your eyes”, Rowan covered his eyes, but I knew he was peeking, I changed into the dress “when can I open them?”, stupid boy,
“They were never close”, I laughed, Rowan took his hands away from his eyes and smiled, “come on let’s go down stairs”, I said, we walked down stairs, Rowan was a bit close for people who weren’t dating, were we dating? More like people who kept on flirting, it seemed like it, did I like that? I seriously don’t know. All the boys were down there, “so I heard we are going girl hunting”, I said, they laughed, Joel was the first to speak “looks like Rowan already got one”, that brought on a few chuckles. “So where are we going?”, I asked,
“Board walk. You know you really should change”, Joel suggested,
“You know, just to fit in, like the girls there wear bikinis”, I laughed, and run up stairs after a few others nearly begging, I changed into a strapless bikini top and short shorts, and threw on some nice flip flops I found hidden under some clothes and bags and all that. Thank god.

I walked down stairs, and again Rowan stayed abnormally close and we walked to the board walk. I knew some of the boys had girlfriends, but I didn’t see any of them now. When we were there a group of girls mashed in with us, flirting, and all that crap, expect one, she looked nice, she was cute, shy, I liked her, I walked away from the boys to meet up with her, her curly red hair flew in the wind, “hey”, I said, “hi”, she said in a sweet voice, “so, you here with your friends”, I pointed to the girls, the girl rolled her eyes “I was, but I guess I lost them”, we laughed, “yeah, I guess that can happen”, I said,
“You here with any one”,
I shook my head “just the boys and they are busy”,
“Stupid boys”, we laughed again,
“So I haven’t seen you around, you new?”,
“Yeah I guess I just moved in with some of the boys with my two sisters”, this was kinda awkward, “oh, you coming to high school after summer break?”,
“I think so”,
“Nice, well I’ll see you there I guess”, we talked until the guys flirting grossness cooled down a bit, the girls stayed with us for the day.

Colleen, the red head, stayed beside me and her other friend, the group was actually pretty cool, they were stupid girly girls, they wore the same shorts and bikini outfit like me because they wanted to play volleyball or something. Once a boy checked me out Rowan put his arm around me, every time he did I looked to Colleen and rolled my eyes. Later that day we ended up on the beach and did end up playing volleyball, it was fun, girls against boys. We won. Soon it was evening, and there was a bonfire. Most people left, the teenagers were the only ones left. Colleen found a nice boy and was talking to him, the other wolves were just doing stupid stuff. When I came by they were fighting by the fire. I pulled Rowan away. I didn’t talk until we were by the shore. The waves lapped against the sand and it was nice. “Rowan”, I looked at him, “yeah”,
“What are you doing?”,
“What’s that supposed to mean?”,
“With me, what are you doing?”, Rowan looked at me straight in the eye
“I think you might be going crazy, your not making sense”, I laughed
“you act like we are dating, but, I don’t know you have your arm around me when boys look, your always around, but hardly know any thing about me”,
“I like you, a lot, and I want to get to know you, your always gone though, we never really get to just talk”,
I sighed “I know, it’s not my fault. We have time to talk now”, I smiled as he pulled me in close, I leaned my fore head against his, “what you want to talk about?”,
we began talking, about every thing. Favorite colors, movies, song, friends, family, what we like, dislike. Soon we knew enough. We were laying on the sand, arms wrapped around each other, “Athena, would you like to go out with me”, he asked after a long, but nice silence,
I didn’t answer, but I leaned in close going to kiss him, he leaned in too, but then we got a face right in the middle, Leom, “I hope I’m not interrupting you love birds”, I laughed, but Rowan didn’t seem as happy, how do I know this, 1. He was frowning 2. He punched Leom. I laid back, facing the stars, “hey leom, nice to see your still wide awake”, Leom came and pulled me up into a hug, I was sitting on his lap, “not as nice to see you have horrible taste in guys. Not that I think you were actually gonna do that with out being tortured first”, he said, he kissed my cheek just to bug Rowan and ran off. “He has to ruin every thing”, Rowan grumbled, “he was just protecting little ‘ol me”, I said is a cute little voice. Rowan said in a goofy voice “yes, because once I get you under my spell I will eat you!”, he began to chase after me, I screamed playfully and began to run away. He got me and twirled me around, I laughed stupidly. It was like one of those nights out in thee movies, ha! god, I’m weird. “Your amazing”, he slipped me down so I could face him, and we tried that kiss again. Sparks fly, warmth comes, and all the crap. I just can never have a good moment. I was the first to break. A part of me when I was a little girl came back right then, the thought rose into my mind, Legend would be very, very upset with me.


I began to run, fast, I turned and kept running into the forest. This is why I needed Atalanta with me, I do things like that, I needed her to keep me away from people. I was back in my room, packing, we were leaving for Africa as soon as possible, but first, to the old cabin. I forgot why we came here in the first place, to protect people from vampires, we weren’t doing any thing. The only thing living here caused was trouble. I had to go, live with Legend Atalanta, to the old. It was easy, fight, train, eat, sleep, no time for feelings no time for useless crushes, all you get from crushes was broken hearts.

soon there was a knock at the door, I knew it wasn’t Rowan, it was Atalanta and Ceto, “come in”, i whispered, they did, Atalanta had worried look on her face, Ceto followed that look, they knew every thing, wolves in your pack just got the feeling, “are you ok?”, it wasn’t supposed to be answered, she knew exactly how I was feeling, “we are leaving”, I stated, Ceto was more calm and she ask curiously “where?”, I was packing the bags, “the cabin”, Atalanta flopped on the bed, “I just wish we could stay in one place a little longer than a day. I knew we shouldn’t of left you”,
“Yeah what was with that, you haven’t left me since... ever, and now that we have a new hunting partner you just leave me here, like what the hell?”, I said, “I’m sorry, I just got a feeling”, oh, well I guess that’s acceptable, when she gets a feeling that means there’s some thing big around, a werewolf, vampire, bear, any thing really, she can never take the chance, so she goes, I remember one time she got a feeling and she woke me up at two in the morning, we ran outside and looked every where, it was just a bear. “You should’ve woke me up, I’ve never been away from you unless we were working, and I need you, look what happened”, I gestured every where and that made me look crazy. “I know Athena it won’t happen again”, Atalanta got up and we ran. I felt kinda bad running so I left the rent on the table, ok, I know that’s not why I felt bad running, but I was hoping it would make me feel better.

We were at the cabin, the first thing I did was take Cetos lap top and and tell Atalanta to search up places in Africa, I could hear the keys tap frantically on the board, Atalanta’s voice shot out “where was her favorite place there?”, it shot out, I remembered it well
“The jungle, the one near the village remember we went there for her birthday, how old was she four hundred and some thing”, I was surprised how I remembered it so well, we were little girls. The was a village full of cabin, tiny ones though, the people there made pretty colorful necklaces and I even got one, I still had it too, the jungle was right beside their village, some of the strongest hunters even wore lion fur clothing. It was amazing, Legend helped the children there, always gave them clean food and water, we had brought nets for people to put of there beds, and we would always give things to the people there, I don’t know why, Legend didn’t like people, but she seemed to like helping them over there, she said they could keep a secret. Over there she said they knew what we were and let us live with them any ways. “Oh yeah, remember those necklaces. To bad I lost mine”, Atalanta said, I laughed.

I started to make things to eat. I came up with brownies, steak, potatoes, veggies and cake. Yum. Atalanta shouted out “I like I found some thing!”, I ran over, “there is a village in Africa, right next to the jungle”, she pointed to the screen, I rolled my eyes, my excitement gone, should of known “yes, there is, lot’s of them”, I said in a voice like I was talking to a two year old, Atalanta waved me off “no, look, it looks like the one we went into remember. They said they were the only village with a flag, and the flag being that color, it represented them being at the end”, the end of what? I have no Idea, but Atalanta was right. Now I got the giddy filling again “how do we get there?”, I asked, Atalanta frowned “plane”, I laughed. Atalanta went on “boat, and I think bike, and car”, oh god. Ceto took Atalanta’s place with the lap top, because Atalanta is like a puppy, she can only stay on one subject to so long, then she gets bored and ruins it, I wanted to get her away from the lap top before she ruined it.

Atalanta and I were in the kitchen eating dinner “I’m so happy, we might meet Legend again”, I said, “don’t get your hopes up, she might be dead. Wait get your hopes up, she might be dead!”, Atalanta didn’t like Legend as much as I did, but she loved her. “Don’t be mean. Hey, may be we could stay with her again, may be none of them are dead! may be we can be one big happy family again!”, I was acting like I did when I was 12 Legend was my world, Atalanta rolled her eyes “you acting like you did when you were 12, get over it, they are dead! there’s nothing we can do about it”, I frowned “why do you act like that”, “like what”, “like there’s not a hope in the world, that every one is dead and gone, that we have no body but ourselves”, I pouted, and Atalanta rolled her eyes “you acting like a two year old now, just all I’m saying is don’t get your hopes up, ok”.

I walked up to our room, we had finished our dinner. I looked in the at the tings Legend gave us, the thing I loved the most, it was a locket, it was in the shape of a paw, of course every one got one, you could talk through it, it had purple jewels in it, the boys weren’t a fan of it. I never tried talking through it though, not after the killings of my pack. I clicked a little button and listened to the last conversation that was recorded with it.
Me: Erebus, I got a present for you, I sang into it
Erebus: oh really, what is it?
me: a birdy, I laughed
Erebus snorted: please not another dead one, don’t tell me, it had it’s eyes plucked out by Atalanta and the wings plucked by you. I laughed
me: how did you know! you ruin every thing. I giggled some more
Gaia: oh, thanks girls, didn’t get me any thing
Artemis: oh Gaia, don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get the bird feathers and I’ll get the eyes
Atalanta and I: how’d you know! *we giggled some more*
Erebus: ok guys drop the bird there’s a vamp in the northern forest
me: hey I’m in the northern forest *giggles* I’m not a vamp! *my voice turned serious, just ab- it* Oh I see her.
I hear a ripping noise, it was me turning into a wolf, then a howl, the connection breaks.
I opened the locket, now or never. “Hello, purple eye twin 1 online, purple eye twin 1", I said into the locket. “Hello, purple eye twin 2, purple eye twin 2", Atalanta repeated into hers,
“I miss using this, it’s been a long time. Hey what happened to the bird any ways?”, Atalanta asked, “oh I kept then gave it to Erebus and the rest. Remember we had to find one for Ouranos after, just to be nice”, we both laughed, Atalanta was standing in the door way. I closed the locket. She did too. “I miss them”, I said, we hugged each other. “Well, at least we get one good thing out of this”,
“using our 2nd language?”,
“Tanning”, Atalanta corrected. I laughed.

We went to sleep, this time Atalanta hummed the lyrics to “love you like a love song”.

Ceto was already on the computer, she ordered the tickets to Africa, the nearest air port to the village with 28 miles away. “Our trip starts in a week”, she announced. Good.

We spent the week getting ready, we had gone shopping, packed, every thing. I remembered that we haven’t trained in a long time, I was going to suck. Damn. It was the day before and I heard Atalanta talking to some one on the phone. “She’s fine”,
“Don’t even”,
“bye”. She hung up, “who were you talking too?”, I asked, “oh no one”, I think that was the first time Atalanta lied to me. I rolled my eyes, “ok, sure”, I said. “sis?”, she said, “yeah?”,
“We’re going to Africa tomorrow!”, she came up and hugged me.


The plane ride was longer than Atalanta could take, but with a little yelling and free music and food, she settled. Ceto was asleep the whole time, she was so cute when she slept, her long curly black hair covering her cheeks, it felt weird looking are her. Her eyes opened. “Can’t you sleep?”, she asked me, “not really”, she smiled, “your excited”,
“Yeah, I guess I am”,
“You really do miss Legend don’t you?”,
“Yeah, I do, i mean no matter how bad she is, she’ll always be my mother”,
“I don’t think Atalanta likes her that much”, Ceto giggled,
“well, she just wants Legend to be more of a loving mother, she’s not really fit for the job”,
“I know Legend did more for you than you told me, I think she liked you guys more than she liked me”, I didn’t even think about Legend and those guys
“no, she likes us both”,
“I think she misses you. Some times, I heard her talking, but no one was there but a locket she always had around her neck”, Ceto couldn’t be saying what I thought she was saying, “oh, look you have on just like it”, she fiddled with my locket
“I guess I do, what did Legend say?”,
“Oh, some thing like ‘the old Legend, hello the old Legend”, I was shocked, she had tried calling us. “Do you know any thing about that?”, Ceto asked me,
“I guess, I don’t know, it is unlikely”, Ceto pondered for a moment before saying
“You know, your way of speaking has changed over the last couple of weeks”,
“What do you mean?”,
“Like, you say unlikely, or say things like Legend would be very disappointed, Atalanta told me it you talked like that when you were young”,
“I have not noticed”, Ceto smiled than went back to picking food off of the sleeping Atalanta plate.

Soon the plane ride was over and we were at the air port, we had to hop on a bus, then a car, then a bike, then a boat. “dit zal niet gebeuren, die kerel is vuil”, Atlanta squealed in dutch, it meant “this will not happen, that guy is dirty”, she said it so that the boat driver guy wouldn’t know, I snorted “JE hebt meegemaakt Nog erger, gewoon overheen en krijgen in de boot”, I was alittle rusty but Atalanta got in the boat so I guess she got the message. We were riding on the boat, for about an half an hour when Atalanta whined “Het is warm Ik wil gewoon naar het dorp”, I rolled my eyes, “wacht een paar minuten, bent u zo vervelend”, I was getting better at my dutch, I was feeling proud, now I could impress Legend. Soon enough we were off the boat and Atalanta dropped to the ground and kissed it, then realized the ground is dirty, she spit out the dirt from her mouth. Gross. I shook my head “dom”, I don’t know why I was still speaking in Dutch, I didn’t want people to hear the conversation, or what ever “waar te?”, I asked, it meant “where to?”, Ceto pulled out a map, then handed it to Atalanta “volg mij”, it meant Follow me. We walked through a forest and out the other side was a jungle. I saw the flag, it was the village. I looked over and saw a group of children playing soccer, their mother watching them, with a baby in her hands, I walked up to her, “hello”, I said, the women looked at me for a few minutes, stunned, or some thing, “can you speak English?”, I asked slowly, the women rolled her eyes, “little Athena, I thought you would grow up to be smarter than that”, I now remembered the women
“Jaka? Is that you?”, I knew it was now, “of course little one”, Jaka said. Atalanta perked up, I think she liked Jaka more than she like Legend, “Jaka! oh I missed you so, so much!”, Atalanta ran up and hugged her, “oh little one, you are all grown up, no need to do your hair any more”, Jaka smiled, but Atalanta pouted “if you could?”, she begged, she loved it when Jaka did her hair, “ok, but first, let’s find you your mother”. She lead us to a little cabin, she knocked on the purposely horrible made door, “we got visitors”, she said, she opened the door and let us in.

That’s when I saw her, looking no different from the last time, pale, blond, pretty, wise, strong, Legend. I gasped and held on tight to Atalanta, this is what, who, we came here for, I didn’t know what to say. Legend didn’t show any sign of emotion, she looked different with her African get-up on, but still Legend. I think I saw some thing flash in her eyes, was it love? “Girls?”,
“Yes mother”, I said, Ceto was hidden behind us,
“Prove it”,
“hoe in godsnaam doen we het bewijzen het?”, Atalanta said to me,
“Ik weet niet”, I said back,
“is ze in staat om ons te begrijpen”, ok, that was bad dutch, but god, I was about to smack Atalanta, and I did, Legend was smirking,
“Of course she can understand us you twit!”, I said, Atalanta was laughing now
“twit? How old are you eighty?”,
“Shut up”, I said, Legend was full out smiling now, she doesn’t do that a lot.
“My girls, your home, I knew you would return”, I guess that showed Legend we were the actual twins from our pack. Atalanta made a furious face and said in a tone she should not say to Legend “oh really? Because we didn’t know you’d be back, we thought you we dead like the rest of them, we had to find out by a little girl that you were alive, and actually making another pack to replace us! so thanks and yeah Legend your not that hard to find”, she mutter some thing else under her breath that I hope Legend did not hear.
“I apologize, I know I should of tried to contact you, but I thought you were dead too”,
“I don’t even frigging care any more, we have been perfectly fine until you stepped in! I wish you never even found us, we would have happy with a normal family, right now we would be going to the mall with a group of giggle-y humans, not snooping around in Africa talking to a 500 year old Wolf!”, Legend let Atalanta get it all out. I ran up and hugged Legend, after Atalanta was done her rampage she ran over and hugged Legend too. “missed you two so much”, Legend squeezed us tight. “I missed you to mother”, I whispered. I never thought I would hear, I never thought I would have too, hear the words “I missed you”, but there they were, so new, so unusual. The day went on, Atalanta, Ceto and I hanged around the children, Jaka did Atalanta and Cetos hair, and I helped out with the kids, Legend came out too, we were talking, “why do you have that Locket? you don’t use it”, I asked, Legend smiled “I like to hear your voices. Listen”, she pressed a button on it, it started of with me singing “waka waka aha aha, I’m in africa”,
Ouranos started singing now “battling Vampires, playing soccer with people I don’t know, aha aha waka waka aha”, I groaned “Ouranos you ruined it”, Ouranos snorted “there was nothing to ruin in the first place”,
“Shut up”. Legend let go of the button and I laughed, “I remember that!”, I said, “yes, it was your first time here, that was some thing”. I missed them “do you ever miss them? Do you miss going out, do you miss hunting? I do, I want them back”, I said,
“Of course I miss them, but you can not dwell on the past”, she said.

It was night, Legend had the house, but built a basement under it, it went down four floors, of cousrse legend would need more than a little shack. The 2nd floor was where the beds were, Legend had a room, then there was a guest room, I didn’t think Legend was going to any guest but us, may be Jaka. Ceto was sharing a bed with Atalanta tonight. It was weird. Ceto never really talked to Legend, well either did Atalanta, I thought it was weird. I liked it here I really did. It felt like the place I should be, there’s Legend, things for me to do, to help with, it wasn’t complicated, no one would know I’m here. I just liked it. May be I should stay....


It had been three days, it morning, and Atalanta was already out doing some thing I have no idea, Ceto was playing with some friends she made. I decided to catch up on my training. There was an ipod in the training room and I put on some music, the wolf by fever ray. I looked around and grabbed and knife belt, stuck a bunch of knives and such in there. There were moving targets around the room, I took a knife out of my belt, focused then threw, it was a bulls-eye. I did this again and again, I was getting into it and having fun. I took a spear, a sword, a malice and a couple more knifes. Legend walked down and watched me, for a couple minutes. “Come on. Fight me”, she said, and walked up, “what! that’s impossible! I can’t win that”, I said, Legend didn’t listen, I’ve never fought legend before, she says if your gonna fight you have to try, hard. If she tried hard I would be dead, “come on”, she insisted, “but you said”,I mumble,
“I know what i said and I’m going to do what I said, fight!”, she shouted, I don’t know what to do, so I went completely on instinct.

The music was blasting “Bulletproof”. We had started fighting when Atalanta had called down “some on needs to see you Athena come up here”, I wasn’t thinking about what she was saying,
“Can’t talk fighting Legend!”, I yelled up
“what!”, she screamed back, Legend leg swept out and tripped me, I got back up, and punched her in her jaw, she was over powering me, I had to get a weapon. I ran over and got aa spear, she had a sword in her hand. I heard foot steps come down. I looked from the corner of my eyes, it was the wolf pack, Rowan Bruce, every one. I couldn’t stop fighting though, nothing could get me off my game. I slashed a hole in Legends shirt. Soon she had flipped over and had my by the neck, I elbowed her and she let go, I spun around. She was going for my face and I had to block, my arms swept up, she had a plan, but I did too, I began to lead her to the wall, I still had my spear. Soon she was against the wall, I aimed for her face but missed. I finally got her, she fell to the ground “how could you do that to me!”, she cried. I didn’t fall for it. I went in for another attacked, she jumped up and came back at me. I got the malice, yes. I swung it around, I had to jump over some crap. “Athena what are you doing?”, I heard some one say, I wasn’t listening I ran towards Legend. She grabbed a end of the malice and pulled it away, her hands were bleeding but she didn’t notice. Some how I got pinned by a sword. I rolled away, it ripped a giant whole in my shirt. Legend smiled, I was pretty much flashing the whole room, “I didn’t like that shirt any ways”, I said and ran towards her. I got her to the ground and some how found the sword, it was now against her neck, “your dead”, I whispered. I got up and slowly backed away. “I won”, I said, I couldn’t believe it, “I won”, I said, just to get the taste of the words, “I won!”, I was full on smiling now. Legend came running after me, I got her in a head lock, “I won”, I said to her. I let her go, Legend was smiling to “finally some one I can be proud of”, she said to me, then she faced Atalanta “who are these low life wolves”, I was holding back a laugh. Atalanta answered, she knew I wouldn’t “they are our friends..”, I interrupted, “yes, our friends, remember mother, the ones I talked to you about, the ones that I saved and was rewarded with a surrounding”, Legend did a little growl, “you should teach your pack to take care of your selves, you got in the way of a very important meeting”, she said.
“You boys should be leaving, we do have things to do”, I said, standing beside Legend, they looked at me weirdly, Atalanta snorted, “like what?”,
“Well, since you’ve been out getting your hair braided and running around, I got a feeling”, I said, the boys didn’t get it, but Atalanta did, but she pushed it away for a moment “yes, you have been doing so much in here, fighting, playing with knives, doing things I did when I was 12", that got me mad,
“When you were 12, oh ok, well when you were 12 I was out looking for freaking vampires to kill, and fighting my way through the world, when you were playing with knives I was saving lives!”, I yelled, Atalantas eye widened, I never threw out burst, I was the one who took care of them, I was the glue to the pack, her stare said do you really want to do this “oh, really, well leave you one day you turn into a mess! you have to leave then go cry home to your mommy!”, she yelled, that was not acceptable, I couldn’t stop it, I walked up to her a slapped her right in the face. I was now the strongest wolf, or even being in the world not her, she can’t talk to me that way. “Athena!”, Atalanta screamed, she followed me up the stairs, but I ran out side, and into the jungle. I didn’t cry, I didn’t really do any thing. I was a wreck right now, I knew some thing bad was coming. I knew it was coming soon.

Sooner or later Legend found me in a tree, the rest followed her, I was writing on a piece of bark with a pencil I found. “Athena, come done here right now, they will be looking for you”, when she said they i knew who she meant, the Leaders, the now strongest wolf in the world is the one who should be dead, they will find out, and come for me. “I know they will be looking for me and the will be looking for you, Atalanta and the rest should go back, they shouldn’t get hurt”, I said to her. “Oh come on, just come down”, Atalanta said, I stared at her, “I need a but of time, I working out a plan”, I said. Atalanta groaned, “what!”, i yelled at her. “Your always making a plan! every thing has to work out, can’t you just come down and eat dinner with out freaking out about some thing”, she said. I jumped down, “oh of course I could, yes, because if i just sat around my whole life, we’d still be back a the cabin, with out Ceto, with out any one! no, wait we’d probably be dead! you wouldn’t do any thing! you always think every thing is going to work out but it is not!”, I said, Atalanta looked mad “well, if you didn’t want to be the strongest wolf in the world, if you didn’t fight Legend, this would still be a happy little family meeting”. Ii was done, I turned and ran. I knew exactly where I was going. Soon Legend was right beside me. She would come with me, no matter how much trouble I was in.


Athena and Legend had ran off, I didn’t know where they were going and I really didn’t care. She can do whatever she wants now, she doesn’t need me. I looked at the tree bark that Athena said she was making a plan on, it wasn’t a plan at all, it was a drawing of the old pack, Athena and I in the front the two girls and then the boys. I was talking “I found a stone, in the shape of a heart, but the it broke!”, I remember seeing that stone. I would always find some thing to say, some thing that I thought was hilarious, but it clearly wasn’t funny, Athena would always laugh with me. In the picture our arms were wrapped around each other, and the frame was the heart stone, down the middle of the picture there was a crack, right in between Athena and I. Rowan was looking at me weirdly “what?”, I yelled, “I just never thought I’d see the day when you and Athena would fight”, I rolled my eyes “well I hope your enjoying it”. I looked at the drawing more, in little writing in the corner it said “plan: go to the Leaders and kick their butts into tomorrow, with my sister Atalanta”. I stared wide eyed at it, she can’t do that, they will win, they always do “we have to go!”, I shouted, “where?”, I groaned “just follow me!”, I turned and began to run. I wasn’t about to let Athena go face the Leaders with out me. I know I said I didn’t care, but i thought they were going to hunt some lions of some thing, not this! Athena had been acting strange lately, I really didn’t know what was bothering her, was it me? No, I didn’t do any thing until she started the fight. I guess I shouldn’t of said stuff about her crying home to Legend. Athena hardly ever cried, ever, and she still wasn’t over the group dying, she always has this tugging feeling that they are alive, It’s a figure of her imagination, of course.
Legend and Athena we faster than us, well not me, but the boys, and since they were coming. I started to run faster, and faster. I’d be running non-stop till I get there, so will they.

It was night, and warm. I was sweating and the village was long gone, I had ran past the airport already.

Three days later. I’d stopped to sleep once, the boys were dragging behind. And the next airport was up ahead, they would have to take this plane.

Soon we were on the plane. Horrible things happen on the plane. They take too long, I hate them. I was sitting in my seat, the boys were scattered. I started talking to Kole, I think he was the co-leader or something of the group. He was actually pretty cool, we hit it off. Well until I started yelling at the caption, Ceto, who I totally forgot about was yelling too, having the time of her life. We shut up when my throat hurt. I started talking to Kole again.


I was getting weird looks from the people around me, I didn’t really know why, there were many reasons. My unusual hair, my purple eyes, my beauty. I looked down at my hands. There was dried blood all over them. Oops. I walked to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. My hair was tangled and my face had blood stains and scars on it. It was from my fight with Legend. I washed my face with paper towel, then tied my hair back with another piece of paper towel. I didn’t look as bad. I walked back out, I didn’t get as many weird stares, but enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Legend was doing something in her head, and began to sleep. I started to feel worse and worse as the days had gone by, not just mentally, but physically too, I wasn’t right to be fighting with Atalanta, it was so out of the ordinary my body went all weird too. my head hurt, my tummy, and some times my heart felt like it was on fire. “You can’t go much longer with out making up with her, you’ll just be in more pain”, Legend said to me, she was right, “it’s a bit late for that now”, I said, Legend just closed her eyes again “we will see”.

We were getting off my first plane ride with out hearing Atalanta go on and on about the planes speed, and I kinda missed it. I didn’t go home, my flight went straight to wear the Leaders lived. Alaska. I was walking farther to the doors, “Athena! wait!”, I heard a voice I could identify any where, Atalanta. I turned around and saw them all, Ceto and Atalanta were at the front of the group. Rowan after wards. I met Rowans gaze then quickly looked away, as I was with Legend I discovered that my feelings towards Rowan had been useless, so I stopped using them. Atalanta ran up and hugged me, “I’m so sorry, I should of never said those things!”, she said, “I’m sorry too”, I said, Atalanta had twigs in her hair, and her face was scratched. She had been running. Fast. “We’re here to help you”, Ceto stated, “thank you”, I said.


We went to the Leaders building. It was 13 miles away from the plane station, I don’t know why it was so close, it was in the forest though. We walked through the doors, and into the hidden building. I walked down the hall ignoring the screeches of “stop! what are you doing here?”, and so on and so fourth. We opened the doors and found the Leaders sitting around a long table, their backs straight, having a formal conversation, they stopped and turned their heads. “What do we owe the pleasure?”, asked the girl, I forgot her name, Atalanta didn’t not try what-so-ever to hide one of her famous snorts. Atalanta strutted to the front beside me and Legend “just wondering what’s up”, she stated, the girl rolled her eyes, “I see you brought along thee Legend, we have been looking for you”, the girl said again, Legend now did some thing that I never even would consider, “you were? Oh I feel so loved”, she was being sarcastic, now I know where Atalanta got it from, the girl looked at her with cold eyes, I looked back at Atalanta and saw a bit of proud-ness in her eyes, ok, this is my time to go with the flow “oh, I’m sorry what’s your name again?”, I know this doesn’t seem to bad, but to the girl it would be like a slap to the face. “Anat”, she said it with power and authority, I wasn’t fazed because I just remember who I was, “I think you should be demoted, because I know many wolves better than you and your war and strife”, Anat was filled with anger now “how dare you question me!”, she yelled, “how dare you question us”, I shot back cooly, Ceto now stepped forward, she was nervous, but hid it well “why have you chosen us? Do you find it fun to put my pack in danger? We have done nothing wrong! nothing at all, we want to live a peaceful life, not with you wolves watching our every move like some want-to-be stalkers!”, she said, Atalanta had to hide a laugh, but did not do well in doing it. Anat was filled with rage, she walked closer, but knew her boundaries and stop a few meters away, “you, little one, are a lot like a wolf I once had to deal with, her name was Gaia”, the name hurt just hearing it “I believe she was in the unbelievable pack once, do you want to same fate as her too? To be be-headed by no other than I”, Anat said with proud-ness, Atalanta was going to jump, but I heard her yelled before any movement and I caught one of her arms, Legend took the other, we were holding back tears, we all knew it, Atalanta screamed “do you want your head ripped off? Cause I’ll do it!”, she yelled, I held her tight, “it’s done, it’s over, she is trying to get to you, and it’s working, do you want her to win?”, I whispered, she calmed down. This was time I stood up for my pack, my family, and I had a plan. “you no good rotten piece of-”, I started saying but stopped myself, “I don’t believe for one second you could even put a finger on Gaia, never mind kill her, you wouldn’t even last a second against little Ceto, so just go back to you masters and make yourself useful”, I said, Ceto caught onto what I was doing, she was a bright kid, “I really doubt that would ever happen”, Ceto walked around Anat, she was pushing it “look at her tiny arms, and her old lady legs, I surprised they can even hold you up, never mind the fact that you probably up-chuck every time you eat”, Ceto was definitely pushing it, but she was supposed to, “never mind not lasting against me, you wouldn’t even last against Joel, and that’s sad”, I heard the boys mumbling in the back, obviously Ceto thought, knew, that the boys were a lower threat, and a easy kill. Anat was now filled with anger, it would only take one more word to set her off, “I don’t even know why your named Anat, she was a proud hunter, some one worth some thing, not you, you don’t even deserve to be named Anat, your nothing like her, never was, never will be”, Ceto clearly stated. Anat ran for Ceto, but Ceto clearly saw it coming, she jumped up and Anat missed, “NO-name! come and get me No-name!”, Atalanta yelled, Anat ran for her,
“come on little girl, can’t you do any thing right”, Atalanta said again, this time Anat got Atalanta, she had her to the ground. All I had to do was wait, wait for Anat to physically damage Atalanta, then it would be a fair fight, Anat would have been starting it, so we had to protect ourselves. And there it was, one little punch, probably wouldn’t leave much of a mark. I took my chance. I turned, I quickly jumped over to Anat and ripped her head off. Easy. The others, the Leaders, didn’t know what to do, they stood there for a minute. One of them, who I believed to be Anats brother had an outburst. The rest of the Leaders followed in.

One of them, came to me, I believe it was the brother, he was filled with anger and his eyes were blazing. I lead him outside. The forest. I kept running and running and soon he was out of sight. It would be a game of hide and seek. I got to higher ground, I was definitely safer than my opponent. That’s when I heard a crack, and another, then another. I scanned the forest. No one. I felt some thing getting closer, I turned around and got ready to attack, I jumped on the wolf, then I realized who it was. Rowan. I turned, so did he. “What are you doing here? I could've killed you”, I whispered/screamed, “sorry, I thought your wolf senses would have kicked in”, he said, “get out of here, I need to do this alone”, I said. Rowan didn’t move, “I want to talk”, I tried to hold back a laugh, “right now is not the place”, I said, “we need to talk”, he said. I knew he wasn’t going to go , “shoot”, I said, Rowan looked down, “why’d you run?”, this was what it was about he was going to do this now, “Rowan go”, I said, he didn’t leave, “you shouldn’t like me, never have feelings for me”, I said to him, I lifted his chin “why?”, he asked, “we could never be together, I can not have normal feelings like that, I’m different than Atalanta and them, I can not have a relationship, I know you won’t get it, but it’s some thing you have to accept, I flirt and all that, but I never ever will have a relationship, what happened with you can’t happen again”, I let the last line slip. The was a sparkle in his eyes, “so you do like me”, I rolled my eyes “it won’t happen, I’m not allowed to love, it wasn’t some thing I was made to do”, I said. Rowan looked like his heart just broke which made me want to hold him tight and say it will always be ok, “but I love you”, he whispered, I turned away, Turned and ran. The boy that I was fighting, Anats brother, was found. I had him, I growled, a low, deep, fearsome growl, the boys ears went back in fear and I smiled. I didn’t know I was this bad. I ran down to him, I aimed for his head but he got me neck, we fought. I knew Rowan was some where, looking out for me, but I could handle it, I could defeat this wolf, this leader, Rowan would only get in the way. Soon I had finished him, with a sore neck, bitten leg, and bruised rib cage. I felt pity for him, he had lost his sister and died namelessly. The worst way to go. I turned and took him in both hands. I buried him beside the river.

Our group found each other and we went to leave, all the fighting was done, finished. For now. Ceto came up to me, “I’m so glad your ok, I know it’s silly but I was worried about you”, she hugged me and Atalanta came up behind her, “one little pack again”, she laughed. Legend was looking at me, thoughtful eyes full of wisdom “Every one is ok?”, she asked, I looked around, every one was in one peace the fight was started and over, soon. Every one was hurt, Rowan was standing beside Bruce, talking to him, Leom and Joel were fooling around, and every one was helping with some ones scraps, cuts and bruises.


We were in Africa, it had been one day since we got back, yet it was already time to leave. We were standing outside, and I had made up my mind. We were saying goodbye to Legend when I told them what I wanted to do. “I have been thinking, and I think it would be best for all of us if I stayed here, with Legend”, I looked around to the shocked faces, “I already asked Legend, she said it was ok, I mean I’ll visit you guys....”, I was going to finish but Atalanta shut me up by hugging me, I knew she was crying silent tears, so was I. WE were crying silent tears, together, forever.

The packs were lined up, I said by to the boys, the last one of the boys was Rowan, he looked at me straight in the eye “I thought at least if you stayed with me I’d have time to get you to warm up to me, I thought may be you’d feel the same way”,
“I do feel the same way”,
“No, you don’t. I am in love with you, no one else, never, I never was, and never will be, just you”, he said, I hugged him, a long lasting hug, it felt good, I knew how I felt about him, I knew how I’d always feel about him, my arms were wrapped around his neck and his around my waist, I squeezed him, then let him go and pushed him away. He walked away, looking back every two seconds, a confused look on his face. They were running to the airport. Ceto came up and I kneeled down, “now you, you better take care of Atalanta for me, be the best girl ever, you have to keep her on the down low, you now have to do my job”, Ceto had little tears running down her face, “I don’t want to do your job, I want you to do your job, I want you to stay”, I wiped the tears from her eyes, “I know, I know, I”ll visit you, promise”, I said, she hugged me tight “I love you”, she said sweetly, “I love you too”, I said, she ran to catch up with Rowan. Last but definitely not at all the least, Atalanta. She was standing there, waiting looking at me with her purple eyes, those eyes that made us who we were. “Hi”, I said, “bye” she smiled. She pulled me in for a tight hug “I’m gonna miss you”, she said, “I”m gonna miss you too”, I said,
“I don’t know what I’m going to do with out you”,
“Oh you’ll be fine”,
“I know, but, it’s just going to be so weird with out you. It’s going to hurt”, she said,
“I know, being so far, but we will pull through it, we always have, We always will. You have Ceto now”, I said,
“But, I’m going to miss you!”, she almost yelled,
“I will never be strong, I’m always with you, we are one, always together, we have our eyes, our marks, our every thing, we have each other”, I reassured her,
“We will always be a WE”, she said, gave me a hug and ran off.
I watched her until she was long gone, then went inside and trained.

We missed each other already.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.02.2012

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