
Character Info - Beth

Umm ‘ello, I’m Elizabeth, but please just call me Beth ;)
Im scene
My hair is blonde but I wanna dye it >.

Character Info- Reece

Wasssupp, The name is Reece
–Yesh I do some time get called Reece Mastin, he isn’t even that bad >.

Chapter One

It’s this time of year again. Were my mum and dad send me off to a summer camp for eight weeks.
I don’t really enjoy going and I’m not looking forward to it this year. I have no friends there, everybody ignores me. My parents only send me here so they don’t have to put up with me over summer break. My name is Elizabeth, but people just call me Beth, I just turned sixteen, two weeks ago.
I like wearing tight jeans and loose black or white singlets , that’s probably why people don’t talk to me, they think I am a ‘emo’ but I’m not! Occasionally I will wear different colored tops and short shorts.
This year my mum made me pack shorts and different colored tees and singlets, in hope I will make friends. It’s so much different then what I usually wear, but I’ll be okay.
“Bye sweetie!” my mum yelled after me. “We’ll miss you!” Oh yeah, right if you did you wouldn't be leaving me here. I put on a smile and waved back at them.
“Bye” I said quietly as they walked away.

Chapter Two

This camp is a mixed camp, so it’s been divided into two separate parts the boy cabins are over the far left side and the girl’s to the right. There were a couple of new faces that I haven’t seen before, or I just haven’t noticed before.

As I was walking towards the cabin I've been assigned to stay in for the next eight weeks, a tall cute looking boy bumped into me. He was wearing skinny jeans and a plain blue shirt. His dark black hair fell to one side over his eye. His blue eye’s studied my unhappy face, “Sorry, I’m Reece.” He said in a British accent.

“Hi.” Really, that’s all you could say Beth? I’m such and idiot.

“Are you going to tell me your name, or do I have to guess it?” His voice swept me out of my daze.

“Oh, um, Beth… Elizabeth.” I said nervously.

“Beth, Elizabeth?” He said lifting one eyebrow.

“You can just call me Beth.” I said feeling embarrassed.

“Well Beth it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” He shook my hand and smiled. His hands were so soft.

“Reece, get back over this side now! Dinner is soon and I want you ready.” some random male teacher called him.

“I’ll see ya’ around?” I didn't realize that it was a question until he spoke again, “Will I?” he persisted; I nodded my head in approval. He gave me a quick smile and ran over to the teacher that called him.

I was still staring at the back of him when he turned round and gave me a wink.
No boy has ever winked at me before now, what does it mean? Do I wink back?
I just stood there with my suitcase and watched him walk into a cabin.

Chapter Three

Once he was out of sight I walk towards my cabin.
To be greeted by a girl about fourteen or fifteen.
“Hey, my name is Jacky, and this is Jess, and Daniela but we call her Danny. Danny and I are both fifteen and Jess is fourteen, what’s your name?” she asked nicely.
It’s like everything this year has suddenly changed; people are talking to me, what’s up with that, maybe it’s because I have changed my style of clothes that I wear now? Maybe it’s my new attitude or my confidence that, that strange boy gave me?
“Elizabeth, but you guys can just call me Beth if you want to and I just turned sixteen.” I said with a smile.
Jacky’s green eyes sparkled in the light, “That is a beautiful name.” she said flattening down her already straight jet black hair; she was wearing faded blue jeans and a Black ‘Asking Alexandra’ tee.
Jess jumped up and hugged me, her hair was light brown and a little curly. It went down to the small of her back. She was wearing a black waist skirt and a fitted white singlet. She was very pretty with her big brown eyes.
I hugged her back and put my stuff next to the bed Danny showed me.
Danny wore a pink dress that stops just above her knees, she looked the same size as me, like me she had pale blue eyes and sun bleached strawberry blonde hair. She wasn’t pale like me she was more tanned like she would spend a lot of time at the beach.
“Here, this is where you can sleep,” she said with a smile.
“Thank you.” I said sitting down on the bed; I looked around at the smiling faces of my roommates. “So, do you guys live around here like everyone else?”
“Yes we do, about three hours away and this is our first time here, what about you?” It was Danny who spoke first.
“Yes, I do live around here; it’s about one and a half hours away, so I’m not far from home.” I said with a sigh, then the bell for dinner rang, “Is it seven already?” I looked at them confused.
“No, this year dinner will be at six instead of seven. Didn’t you read the pamphlet they sent out?” Jacky asked.
“To be honest I didn’t, but thank goodness I’ve got you guys.” I stood up and walked to the door with them.

Chapter Four

The dining room looks different this year than last, it has been decorated much better and there is lively music playing in the background, but the voices of everyone over power the music.
I looked around to see if I could see Reece, but I couldn’t see him anywhere. The girls took their seats and gestured for me to sit with them. As I sat down I noticed Reece walk through the door, he scanned the room like he was looking for someone, his eyes met with mine he smiled and started walking towards me.
Could have it been me he was looking for?
“Hey. Beth.” He said putting one hand on my shoulder. I looked down at it. “Is this seat taken?” I heard a few whistles around the table after I shook my head. “Thanks.” He whispered in my ear, I could feel my face burning. Jess was smiling at the sight of me blushing.
Why am I blushing, I’ve only just met this guy?
The food was brought around; it was mashed potato, sweet potato and sausages.
I wasn’t very hungry so I just ate my potato and left the sausages untouched.
“Don’t you like sausages?” I random boy across from me asked. Some other boys snicked as if I were a joke, I knew what he meant by it, but I wasn’t going to let him ruin my night.
“Will you shut up Caleb? If she doesn’t want to eat them then she doesn’t have to.” That made him quiet down.
“Do you want to go for a walk with me later?” he asked, his voice was softer than just before. I nodded my head in approval.
A walk with what I think of the cutest, no hottest guy I have ever met.

Chapter Five

By the time everyone left the table it was past seven-thirty, they all stayed behind to catch up with each other.
“You seem very quiet, are you alright?” Reece whispered into my ear.
“I’m fine, just listening to people’s convocations.” I said looking him in the eyes. They are so captivating it’s hard to stop staring into them.
“Did you want to go for that walk now, before lights out?”
“Sure.” I said nervously.
“Beth, it is okay you can trust me.” He said standing up.
He excused himself and drew me away with him.
“So, is this your first camp?” Reece asked me.
“No, I’ve been coming here since I was thirteen, so about four years. What about you?”
“It’s my first, I’m seventeen and you must be sixteen or fifteen?
“Sixteen.” We fell into a long silence as we walked over the small bridge.
I could hear the rushing water below us.
He looks so beautiful, with his back slightly arched as he looked down at the water. Can I really like this guy even tho we’ve just met?
In the light of the moon I could see his reflection in the rippling water. I don’t know how long we stayed there for. All of a sudden it got quite cold, and little goose bumps appeared on my arms.
“It’s getting cold, I think I might go to my cabin now,” I said lightly touching his arm to get his attention.
“Okay, I’ll walk you back.” He said, turning my direction.

Chapter Sixx

We walked in awkward silence; he kept open his mouth to say something then changing his mind and shutting it again. My cabin wasn't too far away from his. After walking for a while we made our way to the door, “So, I guess I’ll see you round sometime?” he said leaning on the door.
“Yeah, I guess you will.” I said shyly.
“Beth, Reece, what are you two up to?” I was Jess that had opened the door. She must have heard us talking.
“Hey, I’m just saying goodnight to Beth.” He said putting his up in defense. “Night, Beth.” He continued.
“Good night to you to.” I said steeping inside the cabin. Jess closed the door behind me.
“I’m sorry for interrupting whatever was happening out there.” She said frowning.
“Jess, I've only just met Reece. Nothing was happening and nothing will.” My heart sunk when I said those last two words.
“I don’t think that’s how he feels about you.” She said lying on her bed.
“Who was the other girl that was meant to come?” I said staring at the bed above mine and changing the subject.
“I don’t know what her name was, but apparently she got sick or something and she won’t be here until Friday or something. I know what you’re doing trying to change the subject but you can run away from things like this.”
“Thanks Jess, but I don’t want just an eight week relationship with some random person I don’t even know yet he could be a total jerk.” I said putting my headphones in my ears, “Good night.” I heard her mummer something but I was too busy concentrating on listening to Escape The Fate.


Texte: Leesa May 2012 ©
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Leesa May
Übersetzung: Leesa May
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2012

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