

It is one of the ironies of modern life that at a time when medical advances allow us to overcome so many of the problems that were once thought of as incurable and the technology is available to make all our lives so much easier, life in reality has never been more difficult!
This is reflected in so many different ways, some minor but many far less so meaning that for millions of people all over the world, just getting through the day feels like it’s a major achievement.
There are of course many reasons why this can happen as life does not always treat us the way we would like it to, but one common complaint nowadays is that people often feel that they have a lack of energy, not enough ‘get up and go’ to successfully navigate through whatever their daily routine throws in their direction.
And although health, fitness and wellness is now a huge online business – it is for example generally agreed that ‘weight loss’ information is the second most searched for subject on the net – there is surprisingly little information about energy and more specifically, about how you can increase your energy levels.
In fact, what you are going to read in this book could literally change your life because once you know how to increase the levels of energy available to you, then it becomes far easier to ensure that you never again find yourself in a ‘place’ where you feel permanently tired and drained of energy no matter what you seem to do.
There is one thing to appreciate before we start however.
The reason that this book focuses on a 7 day program is that replacing energy that has apparently trickled away over the years is not something that is going to happen overnight because there are no ‘quick fixes’. In fact, the very things that most people would probably think of as being capable of supplying a quick ‘energy burst’ will often leave you feel more tired than ever as you will discover later.
At the same time, this does not mean that it is going to take a full 7 days to feel any benefits. As soon as you start making the appropriate changes that you are going to read of here, you are likely to begin to feel increasingly energetic pretty quickly but of course, every person is different.
Nevertheless, if a lack of energy is a big problem, what you are just about to read could be life changing.
What’s the problem?
When researching this book, one thing that became clear very quickly was that there are many different reasons why an individual might feel tired or fatigued.
However, one common feature of the majority people who are asking questions about why they feel almost permanently tired on the net (and using other resources like magazines and newspapers) is the fact that most of these people are trying to live a healthy life, exactly the kind of life that suggests that a lack of energy should not be a problem for them.
And yet, they are suffering, so it does not appear that living in a healthy way is good enough to stave off fatigue and tiredness on its own. It is therefore necessary to examine what other contributory factors there might be as it will no doubt help you to combat fatigue if you can establish why you feel so tired and listless in the first place.
Some of the factors that serve to reduce the energy available to power your body through the day or to limit your body’s ability to use the available energy efficiently are as follows:
A lack of sleep: It should be fairly obvious that if you do not get enough sleep every night, you are inevitably going to feel fatigued and listless throughout the following day. In addition however, there is also an unfortunate cumulative effect if you are not getting enough sleep. In this case, it is fairly inevitable that the fatigue you feel every day will gradually increase as the energy deficit takes an ever-increasing toll on your capacity to perform at the top of your game.
Stress: Stress is something that is almost unavoidable in the high paced modern world we live in but this does not mean that it is either acceptable or unavoidable. Stress can never be acceptable because it is a condition that is often at the root of a very wide range of medical problems (both physical and psychological). On top of this, it does not have to be something that you accept either as you will discover later in the book.
Even so, it is the fact of 21st-century life that stress hits most of us at some time or other (for some people, it is everyday) and it is therefore essential to understand that stress is going to make you feel far less energetic than you might otherwise be several reasons.
Firstly, if you have ever gone to bed immediately after a big argument, you will already be aware that when your brain is still hot-wired after such a contretemps, it is impossible to go to sleep quickly. You are still stressed, you nerves are on edge and the adrenaline is still pumping, so the chances of getting to sleep in this mental state are fairly minimal.
Secondly, being stressed makes your body less efficient whilst the nervous energy that we would normally associate with being tense and stressed is energy that is being leached from more positive usage. When you are uptight and stressed, your body is producing large amounts of hormones, a process which in itself uses up a significant amount of the energy that you would otherwise have available to help
you through the day.
This is why being stressed and uptight is likely to leave you feeling drained and shattered immediately afterwards as the energy high that has been driving your highly excited state quickly falls away.
Nutrient deficient food: The fact that our modern diet is responsible for an ever expanding range of health problems (or perhaps more accurately, deficiencies) might come as a surprise to some people.
After all, they see an ever expanding range of seemingly delicious, nutritious foods on the shelves in the local hypermarket or store, a lot of which is increasingly affordable, so they quite naturally assume that our modern diet should provide all of the goodness and nutrients that we need.
Unfortunately however, nothing could be further from the truth for many different reasons.
Firstly, the fact that people want (or maybe need) the price of the weekly food shopping to keep falling puts a great deal of pressure on commercial food manufacturers to increase efficiency and output levels.
Consequently, the quality of food products that you buy is almost incessantly falling as a direct result of wanting to pay less for bananas and/or beefsteak than you were paying before.
As an example, imagine that you are planning to purchase a commercially produced fruit pie. If you want that pie to contain only top quality, highly nutritious fruit and other materials, then the price you will have to pay will reflect the quality of the content of the product.
If however you want to pay a rock bottom price, then quite obviously, the quality of content will also be reflected in the price, meaning that the fruit included is nowhere near as nutritious or healthy as it could have been.
Even with something as humble as a simple fruit pie, there is however a chain of production and at every stage of that chain, economies have to be made and shortcuts need to be taken as well.
For instance, the farmer who grew that fruit is being pushed by the pie manufacturer (do not even begin to call them bakers!) to produce increasingly cheap fruit for his pies. This means that the farmer has to produce more than before to keep his business afloat.
Consequently, he (or she) turns to chemical fertilizers and insecticides to make sure that the business is capable of producing a maximum amount of produce from every square meter of land that is being farmed.
However you want to cut it, there are no safe chemical fertilizers or insecticides. Not only do these chemicals pollute the environment whilst altering the pH balance of the soil so that it becomes increasingly infertile and toxic, they destroy the healthy microorganisms in the soil which is basically where the goodness in the food you eat should come from.
Furthermore, chemicals take varying amounts of time to break down,with some becoming increasingly toxic as they do so. These poisons can stay in the soil (which is going to be growing even more fruit or other crops next year) and in the water supply (the same water that you may be drinking right now) for many years to come.
There are other problems too. Whilst every amateur gardener understands that insects can be a nuisance when you’re trying to grow any kind of plant, it is still a fact that only about 6% of species of insects carry any kind of threat. Unfortunately, chemical insecticides are entirely indiscriminate, meaning that they kill both the good and bad insects, which is becoming an increasing concern for scientists who are seeing the balance of nature being indelibly shifted.
These chemicals can even creep into the meat element of your diet as cows and sheep graze on pasture under which the soil has been damaged by many years of chemical ministration. Other creatures such as pigs and chickens are given feed that is likely to be tainted in the same way.
Improperly prepared foods: Another factor that you need to take into account when looking at the genuine value of your diet is the fact that whether you are eating at home or in a restaurant, the chances are that the food preparation methods you (or the chef) use are designed more for convenience than they are for retaining the nutrients that exist in the food being prepared.
For instance, whenever you boil vegetables, you remove a significant percentage of the nutrients from them which are then tipped away with the water after you have finished cooking. Instead of boiling vegetables, it therefore makes a great deal more sense in nutritional terms to steam them so that they retain the goodness as steam leaches far less of the available nutrients than does surrounding them with boiling water.
Frying food is not a particularly good option either as doing so adds extra fat to your food which is not really something you want to do. A quick sauté in a healthy unsaturated oil such as the virgin version extracted from olives may not be too bad but frying food for several minutes in a less healthy oil all but guarantees that your food absorbs a percentage of that oil, which is very bad for your all-round health.
Another thing to appreciate when considering the nutrients in your food is that some nutrients (or a lack of them) have been directly linked to fatigue and listlessness.
For example, to quote from the Home Health UK site, ‘The main types of anaemia are caused by shortages of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, all of which are needed to produce red blood cells’.
Anemia is a condition that is most commonly seen in pregnant women or those who suffer an unusually heavy monthly cycle, but if you are anemic for any reason and these nutrients are missing from your food, it could be a major cause of a constant feeling of being tired.
Drugs by the ‘back door’: There is another extremely important consideration when it comes to meat products, something that very few people are actively aware of.
In many developed Western countries, it is increasingly common for commercial farmers to feed drugs to their livestock to make sure that the creatures they are breeding for meat gain the maximum amount of weight possible and that they stay disease-free.
The additional weight being ladled on to these poor animals is almost completely water, meaning that an increasingly large percentage of your meat shopping bill is buying you nothing more than plain water!
The fact is, farm animals are increasingly pumped full of (or fed) drugs such as antibiotics, hormones and steroids in an effort to keep them disease-free, maximize their weight and so on.
As a result, if you eat meat products without really knowing what is in them, the chances are that you are consuming an unknown amount of unidentified antibiotics and other drugs without even knowing it.
Nowadays, it is a recognized fact that the citizens of most developed Western countries are far too over-reliant on antibiotic drugs, primarily because for several decades, the first choice of most doctors when confronted with a sick patient has been to prescribe this particular form of drug.
Although doctors all the world are happy to prescribe antibiotics for a wide range of conditions (although there is some evidence that this may be becoming less common) including such things as influenza, these drugs are in fact only effective against bacteria, whereas influenza is caused by a virus, meaning that antibiotics will make no difference whatsoever.
However, because antibiotics have been so rashly overused for such an extended period of time and because bacteria mutate on a regular basis, there are now many strains of bacteria that are entirely resistant to most or all antibiotics drugs. MRSA, the so-called ‘flesh eating bug’ is just one example of a highly drug-resistant strain of the extremely common staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
The bottom line here is, irrespective of how careful you are about not taking antibiotic drugs unless it is absolutely necessary, you could inadvertently be ingesting antibiotics and other potentially harmful drugs every time you sit down to the dinner table.
The problem that you must therefore understand is that whilst you might be trying to eat a healthy diet that is theoretically capable of providing all of the energy you need, it does not follow that because all the food on the table appears to be nutritious that it really is. Consequently, it is a fact that many people who suffer a lack of energy every day could be falling foul of the ‘tricks’ of the food production industry.
And of course, if this is the case, the chemicals and drugs that you are taking on board could be exacerbating the problems that leave you feeling listless and fatigued because of problems like stress and a lack of sleep.

Western medicine

: As highlighted in the previous section, it is now widely accepted that for many decades, people have been far too willing to take a huge cocktail of prescription drugs that were given to them by their doctor or medical care professional, usually on the basis that ‘doctors always know best’.
And whilst there is no doubt that in the majority of cases, the drugs prescribed were entirely appropriate to the condition being treated, this has not always been the case.
Hence, you may have built up an internal residue of chemicals over the years that are at least partially responsible for your general feeling of ennui.
Furthermore, because Western medicine focuses on dealing with the symptoms of illness and disease rather than on getting to the root cause of the problem before dealing with it at that level, many conditions that people suffer from never leave them or allow them to return to or retain 100% good health. This lack of conditioning can be seen in many different ways, with a constant feeling of being tired one of the most common.
Your environment: The environment that surrounds you every day is likely to have a very significant effect on your general state of health and wellness as well for a wide variety of reasons.
For example, whilst air-pollution is perhaps not as endemic as it was 50 years ago, it is still a major problem if you happen to live in a large town or major city. If you’re surrounded by motor vehicles every day, the vast majority are still pumping out poisonous carbon monoxide fumes, which naturally means that you are breathing these potentially noxious substances every day.
Furthermore, whilst there are millions of people all over the world who might be termed ‘sun worshippers’, having the sun beating down on the top of your head every day is not always a good thing. There are many side-effects and potential illnesses associated with too much sunshine (e.g. skin cancer).
On the other hand, everyone needs sunshine on their skin from time to time because without it, you have no chance of creating vitamin D (which is produced by the effects of the sun on your skin) which is in turn responsible for regulating the ability of your body to absorb and use calcium efficiently. If your body is not using minerals and trace elements properly, this is extremely likely to contribute to your general feeling of tiredness.
There are also people who suffer a recognized form of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder that strikes people in the depths of winter when sunlight is at a premium. One of the most commonly reported effects of this condition is a lack of energy and a general disinterest in life, something that passes for 99% of sufferers once the spring arrives and the sun appears over the horizon once again.
Where you live, what season it is and everything that surrounds you can therefore have a significant role to play in dictating how much energy you have available.
Your physical condition

: I would suggest that it should be pretty obvious to most people that if you are badly out of shape, you are inevitably going to feel as if you lack energy and the ‘get up and go’ to do something about remedying the situation.
However, the fact that nearly 30% of the adult population of the USA is obese (a percentage which is exploding) tends to suggest that my assumption may not be completely accurate!
It is nevertheless a fact that if you are overweight or obese and you do not do any exercise, then without making significant lifestyle changes, your lack of energy is a problem that is never likely to be remedied.
Whilst carrying too much weight does not guarantee that you will lack energy per se (some of the most successful bodybuilders carry more weight than they should, but it is ‘good’ muscle weight), for the majority who have a weight problem, a lack of energy is pretty much a given byproduct of their condition.
101 combinations: The reasons that I have put forward for why you might suffer from a lack of energy so far could suggest that there is going to be one reason or another that you can readily identify that is entirely responsible for your condition.
However, the fact is that in the majority of cases, it will be a combination of circumstances or reasons which are causing the way you feel and not all of these reasons might be apparent or included in this list, mainly because every person who feels tired does so for different reasons (and more often than not because of a combination of them).
For instance, if you are stressed, then it is likely that you’re not sleeping very well and that you are probably not concentrating on eating a healthy diet quite as much as you should be. Hence, there are three factors that between them are causing you to feel the way you do, although it is probable that in this situation, one problem is leading to the others.
Nevertheless, if you understand that a problem like a lack of energy is likely to be caused by a combination of factors, the way that you deal with the situation should become that much clearer.

Start thinking about what changes you need

Begin at the beginning

Although the previous chapter is designed to help you identify some of the factors that might have a part to play in dictating how drained you feel every day, it is important to understand that these are only intended to be a general guidelines to get you started and definitely not a detailed medical opinion.
However, if you do suffer from a lack of energy that blights your life every day, perhaps the most important thing to do is find out exactly why you feel the way you do. And there is no sense in guessing here because you have to establish whether there is any specific reason why you feel the way you do before you can concentrate on increasing your energy levels in a more general, all round way.
In other words, the first thing that you should do if you feel that you lack energy or that each day is becoming increasingly difficult to get through is make an appointment with your doctor or other medical care professional to seek their advice to establish whether there is any genuine underlying medical condition causing you problems.
If you feel okay but would just like to become more energetic, then it it’s probably not necessary to seek the doctor’s advice but if on the other hand you feel constantly tired, there may be a specific medical reason for the condition that needs to be identified before deciding upon the most effective form of remedy.
For instance, it was highlighted earlier that the main causes of anemia include a lack of iron, folic acid and vitamins B12. If you therefore have an anemia problem that is making you feel constantly tired, remedying the situation may involve nothing more complex than introducing more foods that are rich in these nutrients to your diet or using supplements to make sure that you have sufficient iron and vitamins to overcome the problem.
If you genuinely feel that you consistently lack energy, having a word with your doctor seems to make a good deal of sense. At least in this way, you will either isolate the underlying problem so that it can be dealt with, or put your mind at rest that there is no such problem in the first place.

It’s about your lifestyle

Assuming that there is no underlying medical condition causing your lack of energy, you have arrived at the beginning of your seven-day program to increase your energy levels. This is the point from where you have to identify why you think you feel as if you lack energy because if you don’t do this, you cannot begin to make the necessary lifestyle changes that will see you rectifying the problem.
For instance, if you are a person who is always stressed, you probably have a major cause of your lack of energy pinned down already. A similar situation is likely to apply if you can see yourself in any of the ‘pen pictures’ in the previous chapter, because if you are badly out of shape or overweight, you cannot realistically expect to be super energetic.
You therefore need to start thinking about how you go about remedying the situation that is causing you to suffer a lack of energy before going any further. This is important because whilst this book is focused on increasing your energy levels over a relatively short period of time, if you have to make large-scale lifestyle changes, it is likely to take a little more time before you feel the biggest benefits of making these changes.
For example, despite adverts for commercial diet products that claim you can drop 10 lbs or one clothes size per week, this is not going to happen for most people and even for those who do achieve success, the weight loss is almost entirely because they shed water. Moreover, weight lost in this way never stays away for the long term, so you need to think about this particular aspect of your program to increase energy levels in more depth.
In short, if you have obvious factors that are going to limit the likelihood of you feeling full of beans, energetic and vital every day, you must include specific measures to combat these limiting factors in your own seven-day energy increase program. If this is losing weight or reducing the amount of stress that you consciously feel, then you may want to focus on some aspects of what you are going to read in this book more than on others.
However, whatever the reason is that you are currently lacking in energy, you will find a solution to your problem in the following chapters which will deal with your lack of energy in both a physical and psychological manner.

The physical side of getting more energy

It is an oft bandied cliché that is nevertheless true that you are what you eat. In short, the physical ‘you’ that you see staring back at you from the mirror in the morning is the sum total of every morsel of food and every liquid ounce of fluid you have ever consumed, which, taken to its logical conclusion, should tell you one thing.
If you don’t have the energy that you think you should have, then the food and drink that you have consumed thus far has not been capable of providing that energy for one reason or another. What you therefore need to do is start making dietary changes that will turn the picture around so that in future, the ‘you’ that stares back in the morning is made up of a very different ‘mix’ to what you are made of now.
There are two ways that you should approach this problem, doing so in a macro-manner and also by managing your dietary intake on a micro-level as well.
Exactly what this means will become clearer as you continue reading, but your starting point is to view your daily food and drink consumption on a macro-basis by considering your diet as a whole.

Macro-managing your diet

If you are what you eat and you don’t have enough energy, then your diet and lifestyle is either not providing the energy or not enabling you to release it as efficiently as you should. You therefore need to start making changes but before doing so, there is another vital factor to appreciate.
The evolution of mankind is a relatively slow thing, which means that to all intents and purposes, our bodies and more importantly our metabolisms are still pretty much the way they were 1000 years ago. Sure, there have been some changes as we have (for example) gradually become taller, but the fact is that our internal ‘workings’ have not changed a great deal.
However, our daily diet has changed by a massive amount, perhaps far more than you might ever have imagined. For example, whereas before the turn of the 20th century (in 1890), the average US citizen consumed 5 lbs of sugar a year, the figure is now 135 lbs per annum, and that is up from 26 lbs a little over 20 years ago!
Furthermore, as the diet of most citizens of developed nations has become increasingly focused on processed and convenience foods, our consumption of processed white flour, meat products of no determinable origin and the like have also skyrocketed.
The results of these dietary changes have unfortunately been overwhelmingly negative in a huge number of different ways, most of which do us no favors. And the starting point for all these negative effects is the fact that the human digestive system has not adapted quickly enough to accept these changes and still be as efficient as it should be.
What this means is that for most of us, our digestion is struggling to process the food that we feed into our system every day and whilst our digestive tract does a remarkably good job everything considered, it is unfortunately fighting a battle that it can never win.
As a result of these changes, your gut or colon has gradually built up a store of toxic and noxious substances over the years that your digestive system does not have the ability to push through. Most of these substances come from tour diet, with others contributed by the environment (from the air you breathe), medical drugs and so on.
As these materials congregate in your colon, it naturally becomes less effective which in turn means that the buildup rate of toxic substances accelerates. It’s a classic vicious circle because the more accumulated rubbish there is, the less efficient your system becomes so even more is acquired. Perhaps not surprisingly, all of this toxic material buildup inevitably slows you down and reduces your energy levels.
For instance, many millions of people in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and the like regularly suffer constipation and/or diarrhea which are both classic signs that your colon is not in tiptop condition.
Although to some people these symptoms are indicative of a recognized medical condition (e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome), for most it is highlighting the fact that you are not feeding your digestive system the foods and nutrients it needs. And whilst constipation and/or diarrhea might be unpleasant but no more, you should understand that they could indicate that you are more susceptible to far more serious medical problems such as colon cancer, which is one of the biggest killers in the Western world.
In short, your digestive system, colon and bowel are clogged up with toxic materials that are draining your energy in more ways than one.
For instance, you could be eating the most nutritious foods in the world but if your digestive system does not have the capability of processing them to extract all the nutrients, you are naturally enough not getting all of the benefits. There is therefore an immediate loss of energy and health here.
This is further exacerbated by the fact that because your digestive system is packed with toxic materials, your body expends a significant amount of energy keeping the worst effects of these toxins in check. This is energy that your body is ‘stealing’ from you in an effort to keep you healthy but it is nevertheless energy that you do not have access to.
To put this into some kind of perspective, a healthy colon should weigh around 4 lbs whereas some autopsy reports carried out on individuals who clearly lived a less than healthy life reported a 40 lb colon! Not only would this have added a significant extra complication to any weight problems these individuals suffered, it is clear that their digestive system would have been all but incapable of doing its job.
When it comes to macro-managing your diet, there are therefore several considerations to take into account.
The first thing that you must do if you want to increase your energy levels is to reduce the level of toxins (and other ‘nasties’ like parasites) that are currently putting a significant drain on your energy resources.
To do this, you might choose a commercially produced colon cleansing product, but this is not necessary, nor does it make a great deal of sense either when compared to natural dietary changes that will do the same thing.
The beauty of adopting a natural approach to getting rid of this accumulated junk from your colon and bowels is that by doing so, you make changes that will help to minimize the future buildup of these toxic materials as well. Getting rid of this accumulated toxic mélange in a natural manner and making sure that it doesn’t return is one of the easiest and most effective ways of improving your energy levels.
Now, I am not going to pretend that you can remove this toxic mix from your body immediately, because it has taken years to accumulate so it is going to take a little time to shift it.
Even so, the changes take weeks rather than years and you will start to feel the benefits within days because optimum nutrition allows your system to rejuvenate itself extremely quickly and to extract the maximum amount of energy and vitality from the foods you consume.Let us therefore start to look at exactly what you should and what you should not be consuming if you want to increase your energy levels as quickly as possible.

The dietary don’ts…

As suggested, the average citizen of most Western countries consumes a massive amount of processed sugar, which is just about the worst thing you can do for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are directly related to decreased energy levels, whereas others are more related to medical or physical problems that excessive sugar might cause which can also lead to low energy.
Most people probably understand that sucrose or processed white sugar is essentially pure energy, so they might therefore imagine that if you feel that your energy levels are low, eating sugar rich foods like candies, cookies, cakes and the like should be the perfect answer.
Unfortunately, this is the exact opposite of the truth because whilst a sugar rich food (or a soft drink which is how most people consume the majority of their daily sugar intake) will give you an immediate ‘sugar high’, it will also increase insulin levels which will bring you down again just as quickly.
Sadly, many people find that after coming down from the sugar rush, they are even less energized and more tired than they were before, explaining exactly why consuming processed sugar is a transitory and relatively ineffective energy booster.
The potential problems caused by overconsumption of processed sugar do not however stop here. For example, most people are aware that vitamin C is an essential nutrient for continued good health but they may not be aware that one of the purposes it serves is to reduce the chances of cancer cells developing.
Unfortunately however, to do this, vitamin C must gain access to the white blood cells that combat cancer, and in this respect, they are in competition with sugar cells. Consequently, the more sugar you take on board, the less efficient vitamin C is able to be at preventing cancerous cells developing.
There is also evidence that too much sugar damages your immune system’s ability to control your body efficiently and as it is believed that 80% of your immune system is focused on your digestion (where all the toxic rubbish is, remember?), it should be clear that processed sugar is not a healthy source of energy by any stretch of the imagination.
In a similar way, all other processed foods tend to have had most of the nutrients stripped from them. Sadly, the levels of more harmful substances like saturated fats (in burgers for example) have usually not been reduced whereas additional sugar has been introduced to enhance the flavor.
Once again, eating processed foods is not going to help to increase your energy levels, instead helping to pile up more of the toxic mountain lodged in your digestive tract that slows you down and steals your energy.
The bottom line here is, if you eat a diet that is rich in processed foods, sugar, saturated fats and the like, you are only encouraging the development of the noxious energy drain lodged in your digestive tract.
Do this and you cannot realistically hope to increase your energy levels, so don’t do it. There is also the question of piling on the extra pounds to be considered as well, because most overweight people (apart from those with a clinical reason for their condition) know that it is a processed food diet that is most likely to make it ever more difficult to get into their clothes.

What you should do

Okay, now we have looked at the ‘don’t’ side of a diet that will help to increase your energy levels, let us consider what you should be doing.
The first thing that you must do is drink lots of fresh water. The minimum recommended water intake for everyone is at least eight glasses a day but as long as you don’t go crazy, drinking more than this is a good idea, particularly during this first week when you’re trying to get the energy boost ball rolling.
Note that this is specifically water should be drinking (preferably alkaline water) and not other caffeine rich drinks like coffee or tea. Although some people find that caffeine gives them a boost, it is always a temporary one that needs replenishing on a regular basis, hence the idea of having a ‘coffee’ habit. In similar way to a sugar rush, coming down from a caffeine high can also reduce your energy levels still further, so try to drink water as opposed to anything else.
However, one alternative beverage that you might include, especially in the early days when you are trying to detoxify your system is green tea, as it is believed that the polyphenols in green tea help to detoxify your body as well as playing a hand in preventing diseases such as liver complaints and diabetes. There is plenty of evidence that green tea is good for you in many ways, so including three or four cups of green tea in your new dietary regime every day would help to clear out your system, thereby increasing your energy levels.
To get started with your ‘clean out’, buy in a good stock of organic fruits and vegetables that can be eaten raw. The idea of this is that for the first two or three days, the only foods that you should consume are raw fruits and vegetables to get your system ‘kickstarted’.
As these organic products are high in the nutrients, vitamins and trace minerals that your system has been missing, you should find that within this 48 to 72 hour period, you already start to feel the benefits of this lifestyle change. At the same time however, you should not overdo things by eating too much as the idea is that you minimize the strain on your digestive system whilst feeding it all the natural nutrients that help to normalize the balance in your colon and bowels.
To help take this one stage further, you should also include probiotic supplements in your new diet for this first week as these are the ‘good’ bacteria without which your digestive and immune system are immeasurably weakened. As a result of the buildup of toxic garbage in your gut, the balance between good and bad bacteria has significantly shifted in favor of the latter harmful variety, you need to start to redress the balance by feeding your system probiotic bacteria.
Incidentally, there are plenty of sites on the net where you can buy probiotic supplements, so all you need to do is run a standard Google search to find somewhere suitable, or go to your local health food shop as they wl have them too.
Next, you should add psyllium seeds or husks to your diet as well as flax seeds as the first of these helps to neutralize the toxic effects of the buildup of waste as well as loosen the built up materials, whereas flax seeds absorb moisture whilst expanding in your colon, thereby helping to remove noxious substances and toxins.
Another substance that is often recommended as part of a short term detoxification diet is bentonite in liquid, powder or tablet form. This is a type of edible clay that acts as a bulk laxative that forms a gel after absorbing water in your gut. As it does so, it also absorbs many of the toxic materials that you’re trying to shift, thereby accelerating the cleansing process.
If you stick to your ‘raw veggie’ fast for two or three days whilst taking the supplements shown, you should find that you feel a noticeable difference after you have finished.
And whilst there is no particular harm in continuing to use the probiotics, seeds and bentonite tablets for a short period of time to optimize the internal cleansing process, you should not do so over the longer term. If you were to do this, your system may come to depend upon these ‘artificial stimulants’ for good health, which is not something that you want to encourage.
However, fast for two or three days using only raw organic foods whilst also following this colon cleansing process and you will feel far more energetic and vital than you have felt in a long time.
Where to next?
After you have cleaned out your system and you are feeling better than you have felt in months (or perhaps even years), I would guess that you do not want to go back to the situation where even getting out of bed in the morning seemed like a major task.
If not, you cannot afford to go back to your old dietary habits either because as the results of your ‘clean out’ should have made obvious, it was those dietary habits that made you feel listless, fatigue and drained at the end of every day.
What you must therefore do is adopt a healthy balanced diet rather than going back to the ‘bad old days’, perhaps by following the guidelines of the ‘food pyramid’ as seen on the page:
As you can see from this screenshot, the two largest groups of foodstuffs that you should be consuming are the grains and vegetables on the left, whilst meat products and beans on the right-hand side are far less prominent.
However, you should also make sure that when you constructing a healthy balanced diet based on the information provided on the webpage highlighted earlier, you should do so using the most nutritious
alternatives possible.
For example, a significant percentage of the grain products that you eat should be whole grains such brown rice, whereas as suggested earlier, the most nutritious vegetables and fruits are almost always the organic variety. Moreover, if you are including meat in your diet, it would be best to look for organic but also non-antibiotic treated meat products.
Sure, there is no doubt that if you buy the best quality food available, you will have to pay a little more but in the long run, it may even work out cheaper. If for example you can save a few hundred dollars on medical bills every year because you (and perhaps your family) are healthier than you have ever been, then the extra outlay on better quality foods is more than justified.
One final factor to bear in mind is that it is your brain that controls how energetic you feel. Consequently, making sure that you include plenty of brain friendly foods in your diet, the kind of things that will help to keep your brain in tiptop condition such as oily fish like mackerel, salmon and anchovies (which are all rich in Omega-3 essential oils) plus plenty of dark, leafy vegetables is a very good choice.

Micro-managing your diet

The idea behind micro-managing your diet is that even for people who would not necessarily agree that they are energy deficient all of the time, it may happen sometimes.
For instance, there are certain times of the day when you really need lots of energy, whilst other times, energy is far less essential. It therefore makes sense to feed your body with as much energy as it needs at the times when it most needs it, rather than doing so at times when energy is far less essential.
It is for this reason that many nutritional experts suggest that the most important meal of the day is breakfast, because a healthy, hearty breakfast sets you up for the day and provides you with the energy you need to get going. At the same time, most people who work a full-time job also need energy in the afternoon as well, so a reasonable lunch is also essential.
At the end of the day however, energy is far less important because after you have dealt with the rigors of the day, your body naturally starts to slow down as bedtime approaches. This is therefore the time of the day when the smallest amount of energy is needed.
And yet, most people grab an apple as they charge out of the door in the morning, race through lunch before eating a big dinner when they get home.
In other words, in terms of providing the necessary energy to keep you going, what you are doing is completely the wrong way round if this is what you do.
A healthy balanced breakfast provides you with the energy you need to get over or through what is usually the hardest part of the day, whilst following this with a balanced lunch should be sufficient to provide your body with the energy you need to get through the afternoon as well.
It is however a fact that some people feel an almost overwhelming urge to have a nap in the afternoon, and unfortunately, if you are the office or factory, this fact does not make this ‘I need a nap’ feeling go away.
Nowadays, there are some more enlightened companies who are beginning to recognize this fact. They have accepted that allowing employees to have a 15 to 20 minute nap is far better than having a drowsy employee who is incapable of achieving anything for an hour or two, but these organizations are not yet in the majority, and they probably never will be.
Hence, what you should do is eat a lunch that is designed to prevent you feeling sleepy afterwards. To do this, try to avoid carbohydrates at lunchtime, focusing instead on a lunch that is predominantly protein-based.
This works because proteins are broken down in your digestive system into amino acids, one of which is tyrosine which is known to keep you sharp and alert. Hence, instead of a carbohydrate packed lunch (which releases serotonin into your brain, a hormone that relaxes you), aim to eat something that is protein rich such as a tuna and boiled egg salad or steamed fish and vegetables.
Another idea that is very popular (but not scientifically proven) is that some herbal supplements can help to overcome a temporary energy deficit, with many people swearing by garlic capsules or tablets, gingko biloba or ginseng.
The fact that all of these 100% natural substances seem to be capable of reviving energy levels without reverting to potentially harmful substances like processed sugar and are convenient to carry and take makes this another option that you might like to consider.

The mental side is important too

As I highlighted at the beginning of the book, your psychological state can play a very significant role in dictating how energetic you feel. If for example you are under constant stress, it is far harder to maintain a positive attitude and without a positive attitude, most people would find it very difficult to be energetic and enthusiastic.
Hence, you need to decide whether there is a psychological reason why you don’t feel as if you have any energy, starting with the obvious ‘suspects’ such as stress and a lack of sleep.
What’s the root of the problem?
If you cannot sleep, it may because you are stressed, but if you haven’t had any sleep for a couple of days, it becomes far more likely that you will feel stressed as your temper and general demeanor suffers.
You therefore need to identify what is the root cause of your problem, because if you can do this, then it becomes relatively easy to deal with.
For example, it might seem almost too blindingly obvious but the reason why people sometimes cannot sleep is because the bedroom is not as dark as it should be. Even though this might sound like a relatively minor thing, it is in truth anything but because if there is too much light, it interferes with your brain’s ability to handle melatonin secretion which is the hormone that is responsible for your body clock.
From this it follows that the darker your bedroom is, the more relaxed your sleep is likely to be which in turn guarantees that you will wake up in the morning completely revitalized and full of energy. This is one reason why some people wear eye shades in bed as it ensures that they get the full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep which most people need to remain energetic and enthusiastic.
As mentioned before, foods that are rich in carbohydrates release serotonin which helps to relax and calm you down, so carbohydrate rich foods form an ideal pre-bedtime snack (in moderation). Some people also find that a warm bath, perhaps with an infusion of aromatic oils helps to calm and relax them before bed too, so this is something else that you could try if a lack of sleep seems to be causing energy problems during the day.
Dealing with stress
Stress is a terribly debilitating condition, one that literally drains you of the very last drop of energy and vitality, as well as playing an active role in causing many potentially fatal conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. Hence, whilst fighting against stress to combat the lack of energy that you feel is important, it is probably not the most important reason for doing so.
The basic idea behind most strategies for combating stress is that stress comes about because a situation or scenario prompts you to be psychologically unhappy or uncomfortable. It is often characterized as being the modern version of the ‘fight or flight’ reaction to danger or a threat that would have been understood by our caveman forbears.
This in turn means that if you could teach yourself or somehow learn to react to external stimuli in a more positive way, then stress and the negative effects it has on your psychological (and ultimately physical) well-being would be minimized or banished forever.
In essence therefore, dealing with stress is something that you have to learn, and there are several widely recognized ways of doing so.
The first strategy that you might consider using for dealing with stress is by using hypnotherapy, the medical version of hypnotism.
Whilst there is still a good degree of mystery attached to why hypnotism works in the way it does, it is generally believed that when someone is in a hypnotic trance, the hypnotist or hypnotherapist who has induced that trance is able to communicate directly with the hypnotized subjects subconscious mind.
The relevance of this is that by the time you reach adulthood, the way you react to specific situations is almost always a subconscious reaction, something that you don’t even think about.
To understand this concept better, think of it this way.
A newborn baby is a blank canvas as he or she has learned literally nothing about the world. Thus, if a axe wielding madman were to charge headlong at this newborn character, they would probably stare at this wild eyed onrushing figure with mild bemusement.
In contrast, you and I would prepare to fight or (more likely) run away because this is a conditioned reaction that we have learned over the years, and conditioned reactions come from the subconscious mind.
Hence, because a hypnotherapist has the ability to communicate directly with your subconscious, they can analyze why you react in a stressed way to certain situations and conditions before changing your beliefs and reactions by communicating directly with the root cause of them.
Many people over the years have found that hypnosis or hypnotherapy is extremely effective for dealing with a wide range of subconscious reflex reactions such as minimizing the worst effects of stress because hypnotherapy has the ability to remove the trigger that prompts the reaction.
Consequently, if you are a person who suffers stress which seems to be draining all of your energy, this is definitely an option to investigate.
To do so, the easiest way of finding a locally qualified professional is to use Google maps to run a search.
An alternative that you might want to consider is to investigate the idea of self hypnosis or using hypnosis products that you can buy on the net.
Although you may be a little skeptical when first introduced the concept of self hypnosis, there are lots of websites where there is plenty of information about it and more importantly, about how successful it can be.
For example, there are detailed, step-by-step instructions about how you can hypnotize yourself at wikiHow, whilst there is lots of free information available for download on the site.
Alternatively, try running a search for ‘hypnosis products’, because there are although 400,000 sites where you can buy hypnosis tapes,CDs, videos, books and everything you could think of that could be associated with hypnosis.
The basic idea of hypnosis as a way of dealing with stress is that through mastering your subconscious reactions, you learn how to relax instead of reacting in a stressed manner.
A similar thing can be associated with another strategy that many people use to conquer their tendency to react in a stressed manner, which is to use yoga together with the associated practices of meditation and deep breathing to learn to overcome their susceptibility to stress.
Once again, if you are a person who suffers stress and you therefore find that your general levels of energy are not as good as they could be, this is another option which you can either learn from others in a controlled environment or start the ball rolling in the comfort of your own home via the medium of the net.
Again, it really doesn’t matter where you live, there will be yoga glasses somewhere in the neighborhood and as before, you can find these quickly and easily by using Google maps. As the Google information includes the address, telephone number and of course the map, it enables you to contact them to establish whether they are in a position to help without stepping out of your front door.
The other way of doing things is to start learning yoga from the net from any one of a number of sites that are focused on both the physical and the mental side of learning about this ancient Eastern practice.
The basic idea of yoga is that by learning to control the way your mind reacts to situations and circumstances, you can achieve a far higher level of relaxation than you have previously managed. Consequently, as there is such a focus on mind control associated with yoga (primarily through meditation), it is an ideal pastime for anyone who suffers a lack of energy caused by reacting in a stressed manner to external stimuli.
The basic exercises attached to yoga are categorized by participants striking stationary poses that are designed to improve muscle flexibility and strength. These poses are known as asanas and they range in difficulty from being relatively easy to very hard.
Hence it is important that if you would like to start investigating whether yoga is for you from home, you should use a site where the degree of difficulty is noted so that you do not attempt something that may cause physical damage or injury.
As far as the spiritual side of yoga is concerned, there are many different types of meditation associated with different forms of yoga, most of which came from different religions. There are also resources like meditation CDs as well as meditation supplies which can help you to meditate successfully.
The final thing that is intrinsically linked to yoga is having the ability to breathe deeply and slowly on demand because once you can do this, you have the capacity to take control of even the most stress inducing situation by forcing yourself to breathe properly.
The importance of this can be demonstrated by the fact that most people in a stressful situation will breathe quickly and shallowly, which immediately limits the supply of oxygen to the brain and to the body. This in turn makes a situation that was already becoming difficult considerably more so.
In this scenario, by starving your brain of oxygen, you have naturally limited your capacity to make well reasoned, logical decisions, hence rapid breathing always exacerbates an already stressful situation.
Almost everyone who learns the art of deep breathing reports that as part of the learning process, they acquire the ability to be conscious of when stress is starting to happen and the fact that their breath is becoming quicker and more shallow at the same time. Once they acquire this level of consciousness, it becomes far easier to control their breathing, thereby bringing stress under control as well.
As there is with meditation, there are many different ways of learning deep breathing but using the Pavlov method is one that you should definitely consider because it is again focused on conditioning your subconscious mind which as established earlier is where stress comes from.
If you can use any of these methods to successfully conquer your susceptibility to stress, you are immediately going to see a marked improvement in your energy levels as far less of your energy is wasted on futile stressful situations that you could nor previously control.
And of course, it should go without saying that as a part of your seven-day program to increase your energy levels, the sooner you start to control the stress you feel, the quicker you are going to start enjoying increased energy.

The importance of exercise

One of the ironies of feeling that you have no energy is that fact that it discourages you from taking regular exercise.
However, commencing a program of regular exercise is probably one of the best things you can do in terms of boosting your energy levels because the fact that exercise burns energy makes your body far more efficient at processing energy in the future.
Viewed from the opposite angle, if you do not do exercise of some description, you are encouraging your body to be an inefficient machine for processing energy, which it will more than gladly do.
But when you don’t allow this to happen (i.e. when you exercise at least four times a week), your body gradually becomes fitter, healthier and a far more efficient energy processing plant, which of course means that if you exercise in this way on a regular basis, you will naturally feel more energetic, lively and vital.
What you really need is four sessions of cardiovascular or aerobic exercise every week as a minimum, something that works your heart, lungs, leg and arm muscles so that your whole body gets a workout.
Now, we are not talking about being an Olympic athlete here, nor am I suggesting that you go from doing no exercise whatsoever to trying to run a half marathon.
Indeed, starting off with something as simple as 15 minutes of brisk walking every day is a good idea because it is essential that you start off slowly and gradually build up, rather than going crazy from the beginning which is highly likely to cause injury.
Of course, the exercise program that you instigate will be dictated by your age and present physical condition, but you must nevertheless understand that if you want to feel more energetic and lively, taking up cardiovascular exercise is possibly the most important factor of them all.
Exercise encourages your metabolism to speed up so that all of the energy from the food you consume is channeled in the right directions as an example of why this is so.
At the same time, the fact that cardiovascular exercise involves movement will help every other process you have learned in this book to be more effective than it would otherwise be.
For instance, even something as simple as walking prompts your digestive system to become more efficient because you are using the muscles of your upper legs, hips and buttocks, all of which are adjacent to the muscles that control your lower digestive system. Furthermore, it is an acknowledged fact that regular exercise improves oxygen flow to all of the organs of your body, including your brain, which helps to combat stress and tension.
Indeed, many people who take regular exercise report that doing so is one of the most effective ways of combating stress as it allows them to dissipate their aggression as they run, swim or cycle and it is natural that regular exercise will help you sleep better as well.
As suggested, if you haven’t exercised for some time, start off slowly with 15 minutes of brisk walking, if possible every day but failing this at least four times in your first week. Then, add another 5 minutes in the second week, another 10 minutes in the third week and so on until you can comfortably walk for an hour at a brisk pace.
At that point, you might decide to accelerate the process further by moving to jogging and then running. This is far more likely than it might appear right now because you will be feeling such noticeably elevated levels of energy that making a decision to step up a gear or two will seem like the most natural thing in the world.
Other options that are very good are cycling and swimming, with the latter being ideal for those who are a little older or perhaps not so strong because swimming uses every muscle in the body whilst there is no ‘impact’ (with the attendant risk of injury) as there would be if you were pounding the streets jogging 5 miles every evening.
In reality, as long as you are doing sufficient aerobic exercise, your energy levels will rapidly increase, especially if you combine this with anaerobic exercise by practicing yoga. You could for example practice yoga three times a week in combination with aerobic exercise four times every week so that you have a complete exercise program that is almost guaranteed to skyrocket your energy levels pretty much irrespective of whatever else you decide to do.


As you have read, there are lots of strategies that you can adopt that help combat a general feeling of listlessness or a specific feeling of tiredness and fatigue that comes over you at a particular time of the day.
Nevertheless, because most people who suffer from a lack of energy do so because of a combination of factors rather than any single thing that drains the energy out of them, I would suggest that you adopt the same approach to reversing the situation.
For example, if you start your organic fruit and vegetable fast tomorrow whilst combining it with the supplements that will help to clean out your system, it would also make sense to start looking into the viability of hypnotherapy or yoga and take your first 15 minute walk as soon as you have finished reading these final few paragraphs.
And as highlighted, do not underestimate the power of exercise to re-energize your body and your mind.
Walking or jogging when combined with yoga and even something as simple as stretching makes sure that your brain is getting the oxygen it needs to manage your body efficiently.
But you are not going to get anywhere if you don’t take action, and whilst I appreciate that taking action is possibly one of the last things you might want to do if you have no energy, you also know that without action, nothing is ever going to change.
You now have the tools you need to do the job. It is up to you to use them.
In combination with cleaning your body out at the same time, even the gentlest exercise makes it far easier for energy to be channeled in the most beneficial directions, so you will naturally feel re-energized remarkably quickly.

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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.08.2010

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