
The Ghostly Girl

There came to be a girl in the middle of the forest. Black hair, black nails, black heart. She lived alone in the wooden one roomed cottage.
The cottage itself was blood red that made it seem as though it was haunted, there was over grown ivy all over it making it seem invisible among the other trees in the woods. There was only one thing that made it like a home and that was a white rose. Yes a simple white rose.
The windows were pitched black no electricity meant that there was no lights, no heating ,there was only a candle in the middle of the room. In the corner there was a black sleeping bag and a book called White Crow by Marcus Sedwick a small marker was left in it where she had stopped reading. On the front of the book was a picture of a famly mom, dad, and two girls one was older and the other was in nappies. All looked happy exept one. The older girl she looked irritated even angery at somthing or someone in the distence. either way the pictue did not belong there, in fact it had nothing to do with the book.

In the middle of the room sat the girl she had curly hair which looked like it was recently been washed, her skin was pale like she was Ghostly; she wore a lace purple dress with thrills all on the hem. Her legs were hunched together her hands was placed tightly around her legs trying to conceal the heat. She sat there as still as a scarecrow in deep thought, she was day dreaming about the time she was last with her family on a day out, as she remembered that it was her parents anniversary and all the family was coming to celebrate their 21st.

“Oh darling let me finish that for you can go upstairs and get ready.” dad said excitedly going over to his wife and kissing her tenderly and putting his hand around her hips.
“Ok ok I am going make sure Katie is put in the pram with her nappies and cleaning things”
“Don’t worry about that I will get Jezzal to do that when she comes down”
“I love you” dad says gleefully
“I love you too” mom repeats happily
Mom ran upstairs and called Jezzal
"Could you come and help me a second”
"Yes mom” Jezzal replied
Jezzal came in to her mother’s bedroom in a Green floral dress and heals
Her mom was in her underwear with clothes all over the floor.
“So what do you want help with?”
Her mom turned around.
"Oh dear you look so grown up”
“Thank you” Jezzal said in an embarrassed voice.
“Could you help me with my dress” mom said in a proud voice
“Course I can” Jezzal said cheerfully
Jezzal went to the wardrobe and got her mother’s dress that was hanging on the wardrobe door and took the hanger off the dress and went over to her mother and was ready to help her mom put the dress on. Her mom turned around and Jezzal went on her tiptoes to help her mom with the dress. Once it was over her mom head the rest of the dress dropped to the floor.
“Thanks love that is great,
do you want to borrow my earrings?”
“Yes please”
Her mom went over to the dressing table and got a pair of green dangly earrings and then walked over to her daughter and put the earing in her ears and then kissed her on the cheek tenderly.
“Love could you go and help your farther in the kitchen with your sister please”
“Sure do you want Katie’s bib and bottle in there too?”
“Yea those are to go in the pram too, I will be down in a couple of minute.”
Jezzal went down stairs to help her dad ……….

The girl came out of her day dream and felt really hungry so decided to order a pizza.

The boy

Dear diary,
I thought my life could not get any better.
But it has.
I have a girlfriend she is Beautiful and her name is Isabella Jazaloby she has long lushes curly hair her eyes are deep blue pools which you can see her emotion brought out ,her skin is as soft as silk .
My baba said that I should make a honest woman out of her I just laughed the thing is I only asked her out to the whale festival because she said that she did not have anyone to go with, so I offered, because her mama said she did not like her to go on her own since there have been a number of murders in the area and woman have been targeted, some say that these woman where tied up and tortured and I would hate that to happen to Isabella epically since her papa is part of the government.
I would never forgive myself.
So I am going to protect her from any harm.

Heart Brake

6 months on
Dear Diary,
Why did he have to do this to me I loved her I thought she would be my Juliet and we would be together for ever. After the Festival I took her back to her house ,nothing was more perfect I asked if she wanted to be my Girlfriend and she said yes, my first girlfriend and now she is gone, I’ve gone we can’t have a long distance relationship how am I to live over the other side of the planet when the woman I love is not with me. I hate, it hate it, hate it.
Even tthrough papa said to make a honest womain outb of her he wants me to leave this is unfair.

Papa said I was to go England to learn the trade over there and that I was now old enough to support my family, and I should stop living in a fantasy world where I can only dream of being with the woman I love.
I should make a name for myself.
I don’t know what true love is .
I only wish I could change his mind the thing is I have to go because he has spent all of his life savings on this trip for me he has contacted a man who says he has work for me I really don’t want to leave Isabella she has been there for me since the start,and she is my one true love
How am I supposed to tell her my sweet heart.

I Love her.

I have to brake the bad new to her soon because i am leaving in a week.

How am I supposed to tell her.

I Love her...........................

The White rose

The girl got up and went to the front door she opened it slowly and on the door step sat the white rose that her mother had given her during the anniversary dinner. It was a small white rose with delicate petals that would have taken a fine artist to draw it so beautifully. Jazzal had put it in her hair, she noticed that it went perfectly with her dress and it complimented her handbag and dress almost matched it perfectly. She felt like a princess. She had various comments to how she looked and she liked being the centre of attention it felt good
She had mingled with distant family members.

Then her mom came over to her.

“Darling could you take Katie upstairs because she is ready for her nap” mom said cheerfully

The party had gone to the house because the weather had got too cold to stay outside Jezzal’s dad had put the fire on in the living room, and had boiled the kettle and was in the living room with his wife’s sister chatting about the old days and how he asked his wife out.

Jazzal took her sister out of the pram and up the stairs to her bedroom she undressed her sister and put her nightie on her then she put her in the bed softly with a blanket spread over her then she kissed her on the cheek then went out of the room and closed the door softly,but keeping it at a jar so she would not get scared when she woke up. Jazzal went past her mom and dad room when she got to the stairs she thought she head a laugh she thought it was her parents changing in to some other outfits but as she soon realised that the was wrong. She came to the kitchen and she saw her mom helping her nan with the cutting of the chocolate cake. She suddenly thought who the hell was with her dad if it was not her mom, she went into the living room and saw everyone was their except her Ant Clair, she went back in to the kitchen and spoke to her mom
“Yes dear “
“Do you know were Ant Clair is “
“Yea she is up stairs getting changed why are you interested?”
“Oh I thought I heard laughter in there I thought it was you and dad”.
"Dont be silly your farther is in the dinning room with the other guessed"
" Are you sure?"
" Couse I am your farther loves us all you know. that includes you too."
"doute that"

Jazzal says to herself

Teds wonderful Pizza

The girl was hungery and had not eaten in a while in fact it had been 2 months and 24 days since she had a proper meal she felt really hungery and wanted to eat beause she thought that was the normal thing to do since everything in her life had been abnormal.

she thought of a number that she had seen on her wonder around the city of a pizza delivery company "Teds wonderful pizza" any pizza for a £5.00, she thought that would be fine for her to eat for dinner so she went and got her money from her sleeping bag she had £500 that her mother had given her.
she took her mobile phone out of the sleeping bag,and saw she had 2 messages fron 2 weeks ago which read:
"Jezzal where are you, you said that you would ring when you were coming home I know I dont say it often but I love you I hope You realise that and I'm deeply sorry that you found out in that way please come home Dad"
The second mesage read
"Zezzal call me its importent we talk as a famly I love you mom xx"

A tear fell down Jezzals eye slowly she quickly called the number of the pizza company

"Hello Teds wonderful Pizza have any pizza you like"strangly the voice on the other siide was not happy in fact he sounded distracted even irritated, but Zezzle was not going to let them annoy her.
"Hello could I order a cheesy tamato pizza please"
"yea sure what topping" he sounded angery
" cheese and tamato please" Zezzle said confused
"what" the man on the other side of the phone said
"chees and......."
"No not you ....... look you need to walk out before i serously loose it ............." the phonne hung up

Zezzle was angery that they had hung up on her so she decided to ring back and complain
she dilled the number again
"Hello Teds wonderful Pizza have any pizza you like"
"Hi I just ordered a pizza and you hung up on me before I had finished"
"Hang on" the voice said fustrated

Jezzal waited for 15 minutes then she was about to hang up when the call was taken again
This time it was a womain as dull as the manas the man she had been waiting for
"Hello Teds wonderful Pizza have any pizza you like" the woman sounded aggressive sort of like she was bisy doing other things that were more importent."
Jezzel got angery.
"Hello I ordered a pizza from this comaney around 40 minutes ago and no one has taken my address to deliver my pizza now can you do that or not?!"
"Oh chicken and tamato."
"No cheese and tamato."
"Sorry we did not have an order for cheese just chicken"
Zezzle could hear a faint voice in the background.
"Tony who's pizza are you eating?"
she recordnized the voice it was the man who took the call twice before"
"Oh shoot"
she then could hear laughter from other people.
"You stupid fool you are eating her pizza"
"No I'm not"
"yes you are look what is in there and tell me that not her pizza go on look"

There was movment on the other side of the phone.
"Shoot" the man was furious
"Look is she still on the line"
"Proberly very angery"
"Hello are still there miss"
"Yes I am " Jezzlel said with grited teeth
" Sorry about this look what I will do is I will get you a pizza that you wanted and throw in some chips and drink is that ok for you"
"Yes thank You"
"Now that, is sorted can I take your address please"
"One Black Forrest Inn you will see it as you turn in to New Bridge park"
"Once again I am so sorry for the inconvenience"

The thing is she was sorry to because someone had to pay like her dad had too play for what he had done .......

el último adiós Jason

Dear diary,
Today I leave for England it seems like time has gone so quicky since my farther told me I was to go.
I broke the news to my lover she took it hard as expected
we cried in each others arms


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2011

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