
Kara Grimsdottir and the Indifferent Suitor


There was a farm in Iceland.

Sheep, sheep, and sheep, a few horses, bare land and long long winters.

Jón Einarsson had inherited from his late father. His mother Mýrun continued to live on the family farm with him.

Jón was a good fiddler and played for weddings, funerals and christenings - in other words a spaeleman.

Yet he was unmarried. He did not feel confident with girls. They thought him indifferent. But there were girls he liked. Astrid Erlendsdottir and Kara Grimsdottir for example; both in his mind were attractive but he made no move. Inevitably at weddings he was playing for the dancing and he watched as Kara Grimsdottir danced with that oaf Arni Helgisson from Skaill. Astrid Erlendsdottir swept by with the over confident Barði Axelsson from Holt.


Mýrun, Jón’s mother had been longing for grandchildren for some time but when her other child, her daughter Kristin, married and had a baby, Mýrun relaxed a little and did not nag him so much.

Yet still her mission was to see Jón wed. For that she felt was the way of things, generation succeeding generation.


Kara Grimsdottir had been feeling the need to marry for some time; she was now twenty five. Somehow it seemed she had been passed by but she always had in her mind Jón Einarsson, even at school. She had admired his fine features, his ice blue eyes and his slender fingers as he played the fiddle. Surely a man who could produce such sweet music would have a sensitive and caring soul?


But after waiting for a while she grew tired and left for Reykjavik – there she took a job in Jakob Freybór’s shop.

Jakob Freybór, now in his fifties, made musical instruments; violins, guitars, and sold


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: alastair macleod
Bildmaterialien: alastair macleod; own photo, mountain.
Lektorat: alastair macleod
Übersetzung: cover typeset in; times new roman
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.08.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-3082-0

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To Iceland, land of fire and ice, where land is being created.

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