
Embrace of The Sea


      The tourist to the islands is to be forgiven for imagining that island life is an escape, an idyll where life is easy. It is far from the truth. Winning a living from sea and soil is hard, sometimes on a knife edge of risk. Not only therefore, did the islanders in their deepest hearts expect loss but they expected the bounty, the serendipitous event, the fortunate chance. They were practical and industrious but a sense of being in the power of the sea god remained in the recesses of their minds.

      Joanna Rendall was born into these thought strands. As a girl in Westray she’d seen the tangles piled high after a huge storm, collected them with dad and mum. They sold them to the buyers from south to turn them into jellies, cosmetics and burns cream. It added to the income of the croft. Her father worked creels off the taing in his boat, his life dictated by tides and weather. She’d helped mum with the stock, lambing since she was seven, feeding calves and chickens. The nurturing was in her.

      When she came to leave the school it was nursing she wanted to do. Her aunty


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: alastair macleod
Bildmaterialien: alastair macleod: "love on the beach", purchased from Dreamstime royalty free photos
Lektorat: alastair macleod
Übersetzung: title typeset in actionman
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-0690-3

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to life's longing for itself

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