

“Earth to Sethalynn,” Sara said waving her hand in front of her friends face. “Close your mouth. Your drooling over the new guy again aren’t you?”
“He’s cute. What can I say, I like a guy with long hair.” Sethalynn blushes.
“Why don’t you go talk to him?” Sara asked finally seeing him by himself at a lunch table.
“And say what exactly, ‘Hi, I’m Sethalynn,’ “she says sarcastically, “’I think you’re hot. Will you go out with me?’”
“That’s exactly what you should say. Hey, don’t give me that I’m-going-to-kill-you look, I’m serious. Look at him and tell me you don’t want to talk to him.”
Sighing Sethalynn did what her friend asked, he was facing them reading a book. She liked to read and a guy that did to. Looking at his face she could tell how much he was into reading his book. His hair was the longest she’d ever seen on a guy before. Almost as he felt she was looking at him, he looked up catching her eyes. God, he has the most beautiful brown eyes she’s ever seen, they felt like they were looking into her very soul. Looking away Sethalynn starts to blush.
“I do, but I can’t. What if I’m not his type? What if he’s a jerk?” Sethalynn whispered, while sneaking a peek at the new guy through her hair.
“Well, you don’t know till you try. And looks like your chance is now because he’s walking this way.” Sara giggled at her friends flushed face.
Turning her head Sethalynn watched the new guy walk pass other lunch tables and make his way toward their table. Turning back toward her friend, she blushes harder.
“Wow, he’s dead on you girl.” Sara laughs again. “All the other girls look jealous.”
“Shut up and stop staring at him. You’re embarrassing me.”
“Um, Hi I’m Chad. Is it okay if I sit with you?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” Sara says trying not to laugh.
“I can go sit somewhere else if you want?” Chad says.
“No! I’m sorry. No you don’t have to, Sara just thinks something else was funny.” Sethalynn says trying not to blush.
“Okay.” Chad says looking nervous and takes a seat. “So, what’s your name?”
“I like your name.”
“Well, Sethalynn says she like guys with long hair what do you think, Chad?” Sara asks.
“I think I’m glad I have long hair then.” Chad says smiling. “I like short hair on girls, so I guess we’re even.”
“Then we’re even.” Sethalynn whispers.
“She’s shy. So tell us a little about yourself.” Sara says. “What do you like to do?”
“Hmmm…I like to read and I write books. My favorite color is purple. Don’t laugh it’s an awesome color. And I listen to all types of music.”
“I love the color purple.” Sethalynn says shyly.
“I still think blue is a better color.” Sara says looking at Chad. “We had an argument about this before, we even had others vote and both colors were even.”
“So, Sethalynn what do u like to do?” Chad asks.
“I like to go caving and I like to read.”
“Ugh, you guys are going to make me sick if you don’t stop staring at each other like that. Well, I’m going to leave if that’s okay with you I have an assignment due soon. See you guys later.” Sara says getting up to leave.
“Okay, and don’t forget about after school.” She says still staring at Chad.
“So, do you have a boyfriend, Sethalynn?”
“No, I have been too worried about school that it kind of didn’t matter at the time.” Sethalynn blushes. “What about you, I bet you have a girlfriend?”
“No. The school I used to go to all the girls were rude and stuck up. You’re not stuck up are you?”
“I don’t know you’ll have to judge that yourself.” She Smiles.
“I’ll take that challenge. How about tomorrow after school?”
“Yeah, okay. Well I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
Sethalynn picks up her stuff and leaves the cafeteria. The whole rest of the day she thinks about what’s going to happen tomorrow when she meets up with Chad. What should she wear? Should she wear make-up? Either way she was going to be herself.

First Kiss

Walking through the halls of the school Sethalynn turns a corner almost running into Chad. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you coming.”
“It’s okay.” Chad laughs. “So where are you running to?”
“I’m going to my math class right now but then I’ll be going to the library to do some research for a project. I don’t want to be late.” Sethalynn says.
“Oh, right.” Chad says smiling “I’ll see you after school right?”
“Yeah. Of course.” Sethalynn said smiling back.
“Then I’ll meet you up front.”
“Okay.” Sethalynn says while walking away.

After School

“Hmm…today went by fast, don’t you think?” Sethalynn says looking up into the sky.
“Not for me it didn’t. It took too long, I think.” Chad says looking at Sethalynn.
Looking back down at where Chad is Sethalynn smiles, “I’m sorry. Why did it take long?”
“It took long because I wasn’t able to see you sooner.”
Blushing Sethalynn smiles bigger, “Is that so?” She says.
“Yes,” Chad laughs pulling Sethalynn in his lap, “it is.”
Sethalynn didn’t know what to say, especially since he was kissing her. All she could think was that it took him long enough to do so.
Breaking away Chad looks at Sethalynn, “I’m sorry, that shouldn’t have happened.” He says breathing hard.
“It’s okay. I didn’t mind.” She blushes.
Smiling Chad looks deep into her eyes, “You’re amazing, you know?”
“I do now.” She kisses his lips one more time then gets up. “It’s time I go home or my mom will freak out.”
“All ready? Wow time goes by fast when I’m with you.”
“Yeah, it sucks doesn’t it?”
“Just a little.” He smiles again. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Definitely.” Sethalynn says.
“Bye and goodnight.”
“Goodnight” She whispers.
Walking home all she could remember was the kiss he had given her. It had surprised her but she was happy it happened, this made things official between them.

A Friends Knowing

Then next day Sethalynn was looking for Chad. When she found him, he didn’t look happy to see her or maybe she was being paranoid.
“We have to talk.” Chad says when he reaches her.
“Is it good talk or bad talk?” she asks.
“Well…Um, bad if you think about it.”
“Okay” She says knowing that it wasn’t going to be good.
“Um, I just want to be friends, I’m not ready for a relationship and I really like you and want to stay friends. If you’re not mad?”
“No. I understand if you need to talk I’m here for you.” Sethalynn whispers.
“I’m sorry I led you on. You can be mad if you want.”
“No, I’m not mad.”
“I have to go but I’ll see you later, K?”Chad asks.
“Yeah, see you later.”
Turning around Sethalynn almost ran into Sara.
“So, what’s with you and Chad?” Sara asks looking back where Chad was walking away.
“He said he wasn’t ready for a relationship so I told him I’ll be here for him when he was ready.” She told her friend. “What’s with that look?”
“You just let one of the hottest guys at this school go?”
“No, we’re friends but when he’s ready for a relationship I’ll be here.”
“You better hope.” Sara says.

A Bad Feeling

Walking down the hall Sethalynn feels today isn’t going to be a good day and she doesn’t know why. Going around the corner she comes to a complete stop, she can’t believe what she sees. That can’t be Chad she’d just talked to him yesterday. Then why was he kissing another girl, a girl Sethalynn didn’t even know?
“What the hell are you doing, Chad?” She hisses.
Breaking the kiss Chad looks at Sethalynn. “I’m sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen like this.” He says.
“What the hell are you talking about? You told me that you weren’t ready for a relationship.”
“Well, apparently he lied to you.” The girl said.
“Shut the hell up this is none of your business.” Sethalynn yells.
“I hope we can still be friends and that you’ll forgive me.” Chad says.
“Screw you and go to hell.” She yells then slaps his face as hard as she can.
“Hey, you can’t do that to my boyfriend.” The girl said.
“Well. I just did, you want some to?”
“You’re crazy.”
“Yeah, so what? Have fun with your boyfriend.” Sethalynn says walking away. “He’s just going to do what he did to me, to you?” she said over her shoulder.

A Loving Father

Getting home Sethalynn goes straight up the stairs into her room. Ugh, that jerk. I thought he was different. Guess I was wrong. She didn’t know what to do anymore this had happened more than once now. She just needed to stop crying. He was the one that messed up and lost a perfectly good person to be with over someone that would treat him like crap. "Good". Was all she could think, He deserves it. Finally not crying anymore she went down stairs.
“What’s wrong?” Her stepdad asks.
“This boy at school hurt me.” She says to him.
“Well you know he doesn’t deserve a girl like you. You know you hold everything a guy wants in your hands and that makes you a queen. Don’t cry over a jerk like that.” Bill says.
“Thanks, Bill. You’re the best dad a girl can have.”Sethalynn says giving Bill a big hug. “Oh, and to let you know I didn’t let him get away with it I slapped him pretty hard.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2011

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