
A nightmare come to life

Call me Amelia and know that is my name.
This is my history and my life.

I grew up like a regular kid. Going to school, hanging out with friends.
Except I was never normal. I discovered when I turned sixteen that I was not human.
This happened when I turned dragon. Yes, a dragon.
I had scales and leathery wings like a dragon. That day (Before I turned dragon) I received an unusual packet that contained a very strange map and a letter. The map had strange red dots and circles all over what looked like a few cites together.
The letter said that that day I was no longer full human and was going to change into my natural form. And that I couldn't tell anyone. It advised me where to meet another person of my kind if I chose to live. That was it of the letter.

That day I decided to run away from my childhood home.
I couldn't tell my parents about this. They would think I have a disease. I took my parents car and drove to the bank while I was still like this.

I walk into the bank and all eyes turn to me and my fire-like scales and fiery wings.
I calmly walk up to the counter and push away the person at the counter.

“I need as much money as I can get.” I say to the attendant behind the counter.
She just stares at me.
“Now.” I growl.

She scurries off and I follow her.
She enters a pin into a keypad and a door swings open. She runs inside quickly and starts shoving money into a bag.
“Hurry up.” I growl again.
She hands me the bag and I take off running.

Now how do I shake off this form?

Maybe it’s mind over matter? How am I suppose to know?

Well I’m willing to try.
I squint my eyes and think over and over in my head. Change form. Change form.
I feel a cool gushing feeling take over me, but I keep running.

I open my eyes fully and I look down at my hand.
It’s human again.
I’m human again.
Well you know what I mean.

I shove the bag of money into my suitcase and start walking map in hand.
I pretend to be looking around like I’m new to the city.
Yeah, I took acting lessons.
I nearly choke on the memory of my parents and possibly never seeing them again.
Why couldn’t I be a regular human like everybody else?
I suddenly spot a town name on my map. Forest city, North Carolina.

That’s only 100 miles or so away from here.
But I’m in South Carolina. And I’m supposed to meet the other person of my kind in the bunker here in my home state.
I pass a store window and freeze and turn looking at my reflection.
Oh my GOD!
My hair!
Its pure white like snow and my eyes are blue as the sea.
I touch my face. My cheekbones have moved higher. And my cheeks have lost their baby fat.

My phone then rings and I toss it to the ground and stomp on it.

I was now beautiful.
And I was never going back.

I continue to walk looking at the houses and shops like I’ve never seen them before.

I hear a cop car behind me and I turn around.
The chief police Jenkins and his partner in crime, the rookie dog, are cruising up to me in his swanky car.

I freeze.

“Miss, have you seen a red-scaled dragon come past here?” Jenkins asks me.
I nod my head.
“She took off that way. And I dropped my phone so I couldn’t call anyone.” I say pointing to the way I was walking.

“Thank you, Miss, and welcome to town.” He smiles and drives off.

I grab my suitcase and head to the car dealers.

I pay for a jeep and drive out of the lot.
I drive for an hour to meet the other person of my kind.
I finally reach a townhouse.

I park carefully and climb out of my newly purchased jeep.

I knock on the door and it springs open.
An elderly woman looking to be in about her sixties stands there in a long red dress.

“Come on in child. And everything will be explained.”
I walk in cautiously.

“Sit please. We’ve been expecting you.”
“We?” I ask

“Yes. We. The rest of the Draki.”

“You can call me Dana. Welcome to the HQ of all things Draki.”

“Draki? Is that what I am?” I ask.
“Yes, quite frankly. Don’t worry about that little accident at the bank. We took care of that.” Dana says.

Dana leans forward and takes my hands in hers.
“We know this must be quite a shock for you. But we will be here for you every step of the way.” Dana explains how under this house was a secret library for the Draki to research.

She opens a trapdoor in the hallway and leads me down the steps.

A light flicks on and rows of books appear from the dark.

She leaves me down there to read.

Apparently there are 5 different Draki kinds
1-water Draki
2-fire Draki
3-earth Draki
4-air Draki
5- Oracle Draki

The Oracle Draki were killed off a few hundred years ago.
And the Oracle Draki are supposed to have every other Draki power rolled into one.
How cool is that?

But which one am I?

As soon as I think this I hear breathing behind me.
I jump out of my chair and spin around to face them.
Its only Dana.

“What are you doing?” I ask trying to slow down my racing heart.

“Just checking on you. So do you know which one you are?” Dana asks.

I shake my head, sending a silent no.

“I personally think that you could be a fire Draki because of your scales. But your hair tells me that you could be an air Draki but your eyes tell me that you’re water Draki.”

“So….what does it all mean?” I ask wondering.

“It means that you could be the first Oracle Draki in two hundred years.”


Texte: J.J blake holds the right to Amelia and charecters but Sophie Jordan holds the right to Draki.
Bildmaterialien: Google holds the right to the cover
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2013

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To my family and friends who have loved me through thick and thin. You rock!

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