

Coolest things that have happened in my life in order.

1. The 12:oo train rolled off it's tracks spilling smarties which I devored.
2. I flushed a cherry bomb down the toliet closing school for two weeks. (Still haven't caught me.)
3. I fell in love.
4. I figured out that my love is a real life werewolf!
I'm serious. My boyfriend is a werewolf.

I've asked him again and again to turn me into a werewolf but he won't budge.

It gets really annoying.

A new town and school

Chapter one: A new town and school.

I unlock the door to my apartment in my new town.

North Carolina is my dream place.

With lots of forest paths to run on. With a gorgeous sky wherever you look.

I step into my apartment and smile.

The walls are a dark brown and a deep black

With little trees painted on them.

That night it rains.

I watch as the drops fall from the sky as if the sky was crying.

The soft rain hitting my window reminds me of the day of my mother's funeral.

I climb out of the truck and look around at all of the grave sites.

Sadly my mother is joining all of these graves.

I start toward the parlor where they show the coffin before it's buried.

My heels clacking against the street remind me of my mother and I walking into the church.

I walk into the parlor to find that I'm all alone.

I step up to my mother's coffin and lay the roses I brought on top.

Suddenly I hear the Crack of thunder in the sky.

And then rain begins to hit the walls of the parlor.

I start to sing softly the song my mother use to sing.

Heaven open up to me.

God please rock me to sleep.

God please tell me you care.

God please tell me you're here.

God please tell me you love me.

Tell me that you are here with me.

Tell me that you will always be there.

That I will never be alone again.

Tell me you love me even if I hate you at times.

Tell me that I will be with you one day.

Tell me please. Just tell me.

Then tears escape me like the rain falling.

Good bye mom.

I love you.

Then I drift to a dreamless sleep.

Early the next morning I set off to the forest path to do some running.

I lace up my tennis shoes and head off running.

I keep my eyes on the path when I hear a snarl.

I look up startled.

What I saw scared me half to death.

A big pair of yellow wolf eyes.

I've always considered my self a believer of legends and myths but it didn't prepare me for this

I admit it. I screamed.

Then the wolf launches out of the bushes toward me.

I spin out of the way.

The wolf jumps out of the bushes and runs past me.

An hour later I pull into a parking sapce at my new school.

The school look like a few houses all connected together.

I walk into the building marked "Office" and am instantly greeted by the smell of honey.

I breathe it in not wanting to let it go.

I step up to the front desk and the lady looks up at me.

I can imagine what she sees.

A teenage girl about seventeen with a black long sleeved shirt and black jeans with black boots. With studded bracelets wraping around her wrists. And with studs in her ears. She is unusually pale.

"Hello? My name is Lakrissa. I'm here to see the principal." I say. My name is pronouncded LA-KRISS-AH

The woman blinks at my name but directs me to the back where there is a door with the word 'Principal' printed on it.

I knock on the door and hear a cheerful 'Come in!'

I open the door slowly expecting the worst.

I am pleasantly surprised at what I find.

The walls are painted a deep brown just like my apartment with the same trees painted on them.

A ficus sits in the corner next to a open window making the room drafty.

A plump woman seated in a leather chair smiles as I enter.

"Welcome Lakrissa. I'm Mrs.Thomas the principal. Welcome to North Carolina." Mrs. Thomas says.

I shake her outstreched hand and plop down into one of the chairs across from her.

I hand her my packet of information.

She opens it and shakes out the papers into her hand.

She quickly scans them and smiles.

Mrs.Thomas signs my papers with a flourish.

She hands me my class schedule and we exchange our goodbyes.

I strode down the halls of Forest City high with everyone staring at me.

I consult my schedule again.

First class is English.

Good. My best subject is English.

I open the door to room B12.

All eyes in the room turn to stare at me and my goth clothing.

Then a second later whispers explode.

"Excuse me is this English class for the freshman?" I ask the skinny woman pretending not to look at me.

She nods and hands me a small stack of textbooks.

I strode to the only empty desk in the room. In the back.

Suddenly I trip and fall to the ground my books spilling to the ground.

I stand up and brush off the front of my black jeans.

I bend down to pick up my books when I hear laughter.

I ignore it and slide into my desk.

At the end of the school day I climb into my truck.

The engine starts with a loud roar.

I throw it into drive and peel out of the school parking lot.

As I'm crusing the forest drive toward my apartment when a dark figure in the shape of a......Werewolf? c0mes running onto the road.

I throw the wheel to the left and the 'Werewolf' runs off.

The good news is that I didn't land in a ditch.


I arrive home without anymore problems.

I plop down on my couch and pull out my textbooks.

An hour later the sun sets.

I watch the pretty colors as they fade.

As the night descends upon Forest City my brain reels in the day's events.

Two times today I faced a so-called 'Werewolf'.

It's fur was dark,it's face looked dangerous and I bet it's teeth are deadly.


My feet hit the rocky dirt path as my breath comes fast and hard.

Silently I'm counting down the minutes till I might see the 'dog' again.

10 minutes down.

Suddenly out of the blue I crash into a solid, warm, comforting body.

"Sorry!" I blurt out reaching down to retie my shoelaces.

"I'm hard to resist." A voice replies as soomth as chocolate yet teasing at the same time.

I know that voice.

It's Alric.

I quickly look up at him and he holds out his hand like a gentleman would.

I still can sense that same dark air about him.

I breeze past him and start to slip into that state of utter contentment when I hear breathing next to me.

I stop suddenly and a confused Alaric whizzes past me.

He walks back to join me.

"What do you want?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Your on my family's territory you know."

I look around startled.

A sign a few feet away says Private property.


"Look I'm sorry I just made a wrong turn-" I start to say. But Alaric stops me.

"It's no problem since your not a stranger."

"I'm not?" I ask startled yet again.

"Nope your my friend."

I smile slowly.

"Thanks, after the day I had I needed that. Bye Alaric."

I turn back and run in the direction I came from.

The next day I am outside by my truck reading a book in the bed when I sense a man.

I don't even have to look up.

"Hi Alaric." I say continuing to read.

He folds his arms on the side of my black truck and just stares at me.

I squirm in my seat under his intense stare.

I look up at him and he at last smiles.

A beautiful-yet simmering with a note of desire-smile below high cheekbones and blue eyes.

I look down, breaking our gaze, feeling self-consious.

"So Lakrissa Wolf, how are you?" Alaric asks pronucing my last name Wolfe

I smile and close my book zipping it into my backpack.

"I'm fine and you?" I hated how proper and prim I sounded.

I could swear Alaric was dissapointed at my voice.

"I'm fine. Would you mind if I walked with you to our first class?" He also sounded prim and proper.

I smile wider.

"I wouldn't mind that at all, see you then." I say hopping out of the truck bed slinging my backpack over my shoulder.


At the end of biology I gather my books and look around me at all of the students chattering and gathering their books around me.
I can see that each one has a air around them.
I wonder if there is a way to block this unusal talent of mine.
I strode out of the classroom toward my locker when I see a dark figure leaning aganist it.
I smile despite myself.
I walk up to him.
"Excuse me Alaric but that's my locker." I say shifting the books in my arm to the other arm.
He steps to the side and I spin the digits to open my locker and it opens with a click.
"So how was class?" he asks as people whisper and stare at us-the two goths in school.
I just shrug.
I gather my books for English and shut my locker.
We start walking without a word.
Suddenly Alric starts asking me questions.
Like what my favourite flower is, my fave book, my birthday. Things like that.

Finally we reach the other side of school where our English class is held.
Alaric,like a gentlemen, holds the door open for me.

We take our seats and class begins.

"Miss Lakrissa Wolf please answer the question." My teacher Mr.Young says to me in front of the class.

"Yes I did do the assignment. Thanks for asking." I say.

"Please read the poem up here in the front."

I slide out of my chair and glide to the front.

'My poem is about a girl who has an unusal talent." I say.

She looks around me at the crowd.
She can see the tinted glow to their skin.
but one person in particular catches her eye.

Then the bell rings signaling the end of school.

Alaric walks me out to my truck where he is parked on the other side of the lot.

"So Lakrissa....want to go running tomorrow?" Alaric asks calmly.

I nod tiredly. I wondered why I was so-so tired

all the time.

"See you tommorrow morning then, bye." Alaric says making his way to his car.

I climb into my warm truck and start the engine.

I drive to my apartment where I park and sit down on the steps leading up to my apartment.

As soon as I sit down a major headache hits me.

I rub my temples trying to get rid of it.
Then I look down at my leg and it's glow has changed to a darker black, if that was possible.
Crap. I'm pretty sure that this was a sign that things are going to get worse from now on.

The next morning right as the sun rises Alaric arives.
We set off to the forest trails for running.

As we drive Skillet starts pounding from the radio.
We rock out in campoinable silence.

Despite just meeting I felt safe and secure around him as if he had been my best friend since childhood.

We run together and we talk while we run.
"So Lakrissa do you like it here in Forest city?" Alaric asks keeping his eyes on the trail.
"I love it. Even more so since I have already made a friend." I say smiling to myself.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Alaric smile too.
I look around me at all the glowly green trees.
Yes I can even see the aura's of trees.
I can see the aura of all living things.


Texte: J.J Blake
Bildmaterialien: cover picture from
Lektorat: Rylie Bell
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.01.2013

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Much love to my wonderful friends and family. You Rock!

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