
Echo's "normal" day. (From only echo's and adam's point of view)

I punched the alarm clock off my nightstand. I rolled out of bed and stumbled over to my vanity. I sat on the little chair and kicked my knee under the table, popping a hidden latch. I watched as a drawer opened. I pulled out a leather bound book and opened it. It's my personal diary. I opened it to a fresh page. I uncapped a pen and wrote the date and the time.

Dear Kitty, I just woke up from yet the same dream of that khopesh sword. This dream was different from the rest though. It showed me holding khopesh swords in my hands. I'm pretty sure I smiled in my sleep. I have a weird instinct to skip school today. Well I better get to school.

I set my diary on the vanity as I got up and got dresed for school. As I brushed my hair and popped a piece of gum into my mouth, my vison fogged up and I couldn't see anything. All I could see was a Khopesh sword come slashing into view. I shook my head to clear the vison away. That didn't work. I saw a glimpse of the future! I know it was the future because the clock in the vision was showing 2:00. It was Adam's clasroom! Adam is a science kid prodigy. He teaches at my school. I grabbed my bag and my diary and ran out the door not even caring about breakfast.

"And that's how batteries are made and devolped." said Adam. I was surprised I acutaly knew what he was talking about. I looked at the clock. Only 1 hour left till two. I hit the bell button on my Iphone. (I use this button to speed up the time. It tells the school bell to ring.) The school bell rung. I grabbed my bag threw it over my shoulder and ran out of the room not turning back.

I watched as all my students left my classroom. All except derby who was actully reading a book? That couldn't be right. "Derby what are you reading?" I asked, the words tasting forigen on my tounge. "Some girls diary. It's awesome! It's about some girl's dream of khopesh swords. Oh and her new found skills." He said. I snachted it out of his hand and read the first page. He was right,it was pretty cool. I couldn't find a name or anything of the owner. I slipped it into my bag to read later. "Who do you think it is?" Derby asked. I froze. I wanted to find the owner and return it,but I had no idea who it was. "I am going to find out though." I said.

I opened my locker to put my books in. It was free period. I am going to head to the school front and type up my science paper. I reached into my bag and pulled out my Ipad. I flicked it on. My dancing background popped up. I opened up a new writer page. I started walking.

Echo leaves town. (from Adam's and Echo's point of view)

I turned toward my house. Someone was following me. I quickly ran into my house and into my mom. "Woah, and where are you in a rush to?" my mom said. "I was hoping to meet a friend at the arcade." I said. It wasn't exactly the truth. I was going to the forest to find out why I'm having these visions. "Okay I guess your going to spend the night, so take some extra clothes. I'll see you tommorow after school. Love you." she said. It still surprised me how she could read my mind. I hugged her and raced up the stairs to pack.

I poured the soultion into the beaker. It fizzed then died. My celephone rung. I answered it. Derby's voice answered my hello. "Adam, I think the forest is on fire and echo is in in!" he hung up in a hurry. I looked out my lab window a fire was burning in the distance. It looked more like a bonfire. I ripped off my lab coat and grapped my phone.

I heard the sirens before I saw them. I looked down to the ground. Did I mention that I'm up in a tree? I let go of the tree and landed with a bend of a knee. I am still getting use to the fact that if I get slashed with a knife that I'll heal inhumanly. Oh and lots more. I shoved my phone into my jeans and made sure that my cuts and scraps are covered I had to get out of here.

I watched as the news vans came out of hiding. I asked a police officer if anyone was in the fire. He shook his head. "There was someone in the forest before the fire,but no body or ash." He said and walked off. I pulled out my phone and dialed Echo. Right then I saw Echo's phone.

I put the letter on Adam's nightstand. I watched as he slept soundfully. I wrote him this letter saying I would be back in town in a few days. I hoped he would understand. I had to go find my khopesh swords. I had found my guide (To train me I guess.)Kelsie. We only had from Sunday today to sunrise on saturday to find my khopesh swords intill all hell breaks loose.

I watched as my class filed into my classroom. I said,"This is an polyogragh used by airports to scan items and under peoples clothes for hidden weapons. Derby come try it out." Derby stepped behind the monitor and I pressed the button on my remote.

A ranch sign came up ahead. I was with Kelsie my guide. My "spidey sense" tingled. "Turn here." I told Kelsie. She nodded and turned onto the ranch road. My vision clouded and I saw myself in the ranch house looking furious. I flung open my door. Kelsie slamed on the brake as I jumped out of the
truck and ran toward the house. A wooden stake in my hand. I kicked open the front door to see a family screaming for help. A vampire was threating them. Great. "I don't think you want to do that." I said out loud. The vampire turned to me with disbelief. I was standing behind him and shoved the stake into his heart. Then he was nothing. The family looked at me with fear. "I am here not to hurt you, but to save you." I said. The smallest child in the family stepped foreward slowly toward me. He reached out and touched me. Like I was a ghost. I turned over my hand to show him my palm. It was covered in blood from the door. The little kid gave me a hug that broke my heart. He was hugging me like I was a lost one come back. I hugged him back. The little girl came and hugged me too. The mother was crying. The father was speechless. The kids let go of me and ran back to they're mom. "Mommy, Mommy she just killed him!" They told her. I smiled. The mother walked toward me too and hugged me too. "tHank you for saving us. What could we repay you with?" she asked me. "Let me and my friend stay here for a few days." I asked. Kelsie nodded her head just have seen the whole thing.

Echo wasn't here. She was out of town.

I scanned the fields. No swords. I continued walking
That's when a bolt of lightning shot out of the night sky and struck the ground not more than an inch from me.
The lightning sent me flying backwards. My head hit the ground as my body shreeked with pain.
I forced myself to sit up. Now just feet away lay a crater the side of well juipiter! I got to my feet and jumped into the crater. The blade's end of my sword was jabbed into the ground. I grabbed the hilt of the sword and ripped it from it's place. The
khopesh sword gleamed in my hand like it made just to be there. Kelsie watched me with pride and fear. I turned to her.
"We have to go back." I told her with my sword in my hand. I shook my sword and it shrunk down to doll size. I smiled memories returning to me.
She nodded.

Echo kicks butt and saves Kelsie (from only Echo and Adam's pov)

Kelsie! She's in trouble! I ran toward my high school. I finally got there. Oh,great timing too!
A vampire was just about to bite Kelsie's neck."I don't think so,Bozo!" I yelled at him pulling out my tiny sword. I held the hilt in my hand.
"Echo,run!" Kelsie yelled to me. "I don't run away from my duty." I said softly. The vampire saw my tiny sword. "You think you can kill me
with that piece of plastic?" he laughed and let go of Kelsie. "Run Kelsie,I'll be fine I promise." I said to her. I turned back to the vampire.
"Who said this was plastic?" I said willing my khopesh sword into full size. The vampire stopped laughing and hissed at me his fangs glowing in the moonlight. "Slayer." He stated. "That's what she said." I said and grined. He ran toward me and I punched him in the face. He wobbled back and I shoved my sword into his heart. Not before he could claw my arm, though. I shrank my sword back . I stood there in all black with my dark blood running down my arm. I tucked my sword into my pocket. Kelsie came running to me. "Are you ok?" she asks. "I'm-" I started to say, then I fainted.

My eyes flutered open. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. I only had few minutes to get to school. I sat up and looked at my clothes. It was ripped on the sleeves and
I couldn't go to school like this. I opened my closet. I took a shirt off the hanger and tied it around my waist. I took my sleeves and ripped them off. Now it was a t shirt. I checked my jeans for anything and smiled. My jeans looked cool. My sword is in my pocket. I'm ready!
I opened my bedroom window and jumped out landing on my feet.

I shut the door. I turned to my students. "Okay class-" I was interupted by the door opening.
In walked Echo. She smiled at me. "Sorry I'm late." She said. My attention was caught by the large cloth tied around her arm. She didn't wait for my reply and took a seat next to Slab.
Brave girl.
I gathered my books as the bell rung. Slab walked up to me. "What happened to your arm?" He asked. "Fight." I said. He nodded. I walked out the door into the hallway. I got to my locker. I turned the dial and popped open my locker. I caught my reflection in my locker mirrior. I barely
looked like my old self. I took out my history book. I shut my locker.

Echo kills. (from only Echo's & Adam's pov)

I looked up to see two guys wearing sunglasses staring at me. Great. My slayer instincts kicked in. Vampires. Triple great. I started waking toward the empty part of the school. My instincts reached to every corner of the school. Showing me who was where. I lead the vampires toward where I knew no one would be. I looked behind me with my instincts. What a surprise, the vampires are following me. I opened mrs. burnes door. No one was in here. I set my books on a desk turning around at the sound of the door closing. I pulled out my sword in it's doll size.

I smiled to myself on my way to class. Another two vampires to add to the dead ones. I opened my locker. My celephone caught my eye. I picked it up. A piece of paper fluttered to the ground.
I slowly picked it up and unfolded it.

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
For it is the east and Echo is the sun,
Arise,fair sun, and kill the envious moon
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That, her maid, art more fair than she.

Your secret admirer

Note: Before I continue Let me explain my powers as best as I can. First, since I have reincarnation if I die in battle I am reborn. If I don't I die like a full human. Next, I have milleniums of karate training. I can do a handstand for a LONG time. Next, in each life I will a new sword.
Next, I can remember everything I have ever seen , heard or done in all of my lives. Last but certanily not least, I am pyschic.

My secert admirer? I wonder who it is? I started to reach out my senses to find my admirer, but reeeled them in just as fast. I was not going to use my powers to find him. My head started pounding and I knew my pyschic powers were showing me the future. I saw myself at the talent show with a furious look on my face. Vampires. Great. The talent show was going to happen in a couple of days too! I slammed my locker shut. I scurried over to the sign up sheet for the talent show. No one had signed up. Whew. Then princapal tater called out to everyone. 'partipate in the talent show and
get a free detenion pass.' I watched as Derby scribbled his name on the sheet and threw a pie at tater. I grabbed the pencil and thought about putting my name on. Adam came up to me and said "Echo are you signing up? Did you do something naughty?!" I smiled making sure my tattoos were covered. "Nope, just thinking about my talent." I said. I scribbled my name. I turned the corner and opened the janitor's closet. Shutting the door behind me. I slid down to the floor. My heart pounding.

Echo's past (pictures only) (All Echo's lives before now)

Echo saves the talent show (From only Echo and Adam's pov)

I slipped my black boots on. I slipped holy water into my belt. If I was going to save these people, I had to be ready. Kelsie walked into the bathroom. "Echo,here wear this. It has always been yours." Kelsie said handing me a box as long as my arm. I opened it to find a mask that glowed at my sight. I traced my fingers along the delicate curves. I stroked the hair that felt so fimilar to me. I picked it up slowly and slid it onto my face. I tucked my hair into the mask strands. I looked into the mirrior and smiled. The Slayer has returned.

I looked around the school. Echo isn't here. I dialed her phone getting her voicemail and leaving a message. A figure stepped out of the shadows. My phone dropped from my hand. A girl about my height stands in front of me. I looked at her face,but get only her eyes. A mask.
"Who are you?" I asked, "Where's Echo?!" I grabbed her arm and tried to get her mask off. I got it up just a few inches before she slammed me to the ground. I tried to get up, but the masked
stranger pinned me to the ground. I struggled to get up. A gloved hand covered my mouth. Sleep is all I can think of.

I set Adam on a prop chair. I was standing backstage of the talent show. I kissed Adam's cheek. I slid my mask back on. I flew up to the rafters pressing aganist the celeing. I reached my powers out for any vampires. Seven vampires. I dropped my head down to look at the audience.
Boy, did the vampires notice. They stood up in the audience and started biting necks. I flipped onto the stage unveiling myself. Not everyone noticed me. I took out the stake from my boot. I hopped off the stage and stabbed a few vampires. I quickly pulled out the vial of holy water. Little known fact about vampire bites; they can be cured with holy water. I dropped a few into a girl's neck. I set her back down and charged at more vampires. A vampire deflected my punch and twisted my arm. I quickly jumped over his head while he still had my arm. I shoved the stake into his heart. I turned around and kicked a female vampire in the face. Dead. Another vamire clawed my hand. Blood dripped to the ground. Dead.

Echo wonders Adam (From only Echo and Adam's pov)

I dripped the blood onto the slide. I'm testing this sample of blood I found on the sidewalk after the talent show disaster. I need to know who the masked girl is. "Hey Adam." said Echo.
"Hey Echo what, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh nothing just was wondering what you were doing. What'ca doing?" She said. "I'm testing this blood I found on the side walk. Now where is that dropper?" I ducked behind the counter looking for the dropper. I shifted through my stuff. I stood up with it in hand. I studied the blood. I reared back. There was no blood to study. I looked at Echo. She shrugged and left.

I quickly walked to my locker. The blood tray was in my jacket pocket. When Adam wasn't looking I switched out the trays. If I had let him study it, he would know it was me behind the mask.
Also he now thought I took the tray. It bought me some time. I flung open my locker. I grabbed my backpack and shut my locker. I then ran.

"I'm telling you Derby. One minute it's there next thing I know it's gone!" I told Derby my Best friend. "And only Echo was in the room?" Derby asked me. "Yes! I looked at her and then she left!" Derby opened his backpack. "This sounds like a classic hero movie." He pulled out a comic book. "The Hero wants to be normal. They create an Alter ego. Whenever the hero isn't needed they are a normal person. When ever the Hero's super persona is at stake they destory any evidence." I thought about this for a moment.

I walked into Adams classroom. Adam turned and smiled at me. Then he stopped and turned back to his work. I uncapped the animal DNA sample in my pocket. Adam is going to study my DNA. I looked through the microscope and switched out the two without Adam seeing. "Ahha!" Derby shouted. I dropped the sample tube from my pocket. Dang it. Derby caught me. I stood frozen, my face pale. I didn't even flinch when the sample tube smashed aganist the floor. "Why Echo?" Adam asked painfully. My head hurt more then usual. Vampires. Great. I felt the stakes in my left boot dig into my ankle as I shifted my weight. My thoughts raced 100mph. First the vampires need to smell me. That's too easy. Next they need to find me. Harder, but possible. Next they will want to drink my blood. Not gonna happen. They'll be hungry without blood. Nothing a simple squrriel blood wouldn't solve. If they don't execpt the blood they'll come after the students. Holy water needed. After feeding vampires will be harder to kill. But easier to get off balance. I'll get my swords and knifes ready. I must protect everyone.

First I'll have to deal with this problem. "I can't explain right now. You guys must gather all the people in the school and lock them in rooms. They can't get hurt. I'll be back in a minute I have to get somethings from my locker. I'll explain later." I said to Adam and Derby. "Why?" Adam asked. I swore out loud. "I didn't want to do this." I warned and pulled out a stake from my left boot. I tackled Adam aganist the wall. The stake pressed aganist his throat. "Ok-Okay We'll do it." Adam said with fear in his eyes. I frowned at that. I released him. I reached into my neckline and pulled out my holy water vial necklace. I untied it and took his hand. I layed the vial in his palm and curled his fingers around it. "This has protected me for a long time. I want you to wear it from now on." I said and spun around and fled the room.

I slung my slayer belt around my waist. I sheathed all of my knives. I pulled my sword out and clipped it on. This sword was given to me from my first guide. Always returning to me. I Stuffed my boot with the vial of blood. I took out my mirrior bracelet and wrapped it on my right wrist. I used this bracelet to see vampires in crowds. Yes it is true. Vampires dont show up in mirriors. I shut my locker. I strode down the hallways,down the stairs. I was instantly suronded by fear and pain. Dang. Vampires bit someone already. I turned the corner. A guy stood facing me with fury in his eyes. I looked at him in my bracelet. Yep. Vampire. Its slaying time. I let my senses take over. All of a sudden my air supply was cut short. Vampire hybrid was choking me with a rope. I made myself go limp. The rope was relased from my throat. Oh sweet sweet air. I stabbed the Hybrid and dodged a launch attack. "Stop! I have some blood for you. Its not poison. Just plain blood." I told them tossing the vampire guy the blood vial. He gulped it down. Like a Ninja I threw my garlic covered knife at him aiming for his heart. Bullseye.

More of Echo's past lives and present (Pictures only)

Echo's egytian life. Echo's egytian slayer necklace.

Echo's chinese life. Echo's chinese slayer necklace.

Echo's rebel life. Echo's rebel Slayer necklace

Echo's goth life. Echo's goth Slayer necklace.

Echo's Dessert life. Echo's dessert Slayer necklace.

Echo's vampire life. Echo's vampire Slayer necklace.

Workout with Kelsie.

My chest hurt with all the training I was doing. I dodged a launch attack from Kelsie. I plucked her from out of mid-air. "Calm down! What has got into you?" I asked Kelsie. She eluded my grasp. "I'm pissed off. That's what." She said lauching again. I rolled my eyes and let her land on the floor. "Your very hostile when your pissed off. What happened?" I asked helping her up. She hit me in the stomach. Ouch. I grabbed her punching hands. I held them behind her back.
"I lost the box to my puzzle." She said jokingly. I snorted. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that. "You had your laugh. Now what's really the matter?" She fought to get out of my grasp. I dug my nails into her flash to get her down a knotch. "My boyfriend cheated on me." Oh that's what. I felt for her. Empathy was something we shared for each other over the centuries we've spent together. I released her from me and let her get her anger out on me. She punched me in the face and I heard a loud SNAP in place of bones in my nose. I didn't fight back though. The bones in my nose poped back into place in a second. My face was numb to match. She then did a flying drop kick. Wow I did not think she could do that! I ducked right before her foot connected to my face. "Enough!" I pinned her to the ground. My phone rang in the all to fimilar tune.Adam is calling. I'm feeling sexy and free like glitter raining on me. Run into the sunlight.

I slide the bar to answer the call. "Hello?" I said still keeping Kelsie at bay. "Hello Echo." Adam said on the other line. "Hey Adam this really isn't a good time maybe I'll call yo-" I was cut off by him. "You owe me an explaination. Start talking." He said jumping to the point. "Meet me at school in a hour and I will. Don't worry about getting in i'll do that part. Goodbye." I said hanging up on him. I slid my phone into my combat boots. I reared my fists back and punched Kelsie so hard I knocked her out. "I might have Empathy for you, but I am not a punching bag." I said stepping over her. I smiled despite the pain in my nose. I am going to tell Adam I am the Slayer returned.

more of Echo's past lives and present items from past in museums

potrait of Echo in past standing in museum in present

Echo awaiting enemy in present

Kelsie having a vision

Echo facing enemy in present

Echo with a bloody lip in present

Echo peeking out from behind her sword in past.

Echo unsheathing her Katana sword in past

Echo sitting on steps looking up in past

Echo talking to Kelsie in past

The truth comes out.

I climbed up the school to the open window. I climed through the window to Adam's lab. I grabbed my dna from my backpack the ones I took. I slid them under the microscope and perched quesyly on my feet. A few minutes later Adam came into the room. He saw me and his jaw dropped. "How did you get in here? The door was locked." I nodded my head toward the window. "No way." He said.
"Way. Adam I have a surprise for you but you must promise not to tell a soul." I said loud enough for him to hear. "I won't tell I swear." He said crossing his fingers together over his heart. "Take a look." I said waving my hand in the direction of the microscope. I slit my hand and dropped some of the blood onto the slide. I took a paper towel and covered the smell of the blood. The wound closed up instantly. Adam studied the bllod closely. "They're the same blood. this one from the masked girl, the other from you..." He said. His eyes went wide. "Your the masked girl." He said shaking. I smiled tilting my head. "The correct name for me is the Slayer." I told him. "Stay away from me." He finally said. "Adam I won't hurt you. I swear on all of my graves. You are one of the most important people in my life. I've been protecting you. All along. Did you ever look out your window during the night?" I told him. I gave him a Kelsie-squeeze hug. "You've been protecting me?" He asked. I nodded. I tapped the holy water necklace I gave him. "This is holy water, the number one vampire replent. I have had it for a very long time. It's yours now." I said. "How long?" I thought for a second. "Your going to think i'm crazy but a million years. Past lives of course. I'm not that old." I said laughing. "Really? You expect me to believe that you are this lengedary figure that is reincarnated every time she dies? I'm not stupid, Echo. Your lying. Tell me the truth. Now." He said standing to his full height. A foot taller than me. "You think i'm lying? Let me show you who I am truely." I said swearing. I made my powers swirl around me. To his eye it looked like dyed wind. "Get on my back. I have something to show you." I said He jumped onto my back and I carried him easily. I ran for the forest where I love to run. I flew out the school door passing princpal tater doing yoga. I ran into the forest into my treehouse. I launched through the window. I landed easily beacause of how much i've done it. Adam was very, very pale. "Adam. Welcome to my Slayer treehouse. One of thousands" I gave a bow to the room and looked at him. HE was still pale and pulled out my leather bound diary. "You found it! Where did you find it?" I exclamied. "Derby found it on the floor in my classroom. He was reading it." He said still pale. I walked through the dark treehouse that was rather large for it's size and opened a cupboard. I used my strong nightvision to read the labels of the potion bottles. I had these potions made by kelsie that I drink after the fights that left me wounded badly. I walked back to Adam with the bottle of liqud faith. No it's not ahcohol. It's actully liqud faith. I have faith,courage,healing,empathy,medicine,anger,saddness,happiness. All has a healing power. "Drink this. It's liqud faith." I said handing Adam the bottle. He poped the lid and drank it all. His face flushed with color. "Thanks. Wasn't that beer?" he asked looking at the bottle with regret.
"No it's made from herbs alone. I drink some after a bad fight." I shrugged one shoulder. I took the bottle back and set it on the table. "Let me give you the tour. Follow me." I showd him around the kitchen using the moonlight as my guide. I clapped my hands and the tines light came on. The shutters snapped shut to keep the light in. Then the light got brighter. "It does that so no one thinks that I'm in here." I said. "Cool, is this it?" he asked. "Nope, this is just the kitchen. Let me show you my bedroom." I said to him. I walked to the back window on clapped the lights off. The shutters opened. I sat on the sill and jumped landing on my feet a few feet under the same window. Adam looked out the window down toward me. "Come on jump. It won't hurt. If anything my powers will catch you." I said I made my powers whirl up at him. He jumped and landed next to me. I steadied him. I clapped my hands and the door flew open. I grabbed Adam's hand and quickly pushed him inside. I shut the door. Inside it was completely black and red. Beanbag chairs sat in one corner, one black one red. The walls each coordinated black and red. My bedspread is black. My pillows red. My closet was deep in the wall. My black couch is where Kelsie slept when we spend the night together. Of course I'm here more often then I’m home. The TV was off and I snapped my fingers. The door closed silently and the bathroom door opened. "I better get you back home. I come for you tomorrow night. We'll hang out then I promise. You cannot tell anybody this okay? Get on my back." I said. He did and I rushed to his house. It is about ten at night. I stopped at the front door. He hopped off. He looked pale again. Then the liquid faith made him flush with color again. I knocked on the front door. Adam's mom answered. "Oh hello Echo. Did you two walk here?" His mom asked looking for a car. I looked at Adam. "Sort of. I'll see you tomorrow Adam. I'd better get home. Goodnight." I said turning. "Do you want a ride back? There are a lot of scary people out at night." His mom asked me. I smiled turning to look at her. "Ma'am I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. A lot of night walkers wouldn't dare to mess with me." I said to his mom. I turned to Adam. "Remember. No telling about that thing about me." He nodded. "What thing?" His mom asked. "Goodnight." I simply said. I turned and walked down the driveway hands in my pockets. I heard the door close softly behind me. I frowned and thought over that conversation. I felt like slapping myself. I had said 'night walkers'. My term for vampires. My head hurt. I walked into my house silently. My mom is passed out on the couch. I scribbled a note and stuck it to her forehead so she’d she it. I looked at the clock. Midnight. How had it gotten so late? I stood on the doorstep and locked the door with my key. “Goodnight mom.” I whispered. I turned around shoving my key into my combat boots. I took off running, a little faster now that Adam was off me. I jumped into my tree house, landing with the bend of a knee. I clapped my hands and the shutters closed.
I went out of the same window I always did and went into my room.
I shut the door and snapped my fingers. The bathroom door twisted open.
“TV on lights off.” I said whispering it into my remote. The lights snapped off and the TV turned on. I lay on my bed channel surfing when I came to a news caster that was doing an emergency news cast. I gulped when I saw the headline.

Proof that vampires are real!

Dang it. I watched as the reporter played a video of ME! I was standing in the same clearing I was yesterday when I slayed a vampire. In the video I am standing still with a stake in my hand. The camera zoomed in on the stake. It zoomed in on my hooded figure. Then finally it zoomed out. A vampire (I knew, I was there) came running at me. I lifted my arms and flew to the top of the trees, the camera following my every movement.
The thick locks of my hair were starting to come loose of the knot I had tied them in. One single lock of hair slid out under the hood of that Slayer jacket of mine (I was wearing that day) into the camera’s view. Thankfully it was unrecognizable. The vampire (Again I knew) launched at me clawing my face. I staked him and he’d turned to dust. I turned my back toward the camera and my Slayer logo came into perfect view. Sewn crooked like italic, the word was as clear as a sunny day. If I had only known the camera was there. I could’ve leaded the vampire away from it toward somewhere else. I hadn’t reached my powers out. Stupid. I thought smacking my forehead. I put my remote an inch from my mouth and whispered “Closet open TV paused. TV rewind.” Those things did them by their selves. I stepped into my walk in closet shutting the door behind me. I slid my hands over the black clothing. All engraved somewhere with my Slayer logo. I pulled out a pair of black leggings with my Slayer logo running down the side of the left leg. I also paired it with a black torn skirt and combat boots. I took out the black Slayer jacket. I put a century Goth top to finish the combination. With everything on I put on my Slayer earrings and my Slayer gloves. The funny thing is that these all came from the Goth store that kelsie runs. I put on my Slayer ring. With crosses lining it. I grabbed my coffin bag and headed to school. It was already the next day of course. I looked at the building of my high school.
Finnegan high school. The principal was standing outside trying to control a riot act. I jogged foreword to get a closer look. “Oh no not you too!” Principal Tater said looking at my black Slayer clothing. The riot act had kids shouting “The return of the Slayer!” or “The Slayer’s return!” With signs saying these things;
The Slayer returns!
Praise the Slayer!
The Slayer rules!
Slayer returns!
Save us Slayer!
We love you Slayer!

What the heck! I know I save their lives like every night, but come on.
A girl turned and looked at me. She saw all the Slayer logos. “Are you the Slayer?” She asked me. “I got these at the Goth store downtown.” I said not wanting to lie to her. They squealed and got into their cars and drove away. I stormed up the school steps, my combat boots making me. Everyone had something taped to their locker of smaller versions of the signs outside. I felt like I am trapped in a nightmare. Where everyone knows about the Slayer. Oh wait that’s happening! Adam saw me and did a double take. “Could you be more obvious?” he stage whispered at me. I rolled my eyes. I opened my locker and saw the second note in red.
I opened it slowly.

Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my love!

I smiled at the lines. Romeo and Juliet is so romantic. I slid the letter into my math book. I shut my locker, heading deeper into the halls of the living hell called high school.

Dark forces

When school was finally out, I raced to the Goth store to help out Kelsie.
Tons of guys and girls were looking at the Slayer display case. Where the actual book of my legend was kept. It has more security than the pentagon. I dropped my bag behind the desk and took out my key necklace. The only thing that opens the case. “Hey everybody. Welcome to American Gothic. Home of the Slayer legend and book. I am gong to read to you part of the legend now.” I flipped open to the first summary page and began to read.

In each Generation a girl is chosen. She only will have the strength, the skill and the wisdom to face against the vampires and the dark forces.
She is the Slayer. Born at midnight. Wrapped in satin. The dark forces will not stand against her. They will run at the sight of her or go for her blood.

The legend of the slayer is told in every generation. No one knows if it’s true or not. The signs of the slayer are that she is strong. Next, she is very fast. And the last one is if you see her in action.

The slayer was raised in the beginning by vampires not knowing what she was. Back then the entire world was overrun by vampires. Not everything is good when it comes to vampires. Big or small beware these creatures of the night.

The signs of the slayer are strength, skill, speed, and wisdom.

The slayer has been around in many generations. So she should know much more than the current records.

She has many centuries in training against vampires and other dark forces. So she must beware using her strength against humans and around them.

Since she was first raised by vampires she learned speed. She can run as fast as the wind.

Thanks to quick thinking the Slayer has killed many a vampire. We owe her a lot of our lives, for she has given many of hers to save our puny little lives.

The final sign of the Slayer is the mark. In each generation of the Slayer she is given marks from her previous lives. When she earns it a new tattoo appears. The one mark that has stayed since the beginning is one mark curving around her back and up her neck. Typically the mark looks like vines.

It gave me chills as it always does when I ever read it. Reading your own history can do that to you. Everyday I have to cover my tattoos with powder. So I was almost always a little pale. “Cool. How much is this bag?” The same girl from this morning asked. “Ten dollars.” I said out of memory. The girl handed me a twenty and grabbed a t shirt too. Both with MY Slayer symbol on them. I cashed them in exactly the amount.
After a couple dozen or so buying things began to settle. I called to Kelsie that I was taking off to meet someone. I grabbed my bag. I ran all the way to Adam’s house. I was going to have dinner with Adam and his family. I crossed my fingers and silently lifted up a prayer. Please don’t let anything happen. I knocked on the front door. Adam’s mom answered it.
“Hello Echo come on in.” I was spoken to. I did. Adam greeted me with a hug. “Good to see your fine.” Adam said giving me a hidden wink. I winked back. Adam’s sister Ivy came down the stairs dressed in Slayer pants and a Slayer top. Also with a Slayer belt and jacket. “Nice look Ivy. I thought I was the only one who actually had an opinion. Stop by the shop later and I’ll hook you up with some makeup to go with that look.” I said.
She smiled, “Thanks Echo. I’m just having dinner real quick then meeting some friends to plan the Slayer float. We’re making a giant version of the Slayer symbol.” She said hinting about the parade that the city is putting on. “Cool! I can make the symbol if you want. I did make it myself.” I said then mentally slapping myself. “Never mind.” I said using my powers to erase that from her memory. I really need to work on my not-admitting-anything talk. We sat down to dinner. “So Echo… how did you get home safely last night?” Adam’s mom asked. I looked at Adam fearing the worst. “Well I’m a champion karate fighter. Also I have extreme night vision. “ I said not wanting to lie. So instead I gave the truth without completely saying that I am the Slayer. Ivy, for her unrelated study habits, looked at me. “That’s two of the Slayer signs!” She exclaimed. I laughed.
“I’m flattered that you think I’m the Slayer. You realize Ivy that everyone has some Slayer in them. I have known this because I own the Slayer legend book.” I said eating some more of the delicious dinner Adam’s mom made. “You do? Can I read it?” She asked excitedly. “Yes you can. You can incorporate some of the marks of the slayer onto the float.” I said clearing my plate. “When?” She asked. “Monday at school during lunch. Met me then outside.” I said. I pushed my chair back and looked at Adam. “Ready to go?” I asked him. He nodded and stood up slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Good night we’re going paintballing.” I told them. Once I and Adam were safely out of eye sight he slid onto my back. I ran to my tree house jumping in the window. I pulled out liquid faith again and he gulped it down. “Better?” I asked. He nodded. I jumped out of the window down to my bedroom loft. He followed me. “I need to show you something.” I said opening the door to my room. I pulled out my talk remote and told the TV to play. Adam sat down on a beanbag chair.
The same forecast started playing again. I grabbed a towel and tossed the remote on the bed. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Can you search to see how far this rumor has been going?” I asked Adam waving toward my laptop. I headed into the bathroom and closed the door. I quickly undressed and stepped into the shower. I let the hot water run over my back and down my legs. I washed my hair deep in thought. I turned off the water and wrapped my towel around me. I opened my dresser I kept in the bathroom. I pulled on clothes and dried my hair. I stepped out of the bathroom to find Adam searching the internet on my laptop. “Find anything?” I asked. “Oh yeah. They’re making a big deal out of this.” He said. I winced as I read the headline.

Slayer still unknown.
Who is the Slayer?

“Wow your right. Maybe I should stay low for a while.” I said right before Adam clicked the link to another video. I watched as I came into view. I turned away quickly. “Dang it! How are they getting these videos?” I said kicking the bed. I sat down on the edge and closed my eyes and bowed my head sadly. “How far do your powers go, Slayer?” Adam asked. My head snapped up and I glared at him. “Don’t call me that. If you do I’ll consider it an invitation.” I said. He looked sad now. “Sorry Adam. I’m messing everything up. Telling your sister that I made the symbol…threaten you. Everything is going wrong!” I said. I put my head in my hands. “It’s okay I understand.” He said. I snapped my head up again and gave a sigh. “No you don’t Adam. Right now I’m basically dying. My powers are draining me. It hurts.” I admitted. “Really?” Adam said worried. “Yes…once I face the new master, I will stop dying.” I told him. "What happened to the old master?" Adam asked. A hint of a smile twitched at the corner of my mouth. "Ever heard of Buffy the vampire slayer show? That was based off of me. Of course the writer was my best freind at the time so. You know." I said. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It is almost midnight. Thirty till. "I have to get you home now. Hop on." I said. Adam got onto my back and wrapped his arms around my neck. I ran out of my tree home and out onto the streets. Big mistake. A cop car was sitting on patrol and when he saw me his sirens flashed. His headlights turned to their brights. I squinted and covered my face and Adam doing the same. I turned away from the cop car and ran in the oppisite direction of Adam's house. I hoped over a fence or two. I wasn't counting. I stopped at Adam's house. I dropped him off my back. I straightened. The bones in my back popping.
“Goodnight. I’ll see you soon.” I said leaving him without another word. A police car came close to me and I sped up. So did him. Dang. I cut through the forest. I didn’t go through to my home. That would be stupid.
My spidery sense tingled. Great, what else did I expect? I reached into my black combat boots and pulled out my stake. I flipped my hood up, so that my Slayer symbol glowed with my energy. It was like a death wish to vampires. I kept running. I skidded to a stop. The cop was close behind me and should come into my view in a second. A vampire girl stood in front of me. I quickly raced through my choices. I could either run away and not get caught by the police. Or I could do my job and kill this vampire.
Vampire. I grabbed her at least I tried to. She eluded my grasp.
I thrust my stake into her heart when she was off balance. The cop saw the whole thing. Even the part where the vampire turned to dust. “Freeze!” The cop said. I put my hands behind my back and stood still as she clamped a pair of handcuffs around my wrists.
I was so in for it.


“Tell me the truth! What are you?!” the same cop yelled at me. I am at jail.
They didn’t even give me a second look. Just through me in jail. I am forced to sit on the floor for my roommate has claimed BOTH beds. I am wearing my same Slayer jacket and jeans. My t shirt has a few holes in it.
“I’ll tell you when I get one of the beds.” I motioned toward my roommate. “Olga she gets the top bunk.” She said toward Olga. Olga glared at me as I climbed to the top. I snuggled into the surprisingly soft sheets and blankets. “I am the Slayer. Come back. That’s the truth.” I said falling asleep. I heard laughing as I drifted off.

I woke to a stinging in my face. My roommate was smacking me in the face with a tennis ball. “Ow. “ I groaned as I sat up dodging the ball.
“So you’re the Slayer. Is it true? That you can run fast? And all that?”
Olga asked lazily but I could tell she was excited. “Yes it’s true. I can run fast and all that.” I hopped off the bunk landing with a bend of a knee. I stretched lazily. I stumbled toward the sink. I looked at my hands then into the mirror. I gasped at what I saw. My hair was glowing! I splashed water on my hair and the glowing stopped. I turned to my roommate. “I have heard so many stories of you from my family. I always thought them to be fake. Can you show me something?” Olga asked. Ah she wanted proof. Then what she said registered in my mind. Her family told stories of me.
Only few families could pass down my story. When I ever told someone my story for some reason they would forget it. Probably part of the curse. I did a handstand and a kick flip. My famous moves. Olga’s mouth dropped.
“It is you!” She exclaimed. Good to see that I’m recognized. Not. I sat down on Olga’s bed. “You come from one of the only families that live to tell my tale. I met your great grandpa a few lives ago. He always gave my candy when I visited him.” I said memories flooding back to me in a great wave. There I was in a cemetery watching as a coffin is lowered into the ground. I curse and wipe away a tear. My only friend was dead. I strode away to the edge of the hill away from the funeral. I looked at the approaching night. A vampire had killed him. And that vampire had escaped me. I flashed back to the present to have Olga staring at me. “He was a good man.” I only said. Olga nodded. “Olga I was there when you were born…. I didn’t expect you to end up here. I watched you as you slept. I assigned myself as your guardian. One night as I was watching over you a vampire snuck up on me and killed me. I never forgave myself.” I said tears springing to my eyes. “You were my guardian angel?”
Olga said. “I was. Until now I always watched over you to say sorry to your grandpa.” I said. When Austin (Olga’s great grandpa) died that fateful night I vowed to protect his great grandchild. Now here she was in jail for something she didn’t do. My mourning was interrupted by some shouting.
It sounded like….no it couldn’t be. Dang. Dang. Dang. I ran to the cell bars and peered out. A huge crowd of teens and adults are marching outside. I tried to read the signs. I could only hear them. “Free the Slayer!”
They all shouted. “Olga come here. We’re getting out.” I said taking her hand. The cop turned around and saw me and Olga. “If you are the Slayer. Which your not, bust out of there. You have my permission.” The cop said smiling probably thinking I wouldn’t do it. She was wrong. I closed my eyes and summoned my energy. I pushed it at the bars and pushed. Finally until they snapped off. The cop’s jaw dropped. “You’re free to go.” She managed to say. I smiled and started out of the cell with Olga. I opened the door and stepped out with Olga behind me. I grabbed her hand and slipped away from the crowd. “You’re going to stay at my house. Okay, Olga?” I asked her. “Won’t your mom mind?” she asked. “Not that house. My tree house. You'll be safe there." I said I lead her to my house. I helped her up into the house and she gasped when she saw it. “You live here?” She asked wide eyed. “I live with my mom most of the time. Most of the time she is passed out on the couch.” I said. I lead Olga into the kitchen and picked up the dipping bowl from the table. This is the thing I use to either cover my tattoos or get another one. I was going to give Olga my Slayer protection tattoo. I filled the bowl with water. I opened the drawer and pulled out my tattoo pen. I looked at Olga and she understood. “Olga do you like your name? Because when I do this I have to sign your name.” I told her steadily. “No I don’t like it. What else can I call myself though?” she said. “How about Marx? I have always loved that name. I tried convincing your mum to give you that name.” I said remembering being there when she was born. “I love that name! Thanks….what is your name? I never asked.” She pointedly told me. I smiled and brought out my knife. I cut off a space in her back jump suit enough for the tattoo. I turned on the pen. I brought it to her back and started tracing the ancient spell. “My name is Echo Swanson. Now hold still, I can not make any mistakes. Or the Spell won’t be effective.” I told her. She held super still. “I remember when I was little I saw you sitting on my bed in the middle of the night. I thought you were a ghost. When I reached out and touched you, you felt real. Realer than anything. You were glowing with gold and silver light. You looked like an angel.” She said dreamily. “I am anything but. Marx I have watched over you since you were born. You were important to me. For I put you in even more danger. Since I always protected you vampires sought you for your blood thinking I was protecting an Angel blood or whatever. Truth is everyone has a little Slayer in them. From geezers to babies. Old people radiate wisdom. Babies radiate youth and skill. Only when I am born I radiate something that is rare. Courage. Courage is what helps me face vampires and the dark ones. Courage is what helps me get up in the morning. Marx you radiate something even greater than that. You radiate love and peace.
Only two people in the world have it. That’s one of the reasons I protect you.” I stated. I started filling in the lines of the s with black and gold. I traced the rest with careful skill. After a while of friendly silence I finished the tattoo and singed her name. Marx Jovene Robin. I turned off the pen and dipped my finger in the bowl of cold water. I traced the outline of the tattoo. “Sprits above of my past lives and of the future, I bless this soul to the highest as possible. May my seal be with her always? AS I say it so mote it is!” I said in ancient language. I wiped my finger on my pants.
“Okay Marx you’re done. Follow me.” I said leading her to my jumping window. I jumped out with Marx behind me. “This is our room. It has a laptop, a TV, bathroom. Everything. You can take a shower and I will be back with some clothes for you.” I told her opening the door for her. I shut it behind her and jumped off the side landing with ease. I pulled out my credit card wallet and looked inside. Five hundred dollars can get you far.
I ran to the thrift store and walked slowly through the door. I piled clothes into a cart and pulled out shoes. I also grabbed a few necklaces. I got a few tees for me too. Adam will have to notice me in these now. I paid and left quickly running when I was out of camera and eye shot. I launched onto my bedroom platform. I knocked on the door then went inside quietly out of habit. “Marx? Are you here?” I asked quietly. She looked up from her bed. She claimed the bunk bed. Go figure. “Here all of these are for you. Tomorrow you’re coming to my school. You need a job.” I said handing her all the bags stuffed with clothes. I kept my one bag. “The only thing I know is English. Does your school need an English teacher?” She asked with a twinkle in her eyes. “Oh heck yes. Get a goodnight’s sleep.
Oh and here you’ll need this to control the place.” I said tossing her the spare remote. I closed the door behind me as I left to go home. I left another note on my mom’s forehead and headed back to the house.
I collapsed onto my black bed and fell asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow.

I awoke to the sound of someone getting dressed. I peeled open an eye and saw that Marx was dressing for her job. I looked at the clock. Dang it.
I quickly used my speed to get ready for school. I flew out the door with Marx behind me. I lead her down the many stairs to the only clearing. I stepped foreword and uncovered my truck. I was saving it for an emergency. I handed her the keys. “Here is your truck. Follow me to the school.” I said I stepped toward the large tree and rolled out my moped.
Black and sleek. I slid on and started the engine. I sped away out of the forest with Marx on my tail. I stopped at school with everyone staring at Marx. They’ve seen her when we went on that field trip. In jail. I locked up my bike and helped Marx out of the truck. I fixed her necklace. A holy water vial. Principal Tater came and pulled me to the side. “What is she doing here?” he asked. “She is here to become the English teacher. She has experience, you know.” I said. He nodded. “Okay then,” He shook Marx’s hand. “Welcome to the Family, Olga.” Tater said. “Actually Principal Tater its Marx.” I said when Marx cringed. “Welcome Marx. Your new class room is next to the science lab. Echo here will show you.” He said. I lead Marx into the building to the language department. I opened the door to a whole classroom full of faces. Here is the thing about being in here In front of all these classmates. There is this thing called empathy.
It makes me feel what everyone around me is feeling. Waves of emotion came crashing at me and I stood glued to the spot. I shook it off quickly and stepped into the classroom. “Good luck Marx. Check your phone at lunch.” I said. I left and headed to my locker. When I reached my locker my head pounded harder. Great, vision. A vampire was looking at me with eyes a blue as the sea. Hmmm…he looks familiar. I shook my head and opened my locker. A red envelope fell to the ground. I smiled, my day much brighter. I slowly opened the envelope wondering what was next. I smiled wider at the words:

O that she knew she were!
She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?
Her eye discourses; I will answer it.
I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks:

Who is my secret admirer? I wondered. I slid the velvety note back inside the envelope. I tucked it inside my Slayer backpack and headed to class.
I opened the door to class. Science class is first today. Adam looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. It felt good to have him know what I am. I set my stuff down right as the bell rung. Slab looked at me with a hint of a crush. So he thought I was some tough Goth chick. I took off my Slayer jacket and realized that the entire class was watching me. My scars are wrapped in black gauze. The large scar that is still healing on my shoulder was evident. I smiled sheepishly. “Car wreck.” I said. The class turned to Adam for the first time ever. I sat on the stool with my arms crossed over my chest. I unwrapped my left wrist and starred at the Chinese symbol. I know what it means anyway. I uncovered my right wrist and put the two together. Each symbol was half of a sentence in Chinese. The chosen child of the Slayer. I thought. Marx is the Chosen child. Well she was. A memory of Marx flashed in my mind.

“Mommy! Mommy! Look a butterfly!” The young Marx yelled to her mother. It was snowy December1st, 1982. I stood watching her in the distance, my red cloak like blood on the snowy hill. I smiled as I watched the young Marx chase the winter butterfly. Unaware of what I did to her.
It is bad enough that vampires love my blood, but now that they know she is protected by me….God what did I do? I muttered a curse under my breath. I turned away from young Marx tears sliding down my cheeks. Oh Austin I’m so sorry. I thought. I failed you.

My heart lurched in my chest at the painful memory. I quickly rewrapped my wrists, but not before Slab saw it. “That’s why you have that gauze on isn’t it?” He whispered at me. I nodded. “What does it mean?” Slab asked quietly. Chose something stupid! I decided to go with the truth. “It says the chosen child of the Slayer.” I said quietly. “Did you just get it?” He asked. I nod. “Echo how about you stand behind the screen?” Adam said. I looked to the front and there was a monitor that they use in airports. Dang. If I step behind it…it will reveal all my hidden weapons. The daggers hidden underneath my shirt, the gun hidden in its holster in my belt. The bandage wrapped loosely around my middle under my shirt. I quickly clicked the help app on my phone. I set this up in jail. It connects me to Marx’s phone. I slid out of my seat. And walked down the middle row my phone in hand. I whispered these words in Adam’s ear, “My weapons are underneath my clothes.” He understood. Marx opened the door and stepped in summoning me.

preparing for the dark

the end of the road

Luck,faith,courage.....all in my favor. A candle has been lit and the whole world is waiting for it to be blown out. All I can do is hold my breath. And wait.

thee end

-Echo Swanson


Texte: Parts of characters and scenes are from Mr.Young on disney xd
Lektorat: Destiny4ever
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

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To my imagination that never stops working and always annoys me. -_-

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