
Finding Summer

Let me introduce my three very imaginative children Tony aka Easy Money, Chris aka Little Man, and Tina aka The Baby. My children were preparing to spend the day shopping, eating and having fun with their grandfather whom they affectionately call Granddaddy Vosco.

We live in Michigan and the month of May is a fairly cool month my Dad usually visits this time of the year from Tennessee. Granddaddy Vosco wanted to spend the day with his grand children so off they went to explore the day together. Their first stop on this journey was K-mart to buy some summer out fits for the children. While in the store with these very spirited children, a very important question arose from Easy Money a nickname given to him by his grandfather “Granddaddy Vosco can we wear our outfits when we get home?” Granddaddy Vosco looked down into the faces of three very excited children and responded, “no not today it’s too cold you can wear your outfits when summer gets here.” Easy Money six years old, Little Man four years old, and The Baby three years old, took Granddaddy Vosco’s answer with some sadness but continued on with the day.

After paying for the outfits and much laughter the children and Granddaddy Vosco set out to have some lunch. Granddaddy Vosco asked “where would you all like to have lunch.” Now Granddaddy was in for a surprise because he’s expecting to here McDonalds, Burger King or Wendy’s which would get him off the hook for spending a lot of money on food. Being a grand parent he’s thinking that these little children could not possible eat anything more than a happy meal. Well the response he got knocked Granddaddy Vosco off his feet.

In unison the children responded “Red Lobster please”.

The look on my daddy’s face was priceless “WHAT!!” he say’s loving to the children, “RED LOBSTER!!”

Little Man answered, “YES SIR!” want some scrimp and pish (shrimp and fish)

The Baby said, “NO!” want some pish and pinch pies (fish and French fries)

Little Man and The Baby did a little dance while answering their grand father.

Easy Money explained “Mommy always said if asked where would we like to eat when out shopping always go for something you can’t get all the time.”

Thank god cell phones were not available at this time, because I’m sure I would have gotten an ear full from my dad.

Granddaddy Vosco fully inspired by his grand children headed to Red Lobster. Once again my dad was thinking kiddy meals would be the order of the day. Little Man asked, “Granddaddy Vosco when will summer be here?”
while driving to Red Lobster
Granddaddy Vosco responded “hold on Little Man summer will be here soon.”

Easy Money asked “how soon?”

Trying to be patient and understanding the children’s excitement, Granddaddy Vosco replied “guy’s, summer is just around the corner.”

The children cheered and once again granddad had solved a problem. They finally arrived at Red Lobster the waiter came over to take everyone’s order and my dad was floored. Easy money ordered crab legs and steak medium rare, Little Man got pish and endless scrimps, and The Baby got endless scrimps and pinch pies. Dad did not believe his ears with the orders the children gave to the waiter Grand Dad did not order. The waiter asked “are you sure” looking at my father. She also added “those meal are not on the kiddy menu”.

Granddad said “yes we are sure” whispering, “be prepared to bring to go boxes” The waiter replied “ok will there be anything else.”

“Apple Juice!!” the children responded with excitement” “and for you sir” Granddaddy Vosco ordered coffee

A few minutes later the orders arrived the children said grace and began to enjoy their meal. Dad watched in amazement as the three little children ate everything on their plates. The Children shared with one another, also asking Granddaddy Vosco if he’d like to have a taste. Dad declined and enjoyed watching his grandchildren enjoy their food.

The ride home was pretty quite, which dad was happy about because it gave him a chance to reflect on the day. The children fell asleep in the car after having such a big meal and all the shopping. When my dad pulled up to the house he woke everyone up so they could carry their bags into the house. The children came running into the kitchen very excited about the day, and everyone was talking at once. I had to slow them down to understand the three different languages coming at me at the same time. Finally I got the whole story about the clothing and lunch from my Dad. The part he forgot to tell me was about summer being around the corner and coming soon.

The children asked if they could where their outfits again Dad responded the same “summer will be here soon it’s just around the corner be patient.”

So the children again looking disappointed asked if they could go out side. I told them its getting late so don’t go any further than the front porch. “OK” they replied and off the went outside.

My Dad and I were laughing at how excited little children get about new thing. All of a sudden we heard crying and arguing outside in the back of the house. My Dad and I jumped up ran outside on the porch where the children should have been No Kids.

“OH MY GOD WHERE ARE THEY!!?” my Dad screamed.

I was nervous but we live in a good neighborhood and everyone knows the children. We stopped to listen where the crying was coming from. Again it was coming from the back of the house. We ran to the back of the house no children, but I could still here the baby crying and the boys arguing. My Dad said “sounds like they are around the corner.” So around the corner we go, and there they were standing on the next block upset and lost.

I never let the children go off the block with out me with them so this is new and upsetting to me.

Easy Money had convinced the two little ones that it would be ok to go around the corner and find summer. Little Man reminded him that “mommy said we can no go off the street with out mommy.” Easy Money said “mommy won’t be mad if we go get summer and come right back she will be happy too.” So off they go to find summer. “WHY ARE YOU AROUND THE CORNER!!?” I yelled. The Baby cried harder and the boys stop arguing and started crying. My Dad being the grand parent says “let’s get them home, calm them down, and then find out why did they come around the corner.”

After about twenty minutes and lots of hugs from granddaddy and I, we asked the children why were you around the corner. Not knowing what to expect Easy Money plainly stated “Granddaddy Vosco said summer would be here soon she is only around the corner, and when she gets here we could wear our new stuff.”

Ok, but why are you two arguing?” I asked?

Little Man said “Cause Easy Money went the wrong way, now we lost!!!”

Well with that being said my Dad and I tried very hard not to laugh. The children did not find it funny and began to tear up again. My Dad tried to explain what he meant when he said “summer would be here soon it’s just around the corner” but the children could not understand why the was saying that if it’s not true. They had been around the corner and summer was not there. So the next day we let them wear the new stuff and we took Granddaddy Vosco to the airport.

The weather finally wormed up at the end of May. I was watching the news one Saturday morning and just as Little Man entered the room the weather man said, “Yes it will be a great day today 80 degrees and sunny SUMMER HAS FINALLY ARRIVED EVERYONE ENJOY THIS SUNNY SATURDAY.” I sat on the couch and waited for it.

Little Man ran into the playroom and announced “GRANDDADDY VOSCO WAS WRONG!!! SUMMER JUST ARRIVED TODAY SUMMER HER HERE!!!!”

The children were so excited they ran to the door looked out and began to cry “WE DON’T SEE HER!!!”

I laughed and hugged my babies thinking one day they will understand.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.11.2009

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