
Chapter one

Its been a year since my father died due to unknown cause. Once I think about it I never met him before, my life had always been all over the place. I was the ‘cursed child’ everyone hated. That didn’t really made my life horrible, in fact it was for the better. Solitude had always been my forte, I never had to complicate my life with ‘friends’. I did once had a friend. Well for a five year old, of course I wanted to fit in. Nonetheless, it didn’t end well. She had me worked like a slave, pretty twisted for a five year old.

Now, I’m just an average high school sophomore. I’m still a loner but it doesn’t bother me much. Everyday is a boring, uneventful drag. I’m still wondering why I’m sticking around. My academics and athletic rates were to top the charts but that’s just a way to keep the school’s mouth shut from complaining about my attitude. It worked.

“Charlotte!” I turned to see a classmate of mine walking towards me in hurry. What’s her deal? I didn’t really care to remember each and every name of my classmates. She’s a brunette with hazel eyes. I shall call her brownie, I thought in my head. “Miss Maria was looking for you” she said panting while bending over to catch her breath. She had an awful lot of books in her hand. Ok, bookworm.
“Yea? I assume she’s in the teacher’s lounge?” before she could answer, I left her as she sorts out her respiratory system.

While walking towards the teacher’s lounge I noticed a guy leaning against the wall staring at me like I was a steak. He had the most beautiful and mysterious amethyst coloured eyes. They had me feel a little strange. I can’t take my eyes off of him. I broke our eye contact since I had arrived in front of the teacher’s lounge. I could still feel his stare digging a hole through my head.

“Charlotte, you’re here.” Miss Maria had always been a worrywart so I automatically though she would give me another outrageously long lecture about my life, but God finally gave me mercy as it seems that wasn’t the reason. Whatever it is, I’m going to get it over with as quick as possible so I can finally go back to class. Not that I enjoy studying, it just I can’t wait to catch up on my sleep. Sure it bugged the hell out of the teachers, as long as I get straight full marks they can’t complain. The thing I loved most, my genius brain….and skittles. Delicious rainbow goodness.

“Can you make this quick, teach? I have other things to do.” Miss Maria had a sweet little frown on her face before she passed me a sheet of paper. I took a quick glance at the paper. “So, where’s the kid?” I asked her short and simple. “I wish you would act your age.” She mumbled through her teeth. I didn’t care, right now I just need to escort this kid to his classes without a mentioning a word. I slowly raise my head, to my surprise it’s the weird guy that keeps staring me earlier at the hall. Oh great, I thought to myself.

“This is Charles Anderson. He just transferred and his family gives yearly donations to the school. I want you to show around the school and he’s attending the same classes as you.” Pfft,'yearly donation'.

“Great, can we go now?” She had the most irritated face and I swear she glared at me before we left. Not to mention the guy is still staring.

All the other kids looked at us. Not to brag but I did have a gorgeous elegant face, silky smooth blonde hair and perfect body. I had the curves those girls would die for. That was one reason but I think it was because this guy behind me was a god like hottie. He had paler skin than me. Which made me think about what his mother craved during her pregnancy.

That also made me think about my mom. I wondered what she was like, I don’t even know her face because she died giving birth to me. Getting myself straight, I gave his schedule back to him as I showed him the school ground.

“Um, so the first class is biology by Mr Ashton. As long as you ace his class I’m sure you’ll be fine. He rarely gives us of assignments, when he does it would be wise to finish it on time.” I gave a short lecture about his classes and the teaching style they use. The entire time he sat next to me class after class he didn’t even move a muscle like saying ‘hi’ for instance. Who am I to complain, neither did I. Before I knew school was over and I took my bag and ready to storm back home. I was done babysitting.

Oh, did I mention that my father gave me his whole property. He was a wealthy guy. Land after land, billion of dollars.

Maybe I'll buy a rainbow from a leprechaun or buy Disney channel and make them play horror movies, scaring the shit out of children. Yup, lots of benefits there.

I intend to keep that money under covers, it not like I’m a excessive money spender. I don’t really know what to do. The only property I used was his mansion 30 minutes from school. Fred, the butler told me that he bought this mansion in order to spy on me at school. I’m 17 and I’m the Chairman of William Corp. It wasn’t hard to handle a company, I did have a genius brain. I got to admit, being a chairwoman wasn’t on the top of my list.

“Mistress, welcome back. How was your day at school?”
“It was fine, I’ll have lunch in the study.” I gave him my bag and coat. I still had tons of paper work to settle.
“Like usual.” He said briefly before he resumed his duty.

I usually spend the whole day checking documents and working my ass off in the study. I didn’t really have time to waste. The board members isn’t that easy to tame. I need to show them that I excel in leadership. Or maybe I’ll just slip in a few packets of skittles into their pockets. Good stuff.

I took a glance at the clock and realised it was way past three in the morning. Damn, I’m going to have bags under my eyes tomorrow. I slowly moved to my bedroom and collapsed on the soft queen sized bed. Ah, it felt great. Suddenly that guy’s face popped into my head. I want to see him badly, exhaustion must’ve been messing with my head. Why would I want to see that guy? I just met him a day and I long for him.

I closed my eyes tight and drift away. A sudden warmth perch on my skin. I caught a familiar scent of dark spices. Soon the warm touch left me yet, the scent still lingers soothing me like a lullaby.

Chapter two

The sun rays its light onto my eyelids causing me to wake up. To my surprise, I was tucked into bed. I swear I wasn’t under the covers before I pass out.

“Ok, I had too much going on. I’m going nuts” My eyes widen as I caught a glimpse of the clock. I'M LATE! Why didn’t Fred wake me up? I had a quick shower and slip into a white tight jeans and a navy blue sweater. I put on the stilettos and ran downstairs.

“Good morning Mistress. How would you like your eggs? ”
“Fred, I don’t have time. I’m late!” I took a piece of toast and dash towards the door.
“Mistress, its Saturday.” I turned to him in disbelief. He just smiled as I froze in front of the door. “ I really need to get my head together” I said before taking a seat at the dining table.

“Mistress, perhaps you need a short vacation? Just enough to relief the burden”
“I don’t know, those old geezers aren’t letting me off easy”
“They might be strict but they are very loyal. I will inform the school of your absence.”
“Sounds good to me. Oh and Fred, gather documents that needs immediate attention and put them on my desk in the study along with the history of the company including records of past deals. I’ll attend to them after breakfast.” “As you wish.”

The next three days was a blast, I had my little vacation at Hawaii. I settled in a villa my father owned, very cosy. I stayed inside during the day because I had to finish piles after piles of document that I brought with me that just had to be attended to.


At night I went to the beach, luckily the moon was brightly glowing upon the ocean. Such a breathtaking scene, I spent the whole night staring at the marvellous scene just wondering how Charles was doing. What am I thinking?

I went inside and had a nice comfortable bath time to refresh myself. I had the tub filled with bubbles. I dipped my feet in to test the temperature, just right. Oh lovely bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.

Someday I will take control of the world with BUBBLE POWER! Those damn papers will cower in fear. Someday….

Finally, I’m home. I was tired of seeing hot guys walking around in their swimming attires, I lied I love it. So sexy! ANYWAY being home is really comforting, I miss Fred, the maids, Spongebob, my secret stash of skittles and…..Charles.

I got up and wore a regular blue jeans, a white cowl-neck cotton-blend top and a pair of Jimmy Choo’s Lauren diamanté and suede sandals. I’m not used to wearing these expensive ‘stuff’, but I had to. Fred made me do it. The poor guy means no harm.

I sat at the back of the class like usual, glancing here and there just to see if ‘he’ was here. I was a bit upset not seeing him there.

“Looking for me?” he whispered near my ear. My heart literally went crazy.
“, I was uh looking for mosquitoes” I want to slap my stupid mouth.
“Oh really?” he snickered as he sit beside me. Ok, I want to hang myself…in shame. I had a million words I can say other than I was looking for mosquitoes. Quick thinking, really saved my ass.

“So, where did you go these days? Haven’t seen you around.” That pulled me back to reality.
“I went for a short vacation. Been really busy.”
“Where did you go?”
He put his elbow on the table and landed his chin on his palm, looking at me with those gorgeous amethyst eyes.
“Hawaii.” He had the most gentle smile, it faded as the teacher enters the class. My heart sank as it fade away.

The classes went on like usual, however my attention was elsewhere. The bell rang, I went to my locker to take my book. A hand rested beside my locker, wondering who it was I looked. Damn, James Letcher. The star quarterback of the school’s ‘precious’ football team. He’s been bugging me since forever.

“Hey, beautiful.” I rolled my eyes, annoyed by his constant pick up lines. Ignoring him I headed to the cafeteria. I took the tray and searching for a place to sit.
“Want to sit with me?” James asked tapping on the seat beside him. I just walk away.
“Charlotte, baby. Come on.” Beg all you want sucker, I don’t give a damn about your sorry ass. I know how guys like him are, they treat girls like trash.

I took a seat at the corner. As I was about to take a bite of my sandwich, a tray landed in front of me.

“Hey, eating alone?” Charles took a seat.
“Kind of obvious”
“You don’t mind me sitting here?”
“Doesn’t have my name on it, feel free”
“So um, who was that guy?” he said pointing at James.
“Who? Him? A bug” I said while munching on my skittles.
“He’s a bit too big for a bug” he snickered.

We laughed and talked the whole lunch break. We walked to our classes together
I realised we had a lot in common, too much in common.

That night I slept soundly. I felt that warmth again, this time it stayed longer. I snuggled closer to it. It just felt safe being close.

“Charlotte” I heard my name whispered softly.

chapter three

Since I’ve been hanging out with Charles a lot, we are practically best friends. We get along like a house on fire. He understands me so well. Once in a while his beautiful amethyst eyes would glow mysteriously, its kind of creepy but something about those eyes attracts me to him. My head would be blank whenever I see them.

“Mistress, I was wondering if I could have a few days off?” Fred never looked so nervous in his entire life. Did he steal my skittles? I’ll have to check.
“Fred, you can take the whole week off. Consider it as a reward for your hard work.”
“Thank you Mistress! Thank you.” His aged face glowed with happiness.
“You never asked for a vacation, Fred. What’s the matter?”
“My daughter…she had a miscarriage.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Do nurse her back to health.” Fred politely bowed and left me to finish my breakfast.

Poor Fred, must be hard on him losing a grandchild.

After the American history class ended, Charles and Charlotte skipped the next class to go hang out at Dean’s diner. They loved that place, it’s a retro heaven as they call it. They usually spent hours talking and laughing about their past.

“Charlotte, I was thinking if I could hang out at your place next Saturday”

That was….random.

“I guess you could. What’s with the random request?” I arched an eyebrow and frowned waiting for an answer. He just chuckled….CHUCKLED. Now that just made a vein popped on my forehead. I unleashed my wrath on the hamburger.

I had documents piling like mountains in the study. Took me forever to sort it out. I miss Fred already. Just barely finishing my work, I headed back to my room to rest.

As my mind wonder off I remembered that conversation with Charles. My place? I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom, we were in a ‘relationship’ but isn’t it too fast? I mean of course I don’t mind him coming over. I started looking around, this mansion screams LUXURY. Fred did say dad had an exquisite taste for antiques.

I laid back on my bed. I have this weird feeling, something just felt wrong. I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe I had a too oily dinner. Whatever the case is nothing could beat a good night sleep.

I twisted and turned yet my eyes won’t close. I got up and headed for the kitchen, my dry throat in need of a drink. With my thirst out of the way I wandered around the mansion, so large and empty. Fred was away for a week, that makes the mansion seems more hollow.

I walked down the outrageously long hall to find myself standing in front of a door. I have never seen it before as I entered I ran my hand across the wall in hope of finding the switch.

Where’s my spy instinct when I needed them.

Finally I found the switch and flipped the lights on. I froze, my jaw fell on the ground. The room looks grand, fit for a king. A bed rested in the middle of the room not a normal place to have a bed. I saw a nineteenth century antique desk in front of the bed. I went near the desk and sat on the leather seat. It felt right. I look around and found a picture in one of it’s drawers. A handsome probably in his late twenties man and an elegant well off lady that I assume had to be a pair. They had the most loving expression.

I stared at that picture for who knows how long. They seem so familiar yet distant. I felt a smile lit on my face. I turned to see the back of the picture.

“Isaac & Elizabeth William”


Chapter four

I stared out the window during the entire class….

That picture, they were so in love so in peace so…dead. My existence separated them its all my fault. I shouldn’t be born. I hate myself for coming in between them if I wasn’t born mom would still be alive. Dad will still be by her side.

What have I done?

“Hey” His voice snapped me back to reality.
“Oh, hey” I said dryly. Just want him to leave me alone. Who am I kidding? He didn’t do anything. Why am I lashing out at him?
I know he understood my mood. He left me some space; I need to sort out my thoughts. Everything just seems unreal right now. I need to keep it together.

“So you’ll still come this Saturday?”
“Yea, if you let me?”
“Of course, Fred’s took some time off so you just have to tolerate my crappy cooking.” He laughed and had me giggling myself.
“I’ll take some indigestion pills with me. I don’t want to die just yet.”
“Ha, very funny. Jerk.” I nudge him with my elbow. He always made me feel better.

We continued talking on our way to the lab. I always had a thing for Chemistry. Make me feel like a mad scientist. With a white lab coat on and a little deep and evil menacing laughter. I feel smart and evil…


I set the papers aside. I'm having a date today and i'm stuck here doing paperwork, really? I stared at my phone. Surfing the net, searching for recipes that I COULD make. Cooking's not easy. I put my phone down and stared at the clock...

I finally decided to cook.

It is really depressing learning how to cook from cookbooks and cooking channels. Although I don’t mind a little bit staring at Jamie Oliver work his magic on AFC, his thick British accent and his red lush lips. Oh yes, full of flavour. I smell something burning, interrupting with my fantasy.

OH SHIT! My rosemary chicken!

I ran as fast as I could towards the kitchen. Yes, it’s official. I’m serving coal for lunch. Fantasies always ruin stuff. What am I supposed to do? I can’t serve coal. I’m not about to embarrass myself.


I’ll have to order good old take-outs. It took the deliveryman half an hour to deliver my order of Italian food. I have to admit it was worth every minute. It made me drool just smelling it. I can’t wait till Charles arrives and just in time. I heard the doorbell rang. I ran to the gates, eager to see him. I wore my usual shirt and jeans. Just wanted to be casual.

“Hey, come on in” I smiled while gesturing the door. He also wore casual clothes. Thank god. He smiled back and followed me inside. He gave me the bouquet of roses he had in his hand as I closed the door. It made me blush. I took a little sniff of the roses. The fragrance wafted smelled lovely.
“Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” I went to look for a vase to place the roses in.

We both sat down at the dining table facing each other. I watched him slowly took a bite before I took one myself.
“You said you couldn’t cook? This is amazing.” I giggled at his compliment.
“What?” I couldn’t help but giggled louder.
“Its take out” I said between my laughter. His hand covered his mouth as he laughed. He should take a look at his face. Priceless.

After lunch, we sat and talked for a while.

"Seriously, i think he's cool" I snickered.
"No, Patrick is cooler!" Refusing to back down.
"OMG, will you just give up already? Let the lady win" I said before taking a sip of the earl grey tea.

He stared at me long and hard with those mysterious eyes.

Charles puts his teacup down and slowly leaned into me. I gasped, too stunned to move. His face crept closer to mine. I stared deep into his glowing amethyst eyes, my body went numb. I felt his lips against mine; I closed my eyes savouring his lips. Our kiss became more eager. Slowly, the darkness overwhelmed me. I felt a sharp pain puncturing the skin of my neck. It burns. It hurts,…it hurts. I moaned in pain. Help me…please…


Chapter five

I had the weirdest dream last night. Thinking back about that dream made the hair on my skin stand up. It gave me goose bumps. I hastily ran my hand down my neck, touching all the places ‘it’ could be. Nothing. There’s nothing. No pain no bruises. I just felt sore all over and a really bad headache. In addition to this weird frenzy, I didn’t remember what I did yesterday. I recall being in the study doing those stupid boring papers. I shook my head a little trying to remember.

Vain attempt.

I walked down the stairs slowly trying not to trip over and headed downstairs. The dining room was twirling around. I leaned against the wall for support. I can’t even stand straight. I had this incredible urge to vomit. I quickly ran to the bathroom and hurl over the toilet. As I tucked my hair behind my ear my eyes widen at the sight of blood. I touched the bottom of my lips and felt moist liquid. My blood…

I rinse my mouth and headed back to the dining room, encouraging myself to be calm.

Fred was still on his vacation. The maids did made me some breakfast but its not the same without Fred. The maids aren’t that friendly, they did treat me with respect but they just think of this as a job. I want them to treat me as family just like Fred. I miss that old coot.

I arose from my seat barely touching the food on my plate. I wanted to vomit again if I forced myself to swallow. Cold sweat accumulates on my forehead. I wiped it off with my handkerchief. I walked wobbly to the study as my fragile hands grabbed the handle of the door pushing my way inside. I collapsed on the leather seat.

I straighten myself and forced myself to go through those documents.

I heard a knock on the door. I heard Laura’s soft voice asking permission to enter.

“Come in” I said not lifting my eyes from those papers.
“Mistress, there are guests asking to see you”


“Let them wait in the living room, I shall attend to them in a minute”

I watched her gently close the door by the corner of my eyes.

I never had ‘a’ guest since I took over. Now there’s ‘guests’? Makes me wonder who they are and what they want from me.

I paused at the door for a moment, sorting my thoughts and taking a deep breath. I walked in while they were in the middle of a heated conversation. They all stood up to acknowledge my presence.

“Sit. Tell me, what is the reason you gentlemen have come to my home?”
“My name is Harrison, this is Terry and Joshua.” The red head pointed to the blond and black haired.
“Well all do to respect, Master Isaac is…” He stopped in courtesy.
I nodded to let him continue.
“Dead. I wish to let the council know of your ‘succession’.”

What are they talking about?

“Let them know, but leave me alone afterwards. Laura, see them out” I just wanted this to be over…fast. My headache is killing me.

I must say I’m pretty damn good at acting. I don’t even know about this ‘council’ they speak of. I know dad was an aristocrat but they actually do have a “council”?
Well if they leave me alone, I’ll have nothing to argue about. Yet, It bothers me. I should stop being so curious about this council. Curiosity killed the cat.

I walked to my bedroom. In need of some rest.

I strolled down the dark road with only the moonlight showing the way. It’s been a week and I was looking forward to seeing Charles tonight. He promised he’d stopped by my place for dinner. This is the first time he’s been to my house. I had the maids cleaned the whole mansion this morning. Not a speck of dust in sight.

I hummed and I skipped down the road towards the mansion. It’s a clear night tonight I thought. The stars sparkled and the moon glowed, such a perfect night. I took a deep breath. The air is so fresh in the countryside. I twirled letting my arms sway in the gentle breeze. Then, I heard a chuckle.

“Having fun?” I blushed, embarrassed by my action.
“Not anymore, you ruined it for me”
“What are you doing outside? Since you’re here, I supposed we could walk together?” I nod slightly. He took my hand in his and led me to the mansion. His hand was freezing. I never noticed it before. I just stared at the back of his head following his lead.

He stopped.

“What’s wrong?” I said in response.
“Umm, can I come in?” He asked awkwardly.
“Of course.” I giggled at his question. Who does that?

During dinner, I didn’t touch my food. The smell is disgusting. I excused myself to the bathroom, staggering along the way. I crouched over the toilet sit, wanting to throw up this morning’s nonexistent food. Only it wasn’t food I was vomiting, it was blood. I had been vomiting blood the whole week, I felt faint and leaned on the wall of the hall. I felt myself slipping away. In front of me I saw Charles with a grin on his face. What are those? Fangs? I wanted to scream but I had no strength left. I knew my death was near.

He bit my neck and felt myself drifting away. “Why…are you..doing..this to me?” I murmured. My eyes barely open.

He laughed.

“You’re just a weak human. What good would you do? I was assigned to kill you and I took my own sweet time.” He smirked. His face was so near.
“I...loved you” Tears rolled down my cheeks, feeling betrayed. My body was no longer able to move.
“How naive. I just wanted to kill you I never loved you. NEVER.” He licked the blood dripping from my lips.
“Pity, you were delicious too” He stood up and left me…to die.

I was hardly alive waiting for death.

I felt someone nearing me, his shoes making tapping sounds…louder and louder. I had a glimpse of his pure silver eyes staring down at me. That was the last thing I saw.

Chapter six

“Elizabeth, where are you?”
“Isaac, over here.”


A warm touch landed gently on my cheek. Its familiar, I know this warmth. My eyes slowly open but the blinding lights made me close them again. Adjusting myself to the brightness, I opened them to see the pair in front of me. My vision went blurry as tear weld up.

“Oh, honey. Don’t cry.” She wiped my tears with her thumb.
“Mom…” She stretches out her arms with a smile on her face. I ran into her arms, weeping in need of her affection.
“I miss you so much” I managed to spell out between my sobs.
“Honey, we missed you too. What are you doing here? You don’t belong here, sweetheart” She cupped my face between her hands.
“But...I...” In midst of the confusion, dad grabbed my shoulders making me face him.
“Listen sweetheart, you don’t belong here. You need to go back. We love you, stay strong.” He gave me a tight hug and pushed me away.

I fell into an abyss reaching my hand out towards him hoping he’ll grab it. Their faces disappeared as the darkness consumed me whole.

“MOM! DAD!” I opened my eyes in shock.

Then it hit me.

I can see every speck of dust in the air. So many colours, it’s as if I’m seeing a new world. It’s magical. I can see what I can’t before. I slowly turned my head to see the mirror beside me. I froze, stunned. Is that me? I’m…beautiful. My hair’s black? I stared at the mirror again.

My eyes staring back at me with a bright emerald green glow. I smiled, parting my lips. Thus, showing my fangs. FANGS?! My eyes widen in shock.

I need to sit up, but the excruciating pain made me stop. I can’t even lift a finger; my whole body was completely paralysed.

Not to mention my throat was burning, dry, coarse.

“You’re awake already?” That voice. Deep and rough, it made body ache all over making me wanting more…whose voice was that?
I had a hard time turning my head towards the voice since my whole body hurts.

A man. A handsome young man with silver eyes and his messy dark brown hair making him look manly. His shirt clung on his huge arm, nothing but muscles beneath his skin. I gasped at his appearance. My heart…. What? Its not beating! I panicked.

“Hey, calm down! Relax.” His voice. GOD HIS VOICE! It sent a shiver down my spine. I wanted to sit up, but my stupid body won’t move! And it hurts like hell…

As if he understood what I wanted, helped me up.
“Thanks” My voice sounded so…I can’t even describe how it sounds. Heavenly, yes that’s it! I’m a whole new person!

“Drink this, I bet you’re thirsty” He held out a glass containing strange red liquid to me.
“Yea, um…can’t move.” I bit my lower lip. Just how pathetic is that?
He leaned closer and held the glass to my lip. I drank the whole thing. It was sweet and rich. I wanted more but I kept my mouth shut.

“Feeling better?” I gave him a quick nod and he smiled.
“Mistress! Oh, thank god you’re okay!” Fred came rushing in kneeling beside the bed.
“Fred, stop being such a drama queen. I just died, no biggie.” His face turned gloom.
“I shouldn’t have gone away. Please forgive me, Mistress.”
“Stand up, Fred. I never blamed you. Your daughter needed me you more then me. Now run along, don’t you have rooms to buttle?” I gave him an assuring smile as he walked away. I let out a long sigh.

He tried to hide his laughter. I gave him a glare.

“A feisty one, aren’t we?” he had a smug on his face.
“What’s your name? Did you save me?” he simply smiled and walks towards the door.

“I’m Max.”

Chapter seven

That night I writhe in pain. My whole body was set on fire. I’m panting, running away. From whom? I can’t stop. I need to get free from this hell. He’s coming! He’s coming! I can’t breathe, hands reaching out behind from the shadows. I need to run faster! My lungs won’t work. My heart froze, icy cold.

I can’t run anymore, please stop. I’m screaming, begging for help…no one but me surrounded by darkness.

Those hands grabbed me from behind, sinking their fingers into my flesh. Gritting my teeth I ripped them off. Forcing my legs to limp their way to freedom. Those hands eager to destroy me. Why wont they leave me alone?!

Red tears dripped from my eyes every step I take.

Those hands came back and ripped my left hand, shredding it to pieces. Picking up the pace, I stumbled and fall, glancing back at those blood dripping hand. I stood and I fought. I’m not weak! I’m not….weak.

Those hands making their way closer and closer.

My mind went blank. My body stopped functioning. I froze as fear consumed me. Each of those hands got a hold of my body, shredding and ripping every single piece of me. The pain! The excruciating pain! Just kill me already! End my suffering! Please! It burns! It hurts! I screamed, I yelled and I cried. Stuttering my words with blood rushing out of my mouth, ears and eyes.
Silence, no longer able to hear my own voice.

No one would help; no one was there to help.


The sharp pain woke me from my dream. I shut my eyes tighter. It’s burning my very existence. Try as I might, my body no longer listens. I shook, feeling as if I was stabbed over and over again. I moved my hand towards my throat wanting to strangle myself to make the unbearable pain stop. Tears ran down my cheeks as I grit my teeth together refusing to make a sound.

Someone took my hand and yanked it off my throat. Thus, pinning it down on the bed. I can’t take it anymore!

“GET IT TOGETHER!” I can’t! I can’t…its too painful! Max, please!
“You need to hang on, just a little bit more!” His voice rough, stern…harsh.

He gave me comfort as this blaze explore every inch of my body.

The flare went on, burning every part of me to crisp. Soon, the pain crawled their way to my heart leaving the rest sore, sensitive and worn out. I freed my hand from his clutch and land it on my chest, over my heart. He took my hand in his, palm against palm grasping onto them hard.

He bit his wrist and pressed it against my lips. My fangs elongate, diving into his vein. I drank and drank easing the pain. With my lips smudged with his blood I tilt my head up searching for his eyes. I raise my hand eager to touch his face. Just a touch will do.

He lowered his head eager to touch me as well. We stared into each other’s eyes. His silver eyes and my emerald green’s danced in silence. I cupped his face lowering his head to my neck, offering my vein. Moaning in pleasure when he did. I wish time would stop.

just the two of us…together.

Chapter eight

I stared out the window with ongoing thoughts of Charles. Replaying that image of him over and over again. I squeezed my eyes tight, what am I thinking? He freaking betrayed me! I shut my eyes murdering him in my dreams.

It’s been a month since I’m stuck in bed, Max finally let me roam around a bit. I get nightmares at night but the pain was gone. Everyday I was feed blood. Shocking, It taste like honey, melts in my mouth can’t help but want more. I never tasted something that delicious. Since I’ve been taking it daily I’m able to move my body step by step. Max been behaving like a gentleman. Except, each time I asked who he was he always managed to dodge my question. Makes him seem like a ninja. A hot sexy down to earth kind of ninja! I like that.

“Why are you grinning like an old man?” Oh rats…Quick! Act like nothing’s going on! …

I ran away.

That kid just keeps getting funnier everyday…
‘Master Maxwell, why are you standing here?” Fred approached.
“Ah! Freddy, would you mind giving this to that mistress of yours. I would like to give it to her myself but she ran away.” I said recalling what happened.
“I understand.” Fred walked away smiling his crinkled smile.

I just stood there where she once stood. Immerse myself in her lingering scent. Her smell isn't perfume at all it's very subtle. The calming, hypnotic scent of the Chamomile flower instantly melts the tensions away.

He vanished, blending in with the shadows.

What was I thinking? How stupid of me, embarrassing! Cursing myself with each stride.
I skidded to a stop. Figuring out where my feet lead me to this time.

I pressed my palm to the heart of the door. I remember this room. Dad’s room. Then it all came back to me, my childhood, that picture and that dream. Oh, how I wish they were still alive, comforting me in times of need. I hopped onto his bed. Crawling under the blankets, twisting and twirling, making me look like a sushi roll.

I miss him. I miss them.

“Hey” I stood up so quickly; I rolled and crashed onto the floor. Ouch…
He laughed so hard the mansion practically shook.

I want to strangle him!

“What!” I spat out, patting the dust from my clothes.
“I just…um...never mind, sushi girl” He snickered. My jaw fell to the ground. Just how long did he watch? I stomped my way to the bedroom. How infuriating! I abruptly stopped and blushed remembering what we did that night. Lightly slapping myself on the cheek I sped off to my room. I jumped onto the bed turning my head to the side. Then I realised. If I’m a vampire, can I still eat skittles?

I paced back and forth, wondering. I took out a packet and placed it on the table. I kneeled in front of it and stared, swallowing my saliva. I opened it and slowly slip my finger in to take one. I stared some more. Just a second after I place it in my mouth, I spit it back out, bad idea. It’s disgusting!

Knock knock. “May I come in, Mistress?” Oh, its just Fred.

“Come in.” Still tasting that horrid taste on my tongue. Ugh!
“What is it?” I sat on the bed.
“Master Maxwell told me to give this to you.”
“For me? Max did?” He just nods as I reached out to take that small package.

I touched every little detail on that box before I gently untied its ribbon. My insides fluttered as I laid my eyes on a beautiful necklace. He gave me a daisy key pendant from Tiffany and Co?! Look at all those diamonds…

No! I can’t accept this!

I stormed down to his room, pushing the door not bothering to knock.
“I…” I quickly covered my eyes. Shutting them tight. I just walked into him drying his hair after his shower. He was only wearing a towel on his waist. I dashed out of his room, slamming the door behind me.

My face flashed bright red.

Chapter nine

“Good morning, Mistress”
“Good morning Fred” I smiled at him seating myself at the table. He gently placed my breakfast in front of me. Blood, o positive. My favourite. I took that glass and drank it in a shot. I was just about to head out to school, when I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs about a mile away. I have taken a serious liking to these powers of mine and blood isn’t that bad it’s pretty good actually. But I’m just a newborn so it’s hard to go blend in with people. My throat burns like hell, never happen with Fred though. I wonder why?

Considering the awkward event last night I thought I would just avoid him for a few days. You know, just to give it some time. I was just about to push the door.
“Hold it young lady” I don’t want to turn around.
“Turn around” Damn. Don’t read my mind! Well, he can’t.
“What?” I said in the most rebellious tone. He smiled noticing that I’m wearing the necklace he gave me. It has so many diamonds I had to wear it. I’m such a sucker for jewellery.

“Come here, I have something to say.” Ugh, the finger. Dragging my feet across the hall, I stopped in front of him.
“Sit” Oh come on, I’ll be late. What’s so important anyway?
“Can we finish this fast? I’ll be late.” He took a seat right beside me.
“I know. I need to ask you about that guy who nearly killed you.”

My heart sank.

“I think he might be the same one who killed your dad. So, um…can you tell me about him?” He took my hand gently stroked it with his thumb.
“I think…it’s just.” I can’t. Not yet. I need some time.
“I understand. You can tell me when you’re ready. Let’s go.”

He walked to the door taking his bag and the car keys to his black Porsche with him. Opening the door for me.

“Wait, let’s go? What do you mean?” He smiled.
“You’re transferring. No way I’ll let you go back to that school.” I know but…
“Why are you coming with me?” I arched an eyebrow.


He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door. Oh boy, great. What a nice way to start the morning. Neither of us said a thing in the car. He kept driving and I listened to songs on my ipod till we reached the school. Staring at the sky I see the cloud turning grey. What great weather. Charlotte loves horrible weathers, it made her feel calm and in control. Soothing her soul as she calls it. When she snapped back to reality, Max was in the administrating building asking the office lady at the counter about their schedules.

“Max, are we in the same class?” I perked my head over his broad shoulders. He’s six foot eight. I had to pull myself up his shoulders. He grinned from ear to ear. Not good.
“All of em.” He passed the paper to me.
“Did you plan this?” I eyed him. I frowned at this ‘coincidence’.
“Maybe or maybe not.” He did…

Walking down the hall I had a lot of things in my mind. How am I going to cope with immortality? Like, I’ll be forever seventeen. Not to mention my diet. Even when the kids are in their classes for first period I can still smell them from here. My throat is yelling at me to grab a dude and drain him dry. Not really an ideal first impression is it? I tugged onto the end of Max’s shirt. He looked back and saw me with my head down. I don’t want to go in there. I’m not sure if I can handle it yet. I have too many worries. I looked directly into his eyes. He nodded and held my hand tight. “It’s going to be alright. I’ll be there with you every step of the way.” I smiled as I followed his lead into the classroom. All the other people kept staring at us. I lowered my head not in need of attention. The teacher cleared his throat.

“This is Maxwell Taylor and Charlotte William. They have just transferred here. I hope you all will give them a warm welcome. Welcome to Gilmore High. Please take a seat.” Max led me to the empty seats and pulled out the chair for me. “Thanks.”

Wow, she’s really hot.
Look at that guy’s muscles.
I wonder if they’re a couple.
He’s huge!
Where did she get those shoes?

I cupped my ears, their whispers sounds like exploding bombs to my ears. Just stop already! Max placed his arm on my shoulder. “Its terrible, the noise.” I whispered under my breath. He nodded understanding what I’m going through. “It’s always like that in the beginning.” He whispered. Cannot be detected by human ears.

By the time class was over and I thought my nightmare was done. I was proven wrong. It was disastrous, people talking everywhere along the hallway, toilets, cafeteria. “Try deleting the voices one by one. Focus only on those you really want to hear.” Max was by my side encouraging me. When I did, my head was no longer full of buzzing bees. I focused on his voice and his voice alone made me feel calm.

“Charlotte!” I turned around to see a stranger heading towards us. He was a tanned blond with a muscular body. Not as muscular as Max but he did have an expressive build. I recon he’s about exactly six feet. “Do I know you?”

“No, my dad told me you’re transferring to my school. He told me to get along. I’m Luke Johnson.” He smiled showing his line of pearl white teeth, offering his hand for a shake. I shook it for a sec and let it go. “You’re dad? As in Johnson the nosy old man from the board member?” “Sounds quite right.”

“This is Amanda, Nicholas, Eleanor and Alexander. They are in the same situation. Our fathers put their trust on us to ensure your safety.” He pointed each respective name to their owners. “Nice to meet you all.” I gave them a generous smile.

“So just to be clear, the board members and you guys are also…”
“Vampires? Yes.”
“Do you watch dramas where there are people who lowers their heads to power? Yea, don’t be like that. I don’t want servants I want friends. Are we clear?”
“Most certainly.” They said in unison.

Oh boy.

I looked at Max’s face then back to theirs. More people in my life…

Chapter ten

We all sat together at the table beside the window doing different things. I see Max playing with an apple, Amanda and her phone, Eleanor fixing her make up. Luke, Alex and Nick discussing about the game. I rested my chin on my palm, staring at them, documenting the details of their looks. Amanda had great skin. Eleanor and her luscious hair. Luke and his build. Alex and his mysterious aura give me the creeps. Nick was the only one looking like a normal good-looking guy. I stared at them minding their own business.

Then I turned my attention to Max, playing with his hair, all messy and manly. He grinned and took me by the waist bringing me closer to him. Yea, he has smooth moves. He continued playing with that apple.

We all left our food untouched. I leaned my head on Max’s chest pushing the tray further away inhaling his scent. I felt all eyes staring at our table. We were all gorgeous not kidding. Amanda and Eleanor are cheerleaders; Luke and his guys are in the sports and track team. Max and I had the brains. That goes unsaid, Max’s been alive for god how long. I bet he has Einstein’s brain by now.

I checked my phone to see my schedule. Shit, I forgot about the meeting.

“I have to leave. I forgot about the meeting, see you guys later.” I gave Max a little tap on his shoulder and rushed out of the cafeteria before they managed to say a word.

My eyes followed her till she disappears behind the cafeteria door. I placed the apple back on the tray. Bored to death. I gazed out the window, observing the vast grey sky as rain slowly drizzles.

“Yes?” I asked not shifting my gaze, obviously annoyed by their stares.
“What’s your relationship?” The Amanda girl started snooping.
“I’m her guardian.” I said simply.
“Oh come on dude, you guys were totally lovey dovey just now.” Luke took over.
I shook my head and smirked. Maybe…
They glanced at each other in confusion. I have no intention of answering more questions. It seems they understood and let me be.

Oh Charlotte…

“Max, I don’t know what to do. I love her but I don’t have the guts to face her. She thinks I don’t exist. I feel guilty abandoning her when her mom died.”
“Isaac, my friend. She will understand.” I gave him an encouraging tap on the shoulder.
“What am I going to say? Hi, I’m your dad who abandoned you since you were a baby. How was your day?” He shrugged and gulped down the scotch.

“Max, I’ve been getting threats everyday. If I tell her now, she’ll be in danger!” It saddens me seeing my best friend like this. “You’ll help me protect her, right? I’m in such a mess right now. Only you can help me.” His eyes brightened with hope. I’m a cold-blooded killer, how can I take care of someone so fragile?


That night was the last time I saw him.

The room was suffocating me, more like guilt. I went to the backyard to get some fresh air and there she is, in the hammock. Reading a book. She looks amazing in that crimson sundress with her thick smooth hair tied up in a bun. The wind blowing her scent in my direction, I took a deep breath. Basking in her chamomile scent.

I winced as something was blinding me. The necklace I gave her dangled on her neck perfectly. I gaze at her the whole afternoon. Watching the book landed on her chest as she fell asleep. Watching her smile as she felt the gentle breeze. It made me feel whole.

The weather was turning for the worst. I smell rain in the air.

Quietly, I lifted her from the hammock, not wanting to wake her up and carried her to her bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and covered her up. Releasing her hair from the bun when it started to look uncomfortable. Gently I tucked the loose hair behind her ear and kissed her on the forehead.

“Max?” I mumbled half awake. I searched the room only to find that I’m the only one here.

Was it a dream? I touched my forehead. It felt so real.

Chapter eleven

I leaned against the steel rail of the balcony, taking in the night air. When I noticed hands rubbing my chest from behind.

“Charles, come back to bed.” She purred. Rolling my eyes in disgust, I smiled.
“I’ll be there in a sec, Vanessa.” Turning around I placed her palm against my lips and grinned. Then sending her back into the room. I returned to the balcony cursing myself fucking sluts with no dignity. I searched for the full moon with her in my mind. Charlotte one of pure noble blood. The only woman I was with that didn’t spread her legs like sluts I’m surrounded with. She made me feel alive, making me realize I’m my own man. The reminiscent of our sweet memories flashed before my eyes. Its a pity she’s dead. I could use someone like her.

“Vanessa, I have to go.” I picked up my clothes that I trashed all over the floor earlier and slip them on. Running my hands through the already messy hair not bothering to look back. I headed back to the headquarters.

I’m a part of the highest ranked black association called the ‘Night Hunters’. There are seven generals consist of wrath, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed and Pride. The one known as Greed I supposed would be me. The common night drawlers do not know of our identities besides the elders. Making it easier for us to roam around our turfs unaffected.

“Hey, Greed. Funny seeing your sorry ass here so late.”
“Still playing with your sex toys, Lust?” I mocked. She is a member of the generals. The only female in the squad but not one to be underestimated, she was only second to Wrath. Wrath was the leader of this association he called all the shots whether we like it or not. He simply doesn’t give a damn.
“Ah, you and your sluts. I bet that little guy down there was scared shitless.”

Man, her body rocks. I mean I hate her personality but who can say no to that sexy body? My eyes travelled up and down her body, checking her out. Definitely a top grade piece of ass I would kill for some of that. I walked pass her slapping her butt as a joke. I had the widest perverted grin.

“He won’t be scared of you.”
“What a joke.” She followed me into the building with a scowl.
“Where’s your brother anyway?” I asked while ascending the stairs.

“Pride? Don’t see him enough these days. He knows how to take care of himself. He’s not a kid anymore.”

“You got to be kidding. You guys are like inseparable.”

“Maybe its time we went our own ways.” She had a dark tone. Her brother means the world to her. It’s not that easy to separate them. I shut myself the hell up obviously pushing the wrong button. We are a part of a dark guild and love thrashing each other but we’re like siblings. Family…

Everyone was staring at us as I opened the huge door. Lust came in as soon as I stepped aside.
“Take a seat.” Wrath’s stern voice commanded. We did as told with lust seating in the farthest seat from pride. Whoa, awkward.

“Mammon, Asmodeus. Why are you late?” Clearly anger took over for him to use our demon names.
“We have failed you. Please forgive us, my Lord.” We both stood and fell to our knees thus crushing our fists to the ground in unison.
“Very well, arise. I am not here to wait on you. I will assume you will not repeat this disrespectful behaviour.” We silently nod and seated ourselves.

The meeting went on as usual hearing reports by each general. Once it is over we all stood and bowed to the leader as an act of respect and exited the room. Lust, the last one through the door was under the responsibility of closing it. Lust, Envy, Sloth and myself were the only ones to descend downstairs. The others disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lust slouched on the couched after grabbing a bottle of tequila from the bar. She crossed her feet on the coffee table and chugged it, probably deep in thoughts. Envy took out a box of cigarettes and took a piece. He lit it up and smoked. Sloth collapsed beside lust, curled into a ball and slept. Yea, we’re a boring bunch. I leaned against the wall and then moved towards the bar to get me some liquor. I checked my cell and realised I got thirty messages and forty missed calls all from those sluts.

I took the whole bottle of whisky and materialized on the roof of the headquarters. I sat down and observe the view of the city from above. I closed my eyes, lie on my back and relax under the moonlight. The corner of my lips curved upwards as I remembered about how beautiful Charlotte was that night.

She was beautiful, mesmerizing. A woman of pride and dignity.

She looked even better with her blood all over. The taste of her blood still loiters on the tips of my tongue. Leaving that sweet and thick yet subtle taste of her blood fresh in my mind. I bit my lower lip and frowned. I’m happy she’s dead.

And he drank the whole night.

Chapter twelve

Charlotte embraced the night air as she stood on the roof of a motel, eyeing the lone alley with a smirk. She’s about to have supper and she picked the best spot to catch and kill. This is the first time Max let her hunt alone. He usually spoon feed her but for a woman with pride like her that is not an option. Treating her like a baby was bad enough but getting herself killed was much worse. She had to bottle her anger inside preventing herself from lashing it out at Max for being such a control freak.

She comes, snatches, drinks, abandon. Easy. She had it all sorted out. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. By the time her thoughts subsided, a prey comes into the trap. A male probably in his late thirties in a suit so, he had a drink after work. A few drinks actually, he can’t even walk straight let alone run. The perfect prey.

She jumps down from the roof and landed on the balls of her feet, bending her knees to absorb the impact. She twisted her long silky black hair and rested it on the left side of her neck. She walked silently, no sounds produced from the high heel leather boots she wore. She felt powerful, dominant as she strides closer to her victim. The male as if he sensed her looked back but saw nothing as she blended well in the darkness. Before he managed to take a step forward she lunged at him, sinking her fangs into his vein draining him dry. Resistance was futile.

After a few minutes, he collapsed on the concrete floor cold and lifeless. Her green emerald eyes glowed with energy no longer black as she regained her lost strength. She stood in front of the dead man for a while. Thinking why this didn’t make her feel disgusted and miserable. Throwing that thought far away, she licked her lips clean and abandoned him beside piles of garbage. She would have to send someone over to pick him up later.

She took firm and steady steps exiting the alley. Before she could disappear, a strange scent wafted in the air. Oh, this is not good.

I tried to ‘dematerialise’ as Max thought me. But then I got pinned to the wall by a large bulgy man. He was taller than max. HUGE. “Hey gorgeous.” He growled.

I squirmed trying to take his hands off my throat. He laughed a throaty laugh at my weak response. Still thinking like human me, I lifted my feet and kicked where it hurts most. Instantly, it did the trick. He fell to his knees curling like a ball on the floor whimpering from the pain. I had a satisfied smile on my face. I was just about to leave the scene when that guy grabbed my right foot and made me fall on my face. I rubbed my red nose.

Oh that is it!

I looked back at him, the pain’s already gone by the look of it. He was back on his feet. I swore under my breath when he sends me flying to the opposite building. I did a somersault and landed on my feet launching myself back at him. I slammed his body to the wall. He was a tough cookie; he got back up in no time and went for my head. I knew it was a kill or be killed situation.

I braced myself took the impact, hurts like hell.

Ignoring the pain, I used my mind control a typical technique for those of noble blood and he froze. He was strong, really strong it took me most of my energy to focus. I appeared in front of him and pierce my hand through his chest, ripping his heart out. That was it he’s dead. Whoever he is. I had bruises and scratches all over my body. My clothes were ragged with cuts all over. By the time I reached home, the cuts and bruises were all gone. I checked myself making sure all of had been healed.

“What a great night.” Those words dripping with sarcasm as I entered the mansion. Dusting the dust off my destroyed clothes from my earlier encounter. I just wanted some damn supper. I used most of my refilled energy fighting that guy. I was back to being tired and hungry. Fred approached me with a shocked expression on his face.

“Mistress!” He gave me a worried look before ordering Laura to get the bath ready.
“Oh Fred, cut it out. If you need me I’ll be in the study the whole night.” I said before taking off to my room. Laura helped me undress even though I can do it myself, no matter. I dipped into the flower bath relaxing the sore muscles. Laura kneeled behind the tub and scrubbed by back with a wet towel. I closed my eyes enjoying the bath.

“Mistress, may I ask a question?” Her soft fairy like voice chimed.
“Go ahead.”
“What happened? We were worried when you came home late and your clothes. We don’t know what to do if you were gone, mistress.” I felt a little prick in my stone cold heart. Dad just passed, of course they would still be mourning. Heck, I still was. I had a soft spot for them. They were family, with the lifestyle I’m in now and the constant attacks in the future I couldn’t bear leaving them. It would break my heart.

“I promise you I won’t. How are your studies Laura? Would you like to transfer to mine? I can never have one too many acquaintances.” Her scrubbing stopped. Her heart drummed faster. She’s an orphan. Her parents died in an accident when she was eight my father generously took her in and paid for her everything. She’s like a little sister I never had. She was a beautiful, graceful girl with fading freckles on her cheeks and my favourite read hair braided. I had grown fond of her since my stay. She was attending a delinquent school and from the looks of it, she didn’t mingle well too. She stayed quiet.

“Is that not to your liking?” I asked when she remained silent.
“No! Mistress, I would love that. But am I not a burden? I am just a servant girl. I should not impose any further.” I shook my head in disbelief. She wasn’t imposing on anything. On the contrary, I cherish her. I would like if I could watch over her.

“Oh Laura, you’re like a little sister to me. I would like it if you go to the same school as me. Please. If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for me. Just so you know I’m furious dad let you go to that sad excuse for a school. You are a bright girl you deserve better.” I took her hand and gave her a sincere look.

She smiled her sweet little shy smile and gave me a slow nod. “Good, tell Fred to transfer you ASAP under my orders. I’m sure that old coot would jump in joy. He’s more worried about you than I am.” I chuckled and let her resume.

Charlotte knocked the door of Max’s room. She would spare herself from another humiliation such as the other night when she stormed into his room and found him half naked, only a thin towel blocking her view of his manhood. She shuddered at the idea. She entered as the door slowly creaked open. He was on the bed, staring at the ceiling just like her when she had nothing else to do after retiring from the papers. He instantly pulls himself up and sat on the edge of the bed and gave me a do-you-have-something-to-say look. She assumed Fred already told him.

“May I sit down?” I bit my lower lip.
“Please, make yourself comfortable.” He tapped the bed gesturing me to sit next to him so, I did. I took a few seconds to prepare myself. He never took his eyes off my face. I knew after this he won’t let me go hunting alone ever again.

“Yesterday, I was hunting and I had an unexpected encounter with a…male vampire.” He narrowed his eyes and let out a low growl. I tugged the end of his shirt as a protest.

“No! Look at me I’m fine! I killed him soon after. Its just, I think there would be more. I thought I shouldn’t keep it a secret from you.” Tightening my grip on the end of his shirt, I kept looking at the floor afraid to look at his face. He clenched his teeth together. I can tell when his jaw flexed.

“Are you okay?” He manages to say between his teeth controlling his burst of anger.
“The cuts and bruises already healed before I came home yesterday. There’s nothing else.” He stood and walked to the door. I quickly followed and took his wrist wanting him to stay here. He stopped and stayed still like a statue.

“Where are you going?” Not sure if he heard me I asked him again. He flinched, his body tensed up. “Did I do something wrong?” Letting go of his wrist. We stayed there for a while not moving a muscle. He sighed and took me to the bed again. With his face as tense as his body not changing he put his hand on mine.
“I’m sorry. I’m just mad and frustrated at myself. I should’ve been there for you. What if that scumbag got you? I won’t be able to forgive myself. I’m sorry, Charlotte. So sorry…” He covered his face with his large hands letting the guilt consume him. Then he landed his eyes on her face. The most mesmerizing face he has ever seen. None can compare. He slides his index finger along her jaw line. She shuddered and backed away. That hurts his feelings but he knew after what she went through it wasn’t easy to trust another male.

He sighed. “I need to tell you…who I am…was.”

Chapter thirteen

I slapped his hand away. I don’t know what happened, the touch was too sudden the image of Charles made me shudder. His face disgusts me. I soon backed away I needed space to calm myself. I could see that inflicted pain upon him. The guilt I felt was unbearable. He lowered his face and sighed.

“I need to tell you…who I am…was”

“What do you mean?”

That’s my brilliant reply. All these time I eager wanting to know and now that he was finally opening up to me I just gave him a question that makes me sound like a untrusting bitch not to mention I suddenly can’t stand him touching me. Oh well, story of my life.

I stood by the mini table in a safe distance from him. He shot me the come closer look and had I abide his command. My body was moving on it’s own. I was unable to control myself, the voice inside my head was screaming to be in his embrace and forget about the world.

But I can’t I had to get myself together. Images of Charles and his betrayal flashed before me. I sat myself in an uncomfortable distance. His face keeps popping up in my head and I felt nauseas when it did. It took me all I had to hold back the bile that was slowly finding its way up.

I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable that still hadn’t spoken a word. The silence was killing me. I took a quick glance at him and saw how tough his jaw looks; his eyelashes were long and his nose sharp and perfect. He had the most gorgeous eyes usually silver but its black right now. I noticed how all vampires’ eyes turn black when hungry or mad. Unconsciously I touched my eyes. I slightly jumped when he cleared his throat.

“I’m over a century old. I came from a powerful family of leaders; I have the blood of a warrior running in my body. When I was fifteen my family was assassinated by the Night Hunters they were an association…an organization made up of seven of the most powerful night drawlers. They were called generals. They are like elders of the council only they were from the dark side, civilians. The council manages aristocrats, nobles.
My whole family were brutally murdered whether it was a woman or a child. No one escapes…but me. I was the sole survivor of the ambush. My father had saved me. He gave me his last words before closing the doors shut. I was too busy cowering to remember his words. I was trembling in fear. I felt helpless, drowning in the misery of being weak and that left a never healing scar. After a few hours I sneaked out needing to get myself somewhere safer.

The scene they had left behind mortified me. My father, mother, siblings…everyone I knew. They were violently killed; their heads decapitated with their guts spilling out and the blood…the never-ending pool of blood. I had to get out of there. The place I called home the people I called family were all gone. I had nothing left. The only thing I had left was my life, the life my family saved to carry on the bloodline. The next few years I wondered the whole world in hope of finding the reason of my existence. Why did they choose me? I spent those years in agony, guilt and misery. Then I realized, I knew what I wanted…no…had to do.


He groaned in pain. Perhaps the bad memories were flooding back to him. Oh, how I wanted to straddle him in my arms and make everything all right again. I moved closer just in case he was seeking comfort. I had to be there for him, no one in his or her right mind would leave him alone like this. He seems so pitiful and vulnerable. His strong protective defence shattered by painful past memories, a small part of me felt his pain too as if we were half of a whole. I felt what he felt and vice versa.

I gently caress his thick arms in a slow manner making his body relax from my touch.
He’s been through a lot through thick and thin. Never thought that I would see such pain from him. He was always bright and warm when he saw me. A train of thoughts came rushing, the damage someone could inflict in others horrified me.

“I needed revenge and I won’t let anyone be in my way. Being the noble I am I didn’t need to go through the transition. I had the most perfect and pure vampire genes. My powers fully awaken when I was eighteen. I took on assassination jobs to make a living. I took everything they gave me politicians, drug dealers, vampires. You name it. In no time it made me famous in that kind of world.

Soon, even the night hunters took notice of me and I knew I was close to completing my revenge. They had ranked me as a general but I was greedy. I wanted more no one was going to stop me. I was like a madman, revenge made me lose my mind. I pushed myself to get stronger and I knew I did when I got the leader’s rank. They were all bowing down to me. All of them!

The bloody murderers of my family, they took everything away from me! I had to starve by the road and they won’t even bash an eyelid. Now that I have power, money and status they worshipped me like I was a god. They made me realised everything had to do with those three things that tore my life apart. Then I met my match, my other half. The one who was created just for me. She was human but I loved her so much.

I announced her as my queen and I knew there would be objections but that won’t stop me. I already forgave them and I ruled them wisely, but being the creatures they are their souls are black to the core. They killed my queen the same way they did to my family. Rage stirred in me, I destroyed everything in my path. When she died, a part of me died as well. I was hurt. Nothing could stop me then. I had generously forgiven them I had wanted to make their world a better place. And in return they killed the love of my life.

That night, the whole night hunter association crumbled down. I made sure it would never return again. I went back to my old life as a hired assassin and got a habit of getting picky when given a job. That was when I met your father. Isaac William. I saw something in him that I couldn’t see in others…Trust. I could trust him with my life and he would be there to save me. He was different he had the most sincere eyes. We got along immediately. We were brothers and after what I had been through I was in need of one.

We did everything together. We travelled all across the world till we came to London. They were kind people and very out going. We partied every night. Until that one night your father laid his eyes on your mother at a ball. She was a beautiful elegant dignified woman. He had a hard time getting her. The whole week, he had hard time eating, sleeping and he often zones out. He was like a walking corpse, his heart taken away by his soul mate.

Yes, I was like that once.

The wait wasn’t long; Eliz was obviously in love with him. They got married and stayed in London. I however had no clue of my future. Isaac asked me to stay but I know I had no life here. I was free. I continued travelling meeting people in the process. Times got more and more modern. When I finished high school, I’ll move and start doing it all over again. After a decade of those I got sick and tired. I finished college, master and PhD. Nothing got in my way. I have the time in my hands.

I did everything from extreme sports to literature and arts. Then one night I went to a bar downtown, I met your father again. A reunion after such a long time, fate. He told me what he had been doing these past decades and his whole lot of troubles. He talked about you the most with pride. His face glowed every time he mentioned your name.”

Dad talked about me? Wait…he knew me? Then why the hell didn’t he come? I wanted to see him my whole life. I was the ‘curse child’ everyone despise because I killed my mother and my father hates me so he abandoned me. I spent my childhood in solitude! Do you know what that does to a child?! And yet I don’t hate him. I WAITED! In my heart I had a tiny little hope that maybe he regretted his decision maybe he would come for me. I’m his daughter!

Not that anyone cared about me I was a baggage pass from one to another. I left those so-called “homes” when I was fourteen to live my own real life. I worked like a slave, he could have picked me up then but I don’t see him coming. I wanted to cry no…I did crying. I let out soft sobs when I’m unable to hold them back. He took me into his arms when I was too distracted by my own feelings.

There we are two people in the same room with the same scar, licking each other’s wounds.

Chapter fourteen

You know the next day when you can’t face a guy because the day before something embarrassing happened? Yea, it’s happening to me right now. Yesterday after finishing my mountains of homework and company files, I went out to take a breather and being the short-minded person I am I went for a swim too. Completely naked and why you ask it’s embarrassing?

Oh I don’t know if being stared at by a guy who’s a century old isn’t embarrassing but no wait it gets better, I tripped in front of him, displaying my naked ass at his face! So now I’m in ninja mode and desperately avoiding him. Does that sound pathetic? I feel pathetic.

Oh shit! That’s him! He’s talking on the phone near the long hall of guest rooms. Talking on the phone with whom? Whatever. Sticking myself close against the wall, I slowly use small slow movements to pass by him without the man himself noticing. It’s quite hard when the guy is a seriously old high ranked vampire. While I was secretly trying to avoid danger, my elbow came across the wall lamp and hits my funny bone. Definitely not funny! It hurts like a bitch. I let out a soft groan while clutching my injured elbow.

“Hey, need help with that?” I jumped on my feet with my back towards him. Walk away Charlotte! Walk away! Suddenly a firm cold muscular wall like chest touched my back, his muscular and wide arms pulling me into a hug. Thus, crushing my back deeper into his embrace. I flinched when his warm breath landed on my neck. I can’t help but feel my body heating up and my face red from his touch.

Yet, this feels so right like were made for each other. The comfort it brings making me wanting more. My skin experiencing sparks when he gently slides hand down my arm. Caressing my face with the other, arousing me beyond which I am capable. I bit my lower lip as he placed a kiss on the nape of my neck and letting out a soft moan when he continued with a trail of kissed down my neck to my bare shoulders. Oh, how I am grateful to Laura for making me wear a strapless dress.

I tighten my grip on his arm as his tongue teases playfully behind my ear.
“I can’t help but remember that lovely display yesterday.” He purrs in desire behind me. My eyes widen in shock when his manhood harden against me. I gasped when his hands travelled to my chest and his other hand sliding under my dress caressing my upper thigh.

A louder moan escaped my lips when he groped my breast in his huge hand. He turned me, facing him and squashes me to the wall. Thrusting a leg between the shakiness of mine. I pulled myself to him; pressing my breast to his chest to the point where even a sheet of paper is unable to pass. My head unable to stay sane when all I think about is my lust and need for this man. Soon, his lush kissable lips met mine. He didn’t waste any time, licking my lower lips granting permission.

I was in no condition to refuse when I need him so badly. Our tongues viciously dance around exploring every inch of each other’s mouths. I ran my hand through his silky smooth brown hair, pulling him closer to me. After a few minutes, our lips parted as we catch our breath.

“Take me to bed.” I whispered in his ear pure of wanton lust.
He lifts me in a bridal style to his room in seconds. He lightly laid me on his large bed before he hovers on top of me. Trapping my lips with his once again while I wrapped by legs around his waist. He stared at me with his bottomless pitch black eyes full of desire. We took our time staring into each other’s eyes.

“Are you sure?” His voice sounds of worry and longing.
“Yes, damn it! I’m positive.” My fingers left a red trail on his back as his lips met mine again in hunger. While he was busy working on my lips, my hands sneak onto his chest and pop the buttons of his shirt one by one. Once his white shirt was on the floor, I raked my hand over his fine firm chest. A low growl escaped from his throat when I licked his chest down to his washboard abs.

His hand slid behind me and unzipped my dress, leaving me with only my strapless bra and panties. His fangs elongate and tore my bra exposing my bare chest. His growl becomes louder as he took my nipple into his mouth. His tongue teasing and playing with my hardening bud. I moaned his name over and over again with my hand in his hair pulling him closer, greedy for more.

“Gosh, Charlotte. You’re making me lose my mind.” His hand crept lower, I felt him tugging at the end of my panty before tearing it to shreds. I gasped as he grazed his sharp canine fang across my womanhood. His tongues licking my clit making me flinch. As he spreads my legs wider apart getting a better view I covered my face in embarrassment. “You’re beautiful.” He tenderly removes my hands from my face and pulls me into another passionate kiss. His finger slid easily into me since I was so wet. He groped and sucks my stone hard nipples as he fingered me, I could no longer think straight.

Another moaned escaped, this time louder when he slid the third finger into me. His butterfly kissed made me want to go crazy. “Max, take me now! I want you so bad!” I practically begged him and whined when he didn’t. “Take it slow, babe. You’re a virgin.” But the wait is killing me. My fingers untangled from his hair and skim down to the front of his jeans. I leisurely unzipped his pants before he took control and taking it off himself. My breathing rough from anticipation and lust as I laid my eyes on his already excited manhood, its so long and thick, will it even fit?

He threw my leg onto his shoulder and slowly inserted the tip of his manhood into my core. He groaned as he gradually thrust it deeper into me. I clutch onto the pillow and covers holding myself together from the pain and mostly pleasure. He quickened his paced and began trusting me to the hilt. I moaned and cried from the immense pleasure. “More Max more!” I begged.

He slammed it into me harder and faster. I was about to lose my mind. At that moment he grazed his fang along my neck; I tilt my head to the side giving him more access. I felt pain and ecstasy whilst he fed. His manhood continues thrusting into me as he fed to his satisfaction. I did the same when he finished and we lick the wounds clean and healed. He groaned when I cupped his butt to shove him deeper. Our tongues intertwined and we indulged into our fervent kiss. I neared the climax once he hit my sweet spot over and over again. “I-I’m…coming” I shout his name when I hit the climax. Soon after, he did too and collapsed beside me.

“I love you.” He whispered lovingly before he kissed my forehead. Relief flooded me when I realised I loved him too. The whole time he made love to me no once had Charles’s figure appear in my head. When I’m with him everything feels safe.

We were vampires; it didn’t take long for us to regain our stamina. We had countless more rounds of passionate and breathtaking love making before we realised that the sun was already straight on top of our heads.

I snuggled closer to his bare chest. Inhaling his intoxicating scent and slither my index finger across his wonderful refine chest.

“Morning gorgeous.” He leans in for a morning kiss.
“Morning.” I squealed when he squeezed my butt. He grinned when I playfully slapped his arm.
“I need a shower…alone.” My face flushed from remembering our heated lovemaking last night. Max let out a low growl watching me get off the bed naked and walk seductively towards the bathroom. I giggled when he tackle me onto the floor midway.
“Please! I need a shower!” I said with a permanent smile on my face.
“We can take it together.”
“I’m tired, please?”
“Fine, make haste!”
“You sound so old when you talk like that.”
“I’m not so old in bed.” He had a triumphant smirk.

I rolled my eyes and entered into the shower, feeling sore and had hickeys all over. I stepped out of the shower refreshed but worried when Max wasn’t in the room. Where did Max go? I searched the whole room but there were no signs of him. Although there was a note on the table beside the bed.

Come down for breakfast when you’re done showering, you must be starving.


I smiled and got dressed before heading downstairs in bliss.

Chapter fifteen

I swiftly wore a pair of denim shorts and a black tank top. I went for simple today and lately the weather’s hot so I rather not get heat stroke. I just can’t stand it. Lightly brushing my hair and tying it up into a bun, I put on some mascara, eyeliner and lip-gloss.

“Good morning, Fred.” I waltz into the dining room with a chirpy attitude that hastily turned into embarrassment when I laid my eyes on Max.
“Good morning, gorgeous.” I want pounce him and kiss that smirk off his face. No, Charlotte! Keep it together! Damn Max and his attractiveness. He’s slowly turning me into a horny sex crazed girl.
“Did you have a good sleep, Mistress?” Fred with his thick British accent snapped me back to reality.
“Why yes I did, Fred. I had a WONDERFUL sleep.” I can’t help but grin at my own comeback. Max just smiled at me when I did. Of course I won’t include that Max and I slept together, that would be plain awkward.

“Max, how was your sleep?” I asked as I tried to muffle my laughter.
“Well, I had good company. Made my lack of sleep worth while.” He grinned at me.
I asked no further, I was already hiding my red face behind my long black hair. Fred, the sorry old chap obviously deafening his ears from his words. Pretending to be oblivious of his payback, I quietly seated myself down while Max savour the sweet taste of victory with a smirk. I just scoffed at his ridiculous behaviour. How sly of him!

“Fred, I’m thinking of getting my own car. The limo is far too ‘formal’ for me. If I’m going to ride in style then I’ll do it my way with my own car.” I said while playing with my hair. I had a few choices in mind, perhaps a convertible? Aston Martin? Ferrari? Mercedes? BMW? Definitely not a Porsche, Max already own that. Where’s the fun in that? I guess I’ll settle for a Ferrari, a shiny all black killer crazy fast slick ride with authentic leather seats. Oh yea, that fits my profile definitely. Wait, Max’s Porsche is black, never mind. Mine would be much awesome. Or maybe I’ll just have them all, its not like I don’t have money to waste plus I’m putting them to good use.

I gulped down three glasses of O positives just thinking about it. I have a big appetite don’t judge me! Fred just smiled at me before retrieving my third refilled empty glass. From across the long table I heard Max mumbled something to himself but I didn’t bother to eavesdrop since I was too busy thinking about my soon to be car or should I say ‘cars’. You heard me.


“Come on princess, you’re riding with me today.” Max took a grip on my wrist and dragged me across the hall; I can’t even walk straight. My three unstable strides matches one of his, that’s not fair! It took me a lot of trouble to keep up his pace.

“Earth to Max, can you slow it down? My legs are going to pop out of their sockets!”
“Oh, sorry.” He had a dark expression on his face that had me worried when just a second ago he looked fine.

Suddenly he cupped my face and pulled me into a deep and long passionate kiss. I had butterflies in my stomach as I savour his lips touched mine in a possessive way. I liked every second of it. Evidently it showed when a moan slip from my mouth. He took that chance to thrust his tongue in which I enthusiastically responded with my own. After a few minutes, we stopped to catch our breath. His forehead rested on mine while we gazed at each other. His adoring gaze deepened with a groan.

I went blank. What just happened?

“Why won’t you depend on me?” Depend? What the fudge is he talking about?
“What for? What do you mean?” Finally, I got to my senses.
“Never mind.” Before he turned and walked away from me, I was already in front of him using my handy dandy inhuman speed. I took his hand in mine and stared deep into his worried filled eyes.
“What are you thinking about? Don’t bother lying, I can read you like an open book.”
“I-I…just can’t forget that night you got attacked. Now, you want to be on your own and I’m worried I won’t be there for you again when you’re in danger. I can’t take a huge risk, you mean the world to me.” He stared back more intense than mine.

Oh, that night. Now that I think about it, we never did talk about it. I always knew Max was an over protective man. I mean I didn’t know much about him till recently but it doesn’t take a genius to figure him out. I love him and all but-wait, I love him? Maybe I do well seeing how much I need him and that weird sense of safety when he’s by my side. And the way his silver colour eyes glowed as they bore into mine, the way my skin feels sparks from his slight touch. I can’t help but shiver.

My focus went back to the matter at hand, that creepy stalker dude who totally pissed me off that night. Who was he anyway? I never knew, I didn’t really thought about it much until now. Remembering back that night, I remembered sniffing a faint metallic scent just before I killed him. WAIT! That’s right. I KILLED him; I managed to save myself and held my ground. Nevertheless, he still treats me like a child.

“But I’m fine, Max. I killed him. I can handle myself; I’m a strong girl. Don’t you get it?” I hissed. He paced back and forth in front of me, his gaze never leaving me but I know his head is elsewhere.
“You don’t understand Charlotte, you may have survived that night but there are stronger ones out there. You are my main priority. I can’t just sit back and relax while you are out there somewhere I don’t know risking your life fighting those rogues! I need you and vice versa! We NEED each other.”

“W-What do you mean?” I stuttered with my words. He knows something I don’t and it made my insides twisted and turned makes me feel queasy. I admit it I’m bossy and nosy! But the way he talks about us makes the butterflies in my stomach stronger. It’s a strange feeling and I hate the way it makes me feel unsettled. I just need him to spit it out right now.

He pulled my wrist again and set me down in the passenger’s seat of his car. He fastens my seatbelt for me and seated himself in the driver’s seat thus doing the same with his. I stared at the side of his face only to see his jaw tightened. I know he won’t tell me no matter what and that made me sat in my seat silently waiting for him to park the car in the school’s parking lot. The whole time was awkward and tense with me staring out the window and him gripping onto the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white. He glared straight forward ignoring my occasional sighs.

The second he pulled over I took off, leaving him behind me in a daze. I wasn’t mad at him. I was disappointed; I thought we trust each other now. His actions and our argument earlier made me feel insecure. We need some time away from each other, long enough to get our heads back in order.

As soon as I stepped into the halls, I caught sight of Amanda and Eleanor. They had been really great friends these days I had to admit my first impression was totally offensive. They were out going, laid back kind of people not the snobbish people I thought they were. Boy, they lashed me out when they knew. It took me some expertly done sucking up until they finally cave in. I waved at the girls as I join in the middle of their heated conversation.

They were screaming and yelling like crazy nut jobs at each other. I cocked an eyebrow when Luke who I didn’t noticed his presence in the beginning gave me a knowing look. I saw neither Alex nor Nick with him. I’m guessing they had something else in their schedule. I stiffened when Max stood behind me and casually sling his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged and lightly slapped his hand away, not wanting the others to notice. I was disappointed and mad now.

So he thinks he can come and go as he pleased? Huh! Tough luck, I’m not caving in. I’ll show him what I’m really made of and I’ll make sure he knows I’m not one you can easily mess with.

I shot him daggers from the corner of my eyes. I took the two STILL fighting girls’ hands and dragged them to class leaving the rest behind. My breathing rough from anger and judging from their flinch I’m thinking they know I’m in one hell of a mood. The weather darken, the sky covered by grey clouds and thunder roaring in the sky. Damn, Mother Nature knows me too well.

“Char, what’s wrong?” Amanda asked me in her sweet innocent worried tone and I assumed Eleanor gave her a short disapproving look when she stop from asking me any further. Smart girl. We sat down at the back of the class, others usually called them the “bad student’s seats”. Probably because rebels and the school’s bullies sat there and by the look of it they didn’t like me taking their place. I gave them a quick cold icy murderous glare. I wasn’t in any mood for games and with me in an extremely ticked off mood I won’t hesitate to rip their heads off.

The guys backed off like they understood. The girls however or the “school’s sluts” didn’t which made my anger turned into amusing snickers. Amanda and Eleanor snapped their heads at me, I swore they just got whip lashed. I gave them an assuring smile meaning I won’t hurt them…much.

“Get off our seat bitch!” She screeched with her annoying high pitch voice. With our high sense of hearing, Amanda, Eleanor and I winced. She thought I was scared and smirked. I shook my head in disbelief while crossing my arms across my chest. I would enjoy destroying her massive ego and I’d do it slow and painful.

“Make me.” I glared right into her eyes with an emotionless and cold voice. She backed away a little before gaining back her confidence. The girl recovers fast, made me grin.
“YOU WHORE! Who do you think you are?! Do you even know who I am?” She flipped her blonde hair in the bitchiest way, sticking her nose up high in the air. How typical of them. I scoffed when she tried to shoot me with her pathetic glare. Amanda and Eleanor tried to muffle their laughter that failed miserably. I rolled my eyes and let out a soft sigh. Way to go girls, thanks for having my back. I thought with sarcasm dripping from each word. Sorry. They replied in unison.

Oh yea, we can communicate with each other in our minds since I took them under my wing. I don’t know how but Max said it comes naturally with trust. Max…

“Well? Get out slut!” Oh, she’s still here? Wait, I’ll handle her.
“You’re right. I don’t know who you are. Please, enlighten me with your knowledge.” I said lifting both of my eyebrows, I refuse waste my energy by standing up and face her weak pitiful ways. Amanda and Eleanor snickered and smirked while I just sat there staring at her without emotions. Yea, I have my father’s blood as ‘someone’ says. I remembered my mom, such a beautiful, elegant and kind person. I smiled mentally remembering her face from my dream.

“For your information! I’m Nichole Dallas! My dad runs this school! Heck, he owns it!! I can make him kick you out without batting an eye.” He snotty attitude made me think a little. Dallas? I think I heard that name somewhere. Think, Charlotte! Think!


Henry Dallas.

“Tell me, do you mean Henry Dallas?”
“Now, you’re scared! Serves you right bitch.” She suddenly burst into a fit of laughter.
“Mind your words Nichole!” Eleanor finally speaks up in my defence, which was sweet but unnecessary. I had this covered. Gently, I place my hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. Its not surprising, she does have this motherly instinct.

Dallas is a small; I mean tiny company compared to mine. Guess who generously financed her father’s company when they almost went bankrupt? That’s right; William Corp is an average a huge financial company that invests in companies with has a high chance of providing us with profits. Just think of us as leeches, we give them an amount and we ask them triple the amount back. Its safe to say her father’s company has a great chance in the business field and I acknowledge that. It’s too bad the Dallas family didn’t and took it for granted. It will probably take a year until the D Inc shall be mine. Yea, I’m cold blooded, just like that.

“So, old man Dallas, eh? Let me ask you back. Do you know who I am?” I talked to her like she was a 5 year old. Scratch that, 2 year olds are smarter. Amanda and Eleanor gave me a quick glance, so fast its impossible to see for a human that is. I’m guessing they caught up?

“For the matter of fact, I do! You’re a slut and a whore!” She said with a triumph smile. Ignoring her, I took my phone out and went through my contacts. Dallas, Dallas, Dal-Ah, here it is. Henry Dallas, age 45, father of three, heavy gambler, blah blah blah. I lazily glance through his profile Fred installed in my phone until something caught my eye. He was charged with rape five years ago and came out innocent and oh and lookie here he’s also a drug dealer. Mmm, juicy stuff.

I finished checking his background and stood up. She jumped back a little when I traced my index finger down her neck and stopped it on her diamond necklace.
“I’m guessing your precious daddy bought this for you?” I gave away a grim smile.
“S-So w-what?!” she stuttered her feeble effort to throw me off.
“I wonder where he got the money from?” I shook my head softly in boredom.
“My daddy has more than enough money! And don’t touch me with your filthy hands!” She spat in anger.

She’s a rude bitch all right.
Her father didn’t teach her manners.
Now girls, chillax. She won’t be the queen bee here any longer when I’m through with her.
But we can’t risk exposing our identities to the public, Char.
We’re not. I ended our conversation with a sneer.

She was about to slap me but I grabbed her wrist and gripped it tight making her squirm. Then, I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled it back, not too much though. I don’t want to ‘accidentally’ kill her. I was five foot eleven, pretty tall for a girl. I towered above her petite fake body. I leaned closer and whispered a few words in her right ear and retreated with an innocent smile. Her lower lips was quivering and her eyes red. I could smell her fear from miles away. She also reeks of various perfumes making me cover my sensitive nose and stepped back to my seat.

“Well?” I said with the smile still on my face.
“I understand.” She turned her heels and ran out the door bumping into the teacher’s shoulder mumbling curses between her sobs down the hallway. Naw, now I feel like a bully. On the bright side, I feel so much better now that I released some stress.

I sat back down between the giggling girls. “Shut up bitches.” I giggled as well.
“Aw but you love these ‘bitches’.” Eleanor said doing air quotes. I slapped her arm lightly with a snigger but stopped when Max entered the class.

Chapter sixteen

I scowled when he entered the room. Everyone stood still in silence; even a pin drop could be heard. That’s how silent and uptight the situation was. We glared at each other like a staring contest, neither of us backing down. The humans who came late to class sat down quietly the same with the teacher whose name I’m don’t bother to ask. Max took a seat a row away from mine without breaking our eye contact.

His eyes slowly grow dim with rage and I can feel mine doing the same. We were on the verge of lunging at each other’s throats (you must be thinking, how the hell can we go at each other’s throats like this when just a while ago we were eating each other’s face? That’s not normal. Easy, we’re not.). If looks can kill both of us would be dead by now...again.

The teacher finally gathers the courage to clear her throat, gaining the other’s attention but not us. We were battling it out one on one, fair and square and no one I mean NO ONE is going to get in our way. I scoffed when he a low snarl escaped his throat and I did the same, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Payback’s a bitch.

We stayed that way the entire first period and the second and the third until lunch break. We sat the opposite of each other with the others at our usual table beside the window giving us a good view of the field. Luke and Nick had this weird confused look while Amanda and Eleanor were anxious. Alex? Well, I don’t hang out with him much because he still gives me the creeps but overall he’s a good guy.

Now would be a good time for me to regret ever sleeping with him. Sadly, no I fucking love every damn second. Great, now I sound like a whore! This man is too arousing for his own good. My glare left his face for a second to see his fine chest and abs. He chuckled when he noticed, I quietly snarled at him, too quiet for a human to hear. I swear he drives me insane with that smirk off his.

“You know, we can end this anytime. Charlotte.” Gosh, my name rolling from his tongue sensually is a major turn on. Fuck! Keep it together!
“I don’t think so.” I tried to gather all the hatred I can in one sentence. His eyes darken as they dig deeper into me. I sunk in my seat, plugging my earphones into my ears. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore Max by listening to Paramore. Just my luck, ‘Decode’ was playing. My all time favourite song that always had me humming along to the lyrics against my will. Magically awesome I tell you. Hayley Williams kicks ass before and after I’m dead!

How did we get here?
When I used to know you so well?
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

Oh Hayley, I think she’s psychic or something. It’s my exact situation with Max right now. Except I don’t think I know. Ugh.

I heard a faint wheezing sound. Instantly, I was thrown out of my trance by a sharp pain on my left arm. I snapped my eyes open to see a bullet barely piercing my skin. Hell, someone tried to kill me.

I turned my head towards the window when I saw a shadow making its escape. Amanda, Eleanor, Alex, Nick and Luke already disappeared dashing outside; chasing what I assume is a dead son of a bitch. I flicked the bullet off of me, revealing a red mark. I got shot and I’m just left with a tiny graze? Cool.

Just as I was about to leave the cafeteria to meet my assassin after his ‘not so successful’ assassination attempt, Max caught my good arm (well, both were still good actually.) that made me halt. I forgot his presence. This made me groan internally, I really don’t need this right now. He spun my body around to face him. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when he suddenly took me in his warm nostalgic embrace. He pressed me tight to his chest when I squirmed.

Before long, I stop my futile struggle and relaxed in his arms. No use fighting when I really need this I thought to myself. I pressed my cheek to his chest with my eyes closed, just taking a moment to take in his mouth-watering scent. My arm automatically wrapped around his waist. After a while, I tilt my head up to see his face. He smiled down at me. That’s weird; I think I just saw gold specks in his silver eyes.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry about this morning.” He whispered in my ear, I hid my blushing face in his massive chest.
“No matter, I already forgot what we were fighting about anyway.” I snuggled deeper into his chest. He kissed the top of my head then rested his chin at the same spot.
“Are you hurt? Did the bullet hurt you? Shit! I’ll kill whoever that was!” I rubbed his back in circles to calm him down. “Sssh, I’m fine. Relax. I’m not hurt. The bullet merely grazed my arm that’s all.” As much as I hate him being all murder killer shit, I really do want to kill that person myself and somehow he understood, he flashed me a teasing grin.

“Let’s go.” He suggested with his arm still draped over my shoulder protectively. I grunted but I let my curiosity get the better of me.

Oh, my sweet little assassin, here I come.

Max’s POV (Yay! Btw, I just realised in the earlier chapters I didn’t tell you when I change pov’s. Confusing, huh? Sorry!)

I stood by her side as she approached that bastard alone. She kicked him in the guts and grinned when that sucker groaned in pain, perfect wake up call. Luke went as far as to knock him out during their little hunting game, such a hassle.
“Hey, assassin of mine! I thought you would never wake up!” She said with fake enthusiasm and a pout that’s damn adorable.

“Shit, let go of me! What are you?!” He started to scramble on the ground trying to get away from us like we’re monsters. The irony.
“What? Monsters? Le gasps much? We’re living things too ya know?” Charlotte pretended to be shocked. “-once…” she mumbled under her breath. Staring at her all this time, I know she’s not sad. I can’t help but feel protective over her tiniest reaction.

“What’s your name anyway, punk?” Eleanor spat after a while checking on her expertly made manicured nails.
“Kill me already! Fuck you!” Bad move. My love raise her foot above his um, you-know-what and repeated the same sentence. Tough guy didn’t crumble. Her high heel moves an inch closer in an uncomfortably dangerous range. I hate to be that guy; anyway I’d spill the beans if I were him. The whole thing’s going to get out sooner or later and I bet the guy’s boss won’t look a second glance at him even if he did go back alive.

He’d just get replaced by another guy that would end up the same as him and the cycle repeats all over again, pointless. Unless, the boss’s is actually a smart guy and start sending REAL hunters. Only then, some of us will die which seems impossible because all hunters died with their descendants when I went haywire a few decades back. I cringed at thought of being out of control…again.

“Nick, get rid of him. We’re done here. The rest, clean up this mess.” Huh? What did I miss? The scene before me had me snickering; my love is one fearsome ice princess. Let’s just say, the guy won’t live to see the daylight of tomorrow and she did it the most honourable but painful way. Guess she got what she needed out of him? Major turn on. Wait! I’m not a masochist so don’t be confused. I just like my woman feisty and prideful. Phew.

“Max, let’s go back home.” Her eyes held lust and then said something that only I could hear.

‘I need to feed, hurry.’

-After three hours-

“HOLY SH*T!” I stared at the ceiling dazed, who knew killing people could do that to someone? She literally fucked my brains out. I grinned like a maniac when she cuddled closer to me, her smile widening on my chest. I swear we were like arch nemesis this morning and now I just had the best love making ever and she’s the one in control.

“Sorry, I just didn’t go hunting this month. Dead blood’s not satisfying.” She whined.
“So, my precious blood did the trick?” I raised an eyebrow. I know I’m being used but damn I don’t care anymore. I jumped when I heard her shrieked. “What?” Quickly I hovered over her, ready to slaughter anything in our way.
“What the hell is this?!” She tilted her head to the side with her hair out of the way; I could see an ancient inscription on the back of her neck. This is way before my time meaning really old. I’ll need to check on that later.
“I don’t know babe, we’ll figure it out.” I tried to reassure her that everything’s fine. She won’t die from an inscription engraved on her fair porcelain skin. Her smooth, snow white, delicious skin…okay! Way off topic.

“Wait I think there’s more” She leaned over the headboard, revealing her naked back and the inscription continued right above her sexy ass. I would actually start to worry only if I wasn’t too distracted by a naked someone. Sigh…

“Dammit Max, I know you like what you see but focus!” She snapped sounding really worried. I stared at the detailed inscription on her back and I can’t help feeling that I seen it somewhere before. Other than that, I’m sure it’s harmless. I’m not sure how.
“I don’t think its dangerous but just to make sure I’ll check, okay?”
“Pas de produit dangereux?! J'ai un tatouage stupide et j'espère que c'est un tatouage surmon dos en ce moment!”(Not dangerous?! I have a stupid tattoo and i do hope it is a tattoo on my back right now!) Whoa!

“You speak French?” I spoke in disbelief, she sound fucking sexy speaking French! Such a turn on, I need another round.
“Unbelievable!” she huffed.
“You read my mind.” I smirked and proceed to nibble on her ear. I know she loves it just by the sound of her moan.
“No! Max! You know what? I’m leaving after a shower!” She stormed into the bathroom; I think she’s so mad I could almost see the steam from her ears. I’m so not getting another round.


Texte: I hold all copyrights to this book! Enjoy ^__^
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.12.2011

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