

My name is Raven Zelda Skyy. I'm emo and I'm gay. If you have a problem with any of these things, then I suggest you get the fuck off of my page and find something you do like. I have black long hair with red tips. I have only 2 friends in the entire world. Amy and River. This is my life...

My life

Just the Average day of my Life

I come home from school and what do I see?
My dad is sitting there waiting for me
I glance at his hand and there I see a belt
Oh, just for me!?

I think to myself
He gets up and stares at me
"Is there something you want to tell me"he says to me
In my head I wat to tell him how I truly feel
But I don't feel like being killed
"No not really" I say avoiding eye contact
"I heard you got suspended"
"Yeah so what?"
He takes his belt and hits it on his hand
He was going to do it again
he lifted the belt and hit it on my back.
The metal drives into my skin.
Then my vision goes black


I feel the pain in my life
In my skin and in my mind
I feel it in my bones
Sometimes I wonder if anyone knows
If anyone knows the pain in my life
As I watch my fater hit his wife.
He's always hitting her
As his eyes start to burn.


Today I see my most bestest friend River getting beat up at school
They call her worthless, a waste of space, the girl with the cut scars.
They say she could never be cool
Then I come in and punch that fool
He stairs at me, his nose gushing red liquid.
Then one more hit and he goes to bed
I give River my hand helping her up
She grabs my hand and goes to the fountain
She wipes off all the blood and walks off her leg
And then I begin to beg
I beg for God to have pitty
Yep my life seems pretty Shitty.


Today my life seems to take another expected turn.
My dad sees me as I come home.
"You got suspended again"
He said, smirking that smirk he always does before he beats me
"Yea so."
"You know what that means"
"I know."
He pulls out his belt that he has for me when ever I get in trouble 3 times in a row.
It has big metal studs for digging into my skin
Each thrust of his hand brings an unbearable amount of pain.
I wish I was no longer in chains.

Red Tears

I wake up today to the sound of screams
I wish it were just a dream
But my life could never be that easy
I start to feel really queesy
My father was beating my mother
But know not to bother
I imagine my mother crying
But I'm no longer trying
Today I feel like not dying
Her tears mixing with blood
As she crys her red tears
This is my worst fear...
(I wrote this describing what he did to put my mother in the hospital)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.12.2011

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