Every Student's Handbook on Project M & E
Henrietta Newton Martin
(B.com, LLB (Gold Medallist), LLM (Gold Medallist), MMS, etc)
Copyright: ©Henrietta Newton Martin, 2022
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Published 2022, BR Publishers Germany
Second Print Edition to hit shortly by October 2022
This Handbook is best suited for every student of Project Management as it is perspicuously crafted to the understanding of the students of Project Management. Project Monitoring, Control, and Evaluation is a sine qua non of every project, be it a minor project or a major one, big or small, irrespective of the type of project. There can be no successful projects without iterative monitoring, evaluation, and control. Thereby Project monitoring and project evaluation are the iterative strategic tools in project management.
It is endeavored to keep the content as simple as possible; Brevity in expression does not in any way mean a dearth of available material or that the allied topics are insignificant. The purpose of brevity is solely to encapsulate the principles adumbrated in this book in a perspicuous manner.
This easy-to-understand edition is a recommended must-have for every student of Project Management.
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Introduction- Fundamentals
Project Designing
Project Monitoring and Project Plan
Monitoring Approaches & Methods
Project Evaluation and Approaches
Data Analysis of M & E
Execution of MEL and MERL
(Monitoring Evaluation, Reporting, And Learning)
Presenting the concepts of:
KPLO- Key Project Learning Outcomes
PLO- Project Learning Outcomes.
Significance of MEL/MERL/KPLO/PLO in a Project
Monitoring and evaluation are a sine qua non of any organized structure.
Laconic monitoring and prudent evaluation are the keys to the success of any project or assignment.
‘Monitoring’ is a tool for gathering supervised information and ‘Evaluation’ is concerned with assessing the progress and advising solutions. Why is it done? To understand the progress of the project or assignment in whatever sphere.
Confining ourselves with the concept of project monitoring and evaluation, let us first understand what a project is.
A collaborative enterprise, having a purpose and a strategy to accomplish that purpose is a project.
Project Management Institute (2017) A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide 6th edition)- defines a project as “a ‘temporary endeavor’ aimed to drive changes in teams, organizations, or societies. The output of a project is normally a unique product, service, or result.”
The Project Management Institute (PMI) substantiated the term and added that - Project refers to” any temporary endeavor with a definite beginning and end”.
Mesly, Olivier (2016) in his treatise Project Feasibility: Tools for Uncovering Points of Vulnerability has explained the term project “as consisting concrete and organized effort motivated by a perceived opportunity when facing a problem, a need, a desire, or a source of discomfort (e.g., lack of proper ventilation in a building).
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.07.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1734-7
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
This Book is dedicated to my God and Lord Yahweh , the Creator of Heaven and Earth , Who alone is the source of all Wisdom;
And to my family of Newtons and Martins.