
chapter one.

Taking a large chug of my water I scanned the field. Titling my head and putting my water bottle down I saw an unfamiliar guy. I Looked at him for a second,and then I turned around and headed back to the coach. Pulling my iPod out of my pocket I untied the head phones and waited for the coach for instructions.

“Two teams. Bra vs. shirts,” she instructed then pointed to Melissa then me, “you two are the team captains.” I smiled and Melissa gave me a death glare that I just shook off.

“Were Bra’s,” Melissa screamed and I covered my ears.

“No need to scream,” I told her rubbing my ear gently then started to walk over to the line.

“Ms. Smith, you’re team is Bra’s,” Coach Ronan stated glaring at Melissa, she hates her as much as I do. Nodding I saw Kristen in the corner of my eye and smiled.

“I’m picking first, Kristen,” Melissa said pointing to Kristen and my eyes flew wide open.

“No,” I squealed and Coach Ronan laughed. Walking over to us I saw she had a quarter. We’re going to flip the quarter.

“Heads.” Coach Ronan smiled while Melissa looked confused. Rolling my eyes I placed my ear phones in my ears and changed the song to anything else. I heard Melissa groan through the music and I smirked. Coach flipped the coin and it landed on Heads. I fist pumped the air and ran over to Kristen pulling her to my side. Melissa let out a frustrated scream and I just sung along to the song playing.

“I’m feeling like a star, can’t stop my shine, I’m loving cloud nine, my heads in the sky, I’m solo, riding solo, I’m riding solo, I’m solo,” I sang and then pointed to Tatlie, and she clapped and I started to sing again, Tatlie and Kristen sang along with me.

“S.o.l.o,” I sung and snapped. Pausing my iPod I walked up two players, Megan and Hayley, and then I took them by the wrist and dragged them over to my team leaving Melissa to chose the ‘not as good players’ I mean were all great but the ranking system likes to differ. Tatlie, Kristen, Hayley and Megan all cheered taking off there shirts leaving them in their sports bra. Rolling my eyes all of the girls waited for me to do the same. Hesitantly I did and crossed my arms around my stomach. Un-pausing my iPod I changed the song to ‘Stereo Hearts’. I pointed to the last girl left and walked up to her.

“Why were you picked last you’re a great goalie,” I asked her trying to make her feel better and I succeeded.

“So I’m goalie,” she asked and I nodded.

“Sing along to my stereo,” I sung and everyone laughed. Walking into a circle I waited for everyone to sort out what they wanted to do. So far it was Jessica as GK, Kristen as LB, Megan as RB, Tatlie as CM, Hayley as CB. Only a few more positions needed to be filled but the most important one was CF.

“I’ll be center field,” I mumbled sadly.

“Why are you sad you’re the best CF in this state,” Kristen my best friend asked with envy dripping in her words. I shrugged and hummed to the song. We walked out to the field and spread out into our positions. Yawning I stood t the middle of the field waiting for Melissa’s team to get in position.

“My heart’s a stereo,” I sung and heard Melissa scream shut up. I rolled my eyes and Coach told Tatlie and Alana to start. They did and Tatlie got the ball. I smirked and started to run towards Melissa’s goal. Of course no one knew what I was doing but my team caught on and caught up to me. Hayley had the ball and dibbled it to me once we were near the goal. Humming to the song I caught the ball and faked to the right kicking it in the middle. When it hit the back of the goal my team erupted in cheers. I did my victory dance and Hayley followed along. The next song played and it was my absolute favorite.

“YAY,” I screamed and dig in my pocket to fish out my iPod, I turned it up a little louder.

“I see you driving ‘round town with the guy I love and I was like FORGET YOU,” I sung louder than usual. Jogging back to my position by the middle I saw the guy again. I had a weird feeling my stomach and I didn’t even notice all of the girls running past me or the music playing all I saw was him.

“Carmen,” Kristen asked me shaking me slightly, I shook out of it and looked back to where the guy was but he wasn’t there. What the…

“Sorry,” I said rubbing my eyes. Starring start ahead I saw Melissa coming towards me with the ball. Standing there I waited till she was next to me and I kicked it through her legs dribbling it back half way I passed it Megan and she thanked me, using her fast running none of Melissa’s team mates caught up to her. When I thought that something about mate caught me and I stopped in mid run again.

“Are you sure you’re okay, you can’t be like this during the game,” Kristen asked me running up to me again. I breathed lightly and I ran off the field back to the stands were my water was. Picking it up I took yet another large chug like before. Walking over to Coach Ronan, I felt uneasy.

“Can I go home, I promise I’ll make it to the game,” I asked silently. She gave me a weird look, I never leave practice early, only late.

“Everyone, practice is over, go home and get readied up for the game tonight,” Coach Ronan screamed the turned to me.

“I hope you make it,” she said almost pleadingly. I smiled thankfully and nodded to her. Kristen came rushing over to me and grabbed my arm rushing me over to the stands, once there she pushed me to sit down.

“What’s going on Carmen,” Kristen pleaded for an answer. I took my water bottle and took a sip then handed it to Kristen. Ignoring my offer Melissa came up to us.

“Smart choice Kristen, you don’t know what types of STD’s she has,” Melissa hissed. I arched an eyebrow. There are different types of STD’s now, wow I need to pay attention in health class more.

“So there is different types of STD’s I didn’t know that,” I voiced my thoughts and Melissa looked dumbfounded. I shrugged and she groaned stomping away. Taking another sip of my water bottle it was snatched away from me.

“Carmen L…” she started to say my middle name but I gave her a glare and she instantly backed down, but she continued anyway “what’s up with you?”

“Huh? Um, nothing,” I lied through my teeth, she can’t know I have to ask my dad first. Thinking about my dad I need to go home.

“I’ll see you at the pack house,” I told her and jumped up then walked over to my shirt on the ground and pulled it over my head.

“You lied to me,” she stated hurt. I gave her my puppy dog ‘I’m sorry’ look and she melted waving it off. I smiled in victory and played my iPod.

“Forget you,” I sung along with Cee Lo Green. Picking up my bags I uncapped my water bottle and took yet another sip. Walking out of the fence to the parking lot I saw my silver mustang and smiled. Rushing over to the driver’s side I yanked on the handle but it didn’t open. I groaned and searched though my backpack for my keys and found them. Unlocking my door I got in and started the car. Shutting the door I buckled myself in and drove straight to the pack house/my house.

chapter two

Pulling into the drive way I saw Kristen already here. How, was all I thought? Sighing I turned off the engine and picked up my bags walking into the house.

“Does there happen to be another pack here,” I asked no one in particular and a few seconds later there was a knock on the door. Everyone looked to me and I shrugged walking to the couch and sitting on Derek’s lap. Johnny opened the door and he backed up. Getting up from Derek’s lap I walked into the kitchen where my father was. Sitting on the stool I waved to my father and he waved back.

“Carmel, I think the answer to your question is yes,” Johnny said from the doorway.

“What did you ask,” my father questioned me in a stern voice most people jumped to, I sat solid in my seat not flinching or jumping.

“If there was another pack.” My father stood up immediately and walked out of the kitchen. I looked over at my father’s best friend for help, but he only shook his head. I gave him the same glare I gave Kristen and he sat there shocked.

“Your father invited them over,” he blurted and my glare softened, but I became tense, the guy might be here.

“I have to go,” I said quickly rushing out of the kitchen up the stairs. Leaning on the wall they all reckoned about ‘what was that blur’ or ‘who was that’.

“Carmen get down here,” my father shouted and I tried my best to ignore it. My foot started to move and I starred at it in awe. Stupid foot how dare you disobey me, I thought to it with a hard glare. Pulling out my iPod I quickly pressed play and used the music to help me ignore him.

“She’s listening to music,” Kristen squealed knowing it’s the only thing that keeps me from doing what I’m told. Then more bickering happened people started saying stuff like ‘why isn’t she listening’ and ‘is she the devil’s child.’ The second one made me laugh and I shook my head. Bobbing my head I slowly stalked down the stairs and peeked out of the corner to see if the guy was there. Sadly enough he was, I squealed and hid again.

“Stupid random guy,” I murmured and he was in front of me.

“Who,” he asked.

“You,” I stated trying to look away from him. I thought back to when I was on the field something about the word mate made me stop. I collected myself and put the puzzle together. Oh no, I thought to myself and ran into the living room hiding behind my father. Shaking my head everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Jason my brother looked at me and noticed my shaking of the head and his eyes widen and scanned the room.

“Where is he,” my brother asked but I stayed quiet.

“Who,” my father questioned and I kept shaking my head.

“Her mate, she is in denial.”

“Huh, no I’m not in denial,” I said then realized I did the ‘huh’ thing.

“Shut up,” I spat looking away. Stupid random guy came into the living room and I became frantic again shaking my head.

“Who’s he,” my brother asked and I shook my head looking at him. Jason was about to ask if it was him but thankfully my father said something first.

“He and his pack moved here, he’s the alpha.” I held back a groan, Alpha’s are the worst. My brother, a observant child, smirked at me and pushed Sunny into stupid random guy. I felt a growl ready to escape and held it back.

“Idiot,” I mouthed at my brother. He arched an eyebrow and his smirk widened.

“He’s Carmen’s mate,” my brother told everyone and I finally let out the groan itching at my throat.I eyed the door and a smile played on my lips as I stalked towards it. I walk out of the house to my car. Banging my head against the roof of my car I heard snickering.

“What are you mad about, are you mad because you wont be the best soccer player. Oh god, thanks,” Melissa taunted and I turned around to face the stuck up blonde.

“Not in the mood Melissa,,” I told her in an angry voice.

“What’s your problem,” she asked somewhat hoping for an answer.

“You.” She gasped and I started walking towards her, but Kirsten came out with the stupid random guy.

“Why are you still here Ms. Slu—Melissa,” I asked her almost using her nickname.

“Well I came to get my place as captain,” I sighed and looked at her with the words written in my eyes, no, then she continued “But. You see, now that you’re mad I came to play.” She walked up to me and her ugly muddy brown eyes starred into my blue ones.
Looking over at Kristen I saw she had that ‘ooh no, you didn’t look while stupid random dude had the same amount of anger boiling up in his veins as I did.

“And you assume you can hurt me,” I asked in a deadly tone. She took a step back, well never she didn’t. Two arms had pulled me from behind. I immediately started to feel calm.

“I can, just ‘cause you’re the soccer captain doesn’t mean you’re strong,” she pointed out and I suppressed a growl. Instead of a growl coming out I talked, “you should leave.”

“Why, I’m not captain yet,” she retorted and I growled. I squirmed in stupid random guys arms trying to get out.

“See you can’t even get out of his arms,” she said just as I finally broke free. I grabbed her neck tightly and her eyes widen.

“Go,” I told her in a cold voice. Releasing my hand she ran away. I turned around and faced the stupid random guy, he looked shocked. I arched an eyebrow and Jason came running out. He caught a glimpse of a very frightened Melissa and his smirked widened.

“Serves her right,” he mumbled and I walked way into my house.

chapter three

Ignoring my father’s questioning I plopped down onto the couch next to Darren and Sunny.

“What time is it,” I asked Darren taking his phone from his hands and checking the time. I jumped up with wide eyes and dragged Kristen up stairs with me. Rampaging through my clothes I found my soccer uniform and locked the door. Quickly I changed and looked at Kristen who was already in her soccer uniform. Picking up my cleats I ran down the stairs.

“SOCCER GAME,” I screamed and my pack cheered running out of the house. A second later only stupid random dude’s pack was there. I looked at my father and he glared at me tauntingly, daring me to say something. I saluted to him and ran out of the house half- frightened, the other pack members on the other hand would be too scared to move. Jumping into Josh’s passengers side I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes backing out of the drive way while I buckled in (ALL READERS… you better be safe a buckle in!). Within four minutes we were at our school and everyone was there to watch already. Laughing quietly I shook my head and got out of the car. Stupid random guy’s pack and my pack all pulled into the parking lot and I was confused. Tatlie came running towards me and suffocated me into a giant bear hug.

“YOU’RE OKAY, when you left practice early everyone was afraid you wouldn’t be here, but here you are,” she rambled on and started dragging me out to the field. A group of jock’s were sitting in around the field looking at the cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are a soccer game, what? Shaking my head Tatlie and I passed them and most of them whistled and I shot them a glare. Taylor, the co captain of the football players stood up and walked after me. I stopped walking and turned towards him. Giving him a ‘what’ look he just smirked and I saw Stupid random dude walking over to where my pack always sits and watches, but the opponents goal, figures right.

“Want to date me,” Taylor asked loud and proud and everyone in hearing distance cheered as the cheerleaders finished their cheer. The football players starred at Taylor in shock and I looked towards them confused.

“Taylor, I was going to ask her,” Mason said coldly ready to start a fight.

“Sorry jocky’s I don’t want to date any of you, you’ll probably think you’re better than me.” Taylor looked mad about being rejected and pulled me to him with one arm around my waist. I took that arm and easily released it from my waist then spun him around pushing him towards his players.

“Ask one of them,” I told him boringly. Skipping over to Tatlie she gave me a smirk loving what I just did. We ran over to Coach and the other team had guy or two.

“What, they have a guy, that’s not fair,” I complained dumbfounded. Coach Ronan looked at me shaking her head.

“You are ten times stronger than our football captain and you’re complaining about that little weasel,” she questioned in a ‘for real’ tone. Everyone laughed and sighed in relief fiving each other. Kristen came over to me with my iPod and I put my ear phones in my ears and blared music. It helps me get ready for a game. Hayley came over to me and handed me her water bottle which I took a small sip of and handed back.

“Thanks Hay. Coach positions? Can I be CF,” I asked her jumping up and down begging her by repeating please. She nodded laughing and we all huddled up.

“Jessica GK, Melissa CM don’t get in Carmen’s way on purpose, Kristen LB, Megan RB, Tatlie you can be the sweeper, Hayley CB,” then coach continued until only a 2 people didn’t have positions, they sighed and walked over to their friends.
The ref came over and told us to take position while the other team did the same with smirks as if they had a secret weapon, which I’m guessing is the guys. Rolling my eyes I ran to my placement as CF, yes I thought to myself as I got to my position and did my ‘victory-is-mine’ dance. The other team noticed this dance and noticed who I was and they all got doubtful.
I smiled and waved at them. Stuffing my hair into a very messy ponytail I waited for the two in the middle to get the ball. Once again my team got the ball and everyone went into action. My team mates came battling across the line and I was in front of them. Megan kicked the ball to Melissa who kicked it to Hayley and Hayley was now making her way towards me. She acted as if she was going to kick it to Kristen on her right but kicked it to me instead catching them off guard I caught it between my feet and dribbled my fastest towards the goal then kicked it to Tatlie who smiled and got ready to kick it into the goal but the guy kicked it away towards me, I knew this was going to happen and as it came spiraling towards me I kicked it in with all my force.
The goalie (who sucked) missed the whole action and didn’t even jump to catch it. Everyone cheered and I did my ‘victory-is-mine’ dance again. Sticking my tongue out at the guy I mouth the word thanks, and he scowled. Walking back to my position I looked over at my coach who looked happier than ever. I thumb up my pack and they did it back laughing at our childishness. Yes that’s a word. The goalie kicked the ball out of the goal over near Megan in the far right corner. Megan went into gear and was already heading for it. She caught it and started to dribble it towards me but Melissa stole it from her, I doubtfully shook my head and she passed it to me and I knew what she was doing, a distraction. I Looked over at Megan and nodded. Kicking it back to Melissa we repeated this and everyone was now guarding us, Megan came running in and stole it while it was being passed and ran straight for the goal. I gave Melissa the death glare and ran pass everyone gaining on Megan then started to guard her from everyone teaming up to get the ball. I made my way in front of her with out noticing and she passed it to me where I fake it left kicking it in right. The goal was made.

“TEAM WORK, WHAT’S GONNA WORK, TEAM WORK,” I screamed and Megan and I did my ‘Victory-is-mine’ dance. The guy on the other team came up to me with a harsh face.

“How are you guys beating us, we only started 10 minutes ago and you are leading by two. This is cheating,” he asked then mumbled the last part.

“Like I sang before, team work, that’s how,” I proclaimed happily and looked by the goal where all my pack members where high fiving each other and stupid random dude’s pack was starting at me with jaws hanging and eyes wide open. I laughed and pointed at their faces then waved. Some snapped out of it and looked around, while others kept with their dumfounded face. Some filled with envy, mostly the girls. I walked over to my spot and waited. Again the goalie kicked the ball in and everyone sprung into action. I stayed guarding the other players from getting the ball, so far #33 had the ball and I was the closest. Kicking the ball between his feet it went somewhere in the field but none of my team members had it and I frowned. Running towards it the guy kicked my shin then tripped me. I didn’t have enough time to stop myself from falling and fell into the soft green grass.

“What the hell,” I yelled standing up from the grass, then rubbed my shin. He grimaced and the ref didn’t even look my way he was starring at the cheerleaders. My coach on the other hand saw it and ran over to the ref yelling at him. I sat on my bum and rubbed my shin, it hurt like crazy, and not much things hurt me. Looking over at Kristen she was walking to the guy trying to figure something out. The ref stopped the game and came running over to me.

“How do I know you’re not faking,” he asked and I removed my hand from my shin showing a large black and blue bruise forming not totally there yet so you know it is new. He looked up and blew his whistle giving us a free kick. I stood up but it hurt, ignoring it I walked over to where they set up the ball and Tatlie ran up to me.
“You can’t play with that shin,” she implied and I shook my head. Being the rebel I am I rolled my eyes and waited for the ref.

“Watch me,” I said as he blew his whistle again and I aimed precisely and kicked the ball with all my force. The goalie jumped for the simple catch but missed by an inch, my ball was to fast for her slow, small hands. Everyone cheered expect for my pack and random dude’s pack, they know that it’s almost impossible to get hurt.

“He’s a werewolf,” Kristen whispered into my ear and my eyes widen, looking over at the guy he was high fiving the other guy.

“Werewolf,” I repeated.

“Pack,” I asked rubbing my shin making my way towards my position.

“Moonlight, that’s why your mate’s pack is here, to over run them.” I nodded and got ready for another play but I was being dragged off the field by two cold hands.

“Sorry Ms. Smith can’t play,” Coach Ronan said trying to stay positive but I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

“PLEASE,” I begged my eyes starting to get teary, and then I continued with my puppy face “it doesn’t even hurt!” She gave me a doubtful look and pushed me into the field and walked to the ref explaining. I brightened up and smiled running to my rightful spot. All my team mates gave me the look saying ‘no’ expect for Melissa who was eyeing my bruise in delight. What the hell, I thought to myself then shook out of it. Kristen started with the ball and kicked it to me trying to make me 100% happier. It worked and I dribbled it down the field kicking it through opponents legs and making my way towards the goal. Avoiding the guys attempt to trip me again, I heard my pack cheer and I was very soon next to the goal using a trick up my sleeve. Pretending to stop I slowly let the ball move a few inches and everyone came at my feet not looking at where the real soccer ball, when they notice it, it was to late Tatlie already made the goal. I ran up to Tatlie and hugged her suffocating all of her breath out.

“YOUR SECOND GOAL, I’M SO PROUD OF MY CHILD, YOU’VE GROWN UP,” I screamed and my packed bursted out in tears of laugher followed by my team mates. Tatlie laughed falling to the ground in fits of laughter. The ref called it break and I started to fall to the ground with laugher to it was just so contiguous.

“You…. Are… too… funny,” Tatlie screamed in between laugher and I just started to tear into more laugher and streams of tears came rushing down from my eyes. I felt myself being picked up off the floor and Hayley was picking up Tatlie then we were being dragged towards the bench. I somewhat calmed down my laughter but I was still very giggly. Kristen handed me her water bottle and I uncapped it sipping it, but ended up spitting it out because I was still giggling, which only caused me to burst out into yet another fit of laugher.

Chapter four

Calming myself fully, not one giggle escaped and I reached for Kristen’s water bottle. I forgot mine at home. She slowly handed it to me and I took a giant chug and handed it back, now it was more than halfway empty. My team mates smiled at my giant chug.

“We’re winning,” I screamed and everyone around me cheered. I smirked then got up pulling Kristen with me, I put on my serious face, which had absolutely no emotion. We walked up to the two packs.

“That guy was from the moonlight pack,” I pointed out then looked around for any humans, none thankfully. Jason’s mate scooted over to sit by my shin and she placed her hand on my shin, taking all of the pain away. Emotion slipped from my serious face, it was calm. I looked down at my shin, the bruise was there other than that I would’ve noticed. I looked towards stupid random dude, and felt like I had to hug him, but instead I quickly looked away and walked over to my team mates. After the break the same thing happened over and over, my team made the goals, the other team didn’t. We are now at the final play. I smirked at Jessica, she has blocked every goal almost being made, which was a total of 4. Walking to my new position as RB I saw a better view of the Jocky’s, great I thought to myself. Rolling my eyes Megan started off kicking the ball to Hayley, (if you don’t know soccer… they switched sides on the field.) Hayley ran towards the goal kicking it to Grace (random girl on soccer team) who didn’t have a clue of what to do. I ran my fastest over to her and she got the hint kicking it forcefully towards me, groaning I speed up a bit kicking it into the goal. Point 28 for team awesome, I said in my head.

“WE WON,” Megan exclaimed and Hayley, Tatlie, Kristen, and Jessica all came running towards me with arms wide open.

“OOH Shit Nits,” I said out loud as they all bear hugged me. I tried to get out and felt myself finding it harder to breath. They released me then Kristen jumped up and down cheering.

“WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS,” I sang and everyone sang along as we ran towards Coach Ronan who was doing her version of my ‘Victory-is-mine’ dance. I did my ‘victory-is-mine’ dance with all my team mates and laughed. Slipping away from them with a smirk written in permanent marker on my face I walked over to Jason’s mate.

“Sorry, Cynthia I forgot to say Thank you,” I told her sadly, and she melted from my puppy dog eyes.

“Its fine,” she soothed and I smiled at Jason, who was shaking his head because of my puppy dog eyes. I know he loves them, I thought to myself and winked at him. I looked at stupid random dude again and gave up and hugged him. A shiver went down my spin and I pulled away rolling my eyes at his dumbfounded expression. Laughing slightly I jogged back over to Coach and my team mates.

“Pool party at my house,” Tatlie said pulling me into the bear hug again. I laughed breathlessly and she released me, she stopped with her smile and went automatically with her puppy dog face she learnt from me. Her light green eyes bored into mine and melted me from the inside out.

“I DON’T KNOW I’LL ASK,” I screamed stopping myself from melting, she screamed in happiness and danced around. I looked over at Kristen and she nodded dragging me back to the pack. Pulling me towards my brother, I had that ‘you’re not going to like this’ look and I rubbed my arm nervously.

“KRISTEN HAS TO ASK YOU SOMETHING,” I said pushing her forward chickening out, everyone noticed and bursted out in laughter.

“Er, um, well, can we pleeeeeeaaseeeeeee go to a party,” she asked innocently and I was buying it all the way to her glint in the eye exclaiming innocence.

“Fine,” he said easily and Tatlie screamed from behind me and I jumped.

“Whoa their buddy,” I murmured freaked out, stupid random dude laughed and I jumped from that too and looked at him. He looked back at me with a smile only enhancing his hotness. His eyes locked with mine and I became in a trance, Kristen (I assume) pulled me by the arm and I pulled out of my trance shaking my head following her and Tatlie. Waving at some of my friends from class all of the boys drooled and I rolled my eyes. We ran to the parking lot to where Tatlie parked her GT ford. It was black and glossy, I loved it. I climbed into the back seat and Tatlie in the driver’s seat while Kristen sat in the passenger’s seat. Kristen turned around in her seat and smiled played her lips and she started mouthing me words. I couldn’t understand and soon she got frustrated and used a very low whispering only werewolves could hear.

“You were in a trance, aw, you love him.” I scowled and blushed a little. I heard a squeal come from the front of the car.

“Kristen, did I just see Carmel blush,” Tatlie squeaked and Kristen laughed nodding very fast, so fast that I’m surprise she doesn’t have whiplash. Arching my eye brow I looked out Kristen’s mirror and saw Jason’s car, then groaned. Kristen saw to and murmured to Tatlie to take a short cut. She soon sped away into a short cut, and I laughed as I saw Jason’s confused face. She made it to her house in record time, and I was laughing while getting out of the backseat but saw Jason. What the hell, I thought to myself as I looked behind me then behind me where he was suppose to be and pointed then pointed to where he was speechless.

“Damn you Jason,” I murmured and Kristen giggled into her sleeve pretending to cough. I walked over to the front porch so I wouldn’t get run over in the drive way by very giddy soccer players. Kristen did the same while Jason groaned and stepped back into his car and made a phone call. My other team mates arrived and I saw Melissa was one of them and I screeched.

“Tatlie, Melissa is here,” I squealed and Tatlie stood there dumbfounded.

“I said she couldn’t come,” Tatlie defended herself and pulled Kristen and I into her house where we were greeted by photos of Tatlie and her two parents. Tatlie’s parents came out of the kitchen and smiled at us. Her mother looked down at my shin and gasped, then she checked for any bruises on Tatlie then Kristen.

“Are you okay,” she exclaimed and I nodded.

“Who won,” her father questioned, as if he didn’t already know we won.

“We did, and mum she got the bruise by this guy on the field he randomly kicked her shin then tripped her she wasn’t even by the ball,” Tatlie informed them and I whistled looking away.

“There was a guy on the other team, how much did you win by 4 points,” her father asked thinking that we had no chance going up against guys.

“28 to 0,” I proclaimed happily, and Tatlie’s father looked at us in bewilderment. Her mother clapped and pulled Tatlie’s father back into the kitchen. Tatlie rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist and I grabbed Kristen’s, and then I was being dragged, dragging Kristen. We walked up the stairs to Tatlie’s room where pink was the #1 thing. I groaned a little but then sucked it up. She rampaged through her bikini’s to find one that fitted me and one that fitted Kristen. She threw a ruffled black and light blue bikini at me and I thanked her walking into her bathroom. Closing the door I changed out of my soccer uniform and put on the bikini. Hugging my stomach I walked out and Kristen and Tatlie looked over at me.

“You are so insecure,” Kristen complained pulling my arms off my tummy. I looked down and saw my exposed abs. I smiled sheepishly at them and they starred at my abs in astonishment. My arms flew back to hiding my tummy.

“I’ll see you in a few,” I told them walking out of the bright pink room. Walking down the stairs I saw Megan and Hayley gossiping. I ran down the stairs still hugging my tummy and stopped right next to them.

“So, who do you like,” I questioned Megan getting all up in her bubble. She laughed and pushed me a little.

“Christian,” Megan told me dreamingly, and she spaced out probably dreaming about their perfect wedding that might happen. I turned to Hayley and wiggled my eye brow. She giggled and rolled her eyes.

“Logan,” she told me softly but I still heard it and smiled. Nodding I sat on the stairs waiting for Kristen and Tatlie. Melissa walked across the hall to Hayley and Megan.

“I’m so fat,” she exclaimed grabbing her skin jiggling it. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, she is skin and bone.

“I’m the one who is fat,” I told her and she nodded, and starred at my arms hiding my tummy.

“Move your arms I want to make fun of your fatness,” she taunted and I did all of the girls gasped and Melissa grunted and stomped away. I shrugged and Tatlie and Kristen came down stairs while Jessica walked into the house followed by some more people from the game. We all walked out to the pool in her back yard. I sat at the edge and placed my feet into the water getting used to the temperature of the water. Kristen sat beside me and did the same. Some of the girls across from me looked behind me and started drooling. I turned around and saw stupid random guy, he grinned and sat on my other side. I rolled my eyes and Megan gave me a thumbs up. I shook my head and Tatlie laughed at my denial. The football players jumped into the pool splashing water on Kristen, stupid random guy, and me.

chapter five-

An hour later everyone started to go home. I picked up some soda cans and walked into the house towards the kitchen. I heard people talking in there so I stopped and leaned against the wall to hear it better.

“So, you’re the new kid,” Melissa asked seductively, I gagged and waited for whoever to respond.

“Um, yes,” Stupid random dude said uncomfortably and I laughed then stopped laughing walking into the kitchen. I winked at stupid random guy and put the soda cans into the recycling bin. Kristen came in and dumped some more soda cans into the recycling bin then clapped her hands in accomplishment.

“Seeya.” I saluted at stupid random guy and gave Melissa the death glare. Kristen and I walked out of the kitchen and up stairs to Tatlie’s room. Picking up my soccer uniform I quickly changed out of the soaking bikini. Kristen did the same, and we were ready to go home. Walking down the stairs I saw Melissa harassing stupid random dude. I stifled a laugh when I saw his face; it was filled with horror and uncomfortableness.

"Wait, Carmen," he said before I looked away from him. He sounded desperate, so I did wait. Melissa grunted and tried to yank him, but he easily loosened her grip and walked away towards my direction.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.12.2011

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