
Redstar's Tales: The Misty Morning

Redtail heard the approaching footsteps, listening closely. A deep hiss started in her throat as the elderly tom stepped out of the mist and into the circle of light, where Redtail, had been standing. The tom coughed when he greeted her, "Hello (cough) there (cough, cough)young (cough cough cough) warrior (cough)." The tom coughed. "Hello." Redtail said meekly. "I am Raggedstar, leader of Hiddenclan." The tom sputtered out then coughed. "I want you (cough) to be my (cough cough cough) apprentice. I am dying and you may be Hiddenclan's only hope." The tom coughed out. Redtail stood there for a second, thinking. Her deep blue eyes gleamed and then she had her answer. "I will be your apprentice, Raggedstar but you must promise me thi is no mouse-brained scheme." Redtail said, her tail flicking. "Oh, I can promise this is no mouse-brained scheme and if it is, the twolegs can come and make me a non-tom anymore." Raggedstar meowed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.11.2012

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