
The Commission

“Son, I have not called you to build a church (denomination),But to build churches. The ministry I gave to you is not for a group of people, but for the entire body of Christ… I have sent you forth to set free the captives through prayers and the teaching of My Word”… 

“Son the time has come to rise up and do what I sent you, see my church has forsaken me the fountain of LIVINGWATERS… go wake up My Church in your generation, my word of power is in your mouth, saith the Lord”


Much has been said about the Blood Covenant Relationship as it affects individuals and more importantly the Blood Covenant implication of Christ’s death. More often than not, Christians have pleaded the Blood of Jesus against their arch-enemy – Satan and his host of demons. However, not many Christians know the implication of the Blood Covenant death of Jesus on the Cross that made us a blood covenant partners with God.

 This teaching module is an attempt to unveil the mysteries of the Blood Covenant relationship as contained in the scriptures. These series of tutorials amply unveils blood covenants in the Bible starting from Abraham’s Covenant with God to the covenant with us through the Blood of Jesus. It reveals further our rights and privileges as blood covenant partners with God.

It is a clear revelation of blood covenant relationship as it affects our Christian lives. The revelations here are true and explosive! It will literally make you know your rightful position and live beyond the reach of the devil and his cohorts.

Study it prayerfully and meditatively and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you the mysteries of the Blood Covenant relationship as revealed. Am sure these tutorials will be a helpful material on revelation of Blood Covenant Relationship – An essential truth for all Christians.

The Meaning of the Blood Covenant

By way of definition, a covenant is a legal contract into which one enters and by which his course of action is bound. This is usually between two parties to become as one person and this relationship is sealed with blood forever. In the Hebrew language, the word for covenant is “Bereeth” which means to “cut”, that is why they always refer to it as “cutting a covenant”. In the real sense of it, the two parties that normally cut this covenant are usually representative people, and in some cases they are recognized by the courts of the land in which they live. In expressing the meaning of the covenants we will be making reference to the covenant between David and Jonathan as stated in the book of First Samuel chapter 17: 57 to the end and chapter 18: 1-4 with the covenant between Abraham and God as stated in the book of Genesis.

 In the case of David and Jonathan, both of them were legal representatives of whatever they had, not only themselves, but also all their unborn children and the generations yet unborn. By the implications of this covenant relationship, all the unborn children were standing with them when they were making the covenants.

 The Process Of Making Covenants

In making a covenant in its historical set up, it is by first taking off your shirt and giving it to the person with whom you are making that covenant, and this means that, every thing that you have belongs to the other party. The shirt is the symbol of yourself and your material possession. After the shirt removal, you will take off your sword and your bow and give them to him. This means that all your strength and all your weapon belongs to him, if he needs them. Finally, there will be the sealing of the covenant with Blood. Somewhere on the body, an incision is made which will remind that individual of his commitment.

In the Arabic world, if two men want to enter into blood covenant, their relatives and neighbours will be called together in the open place before the village fountain, to witness the covenant. The men will publicly announce their purpose, and their reasons for it. Their declarations will be written down in duplicate, one paper for each friend, and signed by themselves and by several witnesses. One of the friends will take a sharp lancet, and open a vein in the other’s arm. Into the opening thus made, he will insert a quill, through which he will suck the living blood. The lancet-blade will be carefully wiped on one of the duplicate covenant papers, and then it will be done vice versa. The two friends will declare together: “We are brothers in a covenant made before God: he who deceiveth the other, him will God deceive”. Each blood-marked covenant-record will then be folded carefully, to be sewed up in a small leathern case or amulet about an inch square to be worn henceforth by one of the covenant-brothers, suspended about


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Wisdom Publishing House
Bildmaterialien: Wisdom Publishing House
Lektorat: Ngozi Eldaberry N.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-3797-6

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Dedicated To My Closest Friend, Whose Infallible Words Could Be Relied Upon. He Is The Friend That Sticketh Closer Than A Brother. He Has Never Failed Me Since August 1979 JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH

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