
The Lonely King

Once upon a time in a Kingdom called Sonas there lived a very, very good King. King Kindely was his name and he was very, very kind to everyone.


And King Kindely had a very, very lovely wife. Her name was Queen Caroline. She was the cutest of Queens. Like her husband King Kindely, Queen Caroline was also very, very kind.


King Kindely and Queen Caroline had a very young daughter. Her name was Princess Priscilla and she was the prettiest princess out of all the kingdoms surrounding the shores of the Salty Sea, living in the plentiful plains, or frolicking about the meadows in the mighty mountains. She too, just as her father and mother, was very, very kind.


Because the King and Queen and Princess Priscilla were so very, very good and kind, the Kingdom of Sonas was the happiest of all kingdoms in all the lands.


Everyone in the kingdom was very, very happy. They feasted daily on the fresh food provided by the friendly farmers.


The King’s favorite fishermen sailed the stormy Salty Sea and would hook many fish. They hooked so many fish that their strong ships could barely stay afloat. And once they brought the fish back to Bubbly Bay there was enough food to feed everyone in the Kingdom of Sonas for days and weeks and months.


One day Queen Caroline, Princess Priscilla, and the bravest crew of the King’s finest sailing ship were sailing back from a journey where they had visited all the kingdoms. They were returning with a great treasure. The treasure, precious jewels of red rubies and green emeralds and white sparkling diamonds and pure and shiny gold and silver coins, was a token of appreciation for King Kindely and Queen Caroline for providing the best food and clothing out of all the lands.


But as they sailed up the coastline of the Salty Sea on their return something very, very bad happened. The King’s ship, the ship’s crew, Queen Caroline and Princess Priscilla were swallowed up by the biggest fish ever seen by man or woman or child and they were never seen again.


King Kindely’s heart hurt with such sadness that he cried everyday for Queen Caroline and Princess Priscilla. And the Kingdom of Sonas was no longer the happiest Kingdom in all the lands.


To make matters worse the Kingdom of Sonas was hit with the driest drought ever seen by a man or woman or child.


The water locked in the land of the Kingdom was slowly sipped away until very little of it remained to drink and water the crops.


The Salty Sea began to rise. And for some reason no man or woman or child could explain, mighty islands began to pop up all over the Salty Sea. All the fish disappeared too. To make matters worse, as it was told by sailors sailing the Salty Sea, there appeared on one of the original islands a very sad yet powerful siren. She had a very, very sweet voice which, according to legend, no man could resist. Because of this newest of sirens, all ships from the King’s fishing fleet dared not to sail near the island for fear of being bashed about on the island’s rocky shore as they swam to her believing she was truly seeking to be rescued.


Then, after years and years of crying, the very, very last of tears were finally gone. King Kindely came to his senses and realized that the Kingdom of Sonas and the rest of the kingdoms in all the lands were in danger.


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: James Gerard Burch
Lektorat: James Gerard Burch
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.09.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-3756-0

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