
Darkness or Light?

Gillian stared at the streaks of light falling from the sky.  Eyes locked onto the far horizon in amazement of the skylight’s ability to defend itself among the numerous and mighty skylights shooting their flaming arrows at the supposed evil creature.  But Gillian was not afraid.  The vision of its visit to the prison fortress burned in his consciousness every waking moment.


The entity had come to him unannounced, at a time when the prison’s frayed and tattered woolen blanket scarcely enveloped his whole body in an effort to escape the bitter cold.


The memory of awakening to the jailer’s clanking keys, the sight of the stone cell bathed in brilliant light, was an event he could never forget.


With the memories playing out the scenes of those precious moments, he had suddenly noticed the shivers that had tortured his body for so long were gone.  The constant discomfort of aches and pains caused by the constant cold had melted away in the stony, frigid cell that had amazingly become warm and toasty.  And closing his eyes, a smile formed as the vision of the jailer inserting the key to open


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: James Gerard Burch
Bildmaterialien: Right to use purchased from
Lektorat: James Gerard Burch
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-6190-9

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Dedicated to those who are so blinded by the darkness that they cannot see the light.

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