
Chapter 1

Kai threw me off of him.
I howled in pain, and Kai scrambled off, an evil glint in his eyes. So that was it. The Sysans just declared war. I froze, running upstairs, into our room. Kai had left, but had he taken Delilah? Please no. God, if you exist, I beg you to keep Delilah with me. Delilah and Chalice were talking, but stopped, looking up at me.
"Aaron, your eye-"
"Kai just declared war between us and the Sysans. I had to make sure you were alright." I panted.
"Kai...He was so nice to me-"
"He was spying, deciding if we were trustworthy or not. His personal hatred for me fueled his desicion." I explained. "Also, um...Tessa saw your future, Lys."
Delilah raised an eyebrow.
"She said she saw you having twins...Kai's kids." I said, flunking down onto the couch in our master bedroom.
I toddler shriek made Delilah and I rush downstairs. Kai held Calico in his arms, a knife to her throat.
"Take a step closer and she dies." Kai hissed.
"Kai?" Delilah asked, tears filling her eyes.
Kai turned and looked at her, his gaze softening. No mate could stand to see their mate crying, it made you vulnerable, and stupid. I almost killed Kai right there, because Delilah was crying over him.
"Come on Delilah. We've been here long enough." Kai said.
"MAMA!" Calico screamed, tears streaming down her face.
"You're going to kill Coco? Why?" Delilah asked.
"I won't. Not if you make the right desicion. Choose. Only one side can protect you. Not both. Will it be these stupid mutts, or your own kind?" Kai said dramatically.
Delilah froze for a moment.
"My kind." She said finally, walking up to Kai, taking a hold of Calico, as Kai dropped the knife.
"NO!!" I screamed, running after her. I reached Kai, Delilah, and Calico. They disappeared as if they were nothing but a hologram.
And that was that. I lost my family within a few seconds.
Good job, smart ass. I don't have my mate...

I swear, Lyall sniffled, as if he were about to cry. ...And now I'm without my family. And we're never gonna see her again.

Chapter 2

Kai just tried to kill my baby. I freaked out, letting ignorance take me to the Sysan house. Kai talked to himself, handing Calico to me. After a short while, I was changed, Calico in her temporary roll out bed, me in mine. Kai climbed in with me.
"You made the right choice." He said.
"But, don't you know Aaron will come for me, and we're just acting like nothing happened?" I asked.
"I have enough people gaurding us." Kai snapped. "I don't want to lose my family. Especially not my twins. Tessa told me before I declared war. I fathered twins, one boy one girl, and that mundie friend of yours, same thing, though she and her mate had them."
Kai rested his hands on my abdomen. Now that I think about it, There is a small bump.
"I feel so much better knowing I saved you." Kai sighed. "It's like I ate a bucket full of ambrosia..."
The last word stayed in my head.
"Ambrosia. I want to name her Ambrosia." I declared.
"Cannon...Boys name. The weapon that starts the battle." Kai muttered, before falling asleep. Well, my kids have names that mean something. Calico, a Sysan name, for the time I spent, meeting my own kind. Cannon, the weapon that starts the battle. Ambrosia, the medicine that brings peace to one's mind. Wonderful. I fell asleep, thinking about wars, and children, and poor little Abby-cat, that was at home, without her masters.

Kai woke me up, his lips brushing against my cheekbone.
"Wake up." He said softly.
I yawned, sitting up.
"Yes?" I asked Kai.
"We need to move. The Lycans are coming, and we can't have you in a middle of a war, now can we?" Kai said, pulling me out of bed. Calico was already up, chasing around a kitten that was oddly familiar. It had sand colored fur, to go with its chocolate colored eyes.
"Ethan, two things. 1) What are you doing in here, and 2) Change back to a human." Kai snapped, grabbing the kitten by the scruff.
"Aww...But I want to keep him!" I mocked.
Ethan changed back, stark naked. I tackled Calico, covering her eyes.
"No looking at naked people, okay Coco?" I said, my eyes resting on Ethan. I know, bad influence, but I'd spent enough time with Ethan to consider him family.
Calico nodded.
Ethan kneeled down next to me, in a pair of Kai's clothes. I uncovered Calico's eyes.
"Is this the wolf baby you were pregnant with a while ago?" Ethan asked.
I nodded.
Calico tackled Ethan with a hug.
"Kitty!" She said.
Kai and I laughed.
"Looks like you've been renamed, Kitty

." Kai mocked.
"Okay, um, can you get her-"
"Coco." I filled in.
"Coco? What kind of name is that?" Ethan asked.
"It's my nickname, Uncle Kitty! My name is pretty, but LONG. Like this long!" Calico put her arms out as wide as she could.
I laughed.
"It's not that long, Coco." I said, scooping her up.
"Yes it is." Calico insisted.
"Fine, it is." I turned to Ethan, that was smiling at us. "What brings you here?"
"Well, SOMEONE needs protection, I heard." Ethan said.
"I would show emotion, but I don't know what kind of protection you're talking about." I said, my voice expressionless.
"Protection, from death. THAT kind of protection, you sicko." Ethan said, a smirk on his face.
"Says the guy who started hitting on me when I first met you." I muttered.
Kai laughed at that.
"Come on, we're leaving. I already packed our stuff. I guess Ethan is coming with." Kai said, suddenly serious.
"No, Tobias sent three total. Kyo, Tom, and I." Ethan said.
"Wonderful. Four babies to deal with." I muttered.

Chapter 3

I called on all the packs that were nearby. In total, my pack went from 32 to 1,032. The betas and I discussed from there.
"As you know, I called you here, because the state Sysanthrope pack has declared war on our state pack. They have also committed a further crime; Stealing an alpha's mate and/or child. I plan to strike their weakest point, their HQ, where little Sysans have remained. That may or may not be where my mate and child are." I said.
A tough looking man spoke up. He had buzzed black hair and chocolate brown eyes.
"But even if they aren't there, we'll have sealed off their HQ from the remaining groups. The HQ is their supply closet." He said.
Murmurs of agreement passed through the room.
"Um, Master-" A small teenage girl of about 14 asked, raising her hand like a school kid.
"Call me Aaron." I said.
"Um, okay. Aaron, you say they stole your mate and child, but I can't help to wonder why." The girl said, toying with a strand of her white-blonde hair.
"My mate is part Sysan," A collective gasp swept through the room. "I know, we should be...UNABLE to mate with any kind but humans and Lycans, but-"
"And you REPRODUCED?" Another beta asked.
"Look I really don't want to talk about this-"
"How can our own alpha imprint on a Sysan?"
"Why would he accept her?"
"Why does he want her back, if she is the enemy?"
"SILENCE!" Lyall gained control, and yelled.
Everyone quieted down.
"I have my reasons. Would YOU want to abandon your mate? Isn't it like nothing else matters when you find your mate?" I snapped.
Heads nodded in agreement.
"Um." A small voice asked. It was Lexi.
"I know you may not trust Delilah, but she is the nicest, funniest, sweetest alpha ever. It doesn't matter that sissy is part Sysan, because she's also part wolf. She's like a human mate, only a little different. Would you like it if your mate shunned you? If your only family shunned you?" Lexi asked.
Everyone looked at Lexi.
"Delilah...Why does that sound familiar..."
"Nightgear and Rosye's child!?" The military-type gasped.
"Yes." I said, holding my head in my hands. This was getting nowhere.
There was a silence.
"We need to attack,before they attack us. It's only a matter of time before they-"
"Then its settled. Your pack will stay behind as defense, while our packs go and fight the Sysans. After all, we are your soldiers." The military man said.

Chapter 4

Cannon and Ambrosia kicked when we boarded the jet.
"OOH!" Calico bounced on the first class seats.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked her.
"I wanna watch DORA!" Calico said.
I set it up for her, before the other two 'gaurds' boarded the plane.
Tom. IT WAS TOM HUNTLEY, THE MUSIC TEACHER! This man has deep-set green eyes that are like two patches of moss. His thick, curly, brown-black hair curls onto his head like a bunch of vines. A single tendril of hair rests at the middle of his forehead. He has a masculine build. His skin is ruddy. He has wide feet. He looked at me, and froze.
"Delilah?" He asked.
"Hey long time no see, teacher man." I called, waving the remote as a hi. I gave Calico headphones, and pressed play to the movie.
"There you go Coco." I said, running a hand through her hair.
"I never thought I'd deal with any of that school again. I guess I was wrong." Tom said.
"Yeah, school changes people. Now I'm running from what I've been told is certain death. Wonderful, huh?" I said, sitting down next to Calico. Tom sat next to me.
"Anything good happen in your life?" I asked.
"Eh well, the usual, except now I'm a 'gaurd'" Tom air quoted the word gaurd.
I laughed.
Tom's eyes travelled to my stomach.
"Are you pregnant?

" He asked, surprised.
"Who knows. For all I know, there are bricks in my stomach. Never should have eaten at that restaurant." I said.
Tom laughed.
"Leave her alone Tom, Kai'll get angry." Ethan said, watching Dora with Calico.
I laughed.
"Wow, Uncle Kitty likes Dora!" I laughed.
Tom raised an eyebrow.
"Coco nicknamed him Uncle Kitty because he turned into a kitten to sneak in the door." I explained.
Tom laughed at Ethan.
"At least Delilah didn't nickname you. Then again, Douchinator has a good ring to it, Uncle Kitty." Kai laughed, from a few seats away.


I woke up, my mouth closing. I had fallen asleep on Tom's arm, who was looking at me funny.
"What? Was I saying random stuff in my sleep?" I asked.
"You were literally purring." He responded.
"And its amazing, I can't remember dreaming." I said, scratching my head. "Or falling asleep. Wow, now I remember how my mom got me to sleep as a kid. She put on foreign language shows. I shouldn't have watched Dora."
Tom laughed.
"You are the weirdest person I have ever met." He laughed. "Everyone else except for the pilot are asleep, while you slept like a happy kitten."
I pouted.
"You make a really good pillow." I said. "I wasn't drooling, was I?"
Tom laughed.
"No. I don't think so." He said.
I looked over; Calico was curled up on Kai's lap, and both of them were asleep. The other boys, Kyo and Ethan were asleep on the ground.
"You remember when I got this?" I pulled out my phone, showing him his number in my phone.
"It was a longshot." Tom said. "I KNEW you had a mate, but still, I-"
"You were so desperate, it was written all over your face." I giggled.
"Singers turn me on. And you just HAPPENED to be able to sing. Like, really good." Tom said, pinning me under him, his hands holding him off of me.
"If Kai wakes up, we're dead, so stop making it misleading." I said, pushing him off of me.
"You're no fun. Want some wine?" Tom asked.
"Can't. Knocked up, remember?" I snapped.
Tom froze, halfway to the mini fridge in the jet.
"You really ARE pregnant?" Tom asked.
"Mostly because I know someone with the power to make girls pregnant with a glance. Hard to explain. She's like the Aphrodite of the present world." I replied.
Tom looked at me, before getting the bottle of wine, and some apple cider.
"Ooh, gimme gimme gimme." I grabbed for the apple cider. Apple cider is my favorite. It's like, the bomb. If I met a man made of ice cream and apple cider, I'd marry him, then divorce by eating him...Ah, good idea.
"Fine." Tom swigged the wine, before giving me the apple cider bottle.
Tom continued drinking the wine, and he almost finished the bottle, when I snatched if away from him.
"That's enough for you. You'll get drunk." I said.
Tom looked at me, before grinning.
"Nah, I ain't not drunk...Now tell me, how do ya feel about going to that back room, and fucking with me?" His words were slurred. He was drunk.
"Tom, I need you to stay here, okay?" I asked.
I started to get up, but Tom, he did something I didn't expect. He pulled me back, pinning me under him. His lips crashed onto mine. For a split second, I let him kiss me, but then thrashed and kicked.
"Stay still, you're making it worse." He crooned, his words slurring. "You don't know how hard I'm getting over here."
I pushed at him, breaking the kiss long enough to start a scream.
Tom covered my mouth with his, muffling the scream.
"Don't be like that." He muttered.
That was it. I was going to be raped by a drunk guy in a jet. To my surprise, Tom flew off of me, hitting the jet wall. Kai stood in front of me, anger literally steaming off of him.
"I never did trust you around alcohol, Tomothy buddy." Kai hissed, changing into a mountain lion and tackling Tom, ripping at him, until Tom's clothes barely covered him.
"Stop, don't kill him. He's drunk." I snapped.
Kai dragged Tom onto a couch, before changing back, and rushing into some clothes.
"Did he touch you, do anything more than forcefully kiss you?" Kai asked, patting over my body.
"Nothing more." I said.
Cannon and Ambrosia kicked. But what was weird, I swear I felt three kicks at the same time.
I gasped, clutching my stomach.
"But, she said twins-"
"What?" Kai asked.
"I...I felt three kicks instead of two." I said.
Kai looked confused, but then woke Kyo up. Kyo has wide brown eyes the color of varnished wood. His luxurious, wavy, orange hair is short and is worn in spikes. He is very tall and has a boyish build. His skin is tanned. He has a weak chin and large hands.
"What?" Kyo snapped.
Kai muttered something to Kyo, and Kyo came up to me, lifting up my shirt.
"Oh whoa, what are you doing-"
"I'm not violating you, you idiot! You'll see." Kyo snapped.
His eyes blazed a white light, and he stood there for a moment, his eyes like that. Then they faded to a brown.
"Yep, triplets alright. Two boys and one girl." Kyo said to Kai.
"It was like he was back under the shade of a tree, instead of out in the sun, so it was hard to see him." Kyo continued.
"Three?" I asked.
"YES, YOU IDIOT!" Kyo snapped.
"Shade...I like that name. Cannon, Ambrosia, Shade." Kai said, as Kyo went back to curling up on the ground.
And that, is when I passed out in Kai's arms, from shock and sleepiness.

Chapter 5

"Master, my pack is ready to attack." The young beta girl said. She was about 14, maybe 15, and a mirror image of Lexi. I nodded. I had insisted that the main group (my part of the pack) and the betas stay behind, just in case. Almost all of the scattered packs in the state were equipped and ready for the attack, except for the biggest group, the pack that military man runs. They had 500 warriors, so it was natural for them to take longer. I sat in the tactics room, going over the plan with beta girl's pack. I had planned this out strategically.
"So, before you go in, take note on the wind. Do NOT go with the wind, it will make your scent known. Go from behind. I will repeat: Do NOT go with the wind, it will make your scent known. Go from behind. Single in on a target, and go for that one Sysan, until they are dead, then find another. We are looking for two targets: Tobias Freesly, and/or his son, Kaito Freesly. They are the only ones left of the Pride family. Kill them, the Pride will split up, and Chaos will erupt. After that, return here, so we can count casualties. Have I made myself clear?" I said formally.
"Yes, Master!" The group of 100 responded in unison.
"You are dismissed. You will leave tomorrow. Any sick, old, pregnant, pups, or juveniles are to stay here." I said.
The group left, leaving 2 women, 3 babies, a elderly woman, and 3 children under the age of 16, but over the age of 5. One of the juveniles was Delaoh, the other identical twins, one a boy, one a girl.
"I am relying on you to stay here, and keep this place up. My pack will be here to defend, but you will act in charge. Except for you children, you're not in charge." I said.
"AWW!" The 12 year old girl said.
"Don't argue with Master Aaron, he's mean." Delaoh said.
"Oh come on. You remember Delilah, right? She had my baby with her?" I said to him.
Delaoh nodded.
"Well, the Sysans took her, and I'm sorry if I'm grouchy. Truce?" I held out my hand to him.
He shook my hand.
"Truce." He replied.
"You're all dismissed." I replied.
The small group walked out. I slumped down in a chair, my head in my hands.

I thought. I hadn't contacted her since she left, but talking to Delaoh made me in need of a conversation with Delilah.
Aaron...I'm having triplets. Not twins. Tell Tessa she was wrong.

Delilah said. I'm fine. Don't worry, I'm still on both sides, I freaked out when Kai THREATENED TO KILL COCO.

I sighed. I had missed the sound of her voice. I replied quickly.
Okay. I'm not pissed off at you. Imma kill that son of a bitch, Kaito. Those are the only children he'll ever have with you.

Delilah laughed.
You're just jealous, since you made one, he made three.

Delilah laughed.
I blushed.

I replied.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.

She said.
Hey, I planned to stay faithful while you were gone, god, I'm not a whore anymore.

I said.
Um...I have a comeback for that, but who knows whose listening in on our inner dialogue.

Delilah said. And, ew, god.

I grinned, walking out of the room.
"Hey, Aaron, war isn't that fun, so who did you violate?" Shane teased.
"No one. I got contact with Lys. She's the same." I said.
"Hey master, how are you?" Chalice said mockingly. Her stomach was bloated, total sign of a human carrying wolf babies.
"Good, except that we're at war, and my mate's gone, along with my baby girl." I said.
"Can you talk to Lys Bear for me? I would do it myself, but I'm not a telepath." Chalice said.
"Sure, what sup?" I asked her, sitting on the couch.
"Delilah promised me she'd tell me yay or nay on names, since we're like sisters. And I can't really talk to her, so I was wondering if you could ask her what she thinks of the two names I picked out." Chalice said shyly.
"You're lucky I'm alpha, most packs, only the Alpha pairs can breed." I said. "But what names did you pick?"
"Caleb and Chloe, Arabelle and Aiden, Brock and Brooklyn." She said. "You know the names of your half-children?"
"I'll ask." I said.
Hey, Chalice wants to know what you think of her B-G names. Caleb and Chloe, Arabelle and Aiden, Brock and Brooklyn. Which one?

I asked Delilah.
Arabelle and Aiden.

Delilah responded.
"Arabelle and Aiden." I said.
Chalice grinned.
"Thank you! And by the way, you don't need to tell me the name of the twins Delilah's having-"
"Triplets." I cut Chalice off.
I asked Delilah a quick question.
What are the names of the triplets?

I asked her.
Cannon, Ambrosia, Shade.

She replied.
"Yes." I continued. "Cannon, Ambrosia, Shade."
Chalice smiled.
"Do me a favor and kill that Kai. I hate the idea of Delilah with anyone but you." Chalice said sweetly, before walking off. Huh. I never did know Chalice liked me as a friend. Seems like something new happens each day...

I woke up, Kai brushing hair out of my eyes. I sat up, in the jet bed. Yes, there was a master bedroom in the jet. I stretched and yawned.
"Did I pass out?" I yawned.
He nodded, worry clear in his eyes. Calico came running up to me.
"Mommy! You're awake! Uncle Tommy wants to talk to you!" She said, jumping on the bed.
Kai hissed, his facial expression darkening. Kai seemed to have some...unpleasant feelings towards Tom now, since Tom was so drunk, he tried to get me to sleep with him. I don't blame Kai; he's been through a lot of events that would leave anyone with mixed feelings.
"I'll let him in, come on Coco, let your mommy rest." Kai said, picking Calico up. She grinned, hugging Kai's neck.
"Okay, daddy. Bye mommy!" Calico said.
I froze. Did Calico just call Kai daddy? She thinks Kai is her daddy too. The creaky jet door snapped me out of my thoughts. Tom shyly came in, his expression that of embarrassment.
"Kai threatened me, so I'm not getting too close, kay?" Tom announced with a shaky laugh.
I frowned, patting the spot next to me.
"He tore you to shreds before I...Um, collapsed from exhaustion. I think he hopes you'll fear him. Sit, the woman demands it." I said.
Tom laughed, brushing his curly dark hair out of his eyes, before stalking up to the bed, sitting down next to me.
"I'm really sorry. I get drunk, and I say and do stupid stuff that I have no control over-"
"I'm not angry anymore. Though, you were tempting me..." I joked. Tom gave me a weird look. "Joking."
Tom laughed.
"I like you, Delilah-"
"How DO you like me?" I questioned.
"I'm not sure. I'll make it a priority to tell you when I figure that one out." Tom said.
"You should hope its friendly, not sexual, because I have a list of guys who want my pure awesomeness. My mates among them." I said.
Tom twirled a piece of my flamey red hair around his finger.
Tom looked at me, leaning in. I panicked, not knowing what to do. Was he going to kiss me? Violate me? Please no, I've got enough trouble. As if someone had heard me, the jet shuddered, before the pilot's voice beamed through the speakers.
"Well, Misters and Misses, we's have landed on nones other than Kauai, Hawaii. Yesum, I ain't never been to a place as fi-i-ine as the chickens island. Have yoselves a blessed day." The pilot said, using dialect from the 1930's colored people.
"Miss, we's has landed." Tom grinned, helping me up.

Kauai was as beautiful as Kylia (born and raised in Kauai) described. Not a single cloud speckled the sky when we landed at Lihue airport. The grass was a pale green that liked to reflect the sun's rays in a way that reminded me of Aaron's eyes. The mountains were a brown-green-gray color that I'd never seen on mountains before. The palm trees rose high, making me feel microscopic on the island. And the sea. Oh, the sea was a beautiful light turquoise color, the waves crashing against the shore causing a relaxing rhythm. Calico wore a simple Hawaiian red dress. I wore an outfit consists of pleated white coat dress with matching black belt, lace-edged slip, and black-and-white striped stockings. Tall black boots completed this sophisticated and elegant look. I saw several guys turn to look at me while I walked by. I'd flash grins and winks at them, but Kai would hold my hand. I wasn't hot, even though the sun was completely out. Calico was on Kai's shoulders, making faces at the other tourists that walked by. I laughed, while Tom and Ethan fought to hide their smiles.
"So, why ARE we here?" I asked Tom.
"Wolves aren't exactly comfortable on planes. They tend to stay away from anything with wings." Ethan explained.
"Stop teasing random people." Kai grumbled.
I raised an eyebrow.
"But, whats life without fun?" I asked, blinking my eyes.
Calico giggled, before hushing, when a hen walked by.
"Chicky!" She cried, trying to jump from Kai's shoulders.
Kai set her down, and she ran ahead. Damn, she was fast for a little kid. I sighed, before chasing after Calico. This is all I have to say: Don't run in heels. Calico continued running, until she tripped over a guy's foot, landing on her butt. I picked her up, soothing her.
"Ssh, Coco, it's okay. Ssh." I said, before looking at the boy. "I'm SO sorry. She ran off, and-"
"It's okay. I can see your hands are full." He said.
I then got a good look at him. He had thin ebony black eyes that sparkled like the ocean. His silky, straight, white hair ends at the nape of his neck, it shaggy in front of his eyes. He is tall and has a masculine build. His skin is a pale ivory. He has small ears and thin eyebrows, like Kylia.
"I'm Aloiki." He said.
"Delilah. You visiting?" I asked him.
He hesitated.
"Nah, I live here. Just got back from the big island, ya know? Have a cousin flying in tonight, from Bianca High." Aloiki said.
Bianca High? Kylia flies out here each Summer to see her family. Could this be her cousin?
"Is her name by any chance Kylei-Lia Heart? Does she go by Kylia?" I asked.
Aloiki raised an eyebrow.
"You know my cousin?" He asked.
I nodded, a smile playing at my lips.
"She's my friend. Trust me. I'm sure you know Lloyd?" I asked.
Aloiki smiled.
"So you're the famous Lys Bear I'm told about. Why don't you and her come swing my house? I hear you know Aunt Leilani?" Aloiki smiled.
"I...I'm with my...friends." I said.
"No, you're with daddy, and Uncle Kitty, and Uncle Tom, and Uncle Kyo!" Calico insisted.
I sighed, putting her down.
"Go find Uncle Kitty." I said.
She ran off.
"Uncle Kitty?" Aloiki asked.
"Long story. Have fun convincing Kai that he can trust you." I said, leading him towards my group of guys.

"Okay then, if you're related to that smart aleck Kylia, I want you to answer these questions." Kai said, taking a breath. "How many seconds in 2 weeks, three days?"
"What is a rhombus?"
"It's a shape in math, that resembles a slanted square."
"What is Heterochromia?"
Aloiki pointed to my eyes.
"She's an example." He said. "A person born with two different colored eyes."
Kai furrowed his brow.
"What is -1,468,800 times 32.666?"
"What does e=mc2 mean?" Kai asked desperately.
"It is an equation by Albert Einstein showing that energy and mass are interchangeable. E is energy, M is mass, C is the speed of light. Thus energy equals the amount of mass multiplied by the speed of light squared." Aloiki answered, checking his nails.
Kai's brow furrowed, before Kai pouted.
"Fine, you can go-"
"But," Kai started.
"But?" I asked.
"You have to bring Calico with you." Kai said.
I huffed.
"She your spy?" I asked, picking her up.
"Talk about real love, Coco." I grumbled, which caused the guys to laugh.
"Mama, you crazy." Calico insisted.
"Nah, I just fun." I told her, putting her on my shoulders.
"Come on." Aloiki tried pulling me away.
"Rosye!" Tom called, before I was too far away. I was tossed a notebook. "Use that to call us if you need anything."

Chapter 6

"The last of the troops are leaving, master." The military beta said.
I nodded briskly. It's been a few weeks since Delilah left; I only contacted her a week ago. For a moment, no one spoke in the house. Then, wildly, Shane rushed downstairs.
"Chalice is in labor." He announed. Malie and Jashawna shot up from their chairs.
"Where is she?" They asked, at the same time.
"In our room." Shane answered, pulling them upstairs. I followed. This is, afterall, Alpha business.

"Okay Chalice, one more time, she's almost out." Malie said. Shane looked at her, sadness in his eyes. I've been there before. Well, not during Coco's birth, but I've felt sadness like that when I shoved Delilah off that beach cliff. It seems like it was more of a dream, being normal. Delilah and I adjusted to the supernatural quickly, so we never talked about being normal. Chalice muffled a scream one more time, and then there was a cry. It was a girl.
"Arabelle." Shane told Chalice, who looked to be in extreme discomfort.
Was Delilah like that?
"Jashawna, Aaron, go get her washed up." Malie handed the newborn to Jashawna.

After cleaning her up, I realized that Arabelle had Shane's flat black hair, not Chalice's midnight-black hair. Arabelle's eyes were the color of the sunset. We went out of the bathroom, to see Malie holding a baby boy.
"Aiden." Chalice muttered, slinking back into the pillows.
"Switch." Malie said, handing me a crying Aiden. We washed him up to see that he was a male version of Chalice, with midnight-black hair, and sunset eyes. We handed Arabelle and Aiden to Chalice, who smiled.
Delilah, Chalice just had her twins.

I said.
There was a pause before her reply.
Oh, tell her I say congrats...Kinda eating...

Delilah said.
I nodded, but felt stupid, since she couldn't see me.
"What?" Shane asked.
"Delilah says congrats on the twins." I said.
Chalice smiled.

Aloiki's house was a mirror image of Daniel's house. Same gray paint, same yellow curtains. Once I was inside, I was tackled by Kylia's twin brother, Cory. Cory had wheat blonde hair and amber eyes. He saw me, grinning. When we were kids, he kind of decided we would get married when we were old enough.
"Delilah! I missed my baby doll." Cory said, kissing my cheek.
Calico huffed, kicking Cory in the leg.
"NO! MY mommy!" She snapped.
Cory saw Calico, and paled.
"Coco, apologize." I said.
Calico hung her head.
"I sorry..."
"What for?" I prompted.
"For kicking him in the leg." She said.
Cory managed to stutter.
"S-She y-yours?" He asked.
I nodded yes, giving him a 'What do you think?' look. He continued to pale, until he gave Aloiki the scariest glare I have ever seen in my entire life. Aloiki flinched, backing slowly to the door.
Leilani, Kylia and Cory's mother, rushed into the room, tackling me with a hug. Leilani was tall, with hair completely unlike Cory's and Kylia's. She had long, curly dyed-white hair, and Cory's amber eyes. Leilani isn't THAT old; She had had Kylia and Cory when she was 16, and now she's 34. Not THAT old. Leilani's husband, William died serving in the military when Cory and Kylia were six; Cory had insisted we get married that same year. Cory and Kylia had their dad's wheat-blonde hair, but Cory had been born with Leilani's previously raven black hair. Cory's hair eventually paled to wheat blonde.
"Oh, my other baby. I missed you. Hows it going? I hear from Kylia and Lloyd you and Aaron have been busy." Leilani said, causing heat to rise in my cheeks.
"Lani!" I gasped.
"Are you my auntie?" Calico tugged on Leilani's hand. Leilani saw Calico and laughed.
"Damn girl, you didn't waste any time. Aaron's the daddy?" Leilani said. Cory glared at Leilani, who added. "Aw, you made Cory angwy. HE wanted to knock you up."
"Auntie, your wrong. I got 2 daddies." Calico held up two fingers. "And one mommy, and LOTS of aunties and uncles. And I got a sissy, and a bwother, and another bwother, and I gots a cousin, and two more coming!"
Leilani paled.
"4 children, and your 18...I don't want to know how many guys you've whored around with-"
"Shut. Up." Cory growled.
Leilani raised an eyebrow.
"Shut up, Mom." Cory growled again.
"I'm not a whore, thank you very much. Not my fault I got into a fight with the first guy, and went to another." I muttered.
"Kylia said you only have 1. How can you have 4?" Leilani asked. "Not like anyone as skinny as you could be knocked up-"
Leilani stopped when she touched my stomach. I don't know why or how, but if you felt my stomach when I was pregnant, it felt like I was...well, pregnant. Leilani looked up at me.
"Triplets?" She asked.
I nodded.
Cory huffed when the phone rang. He stalked over, picking it up, and grunting a hello. He conversed with the person on the phone, before hanging up.
"Iki, Kylia flew in. I'll take Delilah." He grumbled.

Cory took me into his room, leaving Calico with Leilani. The next thing I knew, I was pinned against the wall.
"Who?" Cory asked.
I blinked my eyes, cocking my head in confusion.
"Who what?" I asked.
"Who knocked you up?" Cory snapped.
I flinched, causing Cory's expression to soften.
"You met Aaron, right?" I started. "Well-"
"That whoreson fucked you? WHY would you LET him?" Cory interrupted.
"Aaron's changed. We, uh, we were considering marriage before my other boyfriend barged into my life. I'm stuck with both, and had to seperate them, since they're ready to kill each other over me. I liked it better when no one liked me-"
I was cut off by Cory kissing me.
He shoved me harder against the wall, moaning when I let him. I felt the bulge in his pants get bigger, poking at me.
"I...Saved myself...For you. Never once...dated another girl." He said inbetween kisses. "And if it weren't for those damn babies you're carrying, I'd..."
A wrack of pain went through my stomach. I gasped, shoving Cory away before dropping to my knees, clutching my abdomen. Oh not here, I thought. Not now. I can't go into labor here.
Cory croutched down, looking at me.
"I think...Get Leilani, quick." I gasped, before another wave of pain went through me, causing me to cry out in pain.
Cory stiffened, before running out to get Leilani.

I gasped when Delilah shrieked in my head, causing Shane to rush to me. The last of our troops had left a day ago, and we have yet to hear from them. My pack, and a few kids and woman remained at the house, including Chalice, and her new twins, Aiden and Arabelle.
"Something wrong, bro?" Shane asked, a sleeping Aiden in his arms.
"I...I heard Delilah scream." I said.

I cried, worried that something had injured her.
Aaron...I'm having the babies...It hurts...More than with Coco...So much blood...

Delilah gasped. Cory is going to die afterwards.

I grew alarmed. Cory? Whose this CORY? IS she cheating on me yet AGAIN? It was bad enough with Kai, but now this CORY?
"Dude, are you okay?" Shane asked me.
"Delilah's in labor or something, and I'm not there, YET AGAIN." I growled through my clenched teeth.
Shane's gaze softened; He understood what its like when your mate is having your baby. Technically the triplets are Kai's but any baby of Delilah's is a baby of mine.
"Its okay man. She'll be alright. I can feel it." Shane replied, clapping a hand on my back, Aiden balanced on his hip. Halfie twins grow fast; Aiden and Arabelle are currently one.
"Awouuw!!!" Aiden protested.
"Yes, I know, Aiden." Shane cooed.
I snapped, pushing by Shane, running out of the house. I was tired of having the worst of luck! I just wanted to end it all. But, how would Delilah feel, if I were to be gone forever? I reached the field at the back of the house, and dropped to my knees, gripping my hair.
"DANG IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I continued to yell and curse until a hand clamped down on my shoulder, causing me to stagger up. It was Agamemnon, his face full of sadness.
"I never thought life would be so mean to you. I didn't realize how hard it would be for you once you gained power. I'm sorry." Agamemnon sympathized.
I shook out of his grip.
I wish none of this had happened. I wish I was normal. A normal college kid who skips his classes for parties, and to go to the movies with his girl. A kid who could listen to his girlfriend rambling on and on about her future. To have a place of my own, along with my own car, and own worries. But no, I'm a freak.
Got that right. If you were normal, I wouldn't be in this mess. I wish you never had imprinted on me! In fact, I wish you were dead!

Delilah growled in my head, before another scream reached me.
That was all I needed to hear. I rushed into the kitchen, the same things repeating in my mind.
She wants me dead. She really wants me dead.

I shook my head, before Lyall's voice reached my head.
Then we shall die for her.

He said.
He gained control, forcing my hand to wrap around the biggest butcher knife the kitchen had to offer. I had no say. Somewhere deep in my heart, I WANTED to die. It would make Delilah happy.
"NO!" A female voice shrieked.
For a wavering moment, I thought it had been Delilah, and Lyall loosened his grip on the knife. Boy, was I wrong. In the doorway stood a pastey-faced Malie, who looked stunned with fear. Lyall growled at her, gripping the knife so hard, my knuckles turned white and nearly bled.
"AARON!" Malie screamed, as Lyall crazily drove the butcher knife into my chest. I gained control as I collapsed, feeling as if a mule had kicked me in the lungs. Malie was suddenly cradling me to her body, trying to force the knife out of my heart, or whatever I had hit. My breath came out in gasps and shutters, as I tried to say goodbye to my mom, but to no avail. Delilah's voice came warped in my mind, after a minute of absolutely no air.
AARON! I didn't mean it! I...OH MY GOD!

Delilah's voice took on a wavering sound in my head. Don't die on me, Aaron, you ass. Don't leave me. You stupid bastard.

I took one last wavering gasp, before the walls, the table, even Malie faded to a navy blue-black.
Lyall's voice was the last thing I heard.
We're such an idiot. A stupid, hormonal, blind idiot.

Chapter 7

I found myself floating up the steps of a house similar to the one Daniel lives in. Not even touching the door, I wound up in a bedroom. It was plain and white, with a bed, a dresser, the usual. But, on the bed sat a sobbing Delilah, a boy similar looking to Kylia rubbing circles on Delilah's back. I grew angry and jealous. NO ONE touches MY MATE and lives. Well, Kai's alive, but he runs. I'll get him soon enough.
"Ssh..Leilani is making you your favorite, spiced hot cocoa. Mind telling me what the lady said on the phone?" The boy asked Delilah softly.
"You p-promise y-you won't j-judge m-m-me, Cory?" Delilah asked between sobs.
The boy, Cory, nodded.
Delilah sniffled.
"Y-you met Aaron, right?" Delilah asked.
Cory nodded.
"Well, he was my boyfriend, a-and w-we got into this...Fight, a-and I said th-that I wished he was dead. He's a dumbass. I didn't mean it at all, b-but,"
Delilah choked on the words. "He went and he stabbed himself with a fucking butcher knife. Did it right in front of Malie-that's his mom. She was there, and she was the one who c-called me. He punctured his fucking lung, and hit a rib. A-and...I think he might be dead, considering that theres little chance of Malie-She's a doctor-fixing him." Delilah explained.
"Is he dead right now?" Cory asked, continuing to rub Delilah's back as she fought back tears.
Delilah paused.
"No. They used that knock-you-out stuff on him-"
"Y-yeah. So basically he's in a sort of coma." Delilah said.
When Delilah finished speaking, she looked up in my direction and froze. I took the chance to speak.
"Delilah..." I said lamely.
She mouthed my name, turning as pale as a ghost. Cory looked at her, concerned.
"You okay?" He asked.
Delilah looked at him.
"Y-yeah. Just cramps, because of...You know."
"I'm so sorry they didn't make it. Must suck, 4 of your family members dead, on the same day-"
"I don't want to talk about the triplets."
Wait...4 dead? she doesn't want to talk about the triplets? Realization dawned on me. Delilah had a stillbirth! Er, three. Just then, a woman with white hair and amber eyes came in with a tray of mugs.
"Oh, my poor baby. All you've been through since Damon died." The woman said. "Does Kylia know about whats going on?"
"Nope, Leilani." Delilah said.
"Call me Aunt, really. Any friend of my babies are family." Leilani said.
"Mom..." Cory groaned.
Oh. So Leilani was Kylia and Cory's mother.
"Aunt Leilani?" Delilah asked as she sipped from the mug.
"Do you believe in ghosts?"
Leilani looked at Delilah.
"I do. But then again, I've never seen a ghost." Leilani admitted.
"I saw one a few minutes ago." Delilah pointed out.
Cory gaped at Delilah.
"He's right there, staring at us." Delilah pointed at me. "Can you move that book for me, Aaron?"
I groaned, walking over to the book she was pointing at. I picked it up, grabbing a pen. On the blank page I wrote:
Delilah, I was TRYING to watch you like a normal ghost creeper, but NO, you had to announce that I was here.

I walked over to her, placing the book in her lap.
Leilani and Cory gasped.
I opened to my note. Delilah frowned at it.
"That's Aaron all right. But..." Her voice broke. "A-are you dead?" She asked me.
I looked at myself. I was solid.
"Nope. Do I look dead? I thought this shirt made me look hot, not dead." I said, cracking a smile.
Leilani and Cory jumped.
"Did you hear that?" They asked each other.
Aaron. I promise, I'll end this whole thing with Kai, if you end the war. I swear.

I grinned in satisfaction. They'd heard me. But, in a blink of an eye, the scene faded to black.

--KAI'S POV-- (New Pov, Yay)
Delilah called me about 2 hours after we split up. I was at the house, when a chorus of howls caused my skin to crawl. Really, the wolves are HERE? Of course, one is never safe. Even if you're on Kauai. But the howl...It was a mournful

howl. I KNEW it was a risk, stealing Delilah from Santa Cruz, and bringing her to Kauai. The Hawaiian Islands are considered part of the California Wolf Pack. And last time I checked, natural wolves aren't on Kauai. Aaron's looking for Delilah then.
A sentence of howls in Morse code reached my ears. I deciphered it:
.- .- .-. --- -. ... .. -. .--- ..- .-. . -..
"Aaron's injured." I muttered the translation, a triumphant grin on my face.
I threw back my head, attempting to howl back.
--. --- --- -.. --..-- -.-. .- ..- ... . .... . .-.. .-.. -. . ...- . .-. --. . - .... . .-. -- .- - . -... .- -.-. -.- -. --- .-- .-.-.-
Good, cause he'll never get her mate back now.

It meant.

"Hey." Delilah sniffled as she got into the car.
I turned to Delilah.
"You know, huh?" I said.
Delilah nodded. I looked back at the road. The roads were almost deserted, except for the black car in front of us. Huh. Weird.
"That idiot probably hurt himself looking for you, back in Santa Cruz." I said, looking at the green light, yet the car in front of us didn't go. I honked my horn.
The car still didn't go. All I wanted to do was get the fuck home.
"Damn it. I'll be right back." I said, stepping out of the car.

I watched Kai as he got out of the car, walking up to the driver seat. He tapped on the driver's window, a scowl on his face. The next thing that happened shocked me senseless.
From the back seat, the door opened, and three teenage guys attacked Kai. Kai fought back with his claws, but was no match for the boys because of one thing: The teens were wolves. They beat him until he dropped, dragging Kai into the car. Two of the wolves stayed in the car, the third one coming up to my car, opening the door.
"Ma'am, its okay, we won't hurt you, but it is crucial that you come with us. If you want to live, of course." The teenage boy said.
Instincts took over and I unbuckled myself, kicking the wolf guy in the groin. And then I ran like a bat out of hell. Before I knew it, I was at the hotel, sobbing in Tom's arms.
"I'm such a wimp!" I cried. "They have Kai, and he's probably DEAD. Its Aaron all over again!"
Tom stroked my cheek.
"It's best that you're safe. Kai wanted you safe no matter what. He'd come back from the dead to keep you safe from the mutts. But right now, you should get something to drink, and go to bed." Tom said.
And that was what I did. When I saw the bedrooms, I froze. There were only two beds, and four people. Would I have to share with a guy?
"Tom's gonna try to share a bed with you. Same with my stupid brother, Ethan. But just go to bed." Kyo snapped.
Huh. So Kyo was related to Ethan...
Once I hit the hotel bed, exhaust hit me. My eyes were open, but I was barely aware of what was going on.
Until someone climbed in with me. I turned, expecting Kai. No, I got Tom.
I found myself snuggling against him, before falling asleep.

Chapter 8

I awoke to darkness. My whole body stung and screamed in pain, which I ignored. Where was I? Where was Delilah? The scene of who knows how long ago replayed in my head. Wolves. They took me wherever I am, and probably snagged Delilah.
"Delilah!" I cried.
I was rewarded another silence. I whined until a light flooded the room, revealing a familiar form. Agamemnon, the old Alpha.
"Kaito, its so nice to see you," Agamemnon offered me a lopsided smile.
"Cut the crap, Agamemnon, and its just Kai. So, are you going to kill me? Torture me?" I snapped.
Agamemnon smiled.
"I can't do anything. You're thinking of Aaron. He decides the punishment." Agamemnon drawled.
I frowned.
"Ah, yes, your injured Alpha. How is he?" I smirked at the shock on his face.
"Oh, well, he's better now. Been better for a few days. You've been out too long."
I hissed at the news. A few days? By now, I'm sure my father has wasted most of our troops on this war.
"We've already taken most of your population. Might as well give up now." Agamemnon continued.
My shoulders sagged.
"And the rest of my population?"
"Following your orders, which they await."
I looked up at Agamemnon.
"Tell your Alpha I surrender." I declared.

Shane rushed into my study, panting.
"Message from your father, from our prisoner." Shane announced.
"Yes?" I asked him.
"Kai says-" Shane frowned at his letter. "He says he surrenders."
I shook my head, shocked. Kai? Surrendering? I highly doubt it.
"No, seriously, whats the message?" I chuckled.
Shane frowned.
"That's what it says, Aaron. It even has his signature in blood, and Delilah's last location."
I perked up at Delilah's name. I snatched the letter from Shane. It said Delilah was at the Kauai Sands hotel, with three Sysan males. I growled.
"Always other guys in the way." I muttered.
"Should we send a few troops to receive her?" Shane asked.
I nodded.
"We should."

I awoke to the sound of a laughing child. I forced my eyes open, sitting up on the bed. In front of me, was Calico, being chased by Tom.
"Rawr, I'm gonna get you!" Tom teased, pretending to be winded. "Right after I rest."
Calico giggled, running up to my bed.
"Mommy, mommy, Uncle Tom trying to get me! But I too fast!" she giggled.
Tom came over to me.
"Good morning." He flashed me a smile.
"Heyo. Where are Ethan and Kyo?" I asked.
Tom's smile faded.
"Um...I can't really tell you with C-A-L-I-C-O-S-W-I-F-T in the room." He spelled out Calico's name.
"What in room?" Calico asked.
I just smiled at her.
"Nothing Coco. Are you hungry?" I changed the subject.
"I want ice cream!" she squealed, jumping up and down.
"How about pancakes?" Tom suggested, chuckling.
With that, Calico ran out of the room, leaving me with Tom.
"Well?" I asked.
"Um...Well, you see...Just in case you forgot, Kai was taken," I nodded. "Ethan and Kyo went looking for them, and...I didn't find their corpses until this morning. I'm so sorry that everyone is dying. But I promised Kai, I'd keep you safe. That's why I switched our hotels, changing the names on the paperwork."
Tears pricked my eyes. Kyo and Ethan were only trying to keep me safe, and they died. Just like my babies, whom I tried to keep safe.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.05.2012

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