

Aaron rolled up to the park in the SUV. He saw me, frowned, and got out of the car. I broke off running into his arms. He held me as I sobbed, his dark brunette hair tickling my own.
"He was trying to make me stay Aaron, with his stupid jock friends who were eye raping me!" I sobbed.
"Ssh. It's okay. I'll take you home." Aaron said, his olive green eyes filled with concern. "But not until you're dry."

"Ssh. It's okay. I'll take you home." I said. "But not until you're dry."
I sat swinging with her at the swings. She was just so pretty, and...Wow. I'm over here, my wolf, who I call Lyall, growling for me to take her.
Come on, what are you waiting for?

My wolf, Lyall snapped.
I can't just take her here. At a park. She's heartbroken, I thought.
That is no excuse. She won't be heartbroken if you take her!

Lyall said.
Whatever, I thought. My wolf was something I'd literally just learned about a month ago. I guess I've got a lot to learn...

After an hour of swinging in a bikini, Aaron drove me home. We pulled in the driveway, and I did something without thinking. I kissed Aaron full on the lips. I nipped it his skin, and groaned when his tongue, warm and wet, snaked into my mouth. Finally, I pushed away. I felt my face get hot, and I looked away.
"Sorry." I said.
"Don't apologize. I rather liked it." Aaron said, before looking at the clock. The small green numbers read 1:30 PM. "Shit, Daniel wanted the forms an hour ago. Go ahead Delilah. I'll be right back."
I got out of the car.
"What forms?" I asked.
"The ones for us to go back to Bianca High. Last year, remember?" Aaron said. "Bye."
Bianca High was the high school Aaron, the other guys, and I went to. It was my last year before college. Also the school Deino and Caspian went to. Woop-de-fucking-do. Note the sarcasm.
I walked inside, to be tackled by Daniel.
"Are you okay?" Daniel asked.
"No...Caspian was cheating on me." I said.
"What's the address, I'll go murder him." Daniel said, grabbing the keys to his truck.
"Stop joking." I said.
"I'm serious."
"Don't, imma give him hell." I replied, before going and sitting on the couch. More accurately, I sat on James, who was sitting on the couch.
"Get off!" James said.
"No!" I replied, grabbing James' hands, and wrapping them around my abdomen. "I'm tired, and you're really comfy."
I yawned, using James' shoulder as a pillow.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1:
I awoke in my bed, the covers pulled up under my chin. I sighed, and rolled over, to see Aaron, curled up beside me. I smiled, and his moss green eyes flicked open, staring at me.

"Good morning, virgin." I said, grinning.
"Good morning, slut." She replied.
"Ha-ha, very funny." I replied, readjusting myself.
"Oh, you know I love you." She replied, smacking my chest.
She...Loves me?

Lyall howled, fighting for control of all my body.
"Sleep good?" I asked, suppressing my wolf.
"I fell asleep on James' lap last night." Delilah replied.
Was she joking about loving me? I felt my heart shatter, and Lyall whined.
"How did you get on James' lap?" I asked, sounding jealous.
"No seats on the couch." Delilah replied, rolling out of bed.
No seats. She sits on the person in her spot. Must've been James.
"Oh. I got home, and you were in bed. I checked on Phoebe for you. Gave her a bottle." I said.
"Mmmkay." Delilah replied.
My wolf tried to take over again, but cowered. After all, this is DELILAH, I'm stuck with.
"Delilah?" Lyall asked. My wolf, Lyall, is like my other personality. In this case, it's my wolf form, suppressed when I'm human.
"Yeah?" She replied, grabbing some day clothes.

"Do you...Do you want to go out with me?" Aaron asked, his tone shy.
I froze in my tracks. Go out...With AARON?! I never thought this day would come. Even when we were 7 years old, and Aaron would always ask me out, I knew he didn't mean it. Though, I did always say yes. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try with Aaron..
"I-I guess...But can we wait a little longer?" I replied, walking into the bathroom.
"Y-Yeah!" Aaron replied happily.
"Oh and Aaron?" I called. "Can you check on the baby?"
I heard a faint yes before I turned on the water, slipping out of my pajamas.

The warm water felt good against my skin. I scrubbed the chlorine and tears off my skin as quickly as possible, and got out. Looking around my steamy bathroom, I realized I didn't grab a towel. Eh well, Aaron is gone. Might as well grab one. I cracked the door open, checking for Aaron. He was gone, just as I had thought. I swung the door open, walking to the rack of towels. I was almost there when I heard a cry of surprise. I spun around to see Aaron, red, staring at me, before averting his eyes.
"Get out!" I cried, hiding behind the rack of towels.
"S-sorry Delilah. I-I didn't realize-"
"Delilah, are you okay?" Daniel appeared in the doorway.
I grabbed the towel in front of me, covering my body. I stood up, trying not to turn red. Daniel realized why Aaron was all red.
"What the fuck?! Aaron I thought I lectured you already about this!" Daniel yelled at Aaron.
"It's my fault. I forgot a towel, and I didn't lock the door." I replied.
Daniel glared at me for a second, before going back to yelling at Aaron.
"You just decided you could waltz in here and molest my sister?" Daniel lectured Aaron.
"Imma get dressed, so get out." I commanded, shoving Daniel out, and then Aaron. He looked at me, and apologized.
"It's okay, just let me get dressed." I said, exasperated.
That was so embarrassing! It was Aaron though, and he looked away. I rushed into a strapless bra, and a red with black lace corset, that made my stomach smaller, and my boobs bigger and rounder (as a tease to the 10 boys I live with), and black short shorts, that framed my butt perfectly. I fixed my hair, taking some hair from the left front side of my head, fishtail braiding it, and framing it like a crown around my forehead, sweeping over my right ear, and clipping it to the rest of my hair, which was in a fancy bun. This was one of the few things I could do with my wavy-curly red hair. I put on some eyeliner, sweeping to make my eyes look like a cat's. I threw on some bright-red lipstick, and glided over to the shoe rack, feeling like a cross between royalty, and a pirate. I scanned my shoe rack. I decided on a pair of red flats, slipping them on, and walking out. I walked to Phoebe's room. Her room was painted a pale pink, everything baby-proofed. She was curled up in the crib, staring intently at the mobile above her crib, until she saw me. She gasped and hiccuped at my presence as I picked her up, changing her diaper. She seemed to always greet me with a gasp and a hiccup. The thought made me giggle.
"You're so cute Phoebe." I cooed in a baby voice.
I went into the mini fridge with her formula. I pulled a bottle out, shaking it up. Phoebe stared at it like how she stared at the mobile. I smiled, feeding her.

I walked down the stairs, quietly walking into the living room, where the guys sat. There was Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, James, Justin, Christopher, Liam, Darwin, and Austin. They were watching some sort of movie, but when I saw Gavin drooling, I cleared my throat, hoping they would turn off whatever porn they were watching.
Their heads whipped sideways, a sea of blonde, brown, black, and red along the giant couch. Kevin was Spanish, with mocha skin to match his brown-black hair and blue eyes. Gavin had golden hair, with gray eyes to match. Austin and James were twins, both having pale red hair, and light blue eyes. Conner had black hair, with blonde dyed tips, and brown eyes. Josh and Justin were siblings, but Josh had black curly hair, and was a little shorter, with gray eyes, while Justin had brown hair and hazel eyes. Christopher had blonde hair, with dark black eyes. Liam had red hair, and golden eyes. Darwin had green eyes, that made his black hair look dark. I saw James' eyes take in my outfit, along with my body, and he gulped, rushing to take out the movie.
"You're up early." James said, sounding nervous.
"Oh, I am? I'm just going to get breakfast somewhere." I said, grabbing my black purse and heading for the red door that lead to the huge garage.
"Wait! I'll go with you." Gavin said.
"No, me." Austin said.
"No, me." Josh said.
"Me! I'm going!" Kevin said.
And just like that, it erupted into a fit of yelling and arguing.
"AARON WILL GO WITH ME IF YOU ALL DON'T SHUT UP!" I yelled, causing them to go quiet.
"Who really is hungry, or do you all just wanna come because I look hot?" I snapped.
Aaron came bounding down the stairs in jeans and a white button down shirt, a few of the buttons undone.
"I'm hungry." He said, fighting at the buttons.
"NOT FAIR!" Gavin shouted.
"Fine Gavin, you can come with." I said, before rounding onto Aaron. "What do you want?" I snapped.
"Anything. I'm just starving over here." Aaron said, before stalking off.
I checked my clock. It was 6:00 AM, and nothing here opened until 9:00 AM.
"It's actually too early to go anywhere anyways. I'll just wait." I said, stealing the remote from Josh.
"Oh come on babe, I wanna watch TV." Josh begged.
"Daniel said nothing inappropriate when she's awake remember?" Aaron grumbled, walking up the stairs.
Josh sighed, and I changed the channel to Worlds Dumbest Partiers 9. I looked for a place to sit, but there was no where for me. I decided to sit on Gavin's lap, since he had my spot, on the left edge. I snuggled up against Gavin, as his arms went around my waist.
"NOT FAIR! You're single again and you let GAVIN touch you?!" The guys protested.
"He took my spot, and I want to sit in my spot on the couch." I said, resting my head on Gavin's shoulder.
"Now what bitches." Gavin laughed at the other guys.
"Don't worry, you babies. I ain't gun do anything." I said, facing Gavin. He gulped, looking nervously at my breasts.
"Delilah, can you get off?" He asked.
"Why, you don't like me touching you?" I asked, squishing my body closer against Gavin.
I heard the guys laughing at Gavin's reaction, but the next thing I know, Gavin's lips are locked with mine, and Gavin's manhood is poking at the area between my legs, which are covered by my jeans (thank god). That quieted the guys. I grabbed Gavin's neck, forcing his lips away from me. I scrambled off of Gavin, falling onto the floor, back first. The guys stared at me, confused.
"Stop fucking staring at me." I snapped.
"Here." James reached down, helping me up.
I glared daggers at Gavin, who was positioned to hide his erection.
"I'm gonna kill you." I said.
Gavin gulped, before defending himself.
"I told you to get off, but you didn't listen." Gavin shrugged.
"Do you ever get tired of having blonde hair?" I asked innocently.
"No, I love my hair." Gavin blurted, before realizing why I was asking. "You wouldn't."
"You're right, I wouldn't." I said, before taking a deep breath and screaming. Then I yelled. "DANIEL!!!" I shrieked.
Gavin turned pale, and tried to bolt. I grabbed him by the neck, and held him on my lap. Daniel came running.
"H-he t-tried to rape me." I fake sobbed, letting go of Gavin. "A-and, they just watched, Daniel."
Daniel rounded on Gavin. Gavin fled, running down the hall. Daniel followed.
"First Aaron, now you..." Daniel grumbled, before running out of view. The guys paled.
"And that, is why you don't try anything on me. Daniel is the first torture. The next is much, much worse than you can imagine." I said, my voice somewhere between frightening, and seductive.
"Spawn of Satan." Justin fake coughed.
"I can hear you." I sang, walking into the kitchen.

An hour later, Gavin came back with bruises on him, and a black eye.
"You are an evil bitch." He said, before sitting down.
"I love you too." I called from the kitchen where I sat, doing Sudoku.
"Daniel beat the crap outta Gavin?" Aaron's voice made me jump, a graphite line across the Sudoku page.
"Asshole." I said. "And yes."
"Don't make someone else pay for what is." Aaron said, sitting next to me.
"Wow, you sound...Intelligent." I said, truly shocked. Aaron never sounded this smart.
"It happens before I get my coffee. Stupid English ancestors." Aaron said.
"Hey, don't be mean to your ancestors. Thank the 1878 hot guy with the black hair and green eyes who caused you to look how you do." I said.
"Fine." Aaron grumbled.
"I wanna go swimming." James announced out of nowhere.
"Then let there be swimming!" I said, before bounding up to my room. On my bed, was someone I wasn't expecting. Caspian. He looked up, seeing me, and gave me an apologetic look. Something about him was off, but I didn't know what.
"Delilah-" Caspian got up.
I let out a shriek.
"GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" I screamed, my words mixing.
Caspian bolted over to me, covering my mouth with his hand.
"Ssh. Delilah. I'm sorry. Okay? Can't we just talk about it?" Caspian asked, running a hand through his blonde hair. Wait, blonde? CASPIAN HAD DYED HIS BLUE HAIR BLONDE!
"No!" I started to scream, but Caspian picked me up, throwing me onto the bed. He got on top of me, straddling my legs with his, his arms forming a cage by my head.
"Delilah, please. I'm sorry. What more do I need to do for you to forgive me?" Caspian asked.
"Delilah, are you okay-" It was Gavin.
The next thing I knew, Gavin had Caspian under his foot. Even though Gavin was bruised, he could still fight. I scrambled up.
"It's not what it looks like, I swear. I was just-" Caspian broke off when Gavin applied pressure to Caspian's chest.
"Get out, and don't ever come back." Gavin growled, taking his foot off of Caspian. Caspian climbed out my window, like a monkey.
"Thank you." I said, hugging Gavin. "I'm sorry about your face."
I buried my head in Gavin's chest and sobbed as I was held.

Chapter 2

After half an hour of sobbing, I let go of Gavin, who looked at me, an apology in his eyes.
"I'm fine." I said.
"You sure?" He asked, worry clear in his voice.
"Yes Gavin, I'm fine. Come on, before Daniel catches you. Remember, no boys in my room, besides him." I said.
"I see Aaron coming out of here every day." Gavin remarked.
"Try telling Aaron what to do. Ain't gunna work." I sighed, walking with Gavin downstairs.
I met up with the guys. Daniel saw I had been crying, and that Gavin was with me. Uh-oh.
"What did you do?" Daniel's protective older brother voice turned angry. "Did you hurt her?"
"D-Daniel, it's not like that-"
"Caspian snuck into my room, and held me down onto my bed, don't know why. Gavin beat the crap outta Caspian. I cried because Caspian hurt me. The end." I blurted, annoyed with my only brother.
Daniel's gaze softened as he looked at me.
"That's all?" Daniel asked.
I nodded.
"Oh...Sorry Gavin. We're all going to go to Denny's. Ya two are coming cus I ain't leaving ya two alone." Daniel said, dragging us into the SUV. The SUV we went in can fit 11, which meant I had to sit on someone's lap. Gavin literally begged me to not sit on his lap. I ended up on Aaron's lap, after 15 minutes of arguing. His arms wrapped around my waist, and he nuzzled my neck.
"Not fair." The other guys moaned.
"Sorry, I didn't realize it was so amazing to have an ugly ass bitch like me on your lap." I snapped. "Maybe on the way back."
I scooted back further into Aaron, causing him to grunt.
"Easy. What'ya trying to do, neuter me?" He asked, pushing me away.
"Maybe." I grumbled.
The other guys laughed.
"Turn on the radio!" I screeched at Daniel, who put on the radio, grumbling something inaudible.
It was at the end of a song, and then it went to Starships by Nicki Minaj.
"TURN IT UP!" I screeched.
I got my wish. I sang along to the song.

"RedOne...Let's go to the beach, each
Let's go get away
They say, what they gonna say?
Have a drink, clink, found the bud light
Bad b-tches like me, is hard to come by
The patron on, let's go get it on
The zone on, yes, I'm in the zone
Is it two, three? Leave a good tip
I'mma blow off my money and don't give two sh-ts

I'm on the floor, floor
I love to dance
So give me more more, till I can't stand
Get on the floor, floor
Like it's your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Can't stop, 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Can't stop..

(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)
(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)
(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)

Jump in my hoopty hoopty hoop
I own that
And I ain't paying my rent this month
I owe that
But f-ck who you want, and f-ck who you like
Dance our life, there's no end in sight
Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Now everybody let me hear you say ray ray ray
Now spend all your money 'cause they pay pay pay
And if you're a G, you a G,G,G!
My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki

Get on the floor, floor
Like it's your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Can't stop, 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Can't stop..

(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)
(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)
(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Can't stop, 'cause we're so high
Let's do this one more time

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up, and touch the sky
Let's do this one last time
Can't stop..

(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)
(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)
(We're higher than a motherf-ck-r)"

At the end of the song, the guys stared at me.
"You do realize what that song is about, right?" Liam asked.
"Fuck you." I snapped.
"Actually, you're right. It is about females prostituting, since you said 'fuck you'." Aaron said to the back of my head.
"Bitches." I muttered.
"Love you too." The guys sang.
"Ly, it's your boyfriend on the radio!" Daniel teased, as All American Rejects came on, with Beekeeper's Daughter.
"OOOH! TURN IT UP!" I screeched.
I sang along to the song.

"I’ve been goin’ a thousand ways
Choked a hundred hearts in half as many days
Oh no, I think so
And I get so lost inside this city
You ugly girls all look so pretty, it’s true
What am I supposed to do?

I still got you waitin’
Look out your window
What do you see?
You don’t see me

You’re a pretty little flower
I’m a busy little bee
Honey, that’s all you need to see
I can take you for an hour
But then I’m gonna leave
Honey I know you’ll wait for me


You’re all alone but you understand
That we’re too young to start making plans agreein’
Monogamy’s not a part of me
And I know my line and is just a sin
But I swear to you I’m gonna do it again
I’m not making any friends

I just wanted you to wait
There out your window
What do you see?
You don’t see me

Cause you’re a pretty little flower
But I’m a busy little bee
Honey, that’s all you need to see
I can take you for an hour
Baby then I’m gonna leave
Honey I know you’ll wait for me

Laaadadadadaaa ladadadaadadadadaaa

Pulled out your picture the other day
(Oh isn’t that sweet)
You didn’t have that much to say
(Cause it wasn't even me)
Cause I know that you said
I’m better off on my own and I’m better off dead

I just want you there to wait
Look out your window
What do you see?
You don’t see me

Come on, come on, come on
Pretty little flower
I’m a busy little bee
Honey that’s all you need to see
I can take you for an hour
Maybe two or maybe three
Honey, I know you’ll wait for me

Laaadadadadaaa ladadadaadadadadaaa

Honey, that’s all you had to."

"Horrible as usual." Aaron said.
"You jealous that I like a singer better than you?" I replied.
"...No." Aaron whined.
"Sure." I rolled my eyes.
Daniel pulled into the parking lot, and I climbed out. I looked at the door, and saw Kylia with her boyfriend, Lloyd.
"KYLIA, LLOYD!!!" I screeched, getting their attention.
Kylia's head flicked around, and she saw me. Kylia was a little shorter than I, with amber-yellow tendrils and curls of hair, that fell to her butt. Her eyes were supposed to be blue, but changed with what she wore. Today they were a gray-green. She wore a black sleeveless shirt, that only covered her breasts, and a pair of jean shorts, that were longer than mine. She had on Locals black hawaiian sandals. Lloyd had blonde hair that was more yellow than amber-yellow, and was short and straight. He had hazel eyes that liked to change colors. Today they were gold. He was tan, while Kylia was fairly light. Kylia squeaked my name, waving like a maniac. The other guys piled out of the car, and Daniel put a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump.
"Can we sit with them?" I asked, grinning.
"Sure." Daniel shrugged.
I zipped over to Kylia, attacking her with a hug.
"I MISSED YOU!" I squeaked.
"When did you move back in with your brother and the 10 most popular, most perverted guys in the school?" Kylia asked.
"Um...A month ago. I also broke my leg a month ago, but it healed quickly." I said.
I hugged Lloyd.
Lloyd was one of my friends, considering that I have my own little group. There is Cecily with her BF Ryder, Kylia with Lloyd, Chalice and her older brother Drake, Maraleigh, Ivy, Desitiny, Paris and Brazil, who are twins. Paris is a girl, while Brazil is a boy. I couldn't wait to be with them again.
"Hi Lys Bear." Lloyd said, calling me by my annoying nickname. I was nicknamed Lys, since it meant Lily. I was originally known as Lila Bear, or Lily Bear, so eventually, Mr.Frenchy-French Lloyd, took up on calling me Lys Bear. It just stuck with my group.
"Hi Lloyd." I said, annoyance in my voice, letting go of Lloyd.
"So...How's your life so far?" I asked.
"Horrible." Lloyd answered, laughing. "Hey guys."
Daniel, Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, James, Justin, Christopher, Liam, Darwin, and Austin greeted Lloyd and Kylia.
"I'll kick your ass if you guys are mean to Lys Bear." Kylia blurted, which caused the guys to laugh. I giggled.
"Ky, their as harmful as Blubeau." I said. Blubeau was her black cat that was adorable, and ultimately harmless, with no claws, and tiny dull fangs.
Kylia giggled.
"Hey, don't compare us to a cat!" Aaron whined.
"Shut your face." I said, with complete sincerity.
The other guys cracked up.
"Oh, I DO NOT know what to say to that." Aaron said, as if he were angry and threatening me.
"Come on, I'm DYING!" Gavin groaned.
"Aww...Is the baby hungey?" I asked.
"Not funny." Gavin grumbled.
I walked inside with Kylia, Lloyd, Daniel, Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, James, Justin, Christopher, Liam, Darwin, and Austin. A pretty, asian waitress helped us find a table big enough for all of us, and gave us our menus.
"I'm Calllysssa, your waitressss for today. Can I ssstart you off with anything to drink?" The waitress said, hissing the 's'es and lingering on the 'l's.
There was a chorus of common drinks, a few wines, and me, I got a pineapple dream, which is pineapple juice mixed with sprite. Gavin stole my chair, so I sat on Aaron's lap.
"Aaron, he took my chair!" I whined.
"I'm fine with you on my lap." He said, shrugging. I sat on his lap, letting him rest his head on my shoulder to see the menu.
"Lys Bear, you didn't say you were dating Aaron." Kylia said.
I nearly fell off of Aaron.
"W-what?! I-I'm not-" I blanched.
"They're not, becuase I would kill Aaron if they were or are." Daniel said around the menu.
I decided on sharing a burger with Aaron.
When Aaron ordered, and the waitress skittered off, everyone looked at us funny.
"I'm a skinny ass bitch okay, I can't finish it by myself." I snapped.
"I like burgers." Aaron stated.
"I think you two would be cute together." Lloyd said.
Everyone looked at Lloyd. Last spring, Lloyd was all against me having a little crush on Aaron, and now he's saying we'd be cute together?
"I know, shocking. I change my mind, a lot. But I'm sure the rest of the group would agree that Lys Bear would be cute with Aaron." Lloyd said.
"STOP CALLING ME LYS BEAR!" I snapped playfully.
"We love you too." Kylia said, giggling.

Upon getting the food, Aaron inhaled the burger, not giving me any, so I took the fries.
"Not fair!" Aaron whined.
I shoved a french fry into his mouth.
"Oh shut up and eat, you black hole." I snapped, which caused everyone to laugh.
"Fine." Aaron grumbled around a handful of fries.
"So...Kylia, Lloyd, have either of you been in contact with the group?" I asked, before nibbling on a fry.
"Yep. Cess missed you. You're the funniest one, and what's life without fun?" Kylia asked.
"ut oodun at ake eh-il-ee uh ih-tee-us?" Lloyd asked aroud his food.
"What?" Kylia asked.
"But wouldn't that make Cecily the prettiest?" Lloyd asked.
"Hey!" Kylia and I protested.
"Hey, Lys Bear you're the humorous one, Ky is the smart one, and that makes Cess the prettiest one." Lloyd said.
"Wrong." Aaron chimed.
I turned and looked him in his olive green eyes, confused.
"People have more than one trait. One can't be pretty. One can't be smart. One can't be funny. One just is." Aaron stated.
I covered my ears and groaned.
"HE'S TALKING SMART AGAIN MAKE IT STOP!!!" I cried, as if it both pained me and scared me.
The guys laughed, except for Aaron.
"So...You know school starts next week right?" Kylia asked.
"NEXT WEEK!" I cried.
I turned to Daniel.
"Phoebe Grace..." I started.
"Being taken by mom in the mornings." Daniel replied.
"Phoebe Grace?" Kylia asked.
"Child she is...Babysitting." Daniel replied.
"Oh." Kylia said, before looking at the clock. "Oh crap, can you pay for us? I'll pay you back ASAP. Gotta go. Come on Lloyd!" Kylia dragged Lloyd out.
"Ah...My friends are weird." I said.
The guys muttered in agreement.
The waitress came back to our table.
"Howsss everything going?" She asked.
"Good, thank you. Can we get the check?" Daniel replied, sounding formal.
"ssssure handsssome. You ssssingllle?" She said, setting the check down.
"Nope." Daniel said, grabbing the check, and walking to the cashier, and paying.
The waitress looked embarrassed, before scurrying off.
Aaron's breath was hot in my right ear, which caused me to jump.
"What about you princessss? You ssssingllle?" Aaron whispered.
I giggled.
"Kidding. Her voice was just more like a snake." Aaron said.
The guys stared at us.
"What?" I asked.
"N-nothing." They said, looking away.
"Wanna go to the beach?" Daniel's voice made me fall off of Aaron's lap, which caused the guys to laugh. I ignored Aaron's hand, and jumped up, walking with the guys to the car.
"OOH! BEACH!" I exclaimed when we were outside.
"I wanna go." Justin said.
"Me too." Christopher said.
"Me too." Darwin said.
"We have a pool, but, what the heck." Kevin said.
"Us three!" James, Austin, and Conner said at the same time.
"Eh..." Gavin, Josh, James, and Liam said, unsure.
"Oh come on, like you guys are going to skip seeing me in a bikini." I said, rolling my eyes.
"TO THE BEACH!" Gavin, Josh, James, and Liam exclaimed.
I ended up on Austin's lap, who was touchy-feely. His hand made it to my crotch three times, each time I smacked his hand away. I swivled around, facing him, glaring into his ice blue eyes.
He tried to give me the puppy-dog eyes, but I surprised him by forcing his mouth against mine, kissing him. His gasp turned into a moan as I nipped at his lip. I pushed back.
"Now stop touching me there." I snapped.
Austin nodded, looking away shamefully.
"Where was he touching you?" Daniel's protective older brother voice came back.
"Don't worry. If he tries it again, no more physical or verbal contact. Heck, I'll stop wearing bikinis." I said.
All the guys (except for Daniel, who stifled a laugh) squeaked like a kicked puppy.
I glanced at all of them.
"So don't touch me if I don't allow it, okay?" My voice was happy and girly.
All of the guys, (besides Daniel) nodded a yes.
Daniel pulled into the massive garage.
"Go get changed." He ordered and we all scurried out.

Chapter 3

After grabbing the green strapless bikini I borrowed from Deino and putting it on in place of my bra and panties, I put my corset and shorts back on. I switched my flats for my Locals Candy-red Hawaiian sandals, and walked out, my beach-bag filled and in hand.
We all drove different cars. I ended up in Aaron's topless maroon sahara jeep, since I was the last one to change. I sat shotgun, and Aaron grinned at the other cars, his hand on my left thigh. We drove off to the beach/boardwalk.
My phone rang. It was Austin.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Well his hand isn't on my crotch." I snapped.
"...Not fair..." Austin grumbled.
"Austin please don't be angry. There's only one of me and 9 other guys." I said, my tone a seductive purr.
I heard Aaron stifling a laugh.
"Fine, but you gotta go walk around the boardwalk with me, ALONE." Austin said.
I heard proteseting in the background, and giggled.
"Fine. Will you get me a stuffed animal?" I asked.
"...Maybe." Austin said, obviously pleased. "Gotta go, the guys are trying to take the phone. See ya."
"Bye. Tell the guys I say hi and that I love them!" I said, before hanging up and giggling.
"They jealous?" Aaron shouted over the wind, his hand creeping towards my crotch.
"Move your hand." I replied.
Aaron obeyed. Aaron pulled into a parking space, grabbing our stuff, and running to the SUV.
I was tackled by jealous perverts.
"Not fair!" Austin whined.
"We already had this discussion." I snapped. "There is a freaking huge beach just a few steps away with OTHER girls. Go find one. I wanna swim."
I ran to the beach, finding a huge space for all of our stuff. I took off my cover up clothes, before noticing a group of guys (that weren't MY group of guys) staring at me. I waved, before grabbing sunscreen, and putting it on. My group of guys were slower than rocks in sand, picking their way towards me. One of the guys who had been staring at me came over when I got up. He was tall, with curly brown hair, and tan skin. His eyes were blue, bringing out the darkness of his hair.
"Hey." He said, his hands in his swimtrunk pockets.
His accent was cute, sounding spanish. Ah, a boy from Spain.
"Hi." I said.
"You here alone?" The boy asked.
"No, came with my brother and his friends." I said.
"Wanna hang with us?" Another guy from the group called, in the middle of a beach V-ball game.
"Sure, why not?" I shrugged, taking the spanish boy's hand.
"I'm Leo by the way." The spanish boy, Leo, said.
"I'm Delilah." I said.
We reached the group of boys. The other boy who called out to me had wheat-blonde hair, and sunglasses. He took off his sunglasses, to reveal heterochromia eyes. One was blue, the other brown. He looked at me and froze, putting his sunglasses on his head.
"Demitri, we found another of your alien kind, and she. Is. Hot." Leo joked.
The heterochromia boy stopped the V-ball game coming over to me.
"Are your eyes real?" He asked, blinking his own heterochromia eyes.
"Of course. Why wouldn't they be?" I asked.
"Damn, you're right. From far away her eyes look blue." Demitri said.
"Can I hang with you guys still, or did you bring me over here to gawk at my eyes." I asked, a tad bit annoyed.
"Yeah, you can stay." Demitri said, taking my hand, and leading me to a sand patch near the water, where the tide can lap at your feet.
"So, what's your name?" Demitri asked.
"Delilah." I replied.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl." Demitri said.
With a pang of sadness, I realized, it sounded like something Caspian would say.
I frowned getting up, brushing sand off my legs, and starting to walk away. I tried to hide my tears.
"Hey, babe wait. Did I say something?" Demitri asked, his hand on my shoulder.
"You sounded like my EX." I said.
"I didn't realize-" I cut Demitri off.
"I know. It's okay. I better check in with my brother before hell breaks loose." I said.
"Gonna come back? You promise?" Demitri asked.
"Promise." I said, before running back to my beach spot.
"Who's that?" Daniel, and about half of the guys snapped.
"A fellow heterochromia alien." I replied, grabbing a can of sprite. "Just telling you I wasn't taken back to our kind. Bye!" I said, before hurrying back to Demitri, who saw the group of boys I was talking with.
"And they are...?" Demitri asked.
"My brother and his friends. My temporary family." I replied, opening the can of sprite. Demitri grabbed it from me.
"Hey!" I said, trying to grab it from Demitri.
"I just wanna sip." Demitri said.
I pouted as he took a drink. When I got it back, Demetri had drained half the can. I had an idea. I pulled Demitri's face close to mine, as if I were going to kiss him, but stole his sunglasses. He blinked his eyes, confused.
"Hey!" He said, trying to grab the sunglasses back. I put them on, sticking my tongue out, before running toward Leo. I looked back at Demitri for a second, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground, on top of Leo. I giggled sitting up.
"Sorry." I said.
"...Nah. It's okay. I rather like girls on top of me." Leo said.
I felt my cheeks get hot, which caused Leo to smirk. I scrmabled up, before Demitri could reach me. I ran towards my beach towel. I almost reached it when Demitri was right behind me. I ran up to the towel, where the guys saw me with Demitri's sunglasses. The next thing I knew, Aaron had me pinned down, and I shrieked.
"NOT FAIR! MY GAME!" I shouted, as Aaron grabbed the sunglasses, handing them to Demitri, who was laughing.
"Thanks, man." Demitri said to Aaron.
"I was just playing. I was gonna give em back." I pouted.
"Sure." Aaron rolled his eyes, helping me up.
Demitri grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the boardwalk.
"Sorry." I said.
"You're lucky you didn't break those. Leo would kill you. I'm borrowing them from him. They're worth 300 dollars." Demitri said. "So...What school are you in?"
"Bianca High. You?" I answered.
"I'm being transferred to Bianca...Wait, you're going to BIANCA HIGH?" Demitri replied.
I nodded.
"At least I'm being transferred to your school." Demitri said.
We walked by one of those boardwalk games, where you knock down those pins to win a stuffed animal.
"Hey man, would you like to win a prize for your girl?" The game worker asked.
Demitri looked at me.
"Get me a stuffed animal?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.
"Sure. How much?" Demitri pulled a black leather wallet out of his pockets.
"3 dollars for 4 tries. Knock down one set of pins, you get a small prize, two set a medium, three sets a large." the game worker said.
Demitri paid, got four baseballs, and threw the first one. With only one ball, he knocked a set over. He went to the next one, knocking that one down with one ball. He was at the last set. He threw, but knocked most of the set over. One pin was left. Demitri had one baseball left. Demitri threw the ball, knocking the last pin down.
"Wow, no one's ever knocked three sets down before. What would you like?" The game worker asked.
Demitri turned to me.
"Um...The black bear with the red nose please." I said.
The game worker handed me a giant stuffed bear, that was extremely soft.
I hugged it to my chest, grabbing Demitri's hand.
"Thank you." I said, as we walked past the haunted house.
"Wanna go on a rollercoaster?" Demitri asked.
"Sure." I replied, squeezing his hand.
We walked to the nearest rollercoaster. The wait was an hour, so we went on a few other rides.
"You hungry?" Demitri asked.
"ICE CREAM!" I exclaimed, seeing a Dippin Dots stand. "Wanna get some to share?"
Demitri got me banana split Dippin Dots, and we shared it.
We rode the rollercoaster, the whole time I gripped onto Demitri's strong arms.
By the time I got back to Daniel, giggling with Demitri, Daniel was about ready to rip Demitri's head off.
"Where have you two been?" Daniel snapped.
"Boardwalk." Demitri answered.
"I thought you were GONE! You were missing for 3 HOURS!" Daniel scolded.
"Danny, I sorry." I sniffled, like a little kid.
"Fake tears ain't gonna work." Daniel snapped.
"Fine, if you're gonna be mean I'M SURE I CAN FIND A PLACE TO STAY AT FOR THE NIGHT!" I called, dragging Demitri away.
"That's a mean brother." Demitri said.
"He thought you'd abducted and raped me, I'm guessing. He's nice most of the time." I replied. "I just have times where I need to be away from him. I've gotta reserve a room at a hotel I guess. Or call Ky, but Lloyd might be over...Chalice and Drake are nearby...But Cam is with them...Oh well. Cam isn't hard to deal with."
"We should hang out again." Demitri said.
"Sure." I said, opening up my phone.
Demitri filled in the information, giving me his number.
"You promise no fake numbers?" Demitri asked when I put my REAL number in his phone.
"Promise. I like you. Better than I liked my Ex before I caught him cheating." I said, handing him his phone.
"Bye." I said, turning, ready to walk away.
To my surprise, Demitri pulled me back, spun me around, and kissed me on the lips. My gasp was muffled by his lips. I shoved at him, tripping, and landing on my butt.
"S-sorry." Demitri said, his cheeks red. He scurried off, after a glance towards my brother, who was getting up, ready to beat the crap out of Demitri.
"Stop." I said, staggering up and stopping Daniel. He wiped my lips off, cursing Demitri as he did so. He tried to get me to walk back to the group, but I protested, so he picked me up, carrying me like a baby.
"Okay okay, I'm not four. I know how to walk." I giggled.
"You like him, huh?" Daniel set me down.
"A little. But I know you'd sooner let me date one of your friends." I said.
"True. Don't ever see him again, or I'll threaten him, and I'll let Aaron have you." Daniel said.
I giggled.
"Hey." The guys said, though Aaron said it as if he were jealous.
"I know I know blah blah blah. I'm skipping the lecture, kay?" I said, grabbing a sprite can, and opening it.
"I'm jealous." Aaron announced, shocking me. Aaron? Jealous? Of Demitri? Aaron was NEVER serious about a girl, ever. All the guys turned and looked at Aaron, who looked at me.
"I'm...Imma go see if I can stay with Chalice and Drake." I said, looking at my phone.
"You don't understand. Typical." Aaron grumbled, walking off.
I grabbed my phone, dialing Chalice's number.
"Heeeello, Chalice here, leave a message after the beep. If you're Lys Bear, I'll answer. If you're the FBI, I won't." Chalice's voicemail said. There was a beep, and I began to leave a message.
"Hey, Cha-chi, it's me, Lys Bear. I was wondering if I could spend the night over there, since my day has been really complicated, with angry brothers and jealous pervs and stuff, so yeah. Please please PLEASE call me back. Peace." I said.
I then tried Drake's number. I got HIS voicemail too. I left a message, leaving out the angry brothers and jealous pervs and such part. Drake is a guy, he doesn't need that info. I was left with one option left; to call Beau, Drake's ferternal twin. (A/N: Ferternal is when there are twins, but they aren't identical)
"Heeello?" Beau answered.
"Hey Beau, it's Lys Bear. Are Drake and Chalice there?" I asked.
Beau and Drake are a year younger than me, but Drake is a little older mentally. Beau, has black hair and green eyes, unlike Chalice and Drake, who both have blonde hair and green eyes. Beau has a huge, major crush on me.
"Yeah...?" Beau answered.
"I couldn't get a hold of them, and wanted to know if I could stay the night." I said.
"Y-yeah! Sure! I'm sure Cha-chi and Drake wouldn't mind you coming over." Beau said, sounding hopeful.
"Great. Um...Do you think you can pick me up? I'm at the beach next to the boardwalk. I got into a fight with my brother and his friends and I don't want to deal with them." I said.
"Sure. I'll pick you up. Just to let you know, Cha-chi and Drake have their date's over, so you may only have the couch to sleep on." Beau said.
"Thank you, oh thank you I love you." I said. "I thought I'd have to resort to dealing with Cecily."
Beau laughed.
"Okay. See ya in a few."
"Ya too." I said, before hanging up.

Chapter 4

After being picked up by Beau, he drove to the brown cookie-cutter house he lives in with Drake and Chalice. Beau helped me with my beachbag. We walked in, to see Drake and Chalice, making out with their dates, both blondes with blue eyes.
"I'm back." Beau said, but Chalice, Drake, and the dates didn't pay attention.
"Hi Cha-chi, Drake. If you need me, I'll be with Beau, having sex." I said.
That caught their attention.
"WHAT?!" Cha-chi shrieked as Beau doubled over, laughing.
"Kidding. I was getting sick from watching you suck face with your dates." I said, giggling. "But seriously, I'll be with Beau."
I dragged Beau with me down the hall, and he stopped at his door. He opened it, pulling me in, and closing the door.
"You made me sound like a jerk, saying that I'd actually-"
"Oh, I know you want to." I cut him off, lust stirring in my chest. "Can I change in here, or are you going to force me to walk all the way to the bathroom."
Beau turned red.
"Don't hide it, I know you want to. Chalice has told me how you like me." I said, taking my bikini top off, with Beau still looking. He turned even redder, trying to turn away, but kept on looking back at my bare breasts. I walked over to my beach bag, grabbing my bra, and underwear. I took off my bikini bottoms, and pulled out the rest of my clothes. The next thing I knew, I was under Beau on his bed, my lips locked with his, as his hands traced my naked body. I moaned, nipping at his lips. He deepened the kiss, his tongue probing my mouth. I pushed him away, but his lips met my jaw. He began sucking on my jaw, sucking on my jaw harder and harder. I couldn't help but moan, which caused him to suck on my jaw harder. He pulled back, smirking, before trailing kisses down my neck, to my breasts. I moaned again. When his mouth left my breasts, he had given my left breast a hickey! His hands scrambled against the rim of his shirt, as he slipped it off entirely. His lips met mine again, and we kissed for a few more minutes. A gasp broke us apart. Chalice was standing in the doorway, standing shocked at us.
"Ch-Chalice, w-why are you in here?" Beau scrambled up, blocking Chalice's view as I threw on his shirt.
"WHAT THE FUCK, BEAU!?" She shouted. Drake came running in, looked at me, and rounded on Beau.
I put a hand to my jaw. There was a spot about the size of a quarter, that was warm and wet. What is so great about giving me hickeys?
"What does that have to do with anything?" Drake snapped.
"Because it bugged me, and I wanted to get back at you!" I shouted, surprising them.
"So you were trying to get laid?" Chalice snapped.
"Cha-chi, he's your brother, not your child. And he started it, and I LET HIM!" I shouted. "I knew I had no where to go. Fuck this, I'll spend the night in an alley." I muttered, grabbing my clothes, and throwing them on. I tried walking past Chalice and Drake, but they stopped me.
"What happened?" Chalice asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I didn't matter. I tried calling you two three times each, but apparently sucking face was more important than your freezing best-friend." I snapped, pushing past them, leaving the beach bag there. I was at the front door, when they stopped me.
"Sorry." Chalice said. "We're horrible friends. We know your mother was beating you all Summer, and we left you alone. And if you couldn't even stay with Daniel, we should have been nicer. It just surprised me that you and Beau..."
Chalice trailed off, tears in her eyes.
"I'm a bitch, I know, now let me go find an alley to sleep in." I snapped.
"Delilah." Beau's voice made me jump. He was behind Chalice.
"Fine. But Cha-chi, you and Drake have the blondies, so I'm stuck on the couch." I said, sighing.
"No." Beau said. "I'll sleep on the couch."
"No." I snapped. "I'll sleep in an alley."
"Fine then, I'll SHARE my bed WITH you." Beau pouted.
"Yeah, hells to the no." Chalice said.
"Cha-chi..." I made a puppy-dog face.
"Beau, no funny business, because I'll tell Daniel, and he'll neuter you." Chalice said.
I made another puppy-dog face.
"Pleeeease." I said.
Beau raised an eyebrow at me.
"Fine, I won't tell, if you buy us all breakfast." Chalice said.
"Deal!" I said, grabbing Beau's hand.
I walked with Beau to his room. I stopped at the door.
"I wanna steal something of yours." He whispered, pushing me against the wall. He unbuttoned my shorts, and unzipped them, showing my lace panties. He licked the area where he left me a hickey on my jaw, and kissed it, forcing a moan out of my mouth. His hand started undoing the ties on the red corset I wore, and he almost had it off, when a disgusted voice snapped us apart.
"Ugh, next time, make sure you guys ARE IN A BEDROOM before you start sex." It was Chalice.
"Cha-chi...Sorry." Beau bowed his head, sarcasm in his voice.
"I'm serious Bowen Anwyl!" Chalice said, saying Beau's full name.
"I know Chalice Anwyl!" Beau mocked Chalice.
"Just go fuck her in your room, will you?" Chalice snapped.
"On second thought, I need to figure out how to hide this from Daniel." I said, pointing at the quarter-sized hickey on my jaw.
"Oh, I know how." Chalice said, grabbing me away from Beau. "But get in jammies Lys Bear."
"Fine." I said, running into Beau's room, and throwing on a pair of pink girl's boxers pajamas that were loose and short, and a black tank top that was low cut. I walked out, to be attacked by Chalice, who dragged Beau and I to the kitchen. I was seated at a chair, as I watched Chalice.
She grabbed a bowl, and put some water in it. She mixed it with some blush (she and I have the same skin tone) and some sugar and honey. She took olive oil and mixed it in. Chalice mixed in some avocado, and some more blush. She mixed it up and threw it in the freezer, laughing at my confused expression. (A/N: Do not make this at home)
"It helps, trust me." She said, before taking it out. She came over to me, scooping out a handful, and slathering it on my jaw. The mixture was a tan-green color, and smelled a lot like rotting garbage, but I focused on breathing through my mouth, so the smell wouldn't bother me. She placed a napkin against my jaw, and ordered me to hold it against my jaw. She set the stove timer for 5 minutes, and I sat there, talking with Chalice and Beau, filling them in on my Summer, exagerating.
"And so, Aaron's jealous, and Daniel is pissed at me, even though the guy kissed ME, not the other way around." I finished, when the timer went off. Chalice wiped off the mixture from my cheek, handing me a mirror. I looked at my jaw. The hickey was completely gone!
"Damn. That stuff is a miracle worker." I said.
"It also clears acne, helps with rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, and dry skin." Chalice chimed.
I jumped up with an idea.
"Why not sell it? I can help, if you show me how to make it. We can sell it at school, at my house, or yours. Or, we can borrow

some of the money from my daddy's will." I said.
"50/50 profit?" Chalice asked.
"I'll help too, but for a different pay." Beau ran a hand through my hair.
"Maybe." I said.
"It's settled. I have empty bottles from when I made my own soap." Chalice ran out of the kitchen, coming back with bottles, and a stack of paper.
"You sure?" Chalice asked.
"Cha-chi, there is like a million girls in our school who would buy with in a second." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Okay then." Chalice said. "What should it be called?"
"Whatever. I don't care." I said.
"Clarity?" Chalice said.
"Chalice Glarity?" Beau said.
"NO!" Chalice said.
"Fine, Clarity Cream." I agreed. "Fill one of those bottles up with your miracle potion." I said.
Chalice filled it to the brim.
"Where's the nearest scale?" I asked.
Beau ran off, coming back with a scale. I put the bottle on. It weighed 2 lb 3 oz. I converted it into ounces, and divided it by 2 tenths. I got 17.50, but moved the decimal one place to the left, for the resonable price of $1.75 for every 2 lbs 3 oz.
"Price can be determined by weight. $1.75 for every 2 lbs 3 oz." I said.
"Kk. I'm writing it down." Chalice said.
"Okay, and a six ounce, would be $5.25, but if you make it a little less than 3 times the 2 lb bottle, you make it $4.50." Beau said.
"I'll draw a picture for it." I offered.
"Okay, then scan it, touch it up, and make it smaller." Chalice said, handing me a piece of paper.
I showed Chalice the cover I made.

"Perfect. I finished 100 of these, since Beau so graciously helped."
"No. You blackmailed me. You said you'd tell Daniel about the hickey on Lys Bear's chest." Beau grumbled, pouring more Clarity Cream into another bottle.
"Okay, that's the last one Beau." Chalice said, grabbing the bottle from Beau. "Go grope my friend, you earned it."
Beau took me to the couch.
"Movie?" He asked.
I nodded. He pulled out a few movies. We ended up watching Drag Me To Hell, and more than half the time, I buried my head in Beau's shoulder, clutching onto him.
"I now understand why Daniel doesn't let me watch Horror movies." I commented when I climbed in Beau's bed.
"Goodnight." Beau said.
"I'm not tired." I said, my tone seductive.
The next thing I knew, I was under Beau on his bed, my lips locked with his, as his hands traced my now naked body. I moaned, nipping at his lips. He deepened the kiss, his tongue probing my mouth. I couldn't help but moan. He pulled back, smirking, before trailing kisses down my neck, to my breasts. I moaned again when his mouth was where my hickey was. His hands scrambled against the rim of his shirt, as he slipped it off entirely. His lips met mine again, and we kissed for a few more minutes. He started at his boxers, but I stopped him.
"I don't think I want THAT." I said.
"Not fair, I earned it by helping Cha-chi." Beau pouted.
"Fine, but when I leave this house, this NEVER happened." I said.
Beau locked the door, and climbed back in bed.

After a night of losing my virginity due to lust and blackmail, I woke up sore, tangled in sheets and Beau. I kissed him, waking him up. He grinned at me.
"Last night didn't happen." I said, tracing his chest.
"Well, that was the best sex I've never had." Beau smirked.
There was a pounding at the door.
"WAKE UP, I'M STARVING!" Chalice said.
"Okay, let me figure out how to get untangled from the sheets!" I called back, rolling out of bed. I threw on a pair of black tights, under black leather short shorts, and black leather knee high boots. I put on black shirt, under a black leather jacket, with faux black fur for the collar, and for the short sleeves. I put on black leather gloves. I pulled my hair back into a fancy bun, and threw on lipsgloss. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked hot, not dangerous. Beau looked at me, becoming slack jawed.
"I ain't that fancy, girl. Don't expect me to be." Beau said.
Beau wore a black shirt, with jeans and converse. I walked out, and was attacked by Chalice.
"Sexy outfit, Lys Bear." Chalice said. "Oh. Um...One of your friends are here, Beau."
I walked with Chalice and Beau to the door. Beau opened the door, to reveal Demitri, standing there.
"Hey Demitri." Beau said.
Demitri saw me, and frowned.
"Delilah?" He asked.
"H-hi Demitri." I said.
Beau and Chalice paled, sharing a look.
"Shit." Beau cursed. "I just officially screwed up."
"What're you doing here?" Demitri asked.
"Daniel pissed off remember? Chalice is my BFF." I explained.
"Oh, yeah...About that...Can I talk to you outside?" Demitri asked.
I walked outside, and shut the door.
"I can't date you." Demitri said. "I messed up royally. I slept with a girl, and I needed to get it off my chest."
"I was going to say the same exact thing...Except I didn't fuck another girl." I looked away. "I'm not good enough for anyone as nice as you."
"Not true. We just weren't dating, and we messed up...If it's fine with you, we can hang out again-"
"Is Beau like your BFF, or something?" I blurted.
"Shit. Now I feel like a bitch." I said, holding my head.
"Why?" Demitri asked.
"I slept with your friend then." I said, my voice quiet.
"Oh." Demitri said.
"I just came by to see if Beau wanted to grab some breakfast, but I guess I can go." Demitri pecked me on the cheek. "I'm not angry. Technically we haven't cheated, since we aren't dating."
And like that, Demitri walked off, leaving me feeling like a total and utter bitch.
"FUCK!" I screamed into my arm.
"What?" Beau asked.
"I'm a bitch, and a whore." I said.
"Not true. I'm the first guys you've...Um...slept with, right?" Beau asked.
"Yeah, but theres Demitri, and the 10 guys I live with that aren't related to me, plus you, plus stupid Narcissus who are all in love with me. I'm a whore." I snapped.
"No you're not." Beau insisted.
"Fine. Are we going to eat or not?" I asked.

-Next Week-

"LYS BEAR GET THE EFF UP! TODAY'S FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Aaron yelled into my ear, causing me to fall off the bed.
"Okay, okay!" I said, looking at Aaron, who was in his boxers. "Nice pajamas."
Aaron blushed, but tried to hide it.
"Why don't you get an alarm clock?" Aaron asked.
"Will you shower with me?" I asked, causing Aaron to blush even more.
"STOP TEASING ME!" He shouted.
"Fine, help me up. I feel like a human burrito." I said.
Aaron helped me untangle from the sheets, revealing me in my bra and underwear.
"Get showered." Aaron said, smacking my butt as I scurried into my bathroom, with a towel in hand.

After showering, I threw on the clothes I had worn (the day I met Demitri), which were now cleaned. I rushed into a strapless D-cup bra, underwear, and a red with black lace corset, that made my stomach smaller, and my boobs bigger and rounder, and black short shorts, that framed my butt perfectly. I fixed my hair, taking some hair from the left front side of my head, fishtail braiding it, and framing it like a crown around my forehead, sweeping over my right ear, and clipping it to the rest of my hair, which was in a fancy bun. This was one of the few things I could do with my wavy-curly red hair. I put on some eyeliner, sweeping to make my eyes look like a cat's. I threw on some bright-red lipstick, and glided over to the shoe rack, feeling like a cross between royalty, and a pirate. I scanned my shoe rack. I decided on a pair of red flats, slipping them on, and walking out. Aaron was waiting for me. He became slack-jawed when he saw me.
"I love you in that outfit." Aaron said.
"Did you grab my backpack?" I asked him. He held out my 1,000 pound zebra-striped backpack, that had purple outlining, and purple duct tape on the handle. I slipped it on, and put my wallet and phone in it.
"Here, can you hold the schedules for a second?" Aaron asked, handing me two pieces of paper. I looked at our schedules.

FREE PERIOD(Elective Activity if participating in one)
FREE PERIOD (Elective Activity if participating in one)

Wow. Algebra, Geometry, Am Civ, PE 1, Chemistry, and PE 2 were the same for us! Thats half of the day! starts at seven AM and ends at 5 PM. Each class is about an hour and 23 minutes, so that means I have about 5 hours of my day spent with Aaron!
"Woop-de-do." I said.
"Ha ha. I get half the day to annoy you for THE WHOLE YEAR!" Aaron teased, grabbing the schedules.
"Come on." I said, walking downstairs.
"Hey pretty mama." The guys said. Daniel wasn't there, probably registering for college.
"Yeah, hi. I'm so hungry I can eat someone." I said.
"You can eat me." Austin said.
"Creeper." I said. "I'll stick to fat and sugar. Where are the doughnuts?" I asked.
"Closest thing to fat and sugar would be the guy standing next to you. Daniel banned sugar and fat, remember?" Josh said.
I groaned, causing the guys to laugh.
"Take me to Jamba Juice?" I asked Aaron.
"NO!" Aaron exclaimed.
"Will someone get me a Jamba Juice?" I asked.
"Eh..." The guys said.
"I'll kiss whoever gets me one." I said.
"I'LL TAKE YOU!" All the guys shouted.
"Stop blackmailing them. Come on, I'll take you." Aaron sighed.
"NOT FAIR!" The guys shouted, except for Aaron.
"Fine. I'll take someone else. All of you, pick a number between 1 and 50." I said, thinking of the number 13.5. Hey, it's between 1 and 50.
"7!" Josh said.
"42!" Justin said.
"19!" Conner said.
"15!" Kevin said.
"30!" Liam said.
"34!" Gavin said.
"23!" James said.
"44!" Christopher said.
"9!" Darwin said.
"13!" Austin said.
"Austin gets to go, since the number was 13.5!" I said, grabbing my purse.
"Wait...I have to pay, don't I?" Austin realized.
"Yep." I said cheerfully.
Austin and I rushed to Jamba Juice, and ordered our drinks. I got the Orange Dream Machine, Austin getting a Strawberry's Wild. We got our drinks, and got back in the SUV.
"Austin?" I said, before Austin started the car.
"Yes...?" He replied.
I turned his head, and kissed him.
"Thank you for the Jamba Juice!" I said gleefully, causing Austin to remain silent as we drove back home. I wiped the lipstick off of Austin's mouth as we got out of the car.
I walked in, sipping my drink, and eating a cookie.
"Dude, I think your sister kissed me for buying her a Jamba Juice." Austin said confused to Daniel, who was now home.
"My sister loves her Jamba Juice." Daniel said.
"Go on, I'm taking notes." Aaron said, causing me to jump.
"I hate annoying idiots who take notes on how to win me over." I said, before grabbing my zebra backpack, and going out to the garage.
"DELILAH RHEA ROSYE, WAIT!!!" Aaron ran after me, as I started up my Jeep.
"I'm sorry. Can I go with you?" Aaron asked, his yellow backpack in hand.
"Fine, hop in." I said.
Aaron grinned, opening the passenger seat, and getting in, his yellow backpack where his feet should be.
"Don't you dare scratch up my Jeep with your backpack." I hissed, opening the garage door, and backing out. Aaron reached for the radio, which was a touch-screen with built in satelite, but I smacked his hand away as hard as a girl can when she's driving a jeep.
"Ouch." He said, looking at the red mark on his hand.
"I just realized...I never dressed like this last year." I gestured to myself.
"And that was the reason no guys went after you, since you hid your curves, and your breasts with baggy clothing." Aaron said.
"Yeah well, I guess I may have to deal with a thousand guys who act like you." I said, turning on the radio.
But it was too late. We were already at Bianca High's parking lot.

"Ah, hell sweet hell." I muttered.
"I know." Aaron muttered.
I could see Chalice's car, along with Kylia's. Cecily, Ryder, Maraleigh, Ivy, Desitiny, Paris and Brazil were nowhere to be seen. Chalice, Drake, Beau, Lloyd, and Kylia were huddled under the flagpole, sipping coffee. Aaron got out, his yellow backpack in hand, and walked over to MY friends.
I got out, following.
"Hi." Aaron said.
Everyone looked up at Aaron.
"What do you want?" Beau snapped.
"A group of people to hang out with." Aaron turned to Kylia. "You don't totally hate me, right?"
Kylia remained silent. I backhanded Aaron.
"Ow!" He said rubbing his arm.
"Begone pervert!" I said.
"Okay okay fine. But I think you'll be needing this." Aaron waved my phone in the air, and ran off.
"Shit. Be right back." I dropped my packpack. "AARON GIVE ME MY DAMN PHONE BACK!" I screamed, chasing after him. He opened my contacts, reading through them. He stopped, causing me to run into him.
"You took HIS number?!" Aaron asked, pissed off.
"Who?" I asked.
"Aaron shoved the phone in my hands. The screen showed Demitri's contact in my phone.
"Well, yeah, but what do you care?" I asked.
"You know what? I hope I never see that sorry loser again." Aaron growled.
"Too bad, he goes to this school." I said, before walking off, my phone in hand. I sat down next to Beau, stealing his coffee. Out of my group, he was the only one who liked coffee with sugar, but no creamer.
"Black, like my SOUL." I said, before taking a sip.
"That's racist Lys Bear." Chalice laughed.
"Says the girl named after a golden CUP." I said, giving Beau his coffee back.
"..True." Chalice said.
"So, how is everyone's life so far?" I asked.
Everyone replied with 'fuck yeah!'
"What up with Aaron? He NEVER gives you your phone back until you complain enough." Kylia said.
"He's jealous of a guy whose phone number is in my contacts." I said.
"Ah." Kylia said.
"Not you, Beau." I said, seeing Beau was smirking. He frowned.
"When's Demitri gonna be here?" I asked him.
"He was here, he just went to pick up his schedule." Beau grumbled.
"WOW, Beau, I can SEE the jealously dripping off you." I laughed.
Cecily, Ryder, Maraleigh, Ivy, Destiny, Paris and Brazil soon showed up, with various junk foods for us to eat. Cecily and Destiny are identical, except for their attitudes, and their eye color. Cecily was a total girly girl, her brunet hair pulled back in a simple pony tail. Her eyes were a light sky blue, the same color as her denim jeans. She wore a white blouse with a pink border, to match her pink nails. She had a emerald green stoned ring she always wore. Destiny had dark purple eyes, that she always rimmed with heavy eyeliner and mascara. Her brunet hair was wavy, and she kept it down, it ending around her belly button. She wore a black v-neck dress that ended just under her butt, with a gray belt around her waist. She wore black tights, and gray knee-high boots. She had a similar ring to Cecily's, only the one Destiny had was too small, so she wore it around her neck, as a necklace. Ryder had blonde hair, and brown-hazel eyes to match his tan skin. He act's like a tamed version of Aaron (Cocky, but not a perv, or a man whore) Maraleigh was small, with straight blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. Ivy was Kylia's sister, but they looked different. Ivy was a little shorter than Kylia, with amber-yellow straight hair, that fell to her shoulders. Her eyes were supposed to be blue, but changed with what she wore, Kylia. Today they were a gray. She wore a purple sleeveless shirt, that only covered her breasts, and a pair of jean shorts, that were longer than mine. She had on Locals black hawaiian sandals. Kylia was a little shorter than I, with amber-yellow tendrils and curls of hair, that fell to her butt. Her eyes were supposed to be blue, but changed with what she wore. Today they were a gray-green. She wore a black sleeveless shirt, that only covered her breasts, and a pair of jean shorts, that were longer than mine. She had on Locals black hawaiian sandals. Lloyd had blonde hair that was more yellow than amber-yellow, and was short and straight. He had hazel eyes that liked to change colors. Today they were gold. He was tan, while Kylia and Ivy were fairly light. Paris and Brazil were both causcasian, like all of my friends, with dark hair and hazel eyes. Paris's haircut was an a-line that ended just below her chin, that made her look like a pixie. Brazil's hair was shaggy, but short, that clung to his head. I was taking another sip from Beau's coffee when Demitri came up behind me, tapping my shoulder. I nearly did a double-take, and looked up at him. His blonde hair was wild, not wet and sleek, His eyes covered with sunglasses yet again. I forced Paris over, making room for Demitri.
"Heyo." He said.
"Welcome to Hell!" My group of friends and I said at the same time.
Demitri laughed.
"Wonderful...A group of people like the fellow alien." Demitri pointed at me.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
"I'm the NORMAL one around here." I said, stealing Beau's coffee again.
"Hey! You drank like half of the coffee already!" Beau whined, reaching for the coffee.
I stuck my tongue out at him, before taking another sip.
"NOT FAIR!" Beau whined.
"You know, what Delilah is doing is basically considered indirectly kissing you." Destiny said.
I did a double take.
"I suddenly don't want the coffee anymore." I said, thrusting the cup into Beau's hands.
"Am I really THAT unappealing?" Beau asked.
"YES!" All the girls said, exasperated.
"Truth hurts, huh?" Demitri said.
"Oh shut up." Beau grumbled, sipping his coffee.
I giggled.
"This normal?" Demitri asked.
"Yeah, pretty much each day we pick on someone else. It's our way of accepting each other." Kylia said, her legs on Lloyd's lap.
"Uh, Barf. Nerd and Loner are together." A shrill voice said, thoroughly disgusted. I turned behind me to see a usual slut of the school: Brown hair, and blue eyes. The richer sluts (most likely getting payed for their slutting around) can actually dye their sad wigs they call hair.
She beamed at Demitri.
"So honey, ya new?" She asked.
"Yeah, but I don't deal with the ugly bitches like you, so if you'd please, go fuck some desperate guy and die in a ditch." Demitri said nonchalantly. The slut gaped at him in shock. She recovered quickly.
"Oh baby you don't mean that. Come on, I'll give you a tour of EVERYTHING." The slut said, making it obvious to everyone what tour Demitri'd be getting.
"Shut up bitch." Demitri said.
"Hmph." The slut huffed, walking over to Austin, who was now here, like half of the school.
"You know, I don't hate you as much. I don't like, or respect you, but I hate you less." Aaron's voice made me jump. He was talking to Demitri.
"Yeah, thanks." Demitri said.
"Aaron, stop being a jealous bastard and go cheer that slut up." I snapped.
"I ain't gunna fuck that." Aaron said.
"I don't care just GO. AWAY. NOW." I said, my tone final.
Aaron gave me the puppy dog eyes.
"But Narcissus is with MY group of friends, bugging me about where you're at." Aaron said.
I flinched, making room for Aaron. He sat down, thought for a second, and forced me onto his lap.
"Let go of me!" I demanded.
"Be quiet, woman!" He said cheerfully, clapping a hand over my mouth.
"AAAH! STD'S IT BURNS!" I screamed, shoving his hand off of my mouth.
My group of friends laughed.
"So Aaron, how's life so far?" Maraleigh asked.
"Horrible. Daniel doesn't trust me anymore." Aaron grumbled. "And it's not my fault. The door was unlocked-"
"Quiet, Pervert!" I said, clapping my hand over his mouth.
He just licked it. I yelped, flying off of him, covering behind Cecily.
"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew." I said, wiping my hand on the grass.
The bell rang, cutting Aaron's laughter short.

Chapter 5

After 2 hours and 46 minutes of torture and math, I escaped to the list of Elective classes. I had had 1 hour and 23 minutes of free time, and the Electives were all half of that: 41.5 minutes. I frowned, not seeing my two favorite things: Drama and Music. Aha. Found them. They were on every day except for FRIDAY!!!!! I grinned. They were set up so half went first, the other half second. Music was first.

I caught sight of Narcissus in the music room and froze. He turned seeing me, and shot me a pleading look. I shook my head. Basically, the music elective was: Learn a song, play it. Know a song, play it. Watch others and socialize. Occasionally there would be a lesson on something if we all suck at it. I sat down, and ended up next to my FAVORITE person. Yep, you guessed it. Narcissus. He looked at me, sadness in his eyes. I ignored him.
"Okay, can anyone play an accoustic?" The elective teacher asked.
My hand shot up like a giddy child. Only one other person raised their hand, some guy who was country blonde with hazel eyes. He was HOT! And on top of that, he was checking me out. So, a few minutes went by learning who could play what, my hand shooting up most of the time.
"Okay, anyone comfortable singing." I raised my hand faster than any other girl.
"Woo, Lys Bear! Belt something out!" I noticed Ryder in the room.
"Um...Okay, I guess, only if I get help." I said. "From a guy. Barton Hollow's calling"
Narcissus looked at me. The country hottie came up.
"That would be me."
"Kk." I said, grabbing the accoustic guitar and giving it to him.

I'm a dead man walking here
But that's the least of all my fears
Ooh, underneath the water

It's not Alabama clay
That gives my trembling hands away
Please forgive me father

Ain't going back to Barton Hollow
Devil gonna follow me e'er I go
Won't do me no good washing in the river
Can't no preacher man save my soul

Did that full moon force my hand?
Or that un marked hundred grand?
Ooh, underneath the water
Please forgive me father

Miles and miles in my bare feet
Still can't lay me down to sleep
If I die before I wake
I know the Lord my soul won't take

I'm a dead man walking
I'm a dead man walking

Keep walking and running and running for miles
Keep walking and running and running for miles
Keep walking and running and running for miles

Ain't going back to Barton Hollow
Devil gonna follow me e'er I go
Won't do me no good washing in the river
Can't no preacher man save my soul

When we finished, the other kids gaped at us in awe. We pretty much sounded like The Civil Wars. Even the teacher, who I should mention is a volunteer graduate, and a GUY, stared at me. I looked at the country boy next to me, to see him glancing at me.
"Well, um...Looks like someone's gonna be a singer for a living." The teacher said.
Country boy nodded, and sat down in his seat. I sat next to him, shooting him a grin. He gave me a flirty look out of the corner of his eyes, but went back to looking to the teacher. The other kids snapped out of it.
"Anyone else willing to sing a song?" The teacher asked. I had to sit on my hands to stop me from raising them.

For the rest of the time, I listened to people attempting to awe everyone like CB (country boy) and I, but not succeeding. Let's just say I have a gift to change my voice how I please, and the only other person who could do that was CB. After class was over, the teacher pulled me aside. I got a good look at him then. He had curly brown hair, a piece of hair curling onto the middle of his forehead. His eyes twinkled a grayish-blue, rimmed with black. He wore casual clothes that made his muscles seem bigger; a black close-fitting shirt and gray jeans that hugged his skin.
"You ever take singing lessons?" He asked.
I shook my head.
He raised a brown eyebrow at my comment.
"Amazing. It seemed like you did, but-" He looked into my eyes. "Are your eyes real? Or are they contacts?"
I was caught off guard by his question.
"I-It's a genetic, um, disease I think. I inherited it from my dad. Everyone thinks they're contacts. I guess I could understand how people confuse Heterochromia with colored contacts. They seem unreal, A=and freakish." I said quickly.
"Not freakish." He said. "What I'd do to have beautiful eyes like hers." He thought out loud.
I flushed, looking down, and he noticed.
"Did I say that out loud?" He asked.
I looked up slightly, nodding.
"Sorry. But I can't help but wonder. What year are you in? Freshman? Sophomore?" He asked.
"Senior." I replied.
"Amazing. You're too pretty to be a senior." He said.
Wait...Was he hitting on me?
"Ah, so you're not dumb." He grinned.
Damn, I thought out loud.
"I-I better be going. Got 41 minutes to spend in my other Elective." I replied.
"Can I at least get your number?" I shot him a look. "I graduated from this school last year, jeesh. I'm not 30. I'm turning 20 in the winter."
"I'd rather not give you my number-"
"Then take mine. I wanna hang out after school. Ya know, before college." The teacher said.
"I'll take your number AND your name then." I said, pulling out my phone. I gave him my phone, he put his number in, and handed it back.
"By the way, I'm Delilah."
"But didn't that kid call you Lys?" He asked.
"Long story. It involves a french know it all, and his GF. Bye." I said, grabbing my backpack and walking out.
I looked at the new name in my phone.
The contact read in bold letters: Tom Huntley

I walked to Drama class. A female teacher looked at me. She was about Tom's age.
"Wonderful. We're doing improv. Go help Caspian over there. He has the assignment." She said.
Oh no. Narcissus was here too. He looked up at me, and made a pained look on his face, and looked at the assignment.
"God must hate me." I said.
"Give me the assignment paper." I snapped, grabbing it from him.
Of freaking course I have to do a scene with an angry girlfriend who caught her boyfriend cheating. Now I understand why Narcissus looked pained. I laughed.
"Yep. Devil must follow me e'er I go." I said, thinking back to Barton Hollow.
"Okay class, anyone willing to go first?" The teacher asked.
Narcissus raised his hand.
"Okay, Caspian, Delilah, state the theme of your improv, and begin up here." The teacher said, at the front of the classroom.
Caspian pulled me up to the front of the class.
"Okay, um...Our scene is a fight seen between a girl who catches her boyfriend cheating on her." Narcissus said.
A few mutters broke out, but the teacher silenced the class.
"You may begin." The teacher said.
"Hey, look, can't we talk about this?" Caspian asked, as I started to walk off.
"What's the point?! I gave my heart to you, YOU, of all people, when I could've easily been with other guys who would've stayed true to me, and I catch you with another girl. And what do I see? Her HAND down your SWIMTRUNKS! What did I do to deserve that? I broke my freaking LEG to be with you! I took criticism from my family, and insults from my friends. And you do THIS to me?" I said, fueling the truth into the improv.
"It wasn't what it looked like, I swear-"
"Just like how you said you loved me, but then again, I caught you stripping another girl!" I said, tears running down my face.
"She was a cousin." He said lamely.
"Sure because cousins try to strip each other to have sex." I turned away. "Your sister was right. I don't deserve to be treated like this."
"You let your perv friends touch me, you let Aaron shove me off a cliff, and you left me alone to care with a BABY." I said, my tears coming harder.
"Delilah, please-" Narcissus made the mistake of touching my shoulder.
"Don't touch me!" I cried, slapping his hand away.
"Listen to me!" Narcissus grabbed my hair as I walked away, yanking me back. I cried out. It really did hurt.
"Goddamnit, listen to me you bitch! I. Didn't. Cheat. Ya got that, or did I use too many words?" Narcissus snapped, rage evident on his face. I shoved him, and ran out of the classroom. I buried my head in my hands, sobbing. I heard clapping. I didn't move until Narcissus came out.
"Hey." He said.
"I meant what I said. In the improv." I sobbed.
"I didn't. I'd never hurt you on purpose." Narcissus sat down next to me.
"OOH, gossip worthy material." A female's voice said.
"Go away." Narcissus snapped, causing the bimbo to scurry back into the classroom.
"You were my first...You know, attempt at a boyfriend. And what you did possibly ruined my life." I said.
"How?" Narcissus asked in a soft voice.
"After I ran off, all I could think was 'Wow, this is the best I could do?' It proved I didn't deserve anything if you couldn't be serious with me. So I made a bad decision." I said.
"Like what?" Narcissus asked.
"I let a person blackmail me into sex, I took a few numbers." I took a breath. "I started dressing like this."
"Delilah, I'm sorry. I swear. I was stupid to let that drunk whore touch me, and I was even dumber to touch her back." Narcissus said. "I wish I could erase that day from happening. I wish we could be together again. But it's obvious you're with Aaron."
"I'm not. I'm single. Because I'm ugly. And stupid. And I can't walk back in the classroom." I said.
"Come on, they sent me out here to get you, and they gave me permission to drag you back." Narcissus cracked a smile.
"Being dragged sounds like fun. Drag me back, will ya?" I asked.
Narcissus laughed.
"Nope." He said, helping me up.
Narcissus walked me back into class, his hand on my back as I stumbled. The kids clapped, and Narcissus let go of me, sitting down at his seat.
"Miss Royse, where did you learn to act?" The teacher asked.
"I taught myself. But I never have anyone to practice with." I said haughtily.
I could feel the testosterone in the air. The teacher laughed.
"Your scene's over, Miss Rosye. Stop misleading the class." The teacher joked.
I smiled, sitting down next to Narcissus.
I heard a moan as I bent over to fix my shoe. I looked up to see a guy staring at me, lust in his eyes.
"Okay, Ammon and Lilia, you may go ahead." The teacher said.
The boy who had stared at me got up, winking at me, and walking to the front of the class. He had pale strawberry-blonde hair, and golden eyes. Lilia was brown haired, with blue eyes.
"Our theme is like, a conversation between siblings as they like, fight for the riches of their deceased father." Lilia said.
"You may begin." The teacher said.
"Wait, can we bring extra people into our play?" Ammon said.
"You may if it helps." The teacher said.
"It's my money!" Lilia snapped.
I have to admit, she's not that bad. At least she didn't say 'like'. I put a thing of gum in my mouth
"Lilia, how many times do I have to say it? Dad left the money to ME in the will, not your sorry ass." Ammon snapped back, treating Lilia like she was stupid.
"You just want it for you and that money-reaping girl of yours!" Lilia yelled.
"That money-reaping girl

, is your BEST FRIEND!" Ammon snapped.
"Was. Was my best friend. And you have the NERVE to invite her here while you pack!" Lilia practically screamed, before lowering her voice. "Speak of the devil."
"JUST A SECOND!" Ammon walked up to me, pulling me up.
"Lys." Lilia growled.
"Yeah, hey whatevs. And it's Delilah ta ya." I said, blowing a bubble with the gum, and checking my nails.
"It'll be just a minute Lys, go wait in the bedroom-"
"Ya get the money or what?" I purred, my hand trailing down Ammon's arm, before I turned to Lilia. "Or did the bitch ova here complain. Just as I thought of her."
"You wanna know what I think of you?" Lilia got in my face.
"Lilia, Lys, calm down-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Lilia and I yelled at the same time.
"You know what?" Ammon waved a blank check in the air. "Forget this. NO ONE gets the check."
He started to rip it, but I ran over to him.
"Ammon baby, think about it. What about when we need the money for the baby." I pleaded.

" Ammon asked, paling.
"I mean when we decide to. Or if you fall ill." I said quickly.
"Sure." Ammon ripped the check in half.
"YOU IDIOT! I NEEDED THAT MONEY TO GET MY HAIR DONE!" I screeched, tackling him, facing the group of desks. Ammon looked at me and turned red.
"Enough." The teacher said.
I got off of Ammon, helping him up. Lilia, Ammon, and I bowed when the class clapped.

After the electives were over, I got pretty much all of the guys numbers in that class. Even Ammon. The rest of the day went by in a blur. When the final bell rang, I started to walk to my Jeep, but stopped when I saw Tom talking with Aaron.
"Hey Aaron." I said, opening the Jeep door, and throwing my backpack in.
Tom saw me.
"This your car?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said. "Aaron, come on. I gotta pick Phoebe up from Mom."
"She your sister?" Tom asked Aaron.
Aaron shook his head.
"You remember Daniel, right?" Tom nodded. "Delilah is Daniel's little sister."
"Ah. Shit, that means Daniel's gonna kill me." Tom waved at me. "Tell Danny I say hi."
Tom walked off.
"Come on, I want to go." Aaron yelled from the driver seat.
I got in the passenger seat, laying my head on Aaron's arm.
"I wouldn't do that, I had football for PE." Aaron joked.
"It's like you're proud you are all sweaty." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm just saying, even though they have showers." Aaron said.
"Poor water, you must've touched it." I murmured.
"Hey, it's the other way around!" Aaron whined.
"Turn left." I said.
"That's McDonalds." Aaron said.
"I want fattening sugar filled ice cream and soda. I'll share." I fluttered my eyelashes.
Aaron went through the drive-through, getting a giant McFlurry and a giant sprite.
"Ice cream." Aaron said.
"You're not a baby, you can get it yourself." I said.
"Driving. Get me ice cream, woman." Aaron grunted.
I giggled, giving him a spoonful of ice cream.

We arrived at my mom's house, and I got out.
"Leave me some Sprite and ice cream." I said.
I knocked on the wooden door. My mom opened the door, Phoebe Grace in her hands.
"Little Gracie was an angel. I love that her name's that. Phoebe Grace." My mom said.
She saw Aaron in the car, scarfing the McFlurry down.
"I payed for it." He replied.
My mom laughed.
"HI FLORENCE!" Aaron said.
I grabbed Phoebe Grace, hugging my mother.
"You know, I was overreacting. I can take Gracie off of your hands." My mom said.
"O-oh no, I-I couldn't-"
"George was cheating on me. I kicked him out. I can take her, since you have school...Or she can live here while you go to school and clubs and sports and you come by and see her." My mom offered.
I realized, she WANTED Phoebe back.
"Yeah sure. We can change custody so she's yours. Phoebe Grace Nightgear. Shadowhunter-y." I said.
My mom's eyes brightened.
"So you DO read those. I just LOVE Jace. Clary reminds me of you." My mom said.
"Okay, got a boy eating my ice cream. I'll talk with you later." I said.
I started to walk off and turned around.
"Hey mom, have you ever considered putting me in singing or modeling?" I asked.
"Yeah but,I've never heard you sing." My mom said.
"I'm sure you'll hear me soon enough. I'm famous at school. Music class today." I waved, leaving Phoebe Grace with my mother. Thank you mother, thank you Florence Marie Nightgear, previously Florence Marie Borelle, previously Florence Marie Rosye. Thank you.

Chapter 6

Before I knew it, school was just a month away from being over.
Aaron pinned me against the wall as I reached for a cookie. We fit together perfectly, our legs, waists, stomachs, and chests pressed together.
"No cookies. You had ice cream and soda." He purred. "Unless you wanna work it off."
"Pervert." I said, as Aaron moved, causing me to grind into him. He moaned, placing his lips against my neck.
"I could work off that ice cream that I ate." He whispered.
Just then, the guys flooded into the house, Austin in front.
"If he's so hot why not let him continue." Austin smirked.
"He's trying to fucking grope me in the KITCHEN. You want it to smell like sex and Aaron in here for a week?" I snapped, pushing at Aaron, who grinded into me more.
Suddenly, Aaron was away from me, his erection visible, Austin making sure I wasn't hurt.
"I'm taking a bath." I announced, causing Aaron to open his mouth. "ALONE. BY MYSELF."
Aaron pouted.
The guys laughed.
"Imma take a shower." Aaron grumbled.
"You mean a COLD shower?" Austin laughed.
I walked into my room, stripping my clothes, and going into my bathroom. I turned on the water, waiting for it to fill the bed-sized bathtub.
After it was filled. I filled it with bubbles and the vanilla bath blah (Not good with bath products names) that fizzed when it hit the water. I got in, sighing at the Luke-warm water. I almost fell asleep in the water when Aaron came trudging in, in nothing but his boxers. Correction, nothing but his camo boxers.
"Nice pants." I joked, covering my body with the thick bubbles.
"Can I get in, my shower isn't working, and you're the only one with a bath." Aaron asked.
"No-" I started to protest, but Aaron was already in with me, his boxers still on. His hand traced up my leg, to my breasts, and he grabbed my boob. I smacked him.
"You can touch me WHEREVER you want." Aaron said, his tone seductive.
I blushed.
"You're cute when you blush, especially when you're wet." Aaron said.
"Is the door locked?" I asked.
Aaron nodded.
"Than I guess I'll give you a free pass, since you bought me McDonalds." I said, reaching for his boxers. A sudden flash of lust took over me. He pushed my hand away, and a second later, his wet boxers were on the floor.
"Can I touch you?" He asked.
"Go ahead. I just don't want sex in my bathtub." I said.
Aaron got on top of me, and something poked my thigh.
"Get off, or put your boxers back on. You're awfully close to my crotch." I said, but Aaron stole a kiss on my lips.
"Perv." I muttered.
"Can I sleep with you?" He asked.
"You sleep with me every night." I replied.
"No I mean SLEEP with you." Aaron said, pulling my hand towards his crotch.
"You mean sex?" I asked bluntly.
"Pretty much." Aaron said.
"Get out." I replied, draining the water.
Aaron made a pained face.
"I meant get out of the TUB so I can get out and dry off. Jesus boy. I'm not kicking you out." I said.
Aaron sighed, getting out.
"Nice ass." I said.
Aaron blushed, grabbing a towel.
"Hey, it's only your ass, I KNOW you'll have some sort of sick nasty comment for my boobs." I said, getting out.
Aaron's eyes nearly popped out of his head.
"NOW, I've seen everything. Who knew you had a birthmark on your boobs?" Aaron said quietly.
"My mom, my day, Daniel-"
"He's like four years older than me, when I was four he helped my mom give me baths." I replied.
"Oh." Aaron blushed.
"Hand me a towel?" I asked.
Aaron gave me a towel. I wrapped it around me, hiding my breasts.
"Can I sleep with you, like, right now?" Aaron blurted, before grunting.
"Maybe. I ran out of birth control-"
"I was a whore. I'll admit it. I KNOW that there's a chance each day I'd get this far with you and you weren't prepared. Don't worry." Aaron said, picking me up, towel and all, and carrying me out to the bed, plunking me down.
Aaron locked the door.

Aaron got off of me, panting. I myself, was panting, tangled in sheets.
"Wow." I muttered.
"I know." Aaron muttered. "Wanna go again?"
Aaron smirked.
"Nope. You're too fat. Ice cream made you fat. You squished half of my organs." I said, kissing Aaron.
Aaron grinned, putting his pants on, but not zipping them, and putting his wrinkly shirt on.
"Here." I said, zipping his pants up.
I glanced at the clock. It was seven thirty. We...Um...Started at seven but had to stop before Daniel got home.
"Go rinse off." I replied.
"Kay former virgin."
"Kay grinning whore." I replied.
"HEY! I gave up for you!" Aaron replied, walking into my bathroom, rinsing off, and getting out to see me in a black lace lingerie, that resembled a lace one-piece bathing suit. It was solid black around my crotch and my breasts, but I pulled my gray girl boxer PJ pants over it. They hugged my waist. Aaron gaped at me.
"I seriously think I want to marry you." He said.
I giggled.
"I'm not THAT amazing." I said.
"Yes, you are." Aaron insisted.
"Come on. I'm ready." I said.
Aaron changed into his typical pajamas: A tee and gray sweat pants.
We walked out, but didn't touch.

"I seriously think I want to marry you." I said.
Delilah giggled.
"I'm not THAT amazing." She said.
"Yes, you are." I insisted. God, does she not know?
"Come on. I'm ready." She said.
I changed into my typical pajamas: A tee and gray sweat pants.
We walked out, but didn't touch. I yearned to touch her, and to go back in her room and continue what I had started. I looked at the inside of my wrist.
Delilah. Her name in Greek. On the inside of her wrist was my name.
Aaron. It was how you recognize the mate of that person. When we uh...Did what we did a few minutes ago, these tattoos formed. She was my mate, and I was hers...

We walked downstairs, Aaron grinning widely.
One of the guys whistled.
Austin pouted.
"How'd you get her to get her panties off?" He asked.
"THANK YOU DANIEL FOR BANNING JUNK FOOD!" He shouted at the ceiling.
"I want ice cream...DAMMIT." I muttered, checking the empty freezer.
The guys laughed.
"I'm surprised none of you have commented on my outfit yet. I'm figuring I look hot." I said.
"Took a picture and posted on facebook. About a thousand likes already. Same amount of comments. A lot of them dirty. Take a look, Aaron." Austin smirked.
"That's it, I'm killing Ammon." Aaron growled.
"What'd he say?" I asked.
"TMI for you." Aaron brushed off.
"That's a picture of me you ass! I deserve to know what the comments are." I said.
"Ammon PROMISED that would never get out!" Aaron grumbled, walking upstairs.
I snatched the phone from Austin. I read Ammon's comment.
I now understand how Aaron could like her since kindergarten. I think I like her too. But then again, so do the thousand other guys who liked this picture. I want a girl like that under me.

Austin laughed.
"Good luck proving you're just as hot naked." Austin said.
I started undoing the strings on my PJs.
"Okay, don't need a visual. Daniel's gonna be home any second. I'd rather have him gut Aaron and not ME." Austin tied my PJs for me. The other guys groaned.
"I'm thinking about modeling, or singing, or acting." I said.
"Oh hey, look. Someone videoed you singing in Music class." Austin said, before listening to it. "Damn girl, all that beating your mother did helped your voice, body, EVERYTHING."
Austin was slapped across the face. By Aaron.
"Mine." Aaron growled.
"Okay Mr.Fuckingpants, I was joking." Austin said, rubbing his cheek.
Aaron huffed, before pulling me over to the couch.
"HELP! KIDNAPPER! DELILAH-NAPPER!!!" I cried as I was forced onto Aaron's lap.
"No one else but you." He murmured into my neck.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"No one else...For me but you." Aaron murmered, before yawning.
"Austin, can you check the freezer for ice-cream?" I asked.
"Ice cream doesn't just APPEAR in our house, Lys. I'll take you to Cold Stone." Austin said. Austin came over. helping me up. Aaron growled, before falling asleep.
"Damn girl, what did you do to him?" Austin asked, shocked.
"Nothing. Had PE near the end of school day, plus junk, plus..." I trailed off, my eyes fluttering closed.

Chapter 7

I woke up in an alien room. The walls were painted a midnight black, making the evening seem darker. There were no windows, causing me to feel trapped, like a caged raven. Even though the room was nearly pitch black, as if it were magic, everything visible, bathed in night-vision silver. I could make out a dresser, a nightstand, a hamper, a closet, and another door, besides the one next to the bed. I sighed, rolling over, bumping into warm skin.
"De...Delilah?" Aaron's voice made my heart race, for reasons I don't know. I'm not dating Aaron, I just was lustful and made a dumb decision like with Bowen. But still, why did his voice cause my heart to race, my palms to become sweaty, my lips to part in expectation? Was it like this before, and I just never noticed.
"Aaron, are you awake?" I whispered.
A light flicked on, causing me to become blinded-only for a second-from Aaron's face. His hair was rumpled, a common bedhead that should make you look ugly. It didn't on Aaron. If anything, his hair rumpled made him look sexy, and dangerous, with it in his eyes. His eyes regarded me differently, their Olive-green color flashing with an emotion. Then, he looked at me with pure longing, and sadness. I yearned to touch him, to caress his cheek, to touch his hair. I shook myself to clear my thoughts.
"What?" I asked.
"Was it...Was it a dream? You know, when we...In your room..." He trailed off.
"No, it happened. But did you bring me here?" I asked, glancing at the room.
I could now see the room was tidy, all the woods stained a dark oak color, any piping silver. I glanced at Aaron.
He nodded.
"This is my room." He replied.
His room? Where a thousand sluts have been before innocent me? Does he WASH the sheets? Change them? Or was I dozing on sweat from him and those sluts he always brought?

I scrambled out of the bed, to see I was wearing my PJ's from last night.
"Don't worry. I bought these sheets last week, and they were put on yesterday. Next blankets and pillows too. I don't keep the same sheets for long. That's too disgusting in my opinion." Aaron rushed to explain, as if he read my mind.
Can he read my mind or something?

I thought.
"Why yes, I think I can." He said, causing me to squeak like a shocked mouse.
Aaron laughed.
"Let's not go to school today. I need to explain something to you." Aaron said.
Just tell her so I can fuck her!

A voice like Aaron's growled.
I jumped.
"What was that?" I asked.
Can she hear me? Delilah, if you can here me, say you like ice cream.

The voice said.
"Why would I say that I like ice cream?" I asked Aaron.
"Oh my god, you can hear Lyall. So shut your mouth, Lyall." Aaron said, looking at his forehead.
"Who the hell is Lyall?" I asked.
"Daniel will help me explain. I think it's time you know." Aaron said, getting up. I rushed into a strapless bra, and a red with black lace corset, that made my stomach smaller, and my boobs bigger and rounder, and black short shorts, that framed my butt perfectly. I fixed my hair, taking some hair from the left front side of my head, fishtail braiding it, and framing it like a crown around my forehead, sweeping over my right ear, and clipping it to the rest of my hair, which was in a fancy bun. This was one of the few things I could do with my wavy-curly red hair. I put on some eyeliner, sweeping to make my eyes look like a cat's. I threw on some bright-red lipstick, and glided over to the shoe rack, feeling like a cross between royalty, and a pirate. I scanned my shoe rack. I decided on a pair of red flats, slipping them on, and walking out with Aaron.
Why can't I hear your thoughts?

I asked.
You can. See?


I replied.
Hi? Why did you say hi?

Why can we hear each other's thoughts?

I asked. Wait...Now we can insult people without saying it verbally. I'll start off. Narcissus should die. I hate him with a fiery passion.

Like I don't? He freaking was dating you. Anyone you date that isn't me, I have a problem with.


I said.
We stopped at Daniel's 'office's' door. Aaron knocked on it.
"Come in." Daniel said.
We shrugged and went in. Daniel saw us and raised an eyebrow.
"Yes?" Daniel asked.
"It's time she knew. About everything." Aaron said, closing the door.
"Did you two-"
"Yes. She doesn't know about anything." Aaron said.
Daniel raised an eyebrow at me.
"Naughty sister, sleeping with a guy like Aaron. Have you no shame?" Daniel said.
"Skip the guilt trip. I'm hungry." I snapped.
"Fine. Aaron. You start off with showing her exactly what you did." Daniel said, lounging in his chair.
Aaron surprised me by taking my hand.
Look at your wrist. Imagine erasing a drawing with an eraser.

Aaron's voice filled my head.
I followed his instructions, and like magic, a blood red tattoo appeared on my left wrist. It was greek, but I knew what it meant.
"You read a lot of fantasy books, right?" Daniel asked.
"Only half of Barnes and noble's collection." I rolled my eyes.
"So you know about werewolves, right?" Aaron asked.
"Yeah...?" I replied.
"What do you know?" Daniel asked.
"Why do I feel pressured to get it right?" I asked.
"It'll make it easier for you to understand." Aaron said.
"Everyone knows what werewolves are. They have a mate, picked by fate, or destiny or whatever, who they are most compatible with. And they bond by sex. Each book I've read there is a way of knowing, a tattoo or a mark, or something. That's all that's the same in everything I've read, besides their abilities." I said.
"Do you believe in werewolves?" Aaron asked.
"Anything is possible." I shrugged.
"Show her." Daniel said.
Aaron started taking his clothes off.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.
Daniel put his hand over my eyes. I heard the awful sound of bones snapping, and then, in front of me, was a large, midnight black wolf, with olive green eyes.
"Hol-y shit." I said. "Proof that anything is possible."
"You see, Aaron's a wolf, and you're his mate." Daniel said.
"What?" I asked.
I heard bones snapping, and Aaron was human again. Naked, but human. He rushed into his clothes.
"You're my mate." Aaron said.
"But can't lycans only mate with lycans?" I asked. "Last I checked, I'm human."
"You're not. Show her." Aaron said.
Daniel took my right hand, pressing on my fingernails. Sharp, white cat claws replaced my fingernails.
"What the fuck?" I asked.
"We're not human. We have almost no human DNA in us." Daniel said.
"What are we?" I asked.
"A lot of stuff. The only known for sure is Sysa, Banshee, Nereid, and Elf. Sysa is a cat person." Daniel said.
"Oh. Can I stay home from school? I need to think."
"I'll stay." Aaron said.
"I'll call the school." Daniel sighed. "Get her food."
Aaron grinned, grabbing my hand, and leading me to the kitchen. I caught sight of the tattoo on his arm.
Aaron insisted to make me breakfast.
"Aaron?" I asked as he made eggs.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"Why don't you live with a pack?" I asked.
"My parents wanted me to find my mate. I'm alpha. Everyone in this house, besides you and Daniel, came with me from my pack."
"Does that mean when we go back to the pack, you're alpha?" I asked.
"And you'll be the alpha female." Aaron set a bowl of scrambled eggs down in front of me.
"Oh." I said.
"What? Are you okay?" Aaron asked.
I kissed him. I moaned, my heart hammering in my chest, as I longed to deepen the kiss. Aaron pulled back.
"Don't want Daniel to walk in on us, right?" Aaron laughed.
"You're happy." I said.
"HAPPY? I'm thrilled! The girl I've been in love with since kindergarden not only likes me back, but is my MATE. My life can't get any better." Aaron said.
"You know, I've never met your parents. Can I meet them?" I asked.
"Sure!" Aaron said. "I'll call them."

I think I may start singing. My life is perfect. I called my mom, since she would be thrilled to meet Delilah.
"Hallo?" Malie asked.
"Hi mom. Can Delilah and I swing by?" I asked.
"Sure! Did you um..." Malie trailed off.
"Yes I told her." I said.
"No, I meant, did you and her complete the-" I cut Malie off.
"MOM!" I said, my cheeks flushing.
"Okay, fine. The rest of the pack is home, so feel free to swing by any time. Alexis wants to meet Delilah." Malie said.
"Bye mom." I said.
"Bye bye." Malie hung up.
I pulled Delilah into the jeep.
"Is this the part where I find out you're rich?" Delilah giggled.
"...Yes." I said, stealing a kiss on her lips.
I moaned, along with my wolf.
Touch her some more. She feels good.

He said.
I can hear you, Lyall.

Delilah told Lyall.
Lyall whined.
I ended the kiss, driving her out of town, to my pack.

We arrived at a mansion. My jaw dropped. Aaron smirked at me, his eyes sparkling.
"Come on. I'm the only one that bites." Aaron joked.
He helped me out, holding my hand as we walked up. Aaron knocked. A boy opened the door, and saw me. He reminded me of a perfect arrow. He has wide gray eyes that are like two silver coins. His thick, curly, black hair is medium-length and is worn in a handsome style. He is very tall and has a boyish build. His skin is white. He has a high forehead and small feet. His wardrobe is sexy, consisting of a white button up tee that wasn't completely buttoned up, and black skinny jeans. He saw me, and his jaw dropped.
"Stop staring, Shane." Aaron said.
"Whatever." The boy, Shane, said.
"Can we come in?" I asked.
Shane let us in.
"What brings you by?" Shane asked Aaron.
"Is it that wrong for the future alpha to visit his pack?" Aaron snapped.
Shane tensed, his eyes snapping to me.
"Don't worry, she's my mate." Aaron laughed.
Shane's jaw dropped.
"SO not fair." Shane said.
"Are Malie and Agamemnon here?" Aaron asked.
"We all just got up, thank you very much. Perfect day for swimming, right?" He explained to me.
"Stop trying to win her over." Aaron snapped, using an alpha tone.
"What're you, human? Lycan? Both?" Shane asked.
"Neither. I'm a lot of stuff." I replied.
"Is hot one of them?" Shane asked, causing Aaron to growl.
"She's part Sysa." Aaron said.
Shane went rigid. I crossed my arms.
"If everyone is going to act like that at what I am, I guess we can go home." I said.
"No, no. It's just that Sysan and Lycan don't get along. But I guess you're an exception. Do you have claws?" Shane asked.
I flexed my hands, and my claws came out.
"Badass." Shane said, looking at the claws. "Is it true that one scratch from these can kill a human?"
"She doesn't know, she like literally found out what she is the other day." Aaron said.
"What else are you?" Shane asked.
"Nereid, Banshee, and Elf." I replied.
"Explains your looks." Shane grinned.
Aaron growled again.
"Come on. My sister might want to meet you." Aaron dragged me into the kitchen, where literally a hundred people sat. A little girl with olive green eyes, and cream colored hair got up from her chair.
"AARON!" She exclaimed, tackling Aaron with a hug.
"Hi Lexi. Killed anything recently?" He joked, setting her down.
"Aaron?" A lot of people asked.
"Help me, 70 pound kid on me." Aaron said, trying to get Lexi off of him.
I laughed, picking Lexi off of him. She saw me, her eyes widening.
"OOH, it's Daniel's sister!" She hugged me. "I'm Alexis, I go by Lexi."
She squeezed harder and harder.
"Help me...Can't breathe." I choked out.
Lexi laughed and let go.
"I'm stealing her." She said to Aaron, before pulling me to her room.
"What's your name?" She asked me.
"Delilah." I replied.
"Are you Aaron's mate, like he told me?" She asked.
I nodded. Lexi dropped her voice.
"I know who my mate is." Lexi whispered.
"Really?" I asked, looking out her window.
"THERE'S A POOL?" I asked.
Lexi giggled.
"Wanna swim? The boys will join us. They like to swim. Have a swimsuit?" Lexi asked me.
"Yes, but I should get back to Aaron. Maybe later. We don't have school today." I said.
"You have school?" Lexi asked.
"I'm in my last year of Highschool." I replied.
"Come on. I'll walk with you back to the kitchen." Lexi said, pulling me out of her room.
I was dragged back into the room, to see the guys hounding Aaron.
"So, how'd ya find out?" One of them was asking.
"Uh..." Aaron said, nervous.

Aaron's voice rang in my head.
Sorry, your sister is begging me to ask if we can all swim. and by all, she literally means everyone. I should be saying help. You're the scary werewolf remember?

HAHA. Seriously, get their attention. They're jealous of me because your me mate.

Aaron said.
"LEAVE AAREY ALONE!" Lexi screamed, gripping onto my hand.
"Huh?" They looked at me, and got away from Aaron.
"Help, 12 year old is kidnapping me!" I said.
"Oh haha, very funny." Aaron said, getting up.
"Animals." He muttered.
He grabbed my hand, when Lexi let go.
"We better get going. It was good seeing you all-"
"Why don't you stay? We've got the pool, and it's still Summer." Shane said.
I turned to Aaron.
"Can we?" I asked.
He groaned.
They're gonna kill me just so they can flirt with you.

Aaron said.
No, come on, PLEASE.

I begged.
"FINE." Aaron huffed.
"She can borrow one of Tessa's swimsuits." One of the guys offered.
"Oh, I left one it the Jeep. I'll go get it." I said, grabbing the keys and rushing out. I stopped at the Jeep, grabbing the bikini I borrowed from Deino. It was one of my favorites. I rushed back inside, to be hounded by Lexi.
"Help me with my swimsuit?" She asked, dragging me to her room. We changed in there. After all, we ARE sort of sisters. I helped her tie her swimsuit, doing her hair in a braid. I fishtail braided my own, before grabbing two towels, and walking downstairs. The guys drooled over me.
"Swimming?" I asked.
"Wow, that was the shortest sentence I've ever heard you say. You sound like Cecily." Aaron laughed.
Shane bolted down the stairs in swimtrunks and dragged me out to the pool.
"You're part Nereid, right?" He asked.
"Uh-huh." I replied.
"So you can breathe water?" He asked.
"Uh-Huh." I replied. Again.
He jumped into the water, pulling me in. I sucked in a mouth full of water, and only got air. I grinned at Shane.
I broke the surface.
"Nice try, but I can LIVE underwater." I grinned.
"But can you deal with being splashed?" Shane began splashing water at me with no remorse. I screamed and took cover under the water.
"I WANNA PLAY!" Lexi jumped in when I surfaced.
"Attack on Shane!" She said, splashing Shane.
I focused on willing the water to move. Yes, I can control water, I AM a Nereid. I moved my hand, the water copying my hand's movements.
"Lexi, get behind me, unless you want to get drenched." I said.
She obeyed. I forced the water up into a wave, messing with it, until it formed several water balloons, and throwing them at Shane.
"SHIT!" He yelled when one hit him. "THAT is SO unfair."
"LIFE'S UNFAIR!" Lexi exclaimed, trying to throw the water orbs at Shane, but failing. I turned a few of the water orbs into ice orbs.
"Won't that hurt?" Lexi giggled as I handed it to her.
"They turn to water if you throw them." I threw one at Shane, it bursted into water, not even staying ice when close enough to his body.
"COOL!" Lexi threw one, but Shane caught it, and threw it at me. I didn't need to move; I willed it to lose form before it wad too close to my face. Shane frowned.
"GUYS HELP ME! GUYS VS. GIRLS!" He called, as some guys came out.
I held up an ice orb.
"I'm on Delilah's team!" One guy said, slipping in the water.
"Me too!" Another said.
"Kiss asses." Aaron jumped in next to me. "I'd like to pelt Shane with ice. Give me one?"
"That sentence is missing a word." I said simply.
"Give me one now?" Aaron tried.
"Not even close." I said.
"Give me one, woman." He grunted.
"You're worse than a child." I grumbled, making one, and handing it to him. He chucked it at Shane, who was trying, and failing to dodge them.
I giggled when he squeaked.
"Okay stop. I'm on Shane's team now." I said, swimming over to Shane's side.
"Take that, bitches." Shane laughed triumphantly.
"Oh, shut your mouth. Now they'll be aiming for you desperately, because I can do this." I made a shield of ice.
"NOT FAIR!" The guys complained.
"Shut up." I said, grabbing Shane's hand.
"Don't stand in the open!" I said, pulling him into the protection of the ice wall I made.
I made a wave with the pool water, soaking the guys.
A hand touched my shoulder, and I turned around, hissing. It was Aaron.
"Damn you're scary." He said.
"SNEAK ATTACK!" I said, raising the water.
"Oh no you don't." He smirked, grabbing my hands, and kissing me.
I forced the water up with my head, getting him wet.
"Wait, aren't Nereids mermaids? Like you know, shell covered bras and fishtails?" A guy asked.
"No, that's the butchered kind. Nereids are the cause of a thousand mens deaths a year, because we eat human flesh." I grinned innocently, showing my Nereid teeth, sharp as knives.
The guys gulped.
"She does kill." Aaron mutter.
"Says the killer transvestite who molests cats." I muttered.
Aren't you forgetting you're a Sysa, AKA a cat?

Aaron's voice rang in my head.
"You are disgusting. Imma be right back." I said.
I let my Nereid form take over: fish tail, sharp teeth and claws. The swimsuit bottoms shrank into my skin, my fish tail a firey red, much like flames when I swam. I swam near the boys, touching their legs just to freak them out. I surfaced, changed back and laughed, getting out. I walked into the kitchen, to see Malie smiling at the boys.
"I'm sorry Delilah, I never introduced myself. I'm Malie, Aaron's mother. I've met you before, but you were still toddling around. I can tell you're perfect for Aaron. He never smiled or even smirked before you came. Now look at him. And I think it's good you're what you are. It's learning experience for us all." Malie said.
"Oh well-"
"But don't forget this. I want grandchildren. Okay?" Malie smiled.
"O-Oh, um...I just came in for a drink, a-and-"
"Oh, here dear. I just made lemonade. No go back to them they're waiting for you." Malie said, pushing me out with a glass of lemonade.
"Damn, the scariest mate alive went inside, for LEMONADE?" Shane asked.
I hissed, taking a sip of the lemonade.
"Evil people get thirsty too." I said.
Aaron was out of the pool, listening to something on his Iphone. He took the earbuds out, looking at me, confused.
"Is that you?" He asked, showing me a video of the first day of music class.
"Oh hey look, someone video taped that...Damn you, Ryder, Damn you to hell. Oh I am so going to go kill him." I said.
"Why?" Aaron asked.
"He was in Drama class too. I have a feeling he video taped it just because he's CECILY'S BF, and he KNOWS I hate to be videotaped." I grumbled.
"What's so bad about Drama?" Aaron asked.
"I had to do improv, with Narcissus, and we had a topic. Lucky me, you can figure out the rest." I said, realizing I was so pissed off, that my claws were out.
"I'll help you kill him. Hell, I'll kill that teacher." Aaron said.
"What, did a sex tape get out?" Shane grinned.
"Oh hell no. And don't even say that, cause I will kick your ass." I said.
"Ooh, I want to see what's pissing you off so much." Shane said, getting out of the water.
"In class I was forced against my will to sing." I said. "Nothing interesting."
"If you suck, it will be interesting." Shane snatched the video from Aaron, listening to it. He grinned at the end.
"I have a speaker." He said, running off with the Iphone. I sank to the ground, burying my head in my hands.
"Is it THAT embarrassing?" A guy asked.
"Yes. No. I don't know." I said.
"Let her have her breakdown. HURRY UP AND GET THE SPEAKER, SHANE!" Aaron called.
"How dare you, encouraging him." I said, tears springing in my eyes.
I heard Shane blasting the song.

I'm a dead man walking here
But that's the least of all my fears
Ooh, underneath the water

It's not Alabama clay
That gives my trembling hands away
Please forgive me father

Ain't going back to Barton Hollow
Devil gonna follow me e'er I go
Won't do me no good washing in the river
Can't no preacher man save my soul

Did that full moon force my hand?
Or that un marked hundred grand?
Ooh, underneath the water
Please forgive me father

Miles and miles in my bare feet
Still can't lay me down to sleep
If I die before I wake
I know the Lord my soul won't take

I'm a dead man walking
I'm a dead man walking

Keep walking and running and running for miles
Keep walking and running and running for miles
Keep walking and running and running for miles

Ain't going back to Barton Hollow
Devil gonna follow me e'er I go
Won't do me no good washing in the river
Can't no preacher man save my soul

"Whose the guy?" Shane asked.
"The guy I am using to cheat on Aaron." I said.
Aaron growled.
"Joking, god." I mutter.
"Why are you so upset that we played that?" Shane asked.
"Ugh." I said.
"Why are you. So upset. That we played that?" Shane asked again.
"Ugh." I said again.
"Aaron, she hates me!" Shane said.
"Good." Aaron said.
"I hate all of you." I muttered.
"Me too?" Aaron asked, hurt in his voice.

"Aaron, she hates me!" Shane complained.
"Good." I said.
I was furious. All the guys were staring at Delilah like she was THEIR mate. I wanted to rip their heads off so badly, I was about to throttle the closest one to me, AKA Shane. Who knew having a mate made you this jealous and protective? Does Delilah feel like this when girls look at me?
"I hate all of you." Delilah muttered, her head in her hands.
My heart crumbled, as Lyall whimpered in my head. I felt sick, as if I was going to puke. So this is what they meant by feeling sick when your mate is angry at you, and it's your fault.
"Me too?" I managed to ask, hurt clear in my voice.
"I'm going to hate every single person on this planet until you and Shane apologize, and MEAN IT." She muttered, getting up, and walking into the house.
"I'm not going to be able to mean it. I'm not sorry that I played that video." Shane said.
"I can't help you if she sneaks into your room at night and holds a pillow over your head until you stop kicking. She may very well do the same to me." I choked out.
"She does really hate us, huh?" Shane asked. "Because you look sick."
I nodded.
"I'm not going to apologize." Shane said.
"She may never come here again, and I KNOW how bored you get, since you have no one to show off for." I said.
Shane's face showed realization.
"I'll be right back." He ran inside the house.
"Am I still the only one who found their mate?" I asked.
"Yep." The other guys said.
"Your mate is hot." One of the guys, Eli said.
Eli was Shane's brother. Eli is a courageous guy with beady eyes the color of blueberries. His luxurious, wavy, coffee-colored hair is worn in a style that resembles a cascading waterfall. He is very tall and has a graceful build. His skin is cream-colored. He has an elegant nose, high cheekbones, and thin lips.
I growled at him.
"Whoa, dude, just saying." Eli raised his hands up.
I'm the strongest in the pack, and the alpha. You don't mess with me, and live to speak of it. And Eli must really want to die, because he's talking about MY Delilah.
"Damn, she really does hate me. She attempted to stab me with a spoon when I got near her." Shane said, rubbing his arm, and walking out. I laughed.
"Wow, she is like Daniel." I muttered. "Did you apologize?"
Shane nodded.
"Apologizing hurts. Who knew you could stab someone with a spoon?" Shane said.
I raised my hand.
"Live with her brother, and you will learn A LOT." I said. "I have a feeling she's gonna attempt to throttle me."
The guys laughed.
I walked inside, to see Delilah sitting at the stairs, her chin resting on her knees.
"Delilah." I said.
She looked up.
I already know you're going to apologize, but I want more than that.

She said in my head.
Lyall barked in my head.
Delilah laughed.
Stop it. Lyall's the bad qualities about me.

I said.
Was it him or you that decided to give me a hickey the other day?

She asked.
Lyall barked again.
"That's your answer." I said.
She laughed again.
"I always wanted a puppy. I guess Lyall will do." She said.
I blushed.
"Are you going to apologize or what?" Delilah asked.
We're sorry, can I take over and fuck you now?

Lyall said.
Delilah turned red.
"Told you. Can't control what my wolf says." I murmured.
"That's as close as you can get to an apology?" She asked.
"You know how hard it is to apologize. It's burns my soul." I said.
"You think you're so funny, huh?" She asked, smiling.
"Nope." I replied.
"I'll forgive you if you'll actually introduce me to more than just three people. And is Lexi the only other girl?" She asked.
"No, there are a few, but they have part-time jobs. They work until noon everyday except for the weekend." I replied.
"Oh." She said.
"Oh, Aaron, I was wondering if you left." Agamemnon's voice made me jump.
"Yes, dad?" I asked.
"Can I talk to the two of you in my office?" Agamemnon asked.
"Sure." I said, pulling Delilah up.

I looked at Aaron's mate. This girl reminded me of a playful kitten. She has almond-shaped eyes of any Nereid, one a green like a peice of malachite, the other a gray like a window looking out on an overcast sky. Her thick, wavy, long hair is the color of red flames, and is worn in a complex, artistic style. She is very tall for an elf and has a curvy build, like any Sysa. She has high cheekbones, with an elegant nose and long-fingered hands, like a Sysa. She has full lips like a Banshee, and thin eyebrows like a Nereid. Her ears are slightly poined, like an Elf's.. Her wardrobe is sexy, with a lot of red. I found myself comparing her to her lineage. Nereids are pretty, but always have a physical flaw, yet I don't see one. Sysa, well, their fingers are long like that, but their claws are almost always out. Banshees, their lips are usually bigger. Elves usually have prominent pointed ears, not just pointed ears.
"Yes dad?" Aaron snapped, noticing I was staring at his mate.
"Ah yes. Right. Now that you have your mate, it is only right that you take over the pack, and Malie and I retire. And it is only fitting for the alpha to live in the house of his pack." I said.
Aaron looked uncomfortable. Was my first and only son uncomfortable in this house? Around me? I hope I am not a disgrace to him.
"Well, what about Delilah-"
"She can live with you. Your mother lived with me when I first took over from your grandfather." I said.
"You know how Daniel is. He'll drag her screaming back to the house if she doesn't listen to him. He's worse than a bossy mother." Aaron said.
"I can discuss it with him." I said.
Delilah looked at me.
"I've met you before." She finally said.
"Yes, I last saw you when you were 4." I said.
"Oh." She looked away.
"You're required to take over soon, since you have your mate. There's nothing I can do. I can't put your 12 year old sister in charge. She doesn't even have her mate." I said.
"Fine. I'll talk with Daniel. I can bring the guys back, right?" Aaron said.
I nodded.
"Wonderful. You may go." I said.

I led Delilah out to the car. Shane and Eli were waiting.
"Where ya think ya going?" Shane smirked.
Delilah hissed at him, her sharp Nereid teeth showing.
"Agamemnon's insisting I take over. Gotta go get screamed at by Daniel until I convince him to let Delilah go with me." I said.
"Nah, liar. I can tell, you're going home to fuck her." Eli said.
In a flash, Delilah had Eli pinned down, her foot on his chest, her claws out.
"Listen to me ya ignorant ass, I'm. Going. Home. Not for the idiotic reason you think. I have plenty of other idiots in my life already, and I'd sooner kill you than listen to the crap you say. Got that?" She hissed around her sharp teeth.
Eli was pale, looking at Delilah with wide eyes.
"Got that?"
She grabbed the collar of his shirt, bringing his face closer to hers.
"Y-yes." Eli stuttered.
"Good." She let go of him, turning to Shane, who was sitting on the hood of her Jeep.
"Get off of my car before I break your neck and feed your lifeless body to the ducks at the park. Got it?" She snapped.
Shane gulped, getting off the Jeep.
"Note to self: Don't get new alpha female angry. Bad." He muttered, walking off with Eli.
Delilah retracted her claws.
"You're acting as if you grew up knowing about this, and you despise my kind." I laughed, hopping in the driver seat.
"No, I just hate annoying idiots. I dealt with Narcissus, remember?" She said.
I laughed.

We sat in Daniel's office. He had his college clothes on, which consisted of a white button up shirt, with a tie, and black jeans. Daniel glanced at me as Aaron explained.
"So," Aaron finished. "We were making sure you were okay with her moving in with the pack and I. The boys will be coming too. I may be able to find room for you, but I then may have to scatter the pack into subdivisions around town."
Daniel looked stunned.
"You want Delilah, to move in with you? And leave me alone?" He asked.
"We could see to you living closer by. After all, rich sister." I said.
Daniel looked at me with sad eyes.
"I can't believe I'm losing the last of my family. Mom hates me, Dad's gone, and you're moving away." Daniel said.
"Don't Sysanthropes have mates?" Aaron asked.
Sysa was short for Sysanthrope. Thrope meaning human, and I think Sysa means Cat, or Cheetah.
"We do, but with my luck, she may never meet me." Daniel said.
"Danny. I have to." I said.
"You can go. Just visit. I get lonely too." Daniel said.
I hugged him, before going to my room with Aaron. He helped me pack my stuff, AKA he grabbed all my stringy, lacey, showing clothes, and shoved them in a suitcase.
"Perv." I muttered.
"Hey, I need my amusement too." Aaron pointed out.
"Major Perv." I muttered.
"I CAN HEAR YOU!" Aaron said, laughing.
I grabbed my normal clothes, shoving it in another suitcase. I took my bath stuff, and some of my books with me.
"We can come back for more." I said.
"Okay. I have clothes there." Aaron said.
We packed the stuff into the Jeep, and drove to our new home. We went to one of the master bedrooms that was empty, and put our stuff in there. No one noticed us until we came downstairs, and I bumped into Shane.
"Ah!" He said. "The devil, is EVERYWHERE."
I hissed, before laughing at his horrified expression.
"Is there anything that will make her a little more like a normal, giggly, teenage girl?" Shane asked.
"Sedatives at the hospital. She tripped and fell off a cliff a month ago, and they drugged her up. Though she was a little too giggly." Aaron said.
"How do you trip and fall off a cliff?" Shane asked me.
"I manage to pull off things you dumb males can't do. Like tripping off a cliff, and hm...I can breathe underwater, oh, and I can kill you without even trying." I said, checking my nails.
"Shit you brought Dark Lys out. You might want to cheer her up before she smothers you with a pillow tonight." Aaron said.
"Okay fine, I'm sorry, you're right, I am stupid." Shane said.
"OKAY!" I said.
"Is she always like this?" Shane asked.
"Only when she's consumed junk food. And I made the bad decision of giving her ice cream and soda." Aaron sighed, exasperated.
"Make nice, I'm going to go tell Malie and Agamemnon we're here." Aaron walked off.
My hyper rush wore off.
"Sorry about earlier with the whole car thing. Having a stressful...Life." I said.
"What the fuck? You're civilized now?" Shane asked.
"I have my hyper moments. And it just came and went." I shrugged. "Mind showing me around the place?"
"I don't want to." Shane said.
I blinked my eyes, turning my stare ice cold. My glares can kill. He gulped.
"O-okay." He said.
"Show me the yard?" I asked.
"Why the yard?" Shane asked.
"It's a need. I NEED air, I NEED water, I NEED to kill things." I said.
Shane laughed.
"You're not that bad, for a Sysa." He said.
"Please, I was BORN awesome." I said, grabbing his hand. Shutters ran through Shane's body.
"Damn, it felt like you shocked me." Shane said. "Wait...If Aaron sees me touching you, even just like this, he'll kill me."
Shane dropped my hand. I pouted.
"To the yard, slave!" I said, giggling at the face Shane made.
"Shit, you're getting hyper again." Shane said.
"No, you made a weird face. I was REQUIRED to laugh." I said.
"Whatever you say." Shane led me out.

Chapter 8

The yard was expansive, the area we owned, fenced off lead more miles. The pool, and a training area in front, behind that free area, where wildflowers grew, behind that, a fighting ground and hunting ground. Right of that, was a small garden with stables filled with horses.
"Wow." I said.
Shane grinned.
"You're really pretty, you know that?" He blurted.
I looked at him, not believing it. I have my vain and modest moments.
"No, I'm not." I said.
"Whatever. Don't believe me. But have you ever looked in a mirror?" Shane asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Okay then. New topic. You do know you'll be in charge of the pack too? Alpha female, remember?" Shane said.
I nodded.
"Plus school, plus I have to check in on Phoebe with Mom, and my friends, plus a job. My life is stressful." I said.
"Is that a scar?" Shane surprised me by asking.
"Where?" I asked.
"On your shoulder." He touched a weak spot on my arm. I winced. He was right. I have tiny scars all over my body.
"Oh, THAT." I said.
"Is someone hurting you?" He asked.
"No." I lied.
"Tell me, or I'll go tell Aaron." Shane threatened.
"My mom used to beat me senseless. I got away from Florence, that's my mom, a month ago." I said.
"Does it hurt?" He asked, fingering the scars on my arm.
"They hurt less than the burn marks. She'd burn me with fire, cigarettes, warm metal, anything. I think it hurt worse than usual because I'm a Nereid." I said.
Shane hugged me, causing me to gasp.
"No wonder you get pissed at people." He muttered.
"Squishing...Me...Ow, my boobs." I gasped.
Shane let go.
"Sorry. Forgot how strong us wolves are." Shane grinned.
"That was on purpose. Next time, I'll claw at anything I can get to if you hug me." I threatened.
Shane frowned. Aaron's voice in my head caused me to jump.
Has Shane begged you for sex yet?

He asked.
No. He just hugged me half to death after forcing me to explain the scars all over my body.

You tell him it was a part of our little game?

Aaron asked.
Perv. Liar. No, I told him the truth. Ow, my breasts still hurt. Why do wolves have to be so strong?

Aaron laughed in my head.
And fat.

I added.
Aaron's laughing stopped.

He said.
I was almost squished when you were on top of me last night!

I argued.
Oh, you know you loved it.

Aaron said.

I said, before blocking him out of my mind.
"Arguing with Aaron in your head?" Shane asked.
"Yes." I said. "But I blocked him out. Or else he'd be cussing me out in japanese." I said.
"Japanese?" Shane asked.
"Aaron's obsessed with anime. That, or he sneaks Japanese porn into the house." I said.
Shane laughed.
"Not. Funny." I said, using an alpha voice.
He stopped laughing.
"Ah, my life is going to be so much better with a younger alpha female. No more 'When I was your age...' and more laughing and joking." Shane said.
"Hello." Aaron said, walking out.
"Hi. Your cat insisted for me to take her outside." Shane said.
"Wonderful. Let me borrow her for a moment." Aaron dragged me inside into our room.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I AM NOT FAT!" He said.
"Yes." I replied.
"No." He insisted.
"Yes." I snapped.
"No." He said.
"Fine you win." I said, sitting on the bed.
"My mom said she won't let you officially take the role of Alpha female until she gets grandchildren." Aaron blurted.
I blushed.
"I know." I said. "Is this the part where you say you agree with her?" I asked.
"Uh-huh." Aaron took his shirt off, locking the door.
"Woohoo, I'm going to get crushed again by my fat mate." I muttered, pulling him by his jeans closer to me. He growled.
"Not fat." He said.
"Prove it." I said, reaching for the buttons at his pants.
"Not until I get your shirt off." He said, pulling the corset off of me.
Soon we were naked, kissing. My heart sped up in anticipation.
"Was it you or Lyall that marked me?" I asked.
"..Lyall. Now it's my turn." Aaron said, putting himself on top of me.

He got off of me, as I panted like a dog.
"Damn, the second time was as good as the first." He muttered.
"I know." I replied.
"Hopefully Blaine's power works on you, along with Tessa's." Aaron muttered.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Tessa has this power, where she can cause any mate's female to get pregnant if they've had sex in the last 48 hours. And, I heard her walk in the door. I've got excellent hearing. Blaine can see people's future. He made a vow to tell me if he sees anything that involves you. I want you to be alpha female, just as much as I want a family." Aaron muttered.
"But school-"
"It won't matter." Aaron said. "School's almost out. And then off to college."
"Okay, but I will personally blame you if I don't get a girl." I said, getting out of bed. "I'm hopping in the shower. Feel free to join me."
I went into the bathroom, and turned on the shower. After five minutes of scrubbing myself, Aaron joined me. He put his hands around my waist and pulled me against him.
"Oh." I muttered.
He kissed my neck.
"Hey, no groping in the shower. Showers are to make you clean, remember?" I said, flicking water at him.
"Fine. But I shall continue after dinner." Aaron grumbled, grabbing the soap.

After I finished, I got out, drying myself off, and rushing into my pajamas/clothes. It consisted of gray sweatpants, and a blue Mutts shirt, one size too big, that the left sleeve slid off my shoulder, showing bare skin. I put on a strapless bra. Aaron got out, and looked at me.
"Aw, I was hoping you'd wear the pajamas from the other night." He said.
"Most of the pack is guys, remember?" I said.
"Then tease them. They all don't have their mates, and they'll be jealous, and I'll laugh at them." Aaron said.
"No, they'll pant over me, and you'll growl, threatening to rip their heads off." I said.
"Fine, put on something else. But I pick." Aaron said.
I ended up in my black lace lingerie, that resembled a lace one-piece bathing suit. It was solid black around my crotch and my breasts. I threw on a pink silk robe over it, hugging it close to my body.
"Yay." Aaron said, kissing me.
He pulled me downstairs to the dining room, and I used the robe to hide my PJs. It's a expansive room, but quite adequately lit. The walls are painted in a soft amber, broken up by sheer, springtime green curtains on the windows. A few of the girls were home. They sat in a line, the start by Eli, the end by Shane.
"The one next to Eli, that's Tessa. Next is Laurine, Jashawna, Kisa, Chloe, Kanon, and Arabelle is next to Shane." Aaron said.
Tessa reminded me of a raging river. She has hooded brown eyes that are like two splotches of mud. Her silky, curly, amber hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a trailing ribbon. She has a curvy build. Her skin is china-white. She has a wide chin and small hands.
Laurine put me in mind of a sensitive artist. She has deep-set smoke-gray eyes. Her luxurious, wavy, blue hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a seashell. She has a thin build. Her skin is white. She has wide feet.
Jashawna made me think of a sturdy tree. She has almond-shaped brown eyes that are like two patches of dried blood. Her thick, straight, gray-blonde hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a drifting cloud. She is very short and has a plump build. Her skin is ruddy. She has an elegant nose and a wide chin.
Kisa has almond-shaped eyes the color of chocolate. Her fine, wavy, blonde hair is neck-length and is worn in a precise style. She is tall and has a leggy build. Her skin is white. She has a high forehead.
Chloe has beady brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. Her thick, straight, crimson hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a mysterious hood. She has a lean build. Her skin is dark. She has thick eyebrows and a weak chin.
Kanon has almond-shaped eyes the color of blueberries. Her thick, curly, beige hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a cobra's hood. She is very tall and has a voluptuous build. Her skin is white. She has a small nose.
Arabelle has narrow eyes the color of fine silver. Her silky, straight, yellow hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a seashell. She has a narrow build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has a large nose.
They looked up at me and smiled.
Aaron pulled me onto his lap, since there were no seats left.
"Girls, this is Aaron's mate, Delilah." Malie said.
"Hi." They all said.
"Hi." I replied.
"Aw...Is little Lys scared?" Shane joked.
"No." I muttered.
"Whatever you say." Shane rolled his eyes. "They don't bite."
"Actually, I do bite, but..." Tessa said, trailing off as her eyes met Aaron's. She gasped, paling, before running off.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked.
"Tessa sometimes gets sick. She has a few powers, and when she uses them, they make her sick afterewards." Chloe said.
"Ah." I said.
Tessa didn't show up for the entire dinner time. After being filled with spaghetti, I went off with the girls to find her.
"Sorry, I just don't do well with new people. It's uncomfortable." I said to them.
"Shy, huh?" Kanon asked.
"A little. But you all seem really nice." I said.
"I wonder what power she used by accident." Jashawna said.
"I don't know." Everyone said.
We found Tessa in the main bathroom, washing her mouth out.
"What power?" Arabelle asked.
Tessa turned to me, gulping.
"Delilah's gonna find out she pregnant next week." She said.
"WHAT?!" We all shrieked.
"I looked at you and Aaron, and not only did my power get you to get pregnant, but I SAW the future. You had a baby belly. Like not a huge tummy, but like a little bump." Tessa said.
"Shit." I muttered. "Well, now Malie HAS to give me the position as Alpha female."
"Why?" Kisa asked.
"She insisted she gets grandchildren, and not until then will she give me the A.F. position." I explained.
"Let me guess, Aaron wanted you to be Alpha Female so badly that he knocked you up?" Laurine asked.
I nodded.
Well, at least school's over. But why do I feel so grown up?

The girls returned, pale.
"What?" Eli asked.
"Nothing, we just thought we saw someone in the window by the bathroom when we were coming back." Delilah explained.
Agamemnon gave me a look I never wanted to see. I knew what it meant.
The Sysa are after Delilah.

It said.
I stood up.
"Blaine, Rex go check the front of the house. Jake, Sammy the left side. Malachi, Weston the right. King, Toby the back. The Sysa may be planning an attack." I ordered, using my alpha voice with ease. Blaine, Rex, Jake, Sammy, Malachi, Weston, King, and Toby headed off. I tried to take Delilah to the room, but the girls insisted they stayed with her.

Lyall growled.
"Okay, fine. I guess if you really want to." I said.
They hurried with Delilah and I to our master bedroom. It was more the size of an apartment, and instead of a kitchen, there was an open room. All the girls were changed into PJs, even Delilah, but the girls insisted Delilah wore something warmer. They took her into the bathroom. I caught a flash of a small pink rectangle box in Tessa's hand. What did Tessa do with her power? Did she get Delilah pregnant?
Five minutes later I heard a shriek.

I cried in my head.
Had someone gotten her?
I'm fine. A spider crawled onto me.

Delilah lied.
They came outside of the bathroom, Delilah in the outfit from earlier.
"Nice job, ass." Laurine snapped at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Ask your mate." She snapped back.
"Laure, stop being mean." Delilah said.
"What did I do?" I asked Delilah.
She sighed.
"Should we tell him?" She asked the girls. They nodded. "Sit down, Aaron."
I sat.
Delilah pulled something out of her pocket. It was small, and reminded me of a thermometer.
"Do you know what this is?" She asked me.
"No...?" I said.
"It's a pregnancy tester." She said.
I turned pale.
She showed me the screen. It showed a pink plus. What does a pink plus mean?
It means I'm pregnant.

Delilah said in my mind.
"WHAT?!" I jumped up.
"Yeah, and you better stay with her. Because I've heard of werewolves leaving their pregnant mate before. If you do, I'll personally kill you." Laurine threatened.
"Why would I leave her?" I asked.
"Maybe because you couldn't have sex?" She said.
"Who cares? I'm not a whore." I said.
Lauren sighed.
"You passed...For now. Now let's play a game." She said, pulling a checkers board out of the closet.
"Delilah versus Aaron." She said, setting it up.

All the girls, besides Delilah slept on the floor. I wrapped my hands around her stomach, sighing. I fell asleep, and dreamt of a child toddling around as Delilah chased the toddler.

Chapter 9

I woke up, but Delilah was gone. Arabelle was shaking my shoulder, dears in her eyes.
"We can't find her anywhere!" She said, jolting me awake.
"Who? Delilah?" I asked, panic rising in my chest.

I tried calling her.
No answer.
"YES! We looked everywhere! Austin said when they got here last night, a strange car was leaving from out driveway. The Sysa took Delilah!" Chloe cried.
I sat up, almost ready to pass out.
"Shit. No. No. No!" I said, shaking my head.
"Her phone, her, keys, and her purse are here. Can you reach her through your mind thingy?" Kisa asked, about to cry.
I tried again.
DELILAH! Answer me!

I cried, as Lyall howled.
Delilah squeaked in my head.
A-Aaron, where am I? Why is it so dark? Why can't I move my hands?

She asked.
"Delilah, where are you?" I asked, both mentally, and aloud.


I yelled, punching a wall.
"What?" Everyone but Tessa asked. Tessa can read minds.
"Sysa. They took her. Delilah said a Sysa man is touching her." I growled.

She cried in my head.
Tell him you're pregnant if he tries to rape you, I don't know!

I cried, getting dizzy.
Lyall whined.
"Shit. How dare they send a guy in to rape her!" Tessa cried.
The girls eyes went wide.
I threw on jeans and a tee, rushing downstairs to the dining room.
"Aaron, wheres-" I cut them off.
"Are they hurting her-" I cut Shane off.
"She said some guy is trying to RAPE her." I growled.
"Calm down Aaron. We can find her." Austin said. "I wrote the liscence number down from the car that I saw. I checked the person ID. It's Tobias Freesly. He's Sysa. He lives just outside of the next town over."
I calmed down a little.
"Come on, let's go." I said, dragging half the pack with me.

The guy had me in just my bra and panties when he finally spoke.
"My my, looks like someone's a little used." He said, his hand on a baby bump that had formed overnight.
"Don't touch me." I spat.
"Oh well, I guess I can't have sex with you." The man said.
It was so dark in the room, that I couldn't see the man who was touching me. My hands were shackled above my head, and my feet shackled too.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"How can it be that a crossbreed like you can be a wolf's mate? Is it true?" The man asked.
"I won't say unless you tell me your name." I snapped.
"It's Kai." He purred.
"Yes, I'm a wolf's mate." I muttered.
"Ah, perfect. So the thing that's keeping me from making love to you is a wolf child, no?" Kai asked.
"It's a wolf child." I muttered. "And why would you want to rape me?"
"You're a Sysa, I'm a Sysa, our numbers are few. We need to procreate." Kai said, a grin in his voice.
"Can you turn the lights on? I'd like to be able to see in more than just black and white." I said.
A light flicked on.
Kai had reddish-brown hair, with golden cat eyes.
"Wow, you're actually kind of hot." I said. "Such a shame you'd rape a girl."
Kai frowned.
"Now would have been rape, or would you have liked it?" He purred, as he tried to unbutton my bra.
"Don't. I'd like that on." I said.
"Too bad. I just want a taste." Kai grinned when he got my bra off. He placed his mouth on my breast and bit down. I screamed at the pain. Blood filled his mouth, and soon he stopped.
"Did I mention I crave Elf blood?" Kai asked, grinning with his bloodstained teeth.
I felt tears leak down my cheeks.
"Now now, don't cry." Kai murmured before kissing me. I struggled, but his strength plus the shackles was too much. I went limp, as Kai's tongue went in my mouth.
"KAI!" A man's voice called. "Leave the girl alone."
Kai winced, breaking the kiss.
"But she likes it." Kai said.
"KAI. Listen to your father." The man said.
Kai sighed, licking my cheek, before getting up, to reveal a man who looked like an older Kai.
"Where are her clothes?" The guy asked.
"On the ground." Kai grinned, before walking out.
I wimpered when the man shut the door.
"Here." He helped me into a pair of lingerie pajamas exactly like the ones I wore to dinner.
"It's all I have. I'm sorry about Kai. He gets carried away." The man said.
I wimpered again.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I didn't want to hurt you." The man said. "I'm Tobias. Your new leader."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.04.2012

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