

"How can I be a Lycan?!" I screamed at Daniel, who just stared at me patiently.
"After Malie and Agamemnon came-which, I should point out, was when you were gone-they broke the news to me. They also said soon you'd find your mate. They said she wasn't human, OR wolf, which should be good. I hope." Daniel said.
I pouted. Malie and Agamemnon are my parents, the alphas until I have my mate. In reality, I don't want a mate, or to be alpha. Even if I don't know what a mate is exactly, I don't want it. It sounds boring.
"What is a mate?" I asked.
"A mate is when one wolf guy likes a girl very much-" Daniel was getting on my nerves with his baby-talk. He treated me like a child.
"I get it, dipshit. I mean, is it like a soul mate, or is it like forced marriage?" I snapped.
"Soul Mate. It has the word MATE in it." Daniel said. "I can only HOPE you didn't imprint on poor Delilah..."
At her name, my heart raced, and a howl sounded in my head, as clear as Daniel's voice.
"What was that? A dog?" I asked, looking around.
Daniel laughed.
"No, it was in your head. Your split personality, your wolf is making it's interests known. One of which is my sister. I swear, if you go to my mom's house and you find out Delilah's your mate, tell me first. I want to know before Delilah screams while she's locked in a bathroom." Daniel's ears changed as he talked. His ears became somehow both fuzzy and hard like scales at the same time, pointing up like cat or elf ears. That's what I get for having a hybrid Nereid/Feline Person/Banshee/Elf friend. Strong, good vision, water-air lungs, fast, good voice, good hearing, and the BODY. I'm not gay, but I can tell that he's hot in a human girl's eyes. I can tell his sister is the same. She thinks like a human, in fact, she believes she's human, since no one will tell her about her dad. Her dad's a Nereid/Elf. A real elf, not a helper of Santa. Florence, of course, is a Banshee/Feline Person. Feline person being a result of a female cat becoming pregnant with cheetah's babies. Those babies are feline people. Yep, disgusting. Sorta my enemies.
But yet I'm in love with Daniel's sister...
"That's good to know that you're in love with my baby sister." Daniel said.
I covered my mouth, embarrassed.
"I said that out loud?" I asked.
Daniel nodded, giving me a killer look, before laughing.
"Don't worry. I can't stop fate. I can tell if your wolf howls at her name, and you're in love with her, Delilah's your mate. Have fun getting her to seal the bond." Daniel laughed.
He doesn't think I'll succeed. I already knew the bond of mates. It consists through basically sex. A few other minor things, like I have to draw blood, blah blah, but yeah. Sex. Never gonna happen, since Delilah doesn't like me.
"She likes you, but I think as a friend, or a brother. I can tell you're doubting her love." Daniel said.
His cell rang.

Chapter 1

I awoke to an angry mother. She stood over me, with a cigarette hanging out her mouth, as she glared down at me. The stone cold look she gave me no longer affected me, since I had grown to expect her glares to bare into my soul. Her pale white stomach was bloated, her pajama shirt unable to fit over it, like any pregnant woman only a month away from labor. The thought of a mother like mine raising an innocent child made me cringe, and I usually just pushed the thought away. Yes, my mom is pregnant with my step-sister. I had learned last winter, a week before George had moved in, and my older brother moved out with his friends. I missed them, since they were my protection from several beatings.
"Wake your lazy ass up ya freeloadin hunka crap!" She yelled in my face, her wispy blonde hair in her face. Usually I would have just laughed, since her country-like accent made her ghetto talk hilarious, but today I was short for words.
I ignored her, flipping over and away from her. I snuggled up against the cold white wall, pulling the fleece blanket close around my body. I didn't see it coming, but I knew from the stinging pain in the back of my head that she slapped me.
"Ow! I'm up!" I snapped, sitting up and looking at my mother.
"Pack ya things. Ya have taday ta get ya things and get da hell outta here." She growled.
Yes, my mom can't speak with good grammar with that cigarette in her mouth. Then again, without a cigarette, she can't speak good grammar either.
"No, I'm not leaving until next week." I complained.
I had planned to be out by now, but there was complications with the apartment I planned to rent. In other words, someone beat me to renting it. I only had a week to find a new home, and my mom is now pushing me out. Wonderful, huh?
"Taday." She snapped.
"Next week." I replied, checking my nails
"Look, ya stupid brat. Next month is ma due date, and George's baby ain't gunna live a wink with ya. I ain't gunna let an angel be polluted by ya devil attitude." She spat, the cigarette nearly falling out of her mouth.
George is my stupid step-dad, who pretty much hates my guts, for reasons I don't know. Ever since he started dating my mom, he told her how I needed to, in the polite form, sleep with a guy and die. He insisted I leave before his little 'angel' was born. Then again, he insists my mother quit smoking, but we ALL know how well she is at that. The cigarette in her mouth is proof whose in charge.
"I haven't got a place to live." I argued.
My mom forced me up, shoving me against the wall. My mother was strong for a knocked up woman in her thirties.
"George is lucky he doesn't have to worry about having an ugly deformed child like ya. Like ya brother and ya dad." She spat, picking her fat cigarette out of her mouth.
She pressed the cigarette against my neck with force. I felt the flame flare up, as she embedded it in my neck, pushing harder and harder, as she smirked. I screamed and cried, salty tears rolling down my cheeks, before resorting to slapping my mother. I hoped she hadn't left a scar on my neck, as she staggered back, dropping the cigarette onto the floor. I broke into tears, getting up and locking myself in my walk-in closet, as my mother banged on the door.
"Get changed and leave, Delilah!" My mom yelled at me, satisfaction and venom in her voice.
I sobbed, doing exactly as my mom said, pulling on a lilac purple half shirt over my zebra-stripe bra, and black skinny jeans in place of my pajama pants. I fixed my natural flame-red hair, throwing on lilac purple heels. I grabbed my purse, before running out of the house, past my mom and into my purple slug-bug. I sped off, to the nearest shopping center, before I called my brother.
"Hello?" My brother's voice came from the phone.
"Daniel? That you?" I asked, holding back a sob of relief.
"Delilah, what's wrong?" Daniel asked.
"Mom kicked me out, but not before she burned me with her cigarette. Can I move in with you and the guys? I have no where to go." I said, my voice cracking as tears spilled.
"Yeah...I'll come pick you up. You drive away from mom's?" Daniel asked, his voice soft.
"Yeah. In the McDonalds parking lot by her house." I answered, sniffling.
"I'll bring one of the guys to take my car back." Daniel said.
I sniffled again. Thank the lord for Daniel.
"Thank you Danny." I said, relief flooding my voice.
"Mmm-hmm." He said. "Bye."
I hung up. before sitting back in the seat and blasting my radio to clear my head.

Chapter 2

I nearly dozed off before my brother came. He knocked on my window, causing me to jump. He had blonde hair like my mother, the color of honey, but he had my heterochromia eyes, green and gray. He laughed, gesturing me to roll down the window, and to turn down the radio. I did just that.
"Brought Aaron with me. Don't fall asleep. He may take the opportunity to draw on your face." Daniel laughed.
I gave Daniel the puppy dog eyes.
"But, I'm too innocent to have my face mauled." I said, scooting over into the passenger seat.
"I'm making Aaron drive you home, but don't worry, I'll kill him if he bugs you." Daniel said, causing me to pout.
"Hey gorgeous." Aaron said, sitting in the driver seat of my bug, and grinning at me.
"Aaron, if you touch her, I'll chop your hands off, if you attempt to kiss her, I'll chop your lips off, and so help me if you attempt to get it out of your pants, I'll kill you and feed your groin to ducks at the park." Daniel growled.
Aaron gulped, snapping his legs closed.
Daniel was more of a parent than my dead father and my dumb mother.
"Okay, okay, god. You're so hateful." Aaron laughed, buckling up.
I buckled up, blasting the radio.
"Bye." Daniel said, closing Aaron's door.

"So how was your life?" Aaron asked.
"Horrible. My mother attempted to brand me with her stupid cigarette. It hurt." I said.
I swear, I heard Aaron growl. THAT was sexy. I wanna hear that again.
"Did you just growl?" I asked, giggling.
"No." Aaron brushed it off, red rising in his cheeks.
I payed attention when one of my favorite songs came on. It was Rumor Has It, by Adele.

She, she ain't real,
She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will,
She is a stranger,
You and I have history,
Or don't you remember?
Sure, she's got it all,
But, baby, is that really what you want?

Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds,
She made a fool out of you,
And, boy, she's bringing you down,
She made your heart melt,
But you're cold to the core,
Now rumour has it she ain't got your love anymore,

Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,

She, is half your age,
But I'm guessing that's the reason that you strayed,
I heard you've been missing me,
You've been telling people things you shouldn't be,
Like when we creep out and she ain't around,
Haven't you heard the rumours?

Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds,
You made a fool out of me,
And, boy, you're bringing me down,
You made my heart melt, yet I'm cold to the core,
But rumour has it I'm the one you're leaving her for,

Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,

All of these words whispered in my ear,
Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear,
Just 'cause I said it, it don't mean that I meant it,
People say crazy things,
Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it,
Just 'cause you heard it,

Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,
Rumour has it, rumour,

But rumour has it he's the one I'm leaving you for.

I sang along, able to hit all of the higher notes. In the end of the song, I saw Aaron was grinning.
"What?" I asked.
"Still a horrible singer huh?" Aaron laughed, joking around.
I pushed at him.
"I'd like to see you sing better." I said.
"Joking, joking. I can't sing like you can." Aaron said, holding a hand up in surrender.
"How's the house?" I asked.
"Small. I doubt we have a room empty for you. I'm willing to share my bed-" I cut Aaron off.
"And THAT would go well with Daniel." I rolled my eyes.
"I was joking. The house is spacious. We can fit like 16 people, and there's only 13 of us now." Aaron said.
"Oh." I said.
"We're here." Aaron said, pulling into the driveway of a HUGE three-car house.
It was painted a gray, with sad yellow curtains in the windows. I was greeted by 10 guys. There was Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, James, Justin, Christopher, Liam, Darwin, and Austin. I was tackled in a hug. Kevin was spanish, with mocha skin to match his brown-black hair and blue eyes. Gavin had golden hair, with gray eyes to match. Austin and James were twins, both having pale red hair, and light blue eyes. Conner had black hair, with blonde dyed tips, and brown eyes. Josh and Justin were siblings, but Josh had black curly hair, and was a little shorter, with gray eyes, while Justin had brown hair and hazel eyes. Christopher had blonde hair, with dark black eyes. Liam had red hair, and golden eyes. Darwin had green eyes, that made his black hair look dark.
"We missed ya chica." Kevin said.
"Yeah, well, you'll be missing me more if you guys bear-hug me to death." I choked out.
They let go, not without laughing.
"What's on your neck?" Justin asked.
Daniel stiffened, glaring at Aaron.
"My mom attacked me with her cigarette." I said, covering my neck.
"Ya sure Aaron didn't get to you?" Liam asked.
Aaron growled again, I think.
"I'm sure." I replied.
"Now, can you please let me inside so I can go find a couch to die on?" I asked.
Daniel grabbed my hand, dragging me in. The house was left white inside, no color on the walls, set up like any other house. Daniel dragged me upstairs, down a hall, and to a room that was set up as if it were waiting for me. I dropped my purse, before dropping on the bed.
"Is that mark really from mom's cigarette?" Daniel asked.
"No, I was abducted by aliens and taken to the planet testosterone, and was sold off to an alien that looked A LOT like Aaron, not that I'd know if that's what Aaron looked like naked. Yes, It's from mom's cigarette." I answered, undoing my pants to get in bed.
"Wow, you must REALLY like me, to say that you married an alien that looked like me and fucked you." It was Aaron.
He was standing in the doorway, smirking.
"Yeah, sure, whatever. I lied, I wasn't ABDUCTED by aliens, I was SENT TO EARTH by aliens." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Nice crotch." Aaron smirked.
Daniel advanced on him as I got under the covers
"Okay, scared of the brother. Imma be leaving." Aaron said, scurrying off.
"I hate him." Daniel answered.
"I hate him too." I agreed.
"Goodnight, don't let Aaron in. Or any of the other guys." Daniel said, switching off the light, and closing the door.
I gave in to sleep.

Chapter 3

I left the room, the vision of Delilah in bra and panties implanted in my mind. I could HEAR my wolf panting in my head.

My wolf said around his panting.
Shut up, not yet, I thought.
I can take over and seduce her. Just give me an hour, maybe two of control, and you'll wake up naked in her bed with her.

Hell no, I thought.
"Why did you say hell no?" Daniel asked.
I pointed to my head.
"Ah...Trying to gain control and rape my sister, aren't you?" Daniel said.
"Is that towards me or the wolf?" I asked.
"The wolf. He can talk through you."
Tell the dipshit to shut up and let me fuck. I'll do her so good when your old fashioned self does her, she'll fall asleep. I can make her moan.

my wolf said.
"SHUT UP!" I said, hitting my head against the wall.
"What?" Daniel asked.
"My wolf is worse than me when it comes to perv comments." I sighed.
Course I am, I'm the better version of you. I share your looks, but I flaunt it better.

My wolf said.
"I'm going to name you...Lyall." I thought out loud.
Wonderful, at least you didn't name me Wolfe. I would have annoyed you about that.

"What does Lyall mean?" Daniel asked.
"Wolf." I replied.
Lyall groaned.

Chapter 4

I was woken up by being pegged with something small, and hard. I opened my eyes to see Aaron, with a bundle of tennis balls in his arms, one in his hand ready to throw. His dark brunette hair covered his face as he looked down, but not his olive green eyes that glared at me.
"I'm awake." I groaned.
"Good, now let me in." Aaron growled, pulling up the blankets. It was then that I realized he only had boxers on.
"Aaron, don't make me give you a hard time." I warned.
"Come on Delilah baby, don't be like that." He cooed, getting under the covers and on top of me, his mouth sucking on my neck.
"DANIEL!!!" I screamed and kicked at him, but he wouldn't budge, and he kept on sucking my neck.
Daniel came running in, saw Aaron on top of me, and forced Aaron off of me, dragging him on the ground. Daniel threw Aaron against the wall, before slapping him across the face.
I sat up faking tears, knowing it would get Aaron in more trouble.
"I-I tried t-to stop him, I did. B-but he was hurting me Danny. I-I tried to stop him..." I sobbed.
"Liar." Aaron choked out, sounding like he was fighting both Daniel and himself.
"Out, or I'll choke you till you pass out!" Daniel growled at Aaron, picking him up.
"Lyall..." Aaron muttered, causing Daniel to drop him.
Aaron glared at me, before scampering out. Daniel came over and helped me up, checking my neck.
"Bad news is he gave you a hickey, good news is, it is over your cigarette burn, so it isn't noticeable." Daniel said.
"Is breakfast ready?" I asked.
Daniel nodded, handing me my outfit from last night: my purple half-shirt and black jeans. I quickly put them on, letting Daniel pull me out of my room, and back downstairs to the kitchen. There was Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, James, Justin, Christopher, Liam, Aaron, Darwin, and Austin waiting at the couch. They were fighting over boxes of cereal, as they watched a sport channel. I went into the pantry and pulled out a box of Reeses Puffs before I sat down at the edge, the last spot, next to Aaron. He smirked when he saw my neck, his hand on my leg.
"Hey Delilah." Everyone greeted.
"Hey everyone. Aaron, get ya paws offa me." I said nonchalantly, not looking away from the TV. They were watching a girl's volleyball tournament. I didn't pay attention to Aaron, until his hand was nearly on my crotch. I smacked him across the face.
"I SAID get ya paws offa me!" I shouted, shoving Aaron into Justin. Justin saved me, holding Aaron back while I scampered off to Daniel's side.
"Aaron, if I wasn't eating my Cocoa Puffs, I'd kill you. But Cocoa Puffs have priority over you." Daniel growled around a spoonful of Cocoa Puffs.
"Wow, you must be so insignificate, that cereal can keep Daniel's attention away from you." I giggled as Aaron pouted.
"Stupid Cocoa Puffs...Wait, never mind. Delilah baby don't be so cold, I just wanna play!" Aaron called from the other side of the couch. Daniel set his empty bowl on the table.
"Aaron.." Daniel growled, getting up to punch Aaron for touching the only girl in the house AKA me.
Aaron gulped, scampering back, before scooting off the couch and running away. Everyone but Aaron and Daniel laughed. I even giggled. It's good living with my overprotective older brother.

"Cummon, I havva group of friends that I need ta meet up with." Aaron said. More like growled.
We all went our seperate ways. Christopher, Liam, and Darwin went to the arcade. Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, Aaron, and I went to the mall. Daniel, James, and Justin went to the beach. Since there were 6 of us, and there were six seats, two in the front (Kevin and Gavin), two in the middle (Conner and Josh), and two in the back, so I was stuck in the back with Aaron. These other guys just WANTED me groped in the back of their car. Gavin swirved the car, causing me to slide into Aaron's arms. I grunted.
"Ya okay?" Aaron asked, unbubkling me, and pulling me onto his lap.
"Let go of me." I said.
"No." He purred into my ear.
"Hey Aaron, aren't ya meetin up with with ya babe? She'd be pissed if she saw ya with anotha girl on ya lap." Kevin called from the front.
Aaron shoved me off his lap, forcing me back into my seatbelt. So Aaron has a girl? More like a slut. Aaron was constantly sneaking sluts into my mom's house, and that's why she kicked all of them out, leaving it just me and her...Until George came. After that, well...Pretty much everyday was like yesterday. Yeah, I was abused and bullied, by my BIRTH-MOTHER!
"What's your girlfriend's name?" I asked sincerely.
"Deino. You don't know her. And Delilah, don't talk to her. Or me. Or ANY of my friends." He growled. I clutched my chest, pretending to be wounded.
"That really hurt Aaron baby. Right over the bruise from mother beating me." I said.
Aaron's face softened into pity, and sadness.
"Sorry, didn't mean to sound malicious." Aaron said.
I clapped my hands like a baby.
"Hey, look, you learned a new word! I should be upset more often, that's when you build your vocab." I giggled at Aaron's angry facial expression.
A knock on the window scared me crapless. I jumped, causing Aaron to laugh as I clutched my chest, hoping my heart rate would slow. The person who knocked on the door was female, with poorly-died blonde hair, and obviously surgically done giant boobs, and pink, pink on her lips, her clothes, and her nails. It was obvious she wore color contacts, her eyes a blue that looked freaky.
"That, would be Deino. Bye bimbo." Aaron said, before hopping out of the car.
"Bye ass-wipe!" I yelled, going the opposite direction of Aaron. I bumped into a guy about my age, with tanned skin and dyed electric blue hair, to match his light blue eyes. He licked his lips, eying me up and down.
"Ain't ya a pretty thing. Where's ya friends?" He asked, his hand wrapping around my waist.
"Let go of me, I'm meeting my BOYFRIEND here." I lied, pushing away from me, and backing away, the whole time glaring at him.

Chapter 5

"Where's Narcissus?" I asked Deino.
"Over there. Ugh, he found a bitch to fuck, it seems." Deino checked her pink nails.
Narcissus was talking with Delilah. MY Delilah. Hurt and anger swept through me, causing Lyall to growl.
He's stealing your girl, the only one your family will survive with. GET ME MY MATE BACK!

OUR mate, I thought.
Yeah sure, MY mate.

I watched Delilah trying to get away from Narcissus. She wasn't used to attention. She didn't take it well. Lyall growled again.
WE will be the ones to steal her innocence. Not some stupid Nereid-looking mundane.

My wolf growled.
So I looked to Deino.
"Call him over here, that girl seems disturbed by your brother."
So, Deino called for her brother.

"Narcissus, over here!" I heard a snooty girl call. It was Deino. I took the chance to scamper off before Narcissus could molest me.
"Comin!" I heard him yell. I scampered into the mall. Kevin, Gavin, Conner and Josh left WITHOUT ME! I went into Hot Topic, my favorite store, buying anything and everything that I liked and that fit me, including a shirt that said Come to the dark side, We have cookies,

With a picture of a cartoon devil holding a tray of cookies on it. In the end, I had about 17 bags from Hot Topic. After that, I went to Temptation, a jewelry store, and bought about a thousand peices of jewelry. After that I went to Bare Minerals, getting a bunch of make-up. I went to a shoe store whose name I forgot, buying heels and boots, and converse. In the end I spent nearly a thousand dollars on stuff. Thank god for my father leaving all of his money to me. My father was really rich, and he left the house that Daniel lives in to Daniel, as well as some family heirlooms, and some furnature. I, got ALL of his money, AND his company, which makes LOADS of money. THAT is why my mom kept me around until George came. I HAD THE MONEY! I walked the halls, occasionally seeing guys that snuck glances at me, but I kept mostly to myself. I was halfway through a batch of cookies from a bakery when I bumped into Aaron. Literally. I nearly dropped all of my bags, but the guy I met earlier, Narcissus helped me as Aaron just stood there, flirting with Deino, who STILL hadn't noticed me.
"Next time, watch where you're going." I growled at Aaron. I turned to Narcissus. "Thanks."
He saw my thousand bags and laughed.
"Ya sure ya didn't bring any friends?" He said.
"I'm sure...Well...I went with my brothers friends, but they ditched me to hang with each other, or to make eyes at their girlfriends. Huh, Aaron?" I snapped.
THAT caused Aaron to notice me.
"Oh, hi." He said, before turning back to Deino, who was giggling.
Narcissus raised a blue eyebrow.
"You know him?" I nodded. Narcissus turned to Aaron and Deino, who were now kissing. Ugh. "I'll meet up with ya later." He said, before helping me with my bags.
"Where to?" He asked.
"I should really put these in the car." I said. "You don't have to help me, really. It's fine-" Narcissus shook his head before he interrupted.
"I pulled Aaron here to be with my sister. It's my fault he ditched you. The least I can do is help you. I mean, all they do is giggle and suck each other's face." He said the last sentence in disgust. I lead him towards Hot Topic, near the garage where the SUV is parked.
"You sound like you hate the idea of love." I stated.
"I hate the idea of Aaron and my SISTER IN LOVE." He spat.
"You have a girlfriend? Why didn't you bring her along." I asked.
"I don't have one." Narcissus answered.
"You know, considering that you hang out with Aaron, you're not that bad of a guy." I said.
"Oh, I'm not like them. I just hate the idea of Aaron groping my bimbo sister in an alley." Narcissus shuddered.
"You think you have torture? I live with my brother, and 10 other guys, one of which, being Aaron. Guess who and how I was woken up?" I said, as Narcissus held the door open for me.
"Who...and how?" Narcissus asked.
"Aaron decided to come in my room, and hit my face with a tennis ball until I woke up, then he demanded I let him sleep in my bed. As you can see, THAT'S worse." I said.
"Wow, 11 guys living with you. Any of them ya dating?" Narcissus asked.
I shook my head.
"No." I said.
Narcissus raised an eyebrow as I unlocked the SUV, opening the HUGE trunk. Narcissus helped me pack the stuff in, before he pulled out a sharpie and wrote a number with his name on my arm.
"Call me when you get a chance, kay?" He said. "Shit, I should get back before Deino and Aaron grope each other in public. Bye." Narcissus scampered off, leaving me stunned. A guy GAVE ME HIS NUMBER! I wanted to scream. I had never really dated a guy, and I believed I was ugly from that. But Narcissus, with his electric blue spikey hair, and his sea blue eyes, and his tan skin...Oh, I could swoon.

Chapter 6

An hour later, I met up with the guys and Delilah. I was grumpy, I didn't need to deal with Deino's fake crap. I needed it to end. I took one look at Delilah's arm with Narcissus's number and flipped out. My wolf, Lyall, growled.

My heart crumbled. Daniel was right; she didn't love me. I felt my breathing catch, and my heart racing.
"You ARE SO NOT going out with him. I'm NOT allowing it. I'll tell Daniel." I kept on snapping at Delilah.
"Oh why don't you go eff yourself. You caused me to trip, drop my bags, including my cookies." She growled.
I did?
Of course you did, dipshit, but you were too busy making eyes at that slut to notice.

Lyall growled in my head.
"OOOH, AARON'S JEALOUS!" Gavin shouted as he drove us back to the house with the rest of the guys. Delilah was mauled by Daniel.
"Are you okay? Were you with one of the guys at least when you were at the mall? Did Aaron touch you?" Daniel saw the number on her arm. "You WERE ASKED OUT?!" He yelled, causing everyone who didn't know to gape at her.
"The guy who asked me out is nice. He was with me longer than any of the other guys. They ditched me once we parked." She said, jerking a thumb at Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, and I. They paled and stuttered excuses to Daniel, who glared. Lyall did the excuses for me. You just don't argue with Lyall.
"At least you HAD someone with you. But, really? You have to get asked out by my girlfriend's stupid adoptive brother?" I grumbled, walking away. I went upstairs and disappeared from sight, but still listened.

"He's just jealous that A: I'm hotter than his slut of a GF, and B: that a guy asked me out that wasn't him." I said, tossing my hair like a snob and taking a seat on the gigantic couch.
"Did you buy anything at the mall?" James asked.
"She bought half of the fucking mall!" Aaron yelled, though still upstairs.
"STALKER!" I shouted at him, causing the guys to laugh.
"Oh, is that the best ya got?" Aaron's voice showed signs of fake hurt. I imagined him clutching his chest as if he'd been stabbed there, and stifled a giggle at the idiocy of it.
"Ya know, I couldda said THAT YOU ARE A KILLER TRANSVESTITE WHO MOLESTS CATS SINCE I SAW YOU WITH FLUFFY WHEN WE WERE 7!" I shouted, again, causing the guys to laugh.
I pouted, they were laughing that I SAW that!
"Forget you. Gotta make a call." Aaron grumbled loud enough for us to hear, before I heard footsteps. And then he was down the hall upstairs.
"We'll help with the bags." The guys offered, and of course, I accepted.

At midnight, after having all of my new jewelry and clothing packed away, I came downstairs to see only Aaron on the couch, sprawled out, flipping through the channels of the TV.
"Hey." I whispered.
Aaron looked up, grinning at seductive grin, before he sat up.
"Hey." He said.
"Why are you so happy? The last thing I said to you was that you were a killer transvestite who molests cats." I asked.
"Because we're the only ones left awake, and we get the whole couch to ourselves." Aaron said, his voice seductive, causing me to flush. THANK GOD it was dark in the room, unless my blushing was really bright, Aaron didn't see it.
"Deino would freak out if she heard what you just said." I said.
As if on cue, there was a pounding at the door. Aaron sighed, paused the TV, and opened the door. From the fake-blonde hair in the wind, I KNEW it was Deino. She was yelling at Aaron about something, but Aaron seemed to care less. Then Deino saw me. She shoved past Aaron, stalking up to me, before slapping me across the face. Dear god, please don't let there be STD's on Deino's hand.
"You," She growled as I held my burning cheek. "You caused this, didn't you! What did you do? What did you say? I'll kill you, you deformed stupid bitch!" She growled, getting ready to strangle me. She squeezed on my neck, cutting off my supply of oxygen, causing me to gasp and claw at her. I nearly passed out when Aaron shoved Deino away from me by pulling Deino's hair. She screamed at Aaron, and slapped him the same way she slapped me. Big mistake for Deino. Aaron picked her up, and shoved her out of the door, laughing as she landed in mud, ruining her clothes, and most likely bruising her butt.
"Have a sucky life slut." Aaron growled, before he slammed the door. He turned to me, his eyes apologetic. He rushed to me, checking my cheek.
"Are you alright? Does it hurt? Damn, she hit you hard. You're okay, right?" He asked, his voice low. I put my head on his chest and sobbed, letting the pain escape through my silent tears.
"Ssh, it's okay. You'll never see that bitch again. I was stupid to let her in." Aaron purred, calming me.
"She's fucking strong for a whore." was all that I said, before I pushed away, wiping my tears.
I gasped as a wave of dizziness came over me, causing me to nearly collapse. Aaron put his arms around my waist, his hands brushing my butt, my arms around his neck, and looked me in the eyes.
"Are you sure you're okay? Why don't I put you in bed so you don't collapse?" Aaron suggested, his eyes close to mine. A light flicked on, and Daniel was there, seething with anger. Oh god, this must look deceiving. Daniel threw Aaron away from me, causing me to collapse onto my butt.
"Don't touch my sister!" He growled at Aaron.
"Danny, it's not what it looks like. His GF was here, pissed off, and nearly choked me to death." I said, breaking off in a real fit of coughs and gasps.
Aaron picked up the explanation.
"I got Deino away from here. Delilah doesn't look good, and she nearly collapsed. I was keeping her up, about to sit her down, and you came. NOTHING happened. I swear on my life I didn't try anything, right Delilah?" Aaron said.
I nodded, still coughing and gasping. Daniel's face softened. He stalked over to me, getting me a cup of water to help with my coughing. After I could talk and breathe again, I agreed with Aaron.
"Fine. I believe YOU Delilah. I DON'T believe Aaron." Daniel said, helping me up. I sat down on the couch, using Daniel's lap as a pillow.
"I came out because I heard Deino yelling." Daniel said. "Now I wanna watch TV."
"Or you don't want me alone with your sister." Aaron grumbled when Daniel changed the channel.
I glared at Aaron. What just happened? I thought about how Aaron held me up. It seemed sexual NOW that I think about it. I kicked him in the leg.
"What was that for?" Aaron asked as we watched Doomsday Preppers.
"That's for how you kept me from collapsing." I said, before dozing off into sleep.

I was awoken by my shoulder being shaken. It was Aaron, again. But at least I wasn't pegged with a tennis ball.
"Daniel had me wake you up. He grabbed Krispy Kreme, and Starbucks for everyone. Might wanna get ready." Aaron said.
I sat up, the covers falling off of me. I was only in my zebra-stripe bra and underwear! I felt my cheeks get hot, and I looked up to see Aaron was flushed a red.
"I-I'm gonna shower. Thanks for waking me up." I said, rolling out of bed.
I went into my closet grabbing a black boob-showing tube-top, along with some EXTREMELY short shorts with no pockets, that were sure to tease Aaron, and about half of my housemates who were single. I grabbed a new strappless bra and a clean pair of underwear, and my cell. I walked into the bathroom, closing the door, before opening up my phone. I copied Narcissus's number into my phone and sent him a quick text, that soon turned into a conversation. It went something like this:

me: hey, it's the girl you met at the mall, Aaron's friend's sister. I forgot to mention, my name is Delilah.

Narcissus: Hey Delilah. Forgot to mention, sorry bout Deino, she can be a bitch.

me: This may sound rude but, is Narcissus ur real name?

Narcissus: *laughing* it isn't. Deino is Deino, and she hates my name, so she calls me Narcissus. It just grew on me.

Me: what's ur real name?

Narcissus: Caspian.

Me: The name just turns me on. It's not a stupid name.

Caspian (Narcissus): I know. But DEINO gave me that name.

Me: Srry, gotta strip naked and take a shower.

Caspian: Ooh, I wanna see.

Me: Perv. Bibi

Caspian: Bye

I stripped off my lingerie, before stepping into the steamy water, taking as LONG AS I COULD.

After I was out of the shower, I put on my clothes, throwing on deoderant and perfume. I combed through my hair, leaving it down. I put on a little lip-gloss, before grabbing my phone and shoving it in my bra, since I had no pockets. I looked in the full length mirror. The tube top was fitted to my body, showing my curves, as if the tube top was sewn to my skin. The tank top showed the top of my boobs that looked bigger and rounder thanks to my bra and shirt. The short-shorts showed off my legs, making me look taller. With little make-up, I still looked pretty. I walked out to see Aaron waiting for me. He looked up, seeing me, and completely flushed a bright red, his mouth becoming slack.
"God, Aaron, stop drooling on my floor." I said, hoping I wasn't red from how he was gawking at me.
Aaron closed his mouth, holding out his hand. I took it, letting him lead me downstairs. When I got there, everything paused to gawk at me. Even the TV turned off. And these guys NEVER stop watching TV. I tried to ignore it, but Daniel stopped me.
"Why are you holding hands with Aaron?" He asked, glaring at Aaron.
"No reason. Why are you questioning me?" I retaliated.
"Because...touche." He said, tossing me a doughnut from the box.
I sat in the middle of the couch, and tried to ignore the pervert boys staring at me, except for my brother, who was still glaring at Aaron. Aaron retreated from my side. He-he, boys. Too easy to charm. A text caught my attention. It was Narcissus...I mean, Caspian.
The texts went like this:

Caspian: U outta da shower?

Me: Yep

Caspian: Good...Do you, uh...Wanna go to the beach with me and a few of my friends? Aaron can come if he bugs you.

Me: Hmm...Let me think about it...

Caspian: Deino isn't coming...


Caspian: Great. Txt me Ur address and I'll pick ya up. Bring a swimsuit, and a change of clothes, I'll take ya 2 da boardwalk.


Caspian: Tell Aaron he's invited, I'd like a word with him.

Me: Only A word? Not a sentence?

Caspian: HAHA

Me: Gtg, got 11 housemates wondering who the hell Caspian is...SINCE THEY ARE READING MY TEXTS...THAT or they're staring down my shirt...

Caspian: Ohh...Did you tell them about the baby yet?

There is no baby, but my housemates didn't know that...Daniel looked furious, Aaron somewhere between shocked and hurt, but still, he looked HILARIOUS! The rest looked surprised.
"BABY?!" They exclaimed.
I erupted into a fit of giggles.
"Oh, I can't believe you actually fell for that! Ha!" I said around a fit of giggles.
I went back to texting.

Me: You gave my brother a heart attack, he was reading that lie of yours.

Caspian: O,o You're welcome.

Me: Aaron had the funniest look on his face LMAO! oUo

Caspian: Tell him I say hi asshole. ;P

Me: I'll also ask him if he wants to come with.

Caspian: Bye <3

Me: Bibi

"Aaron, Narcissus says hi asshole!" I said, not looking up.
"OOOH...Caspian is Narcissus." Daniel said. "I thought they were two different guys."
I faked a dumb face.
"Me too! I guess stupidity runs in the family." I snapped.
Daniel frowned.
I got up, taking Aaron's arm, and dragging him down the hall.
"I'm borrowing him for a minute to talk to him." I shouted as I dragged him up the stairs.
"What?" Aaron asked, as I shut my door.
"So, do you?" I asked.
"Do I what?" Aaron asked.
"Do you wanna come to the beach with Caspian and I?" I asked.
Aaron ran a hand through his hair.
"I guess." He said.
"YAY!" I shouted like a giddy child.
I kept him in the room as I fussed over which of my swimsuits I should wear, but he wasn't very helpful.
"How bout this. Which bikini makes you most attracted to me?" I asked.
"The black one with the swirly rose-and-thorny-vines design. It makes your boobs look big, and it shows A LOT of skin." He smirked, after I tried on all of the swimsuits I bought yesterday.
"You're enjoying this, aren't ya?" I asked, after throwing my bikini in a swim bag along with sunscreen, the contents of my purse, a pair of sunglasses, and my cell. And another change of clothes, just in case.
"Go grab a swimsuit." I ordered at Aaron.
Aaron grumbled something, before walking out. I threw on some light-orange lipstick, and left my hair down, as I threw on black flip-flops, bounding downstairs, a grin on my face.
"Where ya going?" Daniel asked.
"Beach, don't worry, I'm gonna see if Cecily and Kylia want to come." I lied.
Cecily and Kylia are my besties. I haven't talked to them since a few days ago, but they can be embarrassing. So I'll just stick with Aaron.
"Uh-huh, and I'm guessing Aaron is the guy you're bringing?" Daniel asked.
I nodded.
Daniel sighed.
"Fine." He said.
"YAY!" I said.
I hugged Daniel, before texting Caspian the address of my house.

Chapter 7

I walked out to be faced with all the guys.
"We heard about you and Delilah." Kevin said.
"Yeah so?" I asked.
"Have you two-"
"Can we end this conversation, I don't want to talk about it." I snapped.
"Maybe your wolf will want to talk about it." Josh said.
"You guys, just because I'm alpha and I finally found my mate doesn't mean you can hound me. No pun intended." I snapped, using my alpha voice.
The boys backed off.
"But wait...Isn't Delilah human?" Austin asked.
"Hardly." Daniel's voice caused us to jump. "Dad's a Nereid and Elf. Mom's a Banshee and Feline Person. Banshees are female, so that gene skipped me, and went full blast into Delilah. Ever heard her truly scream? It hurts."
"She's a Sysa?" Austin gasped.
"What's a Sysa?" Daniel asked.
"A cat being." Justin said.
"I'm a Sysa too. We're harmless." Daniel said.
"As long as she doesn't start hissing at us, we'll be fine." Gavin joked.
"Not funny." I said, leaving.
"Have fun marking Delilah at the beach!" They called, except for Daniel, who hissed at
I growled, causing them to whine.
"AARON, CASPIAN'S HERE!" Delilah yelled.

An hour later, a SUV pulled up. Aaron climbed in the back, immediately chatting with the guys and girls in the SUV. I sat shotgun, next Caspian, who grinned when he saw me.
"Hey babe." He said.
"Hey." Was all I said.
I rolled down my window, feeling like a dog in heat from the hot weather.
One of the guys noticed me, or more likely, my breasts.
"Who's the chick, Narcissus?" The guy asked, lust in his voice.
Guys, all they want are your crotch and your breasts...
I turned around, his eyes widening.
"I'm Delilah. Delilah Rosye." I replied.
"Delilah, these are my friends. Zeke, Zane, Rico, Mckeyn, Anya, Marjorie, and you know Aaron." Caspian said, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
"I'm Zane." The boy who first noticed me said. He had grayish-blonde hair and deep black eyes to compliment his tan skin.
"I'm Marjorie," a girl with boy-cut red hair and brown eyes said. "this is Anya," She pointed to the blonde girl with blue eyes next to her. "and that's Mckeyn." Marjorie pointed to the girl with slightly longer hair than Marjorie, but Mckeyn's hair was brunette to match her brown eyes. Rico and Zeke were identical, both having dark tanned skin and gray eyes that match their brunette hair.
"Hi." Marjorie, Anya, Mckeyn, Zeke, and Rico said.
"Why is Delilah here?" Rico asked, sounding rather interested in me.
"She's mine." Caspian answered.
"Aww...Rico's jealous." Mckeyn laughed.
"I am NOT!" Rico snapped.
"Looks like Deloilah's the shoiny new toy. Have yu been to the beach yet?" Anya asked, her accent English.
"No. Not recently." I replied.
"Explains your paleness." Caspian laughed.
"Well...Vampires don't like the water, it makes them melt, rather than the sun." I joked.
"No wonder you're so gorgeous, you're a vampire." Caspian laughed, before looking at Aaron through the rear view mirrors. "Why didn't you warn me that my girlfriend's a vamp?"
"If you want to fuck a vampire, go ahead." Aaron said nonchalantly, looking amused by the two girls next to him.
"Traitor!" Caspian said.
"I'M the traitor? If anything happens to Delilah, her brother will drown me in a well. And I'M the traitor?" Aaron snapped.
"It's amazing how Daniel believes ME and baby's ME since I'm the youngest. All I have to do to get you to shut up is to threaten you." I grinned sweetly at Aaron through the mirror.
Aaron grumbled about me being an evil bitch from hell, and he grumbled about a few things he can do to get me to shut up, when Caspian swerved to avoid hitting a slug bug that cut him off, causing me to be thrown back into the second row. Stupid me, not buckling up. Well, at least Zane caught me.
"Easy there. We don't need you flying out the window." He laughed, pulling me onto his lap.
"Zane get ya fucking paws offa Delilah or I'll break ya neck." Aaron growled from behind Zane.
"I'm not doing anything." Zane whined, like a five year old.
"Zane, I will cut off your-"
"She offa me!" Zane said, realizing what Aaron was threatening to do.
I got off of Zane, sitting back into shotgun.
"Aaron's helpful, since I can't make any threats while I'm driving." Caspian said.

After we parked, I practically fell out of the car onto the sand.
"You're awfully klutzy." Caspian pulled me up, his hands on my waist.
"Come on Delilah, we're changing in here!" Marjorie called from the SUV. The car had blacked out windows, so the guys couldn't see in.
"I'll kill you if ANY of you try to look in, and then my brother will kill you again when he finds out." I threatened, pecking Caspian on the cheek, before climbing back in the SUV, locking the door.
I stripped naked, before rushing into my swimsuit. Aaron was right, the swimsuit did make my body look curvier, and my breasts bigger. The boy's will LOVE this. I put on my flip-flops and sunglasses, before hopping out of the SUV, the last to get changed. If you think the guys were drooling over me when I wore my tubetop, you thought wrong. All of the guys were literally drooling, but only Caspian had rights to me. He laughed over his victory, taking my hand. I pulled Caspian with me to the back, so none of the guys could eye-rape me as we walked. A lot of the other guys at the beach we're checking me out, but glared when they saw me holding Caspian's hand. We set up our stuff at a spot in the beach, and we played. Caspian chased me to the water, splashing me. I shrieked at the coldness of it, before giggling. I tried to move away from Caspian before he could splash me again, when I bumped into Marjorie, and we both slipped and fell underwater. The shock of the cold was almost as much as the shock of slipping, but we came up laughing. Caspian reached me, his hands wrapping around my waist, and he flashed a grin at me, showing his super-white teeth. I shook my head like a dog, flinging the water at him. I stuck my tongue out at him, which caused him to laugh. With a jolt I realized, I hadn't even been on a date alone with him, and he's calling me his girlfriend! I could scream with joy. My first boyfriend! I grinned, stealing a kiss from Caspian.
"You're a jerk, you know that?" I said, grinning.
"I knew. You're gorgeous, you know that?" He replied.
"No, I didn't know that." I said, pulling his hands off of my waist, splashing him again, before diving under the water to flee. I bumped into a guy, he saw me, and I could tell, he was undressing me in his mind.
"You're a pretty thing. Ya here alone?" He asked, his hands wrapping around my waist.
"Let go of me." I said, trying to pry his hands from my waist.
"Why don't you hang with me for a while?" The guy asked, one of his hands making it's way toward my boobs.
"I have a boyfriend." I snapped.
"I don't see no boyfriend." The guy said,his one hand resting on my left breast.
Caspian was behind the guy now, about ready to knock the guy out.
"Look behind you." I said, grinning.
The guy let go of me, turning around to see Caspian's fist before Caspian punched the guy. The molester guy staggered away from me, to receive another blow.
"You okay?" Caspian asked, running his hands over my body to make sure, since the water was up to my neck.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, but perfect timing. He was going for my bikini top." I said, grabbing Caspian's hands.
"Why don't we take a break. Everyone's playing Volleyball. Why don't we dry off and watch?" Caspian asked, pecking my cheek.
"I guess." I replied, letting Caspian lead me to our stuff. It was then I realized I forgot a towel.
"Knew you'd forget." Aaron said, appearing out of nowhere, causing me to jump.
"I packed two." He continued, handing me my pink towel. The towel was soft, like silk; I wrapped myself with it.
"Thanks. By the way, I is sorry for calling you a killer transvestite who molests cats. You was bugging the crap outta me." I said, sitting next to Caspian, who was cracking up.
"I'm sorry for bugging the crap outta you, but really, now you speak your ghetto language?" Aaron said, before walking away, a diet coke can in his hand.
"Did you seriously call him a killer transvestite who molests cats?" Caspian laughed.
I nodded, a childish grin on my face. After I was dry, Caspian pinned me under him, causing me to blush.
"What are you doing?" I stammered.
Caspian stole a long, slow kiss on my lips. I heard someone suck in a surprised breath, and Caspian got off of me, revealing Aaron, who had a hurt look on his face. He set down his soda, stalking off, without a word.
"He likes you, you know." Marjorie said, appearing out of nowhere.
I jumped, causing Marjorie to giggle.
"No, he's just a stupid friend of my brother. I see him bringing girls into the house and they disappear for the whole night. When I see them with Aaron in the morning, they look knocked up. He doesn't like me." I brushed it off.
"Do you know why he broke up with my sister?" Caspian asked, sounding annoyed by Aaron and Marjorie's interruption.
"No." I said.
"Because she was talking shit about you, and he broke up with Deino in the middle of the mall." Caspian said.
"He was talking to her on the phone when we got home." I brushed it off.
"He was talking to me, bitching me out about giving you my number." Caspian replied. "But I know you don't like him. He needs to get it through his head."
I looked away.
Caspian saw the hickey/cigarette burn on my neck.
"What is that?" Caspian asked.
"My mom burned me with her cigarette." I replied, not mentioning how I got a hickey on my neck too.
"It looks like a hickey too." Caspian grumbled.
"I know." I said.
"Caspian, leave her alone. You just told her that her...whatever Aaron is to her likes her, and know you're jumping on her about the burn on her neck, from an ABUSIVE mother." Marjorie said, sitting down in front of me.
She gave me a can of sprite, and I opened it, taking a sip.
"Has your mother always been abusive?" Marjorie asked, her hand on my knee.
I shook my head.
"She got that way around winter, when my dumb-ass step-father knocked her up." I grumbled.
"AND SHE STILL SMOKES?!" Marjorie exclaimed.
"My mother's a dumb ass." I replied.
"What about your father?" Marjorie asked.
"Dead. Been dead for a while. That's why Daniel's babying me, since I've been beaten by my mother, and had to deal with a dead father, plus 11 guys in the same house." I grumbled.
"Do you still live with your mom?" Caspian asked, his tone gentle.
"No. I left after she burned me with her cigarette the day before yesterday." I said.
"Ouch." Marjorie shuttered.
"I'm worried about my step-sister. She's due any day now. I swear, if my mother tries to harm that baby I'll take my sister from her." I said.
"Why would she harm her child?" Caspian asked.
"I'm her child. I didn't do anything and she would beat me." I said.
"Oh, right." Caspian said.
"Anything else you wanna get off your chest that's bugging you?" Marjorie asked.
"I already sorta knew Aaron liked me. The reason the burn mark also looks like a hickey is because Aaron decided to suck on my neck for no reason, and I have a hickey over the burn mark." I said.
"When did this happen?" Caspian snapped.
"The night I moved in with my brother." I replied.
"I'm gonna kill him." Caspian growled, getting up.
I didn't reply, so Caspian stalked off.
"I worry about those two. They are blindly in love, and I wasn't supposed to say anything about Aaron. He's gonna kill me." Marjorie said.
"They wear me out. I could use a nap." I said.
Marjorie laughed.
"Wait until Caspian wants to sleep with you. THEN you'll know tired." Marjorie laughed from my redness.
"Don't worry, it won't be anytime soon." Marjorie laughed.

When I heard the yell of pain, I knew Caspian found Aaron. I got up, running over to the crowd of people who formed around Caspian and Aaron. Of course, everyone loves to just watch and bet on people fighting. We all do it. Note the sarcasm. Caspian had socked Aaron in the face. Aaron slipped backwards in the sand, falling on his butt.
"You touched my girlfriend man, not cool!" Caspian growled, his hands around Aaron's neck. Aaron looked pale, confused, and pissed off at Caspian's attack.
"YOUR girlfriend? What are you talking about, this is your second damn date! And plus, I never TOUCHED ANYONE!" Aaron yelled, knocking Caspian off of him. They were equally sized and muscular, but in fighting, they had tactics all their own. Aaron shoved Caspian back into a rock, causing Caspian to slip and fall at the edge of the cliff. Aaron advanced on him, his hand raised to punch Caspian. I'd seen enough.

Chapter 8

"Stop you assholes! You're causing a scene!" Delilah said, fighting her way through the crowd, stepping in front of me. Lyall gained control, pissed off at Delilah for cheating on him.
"Move Delilah." Lyall growled.
Delilah shook her head.
"I said MOVE!!" Lyall yelled, shoving her off the ledge of the cliff into a bunch of rocks with no remorse, not after slapping her across the face. I gained control and tried to grab her, but it was too late. Damn you Lyall, damn you to hell.

I slipped in the sand before falling off, twisting my ankle as I fell. I hit my head on a large, wet rock, cutting up my forehead, the salt water stinging my cut. The rocks were sharp, and caught against my skin. Not only did I twist my ankle, it got wedged in between some rocks at an odd angle, and I felt the bone snap. The pain was excruciating, and all I wanted to do was scream and pelt rocks at Aaron who smirked at me from above. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at my foot, which I was sure it was broken. I was scratched up, bleeding, and in pain. I was quite frail today for some reason. A few of the guys at the beach didn't seem happy with Aaron for hurting me. They got in his face, pulling him away and saying some pretty mean things. Marjorie ran up to me, saw me broken and battered, and screamed, dropping down next to me. I felt a wave of nausea, and I lied back in the sand, ignoring the pain, and the black dots that engulfed me.
"Why is Aaron so rough on frail girls?" Marjorie muttered, calling for Zane to come pick me up. I groaned, slightly losing consciousness when Zane heaved me up, carrying me like a baby. I clutched onto his arm as he walked to our towel, each time he slipped causing me to gag and nearly puke from the pain. Zane set me down on the blanket, assessing my injuries.
"Did he hurt you anywhere around your swimsuit?" He asked me, sadness in his black eyes. I shook my head, the gesture hurting my skull.
"I'll call your brother. What's his number?" Mckeyn said, causing me to jump.
I raddled off his name and number, and they called.
"Um, is this Daniel Rosye, Delilah's brother?" Mckeyn asked.
"No, not that. Delilah's hurt, we have to take her to the hospital. She's broken and battered, but responsive."
Another pause.
"Wanna talk to her?"
Another pause, before I was handed the phone.
"Daniel?" I croaked.
"Oh my god Delilah are you okay?" Daniel asked, worry in his voice.
"Why didn't Aaron help you, or protect you?" Daniel asked.
"Aaron was the one who hurt me." I croaked.
There was a pause.
"WHAT?! Where are you, I'm coming there." Daniel screeched.
"Here, I don't know where it's at. Talk to Mckeyn. She was the one who called you." I said, tossing the phone to Mckeyn. She raddled off the address, before hanging up. She looked at me.
"He says you and him are going to have a talk about this later." Mckeyn said, her voice grim.
"Go chase down Aaron for me Mckeyn." Caspian's voice caused my heart to leap. He was in front of me, tears shining in his eyes.
"This is my fault." He said.
I kissed his cheek weakly.
"No, it's my fault, for letting Aaron come with us in the first place." I replied, nausea becoming stronger.
The noises around me became warped, and I began to black out.
"It's okay Delilah, we'll get you fixed up..." Caspian's voice trailed off, and I blacked out.

"Okay Delilah, wake up. I'm almost done." The nurse's voice was sweet, so I did as she said. I came face to face with her gray doe-shaped eyes. She grimaced when I sat up, a cry of pain escaping my lips.
"Delilah, can you tell me where you are at? Perhaps the month?" She said, pushing her black hair out of her eyes.
"I'm at Ryence Rae Regal Health, and the month is June." I replied.
The nurse grinned, and I saw her name tag. Veronica, it said.
"Okay Delilah, we just gotta get some medicine in you, and you're free to go." Veronica said, before prancing out.
I was almost asleep when the sound of a creaking door woke me up. I figured it was Veronica, ready to inject a thousand types of medication in me. I grinned, opening my eyes, expecting Veronica. But no, it was Aaron. My grin wiped off my face, my heart skipping a beat and freezing over. All I wanted to do was kill Aaron. Shove HIM off a cliff. Seemed fair, but then again, who knows what medication they have me drugged up on? His face was grim, his eyes holding an unspoken apology, as he sat down where Veronica had been a short while ago.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey." I replied, my voice slightly annoyed.
"Look, Delilah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you. Hell, I didn't mean to get in Caspian's face-" I cut him off.
"But you did, and that can't be changed. It's gonna take more than sorry to fix the mess you caused." I snapped.
Aaron flinched, and the next thing I knew, Aaron was hugging me, sobbing onto the thin sheets that covered me.
"Delilah..." He sobbed into the blankets at the area of my chest.
"I didn't know guys cried like this." I stated.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Aaron said, using my sheet to wipe his eyes. He looked at me, his eyes red.
"I'm so stupid. You were trying to help, and I hurt you. You deserve to be pissed off at me." Aaron turned away. "I'm ignorant when I'm jealous." He muttered, thinking I couldn't hear him.
The door opened, and Veronica came bounding in with several pill bottles and needles she planned to put in me. Aaron saw the pile, and sniffled, nearly breaking into tears again. Veronica saw Aaron, cocking her head. Stupid nurse whore, I thought, my Aaron. I shook my head, correcting myself. He's not MY Aaron, he's no one's Aaron.
"Um...Sir, it's awful early for you to be visiting." Veronica said, before realizing. "Oh...You must be here to pick her up."
Aaron nodded.
"Can I get you to wait in the reception?" Veronica asked.
Aaron hesitated, before walking out.
Veronica gave me a pill from each bottle, and began to stick the needles in me. The medicine flooded my veins, causing me to sigh as the pain went away. When Veronica was done, she put the needles and pill bottles back, before turning to me.
"Is that boy your boyfriend, brother, just friends?" She asked excitedly.
"My brother's friend. And my friend too." I answered.
"He's cute."
Veronica helped me up, and at first I was wobbly, having the foot cast and all, but after she put a slipper over it, and settled me into crutches, I was more stable. She helped me out to the reception, which was just down the hall, to Aaron.
I went home with Aaron, who kept on glancing at me, as he drove.
"Pay attention to the road, not me." I snapped.
Aaron did as I said. There wasn't any body language that showed annoyance on him. He was like a slave.
"Why are you doing exactly as I say, and not pissing me off?" I asked, as he pulled in the driveway.
Aaron turned the car off, looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Because I'm guilty of shoving you off a cliff. I owe you, big time." He said, helping me out of the big SUV. He helped me in, and I was jumped on by Daniel and questions.
"Delilah, are you okay, besides the cast? Did Narcissus hurt you?" He asked. "I bet he hurt you. Did he touch you? I'll go talk to him if he did."
I held my head around the crutches. Daniel could give ME headaches from his worrying.
"I think I should go back to the hospital." I stated.
"I'll take you. Where does it hurt?" Daniel rambled.
"Inside the house, when you're worried and pestering me with questions." I answered, causing Aaron to laugh. I glared at him, which caused Daniel to laugh. I held my head as my headache became worse, pounding like a hammer.
"I need Tylenol." I said, using my crutches to walk to the couch, lying down.

-A month later-

I returned to the hospital for the last time with my cast, that EVERY ONE of my friends signed. I entered with Veronica, who liked updates on life with 12 guys, and she gave me the last of my medicine and took off my cast. I got prescriptions to help with my headaches I get now and then, along with gummy-bear vitamins. I wobbled back to Aaron, not used to using both of my feet, to see Aaron on the phone.
"No no no...Wait, here she is." He said.
He thrust the phone up to my ear, giving me an apologetic look.
"H-hello?" I stuttered.
"Delilah, it's George."
I nearly died.
"Y-yeah?" I asked.
"You're mother's in the Ryence Rae Regal Health. She wants to talk to you. Room 47C." George said, before hanging up.
I stood, stunned. My mom. Only rooms away. The next thing I knew, I was at the room my mother was in. I opened the door, wobbling inside, to see my mother, her blonde hair carelessly pulled back, her olive green eyes pained. She saw me, gesturing me in as George glared at me, leaving me alone with my mom.
"Oh Delilah, thank god. I didn't think you'd come. I need to give you something. But Delilah, just know, I'm sorry, and I love you." My mom said.
I hugged her with caution, being careful around her temper and swollen baby belly. And then I was ushered out to read the note she gave me.
It read:

Dear Delilah,
I know you may not be very happy with me, with the whole cigarette thing, and George, but let me start off with this: I'm sorry. I feel like a horrible mother, making you go through this, with your father,and then me, but there is something I need you to know. Your sister isn't George's baby. She's your father's. I know, you think I'm lying, but he's alive. I saw him. I had your sister with him, and he wants to see you again. But I have a feeling it'll be bad for your sister to be with me. I don't think I could bear it if she spent her whole life as a foster child, so I want you to take her. I know it's a lot to ask, but I figured you'd say okay, for little Gracie's sake...That is if you name her Gracie. I know there is a chance you'd say no, but I put Gracie under your custody. Feel free to rename her.
Florence (Mom)
P.S. If George leaves me, I'll take her back.

I was shocked. My mom, who hates me, is telling me George isn't the father of my sister, but my father? My father DIED two YEARS ago! I'll take this baby, just because my mom has finally gone insane. I like Grace, but not as a first name. I like Phoebe, or Phoebe Grace. I snapped my fingers. Phoebe Grace was a beautiful first name. Phoebe-Grace...Ame...Rosye. I liked it.
Aaron drove me home, grinning when he saw me without my cast and crutches.
"What?" I giggled, despite my life.
"You're pretty." He said, sounding like a child.
I giggled.
"No." I replied. "Only Caspian can think I'm pretty."
I pouted, causing Aaron to laugh as he parked the car. I ran back, despite my near face-plant, I was still able to walk like a normal person. I grabbed the keys from Aaron's hands, unlocking the door. I threw it open, to see all the guys grinning.
"I am back, from the dead!" I announced giggly.
Everyone rolled their eyes.
"Sorry, I think they drugged her up again." Aaron said, picking me up, shoving me on the couch, as I giggled like a child.
"Dang girl, ya missed running huh?" James laughed.
I grinned, reaching for the remote, but Aaron beat me to it.
"Aaron, can I watch TV?" I asked sweetly.
"You are." Aaron said.
I grabbed a plastic playhouse ball from the floor, throwing it at him.
"No, bad slave, bad. Give. Me. The. Remote." I insisted giggly.
Aaron gave me a look, raising an eyebrow.
"When did I become your slave?"
"When you shoved me off the damn cliff!" I insisted, now pissed off.
Aaron pouted, before tossing me the remote.
"Good slave." I said, changing the channel to America's Next Top Model. All the guys groaned, getting up to leave, but Aaron scooted next to me. He looked at the models, then at me. He seemed to be thinking, which made me inwardly giggle.
"You're prettier than those girls. You should take up modeling." He said, snuggling up against me. I tried to look away, trying to hide my blushing, but I couldn't look away, as if Aaron had me in a trance. I felt my heart flutter, as I looked around, realizing no one was in here. Aaron caught my attention again, before leaning in, lips lips parting.
Now would be the worst time for an interruption,

I thought.
And of course, the home phone rang, causing Aaron to jump away from me. He sighed, getting the phone.
"Rosye residence." He answered.
Aaron nodded, his expression grim. He answered with uh-huh and okay, before hanging up the phone.
"Your mom went into labor. She had the baby. They were calling to let you know you can come fill out some forms, and the birth certificate. I don't know why..." Aaron broke off, realizing what the old nursery room was for. "Delilah, you've got to be joking. A baby? How are you going to go to school?"
I looked down, like a scolded puppy.
"Do you think I want my mother, raising a child, WITH GEORGE?" I asked.
"No but-"
"There is your answer." I replied, before darting out.

I sat in the reception with Aaron, as I filled out the forms. When it asked for the name of the baby, I put Phoebe Grace. Middle name, Ame. Last name, Rosye. People wouldn't wonder why I adopted my sister, since my mother isn't Florence Rosye, but Florence Borelle. After the paperwork was signed, I walked out, little Phoebe Grace in my arms. She looked quite similar to me when I was a baby. She had my red hair and my Heterochromia eyes. That was when I knew my mom knew George would figure it out. My father had the red hair and Heterochromia blue-and-gray eyes. Daniel and I got the green from my mother. And when I peered down at the small baby, I KNEW my mother had lied about my father dying. Aaron saw her and smiled.
"You look like her mother. Though her eyes are a little lighter, and same with her hair." He said, as I settled Phoebe Grace in a car seat.
"I didn't tell Daniel. He might freak. Be prepared to help me explain." I said, stroking Phoebe Grace's small head.
"I figured." Aaron said, closing my door as I got in.
After a few minutes of driving, I spoke.
"Thank you. I feel like you spoil me." I said.
Aaron's shoulders tensed up.
"How will you explain to Caspian?" He asked.
"With a lot of words and crying." I sighed.
"Is that how you explain EVERYTHING?" Aaron laughed.
"Not my exams. I have to use a lot of words and WRITING. My life is hell. Too much words." I giggled.
I heard a small hiccup from behind me, to see week old Phoebe, her eyes doe-shaped, staring at me. She let out a small laugh, before hiccupping again.
"Babies are weird when it comes to cars. Malie told me that I was like that." Aaron said, pulling in the driveway.

Chapter 9

There, at the porch, sat Daniel, reading a book. He looked up at the SUV, and frowned, setting his book down.
"Aaron, Delilah, where have you two been?" He asked when we got out.
"Hey, um...Daniel, I have a question. What would you do if I ever came home with Delilah and a baby?" I asked, shifting uncomfortably.
Daniel is going to kill me. He is going to get the wrong idea and kill me, I thought.
She's OUR MATE, what does he expect? Eventually we'll get a child with Delilah.

Lyall growled.
You know, you're not helping, I thought.
Lyall barked and went quiet.
"I would kill you." Daniel said.
I paled, walking over to Delilah's side, helping her get Phoebe Grace, who was asleep, out of the car. I hopped back in the car, starting it up, and driving off, leaving Delilah to explain the baby to Daniel. I drove out of town, to a place I thought I'd never stay at. The pack house. The Faded Shadow pack. I know, weird name, but it's better than Locked Heart pack, the name my mom wanted for the pack. I knocked on the door.
"Aaron?" My mom's voice made me relax. She opened the door. Malie has narrow green eyes that are like two green olives. Her thick, curly, long hair is the color of coffee with cream, and is worn in an artistic, bizarre style. She is tall, and slender, but nonetheless strong as any alpha female. Her skin is china-white, unlike my skin. She has a small nose and a weak chin. She smiled, squishing me in a hug.
"AARON baby I missed you! Agamemnon, our baby boy came to visit!" Malie called over her shoulder, her british accent deep with excitement.
"You...Are..Squishing me." I said.
She let go, fixing my hair.
"Yes dear?" Agamemnon came up, and saw me.
Agamemnon makes me think of an unstoppable hunting dog once he's wolf. He has deep-set blue eyes that are like two neon turquoises. His fine, straight, charcoal-colored hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a bird's wing. He is very tall and has a masculine build. His skin is tan, like mine. He has a wide chin. My father is spanish, with some england heritage too. Interresting, huh? I thought.
I don't care.

Lyall said, reading my thoughts.
Yeah, I don't care either, I thought.
"Son." Agamemnon said.
"Sorry I wasn't around when you talked to Daniel, but I think I know who my mate is. I needed to also not get gutted alive by Daniel." I said.
"Whose your mate?" Malie asked, ushering me in.
"Delilah. Daniel's younger sister." I replied.
Malie laughed.
"That little goof ball sister of his? I haven't seen her since she was four, and Daniel had to babysit her while we talked with him." Malie said.
"She's part Sysa." I blurted.
Malie went silent.
"Let me see your arms." She commanded, using her motherly voice on top of her alpha voice. I grave her my arms. She checked my wrists.
"Not yet, huh? Does Delilah know?"
"Daniel won't tell her, remember, sweety?" Agamemnon said.
"Ah, yes. Aaron, why don't you say hi to Alexis. Your sister misses you." Malie said.
I walked up to my younger sister's room. She's about 12. I knocked on her door, before entering. She looked up, nervous, before she realized it was me and grinned. Alexis was a mirror image of Malie, only tan. She has mom's accent too.
"Aaron!" She jumped into my arms. I hadn't seen her in four years.
"I missed you!" She said, sitting on the ground.
"Why did you look nervous when I entered?" I asked.
"You promise not to tell Mom and Dad?" She asked.
"I promise." I said.
"Come out, it's not my parents." She called.
A boy with dirty-blonde hair popped his head out from behind the curtains. He blinked his brown eyes, before seeing me. He backed out the window, trying to jump, but I caught him by the collar. I dragged him back in, closing the door and the window. He sat on the bed, looking defeated.
"You said your parents weren't in here." He said to Alexis.
"This is my brother. He's not gonna hurt you." She said. "You wouldn't hurt my mate, right?"
I must've had a surprised look on my face, because Alexis laughed.
"I know, I found out early." Alexis said.
A protectiveness rushed over me. I turned to the boy.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"D-Delaoh sir." Delaoh said.
"You touch my sister, I kill you. You're lucky you were hidden when I came in." I snapped, before realizing. "Damn, I sound like Daniel."
"Who?" Alexis asked.
"Daniel Rosye. You met him, I think. The Sysa boy, with the weird eyes?" I said.
"OH, Danny! Danny's sister is pretty. She has elf red hair." Alexis said. "I want hair like that."
"Delaoh, you should go home. But next time, if I catch you, I won't be so nice." I laughed.
Delaoh rushed out through the window.
"Do YOU have your mate, Aarey?" Alexis asked.
"Yes. She doesn't know." I replied.
"What is her name? Can I see a picture of her?" Alexis asked.
"I have one, I think. But you've met her." I dropped my voice. "It's Danny's sister. Wanna see what she looks like now?"
Alexis shrieked with happiness.
I stopped her by showing her a picture of Delilah before she got injured. When she had her bikini on. She was laughing and grinning with Mckeyn, Anya, and Marjorie. Delilah was in the middle.
"Delilah is in the middle, in the black two piece." I said.
"OOH, she's pretty. She doesn't know about you?" Alexis asked.
"She was raised as a human. Her family kept her thinking she was mundane. She doesn't know what SHE is, let alone what WE are." I replied.
"When you two have babies can I help you name them?" Alexis blurted.
I blushed.
"What if we don't have babies?" I replied.
"You will. I know because every girl wants a baby at one time or another." Alexis replied.
Huh. I guess Alexis knows Delilah better than I do.
"WAIT, you are NOT allowed to have babies until you're thirty, got that!" I replied, before walking downstairs to visit the rest of the pack.

Chapter 10

Aaron left me to explain the baby. WONDERFUL. Note the sarcasm. Daniel saw Phoebe Grace and paled, tears shining in his eyes.
"How could you!" He cried. "I was trying to protect you, but nooo, you had to have sex with Aaron, huh?"
"Daniel, I didn't, I'm a virgin." I said calmly.
"Then how, do you have a goddamn baby?" Daniel cried.
"Mom. She made me keep Phoebe. Mom went into labor a week or so ago, and she put me in custody of the baby, without my say. Aaron thought you'd think he gave me a baby I hid, and drove away, since you threatened to kill him." I answered, rocking Phoebe Grace.
"Oh." Daniel calmed down.
"She's cute. Apparantly Aaron thinks she looks like me." I said, showing him Phoebe.
He looked at her, breaking into a grin.
"Does this mean I'm an uncle?" Daniel asked.
I nodded, taking her back.
"That is why I kept the old nursery by my room. For Phoebe Grace." I said, as we walked in.
"Phoebe Grace? That's her name?" Daniel asked.
I nodded.
"It sounds like a name you'd choose." Daniel said.

After I had fed Phoebe Grace, and put her to bed, the door rang. I opened it, expecting Aaron on the other side. Better, I got Narcissus...I mean Caspian.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi, what brings you here?" I asked.
"Deino wanted to apologize about last month. I finally got it through her head that you had no idea." Caspian said.
"Oh...Um, I guess I'll go. Er..Just a second." I said, before turning to Daniel.
"I'll babysit Phoebe." He nodded.
"Thanks, formula's in the fridge, use the little radio thingie at night, just in case I'm not back by the end of the day." I said, before walking out.
"Who's Phoebe?" Caspian asked as he drove.
I sighed.
"I knew we'd be having this conversation soon. Um...I sorta was put under custody of a baby. No, it isn't biologically my baby. Yes, I'm still a virgin. Yes, Aaron came with when I picked her up. No, I'm not dating Aaron. No, I don't WANT to date Aaron. Yes, I still love you. Any questions I missed?" I said.
"Yes. When can I see the baby?" Caspian asked.
"So..You're not mad?" I asked.
"Nope. As long as you didn't cheat on me, I'm fine. I just wanna see her." Caspian said.
The rest of the ride we drove in silence. Caspian pulled up to an old two-story house, with a red door. The house looked more like a castle, with ivy growing on the brick walls.
I gasped at the sight, which caused Caspian to grin.
"I know, it's awesome, just don't get overwhelmed." Caspian laughed, helping me out. He led me in, the inside set up like a castle. In the living room, sat Deino, watching America's Next Top Model.
"Deino, I'm back." Caspian announced.
Deino turned, grinning, but the grin wiped off her face when she saw me.
"Oh, I didn't think SHE'D actually come." Deino said.
"Yeah hi to you too Deino." I said, my tone not vicious, but playful.
"Sit." Caspian said. "I'll get some coffee, because this may be a while."
I sat next to Deino who saw my scars and bruises.
"What happened?" She asked, sounding like a normal teenager, and not a slut.
"I got shoved off a cliff like a month ago." I said.
Deino shuddered.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to attack you, I was so angry and upset, I just saw you, ALONE, with Aaron, a-and lost it. I'm super sorry." Deino said, her eyes brimming with tears. "I heard about your family, and how Aaron's like y-your brother, and I felt so guilty. I'm so sorry."
Deino was practically crying.
"Deino, you don't need to be so upset. It's okay. I don't hold grudges." I said.
"And of course I fuck up talking to you, since I don't have any friends. Everyone thinks I'm a slut. I'm not Delilah. I'm just not. In fact I've NEVER even thought about having sex." Deino said.
"Deino, calm down. It's alright. Really." I said.
"I wish I had a friend like you. You seem so nice. And if my brother likes you, you must be." Deino said.
"Um...Deino, do you wanna know a secret?" I asked her.
"What?" Deino asked, excited.
"I adopted a baby." I whispered.
Deino squealed.
"Oh, you have to show me her!" Deino said, quieting down when I put my finger to my lips.
Caspian returned with three mugs of coffee, one black, two filled with creme and sugar. I was given one of the cremy ones, while Deino took the other one.
"Ooh, ooh, Caspian, did you know that Delilah adopted a baby?!" Deino exclaimed.
Caspian shot me a look, and I mouthed my explanation.
She was getting upset, so I told her. You're sister isn't that bad.

Caspian nodded.
"Delilah, are you gonna stay the night?" Deino asked.
God, she was EXACTLY like Cecily.
"Um..." I thought about it. Daniel would kill me, kill Caspian, and kill me again. Not only that, but I have to get back to Phoebe. "I can't my brother would skin me alive." I answered.
Caspian laughed.
"I could see him doing that, from the way he glared at me." Caspian laughed.
"My brother is more of a parent than my mother." I laughed.
"PLEASE? I'm SURE Caspian can make it worth your time." Deino said, causing Caspian and I to glance at each other and blush. That must of been the reaction Deino wanted, because she laughed at us, which silenced to a smirk.
"That would get me half killed, killed, killed more, then killed dead." I answered.
"Oh come on, I've been DYING to get in between those soccer legs." Caspian caused me to blush even more.
"Stop, before I go blonde!" I cried.
"Go blonde?" Deino asked.
"I feel like when I turn red, I'm getting the color from my hair. Daniel told me once I was so red, I was blonde, and I believed it for like a week." I explained, chuckling.
"Just stay, for one more hour?" Caspian asked into my hair.
"You just want to make your football team jealous you got a girl." Deino rolled her eyes.
I turned to Caspian.
"You do football?" I asked.
"Yeah. I heard you're a jack-of-all-trades. That true?" Caspian asked, as he pulled me to the kitchen.
"What does it matter? You guys don't care unless the girl is hot, as in girls that aren't me." I answered.
It stopped Caspian in his tracks. He spun to face me, looking shocked.
"You're hot. Trust me. I know stuff." He said.
I raised an eyebrow.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Like...How many guys in each of your classes like you, and who." He answered, sounding ticked off.
Yes, I just said ticked off, get over it.
"Oooh, tell me tell me tell me!" I said, becoming giddy.
"Nope." He said.
"I'll spend the night if you tell me." Yes, I was blackmailing my BOYFRIEND, but, I KNOW he really wants me to stay.
He was cut off by the doorbell.
"I'll get it. Stay with Deino. She'll keep you from being maimed by my football team." Caspian said, leading me to Deino, who had a grin on her face.
"What?" I asked.
"We have a pool." She replied, smirking.
"And...?" I asked, stretching the a.
"And, there are like what, TWENTY hot football guys, coming to SWIM!" She squealed. "Caspian's gonna want you to swim." She replied.
"I don't have a swimsuit." I replied.
"I do, I'm bound to have at least ONE that fits you. Come with me. You're my surprise for the boys." She giggled, pulling me to her room. It was a cross between two themes: purple and zebra. She sat me down on the bed, while she grabbed out about a million swimsuits.
"Try these on. I know what I'm going to wear." She said, holding up a navy-blue bikini.

Turns out Deino is the same bra and waist size as me, so every swimsuit she gave me fit. I left, wearing a green strapless bikini top, with matching bikini shorts, my hair up, my swimsuit covered by a neon-yellow towel. Deino, wrapped in a black towel lead me to the backyard. The backyard was FILLED with guys, and a few girls who were wearing lame bikinis. I opened the door, walking out with Deino. I swear, when I was noticed, I literally FELT the testosterone in the air.
"That one of ya friends Deino?" A guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes asked Deino, as she made her way into the water. The weather was perfect, it was a perfect afternoon for a pool party.
"Yeah, you could say that." Deino said.
"Bed number?" He asked, acting as if I couldn't hear him.
I huffed.
"What?" I asked.
"Zero." Deino answered.
The blonde raised his eyebrows at me, licking his lips.
"Well, in that case..." He trailed off.
"Of course you're blonde, but nooo, you hadda be a DIRTY blonde." Deino said, now waist deep in the water.
Caspian saw me and grinned.
"Oh come on Delilah baby, don't be shy, we don't bite...Hard." He said, gesturing me in.
"Oh god, you sound like my favorite little friend, Aaron." I rolled my eyes.
Caspian gasped.
"Talking about another man? That hurt." He said.
"Ya know, I will dive in there, just to smack you."
"You'd give me the pleasure?" He asked.
"That's it." I growled, slipping out of my towel and sandals, and diving over some of the guys, into the pool next to Caspian.
I came back up, pounced.
"Shit, a cat fell in the pool again." He laughed.
"Ass." I mumbled.
His arm went around me.
"She yours?" The guy with the dirty blonde hair and blue eyes said, malice in his voice.
"Sorta...Delilah, I think you know a few of the guys from school, right?" Caspian said, his hand around my waist.
I shook my head flinging water everywhere.
"I was a stupid ugly background girl, remember? I'd be lucky if Kylia and Cecily remember me when school starts in a few weeks." I said.
"I'm Samuel." The dirty blonde, Samuel said.
"I'm Lyonel." Another said.
After about 15 minutes of learning the football team's name. I introduced myself.
"I'm Delilah...Delilah Rosye." I answered, looking away.
"Wait...Aren't you Daniel's sister? Or is that some other hot red-head." Samuel said.
"Don't push it. I ain't even pretty. But yes, Daniel Rosye's my brother. You can tell by the eyes..." I trailed off. "What time is it?" I asked.
"I'll check." Samuel said, hoisting himself out of the pool.
His arms were ripped, and I could see the muscles rippling and tightening when he got out. He jogged inside, and I took the opportunity to smack Caspian upside the head.
"Oww! What was that for?" He whined.
"Everything." I snapped, though I let Caspian put his arms around my waist.
"Wow, I did a lot." He said sarcastically.
"Ignore my dumb brother Delilah." Deino laughed.
"Up close you look tired." Caspian said, letting me go.
"Phoebe, plus my 11 other babies called teenagers kept me up." I said, before swimming towards Deino.
I was suprised when Samuel appeared next to me, causing to squeak and jump. That made everyone crack up. I soon giggled at my jumpiness.
"Hey beautiful." He said.
"Hi, I'm getting out." I paused. "What time is it?"
"Noon. Got a schedule beautiful?" Samuel grinned, his eyes resting on my plump breasts. Curse you, swimsuit inventers! I don't need to be molested by the whole football team!!!
"Nope, just my brother, who is hopelessly caring for my baby right now." I snapped, before getting out. Samuel dropped the grin, cocking his head.
"Baby?" He asked.
I sighed, annowed.
"Adoptive. Had no choice, but to keep the adoptive baby." I said, getting out. I felt the football team's eyes follow me as I walked to my pile of stuff.
When I got to my lounge chair, my phone went off, playing We Are Young by Fun. It was Aaron. I snatched the phone up, answering it.
"Yeees?" I asked.
"Um...Delilah...Where are you? Daniel tackled me and told me to take care of Pheeb, and I have no idea where Daniel is...Or where you're at." Aaron said, around Phoebe Grace crying into the background.
"Ugh...I'm with some...Friends. Daniel's probably gone off so he doesn't have to take care of her. And come on, it's not that hard. Is there an emergency, or are you just confused?" I replied, sighing and sitting down, my legs wide to dangle over the edge of the lounge chair. Big mistake. Now I could SEE the guys DROOLING, literally, over me, with my legs spread.
"Just confused...When are you going to be back Delilah?" Aaron replied, and the crying seized.
"Um...By 6, I promise. If not, call me. And please please PLEASE, don't say anything to Daniel about me knowing he didn't do as he promised." I said, before hanging up.
I looked up to see every one of the boys, except for Caspian, who was in the kitchen, drooling over me. I raised my right hand in the air, and flipped them off. They pouted when I snapped my legs together.
"Fuck y'all." I said, drying off.
"Who was that?" Samuel asked, hoisting himself out of the pool.
"Are you the only one that talks?" I snapped.
"...No." Lyonel said.
"I was talking to Aaron, if you are going to hound me about it." I snapped, laying down.
"Deino, Imma be inside." I said, wrapping my body with my towel, and stepping inside. I ran into Caspian, before I slipped, and nearly fell. Caspian righted me, chuckling.
"Easy klutzy." He said.
"I hate your perv friends. They make Aaron look normal." I stated.
Caspian shrugged.
"Why yu in here?" He asked.
"Yur perv friends were gawking at my crotch." I said.
"They just noticed you, since ya hot and used to not be popular. Stick with me, ya life will change." Caspian laughed, stealing a kiss on my wet lips.
"Stay with me, so I won't be molested by one of your friends?" I asked, blinking my eyes haughtily.
"Eh...They'll hate me if I don't let them at you...I won't let them touch you. If they do, well, off with their heads!" Caspian laughed, stealing another kiss, his hands around my hips.
"Caspian, get off of her, or get a room." Deino's voice caused me to squeak.
"You're a little mus-mus aren't you?" Deino mocked.
I pouted.
"I'll go back out. I'm sure the guys who wanna get in my pants will defend me from your mocking." I grumbled, opening the door, slipping out of my towel, and diving into the pool next to Samuel. He grinned when he saw me.
"Second thoughts?" He asked.
"Deino's being a meanie!" I whined, grinning.
"Wow, you're a five-year-old in the body of a hot redhead." He laughed.
I glared, turning away, folding my arms.
"I'm joking, god. But seriously-" I cut Samuel off, pulling his head forcefully to mine, kissing his lips. He went limp for a second, before shoving me against the side of the pool, cornering me for more. I tried to push at him, but when his hand snaked it's way into my bikini bottoms, I squeaked, shoving him away.
"Deino wasn't lying huh." Samuel grinned.
I pretended to want more, luring Samuel close to me, but at the last second, I yanked him underwater, growling like a dog. He pulled me under, before smiling. I shoved at him, mouthing 'you're it' before swimming away. I surfaced by Lyonel, who gawked at me in shock.
"You're with Caspian yet you're playing with Samuel. Messed up." He said.
I frowned.
"If it gets Samuel to behave, then I don't care." Caspian brushed Lyonel off, lounging in a pool chair. "If he bothers her, all she has to do is yell."
I crossed my arms.
"Y'all are no fun." I said.
"Delilah." Deino said.
"What?" I asked. My tone wasn't mean, but playful, like a puppy with it's siblings.
"Come here child." Deino said playfully.
"What are you all of a sudden, like 80?" I said getting out of the pool.
"Ur phone. Aaron called." Deino said.
"And you answered?" I snapped.
"Yep." Deino said. "Come on."
I was dragged into Deino's room.
"He needs you to come home." Deino said.
"I don't know." Deino said. "But, Umm..." She peered out the window.
"What?" I asked.
"I think you'd be better off with Aaron." Deino said.
"What?" I asked.
Was Deino saying I shouldn't be with her brother?
"My brother isn't good enough for a girl as nice as you. You'll see. Aaron is nice to you, talks nice about you. Narcissus only cares about himself and his property. Notice how Narcissus is letting you mack all over Samuel?" Deino said.
"Yeah...?" I said.
"I think he thinks you are also with Aaron...Are you?" Deino asked.
"Maybe, I don't know. There is something between us, but not much. He's always been a player. I don't feel much for him." I lied.
"Oooh, you like him!" Deino squeaked.
"Why do you want me to not date your brother and date the guy that dumped you?" I asked.
"Narcissus doesn't need a girlfriend. You'll see. Hopefully before Aaron gets another girl." Deino said.
Deino peeked out her window, and squeaked.
"Look." Deino whispered, forcing me to look out the window. I suddenly believed Deino was a good person. Caspian was sucking face with another girl, not too far from the window. The girl he was kissing had her hands IN CASPIAN'S BOXERS! Caspian was moaning, his hands holding the girl's bikini top. I paled, dropping to the ground. Deino closed the curtains.
"See?" Deino asked.
"I-I..." I broke off, my voice cracking. Tears flooded my cheeks. Deino sat down, hugging me and soothing me.
"Ssh. It's time for you to go home. Caspian doesn't need to hurt you more." Deino said. She was wrong.
"No," I wiped the tears away from my face. "He needs to be told off." I got up, opening the window. Caspian was still there with the girl, away from the pool.
"Hey!" I shouted, causing Caspian to stagger back, away from the slut.
"D-Delilah...I-I was just..." Caspian trailed off, pale.
"Yeah, you were just." I said, before grabbing my normal clothes, and walking out of Deino's room, toward the door.
"DELILAH! It isn't what it looked like! Can't we talk about this? Come on babe!" Caspian called.
I stormed out, walking down the street to the nearest park, which was a little ways away. I sat on the swing, still in my bikini, and called Aaron.
"Hello?" Aaron said.
"A-Aaron, can y-you come pick me up? I-I caught Caspian cheating on me." I said, nearly breaking into tears.
"Ssh. It's okay. Where are you?"
I peered at the park sign.
"Maud Azevedo Park." I replied.
"I'm close by. I'll come get you." Aaron said.
"I love you." I said. "Bye."
"Bye." Aaron said.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.04.2012

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