
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Have A Gun, Get In The Van


I stood, staring at the list of final opponents, ignoring the crowd of disappointed players after the final bell rang.

Finalists: Aliette Faux VS. Zachary Hunt

The linolium floor clicked as a girl of 18 came walking down the hallway. Her pale blonde hair was down, not quite straight, falling at her breasts in a slight frizzy mess. Her pale blue eyes bore heavy makeup. Her lips were stained a bright eyecatching red, the color of blood, also kind of big and puffy. Her face wasn't perfect, nor was it hideous. Her chin was pointed, with a cleft. Her cheekbones a little to high, her eyes a cat shape, thin and mysterious. Her eyebrows were a little too high, and slightly darker than her hair. Her nose was pointed upward, her face slightly round. She was pale for a human, and pale compared to a vampire, like me. She had on an outfit that could make any guy perv over. Her black skinny jeans clung close to her body, showing off the shape of her butt and legs. She wore a red corset, under it, a longsleeved lace shirt. Her candy-red stiletto boots clicked hard against the floor, causing me to flinch with every step. She pushed past the crowd to look at the sign.
She grinned.
"Wonderful, I made it to the final round." She said, before snorting. "Ha, and they said I couldn't do it."
SHE was Aliette?
"You're Aliette?" I asked.
"Who's asking?" She snapped.
"The other finalist." I answered simply, pulling up a chair to a table. I grabbed a chess set putting it on the table. "Care to play me?"
"YOU'RE Zachary? You don't look like the chess type." She said, circling me. "But, okay. I do like making holier-than-thou boys look pathetic."
Okay, so, she was right. I'm, as I like to think, too hot to be interrested in chess. I'm tall, olive skinned, and dark haired. I am the DEFINITION of tall, dark, and handsome. My eyes are a perfect almond shaped, a green olive color. My skin used to be pale, until...Until my life changed. My face was perfect. I was MADE to be perfect, my voice, my face, my body, even my smell. I cannot put off any girl, if I just act mannerly. She sat down, setting up the white chess pieces in order. For several moves, we did not talk, focusing on the game. She had taken down my king once when I started to talk.
"Indeed, I do not look like the chess type. Doesn't mean I can't play it. You don't LOOK like the chess type either. Such a shame I have to make you lose in front of hundreds of people as well as this group right now. But, I would like the cash prize." I smirked.
"Who said you're gonna beat me?" Aliette snapped.
"I said so myself, so it's official." I grinned, turning on my 1000 watt pretty-boy smile. No girl could resist. It didn't work on Aliette.
"You think you're all that? Ha, can't wait to see you humiliate yourself in front of the crowd. And by the way, stop trying to seduce me so I'll forfeit. Ain't gonna happen." She smirked.
She peered down at the board, before grinning. "Checkmate. I win. See, told you ya ain't gonna beat me."
With that, she got up, grinned in victory, before walking off. The whole time, I watched her leave, stunned. Why isn't my charm working? It has NEVER failed me in the past. Did it just naturally repel her? I shook my head. I waited another minute before following her, keeping distance between us.
"Um...Are you Zachary Hunt?" A squeaky voice asked as I walked down the hall.
I stopped, turning to see a petite girl. Almost all humans look the same, with the exception of the pretty ones, like Aliette.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Um...Will you...Um...Go to the school prom with me?" She squeaked, looking scared and nervous. I thought this over for a few seconds. Prom. Ugh. I didn't even know this girl's name, yet she was asking me out to the prom. Prom was in a few weeks, yet I hadn't gotten a date. I just declined them all. This declination went with hesitation. I didn't want to say yes, but I didn't want to say no. Why couldn't I say yes?
It's because now you want Aliette, and only Aliette.

I thought.
"I'm sorry but no. I have more important things to do than prom." I said, before walking away. It stung to hurt a sweet mundie girl, but it was necessary. I needed to talk to Aliette. Now. I went from a walk to a jog, trying to track Aliette. Then I heard it. Aliette's scream. She was walking outside, trying to leave, the scream too distant to be inside. I could not see her, but I definently heard her. Where exactly was she? I ran outside, pushing passed other kids, panic raising in the place of my unbeating heart. Found her. She was in the alleyway, circled by guys. Again, all humans looked the same to me. This was a downfall. If they're not beautiful enough, I can't remember.
"Give me the bag." One growled.
"No! Get away!" She cried.
One of them, in a quick flash, attacked her, bruising and breaking her. When she collapsed, The guy took her back, before picking her up and walking off. I followed him, as he shoved her in the back of a black van. The others piled in, and soon the car was revving up. The van sped off, leaving campus. I don't remember running after the van, or it parking, but the next thing I knew, it was only the leader of the gang and Aliette in the van. The rest of them remained outside, smirking. There were 7 outside, gaurding the door. One of them noticed me, telling the others. They began to surround me.
I went feral, as I bared my fangs. I charged two of the many guys. I choked the first guy, as he struggled, kicking and punching. It was no good. He collapsed, passed out. The next guy swung at me; I grabbed his arm, snapping the bones, before shoving him against the wall. I ignored his howling of pain, going to a third guy. I shoved him against the wall, shoving so hard, I heard his spine snap. He crumpled, howling as loud as the other guy. The fourth attempted kicking me in the groin at the same time as punching me. Bad desision. I grabbed his leg, snapping the bone at the kneecap. He crumpled. The fifth charged me, placing me in a choke hold. I broke free of him, pulling his arm behind his back. I easily pulled it out of the socket, before breaking his hand. He dropped down, screaming. The six and seventh ran off, actually thinking. I threw the door open. I became infuriated. The guy who mugged Aliette had managed to get both himself and Aliette naked, and he was on top of her, raping her on the floor of the van. Vile, idiotic human, he's raping her while she's unconscious. I threw him off of her, hissing. He threw on a shirt and underwear before grinning. His teeth were human, yet stained with blood. HER blood.
"You are one vile, putrid, idiotic, DEAD human." I hissed.
The rapist charged for me. I simply grabbed him, and broke his neck, letting him drop to the floor, dead.
What do I do? She was broken, bleeding, and raped within a few minutes. Her lip was swollen, turning purple from the cold van. Her thighs were bruised from the rapist, and bleeding. Her neck, also bleeding. Her face was bruised, her nose broken. What do I do? I can't close the blood wounds on her thighs, that would be too sexual for my mouth to go there. If I called a ambulance, she would bleed out before it could arrive. If I ran her to a hospital, not only will it give me away, but she'd die. I couldn't leave her, she'd die then. There was only one more option: Change her. I bent down, on top of her still naked body. I bit her neck, forcing changing venom into her blood. Hopefully there was enough blood for her to change. I licked the bite from the rapist closed, tearing my shirt off to stop the blood from leaking out of her thighs. I flushed. I had BOTH of my hands between her NAKED thighs. I couldn't stop the blood from leaking. There was only one thing I could do to keep her alive: Give up some of my blood to change her. I bit forcefully on my wrist, allowing blood to rush into my mouth. I bit down on Aliette, forcing the blood into her veins. I licked the wounds closed.
"Hopefully this worked." I said aloud.

Paint The Roses Red, My Dear...


For a long time, there was nothing. Nothing but darkness.
Am I dead?

But then I felt it, and the dead are not to feel. Pain, excruciating pain, heat, dehydration, claustrophobia, all at the same time. I felt weak, not even trying to fight.
This was it, I am dying now.

I shrieked, as the darkness ate me alive.

I awoke in a dim room, laying naked, under the blankets of a bed. I gasped, my eyes flying open. Naked. In a bed. Tired. Sore Crotch. Not a good thing. It was then I realized, I was not alone. The light flicked on. In a chair, right next to the bed, was Zachary Hunt, shirtless. ZACHARY?!
"Zachary?!" I cried, not even hearing my voice.
"Thank god, you're awake." He sighed, sounding relieved.
"What happened? Th-there were several guys, one attacked me..." I trailed off, suddenly unable to breathe.
I choked, coughing up dry air.
"Oh, you must be thirsty. Why didn't I find an animal for you..." Zachary said.
"WH-what...What did you...Do to me?" I choked out, barely able to breathe, the pain in my throat burning.
"You need to feed. Here." Zachary said, slicing his neck with his finger. A bead of red formed, copying the cut. I felt my mouth water.
The next thing I knew, Zachary was under me, as I drank the blood from his neck; my breasts rubbing against his bare chest. My legs straddling him.
He moaned as my tongue snaked out, licking his neck.
I continued feeding, but soon pulled back, satisfied, feeling slightly drunk; it soon wore off.
"Wh-what did you do to me?!" I cried.
"You know, what you just did to me is considered sexual contact. Do you want to continue?" Zachary smirked.
I slapped him. Hard.
"Don't you molest me! Tell me, what did you do to me? Why do I crave blood, like a vampire?" I cried.
"After you passed out, those guys kidnapped you, driving off with you. They reached a desert, and only you and the leader stayed in the van. The rest guarded, until I hurt them. I opened the van door, and the guy had not only attacked you more, he was in the middle of raping you. If I hadn't done what I did, you would have died. You were broken, bleeding, and raped within a few minutes. Your lip was swollen, turning purple from the cold van. Your thighs were bruised from the rapist, and bleeding. Your neck, also bleeding. Your face was bruised, your nose broken. What could I do? If I called a ambulance, you would have bled out before it could arrive. If I ran you to a hospital, not only will it give me away, but you'd die. I couldn't leave you, you'd die then. There was only one more option: Change you. So, I did." Zachary said, looking away.
Change me? How? What did he even MEAN?
"What do you mean, change me?" I asked.
"I had to change you, into...A vampire. It was the only way you wouldn't have died." He answered, his needle point vampire teeth showing.
He changed me...INTO A VAMPIRE?! What, was I forced to be his consort now, or something?
"That's impossible. Vampires plus real equals a big hells to the no." I stated.
He laughed, the noise attractive and light.
"That's some interesting math, Aliette." He said, laughing.
"Don't. I'm pretty. I'm not required to be smart. I just am at a few things, math, not one of them." I answered, pouting.
"Can we go back to the part where you were on top of me, drinking my blood, it felt good to have your breasts on me." Zachary said, sounding utterly annoying.
I turned and glared, stopping my pouting session.
"Shut up." I said. "Besides, you have no proof I'm a vampire."
Zachary snatched a mirror, handing it to me. I gasped. The person in the mirror wasn't me. It was some other girl.
Her pale blonde hair was down, COMPLETELY straight, falling at her breasts. Her pale blue eyes bore little makeup, with only eyeliner and mascara. Her lips were stained a bright eye-catching red, the color of blood. Her face was perfect. Her chin was pointed, but not too pointed, with no sign of a cleft. Her cheekbones high, but not too high, her eyes a cat shape, thin and mysterious. Her eyebrows were a high, but not too high, and the same color as her hair. She was tan compared to a vampire, like Zachary. Her skin was actually a mocha color, now that she had changed. Her nose was no longer pointed up, her face slimmer. Her lips were actually thinner, but not too thin. Her hair wasn't one strand out of place.
"That's not me!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, it is. Also, your voice changed. I'm sure this sounds different." He played my voice mail. My voice sounded nasally, and sing-song, compared to my voice now. My voice was now like ambrosia, and sweet like honey.
"You weren't kidding." I said. "Okay, fine, I need more blood. It helps." I said.
I leaned in to lick Zachary's neck. He shuddered, pulling me on top of him. Surprised, I bit his neck, blood gushing into my mouth. It wasn't salty, but tasted more like...chocolate chip cookies and wine. I sucked at his neck, forcing more blood into my mouth. Zachary moaned, forcing my head harder against his neck.
"You're making me think some things I shouldn't, Aliette. Finish soon." Zachary said.
I licked his wound closed, before kissing his neck. It tasted SO good!
"Come on, sleep." Zachary said, laying in the bed next to me.

I awoke in a new room. Or, more accurately, a cave. My bed was a sheet filled with hay, and tied with a string. I was covered in animal skins, and Zachary. Zachary was curled up against me, shivering. I, on the other hand, was blazing with fever. I gave most of the hides to Zach, before dozing off.
"Aliette." Zachary's voice penetrated my dreams. "Aliette."
I opened my eyes, to see Zach inches from my face.
"What?" I asked.
"I never got to explain something to you." Zachary said.
"What?" I asked, pushing him off of me.
"You need a mentor. A full-fledged vamp to make sure you don't murder people for the next year or so. I was the only vampire in this area, so I'm stuck with the role." Zachary said.
"Oh. Okay, I'm tired, and you're the only other heat source for miles, so lay down." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him next to me.
"Tomorrow I may not be as nice." Zachary said, before I was again, lost to sleep.

"Up, Now, Aliette." Zachary's voice was a growl.
"Hmm...Yeah, Zachary?" I asked, stretching like a cat.
"It's Master Zachary. MASTER Zachary. Or Master. See the difference?" Zachary snapped.
"Oh, so nice Master is gone. Oh well, I should have...Never mind." I said, sitting up.
"Are you hungry, Aliette?" Zachary asked.
I nodded.
"Well, that's your first task," Zachary pulled me up. "You're going a week without ANY FOOD, BLOOD, OR WATER."
My stomach growled at the mention of food, blood, and water. I ignored it, nodding.
"If you don't go insane and kill yourself by then, you will get your next instructions." Zachary said.
Zachary stalked over to a crate, grabbing a bottle of water, taking a swig.
I frowned at his teasing.
"Is there any string around here, Master?" I asked.
In response, a ball of yarn hit me in the side of the head.
"If you try to kill or strangle yourself, you'll regret it." Zachary said.
I nodded.
I sat on the bed for a while, attempting to crochet with my fingers. Eventually, I had a long rope of crochet string. I cut the black string with my teeth, before gathering the rope. I folded it so it would be the width of a scarf, before tying it with string. I wrapped it around my neck, happy with my new scarf.
"That's cool." I jumped at Zachary's voice.
I clutched my chest, were my heart should be. I wasn't used to no heartbeat.
"Did I surprise you?" Zachary asked.
"Yes." I mumbled.
"I can't decide if I've been too strict, or not strict enough. You didn't put up a fight over not eating for a week."
"I'm used to not eating. I'm pretty, but not when I'm fat." I said.
"Ah. I guess I'm being too strict."
There was a silence. I turned to Zachary, as he stared at the crochet scarf I made. I took it off my neck, wrapping it around him. He didn't flinch away from my approach, but he didn't seem to like it either. Am I revolting? Am I unattractive? I can't be. I saw myself in the mirror. I'm hot. Sexy even. He must not be attracted to me, like how he is with every OTHER girl.
"For you." I said, going back to my string.
An hour later, I stared down at a crochet blanket. It was similar to the scarf I made, but tightly tied, and looped. I thought of how Zachary shivers at night. I handed him the blanket, smiling timidly.
"For you, you shiver at night." I said to Zachary.
"You seem string-happy," Zachary said. "But, thank you."
I nodded, not without hesitating. Zachary caught this.
"Why are you acting like I'm going to beat you?" He asked.
"I don't know." I said.
Why AM I acting as if he might beat me? There was an awkward silence. Zachary seemed to look off into space, before he jumped up so suddenly, I didn't know what to expect. I flinched.
"Oh! I grabbed something for you!" He said.
My heart rate slowed down. What was I thinking? He wouldn't hurt me. He is mentoring me. Zachary ran out, and what seemed after forever, he came back with with pure, white roses. He handed one to me, then another, and another. They smelled beautiful, and pure. Their petals were soft and at that moment, my life seemed okay. Until Zachary's blood splattered the roses.

I Would Say I Sorry For Attackin Ya, But I Be Lyin Then


Zachary crumbled down to reveal the attacker. It was a boy, about our age. He seemed feral, angry, causing me to flinch. His copper-gold hair was splattered with red blood, his turquoise eyes glaring at Zachary's crumpled body in disgust. His eyes focused on me, softening, before turning back feral. He went to attack me, but I squeaked,sounding like a confused child.
"Stop!" I squeaked, when he had me pinned down.
"What the hell do ya think ya and him are doing in my territory!?" The boy hissed.
"I don't know! I just woke up here! I swear!" I squeaked.
The boy's gaze softened, though he still kept me pinned down. His face went towards my neck, almost as if he was going to bite me. I flinched, but he pulled back. He looked different, less feral.
"Ya're a newborn fledgeling, aren't ya?" He asked.
I nodded, not understanding what he meant. He got off of me, brushing himself off. He looked at me as a friend would look at another, not like prey.
"I'm so sorry. Territories these days. For all I knew, ya were like Zaphora. Get up child." He commanded, pulling me up after him.
"Zachary..." I trailed off, pointing at Zachary.
"He'll be fine. Just make sure he doesn't attack ya." The boy said.
"Can I get your name?" I asked.
"...Ragnor." He replied. "You?"
Ragnor noticed the bloodstained white roses I dropped.
"He got them for ya?" He asked.
I nodded.
"I'm sorry." Ragnor apologized.
"I'm sorry." I repeated. "If only I hadn't have taken that shortcut through that alley..."
I trailed off.
"Uuuuh..." Zachary moaned.
I snapped my head to him. I dropped down to my knees at him, putting him on my lap. He had claw marks on the back of his head, blood pouring out of the wounds. The smell hit me, sweet and intoxicating, causing my mouth to water. My fangs slid out, burying themselves in my lip. Pain wracked through my mouth, as blood flooded from my lip wound into my mouth. Zachary's eyes fluttered open.
"What happened. I feel like an idiot for passing out-" Zachary noticed Ragnor.
Zachary staggered to his feet, attempting a weak hiss.
"Zach, no." I warned.
"You can't tell me what to do." Zachary hissed.
"Ya know, I would say I sorry for attackin ya, but I be lyin then." Ragnor said.
"Get away, now. I claimed this cave." Zachary hissed.
"Actually, this cave is in ma territory. So therefore, I claimed THIS cave. Though, I didn't kill both of ya cause been a while since I had a pretty thing around me." He nodded his head in my direction. "So, ya can live, as long as I get her."
Ragnor grinned a pleasant smile. I felt sick. Ragnor? Wanting to KEEP ME? I don't even know him, and he's hitting on me.
"Deal." Zachary said, shrugging nonchalantly. "She's not much fun. She does as you say, without any ifs ands or buts. Have fun, and get the hell away from here."
Zachary turned away, sitting at the table filled with plates and sudoku puzzles. He held his head, as he bore down at the paper.
"Go on, leave!" He snapped.
Ragnor, grinning a devilish smile, stalked up, grabbing my wrists. I struggled, pushing at him.
"Let me go! Let me have a say in this! I'm not a damn slave!" I cried, as Ragnor dragged me out, into the sunlight, after shoving sunglasses on my eyes. I expected to burn up, for I was told vampires burn to ashes in the sun. I didn't burn. I wasn't even warm.
"Come on." Ragnor said, attempting to drag me.
"No!" I cried, digging my feet into the ground.
Ragnor yanked me one more time, causing me to stagger into him. He bent down, sinking his teeth into my neck, drinking my blood. I gasped, before moaning in pleasure. My eyelids grew heavy, and it became a battle to stay awake while Ragnor drank me. I fell asleep with Ragnor at my neck.

My Slave, My Darling Lover Slave


I awoke in a mansion room. The walls were painted a burgundy, with silhouettes along the walls. There was a fire crackling in the hearth, keeping the room warm. I was lying in a Cal King bed, with yellow and maroon blankets. I fingered the nightgown I had. It was rather short, the hem barely covering my butt. The neckline was low cut, nearly showing my bra. I curled up into a ball, trying to find sleep, but it wouldn't come.
"Are you awake?" A male voice asked.
I attempted to ignore it, but a light flicked on.
A boy with copper-gold hair, and turquoise eyes looked at me. It took me a minute to realize who he was. Ragnor, the boy who traded territory for me. I sat up quickly, gasping, before erupting into a fit of coughs. Ragnor rushed over to me, and the next thing I knew, I was inhaling water by the handfuls.
"Don't choke. It's okay. You're safe." Ragnor was whispering, though not touching me.
I pushed the cup of water from my lips to speak.
"Why did you trade Zachary for me. I'm of no use. I excel at dumb things. Crocheting blankets, playing chess, or rummy. Anything else, I suck at." I said.
"Because...I haven't had a female as company for a long time." Ragnor said, trying to hide his blushing.
"And you needed me for..." I trailed off.
Ragnor brushed me off.
"Are you cold? I can get you more blankets-"
I cut Ragnor off.
"It would help if I had on a nightgown that wasn't thin and exposing." I said.
"Well what fun would that be, if I intend to use you?" He asked, his voice husky and seductive.
I squeaked, backing away from him. I wasn't stupid, I knew what he meant, and I didn't like it. Ragnor sighed, backing off from me.
"I figured you'd react like that. Come on, I'll get you something to eat." He said, pulling me up. His eyes lingered at my chest, causing me to shudder. I could feel his gaze trying to undress me.
"I'm cold now." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Here." Ragnor said, unbuttoning his shirt and wrapping it around me. It was warm, and inviting, so I kept it on. Ragnor lead me out of the room, down the hallway, and into a bright yellow kitchen. He sat me down at a table, befoye going into the fridge, and grabbing a bottle of a red liquid. He uncapped the bottle, holding it to my lips. I tipped it back, moaning when the taste of blood reached my mouth. I gulped the whole bottle down quickly, but refused another bottle.
"How old are you?" I asked Ragnor.
"I appear 19, but I'm about 361 years old. You look about 17, right?" He replied.
I wracked my brain to remember how long it was since my birthday.
"I had my 18th birthday a few weeks ago. A few days ago I was nearly beaten and raped to death, but Zachary saved me." I said, looking away.
I heard Ragnor sigh.
"I'm sorry that happened to you." Ragnor said.
"I don't remember much. I expected Zachary to throw me away, not sell me away." I said.
"He didn't care for you." Ragnor said after a moment of silence. It was a statement, but seemed more like a question. But...A few days ago, he was molesting me as I fed.
"I know." I said.
In a flash, Ragnor turned my head so I looked at him, leaning in to kiss me. I squeaked, but slumped, letting him have his way. His lips were soft, and he was careful with me, as if I would break. He nipped my lips, asking for permission to enter. I opened my mouth, letting his tongue snake in, exploring my mouth. I gasped for air, and he pulled away. He was blushing, not even trying to cover it.
"I KNEW THAT'S why you wanted me." I huffed, turning away.
"Did I hurt you?" Ragnor asked.
"No." I said.
"Can I continue?" He asked.
"No." I said.
Ragnor's shoulders slumped.
"You don't trust me, huh?" He asked.
"You caught me by surprise. I won't be kissing you anytime soon." I replied.
Ragnor laughed.
"Figured that." Ragnor said.
"Am I going to be stuck here, or can I venture out." I asked.
"I'm not gonna go total lock-down on you, but I'd like to be with you when you venture out." Ragnor said.
"Fine." I said.
"Is there anything you want to do?" Ragnor asked, giving me a seductive look.
"I know what I DON'T want to do." I said.
"What?" Ragnor asked.
"I don't want to sleep, I don't want to eat. I think I want to go outside." I replied.
"Okay." He said, before pulling me away from the kitchen, and out of the house. I gasped, the sunlight hurting my eyes. The sun seemed a thousand times brighter, even though I wasn't looking directly at it.
"It's just so...BRIGHT." I gasped.
Ragnor laughed, before taking out a pair of sunglasses, slipping them on my face.
"You get used to it. What do you want to do?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"I want to...Play." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked, sounding genuinely confused.
I didn't answer him, instead, I let go of his hand, tagging him, and sprinting into the woods. I heard his shouting, his calling me, but I hid, scaling up a tree to the near top. I noticed it bore apples, and I reached out, trying to pick one. I heard a terrible cracking sound, and the next thing I knew, I was shrieking, falling towards the ground, that was four stories down.
"Aliette!" I heard Ragnor's voice, and the next thing I knew, I was in his arms, scratched up.
"Why were you running away from me?" He asked, his voice like a growl.
"Playing...Saw an apple...Fell." I said, as I dropped out of Ragnor's arms, onto my butt.
"You're quite fragile..." Ragnor sighed.
I looked up at him, stifling a gasp. In the light he was just so...So..Attractive! His copper-gold hair seemed more mysterious, his turquoise eyes a little more blue. He seemed tanner than in artificial light, and taller, though that may be because I was sitting down and he was standing. I cocked my head, my lips parting.
"What?" He asked.
"You're" I said.
That caused Ragnor to blush. I felt my cheeks get hot, and I looked away.
"Where did that come from?" Ragnor asked, still red.
"I was just saying." I replied.
"You must've hit your head." Ragnor picked me up.
"No. You're pretty in the light." I said, trying to stand up.
"That stupid vampire doesn't realize I got a better deal. I'd never trade a female for land." Ragnor thought aloud, picking me up like a baby.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Oh...Nothing." Ragnor said. "Do you want an apple still?"
I nodded, trying to get out of his warm arms. Ragnor set me down against the tree, before scaling the tall apple tree, onto a branch filled with huge, candy red gala apples. He dived for the biggest one, grabbing it, before dropping to the ground, landing in a crouch. He got up, walking to me, before giving me the apple.
"Thank you." I said, as he sat down next to me.
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you." Ragnor said, as I bit into the juicy apple.
"I wouldn't trust me if I were you. Some girl I traded territory for, who runs off." I replied.
"That idiot must be young, since he was eager to trade you." Ragnor said.
Out of nowhere, I blurted a question I was thinking.
"Why exactly do you need me? I know its sexual, but aren't we like...Sterile? Plus, you mentioned someone named Zaphora. Who is she?" I asked.
There was a silence, except for the crunching of the apple as I bit into it.
"We're not sterile. And, Zaphora was my old lover. I obtained her sort of like how I obtained you. But she was mean, feral, and ulitmately evil. She was only with me for the power, and the territory. I was in love with her, like with-" Ragnor stopped himself. "She broke my heart, and tried to kill me, and the child I had with her. She killed her own daughter. Ever since then, I haven't seen her, or another female other than you."
"Oh. That why you tried to kill me?" I asked.
"She looked a lot like you. I thought you were her. But, I could smell the venom still in your veins, since you were-are-a newborn."
"Did you trade for me, so you could...Replace Zaphora and your daughter-" Ragnor cut me off.
"Huh?" I asked.
"My daughter's name was Amasia. And I'm not sure yet." Ragnor said.
"Oh." I said.
"Evil bitches don't like apples." Ragnor stated.
I almost choked on a piece of apple from laughing.
"Oh, did I say that out loud?" Ragnor asked.
I nodded, giggling again.
"You're cute when you giggle." Ragnor said, before sniffing the air like a cat. "Stay here. I'll be right back."
Ragnor dashed off, and was back before I could ask where are you going.

His hands were behind his back, and he grinned down at me.
"What?" I asked.
"For you." Ragnor revealed what he held. It was a boquet of autumn flowers. I named the flowers in my head.

Adonis Blue
Baby's Breath
Blazing Star
Blackberry Lily
Black-eyed Susan
Bamboo Orchid
Flame Lilies
Panama Rose
Foxtail Orchid
Field Forget-Me-Not
Kangaroo Paw
Living Stones
Peruvian Lily
Peacock Orchids
Pineapple Sage
Queen Anne's Lace
Rocky Mountain Sage
Belle of the Night
Sand Vipers Gloss
Swedish Ivy
Sawtooth Sunflower
Strong Stemmed Diplocaulobium
Spanish Dagger
Saffron Crocus
Swamp Banksia
Star of Bethlemem
Sweet Pea

There was one of each type of flower, which meant there was a total of 60...No, 61 flowers in the boquet.
"They all grow in the garden a mile away." Ragnor explained.
"I love them." I said.
And I do. I always loved flowers, and fall flowers, they were beautiful. Ragnor smiled at me, a true, genuine smile. Then his smile went away.
"Zaphora loved fall flowers too." He said.
I reached up, stroking his cheek.
"Forget about her, and I'll forget about Zachary, okay?" I said.
"Okay. I don't like you talking about that idiot." Ragnor said.
"Yay. I don't like seeing people sad." I said.
"Whatever it takes to get you out of your panties." Ragnor commented.
I slapped him, hard. There was no need for his perv talk. I knew he bought me-er, traded me-but I wasn't ready and I might never be ready to sleep with a guy.
"Don't. Ever. Say that. Again." I snapped.
"Sorry." Ragnor said.
"It's okay. But don't ever say that to a girl who was nearly raped to death a few days ago." I said, standing up.
"Come on. Let's get you back home." Ragnor lead me back to the old style mansion.

I looked at the statue in the fountain. It was a girl, who looked awfully familiar. She appeared to have hair that ended at her breasts, and she was naked, like every statue I've seen, with magnificant curves, and a pencil thin stomach. She had one hand behind her back, the other hand cupping the left side of her neck. She was looking modestly away, her carefully sculpted eyes looking down.
"It's amazing how much you look like Zaphora." Ragnor said. "She insisted we make that statue of her, but now, it looks more like you, and less like her. She wasn't as skinny, or as curvy as that, nor was her hair ever DOWN. That statue is like you."
I winced.
"Not that I've seen you naked, or anything." Ragnor added quickly.
"Nice save. I almost lost it for a second." I said.
"Come on. I wanna show you our room." Ragnor said.
"OUR room?" I asked.
"I said you're a replacement for Zaphora, didn't I?" Ragnor asked.
"I know but, OUR room? Couldn't you have said my room, that I share with you? I don't know why but that isn't as unnerving." I said.
"Oh, you'll learn to LOVE it." Ragnor said dramatically.
I giggled.
"Come on pretty mama, the doors lock in an hour, which means no inside for the night if we don't hurry in." Ragnor pulled me into the mansion. This time I noticed many men and women bustling around, barking orders at another. I looked to Ragnor.
"I live in a mansion, and these are all my loyal servants. They're misfits,deformed vamps, some with no fangs, others can't drink blood of humans, some are taboo children, being only half-bred offspring of a male vamp and female human. Such a shame, they're stuck in this life. Well, dead-life..." Ragnor trailed off, looking at me.
"Thank god I wasn't born a vamp." I said.
"Thank god the replacement is hotter than the first one." Ragnor mumbled.
"Thank YOU for the flowers." I said, snapping him out of it. "Where can I put them?"
Ragnor snapped his fingers, mumbling a command in a different language to a maid close by. She took the flowers from me, flashing a fangless smile, and scurried off.
"Come on, to our room." Ragnor pulled me down the hall, and up about a thousand stairs, to the very top room. He lead me in, and with a jolt, I realized; It was my dream bedroom.

I said a small 'oh' which caused Ragnor to smirk.
"Like it?" Ragnor asked.
"LIKE IT? It's like you read my mind! I always wanted a room like this, but was stuck with stupid pink." I said.
"Ah, well..." Ragnor threw himself on the bed. "you must have excellent taste. This place is fit for royalty. And that is what you are...That is if you agree so."
"What do you mean?"
I sat next to Ragnor, looking at him.
"I can't just DECLARE us married, now can I?" Ragnor gave me a small smile.
I gasp escaped my lips, and I slipped off the bed.
"MARRIED?" I gasped.
"You humans still have marriage, right?" Ragnor asked.
"Yeah...But still, I have to MARRY you?" I asked.
"I knew you'd say no. Even Zaphora-"
"I'm not Zaphora, and frankly, I'm jealous that you are so attached to her!" I exclaimed.
"Look, you don't HAVE to, but I'd like to." Ragnor said.
"And then Aliette Faux will no longer be." I mumbled.
"Faux? That's your last name?" Ragnor asked.
"Yep. And then I'd end up with a new last name..."
"Ashby." Ragnor said.
"No longer Fake Aliette?" I asked.
"If you wish." Ragnor said.
"Maybe." Ragnor perked up. "That does not mean a yes, or a no, more like a I'll-think-about-it."
Ragnor picked me up, putting me on the bed.
"You know, one big factor is that you're like 21 times my age." I said.
"I'm exactly 19 in vampire years. The age you appear, you divide that by your real age and the answer is your age in vamp years.
"So I'm 0.055555555555555555555555555555556 years old?" I asked.
"I'm dating a baby, then." Ragnor grinned.
"No thanks, I'm staying with human years."
"Good." Ragnor said.
"I'm hungry again." I complained, when my fangs buried themselves in my lip.
"Sorry, kitchen's too far away." Ragnor smirked.
"WHAT?!" I cried.
"But, you can have my blood." Ragnor was already shirtless. He took my fingernail, slicing a line in his neck, that began bleeding. The smell was intoxicating;I took to his neck, and bit down hard. Ragnor moaned, fighting at the shirt I borrowed from him. He got it off, and began nipping at my neck, in a way that made my breathing speed up, and my crotch itch with expectancy. I thought back to what Zachary had said when I first bit him.
You know, what you just did to me is considered sexual contact.

I shivered, and licked Ragnor's wound closed.
"Ass." I hissed.
"What?" Ragnor was panting.
"Zachary told me what we just did is considered sexual contact." I grumbled, wiping the excess blood off my mouth.
"I...You're right. I couldn't help it." Ragnor looked away, ashamed.
"It felt good though with you at my neck. I'm sure you would be jealous to find out that when I first drank blood, I was naked, and on top of Zach." I stuck my tongue out.
"NOT FAIR!" Ragnor exclaimed, causing me to giggle.
"Yeah, but Zachary threw me aside, remember? And you basically proposed to me a few minutes ago. So I guess if I say yes, you get an area of me Zachy never even got." I said.
"What would that be?"
"My crotch." I answered simply, around a yawn.
"When can I have that?" Ragnor asked excitedly, as I got under the covers.
"After the wedding." I said, half-asleep.
"Maybe...Talk in morning..."
And I fell asleep in Ragnor's arms. I soon snapped awake, with Ragnor's arms wrapped around the area directly under my breasts. He moaned, pulling me closer to him, as he slept.
"Aliette..." He muttered my name several times.
"Ssh. I'm fine." I soothed.
"Aliette." He muttered my name one more time, before quieting.
I dozed off again into a dreamless sleep.

Wonderful, I'm Part Cat

I awoke to the smell of breakfast. I sat up, scratching a spot on my head. My claws were bloody. Wait...CLAWS?!

I looked at my hands again. Where my delicate, short fingernails had been, were bloodstained white claws, about half of the size of the finger they were plastered on. I flexed my hand, and saw that the claws were like those of a cat. Huh, I wonder if they retract.

I held the blood under Ragnor's nose, waking him up. He saw my claws and grinned.
"Finally you show another sign of a fledgeling that can survive." Ragnor saw my confused expression. "Sometimes our kind have claws, from an accident some million years ago. We're the only downworlder now, considering since they are now considered humans. There used to be cat people, children of lions, and a fledgeling girl sorta...had a baby with a lion-boy. It's a curse for them. Some of our traits went to their unfortunate kind-like our appetite, and the thing with the sun-but we benefit, like those claws, and better night-vision."
"Oh." I said, flexing my hands again, and to my surprise, they slid away, revealing my human nails.
"Is that BLOOD?" Ragnor licked his lips.
"Yeah, I scratched my head, without realizing the claws..." I trailed off, licking my hand. My blood was sweet, and intoxicating.
"Stop teasing me." Ragnor buried his head in my neck, not biting me.
"Is that what you want?" I asked, feeling like a slave.
"...Yes." Ragnor murmured into my neck, before biting down.
Pleasure flooded through my veins, causing me to moan. Ragnor pinned me down, biting harder. It seemed like a second, and then it was over. Ragnor licked my wound closed, and got off, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. His eyes brightened when he looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
I looked down, to see the hem of my dress was lower than expected, and showed almost all of my breasts. I hastily pulled the hem up, warmth flooding my cheeks.
"Come on, let's get you into some clothes other than that gray thing." Ragnor said.

The maids were awfully nice, chattering with me as if they were my best friends. We narrowed it down to two dresses among thousands.
My options were:
Option 1:

Option 2:

I ended up wearing the second dress, as the maids helped me into it. It was short, barely covering my butt and crotch, threatening to ride up if I moved the wrong way. The maids, who all had dark hair, commented my wheat blonde locks, insisting on fishtail-braiding it. I slipped on some cheetah print high heels as the maids put bright red lipstick on me. I managed to escape, to only wander the halls in a wild goose chase for the kitchen. I eventually gave up, until a maid came by, leading me to the kitchen, where Ragnor sat, in new clothes, sipping a pina colada and reading the newspaper, like an adult. The nurse bowed, muttering something inaudible, and scurried off. Ragnor sipped his pina colada, before looking up, and gagging on his pina colada. The glass slipped from his hands, crashing to the floor. Shards of glass blanketed the area between Ragnor and I like a brick wall. Ragnor looked at me, his eyes widening, before hastily picking the glass up, and discarding it in the trash. He turned to me.
"S-sorry Aliette, you just surprised me." Ragnor stuttered, trying and failing to be cool.
"It's okay." I said.
"You...You look amazing." Ragnor said, grabbing my hand gently.
"Thanks." I said half-heartedly.
"No really. I'm...Attracted to you." Ragnor said.
I blushed.
"Prove it." I said.
Ragnor bored into my eyes for a moment, before pulling me back to his room, locking the door. His lips crashed against mine. I opened my mouth, granting him permission. His tongue snaked into my mouth, searching for my tongue. I met him halfway, as Ragnor guided me to the bed, our lips remaining locked. Ragnor broke the kiss, shoving me onto the bed. He started undoing his shirt, slipping it off, then pulling off his pants, only in his boxers. He went to take those off, but I stopped him.
"Okay, I get it." I said, picking up his shirt, and tossing it to him.
"Aw...I thought I had you where I wanted you...Guess you really DIDN'T want me to prove I'm attracted to you." Ragnor grumbled, putting his clothes back on.
"Eh well, I sorta was raped by some thug before I was saved and changed into a vamp, and as far as I can tell, I don't like sex. Or rape." I snapped.
Ragnor looked at me, hurt in his expression.
"I'm sorry, I just-"
"Get carried away, I know." I said, before stomping out of the room.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.03.2012

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