

"Do you really love me?" I asked, cuddling into my boyfriend's chest.
I could feel his breathing, the constant rhythm, so simple...So human. I knew what he would answer. They always answer the same, until they find out the truth about me.
"Of course, Beth. I will always love you. For real." He answered.
I felt my heart constrict. I had learned long ago that when they said that, they knew it was a lie. I knew it was a lie, but, I wouldn't say just yet. I had to brace myself for the pain that was to come next. I knew that when my heart broke this time, it would be the last. I was tired of my life, my pain, my sorrow. I wanted to end it. Soon.
I sighed, getting up and brushing grass from my clothes.
"Then I need to show you something. Something important." I replied, as he scrambled up.
By the arm, I dragged him into the forest; looking for the clearing we called our own.
I dropped his arm, unbuttoning my nightshirt.
"Wh-what are you doing? D-don't be so rash. Think about this." My boyfriend, James said, stuttering.
Foolish teenage boy. They assume sex when a girl undresses. But I wasn't going naked. I was simply taking off my unnecessary clothing; clothing not closest to the skin would rip if worn during the transformation. I tossed the shirt aside, a gust of night air rising goose bumps on my bra-covered breasts. I began undoing my pants, slipping them off entirely.
"Beth, think this through. D-do you REALLY want to do We'll get grass in undesirable places." James stuttered holding his hand up as a barrier.
"No, not sex. I need to show you this." I said, before I began the change.
The first thing that would change is my height. I grew, from little 5 feet 4 inches tall to a massive 6 yards tall. My feet were the next thing to change. They grew long, silver talons in place of toes and toenails, growing to double the size of my head. My ankles fattened, my legs forcing me into a crouch on all four legs. My torso changed, growing, muscles and all, into the size to fit my body. I could feel my bones breaking, rearranging themselves, growing, along with my organs, to keep my body alive. I felt my wings grow and extend, long enough to cover my body. I grew a long tail, long enough to circle my body. Next went my head and neck. My head grew longer, my nose to a snout, my eyes going from an almond-shaped taupe gray, to a dangerous slim-eyed school bus yellow. My bistre brown hair disappeared into my dragon head, being replaced by dragon gills and deadly spikes. My skin went from a fair shade, to a midnight blue, slightly darker. It callused with scales, which glistened in the moonlight. The spikes extended down my back, down to the tip of my tail. The change always happened within ten seconds, but it felt equivalent to an hour. My sight was far better than an eagle’s, able to spot a ladybug from a mile up in the atmosphere.
My boyfriend looked shocked; terror glistened in his eyes as he bore at my dragon form.
I took a step closer to him, trying to prove it was still me, but he cried out, staggering back.
I tried to talk to him.
“Hun, it’s still me, Beth.” I said, but it came out as a screeching roar.
He paled.
“Get back, you monster! Back!” He cried, turning and fleeing. The word monster rung in my ears, slapping silence away like a cat with a mouse. The sound of his voice when he said it causing my depression to become worse than ever. That set my choice in stone.
I reared back, taking to the skies.
The wind blasted my face, cooling my hot embarrassment of the previous scene.
I could never trust a man. They are ungrateful, unforgiving, stupid creatures not capable of sympathy and understanding abilities.
I flew to the deadliest mountain range not known to man: Abraxas S. Amasius: Amasia. I flew to the nearest mountain, nearly plummeting out of the sky in exhaustion. I stilled at the deep male voice I heard.
“May I help you?” The male voice asked, guarded and scared.
Then the body to that voice appeared from the mouth of the cave. He was a man of about 18, with a broad chest, and deep sculpted muscles. He was wearing nearly nothing, except for the loose gray sweat-pants he wore. He was tan, with black hair ending at the area just above his eyes. His eyes were a hazel, more green-gold than green-brown, boring at me with curiosity. He was tall, making me look fragile.
“Oh, my. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize this cave was taken. I’ll find a better place to commit suicide.” I said, walking over to the edge to fly, my dragon form on top of my mind.
“Wait.” The boy said, suddenly next to me, gripping my arm as if it was china.
“What?” I nearly snapped.
“You are…A Terragonian, right?” The boy asked.
“If you mean I can transform into a dragon, then yes. I am a Terragoni-whatever.” I replied, my nerves screaming with joy. A fellow Terragonian! And a male! I caught myself. I was done with boys. I never wanted one, ever again. Even one who looked like this.
“Come.” The boy said, bringing me inside the cave. It was empty, except for a hay bed, big enough for a dragon twice my dragon size.
“Sit.” The boy said.
I sat. I curled against one side of the cave wall, pulling my knees to my (REALLY, REALLY) huge chest, resting my head on my hands.
The boy sat across from me, studying me in a very uncomfortable way.
“So, why did you run away?” The boy asked.
“Depression. Abusive family. Fellow children-of both sexes-shunned me, and I just hate my life.” I replied, finding a rock to throw at the wall, around the boy.
“My sympathies.” The boy said, sounding legitly sympathetic.
“Not to be rude, but who are you?” I blurted, before I could slap a hand over my mouth.
The boy laughed.
“Austin.” He answered simply. “I could ask you the same question.”
“Call me Be-….Bijoux. Yeah, Bijoux.” I answered.
If I was starting a new life any time soon, might as well have a new name. Several nights ago I had dreamed that as a dragon I was known as Bijoux. I had believed it was spelled Byjoo, but then I looked it up.
“Bijoux, it’s French, right? It’s a pretty name.” Austin said.
“Well Austin, I better go die now. It was a pleasure to meet you, even in my final hours of life.” I said, getting up.
“Wait. Would you by any chance consider me as an alternative to death?” Austin’s question made my body freeze. Then he added, “Why don’t you live here?”
I turned around.
I opened my mouth, letting the words tumble out.
“Maybe, I don’t know. It’s too hard to be around people. Especially after how I was brought up.” I blurted.
Austin looked hurt. It was then I realized. Living with him wouldn't be for my benefit, it would be for his. Who knew how long he’d been living alone?
“Fine, yes.” I amended.
Austin grinned.
My stomach growled in response.
Austin laughed.
“Come, we’ll hunt before it is too dark.”
Hunt? Why would I know how to hunt?
But before I could ask, Austin began the change into a dragon. He grew,growing to a massive 8 yards tall. His feet were the next thing to change. They grew long, silver talons in place of toes and toenails, growing to double the size of his head. his ankles fattened, his legs forcing him into a crouch on all four legs. his torso changed, growing, muscles and all, into the size to fit his body. his wings grew and extended, long enough to cover his body. he grew a long tail, long enough to circle his dragon body. Next went his head and neck. his head grew longer, his nose to a snout, his eyes going from an almond-shaped golden-hazel, to a dangerous slim-eyed lust red. his jet black hair disappeared into his dragon head, being replaced by dragon gills and deadly spikes. His skin went from a tan shade, to a white, slightly clear. It callused with scales, which glistened in the moonlight. The spikes extended down his back, down to the tip of his tail.
I followed, changing into my midnight blue skinned, school bus yellow eyed dragon form.
God, why did he have to be so beautiful, even in dragon from?

I thought.
I could say the same, even more about you.

Austin's voice rang in my head, deep and seductive.
I would have swayed lovestruck, if it had not scared the crap out of me to hear his voice.

I screamed in my head.
Tarragonians can hear each other's thoughts, as do Drakonians, our relative species. Our vocal chords aren't advanced enough for human speech, like every other animal. We make do with this. It must be embarrassing for you to have thought what you thought, since you thought I couldn't hear you.

I looked at Austin, my eyes sparkling.
Let's go. You gotta teach me to hunt. I am as skilled at it as a baby attempting algebra.

I thought.
Austin's roar of laughter sounded more like, well, a roar.
I flinched, acting like a scolded puppy.
Did I scare you? I was laughing. I guess Dragons were meant to laugh.

It's okay. I'm just a girl. New at this too.

I won't hurt you. I'd sooner hurt myself than hurt a girl, Bijoux.

Austin was really working his way into my heart.
We took off, Austin directing me without missing a beat.
We are flying towards a field. Stay close to me. Not so close our wings touch, but not too far away that I can't touch you if I try. We will be eating elk. Look for the elderly, sick, or injured. From there I will direct you.

I bumped him in acknowledgement.
We reached a clearing of the forest. The clearing was grassy, the grass yellowing from too much rain, with the occasional wilted patch of flowers here and there. As if on cue, a herd of elk came rushing out of the woods.
Perfect. Just on time. Like I said, pick out sick, injured, or old. Swoop down and grab it, as a eagle would grab a fish out of a pond.Go!

Quite a few were limping, but only a few were injured enough to separate from the group. I swooped down, grabbing an injure female by the back. She squealed for her herd, but I had already brought her up in the sky. I let her loose, watching as she fell back to the ground, instantly dying. I went back down and went to feeding.
Austin swooped down, with two injured elks, one male, one female, and an old male in his claws.
I figured you'd want another, since this is the only group we'll see in the next three weeks.

Austin dropped me the injured female, I finished the first female and went to the next female.
After we were done, Austin started to lead me home. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I turned left instead of right.
Bijoux! Stop!

Austin's voice was scared.
His voice was so urgent, I stopped in my tracks, nearly dropping out of the sky.
I turned to him, worried.
Why? What's wrong?

You went into Elijah and Olivia's territory, some Wyverns! They'll come to kill you!

Austin fled. Naturally, I followed him, shooting forward to catch up. I dropped out of the sky to Austin's cave, when I heard it.
A load beaming roar, followed by a screech.
I changed back, literally running into Austin's human arms, trembling.
"Get inside." Austin commanded.
I obeyed, hiding under the massive hay bed.
"Bijoux!" Austin said, grabbing me and dragging me over to a wall corner. He pushed on the wall, and it slid aside, mimicking the motion of a sliding door.
Austin pushed me inside, standing in the doorway.
"Austin, let me stay, I'll fight. I can help." I begged.
I had known from the moment he told me to get inside he meant get away, but I wouldn't just leave him. How could anyone abandon a person as nice to me as Austin was? I mean, maybe there was a future between him and I. But if I left now, I would never know.
"No, you must go. You are the future of our kind, for all I know is that us dragons, our kind, are at war with other dragons, such as Wyverns, Drakonians, Basili, and Jabberwocks." Austin said. There was a crash, before Austin shoved me further into the path. "Go! Go to the western mountains and wait. If I am not there in two weeks, seek out Carter and Aaron. Tell them you are my apprentice. They will help you."
Before I could run back and convince Austin to let me help, the wall slid back.
I sat and cried, nearly howling like a wolf.
I could hear the cries of dragons, screeches of wyverns, the heat from fire, even the panting of a tired Tarragonian.
Dear god, he's dead. I thought.
I put my face in my hands, but the next thing I heard made me look up.
Don't cry child. I am not dead. Not yet. I only need you to be safe. A gentleman must protect his lover. Go, I am going to lose if I have to talk to you more.

I flushed at the 'A gentleman must protect his lover' part, but had no time to say anything. Austin's image disappeared, leaving me alone.
I walked through the tunnel, until I reached the opening of the cavern. I phased and flew, flying west towards the west mountains.

--Chapter 1--

It had been two days since I had started flying. When I reached a suitable hill, I carved a cave, carefully, exquisitly, all the time staying in my dragon form. You could tell a lot about a person by the cave they dig, whether they were in a hurry, took pride in their work, or just plain didn't consider that someone else may take refuge in that cave someday.
A week passed;I didn't, nor phase back to human, I just sat waiting.
Another two weeks passed.
I waited a total month, before I set out to find Carter and Aaron. I flew deeper into the western mountains.
I spent another week searching, before I finally met someone.
Who are you? What do you want?

A male voice snapped, sounding much like Austin.
I paused, coming face to face with a male dragon. He was a massive 8 yards tall. His feet were long, silver talons in place of toes and toenails, double the size of my head. his wings were extended, long enough to cover his body. he had a long tail, long enough to circle his dragon body. His eyes were a lethal slim-eyed black. his had dragon gills and deadly spikes. His skin, a emerald green, slightly blue. It callused with scales, which glistened in the moonlight. The spikes extended down his back, down to the tip of his tail.
P-please, don't harm me. I am only seeking a few friends. Carter and Aaron, I believe. Do you know them?

I willed my thoughts to sound innocent and sweet.
I didn't know it was possible, but the dragon boy raised an eyebrow.
Come with me.

He barked the order.
The dragon turned the direction I was facing, and started to slowly fly north. I followed, like a duckling following it's mother. An hour passed, before the dragon boy dropped to a warm cave.
The dragon fazed back, turning to a 18 year-old boy.
I gawked in shock. He was absolutely beautiful!
He was dressed like Austin, in gray sweatpants, his chest the same golden-shade as Austin. He had ink-black hair, and slim, amber eyes that glistened in the sun like, well, gold. He was tall, taller than Austin, with a pointed chin, and a sort of foriegn beauty. I stiffled a lovestruck sigh.
Why was I falling for every Tarragonian guy I see?
"Carter! Wake your ass up-pardon me-and get out here! I have someone here that would wish to speak with you and I." the boy called into the cave.
Wait...Austin had told me to seek out Aaron and Carter. If Carter is in there, and this boy said you and I...Oh my god! It took me a minute to realize it.
I phased back to my pale-skinned, brown-haired, gray-eyed self, but instead of just a bra and underwear, I was in a flowing solid white dress, with gold trim.
The boy, Aaron turned, before becoming slack-jawed. I flushed, turning away in an attempt to hide it.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you must be in a tight schedule miss, should I get him myself?" Aaron said, rather loudly, bearing into my eyes with an intensity.
A moment later, a rumpled looking boy of 18 came out, still not quite dressed, hopping into his jeans. He wasn't as muscular as Aaron, but he was still ripped. He had slightly paler skin, shown through his not-yet-buttoned white tee. He had brown hair, and black eyes that were as dark as ebony.
"I'm here. What do you want-" Carter broke off, when he saw me.
He flushed and worked at his appearance, ignoring Aaron's laughter.
Carter buttoned up his shirt, fixing at his hair as he talked.
"You called me out here to meet your new girlfriend?!" Carter exclaimed, pissed off.
I flushed, speaking up, "WH-no! Austin sent me. He told me to come to you. I'm his apprentice-or was. I have a feeling he was murdered by those Wyverns that attacked him."
I sounded frail and scared, but mostly desperate.
"So, you aren't Aaron's new girlfriend?" Carter asked, continuing at fixing his looks.
"No!" Aaron exclaimed. He turned to me, speaking softly. "You say Austin is dead? Killed by Wyverns? Why would Wyverns mess with him?"
I nearly dropped to my knees.
"It's my fault. I accidently went into their territory, and Austin was protecting me, since I know next to nothing. Please. Take me in. I am a good student, I've never done anything wrong, besides daydreaming while flying-that got me into this mess. Please." I begged, slipping down on my knees.
"Well, you...female...if you die...species dies...Fine." Aaron muttered, attempting to help me up. I ignored his help, getting up on my own.
Carter scanned my body.
"You're a thin one. How long has it been since you ate?" Carter asked.
"I don't know, a month and a half. I think." I answered, shrugging.
Carter turned to Aaron.
"Go get something for her. I'll take her inside." Carter ordered.
"Don't you dare try anything." Aaron snapped, before phasing to his black-eyed,turquoise-skinned dragon form.
I felt small from his size.
"Come on miss..." Carter trailed off, a question mark look on his face.
"Bijoux." I filled in.
"Yes, yes, Bijoux." Carter said, slipping his hand in mine and leading me inside.
The cave was surprising light, unlike the one I had met Austin in, with modern kitchen ware, and even a window was cut out of the side of the mountain. There was a door in the cave wall, which I figured was for a bathroom. The open space was taken by two massive hay beds, just like the one Austin had. Carter took me over to one of the hay beds and sat down, cross-legged. I copied, mostly, since I was in a dress, I sat with my legs to the side.
"We haven't seen a female of our kind for over one hundred years! How old are you, miss?" Carter asked.
"Call me Bijoux, please. And, I'm 17. 18 next month." I answered simply.
Carter looked shocked.
What was so shocking about my age? Dear god, do I look old?!
"Y-you're not kidding, right? You're actually only 17?" Carter stuttered.
"I'm not kidding. I was born June 17, 1995." I said, crossing my arms. "And by the way, girls don't like it when you react like you did when I said my age."
I looked away, crossing my arms.
"S-sorry, it's just that I didn't know that there was a female Tarragonian that wasn't sterile that had offspring. You're so young

, it's such a shame you have to deal with our world the way it is." Carter said.
"I'm not young, I'm almost an adult." I snapped.
"You're young, girl. I'm 300 years old. Our looks don't change or age after 17. So you'll always have that pretty face, and the body to go with as well."
Seriously? He's hitting on me now?
"I suddenly not attracted to you anymore." I announced.
Carter leaned closer and said, "Age is only a number when you're one of us. As long as your at least 17, you're are considered old enough to breed with. That's like the car thing your country has, or the alcohol."
Breed? Eesh! Hell to the no.
"Yeah, I'm not gonna ever do that. Ever." I said, getting up brushing off my dress.
"Drink? Or drive?" Carter asked, a grin on his face.
"Breed. Hell no will I be in a relationship. Ever. Again." I said, backing away from the bed Carter sat on.
"I think you'll answer differently come Summer." Carter said, getting up.
I wanted to scream. Really bad.
I heard a roar from a dragon and froze growing rigid.
That roar, it sounded too much like...Austin!
I turned around, to see Aaron the one approaching with two cattle and a horse.
Austin dropped them on the ground, before he landed and phased back.
"CARTER! What did you do? She should not be over here, looking rigid and scared." Aaron scolded.
Carter shrunk back, like a puppy with it's tail between it's legs.
"I didn't do anything. I said the word breed and she got all like that. I swear." Carter exclaimed, looking small, and scared.
Aaron looked at me, a question mark look on his face.
"I don't want to talk about it." I answered, sitting on the other massive hay bed.
"You're a weird one, I must say. Most Tarragonian girls would be more than happy to breed, if they could." Carter shrugged before going to help Aaron drag in the dead animals.
I might as well tell them.
"You two are lucky, how I was brought up was horrible. My biological parents didn't want me, so I was adopted. My adoptive parents were alcoholics, spending almost every dime we had on beer. When my adoptive mother was at work, and my father was drunk, he'd...My own adoptive father would rape me. I couldn't tell anyone, because he threatened to kill me if I did so. I can't stand the idea of children or sex." I blurted, looking away, tears shining in my eyes.
Aaron and Carter stopped preparing the meat, coming over to me.
"He also beat me." I muttered.
Aaron and Carter plunked down next to me.
I sobbed into Aaron's shoulder, while Carter talked.
"No wonder we didn't know about you. Your parent's gave you up so no one would know about you. But, you happened so recently." Carter said.
"What?" Aaron asked.
"I was born June...17, 19...95." I said between sobs.
"Dang, you're young." Aaron said.
By then I was done crying. I pulled back, blinking my eyes.
"I hate crying in front of people. Now I must look like shit." I said.
"Rest. I'll wake you up when the food is ready." Aaron said, getting up. He went into a cabinet and pulled out a pillow and blanket, before bringing them to me.
I grabbed them, placing the pillow on the bed, before laying down on my side, the blanket covering me.
"How did you already have this stuff?" I asked around a yawn.
"Easy. That's my bed." Aaron said, before walking off.
I yawned again, before dozing off.

I awoke to Aaron's voice softly saying my name.
"Bijoux. Bijoux, wake up." He whispered.
I opened my eyes.
It was evening; I could hear a fire crackling in a hearth. I smelled beef, citrus, and another meat smell, along with burning wood. Aaron was standing over me, still shirtless.
"Dinner's ready." Aaron said.
"I'm starting to think you and Carter try to stay shirtless because I'm a girl." I stated, stretching.
"Nah. You have to wear as little as possible when changing into a Tarragon dragon. Or else you end up naked when you change back." Aaron said, helping me up.
I breathed in the smell of cologne and fire, relaxing.
"Come on babe. Aren't you hungry?" Aaron said, pulling me over to the kitchen.
"Good evening, Bijoux." Carter called from the fireplace.
"Hi." I yawned.
"Sit." Aaron said, pulling out a chair from the table.
Naturally, I did what he said.
As he fixed me up a plate, I recited my favorite poem.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And the mome raths outgabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my daughter!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

She took her vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe she sought--
So rested she by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought she stood,
The jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And barbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
She left it dead, and with its head
She went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwok?
Come to my arms, my beamish gal!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
She chartled in her joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And the mome raths outgabe.

Carter and Aaron turned and looked at me, pale, before glancing at each other.
"How do you know that poem?" Carter asked, accusingly.
How DID I know that poem? Ever since I could remember, I could recite that poem, even when I was in preschool.
"I...Ever since I could remember, I knew that poem. My adoptive parents hated poetry, and I could recite it even when I was too young to go to school." I answered.
Again, Carter and Aaron exchanged looks.
"You're starting your training tomorrow, but you might want to find something that isn't just your lingerie to wear while you're human. It'll make your life so much easier." Aaron said, as he came back with two plates filled with meat and vegetables.
He went over to the fridge and pulled out red wine.
If you expected me to pull up the fact about me being a minor, I didn't.
Aaron came back with the wine.
"Carter, join us, I order it, or off with your head." I called.
"What up with the off with your head?" Carter asked, walking up.
I shrugged, taking a sip of the wine. It was tangy, and rather sour, making iced tea seem sweet.
"Question." I said, before continuing. "You only have two beds here. Where am I going to sleep?"
There was a silence.
"There are many options: You can share a bed with me, or Carter, sleep by the fireplace, or have one of us sleep by the fireplace." Aaron answered, sipping his red wine.
"How cold does it get at night?" I asked.
"Below freezing, on a summer night." Carter answered.
"I'll share a bed with Aaron." I said.
"My turn for a question. Is that the only item of clothing you have?" Carter asked, eating his food.
"Yeah, why?" I answered.
"So, you're going to sleep in a dress?" Carter asked, accusingly.
"No..." I blurted, before realizing what that meant.
I looked away blushing.
"I'll sleep by the fireplace." Aaron said, shrugging.
"Come with me." Carter said, before dragging Aaron out. I saw them phase into Dragons. Carter was almost exactly like Aaron, except he had light blue skin color, not turquoise like Aaron was. I silently backed up, phasing.
I could hear their conversation.
Aaron, are you crazy? A female comes in, you have the chance to sleep with her, and you PASS IT UP?!

Carter exclaimed.
You're making her uncomfortable. I can tell. You pry. And if you really want a mate, you need to be more...Careful on how you are. She likes me better than you.

Aaron replied simply.
Fine...I'll try. You know how close breeding season is. I can't control it. Couldn't she have come afterwards?

Carter said.
I couldn't control it. Learn to keep your fantasies in your pants.

Aaron growled.
She might freeze tonight. Sleep with her, or bring her to me. You know why she needs to stay alive. The future of our kind.

I phased back then, walking over to Carter's bed, taking my dress off and plunking down under the covers.
Carter was right, I would freeze without him or Aaron in bed with me.
"Where is she?" I heard Carter ask, before sighing and adding. "Never mind. You'd think she'd know the difference between your bed and mine."
"Guess she made up her mind." Aaron said.
I felt the covers lift.
I felt warm skin pressed up against me.
Wait...Warm skin.
Either Carter was naked, or almost naked.
I turned over to see him.
"You got in the wrong bed." Carter said.
"Nope." I answered, before cuddling into him.
I felt him sigh and put his arms around me.
I fell asleep, the whole night cuddling with Carter.

--Chapter 2--

I awoke to the feel of hands between my legs.
I gasped, pushing Carter off of me.
"Can't help it. Breeding season." Carter said, sounding possessed, before kissing me full on.
His lips were soft, even though he wasn't gentle. He deepened the kiss, his mouth opening. His hand slid up my leg, pulling my panties down, almost completely off. When he got my panties off, he went at my bra. He soon got that off too.
I could feel his hand going at his boxers, when I screamed.
"Bijoux!" Aaron exclaimed sitting up.
"Get off of me! Get off!" I cried, trying to push Carter away.
By then, Carter's boxers were off.
I snapped my legs shut, not allowing Carter to rape me. He was attempting to get me to spread my legs, when Aaron plunked Carter out of the bed. I averted my eyes, embarrassed at the fact that Carter was naked. Aaron and Carter phased, before circling each other, poison in their gazes. Carter charged Aaron; Aaron dodged, backing out of the cave. They attacked each other by the wings, biting and scratching, and even blowing fire at each other.As they fought, I threw on my panties and bra, before running out and phasing. I managed to get between them, and from a deep, pissed off breath, I roared. They stopped, looking at me, their eyes shining in lust.
Get back inside. Now.

Aaron growled.
I will


be told what to do!

I screamed.
Move out of the way, so I can win you.

Carter growled, still sounding possessed.
I will NOT BE WON OVER! Stop fighting now, or I swear, I will commit suicide, and it will be your fault.

I snapped. I can see lust in both of you. What is wrong?

Breeding Season.

Another voice said.
I rounded over to see someone I never thought I'd see again.
Austin. But, it was only an apparition.

Aaron, Carter and I thought in chorus.
If you are fighting over Bijoux, she is mine. And Carter, when this battle is over, and I meet up with you, I'll be sure to neuter you for attempting to rape Bijoux.

Austin growled.
As if a flick had turned off, Aaron and Carter acted confused, but normal again.
What happened? Why are we out here?

Carter asked, confused.
Bijoux, do you remember what I said the last time I saw you?

Austin asked.
Yes. You said, and I quote. Don't cry child, I am not dead, not yet, I only need you to be safe, a gentleman must protect his lover. Plus for me to leave. Why?

I thought.
I saw Aaron and Carter tense.
Just train, okay? Hopefully I'll see you again.

Austin disappeared.
I phased back, rewarded with gawks from Aaron and Carter. I adverted my eyes while Carter phased back.
"What happened?" Carter asked.
How dare he act as if he doesn't remember?!
Ignoring the fact that he was naked, I stalked over, slapping him across the face.
"HOW DARE YOU!" I yelled.
"What did I do?" Carter asked, keeping up his charade of amnesia.
"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID!" I yelled, before stalking inside, grabbing my dress, and crawling into Aaron's bed.
"What did I do?" Carter asked Aaron.
"I don't know." Aaron answered.
That was it.
"YOU JUST TRIED TO EFFIN RAPE ME A MINUTE AGO! BEFORE...Before Austin appeared." I blurted, not looking up.
"No, I didn't." Carter argued.
"Really? Check your bed. You forced me out of my clothes and then took your boxers off. They're in the sheets. You'll see." I said, burying my head in Aaron's pillow.
There was a moment of silence.
"What the fuck..." Carter trailed off.
"See! You did try to rape me!" I exclaimed.
"I don't remember-"
"Carter, today is May 31st. Or actually June 1st. Breeding season started." Aaron interrupted.
"I told you. I'm not sleeping with anyone. Ever." I said.
"Do you trust me?" Aaron asked.
I nodded.
"Can I get back in my bed then?" Aaron asked.
I let him crawl in.
"Carter, if I try to breed, feel free to kick my ass." Aaron said.
I snuggled up against him, as he wrapped his arms around me.
I fell asleep again...

I awoke to Aaron whispering my name.
"Bijoux. Bijoux." He was whispering over and over.
"What?" I asked.
"I love you." He answered.
"What?" I asked.
"Can we have sex?" He whispered.
"Are you drunk?" I asked.
"A little bit, plus I'm really attracted to you right now." Aaron whispered back.
"Are you going to listen to me, or rape me like Carter tried to?" I asked.
"I'll listen to you. I promise. Nor will I hurt you. Please." Aaron whispered.
I can't remember much from that night...

I woke up, the entire inside of my legs sore, and Aaron grinning at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." Aaron said, looking away.
Carter staggered out of bed, smelling of alcohol, and hay.
"Morning." He said, sitting next to me.
He breathed in through his nose, going rigid.
"You idiot!" He yelled at Aaron. "Not fair!"
"What? I'm super confused." I said.
Carter rounded on me.
"Oh, so now YOU don't know what's going on? You were the one who let him...No wonder your parents abandoned you! You are selfish, stupid, and not worthy of your blood, you bitch!" Carter yelled.
I wilted. What did I do? I had no idea.
"I am selfish? I have no effing idea why you are so pissed off! What, did you start your period? Is that why you are so moody? IT WAS ABSOLUTELY UNCALLED FOR YOU TO MENTION MY FAMILY! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? EVER SINCE YESTERDAY, YOU GOT ALL BITCHY!" I yelled.
"You fucking slept with him, after clearly saying you wouldn't EVER have sex with anyone. EVER! I am all as you say, bitchy, because I am treated like shit from you females! What did I do? NOTHING!" Carter yelled.

I awoke to yelling.
"Idiot! SHE WILL not BE TAKING MY BED. I DON'T NEED A SLUT IN BED WITH ME!" Carter was yelling.
I rolled over, blinking my eyes.
They both had no idea I was awake.
"Apprentice, Ha. And I'm a mother of a famous actress." Carter snorted. "I say we throw her off the cliff, so we don't have to waste energy and time on that disaster."
That was it.
I stood up
"You want me to jump off the cliff, okay. But, realize, it's your fault Carter!" I said, running out of the cave in just my lingerie. Without bothering to phase, I jumped off the cliff, taking the form of a dive.
"BIJOUX! STOP! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I PROMISE!" Carter pleaded as I fell off the cliff face-first.
I closed my eyes, hoping for the least amount of pain, when I landed on something hard and scaley.
I opened my eyes to see Carter in his dragon form, looking sad, desperate, lovestruck, and filled with joy.
"Let go of me! I want to die! Let me off!" I yelled, trying to jump from his back.
He looked at me, longing in his eyes.
"No!" I yelled finally slipping off of him, this time phasing into my dragon form.
This is the first time I've seen you in your dragon form.

Carter said.
That sounds, in my opinion, like 'this is the first time I've seen you naked.'

I said.
Don't listen to me before I've had my coffee. I act like an ass.

I hate you.

I said.

I don't need to wake up from a nightmare and deal with you. I seriously wanted to jump. AND HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A SLUT!? I'm gonna make you pay for that

I said.
Gotta catch me before you can punish me.

And with that, Carter darted off. I followed soon caught up to him. I nipped at his wings, lightly, playfully, before he tackled me. We fell out of the air, both of us losing our forms, and Carter landed on another cliff. I landed on Carter.
My hands were on his bare chest, while his were wrapped around my now clothed waist.
"Where are your clothes coming from?" Carter asked, sounding pained.
"I don't know. Whenever I change in just my bra and panties, I change back, clothed." I said.
This time, I had on a full outfit. I had on a pair of black skinny jeans, along with a red corset over a long-sleeved white lace shirt. The corset barely covered my boobs, the lace see through. The outfit made my boobs look bigger, and my stomach smaller.
"Damn, girl. You'd think the world would cover you a little more." Carter said, eying my chest.
I smacked him upside the head.
"Don't, even think about molesting me." I said.
"Ouch, I wasn't. It's not my fault red is an eyecatching color," Carter said, rolling over and putting me under him.
He took his hands from my waist, moving them to form a cage around me. He used his legs to strattle mine, since they were snapped shut. He was rather close to me.
"You're actually really pretty for a Terragona." Carter said.
I shivered.
"Are you cold? Hopefully Aaron won't look for us for a few more minutes..." Carter's hand traced the outline of my curves, letting them lead him down my leg.
"Carter...You're making me uncomfortable. Please...Stop." I said, trying to get him off of me.
"Just let me try one more thing." Carter said, before kissing me.
Dear god, I was going to live my nightmare.
As in my dream, his lips were soft, though he wasn't rough, nor did he deepen the kiss.
He pulled back, slightly flushed.
"Now, I'm done." He said, pulling me up. "You know you're pretty when you blush."
I looked away.
"Okay, enough with you molesting the baby, she has to train." Aaron said, landing and laughing.
"I'm not a baby." I said, getting up.
Aaron caught sight of my outfit, and went quiet.
"Where did you get that outfit?" Aaron asked, sounding happy.
"Don't, you dare start acting like him." I jerked a thumb at Carter. "Why couldn't I have been told to be trained by females?"
"Hurtful." Carter muttered.
"Are you gonna teach me or not?" I snapped.
"Come on, let's find a bigger flat area." Aaron said.
We phased into dragons, my outfit sinking into my skin. We rounded the mountain when we found the best place to train me. There were few rocks, and it was more like a valley.
We phased back.
I still had my outfit on (Thankfully).
"Okay, so you want to try to pin Carter down. I'm going to just watch right now. Carter, go easy on her." Aaron said, as we phased again. "Bijoux, Tarragons are skinny, agile relatives of the Europei, or the common dragon. You can move quicker. Try to work on dodging anyting that Carter does. Also, the more speed you gain, the more power you have. This is focussing on agility."

Carter asked, his tone deep and seductive.
Don't you dare turn this into something sexual, or I'll kick your ass when you phase back to human.

I threatened.
"Begin." Aaron ordered.
Carter and I circled each other, though I moved with grace of a panther, and Carter, not so much. He looked like a chicken running with one leg.
I mentally giggled at that thought.
Carter charged me, I dodged and feinted, before circling around and aiming for Carter's back. He beat me there. He turned around, attempting to nip my wings, and I jumped back.
Not bad.

Carter said.
Carter charged me. This time he was too fast for me to dodge; I was knocked back. I jumped up, using my wings to propel me up. I dived, pulling my wings close to my body as I attempted to gain speed. At the last moment, I swooped and feinted, Nipping at Carter. I repeated, until I was sure Carter had figured out what I was doing. I flew up again, repeating, only this time, instead of swooping and feinting, I really tackled him. We were both knocked down, Carter under me. He bit my wings, drawing blood, knocking me off with such force, I lost my dragon form. With my horrible luck, a boulder just happened to me in my way. I hit my head.
I was battered and bloody, but I was in no pain.
"Okay stop. Stop." Aaron said, trying to get Carter to change back.
I had an idea. I acted frail and hurt, as Carter crept forward, an apology in his eyes.
When he was close enough, I quickly changed back, tackling him. He was too surprised to fight back. I pinned him.
We both changed back, panting. I was on top of Carter, my hands on his bare chest.
"I'm sorry." He said, peering at my bloody wounds.
"Good thinking, Bijoux. Are you sure you've never trained before?" Aaron asked, helping me up.
"Never. I never got to train with Austin." I said,staggering up.
"I'm sorry for biting you, Bijoux. I didn't mean to draw blood." Carter said, getting up.
"You're a better student than Carter." Aaron said.
"Hey!" Carter exclaimed.
I giggled.
"You know, that's okay, because it turns me on when you giggle." Carter stated.
I turned around, grabbed Carter and kissed him.
When I pulled back, I asked, "Will you shut up now?"
Carter nodded, flushing.
"You may be 300 Carter, but you act like your 16." Aaron said, laughing.
"Anything else I can do? Can I try fire?" I asked.
"No." Aaron said.
"Aw...I wanted to play with fire." I pouted.
"Are you obsessed with fire, or something?" Carter asked.
"I'm a pretty little pyro." I answered grinning.
"Even when you say that, I am attracted to you." Carter said.
"I thought you said you'd stop with that." I snapped.
"If you kiss me again, I will." Carter shrugged.
"I won't fulfill your wishes." I said, cocking my head into a haughty pose.
Aaron laughed.
"She's a smart one." Aaron laughed.
I turned and glared at him. Black dots swirled around my vision, my body still numb. I gasped, as pain shot up my spine. Carter sat up, causing the pain to worsen.
"Bijoux, are you okay? Bijoux? Bijoux!" He said, growing alarmed when I didn't respond. My voice wouldn't come, even when I tried to scream. I frantically wrote in the mud. It...Hurts...My...Spine, It read. Carter read it, looking at me with sadness. He looked at Aaron, barking something at him, and Aaron rushed away.
The next thing I knew, Aaron was bandaging me up, touching me gently. Carter was saying things to me, that weren't understandable. And like a switch, I was fine. The pain went away, my hearing came back, along with my voice, and the black dots went away. I shoved Aaron away who was still bandaging my head.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm better. I don't know why, but I'm better." I insisted, unwrapping the bandage, causing Aaron to suck in a surprised breath.
"But, you were just bleeding!" He cried.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Dang girl. It's good you can heal so fast." Carter said.
"I wanna fight again." I insisted, scrambling up, tripping over a rock, into Aaron.
"Stupid rock." I said, kicking the rock over the edge.
"Bijoux, no..." Aaron said, trailing off when I gave him a seductive look.
"Don't look at me like that!" He insisted, blushing.
"I'll go easy on her." Carter promised.
"Fine." Aaron grumbled.
Carter scrambled up, before phasing at the same time as me.
I'm sorry. I'll go easy.

He said.
I snarled, but really this seemed like a game.
You owe me.

I said.

Because you'd have been in more trouble if I didn't heal as quickly as I did.

I said.
Again, sorry.

Carter said, stalking up to me, and licking my cheek, before looking at me as if asking for my permission.

I thought.
"Carter, don't kiss the baby again. Leave her alone." Aaron growled, sitting on a rock. "Begin!"
Carter went at me, but without trying, I moved to the side. I charged Carter, moving more like a panther than a giant lizard. I bit him on his wing, as payback for kissing me, which caused him to yelp like a wounded animal. He turned and glared, and I flashed a toothy dragon grin. He looked pissed off, charging me again, only this time way faster. I dodged, soaring up into the air, like a bird in flight. He looked up, growling, before chasing after me. I did something he didn't expect, I changed back human, letting myself plummet into him, taking him by surprise. I changed to a dragon quickly, while Carter made sense of what I just did. I tackled him onto the ground, causing him to land under me. I let out a hiss, that seemed to have surprised Carter. I pinned him, looking up at Aaron for approval. In a flash, Carter was on top of ME, pinning ME down. I changed back, forcing Carter to. I was pinned under Carter, his hands forming a cage around my head, his legs straddling mine as he sat up. He looked at me, and I saw I had bitten his ear.
I looked at him like a scolded puppy, mumbling I'm sorry.
He surprised me by pecking me on the cheek with a kiss.
"You did good. Just next time, don't look away from your opponent, even for a second." Carter mumbled, placing his head on my shoulder. I felt a hot breath on my neck as Carter nuzzled me.
"Come on, won't you be mine...For the Summer? I won't be rough." He whispered, lust thick in his voice. I tried to push Carter away, but he wouldn't budge.
"Get off of me!" I cried when my body went numb from his weight. The next thing I knew, Aaron threw Carter off of me, telling me to get back. I did as he said, hiding in the area where Aaron watches us fight. Carter and Aaron were arguing.
"Carter, leave her alone. She isn't here for you to breed with, she's here to train." Aaron was growling.
"You're just jealous that she LETS ME do what I want to her. Pretty soon I'll have her pregnant." Carter growled, sounding possessed.
"Shut up you idiot! Summer is coming up and it's affecting you!" Aaron growled back.
Carter phased, charging Aaron. Aaron phased, shooting up into the air. Carter saw how high Aaron was, so Carter changed back, running my direction. He was merely ten steps away from me, when Aaron appeared, human again, and knocked Carter down. Carters eyes seemed more gray then usual when up close. They flashed back to their normal color, a black ebony color, and he looked at Aaron.
"What happened?" Carter asked.
"You're being affected by how close it is to Summer. I had to stop you." Aaron said.
"Oh." Carter said.
I didn't meet Carter's eyes, I only looked down at the rocky ground.
"Are you alright?" Aaron asked, suddenly in front of me. I jumped, causing Aaron to laugh.
"Don't worry, I'm not affected by it." Aaron dropped his voice. "Only the weak are affected before the actual season."
That caused me to giggle.
"Explains a lot." I said.
Aaron sat down, cross-legged from me, looking into my eyes, but not saying anything. I squirmed, uncomfortable by his gaze. Finally, he spoke.
"I could see why Carter was affected by you. You're pretty, and he's been away from any kind of female longer than I have."
That made me uncomfortable. Aaron, just called me pretty. I looked away, to see Carter staring at me. I lowered my eyes at him, and he scurried off. Aaron followed my gaze.
"You'll be stuck with him like that ALL Summer." He said.
I groaned.
"I might kill myself just so he'll stop." I groaned.
Aaron was silent for a few minutes.
"You'll have to get used to Carter and I fighting a lot more." He said.
I groaned again.
"It gets worse. If any Tarragonian is near, they'll be able to catch your sent and they'll come and bug us for you." Aaron said.
"Kill me now." I replied.
Aaron laughed.
"I think the only upside for you is that Carter, and maybe me, will do as you say." Aaron said, suddenly a lot closer. I heard a growl, and looked up to see Carter, standing over Aaron.
"I think it's time she knew fire." Carter said, sounding like himself again.
"You sure?" Aaron asked.
"She's ready." Carter nodded.
Carter helped me up, before hesitating to let me go.
"Carter." Aaron warned.
Carter let go of me. I was spun to face Aaron, who put his hand on my neck, exhaling in concentration. The scene around my faded, before being replaced by what looked like the inside of my neck.
"Do you see it?" Aaron's voice made me jump.
I think I nodded, but I couldn't tell.
"Good. See those two little spaces filled up with red light, blocked by a piece of skin?" Aaron asked.
I nodded. I did see what Aaron was talking about. In between my vocal chords, were to little spaces, only one was filled with red, the other filled with a dark purple. A piece of skin blocked the light's way from my throat and mouth.
"Okay. Imagine those pieces of skin to slide out of the way, like a door, causing the light to rush into your throat. You'll feel a click. After that, you have to phase into a dragon to breathe fire." Aaron said. I followed his instructions, and felt the click. The click wasn't painful, it was more like when you button a purse kind of click.
I phased into my midnight-blue-skinned-yellow-eyed dragon form, and looked at Aaron.
"Okay. Aim for that boulder over there." Carter said.
I took a deep breath, and roared. Fire rushed out, like a flamethrower. But...What looked like purple lightening was circling around it. The lightening-fire hit the boulder; the boulder exploded into a thousand pebble-sized pieces. I phased back, looking at Carter and Aaron.
"Like that?" I asked.
"Did you just...Breathe lightening AS WELL AS fire?" Carter asked.
"She did." Aaron answered.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
There was silence.
"I think that's her gift. Like your creepy see-through-clothes-and-skin X-ray." Carter said to Aaron.
"Or like your freaky I-kill-you-dead-with-earth powers." Aaron mocked Carter's tone.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?" I yelled, getting their attention.
"Congradulations, you breath fire, like a Terragonian, as well as lightening, like a Jabberwocky. It's your gift. Every Terragonian has a special ability." Carter said.
"Perfect." I sighed, but it ended up as a yawn. "I'm tired."
"Of course. You just passed through a month and a half worth of training for a beginner." Aaron said.
"I'm hungry too." I complained.
"Of course the last female Tarragonian is whiny." Carter sighed. "Come on. I'll take you back. Aaron, go find some food. You ate it all this morning."
Aaron hesitated, before changing and flying off. Carter turned to me, placing his hands at the back of his head.
"I can tell he thinks I'm unstable. You'll be fine if instinct takes me over, right?" Carter asked, exasperated.
"Don't be surprised if you come to tied into a burrito with the blankets, your hands bound." I joked.
"I'll enjoy waking up a burrito." Carter shrugged, grabbing my hand. "Come on. Let's get you home."
"Home." I repeated, in only a whisper. This is it. I have a home. With Carter and Aaron. And hopefully one day, with Austin.

I sat at the table, sharing a bottle of wine with Carter.
"Can I get drunk?" I asked when I began to feel dizzy.
"Why wouldn't you?" Carter replied.
"Hopefully I don't get drunk." I thought out loud.
"And why...Do you hope you won't?" Carter said, around a glass of red wine.
"I am a girl who when drunk...Um...Get's a little slutty." I said.
Carter raised an eyebrow.
"In that case, have the rest." He said, shoving the bottle to my lips.
"Ha-ha." I said, around the glass bottle.
"No seriously. I want to see if you really do get slutty when you're drunk." Carter siad.
I drank half of the bottle in a gulp. Now I was almost drunk.
"You just want to get in my pants when I'm vulnerable." I said, sounding a little drunk.
I hiccuped.
The next thing I knew, I was kissing Carter, hard.

Chapter 3:
I woke up, in bed with Carter. I traced my body to realize: I was stark naked! I gasped, confused, and sat up. I touched Carter's hips, away from his crotch or butt, to feel skin. Had I just slept with Carter?
"Carter." I whispered, shaking Carter's shoulder.
I paused, looking up. It was night time, and Aaron wasn't back. Good, he need not know about this.
"Huh?" Carter moaned.
"Wake up." I said.
"Five more minutes." Carter moaned, tossing over the other direction, facing me.
"Carter, I can't believe you took advantage of me when I was drunk, and vulnerable!" I exclaimed.
Carter opened his eyes.
"Huh?" He asked.
Realization smacked me upside the head.
"Y-you lost control...Didn't you? I was drunk and you lost it and I gave in and..." I trailed off, ashamed.
"What?" Carter asked.
"I think we had sex earlier. I don't know. I think I was drunk and you lost control." I said.
"What? I seriously imprinted on you?" Carter exclaimed.
"If imprinted means you attempted to knock me up, then yes." I snapped.
"It's okay. At least you lost control AFTER I was so drunk that I don't remember." I said.
"Then how do you know we imprinted?" Carter asked, sitting up.
"Two reasons. One, my crotch is sore. Two-" I broke off, yanking the covers off of our bodies. Carter gawked at me, and I tried hard not to smack him or gawk at his naked body.
"Oh. My. God. I officially killed us both." Carter said, looking away.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Aaron's going to find out and kill me, then you since he'll think you LET me. Aaron likes you." Carter said.
"We don't have to say anything about it." I suggested.
"He'll still know. You'll smell different. It's like how animals recognize each other. You'll smell like me. No matter how hard you scrub at your skin in the shower, you'll be stuck like that ALL Summer. The only upside is I have better control, now that we've imprinted." Carter explained.
I leaned over and kissed Carter on the lips. He pushed me away, surprised, and flushed.
"I never thought you'd do that to me, ever." He said, grabbing his boxers.
"Eh well." I said, shrugging.
"Do you have anything to wear?" Carter asked, as he grabbed his shirt.
"No. Not at the side of the bed." I replied, looking at the ground.
"Thank god for my mother." Carter mumbled, tossing me an off-the-shoulder white boho top, and skinny jeans. I found my lingerie, putting it on, before I put on the clothes Carter gave me. I scowled in the mirror at my hair. I always had it long, and it didn't make me the prettiest.
"Do we have any scissors?" I asked Carter.
"Yeah..." Carter said.
"I want to cut my hair. I've always had it long." I replied, grabbing a pair of scissors. I cut at my dark brown hair, until it was about chin length. I gave myself bangs that covered my left eye. I evened it out, layering my hair. I looked in the mirror. I compared Bijoux to Beth. Beth, the old me, was pale, with long ugly brown hair, and dull gray eyes. Nothing special. But Bijoux, the new me, was a nice tan shade, making my hair and eyes seem darker, my dark brown hair dangerous and sexy looking. I liked Bijoux me better than Beth me.

I turned to Carter, who was checking me out.
"You're so pretty." He said.
"When is Aaron going to be back?" I asked him.
"Tomorrow...Hopefully." Carter said.
"What would you do if it turns out you knocked me up?" I blurted.
"The first thing? If Aaron or Austin was there, I'd take you and run. Fast. If it was just you and me...I don't know." Carter replied.
"Oh." I said.
"Are you hungry?" Carter asked, nuzzling my neck.
"Nope." I grinned, before stealing a kiss.
"Good, because we have no food." Carter replied, pulling me back against him, for another kiss.

That night was wonderful. Carter and I didn't have sex, but we still played around a little bit at night. Carter chased me, and each time he caught me, I'd kiss him, before fleeing again, giggling. I settled against Carter's chest sighing as his arms went around me.
"Ya know," Carter's tone was seductive. "Imma feeling a little...Horny tonight."
Carter spun me so I was staring at his face. He leaned in, kissing my neck. His lips traveled up my neck, to my jaw, where he continued to kiss me. After that, he met my lips.
I moaned, before pushing him away.
"Are you losing control again?" I asked.
"I have control now, since we're imprinted. This is all me." Carter said.
"Stop it, I'm tired." I said.
"Aww..." Carter said, as I flipped over, facing away from Carter. He grabbed my butt, causing me to jump.
"Carter!" I gasped.
"You know you like it..." Carter growled seductively into my ear, causing a small moan to escape my lips. I sat up, turning and looking at Carter. Before anything could be said or done, Aaron came flying in, a small rabbit in his claw. He dropped it, before changing back to his human form. All he had to do was inhale, and he tackled Carter, his eyes furious.
"You bastard! You imprinted on her! She was supposed to be mine!" He growled.
"Aaron, stop!" I cried. "It was an accident! I got drunk, and Carter lost control, and we woke up not able to remember!"
Aaron turned to me.
"So you didn't let him?" Aaron asked softly.
I shook my head.
"I never wanted to, but I can't take it back."
Aaron got off of Carter.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2012

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