
New Terror Story: High School


"Run!" I shouted at Seth.
If it could, my heart would excelling from terror and exhertion from running. I was panting, not a good sign. When had it become so dangerous to be out at night? The ear piercing howl descended closer on us as we ran. Seth was a fledgling, and I know I don't have to say of what. We ran, or more accurately, I ran, Seth limped along the alley sidewalk, fleeing from the howls and barking. Where is Emmanuel?
"Stop! I'm...I...So hungry." Seth coughed out.
At this point it was leave him for dead, or carry him. I picked his body up, without breaking a sweat, and ran. There. In front of me was a garbage can, tall enough for me to jump on, and off of to the roof of the building trapping us in. I huffed, throwing Seth up on the garbage can with a thud. I cringed.
"Yeah, now you're going to get killed." I scolded myself aloud as I climbed up.
Seth moaned in pain, his fangs sliding out and burying themselves in his lip. The smell of his blood hit me; the smell was acidic, and syrupy. Not good.
It was then I saw it.
The large tuft of black fur, the vicious red eyes, the teeth snarling. They were right on us.
The wolf barked an order to a few more, who seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Luke...Leave me...I'm...Meant to die." Seth coughed out.
His skin was a sickly gray, his eyes a clouded red, almost yellow.
"No, I promised Jules I'd keep you alive. Just a little longer." I said.
I picked his limp body, leaping for the rusted roof. I didn't leap high enough. I crashed through an old boarded window, the wood splintering my skin, the glass raining down around me as I shielded Seth. He grunted from my weight on top of him.
"Just a while longer, and they'll leave, and you can feed." I reassured.
I was so wrong. The moment I got up, I heard it. The howling, closer, louder, now sounding like a bear. They clawed their way into the window.
"Seth, get up!" I cried, as I scrambled up, bolting out of the room.
I assumed Seth had followed, until I heard the scream of pain. I rushed back. The wolves were on top of him, their muzzles coated with blood as they tore at, bit at, and crushed Seth. His cries were muffled by their howls of joy from the wolves, as they continued their frenzy. I just watched, stunned as my only enemy killed my brother in a frenzy. Seth screamed and kicked, but soon there was nothing left of him but a bloodied hunk of meat, his stomach, lungs, and heart disconnected from his body, lying across the room untouched. His skin was not skin anymore, but bloody muscles twisted at odd angles. Seth had been decapitated, his head dangling in the mouth of one of the wolves, the biggest one, the leader. They turned to me, growling and licking their lips. For a moment, we just stared at each other, a silent standoff. I turned and bolted, much faster than I did with Seth, dodging fallen beams and broken glass, the occasional cat, before I dived out a second story window, into the night. The sky had turned a blood red, the moon orange, as it does at the death of a fledgeling.
I ran towards Emmanuel's direction, that damn four seasons hotel, until I no longer heard the howls of the werewolves, before I slowed my pace. My heart constricted. My best friend, brother, fledgling, had been torn apart, and because of me.
"Don't blame yourself, babe." A female voice said.
I whipped around to see a girl, about the age I look, with curly golden locks, and blue eyes. She leaned against a lamppost, chewing gum, checking her nails.
"Wh-who are you?" I snapped, trying to stay cool.
Secretly, I was breaking down, ready to fight, to kill this girl. I stopped my angry trembling, unclenching my fists.
"Come with me, and I'll explain everything, Luke." She said, walking up to me.
"How do you know my name?" I snapped.
"Oh, I know a lot about you, and I only need your time, and you can either come or not." The girl held out her manicured hand.

Part 1:


Even now, I feel abandoned, though I can't imagine why. I grew up, living among strangers, maids, butlers, and anything in between, since my parents traveled a lot. They said they wished they could stay with me, but when you're as famous as they were, you don't really have a choice. That's what I get, being the daughter of an actor and a fashion designer. It did have some bad things, like the paparazzi and the questions I get asked. I've also never really had friends. My parents isolated me, as if they knew that something bad was going to happen to me one day, and I just dealt with it. But, then again, I did get a whole former hotel to myself as a house, and people who must do as I say. If I wanted to play dolls, I played with the maids, if I wanted to see a movie, I went to the built-in movie theater. That all changed, after my parents left me to live in Paris. I still wake up, feeling completely alone, as if they had passed away.
No, they are just residing in France. They still love you.

I always had to reassure myself. It began to get easier and easier, living without my parents, until he

came along.

Four nights now, I had seen the person on my balcony. At first, I was afraid to tell my parents, they’d assume I was seeing things, or worse, I was correct.
This night was awfully cold for a summer evening; I hugged my night wear close to my body. My parents had insisted I decorate my room on my room, thinking I would do pink. They of course, were wrong. My room was expansive, complete with my own bathroom and balcony. Every spot of my wall ragged gray, owls adorned my ceiling, many of which were flying around clouds, excluding the one sitting on a moon peering down.
I’d hired the best painters I could find (behind my parents’ backs) and they were indeed amazing. I had taxidermy birds, including a raven, peacock, and snowy owl perched to fly off my walls. Other than that my room was pretty normal, complete with a bed, dresser, mirror, and desk. The curtains on the door were white lace, eerily transparent, like ghosts.
Shut up, ghosts don’t exist.

I knew ghosts didn't exist. Why would they? That's like saying the sky is purple and raining hedgehogs. It's just utterly impossible.
I got up, using much will power to drag my feet to the sliding balcony door. I brushed the curtains away to see a boy of 18, his back turned to me while he was looking at the moon. The moon was big, full, and a waxy orange this night. It tinged the night sky from navy blue to a red, the stars barely noticeable. The world looked post-apocalyptic, seeming to be in a subtle chaos. Car horns and the yowls of feral cats could be heard for miles. The wind gusted again, causing the boy to shiver, ever so slightly. Why is there a boy here? This is my house, and the moon is the same from any other place. I pulled away from the window, not exactly silent.
Great, he didn’t notice me.

I threw the door open as quietly as I could, trying to sneak up on the boy. A gust of wind came in, blowing my cherry red hair out of its French braids,turning into a curly mess in front of my eyes. I was always told that I had eyes like those of an owl's: big, but not too big and a perfect yellow that would change to red.

I pushed the hair out of my eyes hastily before I shouted, “”Hey! Get away from here before I have you arrested!”
The boy turned around, wide eyed. He just ran and jumped off the balcony. WHAT? OH MY GOD!

I felt shock ripple my breath. Was he trying to kill himself? I was several stories from the ground, and that kid just jumped? I rushed out, into the cold night. I rushed to look over the gray balcony, my heart almost in my mouth, beating rapidly. I looked over. There was no blood, no boy, nothing. Nothing at all. I exhaled, relieved have not seen a dead body. But wait, was I the only person who saw him, or did anyone else witness him jump? I shook my head, realizing I could never know. If I asked any of the maids, they'd freak and tell me I need my rest, or suggest therapy to me. There was no one on the streets, as there usually are, but today's a Sunday. Why would anyone be out this late on a Sunday?
"Am I going crazy? Please, please tell me I'm not going crazy." I said, to no one in particular.
And here I am, talking to no one in particular. I need friends. I'm happy that my parents are enrolling me.

Then I went on to the next subject of my mistakes. What was I thinking? What if that guy was a killer? Or a rapist? Oh well, he left, or maybe didn't even exist. I’d better get to bed, I start school tomorrow. Even though school had like a couple weeks until summer break. I closed the door and slammed the bolt home, locking the screen door. I replaced the white curtains against the screen doors, carefully, hoping I wouldn't rip the fabric. I got back in bed, but sleep wouldn’t come. I decided to think of my life. I had grown up rich; my parents were almost never around, and only supplied me with what I had needed, rarely with what I wanted. They had me home schooled up until now, but they were afraid I might become antisocial or something, so they enrolled me in the nearest high school, 3 miles away. My parents left the night before, leaving for Paris. Worried thoughts swarmed around me, repeating over and over, like a broken record. What if they think I’m a snooty rich girl? What if the kids there were mean? Who cares if they’re mean, I’ll just ignore them to get by. And as for them thinking I was a snooty rich girl, I’ll just not dress in anything too fancy.

That was easy. The only thing fancy that I owned was a frilly pink ball gown, which I hate with all my heart. I found myself drifting off, into a dark, dreamless sleep.


“"Hey! Get away from here before I have you arrested!”” An unsure female voice shouted from behind. Startled, I turned around to see a girl about 17 glaring at me, a cell phone in her hand. I felt my eyes go wide before I turned and jumped off the balcony. It was a long way to the ground, but nothing my legs couldn't handle. The girl must have thought I was committing suicide; I could feel the tension and worry in the air. When I hit the ground, Luke met up with me.
"Dude, what was up there?" Luke asked, pointing up.
What would I tell him?
Oh, you know, just a really pretty girl that had no idea I go up there every night. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Yeah, THAT would go well. Let me hint the sarcasm.
Instead of answering, I just shrugged and asked, "Where’s Seth?"
Luke's face dropped.
Not a good sign.
Seth is our brother, our newest member of the clan. Juliet forced us to watch after him. I could tell by Luke's expression that the next words that come out of his mouth wouldn't be light.
"He...he uh, got staked by the enemy pack. We almost made it here before they got him. For some reason as soon as they neared the hotel, they ran off, frightened." Luke said.
"Oh well... let’s make our way home before Juliet freaks out and explodes. I don't need glitter and shredded things all over the house." With that we walked silently back to our house.

"Dude, can't you sense it? It feels as if there is a radiance of peace by that house. Could an angel be near?" Luke asked as we walked in our makeshift house. The house was ginormous, with plain white walls and tan carpets. In every room was pretty much the same furniture: A study desk, couch, a flat screen TV, and several bookshelves crammed with books, though our personal rooms were, well personalized. When you're a vampire, you have a lot of free time.
"I don't know. Maybe we should study up to look for a match." I shrugged nonchalantly, trying to hide my feelings.
Vampires are indeed, very attractive to mundies. I could have any girl I want, then throw her away the next day. That was how we are wired to think. I had stopped thinking like that a few weeks ago, when I had first discovered the girl in the hotel. She had only seen me 4 times, though I had seen her many, many times. No, not naked, no not undressing. Just sleeping. It amused me to watch her relaxed face.
I snapped out of my thoughts.
Luke grabbed a history book off of a crammed wooden bookshelf.
He opened it up, flying through the needle-thin paper. He stopped, reading a page.
"Here, first person in the chapter who is said to radiate peace." Luke said, pointing to a picture of a naked red-head with a serpent curled around her, even at her crotch and breasts. Of course Luke would stop at this one. Underneath, was a poem, along with a chapter about the girl.
I read the poem out loud.

"Roaming the night,
Waiting, Watching.
Intriguing the few males,
they see a goddess.
Dances with danger,
As the hell music becomes seductive and sure.
As Female, is clothed,
As goddess, Skyclad.
At Hell one way,
At Heaven another.
She: wants Mundane, Is Angelic, Will be Demonic.
This shall be the norm.
The Radiance surrounds strong,
pulls her own blood into bed.
This resurrected rose awaits her champions, her lovers, her mates.
In time her little ones shall come to be due."

I read.
Luke shivered.
"Damn, she sounds worse than Jules." He said, looking both horrified by and attracted to the girl in the photo.
We both laughed.

There was a slam at the front door. Juliet came in ranting, speaking in the fast tongue of Demon language. "How the hell could you?! Let one of our own get staked!" Instead of dealing with her explosion, I just shrugged and made my way to my room. All I could think about was that girl. I swear, her skin was so white and soft-looking, she could have been feathers rather than skin. Her curly hair, so red, just like flames, dancing in the wind. Her lips, they looked soft like a perfect pink shade of velvet. The most hypnotizing thing was her eyes. Those big, owl-like eyes. The first time I saw her, I wanted

her. No, not for blood. I wanted her for...That was the part I wasn't sure about yet. The first time I saw her, I almost went in the house. I wanted to kiss her that much

. One thing for sure, if I can't have her, I'll protect her from any threat, even though the only notable threat is me.


I quickly had got ready, dressing in a white lace shirt under a breast-showing red corset. I wore simple jean skinny jeans and black knee high converse boots. I pulled my red hair back in a gray bandana, throwing on red lip stick and my black sunglasses. As I left the house, I grabbed a black scarf and jacket.

Luckily, the butler let me drive in my favorite car: a mustang knight rider. When I got my schedule, I found I had simple classes. Math, then Science, then Sociology then lunch. After that, Drama Class followed by Psychology. Last History. When I walked in, some people stared, some people waved, and some just out right ignored me. The teacher looked at me and smiled. "Oh, you must be Anastasia. You may call me Mrs. Black." I smiled weakly. "Hey Emmanuel, over here." A boy at the back called in my direction. I looked behind me and paled, going rigid all over. It was the boy I've been seeing on my balcony at night! He just brushed past me, not even acknowledging my presence. As our arms touched, warm shocks went up my arm, as Emmanuel sat down next to the boy calling him. I carefully made my way to the only seat left, between two girls. One had long black hair with slim, chocolate brown eyes. The other was a pixie-cut blonde with doe-like gray eyes. If I had hoped to be ignored today, I wasn't getting my way. I took off my jacket, slinging it over the seat.
The blonde one turned to me and asked, "Are you THE Anastasia? You know, Anastasia, the girl who has an actor for a dad and a fashion designer for a mom?"
Her voice was slightly nasal, but in a cute way, mixing well with an ambrosia sound. Not annoying, not normal, though for a voice.
I nodded and said, "I'm Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray, if you're asking if I’m that Anastasia. God, my name is too long for me. Can't I just be named Kai? Thank you parents of only-child."
The two girls giggled.
The blonde said, "I’m Gabrielle. Call me Gabbe."
The black haired girl said, "I’m Lydon."
Lydon's voice was hushed, though sweet and soft, like music.
At that moment, I could feel a gaze on my back. Who? Why would they stare at me? I turned to see the boy Emmanuel, staring at me. It was the first time I actually saw him. He had raven black hair,which fell at his ears, with slim, ice blue eyes girls melt for. His skin was pale, really pale. His lips were the rosy color girls envied, and guys didn't care for nor want. He was gorgeous. I hated him. Who did he think he was? Frightening me last night, then checking me out today? I hastily looked back at Gabbe and Lydon.
"Oh, are you checking out Emmanuel?" Lydon asked, smiling.
"W-what? No! I-I was just-" I started to stutter, but Gabbe cut me off, her nasally ambrosia voice tinged with annoyance.
"Good. Emmanuel's sister, Juliet, is a major slut. She's slept with almost every guy in our grade, except for Emmanuel and Luke. That's her family. I've heard Emmanuel and Luke are the same, sleeping with any and EVERY girl. I know Luke tried to get Lydon to sleep with him, that's for sure."
"Okay, I guess I'll stay away." I answered.
"I have a feeling Juliet might get jealous of you." Lydon said, her voice slightly sing-song.
"Why? I’m still a virgin." I asked, baffled.
Lydon and Gabbe giggled.
"No, she meant because of your family. Plus, you're really pretty. I've seen like 5 guys stare at you already." Gabbe said between giggles.
"What? I'm not pretty. You made me announce that my parents are famous, that's probably why they're staring. Or because this shirt doesn't exactly cover me. If anyone here is pretty, it's you two."
"Stop it, Gabbe. It's not every day a famous kid befriends us. Don't scare her away." Lydon scolded.
"Fine." Gabbe pouted, her face scrunching up.
I giggled. These two are quite interesting. Maybe school won't be so bad...


When the girl from the hotel balcony showed up in my class, I just brushed past her, trying to mask my shock. I literally felt shocks going up my arm when I brushed against her. I found myself staring at her. She was pretty, really pretty as I remembered. God, the things I wanted to do with her...
Crap, I sound like a love-struck mundane.
I wondered what they were talking about, Anastasia, Gabbe and Lydon. Were they talking about me perhaps? Or something else? I strained my ears to hear her conversation.
"I'm Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray, if you're asking if I’m that Anastasia. God, my name is too long for me. Can't I just be named Kai? Thank you parents of only-child."
Lydon and Gabbe giggled at her comment. Anastasia. I've heard of her. Anyone whose anybody does. And I'm Anybody, that's for sure.
"I’m Gabrielle. Call me Gabbe."
"I’m Lydon."
Anastasia must have sensed my staring at her, because she stiffened, taking on an awkward posture. Anastasia turned, seeing my stare at her. She hastily looked back at Gabbe and Lydon.
"Oh, are you checking out Emmanuel?" Lydon asked, smiling.
"W-what? No! I-I was just-" she started to stutter, but Gabbe cut her off, her nasaly ambrosia tinged with annoyance.
"Good. Emmanuel's sister, Juliet is a major slut. She's slept with almost every guy in our grade, except for Emmanuel and Luke. That's her family. I've heard Emmanuel and Luke are the same. I know Luke tried to get Lydon to sleep with him, that's for sure." They were feeding her lies. Sure, Juliet is a slut, sure Luke tried once with Lydon before he found out about her, but I never did that at this school. Well, not anymore. I hadn't since I first saw Anastasia, as if I no longer needed anyone in bed with me.
Luke asked, "Hey, you thinking what I'm thinking? Anastasia. She looks good enough to eat."
Luke licked his lips, staring at Anastasia's somewhat exposed breasts.
I sighed, turning to Luke before saying, "Nah. She's just, supposed to be really famous."
"Then I guess I'll give her a try. It wouldn't hurt to get in between her legs."
I wanted to punch Luke. Or strangle him. Possibly both. But wait...Why was I getting protective over a mundie? I turned back to eavesdrop on Anastasia.
Shoot. I missed some of the conversation.
"Why? I’m still a virgin." Anastasia asked, baffled.
Lydon and Gabbe giggled.
A virgin? A girl like that? No way.
She must be hiding something...Or just not into guys that much.
The bell rang and we were finished with class, the whole time I missed the math lesson.

Just my luck. I have the seat next to Anastasia in Science. Crap. That means Juliet is on the other side of her, since she used to sit next to me. I decided to introduce myself to Anastasia.
"Hi." I said.
Hi? How pathetic of me. Hi, THAT'S one way to sound like an idiot.
Anastasia looked at me through the corner of her eyes, hesitating.
"Hey." She said back, showing little interest in me.
"I’m Emmanuel. I've heard you're THE Anastasia. That true?"
"Would you like a tour of the school by yours truly?"
She just ignored me, going back to the lesson.
I repeated. She sighed, annoyed.
"Look, I really appreciate the offer, but what I've heard about you is not so good. I'd rather not befriend anyone like what I was told about you. So it would be better if I ignored you and you ignored me. Kay?" Her voice tinged with annoyance at me.
I was about to reply, but Juliet walked up, late as usual. She glared at Anastasia, obviously in a horrid mood.
"Excuse me, that's my seat." she snapped in a poisonous tone. Juliet was like any other girl. She was a cherry red head just like Anastasia, but Juliet's looked dyed, while Anastasia's hair looked...somehow natural. Juliet had eyes the same color as the sky. I remember when she kept her hair true: straight and hay blonde. Now she felt distant to me. Alien.
"And you're point is?" Anastasia snapped, rolling her eyes. Anastasia seemed as if Juliet bored her, and this sort of thing happened often. Huh. She's pretty good at masking features. I could sense the tension and fear around Anastasia, though her poker face was on.
"THAT'S MY GOD DAMN SEAT!" Juliet yelled, somehow not being caught by the teacher.
Anastasia stood up, revealing how much taller she was than petite Jules.
"Why should I be scared of a bitch like you?" Anastasia said in a sweet tone.
Someone in front of us called out, "Cat fight!"
Many of the boys and girls watched, horrified. They thought Juliet was going to kick Anastasia's ass.
Juliet's jaw dropped. No one, and I repeat, no one, dared defy Juliet. She may be a slut, but she was a bully who could kick anyone's ass out the door while putting on lipstick.
"Jules, drop it." I growled.
"Whose side are you on?" Juliet asked, her tone whiny yet somehow poisonous. THAT is something only Juliet can manage. In all my years, Juliet has been the best at combining two opposing tones. Poison whine. Ha.
I shrugged and pointed at Anastasia nonchalantly. I leaned back on my chair, placing my feet on the table.
"Just sit in that seat. They actually moved you next to Anastasia." I said.
Kinda late for that.
She sighed, defeated, and they both sat down. I've never seen Juliet scared. She was the bad ass girl around here. Or used to be. When the bell rang, everyone made way for Anastasia, backing up against their table. I found myself trailing her like a puppy dog. When she met up with Lydon, I could only stare.
"Hey, girl. I heard what you did." Lydon said.
"I told that bitch off. She's not scary."
"Girl, you don't understand. Our school is set up like a pack. Juliet was the alpha. Once you beat the alpha, you become the alpha. You're the bad ass chick now."
"What would that make her?"
Lydon saw me and smirked.
"Looks like you have a follower. Juliet must have got burned since her own brother decided to side against her."
Anastasia turned around and glared in my direction. It was then I noticed, Anastasia's eyes are like mood eyes. They stay the beautiful yellow I adored when she was happy, neutral, or bored. Anything of sadness, anger, or nervousness turned her eyes red. Right now they were red. She was pissed off at me.
"Was there a reason for you following me, or were you just staring at my ass?" She growled.
Everyone in the hall turned and stared at me, a poisonous look in their eye. Most kids tend to be compliant, not defiant when it comes to the alpha. Anastasia crossed her arms, her glare literally made me feel as if I was slapped.
Why was I following her anyways?
"W-we have the next class together. I-I thought I'd show you the way, but you stopped to talk to Lydon." I lied, gesturing as I lied.
Well, actually it was a partial lie. We did have the next class together, but I didn't mean to show her the way.
"Thanks, but no thanks." She just turned and walked off with Lydon, her converse boots clicking on the white linoleum floor.
That's it, I'm pathetic. I really feel like that stupid vampire guy from that lame twilight movie.


Alpha, huh? I like it. No one had messed with me, except for Emmanuel and Juliet. I walked in the identical classroom and sat down next to Lydon. I was doodling on a folder when someone sat next to me. I figured it was Gabbe so I looked up. Wrong. It was Emmanuel.
I glared, a lethal look glinting in my eyes.
"What? It was the last seat." he said, shrugging.
I looked around, to see if he was lying. Every other seat was taken. Gabbe was stuck in what Lydon whispered to me, the dazzle row. It may sound exciting, but in reality, it's the front row of desks, and the people who sit there are constantly called on for answers to sociology. One day, and I already now where to sit without having to pay full attention.
"Just don't talk to me. I've had enough of you."
I looked down to my picture. It was an owl and a raven. They were perched on an arm, glaring at each other.
"That’s a good drawing." I jumped, seeing the boy who greeted Emmanuel earlier looking over my shoulder, the scent of cologne strong on him.
"Luke, what do you want?" Emmanuel asked, looking up.
Emmanuel sounded annoyed and protective over me. Weird. I don't even know him. Why would he be protective over me? Luke ignored Emmanuel completely. Luke was like a mirror image of Emmanuel, though Luke's eyes were the color of the sky, not icy blue, and his hair was more of a brunette than a jet black. Luke slipped a folded piece of paper into my hand under the table, squeezing my hand.
"Call me." Luke whispered before he disappeared.
Emmanuel looked at me as I slipped the paper in my pocket. He seemed tense. Why? It’s not like he actually thought I liked him, or Luke. I wasn't looking for a boyfriend. I simply saw no need for one.


Luke actually did it. He gave her his number. How could he? I wasn't going to let him mess with her. It will not be allowed. Wait...What? Why did I care? I am getting too protective of a girl that hates me. Oh well, better she hates me than makes the bad decision.

After the bell rang, I went straight to lunch. When I saw Anastasia sitting alone, I almost sat with her. What was I doing? No, go talk to Luke. And that's exactly what I did.
I pulled Luke aside, taking him into the abandoned hallway.
"Hey, Luke." I said.
"What, Emmanuel." He snapped.
"Why did you give Anastasia your number?" I asked.
"Dude, ya know she don't smell right. She smells Demonicish. It's obvious she's one of the wolves slaves, or a warlock's child who ingested demon blood. She's a spy, I can feel it in my blood. I thought it would be better to be sure she can be trusted. If not, we kill her." Luke said, a devilish grin on his face.
Why was Luke so hung up on killing pretty girls. Maybe because you could do whatever you want to the body, and they can't stop you? I shuddered at the thought.
"Luke, you can't just go and kill girls who smell like a demon. Hell, the girls we sleep with smell like a demon afterwards. Maybe she slept with a vampire and forgot about it. Don't think about killing that girl." I said.
"Aww..." Luke whined.
"Luke," my voice was firm.
"Thank you." I said, just before the bell rang.
I hope I got through to Luke. I can only hope.


After lunch I met back up with Lydon and Gabbe. Drama and Psychology passed by quickly. Guess what, I had my last class with Miss Omega, Juliet. Gabbe came running up.
"Ohmigodyouandjuliethowcouldyou?" Gabbe said fast, the words slurring to one giant word.
"Well, I’m too bad ass for her."
I put a haughty look on my face.
Juliet called loudly, "Hey look, Alpha has wittle puppies! Cute."
Her friends laughed. I swear this girl was very close to losing her nose. I did nothing at the beginning, but now she has become my enemy. This girl needs to grow a brain to put a message through it. Don't make an enemy out of rich people.
"Jules, how does it feel to have your own brother side against you for someone with better looks?" I asked, smirking.
Juliet angrily turned red, almost matching her poorly dyed-red hair. She got up, scooting her chair backwards, and stalked up to me. I saw what she was doing before it happened. She swung at me, but I had already ducked behind her, placing her in an arm lock. She shook me off and punched me in the face, harder than I thought possible. Thinking I had broken my nose, I held my nose, and pushed her. She made a face as if I had shocked her and doubled over. I ran out of the room, not taking the chance of looking.
I hate this school. I hate Juliet. I kept on running until two arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see Luke, affection in his eyes. Scratch that, fake affection. More like spread your legs so I can make love to you then dump you

"What's wrong Princess?" he asked.
"Nothing. Let me go!" I shrieked.
"Tell me."
He pinned me against the wall, caging me in with his arms. His body was close to mine. Too close. His waist fit against mine. I swear, he was positioned to grope me against the wall, if he had the chance. THAT'S how close his groin and my crotch were. Didn't this count as molesting?
"Why are you gripping your nose? Did something happen?"
"I got punched by an angry slut. I think it might be infected."
Luke laughed.
"Nothing. I've never met anyone like you. Here, let me check."
Luke pried my hands from my nose.
"It looks fine to me."
"Well, I better leave, school is getting out any minute." I said, trying to duck out from his "cage".
The bell rang and I grinned.
"Bye Princess." Luke said, kissing my cheek.
He walked away. Princess? Oh, well. I frowned, walking back to Gabbe and Lydon.
"Are you okay?" Lydon asked, handing me my backpack.
"Was that you and Luke?" Gabbe asked.
"Unfortunately yes."
"Hoping for someone else? Emmanuel perhaps?" Gabbe joked.
"Hell no!"
"What did you do to Juliet? I saw you push her and she doubled over as if she had been shocked and shot at the same time." Lydon asked.
I shrugged, walking to my black Mustang Knight Rider. Many kids were looking at my Mustang, envy in their eyes, and I grinned when they saw me with the keys.


Just my luck. Juliet came home injured, and I was stuck dealing with her. She complained that her day clothes were too uncomfortable, but she couldn't dress herself, and there was no way I was helping her. An hour later, she rested on our leather couch, on a heating pad. She covered herself with a blanket, more for show than for actual use.
"What happened, Jules?" I asked.
"That new girl, Anastasia, She pushed me or something. It felt as if I had been repeatedly shot and shocked. Do you think she's a...a...Lycan, Emmanuel?" Juliet replied, coughing at the last part.
"Nah, she can't be."
Or else I would have hated her instead of falling head over heels for her, like I never do for a mundie.

"It's not like I didn't punch her in the face before I got pushed." Juliet said to no one, considering since Luke wasn't there and she didn't address me.
"YOU PUNCHED HER?!" I yelled
"Yes. I stood my ground." She said quietly, knowing she did the wrong thing.
"I'm going upstairs, Luke is coming home soon."
"Bye, Emmanuel." Juliet said.
"What do you mean Jules?" I asked
"I know you. You're going to the house with the balcony, the old Four Seasons Hotel."

I took a nap before I left. I kept on thinking of Anastasia. Was Anastasia okay? Should I apologize for Jules? But...she hates me. I jogged to her house, it being only a block away. The sight in front of me made my heart beat once again. It hurt. Anastasia was on the balcony, looking down. She didn't know it, but a female figure was behind Anastasia, the mystery girl's features hidden by the shadows. The mystery girl pushed Anastasia. Time seemed to slow down as she fell. I used as much of my Vampire speed to go where she was to land, but I never had to catch her. She somehow managed to grab back onto the railing before it was too late. The female figure who attempted to murder her was already gone. She flipped back up, and I swear, I saw wings in her back. I made my way up to her, scaling the building with ease. I caught her by surprise.
"Emmanuel?" She asked, whipping around.
"Will you let me inside, it's not safe out here for me."
Anastasia thought this over. I expected her to say no, since she probably has her parents downstairs. If I were her I'd say no. I wouldn't want my parents to catch a girl in my room.
Apparently Anastasia thought differently than I did.
"Fine." She said, opening the screen door.
I stepped inside. Her room was expansive, complete with her own bathroom and balcony. Every spot of her wall ragged gray, owls adorned the ceiling, many of which were flying around clouds, excluding the one sitting on a moon peering down. She had taxidermy birds, including a raven, peacock, and snowy owl perched to fly off the walls. Other than that her room was pretty normal, complete with a bed, dresser, mirror, and desk. The curtains on the door were white lace, eerily transparent, like ghosts. It was breath taking. It smelled like Anastasia in there. Okay, that sounded creepy and molester-like. Never mind...
"Cool room." I said.
She flushed a bright red, looking away.
"What did you expect?"
"All pink," I said, shrugging, referring back to Jules' room.
"Ew, pink. What do you want?" Anastasia shuddered.
"I came to apologize for Jules."
"Oh. She didn't hurt me."
Anastasia shrugged it off.
"Why do you hate me?" The words tumbled from my mouth before I could stop them with my hand.
"I don't hate you. I think you expected me to fall for you. But, I don't need anyone. I'm happy being single." She answered.
"Oh...I heard you were getting physical with Luke." I blurted.
"W- No! I ran out after Juliet punched me in the face. Luke found me. He pinned me against the fucking wall to make me tell him what happened. Then he kissed me on the cheek as I left. Fucking man whores."
"Hey, I'm not a man whore!" I laughed.
Man whore. Never heard that one before.
"Try saying that seriously, man whore." she started to giggle.
"Ya ticklish?" I asked grinning.
"I beg to differ."
And with that, I tackled her very lightly, tickling her curved hips. She giggled, her giggling contagious, making me laugh along as I tickled her.
"Stop, please stop!" she gasped, pushing my chest lightly, then again, only harder.
Once I stopped, she was gasping for air, her hand over her heart. She was cute.
"Never," she gasped, "do that again."
I grinned. I stalked over to the sliding glass door.
"I gotta go. I just came to apologize for Jules."
"Night Emmanuel." She called
"Night Staz."
She stared at me wide eyed and confused. As if she had never seen a guy before or she didn't know me. What?
"Staz?" she asked.
"Yeah...?" I said.
Did I say something wrong? Staz just popped up, and it sounded like spastic, which reminded me of clumsy. And you have to be extremely clumsy to almost fall off a balcony. So Anastasia, clumsy, Spastic, Staz.
I have no idea how I got there.
"I like it." She said.
That's how that night went...


I nearly missed school, forgetting to set my alarm because of a certain guy whose name starts with E. I hastily dressed in a black tank top that showed my dragon tattoo on my arm, with black skinny jeans and a black studded belt. I put on my converse, and my sunglasses. I threw on red lipstick. I put my hair up in a bun, letting some of my hair escape the clip. I drove up in my Mustang to see Emmanuel. He came up to me as I came out.
"Nice ride." He said, admiring the car.
"Look about yesterday with Juliet, she dropped Science. It's just you and me at the table now."
"Kay, bye." I said, going around him.
I bumped into Luke. One of his hands went around my waist, the other was sliding up the inside of my leg. He backed me up against the hood of a car.
"Hey, Princess."
"Let me go."
"So I can't get a hello?"
"LET ME GO!" I shouted, making every kid turn and stare at us as I tried to get him away. And to avail.
"Luke, leave her alone." Emmanuel said, running a hand through his hair.
Really, Emmanuel, just peel him off of me.
"No." Luke snapped, not even wasting the energy to glance at Emmanuel.
That was it. I shoved him away. Just as yesterday with Juliet, Luke had the same reaction. He doubled over. I think he coughed up some blood, and I saw the splatter of red hit the pavement.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Emmanuel yelled, pissed off and panicked. What did I do? Luke looked up at me, horrified. His face was pale,nearly ashen, a trickle of blood running down the side of his mouth, the smell coppery and the smell you expect of blood. he clutched his stomach tightly, as if it hurt severly, and was threatening to fall off.
"N-nothing I-I didn't...barely even touch him.."
I ran off. I hid in a corner behind some plants, sobbing. What did I do? What if I seriously hurt him? I barely even touched him! Why am I so unstable?
"Staz, come out." Emmanuel called.
I came out, not even hesitating. Why did I do that? He was going to hate me now. All I wanted was a few friends, and Emmanuel didn't seem like how Gabbe and Lydon made him out to be.
"I-I’m sorry. I didn't even do more than push him." I said.
Emmanuel wiped my tears away, caressing my cheek. His hands were gentle, and soft, without the smell of lotion. I let him soothe me.
"Luke is fine. Come on. Let's get to class." And with that, I went to class, trying oh so hard to forget that incident and the horrified stares.
I forget what happened in the first class...


In our first class, I insisted to sit next to Anastasia. I felt protective of her once again. I had to be the one with her at all times. In science, it was just Anastasia and I at our table. I could hear the rumors about me and Anastasia. Many people thought I was with her, hoping to sleep with her. Others thought I had been following Anastasia since she was the Alpha of the school, and I was trying to stay important, since I had followed Juliet when she was Alpha. Neither of those were true. There was a long period of silence in Science, which was irregular for Anastasia, who constantly talks. I looked over at Anastasia to see her holding her head and making weird clicking noises. No, not clicking noises, she was speaking the demon language, Fidele.
"No, not now." she said. With that, she passed out.
She was rigid, like stone, not like feathers anymore.
"Staz, you okay? Staz? Staz!" I whispered.
She was out cold. I caught the attention of our science teacher, Mrs. Diaz,
"Mrs. Diaz, there's something wrong with Anastasia."
With that, I was the one to take Anastasia to the school nurse. I picked her up, cradling her limp body like a baby, as I rushed out of the classroom. Even when I was out of the classroom, I could hear their hushed whispers. Talking how I probably did this to her, about what she did to Luke, that she deserved to be injured or sick or whatever. But there were only a few comments that caught my attention.
"Such a shame. She's just really pretty and famous...And with that slut. It's not fair. He probably gave her a disease, since they sit next to each other."
"I feel bad for her, I heard her parents abandoned her."
"I heard they got into a car accident last night. Must not be safe to drive in Paris."

So she lives alone? Her parents got into a car accident? I feel so bad for her...

The school nurse wasn't there when I arrived, so I laid Anastasia in one of the infirmary beds and checked her temperature. Normal. I stayed there for a while, watching her sleep. Her lips caught my attention. The next thing I knew, I was leaning down to kiss her. No, don't. She's a mundie, you're a vampire. It won't work out. It's forbidden. I didn't listen to my thoughts closing the space between her lips and mine. Her lips tasted sweet, like honeysuckle. Honeysuckle and Blood. I pulled back gasping. I wanted more. No, you have to stop. That was reasonable enough for me. I wiped her lipstick off of my lips and walked out, the taste of her lips lingering on my mouth.


I awoke to a sweet taste on my mouth. I licked my lips, realizing three things: my lipstick was gone on my mouth, my hair was down, and my sunglasses were off. Where was I?
"Oh, good you're awake." An elderly woman came in.
The school nurse.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You passed out in the middle of Science class. Emmanuel Stone carried you here. I'm dismissing you from class." The nurse said, handing me a note.
Emmanuel? So, that's how I got here...

I met Gabbe and Lydon at lunch.
"Are you okay?" they asked simultaneously.
"Yeah. I just passed out. Emmanuel carried me to the nurse." I said.
"Did he violate you?!" Gabbe asked.
I laughed.
"No...At least I don't think so." I said.
Gabbe's face made me crack up. She looked horrified and ready to kick Emmanuel's ass.
"The devil himself." Lydon muttered.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, expecting Emmanuel. It was Luke.
"Come." he said, grabbing my wrist and leading me to what looked like an abandoned classroom. When Luke locked the door, I became alarmed.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Well, hi to you too Princess." Luke muttered.
Princess? Why is he calling me that. It needs to stop.
"Don't call me Princess." I snapped.
"Why didn't you call me?" Luke asked, backing me against a wall.
He was so close, he could have kissed me. I hated that.
"What?" I asked.
That was off topic. Well, considering there wasn't a topic yet, I guess he started with a weird topic.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME!" Luke yelled.
It didn't sound like a question.
"I'm not looking for a boyfriend." I said.
"I can wait." Luke said, his hand tracing the curves of my body.
"I can't stop thinking about anyone else, but you. All I want is you." Luke interrupted.
Something snapped. I hate how Luke makes me feel like some sort of toy he wants to play with, before throwing away. Even if I wanted a boy, I wouldn't want someone like Luke.
"Oh, I beg to differ." Luke said, his eyes no longer blue, now they were the same color as my hair.
When he talked his canines showed, being much longer and sharper than I thought possible.
"What are you?" I asked.
"You're worst nightmare."
I screamed.


Anastasia and Luke had been gone for a good 15 minutes before I started to worry. I followed the scent of Anastasia, but something was wrong. Her blood. I could smell it. I ran to the source of the smell, kicking down the locked door. There, Anastasia was tied to the teacher’s desk, blood running down her neck, staining her naked skin. Luke was smiling down at her. He was positioned to rape her. His teeth were stained with blood. I’m going to kill him.
"I figured out what you were, mundie. So, are you a spy for the Lycans? The warlocks perhaps? I know you're not entirely human, so drop the act. Die in agony, you bitch." Luke hissed.
He looked up to see me.
"Emmanuel, have you come to join me? She is rather delicious." he said.
I wanted to scream no, but my fangs slid out, burying themselves in my lip. Apparently, they had other ideas than me. Anastasia screamed, and I realized she went unconscious. The venom is killing her. I don't know how I did it, but the next thing I knew, Luke was lying unconscious, a broken chair leg sticking out of his chest, not quite at the area of his heart, but close enough to knock him out for a good hour or so. I had untied Anastasia and was looking for her car keys in the pile of her discarded clothes. I found them, slinging Anastasia over my shoulder, covering her with my jacket. I jumped out an open window and ran to her car, protected from view by trees. I need to get her back to my home. Fast. I unlocked the car and put her in the passenger seat. I slammed the door shut and hopped in the driver’s seat, driving home. When I parked, I layed on top of Anastasia, sucking the venom out of her neck. I licked the wound closed, trying oh so hard to not bite her again. Her blood was as sweet, in fact sweeter than her lips, intoxicating, like alcohol to humans. I picked her up, opening the door to my house.


I awoke with my neck throbbing. At first I figured it was all a nightmare, with Luke being a vampire. I bolted up, realizing that I was only in a robe. And not even my robe. I saw Emmanuel first, then I realized Juliet was there too, glaring. I clutched the robe closer to my body, trembling. It HAD been real! Shit.
"Good, you're awake." Emmanuel said.
Emmanuel walked over, and I tried to melt into the couch. He somehow scared me. It was then, that I realized, his icy blue eyes were now like Luke's. Same with Juliet's.
"Don't scare her. I think she knows." Juliet said.
"Don't be silly. Of course she knows. Now what to do?" Emmanuel said.
"Vampires." I hissed, speaking a language I’d never heard before.
Juliet went rigid at my voice. Did she understand me? I barely understood myself?
"How do you know the tongue of Fidele? Tell us. Have you ingested Warlock blood?" She growled, stepping closer to me than Emmanuel.
I glared at her, wishing he would get away from me. As if invisible hands pushed her, Juliet flew backwards. She got up and tackled for me. I screamed, but it sounded more like a screech. Juliet dropped to the ground, covering her ears and trembling.
"Staz, it's okay, we won't hurt you." Emmanuel said inching forward slowly, cautiously, expecting me to attack him.
The closer he got the more relaxed I felt, as if he had an affect on me.
"I think she's part banshee." Juliet said.
"Shut up, leech." I growled.
Juliet trembled.
"What are you then?" Emmanuel asked.
I couldn't find him. It was only then I realized, Emmanuel was sitting next to me.
Memories flooded. I'd list them, but they were only like pictures of someone else, wearing my face. Pictures of me in a thick history book, these vampires studying it.
"You know." I whispered.
"I'm listed in your history. You've seen the pictures." I whispered.
"You can't be. S-she died." Juliet stuttered.
"This isn't my first life. I am what I am, a third angel, a third devil, a third mundie. Anastasia, my name, means girl of the resurrection." I said.
They paled momentarily. I had a feeling they didn't believe me.


"Prove it." I said.
Two simple words that mean a lot. A sexy, thousand-watt smile dawned on her rosy lips. Anastasia's skin grew soft, and I felt her presence getting smaller. I looked over to see a snowy owl in the place of Anastasia. I gasped, I couldn't help it. Just then, the door opened, and Luke came in. Luke was conscious again.
He saw Anastasia, and said, "Who let that bird in here?!"
At that moment, Anastasia turned back, no longer in Juliet's pink silk robe, but now in a half shirt that was ivory white, but not see through and black silk skinny jeans, that were low cut, showing more waist than normal pants. Luke glared. When Anastasia saw Luke, she hissed and clutched onto me, her hands sharp like bird talons.
"You," Luke growled at me, "You brought her here. Give her to me. She's mine!

" Anastasia made a noise, that sounded like a cross between a hiss and a growl.
"Quite interesting I must say, that you think you own me. That, needs to change." Anastasia said, suddenly behind Luke.
With that Luke fell to his knees, blood running down every inch of him. I should have been horrified, but I had never felt so attracted to a girl in the 600 years of my life.
"Not the best day for Luke." I muttered.


Much after I turned into an owl was blurred. The next thing I knew, Luke was on the ground, blood pouring down every inch of his body. I knew it wasn't his blood, it was the blood in him that made him a full-fledged vampire. Once it stopped, Luke looked starving. Luke tried to tackle me, but I was already out of the way. I hissed at Luke, who stopped acting like a fledgeling. I was suddenly next to Emmanuel. My knees buckled and I slid into the darkness. I woke up in a room all black. I was in a bed. Emmanuel was sitting in a chair next to me.
"Thank god, I thought Luke had bit you for a second." He said.
I scrambled out of the covers and lay on the bed. Whose bed was this? Please let it not be Juliet's.
"Don't worry, Luke isn't able to come in here. It's my room." Emmanuel said.
He climbed onto the bed, pinning me under him. He wasn't touching me.
"Do you know what happened?" Emmanuel asked.
Instinct took over and I pulled him down on top of me. His lips found mine and we were kissing. Wait...This taste. My mind went back to earlier today. I had woken up with this taste on my mouth. Emmanuel gasped and pulled himself off of me.
"Someone's coming." He said.
Luke and Juliet came in.
"Ah...She's awake. Emmanuel, did you not think we could sense what you two were doing?" Juliet growled.
"I-I mind, Jules." Emmanuel stuttered.
"Come, get up we need to talk." Juliet said.
After I got out of bed, I was taken down to the kitchen.


I can't believe it. I actually kissed Anastasia. I know, I know, I did kiss her in the infirmary, but that was one sided. I kept on licking my lips as we went down the labyrinth of a hallway to the kitchen.
"I’m guessing you couldn’t help yourself, Emmanuel. After all, every time you had a girl in your room you did way more than that.

" Luke whispered.
I was about to reply when I heard a half-clicking half-hissing noise. It was coming from Anastasia.
"What the hell is your damn problem?! IT DOES NOT MATTER!" Anastasia snapped, her voice getting louder with each word.
Anything glass in the hallway cracked, and instead of the glass falling on the ground, it flew towards Luke. It was to horrifying to think of what Anastasia could do to hurt Luke, but somehow I managed to find my voice.
"Stop! He's joking!" I said, gripping Anastasia on the shoulder so hard, Anastasia flinched. The glass fell to the ground just inches away from Luke.
"Crazy bitch." Luke muttered, disappearing down the hall.
"Jules, why didn't you stop her?" I growled.
"Two reasons. First, I wanted to test her bravery, if she could do it. She could be a good warrior. Second, she doesn't seem to like anyone but you." Juliet said, stepping around the broken glass.
"Let me see, why I would hate everyone in this house except Emmanuel. Let’s see, you punched me in the nose on the first day of school, Luke, well, He tried to murder me. Now do you understand?" I said to Juliet.
We were there by then. The kitchen always seemed foreign and homey at the same time. The walls of the kitchen were originally painted purple, but now it was a yellow color. We had everything a normal kitchen would have. A refrigerator, stove, microwave, toaster, you can name it, and we have it. Our table was big enough to fit 6 people, leaving one extra chair when we all sat down.
"So, since you know what we are and you're technically part human, you have to abide by the rules. Where do we start..." Luke said, trailing off.
"You'll be stuck here with us." Juliet said.
"Also, you can't let ANYONE, know who or where we live, or we'll have to break your neck." Luke said. "Also, you have to listen to us NO MATTER WHAT."
Luke grinned.
"Does that mean Luke can order me to have sex with him?" She asked.
I pondered this with Juliet.
"Sometimes." Juliet said.
"WHAT?! NO!" I yelled.
Juliet and Luke looked at me as if I was crazy.
"We do have a few things to discuss with you," Luke said.
I pulled out a fat, brown book bookmarked with a red bookmark.
I opened up to a page with a poem.
"Read it, aloud." Luke ordered.
"Roaming the night,
Waiting, Watching.
Intriguing the few males,
they see a goddess.
Dances with danger,
As the hell music becomes seductive and sure.
As Female, is clothed,
As goddess, Skyclad.
At Hell one way,
At Heaven another.
She: wants Mundane, Is Angelic, Will be Demonic.
This shall be the norm.
The Radiance surrounds strong,
pulls her own blood into bed.
This resurrected rose awaits her champions, her lovers, her mates.
In time her little ones shall come to be due." she read.
I was shocked. Her skin glowed with the words, and her clothes seemed to go transparent. Luke looked interested in Anastasia's naked body.
"Interesting." Juliet said.
"What?" She asked.
"Am I the only one who noticed the name of the poem and the name of the person this poem is about?" Juliet asked, grabbing the book.
"Yeah." Luke said.
"The title is Anastasia.

Under the poem it says what this poem is about. It says: This poem, found in ancient Greece talks about a daughter of Olympia and Tartarus, who was raised by a human female and male couple, was the first triple race Olympian. She was hidden, and almost never recognized until recently. She was said to be named Anastasía Stríngla-Nyx Nkri, roughly translated to Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray." Juliet said.
Anastasia went pale.
"What?" I asked.
"That's my full name: Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray. When was this printed?" She asked.
Juliet flipped through the yellow-cream pages with such a speed that would blind a human.
"Last year." Juliet said finally, peering at the copyright date.
"Shit." I said.
"What?" Anastasia asked.
"Angels and Demons are making themselves known. You're the first living goddess noted since Olympia." I answered.
"Is it possible Aphrodite and Zeus and all of them still live?" Anastasia asked.
"It's very possible. But when the past resurfaces, bad things happen. Bad things that change people." Juliet answered.
"You guys, this sounds stupid. I doubt anything will happen. You're scaring her, see." Luke said, pointing at Anastasia.
She was pale and rigid, her eyes darting around.
"Honey, forget we said anything about that. Do you have any questions?" Juliet said.


"So, I'm going to be stuck here?" I asked, after being told the consequences of my situation. And a few other things.
They nodded.
"Girl-" Juliet said.
"I have a name, it's Anastasia. Stop calling me Girl." I hissed
"Forgot to mention that to her. Sorry, Princess." Luke joked.
"I am going to kill you while you sleep." I said innocently, as if stating a fact.
Luke went quiet, but still stared at me.
"So," Juliet went on, "Anastasia. You understand that since we don't have enough room in this house, you will be sharing a room with me."
"I would rather die." I said
"That can be arranged." Luke growled.
"Why can't we just stay at my place? I mean, my parents don't live with me, and they won't visit for another 2 years, I only have butlers and maids there. They don't question anything I do. I mean, I live in a fucking mansion-like hotel." I said.
"I-I guess, where is your house?" Juliet asked.
"The big gray one with the balcony." I said.
Emmanuel cringed.
"You mean the one...So THAT'S where you disappear to every night, Emmanuel." Luke smirked.
"N-no! It's the only place where Lycans, Warlocks, and other Vamps stay away from. You know that we can't leave at night, which is torture, since we ARE vampires." Emmanuel yelled.
"Oh well, I guess all of you need to pack." Juliet said, dismissing the subject.
I decided to accompany Emmanuel while he packed.

I sat on Emmanuel's bed while he packed.
"Emmanuel?" I asked.
"Why is Luke so weird?" I asked honestly.
Emmanuel laughed.


As we reached Anastasia's house, Luke and Juliet's jaw dropped. What did they expect? A townhouse? Oh well. Anastasia got out and climbed up her balcony.
"Come on, There's more rooms that connect to the balcony!" She called down.
I was the first to climb up, so, I got first pick at the empty rooms. I picked the one at the end of the row of rooms, next to Staz's room. I went in and unpacked my backpack things.
I heard Jules call from Staz’s room, "Whoa, birds!"
I went over to Staz's room.
Juliet was gawking at all the taxidermy in Staz's room.
"Leave," I said.
She left, leaving me with Staz.
"So...Are you going to leave?" Staz asked.
"I uh...I guess."
Before I left, I kissed Staz on the cheek.
She flushed a bright red, so bright, I saw it went down to her breast area through her shirt.
I flushed lightly, embarrassed to be looking there.
"Wait." she said, catching my wrist before I could run out.
"What?" I asked.
"Stay." She insisted.
"But, I'm tired." I said.
Pathetic, Pathetic me.
"Sleep here. With me." She said, giving me THE LOOK.
I shrugged.
"Guess I will." I mumbled, grinning.
I took off my shirt and pants and climbed in bed with her.


I regret letting Emmanuel sleep in bed with me. Huge mistake, even if we hadn't of touched, once. Luke knew, since Jules woke everyone up, and Emmanuel was still in bed with me. I kept my head down, and hadn't talked much.
Luke had snickered and said, "Figures. Probably why Emmanuel left to come here every night. I swear when I heard a cat wailing last night, I just thought it was being a stupid animal. Now I realize, it was probably you, Anastasia."
I ended up punching him, making him double over and cough up blood. This time, I didn't feel guilty.
Juliet laughed, her laughter making her seem childish.
She recovered quickly.
"You deserved that one, Luke." She said.
"Shut up." He had growled.
"Hey, Mr.Yourworstnightmare, Shut the hell up!" I growled.
Everyone except Luke laughed at that. We all departed, Only Emmanuel riding with me. When we drove up, I was tackled by two worried friends.
"What happened to you?!" Gabbe asked.
Emmanuel got out of the passenger seat.
"Oh...No, Anastasia, you didn't!" Lydon exclaimed.
Gabbe had some guts.
She backed Emmanuel up against my car and growled, "Boy, you went too far messing with my girl." Gabbe pointed at me. "If I hear you touched her at all-"
"Gabbe, its fine. Nothing happened. I was giving him a ride." I reassured, pulling her away from Emmanuel.
Emmanuel went over to me.
Emmanuel ruined my sort of lie.
"I guess your friends will gut me if I stick around. Juliet wanted to talk to you. Bye." He said, before kissing my cheek.
Emmanuel walked off,hands in his back pockets, ignoring the shocked stares from everyone.
"What just happened? Are you really going to talk to Juliet, AKA the offspring of Lucifer?!" Gabbe asked, confused, and angry, and shocked at the same time.
"She can't hate me. She's too scared of me." I said, shrugging, trying to hide my grin with my hooded jacket.

I walked up to Juliet.
"Hey, Anastasia. I need to talk to you." Juliet said as I neared.
She looks tired, and happier.
I compared the Juliet I had now to the old Juliet.
She was nicer, not hanging out with her stupid friends, and she had a happier glint in her eye. She also looked more alive, her skin tanner than I remembered. Was being her friend affecting her?
"Yeah, Emmanuel told me." I said nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders.
"Great. Hey, look. I'm sorry about the other day. I thought you were some stupid mundie. Truce?" Juliet asked, holding her manicured hand out.
"Truce." I said, taking her hand.
"Hey, I heard there is this new boy coming in our afternoon class. Wanna mess with him?" Jules said, a mischievous look on her made-up face.
I nodded.
I really needed to act like an Alpha.


Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her in public. I mean, her best friends think I will violate her at any moment. Over a desk. In front of everyone.
Oh well, Just ignore the stares, Emmanuel. Without looking, I bumped into another kid. The kid slipped and fell on the wettened linoleum floor, dropping his backpack ungracefully.
"Sorry." I said, trying to help the boy up.
"No problem. Is there any chance you have math for your first class? With Mrs. Black?" The boy asked, looking nervous.
The kid was a tall skinny boy with nearly white blonde hair and eyes as black as ebony. He looked like an okay guy.
I hated him instantly.
Not a good sign.
"I do. I'm Emmanuel. Emmanuel Stone." I said, putting my hand out to shake his.
"I'm new. Damien Griffith." Damien said, shaking my hand.
"Well, we should go, the bell will ring any second." I said. Immediately, the bell rang. I lead the kid to Mrs. Black's class, and then departed with the kid.
Just being around him made me want to punch him, or something else.
I took a deep breath and calmed myself before getting close to Anastasia.
I didn't want to be in a pissy mood in front of Anastasia.
I sat down in a desk next to Anastasia. Of course, Math class reeked of chemicals and hormones, but no one seemed to give a damn. The classrooms felt like prison.
And will always be that way to me.
Anastasia passed me a note before class started.

It said.
I grabbed a pencil and quickly scrawled back, LeT THeM COMe TeLL THeM A LIe LIKe, I DONT KNOW MY 'FAMILY' LOST OUR HOMe AND YOU ARe LeTTING US STAY THeRe BeST THING I CAN THINK OF.

I passed it back to her. She grinned. Something went flying through the air and hit Anastasia in the head. "Ow!" She exclaimed. She picked up something, and Eraser with a note paper clipped to it.


I opened up the note.
H3y... 1’m n3w and 1 was wond3ring 1f you uh...want3d to go out som3 t1m3. 1 s1t b3h1nd you 1n Math.
-Dam13n Gr1ff1th.

I tapped Emmanuel on the shoulder and whispered in Fidele, "Hey, what should I say to the new guy? I'm not looking for someone to date? or something else?"
Emmanuel whispered back in Fidele, "Tell him... that you're dating me. He should know not to mess with you then."
I scrawled on the peice of paper,
I hAVE A bOyFRIeND. DON't bELIeVe Me? ASK Me AFteR MAth.

I turned around and saw a boy looking at me with ebony eyes. I pointed to the note and he nodded. I smiled weakly as I handed the note to him. I didn't want to see his reaction when he read the note, so I turned back to the teacher quickly, tossing my hair as she went on about algebra.

An Hour later, the bell rang and we were dismissed. I forgot about the new kid.
Damien, was it?
I am horrible with names. The maids that take care of me have to wear name tags, or respond to whatever I call them.
I really hope the guy's name was Damien.
Then I wouldn't feel stupid.
I snapped out of my thoughts when the boy with white hair and black eyes came up.
"Hey, Gorgeous." he said, smiling.
"I thought I told you, I have a boyfriend." I said, not too politely.
Damien's happy expression turned icy for a moment.
"If you have a boyfriend, where is he?" Damien asked.
As if on cue, Emmanuel came up, slinging his arm around my shoulder and glaring at Damien.
"Right here." Emmanuel said simply.
"Emmanuel? You're dating this chick?" Damien asked, confused and surprised.
Did Emmanuel know this guy.
There was something off about this Damien kid.
The air just thrummed with mad dog, if that makes sense.
Emmanuel lowered his eyes, skewering Damien in a glare.
"Okay, Damien, stop putting up the act. I know what you are. Lycan." Emmanuel said in Fidele.
Damien paled.
Did he understand Emmanuel?
"Well, leech, I figured she deserved better than you. I mean, you probably hurt her just by touching her." Damien growled in Fidele.
Someone growled.
I turned around to see a boy like Damien, stalking up to us.
"Both of you drop it. What are you fighting about?" The boy asked.
"Felix. This Girl. She's...She's with a leech." Damien said.
"Puella? Damnant, fecit errorem esse cum a RAPTO, vis posse puella." Felix muttered, looking at me.
His eyes lingered at my chest, and I covered my chest.
He shouldn't be looking there.
He shouldn't.
"What?" I asked.
"He said, This girl? She's probably with the leech because he raped her. Damn, I want to have the girl." Emmanuel said.
"Shut up, leech." Damien growled.
"Excuse me, Damien. If you continue speaking like that I guess it means you have no soul. I would say go to hell, but since you have no soul, I guess you're not going anywhere. Except maybe to Iraq where I hope you get raped by monkeys. I also hope you die in pain." I snapped, grabbing Emmanuel's arm and dragging him to Science. I turned around, and flipped them off. I left Damien and Felix staring after me, their jaws dropped. Emmanuel laughed when we got into Science class.
"I can't believe you actually did that!" He laughed.
"Piss me off, will they." I mumbled.
"Don't worry, I'll keep them away from you." Emmanuel whispered.
We took our seats and the teacher passed out the test.
"How many times do you have this test?" I whispered in Fidele.
"Let’s see, at least 600 minus 17 equals 583 divided by 1.5 equals 389 times roughly." He whispered back in Fidele.
"Wow." I said.
Something went sailing through the air and hit me in the head.
"Ow, is it throw stuff at Anastasia's face day or something?" I whispered, holding on to the thing that hit me in the head.
A whiteboard eraser.
"In that case I need to mark that in my calendar, and find something heavy." A voice whispered in front of me.
"Shut up." Emmanuel whispered.

After the test I met up with my 'adopted family', the Stones. The first thing I did was smack Luke upside the head.
"Ow. Okay that's it." Luke growled before tackling me.
I pushed him, and sure enough, he went flying into the wall.
He seemed fine. Or at least I thought.
A stream of blood was trickling down the side of his face, but he showed no signs of wanting to stop.
"Oh, so you're going to play like that, Princess? I can handle it." Luke growled, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his muscles.
Show off, I thought
"Luke, you're causing a scene." Juliet said, eying the crowd of people that were coming to watch us.
Luke ran and tackled me, sending me backward into a set of lockers.
The metal handles racked up my back, causing me to wince.
I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming out in pain.
Maybe I can trick him into getting close?
At that moment, I was happy for the 3 years of drama class taught by my mundane father.
I slid to the ground, gripping my knee, as if I hurt it.
"Ow, god, my fucking knee. That's my knee." I cried, forcing tears to come out . "Damn it. Shit!"
I rolled over on my side, slicing my knee up viciously while no one could see. "Oh man!"
Blood welled up and spread down my injured leg, pooling at the floor.
Somehow, it didn't stain my clothes.
Emmanuel noticed I was hurt and came to my side.
"Why didn't you help me, you asshole?!" I said. "Do you want me to lose!? Is that what you want? Christ! God dammit!"
By now, a huge crowd had formed.
"Hey, look, I'm really sorry-" Luke started to say, before I cut him off.
"Fuck you man, you suck! You stupid spoiled whore! Shut up man, it’s your entire fucking fault!" I said.
"Hey I didn't even-" Luke started to growl, but I cut him off again.
"You were the one that was all, Oh, I've got to do an attack on a girl! You could've just walked away! But you didn't, you bitch so, fuck you, you dumb ass!" I shouted.
Apparently that was enough to gather the attention I need. The principal came running up. He was a tall skinny man with short brown hair and eyes the color of the sea. He must have been really handsome at my age, but know he had wrinkles and dark circles under his eyes. He looked straight at me, then at Luke.
"Both of you, in my office, now." He said.
"Yes, Mr. Clearwater." I mumbled, before attempting to get up.
A wave of extreme nausea passed over me. I gasped before falling into Emmanuel's arms
"Ms. Gray, are you okay?" Mr. Clearwater asked.
"I-" I gasped. "I’m fine." I said, before I ran to his office.
"So, Ms. Gray, would you mind telling me what happened?" Mr. Clearwater asked.
In that moment, he looked younger.
"Yes. It started in class when I was trying to focus on the lesson, when Luke threw a whiteboard eraser at me, then threatened me. After class, I confronted him. I ended up being attacked, so I defended myself. I shoved him into the wall...Sorry, headache. After I shoved him into the wall, he slammed me into the lockers. He is responsible for the pain in my leg and back, but I know I acted out of line." I paused realizing I had been looking at the floor. I looked at Mr. Clearwater. "I sincerely apologize for the scene I made. I am sure, I should expect you to call my parents back from Paris to deal with me properly. Or better yet expel me. I am sincerely going to miss this school."
Luke snorted when I finished, and was rewarded a glare from Mr. Clearwater.
"Luke, Your side of the story?" Mr. Clearwater asked.
Luke stood up, kicking me as he went up.
"Well, first of all, I can't believe you believe her. She's saying shit to get let off the hook. I say she does get expelled. I should say no more." Luke said.
I felt sick.
I ran out, muttering an excuse.
I ran straight into the bathroom.
I went to the nearest stall and wretched.


Anastasia ran out, not even noticing me. She looked eerily pale. Not good. I chased her, that is, up until she ran in the female restroom. I would have gone in if everyone else was in class, but the hall was still filled with mundanes. I waited for her until she came out, her hair wet, and her cheeks flushed. Fever, the mundanes call it.
"Were you waiting for me?" She asked.
"Uh, yes...Did you not feel well?" I asked.
Duh... Of course she didn't feel well.
"Yeah, I need to go home. I feel like crap. Will you take me?" She said, flinching, gripping her stomach.
Poor Staz.
"Go to Clearwater. Tell him you are not feeling well. He'll let you leave. He will give in for pretty rich girls." I said, thinking back to the last rich girl at this school.
Anastasia nodded and walked with me back to Mr. Clearwater’s office.

He understood that Anastasia was not feeling well, and punished Luke. Ha-Ha, sucker.
I knew it was all Anastasia's fault-so did Clearwater- but, no downworlder could deny Anastasia. Same with Clearwater. No Vampire would. Not even Clearwater.
The next thing I knew, I was at home. Sorry, Anastasia's home. We had been beaten to the door. By Damien and Felix. And the Werewolf pack.
"Who do you think you are mundie, to flip us off?" Damien growled.
"What? I thought flipping you off would show I acknowledged your presence. No wonder I have been so confused all my life." Anastasia lied, sounding sincerily confused.
"Really?" A girl replica of Juliet asked.
"No, idiot." I snapped.
The Juliet replica got in her face. It was then I noticed the differences between Juliet and this girl. This girl's face looked Japanese, while Juliet's was more English. This girl's hair was orange, while Juliet's was an apple red. I also noticed, this girl was rather short, shorter than Juliet, and her eyes were actually twilight blue, while Juliet's were sky blue.
"Desirae. Back." Felix snapped, his voice like a bark.
"Why are you here." I growled between my teeth.
"Reasons, leech." Another girl growled.
This one, I knew. I knew almost all of the Lycans, since they lived nearby. There were the girls; Odessa, Avis, Neva, Penelope, Naomi, Ophelia, Dierdre, Desirae, Savannah, Mara, Phoebe, Millicent, Leta, Arie, Alona, Divina, Keva, Zana, and Avril.
And the boys; Felix, Damien, Samuel, Kenneth, Arthur, Justin, Aaron, Jesse, Chris, Daniel, Jaxon, Jason, Kyle, Xander, Jay, Floyd, Leo, Zachariah, Shane, Raphael, Gabriel, Roland, and Claude.
"You can't be in this area. It's claimed by the angels. Leave. Now." A voice said.
It was Anastasia.
"What would you know mundie? I mean, you are stupid enough to make an enemy of Moon's children." Samuel growled.
I could hear Anastasia making a weird clicking-hiss noise. She let go of my hand. What was she going to do? I looked over. Disaster.
Anastasia revealed her phasing abilities, changing into, ironically, a wolf. She was big, like the Wolves, with a coat of blonde. Her eyes were a piercing red as she growled, the sound more like the wailing of a banshee. Why don't we just call Staz Banshee?
"Staz." I barked at her.
Anastasia turned back human, shaking her head as she held the growl.
I glanced to see the wolves' faces gaping in shock.


Oh. My. God. Wolves. And. Vamps. At. My. House.
That was the basis of my thoughts when I turned back, still growling. The wolves looked shocked. Emmanuel, worried. The wolves turned and looked at me again, this time with lust. Great, I’m now officially wanted for power. At least, I hope it's power-lust in their eyes.
"Anastasia, why don't we drop this little argument and come with us for a chat. Leave the leech behind." Felix said stepping closer to me, close enough that I could smell the cologne on him. I sensed someone tense. Emmanuel.
"He's not leech, he has a name. Emmanuel." I said between my teeth.
Felix raised an eyebrow.
"Really? Defending a leech? Is he your mate, or whatever you call it?" Felix asked, stepping closer.
I noticed, the wolves had gotten a lot closer too.
"WH-what? n-no! He's..." I trailed off, realizing Felix had me pinned to a wall.
"He's what?" Felix whispered softly, his lips so close to mine, as he dropped his eyelids slightly. Girls must find that attractive. Thank god for Emmanuel. Felix was literally millimeters from my lips when Emmanuel tackled him.
The wolves payed literally no attention to me as Emmanuel and wolf Felix wrestled on the ground, growling and hissing. Felix tore at, bit at, scratched at, and snapped at Emmanuel, as Emmanuel was pinned under Felix's wolf form. Like cats and dogs, I thought. Damien turned the attention to me. Groan.
"Get the girl." He growled.
The every other pack member, not including Felix and Damien, tackled for me.
A small scream escaped my lips as one reached me.


Wolves. Disgusting. As I wrestled with Felix, I barely heard Damien's command, but I knew what it was from the noise I heard next. I scream and cry of pain. One familiar. Anastasia. I made the mistake of looking up. Anastasia had a bite mark the size of a football in her left shoulder. She was on her knees, trembling. Damien crouched in front of me. When he saw me looking he grinned, his teeth red. Bastard. Felix, I now noticed, was next to Damien. I lay on the ground. Felix scooped Anastasia up, like a baby. She cried out in pain when he touched her shoulder. I found myself on my knees again.
"Asshole." Felix growled, and slapped Damien across the face, while balancing Anastasia in one arm. "There was no need for you to bite her."
"Sorry, master." Damien said weakly, rubbing at the red hand mark on his cheek.
Felix dropped his voice and looked at Anastasia.
"Let's get you fixed up, honey." He murmured, sprinting off, Anastasia moaning in his arms.
The pack followed Felix. For what seemed like a while, my brain didn't work. I just stared at the spot where Anastasia had been laying. I finally snapped out of it, to see Juliet and Luke staring down at me.
"Where is Anastasia?" Juliet asked.
Juliet seemed to like Anastasia better since she wasn't a mundie.
"Why are you not inside?" Luke growled.
"Felix...wolves...bitten....Anastasia." I mumbled.
"What?" Juliet asked.
I cleared my throat.
"Felix and his Anastasia. I-I tried to get her back, but I-I..." I said fast, nearly crying out at the end.
"WHAT?!?" Juliet yelled.
Crap. The only non-mundie girl she liked was missing. Well, stolen. Nothing is worse than a rampaging Juliet. Those Wolves better watch out.
"Get up! We have to find the Wolves! They moved location yesterday, Luke was saying." Juliet said, forcing me to get up. I forget what happened next...

Being Bitten By A Werewolf Sucks


Being bitten by a werewolf sucks. If you don't believe me, imagine this.
First the agonizing pain that seems to course through your veins and in your very core(which I should point out is worse than any vampire bite), then your vision makes you slowly see everything bathed in a red, then nothing but blackness. You pass out, and you either become a lycanthrope, or you die. Unless they heal you.
I awoke in a dimly lit bedroom, in a bed. I couldn't make any details out, if it was a male or female bedroom, if they painted the walls, nothing.
The bed was soft, nearly causing me to fall asleep again.
"You awake?" A male voice asked.
I expected Emmanuel.
I was wrong.
A light went on and I was face to face with Felix, standing in front of me. He looked slightly wild, his hair sort of ashen, with a shadow of a mustache. He wore black jeans and a gray button down shirt, the first three buttons undone, the start of his chest showing.
"You're strong. A mundie had been bitten a few months back. Took them nearly a month to recover. You, on the other hand recovered in just a week." Felix said, crawling on the bed.
He pinned me down under him, his legs straddling mine. I slightly trembled. His hands held him up.
"Now, I want to try one thing." Felix said, leaning in.
Someone cleared their throat. The noise was small, as if scared to be interrupting, and female.
Felix sighed, obviously exasperated, and sat up, straddling my legs with his own.
"What." Felix snapped, not looking away from me.
His white-blonde hair fell in front of his face, slightly hiding his features, making him look feral.
"M-master, I-I thought you might have been thirsty, or h-hungry. I-I brought food..." A female voice said, trailing off.
"Keva. That is not needed. Get Rhiannon and Damien to calm down the pups." Felix ordered.
"Master-" Keva started to say.
"NOW!" Felix yelled the order, still looking at me.
I must have been flushed a bright red, because when Keva leaned into view, seeing me, she flushed and left. Keva reminded me of a mix between Gabbe and Lydon. She had Gabbe's nasally ambrosia voice and Lydon’s looks.
"So, where were we?" Felix asked, leaning closer to me.
He laughed.
"I've never seen a girl that red before in my entire life. And I'm older than that leech you were with. Don't worry, I won't bite." Felix said.
Felix leaned in and stole a kiss full on my lips. It was quick, and our lips barely touched, but it left me feeling exposed and tingley. He got off of me.
"You might want to change." Felix said, laughing, before he went and dragged a giant box over to the edge of the bed. I pulled the covers down.
This time, it was Felix's turn to blush.
My shirt and pants were gone, leaving me in my frilly, lacey, black lingerie. And in view of a guy I didn't know! So embarrassing.
" are clothes we could find that might fit you. We often have to help the Pups, those are the werewolves that were just changed, find clothes that will survive through the change from human to wolf. Your clothes were ruined thanks to my dickhead of a brother, so I Uh, had to have Keva burn them. They smelled of your blood. The leeches would have traced it." Felix said, still a bright red from seeing me in frilly lingerie.
I peered in the box.
"Oh my god, are those Olivia jeggings? And that shirt, is that...Oh it is! Those are so cute!" I said, as I went through the box.
Felix sat next to me, watching what I picked out, but maintaining a distance.
"That's an interesting pile. Oh, I forgot we put those in there." Felix murmured, picking up a girl's bra.
"Pervert, maybe I planned to wear that. Jeesh, now I have to burn it." I said, snatching the underwear back.
I ended up in a pair of lemon yellow Olivia jeggings, and a little half shirt, that looked as if someone had peered into my fashion dreams and created the shirt. It was an orchid purple, with a gold and silver heart smack in the middle of my breasts. The sleeves looked cut up, but they were supposed to be like that. For some reason, the shirt looked familiar. Did I own one like it? I looked at the brand.
"That's part of the Shallow Dreams collection. By Bellona Gray. My sister Rhiannon loves her." Felix pointed out. "Such a shame, you look prettier naked. I say you go naked."
I just glared. I started to pull my shirt off, but Felix interrupted.
"Kidding. Keep your shirt on, especially since you're pretty as it is. You don't need the pups molesting you."
"Like you did a moment ago?" I snapped.
Felix's eyes flicked to the door as I put the shirt back on.
"I'm sure as soon as everyone knows you're awake, they will come and harass you. So, I might as well ask now. Sit." Felix said, sitting on the bed.
I must have hesitated, because when I sat down, Felix said, "Look, you can trust me. I won't hurt you."
"Well, the front of my body hurts from you forcing yourself on top of me, and my shoulder hurts, that's your fault. And my stomach hurts. You didn't cause that, but I'm blaming you..."
"What were you going to ask?"
"Anastasia, correct? I always want to call you Anais. I don't know why...Sorry, off topic. I know you may hate me for the incident back at the vampire den-"
"You mean my house?"
"Yes. I guess, but I am not a bad guy. I believed I was human too, in fact, I never was too. My parents had both been Wolves, but they gave me up at birth. What I have to ask is, will you stay here? Lycanthropes don't act abnormal unless we are turning to Wolves, but other than that, we are like humans. Please." Felix said.
"I-" I started to say, but Keva came in with a stack of letters.
"Master, these came in the mail. Also, some of the Wolves would like to speak with you, and her." Keva said, inclining her head at the last word.
"Leave the mail on the desk in my room." Felix said, dismissing Keva with a wave of his hand.
"Yes, Master." Keva said, before curtsying and left.
"Master?" I asked, confused why they addressed him like that.
"I can't stop them from saying it. I'm sort of the Alpha." Felix groaned, annoyed.
I giggled, unable to help myself.
"What's so funny?" Felix asked.
"The irony." I said.
Felix raised an eyebrow.
"In the school you found me at, the students went by the wolf castes: Alphas, Betas, subordinates, and omegas, blah blah blah. It was like other schools that use the popular girls and boys, the jocks, the followers of the popular, and the losers. I was considered the 'badass Alpha girl' for scaring and injuring the previous badass girl, a vampire. Though, I did take a punch to the face from Juliet like it was worse than it was..." I trailed off.
"Cute, now come on, I'm getting a feeling you'll be hungry." Felix joked, pulling me up, his hand sliding down to my waist.


A week after Anastasia was kidnapped:

"Where would he take her?" Juliet asked as we wandered the streets around midnight.
"Well, Felix seemed sexually interested in Anastasia. I'm worrying." I said.
"Looks like you have competition." Luke said, snickering.
I turned around and shoved him, wishing for Anastasia's unworldly strength. I got close. Luke doubled over and coughed up blood, the same way He did when Anastasia shoved him. That day seems so long ago...
"Right over the injury from Anastasia." He muttered.
"Boys, stop fighting." A female voice said.
I looked up.
"Desdemona!?" I gasped.
"Hi Emmanuel." Desdemona waved, stifling a lovestruck giggle.
Desdemona was a tall girl with long neon green hair usually pulled into a side pony tail and golden eyes, and she was always wore purple dresses, usually made of leather. Spot on tonight. Not to mention, Desdemona should only be 15, but she looks older. She obviously has a crush on me.
"Hey, Emmanuel, Juliet, Luke. Whatcha' doing?" Desdemona asked.
"Cool Hair, Dess." I said.
"You like? I got the idea from the time I was baking with limes and-" Desdemona started to say, but I went up to her and whispered, "What will it take for your assistance?"
Desdemona grinned, flashing her vampire fangs.


"You see, to get by, all of the wolves help with a downworlder bar. Obscure de la Lune. Thirsty? We have food too. So, uh...yeah." Felix said, seeming uncomfortable next to me.
"Don't worry babe, I don't bite...hard. Though it is when I punch, scream, push, or use willpower to hurt people that you should watch out." I joked.
"She's awake, huh. Such a shame." A male voice said as a door opened.
It was Damien. He looked a LOT like Felix, a more, nourished version of Felix, that it was creepy. He wore a tuxedo, his hair slicked back. He was dressed like a waiter. He was actually kinda cute. Instinctively, I hissed.
"You sure she's her? She seems like she's like, I don't know, half banshee, half vampire." Damien laughed.
"It's not that, it's just that I hate you." I snapped.
Why does everyone think I'm part banshee?

"Because you can scream like one." Damien snapped.
Crap, I spoke out loud. I mentally shook myself, leaving a metal note to not think out loud.
"Damien, get back to work." Felix snapped.
Damien muttered something under his breath. I caught very little of it.
"Felix...Pretty girl...melts...fuck him...oh well." He muttered, and went back through a door.
"Why do you work at a bar? Is it all downworlders? Or are there mundanes?" I asked.
"No. Obscure de la Luna is for downworlders. But mundanes see it as a restaurant called...Uh...we did it as Chili's. The downworlders usually blend in. Mostly Wolves. With a capitol 'W'." Felix said.
I grabbed a hair bob from my pocket and pulled my hair in a bun.
"Wait, before you go do whatever the hell you need to do that involves taking me with, let me put on makeup. I can't risk being seen like this." I said, gesturing to my malnourished appearance.
"I think you look beautiful without makeup." Felix whispered.
I went stiff. He was too close to me again. I could smell the strong manly smell of cologne on him.
"I-I-I'm going to go put on makeup." I stuttered, turning.
I ran down the hall for a couple minutes, and then straight into a pair of arms.
"Gotcha." Damien said.
"Damien-" I started shriek, but he clasped a hand over my mouth, muffling my words. His hand tasted like cologne, causing me to gag and cough.
"Come on." Damien growled, dragging me into a room. The room was dark, and again, it might as well just be an empty room, since I couldn't make out any personal features.
Damien shoved me on the bed, climbing on too. He straddled my legs with his, gripping my shoulders.
"Let go of me!" I shrieked, wriggling.
"Shut up and stop moving." Damien growled.
"What do you want?" I asked, shaking in a scared shock.
"Shut up." He growled.
He let go of my shoulders and reached for the button on my pants.
"Stop it!" I screamed, shoving him off of me. Damien went flying back and hit the wall, then dropped to the ground, clutching his stomach.
"Bitch." Damien growled, getting back up. I scrambled up, but Damien was already there, pushing me back down on the bed. It was then I realized, he was out of his waitor uniform, and just in an undershirt and boxers. I flushed.
"Just cooperate and it won't be as difficult." Damien whispered, unzipping my pants.
"Stop it! What did I do to be tortured like this?" I cried.

Us Wolves never get any fun with other species, but the vamps and warlocks go fooling around with mundanes. Just this one time I want to have the same right as them. At this point, it doesn't matter how you look. You could be ugly and I'd still do you." Damien growled, sounding horrified.
He pulled my pants down and off, revealing my frilly underwear. Damien got to my shirt and practically ripped it off along with my bra, his hands exploring my breasts. I pushed at him, crying for him to leave me alone, to let me go, and I barely gasped before Damien had me naked. He then started at his shirt. I heard a door slam open, and Damien barely had time to gasp before Felix threw him off of me. I felt tears stream down my face as I pulled my underwear on, covering my chest. I found my bra, throwing it on, before putting my shirt on, ending with my pants.
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?!" Felix yelled at both Damien and me.
"I-I...H-he..." I said, my voice whimpering and high.
Almost simultaneously, Damien said, "I-I...Master, I-I...I'm in big trouble aren't I."
Felix didn't reply, instead, he just punched Damien in the face, causing Damien to stagger back. That slightly made me feel better, after being molested and nearly raped.
He came over to me and said softly, "Come with me."
I just got up and ran. I didn't know nor care where I went, but I ended up in a corner, sobbing, my head in my tear-damped hands.
What seemed like a few moments later, Felix was scooping me up and hugging me, making soothing noises, and stroking my hair.
"H-he was trying to rape me. I didn't mean to run into him. I want to go home." I sobbed.
"It's okay, I'll deal with him. Just, don't leave." Felix said.
"Master, I uh...WHO IS THAT?!" A female voice said.
I looked over to see a girl with neon green hair and black eyes. Her skin was pale, and she was about the same height as me. She wore acid wash skinny jeans and a baggy black shirt.
"Rhiannon, this is Anastasia, Anastasia, this is my sister, Rhiannon." Felix said, sounding vaguely annoyed by Rhiannon.


"What is she, a Pup?" Rhiannon asked.
"No." I said.
"Then why is she here?" Rhiannon asked.
She was so thick-headed. Wasn't it obvious? How I feel about Anastasia? With her hair like cherry red flames, and her eyes...What? Why am I thinking about her like that? I can have any female wolf I want with just a snap of my fingers, but all I saw was Anastasia. I found it ironic how that school she went to worked. Alpha. Was that some sort of joke from heaven itself? Or is it an opportunity. I am allowed to have any Alpha or Beta female, but it was never specific. If Anastasia is considered an Alpha, would it be okay? I sure hope so. A whistle broke my train of thought and I saw Anastasia waving a hand in front of my face.
"Hello? Earth to boy, you in there? Rhiannon is asking you something." She was saying. Her voice was smooth as ambrosia, and as sweet sounding as honey.
"What? Sorry. Rhiannon, what?" I said, letting go of Anastasia's waist.
"Nothing." Rhiannon smirked, turning around and walking away.
"So..." Anastasia said.
I don't know what happened next, but the next thing I knew, I was kissing Anastasia, her hands trying to unbutton my shirt.
Someone cleared their throat. It was Damien.
"So, I can't do that, but you can?! Fucked up, man." Damien growled.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch. You didn't even ask for my permission!" Anastasia growled, pulled away. Damien smirked, his eyes lingering on her chest.
Anastasia had her shirt off, her bra visible to Damien.
"Crap." Anastasia muttered, covering her chest with her arms, her head buried in my chest.
"Here." I said, grabbing an extra jacket and handing it to her.
"Well, I give up, since she has already decided. Just remember be careful tonight, or any night." Damien said, his smirk still pasted on his face.
I looked at the clock. 6:30 PM.
At 6:25 PM, the pack closes the shop, piling into the ball room, waiting for my orders. They know if I don't come, there is no orders.
"The pack's work day is over. Let's go meet them." I said.
I helped Anastasia into her shirt, before taking her to the ball room. The Pups, usually offspring from other Wolves, were running around, changing from Pup to kid, laughing and being total kids. The parents were talking with friends, laughing and glancing at their offspring. When I walked in, they fell silent. Anastasia didn't come in, leaning into the doorway, just watching with yellow eyes. A pair of children were playing tag. A child bumped into me, falling on his butt. He was about nine, with shaggy blonde hair and golden eyes. He was an average kid, the son of Rhiannon and her mate, Claude. James, I think the child's name is. I helped him up, gesturing for him to run back Rhiannon.
"Listen up." The quiet chatter went dead silent. "As you know we found a shifter with the vampires, and thanks to Damien, she fell ill. She has awakened and if we are lucky, we can have a...Surprise for the unwanted dens we have here in LA. But, first, we need to get a few answers. Who is willing to look after her. I'd prefer it be a female. I don't trust you guys, thanks to Damien." I said, my voice strong and loud. Several female hands went up.
Odessa, Avis, Penelope, Naomi, Ophelia, Phoebe, Millicent, Leta, and Avril raised their hands. I trusted most of them, ruling Avril, Leta, Millicent, and Avis out. That leaves Odessa, Penelope, Naomi, Ophelia, and Phoebe. All would be fine to teach, but which is good for Anastasia. Then, I realized. A plan formed and worded it self before I could stop it.
"Why don't you choose for yourself?" I called to Anastasia, who paled.
She didn't come forward, and her voice was barely audible.
"The one with the short blonde hair." She said, pointing at Naomi.
"Very well." I said, sounding formal.
There were not so quiet comments when Anastasia finally came in the room.
"Oh, she's pretty. Not fair that Damien ruined this for us."
"Is that a scar on her neck? A VAMP BITE?! "
"No, both a Vamp and a Wolf."
"THAT must be how Damien ruined it for us guys. He bit her."
"Damn, she looks upset."

Anastasia flushed, looking at me instead of the Wolves, when I realized. She's TOO likeable, but who cares?
I sighed, frustrated.
"That is all." I said, when the whispers quieted.
They all went over to the door where Anastasia stood, glancing at her as they went out.
James, my nephew, looked up at Anastasia and asked a question that I never thought anyone would ask Anastasia.
"Is uncle Felix your Mate? Are you going to have children? A lot of the little girls thought you were too pretty for Felix." James said, looking up at Anastasia.
The Wolves blocked her in, eager for her answer. Even the Pups were listening. Anastasia flushed, but got down on her knees, ruffling James's hair. She touched him like an older sister would, or a mother, and was very motherly when she talked.
"No, no I'm not. But, what might your name be? Is Rhiannon your mother?" Anastasia grinned, continuing to mess with James's hair.
"My name is James. Yeah, Rhiannon is my mommie. She's got cool hair, like you. I want cool hair like mommie's and yours." James said, grinning back at Anastasia.
"Why don't you find your mom, see what she says about that. Tell her I say hi." She laughed, letting James hug her and go off to find Rhiannon.
A LOT of the males gawked at Anastasia, their mouthes slack. I swear, just imagine a thousand Damiens, but with different appearances. I understood why they looked at her like that, I mean, she'd make a good Mate and mother.
She flashed a grin in my direction, before walking off. I believe she was looking for James and Rhiannon. The Wolves and Pups left, some happy and some disappointed by Anastasia's answer to James's question. I left last, literally running into Anastasia.
"I'm sorry about James. He's Rhiannon's child. I swear, if that kid takes after Damien, I might pass out." I apologized.
"No need. I've had worse situations that that." Anastasia said, shrugging nonchalantly.
It's official, Anastasia's my type.
"I gotta go through those letters." I groaned, flashing back to the letters Keva dropped off before changing my mind. "Or...we can go to my room."
I held out my hand. Anastasia groaned, but took my hand.


7 1/2 days after Anastasia was kidnapped:

What did I do? Now, I had to go on a date with Desdemona. I did it, and she showed us to a mundie restaurant, Chilis. It was closed, the lights off, the door locked.
"Dess, we said for you to take us to the Wolves. Not to Chilis." Juliet growled.
"This is the Wolves’ hideout. My family are werewolves remember? Rhiannon, Felix, Damien, Samuel, and Naomi, remember? They live here." Desdemona snapped.
"Can you get us in?" I asked.
"Of course." Desdemona said, she put a set of keys in the back door and it opened.
"Looking for a specific person babe?" Dess asked, her hands tracing my chest.
"Felix." I said, ignoring her attempt to flirt.
Desdemona got the clue.
"Oh, well it’s the fourth door. I can't go in." Dess said, before leaving.
"Jules, Luke, stay here." I said, walking in the building. I walked to Felix's room and threw the door open. I nearly dropped dead. Felix was on top of Anastasia, who was on his bed. They were kissing. Anastasia had just her bra and underwear on. That should be me, not Felix. I growled, and Felix flew off of Anastasia. Anastasia was panting, like a dog in heat. Her eyes looked wild and embarrassed, and also, there was an apology in her eyes.
The next thing I knew, Juliet was trying to get me away from Felix, who was being contained by Desdemona's sister, Rhiannon. He barked and growled several curses at me, while I, I was hissing, like a cat.
"Emmanuel! Stop.!" Juliet was saying.
I hated Felix even more. But to have my own clan siding against me? I was going to kill him. Here, and now. I broke free of Juliet's grip, and Rhiannon stayed awake when I attacked Felix. I clawed at Felix's face, a claw mark like a talon on his right eye. It felt good attacking him, like collapsing in a bed after a long day. That pleasure didn't last long. Wracking pain coursed through my body, and I found myself flying against the wall. Anastasia was in front of me. She was crouched low, glaring at me. She was now in yellow skinny jeans and an orchid half shirt. Shallow Dreams.

Juliet had made me go with her to get a shirt from that collection. She had even eyed the shirt that Anastasia was wearing now. Anastasia was panting as if she had been running a mile non-stop, but then I realized, she was gripping her right wrist, which was dripping with blood a golden color. Not red, like the day Luke bit her. A bite mark was the reason for the blood. I had bit her. She might never forgive me.
Her eyes were shining with tears when she said, "W-why did you bite me?"


Felix shook off Rhiannon and rushed to me. My head throbbed, as if it were a drum being beat. It never did that when I had been bitten by Luke, but then again, my blood wasn't gold when Luke bit me.
"You okay? Let me see." Felix asked.
I winced when he touched me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when he got closer.
Felix went rigid and looked at Emmanuel.
"Asshole! I can smell the venom in her. I'll kill you if she becomes..." Felix trailed off, before turning to Rhiannon. "Get Keva and Naomi."
Rhiannon rushed away. Felix turned into a black wolf and tackled Emmanuel. Emmanuel and Felix attacked each other, clawing and hissing, biting and growling, tackling, even pinning each other, until Juliet slammed both of them against a wall.
"Idiots! The people you called for won't make it in time." she growled, mostly at Felix.
"Look at her, her eyes are glossed over and her skin is already turning pale. This is bad." Emmanuel said, looking at me, his eyes apologizing a thousand times.
Just then, the lights flickered off, before a spark created a fire in the doorway. Outstepped a man. He looked no older than me, maybe 19. He had salt and pepper hair that was spiked at the front. His eyes were the same color as mine, yellow that would fade to red and then back. He was tall, possibly taller than me, and he was in a whole gothic look. He looked at me with adoration, then at Emmanuel, Felix, and Juliet, narrowing his eyes. It was then that I noticed the golden feather wings coming from his back. My heart constricted. I knew this man. He was my father. My real

"Holy hell." Juliet murmured.
"Actually, Hell isn't all that holy, you stupid vampire," The man said.
"Who are you?" Felix asked, pale.
"Is it that hard to recognize me?" The man asked, turning to me. "Ya know, huh Stazzy?"
"Stazzy? Who is this Anastasia? A friend?" Juliet asked.
"Lucifer," I murmured. "Huh, father, that’s who you are, right?" I asked.

" Emmanuel said.
"Now you know. Downworlders these days." Lucifer said, rolling his eyes.
"What do you want?" Juliet asked, her voice shaking with fear.
"I had to make sure my daughter doesn't become a vampire." Lucifer said. I noticed, his wings were missing. They must be able to hide inside the skin of his back.
"But..." I said, before a dizzy spell went over me.
"Shit, where did I put that package from your mother..." Lucifer muttered, searching his pockets.
"You, downworlders, leave." Lucifer hissed at Emmanuel, Juliet, and Felix.
They all tensed. Lucifer laughed, as if they had told a joke.
"You three are ver-ry dirty. I heard that." Lucifer said, still laughing. "I'm her father. I wouldn't even think about...Just get out."
Emmanuel and Felix exchanged looks with each other, and walked out. Soon after, Lucifer sat on Felix's bed, patting the spot next to him. I sighed and sat next to him. He smelled familiar. Really, this may sound disgusting, but he smelled of fire, sex, coal, gunpowder, and rotting flesh. Oh, and cologne. I relaxed at the smell.
"I had them leave because I knew what your mother had packed you would embarrass you." He said, handing me a grocery store paper-bag.
I opened it. It had some food in it, but as I rummaged through, I saw two things I wasn't expecting: birth control, and a pregnancy tester. I scowled. Lucifer laughed.
"Your mom is concerned. Though, I wouldn't mind grandchildren. As long as I approve of the father." Lucifer explained.
"FATHER!" I gasped.
Parents always know how to embarrass you, even if you appear and act the same age.
"Embarrassing you? I figured I'd pop in and explain what the food is for. And," Lucifer said, reaching in his pocket. "I got these for you."
He pulled out a Ziploc bag filled with jewelry.
"Father, Thank you. But I have one question." I exclaimed
"Yeees?" Lucifer said, pulling out the jewelry.
"Why do you look too young to be my father?" I asked.
Lucifer frowned, but continued to put the bracelets, necklaces, and rings on me.
"I fell to hell at 19. I stopped aging. I’m somewhere near 1,000,000 years old. Your mother is the same, though she cheated on her lover chosen by God to have you. God sent her to hell, where we raised you. After Adam...I mean her lover fell from God's reach, God reclaimed her." Lucifer said at last.
"Sorry if it sounded as if I was calling you old." I said.
I know I didn't mean to call him old, but sometimes I say rude things without meaning to.
"It’s fine Stazzy. I guess I should explain the jewelry. They are magic, I won't say if its black magic, but its magic. Most of these will unlock all of your powers, give you access to memories, but the necklace with the garnet pendant, if you hold it and concentrate, you can summon or go to me. The onyx will pulse a red if any downworlder you don't know about is near. And this," Lucifer said, placing a tiara on my head. It was gold.

"What is this?" I laughed, trying to take out the tiara, but Lucifer swatted my hand away.
"Don't take it off, unless you have to. This is yours. You ARE the princess of Hell. Well, and of Heaven." Lucifer said.
Just then, the door opened and Emmanuel, Felix, Juliet, and Luke came in. All of them looked as if they had attempted to eat each other: bite marks and scratches all over their skin. Luke saw Lucifer and lowered his eyes.
"Who is that Staz? A lover you found off the streets?" Luke joked, rather harshly.
"I guess I should go. Bye princess." Lucifer said, kissing my forehead.
"Bye daddy." I said.
With that, Lucifer disolved into mist. Luke was gawking.
"So, he can call you Princess, but I can't?" Luke said.
"Do you even know who that was? That was my father. My real father. Lucifer. And I AM a princess." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Kay, Princess, I could care less. Are you coming home or not? Jules and Emmanuel were freaking out, attacking Felix, and I think they attempted to eat each other. I think they have no more sanity. I think we should send them to the psycho ward for a little while." Luke said.
"Oh, she's not leaving." A voice said. It was Damien. He stood in the doorway, dress
"Not until I have my fun with her." He said, smirking.
I growled.
Damien stepped back, but still said, "C'mon babe, you know you want to."
I flipped him off.
"I'm leaving, I'm hungry. Don't follow me. Unless I call for you." I said, walking out.
I made it to the back door, but I whipped around to see Damien following me. He pinned me to a wall and kissed me. Words danced in front of my eyes when I thought for something to help me. Instinctively, I reached up and touched a necklace, and my hands caught on fire. I pressed them against Damien's chest, and he yelped, flying off of me. I looked down and my hands were normal again. I pushed the door open and went to an Italian restaurant.
I really need a tylenol. I need an EXTRA STRENGTH tylenol and a normal life. And THAT will happen. Note the sarchasm.

Woohoo, More Freaking Downworlders


As I was getting my ravioli, a female voice said, "Can we join you miss?"
I looked up to see Gabbe and Lydon, grinning. I felt my onyx necklace warm up, turning a ruby red. Downworlders. But, it can't be Gabbe or Lydon, can it?
"Sure." I said.
They pulled up chairs and sat down on both sides of me, staring at me as I ate.
"So, girl, spill. What happened since you and the Stones were gone?" Lydon asked, raising an eyebrow and breaking the long, awkward silence.
"Nothing, I was sick." I said shrugging and going to my ravioli.
"Really? What about what happened between you and Emmanuel?" Gabbe asked.
I'd missed her nasaly voice. It's amazing how I could just forget about people so easily. But, it is very hard balancing between friends, downworlders, and people who kidnap and molest you. Just saying.
"Nothing. Can I ask you something?" I asked firmly, sending out a drop-the-subject look.
"What?" They said in unison, getting my obvious clue.
"Do you believe in creatures like Vampires, Werewolves, and Warlocks?" I asked.
They tensed after the question. They're keeping secrets. Hahaha, got them cornered. Now they'll either lie horribly, or tell the truth. Looks like they chose lie horribly.
"W-what do you mean?" Lydon asked, stuttering.
"Oh, stop it Ly, she probably already knows. I mean, she had all that stuff, and I doubt any human who didn't know could get that stuff." Gabbe said, her nasaly voice tinged with annoyance.
"Aha! I knew it! Woohoo, first the leeches, then the wolves, and then you too. Oh well." I said sarchastically.
Note the sarchasm in the 'woohoo'.
"So you met the Wolves. We're Vampires. We faked our info. Though I am Gabbe, Lydon is actually Leigh." Gabbe said.
Leigh? I thought silently, probably having a question mark look on my face. Man, I wish Emmanuel were here to help me not look like an idiot, though I am angry at him. As if he knew, Emmanuel was jogging over here.
"Staz!" Emmanuel said running up to us.
He wasn't even breaking a sweat, or breathing heavy, even though we were about 5 to 6 miles away from the wolf den. God, was he hot...and muscular...and hot. I swooned silently as he arrived.
"I thought I told you to leave me alone!" I yelled, making a couple of heads turn.
I knew they saw a stupid teenage boyfriend/girlfriend fight, but it was way more than that. I found it harder to think around people I knew, and it was changing me. I used to be a loner, who hated the idea of a relationship. Now look at me. I made like what? 4 guys fall for me, and messed around with two already. God, I was turning into a slut, even though I haven't lost my vriginity yet. The only problem was that I didn't know how to go back to before, being the girl who hated company. Now it seemed inpossible. Completely, utterly, impossible. I mentally shook my self and listened to what Emmanuel said.
"But...I thought...You meant me too?" Emmanuel's face dropped.
I felt as if I had kicked a helpless, adorable puppy. Oh, how much I wanted to give him his way and forgive him! I knew he could look as hot as he wanted, and that it was a show. He wasn't really sad, I told myself, he was putting on a show.
"Hi, fellow Leech." Gabbe said, grinning and wiggling her fingers in a parody of a wave.
Emmanuel sighed, and turned to Gabbe, who was grinning.
It was then I saw her pearly white vampire teeth, sharp like blades. I flinched at their ghastliness.
"You told her, huh." Emmanuel said.
He kept running his pale, left hand through his black hair, a sexy gesture done with grace.
"Hi sexy thayng." Leigh said, showing off her vampire teeth too, but not at Emmanuel, but above my head.
"You were talking about Luke, since he's behind me, right?" I asked, and I felt someone behind me.
"Hey, Princess." Luke said to my head, nuzzling my neck.
I swear, I felt him purr. Like a cat. God, Luke is wierd, and annoying. He was crouched down next to me, nuzzling me even harder. What was he doing? He better not be getting ready to bite me. I'll kill him if he is.
"Shut up, bastard." I said, focusing on my ravioli.
"I hate you." He growled, but as a small whisper, and it sounded playful, not serious.
"Oh, I love you too!" I said.
"I’m suddenly very sexually attracted to you." He whispered to my neck.
"Shut up. I'm tired." I said, yawning.
I turned around and sidestepped a crouching Luke.
"Home's that way." Emmanuel said, grabbing my shoulders and spinning me around.
"Kay..." I yawned again and dozed off, collapsing into Emmanuel's arms.
I awoke in my room.

Huge Mistake


"Finally you're awake." A voice said.
It was Luke's voice. What? Why would LUKE of all people check on me? Isn't that Emmanuel's job? I was confused, in the dark. Literally.
"Luke?" I asked.
A light flicked on. I was back in my sponged gray room, with my birds. In the doorway, leaned Luke, worry in his glance. His hair was slightly wet, his cheeks rosy, but not quite blushing. Then I saw what he wore. I turned red. Luke was in 'pajamas', which meant boxers and a gray tank top. Why does Luke just freely strip himself in front of me? Or molest me? Why am I so important?
"I was asleep, but I figured you might be awake. I was right." He said, shrugging.
A sudden fury passed through me. All Luke does is attempt to rape or murder me. I am sick and tired of it. For once I'd like something besides oh, you look so good, I want to do you,

or stupid bitch die!

"So are you here to attempt to a, murder me, or b, rape me?" I growled.
Luke cringed, pretending to clutch his heart.
"That hurt, babe. After you disappeared," Luke paused, pushing the hair out of his eyes. A nervous gesture. "I realized, that I like being around you, even when we are putting each other through hell. I-I love you. Even when I believed you were one of the Wolves' spies, I loved you. I know too many boys have probably said this to you, and that you will never love me, but I love you." Luke said.
He walked over to my bed and sat down. For a minute, we did nothing but stare into each other's eyes. I had to remind myself not to explode. He's right. Not even two months and four guys have said that. I never knew guys were attracted to girls like me. I thought I was ugly.
"Do you understand me?" He asked.
"I do. Too many people are saying that. I liked it better when everyone knew me as the notorious freak. Not, whatever you boys seem to think." I said, rubbing my eye.
"Pretty, strong, intelligent virgin girl?" Luke suggested.
I glared at him, annoyed. It was obvious he was making an effort to make me like him. In one sentence, he complimented me three times. Wow.
"I'm guessing you're saying that in an attempt to get laid?" I asked.
Luke seemed taken aback, as if he never thought about that. His face became confused-looking, and sad.
"No...Yes...Maybe. I don't know. Maybe at first, when I thought you were a mundie. But, now, I don't want that unless it's what you want. I don't know why, but you're like a magnet, that I am pulled toward and required to love." Luke said.
Luke seemed to be sweating. Was he nervous? Am I that scary to confess to?
"Are you nervous about something?" I asked, going to touch his hair. He pulled back.
"No, It's just I had been out for a run, and I just got back." Luke said.
"You took a run in boxers and a tank top? I feel sorry for any whore who crossed your path." I joked.
I giggled afterwards, unable to help myself. Luke scowled, before considering this and laughing. That would be very funny.
"Just a second." Luke said, and took the tank top off.
His chest was perfectly sculpted, and he obviously worked out at one point. He really was eyecandy for girls. I wanted to touch him, though I knew to resist. I had to remind myself something was going on between Emmanuel and I.
"Are you testing me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well in that case, what would be passing?"
"Going to bed with me." Luke said, before leaning down and kissing me.
It was just a light kiss, seeming as if Luke put me in control, and I loved that. But, what caught my attention, was his taste. His lips tasted metallic.It was blood. The taste was comforting. It was a taste I was used to. I pulled him down on top of me and felt his hands on my chest, unbuttoning my pajama top. He pulled it open, revealing my bra. I leaned forward, slipping the shirt off entirely. He started to undo my bra, slipping it off entirely. Luke started to pull off his boxers, but stopped, shaking his head. He pulled away from me, looking down at my flushed reaction. I was nearly naked, only in panties, Luke only in boxers. My mind screamed at me, telling me not to sleep with to Luke, not to kiss Luke, not to even hug Luke. But, my body was in control.
"No." Luke whispered. "Let's continue in my room."
Miraculously, my mind got control, forcing it's few favorite words out of my mouth.
"No." I said.
"In here then?" Luke asked.
"Then where?" Luke seemed desperate.
"Nowhere. This isn't a good idea."
"You're damn right it isn't a good idea." A male voice said.
It was Lucifer. I cringed, pushing Luke away from me. Luke got the clue, cringing at Lucifer's voice.
"Father. I-I-I..." I stuttered, trailing off.
I covered up with the blankets when he came into view.
Lucifer glared at Luke, before turning to me. Disappointment obvious in his eyes.
"Anastasia, I thought you better than this. Two boys in the same day? You really took on more of me than your mother." Lucifer said.
"M-Mr.Ah..." Luke said.
"Gray. I go by Gray." Lucifer said.
"Mr. Gray, I had no intention of ruining your daughter-" Luke started to say.
"Oh, save that shit for the tyrant that forced me to Hell." Lucifer said.
"FATHER!" I exclaimed.
"Though you did get your mother's politeness towards that tyrant." Lucifer muttered.
"What do you want?" Luke hissed.
"My daughter is off limits. If you have any sexual contact with her again, I will personally kill you and make your afterlife in hell worse than anything you can imagine." Lucifer growled, stalking up and pulling Luke away from me.
"Lucifer...Ah, Mr. Gray, I-I... Okay." Luke said, his tone defeated.
"Go back to wherever you are sleeping, Luke." Lucifer said.
Luke ran out, slipping his gray tank-top on before disappearing.
"What now father?" I asked, exasperated.
"I know, I know, you hate me. But, take it easy tomorrow. Go to the pool, or something. Just stop trying to get a downworlder in bed with you." Lucifer said.
"Technically, Luke and Felix were trying to get me to sleep with them." I pointed out.
Lucifer rolled his eyes.
"Bye Staz." Lucifer said, before disappearing.
"Anastasia, are you okay? I just saw Luke come out of your room." Emmanuel's voice came from the door. He sounded worried, and tired. Very tired.
"I'm fine, you can come in, and risking my Dad thinking you want sex." I said.
"WH-no! I don't want..." Emmanuel said, but stopped when he opened the door.
His hair was dripping wet, and he looked tired, as I thought.
"Here." I said, getting up and tossing him a towel.
"What's this for?" He asked, holding the towel up.
"Your hair. This carpet is expensive." I replied.
"What happened between you and Luke?"
"Luke tried to get me to sleep with him. Lucifer ruined his plans. My dad said, and I quote 'My daughter is off limits. If you have any sexual contact with her again, I will personally kill you and make your afterlife in hell worse than anything you can imagine.' So, I guess I'll just relax tomorrow by the pool. Luke will be terrified to be near me, I'm guessing." I said.
Emmanuel laughed, nearly doubling over as he dried his hair.
"That must be the worst thing he can imagine, not being able to gawk at a pretty girl in a bikini." he said, still laughing.
"I can't believe I missed the last few days of school." I said.
"I'm sure people got the wrong idea, since I was missing too."
I shuddered.
"Well, if they assume that I'm being pestered for sex, then they're spot on. Luke, Felix, Damien. Who else?" I said.
"He tried to rape me. Felix came in and saved me." I said.
"You look tired." Emmanuel said.
"I am."
"Well then, I guess I should leave." Emmanuel said walking towards the door.
"Wait." I said, reaching out, as if I could reach him.
"Stay in here. In case Luke comes back." I said.
"But where will I sleep?"
"In my bed."
"But what about-"
"It'll be okay, as long as you don't try anything."
"I can't possibly take your bed."
"Yes you can. I will throw a tantrum otherwise. Luke won't mess with me if you're in here."
"Fine." Emmanuel sighed, and sat next to me.
I curled up against him, after throwing pajamas on. Emmanuel hesitated, but still put his arm around me.
"Good night." I said, putting my head against his chest.
"Good night, Staz." He sighed.
I feel asleep to Emmanuel's steady breathing.


I'm in bed. With Anastasia. I found out she makes quiet noises when she's asleep. Sighs, gasps, humming, and so much more. I fell asleep with Anastasia in my arms.

"Wake up lovebirds!" A shrill female voice said.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Juliet. Woop-de-fucking-do.
"You two have a progressive night in the bedroom?" She asked.
"What? No! I'm more of a virgin than ever!" Anastasia said.
"Joking. I knew that. Today feels like a swim day." Juliet said, pulling us up.
"Ugh, let me get dressed before you pull me out of my room." she said.
Luke's head peeked in the door.
"Come on are you two going to swim?" Luke said to Juliet and me. He ignored Anastasia completely.
"I exist too." Anastasia said.
"I'll wait here until you two come out. And, yes, Anastasia I know you exist, but I would like to stay away from hell for as long as I can."
Juliet pushed me out of the door. I waited in the hall as Anastasia changed.
Then I realized, Luke was watching Anastasia change through the crack in the door.
I pulled him away and dragged him down the hall to the backyard.
The backyard was big, there being a good long size, with no signs of dead plants. Right in the middle of it was a giant built in swimming pool, about the size of three regular ones.
"Not cool dude. I can't kiss or hug or anything that is considered sexual contact, and now I can't even see her undress?" Luke snapped.
"Stay here. I'm changing." I said and walked to my room. The room was painted a green, painted to look like the woods. The ceiling was black. I quickly changed into swim trunks. I walked out the door and came face to face with Anastasia.


I had changed into an orange strapless ruched tankini and ruched hipster swimsuit set with my sunglasses and was walking with Juliet when I ran into Emmanuel. His eyes scanned me.
"Hi." He said.
Emmanuel was in blue swim trunks that brought out his eyes.
"Hi. Where's Luke?" I asked, looking for signs of Luke being near.
"I caught him watching you change and I dragged him out to the pool." Emmanuel said.
Luke had watched me change?
"I am going to kill him, then help my dad make his life in hell unthinkably horrid." I growled and stalked off. I heard Emmanuel's footsteps behind me.
I stopped.
"Either you walk next to me or in front of me, I don't want you staring at my ass." I said, stepping next to him.
He sighed and we walked to the pool. I saw Luke hadn't gotten in yet.
"Distract him." I whispered to Emmanuel, handing him my sunglasses.
I slid around the pool area to get behind Luke.
"Luke!" Emmanuel called.
Luke looked over to Emmanuel.
"Where’s Anastasia?" He asked.
I snuck up next to Luke, grabbing his hand and jumping into the pool. I pulled Luke in with me.
When we surfaced, Luke coughed and said, "Not cool."
I swam up to Luke and slid my arms around his neck, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Did I make the baby angry?" I asked, laughing.
"Come on in guys, don't leave me in here with just Luke." I called.
"Are you testing your father's threat?" Luke asked.
"I know what you did, Emmanuel told me. I know when I was undressing, you were watching, trying to get a look at what you thought you were getting last night." I whispered. I swam to the bottom of the pool. I held my breath and counted.
1..2..3..4..5..6..7...8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15. I felt the water move as someone dived in. I saw Emmanuel in front of me. I almost lost my breath. I forced my lungs not to burst while I made my way to air.
I broke the surface, gasping.
Emmanuel came up, and grinned.
"Just to let you know, if you two plan to make out in the pool, I won't come in. I won't risk infection." Juliet said, dangling her feet in the water.
"Not happening." I said.
"Just to let you know, I invited some mundanes over. And yes Luke, they aren't all boys, I invited the same amount of boys as girls." Juliet said.
"Yes!" Luke cheered under his breath.
"Anastasia, is that okay with you?" Juliet asked.
"As long as Luke doesn't get lucky. Today I am going to make his life a living hell for fun." I said.
"In that case, if you slept with me today, my life would be a living hell," Luke stated.
"Technically, if I did that, my father would kill you... wait..." I said, trailing off in a mischievious smirk.
A doorbell rang, and Juliet ran to get it.
I got out.
"I'm drying off." I announced, grabbing a towel.
"Are you okay? You sound sick." Emmanuel said, hoisting himself out of the pool and grabbing a towel.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said, lying on a beach chair.
"Sleep good?" Emmanuel asked.
"Don't, even talk about it." I said.
"Maybe it wasn't a good idea for you to wear a strapless swimsuit top. Makes it easier for Luke to violate you." Emmanuel said, lying down in the chair next to me.
"He can violate me all he wants, I really don't care anymore." I said.
I was exhausted
"Really? Then get in the pool so I can-" Luke called from the water.
"Whoa." many voices said simultaneously.
Juliet had invited a near set of 30 people. 15 boys, and 15 girls. I caught a couple of faces I knew in the girls, but most were people I had never seen before.
"Is that...Anastasia?

Is this your house?" A couple of girls said.
There were three girls. The first one was tall, with mocha skin and brunette hair, her eyes a denim blue. The second had pink hair and fair skin, a face full of freckles and almond-shaped hazel eyes. The third was a tan natural red-head with nearly white eyes, with a tinge of brown.
"Do I know you?" I asked.
"Oh, right. We never met. We have science with you." The red head said.
"Yeah. We saw what happened with Juliet. We never thought you two would be friends." The pink haired girl said.
"We never thought your house was this nice!" the brunette said.
"I'm Robyn." The red head said.
"I'm Hadley." The pink haired girl said.
"I'm Bianca." The brunette said.
"Hi girls." Emmanuel said.
Like that Bianca, Hadley, and Robyn rushed to Emmanuel, trying to flirt with him.
I silently laughed and went to dangle my feet in the water.
"Hey pretty thing." A boy called to me.
I looked down.
The boy was blonde, as in platinum blonde, and his eyes were the color of gray. He was tan, and probably tall too.
"Hi." I said.
"Why don't you come for a swim?" He asked.
"And what might your name be?" I asked.
"Jake. Come on in, I don't bite." Jake said, grabbing my foot and pulling me in.
Good thing I was at the shallow end.
I still had on my sunglasses and sandals, but I quickly took them off and put them on the concrete.
"That's a good girl." Jake said. I sucked in a breath and went under, pulling Jake down with me. We went to the deep end of the pool and resurfaced.
"Come." I said, pulling him down. We reached the bottom and Jake pushed me against the pool wall and kissed me. I lost my breath and nearly breathed in water. I kicked out and struggled, but Jake seemed not to notice. Darkness swirled around me, and I passed out.
I heard my name being called.
"Anastasia. Stazzy. Stasia. Staz. Asia." Several voices were saying.
I coughed and gasped, my eyes flying open.
"Idiot!" Juliet said clinging on me.
I was on the ground.
"What happened?" I asked, my mind blanking.
"I saved you. Your welcome." Luke said.
"She's fine." I heard a voice call.
"Luke? You saved me?" I asked, sitting up.
"I think that means you owe me. I know exactly how you can repay me-" Luke said.
"Luke, don't scare the poor girl." Emmanuel said walking up.
Memories of what happened flashed.
"What happened to Jake?" I asked.
"Jake? He was nowhere near you when Luke found you. Jake was flirting with another girl. Why do you ask?" Juliet said.
"Because, He's the one who tried to drown me." I said.
"Jake? He tried to drown you? That's it, you're done at the pool." Emmanuel said.
"Okay mom." I joked attempting to get up.
A wave of nausea and dizziness came over me. I collapsed into Luke's arms.
"I'll take her." He said, scooping me up into his arms like he was cradling a baby.
"Okay, as long as she's still a virgin when we come and check on her." Juliet said.
Luke took me to his room. He layed me down on his bed and laid next to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Yes. I'm just a little tired.
He stroked my cheek.
"You can sleep on me like you did with Emmanuel." He said.
I yawned and snuggled up against him. I had my back against him.
I felt Luke play with my hair.
"Good night." I said.
"Good night." He said, then quickly added. "I love you."
I yawned and said before I dozed off.
"Love you too."
I didn't remember I said that.

I was shaken awake.
"I didn't do it!" I exclaimed when I woke up.
"Didn't do what?" Luke asked.
"Nightmare." I lied.
Why had I said that?
"It's okay. It's almost lunch time. Are you hungry?" Luke asked.
"hmm...Yeah. Aren't you?" I said, my stomach rumbling.
" I'm hungry for you." He said.
I inched away from him.
"Not like that, I don't want blood." He said.
"But my dad-" I started to say.
"I'm sure he should like me since I saved your life." Luke said,
"I do. Only since you saved her from a dangerous demon that would have raped her if it got the chance. I'll give you 2 hours to do what you can with my daughter." A voice said from the doorway. It was Lucifer.
"Yes!" Luke muttered.
"I won't stay long. I took care of Jake. He's back in hell. Have fun." Lucifer said, before disappearing.
Luke grinned.
I sighed.
"One hour, then I'll need to eat." I said, taking my swimsuit top off.
"Shit, never thought I'd get this far with you." Luke said.
"Let's never talk of this." I said.
Luke kissed me, getting on top of me.
Luke traced kissed from my lips, then on my jaw, then on my neck, then on my stomach.
"I'm going to feel guilty after this right?" Luke said.
"Probably." I said.
"Do you have any birth control around here?" I asked.
Luke grinned.
He got up, went into the bathroom, and came out with a cup of water and a pill.
"You want to go that far? You must really be grateful." Luke said as I took the pill.
"Come on, before I change my mind." I said, before taking off the last of my clothes.


I threw the door open. Luke was getting dressed. I could hear the shower running.
"Hey, Emmanuel. Anastasia's in the shower." Luke's voice was kind of dazed sounding.
It was only like that after he had slept with a girl and drank her blood.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"I won't tell you. You can ask Anastasia." Luke said.
I heard the water stop.
I knocked on the bathroom door.
"Luke?" She asked.
"No. It's Emmanuel." I said.
"Oh. I'll be out in a second." She called.
Almost a second later she came out in a robe.
"Did Luke do something to you? He sounds like he did." I asked.
Anastasia tensed.
"Come with me." She said, pulling me into her room.
"Do you mind?" She asked, a pile of pajamas in her arms.
I turned away as she got dressed.
"You can look now." She said.
I turned around. She was wearing a tank top and shorts that barely covered her underwear. Then I noticed. On the inside of her legs were bruises.
Girls only got those from sex with Vampires.
She wasn't a virgin anymore.
I exploded.
"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" I said, rushing to the door.
"No, Emmanuel no. Please don't." She pleaded, stepping in front of me.
"Why did you do it?" I asked. "Why didn't you ask me? Or someone else? Why Luke?"
"I owed him! I almost died and he saved me. I thought he deserved to steal my virginity! You are so ungrateful! He saved me! If he hadn't, I could have been killed. All you care about is Luke not getting his way! I hate you. I hate you and I want you to leave and never come back!" She yelled.
She hated me?
Did she not know how much she meant to me?
That I had walked into enemy territory just to get her?
That I would die and face whatever her dad could think of just to make her happy?
I will do whatever she wants.
Even if it means never seeing her again.
I turned and walked out.
"Emmanuel!" She cried out for me, but I kept on walking.
I bumped into someone.
Her dad.
"Emmanuel. 'God is with us.' How ironic. God will never accept you. And, she didn't mean it. She loves you. She wasn't thinking when her clothes were off." Lucifer said.
"She said she hates me." I grumbled.
"She's in her room crying right now. Either you go back and comfort her, or I will kill you for making my daughter cry." Lucifer said.
I turned around and walked back to her room.
She was laying on her bed, face buried in her pillow and she was sobbing.
"Staz." I said.
"You hate me now, don't you. I haven't been nice to you, when you have risked your life for me. It should have been you, not Luke. I'm sorry." She said, sniffling.
"It's not too late to make amendments." I said.
"It's not like I can take my virginity back from Luke and give it to someone else." She said.
"Staz, I got angry because Luke never can be serious. He'll sleep with a girl, get her pregnant, and then leave her. He's done that to other vampire girls before. He'll do it to you." I said.
"But, if he does, I'll personally kill him and have my father torture him in hell." She said.
I laughed.
"What?" She asked.
"That, I would pay to see." I laughed.
"Okay then, pay up." Anastasia said, sniffling and holding out her hand.
"Pay for what?" Luke asked.
"Nothing." I replied.
"Jules wants us to go get lunch." Luke announced.
"Are they coming?" Juliet's voice sounded distant.
"I just fucking asked, you bitch!" He called.
"Let me change. I was planning on sleeping the rest of the week, but I guess that'll have to wait." Anastasia said, going in her walk-in closet.
"Change in there. Luke probably won't leave." I called.
"Kay." Her voice was rather quiet.
"Uh...guys, we have company." Juliet said.
She appeared in the room a moment later with Lucifer.
And a girl about his age with cherry red hair and bright icy blue eyes.
"You two. Come here." Lucifer said.
We followed Lucifer and the girl out into the hall.
"I'm leaving." Lucifer said "And boys, whatever you do, don't disobey her. Her bite is 1,000 times worse than her bark."
With that, Lucifer disappeared.
"Um...what is going on?" Luke asked.
"Sit boys." The girl said.
We obeyed.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I know, I look different, but I'm Eve. The original Eve. Lucifer has told me about you. I hear you two are messing around with my daughter." Eve said.
Eve is Anastasia's mother?
"Wait...You're Anastasia's mother?" Luke asked.
"Yes. And so far Luke, I don't like you. I like this boy better." Eve said, gesturing towards me.
"Of course the bitch likes Emmanuel better." Luke muttered.
"I'd watch that mouth. Just like Lucifer, I control part of your life. The living part that is. Even if you aren't human, I control your life." Eve scolded.
Just then, Juliet came out, along with Anastasia, who was wearing a black silver heart hi-lo tank top and blue acid wash super skinny jeggings.
She stopped dead when she saw her mother.
"What are you doing here?" Anastasia asked.
"Hi, Zaza." Eve said.
"Mom, what are you doing here?" Anastasia asked.
"Just thought I'd say hi." Eve lied. "I guess I've overstayed my welcome. Bye, Luke, Emmanuel."
Eve dissolved.
"We going?" Juliet asked.
"I guess." Luke said.


Good. It's going almost exactly as planned. Though, I never planned for Emmanuel. Or Juliet. Only for me. I guess I'll have to improvise, since Anastasia's always been rebellious.
As I waited, I pondered the outcome of this plan.


As we walked down the hall, I learned not to walk in front of Luke.
He grabbed my butt seven times before Emmanuel stepped in and smacked Luke upside the head.
"You okay?" Emmanuel whispered.
"If he's trying to bruise me he's succeeding." I said, walking next to Emmanuel. He put his arm around my shoulder, and I put my arm around his waist.
"Not fair." Luke muttered.

Piling in one of my limosines, I managed to get a butler to drive. I no longer trusted myself alone with a boy. Or two.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I just thought we could stop by a couple of places in the mall afterwards. It's a surprise where we are eating. Guess." Juliet said.
"Hell? They have good human meat there." I said.
Luke inched away from me.
I laughed.
"What?" Luke asked.
"We all saw you inch away from her. And plus, we drink human blood. Theres no harm in being a cannnibal once and about 17 years." Juliet said, trying not to laugh herself.
"Wow Luke, I've never seen you want to get away from a pretty, sex-eligable girl. Especially the Sex-eligible part." Emmanuel said, narrowing his eyes.
Luke got up in Emmanuel's face.
"She told you, huh? You're just jealous it was me and not you. Guess what, maybe you'll two things today." Luke growled.
"What am I not informed on?" Juliet asked, looking between Emmanuel and Luke.
"Luke, Emmanuel, drop it." I growled.
They hesitated, still glaring at each other.
They aren't listening to me. Two more options: threats and distractions.
"Do I really need to tell Juliet what's going on so she can break it up and every limb in your bodies?" I threatened.
They didn't get out of each other’s face.
That's it, time for a distraction.
I made Juliet sit up front with the butler.
Then, I took my shirt off.
That ended the possible fight.
Thank god for blacked out windows.
"Staz..." Emmanuel said, flushing.
"Enough! I am tired of you fighting!" I said, sitting down to put my shirt on.
"Stasia..." Luke said.
I switched spots with Juliet, and rode all the way into a restaurant parking lot. I unbuckled and got out standing by the back door. Luke and Juliet came out, but I waited for Emmanuel until a hand pulled me to the back.
I gasped.
"It's just me." Emmanuel said.
"WH-what are you doing?" I asked.
"Making up with you." Emmanuel said.
"For what?" I asked.
"Being a jerk. I shouldn't fight over you." Emmanuel said. "I apologize."
"Really? If you're making up to me can we have make-up-sex?" I asked.
"Will I hurt you?" He asked.
"No." I said.
I undressed in the darkness.


What I had done with Anastasia was the best thing I had done in my entire life.
God, I hope I didn't get her pregnant.
After fixing our looks, we met up with Juliet and Luke.
"What took you so long?" Luke growled.
"Well Luke, I just-" I started to say.
Anastasia clamped her hand over my mouth.
"Nothing. I dropped an earring in the back of the limo and Emmanuel was helping me look for it." Anastasia lied.
"Luckily, there was a line. We should be next." Juliet said.
"Juliet, party of 4!" A voice called.
We followed the waiter to a table.
Anastasia winced when she sat down.
"Oh my god, I didn't know they had a Rainforest Cafe nearby!" Anastasia exclaimed when she saw the fish.
"When we first came here, we sat by the gorilla, and when it went off, Juliet's reaction was so funny-" Emmanuel started to say.
"It was not! I didn't know they moved!" Juliet interrupted.
"Can I start you off with anything to drink? Do you need a few more minutes?" A female waitress asked.
"I'll have a bloody Mary." Juliet said.
"Make that two." Luke said.
"Actually three." I said.
"Sprite." Anastasia replied.
The waitress left.
"Girl, why not alcohol?" Juliet asked.
"I'm not feeling good." Anastasia said.
With immortals, signs of pregnancy show up immediately after sex, sometimes just a minute after. It always starts with sickness, then they'll crave some sort of sweet. Usually chocolate.
Luke seemed nervous. He figured the same thing.
Anastasia went pale.
"Are you okay? You look pale." Juliet asked.
"I'll be fine. I just have a headache." Anastasia said.
The waitress came back with the drinks.
Anastasia didn't order any food.
Now, I was worried.
When the waitress went to put our order in, I asked Anastasia, "Are you okay? You look sick and you were saying you were hungry until we got here."
"You had fries with your order right? I can be fine with a fry or two." She answered.
Juliet pulled out bottle of acetaminophen from her purse and gave a pill to Anastasia.
"Take it, it'll help with the headache." Juliet explained.
Anastasia popped the pill in her mouth and drank her sprite.
"Excuse me, do you mind if I borrow her?" A male voice said.
"What dad?" Anastasia asked.
"Just come with me. I need to talk to you. It's important." Lucifer said.
Anastasia got up and left.
"So..." I said.
"Emmanuel, why do you smell like sex?" Juliet asked.
I tensed.


"Hi baby." Lucifer said.
"What is so important?" I asked.
My head was pounding, and the inside of my legs were soar from Emmanuel.
"I like the second boy better." Lucifer said.
"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.
"I know you just slept with that kid, Emmanuel. You can't deny it since you're showing the signs of pregnancy. I have a feeling the baby daddy is Emmanuel. Though, I can be wrong." Lucifer said.
"Pregnancy?!" I exclaimed.
"It's okay. I may be completely off." Lucifer said.
"I figured if I ever got pregnant without being married first, you'd kill the father." I said.
"Oh, I will if I don't get a grandson. Though, if your mother doesn't get a granddaughter, she'll kill the guy too. I guess it’ll have to depend." Lucifer said, shrugging.
"Kay, I think I should go back before I pass out. I need something to drink." I said, before walking back to Emmanuel, Luke, and Juliet.
Luke was missing.
"What did he want?" Emmanuel asked.
"He thinks you got me pregnant." I whispered in his ear.
Emmanuel tensed up even more.
"What Staz?" Juliet asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"They found out. That damn poem is coming true. Remember, 'In time her little ones will be due.' I should have known it was talking about children." Emmanuel said.
I started to sob.
"Oh, Staz, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." Juliet said.
"You don't understand! My father just made my day horrible. He said-" I started to say.
"Don't. But, what I'm wondering is, the part in that poem, 'the radience surrounds strong, pulls her own blood into bed.' Could it mean me? Blood...Do they mean as in vampires, or family." He looked at me. "Do you have any siblings?" Emmanuel asked.
I shook my head.
"Oh, she's back." Luke growled, walking up.
"Luke, don't. Enough damage has been done." Juliet said.
"Like what? Was she turned down for sex by a couple of mundane boys?" Luke snapped.
I stood up and ran out. Right into my father's arms. I buried my head in his chest and sobbed.
"It's okay." Lucifer said.
"Anastasia." A voice said.
It wasn't Lucifer. It was Luke.
"Get away from me!" I shrieked, ducking out of Lucifer's arms.
Luke grabbed my shoulders.
"Staz." Luke breathed.
"Don't touch me. I hate you, you're evil towards me." I said.
"Staz." Luke said, gripping me tighter.
"You're hurting me." I said.
Luke picked me up and brought me into an alley. He pinned me against the wall.
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for hurting you." Luke apologized.
I felt his hand trace up the inside of my leg. I winced.
"You're still hurting me, and get you're fucking hands away from my crotch." I growled.
"Why should I? You let me-" Luke started to say, but someone tackled him.
"Felix?" I asked, stunned.
"Hi babe. I'm keeping you from being raped, as usual." Felix said, before attacking Luke.
"STOP IT! Will I have to do what I did earlier to stop you from fighting Luke?" I exclaimed.
"Go ahead. I'll be amused." Luke said, before punching Felix.
Instead of taking off my shirt, I focused on bringing Lucifer here. He appeared, as if he knew I called for him.
"What?" he asked.
I pointed to Luke and Felix.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked, exasperated.
"The one with black hair tried to rape me, I don't want him to hurt Felix, which is the white-blonde.
"Who you talking to?" Luke asked, as he wrestled with Felix.
"Okay, that crossed the line, Luke." Lucifer growled, before grabbing Luke and disappearing back to hell with Luke.
"Who was that?" Felix asked.
His mouth was bleeding, along with the side of his head.
"That was my dad. My real dad, Lucifer." I said.
"Lucifer?! Lucifer as in hell?" Felix asked.
I went over to Felix, taking off my shirt to wipe off the blood on the side of his head. At this point, I really didn't care who saw my bra and breasts. I'm stressed.
"I never knew that all I had to do to get a girl to take off her shirt was to shed a little blood." Felix stated.
Someone cleared their throat. Emmanuel. I flushed and put my shirt on, not caring that the blood was on the inside of the shirt, sticking to my skin.
"Where's Luke?" Emmanuel asked.
"In hell." I answered.
Emmanuel laughed.
"Finally got what he deserved huh?" Emmanuel said. He noticed Felix. "Felix."
"Emmanuel." Felix replied.
"Are you okay, Staz? You ran out, looking like you might throw up. You hungry?" Emmanuel continued, tossing me something.
"Oh my god, how did you get this?" I asked peering at the package.
It was real human jerky.
"Black market." Emmanuel replied.
"What?" Felix peered at it and scowled.
"Wasn't lying about Lucifer being her father. That's something he ate. It's mentioned in the bible, before they got rid of it." Emmanuel said.
Just to gross them out, I took out a piece and ate it.
"How can you eat that?" Felix asked, paling.
"Tastes like chicken." I said.
"Really?" Emmanuel asked.
"Yep. Try." I said, tossing a piece of human jerky to him.
He ate it. Then, cramps shot up my legs to my stomach. I doubled over, clutching my stomach, hoping for the pain to pass.
"Staz!" Emmanuel exclaimed, in front of me.
"Oh, Zaza. I made it in time. Come with me." I heard my mom say, and the next thing I knew, I was laying on a bed, with my mom doing an ultrasound. Felix and Emmanuel were nowhere to be seen.
"Oh my." Eve said.
"What?" I asked, leaning up to see a picture of a baby. No...two. I couldn't make out any genders.
"Twins?!" I exclaimed.
"One boy, one girl." Eve said.
"Aviance and Azriel." I said.
"What?" Eve asked.
"Aviance and Azriel. The names I want to name them." I said.
"How funny. The original Azrael is nearby. He always wanted an angel to name a kid after him. We just all thought it would be bad luck, since he's the angel of death." Eve said.
"Who's the father?" I asked.
"Well, a little angel of children told me it was the one with icy blue eyes." Eve said.
I wracked my brain to remember which angel it was that was the angel of children.
"Gabriel? He told you?" I asked, hoping Gabriel was the angel of children.
"Yep. I came to you to help you. You were having pregnancy cramps, bad ones too." Eve said, her eyes shining with tears.
"Mom-" I started to say.
"My angel baby, having angel babies of her own. It seems like only minutes ago we were all living in hell with Lucifer." Eve stated.
"Mom, can I go back to Emmanuel, to let him know he is the father?" I asked.
"No," I frowned. "Not until you give your mother a hug." She said.
"Bye mom." I said, hugging her.
"Bye Zaza, and one more thing, pregnancies for immortals go by fast. It'll be a week or two before you go into labor. Maybe even quicker. You won't gain weight either. Also, time goes by fast in Heaven. In heaven, it's been minutes, on Earth, it's been 20 minutes." Eve said.
And with that, I was back with Emmanuel and Felix.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Emmanuel exclaimed.
"I'm fine. I just had a visit with Eve. And a little birdie told me more about situation, if you know what I mean." I said.
"Ohh-kay, right. Felix, I need a minute with Anastasia. Personal issue." Emmanuel said.
Felix shrugged and left, having no problem with Emmanuel.
"So, the situation involving what happened in the limo?" Emmanuel asked.
I nodded.
"So..." Emmanuel said, looking uncomfortable.
"I know the gender and the father." I said.
"Really?! That's awesome, tell me!" Emmanuel said, rather excited.
"Let's say that I heard that Eve heard from Gabriel, that it's you. Also, twins. Girl and boy." I said.
"R-really?! That's awesome! Well, not for Luke. Did you...Decide on names yet?" Emmanuel said.
"What are you talking about?" Juliet asked walking up.
"Jules. Hi. Kind of personal right now." Emmanuel said.
Emmanuel seemed happy since he learned he is the father. Like little kid happy. Or guy-version of happy.
"Should I tell her? Since...Well, sooner or later she'll find out." I asked.
Emmanuel nodded.
"What?" Juliet asked.
"Well..Uh.." I trailed off.
"Jules, I got Staz pregnant." Emmanuel said.
"What?" Juliet asked, blanching.
"I'm pregnant." I said.
"Oh. My. God." Juliet exclaimed.
"Do you want to hear more?" I asked.
"Ohmigod yes! I-I never thought...that you and Emmanuel...would...Sorry, babbling. Go on." Juliet said.
"Well, I just had it confirmed with angels Gabriel and Eve. Twins, one being a boy, the other a girl. I thought of names, but they're Emmanuel's kids too. I really liked Aviance and Azriel, Also Persephone, Fable, Cameron, and Austin." I said.
"I like Aaron, Jesse, Amaryllis, and Samuel." Emmanuel said.
Juliet pondered this for a minute.
"Perhaps Aviance Persephone Fable and Azriel Aaron?" Juliet suggested.
"I like it." Emmanuel said.
"Me too." I said.
"Like what?" A voice asked.
He stalked up to us with a panther-like grace.
"N-nothing." I stuttered.
"Anastasia is-" Juliet started to say, but I clamped my hand on her mouth.
"Jules, you can't tell everyone

my secret." I said.
Felix narrowed his eyes.
"What secret?" Felix asked, his tone harsh.
"I shouldn't have used the word secret. Issue would have been better." I said.
"Mmmph! Next time you clamp that hand over my mouth, I'll bite it. It tastes like dead mundane and roses." Juliet growled, peeling my hand off her mouth.
"Tell me." Felix said, stepping closer.
Emmanuel growled.
"Mine." Emmanuel hissed, pulling me closer to him.
"Kay then, Mr. Overprotective, I can tell." Felix taunted.
"Babies, that's what you two are. If you won't tell him, I will. Anastasia just found out that she is-" Juliet started to announce, but I lunged for her.
She sidestepped. I rolled into a crouch position just in time to hear Juliet.
"She's pregnant." Juliet announced.
"You weren't supposed to tell." I said, trembling from inpact to the asphault.
I looked up to see Felix's hurt face before he turned into a wolf and ran off.
"That should keep him away for a while." Juliet said.
"Need a hand?" Emmanuel asked, holding out his hand.
"I'm fine not leaving this spot." I replied.
"What about the kids, surely that position isn't good for them." Emmanuel insisted, pulling me up.
"I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I knew he still liked me. Juliet probably hurt him." I said, burying my head in Emmanuel's chest.
"He'll be fine. He's been through worse than that. Though, he never went as far with a girl as he did with you." Juliet said.
"How would you like it if there was a guy you liked, as in really liked and when you found him, you also found out he had gotten a girl pregnant, when it had only been two days since he left?" I asked.
"Did you just imply that Felix is gay?" Juliet asked.
"No, I changed it since you happen to be the opposite gender of Felix." I said, burying myself more in Emmanuel's chest.
"Okay, I can only handle a girl forcing her head against the area of my lungs, which I still use, for so long. Get off." Emmanuel said, peeling me from his chest.
"I'm going after him." I said.
I turned towards where Felix had ran off to. As if it was always there, a purple line was painted on the ground. I followed it. About an hour later, I ended up in an abandoned building. The building stank of dust and mildew, but neither of those could be found. The kitchen's paint had been chipped, and many feral cats were asleep inside a fridge without a door. The living room was filled up to the ceiling with blankets and cardboard. As I walked down the hall, I had an eerie feeling as if I weren't alone. Many empty picture frames hung on the wall, and the hallways were exceptionally dark. The first two ex-bedrooms had homeless people sleeping in them, but the master bedroom was empty. Almost. Felix was human, sulking in a corner of the master bedroom. His face was pale, his cheeks shining as if they were wet. But they were. His eyes were red from crying, his lips paler than what I had thought possible. He seemed beat up, holes the size of golf balls worn in his shirt. His hair seemed ashen instead of the pearly white I knew. I realized he and I hadn't spoken yet.
"What do you want?" He snapped after a minute of silence.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry, and I didn't even plan for me to get pregnant-" I started to say.
"Of course you didn't, you just compulsively decided to bed down with Emmanuel, right? I know he's the father, the smell of him stank on you." Felix interrupted.
"First Juliet, then Luke, now you. Who else would like to make me feel like crap?" I muttered.
"Really? Two vampires got angry at you, and THEN a werewolf? Amazing." Felix said under his breath.
I noticed, Felix was playing with something.
"What is that?" I asked.
"Nothing." Felix muttered.
"Felix..." I breathed, kneeling down in front of him.
"If I can't have you, you can't see nor have what's in my hands." Felix said firmly.
"Why do you want me? I live in a house infested by vampire whores." I asked.
"Well, I guess that's your type: Former whores. I should get around more." Felix said grimly.
Poor boy. I broke his heart.
"Felix..." I started to say, but the next thing I knew, Felix was cupping the side of my face, kissing me.
His lips didn't taste sweet, like Emmanuel's, or metallic, like Luke's, but salty, more like tears than like the salty taste of blood. I heard Felix sigh in between kisses, but I never pushed him away. Felix pulled away after a few minutes of kissing. The color to his face returned to normal, his hair pearly white again, as if he needed me to live.
"I guess that means I need to give you the thing I had hidden in my hand for you." Felix laughed.
Felix pressed something cold in my hand. a ring. Not just any ring.
"A wedding ring." Felix said.
The ring was all silver and diamonds, the center peice shaped like a rose.

"I feel kind of stupid now, figuring that Emmanuel and you are probably already engaged." Felix said.
He hung his head.
"No," I said. "I found out today I was pregnant, and that Emmanuel was the father."
"Do you plan on marrying him?" Felix asked, his head shooting up to look me in the eyes.
"Not really. I doubt he wants to marry me. I'll just be in the way." I replied.
"Get in the way of what?" Felix asked.
"It was figure of speech." I said.
"Oh. If you needed help with raising the kid-" Felix started to say.
"Kids. I'm carrying twins." I interrupted.
Felix raised an eyebrow, but continued, "raising the kids, would you consider marrying me? I would help, even with the cost. I wouldn't mind."
"Felix, that's very kind of you. I'll consider it." I said.
Felix got up, brushing off the dust on his clothes and hair.
"Keep that. It was meant for no one but you." Felix said, helping me up.
"And one more thing." Felix said, pulling me in and kissing me. "Don't get raped or killed while I'm gone."


I can't believe it. Pregnant? With Emmanuel's babies? I shook my head walking back to the familiar beat up chili's. I walked in the back door.
"Figured I'd find you here." A male voice said.
Emmanuel. Stupid asshole. Stealing my only true love.
"What do you want?" I snapped.
"Where is Anastasia?" Emmanuel growled.
As if on cue, someone banged on the door behind me.
"Felix! Open the door!" It was Anastasia's voice.
Her pounding grew more wild. I opened the door, and she shot in. In behind her, I could see a couple of mundanes running towards the door.
"That bitch wen'in there!" One voice said.
"Let's get'er. Not ever'day you find a bitch ta'fuck." Another said.
Both of the voices were male.
I slammed the door closed, and I heard a bang. Something had ran into the door.
"Oh my god Emmanuel. Thank god I found you. I went back to the restaurant to find some punks vandalizing the limo. I made a horrible choice of confronting them." She said before turning to me. "Thank you Felix. If you had waited a second longer I would have been killed, or raped."
Anastasia was breathing heavy.
"Never again will I run in heels. My feet are going to die." She said, sitting down against the wall.
She took off her high heels. Her feet looked about size 10, but even then, they seemed delicate. Despite the fact that they were red from running, they were perfect.
"Do you want me to get Keva, or Naomi?" I asked.
I just couldn't bear it if she is ever in pain. Ever.
"No, I'll be fine." She replied.
I looked over to Emmanuel. He looked stiff, his icy blue eyes nearly black and as equally wild.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
"I want to kill those damn bastards." Emmanuel said through his teeth.
His tone made Anastasia wince.
"Emmanuel. Sit." She said, patting the spot next to her.
I yearned to be next to her, to touch her, to own her. Emmanuel sat next to her.
"Well, I'm tired." Anastasia announced, yawning.
She was so cute when she yawned, like a child.
"Let's go." Emmanuel said.
Emmanuel got up and left.
"Give me a minute." Anastasia called.
She went up to me.
"Thanks again, Felix." She said.
Her lips were so close. I needed them. All I had to do was lean forward...
The next thing I knew, I was kissing Anastasia, pushing her against the wall. The taste of her lips made me want to sleep with her. She struggled against me and pushed me off.
"Good night Felix." She said, her tone final and agitated.
She walked out, the whole time she was in view, I was watching her butt.

I Am The Princess Of Darkness...And Messing With The Angel Of Death

Part 2:


I can't believe he kissed me like that. I even felt it when he breathed, his chest touching mine. That's how close we were. As soon as we made it to my house, I felt one of the babies kick.
"What's wrong?" Emmanuel asked.
"One of the babies kicked me." I said.

When we got inside, Juliet yelled at us.
"Actually, I spent a lot of time running from some guys who were going to try to take turns raping me, thank you very much." I pointed out.
"Oh." Juliet said.
"Hi baby, sorry for the bad day." Eve said, appearing next to Juliet.
"Hi." I said.
"Guess what? You're coming to heaven until your children are born. Azrael wants to meet you, along with Evangeline and Marceline, two angels. I can only take you." She said.
"Ugh...Fine." I said, before one of my babies kicked again, hard.
"Come on." Eve said.
Why was no one saying no?
"Because I froze time. I'm leaving a note for your boyfriend. Come on, let's go." Eve answered.
The next thing I knew, I was in a hotel-like house. In front of Eve and I stood two angels: two girls. The girls had black hair, but their skin was almost ivory white, and their eyes were yellow.
"I'm back with her. Anastasia, this is Evangeline and Marceline. Girls, this is Lucifer's pride and joy Anastasia. My baby." Eve said.
"Oh, she's definently Lucifer's daughter. His eyes, and has height. Is that a...Amazing, that's the very birth mark that Lucifer had, on her neck. Of course she's got fair skin and cherry hair like you. Oh...Babbling. I'm Evangeline." The first one said. Evangeline was a few inches taller than Marceline.
"I'm Marceline." Marceline said.
There was a knock on the door behind Eve and I.
"It's open!" Eve called.
In walked a boy. The boy looked hispanic and latino. He was about a foot taller than me, with curly black hair and mocha eyes to go with his tan skin. His mouth was set in a serious line. He wore a white button down shirt under a leather jacket. He had on black jeans. He reminded me of Michael Jackson from his outfit.
His eyes flicked up and down my body, lingering at my chest.
The boy stopped, his lips parting slightly.

"Hi. I brought Anastasia. She's going to be a guest for a while." Eve greeted the boy, her voice expressing something like a mix between here we go again,

and what have I done?

"So you're the famous Anastasia. I'm Azrael, the angel of death." Azrael said. His voice was sweet and thick, like ambrosia, but very affectionate.
"Hi." I said, my voice weak and tired.
Azrael was gorgeous, really gorgeous.
I was attracted to him, I realized.
I had to remind myself that I was with Emmanuel.
Several times.
"Azrael, I can see those gears turning in your head, I can tell your thinking some dirty things." Marceline joked.
"What? Me? Hell no." Azrael denied.
Azrael kept his eyes on me when he talked.
"Don't lie, Azrael. Go ahead, ask her for sex so she can turn you down and the rest of us can get on with our lives. I can only stand your annoying face watching my pregnant daughter for so long." Eve said.
"Me, Annoying? That's like saying I'm ugly." Azrael said.
Dear god, he's vain.
That thought horrified me.
"At least let me show her around." Azrael pleaded.
"If I find out you did something to her that she didn't like, I will kill you. I not be as strong as Lucifer, but I can still hurt you." Eve growled.
"Come on." Azrael said, and started to walk, as if he expected me to follow him.
I did.
The hallways were brightly painted, and the lighting was just right. Every hall there was a picture of god, and my instinct was to shy away. Was it because I'm part devil? Other then those pictures, the hotel seemed pretty modern. I caught sight of a snack bar, a lounge room, an indoor pool, and a computer room.
"A little birdie told me you're having twins. That true?" Azrael asked.
I nodded, but felt stupid when I remembered he couldn't see me.
"Yes." I said.
"Do you...plan to stay with the father?" Azrael asked, his voice sounded in pain.
"I don't know. He's not a bad guy, and both father and mother like him." I replied.
I'd never thought of that.
"But, does he love you? Or is he using you for sex?" Azrael asked, turning around and walking backwards to look at me.
"Can you not pry into my personal business?" I snapped, making Azrael wince.
I didn't mean to snap at him.
"You're like your father, he hates answering questions." Azrael asked, his tone light.
He takes being snapped at well.
"Do they always tease you? Eve, Marceline, and Evangeline, I mean." I asked.
Azrael sighed.
"Yes...Do you agree with them? Am I that annoying? Or ugly?" Azrael asked.
Azrael looked me in the eyes, and I felt as if caught in a trance.
I tripped, falling right into Azrael's arms.
"Easy there." Azrael said, pulling me up. "I always forget about that bump in the floor. Sorry."
His touch made my body tingle.
"W-why are you apologizing? I should be, for falling into you-" I started to stutter.
"Maybe I like you falling on me." Azrael insisted.
I turned away, trying to hide my blushing.
"You're gorgeous when you blush." Azrael whispered.
He grabbed my wrists and shoved me against the wall. He pressed his body closer to me, causing me to gasp.
"Azrael..." I gasped.
"How can something so ghastly be so elegant?" He whispered.
"Let me go!" I shrieked, willing him to get away from me.
It worked.
He went flying back into the other wall.
Eve and Marceline came running.
"What happened? Did he do something to you?" Eve asked.
"No." I said.
"Then why are both of you bright red?" Marceline asked.
"Because..." I said.
Eve turned and glared at Azrael.
"No, mom, he didn't. He was asking questions about my pregnancy that were embarrassing." I insisted.
Eve sighed a frustrated sigh.
"Is that true Azrael?" She asked.
"Yes." He replied.
"Fine then." Eve said, before turning to me. "Feel free to kick his ass."
I smirked and said, "Why give him the pleasure?"
Marceline laughed.
"Looks like you catch on fast." She said.
Eve and Marceline walked away, laughing.
"Why did you lie?" Azrael asked, walking over and grabbing my wrist.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Are you going to answer all my questions with questions?"
"Why would you think that?"
"Do you know you're pretty?"
"Did you know I'm not?"
Azrael frowned.
He pulled me to a room. It was like a hotel suite. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room, and a desk with a laptop. There was a closet, and a wardrobe.
"This is your room." Azrael said, tossing me a key. "Is there anything else you need?"
He sounded like a butler.
"Yes," I said, Azrael raising his eyebrows. "I need something to eat, and if there is a game room..."
"Say no more, milady." Azrael laughed.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to one of the snack bars I saw.
I sat down.
"What's up with the formality?" I asked.
"Just felt like teasing you." Azrael said, quickly adding, "How are you so strong? No angel has ever been that strong...Except Lucifer. Never mind."
"Why were you teasing me in the hall?" I blurted.
"You thought I was teasing?" Azrael sounded horrified.
"Yeah. I know I'm ugly, you didn't need to make fun of me." I said, looking away.
Azrael grabbed my chin lightly and turned my head.
"You're gorgeous. I'm attracted to you, and I've never been attracted to a girl in my life." Azrael said.
"Azrael!" I gasped.
My throat went dry and I coughed.
"Are you okay? Do you need water?" Azrael asked franticly.
I nodded, still coughing.
He grabbed a cup and filled it with water.
"Here." He said, handing me the cup.
I drank the whole thing in a sip.
I gasped for air, able to breathe again.
"Thanks." I said.
"Will you be fine with an apple while I cook?" Azrael asked, tossing me an apple.
When I went to catch the apple, it burned my skin, and I dropped it.
A scream escaped from my lips.
Azrael was suddenly right next to me.
"What happened?" He asked, grabbing my burnt hand.
It was apple red, with blistered sure to form. The skin was sensitive and I shrunk back at his touch.
"I don't know, I touched the apple, and it was like thrusting my hand in fire." I said.
"Holy water." Azrael answered.
"What?" I asked, confused.
What did holy water have to do with this?
"Holy water, that apple was washed in holy water. That may be why it burnt you." Azrael replied.
Azrael bent down and kissed my hand.
Where his lips grazed, it tingled, and the redness in my hand went away.
"better?" Azrael asked, licking his lips.
I looked at him, horrified.
How did he do that? Why did I let him?
"What?" Azrael asked softly.
My chest constricted.
He reminded me of Emmanuel in that moment.
I turned away.
"I'm not hungry." I said in a firm tone.
"Not taking any chances huh?" Azrael laughed.
"Why are you so happy?" I asked.
"Last time I did that on an angel girl, I got this." Azrael said, turning up his wrists to show scars. The scars looked like many loops and swirls, but then I saw it.
It was as if someone raked their claws in a circle on Azrael's wrists.
"Which angel was it?" I asked, grabbing his wrists and tracing the scars lightly.
"Ozaret." He answered, pulling his wrists back.
"Oh, poor baby." I blurted, before slapping my hand over my mouth.
Azrael raised an eyebrow.
"Oh...I can't believe I said that. I'm empathetic." I said, reddening.
"Oh...that's why." Azrael said, sounding disappointed.
Without any other word, Azrael got up and left, walking towards my room.

What To Do...


I felt as if time stopped. When everything seemed to work again, I found a note in my hand. I opened it.
Dear Emmanuel Slaughter,
I have taken Anastasia to help her until she is back, and hopefully, with the twins. I know you two already decided on Aviance Persephone and Azriel Aaron, But I have to disapprove of Azriel, Aaron, And Persephone. I know the original Azriel, and I know he'll be interested in Zaza, and I don't think you should use Aaron and Persephone because those are religious names, and I didn't want my family forced into god. I know Zaza doesn't like religion. Say 'read the bible' and she will groan. I will invite you to heaven when the twins are born, and rethink the names. Aviance seems like a Zaza name. Also Velvet....and Actaeon...And Zephyr. See you in a week!

I read.
"Where's Staz?" Juliet asked.
If there was anything Juliet liked more than clothing, it would have to be babies.
I showed her the note.
"She left without me!? I bet there's cute angel boys there." Juliet excaimed, pouting.
Okay...Maybe Clothes, then Boys, and then Babies.
"Oh well. I might as well get busy." I shrugged.
I turned and started walking towards the door.
"How?" Juliet asked, running up to me.
I sighed.
"I want to go shopping." I said.
"SHOPPING! I WANT TO GO WITH!" Juliet exclaimed.
I sighed.
"Fine little sis." I said.
Juliet hated it when I called her 'Little Sis' or 'Little Sister'.
"Don't call me that." Juliet said.
"Fine." I said.
We walked out and I was stuck spending the day shopping with Jules.

Mom Of Two


"Oh...that's why." I said, disappointed.
I left, walking towards her room. She called me baby. No, she didn't mean it. She's pregnant, and she obviously wants to marry the father.
"AZRAEL!" She cried, trying to run up to me.
I just realized, I had been running. As she neared, I noticed her cheeks were shining. She had been crying. Why was I falling for her? My curse...
"I'm sorry if I said anything wrong." Anastasia apologized.
"You didn't do anything. I just needed a walk." I lied.
I really thought she liked me, but she was just empathetic. I thought I had a chance. But, why would I? Ever since Lucifer... No, I wouldn't talk about it.
"Really?" Anastasia asked.
I looked away, but still nodded.
"Oh..." She sighed, then yawned.
"I'm tired. I think I'm going to go to sleep." She said.
"I guess I should go home." I said.
This was my chance, but I flunked.
"Please, don't." She said, grabbing my wrist.
The heat in her fingers made me flinch. I'd never felt that. It must be from Lucifer. Why did she have to be his daughter?
"Then, shall I meet up with Eve?" I asked.
She probably meant for me to check in with Eve.
"No." She said, pulling me the rest of the way to her room. "Take a nap with me."
"What?" I exclaimed.
"I'm freezing cold." She said.
"That's a lie. Your skin is warm." I said.
She looked up at me and cocked her head.
"Please." She pleaded, softly whispering it.
"If your mother catches me, I'll be dead." I said, making a last effort.
"Not if you're clothed." She insisted.
She got on her heels and kissed my cheek. Moan.
"Please. How can you say no to a pretty girl like me?" She pleaded, locking her arms around my neck.
How could her boyfriend resist her, when it's killing me to try?
"Fine." I gave in.
She pulled me inside her room, shutting the door. I felt myself flush when she pulled off her pants, and climbed in her bed. I laid down on top of the covers next to her. She yawned again.
"Why won't you get under the covers? I'm freezing over here." She asked, shivering.
"You know, Angels make very good pillows." I replied, snuggling against her.
She was on her side. There was a knock on the door.
"Zaza? Are you in there?" It was Eve.
"Make space between you and me, and face me like you're talking to me." She said.
I did as told.
The door opened and Eve barreled in.
"Not fair, we were just talking. She got cold so she got under the covers. Then you came rampaging in." I complained.
"Not fair, I'm pregnant, I get like, a billion free passes." Anastasia pouted.
"You're acting like you're father when he was younger. Only he wasn't pregnant, he broke his arm." Eve sighed, pulling me up.
"I'm sure he's just like me. I love killing people for the sake of it too. I also don't mind eating human flesh." Anastasia said, rolling her eyes.
"That's hot." I mumbled.
Like a crack of a whip, Eve smacked me across the face. Blood went into my mouth, rolling down my throat, stinging my lungs and my stomach.
"That, I approved of." Anastasia said, getting up.
A hand went over my eyes.
"Are you trying to get him to molest you?" Eve hissed.
There was a gasp, and Eve let go of me, running to Anastasia.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
It was then I realized, Anastasia had only pants and a bra on. I flushed, looking away.
"Get Evangeline and Marcie. And Serafine. Hurry!" Eve demanded.
I ran directly to the room where Evangeline, Marceline, and Serafine were.
"Eve needs you. It's important. Something's wrong with Anastasia." I explained.
They ran off, speeding down the hall to Anastasia and Eve. God, please don't put Anastasia in pain.


A pain went over me. It felt worse than any cramp I had before. Then I felt water leak down my leg. My vision was blurry from my panic, as I dropped to the ground.
"Mom!" I cried.
I couldn't see very well, and I was sleepy.
"Take off your pants." She commanded.
"But, what about Azrael?" I asked.
"He's gone." Eve soothed.
I did as she said. She gasped, causing me to worry.
"What?" I asked.
"Why is it so soon? You just...How? Okay, Zaza, close your eyes." Eve was saying.
I gave in to sleep.
"Zaza. Zaza? Zaza!" A voice was calling.
I heard two cries. Babies. I snapped awake. In front of me was Eve. I was in my 'room', but in the bed. My crotch hurt.
"Thank god, I thought I'd overdosed you on sleep medication. Are you okay?" Eve asked.
"I heard a cry." I said.
"Please tell me she's awake." A male voice asked.
I looked up to see him, worry and love in his eyes.
"I'm hungry." I said.
I was tackled in a hug.
"Oh my god. I was so worried." Emmanuel said, kissing my cheek.
"You're crushing me." I said.
"Do you remember what happened?" Emmanuel asked, laying next to me.
It was then I remembered, I can't lay on my back or stomach.
"No." I said, reajusting.
"Come with me." Emmanuel said, pulling me out of bed.
I was in a night gown and robe.
Emmanuel pulled me outside.
"So this is the boyfriend." A voice said, snickering.
Azrael was leaning in a doorframe.
"Shut up." I said.
"Me? Poor old me? What did I do?" Azrael asked.
"Who's that?" Emmanuel asked.
"I'm leaving. I can't be here for more than one day." I stated.
"A day? Ha. More like a couple weeks." Emmanuel said.
"Aren't you going to show her something?" Azrael asked.
"Shut up." Emmanuel growled.
"Fine then, I'll help Eve." Azrael said, walking past us, into my room.
"Again, who is that?" Emmanuel asked.
"Azrael. The Luke of this place." I said.
"Okay. Come with me." Emmanuel said, pulling me to the kitchen.
Evangeline and Juliet were holding dolls.
No...not dolls. Babies.
Juliet came over to me.
"How could you? You didn't even consider if I wanted to come!" Juliet whined.
She was holding a baby girl.
She had red hair like me, and Emmanuel's eyes.
She blinked her eyes, and my heart melted.
"Oh my god. That's what happened." I said.
"I have the boy." Evangeline said.
"They're so cute." I said.
I sat down on the couch in the next room.
"I can't actually believe I'm an aunt." Juliet said.
An Aunt?
"Jules, is there anything you like better than babies?" Emmanuel asked, sitting down next to me.
"Children." She answered.
I laughed.
"Here." Juliet said, handing me the girl.
It felt as if a lost part of me had been regained.
The baby girl's hair was like velvet.
"Aviance Velvet." I whispered.
"Velvet?" Emmanuel asked.
I looked over at him.
He was holding a baby boy with his staight black hair, and my Yellow eyes that would change to red.
"Why do they look older than they are?" I asked.
"Babies grow fast in heaven. They're about...1 maybe?" Evangeline said.
"Actaeon." Emmanuel said.
"He looks just like your father." Eve said, walking in with Azrael.
"Can I go home?" I asked, yawning.
"How are you still tired?" Azrael asked.
"Please?" I asked.
"Come back soon." Eve said, kissing my forehead.
The next thing I knew, I was home.
"Ah...Home." I said.
"Finally back, huh?" Luke asked, walking up. "Already? That was quick. Three weeks." His voice faltered.
"I'm going to sleep." I said.
"Thwee." A small voice said.
"How are they already talking? They should be like four days old." Luke asked.
"Juliet? Where are you? I'm right here, thanks for asking. jeesh." Juliet said, taking Aviance in her arms.
Aviance struggled.
"No!" Aviance cried.
"Ohmygodatalkingbaby!" Juliet exclaimed.
"Put her down." I said, realizing what Aviance wanted.
Juliet put her down.
She immediately crawled to Luke and sat on his foot.
"Someone get this off my foot." He said.
I scooped Aviance up and set her down in front of me.
"They're so cute." A voice said.
"Father?!" I exclaimed.
"Fawter! Fawter!" Aviance cried.
"I came by with something. Bring Aviance and Actaeon." Lucifer said, his hands behind his back.
"Come on." I said, scooping Aviance up.
I walked with Emmanuel who carried Actaeon, to my room.
Inside, there was an extra door that lead to Emmanuel's room. I peeked inside. The room was painted sky blue on one half, and apple red on the other. Emmanuel's room had been transformed into a baby room.
"Let's go in there." Lucifer said.
"Theww!" Aviance shrieked, struggling again.
I set her down and she crawled to the red side of the room and sat down.
"I'll take Actaeon." I said, taking Actaeon in my arms.
"OOH!" Actaeon said, yanking on my hair.
He must have thought It was funny to pull my hair, because he started laughing.
"Sit down." Lucifer said, smiling at Actaeon.
I sat down, Actaeon and Aviance in my lap, and Emmanuel next to me.
"How did your mother react?" Lucifer asked.
"She knew I wanted to get home, partially because of Azrael, but she did insist I visit." I answered.
"Why are you here?" Emmanuel asked.
"I can't help my children with their babies?" Lucifer asked.
Lucifer placed out several bags.
One was filled with baby blocks, another with baby food, and another with diapers and baby blankets.
"Thanks." Emmanuel said.
"RAWR!" Aviance yelled.
I laughed.
"Rawr? Why Rawr Aviance?" I asked her.
Aviance clapped her hands and said, "Rawr! Rawr! Rawr..."
Aviance stopped when Actaeon started crying.
"Have fun. Come visit me too. Come home, I can help." Lucifer said, kissing my forehead.
He waved to Actaeon and Aviance.
"Bye-Bye." Lucifer said.
"Bye." Actaeon said, finally not crying.
"Here Taeo." Emmanuel said, handing Actaeon a building block.
Juliet walked in and saw Actaeon playing with a building block.
"They're just so cute!" Juliet said, sitting down.
"Hey Jules." Emmanuel said.
"Juice!" Aviance said, clapping her hands.
Juliet smiled.
"Jules." Juliet said.
"Jules." Actaeon said, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Juliet's hair.
He pulled on Juliet's hair and began laughing.
Actaeon looked up at me, and I said, "Ouch Actaeon."
He stopped smiling.
"Ouch?" Actaeon said.
Actaeon crawled over to Juliet and handed her the block before getting in her lap.
"Here." Juliet said, handing Actaeon the block.
"I can't believe it." Emmanuel whispered.
"What?" I asked.
"Ma." Aviance whispered.
Aviance leaned into my stomach and yawned.
I picked up Aviance and set her in the crib.
"NO!" she screamed.
She sounded like a banshee.
"Woohoo, banshee children." Juliet said, rubbing her temples.
"Shhh. Shhh. Aviance." I soothed, Aviance falling asleep.
"What were you saying?" I asked Emmanuel, sitting back down.
"I can't believe within a few weeks I have a family of my own." Emmanuel whispered.
"Imagine what the rest of them would say if they saw you now." Juliet said, stroking Actaeon's hair.
Actaeon was stacking the baby blocks then knocking them over.
"I heard their clan moved downtown. We should send for them right away." Emmanuel said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Our family...At least our family when we were human. They were turned too. We seperated afterwards. Emmanuel and I, and the rest of them together." Juliet answered.
I heard the doorbell.
"DING, DONG!" Actaeon chimed.
"I'll get it." Emmanuel said. "Get changed."
Emmanuel walked out.
"Okay Actaeon, time to sleep." I said, scooping him up.
"NO! NO FAIR!!!" He screamed.
"Yes." I said, placing him in his crib.
I noticed there were two bears in his, one pink,one blue. I grabbed the pink one and placed it next to Aviance, who was asleep.
"Shh. Shhh, Actaeon. Go to sleep." I soothed, stroking his black hair.
He fell asleep.
"Okay, Let's get you ready." Juliet said.
I took a quick shower, then got dressed in a black velvet half-jacket, peach tanktop, and purple skinny jeans.
Juliet braided my hair.
Immediatly after I was dressed, there was a knock at the door.
Emmanuel walked in, Felix behind him.
"He wants to talk to you." Emmanuel said, jerking a thumb at Felix.
"Fine, but not in here. Outside." I said, pushing by them.
I was halfway down the hall when Felix came running up.
Juliet and Emmanuel weren't with him.
"Just you and me? That okay. I don't want to worry about being tackled every other minute." Felix asked, falling in step with me.
"Just make it quick. I've been busy all day, dealing with my mother, then Azrael, then Aviance and Actaeon, then father, and now you. I'm hungry and tired." I said.
"Azrael? Actaeon and Aviance?" Felix asked.
"Azrael, the annoying angel of death. Actaeon and Aviacne, my twins." I explained.
"Already? That was quick. Three weeks." Felix said.
We got outside. Waiting outside, were 7 wolves. Three were gray, three were brown, and one was white.
They all turned back when they saw me. The white one was Damien. The three gray ones were Rhiannon, Keva, and another girl. I didn't know any of the brown wolves.
"You can go." Felix dismissed them.
6 wolves disappeared into the night.
Damien wouldn't leave.
"Not fair. If it weren't for me, you would have never met her. Let me stay." Damien snapped.
"Damien, leave." Felix growled.
"No." Damien snapped.
Damien winced.
"Fine, god. hormonal much?" Damien said, and ran off.
I sat down.
"Sorry about him. I hate my parent's for deciding Samuel ,Rhiannon, Dess, Naomi,and I weren't enough." Felix said.
He sat down next to me.
"It's okay. Why did you come here?" I asked.
"To check on you. To see if you've considered my offer." Felix said.
"Felix...I Don't-" I started to say, but broke off when a gust of wind came.
I shivered.
"Are you cold?" Felix asked.
"No, I'm fine." I lied.
"That's a lie, you have goosebumps. I'll go grab a blanket." Felix said, disappearing into my house.
He came back out with a red fleece blanket.
"Let me guess. You don't want to hurt Emmanuel. I understand. But, what if he leaves, not you. Would you consider it then?" Felix said.
"Felix, please don't. I have enough on my mind already, please, don't. You'll know if I decide." I said.
"Fine. I guess I should let you rest. You can stop by anytime for anything. Realize, I have the whole pack for help. They can help you...well, except for Damien. But, yeah...Bye." Felix said, before leaning in and kissing my cheek.
He turned into his black wolf form and ran off.
I went inside.
"Why was he here?" Emmanuel asked.
"I don't want to talk about it. If you need me, I'll be sleeping like the dead." I said, yawning.
I started to walk back to my room.
"Staz, I got a hold of my family, they want to come here tomorrow. Just to let you know." Emmanuel called.
"Fine with me." I said, before getting to my room and collapsing on my bed.
I woke up to crying.
Wierd, the crying sounded like a child's cry, not a baby's cry.
I looked at the clock.
9:30 am.
I went and checked on Aviance and Actaeon.
If I had been expecting them to age another year overnight, I had been wrong.
They were playing on the floor with one of the maids.
The maid was black-skinned, with dyed-blonde hair and dark-brown eyes.
She looked up at me and smiled nervously.
"I Sorra miss, but them was cryin' uppa storm. I figured ya wouldden mine if I teach them twins how'da stack da squares like em' shouldda go." The maid said, getting up and brushing herself off.
It would be nice to have help with the twins.
"No no, it's fine. Would you mind getting them ready? It would really help, I am busy as can be." I said, holding up a hand to stop her.
"Yeah Miss." The maid said.
Yay, I would have time to check in with Jules before I left.
"Excellent." I said, walking towards the door. "And one more thing."
The maid looked up at me.
"Yes Miss?" The maid asked.
"What is your name?" I asked.
"Absidee, miss." Absidee said.
"Well, Absidee, thank you. I'll send in a letter to have them give you a raise." I smiled, walking out.
I hurried to dress and meet up with everyone. I threw on a short white dress that had red splatters to look like blood, and a hat that was the same. The dress was low-cut, showing a lot of my chest. I grimaced, wanting to cover up with a coat.I shrugged as I threw on lace nylons and black boots. I walked out to see Juliet.
"Hey, girl. I was waiting for you. I have a bet." Juliet said. "But before I start, I must say, If my brothers see you in that dress, it'll drive them wild. There's nothing my brothers like better than a pretty girl in a short dress."
I laughed, but inwardly groaned.
Great, more boys.
Just what I need.
"What's this bet?" I asked, walking with Juliet.
She grinned, her eyes shining.
"Do you like to dance?"
Ah, hell.

Mistakes Were Made


The doorbell rang to the door as I was eating. Anastasia, all I knew was still asleep, and Juliet, was well, being saturday-morning-I-gotta-look-hot-Juliet. Luke had gone to get coffee about an hour ago, and if I was correct probably found a pretty girl.
I got up and threw the door open, expecting Luke.
"Hi, brother." A male voice said.
In front of me stood a couple members of my family.
I had 3 brothers and 3 sisters.
There was Romeo, Juliet's twin brother. He had black hair like mine, though it was slightly longer, and it curled. His chocolate brown eyes looked sad. He was about my height, even though I was older than him by a year. His skin was pale as any other vampire skin would be. Victor and Victoria were identical at one point, except for the fact that they were opposite gender. They both decided to dye their hair different colors. Victor had electric blue hair and Victoria had pink hair. They both still had blue eyes. Brooklyn had hay-blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like the 15-year-old-Juliet. Penelope was always small. She right now was smaller than Juliet. Penelope was Brooklyn's twin, though Brooklyn was tall and Penelope was short like a 12-year-old. Penelope looked like Brooklyn, only she had straight hair and brown eyes. Then came Gideon. He had hay-blonde hair, which went down to his eyes. he had brown eyes, and looked nothing like me.
"Hey. I didn't know you'd be early." I answered Gideon.
"Let me guess, the mundie girl you have is still asleep. I figured we could leave the girls here and go around town." Victor said, smirking.
"What's the girl's name? By the way, hi Manny, long time no see." Penelope asked, her voice like a whisper.
I hated being called Manny.
"Anastasia. Jules is probably bugging her to get ready." I answered.
Victoria nudged past Gideon and Victor to sit down at the table.
"What? I feel like a stranger standing here." Victoria asked, when Romeo glared.
"Come in. I'll go find Jules. Stay here. And don't break or kill anything while I'm gone." I said, walking out. I ran into Jules.
She was walking with Anastasia, who was struggling with two pissed off 1-year-olds.
"Oof! Sorry Emmanuel! I'm walking Staz to her mom's. Scratch that, I'm just talking to her. She's dropping Aviance and Actaeon off with her parents." Juliet said.
"I was thinking to let Dad watch Actaeon and Aviance with Eve. Relax, Dad raised me well, and same with Eve." Anastasia said, trying not to drop Aviance.
"Okay. My family's already here." I said, a second before both Eve and Lucifer appeared.
Eve had brought that angel, Azrael with her. He grinned at Anastasia.
"Hey. You looked like you needed help. We figured you'd want us to pick them up." Lucifer said, barely noticing Azrael and Eve.
"Lucifer," Eve said at the same time that Lucifer said, "Eve,"
"Here." Anastasia said, handing Aviance and Actaeon to her parents.
"Bye Staz." Azrael said, before all three of them left.
"Hey, Brooklyn, Victoria, and Penelope are staying here, we thought you'd want to do something like, I don't know...Anyways, The boys and I are going to make a quick arrend." I said.
"Kay kay." Anastasia said, sighing.
The time with Romeo, Gideon, and Victor flew by.


"Are you serious?! I won't do that!" I exclaimed.
"Come on! You can choose what will happen if I lose." Juliet begged.
"Fine. If I win, you have to...Pay for everything I buy all next month. Even if that means you get a job." I said.
"Fine." Juliet said.
"I've got my money on Juliet." The girl, Brooklyn said.
"I think Anastasia." Penelope said.
"Me too." Victoria said.
Juliet powered on the Wii.
"What three songs?" Juliet asked.
"Toxic, When I grow up, and Hot'n'Cold." I answered.
We started with Hot'n'Cold on Just Dance 2. I lost that one.
Then we did When I grow up.
I almost sighed when I won.
There was no way I was going to lose.
I wouldn't.
"Hey, dude. That's one hot girl." I heard a male voice say. The door creaked open, which happened to be under the flat-screen TV as we started Toxic.
"I think we have an audience." Juliet smirked.
I did the dance, ignoring all of the hushed nasty comments from the boys peeking in. I was wanting to stop and cover my chest at the shimmy parts. I felt as if any moment, the dress wouldn't cover me, showing more of my chect or crotch.
Someone whistled at the end of the song.
It was a tie between me and Juliet.
"Crap, a tie." I said.
"I say Staz won." Emmanuel said, opening the door, three boys tumbling in.
They turned red, as if they were embarrassed to be caught spying.
"I second that vote." A boy said.
"Shut up Gideon, you just want to sleep with her." Juliet snapped.
"I say the girl in the dress won too." Another boy said.
"You too, Romeo? Letting your own twin lose a bet." Juliet sighed and said.
Romeo. This was the boy I was supposed to kiss if I had lost.
"Ha! get ready to pay up, all month." I said, grinning.
"You two were in the middle of a bet?" Emmanuel asked..
"Yes. And now I don't have to pay for anything all month." I grinned.
"Sweet." Romeo said.
"Staz. These are my brothers. Romeo, Gideon, and Victor. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Anastasia." Emmanuel said.
I heard someone stifle a groan.
It was Romeo.
"Do you have a problem with that?" I snapped.
"N-no." Romeo stuttered, flushing.
"See told you he wanted to sleep with her," Juliet muttered.
"SHUT UP!" Romeo yelled.
My stomach growled.
"Guess we should go eat." Brooklyn said.
"Fine." Romeo said, looking at Emmanuel.
"Ooh! There's a Chili's in Encino." Penelope said.
"That sounds good to me." Victoria said.
"But, what about...Never mind." I said.
I locked eyes with Emmanuel.
I silent conversation passed between us.
"Hey, love birds, stop gawking at each other. Let's go." Victoria snapped.
"Gonna be hard to seat 10." Luke said, walking in.
"Luke." Gideon and Romeo said at the same time.
"Gideon, Romeo." Luke said,
"Hey Princess." Luke smirked.
"I will kill you while you sleep." I said sweetly.
"You're killin' me girl." Luke grinned.
I flipped him off.
"Ouch." I heard Romeo whisper.
"Let's go." I said, sighing.
I walked next to Emmanuel, who messed with my hair.
"I really hate it when you do that." I said.
"I know, but I still like to mess with you." Emmanuel grinned.
"Of course you like to mess with her, but not just with her hair." I heard Romeo say.
"What is your problem with me? Why are you treating me like a stupid mundie?" I snapped.
"I thought you were a mundie." Romeo said, sounding confused.
"No! I'm not even close! I'm from heaven and i'm-" I was cut off.
"I always wondered what an angel was like in bed," Romeo said, giving me a cocky smile.
I felt my cheeks flush. I was embarrassed by that.
"I-Im also...part devil." I said quietly.
"What? Do you actually expect me to believe your the daughter of Lucifer?" Romeo laughed. It was deep and seductive.
"Yes, in fact how much do you want to bet I can turn into his messager, an owl?" I asked.
"If you're wrong, You have to..." Romeo said, before pulling me in and whispering, "Sleep with me tonight."
I felt myself blush even harder.
"Fine, If I'm right, you'll be the one paying for lunch." I said, nearly stuttering.
Sleep? With Romeo?
No. Fucking. Way.
"Kay then, do it, before we reach the car." Romeo said, leering at me.
I willed myself to turn into a Owl.
It didn't work.
Sorry Stazzy, Can't help you change into an owl, dealing with Actaeon. Sorry! Owe you one.

Lucifer whispered in my mind.
"I-I can't." I said, defeated.
Romeo grinned.
"Yes!" He sighed.
"Ah, hell!" I exclaimed.
"What? What do you have to do?" Emmanuel asked.
"Nothing. I-I'll tell you later." I said, barely whispering.
"Milady, I have the limo ready for you and your guests." A boy said, holding out a set of keys.
I tensed, along with Emmanuel.
"Yes, thank you." I said nonchalantly, grabbing the keys.
"May I drive you?" Felix asked.
"Yes. You can do that right?" I asked, sounding like a snob.
"Of course milady." Felix said, hurrying over to open the back door.
"You're that rich?" Penelope asked.
"Yep." I answered, stepping in the car. my shoulder brushing Felix's.
He shivered.
"Whoa!" Brooklyn exclaimed.
"Hot and rich. You did good Emmanuel." Romeo said, being the last one to step in.
Felix slammed the door on Romeo's hand.
Romeo cried out in pain.
I rushed to him, opening the door`and caressing his hand against my chest.
His fingers were bruised and bleeding.
"Oh, I'm so sorry about that. Are you okay?" I apologized.
"Watch out Anastasia, he'll go for second base if you hold his hand there." Juliet warned.
I heard laughter behind me.
"Don't listen to them. They hate me." Romeo said, before he kissed me on the lips.
My gasp was muffled by his lips as he pulled me against him.
"What the fuck Romeo?!" Emmanuel growled, pulling me away from Romeo.
Anger boiled inside me. Am I just some sort of sex toy to boys?!
I struggled away from Emmanuel's grip and slapped Romeo across the face. His face looked as if a tiger had attacked him. There were claw marks where I had slapped him, blood dripping from his face.
"Bitch." He gasped, rubbing his clawed cheek.
Everyone beside me froze, their silence looming around me.
The door to the limo flew open, and a hand grabbed me.
Felix pulled me out. He pulled me against him, his arms around my waist
"Are you okay?" Felix asked against my hair.
"Let go of me so I can beat the crap outta Romeo." I said, struggling against his grip.
"But are you okay?" Felix asked.
"Yes, know let me the hell go. Are you asstarded? Or are you going to fucking gawk at me like i'm somedamnthing in a fucking petri dish?" I snapped.
Felix flinched.
"Anastasia! I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." Romeo said, jumping out of the car.
His face had already healed, but there was a look of pain in his chocolate brown eyes. It was amazing how much he looked like Azrael.
Instinctively, I growled.
Felix let go of me.
"Anastasia, get back in here." Gideon called from the limo.
"Romeo, have fun walking to the restaurant." I said, geting in the limo and locking Romeo out. He banged ont the door.
"Hey, let me in!" He called.
"Let him in," Victoria said.
She opened the door, and Romeo tumbled onto me. His hands were on my chest.
"Sorry." Romeo said, getting up.
"Just stay away from me." I growled, getting up and sitting on Emmanuel's lap. His hands wrapped around my torso. I sighed, leaning back into him.
"Romeo, I'm going to kill you while you sleep. Don't ever do that to my girlfriend again." Emmanuel growled.
"She can talk on her own." Felix said, hopping in the back of the limo.
"Who cares what you think? Why don't you just scamper up to the driver seat and get us where we want to go!" Brooklyn snapped.
"I can't put up with this anymore." Felix muttered, coming up and grabbing my wrist. I felt the vibration of Emmanuel growling.
"Come on, Can't I have one day were someone isn't trying to steal me?!" I snapped, prying my way out of Emmanuel's arms and ducking out of Felix's grasp. "Can't you go molest some other girl?"
I hopped out of the limo, realizing that we were already at Chili's.
"Look who returns." A voice snickered.
Damien walked up, four other boys with him. They were all blonde, but one had green eyes, one blue, one gray, and one brown. the green eyed one raised his eyebrows at me.
"Fuck off Damien." I growled.
"My brother find you? You'd think he'd move on, but I guess not." Damien smirked. "I guess I might as well put you to use. I'll meet you in my bedroom, in about... 3 minutes."
I flipped him off.
"You're still attractive when you do that." Damien teased.
"Can't you stop molesting me for one minute? I've had a hard...How long has it been...Life. I'm hungry and I've got four other boys that were molesting me in that limo. I don't need to add you and your little gang to the list." I snapped.
They all raised their eyebrows.
"Emmanuel and Jules invited a few...friends to hang out. add your brother, Luke, and Emmanuel, and you have four, see?" I said, talking to Damien as if he was stupid.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Fine, I won't tease you. Come with me, I can get you away from here. I promise, no funny buisiness." Damien said, holding out a hand.
"You promise?" I asked, inching closer.
"I promise." He said, grabbing my wrist and whispering something to the blondes. They nodded as Damien pulled me into an alley and pressed me against a wall.
"Ssh." Damien whispered, pressing himself closer to me.
He was so close, that if I tried to take in a gulp of air, it would hurt.
"Sorry if I'm hurting you." Damien whispered, before lowering his voice. "It should be right next to her head..." he trailed off, pressing his hands beside my head, caging me in. I felt the wall slip back before Damien fell on top of me, pushing me backwards into a secret room. It was dim and it smelled a lot like Damien; cologne and lemons. I breathed in the smell, relaxing.
"What? Sorry." Damien asked, as the wall closed us in. He got up and held out his hand.
I grasped it and he helped me up.
He had his cocky grin on when he said, "I've never had a girl in here before. This is my room. My real room."
I looked around me, I could only make out an unmade bed, a dresser, nightstand, desk, closet, lamp, and then I realized that there were clothes on the ground.
"Really, can't you at least clean up after yourself?" I broke off as Damien sighed.
He swooped down and picked up all of the clothes on the ground and tossed it into a hamper.
"Can you turn on the light? I'd like it if I didn't feel as if you were going to try to make out with me at any second." I complained.
The light flicked on to reveal Damien in front of me.
"Are you always so bossy? Where is the fun in that?" He asked, smirking.
"Are you suggesting I'm not fun? I can find people who beg to differ." I said, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer to me.
His lips found mine and I gasped, backing up against a wall.
"Maybe I was wrong." Damien muttered.
His hand went under my dress, but I pushed him away before he could maul my legs.
"Sorry." Damien apologized.
"DAMIEN! ARE YOU IN THERE?" Felix's voice came from the door.
"Go away, Felix." Damien growled, kissing me again.
"I'LL COME IN IF YOU DON'T COME OUT, DAMIEN." I heard Emmanuel growl.
"I SAID GO THE HELL AWAY!" Damien yelled, detaching from me.
"God, can't they just leave me alone?" I whispered.
"It could be worse," Damien said, a little too loud.
"Who's in there with you, Damien?" Felix asked, before there was a click and Felix said, "Aha! I found the handle and lock!"
"Shit," I muttered.
"Go hide in the closet, it's empty." Damien whispered.
I ran to the closet and hid inside it, closing the door.
It was dark, and as promised, I was the only thing in the closet.
"Told you I was going to find the door one day," I heard Felix say.
"Did you really have to show that leech how to get into my room. He could kill me while I sleep now. Dammit," Damien said.
"I sware, I saw her go with him in here," Said a voice I had never heard before.
"Really, Jax? I thought I could trust you to keep your mouth shut." Damien growled.
Jax laughed, "I bet he hid her in here when you pounded on the door. It smells like perfume in here now."
I silently felt around, hoping for a secret door, or something that would hide me better.
I felt a little secret room, that went far enough back to hide me from view. I scootched in, finding a box to hide the passage way.
"Damn, maybe he pissed her off and she left, unless he shoved her in the closet." Jax said.
I heard a door open, and light strained to get past the box. In panic, I willed myself to look like an owl. This time it worked.
"What about behind that box?" Emmanuel said, and the box moved back.
"Fine, do you want to know where she is? I hid her in that room. We were making out before you rudely interrupted. Go ahead, take her." Damien growled.
"Anastasia? Kissing you? I doubt it. She hates you, remember?" Felix laughed.
"That room goes pretty far back, let me look." Emmanuel said, and I saw him come in.
I panicked and I lost my owl form.
Emmanuel came face to face with me.
"Staz, what are you doing here?" Emmanuel whispered.
"Looks like I can trust Damien." I muttered.
"Come on." Emmanuel whispered, grabbing my hand.
"No." I whispered.
"Come. On." Emmanuel gritted his teeth.
"No, I know why you want me to come. If you're so focused on showing off that you were successful in life to your family, then why bother with my safety?" I growled.
"Staz." Emmanuel sighed.
"I'm going home." I said, and I found myself in heaven.
Or, to be exact, I found myself in front of Azrael. God, why did he have to be so hot?
"Anastasia? What are you doing here?" Azrael asked.
"I need a break." I said, sitting on the bed in the room.
"No, I mean what are you doing in my room?" Azrael asked.
"What do you want to do?" I asked, trying to sound seductive.
I really needed a distraction.
"What about your asshole of a boyfriend, Emmanuel? Won't he kill you if he found out?" Azrael asked, sitting next to me.
"I got into a fight with him. Don't worry, I'll only feel better if I piss him off." I said, turning and pulling Azrael on top of me.
His lips found mine and we were kissing. I felt peace with Azrael.
"Never thought you'd favor me enough to give me...the only thing I wanted, God." Azrael muttered.
"distract me even more, Azrael. Whatever you want, take it." I said, deepening the kiss.
The next thing I knew, Azrael and I were naked, tangled in a mess of sheets.
"You sure?" Azrael asked, kissing me.
"Will I get pregnant?" The words came out without me wanting them to.
"No, it's not possible on heaven." Azrael said.

Thats What I Get...


I slept with Azrael.
Best. Distraction. Ever.
I wasn't left bruised like with Emmanuel and Luke.
"Did I hurt you?" Azrael asked as we got dressed.
"No." I answered.
As soon as we were about to go out, there was pounding on the door.
"Azrael! Are you coming or not?" it was a male voice.
"Just a second Gabriel." Azrael called.
"Here." Azrael said, tossing me a bag.
I opened it.
It had all of my stuff that I use to get ready.
"How did you get this?" I asked, before I quickly ran in his bathroom and got ready.
"I can make anything appear," Azrael said.
"I'll kill you if you ever try to snag one of my bra's, just so I'll come to get it back." I said.
"You can't kill me, I'M THE ANGEL OF DEATH, REMEMBER? Also, I'm not Luke." Azrael said.
I tensed at the name.
"Sorry," Azrael said, coming up to me and kissing me.
"God, Gabriel, don't have a panic attack." Azrael laughed and opened the door.
In front of us was a tall boy with copper-red hair and mossy green eyes. He was somewhere between tan and pale.
Gabriel raised his eyes at me, and glared at Azrael.
"Really? You snagged a new angel to fuck? Never thought a girl would like you, Rae." Gabriel said.
"I guess I should leave," I said, trying to push past Gabriel. He blocked me.
"What's your name, babe?" Gabriel asked.
"I can see you eying my chest, boy. Why do you want to know my name?" I snapped.
"Just tell him, or else he'll through a tantrum." Azrael said.
"I'm Anastasia. Anastasia Gray. Now let me the hell go!" I snapped.
"Gray huh? You know that's the name Lucifer took up, right?" Gabriel said.
"I know. He's my father." I said, trying to push past him.
"Prove it." Gabriel said.
"I'll prove it. You goin' by Eve's place? She'll tell you. I'm her daughter." I snapped.
"Oh, she'll want to hear how I saw you and Azrael come out of his room if that's true." Gabriel smirked.
His eyes glazed over and he dropped to the ground.
"Gabriel, you will listen to my every whim. You will forget to tell Eve of what happened, or you will meet your death." Azrael growled.
I looked over to him. His eyes were red and his hands looked like claws. Black rimmed my vision.
I gasped.
He changed back and said, "That only happens when I put a death threat out. Don't worry."
I passed out.
I awoke on Eve's couch, Azrael looking at me. Worry was in his expression. It was dark, making Azrael look sexy and mysterious. In the distance I could hear music blazing.
"Anastasia, are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm hungry." I said, sitting up.
"How long has it been since you ate?" Azrael asked.
"Since before I knew I was pregant with twins." I said.
"Crap, let's get some food in you." Azrael said.
I got up and Azrael led me into the next room. A party was going on.
"EVE! GET OVER HERE! GABRIEL!" Azrael shouted over the music.
Eve and Gabriel appeared in front of me.
"Babydoll, what are you doing here? Are you okay? You look sick." Eve asked, hugging me.
"Hungry...Squishing me...Ouch." I said, forcing the air out.
"Oh, sorry." Eve said.
I got woozy.
"Food, got it." Gabriel said, suddenly holding a plate with food.
"I don't want that," I said, trying to sound insistant.
"Oh, right, I forgot, you were raised on your father's food. I'll be right back. Don't pass out." Eve said, suddenly back with my favorite, human jerky.
"Is that..." I trailed off.
"It is." Eve said, thrusting it in my hands. I tore into the bag and ate a few peices. It tasted a lot like beef jerky, and alligator.
"What is this?" Azrael asked, eating a piece.
"Jerky, like beef jerky, made from human meat." I said, eating even more.
Azrael gagged.
Gabriel laughed.
"Is it really?" Azrael asked.
"Yes. It doesn't taste bad. I've had some more morbid foods. I'm sure you haven't eaten cat eyes, fried butterfly wings, or human leg. Though I myself haven't had cow testicles." I said, throwing out things that were surely going to gross them out.
"Cow?" Azrael said.
"Testicles?" Gabriel said.
Both Azrael and Gabriel paled.
I laughed.
I doubled over, cramps shooting up my legs, ending at my stomach.
"Zaza! Are you okay?" Eve asked.
"Crap, I think an angel just got pregnant." Gabriel muttered.
"What?" Eve asked, worried.
"I'm not sure, but..." I didn't hear the rest of what Gabriel said.
I don't remember anything afterwards.


A human week later:
I was home.
Aviance and Actaeon were older. As in 10 years old older. Actaeon's black hair almost covered his eyes. Aviance's cherry red hair fell in tendrils at her butt.
Oh, yeah, also, I was pregnant with Azrael's child. Or children.
"Emmanuel." I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.
"Yeah?" Emmanuel asked.
"I'm pregnant." I said grimly. "With Azrael's child. Or children. I'm so sorry." I said.
"What?! How could you do that to us? What about those children? What about ours? You just had to fuck that angel?! WHY ARE YOU TURNING INTO A SLUT?! YOU'RE DISGUSTING AND A LOW BITCH!" Emmanuel yelled.
Something snapped.
"That's it. I can't stay here. I have to leave. Now. Were done Emmanuel." I said, running out. I grabbed Aviance and Actaeon and left for Heaven. I fell on Azrael.
"Ouch!" Aviance, Actaeon, Azrael, and I yelled in unison.
"Anastasia? What's wrong?" Azrael asked, getting up.
"I dumped him. He called me a slut, bitch, and was saying how of course I had to fuck an angel and all that." I whispered.
"Looks like you're living here." Azrael said.
"What about daddy? Is he staying too?" Aviance asked.
"Baby Doll...How do I say this...Daddy and I are broken up. It's just us three now." I said.
"Can Azrael be our daddy?" Aviance asked, sounding as if she was going to cry.
"Honey, it doesn't work like that." Azrael said, picking up Aviance. "But I can be if you'll stop crying."
"Yay!" Aviance said grimly, wiping her eyes.
"Baby? Is that you? And Actaeon and Aviance?" Eve asked coming up.
"Azrael, can you watch Taeo and Avi?" I asked, before walking off with Eve.
"Mom, I need to tell you something." I said.
"What?" Eve asked.
"I slept with Azrael. I'm pregnant with his child or children. Emmanuel and I broke up when he found out. I'm staying with Azrael." I blurted.
"Ohh-kay," Eve sighed. "Guess I should enroll Avi and Taeo in angel school."
"Thanks mom. Can you watch Avi and Taeo, I need to talk with Azrael." I asked.
"Hey, you going to talk to him about your children? I know the details. You and Azrael must have been busy. You're having quintuplets. Two boys, three girls." Gabriel said, walking with us.
"What?!" I exclaimed.
Five babies? Shit, I can barely handle two.
"Yeah. Don't worry, Evvie and Marcie will help when they get back from Earth." Gabriel said before walking off.
"Well, shit." I muttered.
"Apparently Azrael's excellent in the bedroom," Eve muttered.
"I'm going to kill you." I threatened.
"You have to beat me back to Azrael to kill me," Eve taunted before running off. I kicked off my boots and ran after her. She beat me.
"Azrael." I breathed.
"What?" He asked.
"May I talk to you, alone?" I asked.
"Yeah. Eve, can you take them to the park?" Azrael asked.
"Hey Eve!" A girl with Blonde hair and my eyes ran up.

"Hey Sugar!" Eve said.
"Hey girl! Hi Azrael." Sugar-Motta said.
"Sugar, this is my daughter Anastasia. Zaza, this is Sugar." Eve said.
"Hi." Sugar said before she dropped her voice. "Is it me, or is Azrael checking out your butt?"
"What?!" I said, flushing.
"He is." She said in a normal voice, pointing to Azrael.
"Sorry." He said, looking away. I saw him blush.
"Okay, Sugar, weren't you just leaving?" Eve asked, ushering Aviance and Actaeon towards the door.
"Ohh...Yeah right. Bye yo'all!" She said, disappearing as quickly as she appeared.
"Bye Mommy!" Aviance and Actaeon said, before they too left with Eve.
That left me alone with Azrael.
Azrael. Actaeon. Aviance. That's my family.
I laughed.
"What?" Azrael asked.
"I just realized, Aviance and Actaeon. You and I. Didn't mean for it, but my family all starts with A. Except for my parents." I said.
"Oh. So, since we're alone..." Azrael said, getting closer to me. His voice had became deep and seductive.
"I need to talk to you." I said, pushing him away.
"What? Is it about our...situation?" Azrael asked.
"Yeah." I said grimly.
"So..." Azrael asked.
"Were screwed." I said.
"How?" Azrael asked.
"Quintuplets." I said. "Three girls, two boys."
"We're not screwed. Angels often have many children. It's abnormal for an angel couple to have less than 7 children." Azrael said, kissing me.
"I want you to help me name them," I said, pushing away from him.
"Persephone." Azrael stated the one word with such certainty.
"I almost named Aviance that, anything else?" I agreed.
"Aadne and Davion."
"Ahdd-nee? Dahv-ee-uhn?" I asked, pronouncing them how he had.
"Ahdd-nee. Spelled A-a-d-n-e. Dahv-ee-uhn. Spelled D-a-v-i-o-n." Azrael answered.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Rain. Spelled R-a-e-n-n-e." Azrael asked.
"I have a few. Vanity, Vesper, Sugar, Abcde, Caspian, Xzavier." I listed off the names I liked.
"Vanity Abcde, Vesper Sugar, Xzavier Caspian?" Azrael asked, sounding grim.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm sorry I got you pregnant. I should have been careful. I wasn't." He apologized grimly, his eyes shining.
"Azrael. It was bound to happen. Angels are like rabbits, as you said. They have a lot of babies, no?" I asked.
"Are you implying that I'm a small furry animal?" Azrael laughed.
"Hey, don't diss bunnies, they're cute." I said, pouting.
Azrael laughed harder.
"I now know where Aviance got her innocent cute girliness. She got it from you." Azrael said, sighing.
"Hey!" I pouted again.
"Fine then, I'll shut up." Azrael said, coming up and kissing my cheek.
"I'm angry at you." I said, still looking away.
"Why?" Azrael asked.
My stomach growled.
"Damn it," I said as Azrael laughed into the back of my head.
"What, is everything going directly to the children?" Azrael laughed.
"I'm self concious already, I don't need you constantly laughing at me." I pouted.
"Hey, I'll get you something to eat, but I need to tell you something." Azrael said, turning me around to face him.
"What?" I asked, staring into his eyes.

He's Back From The Dead?!


He pulled me out of the hotel-like house.
"You're mom is thinking on sending you back to school, well... an angel school. She's worried you'll drop out. Plus, Angels don't have a purpose if they don't choose a job. I chose Death and stuff like that. Gabe chose love. Eve, well, she was the first angel lover of Adam, since Lilith was a demon. You were the second angel, and you need a purpose." Azrael paused, taking another breath. "You'll be able to choose many fields because of all the experience from Lucifer..." Azrael trailed off as he lead me to a cloudy edge.
"Why are we here?" I asked.
"To jump. Eve's the only one that can teleport. The rest of us plummet out of the sky." Azrael said before adding, "It doesn't hurt. You fly. You have wings right?"
I unfurled my golden-white wings.
"Amazing. Only angels can have white, and only devils can have gold. Cool." Azrael muttered.
He turned and unfurled his taupe-gray wings and jumped off heaven. I followed him. Time seemed to slow down, as I folded my wings in close to my back and shot down faster. The wind rushed against my face. I unfolded my wings when I was next to Azrael. He grinned. We landed on the ground. In the middle of a high school. A sign in the distance read, AVALON HIGH: HOME OF THE ANGELS

. The sign was rusted,covered mostly with green moss, but the blue lettering was still readable. Many kids rushed by, not even glancing at us. Why were we at a school?
"I thought we were going to get food!" I exclaimed.
"I didn't mean to end up here! I swear! Let's go before-" Azrael was cut off.
"OH MY GOD! THAT'S AZRAEL!" A girl exclaimed loudly.
Everyone stared at us, pivoting to see what the big commotion was about. Crud.
"Azrael? THE Azrael?" A bunch of kids were asking. A lot of girls ran up to him, attempting to flirt with him, ask him out, or just say hi.
"Um...Are you the real Azrael?" Each girl asked him, one after another.
I was pushed away from him. Directly into someone. I tripped over a rock and fell backwards onto them. There was a grunt from under me and I got off of him. It was a boy. He had spiked yellow blonde hair and almond hazel eyes that looked at me in surprise. He was in a black tee-shirt and khaki pants. He was taller than me, about the same size as Azrael. He was skinny, and not very muscular, but then again, I could be wrong.

"I'm so sorry. I was pushed into you." I apologized.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"You don't remember me? I thought you would, considering since we were childhood friends, Vix." He said, sighing exasperated.
I was speechless. My only friend was Hunter from my childhood. But, he had been dead.
This can't be him! How? I saw him with my own eyes burst into flames, becoming nothing but ash!
"I know what you are thinking. In case you don't remember, I'm Hunter. Hunter Stark." Hunter said.
"Stupid girls, paying attention to that hotshot...Who's that talking to Hunter? She's hot." A male voice said from behind Hunter.
"Vix, are you okay? Are you in shock? I know you saw me burst into flames, but I didn't die. I was called back to Earth." Hunter said, stepping closer to me.
"But, How? Papa said you were dead. I witnessed you turn to a pile of ash. I...I cried." I asked, sounding horrified.
"I know." Hunter had me look at his face. He lowered his voice. "Can I tell you something?"
His voice was deep and seductive when he talked like that. His eyes glinted a golden. I stifled a sigh. He had grown up to be so handsome! Why do guys have to be so handsome?
"Who's that talking to Hunter? Oh no, she is NOT stealing the hottest boy in school from us." A girl said, but Hunter ignored her. As did I.
"What?" I asked.
"This whole time, I saved myself, just in case you came back. I had a crush on you. I still do, Vix." Hunter whispered into my ear.
That shocked me almost as much as finding out he was alive. He was always just my friend. I never thought he could like me, but I had had a crush on him. My parent's would ask who I wanted to marry when I grew up, and if Hunter wasn't there, I'd say, "I'm gonna marry Hunter!" I felt like I might pass out.
"Hey! He's ours!" A girl said, before pulling me away from Hunter. She was blonde, her face full of freckles. She raised her hand to slap me, but, Hunter grabbed the girl's wrist.
"Don't, Seraphina." Hunter warned.
"But, Hunter-" Seraphina said.
"No, don't. I don't like girls who hurt an innocent girl." Hunter said, his tone sexy. He looked handsome, and it was then I knew why all the girls liked him. He wasn't mean, he was gorgeous, his voice sounded perfect when he talked like that, AND HE WAS SINGLE!
Seraphina ran off, embarrassed.
"I would have beat the crap outta that girl if she slapped me, and that would be self defense." I said, crossing my arms.
"I remember you used to call it Beat-the-crap-outta-someone-then-run-like-a-bat-outta-hell. That was funny. Remember?" Hunter asked, laughing.
"Yes." I said, laughing with him.
"No, I can't. I need to find my friend and leave. Let me go." Azrael was saying, before he came up, looking wild. His hair was wild,as if he had been placed in a chicken pen, his eyes worried and hyper. I giggled.
"Freaking animals." Azrael muttered.
"You should see yourself Azrael. You looked like lion with your hair." I giggled, nearly doubling over.
"Not fair. Come on, I thought you were hungry." Azrael said, trying to drag me away.
"You know Azrael? Damn, you've changed." Hunter said, trying not to laugh at Azrael, who was fighting with his lion-mane black hair.
"Just a second, Azrael. Go ahead, I'll meet up with you. I dropped a bracelet somewhere, I have to find it." I lied.
Azrael nodded, before he unfolded his wings and flew off.
"Did you really drop a bracelet?" Hunter asked.
"No, but I don't need to deal with a jealous sort-of-boyfriend. Here," I said, grabbing a sharpie and writing my number on his arm. "We should catch up sometime. That's my cell. I gotta go. Bye."
I took off, unfolding my wings and flying up to Azrael.
"Who was that boy, Vix?" Azrael asked, annoyed and protective.
"My childhood friend I thought was dead," I answered.


Anastasia. She looked so much older and mature. Also hotter. She was just cute before I left, but it seems that I missed her peaking years, the years a girl goes from cute to hot. I had missed her all my life. Imagine how she felt when I had burst into flames! Poor thing, poor baby. She was so hot in her silver Grecian dress.
"Damn, she was so hot." I muttered in the middle of class.
"Hunter, do you have something you'd like to say to the class?" My teacher asked.
"No, sorry. Thinking out loud." I said, my head down.
"As I was saying, We are studying the children of Hell. The most known child was the first child of Eve and Satan, or Lucifer, was Anastasia Vixen-Nyx. She was seen by the eyes of few men in hell, but she kept away from people. She was noted to shun clothing for whatever reason. It was said that angry rattlesnakes wouldn't bite her, but would be calmed by her presence. It is also said that she is the Incarnate of several Greek goddesses. I have a list of the goddesses she was said to be the Incarnate of. I also have a couple of pictures, and I want to see how many of you were paying attention. Miguel, can you pass out an envelope to each pair? Class, you will pair up in groups of three. Girls with girls and boys with boys. Go ahead." The teacher said, Handing Miguel a stack of envelopes.
Learning? About Anastasia? How Ironic.
"Miguel! Rafael! Pair up with me?" I called.
"Okay!" They said in unison.
Rafael and Miguel were identical twins. They were Mexican; both had black hair and green eyes.
After Miguel had passed out all of the envelopes, Rafael, him and I sat at our table.
"Best class ever. We get learn about a hot girl who shunned clothing." Rafael said.
I grabbed the envelope and opened it. Inside, there was a couple of laminated photos and a packet of paper.
"Let's start with the pictures. On the packet, we have to Identify which one is most accurate." I said, reading the packet.
I pulled out the pictures, there were three, all thin and laminated.

"Damn," Rafael muttered.
"It's the first one." I said, while Rafael and Miguel gawked at the naked pictures.
"You sure?" Miguel asked.
"I'm positive. Remember, Snakes were attracted to her? Not birds." I said.
I quickly jotted down picture. We then looked at the long list of who she was believed to be the incarnate of: Nyx, Nemesis, Styx, Lyssa, Oizys, Eris, Asterope, Chrysothemis, Hesperia, Achlys, Apate, Tisiphone, Alecto, Megaera, Philotes, Aegle, Arethusa, Erytheia, Lipara, Hemera, Anaplekte, Ker, Stygere, Nosos, Artemis, Persephone, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena.
"Wow." Miguel said, peering at the list.
"I know." Rafael said, doing exactly the same.
While they went back to gawking at the naked pictures, I filled out the packet.
"We're done." I said, handing the teacher the packet.
"I just need the packet. The rest you can throw away." The teacher said.
"Okay." I said as she looked through the packet.
"Wow! You're completely correct!" The teacher exclaimed. "Class, If Hunter's group can get 100%, so can you. Get to it!"
There were a lot of stifled groans.
"Dude, how do you know so much about this babe?" Miguel asked.
"Yeah." Rafael said.
"I study a lot, unlike you two." I shrugged.
"I don't believe that." Rafael said.
"Give us the real reason." Miguel agreed.
"Fine, I'll tell you tomorrow." I said.
When the bell rang, I made a call.

Delivery For Ms.Gray...


My phone rang in the diner.
"Szia?" I answered, just feeling like speaking Hungarian.
"I'm sorry I must have the wrong number." A male voice said.
It was Hunter.
"Don't hang up, Hunter. It's me. What do you want?" I quickly said, trying to stop Hunter from hanging up.
"Oh. You sound different when you speak Hungarian." Hunter said. "I was wondering, what were you doing at Avalon High? Are you planning on enrolling?"
"Oh, well..." I looked up to see Azrael looking at me, a Who-is-it-and-what-do-they-want look on his face. "Just a second. I'm putting you on hold, okay?"
"Kay." Hunter said.
"What does he want?" Azrael snapped.
"He's wondering why we came to Avalon high and If I was enrolling. Can I tell him?" I answered with a question.
Azrael nodded. I took Hunter off hold.
"Hunter." I said.
"Yeah? So..."
"Yes. I am." I answered.
There was a silence.
"When?" He asked.
"When?" I repeated.
"Tomorrow." Azrael said.
"Tomorrow." I repeated.
"Oh, well. I thought it was Ironic. In my class, We learned about a girl named Anastasia Vixen-Nyx. Thought that was interesting." He said.
WHAT?! They were teaching Pre-Angels about me? Please tell me they didn't involve that one hot summer...I shivered at the thought.
"Wow." Was all I said.
"Yeah. We learned the basics. They delve more into her tomorrow." Hunter said.
"Hey, Hunter! Who ya talkin' to? Let me see! Just wanna say hi." A male voice said in the background.
"Miguel, no! Don't grab for the phone!" Hunter said before there was a thud.
"Hey, who's this?" Miguel said.
"Um...Who are you? Can you put Hunter on the phone? Please." I asked.
"Oh, talkin' to a babe, Hunt? Let me just say a few more things." Miguel said to Hunter in the background.
"So, ya free? Ya out with Hunter? He no a good novio. Ai chica, no novio Hunter. Si? No?" Miguel said. "salvar a su cuerpo para mi chica. Te arrepentirás si no lo hace, la princesa."
Miguel laughed before hanging up. I had no idea what he said. Spanish is NOT my subject. I can say a total of two things in a few languages, not including Fidele, which I know by heart. In other words, I speak American and Demon. As if my body knew what Miguel said, I blushed.
"What? You're blushing." Azrael said.
"Do you speak Spanish?" I asked.
Azrael nodded.
"Can you tell me what salvar a su cuerpo para mi chica Te arrepentirás si no lo hace, la princesa means?" I asked.
"Hunter said that to you? It means Save your body for me, girl. You will regret it if you do not, princess." Azrael said through his teeth.
"Hunter didn't, his friend stole his phone and probably embarrassed Hunter." I said.
"Oh. Come on let's go." Azrael said, pulling me away from my half-eaten fish and chips.
"Kay, Kay fine. Where are we going?" I asked.
"Avalon High. You're mom texted me to take you today, so you'd have time to get situated." Azrael said.
"Oh." I said.

The next thing I knew, I was back at Avalon High. The angels were eating lunch.
"I'll go get your schedule and tell them you arrived. Bye, princess." Azrael said, before pulling me in and kissing me.
"I'll go find Hunter." I said.
Azrael nodded and walked off. I ventured to the outside cafeteria. I ended up at Hunter's table. There were three boys and five girls there. A Spanish kid noticed me first. He had green eyes and black curly hair to go with his brown skin. He was average height, not tall like Hunter.
"Are you lost?" He asked.
Hunter looked up.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, paling.
"¿me puede decir quien dijo salvar a su cuerpo para mi chica Te arrepentirás si no lo hace, la princesa? I would like to kill them." I said.
"He did." Hunter pointed at the boy who had first noticed me.
"Ai, I-I was joking, I promise. Ai, Hunt?" Miguel said.
"Vix!" Azrael ran up, with a set of keys and some papers.
The whole table stiffened.
"Here. Don't worry, Eve and I will watch Avi and Taeo." Azrael said, and he dissolved.
"Who ARE ya?" Miguel said.
"May I?" I asked Hunter, who smirked and nodded.
"My name is Anastasia Vixen-Nyx Gray. I've heard you were learning about me. I'll be enrolling with you. Congratulations, your lives will have to deal with hell." I grinned.
"Y-You're Anast-stasia G-gray?" A girl with mocha skin and copper red hair asked.
"Yep. Huh, Hunt?" I said.
He nodded and scooted over.
I sat down next to him and nuzzled him.
"Do you two know each other?" Miguel asked.
"We were childhood friends. Question. They didn't mention that one summer, or the one with the snakes did they?" I asked.
"I'm surprised, I thought that clothing repelled from you." Miguel said.
Like a crack of a whip, I jumped up and slapped him.He spit out blood.
"Ouch. Note to self: Don't make an enemy who can slap harder than you punch." He muttered.
"God, I can't believe they mentioned that." I muttered, putting my head in my hands.
"It get's worse. Figured you'd want to have a talk with the teacher or the principal about this." Hunter said, handing me a laminated picture.

I gasped. Miguel laughed.
"Do you really want to challenge me stupid boy?" I hissed in Fidele.
"S-sorry. I don't want to know what you said." Miguel paled, holding his hands up in defeat.
"Hey, do you need help getting situated? I can help." Hunter offered.
"Sure." I said, before getting up. "I'm leaving. viszlát."
I turned into a fox and ran off.


WHY DO ALL THE HOT ONES HAVE TO BE EVIL?! I thought grimly as I walked with Hunter.
"She isn't. She's been Isolated her whole life, she just isn't good with people. She has a unique way of socializing. You'll learn to love it." Hunter replied as we walked down the dorm hall.
I had spoken out loud. I hate when I do that.
"Why do I help you help HER?" I snapped.
Why did I have to help a girl that had just embarrassed me? And in front of my brother and friends.
"Because, I got you excused from a test you would have flunked. Plus, Vix sure knows how to have a good time. Just make nice with her and we can all skip school." Hunter said.
"I'd rather make love with her," I muttered.
That got me slapped. It wasn't as hard as Anastasia's, but it still hurt.
"Don't talk like that, you'll regret it. You'll see what I mean if you do speak like that." Hunter scolded.
We came to a stop in front of a door numbered simply 13

"Lucky 13," I sighed.
"Don't." Hunter scolded.
"you know, I can hear you! Just a second!

" Anastasia called from the other side of the door. There was a soft click, and Anastasia opened up. She was wearing a white chain blouse with a Vixen High-waisted skirt. She had on Red ankle boots. She had her hair in a fancy bun. Even without makeup she was absolutely beautiful.
"Why did you bring him?" She snapped. "Ay-ay-ay, he bad as Luke."
Luke? I looked over to Hunter, who had a question mark look on his face. Seems like this Luke was new.
"Go on, leave. I don't need to deal with you." She said, grabbing a pair of sunglasses from her room and putting them on.
"I'm sorry for earlier, I was just joking around. I won't be trouble, I promise." I apologized.
"Miért kapok is, mint Luke?" She muttered in Hungarian. I think. "Alright fine, you can stay."
She closed the door.
"I thought you needed help with-" Hunter was cut off.
"I don't have anything. Guess what? I've got this though," She said, pulling out a unlimited gold credit card.
"It's pays to be me." She grinned.
"Whoa. How do you have so much money?" I asked.
"I'm me." She answered simply.
"Okay." I said.
"Do either of you need anything? This card has no money limit." She asked, waving the gold card between her middle and index finger.
"No. How are we getting to where we're going?" I asked.
"Yeah, I was wondering that." Hunter said.
"I really hate to have to do this, but I have to make a call." She sighed, taking out an Iphone.
Wow, maybe I should stick with this girl.


She picked up on the first ring.
"Staz! Is that you? Please come back! Please I-I don't have anyone, and E-Emmanuel has l-locked himself in his r-r-room since you left. P-p-please come back, Staz, please." Juliet sobbed.
"Jules, I can't. I'm sorry. I-I was just wondering if you could come pick me up. I need to buy a few things and I don't have my car-" I started to say, before there was a thud.
"Staz, are you talking to Jules? Please, come back. Emmanuel hasn't left his room since you left, which was like 4 weeks ago, and Jules won't stop crying. I miss you. We all miss you." Luke pleaded, sounding as if he were to cry.
I sighed.
"Luke, give the phone to Jules. And I am not going to come back. Ever. Emmanuel has pissed me off so much, I don't even want to come back for my stuff." I said.
"Why did you call then?" Luke asked.
"My knight rider. I have some shopping to do and-" I was cut off.
"Can we come with you? We miss you Vix, we do. Please." Luke begged.
"I really don't need to deal with you and Jules. I have two other people I'm going with-" I was cut off YET AGAIN.
"I promise I'll behave. You were Jules' only friend. She misses you." Luke said.
"But, Emmanuel will find out and follow you, and I really am pissed at him. Please, just drop off the car." I said.
"Emmanuel just throws stuff at us when we try to talk to him, so I doubt he'll come out. He doesn't even leave to eat." Luke said.
"Fine, just drop off the Knight rider. The Keys are red." I said.
"Kay, bye." Luke said.
"Tell Jules I say bye." I said, before hanging up.
"Who's Jules?" Miguel asked.
"And who is Emmanuel and Luke?" Hunter asked.
"Some old friends. I got pissed at them and left. Now all three have lost it or something." I shrugged.
"Oh." They both said.
"Miguel, you don't have to stay, you can leave. But, If you don't leave, you'll have to deal with my friends." I said.
I really don't need two Lukes to deal with.
"I'll stay." He said, shrugging.
"Fine." I said, then realized, I forgot to tell Luke and Jules where to meet us at.
"Quick Question." I said.
"What?" Hunter asked.
"What's the address and city for this place?" I asked.
"They'll find us. Trust me." Hunter said.
My phone rang.
It was Luke.
"Szia?" I answered.
"You're at Avalon High, right? Were in the parking lot." He said.
"Oké ott lesz a második. Okay be there in a sec." I said.
"Bye." Luke said before hanging up.
"Why do you speak Hungarian?" Miguel asked.
"Miért beszélsz spanyolul? Why do you speak spanish? Huh?" I snapped.
"Good point." Hunter said.
"You understand her?" Miguel asked.
"We learned it together. Jobb Anastasia. Nem tanulunk ezt együtt? Right Anastasia. Didn't we learn it together?" Hunter asked.
"Come on." I said, changing the subject.

"Found two more huh? That was quick." Luke smirked.
"Oh shut up. They're helping me get situated. Eve just dropped me at this place. Literally. Well, Azrael did, and I jumped, but..." I trailed off.
"I am not like him!" Miguel snapped, pointing at Luke, who still had a smirk on his face.
"Yes, you are." I said.
"Staz!" Juliet hug-tackled me.
"Ouch Jules. Don't kill me." I said.
A baby kicked.
"Ouch, Jules get off." I said before whispering in Fidele, "You're hurting us. It happened again. Those two don't know."
Hunter paled.
"What happened again?" He asked.
"Dammit! I forgot you understood me. I'd tell you, but then Miguel would pester me for the rest of the...for the rest of my life." I said.
Jules pointed at Hunter, her eyes asking the question.
"No!" I exclaimed.
"Are you and him dating?" She asked.
"No!" Hunter and I said in unison.
"Sure." Juliet said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
"Can I have the keys so I can buy myself furniture for my dorm?" I snapped.
"Nope." He grinned.
"I am the fucking princess of darkness, I will kill you while you sleep if I don't get those keys." I joked.
"Oh so you went from just 'princess of darkness' to 'Fucking princess of darkness'? Amazing." Luke grinned, holding the keys from me.
"Luke, you are a wonderful, amazing, attractive person. May I please have those keys before I kick your ass in front of everyone." I asked sweetly.
"That ain't gonna work, princess." Luke said.
"Really?" I snapped my fingers, sparking fire. "Do I need to use force? Remember last time we got into a fight?"
"Nope, not giving these keys until you say we can go with. Maybe I'll tell these two EVERYTHING you've done." Luke smirked.
Knowledge came to me, and I flipped up behind Luke. I turned Luke around and kissed him. I dug my claws into his neck, and breathed in some of his soul. He dropped down to the ground, fainting. I grabbed the keys.
"Kiss of Thorns, works every time." I grinned at Jules, who was laughing.
"God, I missed it when you gave Luke a hard time. God, is it funny." Juliet doubled over laughing.
"How did you...We haven't even learned that yet, and we've been at this school for a year and a half!" Miguel gasped.
"And that," Hunter pointed at Luke's limp body. "Is why you don't piss her off."
"How do you know?" Juliet asked, legibly curious, not accusing.
"Childhood friends." I said.
Luke moaned, stirring slightly.
"Oh." Jules said.
"Don't ever do that...again, Staz." Luke said, finally awake and getting up.
"Get in the car." I said, pushing Miguel and Hunter towards the Knight Rider.
I climbed in the driver's seat.
"Take me with you, Staz." Juliet climbed in the back.
"Miguel, leave." I hissed. "Or else you'll get laid sitting back there with Jules. And I don't want to see or hear it. So leave."
Juliet smacked me. I laughed.
"Y-You're kidding right?" Miguel asked.
"Nope." I said.
"I'm outta here." Miguel hopped out.
"Miguel's gone, drive. Fast." Hunter said.
I floored it in reverse.
"So, are you going to tell him what he doesn't know about?" Juliet asked.
"I swear, Hunter, if you tell anyone, I'll make it so you can't have sex, ever again." I growled.
"God, Vix, you must be serious." Hunter said.
I sighed.
"I'm pregnant." I said.
There was a silence.
"What?" He asked, shocked and confused.
"Yeah, that's why I didn't say it in front of Miguel."
"And you're mother just left you here?" Hunter said. "Wait, you said, it happened AGAIN. Does that mean..."
I nodded.
"Damn, you've changed since...Hell." Hunter said.
"I am NOT A SLUT. Huh Jules? It was only one time, and I went through hell with everyone's reactions. And not literally, with 'going through hell'." I snapped.
"Azrael?" Jules asked.
I sighed, frustrated.
"Turn here." Hunter directed. "You were smart to not say anything in front of Miguel. You should see how he acts. The picture from history, he was panting like a dog. Literally."
"I'm going to kill him." I snapped.
A child kicked. Then, again. And again. That happened when I was in labor with Aviance and Actaeon.
I gasped, letting go of the wheel. The car swerved, nearly spinning out.
"VIX!" Hunter gasped, leaning over and grabbing the wheel.
"Pull over. Now. It's an emergency." I said.
We pulled over, and Azrael appeared, running out from a patch of trees.
"Gabe told me. Come on. Sorry." Azrael said.
"But, what about..." I trailed off, realizing that Azrael had froze the time.
"I'm leaving a note. Don't worry." He said, leaving a note in Hunter's hand.
I passed out directly into Azrael's arms.

I woke up, my crotch hurting. Eve was sitting in a chair next to me.
"Baby doll, you awake? Aviance and Actaeon are worried. It's over. You were in labor." Eve said.
"Where are th-they?" I asked, sitting up.
"Aviance and Actaeon are with Azrael. Evangeline and Marceline are taking care of the babies. God, your crotch must be hurting. 5 babies!" Eve said.
"Three girls, two boys?" I asked.
Eve nodded.
Azrael came in with Aviance and Actaeon.
"Mom!" They cried, tackle-hugging me.
"Ouch." I said.
"We were afraid you'd never wake up. We saw the babies. They cry. A lot." Aviance said.
"Okay, don't hurt your mother. Come with me." Eve said, taking Aviance and Actaeon outside.
"Are you okay, babe?" Azrael asked, sitting in the chair next to my bed.
"My crotch hurts." I pouted.
Azrael laughed as I pointed out the obvious.
"And I'm an angel." He said.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I called the school. They're giving you sometime to recover. I told them not to tell, or I'd sue for everything they've got." He said.
"Oh." I said.
"Babe, I have a question. But please don't interrupt until I finish." Azrael asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Vix. I haven't known you long, nor have we been together long. But, I feel as if...A giant hole has been filled up in my chest when you're with me. I was cursed by god younger in my life to never love anyone born on heaven or on Earth. I was alone. But, then you came along, and I have never been the same. I was shocked when you loved me back, and I don't want to lose that. What I'm trying to say is...Anastasia, will you spend the rest of your life with me?" Azrael asked.
I was speechless.

Possibly Killed Because Of Stupid Teenage Anger Horomones


God, was I nervous. Would she say no? Would she break my heart and leave for that Hunter kid? Please let her say yes. Please.
She looked shocked.
"I...Yes." She said, trying to get up.
My heart sped up. SHE SAID YES!
"No, don't get up. I can tell it hurts you. Thank god you said yes. I love you so much that it almost kills me." I said, climbing on the bed with her.
She leaned forward and kissed me.
She put her hands in my hair, and deepened the kiss.
"You two already trying to have children again. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Shame on you." Gabriel's voice came from the doorway.
I flew off of Anastasia, embarrassed.
"Hi." Anastasia said, fixing her hair.
"Hi. Your mother wanted you to take this." Gabriel said, coming up and giving her a pill and some water. "It's pain medication. Come on, the sooner you get up, the sooner you can see your children."
she took the pill and got up. She had on a white night gown. Her skin seemed pale and weak.
God, she must think she looked like shit.
I tossed her a pink robe and some slippers.
"Thanks." She said, putting them on.
"No problem." I said.
As all three of us walked down the hall, I was minorly in shock.
Now I had a mate AND offspring.


I came into a room to see five two year olds running around. I mentally identified them.
Persephone Raenne had more of a curly brunette color of hair than black, it ending at her shoulders, and her deep-set shaped eyes were my changing yellow-red. Vanity Abcde had my red curls and tendrils, that ended at her chin, in an A-line. Her eyes were my deep-set shape that changed from yellow to red. Both Vanity and Persephone were mocha-skinned. Vesper Sugar looked similar to Vanity, but she had almond-shaped brown eyes, her skin was ivory, and her red curly hair ended at her butt. Xzavier Davion had curly red hair with brunette highlights and almond-shaped brown eyes. He was pale like Vesper. Caspian's looks confused me. He had golden curly hair, like Jace in City of Bones

, and my cat-like deep-set Yellow-red eyes. His skin was Ivory.
Their hight from shortest to tallest, went in this order: Xzavier, Persephone, Vesper, Vanity, Caspian.
"Damn, why couldn't I have this many cute babies? I'm envious of you, Babydoll." Eve said, coming in with a bowl of soup.
"I made you this." She continued, pulling me into the kitchen. Naturally, Azrael followed.
"Thanks." I said, sitting down.
"I called the school. They are sending a child to tutor you while you're sick," Eve air quoted the word. "Kay Babydoll? Also, you got this in the mail."
Eve gestured to an envelope on the table.
it was yellow with blue lettering.
It didn't have an return address.
"I'll look at it when I'm finished with the food shoved at me." I gestured at the bowl with the spoon.
Persephone ran up to me.
"Szia!" She said.
"Hi Sephonie." I said, putting her on my lap.
"Ma!" She said, pulling my hair.
I looked at her.
She reached for the spoon.
I gave her a spoonful.
"Yum!" She said, hopping off my lap and running off.
Azrael grabbed the yellow envelope and tore it open.
He frowned.

?!" He exclaimed.
I snatched the note.

Dear Vix,
I was just making sure you knew that they still expected you to do your work. And of course, lucky ol' me has to lose half of my archery time tutoring you. You should have seen how I had been 'asked' to tutor you. It sounded a lot like GODDAMMIT! HUNTER YOU are GOING TO TUTOR THIS PERSON, EVEN THOUGH WE ARE TELLING YOU IT'S optional. Anyways, it was HILARIOUS yesterday with Miguel. He freaked out about you missing. Looks like you've got a new pet, a crappy one too. Do me a favor and push him off a cliff when you get the chance?

I tried to stifle my giggles. I should be arriving in about a week after you read this.
P.S: Everyone says hi.

"When did this arrive?" I asked, gesturing at the letters.
"That yellow one, 6 days ago." Azrael said, grabbing an apple and biting into it.
"So tomorrow Hunter arrives?" I asked.
They both nodded.
"Oh." I said.
"Mom! There is a person at the door asking for you." Aviance ran in, clutching a crying Vanity.
"I got it. Go get dressed." Azrael said, before walking out. I rushed to my room, throwing on a silver grecian dress with my hair swept to one side and bobby-pinned into place. I quickly put on lipstick and deodorant. I rushed back, when I got a cramp. I doubled over, coughing and clutching my stomach.
"Oh, babe, do you need another pill. I had a feeling." Eve said, rushing to me with another pill.
"No, she isn't awake. Come back tomorrow." I heard Azrael snap. I walked into the room. Hunter was smirking at Azrael. He had on what I called 'Shadowhunter Gear', which was a black leather tanktop and trousers that hugged the body. The tanktop had buttons down the front holding it together. He had a backpack next to him on the couch.
"Not awake, huh? She looks awake to me." Hunter said, a cocky grin on his face.
"That's because she just fucking woke up!" Azrael snapped.
"Hi princess. How you been?" Hunter asked.
"How do you think? I feel like shit." I said, my voice making Hunter wince.
"I-I have some things from some of the kids. Like Ava, Lys, Jessie, Coraline, Arabelle, Ama, Miguel, Rafael, and a few kids who felt bad when they heard you were sick." Hunter said, getting up from the couch.
"Hunter," Eve said.
"Eve." Hunter inclined his head.
"Are you hungry? I have some food in the kitchen." Eve asked.
"Nah." Hunter said.
"Vix, do you want me to grab you something? I'm getting myself dinner." Azrael said, glaring at Hunter.
"Sure. Are you stopping by Charlie's diner? Pick me up a tuna melt? Cheddar and on Sourdough." I said, as Azrael walked out.
"Why does he hate me so much?" Hunter asked as we walked down the hall to the 'meeting room'.
"He's jealous. He's just wierd about me being with any other boy besides him. God, he acts like if he leaves me alone with you, we'll start making-out. But that would never happen, right?" I said, my voice tinged with annoyance.
"Well..." Hunter said, licking his lips.
I back-handed his chest as he started laughing.
"I hate you." I said, pouting.
"Ohh, I love you too!" He said, imitating a girly girl.
We arrived in the meeting room. It was a cross between a classroom and a board room. Running around the table, Aviance and Actaeon were playing tag.
"Hey, Go play elsewhere. This room is for adults." I said.
"Kay Mommy." They said in unison, running out.
After closing the door, Hunter stated, "They don't look like Azrael."
I nodded.
"They're not his. My ex and I were thinking about getting married when I had them. He started acting unbearable. Imagine Azrael, then multiply that by 1000." I said.
Hunter put down his backpack and pulled a chair out for me. I sat down.
"Shit, no wonder you dumped the guy. Anyways...Here, These are yours." Hunter said, dumping out the contents of his backpack. He piled the papers and put them on top of the 10 pillow thick textbooks. His arms flexed and looked muscular when he picked up the mountain high pile. I wondered if he worked out.
Didn't he mention archery?
"Don't you do archery?" I asked, not able to stop the words.
He shot me a cocky grin.
"Admiring one of my many talents? Maybe I could show you a few things I know-" I cut him off by smacking the pile out of his hands. They flew in different directions, thankfully not knocking over anything.
Blind rage filled me.
I really don't need his shit getting me into a fight with Azrael or Eve.
"Look, stop with your goddamn comments. I don't need to deal with your shit and risk an hour long half-lecture-half-screeched-at talk with an angered mother, and an arguement with Azrael. If you get me in trouble, I swear to god, I'll kill you. So shut the hell up." I snapped, the words tumbling out without my OK. The look on Hunter's face made me guilty. he was pale, and he looked shocked and speechless. He turned, and left.
It took me a moment to realize what was happening.
"HUNTER!" I called, running after him.
"Hunter, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, rounding a corner. I knocked into a towering bookshelf. It wobbled and slowly fell over, as I looked, paralyzed.

I Heard That, Azrael

"Anastasia!" Hunter called, tackling me and staying on top of me as books and broken pieces of the wooden bookshelf rained on us.
When it was over, he rolled over and let me up. He coughed, and seemed ashen.
"Are you okay?" I asked, running my hand down his back. When I took my hand back, there was blood.
"Y-you've changed Vix. I liked it better when w-we were younger. Now, y-you just hate me." He whispered.
"Then why make an effort?" I snapped.
How he looked tugged at my heart. His eyes were sad, his face pale and ashen. There were splinters of wood in his hair.
"Because, Anastasia, I'm in love with you." He whispered, leaning into my shoulder. He then relaxed.
I freaked out for a moment, thinking he had died, but then I felt his breathing.
It was slow, but steady.
"MOM!" I called.
She came running.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Hunter and I got into an arguement, and he ran off. I went after him and went the wrong way, and knocked into the bookshelf. He shielded me, and..." My voice cut off, cracking.
"Eve, I can't find Anastasia or...What happened?" Azrael asked, coming up to me.
"You're not hurt, are you?" Azrael asked.
"No, I'm fine. Mom, can you take Hunter to a room. His back's all fucked up." I said.
She gently got Hunter up and carried him like a baby to a room near mine.
"Did Hunter hurt you? Tell me and I can kill him." Azrael said, helping me up.
"No, if he hadn't of shielded me from the bookshelf, I'd have been worse off than him. Don't be so protective. If I ever need you, I'll call for you. Hunter's reliable." I said.
Azrael pulled me in for a kiss.
"That's good to hear. That you're okay, I mean. I was afraid that you'd catch a disease from that dusty old bookshelf. It's older than your mother." Azrael joked.
I laughed, despite feeling guilty for laughing at the fact he called Mom old.
"Babydoll, can you come with me?" Eve's voice got closer and closer as she ran up to us.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just come with me," Eve said, dragging me away from a grim Azrael.
Eve led me down to the infirmary room Hunter was in.
"He's asking for you. And by asking I mean he's demanding." Eve said, pushing me in the door.
Hunter sat at the end of the bed, his head down, and in his hands.
"Huntey." I sighed, stepping closer.
His head shot up. His face was streaked with tears, but he attempted a smile.
"You haven't called me that since we were like 7." He said.
"Why are you crying?" I asked, inching closer.
"I-I'm not crying." Hunter sniffled, wiping his face.
"There are tears running down your cheeks." I said, stepping closer.
"Did Eve help you? With your back, I mean." I asked.
"No. I don't want her to; I want you." He said.
'I want you' made me shiver.
"But-" I started to say.
"Don't make an excuse. You're about the only one here that doesn't hate me. For all I know, anyone else will hurt me purposely." Hunter said, dropping his voice.
"But, I don't know how to-" I started to say.
"Remember back when we were kids? Your mother taught you." Hunter said.
"Fine, I give. Take your shirt off." I said, coming over to him completely. He went to unbutton his shirt but winced.
"Here." I said, kneeling down and reaching for the buttons. I unbuttoned his tanktop, pulled it open, and helped him get it off.
"Is it me or does it seem like any moment we're going to have sex?" Hunter asked, his cocky grin back. I pushed at his stomach. It was hard and muscular, but not too hard and muscular. His skin was tanner than I remembered.
"Behave." I simply said.
"Fine then, though Miguel would kill me for this position I'm in." Hunter said.
I frowned when I saw his back. It was all scratched up and bleeding, A few splinters in his back.
I got up and grabbed the first aid kit. I shoveled through it and found pain pills, gauze, and disenfectant. I also grabbed a pair of tweezers.
"This might hurt, but I have to get some wood out of your back," I said.
"Just don't tell me." Hunter said.
I held the tweezers and gently grabbed for the biggest peice of wood, about as big as my pinky. I pulled it out, trying hard to be gentle. Other than that big piece of wood, I had two needle thick ones before I could disinfect and wrap his back in gauze. I took out a pain pill and filled a glass with water.
"Here. Are you okay?" I asked, handing him the water and pill. I noticed a cut on my palm was bleeding. I hope I didn't bleed on the pill.
He took it.
"I...I'm fine." Hunter said.
I went pack to pulling out the pieces of wood.
"Okay, This might sting." I said, uncapping the spray disinfectant.
"Kay." He said, tensing up.
I sprayed it on his back as he grunted and tensed even more.
"I'm almost done." I whispered, capping the spray disinfectant and grabbing the gauze.
I gently wrapped it around him, my arms looping around Hunter to grabe the gauze. Once I was finished, Eve came in.
"You alright, Anastasia? You look pale." Eve asked.
"I'm just hungry. I'll be fine." I said, getting up from Hunter's bed.
"Lie down on your side when you lay down." I said.
"Vix!" Azrael called as I walked toward the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I asked as he caught up to me.
"Food's in the microwave. Evie and Marcie are watching the kids." Azrael said, kissing me.
"An-anastasia?" A weak voice asked.
I came face to face with Emmanuel.
Rage boiled inside me.
Who let him here?!
I just turned my back on him and walked off.
"Staz, wait, please." Emmanuel pleaded, grabbing my arm.
Shocks ran up my arm.
I smacked his hand away from me.
"Staz, can I talk to you?" Emmanuel asked, his eyes shining.
It was only then I saw how horrible he looked. He was super-skinny and he needed to shave. His skin was ashen, his eyes red from crying.
"You're talking to me right now, I frankly, I don't like it." I snapped.
Emmanuel winced.
"Please, without him. It'll only be a minute." Emmanuel begged, slumping down unattractively.
From what I knew, Vampires were never unattractive.
I really messed him up.
I sighed, frustrated.
"Okay, fine. Azrael, go check on Evvie and Marcie." I said, almost snapping.
Azrael left.
"Staz, I'm so so sorry about how I treated you. I hate myself for saying what I said. I was stressed. I'll never forgive myself for how I treated you, and I know you have every right to not forgive me. It messed us all up when you left. Luke, Jules, and I. I know you've moved on, but I wish I had never said what I said. Maybe then-" I cut him off.
"You are so selfish! I am happy now! I was never happy with you! There was too much fleeing, Emmanuel, too many fights. If we had made up, I never would have known my childhood friend was actually not dead! I wouldn't have known how important I am! There is no reason why I should EVER go back to you Emmanuel! You said what you wanted to say, so leave!" I yelled.
I saw anger boil in Emmanuel's eyes. He grabbed my arms and squeezed until I was sure there were bruises.
"Listen to me, and don't interrupt me with how selfish I am! I was nice to you from the start! I could have used you for sex like Luke would have, but I actually CARED ABOUT YOU! I saved you from Luke! I gave things up for you! I risked my life! Twice! Twice for you, and now you tell me I'm selfish?! All you care about is sex and having children! Others may think you're an angel, but I can see through that charade. All you are is a vile, lowly Demon that is obsessed with sex from more angelic creatures. You're mother may be an angel, but it never went to you. You're WORSE THAN YOUR FATHER!" Emmanuel yelled, before raising his hand to hit me.
Something whizzed through the air and burying its self in Emmanuel left of his chest, pinning him to the nearest wall.
An arrow.
"Anastasia! Are you okay?" Hunter said, running up to me, a bow and quiver of arrows in hand.
"See, sex-crazed demon." Emmanuel muttered, before going limp, his head hanging.
"Hunter?! Go back and lay down!" I ordered as he put an arm around my shoulder.
"Who is this asshole?" Hunter asked.
"My ex. Aviance and Actaeon's father." I said, looking away, tears shining in my eyes.
"Staz..." He muttered, his voice weak.
"He thinks that I have you here to use for sex." I said, suddenly furious.
"What?! This guy needs to realize, I'm just running homework to you and explaining it to you when I got hurt. I see when you say 'go lay down', that he figured, but..." Hunter trailed off.
"Sh-shut up...angel." Emmanuel then whimpered.
"Emmanuel, I won't hurt you, as long as you try not to harm me, kay? Deal?" I asked.
Emmanuel nodded.
I turned to Hunter.
"Get the arrow out of him." I ordered.
Hunter yanked the arrow out of Emmanuel.
Emmanuel dropped to the ground with a loud thud.
"I said you weren't...G-going to hurt me." Emmanuel gasped.
"Would you rather put this back in your chest?" Hunter snapped, working on getting Emmanuel up.
"Here." I said, going to help.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Emmanuel practically shrieked.
I held my hands up in surrender.
"Okay, okay, god. I doubt Hunter can take you to an infirmiry room when he should be in one himself." I said.
"Fine, if you have to." Emmanuel winced over the words.
I draped Emmanuel's left arm around my shoulders and put my arm around his waist.
With the help of Hunter, We got Emmanuel to the nearest room. We put him on the bed, staying out of his hurting range.
"You...You let her touch me like that. Has she slept with you?" Emmanuel asked, gasping for air as if he had been running several miles non-stop.
"WHAT?! Dude, I'm her friend, Azrael's her boyfriend. Her ONLY boyfriend. You're mistaken." Hunter exclaimed.
"Oh." Emmanuel said.
"Why does he hate you so much?" Hunter asked.
I might as well tell the truth.
"When Azrael got me pregnant, I hadn't exactly broken up with Emmanuel yet. But we weren't exactly together either. Emmanuel and I, I mean." I said, embarrassed.
"Oh." Hunter looked away.
Emmanuel moaned.
"Here. Hunter, in the second drawer of the dark brown dresser, there is a first-aid kit. Grab it for me?" I said, going up to Emmanuel.
There was blood pouring down his arm, and he looked even paler than usual.
"Blood," Emmanuel said, his eyes glossy. "I need blood."
"Don't. He might imprint on you. Not good." Hunter said, handing me the first aid kit.
I opened the box and grabbed a roll of gauze, liquid band-aid, and liquid disinfectant.
"Don't need that...Just blood. Please." Emmanuel said, grabbing my wrist.
His touch was gentle and his hands soft, unlike when he had angrily grabbed my shoulders.
"He's trying to get you to imprint with him. It's the only way he'll heal fast enough." Hunter said, disgust in his voice.
Emmanuel was desperate.
He snatched my wrist, yanking me on him. I fell sideways on his chest, my neck in front of his mouth. He bit down on my neck, hard. I could feel myself trembling as he drank from my neck with no remorse. Emmanuel repositioned me. I ended up under him as he stradled my legs, holding my shoulders down as he drank. I suddenly went woozy, and as if I was going to throw up, or pass out. Or both. Then it was replaced by a feeling of shock and love and anger.
But, they weren't my own.
I realized with a jolt.
They were Emmanuel's feelings!
Is this what imprinting is?
I shuddered.
"GET OFF OF HER! YOU'LL KILL HER!" Hunter yelled.
Emmanuel fidgeted and softened his bite, and I felt his hands slide under my dress and up my legs.
I struggled, and then Hunter threw Emmanuel off of me.
"Enough!" Hunter was yelling at Emmanuel, but all I felt was pure schock.
It took me a few minutes to realize that Hunter was shaking my shoulders and saying my name.
"Anastasia! Anastasia! Vixen! Vix!" Hunter was saying.
"Oh, god, Anastasia, I'm so sorry. Especially since I was just evil towards you. Now I've gone and imprinted with you. God, it felt so good though." Emmanuel was saying.
I snapped out of my shock.
"N...Not fair." Was all I could manage.
"That I've been an ass? Yeah, I realize. Snap outta it though." Emmanuel said, shaking my shoulders lightly.
Shocks went up my arm, but it was more pleasurable.
"I...hate you." I said.
"I love you too." Emmanuel whispered.
"What is imprinting?" I asked.
"So you know stuff that the school hasn't taught us yet, but you don't know something as simple as an imprint?" Hunter asked.
"There are three types of imprints: Bellator imprints, Coniungetur imprints, and Immortalis imprints. A Bellator Imprint is a imprint between two angels. One angel being trained with Warrior skills, the other angel something else. A Coniungetur Imprint is an imprint between an angel and a downworlder. That's mainly for what the angel can be used for. And, an Immortalis Imprint is a imprint between two Angels as lovers. They're called mates. You can have several of the Bellator and Coniungetur imprints, but not of the Immortalis." Hunter explained.
"Oh." I said, not looking up.
"Anastasia? Emmanuel?" I heard Azrael call. "Dammit! Where did they go?"
I perked up at his voice.
"I gotta go," I muttered, mostly to myself.
"Staz. One more thing before I go," Emmanuel said, before grabbing me and pulling me in.
He kissed me.
Warmth spread through my body.
I pushed him away and slapped him across the face. It sounded like a crack of a whip.
Emmanuel disappeared into the shadows.
I walked out of the room.
And straight into Azrael.
"Oh! Babe, come with me." He said.
Before he could notice, I covered the bitemarks on my neck.
"What?" Azrael asked, prying my hand from my neck.
Azrael saw the bitemarks and lowered his eyes, pissed off.
Before he could say anything, I turned into a cheetah and ran off trying to ignore my tears and Azrael calling my name.


Emmanuel had bit Anastasia.
MY Anastasia.
She turned into a cheetah and ran off.
"Anastasia!" I called.
Then it struck me.
Her thoughts.
He probably thinks I LET Emmanuel bite and inprint with me. Azrael's gonna hate me. Even though I DIDN'T let Emmanuel bite me, and that Emmanuel did it on his own accord. I wonder where the nearest ditch it...I'd rather like to die in it.

Poor Baby.
She thought I was mad at HER.
No, I was pissed off at Emmanuel.
Can she hear MY thoughts?
Yes, I can. You aren't angry at me?

No, I thought.
I'm in the kitchen.

I ran to the kitchen, thinking about angels. Ever since the modern shoe, we NEVER use our wings. It used to be where feet were rarily used, and it was considered sexual for angels to touch each other's feet. I need to fly more.
I got to the kitchen.
She was there, sitting cross-legged on the counter. She gave me 'the look.'
"So, you wanted to take me somewhere private?" She asked, her tone sexy and seductive.
"Aren't you hungry?" I asked, feeling like a complete idiot.
"Oh...Yeah." She said, dropping the sexy tone.
I went over to the microwave and pulled out a to-go box.
I handed it to her.
She opened it up, and the smell of fish and cheeze wafted out.
She ate it.
"So..." I ran a hand through my hair. "Emmanuel imprinted with you?"
Anastasia stopped eating.
"Yeah...I tried to stop him, but..." She trailed off.
I got the hint to drop the subject.
Hunter walked in.
He was shirtless, his tan chest wrapped in gauze, a wince after every breath.
I glared.
I could smell Anastasia ALL OVER him.
He imprinted with her.
As her Warrior?
"Do you have any wine?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe.
Anastasia got up and opened the metal fridge.
She grabbed a bottle of red wine and handed the bottle to Hunter.
"It'll help you sleep, but don't drink the whole bottle." Anastasia said.
He clutched it, muttered a thank you, and walked out.
"Why are you so nice to him?" I snapped.
She sighed an annoyed sigh.
"He's sorta like my brother." She said.
"Answering your first question, Eve wants to talk to you." I blurted.
Why hadn't I said that earlier?
"Oh." Anastasia said, looking away.
She hopped off of the counter and kissed me on the cheek.
"Where is she?" Anastasia asked.
Where did Eve say she was going?
"The living room." I remembered out loud.
She walked off.
God, I was so happy to have her, I could die.
I heard that.



I rolled my eyes as I walked out.
It was going to be a while before I was used to being Imprinted with three guys.
I swear, if they start banging chests at each other, I'll explode.
I had to be careful, too.
With Imprinting, there comes a little gift with each one.
With Azrael AKA my 'Mate', I shared my thoughts with his. With Emmanuel AKA my 'Consort', I shared emotions with him. With Hunter AKA my 'Warrior', I shared an instinct of danger and pain.
Why does it have to be so dang complicated?!
Hung up on my thoughts, I bumped into someone.
There was a male grunt from the person.
I looked up and froze.
He looked like Caspian!
He had curly blonde tendrils of hair that ended at the nape of his neck, and his eyes a mocha brown.
He was super-tall and reminded me of THE MORTAL INSTRUMENT'S Jace Wayland.
His eyes pulsed a gold as he studied me.
"Eve," He said.
"No, you have me mistaken for my mother." I replied, trying to not sound awe-struck.
He was just so dang gorgeous!
"Ah, that is why I thought you looked to beautiful to be Eve." The boy flirted, grinning.
"Who are you?" I snapped, feeling guilty for liking his flirting.
"I am Adam. I was your Mother's mate before you came...You are Anastasia, right? I heard you had to leave my school because you were...As they put it, sick." Adam pinned me against the wall. He smelled strongly of cologne. I breathed in the smell and relaxed before tensing again. "Thou is well? I think you and I may get to know each other well based on that answer."
He traced his hand up my leg, ending at my hip.
I trembled at his touch. His hands were warm, yet somehow cold. It reminded me of a stone. He leaned in, his head at my neck. His breath was warm against my neck.
"What is thou's answer? I know you can't resist me." He whispered, his tone sexy and seductive.
"Adam, don't molest my daughter." Eve said, suddenly behind Adam, her arms folded and her tone poisonous.
Adam flinched.
"Can I at least borrow her for about...two hours?" Adam asked against my neck.
I flinched this time.
"I think that is your answer." Eve said.
Adam backed off, dropping his hand and backing up.
His expression was hurt, and disappointed.
Azrael walked up, and saw Adam.
He pulled me from Adam and stole a kiss on my lips for show.
Adam clenched his jaw.
I swear, he's a lot like Jace from THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS.
"Hey Azrael. Haven't seen you in a while. Anyway, how are you?" Adam said, obviously straining his voice to somewhat polite.
"Why are you here messing with my mate?" Azrael snapped.
Eve stayed quiet.
"My apprentice, Hunter didn't return when he was supposed to. He was just supposed to drop off the work and explain anything she didn't understand and be on his way. Did something happen?" Adam asked, his gaze at me, or more accurately, my chest.
I felt uncomfortable and decided I wanted a reason to get away from Adam.
I sighed.
"I'll go get him." I said, pushing out of Azrael's arms.
Adam's eyes pulsed a gold.
"I'll accompany you." Adam said.
I shrugged and walked towards towards the infirmary hall with nonchalance.
I could literally feel Adam's gaze on my butt, so I fell in step with him.
"What happened to make you need to stay here?" Adam asked, sounding sincere.
"I...Uh...I don't want to talk about it." I said, sounding lame.
"Is it embarrassing?" Adam asked softly.
"Yes...No...I don't know." I said, confusing myself on purpose.
Of course it was embarrassing!
On the first day that I'm at a school, I go into labor for the second time!
First with the twins, and now with the quintuplets.
"It's okay, I won't tell anyone." Adam said softly, "It wouldn't be right for me to make my new student uncomfortable."
I saw the door to Hunter's infirmary room.
"This one." I said, trying hard not to feel embarrassed.
I knocked on Hunter's door.
"NO!" He yelled through the door.
"Hunter, get your ass outta this door now or I'll kick your sorry ass out myself." I yelled frustrated with Hunter.
There was a silence, and then the door opened, revealing a scraggly and tired.
"Adam, how ya doin'?" Hunter said, sounding drunk.
"Why haven't you returned?" Adam hissed.
"Why haven't I returned, babe?" Hunter asked me.
"There was an accident with an old bookshelf. Hunter was injured." I explained.
Adam raised an eyebrow.
"Is that true?" Adam snapped at Hunter.
"Is what true? All I know is I really want to sleep with her right now." Hunter said, pointing at me.
I turned away trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Shit, he drank a whole bottle of wine," I said, horrified.
Adam laughed.
"This is too funny.Last time he got drunk, he asked what, twenty girls if they'd sleep with him." Adam said, trying not to laugh.
That gave me an idea.
"Hunter, just to let you know, don't come by my room. Adam and I were planning on using it for something a little more...productive. And by that, I mean Adam and I are going to be having sex." I said nonchalantly.
That sobered Hunter up.
"WHAT?!" Adam and Hunter gasped, Hunter with horror, Adam's voice excited.
I laughed.
"THAT sobered you two up." I said, almost doubling over laughing.
"I was not drunk, only the ugly can get wasted. And we all know I can't get wasted." Adam said, vanity tinged in his voice.
"Let me guess, time for me to go back to that hellhole of a school, where there are too many desperate girls who throw their naked selves at the boys?" Hunter said before seeing my reaction. "Well, with you its the other way around, huh."
"Toots over here also needs to leave." Adam replied, pointing at me.
"You know, I more consider myself a goddess, or the princess of darkness. Just ask anyone that KNOWS me if I'm more of an angel or a goddess." I said, vanity tinging in my voice on purpose.
"The guys will say that because they want to fuck your ass." Hunter muttered.
I slapped him across the face.
It sounded like a crack of a whip.
"Just because you were just drunk, doesn't mean you can talk like that." I hissed.
"Ow. It's the truth." Hunter said, rubbing his cheek.
"Come on, were leaving whether you like it or not. Actually, take a shower, Hunter, you smell like blood and wine." Adam ordered.
Hunter shrugged and closed the door.
"So, are you going to tell me why you skipped school on a matter of 'sickness'," Adam air quoted the word, "Or will I just have to pry it from your pretty little mind?"
"I'll tell you, if you promise no one in the school, besides the ones that already know." I said.
"And who would that be?" Adam asked.
"Hunter." I said.
"Thats it?" Adam asked.
"And my family too, but they aren't in the school, so..." I said.
"Are you going to tell me or what?" Adam snapped, before clamping his hand over his mouth.
I laughed.
"You look as if I'm to kill you for snapping at me. Yeah, I'll tell you." I said before pulling Adam closer to me and whispering. "I was in labor. I was pregnant. I didn't want anyone to know, but Hunter noticed before I had to leave."
Adam looked a little speechless.
"You're kidding, right? You and Azrael...You're kidding, right?" Adam asked.
I shook my head.
"DAMMIT!" Adam cursed, punching a wall angrily.
"Why are you so upset?" I asked.
"It's not fair. Even fucking Azrael got a girl AND a goddamn family! I lost both Lilith and Eve to your father! Just once I would like to get what I want!" Adam said angrily.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about that." I said.
Adam kissed me full on on the lips.
A spark went through my body as Adam pressed harder against me into the wall.
He pushed me so hard against the wall, my back began to ache.
Adam moaned in pleasure, his hands going up my dress.
I trembled.
"S...Stop it!" I shouted, pushing him away from me.
Adam looked depressed and embarrassed.
"I...I'm sorry." Adam said.
"What the fuck, Adam!?" Azrael shouted, appearing almost out of nowhere.
"W-why did I do that?" Adam asked aloud.
"Are you okay?" Azrael asked, his hands slipping up and down my body frantically.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Anastasia, I'm sorry. I lost myself there. It is rather hard to control yourself when you look like this." Adam said, back to normal.
I hear the water turn off in Hunter's room.
A moment later, Hunter came out, completely dressed.
"Let's go...What happened?" Hunter asked.
"What took you so long, Hunter?" Adam snapped.
"Fine, god Adam, chill out." Hunter said.
"Gotta go back?" Azrael asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
"A szívem még mindig a tiéd, amíg távol vagyunk. My heart will still belong to you while you're away." Azrael whispered.
"Bye." I said, and I found myself back at Avalon High.
I was trampled by worried Pre-Angels.
I got a lot of worried questions
"Are you okay?" Ava asked.
"Anastasia!" Miguel asked.
"What happened?" Rafael asked.
"What about Hunter?" Coraline asked.
"Is he okay?" Lys asked.
"Hi!" Another girl said.
"Hi." I said.
"Whose this?" A male voice asked.
A boy with forest green hair and yellow eyes asked, coming up.
My group of friends looked scared and nervous.
"Raziel." Ava whispered to me.
"Who might you be?" He asked.
"Anastasia. Gray." I said.
"How interresting." Raziel said.
"It's rather convenient that you arrived for the meeting. You are a teacher, right? I'm Raziel." Raziel said.
"Not a teacher, just a student." I said.
Raziel raised an eyebrow.
"Rather interresting, since TEACHERS AREN'T ALLOWED TO LOOK AT THEIR STUDENTS LIKE THAT." Raziel shouted the last part.
I whipped around to see Adam.
"What? Me? That's absurd, Raziel. She's Eve's child, I have to watch her. She could cause trouble." Adam said.
"You sure? I sware I saw you looking at her ass." Raziel snapped.
"You. Did. Not." Adam hissed.
"Are you trying to get fired?" Raziel snapped.
Adam and Raziel had gotten into each other's faces.
Looks like there might be a fight.
As if it was waiting for the worst moment, my Iphone started ringing with Nickelback's "Animals".
I locked eyes with Hunter and flushed.
Emmanuel's ringtone.
"Sorry." I said.
"WHAT?" I snapped.
"Staz? Is that you? Emmanuel came back an hour ago, and now both him and Luke are missing. I don't know what to do! Both of their phones are here, and they NEVER leave without their phones! What if something happened? I-I don't know what to do, Staz, I don't." Juliet said, sobbing.
"It's okay, Jules, calm down. I'm kinda in the middle of something, and I can't help, but just calm down and go do something. And. Bring. Your. Phone." I said.
"Mmm-kay Staz. Bye." Juliet said, before hanging up.
"Sorry." I said to everyone as I hung up.
Another call.
From Eve.
"Well, it looks like the shit just hit the fan," I said as I answered.
"Zaza? Please tell me I typed the right number. I can't find any of the kids anywhere, Sugar's gone, and I'm so worried. No one can find Azrael either, and he was last seen locking himself in his room. He NEVER leaves without texting me. And he doesn't have his phone. What do I do?" Eve asked, sobbing.
"Mom, what do you mean they're missing? They can't just all be missing! How? I-I don't understand." I said, panicking.
"I know, Zaza." Eve said, sobbing.
"Just calm down. I'm sure they're all together. Don't worry. Gotta go." I said, before hanging up.
I sat down and put my head in my hands.
"What's wrong?" Adam asked.
"Everyone is missing." I said.
"What do you mean?" Hunter asked.
"Luke, Emmanuel, Azrael, My kids, and Sugar. I have a feeling someone else is missing too." I said grimly.
As if on cue, I got a call from an unknown number.
"Hello?" I said as I picked up.
"Anastasia? Is Felix with you? It's Damien." Damien asked.
"I-I...No. Is he missing?" I asked.
"Yes. He's been gone for a week." Damien said.
"Shit," I said.
"Guess I'll try calling someone else." Damien said.
I hung up.
"How is this happening?" I asked myself.
"Is something wrong?" Raziel asked.
"Emmanuel and Luke were right from the start. They said it was happening, but Jules and I denied it. Now they're missing." I muttered to myself.
"What?" Raziel asked.
"Ő az a néhány cselszövések.
A férfi szeme látni.
Tánc a sepents.
Mivel a pokol és a zene lesz seductuctive biztos.
Ő: A földhözragadt, van Angyali lesz Demonic.
Mint Nő, van öltözve, ahogy, skyclad.
A pokol egyik módja, békében egymással.
Ez lesz a norma.
Radiance körülveszi őt.
Ez húz saját vérével ágyba.
Ez a feltámadt rózsa várja őt bajnok, az ő szerelmes, ő társ.
Idővel rá fog jönni a kicsik is köszönhető." I said.
"What?" Adam asked.
"She intrigues the few.
The male eyes that see her.
Dancing with sepents.
As the hell music becomes seductuctive and sure.
She: As Mundane, Is Angelic, Will be Demonic.
As Female, is clothed, As She, skyclad.
At Hell one way, At peace another.
This will be the norm.
Radiance surrounds her.
It pulls her own blood into bed.
This resurrected rose awaits her champions, her lovers, her mates.
In time her little ones will come to be due." I said.
Raziel paled.
"You remember that prophecy? The one that speaks of blood stealing love...Shit." Raziel said, realizing what I was talking about.
"What?" Adam asked.
"Blood, family. Love, friends and lovers." Hunter said.
"Oh, Staz, I'm so sorry." Adam said, helping me up.
My phone rang.
I answered.
"Jules, I told you. Just-" I was cut off by laughter.
"Jules isn't here. Meet me at the alley of Darkness in an hour. Alone. For a surprise. You won't be able to call this number back once this call ends. You know where the Alley of Darkness is right? I'm figuring you do. Don't waste time. Every minute your late, I'll chop off a finger." A male voice hissed.
The phone went dead.
I dropped the phone.
"What? Are you okay?" Adam asked, cradling my head against his chest.
Need to leave.
"I...Need to leave. Now." I said.


"No." I said.
I don't know why I said no, but I had a bad feeling about the last phone call she got.
"I need to. Please." She begged.
"Who called?" I asked.
"I won't tell you." She said, pushing away from me. "All I can say, is if you don't let me leave by the next hour, you'll be responsible for deaths of innocent people."
I shuddered.
Someone is threatening to kill people if she doesn't meet up with them?
"I can tap into the school phone lines, and trace your call if you don't tell me whole is THREATENING TO FUCKING KILL PEOPLE!" I yelled.
She flinched.
"I...Don't know who it was." She said, looking away.
"Come on, where are we going?" Hunter asked.
"I can't bring anyone with me." she said grimly.
"Question, was it a boy or girl on the phone?" Raziel asked.
"Boy, why?" Anastasia said.
I realized why Raziel had asked.
"You can't go." I said.
"Why?" she asked.
"It's a guy, trying to get you to meet up with him. Alone. I think you can figure it out if you're your mother's daughter." I snapped.
"He'll try to rape me, I'm not stupid. But he's THREATENING TO KILL MY CHILDREN." She said, looking away.
"Wait...You have children?" Ava asked.
"That's not the point, I gotta go, and if you delay me and someone dies, you'll be at fault." She said.
She ran off, her dress shimmering.
"Wait! Staz! Vix!" Hunter said, running after Anastasia.
"So that's why Anastasia left. She was pregnant. That makes sense. Wonder who the father is." Ava said.
"Didn't know you let your children risk getting raped just so they can keep their friends safe," Raziel.
"I can't stop her, she doesn't listen well." I said, running a hand through my hair.
God, It'll be a long day.

You Know Where The Alley of Darkness Is Right?

"Meet me at the alley of Darkness in an hour. Alone. For a surprise. You won't be able to call this number back once this call ends. You know where the Alley of Darkness is right? I'm figuring you do. Don't waste time. Every minute your late, I'll chop off a finger." I replayed the words in my mind as I ran to my knight rider.
Of course I knew where the Alley of Darkness is!
It just so happened to not be an alley, but a hotel that leads you to hell.
It was where I had came from to get in LA.
"Anastasia! Staz! Vixen! Vix!" Hunter called coming up to me.
"You can't come with, Hunter." I said, getting in the car.
"I know, but if this happens to be the last time I see you, I wanted to do this," Hunter said, pulling me out of the car.
He kissed me.
I saw shadows swirling around us, watching, whispering, expecting something else to happen. I felt their cold presence like ice water down my back. The shadows were a lot like minuture black clouds, that smelled of mildew and water.
Hunter backed me against my car and bent me over, kissing me with such intensity, it left me feeling drunk and confused.
His hand cupped my cheek as Hunter tried to deepen the kiss, with no such luck.
I forced him away, panting like a dog.
"What...If...You're wrong...About this being....the last time we see each other?" I gasped, fixing my dress.
I feel like a ho.
I made a mental list of the boys that showed interrest in me:
Luke, Emmanuel, Damien, Felix, Azrael, Adam, Miguel, Hunter, Raziel possibly?
7 too many in my opinion.
"Then, I'll be embarrassed and will have to hide from Miguel, Azrael, and Adam, because they'll try to kill me." Hunter said, grinning and fixing his shirt.
"Goodbye, Hunter." I said.
"Bye, Vix." Hunter said.
Hunter jogged off as I got in my mustang.
I powered up the car and found a note.
Dear Staz,
Miss you. Had Luke and Juliet bring the car here, since I figured you'd need it when you came back. Visit me soon.

I read.
I drove away from the school.
I don't remember driving to the Alley of Darkness, but the next thing I knew, I was walking in the door.
It was more like a club than a hotel, but it was completely empty, except for one person, across the room from me.
They had on a black hoodie and pants, all of their hair and face covered, but I knew the person was a guy.
He stalked up to me, before grabbing my wrists.
A cloth clamped over my mouth.
I barely had time to gasp before the world went dark.

I awoke, hot and drenched in my own sweat.
It was so dark, I could see well as it was, so I took note of myself.
My hair was down in curly spills, blinding my vision. With a jolt I realized, my clothes weren't on me, and were no where in sight.
I scrambled around in a tangled mess of sheets.
I felt something hit my head, hard.
"Wake up!" A female voice said.
I opened my eyes to a bright light.
There, in front of me, stood the last two people I expected: Sugar and Luke.
"Ow!" I said, rubbing my head.
"Shut up." Sugar growled.
"Oh, be nicer to her. You just woke her up by hitting her in the head with a pineapple." Luke said.
"Why am I naked?" I asked, unable to help myself.
"Anastasia, We have a proposition for you, but you might want to come with us," Luke said.
"Why are you so nice? Anastasia, get your ass outta bed and come with us. Now. I don't care if you're naked, come with." Sugar snapped.
"No." I said.
"Get. Out." Sugar snapped.
"No!" I shouted.
Sugar clenched her jaw.
"Get. Out. Now. Last chance." Sugar said between her teeth.
"No." I said, crossing my arms.
Sugar turned to Luke.
"Rape her. Maybe then she'll listen to us then," Sugar said to Luke.
"It would be a pleasure." Luke said to Sugar who was walking out.
Luke smirked.
"Y-you're not actually going to-" I started to say, but Luke cut me off by taking his shirt off.
I hugged the sheet closer to me.
There was no way I was going to raped for saying no. But, Luke wouldn't actually do it, would he?
"Hey! Snap outta it!" Luke growled, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Y-you're not actually going to-" I repeated, but, yet again, was cut off by Luke.
He crawled on the bed and whispered in my ear.
"No, Sugar just doesn't take no for an answer. I know why you said no." He whispered.
"You do?" I asked, relieved.
"You didn't want to be naked around me since you have a mate, right?" Luke asked.
He was 100% correct.
Was I that easy to figure out?
"You know, I wouldn't mind if you pranced around naked, it would make it much more interesting here." Luke said.
There were heeled footsteps in the hall.
"Shit," Luke muttered, taking off his pants. "I'm sorry, but I have to make it look like I'm raping you now."
Luke ran to a dresser, pulled out a pair of boxers and threw it down with the pile of his clothes.
He then got under the covers (AKA on top of me) and forcibly kissed me.
This was far out of my comfort zone.
I struggled, trying to make it so it looked like I was uncomfortable, and made noises of pain.
"Am...Am I hurting you?" Luke asked, still kissing me.
There was a slam on the door, and light streamed in.
I gasped as Sugar came in.
It was a forcive habit.
"Luke! Are you done? I'd like to get back on track." Sugar growled.
"Oh, but I was just about to get to the good part." Luke whined.
I cringed.
"You're done. I'll leave while you two get dressed." Sugar said, before leaving.
Luke sighed, relieved.
"Ouch." I said, glaring at Luke.
"Sorry. Would you have rathered I didn' know, or have a bullet in your head." Luke said.
"I'd take raped by you over shot in the head any day."I shrugged.
Luke grinned.
"I should buy a gun." He muttered.
"Ha-ha. I need some clothes." I said.
"What do you think I can do about it?" Luke asked, putting his shirt and pants back on.
"You're taller than me. Your shirts should cover down to my ass, if I'm lucky. What happened to my clothes?" I said.
"Sugar took them." Luke said, before grinning. "You're only gonna wear a shirt? That'll make my life so much easier."
I got up and pushed his chest.
"Be nice." I scolded.
"Kinda impossible when you're me." Luke said, before looking at me and adding. "You know, the clothing you wear makes your chest seem smaller than they are."
I pushed him, before pulling the covers over me again.
"Here, I snagged this for you before I came in here." Luke said, handing me a bundle of clothes.
"All I need is my underwear and a shirt of yours." I said, pulling out a pair of black underwear.
"Why my shirt?" Luke asked.
"Its too hot in here and I don't want to wear pants." I said.
"Fine." Luke said, before grabbing a white button down shirt and tossing it to me.
"Thanks." I said, before ducking behind a piece of furnature to get dressed.
"Are you two dressed?" Sugar asked as I came out from my makeshift dressing room. "Actually just come out of there now."
We came out, and I felt tears run down my cheeks.
"That," Sugar gestured to my tears. "Is why you listen to me."
I nodded, wiping my tears.
"Come with us." Luke said.
They lead me to another room.
It looked like a principal's office.
"Anastasia, right?" Sugar asked.
I nodded.
"Do you know about the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt?" Sugar asked.
Again, I nodded.
"Well, they weren't that different from us. They still exist, and are about our age if I'm correct. Recently there has been an imbalance on Earth, as well as Heaven and Hell. People are starting to take sides. You, are next. what will you choose? Darkness, or Light. Heaven or Hell? We have the people you were looking for, and all of you will either die or live on your answer. God, he isn't real anymore. It's just us and the gods and goddesses. With us you can have WHATEVER YOU WANT!" Sugar said dramatically, sweeping her arms to indicate the house we were in.
"Don't scare her, Sugar." Luke warned.
"Let me explain to her, you are to dramatic." Luke said.
"Fine." Sugar walked off.
"Staz, I know, it may seem like I'm evil, but I'm not. I chose by what was more practical. This is more practical, because I'm in charge. Because I can do whatever I want. And yes, Sugar doesn't take no for an answer well. I'll keep everyone you cae about safe if you decide yes, but I can't if you say no. Sugar took your Infants, and she isn't afraid to put a bullet in their heads. I can't bear to have you deal with that, I can't watch you be sad, or die, I can't. Please, don't put both of us through this. Sugar isn't always like this, she's usually sweeter than, well, sugar. I know this is a lot to take in, but... Please, Staz, you can go back to your friends and family and pretend nothing happened if you say yes, we only need you to be a spy. Please. You see, I don't have to be like Sugar, all evil, and annoying, I can be nice. Darkness is becoming stronger, and gaining Lightness. Everything is changing backwards. If you join, the other gods and goddesses will join, realizing they're with what is becoming Darkness, and come to you." Luke said. "Will you say yes?"
My brain swirled, when I heard it.
Staz, she has a gun to Actaeon's head. Say yes. Please. It's Azrael.

"Y...Yes." I said, looking away from Luke.
Panic rose in my chest when I heard a gun go off.
The sound was ear-bleedingly loud. It rang through my body, vibrating my bones. I nearly dropped dead when I hear two child screams.
Aviance and Actaeon.
"No!" I screamed.
"Shit. Come with me." Luke said, pulling me up and running to a dark room.
There, Actaeon lay on the floor, a crumpled mess, blood pouring out of his head, pooling at the floor, the color of red wine. He was ashen pale, his eyes rolled back and staring up at nothing.
"Actaeon!" I screamed, droping to my knees in front of him.
I started weeping, as I pulled Actaeon onto my lap.
I cradled him, tears running down my cheeks.
"Anyu szeret téged. Mami hiányozni fogsz. Mami ápolja azt. Ne felejtsd el mami. Ne felejtsd el az élet. Légy áldott és légy nyugodt. Mommy loves you. Mommy will miss you. Mommy cherishes you. Don't forget Mommy. Don't forget life. Be blessed and be at peace." I whispered over and over to Actaeon's dead body.
"Sugar! What the Fuck! May I tell you something?" Luke said, before dropping his voice so low, I couldn't hear him.
"Oh...Shit, I didn't realize, and This boy was saying some uncalled for things. I didn't realize. I'll bury him." Sugar said.
A light flicked on, and Sugar came up to me.
"Give him to me." Sugar asked sweetly.
I shrieked something like "get the hell away from him", and shielded Actaeon from her.
"Staz, it's okay. Let me take him." Luke said sweetly and took Actaeon. I took a lock of his hair before Luke went off.
"Anastasia, I'm so sorry. I lost myself for a second. I guess I owe you a life." Sugar said, pulling me up.
"Staz..." A weak voice said.
"Let them go, please." I sobbed into Sugar.
"Shh. It's okay. Luke will be back soon." Sugar ignored what I said.
Luke came back a moment later.
"Please, just let them go. You promised. You killed Actaeon. Please." I begged, my voice wild and desperate.
Luke turned to Sugar.
"Let them go. Just erase their memories. Except for Staz." Luke said.
"Fine." Sugar said, pulling out a skeleton key and unlocking the jail cell.
"Come on." Luke said, pulling me away from the smell of sadness and death.
Luke lead me back to his room and had me lay down on his bed.
"Can you kill me? End it now?" I asked, clearly going insane.
"Staz, don't say that. You'll be fine. I'll be here with you. Just go to sleep." Luke said, laying beside me.
"You can lay against me like that one day at the pool." Luke said.
I snuggled against him, even though every cell in my body was screaming No! Enemy! Enemy! Get Away! Child Killer!

"You...Owe me a child." I said, starting to doze off.
Luke laughed.
"I doubt Sugar would be happy if she found out I got you pregnant." Luke said.
"Shut up." I said, before giving in to sleep.

Epilogue: I Am NOT The God Of Death's Pleasure Toy!

I found myself in a dream.
I had on a greek goddess outfit. It was a half cut white shirt, rimmed with gold, along with a white skirt, that showed the side of my right leg, but still covered my butt and everything else a skirt should cover. My hair was up in a loose bun, with the longest curly strand from either side of the front of my head loose, falling down to my chest. I was barefoot.
I was rising higher, and higher, so high, if I looked down, I could see the buildings of Heaven. I found myself at a gate. it was made of pure gold and the word etched in was unreadable, scrambled, but still English. Hlaloftehgdosandgdodssees

It read. Before my eyes, the one giant word changed, adding spaces to itself and switching it's own lettering. Hall of the gods and goddesses.

Anastasia, you have permission to enter.

a voice boomed, from no where at all.
The gate opened. My body rushed itself into a giant hall, the ceiling seeming to never end. The walls twinkled a bright white, with gold sponged on, the ground a lime marble color. The room was so grand, it could have been three ballrooms in one! the room it's self was magnificent, but was glorious with the many large golden seats resting on a raised miniture platform, as big as a recliner chair, but twice as wide as one. They looked rather hard, but then again, I could be wrong. I counted the golden chair, and it came out to 13. I looked down at the miniture platforms the chairs were sitting on. Each had a name engraved in English at the feet.

Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus, I read. One had no name engraved. Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia were on the left side, while Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus were on the right, forming a perfect U shape. Except for the unmarked 13th chair.
"So I see you've never heard of Mount Olympus." A male voice said.
I whipped around to see six girls and six boys.
"This... Why are there 13 chairs? There are only twelve of you here." I asked.
"Well, it was heard that there is a new goddess." one of the boys said.
It's hard to explain, but I never really saw them until they sat down in the chairs.
Aphrodite, was a girl with curly brown hair, with eyes the color of the twilight sky. She was somewhat tan, and tall. Apollo looked EXACTLY like Hunter. I found myself wanting to come over to him, since he looked too much like Hunter. He grinned at me, showing dazzling white teeth. Ares had short black hair, his eyes gray and alluring. He was sort of pale, and wore a mini cape. Artemis had long, blonde hair, with brown eyes to match. She struck me more as an Aphrodite, but things aren’t as they seem, I had learned. Athena had red hair, pulled up into a bun, and big, owl gray eyes to match. She was tan, and like all the other gods, tall. Demeter looked more like Persephone. My Persephone. She had Red hair and Brown eyes, with mocha skin to match. Dionysus looked like Miguel. He had the tan skin, with green eyes and black hair to match. He was obviously drunk. Hades was a blonde, his hair ending just below his ears, and spilling into his exressionless ebony eyes. He was tan, and seemed to not like shirts, since he was naked from the waist up. Hephaestus had blonde hair, with hazel eyes to match. He was super tall, and looked pale and bored. Hera had auburn hair braided with gold, and green eyes to match. Hermes looked like Hades, but was tan, and he has shorter hair. Hestia had brown hair hidden by a hat, and brown eyes almost the same color as her hair. Poseidon had bright blue hair and ocean green eyes to match. Zeus was a blonde, with hazel eyes that seemed to look through things, to see someone's soul.
"Welcome, Anastasia." Zeus said.
"Why was I called here?" I asked.
"Heard you joined Darkness," Hades said, running a hand through his hair.
"I think you made Hades forget Persephone." Aphrodite said, giggling.
I cracked a weak smile, which is rather hard when you are depressed as I was.
"Again, what up with the 13th chair?" I asked, with forced nonchalance.
"You mean the one on the boys side?" Athena asked.
"Yeah." I said, a tinge of annoyance in my voice.
"It's for a certain beautiful goddess-in-training." Hades grinned.
"I'm not stupid, I know you mean me, but I'm hardly a goddess. I can't do anything goddess-like." I said.
"You made Hades forget Persephone." Apollo said, looking bored.
"Who?" Hades asked, staring at me with affectionate eyes.
"See! I'm the goddess of love and even I can't do that!" Aphrodite exclaimed.
"Anastasia, you're perfect for this job. People forgot about us, and went to that Tyrant, God, and Christianity, but if his first granddaughter became a greek goddess-" Zeus said, before I cut him off.
"It'll bring glory back to the Greeks, I know, I know. But, aren't you all supposed to be all good?" I interrupted.
Hades looked offended.
"Except for Hades." I added.
"Yes, and you believe you're not good enough for us? Hell, we deal with Hades, and he's annoying." Hermes said.
"Are you implying I'm annoying?" I asked, sounding stupid.
"No. Why don't you sit down in that empty chair next Hades?" Aphrodite said.
"I'm not stupid, but I am tired." I said, giving up and sitting down.
The seat grew hot, and I felt lighter.
It was then I realized the chair was glowing.
The chair grew hotter and hotter, until my skin too, was as hot as a volcano.
I nearly cried out went the warmth went to my neck.
I felt my starburst tattoo warm up and change, and a quiet scream escaped my lips.
I felt a hand on my arm.
"It's burning her Starburst tattoo off. She's gonna be in pain, considering since the tattoo's been with her since she was born." Hades was saying.
"Stop it!" I cried, clawing at Hades' arm.
"Shit!" Hades exclaimed when I broke skin.
The pain grew worse, and I felt as if I was dying.
Then it stopped.
I found myself gasping for air.
"What the?" Hades said, confused.
"What, Hades?" Aphrodite snapped.
"Her starburst tattoo, it's still there, but she got a new one, on the other side of her neck. It's many animals chasing each other in a circle. It's a Panther chasing a Cobra chasing a Fox chasing a koukouléontaetoninix chasing the panther. She's the one." Hades said.
"It...Hurts." I managed.
"Look at her seat!" Hera exclaimed.
I looked at the seat.
In greek, my name was etched in.
"Anastasia, Greek Bastet, welcome to the group. Now, wake up and begin your training." Zeus said.
"Wait." Hades said.
"What?" Zeus snapped.
"She should take the long way back. I'll go with her." Hades said.
"Is that okay with you, Anastasia?" Zeus asked.
"He's probably gonna back her against the wall and force her to take Persephone's place in Tartarus." Aphrodite muttered.
"Fine with me." I said.
"Come on." Hades said, helping me up.
"Not fair, Hades gets all the fun." Apollo muttered.
"Pervert." Artemis hissed.
"It's the truth." Apollo said back.
"What about me?" Aphrodite asked.
"Anastasia is like catnip for us boys, you're just overrated." Apollo said.
I could feel The Olympians gaze on me as I walked out with Hades.
"I heard about your child. I'm so sorry. Actaeon, was it?" Hades said.
I looked away, tears shining in my eyes.
"Yeah." I said.
"Hey," Hades surprised me by putting his arm around my shoulders. "He's fine. I saw him at my gates to the heaven part of Tartarus. He said he heard you talking to him, saying not to forget you or Life. He was super upset. I lied and said that I knew you, and that you could visit him, and he calmed down and asked for some food. He's fine. He told me to give this to you." Hades pulled a paper out of his pocket and handed it to me.
It was a letter.
Dear Mom,
I'm fine. There are alot of kids here with me. They miss there mommies too. Tell Aviance and Dad and Azrael and everyone I say hi and I miss them. Will Persephone, Caspian, Xzavier, Vanity, and Vesper be OK never meating their oldest brother? Tell the family not to cry, and that I felt no pain when the laydy shot me. I dezerved it. I was cusing at her and everything. You would have punished me, but not to that extreem. I know, I probabbly spelled some words wrong, but what can I say? It's not my best subject. Visit me soon,

I almost cried.
Hades squeezed my shoulders.
"Come on. The others can see us." Hades pulled me away.
Mount Olympus was a mountain form of Heaven in my opinion. We came to an edge. I thought I was going to have to jump like with Heaven, but then I saw the stairs.
They were around the edge of the mountain, and they looked old and creaky. It seemed as if I took a wrong step, I'd plummet to my death.
"WAIT!" Hermes yelled, running up.
He had something in his hand.
It reminded me of a keychain with one of those gate clicker things with a mini flashlight, but I knew better than to believe it was actually that.
"Don't forget this. It will pulse a red when one of us is near as so," Hermes turned the mini flashlight on, and it turned a red. "And this button will take you to us. That was all."
Hermes tossed the thing to me and ran back.
"Huh." I said, messing with the keychain.
"What?" Hades asked, starting to lead me down the narrow, hillside stairs.
"I really wish I had a belt to clip this to." I said.
Hades stopped.
"This is what Aphrodite does." Hades said, grabbing the keychain and clipping it to my sleeveless half shirt.
I must have been blushing, because Hades looked away and said, "Sorry."
He continued to lead me down the steps until we came to a ledge.
"I think they came to watch." Hades muttered.
What was he talking about?
"What?" I asked.
"Better make Apollo jealous." Hades said, before spinning around and kissing me.
"What the?!"

A hushed male voice said.
"Hades." I gasped.
"That worked." Hades said, licking his lips.
"Looks like Anastasia's the shiny new toy." Aphrodite laughed.
"Look at her, embarrassed. Good job, Hades. You did know she has a Mate and everything, right?" Artemis said.
"What the fuck just happened?" I asked.
"Hades kissed you and you didn't burst into flames. Amazing." Hermes said.
"Hahaha. Very funny." Hades said.
"Pardon my language, but fuck stairs, I'm jumping." I said, before leaping off the floating Mount Olympus.
I heard Hades and Aphrodite scream as I plummeted.
I unfurled my wings and flew back up.
"Got ya." I grinned.
Aphrodite crossed her arms.
"Not cool. I thought you were killing yourself because Hades kissed you. I wouldn't have blamed you, I would have done the same thing." Aphrodite pouted.
"Ya all can go back, I've plummeted to Earth on my own from Heaven. I'll be fine." I said, floating with my golden-white wings.
"I wish I had wings." Hades said.
"No, too dangerous to fly from here. Walk down with Hades." Zeus said.
"But, he kissed me! Not fair, can't I go back down with a goddess?" I pouted.
"No." Zeus said.
"Fine. Go away then please." I said.
They left me with Hades.
"That was one was to pull me out of my comfort zone." I said.
"And into mine?" Hades asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the stairs.
"Ha-ha." I said.
"You know, you're a good kisser." Hades said as we walked down.
"Are you trying to make me uncomfortable?" I asked.
"Is it working?" Hades grinned.
"...Yes." I said, shuddering.
"I made Apollo super jealous." Hades grinned.
"I know." I said.
The rest of the way, we walked the spiral staircase in silence.
At the end of the stairs was a yellow wooden platform.
"Step on that and it will take you back." Hades broke the silence.
"Thanks for walking me back. Bye, Hades." I said, getting up on my toes to kiss his cheek.
Hades cupped my cheek and moved me so that the kiss met his lips.
I gasped, slipping back.
I awoke, Luke's arms around me as he quietly snored.
I felt nautious as the world temporarily spun.
"Luke." I whispered.
"What?" Luke asked, half-asleep.
"Where is the nearest restroom. I think I might throw up." I said.
"That door, by the mirror." Luke pointed to a black door.
"Oh." I said, before running to the bathroom and throwing up.
I got up, and went to the sink.
I turned on the foucet, weting my hair and splashing water on my face.
"Are you okay?" A male voice asked.
I spun around, thinking it was Luke.
I came face to face with Hades.
"You left this. Also it seemed only right you knew that....What are you wearing?!" Hades said, seeing my outfit.
I flushed and tried to cover my underwear.
It was bad enough that my shirt was blood-stained from Actaeon, but now it was wet and transparent.
"Aphrodite would die if she saw how poorly dressed you were." Hades said.
"Thanks, I'm going back to bed." I said, grabbing the keychain that tracks gods.
Hades followed me out, and saw Luke, yet again asleep in the bed.
"You do know that he's your brother, right? The blonde girl knows." Hades whispered before leaving.
"What?" I exclaimed.
"Step-siblings." Hades said before he was completely gone.
"Luke. Wake up. LUKE!" I exclaimed, shaking Luke awake.
He needed to know.
"What?" Luke asked, surprised.
"We're related." I blurted.
"What?!" Luke asked, shocked.
"We. Are. Step. Siblings." I said, pronunciating.
"Who told you that?" Luke asked, getting out of bed.
"Hades." I said.
"He lies." Luke said, yawning.
"Ask Sugar." I said.
"Fine." Luke took a deep breath and yelled. "SUGAR!"
Sugar bolted in.
"What?!" She asked, looking wild.
"Who is our father? And the truth this time." Luke asked.
Sugar sighed.
"Lucifer." She simply said.
Luke paled.
"Sugar, c-can you have Staz sleep in your room for the rest of the night? I need to be alone." Luke stuttered.
Sugar pulled me out and into a bright pink bedroom.
"You killed your nephew today." I stated.
"Really? It must be awkward between you and Luke, since he raped you today." Sugar doubled over, laughing.
She thinks it's histerical?
"Sleep on the floor. Good night." Sugar said, collapsing on her pink bed.
I collapsed on the floor and had the wierdest dream of my life.
I dreamt I married bacon.
THAT, made my life look normal.
For now...


Sneak Peek: Baneful

Now A Sneak Peek At Book Two Of This Series:


I ran. It had been nearly a year since I began fleeing, and even then I didn't know quite well myself what I was running from. I remembered a girl, and a pomegranite, and then I remember packing my things and fleeing. Wait, was it a pomegranite? Or an apple? I pondered this as I jumped a bush. My brown hair swept in front of my eyes, nearly causing me to run into a bicyclist. He cursed at me as I ran off. Over the days from constant running, I had become tan, my muscles getting stronger. I could survive two weeks without food and water. Right now, I was heading into LA, California, the place of the stars. I paused as I crossed the border, looking up.
"Huh." I said to myself. "The stars are no different than anywhere else."
I continued, dodging as much civilization as one can in the city.
Looming in front of my yellow eyes, was an abandoned hotel.
"Four Seasons, huh? I'll stay for a maximum of one, thank you very much." I said.
I slowed my pace and began walking into a place that would change my life forever.

I hopped into the window. I found myself in a room that seemed to be completely bird themed. I sat there, dropping my bag on the floor. No dust rose up. No creaking noise. Just...Silence. It was then I realized two things: This place wasn't abandoned, and that this was a girl's room. I noticed the many brassieres in the room. That turned me on. Yes, I'm only a teenage boy, I can't help it. I stalked over to the nearest brassiere and grabbed it, fingering the lace exterior.
"I told you, Emmanuel, I'm getting the last of my things and leaving. We're not dating anymore, remember? Here, help me." A female voice said, it sounding thick and rich, like ambrosia, but also gentle and sweet, like candy.
The doorknob turned, and I stood by the bed, paralyzed.
The door swung open, and there stood a girl, her hair cherry red, her eyes yellow like mine. She was smaller than me, but still tall for a girl. She was pale.
Her eyes locked on me.
They pulsed a red.
"Who are you?" She snapped, her voice worse than venom.
"Er...I-I..." I stuttered, embarrassed.
I turned and bolted past her.
"Emmanuel! Get him!" She yelled.
I looked back at her.
She looked angry, and confused, and...
Why does she look familiar?
I thought back to the girl with the apple or pomegranite.
That was her, yelling at a boy to stop me.
I. Was. So. Going. To. Die.
An arm swept out and clothes-lined me.
I dropped to the ground, gasping.
"Thanks." The girl said to the guy, Emmanuel.
"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.
"First, I'll take my bra back, then I'll figure it out from there." The girl said, snatching the brassiere back. "Get up."
She pulled me up, her hands warm.
"Come with me, you have some explaining to do..." She paused, a question mark look on her face.
Your Name.
She wants to know your name.
"Anakin. Anakin James Swan." I said.
"Yes, of course. Anakin come with me." She said, sounding regal and distant.
"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" I asked, following her.
I looked down at her butt as she walked.
"Anastasia. Anastasia Gray." She said, not looking at me.
Yep, I think I knew her...

Baneful: Book two in the Toxic Series
Coming out soon!


Bildmaterialien: I Do Not Own Any Photos Used
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my good friends Zavi, and Catlin, who inspired some of my humorous scenes. And Catlin, thank you for the art of Nothing. I finally learned Nothing!!!

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