
New Beginings

By-Betty Allen 1

It was June, 2012. Our world was experiencing one disaster after another. The heat was taking it's toll on everyone. Wildfires were raging on two continents. In some parts of the world flooding had misplaced millions. Food was hard to get and people were always hungry or starving. The government was inforcing food and water rations. The homeless were everywhere. Social unrest was causing riots.
On that Wensday morning I reached to turn on my tv, forgetting that the electric to my building had been turned off the day before. As I pulled my hair into a ponytail,I heard a knock at my door. I knew it was Emmett. He lived three blocks from me. We had been friends for a long time. He had two foam cups of tea, for which I was grateful.
" Good morning, he said. Are you ready for another morning of standing in line? I asked him if he thought it would ever get any better. He answered, Maybe, but this morning we will have to go a few blocks out of our way. There is a riot starting over on Washington street. We would have to stand in a long line, in the heat to get two square vitamin filled waffers and some water.
After we had walked a couple of blocks, we heard police sirens.Then a man with blood dripping down his face ran past us. We picked up our pace. All of a sudden I felt dizzy with a tingly sensation all over. I thought, I must be having a stroke. Everything, including Emmett was fading out. I didn't realize he was experiencing the same thing.

The next thing we knew, we were standing in a huge stadium like room with alot of other people. By my side, Emmett asked if I was ok. I said, "I think so, but what the hell just happened? He answered, "Let's see if we can find out. By talking to others the only information we got was introductions and that we had all experienced the same thing.
A pretty woman with wavy red hair just materialized in the middle of the room. It seemed like she was standing on an invisible platform a couple of feet above us all. She had our attention.
She said, "I am a holographic program created for this starship, "The Light Bringer." I will explain why you were brought onboard. The global disasters occuring on your planet will continue, grow in intensity, and speed up. The polar shift will also gain speed. By the time the sun is in direct alignment with the center of this galaxy, your world, as you know it, will be distroyed. We are here for the preservation of your species.
She paused, and everybody started talking all at once. She raised her voice, "Attention Please", I will answer your questions one at a time.
I could tell Emmett was full of questions. He raised his hand as if he was back in school. She gave him a nod and he said, "My name is Emmett, I have three questions. First, what is your name? Who else is on this ship and why are they not here to talk with us?

Her answer was, "You may call me Quaitta. This ship belongs to a species called the Olans. They require a colder climate then humans so they have fully programed me to assist you.
A nice looking young man named Roger asked, "What do these Olans plan on doing with us?" She replied, "Within our galaxy, "Tapia", there is a planet we call Zedia, which is compatible for humans. It is much like your earth. It has a wide varity of plant and animal life. Tapia contains nine inhabited worlds. Leaders from each form the Tapian Union, or the TU. They will assist you when you arrive.
An angry young man introduced himself as Abeni. He asked, "What if we can't make it on this Zedia? Her answer was, "As I have said, the TU will be there to assist you. Zedia will be added to our trade routes. He had one more question. How long have you known of our existence?
We have been surveying your galaxy for the past five of your years. Before your satilites broke down we downloaded and sent to the TU a variety of your television programs. They are anxious to meet you. We will have to continue at another time, I am needed elsewhere. Then she disappeared.


The deck we were on was huge, and well prepared for us. It was circular in shape. Starting from the inner wall there was a hallway, rooms, another hallway then more rooms. The rooms of which were almost all huge.
In one I was looking at a flat walkin swimming pool with two different entrances. A guy by the name of Christian began walking with and talking to me. He said, "There must be a big water reservoir onboard, this water is constantly being recycled. Those flower shapes on the floor beside each set of steps are for sucking the excess water off of you. This ship is awesome."
We went on to the next area. It was a long, beautiful room. The whole outer wall was made of glass. It was a breath taking view. You could look out at the stars. There were tables with benches, cabinets, and some big beanbag looking chairs. I bent down to feel of one, and said to Christian, "It is some kind of sponge."
When he didn"t respond, I looked up to see he was staring at a pretty Asian girl that was looking out the window. "She is beautiful, he said. He went over to intrduce himself. I heard her tell him her name was Nami, she was from Japan. Then big tears began rolling down her cheeks. She told him she was thinking of her family.
I knew he understood because earlier he had told me about losing most of his family in the 2011 New York flood. As he pulled her close to comfort her I went on to explore other rooms.


As I was nearing the next area I smelled coffe. I was like OMG!, I really smell coffee. It was comming from a large kitchen-dining room. Behind one of the counters stood a bubbly woman by the name of Alice. She had been exploring the kitchen are and had so far found three storage areas. As she poured me some coffee she said, "I think as well stocked as this place is they not only observed us, they came among us as well.
I took my coffee over to join Emmett and Roger at a bench. Roger was talking to Emmett about how he was glad that his wife was onboard with us. "Here she comes now, He said. We looked over to see a pregnant woman headed our way.
He introduced her as his doctor wife, Jamie.Then he started talking with Emmett again about how the two ranges in the kitchen worked without gas or electric.
I asked them if they believed the earth would be distroyed. Emmett said, " I think it's very possible. Everything has changed over the past decade, gotten worse.It's been hell for everbody.
Roger added, "I was afraid for Jamie to go out, even for rations. People were starting to kill each other over a couple of vitamin waffers. Jamie touched her round belly as she said, " I feel safe here. Even if it's not distroyed, it's too dangerous and it's so hard to survive. She looked at Roger as she added, "Maybe this Zedia will be a good place to raise our children."


Roger answered, "I hope so, but eventually we will have to find a way back to find out if there were any survivors.
A man sitting behind him introduced himself. "My name is Caleb, but everbody calls me Dibben. He nodded toward his friend by his side, " this is Jacob. If there is a trip back, we volunteer. We could be of use since we are both piolets. Roger said, "That's good to to hear.
Like Jamie, I felt safe. They had prepared well to make us feel at home. We could play games or watch movies in the rec room. The lights in the hallways would dim as if it was turning from day to night, which inspired Emmett to make us a calendar. We could take a shower, which made me feel a little guilty, remembering the water rations back home.
Nisaa, from Arbia and I spent alot of time helping Alice in the kitchen. Sometimes we would play cards when we were done. In one storage room, we found a container that held thousands of seeds. There were vegtable, fruit and even nut tree seeds. We began askig everyone that came in if they knew anything about farming.
Sixteen of them had actually grown up on farms until they had to abandon them because of floods, fires, or gangs. Kerry, from Ireland, had been in her barn when we were taken.

We were trying to visualize in our minds eye what Zedia would look like. We slowly settled into a routine. Emmett would stop by my sleeping area every morning like he did before. That was comforting for us both. Romance began budding for some.
Abeni was sharing his quarters with Kesia, and Nisaa confided to us that she really liked Dibben, but he was spending alot of time with Quaitta, developing holographic video games. She had been watching them when she heard Dibben ask Quaitta what she originally looked like.
Quaitta transformed into a alien with light green skin. Her shoulder length hair was sea green with shinny black streaks running through it. Her eyes were a vivid green and had no pupils. She said, " I am programed in the image of princess Tewa from Olan."
Dibben replied, "Princess Tewa is a very beautiful lady." Nisaa felt slightly jealous even though it was a hologram.
As we were nearing Zedia, our first human space baby was born.


Roger qnd Jamie were in the dinning area when Jamie's water broke. Alice and I went to find Antonio, the other doctor onboard while Roger helped her back to their quarters. It was an easy birth. The baby girl weighed six pounds and had a mass of curly black hair. They named her "Star. Star brought a sense of contentment and hope for us all.
Not long after Star was born, Quaitta came to tell us we were getting close to Zedia. There were TU delegates waiting there for us. She was going to set a shuttle craft on auto piolet and send a few of us ahead. Emmett, Roger, Dibben and I were selected to go.
Zedia was smaller than earth, but just as beautiful. On the way down we could see mountains in the distance, forests, and pristine waterways. What seemed to be a small village came into view. Around it there was a beehive of activity.
The buildings were round with domed roofs. There were three big buildings and alot of small ones. There was even farm machinery out tilling a few fields. We later found that everything was solar powered. We landed close to what I called the central building. As we approached the door, we heard booming laughter.
To our suprise, it was comming from a magnificent looking creature, who stood when we entered. He was seven foot tall. He had no hair anywhere that we could see. His skin was a deep mahogany which also outlined his iridescent wings. His eyes were blue violet.


As he smiled we could see a couple of short fangs among his teeth. He said, "I am Hebrem, you may call me Heb. I am from Nexoria. We are pleased to meet you. Then he intoduced the others. Next to him was Moseff from Irecon. Moseff had golden skin and black eyes with yellow pupils. He had a very flat nose. He also wore a round flat head covering that hung just over his forehead.
Then there was General Kodu from Belssar. We could tell he was a highly decorated officer.He stood about six foot four. His waist length white-blonde hair hung braided down his back. His skin was very tanned and his eyes were brown. He explained that Belssar was primerly a warrior society.They provided the Tapian galaxy with soliders for war or police actions whichever was needed.
Then Moseff spoke, "We are here to help you get settled on Zedia". There are land masses rising from the sea on earth. "As soon as the earth has stabilized I will be leading a archaeological expedition there to look for your fabled Atlantis. That brought a smile from Roger. He had found his way back.
Heb told us that on Nexoria our television shows were being translated and were a big hit. He thought Superman was meant to be a comedy and he loved Nat-Geo. We expressed our sincere thanks for their help and they served a berry wine.
That building would later be used as a communications center, trading post, and a general meeting place.

Roger and Heb became good friends. Seeing him soaring in the sky with his colorful wings spread wide was a sight to see. Moseff had Jacob and Dibben trained to piolet two shuttles he had brought from Irecon, which he left on Zedia for our use. After a time the three ships left to return occasionaly to bring trade goods.
It took hard work but we thrived and prospered. Some of our trade goods included food, beautiful jewerly, and hand carved wooden items.
Star was three years old by the time Moseff contacted us with the news. The three ships that met us when we first arrived were being prepared for the expidition to earth. Roger and Jamie were in the central building when the news came.
Jamie told Roger, "When we first got here, I had a good feeling about it. It was like we were comming home. I love it here. I want Star and I to stay here. I'm not going to give you a hard time about your going, because I know how bad you want to. He stopped her by saying, "I did want to, but I,ve changed my mind. I'm needed here. There will be other trips. The ones that do go will bring back the news.
Tears filled her eyes as she said, "You don't kow how glad I am to hear you say that. I was waiting to tell you, but, I'm pregnant. He held her to him as Star played around them.I guess I went only because Emmett was going. Everyone was talking about it. Some were anxious to go and others didn't want to go at all.


When the ships arrived only twenty out of the eighty of us went. The Olans had been right. It was like seeing a different planet where the earth had been. There were three land masses and an island. The island was what was left of Siberia. It had broken apart from Russia.
Countries that had been teeming with people were under the sea. A scan of the island showed a few scattered bands of people there. Since Moseff had Atlantis to look for, he sent Dibben and Jacob to piolet two shuttles filled with supplies.
We found some of the people in a dilapidated shack next to a part of what used to be the Trans-Seberian railroad. They were overjoyed to see us and the supplies. We assured them there would be future trips from the TU. The next trip would bring parts for domed solar homes, that were easy to put together and comfortable to live in.
It was a wonderful feeling, knowing these people had survived. The earth would be repopulated, and have Zedia to help. Not long after we found them, I was getting homesick for Zedia. That was my home now. When we heard that Heb was heading back, Emmett and I caught a ride with him.
When we landed, little Star ran out to meet us. She wanted to be the first to tell us about her new baby brother.
It was a new begining for both worlds.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.01.2010

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