
Start Of It All

My friends and I, they were named Sammy and Ashley, or what we call her Ash, was at my house wanting to go to the same school but we haven't got to do that because of our parents. Then we saw this private school wanting students and they were letting students in for free but they would just have to take some test if they are accepted into the school or not.

I say with a happy tone "we should try it I mean wouldn't hurt to try at least who knows we might all get in" I smile happily as I was the leader of our small little group ever since we all met in the first grade.

Ashley was tilting her head with confusion and says "won't it cost a lot of money to be there thought ever know it says free entrance it doesn't mean the school is free" she was the smart one always thinking ahead making sure we don't get into to much trouble.

Sammy smiles and laughs a bit "come on let's just try it and see if we get in and if its free to be there I mean it is a new school so it might happen to whoever gets in will be friend , I mean come on Ash have a little fun once in awhile" Sammy was the one who keeps the group exciting think of ideas what to do that wouldn't use Ashley's ideas.

I laugh as I say with a normal voice "ok how about when we get there we ask questions about what we need to know and then if it costs money then we don't do it what do you think about that idea" I thought that answer was the best idea I could think of the I see them both smile.

" Ok you get the plan so why not we just follow it this wouldn't be the first time your plan works" Ashley say with a happy look on her face.

"Yea sure why not it's not as good as my plan but it works better for this I guess" Sam said laughing a bit as we all started to laugh along with him in that moment I was happy because we were all going to bet with each other for a couple of years.

I stand up and say "ok let go there now before they close we don't want to get split up now do we" I held my hand and arm above my head as this would be what I used in everything to pump all of us up a little of my red hair blocks my left eye as I didn't care while my black t-shirt moved a bit while I lift my arm and my blue jeans follows my leg going up.

I watch them jump up and put there hand and arm in the air mimicking my arm and they both say " we are in" then we bump your hand together as we put our arms and hands back down and we run out of the house all of us having big smiles on our face as we run Sammy would say as we run there i'm going to be there first, but he was the last one there Ashley manage to get there first already asking questions as I was laying on the ground out of breath.

Then Sam walks up to me and I look at him and smiles "looks like she beated us here and she isn't even out of energy how does she do it" me and Sammy laugh as I look up at the sky and Sammy sits by me and once Ashley was done asking question she comes and sit on the other side of me.

We all look at the clouds and Ashley say "the school is free to go to so we can all go here if we make it in here if we past the test put everyone is wearing animal ears and tail it different but cool I kind of like it."

Both me and Sammy were lost in our heads till Ashley got annoyed and bump the back of our heads and we look at her and I say "so when does the test start Ashley because we all will get in here I mean the test can be that hard can it?''

We all get up and go to the testing area with was a big classroom with was one of the classroom as I was big and it held over a thousand other people we were all in shock seeing everyone here.

Then we all take our seats by each other I was in the middle and Sammy and Ashley was on each of my sides "so are you ready to see what kind of taste this is because I'm ready for it."

They both smile as the teacher comes in and he had what looked to be deer antlers and tail and he said "Welcome To Wildwood High and we will be getting  you personality test first then regular test to see if you fit in with this school now just answer honestly on the personality questions please that will be all that you will be judge on the test is to make sure your GPA is acceptable with the ninth grade level well because this is a high school after all so good luck to everyone now let the test begin" the test begin to be past out and once we all got ours we start working on ours test trying to get all the answers right. Then came the personality test we all answer the best we could and handed them in we all look at each other nervous as the test were graded. Then the people whose names were said out loud were ask to leave and that left 500 students left including us.

Then the teacher say with a clear voice "welcome now there is something that you all must chose you see my antlers on my head you might think there are fake but they are real that is because I went through their project basically I was fused with the animal I was best pair up with and that is the deer some of us can turn fully into your animal I can but only for a few seconds you will also be given dorm room so you have a place to live on campus finally you are given a choice to do it or not you have until the end of the day"

The Choice

I look at Sammy and Ashley as I hold my head thinking of what we should be because thi could change our lives forever and I just put my hand on my right eye as above it was a scar from my parents abused then I look at them freaking out a bit.

I say "hey let's go gets something to eat we can't make a important choice if we are hungry now can we" I said trying to calm them down about the choice they had to make but in my mind I knew what my choice was I was never going to look about and take this even if it means leaving my friend which I didn't want to do but I need to do this before I died to my parents abused. We walk to the lunchroom as we were walking we explore everything we could then once we got in there we look for some pizza and we each grab two slices I sit down and eat my pizza.

I look at both of them and I say "I have made my mind and i'm going to go here if y’all choose the same that would be great but even if you two say no I will still be going here and Ashley you already know why you might not remember so well Sammy but I believe you know it as well as I do."

They both nod as Ashley speaks up and say "well if you're staying im stay here too we said we are going to the same school, so we are going to stay here" she had a determined look in her eyes as she looks at me.

"ok what about you Sammy what do you say" I look at him not wanting to lose anyone to our little group as it was only us three so I hope he will agree because this could be a new beginning to our lives and maybe a better one for me. As I wait for Sammy's answer the room got very quiet. My heart was beating against my chest.

Then Sammy laughed, breaking the quietness that I love. He then  says "I’m behind you we have to keep our little pack so why not be half animal while we do it this should be fun I mean we don't know what animals we are going to be but I hope it's a good one" he puts his fist out as me and Ashley and we all bump fist as we smile.

"From this day we are not the small group we are the pack now get used to the name because that's what we are now because we will no longer be human anymore we will be half human and half animal, Now let's finish eating, we tell them our choice that we made because of the pact" we eat our pizza and once we’re done we get done eating the pizza we race to the teacher as we all were having fun. We knew our life was going to be different after this, but even with the uncertainty of what lies ahead I knew I was going to be ok because I have my friends by my side.


The Three Tail Fox

 We were knock out as out bodys were put in tubes infusioning us with our animal counterparts then a lab technision uns up to the heas reasurser shaking her saying

"are you crazy you are mixing his dna with the fox and wolf we never tested double and just just skip to tripling his dna do you know what that could do to him" the doctor laugh with a excited look in his eyes and she looks at her assiasent we a evil look in her eye. Then she says

"shut up I chose to do this now lets see what happens and know you place looking in there files he will be the star of this school begin connect to his animal." Then everything was dark as me and my friends start to wake up I was the last to wake up as I strech as I didnt feel right then I look around as I was In my fox form as I had three tails then I look at then my eyes open widely as I chase my tail running in circles. Then I lay on the ground asleep from chasing my own tail as ash picks me up and pets me as she was infused with a wolf. I was as only as big as a puppy as I asleep curl up in my tails as she sets me on the bed. Then sammy wakes up as he was fused with a eagle and he looks at me and he says

"what is with the fox cub and he has three thats so crazy." Then he starts to put things together the with a surpise look on 

"why is he a fox cub I mean come on" he walks up to me and starts poking my tails as I turn into my human form as I strech and I yawn as I look at the both of them to see sammy was fused with a eagle and ash was fused with a wolf then I jump up with a happy smile and my three tail wagging then I look at my three tails a bit shock and I say

"umm guys why do I have three tails not that I dont like it but still three is a bit to much dont you think." Then the doctor walks in and he smiles and he goes striaght to me checking out my three tails as he was please with the resluts. Then I look at him as I was a bit confused as I look at him with a sturn face I say

"why do I have three tails and one of them looks different then the others I mean the middle one looks like my friends and the other two are fluffy and look like fox tails" the doctor look st with a smile of his face and he says

"your both a fox and a wolf it new and your the only one with this unique power of two animals" both ash and sammy were shock at the respond of the awsner. Then I just stare at my three tail as the doctor gives us our schedule and he leaves as we had two dorms one for boys the other for girls but there was no rule about girls coming over to the boys dorms. Then we all look at each other and say

"lets get some sleep Im as tired as anyone who sleeps past midnight" we all walk to our dorms as everyone had a dorm roomate mine wasnt as so I was wondering who mine was. I walk in and instanly go for the open bed and I look at my roomate and I say 

"hello I am your new roomate wyatt" the guy was mix with a cat as he looked like he didnt care then I fall asleep as my phone was blowingup with text from sammy and ash. Then I look at my phone as I text they back

'what up guys whats wrong' then I got mulitple text about asking there roomates in our little group as they had been talking with them whil I was asleep and teh I text them back

'sure they can join add they to the group text Im heading to sleep guys ill see you guys in the morning'

New Friend and A battle

 The start of th morning I was not so happy to get up a bit grumpy in the mornigns that hasnt really changed for anyone but he was happy to be at this new place he quickly gets up getting dress in a black t-shirt and some jeans as he was annoyed they messed with his tail and he quickly heads for the lunch room as he was going to meet his friends there to start the day off. He sits down the first one there as he relaxes a bit and eats some furit with a sigh as his tail was hurting from begin in the chair but he tough it out for now. He smiles seeing ashley up first and he smiles and say

"hey ash good morning its great to see you here today im guessing you didnt sleep well" she sighs a bit her hair all messy as she quickly trys to fix it a bit embrassed 

"Its kind of hard sleeping in a new place Wyatt I thought you would of know that" she says that finnaly fixing her hair


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2017

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