
The lucky man

The lucky man


Written by John Esteban Rodríguez Rojas



It would be a history devoted to Charlie. He will be the main character in which you going to find a plenty of hilarious and interesting adventures of him, surrounded by several people such as a receptionist, a mayor, a stepfather, so on. It’s focused in romance genre. This history shall be seen as my own practice of English grammar and vocabulary that I’ve learned hitherto. Hopefully, this book could be seen and shared by several people in order to know what I am doing well or bad.


Chapter 1: The Isolation


Charlie was alone at home. He lives in Bogota D.C in Colombia with his whole family in an ordinary house ubicated at San Isidro neighborhood. Furthermore, He`s a person without job. He has been looking for job since a year ago. Although the lack of get a job is the blame of hadn’t studied. He’s not a student. Hence, he should have studied a lot. He says: “I wish I had better studies, If I Had studied in a University. I would have been working in this moment. I would earn well money henceforth and throughout of my future life.”

Though he has not money in order to spend it in valuables, that to Charlie, these things are a computer, a hummer, and snickers. Furthermore, He said: “I wish I had a girlfriend, I could not help smiling. “ That was his thoughts. Suddenly, When Charlie was ready for lie down in his bed, received a duty. It said:” It is a good moment for participate in a casino. You could win awesome awards such as cars, a lot of money, a motorbike, a skate, a camera, a radio, and the like. What are you waiting for? Join us to 122 Casino and you might win a lot of awards.”


In that moment, Charlie comes out of his bedroom and he is going to say to his stepfather his opinion about Casino. He said this: “you mustn’t go to a casino as you could lose a lot of money in that machines. Its luck if you had the opportunity of wins some of cash. But is almost impossible because the casino has been rated as a vice, a vice in which you can bet a lot of money and only you may win a portion of that money, or sometimes nothing.”Charlie managed to grasp that good reason in order to avoid enter in the casino henceforth. It might be forgotten in a few days, but it is worth being against of games that makes lose the spare time. Afterwards, he said to his stepfather Christopher this: “I like swimming; I use to swim at the swimming pool in Compensar’s village. I wish I bought a gorgeous pool at home. I mean a swimming pool in which you may spend throughout of the day inside of it.


Although his stepfather was against him, His stepfather said: “I would rather play videogames rather than go for swim.” Charlie would prefer to go for swim instead of play videogames because he used to play videogames for years ago, when he was 14. But to Charlie doesn’t like play videogames as he saw a plenty of blood in violent games such as Medal of honor, grand theft auto, Max Payne, crysis and the like. Therefore, He was afraid, frightened of that kind of videogames, He would rather go for swim rather than play videogames at home. Then, He decided to reach at Compensar’s club. When he had just arrived, suddenly, he was staring the swimming pool’s compensar. It was empty, It was a great surprise because Charlie may swim surround of whole swimming pool, although he was isolated, a only human being that sometimes was alone throughout of the days. But he is thoughtful, and he have just found the insight, Several ideas that could change his way, his road in the life.

He was thinking about how get a girlfriend while he saw a beautiful girl coming to the Compensar’s club, she was gorgeous, beautiful, and she looked wholesome to first sight, healthy. Her name was Nataly, She’s Mayor’s daughter. It is believed that she’s as beautiful as Miss Universe. Then, Charlie was concealing through several flowers at Club’s garden. He was lain down in the grass intending to see that wonder; He realized that was in love of her. He looked in love for first time in his life. Nataly managed to swim across the swimming pool. While, Charlie was feeling guilty because he was concealing of her, He had the blame but he have got the braver to do that kind of risky things.


Charlie was staring her. But Nataly came out of the swimming pool and she was going to the door nearby where Charlie was concealed, and she said to him: “Would you rather I aid you to get up?” Charlie said: “I would prefer to get up me by my own.” He was regarding her beautiful eyes. He was thinking: “Hopefully, I had a beautiful girl of girlfriend like her.” Afterwards, she introduced to him and said: “Hi darling, I’m Nataly, and you? He said: “No, I don’t, I’m Charlie and is a great pleasure meeting you.” She was walking towards the dining room. Then, Charlie said: “May invite you to have a great lunch?” She said a long statement, she said “I don’t know but it is supposed that I’m going to lunch with my father. He is in a conference but He shall be here in a few minutes. But if you want, you might accompany me meanwhile…”


He accepted such request. He began to tell her about his life and that he is fond of swimming, to this, she said: “Do am I”. Perhaps for them, it could be a weird lunch because the mayor hadn’t come to the lunch yet. It was so odd that Nataly continued telling to Charlie several things about her. At last, the mayor arrived to Compensar’s Village, He gets in the mood to Nataly, and He’s her nourishment, his soul, her welfare up to him basically. She introduced to Charlie her new friend, hence, the mayor hold Charlie’s hand strongly and said him: “How is it going?” and he said: “I’m alright Sir. His daughter is quite pretty, pretty beautiful, that’s the right.” The mayor said: “It’s a pity that she is a girl yet, she is growing up and she might be a girl more beautiful than now-a-days Charlie.” Afterwards, Charlie came out of the Compensar’s club; he was alone in his bedroom in spite of that he could meet a great girl. He stayed thinking in her, her clothes, her face, her body, her waist. But he left her a photo and he’s thinking the one she’s fancying with it. Charlie is isolated in his house, in his bedroom, in his space no one is for accompany him. Although he’s got only his thoughts, the greater are about mischief and eroticism, stranger things that he’s thinking in his world, in his fancy.



Chapter 2: The meeting


In the morning, Charlie was looking forward to playing football but was raining outside. He got used to playing football each Monday. He is used to breathing the pure air in every match go jogging while he playing football. It is winter and Charlie will get used to play at home. He rejected and regretted that. But, he had received a duty of the life; he needn’t stay at home in the winter. He decided going to meet thoroughly to Nataly. He was waiting in order to think, what would he tell her? Charlie was afraid and ashamed if he made something wrong or silly. At last, he fed up of so much thought and he decided to going to Compensar’s club in order to see her. He wasn’t used to do that kind of things but he had to hope that he may love her with good compliments. At first time, he was decided to flirt somebody only with his own words. At first, he have just arrived to Compensar`s club alone but alive. He didn’t know when she’ll come to Compensar´s club. He said: “If I had had the phone number of her, I would have phoned her as soon as possible. I might’ve phoned even to the mayor in order to warn him that I wish I spoke with his daughter”. Charlie decided to talk with the club receptionist. He said “I would like some information of mayor and his daughter, please”. The receptionist said: “right, first, they won’t come here today, because they have to visit some communities that are surrounding this city”. She, the receptionist continued explaining him: “Second, They, in this moment are thinking to travel abroad, It’s a pity that you can’t see them but in the future you might see them again, Perhaps in a month because they are used to traveling abroad throughout previous years.” He was disappointed about it, where will be them? He whispered in his inner.


Charlie thinks that doesn’t anybody like Nataly hitherto. Because she worth too much and it’s no use having her far, far away; He currently is thinking the reason wherefore she’s so gorgeous, brilliant like a diamond. Therefore, there’s no point in thinking why doesn’t Charlie might keep her? That could be a good thought in order to conquer her. He had to expect that she came at Compensar’s club back a month. And he must be getting ready in order to tell her a good plan. He says: “I’m not got used to going jogging”. If I had learnt to go jogging in my youth, I’d have known how it does”. I mean, He wish he carried to Nataly a good time going jogging surrounding the neighborhood”.


He wishes He arranged with Nataly an awesome date because she disserves it. Perhaps she is higher class than Him. Although he shall try getting the date in order to being happy with himself and in order to get happy to Nataly. It was Wednesday. Charlie had awoken him very vigorous and decided going to Compensar’s club to going swimming after of a whole month. He has just arrived when suddenly he saw the most beautiful woman of the club, Nataly. He will get used to seeing her, a beauty, indeed, a real beauty. He kept staring her for a plenty of time but at last he decided to put in practice his arrangement, his plan, He said to her: “Let me take a peek, you’re so beautiful without clothes or with clothes lady.” She whispered Him: “Thanks so much darling, but what are you doing here”. Charlie doesn’t know how play to that question. Hence, he answered her: “I apologize for don’t to have spoken you before but I just wanted meet you to depth thoroughly, do you understand, don’t you?” Only that I was the last month here but the receptionist said that you were with the mayor visiting communities around of the city”.


Afterwards, Charlie suggests her to have lunch but this time in his house. They caught a taxi in order to arrive as soon as possible to Charlie’s house. But, in the way he asked her: “What do you do?” She said that: “didn’t you know? Now-a-days I’ve been participating as a model so that I can win the first place as the face most beautiful of Bogotá D.C. It’s been a long haul intending get for the crown. I wouldn’t dare to tell you that I’ll be the winner. Although, the averages of models are less beautiful than me, their faces are uglier than mine. Therefore, I might carry the award at home.” On the go, Charlie was rubbing his jaw because he was getting uptight because of the long journey that he was having with Nataly. But he should have been quiet, laidback, without troubles. Suddenly, their taxi broke down. The taxi driver tried regards where damage in his car was. But, it might not have been caused by damage inside of his taxi because the taxi driver was reviewing his car before of put it ongoing. The taxi driver realized that his car had a lack of fuel in that moment. It was weird because Charlie thought that was gears inside of his car, or a piece, or a lack of water o even of oil.


Then, It was no use hurrying because they had to wait for thirty minutes until Alex, The taxi driver managed to get a good quantity of fuel to three blocks from the place where was placed the taxi. Suddenly, Nataly told to Charlie: “Could I have a glass of water? I’m being thirsty. Furthermore, Can I get a cookie? I’m starving as well. Nonetheless, Charlie was being thirsty too. Thereby, Charlie had sought for cookies and a bottle of water in his kitchen. He offered her the water and the cookies. Thus, Nataly started to get happy and smile him flirtatiously. Charlie said to Nataly: “Would you desire something else?” Then, Nataly said: “Nop thanks so much honey”. Charlie was thinking that is difficult to ask her personal things to her. But he had to go settling the affair with himself. He intended to ask her several questions about her life. He started: “Nataly, do you believe in the love, don’t you?” She said: “I believe so”. Charlie went on telling her: “Hey, I’d had a girlfriend before, have you ever had boyfriend?” She said: “have am I”. Charlie asked her a last question. He said: “I haven’t tried one donut, Have you ever tried one donut in your life?” She replied him: “Neither am I”.


Charlie said: “I’ll get used to tell her and to ask her several things because I need to know her thoroughly due to that she might be my second girlfriend whether I may follow being in contact with her. I won’t waste time thinking at home. I need to act caring. It was pretty late and Nataly was getting quite cold. Thereby, Charlie defied his fear and invited her to spend throughout night sleeping in his house. He played with wisdom and patience. He requested her that purpose, and she answered so: “oh, are you kidding? It would be terrific Charlie. I needn’t ask to my father because he mustn’t know it. You should’ve said it before in order to get any sheet and blankets to get wrapped with them throughout the night. Charlie replied her: “I have no trouble finding some blankets and some sheets in my mother’s bedroom. I could carry them towards you, towards some place where you are going to sleep the whole night”. Charlie kneeled in order to don’t provide any noisy with his feet, with his steps. He was tearing a carpet without blame. Then Nataly warned him. Hence Charlie left the carpet in its place. He sought for some sheets in a box next to his mother’s bedroom, he already had them. He dragged until other box which had a lot of clothes. He looked for the blankets carefully; at last he had the blankets in his hands. Therefore, they could spend the whole night sleeping. It is believed that the Mayor sought for his daughter everywhere so that he could find her but He couldn’t has a trail of her. In the morning they woke up with joy and sympathy. They had no trouble in sleeping in the night. But Nataly had to tell to Charlie that it was the moment of the farewell, Hence, She ran off.


Chapter 3: Meet her thoroughly


Nataly had just arrived at her home when suddenly she was getting ashamed. The Mayor, obviously, knew that she was out of his neighborhood. Therefore he tells her: “The one you did was badly lady. You might have told me that you were going to stay on other place. Why didn’t you warn me Nataly?” She replied him very ashamed to him: “I’m sorry to arrive until this morning Father. I regret it. I was looking forward to enjoying before of going to work dad”. The Mayor answered thus: “it’s unfair of you in giving me that kind of troubles. You got to remain with me honey. I’m fed up of looking for you each time that you decide go out to other place.” Likely it was worth telling her clear the steps and the rules embodied by The Mayor.” Charlie was at home he’d been thinking a plenty of time. What would be next step? He said in his inner. He’s leaving a great footprint in the relationship with her. Furthermore, he was going on in his life, in his romantic life. He has a recipe to conquer her. He must go on with small steps. Step by step interchanging words and feelings, if he hadn’t met her, at this time he would have made other things with less importance. He’s afraid to say to his parents about his relationship. Besides, Charlie is interested in becoming in Nataly’s boyfriend. Because of He’s interested to know her feelings, her beliefs, her customs and habits thoroughly.


Then, Charlie arranged a new date with Nataly, His great love. Nonetheless, He’ll have thought what he would tell her throughout the date. Feeling alive, relieved, he went to call her with his Smartphone. He won’t have asked to get a deeper relationship with Nataly yet. He will have asked her in order to meet her thoroughly. He had a present for her; he had hoop earrings that he bought while Charlie was choosing some nourishment in order to supply his kitchen with bananas, some pounds of rice, some loafs of bread as well. He makes this three times a month. They arranged to be in the date at 3’o clock due to Nataly accepted such request. It was the 3’o clock when suddenly Charlie has just arrived to the meeting with Nataly at wonder’s restaurant. He did queue because the restaurant had self-service. At last she had just arrived. Then, she was meeting him more and she was delaying the time in thinking about all the adventures that she’s had with him; It’s a relationship deeper than before. She should’ve known. Afterwards, of that they had made the queue. They sat in a table with comfortable chairs and began to eat one another their plate. After five minutes, Charlie stopped eating and put his fork and his spoon on the table and he whispered her: “I never had been so in love of a lady so that I can’t afford me lost you. Therefore, I wish I was your boyfriend. I’m a hilarious person and there’s no point in losing you darling. I mean, you’d be my only girlfriend hitherto and I guess that henceforth. But all up to you honey. It’s in your hands as if you accept this request. I’ll be the man most lucky of this world, but if you reject it, I would feel anxious and nervous and I wouldn’t be happy and with joy until that moment.”


She answered him: “I don’t know. It’s pretty fast in order to decide it although I want to accept you the request because I love you in every way too. We could try it. There’s no trouble in doing it”. It might be a relationship with success. They could get marry and have a great wedding in order to hold that happening. Furthermore, they shall to ask to the mayor for that he may approve that great relationship that was growing up awkward between them. Taking a pick from the lunch that they had been having while Charlie asked her to be his girlfriend, a waiter brought respective bill to their table and hence Charlie paid and they came out form the restaurant with a lot of happiness in their inner and they were beyond bliss as well. Their eyes shone strongly and therefore, Charlie had too much joy because of he had a girlfriend now and he wasn’t in the loneliness. He was in a cloud. In a cloud that he would never get off, that was the lovely history of Charlie.




Texte: John Esteban Rodríguez Rojas
Bildmaterialien: John Esteban Rodríguez Rojas
Lektorat: John Esteban Rodríguez Rojas
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.04.2015

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