
A Double Miracle at Christmas Time

A Double Miracle at Christmas Time                     (c)


I am sure you have noticed that in some churches there are angels of different sizes. That is because the small angels still have to learn quite a lot until they can fulfil the duties of adult angels.

This was also the case with Faustus. He was no longer a Putto now – Putti are very small angels. They only consist of heads and tiny wings. In churches they are often used for decoration. In a very moving and festive ceremony Faustus got a solid body and really big wings.

With all the other angels of his age he was allocated to a teacher. Faustus was very proud of his new status. He was trying very hard to keep in mind all the things his teacher Patrik was teaching him and to follow all the instructions he was getting. All went well except the use of his new and powerful wings. Either he didn't fold or unfold them correctly or didn't find the right balance and consequently lost his balance. And most of all he could only turn very clumsily. He just couldn't handle them properly.

All the time he got stuck somewhere, squeezed his feathers, even lost them or got hurt. Yesterday, what a shame, he even pushed over the celestial instruments. There was nothing but trouble with these


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.12.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-8660-8

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Young and old should enjoy this moving christmas story. Please tell me, if you liked it. Thanks.

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